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A 27-year-old patient complains of irritability, weakness, tearfulness, engorgement of the

mammary glands, swelling of the face and legs, weight gain, and itchy skin. The severity of
complaints increases with the approach of menstruation; after its onset, these complaints
disappear. Among the past diseases, chronic bilateral adnexitis is noted. When examined in
mirrors and bimanual examination, no pathological changes were revealed. What diagnosis is
most likely?
A. Polycystic ovary syndrome
B. Pituitary adenoma
C. Migraine
D. Premenstrual syndrome
E. Sheehan syndrome

2. What are the immunological factors of infertility?

A. Formation of antisperm antibodies
B. Anovulation
C. Luteal phase deficiency
D. Follicular phase extension
E. Premature luteinization of the follicle
3. A 17-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist with complaints of lack of menstruation. Upon
examination, the body type is female, secondary sexual characteristics are developed. After an
ultrasound, a diagnosis was made: Rokitansky Küstner-Mayer syndrome. Based on which of the
listed ultrasound findings was the diagnosis made?
A. Homogeneous ovarian structure
B. Hypoplasia of the uterus
C. Ovarian aplasia
D. Duplication of the uterus
E. Uterine aplasia.
4. A 29-year-old woman consulted a gynecologist with complaints of irritability, tearfulness,
headache, dizziness, and engorgement of the mammary glands, which appear 6-14 days before
menstruation and disappear on the eve or in the first days. From the anamnesis: menstruation
since the age of 14, without disturbances. The above symptoms appeared after a skull injury.
Sexual life since the age of 18, there were 4 pregnancies that ended in artificial abortions. What
diagnosis is most likely?
A. Adrenogenital syndrome
B. Premenstrual syndrome
C. Sheehan syndrome
D. Polycystic ovary syndrome
E. Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome

5. A 15-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist with complaints of heavy menstruation that
lasted up to 14 days. From the anamnesis: regular menstruation every 28-29 days. She notices
nosebleeds and bleeding gums 2-3 times a month. Objectively: the condition is satisfactory. For
gynecological examination: the hymen is intact. On rectoabdominal examination: the uterus is
of normal size, dense, painless, the appendages on both sides are not enlarged. Ultrasound
revealed no pathology. What diagnosis is most likely?
A. Uterine fibroids
B. Endometrial polyp
C. Adenomyosis
D. Coagulation disorders
E. Ovulatory dysfunction.
6. Indicate on what days is it recommended to carry out cryodestruction of the organ to prevent
the development of cervical endometriosis?
A. 12-14
B. 1-2
C. 16-18
D. 16-25
E. 4-6

7. Immunological pregnancy tests are based on the definition?

A. Placental lactogen
B. Progesterone in the blood
C. Estrogens in urinary luteinizing hormone
D. Human chorionic gonadotropin

8. Where does the first stage of labor begin and end?

A. With the onset of labor and ends with pushing
B. Starts with pushing and ends with the birth of the placenta
C. Starts with pushing and ends with the birth of a child
D. From the beginning of labor and ends with the birth of a child
E. With the onset of labor and ends with complete opening
9. A 23-year-old primigravida was admitted to the emergency room with complaints of cramping
pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Contractions in 10-12 minutes for 20-25 seconds.
The water did not break. The gestation period is 38 weeks. The position of the fetus is
longitudinal, the fetal head is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 130 beats per
minute. A vaginal examination revealed: the cervix is 1 cm long, the diameter of the cervical
canal is 2 cm. The amniotic sac is intact, the fetal head is present; the upper edge of the
symphysis, innominate lines, and the sacral cavity along its entire length are palpable. Locate
the fetal head?
A. The head is fixed by a large segment at the entrance to the pelvis
B. Head in the pelvic cavity
C. Fetal head at the pelvic outlet
D. The head is fixed by a small segment at the entrance to the pelvis
E. The head is pressed against the cavity of the entrance to the pelvis

10. Primigravida, 25 years old. She is concerned about the low motor activity of the fetus. The only
risk factor identified in a pregnant woman is smoking. According to ultrasound, the gestational
age is 32 weeks, the fetal weight is below normal. What hormone content needs to be
A. Progesterone
B. Human chorionic gonadotropin
C. Testosterone
D. Prolactin
E. Estriola
11. A 20-year-old primigravida was admitted to the hospital with complaints of headache and
blurred vision. Pregnancy 38 weeks. Upon admission, blood pressure was 160/100 mmHg,
swelling in the lower extremities. Urine for protein 2.5 g/l. Make a diagnosis?
A. Gestational hypertension
B. Severe preeclampsia
C. Epilepsy
D. Eclampsia
E. Moderate preeclampsia
12. On the 4th day after the cesarean section, the postpartum mother's body temperature rose to
38.8 PS -110 beats/min, the tongue was dry, the abdomen was distended, peristalsis could not
be heard, and gases did not pass away on their own. What complication is prescribed for a
postpartum woman?
A. Salpingo-oophoritis
B. Peritonitis
C. Endometritis
D. Parametritis
E. Adnexit
13. A 29-year-old multi-pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The gestational age is 39 weeks.
Contractions in 2-3 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 136
beats per minute. After 1 hour, birth occurred. During labor, active management of the 3rd
stage of labor. Oxytocin 10 units was injected intramuscularly. Controlled pulling on the
umbilical cord. 15 minutes after the birth of the fetus, moderate bleeding began, blood loss was
500 ml, there were no signs of placental separation. The diagnosis was made: Term 3rd stage of
labor. What tactics are most appropriate in this situation?
A. Carry out an external massage of the uterus and apply the Abuladzn technique
B. Proceed with manual separation of the placenta and placenta
C. Immediately begin curettage of the uterine cavity
D. Apply the Crede-Lazarevich technique
E. Achieve separation of the placenta by introducing contractile agents
14. Pregnant S, 24 years old. I went to the antenatal clinic to register for pregnancy. First pregnancy,
desired. The gestation period is 7-8 weeks according to the date of PM. The course of pregnancy
was unremarkable. Ultrasound of the fetus at 6-7 weeks without pathology. When is ultrasound
screening performed and what examinations are included?
A. 16-18 weeks and total hCG, B-hCG, AFP
B. 10-13 weeks and total hCG, B-hCG, AFP
C. 11-13 weeks and PAPP-A, B-hCG
D. 18-22 weeks
E. 16-18 weeks and PAPP-A, B-hCG
15. A woman with a 39-week pregnancy was delivered to the maternity hospital by ambulance in a
condition of moderate severity. Complaints of bloody discharge from the genital tract and
abdominal pain. Objectively: the skin is pale, pulse 100 beats per minute, blood pressure 90/60
mmHg. The uterus is painful on palpation and hypertonic. The fetal heartbeat is muffled. 160
beats per minute. On vaginal examination: the cervix is formed. The cervical canal is closed. The
fetal head is above the pelvic inlet. Blood clots in the vagina. Determine the doctor's tactics?
A. Pregnancy should be managed expectantly
B. Proceed with labor induction
C. Elective caesarean section
D. Emergency caesarean section
E. Proceed with pre-induction of labor
16. A 25-year-old primigravida was admitted to the emergency room with complaints of cramping
pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The water broke 4 hours ago. Labor lasts 8 hours.
Contractions in 3-4 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The gestational age is 39 weeks. The position of
the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 140
beats per minute. A vaginal examination revealed: the cervix was effaced, the uterine os was
dilated 6 cm, and there was no amniotic sac. The head is presented, the facial line is in the right
oblique size, the chin is on the left back. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 38 weeks, 2nd stage of labor.
Facial insert. Which tactic should you choose?
A. C-section
B. Labor stimulation
C. Waiting tactics
D. Labor induction
E. Obstetric forceps.

1. ( question 22 )

Postpartum woman K., 28 years old, after Caesarean section. The postpartum period proceeded
normally. By the end of the second day, the condition began to progressively worsen, vomiting,
severe pain throughout the abdomen, and gas retention appeared. There was no chair.
Objectively: the skin is pale, with a grayish tint.
The tongue is dry, with a grayish coating. Body temperature 38.50C. Pulse 120 beats per minute,
blood pressure 110/70 mmHg. The abdomen is distended, painful on palpation, the Shchetkin-
Blumberg sign is positive. During percussion - dullness of percussion sound in the lower lateral
parts of the abdomen. In the tests: leukocytosis - 17.5x109 /l, ESR -55 mm/hour, shift of the
leukocyte formula to the left. To determine the scope of surgical treatment of peritonitis after
cesarean section ?
1. Diagnostic laparoscopy with abdominal drainage

2. A 33-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecological clinic with symptoms of an acute
abdomen. In clinical
An urgent examination revealed a diagnosis of cystoma of the right ovary with
phenomena of torsion of her legs. Further tactics for treating the patient?
Answers (one answer)
5. Emergency surgical treatment
Question: No. 46
A 57-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecology department with complaints of moderate
bloody discharge from
genital tract. Menopause 4 years. In the last 3 months, moderate bleeding from the genital tract
has been bothersome.
Ultrasound: the body of the uterus is 48x37x46 mm, the uterine cavity is not deformed. The
endometrium is heterogeneous, 15 mm thick. Appendages without features. A diagnosis of
endometrial hyperplasia was made. In order to exclude a malignant process, what research
is of primary importance?
Answers(one answer)
4 Histology of aspirate

Question: No. 6

Mother V., 25 years old, gave birth to a live full-term girl weighing 3400 g, height 50 cm, without
Vanamnese 2 induced abortions. The succession period proceeded without complications, the
fundus of the uterus was at the level of the navel,
dense, painless. Moderate bleeding from the vagina. A child was born with a birth defect
tumor in the area of the large fontanel, determine the type of insertion of the fetal head into
the small pelvis?
Answers(one answer)
4 Anterior cephalic

Question: No. 25
A 26-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.
Contractions after -7 minutes - 20-25 seconds. The gestational age is 35 weeks. The position of
the fetus is longitudinal, head
pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 130-140 beats.
per minute For vaginal
examination - the cervix is smoothed, the uterine os is dilated by 5 cm. The amniotic sac is
intact. Head
the fetus is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The discharge is mucous. Diagnosed:
Pregnancy 35-36
weeks Premature labor has begun. What are the next tactics?
Answers (one answer)
5 Wait for spontaneous childbirth

A 16-year-old patient consulted a gynecologist with complaints of rare, scanty menstruation. On
examination: broad shoulders, narrow pelvis, short limbs, hypertrophied body muscles,
underdeveloped mammary glands, male-pattern hair growth. Menstruation from the age of 15,
after 38-49 days, is scanty and painless. During a gynecological examination: the external
genitalia are developed according to the female type, an enlargement of the clitoris, hypoplasia
of the labia minora and majora are noted. What diagnosis is most likely ?
1. Andrenogenital syndrome

Question: No. 22
A 28-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital while pushing. The
gestational age is 38 weeks. Attempts
every minute for 45-50 seconds. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is
presented. Heartbeat
fetal clear rhythmic 130 beats per minute. Estimated fetal weight 3900 g. With vaginal
The study identifies the glabella and brow ridges on one side, and the anterior angle of the
greater fontanel on the other. Diagnosis made:
Pregnancy 38 weeks. 2nd stage of labor. Frontal insertion. Which tactic should you choose?
Answers(one answer)
1 Obstetric forceps

8. Choose what is the absolute ultrasound sign of ectopic pregnancy?

Answers (one answer)
5 Anechoic formation

Question: No. 32
A 25-year-old patient visited a gynecologist with complaints of absence of menstruation for 2
years. From the anamnesis:
grew and developed according to age, menarche at 12 years.
Two years ago, menstruation stopped for no apparent reason, I was not married, there was not
a single pregnancy.
Objectively: condition is satisfactory, height 164 cm, weight 58 kg. Recently she has noticed
worsening vision and headaches.
The phenotype is female. The concentration of FSH in the blood serum is 0.3 mIU/ml (normal is
2-20), prolactin is 160 ng/ml (normal is 2-25).
The test with gestagens and estrogens is positive.
What form of amenorrhea is most likely?
Answers (one answer)
5 Pituitary

Question: No. 5
Are the dimensions of the large pelvis measured to determine?
Answers(one answer)
5 Pelvic sizes

A 27-year-old patient complains of absence of pregnancy for 5 years. From the anamnesis:
menstruation since the age of 11, regular for 5-6 days, every 28-29 days, painful. Married. Notes
pain during sexual activity. The husband's spermogram is normal, examinations for urogenital
infections are negative, and the postcoital test is normal. PV : the body of the uterus is dense,
not enlarged, in a retroflexio position , inactive. The appendages on both sides are not palpable.
In the area of the posterior vaginal vault, a painful, immobile, tuberous formation 3.5 x 2.5 cm is
identified. What treatment should be prescribed first.
1. Surgical

Question: No. 13
A postpartum woman on the 5th floor was transferred to the gynecology department from the
physiological postpartum department
days after birth. During childbirth - early rupture of amniotic fluid, surgical delivery by
application of obstetric forceps. Complaints of pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, malaise,
up to 38l1 °C. Pulse 100 beats per minute. Blood pressure 120/80 mmHg. Objectively: the uterus
is 4 fingers below the navel, with
Palpation is painful, softish in consistency. Discharge from the genital tract is serous-serous,
smell. General blood test: leukocytes - 10x10 g/l, C09 - 45 mm/h. Make a diagnosis?
Answers(one answer)
2 Postpartum metroendometritis

Question: No. 15
A primigravida, 3, 24 years old, with a pregnancy of 39-40 weeks, was admitted to the maternity
hospital due to weak contractions,
which last for 8 hours. Pelvic dimensions: 26 – 29— 31 - 21 cm. OJ - 114 cm, VDM - 41 cm.
Contractions 2 in 10
minutes for 30 s. The head is small in size and movable above the entrance to the pelvis. In the
fundus of the uterus
two more large parts are palpable. The fetal heartbeat is heard: one - on the left below the
navel, 130
beats per minute, the second - on the right above the navel 138 beats per minute. Vaginal
examination data: cervix
The uterus is smoothed, the opening of the pharynx is 5 cm, the amniotic sac is intact, tense.
The head of 1 fetus is presented, movable
above the entrance to the pelvis. The cape is not reachable. Make a diagnosis?
Answers(one answer)

4 Pregnancy 39-40 weeks. 1st stage of labor.

Twins. Primary weakness of labor

There is a 25-year-old multiparous woman at 38 weeks of gestation in the delivery room.
Abdominal circumference – 110cm. The amniotic fluid has passed in the amount of 2 liters. 3
hours after the water broke, she gave birth to a live, full-term baby weighing 3500 g. After 30
minutes, the placenta separated and came out on its own; upon examination, the placenta was
intact, all membranes were intact. There is profuse bleeding from the genital tract with clots.
Make a diagnosis ?
1. Childbirth 2, urgent. Polyhydramnios. Early postpartum period. Hypotonic bleeding

Question: No. 8
A 20-year-old primigravida was admitted to the department of pathology of pregnant women
with complaints of nagging pain.
lower abdomen. Objectively: the abdomen is enlarged due to the pregnant uterus, corresponds
to 26 weeks
pregnancy. Upon palpation, the uterus appears to have increased tone. The position of the fetus
is longitudinal,
the head is presented above the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic,
142 beats per minute.
Vaginal examination: the cervix is preserved, the pharynx is closed. The head is presented
through the arches,
pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The cape is not reachable, the discharge is mucous.
What is the diagnosis?
Answers(one answer)
4 Threatened very early labor

Question: No. 17
After childbirth, examination of the birth canal revealed a first-degree perineal rupture. In what
sequence are sutures placed for a first-degree perineal rupture?
Answers(one answer)
4 On the vaginal mucosa and perineal skin

1 question

A 27-year-old patient complains of irritability, weakness, tearfulness, engorgement of the mammary

glands, swelling of the face, shins, weight gain, itching of the skin. The severity of the complaints
increases with the approach of menstruation, after its onset these complaints disappear. Among the
previous diseases, chronic bilateral adnexitis is noted. Bimanual examination in mirrors revealed no
pathological changes. What diagnosis is most likely?

Premenstrual syndrome


What is the height of the uterine fundus after the birth of the fetus?

2 fingers below the navel


Are the dimensions of the large pelvis measured to determine?

Pelvic size

A 26-year-old multipregnant woman came to a maternity hospital with complaints of nagging pain in the
lower abdomen and lower back. From the anamnesis: this pregnancy ||| childbirth||.The previous birth
ended with a cesarean section due to fetal distress. The gestational age at the last menstruation
corresponds to 37 weeks. Objectively: the uterus is in normal tone when examined. The position of the
fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end is mobile above the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is
clear rhythmic up to 142 ulars per minute. Diagnosis made: Pregnancy 37 weeks. Scar on the uterus.
What fetal presentation should be added to the diagnosis?

Breech presentation of the fetus


A 25-year-old pregnant woman consulted a FMC doctor at 33-34 weeks of pregnancy with complaints of
swelling of the lower extremities. This was her first pregnancy. Among the diseases suffered, chronic
pyelonephritis is noted. Weight gain was 14 kg, over the last week - 1.0 kg. General condition is
satisfactory. Skin and visible mucous membranes are of normal color. Pulse 64 beats per minute, blood
pressure 120/80 and 115/80 mm Hg. Tones fetal sounds are clear, rhythmic, 140 beats per minute.
Edema of the lower extremities. General blood and urine tests without pathological changes. What diet
is appropriate for this risk factor?

Protein with salt restriction


A pregnant woman, 35 years old, first pregnancy, 34 weeks, came to the maternity hospital. Complaints
of headache, dizziness, feeling of lack of air, fear, palpitations. During pregnancy, blood pressure
increased to 160/110 mmHg in the urine, proteinuria 0.33 g /l. On examination: drowsiness, swelling in
the lower extremities, pulse - 111 beats per minute, blood pressure on the left arm - 180/110 mm Hg,
on the right - 180/105 mm Hg. Examination data: OAM - relative density -1012, protein in urine -1.65 g/l,
daily protein loss -3.5 g/s. Specify the diagnosis?

Severe preeclampsia


A 30-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints of cramping
pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Pregnancy 39 weeks First pregnancy. Somatically healthy.
Contractions last 12 hours, the woman in labor is not tired, the fetus does not suffer. | labor period.
Contractions last 25 seconds every 6-7 minutes. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, cephalic
presentation. On vaginal examination, the dilatation of the uterine pharynx is 6 cm. The amniotic sac is
intact. Choose further tactics?

A primigravida was admitted to the maternity hospital with a full-term pregnancy and active labor. The
estimated weight of the fetus is 4000 g. The fetal head is pressed to the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal
heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 142 beats per minute on the left below the navel. Vasten's sign is level.
Upon examination, it was found: the cervix is effaced, the opening is 10 cm. There is no amniotic sac.
When is diagnosis possible clinically narrow pelvis?


A 36-year-old multi-pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of cramping
pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Labor lasted 5 hours. Gestational age 41 weeks.
Contractions every 2-3 minutes, 40-45 seconds each. Pelvic dimensions 25-28-21-20 cm. Position The
longitudinal presentation of the fetus is the pelvic end of the fetus. The fetal heartbeat is clear and
rhythmic at 140 beats per minute. A vaginal examination revealed: the cervix is smoothed, the opening
of the uterine pharynx is 6 cm. The amniotic sac is the target. The pelvic end of the fetus is present, the
sacrum is on the right behind. Determine the position, position and type of the fetus?

Fetal position longitudinal 1st position posterior view


Does lactation begin under the influence?



Does birth of the head occur in the anterior view of occipital presentation?

Small oblique size 9.5cm


Multiparous for 26 years, this pregnancy is 3, 2 births are coming. The pregnancy is full-term, 38 weeks.
We were admitted to the maternity hospital with contractions that began 7 hours ago. The amniotic
fluid was discharged at the time of the study. The dimensions of the pelvis are 26×29×32×21. The
estimated weight of the fetus is 4500 g. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end is
present, movable above the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 110 beats per
minute. Vaginal examination, the cervix is smoothed. The opening of the uterine pharynx is 5.0 cm.
There is no amniotic sac, the fetal buttocks are mobile above the entrance to the pelvis. Light amniotic
fluid is leaking. Determine the doctor’s tactics?

Complete the birth by caesarean section


A 28-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the delivery room pushing. Pushing after 2
minutes for 45-50 seconds.
In the anterior cephalic insertion


What anticonvulsant drug is used to treat severe preeclampsia?

magnesium sulfate


A 26-year-old multi-pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of cramping
pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Labor lasts 6 hours. Pregnancy period 40 weeks.
Contractions every 2-3 minutes, 40-45 seconds each. Pelvic dimensions 25-28-31-20 cm.

Mixed gluteal proposal 1st position posterior view


A 34-year-old patient was hospitalized in the gynecology department with a diagnosis of Left-sided
pyovar. According to the results of an ultrasound examination, the size of the pyovar is 5 cm. What is
the scope of surgical treatment for this patient?

Drying the purulent formation

1. A 33-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the admissions unit of a maternity

hospital. Upon admission, complaints of severe headaches, tinnitus, blood pressure 155/100
mmHg, PS - 89 beats per minute. The history includes 4 pregnancies, 2 spontaneous
miscarriages, 1 spontaneous birth at 37 weeks with severe preeclampsia, this pregnancy was
complicated by the diagnosis of pregnancy at 37 weeks. Severe preeclampsia. Objectively: There
is no labor activity. The uterus is in normal tone, the fetal position is longitudinal, cephalic. Fetal
heart sounds are slightly muffled to 160 beats per minute. The estimated weight of the fetus is
2100g. The cervix is not mature according to the Bishop scale 3 points. Progressive fetal hypoxia
was detected. In the tests: Complete blood count: Hb – 77 g/l, Urine for protein – 1.8 g/l.
Choose the most appropriate management tactics?

A. Carry out delivery by caesarean section

B. Prolong pregnancy

B. Start labor induction with intravenous oxytocin

D. Perform amniotomy followed by induction of labor

D. Carry out a labor induction scheme with a whole amniotic sac

2. A 25-year-old primigravida was admitted to the hospital after a convulsive attack. Blood
pressure – 185/100 mmHg. The pregnant woman is under the influence of neuroleptics and is
not available for contact. Upon examination, the size of the uterus corresponds to 24–35 weeks
of pregnancy. The position of the fetus is longitudinal with the head in the pelvic cavity. The
fetal heartbeat cannot be heard. During vaginal examination. Full disclosure. There is no
amniotic sac. Choose further tactics for labor management?

A. Apply vacuum extractor

B. Perform a planned caesarean section

B. Deliver the child through the natural birth canal

D. Perform an emergency caesarean section

D. Carry out a fruit-destroying operation

3. A 28-year-old woman in labor was admitted to the maternity hospital 4 hours after the onset of
labor. The water did not break. Third pregnancy, full term, third birth. All previous pregnancies
and births proceeded without complications. The pelvis dimensions are normal. The fetal head is
palpated through the abdominal wall on the right, and the pelvic end on the left. The fetal
heartbeat is 140 beats per minute, distinct, at the level of the navel. On vaginal examination, the
opening of the uterine pharynx is 6 cm, the amniotic sac is intact. The presenting part is not
determined. The cape is not reached. There is no bone deformation. What's your tactic?

A. Turn the fetus onto its leg

B. Open the rock bladder

B. Extract the fetus at the end

D. Emergency caesarean section

D. Childbirth through the birth canal

4. A 29-year-old multi-pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The gestational age is 39 weeks.
Contractions in 2-3 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 136
beats per minute. After 1 hour, birth occurred. During childbirth, the active introduction of the
3rd stage of labor. Oxytocin 10 units was injected intramuscularly. Controlled pulling on the
umbilical cord. 15 minutes after the birth of the fetus, moderate bleeding began, blood loss was
500 ml. There were no signs of separation of the placenta. A diagnosis has been made. Urgent
birth. 3rd stage of labor. What tactics are most appropriate in this situation?

A. Apply the Credet-Lazarevich technique

B. Carry out an external massage of the uterus and apply Abuladze’s technique
B. Achieve separation of the placenta by introducing contractile agents

D. Proceed with manual separation of the placenta and release of the placenta

D. Immediately begin the operation of curettage of the uterine cavity

5. A 26-year-old woman who was pregnant again came to a maternity facility with complaints of
nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, and a burning sensation in the scar area.
From the anamnesis, this pregnancy is 3, childbirth is 3. The previous birth ended with a
cesarean section due to fetal distress. The gestational age at the last menstruation corresponds
to the 39th week. There is no objectively expressed labor activity. Upon examination, the uterus
becomes toned. The scar area on the uterus is painless on palpation. the position of the fetus is
longitudinal, breech presentation, fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 142 beats per minute.
Determine pregnancy management tactics?

A. End the pregnancy by emergency caesarean section

B. End the pregnancy by cesarean operation as planned

B. Provide childbirth with independent treatment with indications of the Tsovchnov manual

G. Give birth to an independent course with the provision of classic manual assistance

D. Proceed with pre-induction of labor followed by labor induction

6. A 28-year-old primigravida came to her next appointment with the midwife at the clinic.
Gestation period is 37-38 weeks. The somatic and gynecological anamnesis is not burdened.
Upon examination the condition is satisfactory. skin of normal color. Blood pressure 110/70
mmHg. Coolant 110cm. VDM 42cm. The position of the fetus is longitudinal. The head is
present. The head of the 2nd fetus is palpated in the fundus of the uterus. Two independent
heartbeats are heard, clear rhythmic tones. There is no swelling. Further tactics for managing a
pregnant woman?

A. Hospitalization 1 week before the expected due date

B. Waiting at home

B. Hospitalization at 39 weeks of pregnancy

D. Hospitalization to determine the method of delivery

D. Hospitalization with the onset of labor

7. Woman in labor S., 33 years old, was admitted to the maternity hospital with labor and rupture
of amniotic fluid. third pregnancy. After 12:00, complaints began about frequent painful
contractions and difficulty urinating, the woman was screaming and tossing about in bed. pulse
100 per minute, blood pressure 130/80 mmHg. The uterus is hourglass shaped. The uterus is in
constant hypertonicity, sharply painful on palpation. The position of the fetus is longitudinal.
The presenting part of the fetus is not determined due to tension and soreness of the uterus.
Vasten's and Zangemeister's signs are positive. The fetal heart rate is 110 beats per minute.
vaginal examination, the opening of the cervix is complete, its edges are precise. The fetal head
is pressed to the entrance to the pelvis. There is a large birth tumor on the head. The cape is not
reachable. What is your tactics?

A. Caesarean section operation

B. Application of obstetric forceps

B. Vaginal birth after symphysotomy

D. Applying a vacuum extractor

D. Natural childbirth after pain relief

8. Pregnant N., 42 years old, was referred for medical and genetic counseling at 14 weeks of
pregnancy. From the anamnesis: My husband is 45 years old, healthy. Both spouses are in their
second marriage and have two healthy children of different sexes from their first marriage. In a
real marriage, this is the first pregnancy desired. The course of pregnancy against the
background of the threat of miscarriage in the first trimester. Registration at the antenatal clinic
consists of 10-11 weeks. from the presented studies: ultrasound of the fetus at 12-13 weeks, the
thickness of the nuchal space is 3.5 mm (norm is up to 2.5 mm), the coccygeal-parietal size of
the fetus is 41 mm (norm is 43-65 ms), the nasal bone of the fetus is not visualized. What
management tactics are most appropriate?

A. Biochemical screening

B. Emergency delivery

B. Waiting tactics

D. Delivery by caesarean section

D. Chorionic villus biopsy

9. A 28-year-old mother is in the postpartum ward. Birth 2 is urgent. Third day of the postpartum
period. There was a chill, a temperature of 39. The mammary glands were soft and painless. The
fundus of the uterus is at the level of the navel; upon palpation there is sharp pain in the uterus.
Lochii in moderate quantities with an unpleasant odor. What therapy should be prescribed for
this situation?

A. Antibacterial

B. Antihistamine

B. Antipyretic

G. Detoxification

D. Uterotonic

10. Select how many days is the normal length of the menstrual cycle?

A. 32-40

B. 28-32

V. 14-20

G. 21-35

D. 3-7

11. What is the trigger point for septic shock?

A. Bleeding

B. Action of exo- and endotoxin

B. Acute renal failure

G. Angiospasm

D. Brain hypoxia

12. SPECIFY, Irregular uterine bleeding lasting more than 7 days with blood loss of more than 80 ml -
is this?
A. Oligomenorrhea

B. Menorrhagia

B. Metrorrhagia

G. Polymenorrhea

D. Menometrorrhagia

13. SPECIFY, Menstrual-like bleeding with an interval of less than 21 days is this?

A. Polymenorrhea

B. Menorrhagia

B. Oligomenorrhea

G. Amenorrhea

D. Menometrorrhagia

14. Indicate an increase in the production of which hormones affects the development of secondary
sexual characteristics in girls?

A. Prolactina

B. Glucocorticoid

V. Releasing

G. Estrogenic

D. Thyroid

15. What are the disadvantages of the intrauterine device:

A. Short validity period

B. Increased risk of inflammatory diseases

B. A large number of side effects

D. Effect on lactation

D. Contraindicated during lactation

16. A 35-year-old patient underwent a preventive examination after a Pap test and was found to
have structural changes in the epithelial cells on the cervix. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Cervical dysplasia

B. Erythroplaxia of the cervix

B. True erosion

G. Ectroion

D. Pseudo-erosion of the cervix

A 32-year-old woman in labor is in the delivery room in the 3rd stage of labor. During active
management of the 3rd stage of labor, uterine inversion occurred. The doctor’s tactics for the clinical
picture of uterine inversion is:
Immediate uterine reduction

A 25-year-old woman in labor consulted a gynecologist; 10 days ago she had a physiological birth with a
live, full-term baby, with whom the woman was discharged home on the 7th day. Today there was pain
in the right mammary gland, there was chills, and the temperature rose to 39.5. Upon examination:
cracks were found on the nipples of the mammary glands. In the upper outer quadrant of the right
mammary gland, a lump measuring 4x5 cm was found, sharply painful, with hyperemia of the skin above
it. Preliminary diagnosis: postpartum infiltrative
mastitis, Further tactics?
Express milk with a breast pump, A/B therapy

What is the symptom most characteristic of severe forms of peritonitis with purulent-septic
complications in gynecology?
Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom
Specify the interval between menstruation is more than 35 days - is this?

Indicate where the myomatous nodes are located in submucous uterine fibroids?
Under the lining of the uterus

Indicate which part of the organs is affected by internal genital endometriosis?
Endometriosis of the interstitial part of the fallopian tubes

Question: No. 30

Select whether absence of menstruation for > 6 months or lasting 3 cycles with a regular menstrual cycle
is this?
Secondary amenorrhea

A 39-year-old female patient visited a gynecologist with complaints of prolonged heavy
menstruation for 3 cycles. From the anamnesis: the menstrual cycle is regular, 28-29 days, the duration
of menstruation is 7-10 days. 4 pregnancies: 2 births, 2 medical abortions. Objectively: the skin is pale
pink in color. Pulse 78 beats per minute, rhythmic. Blood pressure 120/80 mm Hg. Art. Hemoglobin 96
g/l. On examination: the body of the uterus is enlarged to 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, dense, painless,
tuberous. The appendages on both sides are not palpable. What is the most likely cause of menstrual
Uterine fibroids

A 26-year-old woman is seen by a gynecologist at the FMC. Menstruation from 12 years, 4 days,
The duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. When studying the basal curve
temperature, it was revealed that until the 15th day of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature in
within 36.2 - 36.5 C. On the 15th day of the menstrual cycle, the temperature was 37.6 C. What does
this indicate?
Normal two-phase cycle

A 28-year-old patient consulted a gynecologist at the FMC with complaints of lack of pregnancy for 2
years. Menstruation began at the age of 13, established immediately, every 4 days, after 28 days,
moderate, painless. Sexual life since age 25, no pregnancies. Not examined. Denies previous
gynecological diseases. When examined in the speculum, the cervix was without visible pathology. The
discharge is light and mucous. A bimanual examination did not reveal any pathology in the internal
genital organs.
It is recommended to measure basal temperature. How should this patient measure basal temperature?
In the morning, without getting out of bed


A 27-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecological department with complaints of pain in the
external genitalia, an increase in body temperature to 37.8 °C for 4 days. From the anamnesis:
menstrual function is not impaired. Objectively: general condition is satisfactory, pulse 84 per minute,
blood pressure 110/70 mmHg. Art. Upon examination, a tumor-like formation measuring 3.0x3.5 cm is
determined in the area of the left labia majora, the skin over it is hyperemic. Gynecological status:
vagina without features, cervix clean, external os slit-like, uterus in anteflexion, not enlarged, painless,
Appendages on both sides are not identified. Medical tactics in this case?
Opening an abscess

The patient, 34 years old, was hospitalized in the gynecology department with a diagnosis of Left-sided
pyovar. According to the results of an ultrasound examination, the size of the pyovar is 5 cm. What is
the scope of surgical treatment for this patient?
Left oophorectomy

A 42-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist for a preventive examination: From the anamnesis:
menstruation every 4-5 days, after 30 days, dark brown discharge from the genital tract 5-6 days before
menstruation, radio wave excision of the cervix was performed 6 years ago for chronic cervicitis. There
were two births, without complications. 1 medical abortion. When examined in the speculum: the
vaginal part of the cervix is up to 1 cm, bluish “eyes” are 0.7 and 0.9 cm along the anterior lip; no
pathology was detected during bimanual examination. What treatment should be prescribed for this
Gestagens in continuous mode for 6 months

Patient, 32 years old, at an appointment with a gynecologist with complaints of heavy menstruation,
periodic intermenstrual spotting. The menstrual cycle is regular, 26-28 days. Objectively: the condition is
satisfactory. BMI 24. Ultrasound: the body of the uterus is located in retroflexio , dimensions 45x52x43
mm, the structure of the myometrium is homogeneous, M-echo -5.5. mm, heterogeneous, a formation
measuring 8x9 mm is visualized on the rear wall.
The structure of the cervix is without features, the cervical canal is not dilated, the ovaries,
located in a typical location. What is the most preferable treatment for this patient?

A 27-year-old female patient complains of no pregnancy for 5 years.
medical history: menstruation since the age of 11, regular for 5-6 days, every 28-29 days, painful.
Married. Notes pain during sexual activity. The husband's spermogram is normal, examinations for
urogenital infections are negative, the postcoital test is normal, P V : the uterine body is dense, not
enlarged, in a retroflexio position , inactive. The appendages on both sides are not palpable. In the area
of the posterior vaginal fornix, a painful, immobile, dense, tuberous formation of 3.5x2.5 cm is detected.
What treatment should be prescribed first?

1. What is determined by Leopold’s third technique?

• fetal position
• level of the fundus of the uterus
• type of fruit
• presenting part
E. fetal position

2. What is determined by the second external obstetric examination?

• fundal height of the uterus
• presenting part
• small parts of the fruit and back
• level of standing of the presenting part
E. view of the fetal position

3.What type of study is used to diagnose the transverse position of the fetus during pregnancy?
• vaginal
• abdominal examination
• auscultation of the abdomen
• four external obstetric examinations
E. functional assessment of the pelvis

4. What Leopold technique determines the position and type of the fetus?
• 1 dose
• 2 reception
• 3 reception
• 4 reception
E. 5 reception

5. Front view of the fetus - when:

A. the fetal back is facing anteriorly
B. the fetal back is facing posteriorly
C. the fetal back is facing left
D. the fetal back is facing to the right
E. the back of the fetus is facing the side walls
6. What Leopold technique is used to determine the height of the uterine fundus?
A. 1 step
B. 2 reception
C. 3rd reception
D. 4 reception
E. 5 reception

7. What should be done if there is no effect from the therapy for severe preeclampsia:

• start anticonvulsant therapy

• prolongation of pregnancy
• continue therapy
• early delivery
• replace antihypertensive drugs

8. External obstetric examination in the 2nd half of pregnancy does not imply:
A. determining the position, position, size of the fetusB. anatomical assessment of the pelvisC.
determining the gestational age
D. functional assessment of the pelvis
E. determining the estimated fetal weight

9. Fetal position is:

A. the relationship of the fetal back to the sagittal plane
B. the relationship of the fetal back to the frontal plane
C. the relationship of the fetal axis to the longitudinal axis of the uterus
D. the relationship of various parts of the fetus
E. the relationship of his limbs to the head and torso

10. The correct position is when:

A. the head is extended, the arms are crossed on the chest, the legs are bent at the knees and hip
joints, the torso is bent
B. the head is bent, the arms are crossed on the chest, the legs are bent at the knees and hip
joints, the torso is bent
C. the head is bent, the spine is straightened, the arms are crossed on the chest, the legs are bent
at the knees and hip joints, the torso is bent. the head is bent, the arms are crossed on the chest,
the legs are extended at the hip and knee joints
E. the head is bent, the spine is extended, the legs are bent at the knees and hip joints, the torso is

11. The correct position of the fetus is considered:

A. longitudinal
B. obliqueC. transverse with the fetal head facing left D. transverse with the fetal head facing to
the right
E. oblique with the fetal head facing left

12. The position of the fetus in the transverse position is determined by the location of:
A. back
B. headC. small parts D. pelvic end
E. torso

13. The type of fruit is a relationship:

A. fetal back to the sagittal plane
B. fetal head to the plane of the entrance to the pelvis
C. fetal back to the anterior and posterior walls of the uterus
D. fetal axis to the longitudinal axis of the uterus
E. fetal back to the frontal plane

14. Fetal presentation is the relationship of:

A. the fetal head to the entrance to the small pelvis
B. the pelvic end of the fetus to the entrance to the small pelvis
C. the lowest lying part of the fetus to the entrance to the small pelvis
D. the fetal head to the fundus of the uterus
E. pelvic end of the fetus to the fundus of the uterus

15. The first external obstetric examination determines:

A. position of the fetus
B. type of fetus
C. height of the uterine fundus
D. presenting part
E. fetal position

16. The third appointment of external obstetric examination is determined by

: A. the lowest lying part of the fetus to the entrance to the pelvis
B. position, position, type of position of the fetus
C. height of the fundus of the uterus D. fetal position
E. view of the fetal position

17. The fourth step of external obstetric examination is to determine:

A. presenting partB. articulation of the fetusC. position of the fetus
D. relationship of the presenting part of the fetus to the inlet of the pelvis
E. fetal position
18.What is RH factor?
• Enzyme
• antigen
• Prostaglandin
• Vitamin
• Hormone
19. Tactics for managing pregnancy with polyhydramnios and satisfactory condition of the
mother and fetus:

A. management until full-term gestation

B. premature birth
C. Doppler every 7 days
D. Ultrasound every 7 days
E. amniocentesis

20. What is a synclitic insertion?

• Arrow-shaped seam closer to the cape

• Sagittal suture at equal distances from the promontory and symphysis
• Sagittal suture closer to the symphysis
• Arrow-shaped seam in transverse dimension
• Sagittal suture in the oblique size of the pelvis
21. What is the fetal period:
• From the moment of fertilization to 6 weeks;
• From the moment of fertilization to 8 weeks;
• From the moment of fertilization to birth;
• From 8 weeks of pregnancy until birth;
• From 12 weeks until birth.

22.Amount of amniotic fluid during polyhydramnios?

A. 500ml
B. 300ml
C. 1 liter
D. more than 1.5 liters
E. 800 ml

23.Indicate the amount of amniotic fluid during oligohydramnios?

A. less than 300ml
B. less than 600ml
C. less than 800ml
D. less than 500ml
E. less than 700ml

24. The first position of the front view is:

A. when the fetal back is facing left
B. when the fetal back is facing left in front
C. when the fetal back is facing the right rear
D. when the fetal back is facing the right front
E. when the fetal back is facing left behind

25. Which of the reasons can lead to oligohydramnios in a pregnant woman?

A. microcephaly
B. abnormalities of the genitourinary tract in the fetus
C. teratoma of the coccygeal-sacral region
D. viral and bacterial infection
E. anencephaly

26. The position of the fetus in the transverse position of the fetus is determined by:
A. on the back
B. on the head
C. in small parts
D. along the pelvic end
E. along the umbilical cord

27. Height of the uterine fundus at 36 weeks of pregnancy:

A. in the middle of the distance between the navel and the womb
B. in the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process
C. reaches the xiphoid process
D. 2 fingers below the xiphoid process
E. at the level of the navel

28. The most common cause of maternal mortality in eclampsia:

A. kidney failure
B. cerebral hemorrhage
C. pulmonary edema
D. infection
E. cerebral edema

29. The second position of the front view is:

A. when the fetal back is facing left
B. when the fetal back is facing left in front
C. when the fetal back is facing the right rear
D. when the fetal back is facing the right front
E. when the fetal back is facing left behind

30. The relationship of individual parts of the fetus is:

A. position
B. position
C. view
D. erection
E. view position

31. What does a negative Vasten sign mean?

• discrepancy between the fetal head and pelvis
• correspondence between the fetal head and pelvis
• beginning of the 2nd stage of labor
• end of 2nd stage of labor
• clinical narrow pelvis.

