(PDF Download) Digitalization in Construction 1st Edition Angenette Spalink Fulll Chapter
(PDF Download) Digitalization in Construction 1st Edition Angenette Spalink Fulll Chapter
(PDF Download) Digitalization in Construction 1st Edition Angenette Spalink Fulll Chapter
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101 Case Studies in Construction Management 1st Edition
Len Holm
Spon Research
Edited by
Chansik Park, Farzad Pour Rahimian, Nashwan Dawood,
Akeem Pedro, Dongmin Lee, Rahat Hussain,
and Mehrtash Soltani
Digitalization in Construction
This book highlights the latest trends and advances in applications of digital technologies
in construction engineering and management. A collection of chapters is presented,
explicating how advanced technological solutions can innovatively address challenges
and improve outcomes in the construction industry. Promising technologies that are
highlighted include digital twins, virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence,
robotics, blockchain, and distributed ledger technologies. The first section presents recent
applications of extended reality technologies for construction education and advanced
project control. The subsequent chapters explore Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain,
and BIM-enabled digitalization in construction through a series of case studies, reviews,
and technical studies. Innovative technologies and digitalized solutions are proposed for
improved design, planning, training, monitoring, inspection, and operations management
in Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) contexts. In addition to the
technological perspectives and insights presented, pressing issues such as decarbonization,
safety, and sustainability in the built environment are also discussed.
This book provides foundational knowledge and in-depth technical studies on
emerging technologies for students, academics, and industry practitioners. The research
demonstrates how the effective use of new technologies can enhance work methods,
transform organizational structures, and bring profound advantages to construction
project participants.
Spon Research
Publishes a stream of advanced books for built environment researchers and profes
sionals from one of the world’s leading publishers. The ISSN for the Spon Research
programme is ISSN 1940-7653 and the ISSN for the Spon Research E-book programme
is ISSN 1940-8005
The Connectivity of Innovation in the Construction Industry
Edited by Malena Ingemansson Havenvid, Åse Linné, Lena E. Bygballe and Chris Harty
Contract Law in the Construction Industry Context
Carl J. Circo
Corruption in Infrastructure Procurement
Emmanuel Kingsford Owusu and Albert P. C. Chan
Improving the Performance of Construction Industries for Developing Countries
Programmes, Initiatives, Achievements and Challenges
Edited by Pantaleo D Rwelamila and Rashid Abdul Aziz
Work Stress Induced Chronic Diseases in Construction
Discoveries Using Data Analytics
Imriyas Kamardeen
Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Commercial Buildings
An Analysis for Green-Building Implementation Using A Green Star Rating System
Cuong N. N. Tran, Vivian W. Y. Tam and Khoa N. Le
Data-driven BIM for Energy Efficient Building Design
Saeed Banihashemi, Hamed Golizadeh and Farzad Pour Rahimian
Successful Development of Green Building Projects
Tayyab Ahmad
BIM and Construction Health and Safety
Uncovering, Adoption and Implementation
Hamed Golizadeh, Saeed Banihashemi, Carol Hon and Robin Drogemuller
Digitalisation in Construction
Recent Trends and Advances
Edited by Chansik Park, Farzad Pour Rahimian, Nashwan Dawood, Akeem Pedro,
Dongmin Lee, Rahat Hussain, Mehrtash Soltani
Digitalization in Construction
Recent Trends and Advances
Preface viii
Editors’ Biographies ix
Contributors xi
Index 345
Chansik Park is a Professor at the School of Architecture and Building Science and a
former Dean of the Graduate School of Construction Engineering of Chung-Ang
University in South Korea. Professor Park has published over 100 papers in peer-
reviewed journals and conferences internationally and has served editorial board member
and reviewer of many international journals including Automation in Construction and
International Journal of Project Management. He has been the recipient of numerous
academic and professional awards, including the prestigious Elsevier Atlas Award in
recognition of ‘outstanding achievement and significant positive contribution to society’.
Mehrtash Soltani earned his PhD from the University of Malaya in Malaysia. With over a
decade of research expertise in building materials, waste management, and construction
safety management, he currently serves as a research associate at ConTi Lab, located
at Chung-Ang University in Seoul, South Korea.
1.1 Introduction
A construction process is considered successful if the construction is completed on time,
at the agreed price and quality and with a high degree of customer satisfaction.
