Student Teaching Journal

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Surigao City


A.Y. 2019- 2020


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Teaching and teacher education aims to enhance theory, research, and practice in
teaching and teacher education through the publication of papers concerned with the analysis
of teaching, teaching effectiveness, the factors that determined teachers thought process and
performances and the social policies that affects teacher in all aspects and stages of their
careers. This journal will allow varied approaches to offer empirical research, theoretical and
conceptual analysis, and reviews both qualitative and quantitative synthesis of high quality.
Papers should be concerned primarily with teachers, teaching or teacher education at whatever
grade level or whatever subject-matter, at any stage of the teacher’s career.

Teaching is noble a profession, it is not just about imparting knowledge and

expertise to the learner but being able to mold the learners into the best person that they can
be. Being a Teacher means being open to any challenges that may come in your way. Teachers
are not just Teachers but they are everything that a child needs we could be their mother, sister,
a friend, a counselor, a nurse, a facilitator and so on and so forth. Teaching requires
commitment and passion. Being with children makes me happy their smile and giggles gave
warm into my heart and it is my duty to keep them happy and comfortable during their stay in
the four corners of the room. I believe that in order to make the best learning environment is
being able to embrace their diversity, every child has their own ways of learning. As a teacher I
must and always make sure that they are safe, I can catch their interest and develop their skills.
Encourage them to participate in class discussion and recitation, respect their culture and
diversity, fairness and consistent in giving positive reinforcement.

This Journal contains the whole practice teaching activities at Campo National
high School, Campo Bacuag, Surigao Del Norte. It contains the evidences that the Practice
Teacher have completed the time duration given without absences. This also shows
development of the practice teacher in her professional and personal attributes.

The purpose of the Practice Teaching is to let the practice teachers experience
the real learning environment and know how to handle the children well. To apply their
knowledge and skills in their field of expertise which enables them to plan, design, carry
out and evaluate their teaching abilities and develop what is needed to be developed.
What have you learned about the students and how is that affecting your teaching, and
your student learning?

The student teaching experience allows me to put everything that I’ve learned about
education and my subject matter into action. I get to test the waters under the supervision of an
experienced teacher who can guide me along and help me become the kind of teacher that I
want to be. If I embrace this opportunity, I can learn a lot from the experience. In fact, here are
some things that I learned during my time as a student teacher.
During my practice teaching at Campo National High School I learned something that
can help me to be a best in the field of teaching. At that moment, every student teacher had six
cooperating teacher that was assigned to help us, give and realize what the world of the teacher
is. In my first assigned was, in grade 7 I was very excited to meet my cooperating teacher
especially to the students. I met ma’am Matildo she taught me on how to be a friendly and what
to do to make the students listen to you. And this is very important in the of field teaching.
Before I leave the grade 7 I ask them to write their first impression for me. As I read their letters
I felt fluttered on what they wrote, some wrote they were hoping and they will pray for my
success. And some are giving me a lesson that can be my weapon someday if I were a
professional teacher. They wrote that I should have confidence to teach them. Why? Because
confidence is crucial for a great student teaching experience. Students need to see their teacher
knows what he or she is talking about. They need a teacher demands respect. When I first
started as a student teacher. I was awkward and unsure of myself. I wasn’t sure what my
cooperating teacher would think, and I worried about how my students would perceive this
teacher who didn’t look old enough to teach in the first place. As I fell into my groove and gained
more confidence as a teacher, I found that my students not only respected me but felt more
comfortable talking to me, too. Confidence meant be myself while still demanding respect from
my students and colleagues. And also some wrote that sometimes I should make fun for them
they want me to be friendly due to my strictness’s and always focus on study and lessons to be
discuss. All they want is to enjoy sometimes.

What you observe in your teaching strategies and what will you do as a result?