32. In the second position, the back of the fetus is facing:

A. right
B. to the fundus of the uterus
C. left
D. to the entrance to the pelvis
E. posterior

33. Height of the uterine fundus during pregnancy 20 weeks – at:

A. navel level
B. 2 fingers above the navel
C. 2 fingers below the navel
D. the middle of the distance between the navel and the womb
E. at the level of the womb

34. What is muscle fiber distraction?

• contraction of muscle fibers

• interweaving of muscle fibers
• contraction of the longitudinally located muscle fibers of the body of the uterus
stretches the circularly located muscle fibers of the cervix -
• abdominal contraction
• contraction of the striated muscles of the uterus

35. Abdominal circumference is measured:

A. in the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process
B. at the level of the navel C. 2 transverse fingers above the navel
D. 3 transverse fingers above the navel
E. 2 transverse fingers below the navel

36. Which of the reasons can lead to oligohydramnios in a pregnant woman?

A. microcephaly
B. anencephaly C. teratoma of the coccygeal-sacral region D. viral and bacterial infection
E. uterine fibroids

36. What information helps determine the position of the fetus:

A. determination of the relationship of the fetal back to the longitudinal axis of the uterus
B. placenta attachment site
C. height of the uterine fundus
D. arrangement of small parts of the fruit
E. relation definitions
37. In case of breech presentation of the fetus, the third Leopold-Levitsky maneuver is
A. voting dense part on the right
B. voting dense part on the left
C. low position of the uterine fundus
D. presenting part of a soft consistency above the entrance to the pelvis E. voting dense
part in front
38. Auscultation of fetal heart sounds becomes possible from pregnancy:
A. 22 weeks
B. 20 weeks
C. 16 weeks
D. 25 weeks
E. 28weeks

39. The fundus of the uterus at the level of the womb corresponds to the period of pregnancy:
A. 5–6 weeks
B. 7–8 weeks
C. 9–10 weeks
D. 12 weeks
E. 13–14 weeks

40. A reliable sign of pregnancy is:

• change in the shape of the uterus

• cyanosis of the vaginal mucosa

• positive biological reaction

• palpation of fetal parts

• size and consistency of the uterus

41. Breech presentation during external obstetric examination is characterized by:

• high position of the uterine fundus

• voting dense part in the fundus of the uterus

• high position of the presenting part

• voting part above the entrance to the pelvis

• low position of the uterine fundus

42. What Leopold-Levitsky technique determines the nature and location of the presenting part
to the entrance to the pelvis:

• 1 dose

• 2 reception

• 3 reception

• 4 reception

• 5 reception

43. What Leopold-Levitsky technique determines the position and articulation of the fetus:

• 1 dose

• 2 reception

• 3 reception

• 4 reception

• 5 reception

44. During an external obstetric examination of a pregnant woman, a large part of soft
consistency is palpated in the fundus of the uterus, at the entrance to the small pelvis - a large
part of dense consistency, spherical in shape, on the left and anteriorly - a smooth surface
without protrusions, on the right and posteriorly - a lumpy surface. Diagnosis?
A. longitudinal position, pelvic presentation, 1st position, anterior view B. longitudinal position,
cephalic presentation, 1st position, posterior view
D. longitudinal position, cephalic presentation, 1st position, anterior view C. longitudinal
position, cephalic presentation, 2nd position, anterior view
E. longitudinal position, pelvic presentation, 2nd position, anterior view

45. Vaginal examination to determine the degree of maturity of the cervix?

A. Apgar score
B. Bishop scale
C. Khechin Shvili scale
D. oxytocin test
E. Silverman scale

46. Which Leopold-Levitsky technique is a continuation of technique 3:

• 1 appointment

• 2nd appointment

• 3rd appointment

• 4th reception

• 5 reception

47.What explains the pain of contractions and the high incidence of soft tissue ruptures during
premature birth?
• lack of proper readiness for childbirth and stiffness of soft tissues
• premature rupture of amniotic fluid
• the strength of contractions
• pressing soft tissues by the presenting part of the fetus
• lability of the nervous system

48. What is a 3rd degree cervical rupture?

• gap up to 2 cm
• gap more than 2cm long
• gap up to 3 cm.
• rupture reaching to the vaginal vault
• mucosal tear

49. In what state does the head enter the entrance to the small pelvis with a generally uniformly
narrowed pelvis?
• with slight bending
• with moderate flexion
• with moderate extension
• at maximum flexion
• with additional bending

50. What type of obstetric forceps is preferred in our country?

• Simpson-Fenomenov
• Lazarevich
• Negele
• Palfina
• classical
51. What excludes the use of obstetric forceps?
• hyperextension of the lower uterine segment
• aborted fetus
• head at the pelvic outlet
• absence of amniotic sac
• with full dilatation of the cervix

52. Where should the head be located before the operation of applying exit forceps?
• in the narrow part of the pelvis
• in the wide part of the pelvic cavity
• in the pelvic cavity
• at the pelvic outlet
• above the entrance to the pelvis

53. Which bones of the skull are involved in the configuration during childbirth in the anterior
form of the occipital presentation:
• only occipital
• parietal and frontal
• occipital and parietal
• all the bones of the skull
• frontal and occipital

54. Labor continues (1st period) for 12 hours, the woman in labor is tired, the fetus does not
suffer. Scar on the uterus. What to do?
• start labor stimulation
• give medicated sleep
• prescribe antispasmodics
• C-section
• conservation therapy

55. Secondary weakness of labor has occurred. Vaginal examination revealed a frontal insertion.
What to do?
• start labor stimulation
• C-section
• craniotomy
• apply obstetric forceps
• apply vacuum extractor.

56. Direct size of the pelvic outlet plane:

• 11 cm;
• 9.5-11.5 cm;
• 12 cm;
• 12.2 cm;
• 10.5 cm.

57. Transverse size of the pelvic outlet plane:

• 11 cm;
• 11.5 cm;
• 12 cm;
• 12.5 cm;
• 10.5 cm.
58. In women with an anatomically narrowed pelvis during pregnancy,
• high position of the uterine fundus
• saggy pointed belly
• significant mobility of the head above the entrance to the pelvis
• malposition
• chronic fetal hypoxia

59. Where does the birth tumor form in anterocephalic presentation?

• in the area of the small fontanel
• in the area of the large fontanel
• in the forehead area
• in the chin area
• in the area of the glabella

60. What is the shape of the pelvis if all direct dimensions of the planes of the small pelvis are
• uniformly narrowed pelvis
• simple flat basin
• transversely contracted pelvis
• flat-rachitic pelvis
• oblique pelvis

61. The head is a small segment at the entrance to the pelvis; signs of cardiac dysfunction in the
woman in labor have appeared. What to do?
• apply exit forceps
• perform a caesarean section
• make a classic turn of the fetus on its leg
• apply a vacuum extractor to the fetal head
• deliver a vaginal birth

62. Which delivery operation is most dangerous for the fetus?

• exit obstetric forceps
• vacuum extraction with the fetal head located in the pelvic cavity
• application of obstetric forceps with a high-standing head
• extraction of the fetus by the pelvic end during expulsion
• C-section

63. An anatomically narrow pelvis is determined by:

• external dimensions of the pelvis
• diagonal conjugate
• sacral condition
• thickness of the pelvic bones
• according to the Solovyov index

64. A generally uniformly narrowed pelvis is characterized by:

• obtuse pubic angle
• presence of pelvic deformities
• thinness of the pelvic bones
• reduction of all pelvic sizes
• reduction of one pelvic size
65. A flat-rachitic pelvis is characterized by:
• uniform reduction of all sizes
• acute pubic angle
• reduction of the direct size of the pelvic inlet
• deformation of the pelvic bones
• reduction in the transverse size of the pelvis

66. Diagnosis of a clinically narrow pelvis is possible:

• in the first trimester of pregnancy
• in the third trimester of pregnancy
• in the latent phase of the first stage of labor
• when the cervix is fully dilated and waters break
• in the active phase of the first stage of labor

67. Vasten’s sign is determined when the cervix is dilated by (in cm):
• 2 cm
• 5 cm
• 8 cm
• 10 cm
• 3 cm

68. The degree of pelvic narrowing is determined by the conjugate:

• outdoor
• anatomical
• diagonal
• true
• false

69. The degree of narrowing of the pelvis with a true conjugate of 10 cm:
• 1
• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5

70. Abdominal circumference 100 cm, uterine fundus height 35 cm. Estimated fetal weight (in
• 3500
• 3200
• 3000
• 3800
• 3600

71. Anterior asynclitism is:

• the location of the swept seam is closer to the cape
• the location of the sagittal suture is closer to the symphysis
• The posterior parietal bone is inserted first
• buttocks drop first
• the location of the swept seam in the center

72. Which plane is limited by the middle of the inner surface of the pubis, the middle of the
acetabulum, the articulation of the II and III sacral vertebrae:
A. plane of entrance to the pelvis
B. plane of the wide part of the pelvic cavity
C. plane of the narrow part of the pelvis
D. pelvic outlet plane
E. plane separating the large pelvis from the small pelvis

73. Classification of a clinically narrow pelvis depending on the degree of discrepancy between
the mother’s pelvis and the fetal head according to R.I. Kalganova. comprises:
• 2 degrees of non-conformity
• 3 degrees of non-conformity
• 4 degrees of mismatch
• 5 degrees of non-conformity
• no degrees of discrepancy

74. Why is it dangerous for the head to stand in one plane for a long time during the period of
• development of weakness of labor
• threat of rupture of the lower uterine segment
• threat of genitourinary fistula formation
• threat of vaginal infection
• development of rapid labor activity

75. . The second degree of pelvic narrowing is characterized by conjugata vera:

• Less than 7.5 cm
• 7.5–6 cm
• 9–7.5 cm
• 10–9 cm
• 6-5.5 cm

76. The most common form of anatomically narrowed pelvis in modern obstetrics is considered
to be:
• generally uniformly narrowed
• transversely tapered
• simple flat
• osteomalatic
• flat-rachitic

77. Which type of cesarean section is used most often?

• corporate
• in the lower uterine segment
• vaginal
• extraperitoneal
• isthmic-corporal

78. Absolute indication for cesarean section:

• frontal insertion
• marginal placenta previa
• complete placenta previa
• weakness of labor
• breech presentation
79. What is the disadvantage of cesarean section in the lower uterine segment before the corporal
• in the formation of a complete scar
• less risk of massive bleeding
• in the prevention of purulent-septic complications
• Trauma to the fetal head cannot be ruled out
• eliminates the possibility of injury to the bladder

80. Which pelvis is called clinically narrow?

• a pelvis in which all dimensions have been reduced
• oblique pelvis
• pelvis, of normal size, through which the advancement and birth of the fetal
head is impossible
• flat-rachitic
• transversely narrowed pelvis

81. What are the normal sizes of a large pelvis?

• 22-25-28-15 cm
• 24-26-30-20 cm
• 26-28-31-20 cm
• 27-27-30-17 cm
• 25-26-27-18 cm

82. Why is the external conjugate measured?

• to determine diagonal conjugates
• to determine true conjugates
• to determine side conjugates
• to determine the thickness of the pelvic bones
• to determine the Solovyov index

83. What is the circumference of the pelvis?

• 58-68cm
• 120-125cm
• 80-85cm
• 60-65cm
• 110-112cm

84. What is an external conjugate:

• distance between the anterosuperior iliac spines
• the distance between the middle of the upper edge of the symphysis and the
suprasacral fossa
• distance between and posterosuperior spine of the same ilium
• distance between the promontory and the lower edge of the symphysis
• distance between the promontory and the anterosuperior iliac spine

85. Define a diagonal conjugate:

• distance between the anterosuperior iliac spines
• the distance between the middle of the upper edge of the symphysis and the
suprasacral fossa
• the distance between the anterior superior iliac spine and the posterior superior
iliac spine
• distance between the promontory and the lower edge of the symphysis
• distance between the promontory and the anterosuperior iliac spine

86. Determine the shape of the narrowing of the pelvis if its dimensions are: 25-28-30-17 cm.
• transversely narrowed pelvis
• uniformly narrowed pelvis
• simple flat basin
• flat-rachitic pelvis
• oblique pelvis

87. Independent childbirth is impossible in the following cases:

• anterior cephalic insertion
• front view of face insert
• frontal insertion
• anterior view of the occipital insert
• posterior view of the occipital insert

88. Indicate with which insertion a clinical narrow pelvis may most often occur:
• anterior cephalic insertion
• anterior view of the facial insert
• frontal insertion
• anterior view of the occipital insertion
• posterior view of the occipital insert

89. Your tactics, if the pregnancy is full-term, generally contracted pelvis of the 1st degree, pure
breech presentation, boy:
• start labor induction
• wait for spontaneous birth
• perform a planned caesarean section
• perform a caesarean section with the onset of labor
• apply a vacuum extractor

90. What is the true conjugate if the outer conjugate is 20 cm?

• 10cm
• 11cm
• 12cm
• 9cm
• 8 cm

91. The third degree of pelvic narrowing is characterized by conjugata vera:

• Less than 7.5 cm
• 7.5–6 cm
• 9–7.5 cm
• 10–9 cm
• 6-5.5 cm

92. Pelvic dimensions 24-25-27-20. Which pelvis:

• transversely narrowed pelvis
• uniformly narrowed pelvis
• simple flat basin
• flat-rachitic pelvis
• oblique pelvis
93. Determine the shape of the narrowing of the pelvis if its dimensions are as follows: 26-26-
• transversely narrowed pelvis
• uniformly narrowed pelvis
• simple flat basin
• flat-rachitic pelvis
• oblique pelvis

94. With what form of pelvis does a high, straight position of the sagittal suture often occur
during childbirth?
• uniformly narrowed pelvis
• simple flat basin
• transversely narrowed pelvis
• oblique pelvis
• flat-rachitic pelvis

95. In posterior asynclitism, the sagittal suture is located:

• closer to the womb
• closer to the cape
• strictly along the pelvic axis
• closer to the right edge
• closer to the left edge

96. Rarely occurring forms of narrow pelvises:

• uniformly narrowed pelvis
• transversely contracted pelvis
• funnel pelvis
• flat-rachitic pelvis
• simple flat basin

97. What is the shape of the pelvis if the true conjugate is reduced?
• uniformly narrowed pelvis
• transversely contracted pelvis
• simple flat basin
• flat-rachitic pelvis
• oblique pelvis

98. What is asynclitic head insertion?

• when the sagittal suture is deviated towards the symphysis or promontory
• when the sagittal suture is located at the same distance from the pubis and the
• when the small fontanel is lower than the large one
• when the large fontanelle is located along the pelvic axis
• when the frontal suture is closer to the occipital

99. The average value of the Solovyov index is….

• 10 cm.
• 12 cm.
• 20 cm.
• 18 cm.
• 14 cm
100. Colpoporhexis is:
• rupture of the uterus to the fornix
• perineal rupture
• separation of the uterus from the vaginal vaults
• vaginal rupture
• uterine rupture along the rib

101. Indicate what should be done in the event of a threatening rupture of the uterus, the head in
the 1st plane of the pelvis and a living fetus?
• perform a caesarean section under deep general anesthesia
• give ether anesthesia to provide rest to the woman in labor
• apply high obstetric forceps under ether anesthesia
• use drugs to relax the uterus
• apply a vacuum extractor

102. Indicate how the contours of the uterus change when a complete uterine rupture occurs?
• do not change
• no outline of the uterus
• the uterus takes on an ovoid shape
• the uterus takes on an hourglass shape
• the uterus becomes spherical in shape

103.What is the most characteristic symptom of complete uterine rupture during violent labor?
• increased or slow fetal heart rate
• sharp pain during contractions
• cessation of labor
• vaginal bleeding
• slow fetal heart rate

104.What is your tactics in case of uterine rupture?

• immediately begin abdominal surgery and intensive care
• bring the patient out of shock and begin transection
• carefully remove the fetus from the vagina
• remove the fetus through the vagina and begin transection
• intensive therapy

105. Define what a 1st degree perineal tear is?

• tearing only the skin of the perineum
• rupture of the skin in the posterior soldering area and the mucous membrane of
the lower third of the vagina
• rupture of the skin and skin tissue throughout the perineum
• rupture of only the posterior vaginal wall
• perineal muscle rupture

106. Define what a 2nd degree perineal tear is?

• rupture of the posterior vaginal wall and subcutaneous tissue
• rupture of the posterior wall of the vagina and perineal skin
• vaginal muscle rupture
• rupture of the posterior wall of the vagina, skin and muscles of the perineum
• tearing only the skin of the perineum
108. Define what is a 3rd degree perineal tear?
• rupture of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, perineal muscles
• rupture of perineal tissue
• rupture of perineal tissue, external sphincter
• perineal skin rupture
• external sphincter rupture

109. What is the most common location of cervical ruptures?

• anterior lip
• back lip
• lateral sections
• circular tear of the anterior lip
• circular tear of the posterior lip

110. What is a 1st degree cervical rupture?

• gap no more than 1 cm
• gap no more than 2 cm
• gap reaching to the vaults
• gap extending to the vaults
• gap more than 3cm

111. To diagnose a cervical rupture, what data are required?

• bleeding from the vagina
• bleeding after birth
• detection of ruptures when examining the cervix in speculums
• detection of a large tear during vaginal examination
• ultrasound data

112. With threatening uterine rupture (typical) contractions:

• contractions are weak, regular
• contractions are frequent, following one after another
• contractions are irregular
• contractions in 5-6 minutes.
• contractions in 4-5 minutes.

113. With a second-degree perineal rupture, the following occurs:

• urethral wall rupture
• damage to the pelvic bones
• damage to the perineal muscles
• rectal sphincter injury
• damage to the vaginal wall

114. In case of a first degree rupture of the perineum, sutures are placed on:
• vaginal mucosa
• perineal skin
• perineal muscles
• anal sphincter
• rectal wall

115. The cause of vaginal ruptures during childbirth:

• second birth
• rapid progress of labor
• premature birth
• episiotomy
• protracted labor

116. Causes of uterine rupture during pregnancy:

• clinically narrow pelvis
• anatomically narrow pelvis
• large fruit
• failure of the postoperative scar on the uterus after cesarean section
• twins

117. Predisposes to uterine rupture:

• scar on the uterus after cesarean section
• placenta previa
• polyhydramnios
• oligohydramnios
• twins

118. An effective method for preventing isoimmunization in Rh-negative pregnant women is:
• administration of anti D-immunoglobulin
• skin flap transplant
• desensitization therapy
• vitamin therapy
• antianemic treatment

119. Which of the following does not increase the risk of Rh sensitization during pregnancy?
• method of delivery
• vaginal bleeding
• preeclampsia
• pregnant woman's age
• eclampsia

120. Causes of uterine rupture during pregnancy:

• clinically narrow pelvis

• anatomically narrow pelvis
• large fruit
• failure of the postoperative scar on the uterus after cesarean section
• polyhydramnios

121. The woman in labor is in the third stage of labor, birth occurred 10 minutes ago, a boy was
born weighing 3700 g. The Chukalov-Kustner sign is positive. Small amounts of dark bloody
discharge from the vagina. Your tactics:
A. administer methylergometrine
B. wait for the spontaneous birth of the placenta
C. perform manual separation of placenta
D. highlight the afterbirth using external methods
E. ice on the lower abdomen

122. Your tactics in case of uterine rupture:

• immediately begin abdominal surgery and intensive care
• bring the patient out of shock and begin transection
• carefully remove the fetus from the vagina
• remove the fetus through the vagina and begin transection
• begin amputation of the uterus

123. In a healthy newborn, regular breathing should be established no later than after
A. 60 s after birth
B. 90 s after birth
C. 120 s after birth
D. 5 minutes after birth
E. 30 s after birth

124. Specific immunoprophylaxis is especially indicated in the following women with Rh-
negative blood
A. primiparas who gave birth to a Rh-positive child incompatible with the mother according
to the ABO system
B. first-time mothers who gave birth to a Rh-negative child compatible with the mother according
to the ABO system
C. after the first abortion
D.after the second abortion
E. primiparas who gave birth to an Rh-negative child

125. Name the most characteristic symptom of complete uterine rupture during violent labor:
• increased or slow fetal heart rate
• sharp pain during contractions
• cessation of labor
• vaginal bleeding
• decreased fetal heart rate

126. When examining the cervix in the speculum after childbirth, a rupture on the left, 1.5 cm
long, was discovered. What is the extent of the rupture?
• I degree
• II degree
• III degree
• 4 degrees
• this is a cervical tear

127. Drugs that inhibit lactation include

A. gestagens
B. dostinex
C. barbiturates
D. nitrofurans
E. aminoglycosides

128. Rhesus immunization in a pregnant woman develops under the following circumstances:
A. Rh(+)-mother’s blood penetrates into the fetal bloodstream and stimulates
formation of fruit antibodies;
B. Rh(+)-fetal blood enters the mother’s bloodstream and stimulates blood flow
formation of maternal antibodies;
C. Rh(-)-blood of the fetus enters the mother’s bloodstream and stimulates blood flow
formation of maternal antibodies;
D. Rh(-)-mother’s blood enters the fetal bloodstream and stimulates
formation of fruit antibodies.
E. AT are formed only during invasive manipulations.

129. During the period of physiologically developing pregnancy

the following changes occur in the hemostatic system
A. hypercoagulability
B. hypocoagulation
C. consumption coagulopathy
D. activation of only the vascular-platelet unit
E. activation of only the plasma link

130.What position of the fetus is considered transverse?

A. The axis of the fetus coincides with the axis of the uterus
B. The axis of the fetus intersects the axis of the uterus at a right angle.
C. The axis of the fetus intersects the axis of the uterus at an acute angle.
D. The axis of the fetus intersects the axis of the uterus at an obtuse angle.
E. The axis of the fetus intersects the axis of the uterus at an acute or obtuse angle.

131. What position of the fetus is considered oblique?

A. The axis of the fetus coincides with the axis of the uterus.
B. The axis of the fetus coincides with the axis of the uterus at a right angle.
C. The axis of the fetus intersects the axis of the uterus at an acute angle.
D. The axis of the fetus coincides with the axis of the uterus at an obtuse angle
E. The axis of the fetus coincides with the axis of the uterus at an acute or obtuse angle.

132. The uterine artery is a branch of:

A. aorta;
B. common iliac artery;
C. internal iliac artery;
D. external iliac artery;
E. iliopsoas artery.

133. How long does physiological pregnancy last?

• 36 weeks
• 40 weeks
• 42 weeks
• 34weeks
• 32weeks

134. Place of listening to the fetal heartbeat with the fetus in a transverse position:

A. On the left above the navel.

B. On the right above the navel.
C. Left below the navel.
D. At the level of the navel.
E. Right below the navel

135. Which operation is considered fruit-destroying?

A. Vacuum extraction of the fetus.

B. Application of obstetric forceps.
C. Craniotomy.
D. Cutaneous-cephalic spines.
E. Amniotomy

136. A sign of early gestosis in pregnant women?

• pathological weight gain

• generalized edema
• nausea
• increased blood pressure
• the appearance of protein in the urine

137. The fundus of the uterus in a pregnant woman is located at the level of the navel. What is
the estimated gestational age?

• 30weeks
• 32weeks
• 36weeks
• 38weeks
• 24weeks

138. The neonatal period includes:

• First year of life;

• First 7 days of life;
• First 28 days of life;
• First 5 days of life;
• The first 14 days of life.

139. The fundus of the uterus in a pregnant woman is located in the middle between the navel
and the womb. What is the estimated gestational age?

• 30weeks
• 32 weeks
• 16weeks
• 34weeks
• 36 weeks

140. Why does the height of the uterine fundus decrease somewhat at the end of physiological

• due to the absorption of amniotic fluid and a decrease in the volume of the uterus
• due to the lack of descent of the presenting part into the relaxed lower uterine segment
• due to contraction of the uterus
• due to decreased fetal weight
• due to relaxation of the lower segment

142. The relationship of the fetal back to the anterior or posterior wall of the uterus:
• erection,
• view,
• presentation,
• position,
• insertion.

143. The severity of gestosis in the 1st half of pregnancy is characterized by:
A. weight loss
B. acetonuria
C. low-grade fever
D. headache
E. pain in the lower abdomen

144. The relationship of the large part of the fetus to the entrance to the pelvis is:
• erection,
• position,
• view,
• presentation,
• position.

145. The weight of the uterus at the end of the 3rd stage of labor has:
• 500-600 gr
• 600-700 gr
• 1000 – 1200 gr.
• 1400-1600 gr
• 1600-1800

146. What is not typical for a 28-week pregnancy:

• The fetus may be viable;
• fruit weight 1000g;
• the ratio of lecithin to sphingomyelin is less than 2:1;
• absence of the second type of pulmonary fetal cells
• fruit weight 600 g.

148. Why are the oblique dimensions of the pelvis measured:

• to judge the degree of pelvic narrowing
• to determine diagonal conjugates
• to determine pelvic asymmetry
• to determine true conjugates
• to determine side conjugates

149. Signs of overripe fruit, except:

• dense skull bones
• maceration of the skin of the feet and hands
• fetal weight more than 4000.0
• narrow seams and fontanelles
• all answers are correct

150.The smallest body weight of a viable fetus is:

• 500g
• 600g
• 800g
• 1000g
• 300g

151. The incidence of respiratory distress syndrome in a newborn is mainly due to:
• its mass
• his height
• gestational age of the newborn
• degree of maturity of the newborn
• heart rate

152. Embryogenesis ends:

• at the 4th week of fetal development
• at the 6th week of fetal development
• at the 8th week of fetal development
• at the 10th week of fetal development
• at the 12th week of fetal development

153.What is the average weight of the fetus at 7 months (28 weeks of pregnancy)?
• 650g
• 520g
• 1000g
• 1200g
• 1500g

154.Where is the fetal heartbeat heard when the fetus is in an oblique position?
• right, above the navel
• left, above the navel
• at the level of the navel
• left, below the navel
• right, below the navel

155.Where is the fetal heartbeat heard in the anterior view of the occipital presentation (1st
• right, above the navel
• left, above the navel
• right, below the navel
• left, below the navel
• at the level of the navel

156. A vaginal examination revealed: a sagittal suture in the right oblique size, a small fontanelle
on the left front, the head does not push away, the promontory is not reachable, the opening of
the uterine pharynx is complete. Determine the nature of the insertion?
• anterior view, occipital insertion 2nd position
• anterior view, occipital insertion 1 position
• posterior view, occipital insertion 1 position
• anterior cephalic insertion
• frontal insertion

157. Vaginal examination revealed: a sagittal suture in the right oblique size, a small fontanel on
the right behind, the opening of the uterine pharynx is complete. Determine the nature of the
• anterior view, occipital insertion 2nd position
• anterior view, occipital insertion 1 position
• posterior view, occipital insertion 1 position
• anterior cephalic insertion
• posterior view, occipital insertion 2nd position

158. Where will you find the small fontanel during vaginal examination, if there is a posterior
view of the occipital presentation, 1st position and the fetal head is only pressed to the entrance
to the pelvis?
• rear right
• strictly behind
• rear left
• left
• front

159.The fundus of the uterus in a pregnant woman is located in the middle between the navel and
the xiphoid process. What is the estimated gestational age?
• 30 weeks
• 32 weeks
• 36weeks
• 38 weeks
• 28 weeks

160. Uteroplacental apoplexy is:

• Hemorrhage into the muscular layer of the uterus
• Hemorrhage into the serous layer of the uterus
• Hemorrhage into the basal layer of the endometrium
• Hemorrhage into all layers of the uterus

161. What is the weight of a full-term mature fetus?

• 1000g
• 3000g
• 2500g or more
• 3700g
• 4000g or more

162.What is the length of the fetus at 8 weeks of pregnancy?

• 6cm
• 8cm
• 4cm
• 16cm
• 10cm

163.What is the length of the fetus at 12 weeks of pregnancy?

• 8cm
• 9cm
• 14cm
• 16cm
• 10cm

164.What is the gestational age if the length of the fetus is 16 cm

• 8weeks
• 7 weeks
• 10weeks
• 16weeks
• 12 weeks

165. Which newborns are considered large?

• Body weight 3500.0–5800.0
• Body weight over 3800.0
• Body weight over 4000.0
• Body weight over 5000.0
• Body weight over 3000.0

166.What is a premature baby?

• born at 32 weeks
• born at 35 weeks
• born at less than 37 weeks and showing all signs of prematurity
• born at 27 weeks
• born at 22 weeks

167. The most common cause of bleeding in the third stage of labor is:
• disturbance in the hemostasis system;
• partial tight attachment of the placenta;
• partial true placenta accreta;
• cervical rupture;
• retention of parts of the placenta

168. In the presence of placenta accreta, the following occurs:

• pyelonephritis
• presence of previous abortions
• no history of abortion
• hydatidiform mole
• uterine fibroids

169. The reasons for tight placenta attachment are:

• scar on the uterus;
• placenta previa;
• pathology of the cervix;
• abnormalities of the uterus;
• increased trophoblastic activity of the fetal egg.

170. The most common cause of true placenta accreta is:

• uterine fibroids;
• genital infantilism;
• increased proteolytic activity of the fetal egg;
• scar on the uterus;
• degenerative changes in the endometrium (abortions, multiple births).

171. Characteristic manifestations of complete tight attachment of the placenta are:

• abdominal pain;
• bleeding;
• the height of the uterine fundus above the level of the navel after the birth of the
• no signs of placental separation, no bleeding;
• bleeding, no signs of placental separation.

172. Common causes of impaired contractility of the uterus in the early postpartum period
• degenerative changes in the myometrium;
• post-term pregnancy;
• anomalies of labor;
• abnormalities of the uterus;
• extragenital diseases

173. Establish the correct sequence of actions of the doctor during surgical stopping of hypotonic
• total hysterectomy without appendages;
• laparotomy, injection of prostaglandins into the uterine muscle;
• ligation of the external iliac arteries;
• sequential ligation of the vessels of the uterus followed by ligation of the
internal iliac arteries;
• hemostatic compression sutures on the uterus.

174. Specify the indications for manual examination of the walls of the uterine cavity in the early
postpartum period:
• suspicion of uterine rupture;
• retention of parts of the placenta;
• hypotensive bleeding;
• abnormalities of the uterus;
• scar on the uterus after cesarean section.
175. The fight against hypotonic bleeding begins:
• with the use of uterotonic drugs;
• from manual examination of the uterine cavity;
• from blood transfusion;
• from suture application according to Bi-Lynch;
• with blood pressure measurement.
176. With blood loss up to 500 ml:
• blood transfusion in a volume of 300 ml is indicated;
• blood transfusion is not performed;
• blood transfusion in a volume of 500 ml is indicated;
• FFP transfusion;
• blood transfusion in a volume of 200 ml is indicated;
177. When treating DIC syndrome, the use of heparin is contraindicated:
• in stage 1;
• in stage 2;
• in stage 3;
• in stage 4;
• in all stages.

178. At the initial stage of therapy for hemorrhagic shock, it is necessary to use:
• cardiac glycosides;
• adrenalin;
• 4-5% sodium bicarbonate;
• Reopoliglyukin;
• Glucocorticoids.

179. External-internal massage of the uterus:

• Used for hypotonic bleeding;
• Used for uterine rupture;
• Used for abnormal placental attachment;
• Used for abnormal contractile activity;
• Promotes separation of the placenta.

180. For the treatment of uterine hypotension the following is used:

• ascorbic acid
• glucose
• methylergometrine, oxytocin
• magnesium sulfate
• dexamethasone

181. The volume of fluid transfused must exceed the volume of blood loss:
• 1.5 times for blood loss of 1 liter;
• 3 times for blood loss of 1 liter;
• 2.5 times with blood loss of 1 liter;
• 2 times for blood loss of 1 liter;
• 5 times for blood loss of 1 liter;

182. The most common causes of bleeding at the end of pregnancy include:
• Incipient miscarriage;
• Uterine rupture;
• Placenta previa;
• Hydatidiform drift;
• Uterine fibroids;
183. If Kuveler’s uterus is detected, you should:
• Produce PMA;
• Perform supravaginal amputation or hysterectomy;
• Introduce a uterine contraction agent;
• Produce PVPA;
• Curettage the walls of the uterine cavity.

184. Caesarean section with complete placenta previa is performed:

• Only with a living fetus;
• Only in the lower segment of the uterus;
• Only for bleeding;
• Only for health reasons;
• As planned.

185. Progressive premature abruption of a normally located placenta is an indication for:

• Caesarean section;
• Labor induction;
• Uterine amputation;
• MA dressings;
• Extirpation of the uterus.

186. Indications for amputation of the uterus during caesarean section:

• Uterine fibroids;
• Cuveler's uterus;
• Placenta previa;
• Placental abruption.
• Hypotony of the uterus.

187. The amount of permissible blood loss during childbirth:

• 0.5% of body weight;
• 1% of body weight;
• 2% of body weight;
• 3% of body weight;
• 5% of body weight;
188. Scope of surgical treatment of peritonitis after cesarean section:
A. colpotomy
B. hysterectomy without appendages
C. extirpation of the uterus with tubes and drainage of the abdominal cavity
D. supravaginal amputation of the uterus and drainage of the abdominal cavity
E. diagnostic laparoscopy

189. The concept of birth canal includes:

A. small pelvis
B. uterus, vagina
C. pelvic floor muscles, parietal muscles of the pelvis
D. bone pelvis, uterus, vagina, pelvic floor muscles
E. lower segment of the uterus, vagina

190. Indicate by what size the degree of narrowing of the pelvis is determined?
• according to the external dimensions of the pelvis
• along a diagonal conjugate
• by anatomical conjugate
• by true conjugate
• by external conjugate

191. The inner layer of the pelvic floor muscles forms:

A . M.Transversus Perinei Profundus
CMObturatorius Internus
DMIliacus Internus
EMLevator Ani

192. The middle layer of the pelvic floor muscles forms:

A. M. Levator Ani
CMPsoas Mayor
D. M. Transversus Perineus Profundus

193. The outer layer of the muscles of the pelvic floor forms:
A. M. Levator Ani, M. Obturatorius Internus
BMPiriformis, M.Obturatorius Internus
CMIliacus Internus, M. Psoas Major
DMSphincter External Anus, M.Transversus Perineus Profundus
EM Buldocavernosus, M.Ischiocavernosus, M.Sphincter Ani Externus,
M.Transversus Perineus Superficialis

194. The dense attachment of the placenta is called:

• shallow ingrowth of chorionic villi into the myometrium
• fragile fusion of chorionic villi with decedual tissue
• growth of chorionic villi into the basal layer of the endometrium
• growth of chorionic villi into the serous membrane
• deep ingrowth of chorionic villi into the myometrium

195. Differential diagnosis of placenta accreta and placenta accreta

A. has no practical significance
V. is performed during the operation of manual separation of the placenta
S. the Crede-Lazarevich reception is performed
D. based on differences in blood loss volume
E. based on determining signs of placental separation

196. For what purpose do we measure the size of a large pelvis?

• By the size of the large pelvis we judge the size of the small pelvis
• By the size of the large pelvis we judge the thickness of the pelvic bones.
• by the size of the large pelvis we judge the degree of narrowing of the pelvis
• all answers are wrong
• To determine the thickness of soft tissues

197. The location of the placenta is considered normal:

A. 7 cm above the area of the internal pharynx. and higher
V. above the area of the internal pharynx by 5 cm.
S. above the area of the internal pharynx by 3 cm.
D. 2 cm above the area of the internal pharynx.
E. in the area of the internal pharynx

198. Define a diagonal conjugate:

• distance between the anterosuperior iliac spines
• distance between the middle of the upper edge of the symphysis and the suprasacral
• the distance between the anterosuperior iliac spine and the posterosuperior spine of
the same ilium
• distance between the promontory and the lower edge of the symphysis
• distance between the promontory and the posterosuperior iliac spine

199.What is the true conjugate if the outer conjugate is 20 cm.

• 10cm
• 11cm
• 12cm
• 9cm
• 15cm

200. The main causes of placenta accreta and placenta accreta include:
A. post-term pregnancy
B. late toxicosis of pregnancy
C. structural and morphological changes in the endometrium
D. hypertension, kidney disease
E. diabetes mellitus

201. Complete placenta previa is:

A. indication for cesarean section, only when combined with other relative indications
B. indication for cesarean section, only in unprepared birth canal
C. indication for cesarean section, only in the presence of bleeding
D. indication for cesarean section, only with a living fetus
E. absolute indication for cesarean section
202. . Premature abruption of a normally located placenta can manifest itself:
• late toxicosis of pregnant women
• profuse external bleeding
• threat of miscarriage
• severe abdominal pain, hypoxia or intrauterine fetal death
• cramping pain in the lower abdomen

203.What characterizes a birth tumor?

• swelling of the tissues of the presenting part of the fetus (head)
• hemorrhage under the periosteum
• bleeding under the skin
• hemorrhage on the face
• swelling of the face

204.What is asynclitic insertion of the head?

• when the sagittal suture is deviated towards the symphysis or promontory
• when the sagittal suture is located at the same distance from the pubis and
• when the small fontanel is lower than the large one
• when the large fontanelle is located along the pelvic axis
• when the small fontanelle is higher than the large one

205.Indicate the normal dimensions of the Michaelis rhombus:

• 14x10
• 10x9
• 10x11
• 13x13
• 11x11

206. Placenta previa is a pathology in which the placenta is located:

• in the body of the uterus
• in the lower segment of the uterus, partially or completely blocking the
internal os
• along the back wall of the uterus
• in the fundus of the uterus
• along the anterior wall of the uterus

207. Excessive uterine bleeding appeared for no apparent reason at 26-27 weeks of pregnancy.
There is no labor activity. What should you think about?
• about central presentation
• about lateral presentation
• about marginal presentation
• about low placental attachment
• about uterine rupture
208.What operation is indicated for true placenta accreta?
• manual separation of the placenta
• instrumental (curette) separation of placenta
• supravaginal amputation of the uterus
• hysterectomy
• curettage of the uterine cavity

209. After how long should one begin manual separation of the placenta in the absence of
• in 30 minutes
• After 1 hour
• In 2 hours
• in 4 hours
• in 3 hours

210. When examining the placenta, a defect was discovered. What's your tactic?
• instrumental examination of the uterine cavity
• manual examination of the uterine cavity
• external uterine massage
• introduction of cutting measures
• curettage of the uterine cavity

211. One of the characteristic symptoms determined during vaginal examination of women in
labor with premature abruption of a normally located placenta is:
A. tense amniotic sac
B. high position of the presenting part
C. pronounced birth tumor on the fetal head
D. swelling of the edges of the uterine os
E. roughness of shells

212. What are the normal sizes of a large pelvis?

• 22-25-28-15 cm
• 24-26-30-20 cm
• 26-28-30-20 cm
• 27-27-30-17 cm
• 22-24-26-22cm

213. The shoulder line is established in the left oblique size at the inlet of the small pelvis.
What size will the fetal head be at the pelvic inlet?
• in right oblique size
• in left oblique size
• in straight size
• in transverse dimension

214. The main complaint with placenta previa is:

A. for severe bursting pain in the abdomen
B. for cramping abdominal pain
C. for external bleeding
D. for pain in the epigastric region
E. to weak fetal movements
215. When establishing a true accreta during manual separation of the placenta:
• Immediately stop the manual separation operation and switch to laparotomy
with removal of the uterus
• undergo intensive blood replenishment therapy
• uterotonic drugs are administered
• carry out physical methods of hemostasis
• perform external-internal massage of the uterus

216.What is an external conjugate:

• distance between the anterosuperior iliac spines
• the distance between the middle of the upper edge of the symphysis and the
suprasacral fossa
• the distance between the anterior superior iliac spine and the posterior superior
iliac spine
• distance between the promontory and the lower edge of the symphysis
• distance between the wings of the ilium

217. Placenta previa is often combined with:

A. polyhydramnios
B. abnormalities of fetal development
C. anomaly of placenta attachment
D. overstretching of the lower segment of the uterus
E. late toxicosis

218. A woman in labor was admitted to the obstetric hospital with the diagnosis: - 1st term birth;
second stage of labor; premature detachment of a normally located placenta; intrapartum fetal
death. What to do:
A. delivery by cesarean section
B. fruit-destroying operation
C. prescription of labor-stimulating therapy
D. delivery by vacuum extraction of the fetus
E. delivery using obstetric forceps

219. The true conjugate is 8 cm. What is the degree of narrowing of the pelvis?
• 1st degree
• 2nd degree
• 3rd degree
• 4th degree
• No narrowing

220.If a pregnant woman has periodic bleeding, the presenting part is located high and soft
spongy tissue is felt above the pubis. What is the presumptive diagnosis?
• premature abruption of a normally located placenta
• placenta previa
• anatomical narrow pelvis
• polyhydramnios
• clinically narrow pelvis

221. Is this complete placenta previa?

• when the internal os is completely covered by the placenta
• when behind the internal os, next to the placental tissue, there are membranes
• when the lower edge of the placenta is located 7 cm from the internal os
• the edge of the placenta reaches the internal os
• when there is feto-placental insufficiency

222. What is typical for bleeding during placenta previa?

• begins in the first days of pregnancy
• accompanied by pain
• appear suddenly without pain
• uteroplacental hematoma is formed
• begin in the postpartum period

223. What does a positive sign of Vasten indicate?

• about the beginning of the period of exile
• about the full opening of the uterine pharynx
• about the discrepancy between the fetal head and the mother's pelvis
• about the threat of uterine rupture
• about the beginning of bleeding

224.The amniotic membranes consist of:

• 1 sheet

• 2 sheets

• 3 sheets

• 4 sheets

• 5 sheets

225. . Indicate all possible options for fetal position:

A. oblique and transverse
V. cephalic and pelvic
C. anterior and posterior
D. longitudinal, transverse, oblique
E. flexion and extension

226. What is the decidua formed from?

• from trophoblast
• from the basal layer of the endometrium
• from the functional layer of the endometrium
• from the basal and functional layers of the endometrium
• from chorion

227. The obstetric perineum means the area of tissue:

• between the posterior commissure and the coccyx
• between the posterior commissure and the anus
• between the anus and coccyx
• from the lower edge of the womb to the anus
• from the lower edge of the pubis to the coccyx

228. The direct size of the head, measured with a pelvis, is 12 cm. What is the estimated
gestational age?
• 36 weeks
• 38 weeks
• 40 weeks
• 42weeks
• 32 weeks

229.Which of the following hormones is not produced exclusively by the placenta:

• human chorionic gonadotropin
• progesterone
• gonadotropic hormones
• estrone
• estriol

230. When should a pregnant woman with a central presentation and no bleeding be delivered?
• at 32 weeks
• at 36 weeks
• at 38 weeks
• at 40 weeks
• at 42 weeks

231. Premature abruption of the placenta located on the anterior wall of the uterus is
characterized by:
• local tenderness
• cramping pain in the sacrum and lower back
• swelling of the lower extremities
• swelling of the anterior abdominal wall
• mucous discharge from the genital tract

232. The location of the placenta should be considered low if, during ultrasound of the uterus in
the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, its lower edge does not reach the internal os:
• by 11-12cm
• by 9-10 cm
• by 2-3 cm
• by 6-7cm
• by 12-14cm

233. To diagnose placenta previa, it is most advisable to use:

• radioisotope scintigraphy
• thermal imaging
• ultrasound scanning
• pelviography
• culdotomy

234. Inspection of the placenta is necessary in order to:

• make sure the integrity of the placenta
• determine the location of the rupture of the lobules
• count the number of slices
• determine the location of rupture of membranes
• determine the integrity of the umbilical cord

235. Embryopathies during intrauterine infection are most characteristic of infection

• mycotic
• bacterial
• viral
• parasitic
• protozoa

236. True placenta accreta:

• ingrowth of villi into the basal layer of the endometrium
• ingrowth of villi into muscle tissue
• ingrowth of villi into the compact layer of the decidua
• ingrowth of villi into the spongy layer of the endometrium
• ingrowth of villi into a neighboring organ

237. The concept of perinatal mortality means:

• death of a child during childbirth;

• fetal loss “around childbirth” - in the antenatal, intrapartum and early

neonatal period;

• stillbirth;

• antenatal fetal death;

• death of a child in the first 7 days of life.