Unfortunately, there are many examples of this not being achieved (Shirkavand et al.,
2016). McKinsey reported that 98% of megaprojects are associated with overruns or
delays, with an average cost increase being 80% of original budget and least but not last
with an average delay of 20 months (McKinsey Global Institute, 2015). Among others,
they report the cause being, lack of interdisciplinary collaboration and accumulation of
unresolved issues. According to the report conducted by The Danish Construction
Federation, in collaboration with Chalmers University in Gothenburg and the company
BIMobject, the Danish private construction sector can save up to 10.5 billion DKK
(approximately 1.41 billion Euro) by proper use of digital tools and improving com-
munication in the design phase of a construction project (Malmgreen, 2020). Among
other things, they conclude that economic profit can be gained in the transition between
design and construction phases. Here, several ambiguities often arise between consultants
and contractors, leading to misunderstandings and disagreements between the partners.
1.1.1 Communication
Communication, especially information delivery, depends on the context in which the
information is presented, the background of the sender and receiver as well as their
natural environment (Berlo, 1960). For information to be delivered, it must be concep-
tualized and coded in the form of language, text and/or a medium. The prerequisite for
encoding and decoding to be successful is familiarity with the codes that apply in the
culture, in which the communication takes place (Hall, 1980). Design and construction of
buildings and especially its building services are interdisciplinary and complex processes,
as each building is unique, the partners are many, with different educational backgrounds
and change from project to project. Finally, several of the stakeholders, such as users and
the client, are not necessarily building professionals.
DOI: 10.1201/9781003408949-1
2 Meinhardt Thorlund Haahr
communicated via media such as Building Information Model (BIM), design review in
the construction phase is predominantly communicated via media such as 2D drawings
and descriptions and to a lesser extent 3D models. (Haahr et al., 2019; Johansson and
Roupé, 2019). According to space cognition theory (Golledge, 1991), which is grounded
in visuospatial skills, processing and working memory, information delivery in current
media is abstract (Figure 1.1). They place high demands on the individual actor’s ability
to encode and decode information, and as consequence a higher cognitive workload for
the actor (Johansson and Roupé, 2019; Kwiatek et al., 2019).
1.2 Method
The physical frame around this study was at an annual event at UCN, called The Digital
Days (DDD) (de Digitale Dage, 2022). The purpose of DDD is to bring together students
from different education within the AEC industry to design a building, where the main
goal is to learn digital tools centred around BIM. For the event, students from different
disciplines within AEC industry, work in groups, aiming to use digital applications to
design building projects.
1.2.1 Case
The case was a multi-story building with a real client. Each group received the official
material of the Schematic Design, including a Revit model, see Figure 1.2. Within three
days each group move from Schematic Design to Detailed Design, including considera-
tions and a rough design of Architecture, MEP and Structural bearing system. Each
group had a supervisor from the local AEC industry, which supported the group with his
own experience and knowledge from the AEC industry. The groups compete in making
the best project, by exploring methods, digital applications and collaboration. Before and
during the event, various presentations are held by companies, which are to inspire the
students in their work.
Figure 1.2 An extract of the Revit model and shows a 3D view, ground floor, first floor and second
4 Meinhardt Thorlund Haahr
1 Observation during the design review sessions: During the observation, quantitative data
was noted, such as number of OQ and DT users as well as time used. Furthermore,
qualitative data was also noted, such as how the design review process proceeded as well
as interactions, statements, announcements and body language between VR users.
2 Issue report from design reviews: Groups that used the issue-handling tool built in
Prospect, handed in their issue report, which consisted of qualitative data, such as
number, discipline, type and priority of issues.
3 Survey: A survey was conducted after the competition and use of VR room. It consists
of both qualitative and quantitative data related to their individual opinion regarding
VR and experience during the VR introduction and/or VR room.
1.3 Results
During the competition period, a total of eight design review sessions were conducted, see
Table 1.1. The sessions were conducted in the VR room by different groups during the
DDD. In total 25 users participated in a total time of 201 minutes, 18 OQ and 7 DT
users. On average, rounded to whole persons, in total three users, two OQ and one DT, in
a 25-minute session.
Multi-user Virtual Reality Based Design Review 5
Session 1 was the greatest and one of the longest sessions, with a total of six users, four
OQ users and two DTs, and 39 min long. The longest session was 40 minutes, which was
conducted in session 6. On the other hand, in four sessions only two users were partic-
ipating, in which two sessions had two OQ users and the other two sessions had one OQ
and one DC user. In the case of two OQ users, the sessions lasted 15 minutes, which was
the two shortest sessions conducted.