During my practice teaching it is about to experience the more matured students. I

finished the phase 1 which I teach the grade 7 now I leave them and move to phase 2 which I
teach the grade 10. This grade level made me more interest on becoming a teacher. Now I
study more and feel that I am a real teacher and I thanks to my students in grade 7 and my
cooperating teacher to the lessons they gave to me. In result, I am determined to do the task or
what is a teacher really is. And I found out that I am good in teaching not only imparting
knowledge to them but helping their characters to control them. It is because of the help of my
cooperating teachers as well as to my students. In regards of my teaching strategies actually I
am teaching four sections in grade 10 and each section I have different strategies towards
them. It is because I am referring nor depending to their capacity and capabilities as well the
diversity of the students. As what my cooperating teacher in grade 10 ma’am Rivero said that
their school are implementing heterogeneous grouping of students. But among the four sections
there is one section which has more competitive students. So I gave them more challenge,
more difficult strategies among the four sections. They were enjoying and learning and advance.
And I think it is better to me to have a different teaching strategies because as what I have said I
am depending to the student capacity, capabilities, and skills. And I will do it if I were a
professional teacher soon.
What have you used or done to enhance social capital (a sense of belonging),
what was the result?

To enhance my social capital or a sense of belonging, I used first I introduce myself. I

write my personal note about what my class is going to be like. And get to know my students
names as soon as I can. I make sure to get to know my students, and to allow them space to
discuss their needs and individual questions. I create a supportive and caring learning
environment. Model vulnerability and resilience. Talk about my own stories of failure and
resilience. Commend student’s strengths. As a teacher we should be sensitive to students’
needs and emotions. Not all students learn in the same way. It may take some students’ time to
learn to speak up in the class in a group discussion consider other ways they can participate in
discourse, such as a via class blog or via journal. And I show interest in students. They isn’t
necessarily about knowing every detail of their weekend, but I really practicing this interest
within my pedagogy as an educator. I practice active, student centered learning. Consider
having students choose books. Consider assigning an essay centered on their experiences and
opinions. And most of all foster a sense of community in the classroom respect and fair
treatment. I encourage the voice of my students. Invite my learners to brainstorm. The ground
rules of my classroom. Establish these rules together. Get students buy- in. If there are couple
of ground rules on which you are firm, write those in to start, and encourage your students to
provide supplemental rules.

Based on your observations during the first days or weeks, what you have learned
about your students and CT, your teaching style or implications student learning?

As what I explained to the first question that what I learned from my students and
that was I should be confident on what I am teaching and I should be friendly. And it helps me a
lot because of that I am determined, more confident and competent future educator. And to my
cooperating teacher ma’am Vicenta O. Matildo MT-I. She is handling grade 7 students with
three sections Gladiola,Dhalia, and Daffodils. Ma’am Matildo is an English Teacher. She
graduated Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English at Northeastern Mindanao
Colleges and became a master teacher. And I have learned from her and it was during my
demonstration .Among the three sections ma’am Matildo chose section Gladiola and this
section had a competent students and this is where I performed my demonstration as I said
earlier. She said that “I chose this section in order for you to be challenge because that section
had different abilities and attitudes so as a teacher how would you handle them” as she said. I
am happy of what my cooperating teacher gave. She gave me a 93.2 percent. Also on written
grade she has a good comments and suggestions. Where I reached her expectation towards
me. And because of that challenge I am now confident in teaching. Not only ma’am Matildo
gave a lesson to learn but also the other cooperating teachers. Like on my grade 8 cooperating
teacher and it was during their pretty heart throb competition. I am learned on what ma’am
Janities did she supported her student that is representative for the grade 8. As a teacher we
have lots of responsibilities, we will do anything for our students. Because one of the
responsibilities is, we are the second parent. And it also reflects on us of what kind of teacher
we are. It can boost the confidence nor motivate the students to participate in any activities.
Even our students are failed on any competition he or she will accepted and learned for his or
her next battle. And I am proud for my cooperating teacher who gave her best to make her
student be alive and confident walking on the stage and present his talents.
What is your fears and joy?