238. Maximum stretching of the uterus occurs during pregnancy

• 20-26 weeks
• 27-30 weeks

• 31-36 weeks

• 37-39 weeks

• 40 weeks

239. The formation of the fetoplacental system, as a rule, ends

• by the 16th week of pregnancy;

• by the 20th week of pregnancy;

• by the 24th week of pregnancy;

• by the 28th week of pregnancy;

• by the 32nd week of pregnancy.

240. How does true post-term pregnancy differ from prolonged pregnancy?
• longer pregnancy duration
• disturbances in the condition of the fetus and pathological changes in the
• lack of readiness of the cervix for childbirth
• large uterus
• large fruit size

241. At 24 weeks of gestational age, the length of the fetus is:

• 30 cm;

• 24 cm;

• 18 cm;

• 12 cm;

• 35 cm.

242. At 32 weeks of gestational age, the length of the fetus is:

• 45 cm;

• 43 cm;

• 40 cm;

• 35 cm;

• 30 cm.
243. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus has a body weight:

• 500 g;

• 800 g;

• 1000 g;

• 1400 g;

• 1800

244. Differentiation of the external genitalia of the fetus occurs at gestational age:

• 13–20 weeks;

• 21–26 weeks;

• 27–34 weeks;

• 35–40 weeks;

• after birth

245. . Upon examination of the placenta, a defect was discovered. What's your tactic?

• instrumental examination of the uterine cavity

• manual examination of the uterine cavity
• external uterine massage
• introduction of cutting measures
• coldness in the lower abdomen

246.The criterion for the viability of a fetus (newborn) is the gestational age:

• 20 weeks;

• 22 weeks;

• 26 weeks;

• 28 weeks;

• 30 weeks.

247. The minimum growth of a viable fetus is:

• 30 cm;

• 32 cm;

• 35 cm;

• 50 cm;
• 55 cm.

248. What general effect do ionizing radiation, toxoplasmosis, and folic acid deficiency have on
the fetus?

• lead to abortion

• inhibit fetal hematopoiesis

• are teratogens

• only cause premature birth

• reduce hemoglobin

249. Dilatation of the cervix occurs as a result of:

• contraction of the uterine muscle in the fundus

• contraction of the uterine muscle in the lower segment

• lower segment distraction

• retraction of muscle fibers of the uterine body

• contraction, retraction and distraction of the muscle fibers of the uterine

body, lower segment and cervix

250. What is the main danger that a premature fetus is exposed to in the dynamics of premature

A. intrauterine hypoxia
B. aspiration of amniotic fluid
C. fracture of large bones
D. intracranial hemorrhage
E. cephalohematoma

251. The Silverman scale is used to assess a newborn:

• full term;

• premature;

• post-term;

• mature;

• with intrauterine growth retardation.

252. What type of fruit-destroying operation is used when the transverse position is neglected:
• craniotomy
• cleidotomy
• decapitation
• evisceration
• amniotomy

253. What explains the pain of contractions and the high incidence of soft tissue ruptures during
premature birth?

A. lack of proper readiness for childbirth and soft tissue rigidity

B. premature rupture of amniotic fluid
C. the strength of contractions
D.pressing soft tissues with the presenting part of the fetus
E. lack of a fitting belt

254. How to eliminate isthmic-cervical insufficiency during pregnancy?

A. prescribing antispasmodics
B. prescribing painkillers
C. prescribing drugs that reduce
uterine tone
D. operation of suturing the cervix
E. Prescribing hormones

256. What stage of abortion is characterized by complaints of pain in the lower abdomen,
preserved cervix and closed external os?
A. incomplete abortion
B. complete abortion
C. threatened miscarriage
D. abortion is in progress
E. incipient miscarriage

257. Corporal caesarean section is indicated:

• with pronounced adhesions
• with a scar on the uterus
• with placenta previa and transverse position of the fetus
• with pronounced varicose veins in the lower uterine segment
• with premature detachment

258. The main importance in the normal involution of the postpartum uterus is
A. natural feeding of a newborn
B.moderate physical activity
C. good sleep
D. diet of a postpartum mother
E. hygiene of the postpartum mother

259. Early labor is a premature process of expulsion of the contents of the uterine cavity through
the natural birth canal during gestation

A.22-37 weeks
B.26-32 weeks
S.28-32 weeks
D.28-33 weeks

260. Very early birth is a premature process of expulsion of the contents of the uterine cavity
through the natural birth canal during gestation:

A. 22-27 weeks
B. 26-32 weeks
C. 28-32 weeks
D. 28-33 weeks

261. The Silverman scale takes into account in a newborn:

• only external clinical signs;

• the depth of metabolic disorders;

• state of the cardiovascular system;

• renal dysfunction;

• liver dysfunction.

261. Aspiration syndrome is more often observed in fetuses

• mature;

• immature;

• full-term;

• premature;

• post-term;

262. how long do lochia in postpartum women have the character of bloody discharge?
A. several hours
B. 3-4 days
C. 1-2 days
D. 6-8 weeks
E. 1- week

263. The frequency of an anatomically narrow pelvis is

• 10-8%

• 7-6%

• 5-4%

• 3-2%

• Less than 2%

264. Dexamethasone is indicated for the treatment of threatened miscarriage in

hyperandrogenism of the following origin:

• adrenal origin;

• mixed origin ;

• ovarian origin;

• with genital infantilism;

• with abnormal development of the female genital organs.

265. A posterior view of the facial insertion, the head in the narrow part of the pelvis, was
diagnosed. What to do?

• C-section

• wait for spontaneous birth

• fruit-destroying operation

• stimulate labor

• obstetric forceps

266. Contraindications to the application of obstetric forceps:

• insufficiency of contractile activity of the uterus;

• threat of uterine rupture ;

• acute fetal hypoxia;

• stillbirth;

• fetal head on the pelvic floor.

267. When assessing the condition of a premature newborn using the Silverman scale, the
following are mainly taken into account:

• chest movement;

• retraction of intercostal spaces;

• participation in breathing of the wings of the nose;

• respiratory rate.

• Heart rate

268. Obstetric forceps are used:

• to eliminate the period of pushing;

• with severe secondary weakness of labor;

• with acute intrauterine fetal hypoxia;

• with chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia;

• with a narrow pelvis.

269. Dexamethasone, used to prevent respiratory distress syndrome in newborns, is prescribed


• 28 weeks;

• 32 weeks;

• 34 weeks;

• 36 weeks.

• 30 weeks

270. How common is breech presentation?

• 1-2%;

• 10-15%;

• 3-4%;

• 5-6%

• 8-9%

271. With the sudden appearance of edema, increased blood pressure in women in the second half
of pregnancy, one should suspect
A. large fruit
B. preeclampsia
C. polyhydramnios
D. multiple births
E. obesity

272. Name the indications for the application of obstetric forceps:

• secondary weakness of labor;

• threatening perineal rupture;

• acute fetal hypoxia;

• chronic fetal hypoxia;

• maternal heart defects without circulatory disorders.

273. A course of prevention of fetal respiratory distress is carried out:

A. 1 time
V. 5 times
S. 2 times
D. 3 times
E. 4 times

274. When prescribing tocolytic agents, it is necessary to monitor:

A. amount of blood loss
B. only for the condition of the fetus
S. only for the condition of the woman in labor
D. amount of fluid drunk
E. for the condition of the fetus and the woman in labor

275. In case of premature birth, to accelerate the synthesis of surfactant and prevent distress
syndrome, the following is used:
A. tocolytics
B. estrogens
C. progesterone
D. glucocorticoids (dexamethasone, betamethasone)
E. prostaglandins

276. For the operation of applying exit forceps, the following conditions are necessary:
• the opening of the cervix is complete;

• live fruit;

• absence of amniotic sac;

• the fetal head is located with a sagittal suture in the direct dimension of the exit

• Correspondence between the size of the pelvis and the fetus

277. Medical tactics for abortion in use:

• use of tocolytic therapy;

• conservation therapy;

• antibacterial therapy;

• instrumental removal of the ovum;

• wait-and-see tactics.

278. Stages of early spontaneous miscarriage:

• threatening, abortion in progress, complete abortion;

• threatening, begun, abortion in progress;

• threatening, in progress, abortion in progress, incomplete abortion;

• threatened, begun, abortion in progress, incomplete or complete abortion;

• threatening, incipient, undeveloped pregnancy, abortion in progress, complete


279. Application of obstetric forceps is indicated for:

• dead fetus;

• anatomically and clinically narrow pelvis;

• incomplete opening of the uterine os;

• threatening uterine rupture;

E. with a living fetus

280. Obstetric forceps are used:

• to eliminate the period of pushing ;

• with severe secondary weakness of labor;
• with acute intrauterine fetal hypoxia;
• with chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia;
• with a narrow pelvis.

281. When does the period of disclosure begin?

• since irregular contractions
• since regular contractions
• from the moment of pushing
• from the moment the waters poured out
• from the moment of nagging pain in the lower abdomen

282. Define contractions?

• periodic contractions of the uterine and striated abdominal muscles
• periodic contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus
• periodic contraction of the striated abdominal muscles
• contraction of the diaphragm
• myometrial muscle contractions

283. What is contraction?

• displacement of contracting muscle fibers relative to each other
• contraction of muscle fibers
• relaxation of muscle fibers
• displacement of muscle fibers relative to each other
• contraction of the diaphragm

284.What is retraction?
• displacement of contracting muscle fibers relative to each other
• contraction of muscle fibers
• relaxation of muscle fibers
• displacement of muscle fibers relative to each other
• contraction of the diaphragm

285.What is the first stage of labor?

• period of opening of the uterine pharynx
• period of intensification of contractions
• period of maintaining the integrity of the amniotic sac
• period of fetal head advancement
• period of increased pushing

286. What is the second stage of labor?

• period of opening of the uterine pharynx
• period of intensification of contractions
• period of maintaining the integrity of the amniotic sac
• period of fetal head advancement
• period the beginning of pushing, full dilatation of the cervix
287. Duration of the period of dilatation in a primigravida?
• 3-6 hours
• 6-8 hours
• 10-12 hours
• Until 20 o'clock
• 2-9 hours
288. Duration of the period of dilatation in a multiparous woman?
• Up to 6 hours
• Until 14h
• Till 12 o'clock
• Until 18 o'clock
• Up to 8 hours
289. Indicate at what opening of the uterine pharynx amniotic fluid normally flows out?
• 2 cm
• 6 cm
• 8 cm
• 10 cm
• 6cm

290. Duration of the 2nd stage of labor?

• 30 min
• 2 hours
• 3 hours
• 1 hour
• 15 minutes

291. When does a primigravida feel the first movement of the fetus?
• at 18 weeks
• at 19 weeks
• at 20 weeks
• at 21 weeks
• at 30 weeks

292. At what stage does a multipregnant woman feel the first movement of the fetus?
• at 18 weeks
• at 19 weeks
• at 20 weeks
• at 21 weeks
• at 30 weeks

293. When the contractile activity of the uterus is disrupted during childbirth, myometrial blood
A. increases
B. decreases
C. does not change
D. temporarily stopped
E. increases in some parts of the uterus, decreases in others.

294. What obstetric situation most predisposes to “asymptomatic”

Uterine rupture?
A. transverse position of the fetus
B. uterine scar after corporal cesarean section
C. clinically narrow pelvis
D. extensor insertion of the fetal head
E. anomalies of insertion of the fetal head

295. Cervical pregnancy should be differentiated (in the first months of pregnancy):
A. with uterine fibroids
B. with an ectopic pregnancy
C. with abortion in progress
D. chorionic presentation
E. with an incipient miscarriage

296. Definition of the term “pushing”?

• contraction of skeletal muscles
• contraction of uterine smooth muscle
• pain in the lower abdomen
• combination of contraction of uterine smooth muscle and skeletal muscle
• contraction of the diaphragm

297. When does the 1st stage of labor end?

• when irregular contractions occur
• when regular contractions occur
• when amniotic fluid ruptures
• with full dilation of the uterine pharynx
• when you experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen

298. What is the vertical size on the fetal head?

This distance:
• From the suboccipital fossa to the chin
• From the suboccipital fossa to the anterior corner of the greater fontanel
• From the suboccipital fossa to the border of the scalp of the forehead
• From the hyoid bone to the middle of the large fontanelle;
• From the suboccipital fossa to the forehead

299. What is the small oblique size of the fetal head?

• 10 cm, circumference 33 cm
• 9.5 cm, circumference 32 cm
• 12 cm, circumference 34 cm
• 13.5 cm, circumference 38 cm
• 19 cm, circumference 33 cm

300. What is the average oblique size of the fetal head?

• 10 cm, circumference 33 cm
• 9.5 cm, circumference 32 cm
• 12 cm, circumference 34 cm
• 13.5 cm, circumference 38 cm
• 12 cm, circumference 30 cm

301. What is the direct size of the fetal head?

• 10 cm, circumference 33 cm
• 9.5 cm, circumference 32 cm
• 12 cm, circumference 34 cm
• 13.5 cm, circumference 38 cm
• 11 cm, circumference 33 cm

302. What is the large oblique size of the fetal head?

• 10 cm, circumference 33 cm
• 9.5 cm, circumference 32 cm
• 12 cm, circumference 34 cm
• 13.5 cm, circumference 38 cm
• 12 cm, circumference 32 cm

303. What size does the head erupt in the anterior view of the occipital presentation?
• Large oblique size
• Small oblique size
• Medium oblique size
• Straight size
• Oblique size

304. What size does the head erupt in the posterior view of the occipital presentation?
• Large oblique size
• Small oblique size
• Medium oblique size
• Straight size
• Oblique size

305. What is a partogram?

• This is a graphic representation of the height of the uterine fundus
• This is a graphical image of a fetal CTG
• This is a graphic representation of the birth process
• This is a graphical representation of the gestational age of a fetus
• This is a graphic representation of the fetal heartbeat.

306. The latent phase of labor is:

• the period of cervical dilatation is from 0 to 2 cm.
• period of cervical dilatation from 0 to 6 cm.
• the period of cervical dilatation is from 4 cm to 5 cm.
• period of cervical dilatation more than 5 cm.
• the period of cervical dilatation is from 2 to 12 cm.

307. The active phase of labor is:

• the period of cervical dilatation is from 0 to 2 cm.
• period of cervical dilatation from 0 to 3 cm.
• the period of cervical dilation is from 6 cm to 10 cm.
• period of cervical dilatation from 10 cm. up to 12cm.
• the period of cervical dilatation is from 2 to 12 cm.

308.What should be done if there is no effect from the therapy for preeclampsia:
• Discharge in 2 weeks
• Continuing pregnancy to term
• Continue therapy
• Early delivery
• Prevent fetal SDD

309. When the uterine os is dilated to 4 cm, labor is good, the amniotic sac opens and amniotic
fluid flows out. What happened?

• premature rupture of membranes

• earlier opening of the amniotic sac
• delayed opening of the amniotic sac
• timely opening of the amniotic sac
• antenatal autopsy of the membranes

310. How to distinguish an attack of eclampsia from an epileptic seizure:

• according to the nature of the seizures
• by seizure duration
• due to unconsciousness
• by the presence of pregnancy and symptoms of hypertensive disorders
• by number of attacks

311. Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy are a complication that occurs:

• only during pregnancy
• with high prolactin levels
• with ovarian tumor
• with inflammation of the uterine appendages
• with developmental abnormalities

312. Eclampsia is characterized by:

• presence of tonic and clonic seizures
• absence of convulsive syndrome
• heat
• smell of acetone from the mouth
• positive symptom: Beating on the 9th rib

313. For the purpose of emergency delivery in case of eclampsia, the following is used:
• vacuum extraction of the fetus
• extraction of the fetus by the pelvic end
• C-section
• fruit-destroying operation
• obstetric forceps

314. Severe preeclampsia is distinguished from mild preeclampsia:

• blood pressure level
• severity of edema syndrome
• oliguria
• appearance of cerebral symptoms
• the appearance of protein in the urine

315. Anticonvulsant therapy for severe preeclampsia and eclampsia should:

• be terminated immediately after delivery
• be interrupted 6 hours after delivery
• carried out within 24 hours after delivery or last spasm
• carried out within 12 hours after birth or the last spasm
• be interrupted immediately after delivery after 2 hours

316. . Transverse position of the fetus. The first stage of labor, the amniotic fluid has broken.
What to do?
• stimulation of labor
• enter colpeirinter
• C-section
• let it flow independently
• apply obstetric forceps

317. The main factors for the birth of a large fetus include:

• diabetes
• arterial hypotension
• Rh sensitization
• late age of pregnancy
• hepatitis

318. In case of hemorrhagic shock, the main measures are aimed at:
• decrease in blood pressure
• replenishment of circulating blood volume
• determination of hemoglobin level
• kidney function test
• hematocrit determination

319. Frequent complication with transverse position of the fetus:

• polyhydramnios
• premature rupture of amniotic fluid
• fetal hypoxia
• weakness of labor
• oligohydramnios

320. When the transverse position is neglected and the fetus is dead, the following is indicated:

• C-section
• classic rotation of the fetus onto its leg
• extraction of the fetus by the pelvic end
• fruit-destroying operation
• application of obstetric forceps

321. What are pushing?

• contraction of skeletal muscles in the 1st period
• contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus in the second period
• pain in the lower abdomen in the latent phase
• combination of contraction of uterine smooth muscles and skeletal muscles in
the second period
• contraction of the diaphragm in the third period

322. In a patient with high blood pressure and proteinuria, severe headache is a symptom:
•mild preeclampsia
•moderate preeclampsia
•severe preeclampsia
•impending eclampsia
•gestational hypertension

323. With late gestosis, the amount of

• thromboxane;
• prostaglandin E;
• prostacyclin;
• leukocytes

324. With late gestosis, the content decreases

• prostacyclin;
• prostaglandin F2a;
• thromboxane;
• leukocytes

325. Prostacyclins have an effect

• vasoconstrictor;
• vasodilator;
• aggregation activity;
• vasospasm
• uterotonic

326. Prostacyclins affect platelets as follows

• increase aggregation;
• reduce aggregation;
• increases vascular permeability
• destroy the cell membrane
• have no influence.

327. Which bones of the skull are involved in the configuration during childbirth in the anterior
form of the occipital presentation:
• only occipital
• parietal and frontal
• occipital and parietal
• all the bones of the skull
• parietal only

328. In the anterior view of the occipital presentation, the head erupts with a small oblique size:
• 11 cm
• 10 cm
• 9.5
• 12 cm
• 13cm

329 . The first moment of the biomechanism of labor in anterior occipital presentation:
• flexion of the head
• head extension
• head lowering
• maximum head flexion
• internal rotation of the head

330. What size does the head erupt in the posterior view of the occipital presentation?
• 13 cm
• 9.5 cm
• 10 cm
• 12 cm
• 13cm

331. Which moment is not included in the biomechanism of labor in anterior occipital presentation:
• flexion of the head
• additional flexion of the head
• internal rotation of the head
• head extension
• internal rotation of the shoulders and external rotation of the head

332. Vaginal examination data: the head is presented in 4 planes, the sagittal suture is straight, in
front close to the pelvic axis - a small fontanel, a large one is unattainable. What moment of the
biomechanism of childbirth has ended?
• flexion of the head
• internal rotation of the head
• additional flexion of the head
• head extension
• internal rotation and extension of the fetal head

333. In what plane of the pelvis does the internal rotation of the head begin?
• in the plane of the entrance to the pelvis
• in the wide part of the pelvic cavity
• in the narrow part of the pelvis
• at the pelvic outlet
• during the transition from the narrow part to the pelvic outlet

334. The point of rotation of the fetal head in the posterior view of the occipital presentation is:
• occipital protuberance
• suboccipital fossa and border of the scalp of the forehead
• suboccipital fossa
• occipital protuberance and bridge of the nose
• border of the scalp of the forehead

335. In what sequence does the birth of the head occur:

• cutting in, then cutting through the head
• eruption, then cutting in the head
• only cutting in the head
• only eruption of the head
• insertion, then eruption of the head

336. With anterior view of the occipital insertion:

• the leading point is the large fontanel
• at the entrance to the pelvis the head undergoes extension
• the point of fixation is the occipital protuberance
• a generic tumor forms in the region of the posterior parietal bone
• the head is born in extension

337. Which bones of the skull are involved in the configuration during childbirth in the posterior
form of occipital presentation:
• parietal only
• only occipital
• parietal and frontal
• occipital and parietal
• frontal

338. Where will you find the small fontanelle during vaginal examination, if there is a posterior
view of the occipital presentation, 1st position and the fetal head is only pressed to the entrance
to the pelvis?
• rear right
• strictly behind
• rear left
• left
• front

339. The flexion of the head has ended. In what plane of the pelvis is the head located?
• in the plane of the entrance to the pelvis
• the head has not yet descended into the pelvic cavity
• in the wide part of the pelvic cavity
• in the narrow part of the pelvis
• at the pelvic outlet

340. Which insertion results in the formation of a birth tumor in the area of the small fontanel?
• with anterior view of the occipital insertion
• with a posterior view of the occipital insertion
• with frontal insertion
• with anterior cephalic insertion
• with front insertion

341. Internal rotation of the head:

• occurs in the wide part of the pelvis
• occurs on the pelvic floor
• starts at the wide part and ends at the pelvic floor
• occurs in the plane of the entrance to the pelvis
• begins at the introitus plane and ends at the pelvic floor

342. After completing the internal rotation of the head:

• an arrow-shaped suture is installed in the transverse dimension of the inlet to the
• an arrow-shaped suture is installed in the direct size of the pelvic outlet
• the back of the head is always facing forward
• an arrow-shaped suture is installed in the direct size of the entrance to the pelvis
• an arrow-shaped suture is installed in the oblique size of the entrance to the

343. Occipital presentation, anterior view, 2nd position:

• sagittal suture in the right oblique size, small fontanel on the right posterior
• sagittal suture in left oblique size, small fontanel left posteriorly
• sagittal suture in the right oblique size, small fontanel on the right anteriorly
• sagittal suture in transverse size, deflected posteriorly, small fontanel on the left
• sagittal suture in the left oblique size, small fontanel on the right anteriorly

344. The head is born in a circle corresponding to the average oblique size:
• with anterior view of the occipital insertion
• with anterior cephalic insertion
• with a posterior view of the occipital insertion
• with frontal insertion
• with front insertion

345. The head is born in a circle corresponding to a small oblique size:

• with anterior view of the occipital insertion
• with anterior cephalic insertion
• with a posterior view of the occipital insertion
• with frontal insertion
• with front insertion

346. Where will you find the small fontanel during vaginal examination, if there is a posterior
view of the occipital presentation, 2nd position and the fetal head is only pressed to the entrance
to the pelvis?
• rear right
• strictly behind
• rear left
• left
• front

347 . At what size does the fetal shoulder girdle erupt?

• direct
• right oblique
• transverse
• straight and transverse
• left oblique

348. Occipital presentation, posterior view, 1st position:

• sagittal suture in the right oblique size, small fontanel on the right posterior
• sagittal suture in left oblique size, small fontanel left posteriorly
• sagittal suture in the right oblique size, small fontanel on the right anteriorly
• sagittal suture in the left oblique size, small fontanel on the right anteriorly
• sagittal suture in transverse size, deflected anteriorly, small fontanel on the left
349. Short and weak regular contractions are characteristic of:
• preliminary period
• pathological preliminary period
• weakness of labor
• discoordinated labor
• tetanus uterus

350. Strong and prolonged contractions with short intervals are characteristic of:
• preliminary period
• pathological preliminary period
• weakness of labor
• discoordinated labor
• excessive labor

351. What are the indications for inducing labor:

• malposition
• discrepancy between the fetal head and the mother's pelvis
• weakness of labor
• placenta previa
• discoordinated labor

352. What is the total duration of rapid labor in multiparous women?

• 6 hours
• 5 o'clock
• 4 hours
• 2 hours
• 1 hour

353. Primary weakness of labor is:

• contractions are rare, irregular
• contractions are weak from the very beginning of labor
• contractions became weak after good labor
• contractions are frequent and short
• contractions are frequent, painful, prolonged

354. What is the total duration of labor during rapid labor in multiparous women?
• less than 6 hours
• less than 5 hours
• less than 4 hours
• less than 2 hours
• less than 1 hour

355. What is the total duration of rapid labor in a primigravida?

• 6 hours
• 5 o'clock
• 4 hours
• 2 hours
• 1 hour

356. What is the total duration of labor during rapid labor in a primigravida?
• less than 6 hours
• less than 5 hours
• less than 4 hours
• less than 2 hours
• less than 1 hour

357. Treatment of discoordinated labor does not include:

• use of sedatives
• use of painkillers
• administration of uterotonics
• administration of antispasmodics
• epidural anesthesia

358. The clinical manifestation of a reverse gradient in discoordinated labor is:

• convulsive contractions
• uterine fibrillation
• hypertonicity of the lower uterine segment
• uneven contraction of the right and left halves of the uterus
• retraction ring

359 . In case of excessively strong labor, the number of contractions in 10 minutes corresponds
• more than 4
• more than 6
• more than 3
• more than 5
• be in the range 2-5

360 . Uterine contractions follow one after another, there is no pause between them, which
corresponds to:
• active cervical dystocia
• uneven contraction of the right and left halves of the uterus
• tetany of the uterus
• passive cervical dystocia
• hypertonicity of the lower uterine segment

361. Using a partograph, the following is assessed:

• fetal condition
• speed of propagation of excitation in the uterus
• readiness of the cervix for childbirth
• nature of labor
• correspondence of head sizes to pelvic sizes

362. In case of discoordination of contractile activity of the uterus, intra-amniotic pressure

compared to the norm:
• increased
• downgraded
• not changed
• depending on the thickness of the uterine wall
• depends on the degree of incoordination

363. Secondary weakness of labor. The woman in labor is tired, the fetus is not suffering, the
insertion is correct. What to do?
• C-section
• medicated sleep
• labor stimulation
• obstetric forceps
• fruit-destroying operation

364 . Indications for prescribing pain medications in the first stage of labor are:
• cervical dilatation up to 4 cm
• weakness of labor
• discoordinated labor
• absence of amniotic sac
• at the request of the pregnant woman

365. With secondary weakness of labor, the number of contractions in 10 minutes corresponds
• 5 contractions or less
• 4 contractions or less
• 2 contractions or less
• 2-4 contractions
• 1 contraction

366. The duration of the pathological preliminary period is:

• 2-3 hours
• 3-4 hours
• 4-6 hours
• 6-8 hours
• more than 10 hours

367. The mechanism of adaptation during discoordinated labor is:

• increased levels of gestagens
• decreased blood supply to the uterus
• untimely rupture of amniotic fluid
• increased norepinephrine levels
• increased estrogen levels
368. When labor is weak, contractions have the following intensity:
• below 20 mmHg
• below 30 mmHg
• below 40 mmHg.
• below 50 mmHg
• below 60 mmHg.

369. The 1st stage of labor lasts 15 hours, the opening of the uterine pharynx is 5-6 cm, the
edges are thick, dense, the head is presented as a small segment at the entrance to the pelvis,
• C-section
• obstetric forceps
• intravenous administration of prostaglandins
• incisions on the cervix followed by intravenous administration of prostaglandins
• fruit-destroying operation

370. Cervical dystocia is:

• rigidity of cervical tissue due to scar changes of a traumatic nature
• rigidity of cervical tissue due to inflammatory cicatricial changes
• impending cervical rupture
• convulsive contractions
• impaired blood and lymph circulation due to the discoordinated nature of
uterine contractions

371. To treat weakness of labor, the following is used:

• estrogens
• antispasmodics
• uterotonic drugs
• gestagens
• painkillers

372. The pathological preliminary period is characterized by contractions:

• irregular, weak, slightly painful
• irregular, weak, painless
• regular, weak, painful
• irregular, weak, painful for 1-6 hours
• irregular, painful for more than 6 hours

373. Tactics of labor management in the posterior view of the facial insertion, when the head is
in the second plane of the small pelvis.
• C-section
• fruit-destroying operation
• stimulate labor
• obstetric forceps
• vacuum extractor
374. A birth tumor in the area of the large fontanelle occurs:
• with front insertion
• with asynclitic insertion
• with frontal insertion
• with occipital insertion
• with anterior cephalic insertion

375. Wiring point for facial presentation:

• hyoid bone
• chin
• edge of a large fontanel
• upper jaw
• nose
376. With Naegele asynclitism:

• the small fontanel is located at the same distance from the womb and the cape
• sagittal suture at equal distances from the pubis and promontory
• sagittal suture is deflected towards the pubis
• the large fontanel is located along the pelvic axis
• the swept seam is deflected towards the cape

377. With Litzmann’s asynclitism:

• the small fontanel is located at the same distance from the womb and the cape
• the sagittal suture is deviated towards the symphysis
• the swept seam is deflected towards the cape
• the large fontanel is located along the pelvic axis
• sagittal suture is deflected towards the pubis

378. Is independent childbirth possible in a facial presentation?

• in front view
• in rear view
• in front and rear view
• independent childbirth is impossible
• with asynclitic insertion

379. A common complication in the first stage of labor with multiple births:
• premature abruption of a normally located placenta
• weakness of labor
• fetal asphyxia
• excessive labor
• birth injuries

380. Childbirth through the birth canal with frontal presentation:

• possible
• impossible
• requires an individual approach
• depends on the weight of the fetus
• depends on the size of the pelvis

381. What characterizes a threatening perineal rupture?

• Severe hyperextension
• The presence of hyperemia or cyanosis of the skin of the perineum
• The appearance of cyanosis, swelling or paleness of the skin of the
• Bloody discharge when pushing from the genital opening
• The appearance of bleeding from the birth canal

382. What does the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina indicate when the fetus is in
a transverse position during the period of expulsion?
• About premature detachment of a normally located placenta
• About the beginning of cervical rupture
• About the beginning of uterine rupture
• About the threat of uterine rupture
• About a wall rupture

383. Lochia is
• postpartum uterine discharge
• wound secretion of the postpartum uterus
• decidual compartment
• release of placental remains
• separation of shells

384. With what insertion the fetal head is born with a straight size:
• with anterior view of the occipital insertion
• with a posterior view of the occipital insertion
• with frontal insertion
• with anterior cephalic insertion
• with a transverse position of the fetus
385. What identifying features are used to diagnose anterior cephalic insertion:
• large fontanel below small
• only by small fontanelle
• along the posterior corner of the large fontanel
• only along the swept seam
• along the lambdoid suture

386. The main feature of childbirth with anterior cephalic presentation:

• long period of 1st stage of labor
• long duration of the 2nd stage of labor
• long period of 3rd stage of labor
• quick birth
• the small fontanel is born first
387. With anterior cephalic insertion
• at the entrance to the small pelvis the head bends
• in the pelvic cavity the head turns with the back of the head anterior
• the head erupts while flexing
• the head bends and then extends
• the head is born straight size
388. The average volume of amniotic fluid at the end of pregnancy is:
• 100ml
• 500ml
• 800ml
• 1500ml
• 300 ml

389. In what presentation should the head pass through the pelvic cavity with its large oblique
• with anterior view of occipital presentation
• with posterior view of occipital presentation
• with anterior cephalic presentation
• with frontal presentation
• with facial presentation

390. What can you think about if a pregnant woman at the end of pregnancy complains of a
feeling of heaviness and pressure in the lower abdomen, sometimes slight pain. Scanty mucous
discharge appeared from the genital tract:
• about the beginning of labor
• about the harbingers of childbirth
• about premature termination of pregnancy
• about some other serious complication
• about rupture of amniotic fluid

391. What signs characterize the state of readiness of a pregnant woman’s body for childbirth:
• ripening cervix
• 4th degree of cervical maturity and positive oxytocin test
• negative oxytocin test
• cervical immaturity
• 1st degree of cervical maturity

392. What is the absolute shortness of the umbilical cord?

• umbilical cord length 50cm
• umbilical cord length 37cm
• umbilical cord length 40cm
• umbilical cord length 48cm
• umbilical cord length 5 cm
393. The most common form of chronic glomerulonephritis in pregnant women is:
A. latent
B. mixed
C. hypertensive
D. with pronounced clinical symptoms
E. nephrotic

394. Why does the height of the uterine fundus decrease somewhat at the end of physiological
• Due to the absorption of amniotic fluid and a decrease in the volume of the uterus
• Due to the descent of the presenting part into the relaxed lower uterine
• Due to contraction of the uterus
• Due to decreased fetal weight
• Due to a decrease in the volume of the uterus

395. The uterus after the third stage of labor has a mass of about:
• 500-600 gr.
• 700-800 gr.
• 1000 – 1200 gr.
• 1400 – 1600 gr.
• 100 -110 gr

396. In which layer does the placenta detach from the uterine wall?
• in spongy
• in a compact
• in the muscular
• in the basal
• in the serous

397. What is the Reino-Porro operation?

• C-section
• caesarean section if there is a scar on the uterus
• caesarean section followed by hysterectomy
• vaginal caesarean section
• caesarean section with longitudinal incision

398. What is not typical for a 28-week pregnancy?

A. the fetus may be viable
B. fruit weight 1000 g
C. lecithin to sphingomyelin ratio less than 2:1
D. absence of the second type of pulmonary fetal cells
E. fruit weight 600 g.
399. Which symptom described below does not indicate a potential danger and does not require
emergency assistance for a pregnant woman?
A. vaginal bleeding
B. sudden headache
WITH . swelling of ankles and feet
D. blurred vision
E. discharge of fluid from the vagina

400. Which insertion results in a “tower” head shape?

• with front insertion
• with frontal insertion
• with occipital insertion
• with anterior cephalic insertion
• with breech presentation

401. What is the point of fixation in the anterior type of facial presentation?
• hyoid bone
• suboccipital fossa
• edge of a large fontanel
• upper jaw
• lower jaw

402. A vaginal examination revealed a frontal suture, on one side along its course there is a large
fontanel, on the other - the root of the nose. What insert is this?

• occipital

• anterior cephalic

• facial

• frontal

• gluteal

403. What complication in the 2nd stage of labor is most typical for frontal insertion?

• secondary weakness of labor

• untimely rupture of amniotic fluid

• clinical narrow pelvis

• intrauterine fetal hypoxia

• prolapse of umbilical cord loops

404. How does the pattern of the fetal heartbeat change under the influence of pushing?
• does not change

• sharply increases in frequency

• slows down by 10-15 beats per minute

• becomes arrhythmic

• heartbeat disappears

405. Where will you find the small fontanelle during vaginal examination, if there is a posterior
view of the occipital presentation, 1st position and the fetal head is only pressed to the entrance
to the pelvis?

• rear right

• strictly behind

• rear left

• left

• on right

406. The flexion of the head has ended. In what plane of the pelvis is the head located?

• in the plane of the entrance to the pelvis

• in the wide part of the pelvic cavity

• in the narrow part of the pelvis

• at the pelvic outlet

• the head was born

407. Where is progesterone formed in the first 3 months of pregnancy?

• in the placenta

• in the yellow body

• in the adrenal glands of a pregnant woman

• in the fetal adrenal glands

• in follicles
408. What is the weight of a full-term mature fetus?

• 1000g

• 3000g

• 2500g or more

• 1370g

• 3500 gr

409. The head is inserted:

• when the leading part is above the pelvic inlet

• when the leading part is at the level of the entrance to the pelvis

• when the biparietal diameter has passed the entrance to the pelvis

• when the biparietal diameter is at the height of the ischial spine

• when the biparietal size is at the level of the pelvic inlet

410. Postpartum lochia is:

• discharge of blood clots

• wound secretion of the postpartum uterus

• decidual compartment

• first menstruation

• last menstruation

411. Inspection of the placenta is necessary in order to:

• make sure the placenta is intact

• determine the location of the rupture of the lobules

• count the number of slices

• examine the umbilical cord

• make sure the fruit shells are present

412. What period of labor begins immediately after the birth of the fetus?

• Early postpartum

• trailing

• late postpartum

• period of exile

• opening period

413. First application of a newborn to the breast:

• immediately after birth

• In 2 hours

• in 12 hours

• in 6-8 hours

• on the first day

414. What is the lower uterine segment formed from?

• from the lower uterus

• from the isthmus

• from the cervix

• from the body of the uterus

• from the cervix and body of the uterus

415. Indicate what should be the treatment for atonic bleeding:

• manual examination of the uterine cavity

• external-internal massage of the uterus on a fist

• uterus removal

• laparotomy and ligation of great vessels

• intravenous oxytocin
416. Specify the most likely cause of bleeding in the afterbirth period if the blood flows in a
bright, continuous stream?

• Hypotony of the uterus

• Remains of placental tissue in the uterine cavity

• Trauma to the soft birth canal

• Uterine atony

• Blood clotting disorders

417. At what point during the expulsion period does perineal rupture often occur?

• When cutting into the head

• When the head erupts

• At the birth of the anterior shoulder

• At birth hangers

• At birth of the pelvic end

418. Why does the progesterone level in the body drop at the end of pregnancy?

• Due to the death of the corpus luteum

• Due to decreased production of progesterone in the placenta

• Due to changes in the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland

• Due to a decrease in the production of luteinizing hormone in the pituitary gland

• Due to the increase in production of F.S.G. in the pituitary gland

419.The lateral conjugate is:

• Distance between the anterosuperior iliac spines

• Distance between the middle of the upper edge of the symphysis and the
suprasacral fossa

• The distance between the anterosuperior iliac spine and the

posterosuperior spine of the same iliac spine
• Distance between the promontory and the lower edge of the symphysis

• Distance between the suprasacral fossa and the anterosuperior iliac spine

420. Indicate what does not determine the frequency of complications after restoration of the
integrity of the perineum from the points listed below:

• Duration of labor and anhydrous interval

• Perineal dissection method

• Perineal reconstruction method

• Quality of suture care in the postoperative period

• Amount of blood lost

421. What is incomplete breech presentation of the fetus?

• Both legs of the fetus are presented

• One leg of the fetus is presented

• Fetal buttocks present

• The fetal knees are presented

• Fetal stacks and buttocks are presented

422. Which complication of the transverse position of the fetus is most dangerous for the mother:

• Weakness of labor

• infection

• uterine rupture

• formation of genitourinary fistulas

• cervical rupture

423. What is the most dangerous complication for the mother when the fetus turns on its leg?

• infection

• uterine rupture
• cervical rupture

• spasm of the internal pharynx;

• perineal rupture

424. In the postpartum period, the size of the uterus decreases to the size of a non-pregnant
uterus through:

• 8 weeks

• 10 weeks

• 16 weeks

• 20 weeks

• 12 weeks

425. What follows the operation of combined obstetric rotation of the fetus?

• Conduct childbirth with breech presentation with the provision of appropriate


• Hang the weight on the leg

• Extract the fetus by the pelvic end

• Conduct labor expectantly

• Start labor stimulation

426. In what cases is independent delivery of a full-term fetus impossible?

• With a generally uniformly narrowed pelvis, 1st degree. narrowing

• With 3-4 degree narrowing of the pelvis

• With a transversely narrowed pelvis

• With 1 degree of pelvic narrowing

• With a flat-rachitic pelvis.

427. Which method of delivery to choose for breech presentation with a fetal weight of 3800.0
• Independent childbirth

• C-section

• Removing the fetus by the pelvic end

• Labor induction with oxytocin

• Classic manual manual

428. Indications for corporal caesarean section:

• Incipient fetal hypoxia

• Central presentation of the fetus

• Narrow pelvis 4 degrees

• Persistent weakness of labor

• Advanced transverse position of the fetus

429. Oxytocin test is:

• intravenous test of uterine sensitivity to oxytocin

• determining the level of oxytocin in the blood

• determining the level of oxytocin in urine

• intradermal test of uterine sensitivity to oxytocin

• intramuscular test for the sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin

430. At what opening of the uterine pharynx do amniotic fluid normally flow out?

• 3 – 4 cm.

• 6 – 7 cm.

• 10 cm.

• 12 – 13 cm.

• until the throat opens

431. Choose the optimal management tactics if there is a lack of fetal advancement with
adequate labor:

• delivery using obstetric forceps

• C-section

• administration of oxytocin

• administration of prostaglandins
• vaakum-extraction of the fetus

432. What period of labor are we talking about if a vaginal examination reveals complete
dilatation of the uterine pharynx, but the amniotic sac is intact?

• opening period

• start of the opening period

• end of exile period

• beginning of the period of exile

• start of first period

433. What period are we talking about if a vaginal examination reveals: the cervix is smoothed,
the opening of the uterine pharynx is 5 cm?

• opening period

• period of exile

• the opening period has ended

• start of the opening period

• end of first first period

434. What period are we talking about if a woman in labor with repeated labor has regular active
contractions every 2-3 minutes for 40-50 seconds, which began 6 hours ago?