Figure 1.4 Examples of issue registration in Prospect. (Left) Hard class between ventilation duct
and ceiling in session 5. (Right) Omission of stair rail from session 6. The animation
shows where stair railing is to be placed.
Figure 1.5 Examples of issue registration from session 1in Prospect. (Left) An issue from poor
accessibility in the kitchen, including a measurement supporting the claim. (Right)
An issue of wrong choice of material in the bathroom floor.
also it must be lowered”, and the other one answers “The models off-set is completely
wrong”. Lastly, when finishing the design review one OQ user states “We made a mess”,
where he implies that there are a lot of problems they have not noticed when designing
and reviewing the project in Revit.
Three different approaches were observed, structured, semi-structured and non-
structured. In four out of eight sessions, a structured approach was conducted. In the
structured approaches, the participants had made a detailed plan of the design review
session in advance, which included they had prioritized and scheduled walking path as
well as a prepared list of point of interest to be reviewed in a joint force. For instance,
in session 1 they start with the first room on the ground floor and begin with the first
thing on the list, which in this particular case was collisions. In two out of eight ses-
sions, the approaches were non-structured. In the non-structured approaches, there was
no plan for the design review session. The participants started walking in random
directions and walked around looking announcing what caught the eye. In the semi-
structured approaches, there was not necessarily a plan in advance, but during the
design review session, the participants, especially the DT, felt a need to start structuring
the process. This was mainly because it was difficult for the DT to keep track of the
issues being reported.
Multi-user Virtual Reality Based Design Review 7
Figure 1.6 Examples of issue registration in Prospect. (Left) Collisions with elevator shaft and
ventilation in session 1. (Right) Collision with elevator shafts and ventilation in section
session 4.
Table 1.2 Shows issue report from Prospect, categorized by type, discipline and priority
Type No. Per cent Discipline No. Per cent Priority No. Per cent
enough space for proper passage in the kitchen. This was followed up by a measurement
in VR, that confirms his claim. This issue was then registered in the issue report as
“Kitchen Accessibility”.
Hard clash was used when two or more objects collide in the model, an example is
shown in the left picture of Figure 1.4. A total of five issues were classified as hard clash.
In all five cases, the issue consisted of MEP colliding with other BIM objects, such as
“Collision between ventilation and bearing beam” and “Plumbing colliding with above
Defect was used when an object has been modelled poorly or misplaced and not
necessarily is clashing. A total of 40 issues were classified as defect, which consisted of
63%. Examples were “Floating Wall”, “Movement of elevator shaft” and “wrong
material”, an example is shown in Figure 1.5 (right) and Figure 1.6 (right and left). Discipline
The issues were classified into three different disciplines, Architectural, Mechanical
Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) and Structural. With a total of 35 issues, Architectural
issues were by far the highest amount registered. Followed by MEP and Structural, which
consisted of respectively 11 and 2 issues. In some cases, it was not clear who was
responsible for correcting the issue. In this case, this was discussed during the design
review sessions.
that … no, it is good”. It is noteworthy to mention, that confirming the model was
very valuable, however, these confirmations are not shown in the issue report. Lastly,
it was also observed that accessibility was a subject that was often discussed in many
sessions, however, as shown in Table 1.2, only one issue was registered in issue-
handling tool.
For an outsider, who was not participating in the VR design review session 1, it is
almost impossible to understand what they were communicating. In the first sentence,
OQ1 requested the other users to enter a place “here”. For the OQ users, here was not
difficult to understand, since it was a simple action of following another user using the
controllers. After entering the place referred to, OQ2 detected something when looking
upwards. He then pointed by using his controller and expressed that “something” was
completely wrong. Both OQ1 and OQ3 reacted, by looking in the direction OQ2 pointed.
Both users seemed to easily understand what OQ1 was refereeing to. This led to OQ3 also
expressing that something was also missing, which OQ1 and OQ2 seemed to “silently”
agree with. Lastly, OQ1 stated that this was bad. The above-mentioned example took
place in session 1. The place referred to by OQ1 was the Common Room on Ground
Floor, see Figure 1.2. The “that” referred to by OQ2 was a ventilation colliding with a
bearing beam, see Figure 1.7 (left). The “something” referred to by OQ3 was a missing
suspended ceiling. The “This” referred to a bigger problem including multiple issues that
needed attending to by multiple and interdisciplinary actions.