As a student teacher nor a professional teacher can overcome fear. It is normal and
rational to have fears, concerns, or questions about especially in teaching. The inexperience or
experiences and professionalism all contribute to this having high standards for ourselves and
our work can cause us to worry. During my practice teaching I have many fears that I felt the so
called ‘what if’s”, what if I make a mistake especially in my demonstration and discussion.
Unruly students are constantly looking for ways to undermine the authority of the teachers and
will jump on any chance to point out the teachers faults. But internally I realize that everyone
makes mistakes. Nobody’s perfect and even the best teachers misspell a word or temporarily
forget a mathematical formula. Second one is what if I can’t control my students especially
those students that needs assistance and teach them the good manners and right conduct
(GMRC). So that they will know what is the right thing to do. The third one is what if I’m not
ready because sometimes I am doubting myself doubting my own credentials just to think, does
am I really good in teaching? And lastly is what if I’m not good in teaching perhaps this is the
most common fear in all professions, not just teaching, is that of inadequacy. Whether the
professional athlete or career politician, everyone has own moments of doubt. And I will be
grateful seeing my students are on a good path. Of all the handworks, patience, and sleepless
nights are worth saving. And this is my joy, seeing my students that are learning, determined,
competent, and eager to learn more with my help and assistance.

W/hat current historical events and the class student’s responses?

Campo National High School has a competent and a talented students as well as
the teachers. I have heard from my grade 11 students that they bring home the bacon of
Drums lyre and corps (DLC) competition. They were fond of music, where suits my skills
in singing and dancing. And there’s more one of my grade 10 students who competes in
math challenge and won the 1 st place. They are also advance in using technologies. And
in my opinion Campo National High School students are more in music and very
competent in mathematics and physics subjects. And a student teachers of them I
recognized that they were weak in English subject. It was hard for them to construct a
sentence nor an essay. Grammatically error is there.
What are the challenges of the classroom?

During my internship at Campo National School I have a two challenge.

Controlling the behavior of the children especially if my Cooperating Teacher is on seminar or
meeting I am in- charge on keeping the class quiet and facilitating on their activities. Use of
gadgets inside the class whenever the teacher is not looking at them that makes them less
attentive in the class and more on social media and games. I have solve my challenge through
Talking to them in a nice way or to share stories to keep them behave and avoid shouting inside
the class that could distract the neighboring classes. Whenever I am left alone with them I
always give them a condition, they should finish their activity afterwards they are given a
permission to use gadgets as long as they could not disturb their classmate. Students who
failed to follow the instruction should give their gadgets to me and could not get I back until their
Being a Teacher requires tons and tons of patience. A good Teacher knows on how to
impose classroom rules and discipline the children. A Teacher should always keep calm
knowing that children gets naughty and uncontrolled sometimes. We just have to talk to them
calmly so that they will follow you without hesitations.

The transition from being a student to becoming a teacher?

From being student to becoming a teacher has a big improvement for me. Because from
student I only gaining knowledge from my teachers as well as those
Praise and encouragement?

I am a Bachelor of Arts in English Language graduate then I pursue this

program Teacher Certificate Curriculum .Due to my first course that is preparatory and a
non-board course that is why I pursue this program to be able for me to take the
licensure examination for teacher. Aside from that my teachers in college and high
school encourage and motivates me to enroll this program because I think they’ve seen
my potential in teaching. And also I realized that I love to teach, imparting knowledge to
the students and transform them into a knowledgeable one. My interest in teaching
became rugged when I was in a field of practice teaching. I thank my coordinating
teacher, cooperating teachers the principal II and the head teacher III of Campo
National High School for opening to us the door towards the real learning environment
and helping us on how to handle the students well.

Student teaching developmental levels- where are you, and how do you know, what do
you need to do in order to reach a higher level?

Professional growth is all about gaining new skills and experience. That
means your development is either related to your current role or the role you want to do
next. Personal development fits alongside professional growth so if you want to
progress in your career, you’ll need to develop personally first. That’s the only way you’ll
be able to handle your fears, take on more responsibility, and succeed with greater
challenges. Being a practice teacher of Campo National High School it was my big
opportunity to be their student teacher because of them I am now developed, matured,
more equipped and competent practice teacher and will be a professional teacher soon.
And also I learned that as a teacher they need to be a continuous learners to be a
globally competent teacher and they must be five books a way to their learners they
should study broadly and attend seminars that related to education and to the

Dealing with students or teachers who are of a different behavior and attitude than you?