• beginning of the period of exile

• there are harbingers of labor

• the opening period has ended

• the period of exile ended

• start of first period

435. The most severe complication in childbirth with breech presentation is:

• untimely release of water

• weakness of labor
• throwing back the fetal arms
• umbilical cord prolapse
• prolapse of the leg

436. During breech presentation, the fetus experiences hypoxia from the moment:
• birth of the torso
• birth to the umbilical ring
• when cutting into the buttocks
• at birth to the angles of the shoulder blades
• emergence of regular activities

437. For purely breech presentation the following is used:

• Tsovyanov's method

• classic manual manual

• extraction by the pelvic end

• fetal rotation

• obstetric forceps

438. The Tsovyanov manual promotes:

• release of the shoulder girdle

• transferring leg presentation to mixed breech

• releasing the head

• maintaining normal fetal position

• the fastest completion of labor

439. Wiring point for breech presentation:

• anterior buttock

• rear buttock

• front leg

• hind leg

• sacrum

440. Internal rotation of the buttocks occurs:

• at the entrance to the pelvis

• in the wide part of the pelvis

• in the narrow part of the pelvis

• at the pelvic outlet

• in the first plane of the pelvis

441. Complications in the first stage of labor with breech presentation:

• weakness of labor

• tilting the head

• perineal rupture

• throwing back the handles

• uterine rupture

442. It is not typical for breech presentation during external obstetric examination:

• high position of the uterine fundus

• voting part in the fundus of the uterus

• fetal heartbeat, best heard above the umbilicus

• voting part above the entrance to the pelvis

• high position of the presenting part

443. The first moment of the biomechanism of labor during breech presentation is:
• internal rotation of the buttocks
• lowering of the buttocks
• flexion of the head
• internal rotation of hangers
• lumbar flexion

444. In case of breech presentation in the 1st stage of labor the following is indicated:

• performing early amniotomy

• creating medicated sleep

• preserving the amniotic sac as long as possible

• activation of labor from the very beginning of labor

• caesarean section operation

445.The most common etiological factor for the occurrence of breech presentation of the fetus is:

• multiple pregnancy

• uterine malformations

• fetal deformities

• change in the plastic tone of the lower segment of the uterus

• placenta previa

446. Among breech presentations, the most favorable is:

• mixed gluteal

• foot presentation anterior view

• pure breech anterior view

• foot presentation posterior view

• pure breech presentation posterior view

447. The most unfavorable of breech presentations is considered to be:

• pure gluteal

• incomplete leg

• full leg

• mixed gluteal

• knee

448. Shape of the head in newborns born in breech presentation:

• dolichocephalic

• spherical

• brachycephalic

• wrong

• tower
449. The point of fixation on the head during labor with breech presentation is:

• anterior angle of the greater fontanel

• suboccipital fossa

• occipital protuberance

• middle of a large fontanel

• glabella

450. Pressing the umbilical cord during childbirth during breech presentation begins from the

• umbilical ring birth

• birth of the buttocks

• birth of the trunk to the lower angle of the anterior scapula

• internal rotation of the head

• cutting into the buttocks

451. Breech presentation of the fetus is:

• Variant of the norm

• pathology

• borderline state

• defective

• abnormal condition

452. Which complication is considered not typical for the first stage of labor with a breech
presentation of the fetus:

• untimely or early discharge of water

• weakness of labor

• loss of fetal legs

• traumatic injury to the fetus

• prolapse of umbilical cord loops

453. Which complication is considered not typical for the second stage of labor with a breech
presentation of the fetus:

• rear view formation

• throwing back the handles

• head extension

• premature rupture of amniotic fluid

• primary weakness of labor

454. The following are starting to provide benefits for Tsovyanov:

• after birth of the fetus to the lower angle of the shoulder blades

• from the moment of cutting into the buttocks

• after the birth of the fetus to the navel

• after eruption of the buttocks

• from the moment of eruption of the buttocks

455. Indications for caesarean section for breech presentation of the fetus do not include:

• fetal weight more than 3500-3600

• breech presentation

• narrow pelvis

• pure breech presentation

• prolapse of umbilical cord loops

456. With leg presentation in modern obstetrics, the operation of choice is:

• Tsovyanov's manual

• classic manual manual

• extraction of the fetus by the pelvic end

• C-section

• episiotomy

457. What is the advantage of correct positioning of the fetus in a pure breech presentation:

• bent head

• fetal legs prevent arms from tilting back

• the volume of the chest is greater than the volume of the head

• head in an extended state

• loss of small parts of the fetus

458. What is not mandatory when managing the 11th stage of labor with breech presentation:

• administration of atropine

• perineo- or episiotomy

• prophylactic administration of oxytocin

• use of beta mimetics

• labor pain relief

459. The classic manual aid for breech presentation includes:

• conversion of leg presentation to mixed breech

• maintaining normal fetal position

• release of the shoulder girdle

• lowering the legs

• extraction of the fetus by the pelvic end

460. With mixed breech presentation:

• provide benefits for Tsovyanov

• the fetus is removed by the pelvic end

• use a classic manual manual

• apply forceps to the pelvic end

• allow labor to proceed independently

461. A contraindication for external obstetric rotation cannot be:

• fetal mobility in the uterus

• uterine scar
• placenta previa

• severe preeclampsia

• premature placental abruption

462.A woman receives prenatal leave during pregnancy

• 3O weeks

• 32 weeks

• 35 weeks

• 28 weeks

• 34 weeks

463. The main task of psychoprophylactic preparation of a pregnant woman for childbirth is

• clarification of the influence of environmental factors on the course of pregnancy

and fetal development

• familiarization with the basics of hygiene regime and nutrition of pregnant


• explanation of the physiological essence of childbirth and the course of the

postpartum period

• elimination of the psychogenic component of labor pain

• familiarization of pregnant women with the structure and functions of the genital
organs, the clinical course of childbirth

464. Psychoprophylactic preparation of pregnant women for childbirth begins

• from 12 weeks

• from 15-16 weeks

• from 2O-22 weeks

• from 26-28 weeks

• from 30-32 weeks

465. First- and multi-pregnant women begin to feel fetal movements, respectively

• from 16 and 14 weeks

• from 18 and 16 weeks

• from 2O and 18 weeks

• from 22 and 2O weeks

• from 24 and 22 weeks

466. To clarify the 30-week pregnancy period, you can use

• x-ray method

• Ultrasound

• ECG and FCG of the fetus

• amnioscopy

• cytological method

467. Piskacek’s sign belongs to the group

• possible signs of pregnancy

• doubtful signs of pregnancy

• probable signs of pregnancy

• reliable signs of pregnancy

• biological sign of pregnancy

468. The Horwitz-Hegar sign belongs to the group

• possible signs of pregnancy

• doubtful signs of pregnancy

• probable signs of pregnancy

• reliable signs of pregnancy

• cytological sign of pregnancy

469. The appearance of colostrum belongs to the group:

• probable signs of pregnancy

• possible signs of pregnancy

• doubtful signs of pregnancy

• reliable signs of pregnancy

• biological sign of pregnancy

470. What is not an emergency indication for caesarean section?
• Threat of uterine rupture.
• Premature abruption of a normally located placenta.
• Narrowing of the pelvis 3-4 degrees.
• Persistent weakness of labor.
• Placental abruption.

471. What treatment for incoordination of labor is erroneous?

• Sedatives
• Stimulants
• Antispasmodics
• Obstetric anesthesia
• Paracervical novocaine anesthesia.

472. Questionable signs of pregnancy include

• palpation of fetal parts, listening to fetal heart sounds

• Ultrasound and X-ray registration of fetal images, registration of fetal cardiac


• cessation of menstruation, cyanosis of the vaginal mucosa, changes in the size,

shape and consistency of the uterus

• changes in appetite, olfactory sensations, morning sickness, mood instability

• positive biological and immunological reactions to pregnancy

473. A questionable sign of pregnancy is:

• registration of fetal movements

• positive immunological reaction to pregnancy

• change in appetite

• registration of fetal heart sounds

• ultrasound recording of fetal images

474. A reliable sign of pregnancy is

• changes in the shape, size and consistency of the uterus

• nausea, vomiting in the morning

• cyanosis of the vaginal mucosa

• positive biological reaction

• palpation of fetal parts

475. The appearance of Horwitz-Geghar and Gubarev-Gaus signs during early pregnancy is due

• asymmetry of the uterus

• contraction of the uterus during palpation

• enlarged uterus

• softening of the uterine body

• softening of the isthmus of the uterus

476. Snegirev’s sign for diagnosing early pregnancy is:

• in uterine asymmetry

• in softening the isthmus

• in the flexure of the uterus

• in contraction of the uterus during palpation

• in easy displacement of the cervix

477. Piskacek’s sign for diagnosing early pregnancy is:

• in uterine asymmetry

• in an increased bend of the uterus anteriorly

• in softening the isthmus of the uterus

• in contraction of the uterus during palpation

• in easy displacement of the cervix

478. Biological methods for diagnosing pregnancy include

• reaction of Simola and Nervenen

• reaction of Florence and Feulgen

• Aschheim-Tsondek, Galli-Mainini, Friedman reaction

• reactions with the "gravidodiagnosticum" and "gravimune" kits

• Coombs reaction

479. The immunological method for diagnosing early pregnancy is based on the reaction
• progesterone in the blood and antiserum

• human chorionic gonadotropin in urine and antiserum

• pregnanediol and antiserum

• estrogen and antiserum

• placental lactogen and antiserum

480. Diagnosis of pregnancy using the Aschheim-Tsondek reaction is based on the appearance

• growth of follicles in rabbits under the influence of human chorionic

gonadotropin in the urine of pregnant women

• luteinization of follicles in rabbits under the influence of estrogens in the urine of

pregnant women

• luteinization of follicles in infantile female mice under the influence of


• sperm in the cloaca of male frogs under the influence of human chorionic
gonadotropin in the urine of pregnant women

• hemorrhages into the cavity of the follicles and their luteinization in infantile
female mice under the influence of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine of
pregnant women

481. The most common kidney disease in pregnant women is:

A. glomerulonephritis
B. urolithiasis
C. hydronephrosis
D. kidney tumors
E. pyelonephritis

482. Antibacterial drugs for the treatment of pyelonephritis in the first trimester of pregnancy:
B. penicillin antibiotics
C. nitrofurans series
D. cephalosporins
E. sulfonamides

483. The optimal method of delivery for pyelonephritis:

A. planned caesarean section
B. caesarean section during childbirth
C. vaginal delivery without shortening the expulsion period
D. vaginal delivery with shortening of the expulsion period by perineotomy
E. vaginal delivery with shortening of the expulsion period by applying obstetric forceps

484. The most common complication of pregnancy with glomerulonephritis:

A. development of preeclampsia
B. acute renal failure
C. premature abruption of a normally located placenta
D. premature birth
E. malnutrition and hypoxia of the fetus
485. The period of pregnancy at which pain syndrome most often occurs due to urolithiasis:
A. 38–40 weeks
B. 20–27 weeks
C. 32–36 weeks
D. 8–12 weeks
E. 28–32 weeks

486. The most common liver disease associated with pregnancy is:
A. viral hepatitis A
B. acute fatty hepatosis
C. cholecystitis
D. viral hepatitis B
E. cholestatic hepatosis

487. Scope of surgical treatment of peritonitis after cesarean section:

A. colpotomy
B. hysterectomy without appendages
C. extirpation of the uterus with tubes and drainage of the abdominal cavity
D. supravaginal amputation of the uterus and drainage of the abdominal cavity
E. diagnostic laparoscopy

488. Lactostasis is characterized by:

A. significant engorgement of the mammary glands
B. significant engorgement of one breast
C. symptoms of intoxication
D. free milk separation
E. moderate engorgement of the mammary glands

489. The indicator of the end of the second stage of labor is:
A. lowering the presenting part into the pelvis
B. pushing
C. internal rotation of the head
D. birth of the fetus
E. birth of placenta

490. The most common cause of early spontaneous abortion is:

A. Rh factor incompatibility
B. heavy lifting, injury
C. chromosomal abnormalities
D. infections
E. isthmic-cervical insufficiency

491. Estimated due date, if the 1st day of the last menstruation is January 10:
A. September 6
B. October 17
C. November 11
D. December 21
E. October 3

492. The development of feto-placental insufficiency often results from:

A. preeclampsia in pregnancy
B. kidney disease
C. hypertension
D. anemia of pregnancy
E. obesity

493. The most common cause of jaundice in newborns on the 2nd or 3rd day:
A. blood group incompatibility
B. physiological jaundice
C. septicemia
D. syphilis
E. drugs

494. The most common cause of maternal mortality in eclampsia:

A. kidney failure
B. cerebral hemorrhage
C. pulmonary edema
D. infection
E. cerebral edema

495. A 26-year-old woman came to the FMC with complaints of delayed menstruation for 2
months and slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen. A vaginal examination reveals a uterus
enlarged to 8 weeks of pregnancy, the cervical canal is closed, and the appendages are
unremarkable. Your diagnosis:
A. threatened miscarriage
B. non-developing pregnancy
C. ectopic pregnancy
D. uterine fibroids
E. incomplete abortion

496. Early postpartum period. Blood loss is 250 ml, bleeding continues. The uterus is at the level
of the navel, soft. After external massage, the uterus contracted, but then relaxed again. Blood loss
was 400 ml, the woman turned pale, dizziness appeared, blood pressure = - 90/50 mm Hg. Art.,
pulse - 100 per minute. Your tactics:
A. start blood transfusion
B. perform external-internal massage of the uterus
C. examine the birth canal
D. apply terminals according to Baksheev
E. administer uterine contractants

497. A woman in labor is in the 3rd stage of labor, a fetus weighing 3500 g was born. Bloody
discharge from the genital tract suddenly increased, blood loss reached 500 ml. Your tactics:
A. put ice on the lower abdomen
B. perform manual separation and discharge of the placenta
C. identify signs of placenta separation
D. begin to excrete the placenta using external methods
E. catheterize the bladder
498. Third day of the postpartum period. Body temperature is 38.2°C, the postpartum woman
complains of pain in the mammary glands. Pulse - 86 per minute, the mammary glands are
significantly and evenly hardened, sensitive to palpation, droplets of milk are released from the
nipples when pressed. Your tactics:
A. limit drinking
B. immobilize the chest
C. empty the breast by expressing or using a breast pump
D. prescribe a laxative to the postpartum woman
E. compress on the mammary glands

499. A 28-year-old woman in labor gave birth to a live, full-term boy weighing 3900 g and length
53 cm. At the birth of the child, the heart rate is 120 per minute, the skin is pink, rhythmic breathing
is 16 per minute, reflexes are lively, hypertonicity. What Apgar score can be given to a newborn?
A. 2-3 points
B. 4-5 points
C. 5-7 points
D. 8-9 points
E. 9-10 points

500. A multipregnant woman with a gestational age of 32 weeks was admitted to the pregnancy
pathology department. Transverse position of the fetus, complaints of nagging pain in the lower
abdomen. The uterus is excitable. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, up to 140 per minute.
During vaginal examination: the cervix is slightly shortened, the cervical canal allows the tip of
the finger to pass through, the presenting part is not determined. Obstetric tactics:
A. caesarean section
B. external rotation of the fetus
C. measures aimed at maintaining pregnancy
D. induction of labor followed by external-internal rotation of the fetus and
E. amniotomy

A positive test (small test) with dexamethasone indicates that:

• The source of hyperandrogenism is the ovaries
• The source of hyperandrogenism is the adrenal glands
• Hyperandrogenism is associated with pituitary adenoma
• Hyperandrogenism is caused by adrenal corticosteroma
• Hyperandrogenism associated with ovarian tumor

• The therapeutic and diagnostic effect of dexamethasone for hyperandrogenism is due to:
• Suppression of ovarian function
• Suppression of adrenal function
• Inhibition of ACTH production
• Acceleration of androgen inactivation
• Inhibition of pituitary function

• To restore generative function during gonadal dysgenesis, it is necessary:

• Long-term cyclic therapy with sex hormones
• Ovulation stimulation
• Functional diagnostic tests
• Wedge resection of the ovaries
• Restoring generative function is hopeless.

4) Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is called:

A. bleeding caused by changes in the uterus
B. bleeding due to inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages
C. due to a violation of the rhythmic secretion of ovarian hormones
D. bleeding from the genital tract due to Werlhoff's disease E. bleeding caused by an incipient

5) The most common mechanism for the development of dysfunctional uterine bleeding in the
juvenile period is: A. hypoluteinism B. persistence of the follicle
C. follicular atresia
D. hyperprolactinemia E. disorders in the blood coagulation system

6) The most informative way to assess the functional state of the ovaries is:
A. measurement of basal temperature
B. symptom of cervical mucus tension C. aspiration curettage
D. laparoscopy
E. Hysteroscopy

7) Using functional diagnostic tests (FDT), it is impossible to determine: A. two-phase menstrual

cycle B. level of estrogen saturation of the body
C. presence of ovulation
D. fullness of the luteal phase of the cycle
E. hormone-producing ovarian tumor

8) An anovulatory menstrual cycle with follicular atresia is characterized by:

A. amenorrhea
B. algomenorrhea
C. oligoamenorrhea
D. proyomenorrhea
E. hypomenorrhea

9) Conditions for carrying out cyclic hormone therapy in patients with menstrual irregularities
are: A. preliminary consultation with a neurologist B. preliminary consultation with a therapist
C. the use of a minimum amount of estrogens, taking into account the woman’s age, control
of functional diagnostic tests
D. the use of gestagens, ultrasound examination of the uterus E. conducting hormonal tests

10) A 16-year-old girl developed bleeding from the genital tract that lasted for 8 days after a 2-
month delay. The first menstruation appeared 4 months ago for 2 days, after 28 days, moderate,
painless. Denies sex life. Correct development, well physically built. A recto-abdominal
examination revealed no pathology. Нb-80 g/l. Probable diagnosis: A. hormone-producing
ovarian tumor B. cervical cancer C. cervical polyp
D. juvenile uterine bleeding
E. endometrial polyposis
11) Pathogenetic therapy of endometrial hyperplastic processes in women of reproductive age
consists of the use of:
A. estrogen-gestagen drugs or gestagens
B. dexamethasone C. androgens D. Thyroidin
E. estrogens

12) During an anovulatory menstrual cycle, basal temperature is characterized by:

A. a rise in temperature after ovulation
B. no rise in temperature
C. rise in temperature before ovulation
D. rise in temperature before menstruation E. rise in temperature immediately after menstruation

13) Most often women aged 40-45 years complain about:

A. algomenorrhea
B. heavy menstruation
C. irregular menstruation
D. premenstrual tension
E. painful menstruation

14) An anovulatory menstrual cycle is characterized by:

A. cyclical changes in the body
B. Long-term persistence of the follicle
C. predominance of gestagens in phase 2
D. predominance of estrogens in phase 1
E. acyclic changes in the body

• The hypothalamus produces the following hormones:

• Gonadotropins
• Estrogens
• Gestagens
• Release factors
• prolactin

• Release factors are carried out by:

• Transmission of nerve impulses to the nervous system
• Production of gonadotropins
• Production of estrogen
• Production of FSH and LH
• ACTH production

• In the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex, the following are formed:
• Glucocorticoids
• Aldosterone
• Norepinephrine
• Androgens
• Estrogens

• FSH stimulates:
• Growth of follicles in the ovary
• Corticosteroid products
• TSH production in the thyroid gland
• Progesterone production
• Androgen production

• Small doses of estrogens:

• Stimulates FSH production
• Suppress FSH production
• Increases LH production
• Suppress LH production
• Stimulates TSH production

• Polymenorrhea is:
• Scanty menstruation
• Short menstruation (1-2 days)
• Short menstrual cycle, frequent menstruation
• Heavy menstruation
• Painful periods

• It is not typical for an anovulatory menstrual cycle with short-term persistence of a mature follicle:
• Pupil symptom (+++)
• Single-phase basal temperature
• High estrogen levels
• In endometrial scraping in the second phase of the cycle - late proliferation phase
• Prolonged bloody spotting

• Treatment of patients with ovarian wasting syndrome should be aimed at:

• To stimulate ovarian function
• To receive a menstrually-like reaction
• To reduce the severity of vegetative-vascular disorders
• To stimulate ovulation
• To obtain the cyclicity of menstruation

• The mechanism of action of hormones on the cell is due to the presence of:
• Prostaglandins
• Receptors
• Specific enzymes
• Isoenzymes
• Thromboxants

• The effect of large doses of exogenous estrogens on the ovary:

• Increased production of estrogen by the ovary
• Increased ovarian production of progesterone
• Atrophy of ovarian tissue occurs
• Reduces ovarian production of progesterone
• Reduces ovarian estrogen production

• Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation during:

• 4 months
• 5 months
• 6 months
• 1 year
• 2 months
• Clinical manifestations, typical form of gonadal dyskinesia karyotype (45ХО/46ХY) and no
• Sheehan syndrome
• Swyer syndrome
• Bisexual gonad syndrome
• Simmonds disease
E. Shereshevsky-Turner

• In patients with amenorrhea due to Simmonds' disease, the following clinical manifestations are
not observed:
• Severe metabolic and endocrine disorders
• Premature aging
• Decreased appetite
• Sudden exhaustion
• Massive bleeding

• Amenorrhea with gigantism is associated with:

• With hyperproduction of ACTH before puberty
• With hyperproduction of GH, before puberty
• With hyperproduction of ACTH after puberty
• With hyperproduction of growth hormone after the end of puberty
• With hyperproduction of ACTH during puberty

• When treating a patient with any form of gonadal dysgenesis, restoration of:
• Menstrual function
• Sexual function
• Generative function
• Proliferative function
• Ovulation

• Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome is:

• “pure” form of gonadal dysgenesis
• Typical form of gonadal dysgenesis
• “mixed” form of gonadal dysgenesis
• False male hermaphroditism
• Pathological process associated with massive bleeding during childbirth

• If the test with gonadotropins is negative in patients with amenorrhea, the following is indicated:
• Test with estrogens and gestagens in a cyclic mode
• Laparoscopy and ovarian biopsy
• Laparoscopy and gonad removal
• Progesterone test
• Functional diagnostic tests

• In the ovary, androgens serve as a substrate for the formation of:

• Progesterone
• Estrogens
• Progesterone and estrogens
• Gestagenov
• Testosterone
• The main estrogen hormone in the body of a postmenopausal woman is:
• Estradiol
• Estrone
• Estriol
• Estradiol dipropionate
• estrogen

• Hypergonadotropic amenorrhea includes:

• Ovarian wasting syndrome
• Resistant ovarian syndrome
• Ovarian dysgenesis syndrome
• Testicular feminization syndrome
E. Sheehan's syndrome

• Features of the treatment of DUB in menopausal patients are:

A. Carrying out separate therapeutic and diagnostic curettage to verify the diagnosis
B. Therapy aimed at suppressing ovarian function
C. Treatment of concomitant somatic pathology
D. Conducting cyclic hormonal therapy
E. Treatment with hormonal drugs

• Women with DUB are at risk:

A. For miscarriage
B. On the development of placental insufficiency and abnormalities of labor
C. On the development of genital tumors
D. On the development of breast tumors
E. By post-term pregnancy

38) In the diagnosis of amenorrhea associated with acromegaly and gigantism, the change is
A. size of the sella turcica on a skull x-ray
B. visual fields
C. FSH level
D. excretion of 17-KS
E. Ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs

39) Gestagens are secreted:

A. luteal cells of the corpus luteum
B. cells of the granular layer of the follicle
C. cells of the outer connective tissue membrane of the follicle
D. cells of the tunica albuginea of the ovary
E. theca cells

40) Amenorrhea is considered pathological when menstruation is absent

A. before puberty
B. during puberty
C. during lactation
D. postmenopausal
E. during pregnancy
41) False amenorrhea can be caused by:
A. atresia of the cervical canal
B. aplasia of the uterine body
C. gonadal dysgenesis
D. ovarian wasting syndrome
E. ovarian tumor

42) Ovarian wasting syndrome must be differentiated

A. with resistant ovarian syndrome
B. with gonadal dysgenesis syndrome
C. with menopausal syndrome
D. with an ovarian tumor
E. with premenstrual syndrome

43). Treatment for JMC does not include:

A. physical therapy
B. vitamins
C. uterotonics
D. antibiotics
E. hormonal hemostasis

44). Which functional diagnostic test indicates the presence of a two-phase menstrual cycle?
A. Pupil sign
B. Karyopyknotic index
C. Basal thermometry
D. Fern symptom
E. crystallization symptom

45). Algodismenorrhea is:

A. rare and scanty menstruation
B. painful menstruation
C. reducing blood loss during menstruation
D. intermenstrual scanty bleeding
E. heavy menstruation

46). Menorrhagia is:

A. acyclic uterine bleeding
B.cyclic uterine bleeding
C.painful and heavy menstruation
D.pre- and postmenstrual bleeding
E. change in the rhythm of menstruation

47) Metrorrhagia is
A. change in the rhythm of menstruation
B.increased blood loss during menstruation
C.increasing the duration of menstruation
D. acyclic uterine bleeding
E.reducing blood loss during menstruation
48) The most common mechanism for the development of dysfunctional uterine bleeding in the
juvenile period is
A. increase in FSH
B. persistence of follicles
C. follicular atresia
D. hyperprolactinemia
E. increased LH

49) The main method of stopping dysfunctional uterine bleeding in the premenopausal period is:
A. use of synthetic estrogen-progestin drugs
B. administration of hemostatic and uterine contractile agents
C. continuous use of 17-hydroxyprogesterone capronate (17-OPK)
D. separate diagnostic curettage of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity and cervical
canal .
E. use of gestagens

50) Injectable contraceptives include:

A. long-acting progestogens
B. conjugated estrogens
C. microdoses of progestogens
D. antiandrogens
E. estrogens

51) False amenorrhea can be caused by:

A. atresia of the cervical canal
B. aplasia of the uterine body
C. gonadal dysgenesis
D. follicular atresia
E. severe infectious diseases

52) False amenorrhea can be a consequence of:

A. hypothyroidism
B. anorexia nervosa
C. testicular feminization syndrome
D. hyperthyroidism
E. hymenal atresia

53) What additional research methods are not used to clarify the diagnosis of amenorrhea:
A. Ultrasound examination of the internal genital organs
B. Examination of functional diagnostic tests
C. Craniography
D. Separate curettage
E. Determination of hormone levels

54) What form of amenorrhea is indicated by a negative result of a functional test with combined
estrogen-gestagen drugs?
A. Hypothalamic
B. Pituitary
S. Yaichnikova
D. Uterine
E. Central
55) With a combination of uterine fibroids and internal endometriosis of the uterine body in a
patient of reproductive age with hyperpolymenorrhea and secondary anemia, the following is
• Extirpation of the uterus with appendages
• Supravaginal amputation of the uterus without appendages
• Supravaginal amputation of the uterus with fallopian tubes, with excision of the cervical
canal mucosa
• Supravaginal amputation of the uterus with tubes
• Amputation of the uterus with appendages

56) The term “Adenomyosis” is used:

• In all cases of detection of endometriosis, regardless of location
• Only with focal growths of endometrioid tissue in the muscular layer of the uterus
• For endometriosis, which is accompanied by the formation of cysts
• Only in cases where myometrial growth is accompanied by the presence of myomatous nodes
• For cervical endometriosis

57) For internal endometriosis of the uterine body of the 3rd stage on the eve of menstruation
during bimanual examination it is not typical:
• Uterine density
• Enlarged uterus
• Softening of the uterus
• Sharp pain
• Reducing the size of the uterus

58) A 38-year-old patient complained of abdominal pain. The pain appeared today 3 hours ago,
Shchetkin’s s\m was weakly positive. T-38.2 C, leukocytosis. During a gynecological
examination, the uterus was enlarged to 8 weeks, nodular. Diagnosis:
• Inflammation of the appendages
• Charioamnionitis
• Endometritis
• Necrosis of fibroid nodes
• Salpingitis

59) A 38-year-old woman complained of very painful menstruation for the last 6 years,
especially in the first 2 days. History of 2 births and 2 medical abortions without complications,
the last one a year ago. The menstrual cycle is not disrupted. The last menstruation ended 5 days
ago. She protected herself from pregnancy by interrupted sexual intercourse. On examination,
the abdomen is not painful, the cervix and vagina are without pathologies, the body of the uterus
is slightly larger than normal, dense, the appendages are not palpable. Probable diagnosis:
• Uterine fibroids
• endometriosis
• Uterine pregnancy
• Endometrial polyposis
• Adenomyosis

60) The main symptom of submucosal uterine fibroids:

• Chronic pelvic pain
• Algomenorrhea
• Menorrhagia
• Acute pain
• Chills

61) The most informative method for diagnosing a nascent myomatous node:
• Transvaginal echography
• Inspection in the mirrors
• Hysteroscopy
• Laparoscopy
• Bimanual examination

62) Informative method for diagnosing submucosal myomatous node:

• Inspection in the mirrors
• Laparoscopy
• Hysteroscopy
• Colposcopy
• Echography

63)Method of drug treatment of uterine fibroids in reproductive age:

• Gestagens
• Estrogens
• Androgens
• Progestins
• Vitamin therapy

64. Name the leading clinical symptom of dysplasia and in situ cancer of the cervix:
A. pelvic pain;
B. mucopurulent leucorrhoea;
C. contact bleeding;
D. acyclic uterine bleeding;
E. infertility.

65) The optimal volume of surgical treatment in the presence of uterine fibroids with the node
located in the cervix:
• Supravaginal amputation of the uterus
• Conservative myomectomy using vaginal access
• Hysterectomy
• There is no surgical treatment for uterine fibroids of this localization
• Supravaginal amputation of the uterus and appendages

66) Which of the following symptoms are not related to uterine fibroids?
• A lumpy, dense formation palpable in the pelvis associated with the cervix
• Painful periods
• Heavy menstruation
• Bladder and rectal dysfunction
• Rare menstruation

67) What complications are typical for the subserous form of uterine fibroids?
• Malignant tumor degeneration
• Twisting of the tumor stalk
• Inversion of the uterus
• Posthemorrhagic anemia
• Bladder dysfunction

68) To prevent the development of endometriosis of the cervix, cryodestruction of the organ is
carried out on the following days of the menstrual cycle:
• 1-2 days before the start of menstruation
• Immediately after menstruation
• For 12-14 days
• On days 16-18
• On days 16-25

69) Basal temperature is measured:

• In the morning
• In the evening;
• 2 times a day;
• In 3 hours.
• After 5 hours

70. The ovary is supported in the abdominal cavity thanks to:

• round ligament;
• cardinal ligament;
• infundibulopelvic ligament ;
• sacrouterine ligament
• broad ligament

71. The microorganisms that most often cause inflammatory diseases of the female genital
organs of nonspecific etiology do not include:
• staphylococci
• streptococci
• gonococci
• gardnerella
• anaerobes
72. The blood supply to the ovaries is carried out:
• uterine artery;
• ovarian artery;
• iliopsoas artery;
• internal genital and ovarian arteries;
• uterine and ovarian arteries.

73. Ovarian cystoma includes:

• dermoid cyst
• follicular cyst
• corpus luteum cysts
• piovar
• theca luteal cyst

74. In case of slight bleeding from the ovary detected during laparoscopy, the following is
• suturing the ovary;
• diathermocoagulation of the ovary under laparoscopy control ;
• ovarian resection;
• laparotomy and removal of the uterine appendages on the affected side
• hemostatic infusion therapy

75. What complication is most common in benign ovarian tumors?

• hemorrhage into the tumor cavity;
• capsule rupture;
• torsion of the tumor stalk;
• suppuration of the contents;
• compression of neighboring organs.

76. The most informative in the differential diagnosis between uterine fibroids and ovarian
• bimanual vaginal examination
• hysteroscopy
• Ultrasound;
• laparoscopy ;
• probing of the uterine cavity.

77. In case of tuberculosis of the genital organs, the primary focus is most often localized:
• In the lungs
• In bone tissue
• In the urinary system
• In the lymph nodes
• On the peritoneum

78. . Which parts of the female reproductive system are most often affected by tuberculosis?
• the fallopian tubes
• ovaries
• uterus
• external genitalia
• vagina

79. In what age period is tuberculosis of the internal genital organs most often diagnosed?
• during childhood
• during puberty
• during the reproductive period
• in the premenopausal period
• with the same frequency in any of the above periods

80. The main clinical symptom of tuberculous lesions of the uterine appendages?
• chronic pelvic pain
• amenorrhea
• menometrorrhagia
• infertility

81. During surgery for a paraovarian cyst, the following is performed:

• enucleation of the cyst;
• removal of appendages on the affected side;
• removal of the ovary on the affected side;
• resection of the ovary on the affected side;
• removal of the uterus and appendages

82. CA-125 blood test for endometrioid ovarian cysts:

• elevated
• demoted
• fine
• negative
• doesn't matter

83. Name the main clinical symptom of bacterial vaginosis

• itching of the external genitalia and perineum
• dyspareunia
• profuse leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor
• dysuria
• lower abdominal pain

84. Characteristic feature of ovarian cysts:

• increase due to the accumulation of liquid contents;
• do not have a capsule;
• refer to malignant formations of the female genital organs;
• have invasive growth.
• have fusion with neighboring organs

85. To recognize ovarian tumors, the following diagnostic method is used:

• cytological
• endoscopic
• ultrasonic
• histological
• bacterioscopic

86. For climacteric manifestations of the typical form of climacteric syndrome, the most
• Dry mucous membranes
• Pain in the heart area
• Osteoporosis
• Laryngitis
E. Anemia

87. Specify precancerous changes in the vaginal part of the cervix:

• recurrent cervical canal polyp
• true cervical erosion
• cervical dysplasia
• cervical ectropion
• cervical ectopia
88. The main route of transmission of HPV:
• lymphogenous
• airborne
• sexual
• hematogenous
• contact-household

89. Itching of the vulva as a consequence of neuroendocrine disorders is typical for:

• candidiasis
• trichomoniasis
• kraurosa
• leukoplakia
• erythroplakia
90. The screening method for identifying cervical pathology in modern conditions is:
• visual inspection;
• cytological examination of a smear ;
• vaginal smear for flora
• radionuclide method
• PCR for HPV

91. . The main etiological factor of dysplasia and cervical cancer is:
• herpes simplex virus type 2;
• human papillomavirus;
• hyperestrogenism;
• violation of the pH of vaginal secretions;
• immune and metabolic disorders in the body.

92. When performing extended colposcopy after treating the cervix with a 3% solution of acetic
acid, the following reaction of the epithelium is normally observed:
• does not change;
• turns pale ;
• uniformly colored dark brown;
• covered with a white coating;
• becomes prominent, papillae in the form of “grapes” are visible.

93. Treatment of acute endometritis does not include:

• detoxification and infusion therapy
• glucocorticoids
• antibiotics
• desensitizing agents
• vitamins

94. A qualitative reaction (Schiller test) is caused by the interaction of iodine with the cervical
cervix contained in the multilayered epithelium:
• glycogen ;
• proteins;
• fats;
• Ca salts;
• immunoglobulins.

95. Differential diagnosis of acute salpingoophoritis does not include:

• acute appendicitis
• tubal abortion
• colpitis
• ovarian apoplexy
• torsion of the pedicle of the cyst

96. The main cause of adrenogenital syndrome (congenital adrenal cortex dysfunction - CADC)
• Chronic inflammatory diseases of the ovaries;
• Adrenal tumor;
• Hereditary deficiency of C 21 - hydroxylase ;
• Decreased secretion of THG;
• Hyperproduction of ACTH.

97. For bloody discharge from the genital tract in girls under 9 years of age, it is necessary:
• Hormonal hemostasis
• Observation
• Prescription of hemostatic and uterine contracting agents
• Exclusion of a local “organic” cause of bleeding
E. Hormone therapy

98. Specify the main criterion for PCOS:

• Loss of body weight;
• Hyperandrogenism;
• Normal ovulation;
• Sonographic signs in the uterus;
• Polymenorrhea.

99. Specify the universal diagnostic ultrasound criterion for PCOS:

• Increasing the thickness of the M-echo;
• Increase in ovarian volume ≥ 7 cm2 ;
• Increase in ovarian volume ≥ 5 cm 3 ;
• Presence of hyperplastic stroma ;
• At least 5 follicles along the periphery of the ovary d=10mm.

100. Indicate typical clinical diagnostic signs of PCOS:

• Polymenorrhea;
• AMK;
• Anorexia;
• Dysmenorrhea;
• Infertility, chronic anovulation.

101. Hirsutism is...

• Excessive vellus hair growth
• Excessive male pattern terminal hair growth
• Excessive growth of nail plates
• Overweight
• Weight loss

102. Hormonal changes in PCOS are characterized by the presence of:

• A sharp increase in the secretion of FSH, LH;
• Increased TSH levels;
• Decrease in testosterone and estrogen levels;
• Increased testosterone levels, 17-OP;
• Decrease in prolactin levels.

103. Treatment of VDKN is carried out:

• Regulon;
• Femoston 1/5;
• Dexamethasone;
• clomiphene;
• metformin

104. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by:

• Bilateral ovarian reduction;
• Hyperandrogenism ;
• LH/FSH ratio less than 2.5;
• Habitual miscarriage;
• AMK.

105. If adrenogenital syndrome (AGS) is detected, treatment must begin:

• From the moment of diagnosis
• After establishing menstrual function
• After marriage (depending on the timing of the planned pregnancy)
• Only after childbirth
• After menopause
106. Among the various forms of ectopic pregnancy, tubal pregnancy is
• about 28%
• about 48%
• about 68%
• about 88%
• about 98%

107. In the pathogenesis of PCOS there are:

• Hypoprolactinemia;
• Dysfunction of the pituitary gland;
• Menstrual irregularities;
• Ovarian hyperandrogenism and decreased estradiol synthesis ;
• AMK.
108. The clinical picture of PCOS includes the following symptoms:
• Tachycardia;
• Anorexia;
• Polymenorrhea;
• Hirsutism;
• Infertility.

109. To diagnose PCOS it is necessary to carry out:

• Ultrasound, hormonal study, biochemical blood test
• Brain MRI, mammography
• Culdocentesis;
• X-ray OGK;
• Hysteroscopy.
110. At the first stage of treatment for PCOS, the following is prescribed:
• Low-calorie diet, metformin, lipase inhibitors ;
• Laparoscopic resection of 2/3 of the ovaries;
• Ovulation stimulant clomiphene;
• Monophasic COCs;
• Progestogens in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

111. VDKN is...

• Hormonally active pituitary adenoma (corticotropinoma);
• Genetically determined deficiency of 21-hydroxylase involved in the synthesis of cortisol;
• Androgen-producing adrenal tumor;
• Adrenal hypoandrogenism;
• Acromegaly.
112. Clinical forms of CDCN include:
• Salt-wasting;
• Vascular;
• Asthenovegetative;
• Edema;
• Total.
113. Hormonal changes in CAH:
• Increased cortisol levels;
• Increased levels of LH and FSH, LH/FSH ratio more than 2.5;
• Increased levels of 17-OHP, DHEA-S;
• Decreased testosterone and estradiol;
• Decrease in ACTH.
114. For differential diagnosis of virile syndromes
(PCOS, VDC) carry out:
• Ultrasound of internal organs;
• Biochemical research;
• CT, MRI of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands ;
• Test with estrogen;
• Hysterosalpingography.
115. Progressive tubal pregnancy can be reliably diagnosed using
• Bimanual examination
• Ultrasound examinations
• Curettage of the uterine cavity
• Posterior fornix punctures
• Serological reaction to pregnancy

116. Adrenogenital syndrome

• Synonymous with adrenal hyperandrogenism
• Manifested by hypermenstrual syndrome
• May cause infertility
• It is necessary to differentiate with menopausal syndrome
• Treat with HRT

117. To confirm adrenogenital syndrome (AGS) use

• Determination of testosterone levels in the blood and 17 ketosteroids in the urine
• Probing of the uterus
• Hysterosalpingography
• Laparoscopy
• Pelvic organ scan
118. Pathogenetic treatment for adrenogenital syndrome (AGS) is
• Therapy aimed at normalizing body weight
• Improvement of cerebral hemodynamics
• Glucocorticoid therapy
• Use of vegetotropic drugs (Belloid)
• Use of small doses of thyroidin

119. In the development of polycystic ovary syndrome, the following is essential:

• Increased secretion of estrogen by the ovaries
• Increased secretion of progesterone by the ovaries
• Increased secretion of androgens compared to normal
• Increased secretion of prolactin
• Decreased TSH secretion

120. Sterilization is carried out by:

• Pipe compression;
• Hysterosalpingography;
• Tubal ligations;
• Hysteroscopy;
• Removing pipes.