Another example of simple and concrete expressions is during session 7, where three
OQ and one DT users were participating. In advance of this particular conversation, the
10 Meinhardt Thorlund Haahr
Figure 1.7 Examples of issue registration in Prospect. (Left) An issue during session 1 of a hard
clash between a bearing beam and ventilation. (Right) An issue during session 7 of the
floor deck is missing underneath the door.
OQ user in question wandered alone around to a distant place of the model, while the rest
of the users were busy registering other issues. During this time the OQ user in question
discovered the issue shown in Figure 1.7 (right), in which the floor deck was missing at a
specific location. However, at the moment of time, DT user was busy. After a while, the
conversation started.
For an outsider, who was not participating in the VR design review session 7, it is
almost impossible to know where the place in question is located. All the concrete
information we get is that the floor deck is missing somewhere in the model, which is a
fairly broad demarcation. Even though OQ1 knows of the place in question himself, it
is too difficult for him to explain orally. According to Figure 1.1, an explanation
through oral communication requires the coding and decoding between the sender
(OQ1) and receivers (DT, OQ2 and OQ3) on a more abstract level. However, after
some consideration, the OQ1 user decides to move to the place in question. With no
opposition, the rest of the group move to the location. Even though, the oral com-
munication happens in the VR environment, the act of explaining it orally still requires
high abstraction. On the other hand, by moving to the place in question in VR, the act
of delivering information from sender (OQ1) to receivers (DT, OQ2 and OQ3) is
reduced to a simple movement, by pressing the joystick, hence the communication is on
the lowest level of abstraction.
The two above-mentioned examples were but one of many. Other statement examples
are as such; “I’m standing right behind you”, “There’s nothing here”, “That one is too
high up”, “We made a mess” and “It doesn’t connect here”. Furthermore, in general lots
of body language was observed, such as pointing or waving around to address a single
issue or an area with issues and giving direction when guiding another user around in
the model.
Multi-user Virtual Reality Based Design Review 11
1.3.4 Survey
After the two-day’s introduction to VR and optional VR-supported design review ses-
sions during the DDD, a survey was conducted. The purpose was to get the students’
individual viewpoint about the multi-user VR-supported design review. A total of 37
respondents completed the questionnaire, whereas 25 of them participated in the design
review sessions. Even more so two respondents were present at the VR sessions, but did
not participate in the sessions as an OC or DT user. Lastly, ten of the respondents only
participated in the two days of introduction to VR. Twenty-two of the respondents have
experience in the AEC industry were among them 17 have primary experience within the
construction phase. The other 15 of them have no experience prior to their current study,
as shown in Figure 1.8. In relation to respondents that participated in the VR sessions,
the demography of work experience is somewhat similar to the total. Therefore, even
though the respondent in this study are students, many of them still have a significant
amount of practical experience to support their viewpoint.
Table 1.3 Shows the strengths and drawbacks of VR appointed by the respondents
Following on from that, nine respondents also point out that it is not known whether
or not the value of the use of VR is good enough when compared to costs and time
In relation to the technology, four respondents point out that a model needs a certain
Level of Detail (LOD), for the AEC industry to gain from using VR. Furthermore, four
respondents mentioned that VR was inferior to clash detection compared with clash
detection algorithms such as in Navisworks.
RS 28 states. “It can be difficult to persuade people to use it when, for example, when you
can do clash detection in Navisworks, without the use of VR glasses”.
RN 12: “We found errors that we couldn’t find in 3D Revit, and as an architect it gave me
a better overview”.
14 Meinhardt Thorlund Haahr
Figure 1.9 The degree to which the respondents agree or disagree to the statement listed above the
RN 15: “Being able to stand inside the building yourself gives a better understanding of
the entire project, and it is much easier to see and to perform a quality assurance on the
RN 23: “It was great to be able to walk around inside our building. It gave a better
understanding of room size, corridor widths, stairs, ceiling height, etc. in 1:1”.
RN 25: “It added value to the project because we could see and discuss things that were
not visible in our 2D/3D drawings”.
Respondents also mentioned many examples of issues they would not discover without a
VR design review session such as
RN 2: “There were many technical installations that collided. There were building parts
that collided or were not connected”.
RN 12: “we had some ventilation pipes that we had made holes in the walls to
implement. - We then moved these ventilation pipes, and it turned out when we performed
quality assurance in VR that there was still a hole in the wall”.
RN 14: “ … the elevator shaft collided with a ventilation pipe. It would have been
difficult to see in 3D”.
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