Learners are diverse, they have difficult learning styles, beliefs, religion and
principalities in life. As a student teacher I must deal of my students in class in a way
that I can address to them all. We need to understand and know our students so that we
can address what are the needs and learning styles and capabilities. During my practice
teaching I relate my topics to love, games and bible so that my student could relate the
topic I am discussing and at the same time we are all having fun including myself Glory
to Jesus. In regards of behavior and attitude I confront the students and the teacher
privately and ask what her or his problem is. Observe what their likes and dislikes. And I
will be more sensitive in every situation in the school campus.

Classroom management?

During my practice teaching in Campo National High School, I was assigned to

take my class assignment on Junior High level. The students were disciplined and their
room is clean, quiet, and pleasant to conduct a class. It is crucial to have a conducive
for learning as a classroom because learning environment affects learning of the
students. There were also times that the room is not clean and noisy but when I get on
the classroom to start my class I let them clean the room first and make them quiet in
order for me to set the atmosphere ready for the days class.

Time management?

During my practice teaching, I observed that the number one should the teacher have is
time management it is very important skill to the teachers. Teacher can use this in the
classroom to optimize learning opportunities for students. And in order to finish the daily
to-do-list we must be manage our time. So I managed my time and act like a professional
teacher that time. Less using of cellphones instead I study my topics to be discus. I
never walk in the barges.

Gifted students or need special needs students?

School politics

What is happening in your classroom and how you are responding to it?

Students as well as teacher a majority of their time in the classroom and in school. The
classrooms should therefore be a stress free environment where students and classrooms feel
comfortable spending so much tie. It is essential to have a well-managed classroom to improve
classroom efficiency and create an environment conducive to learning. A well-managed
classroom is not limited to discipline, unlike the popular belief that discipline is the only vital
management skill a teacher must have. The characteristics of a well-managed and efficient
classroom is student engagement classroom management include various aspects, but one of
the most vital is that the students are engaged at all times in the learning process. Next is clear
expectations, such as class objectives are clear in a well-managed classroom. To minimize
wasted time and improve efficiency, a well-managed classroom has a good time management
skills. The students know which areas in the classroom are accessible to them, as well as where
items are placed in the classroom. Lastly, positive work environment in which it is the main
characteristics of a well- managed classroom.

What you have learned about yourself and your teaching from your off campus

During my practice teaching at Campo National High School I learned to know how to be patient
and friendly to my students. As a future educator I must be value oriented, I should be exercise
self-mastery and with a cultivation of virtues. Teachers need to be lifelong learners. Because the
content of the curriculum now as well as the methods and materials for teaching are changing
so rapidly I must also study more and be a continuous learner to improve and develop my
cognitive aspect and be an effective professional teacher soon.
School climate and affect the students and faculty?

Campo National High School is a conducive environment for the learners due to
its location where several houses are present and far from unpleasant noise. CNHS is
surrounded by trees and woody plants. It is refreshing due to the present of trees and
rice field that make their school conduce to learning. But signal of the phone is hard to
acquire so that teachers also most preferred a book rather than internet.

Bullying and its implications to student learning and your teaching?

Comparing teaching styles between cooperating teachers and yourself?

The inclusion of special needs children and the effect on you as a classroom teacher and
your students?
The student who is your greatest academic challenge, what you have done to try to reach
this student or to make this student be more successful?
The student who is your greatest behavior or personality challenge, what have
you done to try to reach this student or to make the student be more successful?

An area in which you need to grow and develop the most in order to be an
effective teacher?

How you are impacting the students?

Your feelings about teaching, now that you are teaching?

Assessments, teaching and learning

During my practice teaching my critic teacher in grade 7 told me that in making an

assessment you should not all in written find other strategies that the learners can easily get,
they can be challenge and it is in accordance to their talents or skill. In order to them to not get
bored. Or it can result to have a low score if the teacher maintain his or her type of assessment
that is not effective.

No child left behind legislation

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