121. To diagnose polycystic ovaries the following is used:

• General clinical laboratory tests
• Functional tests with progesterone and dexamethasone
• Ultrasound of the adrenal glands
• Laparotomy
• Functional tests with estrogens

122. Which functional diagnostic test indicates the presence of a two-phase menstrual cycle?
• Pupil symptom
• Karyopyknotic index
• Basal thermometry
• Fern symptom
• Cervical index

123. A negative dexamethasone test (a slight decrease in the excretion of 17-OX and 17-KS)
indicates the presence of:
• Tumors of the adrenal cortex;
• Adrenogenital syndrome (AGS);
• Neuro-metabolic-endocrine syndrome;
• Sclerocystic ovary syndrome.
• Pituitary tumors

124. Main clinical signs of true precocious puberty of central origin

• neurological symptoms,
• intracranial hypertension
• emotional disturbances
• absence of menstruation until 15-16 years of age
• weight gain

125. The full form of precocious puberty is characterized by:

• varying degrees of development of secondary sexual characteristics and absence of
• bone age corresponds to calendar age
• body weight is not increased
• absence of neurological symptoms
• emotional disturbances

126. Physique features of girls with congenital adrenogenital syndrome

• narrow shoulders and wide pelvis
• long limbs
• high growth
• excess weight
• neurological symptoms

127. Causes of viril syndrome in a girl

• dysfunction of the adrenal cortex
• masculinizing tumors of the adrenal cortex and ovaries
• congenital androgenital syndrome
• chromosome abnormalities
• pituitary adenoma

128. During puberty, the following main changes occur in the body:
• suppression of gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland;
• activation of hormonal function of the ovaries;
• the rhythm of FSH release is not established;
• regular “peaks” of LH excretion are established;
• elevated prolactin levels

129. Pigmentation of the nipples and enlargement of the mammary glands usually occurs:
• at 8-9 years old;
• at 10-11 years old;
• at 12-13 years old;
• at 14-15 years old;
• at 16-18 years old.
130. The anatomical features of the uterus in a newborn girl include:
• the body of the uterus is small, the cervix is almost not pronounced;
• the uterus is small, the length of the cervix is almost 3 times the length of the body of the
• the uterus has a bicornuate shape;
• the body of the uterus is almost 2 times larger than the cervix;
• the uterus is curved posteriorly

131. The diagnosis of absolute female infertility can be made:

• in the absence of one fallopian tube
• in the absence of a uterus
• for PCOS syndrome
• during anovulatory cycles
• with AGS syndrome

132. To exclude the cervical factor of infertility, use:

• Shuvarsky-Huner test
• Hysterosalpingography
• Sex chromatin study
• Chromosome analysis
• Determination of Antisperm Abs in the blood

133. The course of hydrotubation is indicated:

• with partial obstruction of the fallopian tubes
• In case of obstruction of tubes in the ampullary sections
• With pronounced adhesions in the pelvis.
• With an abundance of peritubar adhesions
E. For Asherman's syndrome

134. Good patency of the fallopian tubes can be judged by the data of chromohydrotubation if
the urine
• blue in one hour
• Green after one hour
• Green after two hours
• After one hour colorless
• remains colorless after 24 hours

135. The frequency of male infertility is

• 10-15%
• 15-20%
• 20-30%
• 40-50%
• 60-70%
136. Microsurgical operations on the fallopian tubes are performed
• with occlusion of pipes in various sections
• For bilateral tubo-ovarian formations
• With pronounced adhesions in the pelvis
• With a duration of infertility of more than 10 years
• In patients over 35 years of age
137. Artificial insemination with donor sperm is used
• with Rokitansky-Mayer-Küster syndrome
• in women with an anovulatory cycle
• in women with Asherman's syndrome
• for male infertility
• with tubal infertility

138. Secondary infertility is called

• infertility lasting two years

• infertility in women with a history of pregnancy
• infertility caused by endocrine pathology
• infertility caused by inflammatory genesis
• infertility due to husband's illness

139. What percentage of abnormal sperm is acceptable in a normal spermogram?

• 1-2%
• 6-8%
• 10-15%
• 20-40%
• over 50%

140. What percentage of motile sperm is acceptable in a normal spermogram?

• 10%
• thirty%
• 50-60%
• 80%
• 90%

141. The total number of sperm in a normal male ejaculate:

• 20 - 40 million
• 100 thousand - 1 million
• 60 - 80 million
• 10 - 20 million
• 150 - 200 million

142. Reducing the amount of antibodies to sperm in cervical mucus can be achieved
• using oral contraceptives
• taking antihistamines
• having more frequent coitus
• using condoms
• irrigating the cervix

143. A modern method of treating tubal infertility is:

• artificial insemination using donor sperm;
• psychotherapy;
• insemination;
• in vitro fertilization
• ovulation stimulation

144. When examining an infertile couple, the following is first of all indicated:
• Hysterosalpingography
• Vaginal smear cytology
• Determination of basal temperature
• Sperm examination

145. The term “primary infertility” means that:

• there was no pregnancy
• no living children were born
• all pregnancies were terminated for medical reasons
• a woman has no internal genital organs
• all pregnancies were terminated spontaneously

146. GnRH synthesis is carried out in:

• Anterior pituitary gland
• Posterior pituitary gland
• Nuclei of the hypothalamus
• Neurons of the cerebral cortex
• Middle lobe of the pituitary gland

• 147. Endoscopic research methods in gynecology do not include:

• Hysteroscopy;
• Colposcopy;
• Culdocentesis
• Laparoscopy;
• Culdoscopy.

148. For tubo-peritoneal infertility, the most effective treatment method is:
• therapeutic laparoscopy;
• laparotomy, microsurgical intervention on pipes (resection of a section of pipe, anastomosis);
• a course of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy;
• enzyme preparations;
• physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.

149. Does not determine the presence of ovulation:

• functional diagnostic tests;
• LH tests;
• Ultrasound monitoring;
• determining the level of progesterone in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle;
• FSH indicators

150. The following is not included as a method of treatment for infertility due to intrauterine
• laparotomy, metroplasty;
• hysteroresectoscopy;
• hormonal treatment with estrogen-gestagen drugs;
• antibacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment;
• ovulation stimulation
151. At the first stage in IVF programs the following is carried out:
• embryo transfer;
• transvaginal puncture of the ovaries;
• maintaining the luteal phase;
• stimulation of superovulation;
• in vitro fertilization.
152. Spermatozoa in the crypts of the cervical canal can retain the ability to move (maximum
period) for
• 6-12 hours
• 24-48 hours
• 3-5 days
• 10 days
• 1-2 hours

153. Sperm after penetration into the uterus and tubes

retain the ability to fertilize for
• 6-12 hours
• 24-48 hours
• 3-5 days
• 10 days
• 1-2 hours

154. After ovulation

the egg retains the ability to fertilize for
• 6 hours
• 12-24 hours
• 3-5 days
• 10 days
• 1-2 hours
155. Positive test (small test) with dexamethasone
indicates that
• the source of hyperandrogenism is the ovaries
• the source of hyperandrogenism is the adrenal glands
• hyperandrogenism is associated with pituitary adenoma
• hyperandrogenism is caused by adrenal corticosteroma
• hyperandrogenism is caused by ovarian cystoma

156. The therapeutic and diagnostic effect of dexamethasone for hyperandrogenism is due to:
• Suppression of ovarian function
• Suppression of adrenal function
• Inhibition of ACTH production
• Acceleration of androgen inactivation
• Increased prolactin

157. The cause of infertility in gonadal dysgenesis is the absence

• ovarian tissue or its severe underdevelopment
• uterus or its severe underdevelopment
• gonadotropin production
• sensitivity of the receptor apparatus of a normally formed ovary to gonadotropins
• vaginal atresia

158. Ovarian hyperstimulation may occur

• When using clomiphene (clostilbegit)
• When using pergonal
• With long-term use of combined estrogen-gestagen drugs
• When using radon baths
• When using gestagens.

159. A woman came to you with a request to choose a contraceptive. Single. She is sexually
active 2-3 times a month, and sometimes less often. Partners are different. There were no
pregnancies. Your recommendations:
• Intrauterine contraceptive
• Condom
• Emergency contraception
• Oral contraceptives
• Surgical sterilization

160. A 28-year-old married woman with one sexual partner, suffering from chronic
thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities, mother of one child, needs:
• Oral contraceptives
• Surgical sterilization
• Intrauterine contraception
• Mechanical contraception
• Barrier contraceptives

161. The composition of injectable contraceptives includes:

• Long-acting progestogens
• Conjugated estrogens
• Microdoses of progestogens
• Antiandrogens
• Mixed doses of hormones

162. For the purpose of contraception, combined estrogen-gestagen drugs are started:
• During ovulation
• On the eve of menstruation
• From the 1st day of the menstrual cycle
• Regardless of the day of the menstrual cycle
• On the 7th day of the menstrual cycle

163. Combined estrogen-gestagen drugs are contraindicated when:

• Ages from 18 to 28 years
• For the purpose of contraception
• When breastfeeding and during pregnancy
• For the purpose of treatment
• At the age of 28-38 years

164. The Pearl index is:

• Percentage of contraceptive failures when using a method during the year;
• The ratio of pulse and systolic blood pressure;
• The relationship between pulse and diastolic blood pressure.
• Percentage of contraceptive failures when using the method for 6 months.
• Percentage of contraceptive failures when using the method for 3 months.

165. Which method of contraception is a natural method of family planning:

• Calendar;
• Barrier;
• Surgical;
• Chemical;
• Hormone.

166. Optimal time for insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD):

• 4-6 days of the menstrual cycle;
• 14-16 days of the menstrual cycle;
• During menstrual bleeding.
• Before menstruation
• Days 18-20 of the menstrual cycle.

167. Injectable contraceptives include

• Long-acting progestogens
• Conjugated estrogens
• Microdoses of progestogens
• Antiandrogens
• Antigonadotropins

168. In the differential diagnosis of tubal pregnancy

• History data are usually not significant
• Detection during histological examination of the endometrium
The Arias-Stella phenomenon is indisputable proof
• A positive serological reaction to pregnancy is a reliable sign
• The leading role belongs to laparoscopy and ultrasound examination
• Under any conditions, puncture of the posterior fornix is crucial

169. Name common complications when taking progestogens

• Allergic reactions
• Intermenstrual bleeding
• Nausea, vomiting
• Weight gain
• Oligoamenorrhea

170. Contraindications to taking combined oral contraceptives

• Stage III hypertension
• Women with miscarriage
• Women with a history of ectopic pregnancy
• Women with mild anemia
• Algomenorrhea

171. Diagnosis Disturbed tubal pregnancy is an indication

• for emergency laparotomy
• For laparoscopy
• For ultrasound examination
• To carry out special studies
• For puncture of the posterior fornix

172. Voluntary sterilization – mechanism of action.

• Thickening of cervical mucus
• Blocking the fallopian tubes
• Ovulation suppression
• Decreased uterine tone
• Promotes the adhesive process in the pelvis.

173. Advantages of tubal occlusion

• Irreversibility of the method
• Protection from STIs
• Regulation of the menstrual cycle
• Increase libido
• Thickening of cervical mucus

174. Mechanism of action during vasectomy

• Blockage of the vas deferens
• Changes in ovarian hormone production
• Spermicidal action
• Decreased libido
• Decreased vascular tone
175. Benefits of condoms
• Protection from STIs
• High efficiency
• Influence on sexual sensations
• Spermicidal action
• Helps thicken cervical mucus

176. Disadvantages of condoms

• Protection from STIs
• No systemic side effects
• Wide availability
• Contraceptive effectiveness depends on the couple's willingness to follow instructions
• High price

177. Mechanism of action of spermicides

• Ovulation suppression
• Destruction of sperm membranes, which reduces their motility and ability to
fertilize an egg
• Thickening of cervical mucus
• Egg implantation disorder
• Decreased tone of the fallopian tubes

178. Mechanism of action of the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)

• Ovulation suppression
• Changes in the structure of the endometrium
• Implantation disorder
• Thickening of cervical mucus
• Endometrial hyperplasia

179. The high efficiency of the lactational amenorrhea (LAM) method, if all rules are followed,
is observed
• Within 3 months after birth
• Within 6 months after birth
• Within 9 months after birth
• Within 12 months after birth
• Within 15 months after birth

180. Contraception that protects against STIs

• Navy
• Barrier means
• Calendar method
• Emergency contraception

181. The goals of family planning are:

• The birth of desired children
• Reducing the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections
• Correction of menstrual irregularities.
• Overcoming infertility
• Reducing maternal and perinatal mortality

182. Impaired blastocyst implantation:

• Changes in the endometrial enzymatic system
• Activation of fallopian tube peristalsis
• Lack of ovulation
• Decreased tone of the fallopian tubes
• Late ovulation

183. Disadvantages of the intrauterine device

• Increased risk of inflammatory diseases
• Effect on lactation
• Short validity period
• A large number of side effects
• Systemic effect on the body

184. Indications for the use of an intrauterine device:

• The need for long-term contraception and the presence of one sexual partner
• menstrual irregularities
• Genital tract infections
• Abnormalities of the genital organs
• Adolescence

185. The complication that most often occurs on the 3rd to 5th day after insertion of the
intrauterine device is:
• Isthmic-cervical insufficiency
• Ectopic pregnancy
• Habitual miscarriage
• Inflammatory process of the uterus
• Pelvic vein thrombosis

186. What complications are most common in women who use an intrauterine device for a long
time as a contraceptive?
• Thrombophlebitis of the pelvic veins
• Adhesive process in the pelvis
• Inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs
• Isthmic-cervical insufficiency
• Amenorrhea

187. Visualization of the intrauterine contraceptive in the cervical canal indicates:

• Normal position of the intrauterine device
• Low position of the intrauterine device
• Uterine perforation
• Expulsion of the intrauterine device
• Pregnancy

188. The ovary is supported in the abdominal cavity thanks to:

• round ligament;
• cardinal ligament;
• infundibulopelvic ligament ;
• sacrouterine ligament
• broad ligament
189.The blood supply to the ovaries is carried out:
• uterine artery;
• ovarian artery;
• iliopsoas artery;
• internal genital and ovarian arteries;
• uterine and ovarian arteries.

190. Ovarian cystoma includes:

• dermoid cyst
• follicular cyst
• corpus luteum cysts
• piovar
• theca luteal cyst

191. Ovarian tumors that do not have hormonal activity include:

• granulosa cell tumor
• dysgerminomas
• theca cell tumor
• androblastomas
• arrhenoblastoma

192. In case of slight bleeding from the ovary detected during laparoscopy, the following is
• suturing the ovary;
• diathermocoagulation of the ovary under laparoscope control ;
• ovarian resection;
• laparotomy and removal of the uterine appendages on the affected side
• hemostatic infusion therapy

193. Tumor-like formations of the ovaries do not include:

• dermoid cyst;
• follicular cyst;
• corpus luteum cysts;
• piovar;
• theca-luteal cysts.

194. What complication is most common in benign ovarian tumors?

• hemorrhage into the tumor cavity;
• capsule rupture;
• torsion of the tumor stalk;
• suppuration of contents;
• compression of neighboring organs.

195. The most informative in the differential diagnosis between uterine fibroids and ovarian
• bimanual vaginal examination
• hysteroscopy
• Ultrasound;
• laparoscopy ;
• probing of the uterine cavity.

196. The presence of ovulation can be judged by the results of all the studies listed below:
• HCG definitions
• Ultrasound monitoring of dominant follicle development
• Histological examination of endometrial scraping
• Determination of the concentration of sex steroid hormones in the blood on days 12-14 of the
menstrual cycle
• Follicle persistence

197. During surgery for a paraovarian cyst, the following is performed:

• enucleation of the cyst;
• removal of appendages on the affected side;
• removal of the ovary on the affected side;
• resection of the ovary on the affected side;
• removal of the uterus and appendages

198. Treatment of benign ovarian tumors in childhood and puberty consists of:
• during a course of chemotherapy;
• in prescribing hormone therapy;
• in bilateral removal of appendages;
• in resection of the affected ovary;
• in supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages;

199.Examination for an ovarian tumor may include:

• X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract;
• rectomanoscopy;
• hormonal colpocytology;
• x-ray of the sella turcica;
• phlebography;

200. The symptom complex characteristic of granulosa cell tumor of the ovary in menopausal
women includes:
• galactorrhea in menopause;
• masculinization during menopause;
• voice changes during menopause;
• bleeding in menopause ;
• decreased libido;

201. CA-125 blood test for endometrioid ovarian cysts:

• elevated
• demoted
• fine
• negative
• doesn't matter

202. Prognosis for life with borderline ovarian tumors

• doubtful
• adverse
• poorly studied
• relatively favorable
• unknown

203. Characteristic feature of ovarian cysts:

• increase due to the accumulation of liquid contents;
• do not have a capsule;
• refer to malignant formations of the female genital organs;
• have invasive growth.
• have fusion with neighboring organs

204. Paraovarian cysts are formed from the remains of:

• omphalomesenteric duct;
• paramesonephric duct;
• Wolffian duct;
• Müllerian duct;
• allantois.

205. Every woman with a detected ovarian tumor should:

• urgently hospitalize;
• refer for separate diagnostic curettage;
• register with a dispensary;
• carry out hormonal therapy;
• carry out anti-inflammatory therapy.

206. Cervical pregnancy

• Usually interrupted at 4-5 weeks
• When interrupted, it is usually accompanied by internal bleeding
• Diagnosed only during curettage of the uterine cavity
• Can be diagnosed by the location of the external os of the cervical canal
• In most cases, it is treated with vacuum aspiration of the fertilized egg.

207. Diagnostic methods most often used in the initial detection of benign tumors of the genitals
in women
• Cytological examination
• gynecological examination, ultrasound examination
• ultrasonography
• pneumopelviography
• tumor puncture

208. Follicular cysts are most common:

• in reproductive age;
• in the neonatal period;
• in postmenopause;
• in the juvenile period;
• in the perimenopausal period.
209. A sign of the transition of the physiological process of follicle maturation into a
pathological follicular cyst is the diameter of the liquid formation greater than:
• 15 mm;
• 20 mm;
• 30 mm;
• 35 mm;
• 40 mm.

210. Tumor-like formations of the ovaries are characterized by:

• proliferation of epithelial cell wall elements
• lack of proliferation of the epithelium of cell wall elements
• consist of parenchyma and stroma
• are formed from germ cells
• susceptible to metaplasia and paraplasia.

211. The most common ovarian tumors are:

• cystadenomas ;
• endometrioid tumors;
• Brenner tumor;
• granulosa cell tumor;
• mature teratoma.

212. Treatment of mucinous cystadenoma in reproductive age:

• a course of anti-inflammatory therapy;
• ovarian resection;
• adnexectomy on the side of the affected ovary;
• extirpation of the uterus with affected appendages;
• combined oral contraceptives for 3–6 months.
213. Contents of a dermoid cyst:
• hair, lard, cartilage;
• mucus-like secretion;
• liquid, transparent contents;
• connective tissue;
• blood.
214. Masculinizing tumor:
• tekoma;
• androblastoma;
• serous cystoma;
• papillary.
• fibroma
215. Endometriosis of the vaginal part of the cervix
• refers to internal endometriosis
• manifests itself as intense pain before and during menstruation
• rarely manifests itself as a disturbance in the nature of menstruation
• diagnosed by colposcopy
• responds well to conservative therapy

216. The vaginal part of the cervix in a woman of reproductive age is normally covered with:
• columnar epithelium
• stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium
• glandular epithelium
• stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium
• cuboidal epithelium

217. In the puberty period, the vaginal part of the cervix has, as a rule, the following features of
the epithelial cover
• covered with columnar epithelium
• the junction of stratified squamous and columnar epithelium is located on the surface of
the ectocervix, covered with stratified squamous epithelium
• the junction of stratified squamous and columnar epithelium is located on the surface of the
endocervix, covered with stratified squamous epithelium
• covered with stratified squamous epithelium
• the junction of stratified squamous and columnar epithelium is located on the surface of the
ectocervix, covered with columnar epithelium

218. Clinical manifestations of endometrial hyperplasia:

abnormal uterine bleeding;
• asthenovegetative syndrome;
• amenorrhea;
• pain in the lower abdomen;
• intoxication syndrome.

219. Differential diagnosis of endometrial polyp must be made with:

• submucous uterine fibroids;
• subserous uterine fibroids;
• interstitial uterine fibroids;
• adenomyosis;
• chorionic carcinoma.

220. . Side effects of gonadotropic releasing hormone agonists that limit the duration of use in
the reproductive period are:
• osteoporosis;
• violation of the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates;
• hyperthyroidism;
• dyspepsia;
• diarrhea.

221. Scope of examination for cervical pathology

• colposcopy
• hysteroscopy
• Ultrasound
• bacterioscopy
• laparoscopy

222. Kraurosis and leukoplakia of the vulva occur in older women

• 31–40 years old
• 41–50 years old
• 51–60 years
• 61–70 years
• regardless of age

223. Prolapse of the uterus:

• the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the plane of the entrance to the pelvis;
• body of the uterus outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;
• the internal os of the uterus is located below the interspinal line, prolapse of the vaginal
walls ;
• the cervix is elongated, defined outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;
• the internal os of the uterus is located above or at the level of the interspinal line, prolapse of the
vaginal walls of the first degree.

224. Morphological changes in kraurosis of the vulva are more pronounced

• in the epithelium
• in the vessels of the vulva
• throughout the entire thickness of the vulva
• in the connective tissue of the vulva
• in the basement membrane

225. It is not typical for kraurosis of the vulva:

• wrinkling of the labia majora and minora
itching in the clitoral area
• dryness of the skin and mucous membranes of the vulva
• narrowing of the vaginal opening
• swelling of the vulvar tissue

226. Hyperkeratosis of the epithelium of the vaginal part of the cervix is ...
• erythroplakia;
• leukoplakia ;
• ectropion;
• pseudo-erosion;
• intraepithelial neoplasia.

227. Precancerous conditions of the cervix include:

• erythroplakia;
• leukoplakia without atypia;
• ectropion;
• pseudo-erosion;
• dysplasia of stratified squamous epithelium.

228. What corrective hormonal therapy is carried out for DUB of the reproductive period:
• Estrogens in phase 1 of tsikoa
• Estrogen-progestin drugs in the contraceptive mode;
• Estrogen-gestagen drugs in the 1st phase of the cycle;
• Estrogens in phase 2;
• Gestagens continuously.

229. The main etiological factor of dysplasia and cervical cancer is:
• herpes simplex virus type 2;
• human papillomavirus ;
• hyperestrogenism;
• violation of the pH of vaginal secretions;
• immune and metabolic disorders in the body.

230. When performing extended colposcopy after treating the cervix with a 3% solution of acetic
acid, the following reaction of the epithelium is normally observed:
• does not change;
• turns pale ;
• uniformly colored dark brown;
• covered with a white coating;
• becomes prominent, papillae in the form of “grapes” are visible.

231. A qualitative reaction (Schiller test) is caused by the interaction of iodine with the cervical
cervix contained in the multilayered epithelium:
• glycogen ;
• proteins;
• fats;
• Ca salts;
• immunoglobulins.

232. Incomplete uterine prolapse:

• the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the plane of the entrance to the pelvis;
• body of the uterus outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;
• the internal os of the uterus is below the interspinal line, prolapse of the vaginal walls;
• the cervix is elongated, defined outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;
• the internal os of the uterus is located above or at the level of the interspinal line, prolapse of the
vaginal walls of the first degree.

233. Complete uterine prolapse:

• the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the plane of the entrance to the pelvis;
• body of the uterus outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele ;
• the internal os of the uterus is below the interspinal line, prolapse of the vaginal walls;
• the cervix is elongated, defined outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;
• the internal os of the uterus is located above or at the level of the interspinal line, prolapse of the
vaginal walls of the first degree.

234. Name the leading clinical symptom of dysplasia and insitu cancer of the cervix:
• pelvic pain;
• mucopurulent leucorrhoea;
• contact bleeding;
• acyclic uterine bleeding;
• infertility.

235. The etiology of pelvic organ prolapse does not matter: Answer options:
• traumatic birth;
• estrogen deficiency ;
• the presence of tumors of the pelvic organs;
• connective tissue dysplasia;
• hard physical labor.

236. For the treatment of moderate and severe cervical dysplasia the following is not used:
• local destruction of the cervical epithelium by acid solutions;
• radiosurgical excision;
• electroconization;
• cone-shaped amputation of the cervix according to Sturmdorff;
• hysterectomy.

237. Specify precancerous changes in the vaginal part of the cervix:

• recurrent cervical canal polyp
• true cervical erosion
• cervical dysplasia
• cervical ectropion
• cervical ectopia

238. To prevent the development of endometriosis of the cervix, cryodestruction of the organ is
carried out on the following days of the menstrual cycle
• 1-2 days before the start of menstruation
• immediately after the end of menstruation
• for 12-14 days
• on days 16-18
• for 20-24 days

239. Itching of the vulva as a consequence of neuroendocrine disorders is typical for:

• candidiasis
• trichomoniasis
• kraurosa
• leukoplakia
• erythroplakia

240. During the surgical treatment of a patient with kraurosis and leukoplakia of the vulva, the
following is carried out:
• oophorectomy;
• vulvectomy;
• extended vulvectomy;
• lymphadenectomy;
• uterine extirpation

241. Women with DUB are at risk:

A. for miscarriage
B. On the development of placental insufficiency
C. On the development of genital tumors
D. on the development of labor anomalies
E. for post-term pregnancy

242. Hyperprolactinemia is:

A. Increase in the amount of blood gonadotropins
B. Increase in hemoglobin amount
C. Increase in BCC
D. Increase in blood prolactin
E. Decrease in blood prolactin levels

243. Cytological cervical screening is carried out at the age of:

• from 30 to 69 years old
• from 40 to 69 years old
• from 21 to 69 years old
• from menarche to 69 years of age
• from the beginning of sexual activity (after 21 years) to 69 years

244. . The earliest symptom of genital prolapse is:

• stress urinary incontinence
• recurrent vaginitis;
• gaping of the genital slit ;
• frequent urination;
• feeling of a foreign body in the perineal area.

245. To improve the effect of surgical treatment of genital prolapse in elderly patients,
preoperative preparation includes:
• course of antibacterial therapy;
• indirect anticoagulants;
• local preparations with estrogens;
• a-GnRH for 3 months;
• immunomodulators.

246. Specify the most effective method for early diagnosis of postmenopausal osteoporosis:
• X-ray of the lumbosacral spine
• Mono- and biphoton absorptiometry
• CT scan
• X-ray of cysts
E. Ultrasound of joints

247. Indications for the use of probing of the uterine cavity:

A suspicion of perforation of the uterus during curettage;
B acute endometritis;
C suspicion of the presence of submucosal uterine fibroids;
D cervical cancer;
E ectopic pregnancy;

248. In what cases is puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior fornix indicated for
diagnostic purposes?
A suspicion of ectopic pregnancy;
B suspicion of ovarian cancer;
C dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
D uterine fibroids;
E suspicion of ovarian apoplexy;

249. Methods for studying the anatomical and functional state of the vagina:
A inspection in mirrors;
B combined vaginal-rectal examination;
C cytological examination of the contents of the uterine cavity;
D puncture of the posterior fornix;
E determination of the degree of purity of vaginal contents.

250. The most effective treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis is:

• Diet therapy
• Physiotherapy and exercise therapy
• Hormone therapy
• Vitamin therapy
E. Antibiotic therapy

251. Treatment of bartholinitis is:

A. Physiotherapy
B. Radio waves
C. Hormones
D. Vitamin therapy
E. Antibiotic therapy

252. Treatment of false (ovarian) premature sexual development:

• Vitamin therapy
• Surgical
• Hormonal
• Antibiotic therapy
• Physiotherapy

253. Prolapse of the uterus:

• the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the plane of the entrance to the pelvis;
• body of the uterus outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;
• the internal os of the uterus is located below the interspinal line, prolapse of the vaginal
walls ;
• the cervix is elongated, defined outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;
• the internal os of the uterus is located above or at the level of the interspinal line, prolapse of the
vaginal walls of the first degree.

254. Incomplete uterine prolapse:

• the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the plane of the entrance to the pelvis;
• body of the uterus outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;
• the internal os of the uterus is below the interspinal line, prolapse of the vaginal walls;
• the cervix is elongated, defined outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;
• the internal os of the uterus is located above or at the level of the interspinal line, prolapse of the
vaginal walls of the first degree.

255. Complete uterine prolapse:

• the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the plane of the entrance to the pelvis;
• body of the uterus outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele ;
• the internal os of the uterus is below the interspinal line, prolapse of the vaginal walls;
• the cervix is elongated, defined outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;
• the internal os of the uterus is located above or at the level of the interspinal line, prolapse of the
vaginal walls of the first degree.

256. The displacement of the uterus in the pelvic cavity along the horizontal plane does not
• anterior displacement;
• posterior displacement;
• rotation of the uterus;
• left shift;
• shift to the right.

257. Prolapse of the vaginal walls is accompanied by prolapse of the bladder and the anterior
wall of the rectum. What is the clinical degree of prolapse of the walls of the vagina, uterus and
their prolapse?
• I;
• II;
• III;
• IV;
• V.

258.The genital slit is gaping, the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina are slightly lowered.
What is the clinical degree of prolapse of the walls of the vagina, uterus and their prolapse?
• I;
• II;
• III;
• IV;
• V.

259. What complaint does the patient not make when experiencing prolapse of the internal
genital organs:
• difficulty emptying the bladder;
• stress urinary incontinence;
• difficulty defecating;
• feeling that something is falling out;
• to mucous discharge from the vagina.
260. Squeezing the entrance to the vagina does:
• transverse superficial perineal muscle;
• levator ani muscle;
• ischiocavernosus muscle;
• bulbocavernosus muscle.
• transverse deep perineal muscle

261. Polycystic ovary syndrome is:

A. Androgenic disease
B. Heavy uterine bleeding
C. Heterogeneous disease
D. Cyclic uterine bleeding
E. Absence of menarche

262. In the etiology of pelvic organ prolapse, the following are not important:
• traumatic birth;
• estrogen deficiency;
• the presence of tumors of the pelvic organs;
• connective tissue dysplasia;
• hard physical labor.
263. The earliest symptom of genital prolapse is:
• stress urinary incontinence;
• recurrent vaginitis;
• gaping of the genital slit ;
• frequent urination;
• feeling of a foreign body in the perineal area.

264. The most common cause of bleeding from the genital tract in postmenopause is:
• Cervical cancer
• Endometrial cancer
• Submucosal uterine fibroids
• Ovarian cancer
E. Cervical dysplasia

265. The main method for diagnosing dysplasia and preinvasive cancer of the vulva is:
• Biopsy followed by histological examination
• Vulvoscopy
• Radioisotope research
• Cytological examination of fingerprint smears
E. Colposcopy

266.The most informative method for diagnosing genital prolapse is:

• Ultrasound;
• gynecological examination;
• sigmoidoscopy;
• cystoscopy;
• hysteroscopy.
267. For surgical treatment of genital prolapse the following is not used:
• Manchester operation;
• vaginal hysterectomy;
• use of mesh implants;
• supravaginal amputation of the uterus;
• shortening and strengthening of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus.
268. The choice of method for correcting genital prolapse does not depend on:
• patient's age;
• severity of prolapse;
• number of births in history;
• patient's reproductive plans;
• sexual activity.
269. Correction of asymptomatic genital prolapse of 1–2 degrees in a 38-year-old patient is
carried out:
• training the pelvic floor muscles;
• surgical method - vaginal hysterectomy;
• placing a mesh implant;
• installation of a urogynecological pessary;
• surgical method - supravaginal amputation of the uterus;

270. The main method of treating cancer and melanoma of the vulva:
• External beam radiotherapy
• Chemotherapy
• Hormone therapy
• Surgical
E. Radio waves

271. The most effective screening test for early diagnosis of cervical cancer:
• Simple colposcopy
• Bimanual rectovaginal examination
• Cytological examination of smears from the surface of the cervix and cervical canal
• Vacuum curettage of the cervical canal
• Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

272. The most informative method for diagnosing cervical dysplasia:

• Extended colposcopy
• Histological examination of cervical biopsy
• Cytological examination of impression smears from the surface of the vaginal part of the cervix
• Vacuum curettage of the cervical canal
E. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

272. Reconstructive plastic surgery using a mesh implant for pelvic organ prolapse is not
performed if:
• old age of the patient;
• recurrence of prolapse;
• posthysterectomy prolapse (enterocele);
• severe connective tissue dysplasia;
• hereditary factor of genital prolapse.

273. The most informative method for diagnosing cervical dysplasia:

• Extended colposcopy
• Histological examination of cervical biopsy
• Cytological examination of impression smears from the surface of the vaginal part of the cervix
• Vacuum curettage of the cervical canal
E. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

274. To improve the effect of surgical treatment of genital prolapse in elderly patients,
preoperative preparation includes:
• course of antibacterial therapy;
• indirect anticoagulants;
• local preparations with estrogens;
• a-GnRH for 3 months;
• immunomodulators.

275. Before giving a woman an injection of Depo-Provera, the health care provider must ensure
that she does not have:
• Vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology
• Cardiovascular disease
• History of STI
• Thromboembolic disorders
• High blood pressure

276.Which methods of contraception are not recommended for a breastfeeding woman:

• Combined oral contraceptives
• Condoms and spermicides
• Navy
• Progestin-only contraceptives

277.Which method is not recommended for a 40-year-old smoking woman:

• Pure progestin oral contraceptives
• Depo-Provera
• Combined oral contraceptives
• Voluntary surgical sterilization
• Navy

278.What should be done if spotting and spotting occurs during installation of a copper-
containing IUD:
• Perform diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity
• Prescribe hemostatic and contractile agents
• Remove IUD
• Reassure the woman and prescribe a short course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
• Send to hospital

279.If a woman uses the lactational amenorrhea method, when what signals appear does she need
to see a doctor to get a recommendation on using another contraceptive:
• The child is 3 months old
• The mother's menstruation has resumed
• Exclusive breastfed baby
• Baby sleeps all night without feeding
• 10 days postpartum period
280. The most common complication of taking progestin-type drugs is:
• Menstrual irregularities
• Strokes, heart attacks
• Weight gain
• Blood coagulation disorder
• Nausea, vomiting

281. The cytological equivalent of the concept “cervical dysplasia” is:

• Acanthosis
• Discaryosis
• Hyperkeratosis
• Karyolysis
E. Hypokeratosis

282. Characteristic features of uterine fibroids:

• This is a benign, hormone-dependent tumor
• Originates from striated muscle tissue
• Most common during puberty and in women of the early reproductive period
• Prone to malignancy
E. Malignant tumor

283.Which method of contraception has the effect of double protection

• Navy
• Implants
• Condoms
• Depo-Provera

284.Depo-Provera is not recommended:

• Women of any age with more than 3 children
• Women with migraines
• Women with breast cancer at this time
• Nulliparous women and adolescents
• Women after an abortion

285.Reliable information about contraceptives is provided:

• From personal experience of a specialist
• Pharmaceutical companies
• From materials based on the principles of evidence-based medicine
• From personal consumer experience
• From the Internet

286.What can be done if a woman misses her next COC dose?

• Take the missed active (hormonal) tablet as soon as possible, then continue taking the tablets
as usual
• Do not abstain from sexual intercourse or use additional contraception (condom) for the next 7
• Do not use emergency contraception
• Stop taking birth control pills
• Start taking tablets from the next pack

287.A high risk of HIV infection or the presence of HIV infection/AIDS is a contraindication for
the use of:
• Spermicides
• Methods of surgical sterilization
• Navy
• Combined oral contraceptives
• Progestin-type contraceptives

288.Women with a history of deep vein thrombosis are not recommended to use:
• Navy
• Implants
• Condoms
• Depo-Provera

289.What qualities are not acceptable for a good consultant:

• Competence and professionalism
• Maintaining confidentiality
• Using personal preferences when choosing a contraceptive method
• Kindness and attentiveness
• Listening skills

290.Which method of contraception is the least effective:

• Navy
• Natural Family Planning Methods
• Condoms
• Depo-Provera

291.The duration of the menstrual cycle when taking most COCs is

• 21 day
• 28 days
• 35 days
• 32 days
• 40 days

292. The most informative method for diagnosing intermuscular uterine fibroids:
• Vaginal examination
• Ultrasonography
• Hysterosalpingography
• Hysteroscopy
E. Colposcopy

293. One of the disadvantages of spermicides is:

• Possible burning or itching in the vagina during use
• Presence of estrogen-related side effects
• Effect on breastfeeding
• Need for pelvic examination before use
• Progesterone-related side effects

294.Insertion of an IUD as a post-coital method is effective if after unprotected sexual

intercourse it has passed until:
• 2 days
• 5 days
• 1week
• 2 weeks
• 1 month

295.The use of Postinor as a post-coital method is effective if after unprotected sexual

intercourse it has passed until:
• 24 hours
• 72 -120 hours
• 10 days
• 15 days
• 1 month

296. Interrupted sexual intercourse:

• Highly effective method of contraception
• Low-effective method of contraception
• STI prevention method
• Method to prevent HIV infection
• Ideal for permanent contraception

297. What conditions of the endometrium are considered precancerous?

• Glandular cystic hyperplasia
• Glandular polyp of the endometrium
• Endometrial atrophy
• Atypical hyperplasia
• Endometrial fibrous polyp

298. Characteristic features of ovarian cysts:

• These are retention formations
• Increase in size due to cell proliferation
• Do not have capsules
• May become malignant
• Multi-chamber

299. Which ovarian tumor most often undergoes malignancy?

• Fibroma
• Mucinous cystadenoma
• Serous cystadenoma
• Tecoma
• Sarcoma

300.Which method of contraception is irreversible?

• Navy
• Implants

301. What can be used as emergency contraception:

• Combined oral contraceptives
• Coitus interruptus
• Depo-Provera
• Voluntary surgical sterilization
• Emergency contraception

302.The most appropriate timing for prescribing a contraceptive after an artificial abortion:
• Immediately after the procedure
• In the next menstrual cycle
• 3 months after abortion
• 6 months after abortion
• Do not prescribe at all

303. An absolute indication for surgery in gynecology is not:

• intra-abdominal bleeding;
• peritonitis;
• gonorrheal pelvioperitonitis;
• threat of perforation of tubo-ovarian abscess.
• Incipient miscarriage

304. An ectopic pregnancy can be localized in all of the following organs, except:
• vagina;
• cervix;
• vestigial uterine horn;
• ovary;
• abdominal cavity.

305. Methods for diagnosing endometrial cancer are the following, except:
• metrosalpingography;
• separate diagnostic curettage of the mucous membrane of the uterus and cervix;
• functional diagnostic tests;
• ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
• hysteroscopy.

307. What is the most common morphological characteristic of the endometrium preceding
A. secretory transformation;
B. adenomatosis;
C. hyperplasia;
D. proliferation;
E. resting endometrium.

308. Main symptoms of adenocarcinoma, except:

A. uterine bleeding in postmenopause;
B. pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
C. infiltration of pelvic tissue;
D. reducing the size of the uterine body;
E. enlargement and hardening of regional lymph nodes.
309. Additional methods for diagnosing the extent of adenocarcinoma spread, except:
A. cystoscopy;
B. bacteriological examination of uterine aspirate;
C. rectoscopy;
D. X-ray contrast lymphography;
E. radioisotope lymphography.

310. Age period at which carcinoma in situ is most often detected?

A. 45-55 years old;
B. 7-17 years old;
C. 30-40 years old;
D. over 60 -70 years old;
E. over 70 years old.

311. The main method of treating chorionepithelioma?

A. antibacterial therapy;
B. immunostimulating therapy;
C. extirpation of the uterus with appendages;
D. cytostatic therapy;
E. physiotherapeutic treatment.

312. Methods for diagnosing cervical pathology are used, except:

A. Pap smear;
B. colposcopy;
C. cervicohysterosalpingography;
D. rectal temperature measurements;
E. curettage of the cervical canal.

313. Factors contributing to the occurrence of cervical cancer, except:

A. hormonal contraception;
B. cicatricial deformation of the cervix after childbirth;
C. ectropion;
D. long-term cervical erosions;
E. leukoplakia of the cervix.

314. Regional metastasis of cervical cancer to lymph nodes, except:

A. external iliac;
B. common iliacs;
C. presacral;
D. para-aortic;
E. inguinal

315.Treatment of preinvasive cervical carcinoma in a young woman, except:

A. laser conization of the cervix;
B. extirpation of the uterus with appendages;
C. intracavitary gamma therapy;
D. electroconization of the cervix;
E. knife cone excision of the cervix.
316. What study allows us to establish the diagnosis of invasive cervical carcinoma?
A. Pap smear;
B. aspiration of cervical mucus;
C. targeted biopsy of the cervix with histological examination;
D. vaginal flushing;
E. colposcopy.

317. What is the most common cause of endometrial hyperplasia in reproductive age?
A. inflammatory diseases of the genitals;
B. prolonged hyperestrogenism during anovulation;
C. hyperestrogenism due to insufficiency of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle;
D. estrogen-producing ovarian tumor;
E. long-term use of estrogen.

318. Endometrial hyperplasia develops due to:

A. hyperprogesteronemia;
B. hyperestrogenemia;
C. hyperprolactinemia;
D. the use of combined estrogen-gestagen drugs;
E. genetically determined proliferation of endometrial basal cells.

320. The histological differential diagnosis between carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma is
based on the following features:
A. damage to the basement membrane by atypical cells;
B. atypical cells are found in a smear for oncocytology;
C. detection of cells with squamous metaplasia;
D. the entire layer of stratified squamous epithelium is replaced by atypical cells;
E. pronounced proliferation of basal cells of multilayered squamous epithelium.

321. In endometrial cancer, the lymph nodes are primarily affected:

A. paracervical;
B. obturator;
C. inguinal;
D. sacred;
E. hypogastric

322. Treatment of stage II-a endometrial cancer includes:

A. irradiation only;
B. extirpation of the uterus with appendages;
C. combination of irradiation and extirpation of the uterus and appendages;
D. radical hysterectomy with resection of the greater omentum;
E. only symptomatic therapy.

323. Uterine sarcoma can occur from the following tissues, except:
A. myometrium;
B. nerve fibers;
C. endometrium;
D. blood vessels;
E. fibrous node.
324. Primary treatment of stage II ovarian cancer is:
A. immunotherapy;
B. remote irradiation;
C. chemotherapy;
D. hormone therapy;
E. surgical method.

325. A histological examination of the endometrium revealed adenomatosis in an infertile woman

of reproductive age. Which drug will be more effective?
A. clostilbegit;
B. non-ovlon;
C. norkolut;
D. pergonal;
E. human chorionic gonadotropin.

328. The most appropriate sequence of measures when diagnosing a disrupted ectopic
• surgery, blood transfusion;
• consultation with a therapist, anesthesiologist, surgery;
• ultrasound examination, blood transfusion, surgery;
• blood transfusion, surgery;
• use of hemostatic therapy, blood transfusion, surgery.

330. A vaginal examination of a patient with suspected ectopic pregnancy revealed: the external
os is slightly open; scarlet bloody discharge from the cervical canal; the uterus is enlarged up to 8
weeks of pregnancy; appendages are not identified; The vaginal vaults are free. Diagnosis:
• tubal abortion;
• disrupted intrauterine pregnancy;
• ovarian apoplexy;
• inflammatory process of the uterine appendages;
• endometrial hyperplasia

331. Ovarian apoplexy most often occurs:

• during the period of ovulation;
• at the stage of vascularization of the corpus luteum;
• during the period of maturation of the Graafian follicle;
• during the period of follicular atresia.
• During menstruation

332. In case of significant bleeding into the abdominal cavity in a patient with ovarian apoplexy,
the following is indicated:
• transection, ovarian resection;
• transection, removal of the ovary;
• dynamic observation of the doctor on duty, according to indications - blood transfusion;
• conservative therapy: rest, cold on the lower abdomen, restorative therapy.
• Hormone therapy;

333. In a patient with a clinical diagnosis of ovarian apoplexy, the indication for surgery is:
• a history of inflammation of the appendages;
• history of ovarian dysfunction;
• pain syndrome;
• intra-abdominal bleeding.
E. history of amenorrhea.

335. Termination of a tubal pregnancy by type of tubal abortion occurs more often during
• 11-12 weeks;
• 9-10 weeks;
• 7-8 weeks;
• 4-6 weeks;
• 16-17 weeks.

342. Risk factor for ectopic pregnancy?

A. uterine hypoplasia;
B. oral contraception;
C. previous inflammatory diseases of the genitals;
D. history of cesarean section;
E. insufficiency of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.

343. What is the most common implantation of the fertilized egg during ectopic pregnancy?
A. in the ampullary section of the fallopian tube;
B. on the peritoneum;
C. on the ovary;
D. in the isthmic section of the fallopian tube;
E. in the interstitial part of the fallopian tube.

344. The least informative sign for differentiating uterine and tubal pregnancy?
A. ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
B. level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood;
C. bimanual examination of the pelvic organs;
D. smears for colpocytology;
E. curettage of the uterus.

347. The main cause of death during ectopic pregnancy:

A. pulmonary embolism with trophoblast elements;
B. intestinal obstruction;
C. acute renal failure;
D. intra-abdominal bleeding;
E. peritonitis.

348. The diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is denied by:

A. decidual reaction of the endometrium;
B. absence of a fetal sac on echoscopy;
C. absence of a characteristic clinical picture;
D. negative human chorionic gonadotropin test;
E. negative puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix.

349. The system of specialized gynecological care for infertility includes the stages:
A examination of a woman in a antenatal clinic;
B examination and treatment of a married couple;
C inpatient examination and treatment;
D conducting periodic medical examinations.
E counseling for women

351. Which factor does not increase the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the genital
• onset of sexual activity at age 15;
• medical abortions;
• use of oral contraceptives;
• hysterosalpingography;
• use of an IUD.

352. Choriocarcinoma - malignant neoplasm:

• Decidua
• Myometrium
• Trophoblast
• Theca-tissues
• Endometrium

353. Complaint not typical for inflammatory diseases of the genital organs:
• pain in the lower abdomen;
• fever;
• foul-smelling vaginal discharge;
• increased levels of bilirubin in the blood;
• acceleration of ESR and increase in leukocytes.

354. Infection with which microorganisms that cause colpitis requires treatment of both partners?
• trichomonas;
• candida;
• streptococci;
• staphylococci;
• coli.

355. Which of the following examination methods most reliably confirms the diagnosis of
inflammation of the appendages?
• quantitative determination of leukocytes;
• Gram stain of cervical mucus smear;
• culdocentesis;
• laparoscopy;
• Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

356. What is unnecessary in establishing a diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease:

• laparoscopy;
• Ultrasound;
• culdocentesis;
• urine analysis according to Zimnitsky;
• rectal examination.

357. Is not a complication of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs:

• endometriosis;
• ectopic pregnancy;
• adhesions in the pelvic area;
• dyspareunia;
• hydrosalpinx.

358. In girls at an early age (from 2 to 8 years), the following are more common:
• ovarian tumors;
• dysfunctional bleeding;
• congenital anomalies of the genital organs;
• vulvovaginitis;
• salpingo-oophoritis.

359. The complication that most often occurs during the management of an IUD is:
• isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
• ectopic pregnancy;
• recurrent miscarriage;
• acute infection;
• pelvic vein thrombosis.

360. Pathological changes in cervical mucus can be the result of all of the following conditions,
• infection of the cervix with cytotoxic microorganisms;
• posterior displacement of the uterus;
• chronic inflammatory process in the cervix;
• previous electrocoagulation of any cervical formations;
• inflammation of the vagina.

361. Endometritis is:

• inflammation of the fallopian tube;
• inflammation of the uterine muscle;
• inflammation of the peritoneum;
• inflammation of the periuterine tissue;
• inflammation of the uterine mucosa.

362. Treatment of acute endometritis includes:

• physical therapy;
• surgery;
• antibacterial agents;
• diuretics;
• antispasmodics.

363. Parameterite is:

• inflammation of the ovary;
• inflammation of the cecum;
• inflammation of the fallopian tube;
• inflammation of the periuterine tissue;
• inflammation of the omentum.

364. What treatment is not used for acute inflammation of the uterine appendages of nonspecific
• coldness in the lower abdomen;
• antibiotic therapy;
• mud therapy ;
• vitamin therapy;
• detoxification therapy.

365. What is the most common cause of atrophic colpitis?

• oral contraception with progestins;
• drug-induced amenorrhea in the treatment of uterine fibroids or endometriosis;
• menopause;
• oral contraception with gestagens;
• uterine fibroids

366. Factors of resistance of the vaginal mucosa to infection?

• high levels of androgens;
• low estrogen levels;
• acidic environment;
• absence of Dederlein bacteria;
• high levels of progesterone.

367. Treatment of acute endometritis, except:

• desensitizing agents;
• surgical treatment;
• antibacterial agents
• antioxidant vitamin complex;
• antispasmodics.

368. What disease is not differentiated in acute inflammation of the pelvic organs?
• acute appendicitis;
• uterine fibroids ;
• acute urinary tract infection;
• lower lobe pneumonia
• torsion of the tumor stalk.
369. The main diagnostic method for assessing the effectiveness of treatment for trophoblastic
• Dynamic transvaginal echography
• CT scan
• Determination of the titer of human chorionic gonadotropin in blood serum and urine over
• Hysteroscopy with separate diagnostic curettage
• Determination of hemoglobin level

370. What least contributes to the development of the inflammatory process in the pelvis?
• curettage of the uterine cavity;
• menstruation;
• sperm;
• endocervicitis;
• fibrotic changes.

371. Atrophic colpitis can develop in the following situations, with the exception of:
• postmenopause;
• premature depletion of ovarian function;
• use of oral contraceptives;
• pituitary necrosis;
• surgical castration at a young age.

572. The onset of acute inflammation of the uterine appendages is characterized by the following
• increased body temperature ;
• the appearance of rashes;
• dyspeptic disorders;
• polyphagia;
• vomit.

373. Indications for surgical treatment for inflammatory processes of the uterine appendages are:
• pyosalpinx;
• perforation of a purulent tubo-ovarian formation ;
• frequent exacerbations of chronic inflammatory process of the uterine appendages;
• endometriosis;
• acute salpingitis.

374. The sign most characteristic of vulvovaginitis:

• sharp pain;
• burning, itching
• heat;
• ulcerations;
• bloody issues.
375. Select the symptoms characteristic of pelvioperitonitis:
• the appearance of rashes;
• intestinal paresis;
• positive Shchetkin's sign in the hypogastric region ;
• severe bloating;
• enterocolitis.

376. Which statement regarding relative anaerobic sepsis is incorrect:

• more often occurs during criminal termination of pregnancy;
• may be a consequence of nosocomial clostridial infection;
• accompanied by hemolysis of red blood cells;
• Oligo- and anuria develops early due to hemoglobinuria;
• the level of total and unconjugated bilirubin in the blood is increased

377. The following are not typical for the clinic of septic shock:
• drop in blood pressure;
• oligo- and anuria;
• icteric color of the skin precedes a drop in blood pressure;
• hyperthermia gives way to hypothermia;
• progressive disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome.

378. The following is not used to provide emergency care for septic shock:
• paracetamol ;
• corticosteroids;
• dopamine;
• fresh frozen plasma;
• broad-spectrum antibiotics.

379. The most important risk factor for endometritis after childbirth is:
• frequent sex life;
• C-section;
• vaginal delivery;
• previous urinary tract infection;
• associated upper respiratory tract infection.

380. Select characteristic complaints in acute endometritis:

• pain throughout the abdomen;
• pain radiating to the lower extremities;
• temperature increase;
• nausea, vomiting;
• dyspeptic disorders;

381. Parametritis occurs more often after:

• childbirth, abortion
• hypothermia;
• casual sexual intercourse;
• otitis

382. Select the research methods necessary to diagnose acute salpingoophoritis:

• X-ray of the chest organs;
• X-ray of the abdominal organs;
• Analysis of urine;
• hysteroscopy;
• laparoscopy.

383. Indicate an unfavorable period for surgery for chronic inflammatory processes of the uterine
• beyond exacerbation;
• during the period of exacerbation;
• low-grade fever;
• ESR more than 20 mm/hour;
• temperature is normal;

384. Which parts of the female reproductive system are most often affected by tuberculosis?
• the fallopian tubes;
• ovaries;
• uterus;
• external genitalia;
• vagina.

385. The main clinical symptom of tuberculous lesions of the uterine appendages:
• chronic pelvic pain;
• amenorrhea;
• menometrorrhagia;
• primary infertility;
• secondary infertility.

386. Ascending gonorrhea is a defeat:

• cervical canal;
• fallopian tubes;
• paraurethral glands;
• urethra;
• all of the above bodies.

387. Clinical data characteristic of candidiasis:

• Abundant cheesy discharge from the genital tract, itching and burning in the genital area;
• Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, profuse, grey-green, yellow, foamy; dysuria, itching,
burning; hyperemia, swelling, “raspberry neck”, involvement of the vulva in the process;
• Mucous or mucopurulent discharge from the cervical canal, often asymptomatic treatment;
• Vaginal discharge is liquid, with an unpleasant “fishy” odor, homogeneous, adhering to the walls
of the vagina, no inflammatory reaction, itching or burning;
• Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

388. The diagnosis of gonorrhea can be established on the basis of:

• detection of microorganisms arranged in pairs in the form of diplococci in smears of genital tract
• negative Gram stain of cocci;
• location of bacteria inside the cell;
• detection of any of the listed signs;
• When establishing a diagnosis, a combination of all of these signs is necessary.

389. Name the main clinical symptom of bacterial vaginosis:

• itching of the external genitalia and perineum;
• dyspareunia;
• profuse leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor;
• dysuria;
• pelvic pain.

390. The most common cause of ectopic pregnancy is

• Genital infantilism
• External genital endometriosis
• Submucosal uterine fibroids
• Chronic salpingitis
• Adenomyosis

391. A patient has been taking antibiotics for a long time for acute pyelonephritis. She developed
a burning sensation in the vagina, itching, and copious discharge. What complication occurred?
• acute endometritis;
• ectopic pregnancy;
• inflammation of the uterine appendages ;
• candidal colpitis ;
• cervical erosion.

392. An 18-year-old woman with a 10-day delay in menstruation developed acute pain in the
lower abdomen, an increase in temperature to 37.4°C, and leukocytosis of 12.4109/l. On
palpation, pain spreads to the upper abdomen on the right. Differential diagnosis is carried out
with all the following diseases, except:
• ectopic pregnancy;
• appendicitis;
• acute salpingitis;
• colpitis;
• torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian tumor.

393. The following do not predispose to the development of candidal vaginosis:

• oral contraceptives;
• pregnancy and diabetes;
• taking antidepressants;
• antihypertensive drugs
• diuretics

394. What disease should be suspected if a vaginal yeast infection recurs frequently?
• anemia;
• diabetes;
• systemic lupus erythematosus;
• endometriosis of the genitals;
• congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

395. Bacterial vaginosis is not characterized by the following manifestations:

• pH 5.0;
• key cells;
• pronounced inflammatory reaction;
• an increase in the number of gardnerella;
• good effect from treatment with metronidazole.

396. Ectopic pregnancy should not be differentiated:

A. with salpingitis;
B. with abortion;
C. with torsion of the cystoma leg;
D. with hemorrhage into the corpus luteum;
E. with endometritis;

397. The main clinical symptoms of a pipe rupture do not include:

A. sharp paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen;
B. short-term loss of consciousness;
C. positive phrenicus symptom;
D. pale skin, cold sweat.
E. Increased body temperature;

398. Treatment measures for tubal abortion should include:

A. observation during antibacterial therapy;
B. laparotomy after the development of clinical intra-abdominal bleeding;
C. prescription of drugs that enhance blood clotting;
D. immediate laparotomy and tube removal;
E. carrying out hormonal hemostasis.

399. Risk factors for the development of ectopic pregnancy are not:
A. inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
B. surgical interventions on the pelvic organs;
C. tubal ligation;
D. spontaneous abortions;
E. infections caused by the herpes simplex virus.

401. In what daily dose is heparin used to prevent thromboembolic complications?

A. 10 thousand units;
B. 20 thousand units;
C. 30 thousand units;
D. 15 thousand units;
E. 5 thousand units;

402. Preovulatory changes in hormonal levels are characterized by an increase in the level
A. LH and decreased FSH
B. FSH and decreased LH
C. FSH and LH
D. prolactin
E. FSH, LH and prolactin

403. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle

A. LH secretion increases gradually, reaching maximum values
B. endometrial glands become sawtooth-shaped
C. the number of estradiol-binding receptors decreases
D. proliferation of granulosa cells of the follicle occurs
E. the pupil sign becomes "negative"

405. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle

A. there is a second peak in estrogen production associated with the flourishing of the
corpus luteum function
B. there is a pronounced proliferation of follicular granulosa
C. intensive proliferation of the functional layer of the endometrium occurs
D. the symptom of mucus crystallization reaches its maximum severity
E. there is an increase in basal temperature by O.2 degrees

406. Follicle maturity can be determined

A. by FSH level in the blood
B. by the level of progesterone in the blood
C. by the level of pregnanediol in urine
D. during ultrasound examination
E. by basal temperature

407. Cervical index

• allows you to diagnose the moment of ovulation
• assessed on a 3-point system
• determined during colpocytological examination
• takes into account the shape of the vaginal part of the cervix
• allows you to assess the level of estrogen saturation

408. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in the reproductive period is caused by

• disturbed ectopic pregnancy
• endometriosis
• polycystic ovary syndrome
• inflammatory process of the endometrium
• violation of the mechanism of regulation of the menstrual cycle

409. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding with persistence of the follicle occurs against the
• high estrogen saturation
• . low estrogen saturation
• high gestagenic saturation
• androgen saturation
• glucocorticoid deficiency

410. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding during menopause is caused by

• disturbance of circhoral production of gonadotropic releasing hormone (GHR)
• adenomyosis
• adenomatosis
• atrophic processes in the endometrium
• formation of immunodeficiency

411. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in the juvenile period includes bleeding

• for blood diseases
• for cardiovascular pathology
• with thyroid pathology
• for diseases of the adrenal glands
• in case of disruption of the formation of circhoral production of gonadotropic releasing

412. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding with follicular atresia occurs against the background
• high estrogen saturation
• low estrogen saturation
• high gestagenic saturation
• hyperandrogenemia
• hyperproduction of prolactin

413. Ovulatory acyclic bleeding is typical

• with short-term rhythmic persistence of the follicle
• with long-term persistence of the follicle
• with follicular atresia
• with persistence of the corpus luteum
• with corpus luteum deficiency

414. Anovulatory cyclic bleeding is typical

• with long-term persistence of follicles
• with short-term persistence of follicles
• with persistence of the corpus luteum
• with corpus luteum deficiency
• with follicular atresia
415. Hypoplastic endometrium is characteristic
• for ovarian hypofunction
• for dysfunctional uterine bleeding during menopause
• for ectopic pregnancy
• for endometrial precancer
• for thecomas and granulosa cell tumors of the ovary

416. The condition of the endometrium during follicular atresia is characterized

• glandular hyperplasia
• atypical glandular hyperplasia (adenomatosis)
• high glycogen content
• decidual changes
• appearance of large Arias-Stella cells

417. The condition of the endometrium with persistence of the follicle is characterized by the
• Overbeck's light glands
• adenoacontomy
• adenomatosis
• adenomyosis
• glandular cystic hyperplasia

418. For the treatment of bleeding with persistence of the corpus luteum, use
• curettage of the uterine cavity
• electrical stimulation of the cervix
• gestagens
• danazol
• parlodel

419. Indications for hysteroscopy:

• Pregnancy
• Suspicion of submucous uterine fibroids
• Heavy uterine bleeding
• Cervical stenosis
• Advanced cervical cancer

420. The diagnosis of torsion of the cystoma leg is confirmed by:

• sudden sharp onset of pain;
• tension of the anterior abdominal wall;
• positive Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom;
• detection of a sharply painful tumor in the pelvis;
• leukocytosis, acceleration of ESR.

421. Acute inflammation of the uterine appendages of gonorrheal etiology

• usually develops within the first week after infection
• often complicated by pelvioperitonitis
• is an indication for surgical treatment
• diagnosed using hysterosalpingography
• is an indication for the use of ampicillin in a course dose of 3.5 g

422. The diagnosis of gonorrhea can be made

• with a positive Bordet-Gengou reaction
• upon detection of bilateral inflammation of the fallopian tubes
• in cases of combined inflammation of the urethra and cervical canal
• in cases of detection of gonococci
• in cases of body temperature rising to 38 degrees in response to the administration of

423. Endometritis is:

• Inflammation of the vulvar mucosa
• Inflammation of the uterine mucosa
• Inflammation of the cervix
• Inflammation of the fallopian tubes
• Inflammation of the ovary

424. A feature of the course of gonorrhea in women is

• the presence of pronounced clinical symptoms in cases of damage to the urethra and cervical
• presence of foamy discharge
• bilateral damage to the uterine appendages
• lack of connection between certain stages of disease development and menstruation, childbirth,
• frequent development of parametritis

425. The criterion for cured gonorrhea in women is the absence of gonococci in smears taken
• during control examinations using physiological and combined provocations for three
• after three monthly nutritional provocations
• after three series of monthly physical provocations
• after a series of intramuscular injections of increasing doses of gonovaccine
• after completion of treatment

426. Rapid increase in fibroid size

• may be a consequence of malignant degeneration of the node
• usually associated with node necrosis
• may be a symptom of endometrial cancer
• is an indication for more active conservative therapy
• always accompanied by pain

427. Conservative therapy of uterine fibroids

• includes the use of diathermy
• is based on long-term use of androgens on a continuous basis
• can be carried out with norsteroid drugs
• based on long-term use of vitamin B12
• includes the use of chemotherapy

428. Common forms of ectopic pregnancy include

• tubal pregnancy
• ovarian pregnancy
• abdominal pregnancy
• interligamentous pregnancy
• pregnancy in a vestigial horn

429. Progressive tubal pregnancy can be reliably diagnosed using

• bimanual examination
• ultrasound examination
• curettage of the uterine cavity
• puncture of the posterior fornix
• serological reaction to pregnancy

430. In the differential diagnosis of tubal pregnancy:

• Anamnesis data are usually not significant
• the discovery of the Arias-Stella phenomenon during histological examination of the
endometrium is indisputable evidence
• a positive serological reaction to pregnancy is a reliable sign
• the leading role belongs to laparoscopy and ultrasound examination
• under any conditions, puncture of the posterior fornix is crucial

431. Inflammation of the periuterine tissue is called:

• Peritonitis
• Endometritis
• Vaginitis
• Parametritis
• Vulvitis

432. A test with clomiphene is carried out in the presence of:

• Uterine fibroids
• Anovulation
• Adenomyosis
• Endometritis
• Hyperprolactinemia

433. Diagnosis Disturbed tubal pregnancy is an indication

• for emergency laparotomy
• for laparoscopy
• for ultrasound examination
• for special research
• for puncture of the posterior fornix

435. The pelvic floor is:

• Hymen;
• Vagina;
• Muscles and fascia of the perineum;
• The vestibule of the vagina.
• Douglas space

436 Cervical pregnancy

• usually interrupted at 4-5 weeks
• when interrupted, usually accompanied by internal bleeding
• diagnosed only during curettage of the uterine cavity
• can be diagnosed by the location of the external os of the cervical canal
• in most cases it is treated with vacuum aspiration of the ovum

437. Cervical cancer

• diagnosed using a specific Schiller test
• more common in nulliparous women
• occurs only as an exophytic form
• in the early stages it manifests itself as acyclic bleeding
• in the preinvasive stage may be an indication for electroexcision of the cervix

438. The acidic environment of the vagina is ensured by the presence of:
• Vaginal epithelium;
• Leukocytes;
• Dederlein sticks;
• Gonococcus.
• Kokkov

439. If pathological changes are detected on the cervix, it is necessary:

• Take a smear from the changed area for cytological examination;
• Treat the neck with a disinfectant solution;
• Monitoring with periodic inspections.
• Take a smear on the flora
• PCR analysis

440. Dysplasia
• This is a pathology of the integumentary epithelium of the cervix, in the entire thickness of
which there are histological signs of cancer, but there is no invasion into the underlying stroma
• does not apply to underlying cervical diseases
• can be detected during a special examination of a visually unchanged cervix
• is an indication for hysterectomy at any age
• usually treated with electrocoagulation of affected areas of the cervix
441. Endometriosis of the vaginal part of the cervix
• refers to internal endometriosis
• manifests itself as intense pain before and during menstruation
• rarely manifests itself as a disturbance in the nature of menstruation
• diagnosed by colposcopy
• responds well to conservative therapy

442. Internal endometriosis

• diagnosed by colposcopy
• rare
• develops from the basal layer of the endometrium
• responds well to hormonal therapy
• not detected by hysteroscopy

443. Internal genital endometriosis includes

• endometriosis of the vaginal part of the cervix
• peritoneal endometriosis
• ovarian endometriosis
• endometriosis of the interstitial part of the fallopian tubes
• retrocervical endometriosis

444. Retrocervical endometriosis

• may manifest itself as pain, flatulence, stool retention on the eve of and during
• cannot be diagnosed with bimanual examination
• diagnosed using hysterography
• diagnosed using pneumopelviography
• can only be treated surgically

445. Differential criterion determining stage II-a cancer

• ovary (FIGO classification, 1976), is

• ascites
• capsule rupture
• hydrothorax
• lesion of the second ovary
• damage to the fallopian tube and uterus

446. The sign that determines stage III of ovarian cancer (FIGO classification, 1976) is
• ascites
• capsule rupture
• lesion of the second ovary
• uterine lesion
• presence of metastases in the omentum
447. The most important additional method of preoperative diagnosis of the nature of the tumor
process in the ovary is
• Ultrasound examination
• bicontrast pelviography
• pelviotomography
• lymphography
E. cytological examination of punctate from the abdominal cavity

448. Treatment of benign ovarian tumors in childhood and puberty consists of

• during a course of chemotherapy
• in prescribing hormone therapy
• in bilateral removal of appendages
• in resection of the affected ovary
• in supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages

449. The <operation of choice> for a benign ovarian tumor in pre- and postmenopause is
• ovarian resection
• removal of appendages from the affected side
• bilateral appendage removal
• supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages
• supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages + omentectomy

450. <Operation of choice> for ovarian cancer is

Wertheim's operation
• extended hysterectomy with removal of para-aortic lymph nodes
• extirpation or supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages and omentectomy
• extirpation of the uterus with appendages
• removal of affected appendages

451. Risk factor for ectopic pregnancy?

• uterine hypoplasia;
• oral contraception;
• previous inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs
• history of cesarean section;
• insufficiency of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.

452. The leading method of complex treatment of malignant ovarian tumor is

• chemotherapy and surgical treatment
• surgical treatment + radiotherapy
• X-ray therapy and hormone therapy
• hormone therapy and surgical treatment
• chemohormonotherapy

453. Most malignant ovarian tumors are

• serous tumors
• mucinous tumors
• sex cord stromal tumors
• teratomas
• metastatic tumors

454. Secondary infertility is called

• infertility lasting two years
• infertility in women with a history of pregnancy
• infertility caused by endocrine pathology
• infertility caused by inflammatory genesis
• infertility due to husband's illness

455. Good patency of the fallopian tubes can be judged by the data of chromohydrotubation if
the urine
• Blue in one hour
• Green after one hour
• Green after two hours
• After one hour colorless
• Remains colorless after one hour and after 24 hours

456. According to the WHO classification (198O), premenopause is the period

• From the end of reproductive age to menopause
• Length of time since last menstruation
• Last menstruation
• The period of menstrual dysfunction before the last menstruation
• Period before menarche

457. According to the WHO classification (198O), menopause is called

• Period of stable menstrual function
• Last menstruation
• Length of time since last menstruation
• Length of time after the end of reproductive age
• Period of the first menstruation

458. According to the WHO classification (198O), postmenopause is called

• Last menstruation
• The period from the onset of menstrual irregularities to the last menstrual period
• Period of stable menstrual function
• Period of first menstruation
• Length of time since last menstruation

459. Currently, age is considered normal for the onset of menopause.

• 45 years
• 5O years
• 4O years
• 55 years
• 43 years
460. Autonomic nervous manifestations of menopausal syndrome include
• Irritability
• Sweating
• Sleep disorders
• Memory loss
• Decreased libido

461. Pathogenetic treatment for adrenogenital syndrome (AGS) is

• Therapy aimed at normalizing body weight
• Improvement of cerebral hemodynamics
• Glucocorticoid therapy
• Use of vegetotropic drugs (Belloid)
• Use of small doses of thyroidin

462. To confirm Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, a

• Transsphenoidal arteriography
• Determination of the level of gonadotropic hormones
• Ultrasound scanning of the pelvic organs or pneumopelviography
• Hysterography
• Karyotype study

463. Rokitansky-Mayer-Küster syndrome is an indication

• For long-term therapy with parlodel
• For ovarian demedulation
• For plastic surgery on the uterus
• For colpopoiesis
• For surgery on the pituitary gland

464. Sheehan syndrome

• Develops with pituitary tumors
• May be a consequence of massive blood loss during childbirth
• Characterized by hyperprolactinemia
• Accompanied by hyperthyroidism
• Accompanied by hypercortisolism

465. For hyperprolactinemia it is used

• Difenin
• Pergonal
• Clomiphene
• Parlodel
• Danazol

466. The most important role in the formation of prolapse and prolapse of the walls of the vagina
and uterus belongs to traumatic injuries
• vaginal mucosa
• broad ligaments of the uterus
• sacrouterine ligaments
• round uterine ligaments
• pelvic floor muscles

467. Uterine prolapse

• does not occur in nulliparous women
• may be associated with a sedentary lifestyle
• is considered complete if the cervix extends beyond the genital opening
• may be complicated by the development of decubital ulcers
• is an indication for Emmett's operation

468. The hanging apparatus of the uterus does not include

• own ovarian ligaments
• round uterine ligaments
• wide uterine ligaments
• suspensory ligament of the ovaries
• sacrouterine ligaments

469. Choriocarcinoma most often occurs after:

• abortions
• hydatidiform mole
• normal birth
• premature birth
• inflammatory processes
470. Tactics for managing a patient with DUB of the juvenile period:
• limit yourself to symptomatic hemostatic and antianemic therapy
• carry out hormonal hemostasis with progesterone
• therapeutic and diagnostic curettage of the endometrium and endocervix
• complex therapy, including hemostatic, antianemic, uterotonic therapy, if ineffective -
hormonal hemostasis
• hysteroscopy

471. The main clinical symptom of submucosal uterine fibroids:

• chronic pelvic pain;
• algomenorrhea
• menorrhagia
• leucorrhoea
• secondary infertility

472. Conservative therapy of uterine fibroids

• Includes the use of diathermy
• Based on long-term and continuous use of androgens
• can be carried out with norsteroid drugs
• is based on long-term use of Vitamin B12
• includes the use of chemotherapy
473. The anovulatory menstrual cycle is characterized by
• cyclical changes in the body
• long-term persistence of the follicle
• predominance of gestagens in the second phase of the cycle
• predominance of gestagens in the first phase of the cycle
• estrogen deficiency state

474. Endoscopic research methods in gynecology do not include:

• hysteroscopy
• colposcopy
• culdocentesis
• laparoscopy
• culdoscopy

475. Obstetric peritonitis most often occurs after:

• childbirth
• early spontaneous miscarriage
• caesarean section
• induced abortion
• late spontaneous miscarriage

476. The hypothalamus produces the following hormones

• gonadotropins
• estrogens
• gestagens
• releasing factors
• glucocorticoids

477. In case of exacerbation of chronic salpingo-oophoritis of the type of neuralgia of the pelvic
nerves, the following has no effect:
• antibiotic therapy
• amidopyrine electrophoresis
• diadynamic currents
• ultraviolet erythemotheration
• amplipulse therapy

478. Small doses of estrogens

• stimulate FSH production
• suppress FSH production
• increase LH production
• suppress LH production
• do not affect FSH production
479. Hysterosalpingography in the diagnosis of internal endometriosis of the uterus is the most
• 1-2 days before the start of menstruation
• immediately after menstruation
• for 12-14 days
• on days 16-18
• on day 20-22

480. The complication that most often occurs when inserting an IUD is:
• isthmic-cervical insufficiency
• ectopic pregnancy
• perforation
• acute infection
• pelvic vein thrombosis

481. In the differential diagnosis between uterine fibroids and ovarian tumors, the most
• bimanual vaginal examination
• Ultrasound
• Posterior fornix puncture.
• laparoscopy
• probing of the uterine cavity

482. When examining an infertile couple, the following is first of all indicated:
• hysterosalpinography
• vaginal smear cytology
• determination of basal temperature
• endometrial biopsy
• sperm examination

483. If a malignant lesion of the ovary is suspected in a 55-year-old patient, the following is
• removal of the uterine appendages on the affected side
• supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages and resection of the greater
• extirpation of the uterus with appendages
• removal of the uterus with appendages on both sides
• supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages

484. Tactics in the clinic of “acute abdomen” at the prehospital stage:

• Anesthesia;
• Cold on the stomach;
• Cleansing enema;
• Urgent hospitalization
• Observation
485. When acyclic bleeding appears, the following is carried out:
• hysterosalpingography
• LH determination
• ultrasonography
• definition of hCG
• diagnostic curettage

486. Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation during

A.4 months
B.5 months
C.6 months
D.2 months
E.3 months

487. The main method of stopping abnormal uterine bleeding in the premenopausal period is:
• use of synthetic estrogen-progestin drugs
• administration of hemostatic and uterine contracting agents
• androgen use
• continuous use of 17-hydroxyprogesterone capronate (17-OPK)
• separate diagnostic curettage of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity and cervical

488. Which parts of the female reproductive system are most often affected by tuberculosis:
• the fallopian tubes
• ovaries
• uterus
• external genitalia
• vagina

489. The main clinical symptom of tuberculous lesions of the uterine appendages:
• chronic pelvic pain
• amenorrhea
• menometrorrhagia
• infertility

490. Name the main clinical symptom of bacterial vaginosis:

• itching of the external genitalia and perineum
• dyspareunia
• profuse leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor
• dysuria
• pelvic pain
491. The main clinical symptom of submucosal uterine fibroids:
• chronic pelvic pain
• algomenorrhea
• uterine bleeding
• secondary infertility
• Iron-deficiency anemia

492. In the chain of steroid biosynthesis, the first biologically active

This hormone is
• androstenedione
• estradiol
• estriol
• testosterone
• progesterone

493. The main estrogen hormone in a woman’s body is

the postmenopausal period is
• estradiol
• estrone
• estriol
• estradiol dipropionate
• progesterone

494. Gonadotropins, which play a role in the pathogenesis of hyperplastic processes and
endometrial cancer, are secreted:
• adrenal glands
• hypothalamus
• anterior pituitary gland
• posterior pituitary gland
• ovaries

495. In what daily dose is heparin used to prevent thromboembolic complications?

• 10 thousand units
• 20 thousand units
• 30 thousand units
• 25 thousand units
• 15 thousand units

496. Delayed sexual development is the absence

• secondary sexual characteristics by 14, and menstruation by 16.
• secondary sexual characteristics by the age of 12, and menstruation by the age of 16.
• secondary sexual characteristics by age 14, and menstruation by age 18.
• secondary sexual characteristics by age 12, and menstruation by age 18.
• secondary sexual characteristics by age 13, and menstruation by age 15.
497. The most appropriate sequence of measures when diagnosing a disrupted ectopic
• surgery, blood transfusion
• consultation with a therapist, anesthesiologist, surgery
• ultrasound examination, blood transfusion, surgery
• blood transfusion, surgery
• use of hemostatic therapy, blood transfusion, surgery

498. In patients with amenorrhea due to Itsenko-Cushing’s disease, hyperproduction of the

adenohypophysis hormone occurs
• somatotropic
• thyroid-stimulating
• adrenocorticotropic
• follicle-stimulating
• luteinizing

499. The criterion for cured gonorrhea in patients is established after treatment for
A.1 month
B.2 months
C.3 months
D.4 months
E. 5 months

500. Previous inflammatory process of the pelvic organs cannot be the cause of:
• tubal pregnancy
• endometriosis
• adhesions in the pelvis
• painful sexual intercourse
• hydrosalpinx

Tests in gynecology for the 5th year of the Faculty of Pediatrics (150 pcs)

1. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is called

: A. bleeding caused by changes in the
uterus B. bleeding in inflammatory diseases of the uterine
appendages C. due to disruption of the rhythmic secretion of ovarian hormones
D. bleeding from the genital tract in Werlhof's
disease E. bleeding caused by an incipient miscarriage

2. The most common mechanism for the development of dysfunctional uterine bleeding in the juvenile
period is:
A. hypoluteinism
B. persistence of
follicle C. follicular atresia
D. hyperprolactinemia
E. disorders in the blood coagulation system

3. The most informative way to assess the functional state of the ovaries is
: A. measurement of basal temperature
B. symptom of cervical mucus tension
C. aspiration curettage

D. laparoscopy
E. Hysteroscopy

4. Pathogenetic therapy of endometrial hyperplastic processes in women of reproductive age consists of

the use of
: A. gestagens
B. dexamethasone
C. androgens
D. Thyroidin

E. estrogens

Specify a group of drugs or specific drugs

5. During an anovulatory menstrual cycle, basal temperature is characterized by

: A. rise in temperature after
ovulation B. no rise in temperature

C. rise in temperature before

ovulation D. rise in temperature before
menstruation E. rise in temperature immediately after menstruation

Remove from answers, sounds in the question

6. Most often, women aged 40-45 years complain about:

A. algomenorrhea
B. heavy menstruation
C. irregular menstruation
D. premenstrual tension
E. painful menstruation

7. The anovulatory menstrual cycle is characterized by:

A. cyclical changes in the body

B. Long - term persistence of the follicle
C. predominance of gestagens in phase 2
D. predominance of estrogens in phase 1
E. acyclic changes in the body
8. The hypothalamus produces the following hormones:

A. Gonadotropins
B. E Strogen
C. Gestagens
D. R easing factors
E. Prolactin

Write everything in either capital or small letters

9. FSH stimulates:
A. Growth of follicles in the ovary
B. Corticosteroid products
C. TSH production in the thyroid gland
D. Progesterone production
E. Androgen production

Decipher FSH. In two answers you indicate the localization of the process, in the rest you do not.
Distractors must be homogeneous.

10. Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation during:

A. 4 months
B. 5 months
C. 6 months
D. 1 year
E. 2 months

Numbers d.b. in descending or ascending order. Is answer D incorrect? If not for 1 year, is it not

11. Features of the treatment of DUB in menopausal patients are:

A. Carrying out separate therapeutic and diagnostic curettage to verify the diagnosis
B. Therapy aimed at suppressing ovarian function
C. Treatment of concomitant somatic pathology
D. Conducting cyclic hormonal therapy

E. Treatment with hormonal drugs

Decipher the DMK! Answer A is the longest, distractorsd.b. homogeneous, including in length.

12. Gestagens are secreted:

A. luteal cells of the corpus luteum
B. cells of the granular layer of the follicle
C. cells of the outer connective tissue membrane of the follicle
D. cells of the tunica albuginea of the ovary
E. theca cells

13. Amenorrhea is considered pathological when menstruation is absent.

A. before puberty
B. during puberty
C. during lactation
D. postmenopausal
E. during pregnancy

14. False amenorrhea can be caused by:

A. atresia of the cervical canal
B. aplasia of the uterine body
C. gonadal dysgenesis
D. ovarian wasting syndrome
E. ovarian tumor

15. Menorrhagia is:

A. acyclic uterine bleeding

B.cyclic uterine bleeding

C.painful and heavy menstruation

D.pre- and postmenstrual bleeding

E. change in the rhythm of menstruation

16. A 38-year-old patient complained of abdominal pain. The pain appeared today 3 hours ago,
Shchetkin’s s\m was weakly positive. T-38.2 C, leukocytosis. During a gynecological examination, the
uterus was enlarged to 8 weeks, nodular. Diagnosis:
A. Inflammation of the appendages
B. Charioamnionitis
C. Endometritis
D. Necrosis of fibroid nodes
E. Salpingitis

Hint in the question

17. A 38-year-old woman complained of very painful menstruation for the last 6 years, especially in the
first 2 days. History of 2 births and 2 medical abortions without complications, the last one a year ago.
The menstrual cycle is not disrupted. The last menstruation ended 5 days ago. She protected herself
from pregnancy by interrupted sexual intercourse. On examination, the abdomen is not painful , the
cervix and vagina are without pathologies, the body of the uterus is slightly larger than normal, dense,
the appendages are not palpable. Probable diagnosis:

A. Uterine myoma
B. endometriosis
C. Uterine pregnancy
D. Endometrial polyposis
E. And denomyosis
There are stylistic errors in the test - what does last year mean? The medical history is unclear.

18. The main symptom of submucosal uterine fibroids:

A. Chronic pelvic pain

B. Algomenorrhea
C. Menorrhagia
D. Acute pain
E. Chills

19. The most informative method for diagnosing a nascent myomatous node:

A. Transvaginal echography
B. Inspection in the mirrors
C. Hysteroscopy
D. Laparoscopy
E. Bimanual examination

20. An informative method for diagnosing a submucosal myomatous node:

A. Inspection in the mirrors
B. Laparoscopy
C. Hysteroscopy
D. Colposcopy
E. Echography

21. Basal temperature is measured:

A. In the morning
B. In the evening
C. 2 times a day
D. At lunch.
E. 3 times a day

22. The ovary is supported in the abdominal cavity thanks to:

A. round ligament;
B. cardinal ligament;
C. infundibulopelvic ligament ;
D. sacrouterine ligament
E. broad ligament

23. Ovarian cystoma includes:

A. dermoid cyst
B. follicular cyst
C. corpus luteum cysts
D. piovar
E. theca luteal cyst

24. What complication is most common in benign ovarian tumors?

A. hemorrhage into the tumor cavity;
B. capsule rupture;
C. torsion of the tumor stalk;
D. suppuration of the contents;
E. compression of neighboring organs.

25. The most informative in the differential diagnosis between uterine fibroids and ovarian tumor:

A. bimanual vaginal examination

B. hysteroscopy
C. Ultrasound;
D. laparoscopy ;
E. probing of the uterine cavity.

Decipher for equivalence in length

26. Name the main clinical symptom of bacterial vaginosis

A. itching of the external genitalia and perineum

B. dyspareunia
C. profuse leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor
D. dysuria
E. lower abdominal pain

27. Characteristic feature of ovarian cysts:

A. increase due to the accumulation of liquid contents;

B. do not have a capsule;
C. refer to malignant formations of the female genital organs;
D. have invasive growth.
E. have fusion with neighboring organs

28. To recognize ovarian tumors, the following diagnostic method is used:

A. cytological
B. endoscopic
C. ultrasonic
D. histological
E. bacterioscopic

29. For climacteric manifestations of the typical form of climacteric syndrome the most
A. Dry mucous membranes
B. Pain in the heart area
C. Osteoporosis
D. Laryngitis
E. Anemia
30. When performing extended colposcopy after treating the cervix with a 3% solution of acetic acid, the
following reaction of the epithelium is normally observed:
A. does not change;
B. turns pale ;
C. uniformly colored dark brown;
D. covered with a white coating;
E. becomes prominent, papillae in the form of “grapes” are visible.

31. Qualitative reaction (Schiller test) is caused by the interaction of iodine with the multilayer
epithelium of the cervix contained in:
A. glycogenome ;
B. proteins;
C. fats;
D. Ca salts;
E. immunoglobulins.

32. The main cause of adrenogenital syndrome (congenital adrenal dysfunction - CADC) is:
A. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the ovaries;
B. Adrenal tumor;
C. Hereditary deficiency of C 21 - hydroxylase ;
D. Decreased secretion of THG;
E. Hyperproduction of ACTH.

33.Indicate the main criterion for PCOS:

A. Loss of body weight;
B. Hyperandrogenism;
C. Normal ovulation;
D. Sonographic signs in the uterus;
E. Polymenorrhea.

Decipher PCOS

34.Indicate the universal diagnostic ultrasound criterion for PCOS:

A. Increasing the thickness of the M-echo;
B. Increase in ovarian volume ≥ 7 cm2 ;
C. Increase in ovarian volume ≥ 5 cm 3 ;
D. Presence of hyperplastic stroma ;
E. At least 5 follicles along the periphery of the ovary d = 10 mm.

Decipher PCOS
35. Indicate typical clinical diagnostic signs of PCOS:
A. Polymenorrhea;
C. Anorexia;
D. Dysmenorrhea;
E. Infertility, chronic anovulation.

Decipher PCOS, AUB. Answer E has two elements.

36 . Hirsutism is...
A. Excessive vellus hair growth
B. Excessive male pattern terminal hair growth
C. Excessive growth of nail plates
D. Overweight
E. Weight loss

Long answer

37 . Hormonal changes in PCOS are characterized by the presence of:

A. A sharp increase in the secretion of FSH, LH;
B. Increased TSH levels;
C. Decrease in testosterone and estrogen levels;
D. Increased testosterone levels, 17-OP;
E. Decrease in prolactin levels.

Decipher PCOS

38. To confirm adrenogenital syndrome (AGS) use

A. Determination of testosterone levels in the blood and 17 ketosteroids in the urine

B. Probing of the uterus
C. Hysterosalpingography
D. Laparoscopy
E. Pelvic organ scan

The correct answer is the longest. Inhomogeneous distractors are instrumental responses, and answer A
is a blood test

39. Pathogenetic treatment for adrenogenital syndrome (AGS) is

A. Therapy aimed at normalizing body weight

B. Improvement of cerebral hemodynamics
C. Glucocorticoid therapy
D. Use of vegetotropic drugs (Belloid)
E. Use of small doses of thyroidin
Unequal distractors – specific treatment C, D; general treatment – A, V.D

40. In the development of polycystic ovary syndrome, the following is essential:

A. Increased secretion of estrogen by the ovaries

B. Increased secretion of progesterone by the ovaries
C. Increased secretion of androgens compared to normal
D. Increased secretion of prolactin
E. Decreased TSH secretion
A, B – the localization of the process is indicated. Why write - compared to the norm?

41. Sterilization is carried out by:

A. Pipe compression;
B. Hysterosalpingography;
C. Tubal ligations;
D. Hysteroscopy;
E. Removing pipes.

42. Secondary infertility is called

A. infertility lasting two years

B. infertility in women with a history of pregnancy
C. infertility caused by endocrine pathology
D. infertility caused by inflammatory genesis
E. infertility due to husband's illness

Remove selection

43 . The modern method of treating tubal infertility is:

A. artificial insemination using donor sperm;

B. psychotherapy;
C. insemination;
D. in vitro fertilization
E. ovulation stimulation

Unequal Distractors

44 . When examining an infertile couple, the following is primarily indicated:

A. Hysterosalpingography
B. Vaginal smear cytology
C. Determination of basal temperature
D. Sperm examination

GHA decipher

45 . For the purpose of contraception, combined estrogen-gestagen drugs are started:

A. During ovulation
B. On the eve of menstruation
C. From the 1st day of the menstrual cycle
D. Regardless of the day of the menstrual cycle
E. On the 7th day of the menstrual cycle

46 . Combined estrogen-gestagen drugs are contraindicated in the following cases:

A. Ages from 18 to 28 years

B. For the purpose of contraception
C. When breastfeeding and during pregnancy
D. For the purpose of treatment
E. At the age of 28-38 years

Non-homogeneous answers – age, with purpose

47 . The Pearl index is:

A. Percentage of contraceptive failures when using a method during the year;
B. The ratio of pulse and systolic blood pressure;
C. The relationship between pulse and diastolic blood pressure.
D. Percentage of contraceptive failures when using the method for 6 months.
E. Percentage of contraceptive failures when using the method for 3 months

Answers D and E are within the range of the correct answer, look at the endings. Answers B and C are
from a completely different story - replace

48. Diagnosis Disturbed tubal pregnancy is an indication

A. for emergency laparotomy

B. For laparoscopy
C. For ultrasound examination
D. To carry out special studies
E. For puncture of the posterior fornix

What does answer D mean - what other special studies? Distractors are inhomogeneous – this is where the
use of interventions and research comes into play. For - put into question

49. Mechanism of action of spermicides

A. Ovulation suppression
B. Destruction of sperm membranes, which reduces their motility and ability to fertilize an egg
C. Thickening of cervical mucus
D. Egg implantation disorder
E. Decreased tone of the fallopian tubes

Long correct answer

50. Mechanism of action of the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)

A. Ovulation suppression
B. Changes in the structure of the endometrium
C. Implantation disorder
D. Thickening of cervical mucus
E. Endometrial hyperplasia

51. What complications are most common in women who use an intrauterine device for a long time as a
A. Thrombophlebitis of the pelvic veins
B. Adhesive process in the pelvis
C. Inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs
D. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency
E. Amenorrhea

Long correct answer

52. Visualization of the intrauterine contraceptive in the cervical canal indicates:

A. Normal position of the intrauterine device
B. Low position of the intrauterine device
C. Uterine perforation
D. Expulsion of the intrauterine device
E. Pregnancy

Inconsistent answers

53. Masculinizing tumor:

A. tekoma;
B. androblastoma;
C. serous cystoma;
D. papillary.
E. F ibroma

54. Differential diagnosis of endometrial polyp must be made with:

A. submucous uterine fibroids;
B. subserous uterine fibroids;
C. interstitial uterine fibroids;
D. adenomyosis;
E. chorionic carcinoma

55. Complete uterine prolapse:

A. the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the plane of the entrance to the pelvis;
B. body of the uterus outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele ;
C. the internal os of the uterus is below the interspinal line, prolapse of the vaginal walls;
D. the cervix is elongated, defined outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;
E. the internal os of the uterus is located above or at the level of the interspinal line, prolapse of
the vaginal walls of the first degree.

56. Indications for the use of uterine cavity probing:

A suspicion of perforation of the uterus during curettage;

B acute endometritis;

C suspicion of the presence of submucosal uterine fibroids;

D cervical cancer;

E ectopic pregnancy;

57. In what cases is puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior fornix indicated for
diagnostic purposes?

A suspicion of ectopic pregnancy;

B suspicion of ovarian cancer;

C dysfunctional uterine bleeding;

D uterine fibroids;

E suspicion of ovarian apoplexy;

58. The most effective screening test for early diagnosis of cervical cancer:
A. Simple colposcopy
B. Bimanual rectovaginal examination
C. Cytological examination of smears from the surface of the cervix and cervical canal
D. Vacuum curettage of the cervical canal
E. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

Long correct answer

59. The most informative method for diagnosing cervical dysplasia:

A. Extended colposcopy
B. Histological examination of cervical biopsy
C. Cytological examination of impression smears from the surface of the vaginal part of the
D. Vacuum curettage of the cervical canal
E. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

Answers of unequal length

60.Which method is not recommended for a 40-year-old woman who smokes:

A. Pure progestin oral contraceptives

B. Depo-Provera
C. Combined oral contraceptives
D. Voluntary surgical sterilization
E. Navy

Decipher IUD

61. A positive test (small test) with dexamethasone indicates that:

A. The source of hyperandrogenism is the ovaries
B. The source of hyperandrogenism is the adrenal glands
C. Hyperandrogenism is associated with pituitary adenoma
D. Hyperandrogenism is caused by adrenal corticosteroma
E. Hyperandrogenism associated with ovarian tumor

Add emphasis to question

62. The therapeutic and diagnostic effect of dexamethasone for hyperandrogenism is due to:
A. Suppression of ovarian function
B. Suppression of adrenal function
C. Inhibition of ACTH production
D. Acceleration of androgen inactivation
E. Inhibition of pituitary function

63. To restore generative function during gonadal dysgenesis, it is necessary:

A. Long-term cyclic therapy with sex hormones
B. Ovulation stimulation
C. Functional diagnostic tests
D. Wedge resection of the ovaries
E. Restoring generative function is futile

Inhomogeneous illogical distractors - treatment, research, surgery, etc.

64. Using functional diagnostic tests (FDT), it is impossible to determine:

A. two-phase menstrual
cycle B. level of estrogen saturation in the body

C. presence of
ovulation D. the usefulness of the luteal phase of the
E cycle . hormone-producing ovarian tumor

Such a negative test is defect

65. A 16-year-old girl developed bleeding from the genital tract that lasted for 8 days after a 2-month
delay. The first menstruation appeared 4 months ago for 2 days, after 28 days, moderate, painless.
Denies sex life. Correct development, well physically built. A recto-abdominal examination revealed no
pathology. Нb-80 g/l. Probable diagnosis
: A. hormone- producing ovarian tumor
B. cervical
cancer C. cervical
polyp D. juvenile uterine bleeding
E. endometrial polyposis

66. In the diagnosis of amenorrhea associated with acromegaly and gigantism, the change is important:
A. dimensions of the sella turcica on a skull x-ray
B. visual fields
C. FSH level
D. excretion of 17-KS
E. Ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs

The endings do not correspond to the case in the question. Non-homogeneous answers

67. Ovarian wasting syndrome must be differentiated

A. with resistant ovarian syndrome
B. with gonadal dysgenesis syndrome
C. with menopausal syndrome
D. with an ovarian tumor
E. with premenstrual syndrome

68. Injectable contraceptives include:

A. long-acting progestogens

B. conjugated estrogens
C. microdoses of progestogens

D. antiandrogens

E. estrogens

Answers B and E, A and C are identical

69. What form of amenorrhea is indicated by a negative result of a functional test with combined
estrogen-gestagen drugs?

A. Hypothalamic

B. Pituitary

S. Yaichnikova

D. Uterine

E. Central

70. Name the leading clinical symptom of dysplasia and in situ cancer of the cervix:
A. pelvic pain;
B. mucopurulent leucorrhoea;
C. contact bleeding;
D. acyclic uterine bleeding;
E. infertility.

71. The optimal volume of surgical treatment in the presence of uterine fibroids with the node located
in the cervix:

A. Supravaginal amputation of the uterus

B. Conservative myomectomy using vaginal access
C. Hysterectomy
D. Surgical treatment of uterine fibroids of this localization is not carried out
E. Supravaginal amputation of the uterus and appendages
Unequal answers in length, answers A and E are identical

72. During surgery for a paraovarian cyst, the following is performed:

A. enucleation of the cyst;

B. removal of appendages on the affected side;
C. removal of the ovary on the affected side;
D. resection of the ovary on the affected side;
E. removal of the uterus and appendages

Are answers C and D not identical?

73. Specify precancerous changes in the vaginal part of the cervix:

A. recurrent cervical canal polyp

B. true cervical erosion
C. cervical dysplasia
D. cervical ectropion
E. cervical ectopia

74 . The main route of transmission of HPV:

A. lymphogenous
B. airborne
C. sexual
D. hematogenous
E. contact-household

Decipher HPV

75. The main etiological factor of dysplasia and cervical cancer is:
A. herpes simplex virus type 2;
B. human papillomavirus;
C. hyperestrogenism;
D. violation of the pH of vaginal secretions;
E. immune and metabolic disorders in the body.

Non-homogeneous distractors – viruses and pathogenetic mechanisms of disease development

76. Treatment of congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex is carried out:

A. P egulon;
B. Femoston 1/5 ;
C. D examethasone;
D. clomiphene;
E. metformin
77. To exclude the cervical factor of infertility, use:

A. Shuvarsky-Huner test
B. Hysterosalpingography
C. Sex chromatin study
D. Chromosome analysis
E. Determination of Antisperm Abs in the blood

78. Artificial insemination with donor sperm is used

A. with Rokitansky-Mayer-Küster syndrome
B. in women with an anovulatory cycle
C. in women with Asherman's syndrome
D. for male infertility
E. with tubal infertility

Non-homogeneous distractors

79. The cause of infertility in gonadal dysgenesis is the absence

A. ovarian tissue or its severe underdevelopment

B. uterus or its severe underdevelopment
C. gonadotropin production
D. sensitivity of the receptor apparatus of a normally formed ovary to gonadotropins
E. vaginal atresia

long distractor

80. Name common complications when taking pure gestagens

A. Allergic reactions
B. Intermenstrual bleeding
C. Nausea , vomiting
D. weight loss
E. About ligoamenorrhea

Long answer

81. Advantages of tubal occlusion

A. Irreversibility of the method
B. Protection from STIs
C. Regulation of the menstrual cycle
D. Increase libido
E. Thickening of cervical mucus

82. Treatment of benign ovarian tumors in childhood and puberty consists of:

A. during a course of chemotherapy;

B. in prescribing hormone therapy;
C. in bilateral removal of appendages;
D. in resection of the affected ovary;
E. in supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages;

83. The vaginal part of the cervix in a woman of reproductive age is normally covered with:

A. columnar epithelium
B. stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium
C. glandular epithelium
D. stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium
E. cuboidal epithelium

84. Scope of examination for cervical pathology

A. colposcopy
B. hysteroscopy
C. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs
D. bacterioscopy
E. laparoscopy

The scope of the study will include several methods, reformulate the question

85. Hyperkeratosis of the epithelium of the vaginal part of the cervix is ...

A. erythroplakia;
B. leukoplakia ;
C. ectropion;
D. pseudo-erosion;
E. intraepithelial neoplasia

Can I remove the selection?

86. When performing extended colposcopy after treating the cervix with a 3% solution of acetic acid, the
following reaction of the epithelium is normally observed:

A. does not change;

B. turns pale ;
C. uniformly colored dark brown;
D. covered with a white coating;
E. becomes prominent, papillae in the form of “grapes” are visible.

Answers that are not homogeneous in length

87. Qualitative reaction (Schiller test) is caused by the interaction of iodine with the cervical cervix
contained in the multilayered epithelium:

A. glycogen ;
B. proteins;
C. fats;
D. Ca salts;
E. immunoglobulins.

88. To improve the effect of surgical treatment of genital prolapse in elderly patients, preoperative
preparation includes:
A. course of antibacterial therapy;
B. indirect anticoagulants;
C. local preparations with estrogens;
D. a-GnRH for 3 months;
E. immunomodulators.
Answer D is out of the range of answers, decipher the name, or replace it. And besides this, the duration
of the course is indicated, why?

89. Before giving a woman an injection of Depo-Provera, the health care provider must ensure that she
does not have:

A. Vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology

B. Cardiovascular disease
C. History of STI
D. Thromboembolic disorders
E. High blood pressure

90.What can be done if a woman misses her next COC dose?

A. Take the missed active (hormonal) tablet as soon as possible, then continue taking the
tablets as usual
B. Do not abstain from sexual intercourse or use additional contraception (condom) for the
next 7 days
C. Do not use emergency contraception
D. Stop taking birth control pills
E. Start taking tablets from the next pack

Decipher the abbreviation, unequal distractors

91.Which method of contraception is the least effective:

B. Navy
C. Natural Family Planning Methods
D. Condoms
E. Depo-Provera


92. The most informative method for diagnosing intermuscular uterine fibroids:

A. Vaginal examination
B. Ultrasonography
C. Hysterosalpingography
D. Hysteroscopy
E. Colposcopy
93. One of the disadvantages of spermicides is:

A. Possible burning or itching in the vagina during use

B. Presence of estrogen-related side effects
C. Effect on breastfeeding
D. Need for pelvic examination before use
E. Progesterone-related side effects

These distractors are questionable

94. What is the most common cause of endometrial hyperplasia in reproductive age?

A. inflammatory diseases of the genitals;

B. prolonged hyperestrogenism during anovulation;
C. hyperestrogenism due to insufficiency of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle;
D. estrogen-producing ovarian tumor;
E. long-term use of estrogen.

Long distractor

95. Ovarian apoplexy most often occurs:

A. during the period of ovulation;
B. at the stage of vascularization of the corpus luteum;
C. during the period of maturation of the Graafian follicle;
D. during the period of follicular atresia.
E. During menstruation

96. In case of significant bleeding into the abdominal cavity in a patient with ovarian apoplexy, the
following is indicated:
A. transection, ovarian resection;
B. transection, removal of the ovary;
C. dynamic observation of the doctor on duty, according to indications - blood transfusion;
D. conservative therapy: rest, cold on the lower abdomen, restorative therapy.
E. Hormone therapy;

Distractors that are not homogeneous in length

97. Parameterite is:

A. inflammation of the ovary;

B. inflammation of the cecum;
C. inflammation of the fallopian tube;
D. inflammation of the periuterine tissue;
E. inflammation of the omentum.
Insert highlighted into question

98. The main diagnostic method for assessing the effectiveness of treatment for trophoblastic
A. Dynamic transvaginal echography
B. CT scan
C. Determination of the titer of human chorionic gonadotropin in blood serum and urine
over time
D. Hysteroscopy with separate diagnostic curettage
E. Determination of hemoglobin level

The answers must be equal in length!!!

99. Indications for surgical treatment for inflammatory processes of the uterine appendages are:

A. pyosalpinx;
B. perforation of a purulent tubo-ovarian formation ;
C. frequent exacerbations of chronic inflammatory process of the uterine appendages;
D. endometriosis;
E. acute salpingitis.

The answers must be equal in length!!!

100 . Dysfunctional uterine bleeding with persistence of the follicle occurs against the background

A. high estrogen saturation

B. . low estrogen saturation
C. high gestagenic saturation
D. androgen saturation
E. glucocorticoid deficiency

contrasting responses

101 . Dysfunctional uterine bleeding with follicular atresia occurs against the background

A. high estrogen saturation

B. low estrogen saturation
C. high gestagenic saturation
D. hyperandrogenemia
E. hyperproduction of prolactin

contrasting responses
102. For the treatment of bleeding with persistence of the corpus luteum, use

A. curettage of the uterine cavity

B. electrical stimulation of the cervix
C. gestagens
D. danazol
E. parlodel

Non-homogeneous responses, instrumental methods and drugs. D.b. only one thing!

103. Rapid increase in fibroid size

A. may be a consequence of malignant degeneration of the node

B. usually associated with node necrosis
C. may be a symptom of endometrial cancer
D. is an indication for more active conservative therapy
E. always accompanied by pain

You cannot use highlighted words in tests

104 . Progressive tubal pregnancy can be reliably diagnosed using

A. bimanual examination
B. ultrasound examination
C. curettage of the uterine cavity
D. puncture of the posterior fornix
E. serological reaction to pregnancy

105. A test with clomiphene is carried out in the presence of:

A. Uterine fibroids
B. Anovulation
C. Adenomyosis
D. Endometritis
E. Hyperprolactinemia

106. The acidic environment of the vagina is ensured by the presence of:

A. Vaginal epithelium;
B. Leukocytes;
C. Dederlein sticks;
D. Gonococcus.
E. Kokkov
107. According to the WHO classification (198O), menopause is called

A. Period of stable menstrual function

B. Last menstruation
C. Length of time since last menstruation
D. Length of time after the end of reproductive age
E. Period of the first menstruation

108. According to the WHO classification (198O), postmenopause is called

A. Last menstruation
B. The period from the onset of menstrual irregularities to the last menstrual period
C. Period of stable menstrual function
D. Period of first menstruation
E. Length of time since last menstruation

109. Sheehan syndrome

A. Develops with pituitary tumors

B. May be a consequence of massive blood loss during childbirth
C. Characterized by hyperprolactinemia
D. Accompanied by hyperthyroidism
E. Accompanied by hypercortisolism

Do not use - maybe, always, sometimes

110 . Tactics for managing a patient with DUB of the juvenile period:

A. limit yourself to symptomatic hemostatic and antianemic therapy

B. carry out hormonal hemostasis with progesterone
C. therapeutic and diagnostic curettage of the endometrium and endocervix
D. hysteroscopy
E. carry out hormonal hemostasis COC \

Do not use abbreviations! Homogeneous in length answers!

111. The main method of stopping abnormal uterine bleeding in the premenopausal period is:

A. use of synthetic estrogen-progestin drugs

B. administration of hemostatic and uterine contracting agents
C. androgen use
D. continuous use of 17-hydroxyprogesterone capronate (17-OPK)
E. separate diagnostic curettage of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity and cervical

Inhomogeneity – drugs and instrumental method!

112. A complication that most often occurs on the 3rd to 5th day after insertion of the intrauterine device
A. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency
B. Ectopic pregnancy
C. Habitual miscarriage
D. Inflammatory process of the uterus
E. Pelvic vein thrombosis

B and C are clearly incorrect answers, replace

113.The ovary is supported in the abdominal cavity thanks to:

A. round ligament;
B. cardinal ligament;
C. infundibulopelvic ligament ;
D. sacrouterine ligament
E. broad ligament

114.The blood supply to the ovaries is carried out:

A. uterine artery;

B. ovarian artery;

C. iliopsoas artery;

D. internal genital and ovarian arteries;

E. uterine and ovarian arteries.

115. Treatment of mucinous cystadenoma in reproductive age:

A. a course of anti-inflammatory therapy;

B. ovarian resection;
C. adnexectomy on the side of the affected ovary;
D. extirpation of the uterus with affected appendages;
E. combined oral contraceptives for 3–6 months.

Inhomogeneity – drugs and instrumental method!

116. Contents of a dermoid cyst:

A. hair, lard, cartilage;

B. mucus-like secretion;
C. liquid, transparent contents;
D. connective tissue;
E. blood.

Answers must contain an equal number of elements

117. Clinical manifestations of endometrial hyperplasia:

A. asthenovegetative syndrome;
B. amenorrhea;
C. pain in the lower abdomen;
D. intoxication syndrome.
E. abnormal uterine bleeding;

118. Precancerous conditions of the cervix include:

A. erythroplakia;
B. leukoplakia without atypia;
C. ectropion;
D. pseudo-erosion;
E. dysplasia of stratified squamous epithelium.

Long answer unlike others

119. What corrective hormonal therapy is carried out for DUB of the reproductive period:

A. Estrogens in phase 1 of tsikoa

B. Estrogen-progestin drugs in the contraceptive mode;
C. Estrogen-gestagen drugs in the 1st phase of the cycle;
D. Estrogens in phase 2;
E. Gestagens continuously.

Decipher the abbreviation, bring the answers to equal length

120. The main etiological factor of dysplasia and cervical cancer is:

A. herpes simplex virus type 2;

B. human papillomavirus ;
C. hyperestrogenism;
D. violation of the pH of vaginal secretions;
E. immune and metabolic disorders in the body.

Various distractors - infectious factor and pathogenetic mechanism

121. Incomplete uterine prolapse:

A. the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the plane of the entrance to the pelvis;

B. body of the uterus outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;

C. the internal os of the uterus is below the interspinal line, prolapse of the vaginal walls;
D. the cervix is elongated, defined outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;

E. the internal os of the uterus is located above or at the level of the interspinal line, prolapse of
the vaginal walls of the first degree.

Ill-formed test – short task, long answers

122. Methods for studying the anatomical and functional state of the vagina:

A. inspection in mirrors;
B. combined vaginal-rectal examination;
C. cytological examination of the contents of the uterine cavity;
D. puncture of the posterior fornix;
E. determination of the degree of purity of vaginal contents.

123. The most effective treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis is:

A. Diet therapy
B. Physiotherapy and exercise therapy
C. Hormone therapy
D. Vitamin therapy
E. Antibiotic therapy

124 . Treatment for bartholinitis is:

A. Physiotherapy
B. Radio waves
C. Hormones
D. Vitamin therapy
E. Antibiotic therapy

125. Uterine prolapse:

A. the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the plane of the entrance to the pelvis;
B. body of the uterus outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;
C. the internal os of the uterus is located below the interspinal line, prolapse of the vaginal walls
D. the cervix is elongated, defined outside the genital fissure, cysto- and rectocele;
E. the internal os of the uterus is located above or at the level of the interspinal line, prolapse of
the vaginal walls of the first degree.

Ill-formed test – short task, long answers

126. The most common cause of bleeding from the genital tract in postmenopause is:
A. Cervical cancer
B. Endometrial cancer
C. Submucosal uterine fibroids
D. Ovarian cancer
E. Cervical dysplasia

127. The main method for diagnosing dysplasia and preinvasive cancer of the vulva is:
A. Biopsy followed by histological examination
B. Vulvoscopy
C. Radioisotope research
D. Cytological examination of fingerprint smears
E. Colposcopy


128. The most informative method for diagnosing genital prolapse is:

A. Ultrasound;
B. gynecological examination;
C. sigmoidoscopy;
D. cystoscopy;
E. hysteroscopy.

129.Which methods of contraception are not recommended for a breastfeeding woman:

A. Combined oral contraceptives

B. Condoms and spermicides
C. Navy
E. Progestin-only contraceptives


130.Which method of contraception has the effect of double protection?

B. Navy
C. Implants
D. Condoms
E. Depo-Provera

131.Women with a history of deep vein thrombosis are not recommended to use:

B. Navy
C. Implants
D. Condoms
E. Depo-Provera

132.The use of Postinor as a post-coital method is effective if after unprotected sexual intercourse it has
passed until:
A. 24 hours
B. 72 hours
C. 10 days
D. 15 days
E. 1 month

133. What conditions of the endometrium are considered precancerous?

A. Glandular cystic hyperplasia

B. Glandular polyp of the endometrium
C. Endometrial atrophy
D. Atypical hyperplasia
E. Endometrial fibrous polyp

134.Which method of contraception is irreversible?

B. Navy
C. Implants


135. The main method of treatment for chorionepithelioma?

A. antibacterial therapy;
B. immunostimulating therapy;
C. extirpation of the uterus with appendages;
D. cytostatic therapy;
E. physiotherapeutic treatment.

136. What test allows us to establish the diagnosis of invasive cervical carcinoma?

A. Pap smear;
B. aspiration of cervical mucus;
C. targeted biopsy of the cervix with histological examination;
D. vaginal flushing;
E. colposcopy.


137. Endometrial hyperplasia develops due to:

A. hyperprogesteronemia;
B. hyperestrogenemia;
C. hyperprolactinemia;
D. the use of combined estrogen-gestagen drugs;
E. genetically determined proliferation of endometrial basal cells.

138. A vaginal examination of a patient with suspected ectopic pregnancy revealed: the external os is
slightly open; scarlet bloody discharge from the cervical canal; the uterus is enlarged up to 8 weeks of
pregnancy; appendages are not identified; The vaginal vaults are free. Diagnosis:

A. tubal abortion;
B. disrupted intrauterine pregnancy;
C. ovarian apoplexy;
D. inflammatory process of the uterine appendages;
E. endometrial hyperplasia

139. In a patient with a clinical diagnosis of ovarian apoplexy, the indication for surgery is:
A. a history of inflammation of the appendages;
B. history of ovarian dysfunction;
C. pain syndrome;
D. intra-abdominal bleeding.
E. history of amenorrhea.

140. What is the most common implantation of the fertilized egg during ectopic pregnancy?

A. in the ampullary section of the fallopian tube;

B. on the peritoneum;
C. on the ovary;
D. in the isthmic section of the fallopian tube;
E. in the interstitial part of the fallopian tube

141. The main cause of death during ectopic pregnancy:

A. pulmonary embolism with trophoblast elements;

B. intestinal obstruction;
C. acute renal failure;
D. intra-abdominal bleeding;
E. peritonitis.

142. Endometritis is:

A. inflammation of the fallopian tube;

B. inflammation of the uterine muscle;
C. inflammation of the peritoneum;
D. inflammation of the periuterine tissue;
E. inflammation of the uterine mucosa.

Insert highlighted into question

143. What is the most common cause of atrophic colpitis?

A. oral contraception with progestins;

B. drug-induced amenorrhea in the treatment of uterine fibroids or endometriosis;
C. menopause;
D. oral contraception with gestagens;
E. uterine fibroids


144. The sign most characteristic of vulvovaginitis:

A. sharp pain;
B. burning, itching
C. heat;
D. ulcerations;
E. bloody issues.

145. Select characteristic complaints in acute endometritis:

A. pain throughout the abdomen;

B. pain radiating to the lower extremities;
C. temperature increase;
D. nausea, vomiting;
E. dyspeptic disorders;

146. A patient has been taking antibiotics for a long time for acute pyelonephritis. She developed a
burning sensation in the vagina, itching, and copious discharge. What complication occurred?

A. acute endometritis;
B. ectopic pregnancy;
C. inflammation of the uterine appendages ;
D. candidal colpitis ;
E. cervical erosion.

147. Treatment measures for tubal abortion should include:

A. observation during antibacterial therapy;

B. laparotomy after the development of clinical intra-abdominal bleeding;
C. prescription of drugs that enhance blood clotting;
D. immediate laparotomy and tube removal;
E. carrying out hormonal hemostasis.

148. Preovulatory changes in hormonal levels are characterized by an increase in the level

A. LH and decreased FSH

B. FSH and decreased LH

C. FSH and LH

D. prolactin

E. FSH, LH and prolactin

149. Cervical index

A. allows you to diagnose the moment of ovulation

B. assessed on a 3-point system
C. determined during colpocytological examination
D. takes into account the shape of the vaginal part of the cervix
E. allows you to assess the level of estrogen saturation

The answers are all in different directions - methodology, assessment, and why it is carried out

150. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in the reproductive period is caused by

A. disturbed ectopic pregnancy

B. endometriosis
C. polycystic ovary syndrome
D. inflammatory process of the endometrium
E. violation of the mechanism of regulation of the menstrual cycle

1) After childbirth, examination of the birth canal revealed: a first-degree perineal rupture. In what
sequence are sutures placed for a first-degree perineal rupture?

*On the vaginal mucosa and perineal skin.

2) A 30-year-old woman in labor is in the delivery room and has just given birth to a baby weighing 4000
grams. The uterus has shrunk and is dense at the level of the navel. An examination of the birth canal
revealed: a growing hematoma in the area of the labia majora on the right. For progressive postpartum
hematoma in the genital area, the doctor's tactics are:

*Prescription of hemostatic drugs

3) Mother S.., 33 years old, was admitted to the maternity hospital with labor and rupture of amniotic
fluid. Third pregnancy. After 12 hours, complaints appeared about frequent, painful contractions,
difficulty urinating, the woman was screaming and tossing about in bed. Pulse 100 per minute, blood
pressure 130/80 mm Hg. Uterus in the shape of an “hourglass”. The uterus is in constant hypertonicity,
sharply painful on palpation. The position of the fetus is longitudinal. The presenting part of the fetus is
not determined due to tension and soreness of the uterus. Vasten's and Zangemeister's signs are
positive. Fetal heart rate is 110 beats/min. Vaginal examination: the cervix is completely open, its edges
are swollen. The fetal head is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. There is a large birth tumor on
the head. The cape is out of reach. What is your introduction tactic?

* Vaginal birth after pain relief

4) An 18-year-old girl came to the gynecological department with complaints of bloody vaginal discharge
and weakness during menstruation. The skin is pale. Blood pressure 100/70 mmHg. Menarche from age
12. Menstruation is regular, painless. Upon examination by a gynecologist, it was determined that the
girl had normal menstruation. What causes desquamation of the functional layer of the endometrium?

*Decreased levels of estrogen and progesterone

5) A 27-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department for planned surgical
treatment for an adnexal mass. A laparotomy was performed, and during exploration of the abdominal
cavity, a cyst of the right ovary was discovered. The cyst was desquamated. Description of the
macrospecimen: tight-elastic, regular-shaped formation measuring 5 x 5 cm, single-chamber in section,
capsule of medium thickness, contents of the formation - hair, fat, cartilage, the inner surface of the
capsule is smooth. Which cyst is most likely?


6) Patient, 36 years old, at an appointment with a gynecologist with complaints of prolonged heavy
menstruation for 3 cycles. From the anamnesis: the menstrual cycle is regular, the duration of
menstruation is 7-10 days. 2 pregnancies, 2 births. Objectively: the skin is pale pink in color. Pulse 78
beats per minute, rhythmic. Blood pressure 120/80 mm Hg. Hemoglobin 96 g/l. On examination: the
body of the uterus is enlarged to 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, dense, painless, tuberous. The appendages on
both sides are not palpable. Which research method is the most informative in order to clarify the
condition of the endometrium?

7) A 15-year-old girl, accompanied by her mother, came to the gynecologist with complaints of painful
menstruation since menarche. Menstruation from age 13. 5-6 days, painful. From the anamnesis: she
suffered frequent colds, rubella and measles in childhood. There is no sex life. Select the most
appropriate treatment for this patient?

*Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

8) A 42-year-old female patient complained of sharp, cramping pain in the lower abdomen and profuse
bleeding from the genital tract. When examined in the speculum and the cervix, the lower pole of the
volumetric formation of a whitish color is visible. Vaginal examination of the cervix is smoothed, a dense
formation is palpated behind the external os. Discharge from the uterus is bloody and profuse. What is
the most likely cause of the pain in this case?

* Cervical polyp

9) A 14-year-old girl at an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist, according to her mother,

complains of vaginal bleeding for 3 days, which appeared for the first time. On examination: the
physique is normosthenic. The mammary glands act as the surface of the chest. There is hair in the
armpit area. Gynecological examination: the external genitalia are developed correctly, the labia majora
cover the labia minora. There is hair on the labia majora and pubis. The hymen is preserved, the
discharge is bloody and moderate. What condition is being described in this case?

* Menarche

10) A 34-year-old female patient came to the clinic with complaints of absence of pregnancy for 3 years
and irregular menstruation. From the anamnesis of menarche at 12 years old. Childbirth alone 10 years
ago. My husband is healthy. P/V uterus in a/v, dense, mobile, painless. The appendages on both sides
are not palpable. The vaults are free. Ultrasound: uterus 48×40×35 mm, myometrial structure
homogeneous, endometrium 5 mm. The right ovary is 15×13×10 mm, the follicular apparatus is not
pronounced, the left ovary is 18×15×10 mm of a similar structure. Hormonal study: FSH 25 mIU/l, LH 12
mIU/l, estradiol 150 pmol/l, AMH 0.1 ng/ml. Most likely diagnosis?

*Ovarian wasting syndrome

11) A 25-year-old primigravida was admitted to the hospital after a convulsive attack. Blood pressure
was 185/100 mmHg. The pregnant woman is under the influence of antipsychotics and is not available
for contact. Upon examination, the size of the uterus corresponds to 34 - 35 weeks of pregnancy. The
fetal position is longitudinal, the head is in the pelvic cavity. Heartbeat. the fetus is not auscultated.
During vaginal examination: Full dilatation There is no amniotic sac. Choose further tactics for the
introduction of labor?

*Perform an emergency caesarean section

12) A 38-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecology department with complaints of pain in the
lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and an increase in temperature to 39.8°C. From the words it began
suddenly, sharp, severe pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the sacrum, 2 hours passed and the
intensity of the pain decreased, 2 months ago a left ovarian cyst of about 8 cm in diameter was
diagnosed, she refused surgical treatment on the 10th day of the menstrual cycle. On palpation of the
abdomen, symptoms of peritoneal irritation are noted; on gynecological examination, a tumor-like
formation with a diameter of 9 cm, sharply painful, is found to the left of the uterus. What is the most
likely preliminary diagnosis?

*Torsion of the pedicle of the tumor of the left ovary

13) A 25-year-old female patient consulted a gynecologist for

carrying out a preventive examination.

Menstruation from the age of 12, established immediately, for 5 days,

after 30 days, moderate, painless. Sexual

life since 23 years old, no pregnancies.

Past gynecological diseases

denies. When viewed in speculums on the posterior lip

cervix, whitish areas with

clear contours. The discharge is light and mucous.

During bimanual examination of pathology with

the side of the internal genital organs was not found.

Preliminary diagnosis: Leukoplakia of the cervix

Which treatment is most preferable?


14)Patient, 32 years old, at an appointment with a gynecologist with

complaints of heavy menstruation, periodic

intermenstrual spotting bloody

discharge The menstrual cycle is regular, 26-28

days Objectively the condition is satisfactory, according to

organs and systems - without ultrasound features of organs

pelvis on the 6th day of the menstrual cycle: body

uterus located in retroflexio, dimensions 45×52×43

mm, myometrial structure is homogeneous, M-echo 5.5 mm,

heterogeneous, visualized along the posterior wall

formation measuring 8x9 mm. What method

examinations is most preferable?


15) A 30-year-old female patient consulted a FMC doctor with

complaints of discharge from the genital tract, mucous

purulent in nature. Sexual life in marriage from the age of 20.

History: Chronic salpingitis, cervicitis. From

somatic diseases: chronic cholecystitis,

hepatosis. Gynecological examination: vagina

nulliparous. The cervix is cylindrical,

there is ectopia, discharge from the cervical canal

mucopurulent. Body of the uterus in anteversio-flexio,

normal size and shape, dense,

painless uterine appendages on both sides

painless, their area is heavy. At

examination revealed M. genitalium, large

white blood cell count, Select the most

effective drug for treatment?


16) A 38-year-old female patient consulted an obstetrician-gynecologist

complaints of painful menstruation, discomfort,

constipation, mucus and blood in stool, disturbing

cyclically, during every menstruation. Period

regular, every 6 days, every 29 days, per day

Seeing a doctor - day 27 of the cycle. With vaginal

examination of the uterine body of normal size,

appendages on both sides are not identified, posterior

the vault is flattened, filled with formation, tight

elastic consistency. What is the most likely


*Rectal endometriosis

A 25-year-old primigravida was admitted to the emergency room with complaints of cramping pain in
the lower abdomen and lower back. The waters broke 4 hours ago. Labor lasted 8 hours. Contractions in
3-4 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The gestational age is 39 weeks. The position of the fetus is longitudinal,
the fetal head is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 140 beats per minute. A vaginal
examination revealed: the cervix was effaced, the uterine os was dilated 6 cm, and there was no
amniotic sac. The head is presented, the facial line is in the right oblique size, the chin is on the left back.
Diagnosis: Pregnancy 38 weeks, 2nd stage of labor. Facial insert. Which tactic should you choose?

3) Waiting tactics

A primigravida has been in the Patagonia Pregnancy Department for 35 years to decide on the method
of delivery. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 40 weeks Foot presentation of the fetus. Large fetus. The pelvis
dimensions are normal. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end is mobile above the
entrance to the small pelvis. The fetal head is located in the fundus of the uterus. The expected weight
of the fetus is 3900 g, the fetal heartbeat is up to 136 beats per minute, clear, on the left above the
navel. Determine the doctor's tactics?

3 ) Emergency caesarean section

A 26-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints of cramping
pain in the lower abdomen. Pregnancy 38 weeks, 2nd stage of labor. When examined, the head is in 4
planes. In what size pelvis are exit obstetric forceps applied for the anterior view of occiput?

In the right oblique

Question: No. 14

A 30-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints.

and for pain in the lower abdomen, gestational age by

and 41-42 weeks. Height-168cm. Weight-79kg. Dimensions

;24-26-29-18cm. What is the shape of the pelvis if reduced

Are all sizes the same number?

Generally uniformly narrowed pelvis

Question: No. 17 A woman in labor is in labor for about 10 hours. No water

'They poured out. Suddenly the woman in labor turned pale, and

'severe bursting pain in the abdomen, uterus

nyala asymmetrical shape, dense, heartbeat

`fetus is deaf. During vaginal examination

'established: the opening of the cervix is complete, fetal

_ the bubble is intact, tense. Presenting part - head in

'pelvic cavity. Medical tactics?

Emergency caesarean section

Question: No. 16
A 33-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the emergency department

Maternity hospital. Complaints upon admission to strong

Headaches, tinnitus, blood pressure 155/110 mm Hg. st, ps

89 beats per minute. History of total pregnancy -4,

'spontaneous miscarriage -2, spontaneous birth

_1 to 37 weeks with severe preeclampsia.

'this pregnancy was complicated by the diagnosis

pregnancy 37 weeks. Preeclampsia severe

degrees. Objectively: There is no labor activity. Uterus

in normal tone, the position of the fetus is longitudinal, cephalic.

Fetal heart sounds are slightly muffled to 1

per minute Estimated fetal weight - 2100 g. Cervix

the uterus is not mature on the Bishop scale 3 points.

Progressive chronic

fetal hypoxia. In tests: General blood test

-77g/l, Urine for protein - 1.8g/l. Choose the most appropriate management tactics?

Perform delivery by cesarean section

|- sections

Question: No. 20

Pregnant N, 42 years old, was referred to medical

consultation at 14 weeks of pregnancy. From the anamnesis: My husband is 45 years old,

healthy Both spouses are in a second marriage and have

two healthy children of different sexes from their first marriage. IN

this is the first pregnancy in this marriage,

desired. The course of pregnancy against the background of a threat

interruptions in the first trimester. Registered in women's

Consultations start from 10-11 weeks. From

presented studies: ultrasound of the fetus at gestation 12-13

weeks, nuchal translucency thickness (TNT)

fetus 3.5 mm (normal up to 2.5 mm), coccygeal-parietal size

(CTR) of the fetus 41mm (normal 43-65mm), fetal nasal bone

not visualized. What management tactics are most appropriate?

Delivery by caesarean section

Question: No. 25 2

A 30-year-old pregnant woman was delivered to the maternity hospital, with

'37 weeks pregnant. Complaints of pain in the lower abdomen

ta, bloody discharge from the genital tract. Her general condition is moderate, pulse 90 per minute,
blood pressure

120/80 mm Hg. Objectively: the uterus corresponds to the term

pregnancy, tense, the position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is slightly pressed to the
entrance to the pelvis, the fetal heartbeat is 160 beats/min, dull. At

vaginal examination: the cervix is preserved, from

'genital tract moderate bleeding

Diagnosis: Pregnancy 37 weeks.

Premature placental abruption. Fetal hypoxia

Choose further tactics for labor management?

2 Emergency caesarean section

Question: No. 24 In a postpartum woman on the 3rd day after cesarean section,

'The temperature rose to 38/7 C., there was vomiting. Language

`dryish, covered with a white coating. Pulse - 110 beats/min.

The abdomen is swollen, sharply painful on palpation. Weak.

severe symptoms of peritoneal irritation.

Peristalsis is very sluggish. The bandage is dry. Discharge

from the genital tract, purulent-bloody, with an odor. Stimulation of the intestines without effect.
Patient management tactics?

(Uterine extirpation with fallopian tubes, antibacterial therapy

A 29-year-old primigravida was admitted to the maternity hospital at 36 weeks of gestation with
complaints of headache, flashing of spots before the eyes, pain in the epigastric region, blood pressure
170/110 mmHg. PS - 84 udvmin. Total history: Pregnancy 3, miscarriage - 1, childbirth - 1 at 37 weeks
with preeclampsia

to her severe degree. Objectively: Labor activity

No. The uterus is in normal tone, fetal position

'longitudinal, cephalic. Fetal heart sounds

r and muffled to 150 beats per minute. Alleged

| fetal weight - 2400 g. The cervix is not mature on the scale

Bishop 4 points. In the tests: Complete blood count: Hb -87g/

_l, Urine for protein - 2 Lg/l. Diagnosis made:

| Pregnancy 36 weeks. Preeclampsia severe

degrees. Anemia 2 degrees. Doctor's management tactics

Start infusion therapy

A 29-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of cramping pain in
the lower back. Labor lasts 7 hours. Gestational age is 38 weeks. Contractions every 3-4 minutes, 40-

seconds The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is presented

'fruit. The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 130 beats per minute. During vaginal examination

'detected: the cervix is effaced, dilated

'uterine os 8 cm. The amniotic sac is intact. Offered

fetal head, large fontanel along the wire axis

pelvis Determine the insertion of the fetal head?

Anterior cephalic insertion

|A 25-year-old primigravida was admitted to the emergency room with complaints of cramping pain in
the lower abdomen and lower back

The water broke 4 hours ago. 8 hours in labor

`Contractions in 3-4 minutes for 40-45 seconds. Term

pregnancy 39 weeks. The position of the fetus is longitudinal,

'it is the head of the fetus. Fetal heartbeat is clear

typical 140 beats per minute. With vaginal

The study revealed: the cervix is effaced,

uterine os dilatation 6 cm, no amniotic sac

The head is presented, the facial line is in the right oblique

size, left front - chin. Define

insertion of the head, position and type of fetus?

Front insertion, 2nd position, rear view

A 27-year-old woman gave birth at 38 weeks to a healthy boy weighing 3900 g. From the history of
pregnancies 1, births 1. Blood type A (11) Rh+. In

during pregnancy received specific prophylaxis

l ku. 6 months after birth there are no anti-Rhesus antibodies in the blood. Can irradiated prophylaxis be
considered effective?

3 Yes

Question: No. 49

A 30-year-old female patient was admitted with complaints of sharp pain.

Lower abdomen/chills, increased body temperature d

39C. History of 2 births and 3 abortions, chronic

Salpingo-oophoritis with frequent exacerbations.

Contraception – 2 years intrauterine device

Within 2 weeks. When viewed in mirrors

Clean, purulent discharge in the cervical canal

Threads" spirals. During vaginal examination:

Normal size, softish cone

Painful during examination. Posterior to the uterus

Sharply painful formations are palpated

Uniform consistency, with softened areas

The eras are 5x8 cm. The arches are flattened. Determine the volume of surgical treatment?

Extirpation of the uterus with appendages

Question: No. 6‹ A 28-year-old woman came to the FMC with complaints about

Menstruation for 3 months, nausea,

Oh weakness. Objectively: condition

Adequate, skin and visible

Zyzy, normal color, clean. BP 120/70

Hg, pulse 80 beats per minute. Vaginal

Eating: the body of the uterus is enlarged - up to the size of

The head of a newborn is painless. Appendages on both

The sides are not palpable. The discharge is leucorrhoea.

Determine the expected gestational age in


1) 12

A 27-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department for planned surgical
treatment for an adnexal mass. A laparotomy was performed, and during inspection of the abdominal
cavity, a tight-elastic, regular-shaped formation measuring 7x5 cm was discovered. The cyst was
enucleated. A diagnosis of “Ovarian follicular cyst” has been made. Describe the expected contents of
the cyst.

h Hair, cartilage, fat, skin

A 37-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist at the FMC with complaints of painful and heavy
menstruation, dark brown discharge from the genital tract after menstruation. Menstruation up to 8-9
days after 26-27 days. Gynecological examination: cervix without visible pathology, mucous discharge.
The body of the uterus is spherical, painful on palpation; appendages on both sides are not defined, the
arches are deep. Ultrasound: the body of the uterus is slightly enlarged in size - 48x37x46 mm, the
uterine cavity is not deformed, the myometrium is heterogeneous with multiple anechoic inclusions up
to 4-7 mm. Indicate the most likely reasons for the increase in the size and shape of the uterus in this

4. Adenomyosis
A 32-year-old female patient came to the clinic due to infertility for 6 years. From the anamnesis: tubal
pregnancy, right-sided tubectomy was performed. The menstrual cycle is regular. My husband is
healthy. During gynecological examination: vagina, cervix without features, the body of the uterus is
dense, not enlarged, limited in mobility, slightly deviated to the right, painless. The right appendages are
not identified, the left appendages are somewhat heavy, the painless vaults are free, the discharge is
mucous. What form of infertility is most likely?

4 Tubal-peritoneal

At an appointment with a gynecologist, an 18-year-old patient complains of painful menstruation. From

the anamnesis: menstruation from 13 years to 5-6 days after 28-30 days is moderate, painful from the
period of menarche. Does not have sexual activity. Inspection of the external genitalia: correctly
developed. The hymen is intact. Rectal: the uterus is in the retroflexio position, not enlarged, dense,
painless. Appendages are not identified. probable cause of painful menstruation in this patient.

5 Adenomyosis of the uterine body

A 25-year-old woman was admitted to the gynecology department with complaints of an increase in
body temperature to 39 C, chills, pain in the lower abdomen above the pubis, bloody-turbid discharge
from the genital tract with an unpleasant putrefactive odor. From the anamnesis: she became acutely ill
on the second day after the interruption

pregnancy. Objectively: general condition is moderate, tachycardia, blood test shows an increase in the
number of leukocytes to 10.0x109, ESR 35 mm/hour. The abdomen is soft, painful on palpation above
the pubis. On bimanual examination, the uterus is slightly larger than normal, of a softish consistency,
mobile and moderately painful, the pharynx is closed. Discharge from the genital tract is bloody with an
unpleasant odor. what diagnosis is most likely Acute...?

1 salpingoophoritis

Name contraceptives that protect against sexually transmitted infections:

1. Barrier contraception

What is the trigger point for septic shock?

1. Action of exo- and endotoxins

Indicate which of the formations belongs to an ovarian cyst?

1. Follicular

What is the early symptom of Sheehan syndrome?

1. Agalactia after childbirth

In what syndrome can uterine aplasia be detected after ultrasound in the presence of normal ovarian

1. RokitanskyKustner Mayer
A 30-year-old woman in labor is in the delivery room; she has just given birth to a baby weighing
4000 g. The uterus has contracted and is dense at the level of the navel. When examining the birth
canal, it was discovered: a 3rd degree perineal rupture. Determine the sequence in which sutures
are placed for a 3rd degree perineal rupture?

1. On the vaginal wall, rectal sphincter, perineal muscles, perineal skin

Female patient, 18 years old, complains of contact bleeding from the genital tract. From the birth
history. The second birth was surgical with the application of obstetric forceps, complicated by
cervical rupture. After birth, pseudo-erosion of the cervix was diagnosed and diathermocoagulation
was performed. Gynecological examination: when examined in a speculum, the cervix with ectopia
of the columnar epithelium is hypertrophied, deformed, the external os is gaping. Bimanual
examination of the uterus and appendages showed no pathological changes. Extended colcoscopy
revealed an extensive transformation zone with a large number of open and closed glands, and an
ectopic area on the anterior lip. What is the suspected diganosis?


A 29-year-old multi-pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The gestational age is 39 weeks. Contractions
in 2-3 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 136 beats per minute.
After 1 hour, birth occurred. During childbirth, the active introduction of the 3rd stage of labor.
Oxytocin 10 units was injected intramuscularly. Controlled pulling on the umbilical cord. 15 minutes
after the birth of the fetus, moderate bleeding began, blood loss was 500 ml, there were no signs of
placental separation. The diagnosis was made: urgent delivery. 3rd stage of labor. What tactics are
most appropriate in this situation?

1. Proceed with urgent separation of the placenta and discharge of the placenta

A 25-year-old primigravida was admitted to the hospital after a convulsive attack. BP-185/100 mmHg.
The pregnant woman is under the influence of neuroleptics and is not available for contact. Upon
examination, the size of the uterus corresponds to 34-35 weeks of pregnancy. The position of the fetus
is longitudinal, the head is in the pelvic cavity. No heartbeat can be heard. On vaginal examination: full
dilatation, no amniotic sac. Choose further tactics for labor management?

1. Carry out childbirth through the natural birth canal

A 20-year-old postpartum woman in the postpartum department, on the 4th day after birth, had a fever
of 39.1 C and a pulse of 102 beats per minute. The engorgement of the mammary glands is determined.
On the left in the outer quadrant a painful lump without fluctuation is palpated. The skin over it is
hyperemic. The abdomen is soft, painless, the fundus of the uterus is 8 cm above the womb. Discharge
from the genital tract is serous-succulent. What therapy should be prescribed in this situation?

1. Antibacterial

A 23-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the pregnancy pathology department at 32 weeks
of gestation with complaints of periodic nagging pain in the lower abdomen; the amniotic fluid did not
recede. The examination revealed a transverse position of the fetus. During external obstetric
examination, the uterus becomes toned. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, up to 140 per minute.
During vaginal examination: the cervix is slightly shortened, the cervical canal allows the tip of the finger
to pass through, the presenting part is not determined.
Select obstetric tactics?

1. Preservation of pregnancy

3. ( question 22 )

Postpartum woman K., 28 years old, after Caesarean section. The postpartum period proceeded
normally. By the end of the second day, the condition began to progressively worsen, vomiting,
severe pain throughout the abdomen, and gas retention appeared. There was no chair.
Objectively: the skin is pale, with a grayish tint.
The tongue is dry, with a grayish coating. Body temperature 38.50C. Pulse 120 beats per minute,
blood pressure 110/70 mmHg. The abdomen is distended, painful on palpation, the Shchetkin-
Blumberg sign is positive. During percussion - dullness of percussion sound in the lower lateral
parts of the abdomen. In the tests: leukocytosis - 17.5x109 /l, ESR -55 mm/hour, shift of the
leukocyte formula to the left. To determine the scope of surgical treatment of peritonitis after
cesarean section ?
2. Supravaginal amputation of the uterus and drainage of the abdominal cavity
3. Extirpation of the uterus without appendages with drainage of the abdominal cavity
4. Extirpation of the uterus with tubes and drainage of the abdominal cavity
5. Diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity
6. Diagnostic laparoscopy with abdominal drainage

4. A 33-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecological clinic with symptoms of an acute
abdomen. In clinical
An urgent examination revealed a diagnosis of cystoma of the right ovary with
phenomena of torsion of her legs. Further tactics for treating the patient?
Answers (one answer)
1.Performing planned surgical treatment
2.Intensive anti-inflammatory therapy
3. Prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics.
4. Administer antibiotics by abdominal puncture
5. Emergency surgical treatment

Question: No. 46
A 57-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecology department with complaints of moderate
bloody discharge from
genital tract. Menopause 4 years. In the last 3 months, moderate bleeding from the genital tract
has been bothersome.
Ultrasound: the body of the uterus is 48x37x46 mm, the uterine cavity is not deformed. The
endometrium is heterogeneous, 15 mm thick. Appendages without features. A diagnosis of
endometrial hyperplasia was made. In order to exclude a malignant process, what research
is of primary importance?
Answers(one answer)
1 Determination of tumor markers
2 Hysteroscopy
3 Extended colposcopy
4 Histology of aspirate
5 MRI of the pelvic organs

Question: No. 6

Mother V., 25 years old, gave birth to a live full-term girl weighing 3400 g, height 50 cm, without
Vanamnese 2 induced abortions. The succession period proceeded without complications, the
fundus of the uterus was at the level of the navel,
dense, painless. Moderate bleeding from the vagina. A child was born with a birth defect
tumor in the area of the large fontanel, determine the type of insertion of the fetal head into
the small pelvis?
Answers(one answer)
1 Asynclitic
2 Lobnoye
4 Anterior cephalic
5 Facial

Question: No. 25
A 26-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.
Contractions through -7 minutes - 20-25 seconds. The gestational age is 35 weeks. The position
of the fetus is longitudinal, head
pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 130-140 beats
per minute. For vaginal
examination - the cervix is smoothed, the uterine os is dilated by 5 cm. The amniotic sac is
intact. Head
the fetus is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The discharge is mucous. Diagnosed:
Pregnancy 35-36
weeks Premature labor has begun. What are the next tactics?
Answers (one answer)
1 Start administering glucocorticoids.
2 Prescribe antispasmodics
3 Prescribe tocolytics
4 Start oxytocin administration
5 Wait for spontaneous childbirth

A 16-year-old patient consulted a gynecologist with complaints of rare, scanty menstruation. On
examination: broad shoulders, narrow pelvis, short limbs, hypertrophied body muscles,
underdeveloped mammary glands, male-pattern hair growth. Menstruation from the age of 15,
after 38-49 days, is scanty and painless. During a gynecological examination: the external
genitalia are developed according to the female type, an enlargement of the clitoris, hypoplasia
of the labia minora and majora are noted. What diagnosis is most likely ?
2. Andrenogenital syndrome
3. Swyer syndrome
4. Cushing's disease
5. Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome
6. Morris syndrome

Question: No. 22
A 28-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital while pushing. The
gestational age is 38 weeks. Attempts
every minute for 45-50 seconds. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is
presented. Heartbeat
fetal clear rhythmic 130 beats per minute. Estimated fetal weight 3900 g. With vaginal
The study identifies the glabella and brow ridges on one side, and the anterior angle of the
greater fontanel on the other. Diagnosis made:
Pregnancy 38 weeks. 2nd stage of labor. Frontal insertion. Which tactic should you choose?
Answers(one answer)
1 Obstetric forceps
2 Waiting tactics
3Labor induction
4 Labor stimulation
5 Caesarean section

8. Choose what is the absolute ultrasound sign of ectopic pregnancy?

Answers (one answer)
1 Fluid in the rear arch
2 Gravid endometrium
h Presence of corpus luteum
4 The body of the uterus is enlarged.
5 Anechoic formation

Question: No. 32
A 25-year-old patient visited a gynecologist with complaints of absence of menstruation for 2
years. From the anamnesis:
grew and developed according to age, menarche at 12 years.
Two years ago, menstruation stopped for no apparent reason, I was not married, there was not
a single pregnancy.
Objectively: condition is satisfactory, height 164 cm, weight 58 kg. Recently she has noticed
worsening vision and headaches.
The phenotype is female. The concentration of FSH in the blood serum is 0.3 mIU/ml (normal is
2-20), prolactin is 160 ng/ml (normal is 2-25).
The test with gestagens and estrogens is positive.
What form of amenorrhea is most likely?
Answers (one answer)
1 Uterine
2 Ovarian
3 Hypothalamic
4 Stressful
5 Pituitary

Question: No. 5
Are the dimensions of the large pelvis measured to determine?
Answers(one answer)
1 Thickness of the pelvic bones
2 Pelvic asymmetries
3 Pelvic circumference sizes
4 Pelvic tilt
5 Pelvic sizes

A 27-year-old patient complains of absence of pregnancy for 5 years. From the anamnesis:
menstruation since the age of 11, regular for 5-6 days, every 28-29 days, painful. Married. Notes
pain during sexual activity. The husband's spermogram is normal, examinations for urogenital
infections are negative, and the postcoital test is normal. PV : the body of the uterus is dense,
not enlarged, in a retroflexio position , inactive. The appendages on both sides are not palpable.
In the area of the posterior vaginal vault, a painful, immobile, tuberous formation 3.5 x 2.5 cm is
identified. What treatment should be prescribed first.
2. In Vitro Fertilization
3. Progestin drugs
4. Antigonadotropins
5. Combined oral contraceptives
6. Surgical

Question: No. 13
A postpartum woman on the 5th floor was transferred to the gynecology department from the
physiological postpartum department
days after birth. During childbirth - early rupture of amniotic fluid, surgical delivery by
application of obstetric forceps. Complaints of pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, malaise,
up to 38l1 °C. Pulse 100 beats per minute. Blood pressure 120/80 mmHg. Objectively: the uterus
is 4 fingers below the navel, with
Palpation is painful, softish in consistency. Discharge from the genital tract is serous-serous,
smell. General blood test: leukocytes - 10x10 g/l, C09 - 45 mm/h. Make a diagnosis?
Answers(one answer)
1 Postpartum adnexitis
2 Postpartum metroendometritis
3 Postpartum parametritis
4 Postpartum sepsis
5 Postpartum endocervicitis

Question: No. 15
A primigravida, 3, 24 years old, with a pregnancy of 39-40 weeks, was admitted to the maternity
hospital due to weak contractions,
which last for 8 hours. Pelvic dimensions: 26 – 29— 31 - 21 cm. OJ - 114 cm, VDM - 41 cm.
Contractions 2 in 10
minutes for 30 s. The head is small in size and movable above the entrance to the pelvis. In the
fundus of the uterus
two more large parts are palpable. The fetal heartbeat is heard: one - on the left below the
navel, 130
beats per minute, the second - on the right above the navel 138 beats per minute. Vaginal
examination data: cervix
The uterus is smoothed, the opening of the pharynx is 5 cm, the amniotic sac is intact, tense.
The head of 1 fetus is presented, movable
above the entrance to the pelvis. The cape is not reachable. Make a diagnosis?
Answers(one answer)
1 Pregnancy 39-40 weeks, 1st stage of labor.
Triplets. Weakness of labor

2 ® pregnancy 39-40 weeks. 2nd birth period.

Triplets. Narrow pelvis

3 Pregnancy 39-40 weeks, 2nd stage of labor.

secondary weakness of labor:

4 Pregnancy 39-40 weeks. 1st stage of labor.

Twins. Primary weakness of labor

5 Pregnancy 39-40 weeks. 1st stage of labor.

14------------------------------------------------- --------------------
There is a 25-year-old multiparous woman at 38 weeks of gestation in the delivery room.
Abdominal circumference – 110cm. The amniotic fluid has passed in the amount of 2 liters. 3
hours after the water broke, she gave birth to a live, full-term baby weighing 3500 g. After 30
minutes, the placenta separated and came out on its own; upon examination, the placenta was
intact, all membranes were intact. There is profuse bleeding from the genital tract with clots.
Make a diagnosis ?
2. Childbirth 2, urgent. Polyhydramnios. Hypotonic bleeding
3. Childbirth 2, urgent. Polyhydramnios. Early postpartum period. Atonic bleeding
4. Childbirth 2, urgent. Polyhydramnios. Early postpartum period. Hypotonic bleeding
5. Childbirth 2, urgent. Early postpartum period. Hypotonic bleeding
6. Childbirth 2, urgent. Polyhydramnios. Succession period. Hypotonic bleeding

Question: No. 8
A 20-year-old primigravida was admitted to the department of pathology of pregnant women
with complaints of nagging pain.
lower abdomen. Objectively: the abdomen is enlarged due to the pregnant uterus, corresponds
to 26 weeks
pregnancy. Upon palpation, the uterus appears to have increased tone. The position of the fetus
is longitudinal,
the head is presented above the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic,
142 beats per minute.
Vaginal examination: the cervix is preserved, the pharynx is closed. The head is presented
through the arches,
pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The cape is not reachable, the discharge is mucous.
What is the diagnosis?
Answers(one answer)
1 Threatened premature birth
2 Early labor begins
3 Beginning of premature labor
4 Threatened very early labor
5 Very early labor

Question: No. 17
After childbirth, examination of the birth canal revealed a first-degree perineal rupture. In what
sequence are sutures placed for a first-degree perineal rupture?
Answers(one answer)
1.On the muscles of the perineum, skin of the perineum
2 On the skin of the perineum, vaginal mucosa
3 On the vaginal mucosa, on the muscles of the perineum
4 On the vaginal mucosa and perineal skin
5 Muscles of the perineum, vaginal mucosa

Question: No. 41

A 35-year-old patient complained of heavy periods with blood clots in the menstrual fluid, which had
been bothering her for the last 6 months. Menstruation up to 8-9 days after 26-27 days. Gynecological
examination: cervix without visible pathology, mucous discharge. The body of the uterus is not enlarged,
painless on palpation; the appendages of both sides are not defined, the arches are deep. Ultrasound:
the body of the uterus is 48x37x46 mm, the uterine cavity is not deformed. The endometrium is
heterogeneous, 15 mm thick. Appendages without features. A diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia was
made. Specify the most appropriate drug for the treatment of endometrial hyperplastic processes after

Answers (one answer) gestagens

Question: No. 42

A 27-year-old patient complains of not being pregnant for 5 years. From the anamnesis: menstruation
since 11 years, regular for 5-6 days, every 28-29 days, painful. Married. Notes the pain of sexual
intercourse. The husband's spermogram is normal, examinations for urogenital infections are negative,
and the postcoital test is normal. RU: the uterus is dense, not enlarged, in a retroflexio position, inactive.
The appendages on both sides are non-palpable. In the area of the posterior vaginal vault, a painful,
immobile, dense, tuberous formation 3.5 x 2.5 cm is detected. What treatment should be prescribed

Answers (one answer) surgical

Question: No. 40

A 32-year-old patient consulted a gynecologist with complaints of painful and heavy menstruation,
spotting dark brown discharge from the genital tract after menstruation. From the anamnesis:
menstruation lasts 7-8 days every 28 days, painful, takes baralgin, ibuprofen. Single. when examined in
the speculum: the cervix is without visible pathology, mucous discharge. On bimanual examination, the
uterus is enlarged to 5 weeks of pregnancy, spherical in shape, sensitive to palpation. The appendages
on both sides are enlarged and painless. What diagnosis is most likely?

Answers (one answer) Adenomyosis

Question: No. 49

A 26-year-old patient consulted a gynecologist for a preventive examination. No complaints.

Menstruation from the age of 12, established immediately, 4-5 days, after 28 days, moderate, painless.
Somatically healthy. Sexual life since 24 years old. There were no pregnancies. Has two sexual partners.
Gynecological examination: vagina of a nulliparous woman. The cervix is conical in shape, with
symptoms of endocervicitis. The uterus is normal, dense, painless, with limited mobility. Appendages
are not identified. The examination revealed a chlamydial infection and a large number of leukocytes.
Which drug is most preferable for treatment?

Answers (one answer) Doxycycline

Question: No. 45

A 59-year-old patient came to the FMC with complaints of bloody discharge from the genital tract. From
the anamnesis: menopause for 5 years. Gynecological examination: external genitalia and vagina with
signs of age-related involution; the vaginal mucosa is easily vulnerable; cervix without visible pathology.
There is scanty bleeding from the cervical canal; the uterus is enlarged up to 15 weeks of pregnancy,
limited mobility, dense. Appendages are not defined; parameters are free. A preliminary diagnosis has
been made: Large uterine fibroids. In order to exclude a malignant process, what research method is of
primary importance?

Answers (one answer) hysteroscopy

Question: No. 44
A 33-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecological clinic with symptoms of an acute abdomen.
During a clinical examination carried out urgently, a diagnosis was made - a cystoma of the right ovary
with symptoms of torsion of its pedicle. Further tactics for treating the patient?

Answers (one answer) Emergency surgical treatment

Question: No. 47

An 8-year-old girl with her mother at an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist. Complains of bloody
discharge from the genital tract for 2 days. The development of secondary sexual characteristics began a
year ago. Objectively: height 140 cm, weight 40 kg. Somatic development corresponds to 12 years of
age. The mammary gland protrudes significantly, and there are single hairs in the armpit. The external
genitalia are developed correctly, there are single hairs on the labia majora, the hymen is intact. Vaginal
discharge is bloody. Rectally: the uterus is larger than the age norm, dense, painless. Which treatment is
most appropriate?

Answers (one answer) Gonadotropin-releasing hormones

Question: No. 46

A 43-year-old patient visited a gynecologist with complaints of heavy bleeding from the genital tract,
lasting 10 days; for the last 2 years, the menstrual cycle has been disrupted: the interval between
menstruation is 2-3 months. Denies gynecological diseases. When examined in the speculum: the
mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix without visible pathology. The discharge is bloody and
profuse. A manual examination did not reveal any pathology. Diagnosis: Abnormal uterine bleeding of
late reproductive age. Determine treatment tactics?

Answers (one answer) Surgical hemostasis

Question: No. 48

Patient, 32 years old, at an appointment with a gynecologist with complaints of heavy menstruation,
periodic intermenstrual spotting. The menstrual cycle is regular, 26-28 days. Objectively: the condition is
satisfactory, in terms of organ systems - no special features. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs on the 6th
day of the menstrual cycle: the body of the uterus is located in retroflexio, dimensions 45x52x43 mm,
the structure of the myometrium is homogeneous, M-echo 5.5 mm, heterogeneous, a formation
measuring 8x9 mm is visualized on the posterior wall. Which examination method is most preferable?
Answers (one answer) hysteroscopy

Question: No. 39

An 18-year-old girl came to the gynecological department with complaints of bloody vaginal discharge
and weakness during menstruation. Leathery. Blood pressure 100/70 mm Hg. Art. Menarche from age
12. Menstruation is regular, painless. When examined by a gynecologist, it was determined that the girl
had normal menstruation. What causes desquamation of the functional layer of the endometrium?

Answers(one answer)
Decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels

Question: No. 13

A 20-year-old primigravida was admitted to the department of pathology of pregnant women with
complaints of nagging pain in the lower abdomen and spotting from the genital tract. Objectively: the
belly is ovoid in shape due to pregnancy, corresponds to 34 weeks of pregnancy. Upon palpation, the
uterus appears to have increased tone. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is positioned
above the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 142 beats per minute. Vaginal
examination: cervix

shortened to 1 cm, the cervical canal is passable for 1 finger. The amniotic sac is intact, the head is
present, pressed to the entrance to the pelvis. The cape is not reachable, the discharge is spotting and
bloody, “What is the diagnosis?”

Answers (one answer) Preterm labor that has begun

Question: No. 8

A 20-year-old primigravida was admitted to the department of pathology of pregnant women with
complaints of nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Objectively: the abdomen is enlarged due to the
pregnant uterus, corresponding to 26 weeks of pregnancy. Upon palpation, the uterus appears to have
increased tone. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is positioned above the entrance to
the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 142 beats per minute. Vaginal examination: the cervix
is preserved, the pharynx is closed. The head is presented through the fornix, pressed against the
entrance to the small pelvis. The cape is not reachable, the discharge is mucous. What is the diagnosis?

Answers (one answer) Threatening very early labor

A 34-year-old patient consulted a gynecologist with complaints of pain in the lower abdomen, weakness,
low-grade fever, dysuric disorders, and copious purulent discharge from the genital tract for 7 days. The
general condition is satisfactory. Examination in the speculum, the vaginal mucosa is hyperemic,
edematous, the cervix is cylindrical in shape, purulent discharge. Vaginal examination: the uterine body
is of normal size, pasty, sharply painful. Diagnosis: Gonorrheal endometritis, bilateral salpingitis. What is
the most reliable method for diagnosing gonococcal infection? Answer: bacterioscopic

1.Which of the listed sizes corresponds to a normal pelvis?


2. A 37-year-old female patient consulted a gynecologist with complaints of painful and heavy
menstruation, dark brown discharge from the genital tract after menstruation. Menstruation up to 8-9 days
after 26-27 days. Gynecological examination: cervix without visible pathology, mucous discharge. The
body of the uterus is spherical, painful on palpation; appendages on both sides are not defined, the arches
are deep. Ultrasound: the body of the uterus is 52x49x55 mm, the uterine cavity is not deformed, the
myometrium is heterogeneous with multiple anechoic inclusions up to 4-7 mm. What is the most likely

Endometriosis of the uterine body

3. A 17-year-old girl consulted a gynecologist with complaints about the absence of menstruation. From
the anamnesis: she grew and developed faster than her peers. Denies childhood illnesses. He is not
sexually active. Objectively: height 158 cm, weight 55 kg. Upon examination, broad shoulders, a narrow
pelvis, and the mammary glands are hypoplastic. There is growth of terminal hair on the thighs, back,
sternum, along the white line of the abdomen, in the chin area, and upper lip. Examination of the external
genitalia: correctly developed, male-type hair growth. A rectoabdominal examination revealed no genital
pathology. What treatment does this patient need?


4. A 35-year-old female patient complained of heavy periods with blood clots in the menstrual fluid,
which had been bothering her for the last 6 months. Menstruation up to 8-9 days after 26-27 days.
Gynecological examination: cervix without visible pathology, mucous discharge. The body of the uterus
is not enlarged, painless on palpation; appendages on both sides are not defined, the arches are deep.
Ultrasound of the uterine body 48x37x46 mm, the uterine cavity is not deformed. The endometrium is
heterogeneous, 15 mm thick. Appendages without features. A diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia was
made. Specify the most appropriate drug for the treatment of endometrial hyperplastic processes after


5. On the 4th day after the cesarean section, the postpartum mother’s body temperature rose to 38.8 PS-
110 beats/min, the tongue was dry, the abdomen was distended, peristalsis could not be heard, and gases
did not pass away on their own. What complication begins in a postpartum woman?


6. There is a 25-year-old multiparous woman at 38 weeks of pregnancy in the delivery room. Abdominal
circumference - 110 cm. Amniotic fluid has passed in the amount of 2 liters. 3 hours after the water
broke, she gave birth to a live, full-term baby weighing 3500 g. After 30 minutes, the placenta separated
and came out on its own; upon examination, the placenta was completely intact. There is profuse bleeding
from the genital tract with clots. Make a diagnosis?

Childbirth 2, urgent. Polyhydramnios. Early postpartum period. Hypotonic bleeding.

7. A 32-year-old female patient consulted the gynecology department regarding uterine fibroids identified
by ultrasound. He makes no complaints. Planning a pregnancy. From the anamnesis: menarche at 13
years old. Menstruation lasts 5-6 days, after 27-28 days it is moderate and painless. There were no
pregnancies. Gynecological examination: a subserous myomatous node with a diameter of up to 7-8 cm is
determined at the fundus of the uterus, the appendages on both sides are unchanged; mucous discharge.
The diagnosis was made: “Uterine fibroids with subserous growth of the node. Choose a method of
surgical treatment for this patient?

Conservative myomectomy

8. A 24-year-old patient was delivered to the gynecological department by ambulance on a stretcher.

After a 6-week delay in menstruation, she developed pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of pressure in
the lower abdomen and in the rectal area. At home, a short-term loss of consciousness was noted. Taking
into account the data of a general and vaginal examination, significant anemia (H b = 70 g/l), a diagnosis
was made: impaired ectopic pregnancy (type of rupture of the left fallopian tube), hemorrhagic shock of
the third degree. What are the next tactics?


9. A multiparous woman, 25 years old, was delivered to the maternity hospital with a prolapsed umbilical
cord. The contractions started 5 hours ago, the amniotic fluid broke on the way. Pregnancy III, full-term,
proceeded without complications. There is a history of two physiological births. Objectively, the
contractions are of a pushing nature, after 1-2 minutes for 40 seconds. The position of the fetus is
longitudinal, the pelvic end is located in the pelvic cavity. The fetal head is in the fundus of the uterus.
The fetal heart rate is 100 beats per minute, periodically arrhythmic. Vaginal examination: The opening of
the uterine pharynx is complete, there is no amniotic sac, the fetal leg and pulsating loops of the umbilical
cord are in the vagina, the fetal buttocks are in the third plane of the small pelvis. Choose labor
management tactics?

Complete the birth by caesarean section

10. A 29-year-old woman in labor was taken to the maternity hospital at 38 weeks of pregnancy with
complaints of headache, pain in the epigastric region, and spots flashing before her eyes. Soon after
admission, pushing began for 40-45 seconds every 3-4 minutes. The fetal heartbeat on the left, below the
navel, is 134 beats per minute, rhythmic. When trying to perform a vaginal examination, a seizure of
convulsions occurred, accompanied by loss of consciousness. What caused the development of

Severe preeclampsia

11. Indicate what happens to the vessels of the cervix when using a 3% solution of acetic acid?

They turn pale

12. A 22-year-old pregnant woman at 40 weeks’ gestation was delivered to the maternity hospital by
ambulance. Objectively: the condition is serious, blood pressure is 90/50 mmHg, pulse is 110 beats per
minute, poor filling. The skin is pale and clean. There was a faint at home. On examination, the uterus is
tense and painful. Parts of the fetus cannot be felt. The fetal heartbeat cannot be heard. There is no labor
activity. There is no discharge from the genital tract. Vaginal examination: the cervix is preserved, the
cervical canal is closed. The fetal head is palpated through the vaginal fornix and is pressed against the
entrance to the pelvis. The discharge is leucorrhoea. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 40 weeks. What pregnancy
complication should be added to the diagnosis?

PONRP. Antenatal fetal death

13. A pregnant woman was admitted to the Department of Pathology of Pregnant Women on the referral
of a FMC doctor. History: The first pregnancy ended in a fetal-destroying operation. The next 2
pregnancies ended in spontaneous miscarriages at 20-22 weeks. Objectively: The abdomen is enlarged
due to pregnancy, corresponds to 23 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is out of tone on palpation. On
vaginal examination, the cervix is soft, the external os is gaping. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

Isthmic cervical insufficiency

14. A 26-year-old multipregnant woman came to a maternity facility with complaints of nagging pain in
the lower abdomen and lower back, and a burning sensation in the scar area. From the anamnesis: this
pregnancy is III, childbirth is III. The previous birth ended by caesarean section due to fetal distress. The
gestational age at the last menstrual period corresponds to 39 weeks. Objectively: there is no pronounced
labor activity. Upon examination, the uterus becomes toned. The scar area on the uterus is painful on
palpation. The position of the fetus is longitudinal pelvic presentation, the fetal heartbeat is clear,
rhythmic up to 142 beats per minute. Determine the tactics for managing this pregnancy?

End the pregnancy by emergency caesarean section

15. A 30-year-old female patient was admitted with complaints of sharp pain in the lower abdomen,
chills, and an increase in body temperature to 38-39C. There is a history of 2 births and 3 abortions,
chronic salpingo-oophoritis with frequent exacerbations. Contraception - 2 years intrauterine device. Sick
for 2 weeks. When examined in the speculum: the cervix is clean, the discharge is purulent, there are
“threads” of a spiral in the cervical canal. On vaginal examination: the uterus is of normal size, soft in
consistency, painful on examination. Posterior to the uterus, sharply painful formations are palpated, of
uneven consistency, with areas of softening, measuring 5x8 cm. The vaults are flattened. Determine the
scope of surgical treatment?

Supravaginal amputation of the uterus and appendages

16. A woman in labor is in the delivery room for 6 hours. After 2, secondary weakness of labor occurred.
Vaginal examination revealed a frontal insertion. What are your next tactics?


17.Is immunological pregnancy tests based on the definition?

Human chorionic gonadotropin

1). A 25-year-old patient was hospitalized in the gynecological department with complaints of fever up to
38.5C, pain in the lower abdomen, and purulent vaginal discharge. She became acutely ill after an
induced abortion on the 4th day. Objectively: pulse 100/min, blood pressure 110/70 mmHg, abdomen is
soft and painful in the lower parts. Gynecological status: The uterus is enlarged, soft, painful; The vaginal
vaults are free. Vaginal discharge is profuse and purulent.

What is the most likely preliminary diagnosis?

Acute salpingitis

2). An 18-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist with complaints of painful menstruation. FROM
ANAMNESIS: menstruation from the age of 13 for 5–6 days every 28–30 days, moderate, painful from
the period of menarche. He is not sexually active. EXAMINATION OF THE EXTERNAL GENITAL
ORGANS: properly developed. The hymen is scalloped in shape. RECTAL: the uterus is in the
retroflexio position, not enlarged, dense, painless. Appendages are not identified. What is the likely cause
of this patient's painful menstruation?
Abnormal position of the uterus.

3). Patient, 39 years old, at an appointment with a gynecologist with complaints of

long, heavy menstruation for 3 cycles. FROM ANAMNESIS: the menstrual cycle is regular, 28–29 days,
the duration of menstruation is 7–10 days. 4 pregnancies: 2 births, 2 medical abortions. OBJECTIVE: the
skin is pale pink in color. Pulse 78 beats per minute, rhythmic. Blood pressure 120/80 mm Hg. In general

blood hemoglobin 96 g/l. On examination: the body of the uterus is enlarged up to 7–8 weeks of
pregnancy, dense, painless, tuberous, mobile. The appendages on both sides are not palpable

What is the most likely cause of menstrual dysfunction?

Uterine fibroids.

4). Abortion before how many weeks of pregnancy is called miscarriage?

Answer: 37

5). On what day are sutures removed after a caesarean section?

Answer: 7

6). A 38-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the emergency department of a maternity
hospital with complaints of headaches, dizziness, and spots flashing before her eyes. According to the
date of menstruation, the gestational age is 30 weeks. Objectively: the condition is of moderate severity.
The skin is pale pink. The abdomen is enlarged due to pregnancy. The uterus is in normal position, 2
transverse fingers above the navel, the position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is present. Fetal
heart rate 126 beats/min. Blood pressure 160/110mmHg. protein in urine 2.5 g/l swelling in the lower
extremities, according to ultrasound, pregnancy corresponds to 29 weeks.

What is the diagnosis?

Severe preeclampsia

7). A woman in labor with a full-term pregnancy in the first stage of labor developed bright bleeding in
moderate amounts. Before birth, an ultrasound examination determined that the edge of the placenta was
located 4.5 cm above the level of the internal os. The condition of the woman in labor is satisfactory,
blood pressure is 110/70 mm Hg, pulse is 80 beats per minute. The fetal head is pressed to the entrance to
the pelvis, the fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 140 beats. per minute The uterus relaxes between
contractions and is painless on palpation. On vaginal examination, the cervix is smoothed, the opening is
3 cm, the edges are thin, the amniotic sac is intact. The fetal head is palpated through the membranes,
pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. Make a diagnosis.

Pregnancy 40 weeks. 1st stage of labor, latent phase. Low location of the placenta

8). A 27-year-old woman, multiparous, 41 weeks pregnant, was brought to the clinic with cramping pain
in the lower abdomen. During external obstetric examination: the fetal head is on the right, the pelvic end
is on the left. Fetal sounds are clear, rhythmic 136 beats/min. Vaginal examination: the cervix is
shortened to 2 cm, the cervical canal allows one finger to pass through, the amniotic sac is intact. The
presenting part is not determined.

Assess the obstetric situation?

Transverse position of the fetus

9). A 24-year-old primigravida was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of cramping pain in
the lower abdomen and lower back. Labor lasts 4 hours. The gestational age is 40 weeks. Contractions in
3-4 minutes for 40-45 seconds. Pelvic dimensions 25-28-31-20 cm. The position of the fetus is
longitudinal, the pelvic end of the fetus is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 136 beats min
above the navel. During vaginal examination: the cervix is smoothed, the uterine os is 3 cm dilated. The
amniotic sac is intact, presenting the pelvic end of the fetus, the fetal sacrum on the right, in front.

Determine the position and type of fetus?

The position of the fetus is longitudinal, 2nd position, anterior view.

10). Pregnant I, 25 years old, consulted a FMC doctor at 33-34 weeks of pregnancy with complaints of
swelling of the lower extremities. First pregnancy. Among the diseases suffered, chronic pyelonephritis is
noted. The weight gain was 14 kg, over the last week - 1.0 kg. General condition is satisfactory. The skin
and visible mucous membranes are of normal color. Pulse 64 beats per minute, blood pressure 120/80 and
115/80 mmHg. Fetal sounds are clear, rhythmic, 140 beats/min. Edema of the lower extremities. General
blood and urine tests without pathological changes.

What diet is appropriate for this risk factor?

Protein restriction

eleven). After childbirth, examination of the birth canal revealed a first-degree perineal rupture. In what
sequence are sutures placed for a first-degree perineal rupture?

On the vaginal mucosa and perineal skin

12). A 32-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of pain in the
lower abdomen. Gestational age is 39-40 weeks. Height 168cm. Weight 79kg. Pelvis dimensions: 24-26-
30-18cm. What is the shape of the pelvis if all direct dimensions of the planes of the small pelvis are

Generally uniformly narrowed pelvis

13). How many days is the normal length of the menstrual cycle?


A 27-year-old woman came to the antenatal clinic with complaints of profuse leucorrhoea with
an unpleasant odor, which occurs periodically. Menstrual function - without disturbances. The
last menstruation was 5 days ago. The result of microscopy of a vaginal smear stained according
to Gram: leukocytes-12-15, gram variable polymorphic bacterial flora, key cells were detected.
What is the most likely diagnosis?

-Bacterial vaginosis

A 25-year-old woman was admitted to the gynecology department with complaints of an

increase in body temperature to 39, chills, pain in the lower abdomen above the pubis, bloody-
turbid discharge from the genital tract with an unpleasant putrid odor. From the anamnesis:
she became acutely ill on the second day after termination of pregnancy. Objectively: general
condition is moderate, tachycardia. On bimanual examination, the uterus is slightly larger than
normal, soft in consistency, mobile and moderately painful, the pharynx is closed. Discharge
from the genital tract is bloody with an unpleasant odor. What diagnosis is most likely? Spicy…?

- Endometritis

A 30-year-old woman in labor was brought to the maternity ward by an ambulance team. This
pregnancy is full term. The first pregnancy ended in normal birth, the second in spontaneous
abortion. Labor activity is regular. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end is
located at the entrance to the small pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 146
beats per minute. During vaginal examination: the opening of the uterine pharynx is complete,
the amniotic sac is intact, the buttocks and a stack of the fetus are identified nearby. The
diagnosis was inserted: pregnancy 40 weeks. What fetal presentation and stage of labor should
be added to the diagnosis?

-2 peroid mixed gluteal

The clinical picture of a hematoma in the area of the external genitalia is characterized by:

- Tumor-like formation of blue-purple color

Mother V., 25 years old, gave birth to a live full-term girl weighing 3400 g, height 50 cm,
without asphyxia. History of 2 induced abortions. The postpartum period proceeded without
complications, the fundus of the uterus was at the level of the navel, dense, painless. Moderate
bleeding from the vagina. A child was born with a birth tumor in the area of the greater
fontanelle, determine the type of insertion of the fetal heads into the small pelvis?


A 35-year-old primigravida was admitted with complaints of rupture of green amniotic fluid 5
hours ago. History: 2 years of infertility. On examination: there is no labor, the fetal position is
longitudinal, the fetal head is attached, pressed to the entrance to the pelvis, fetal heart rate is
up to 120 beats per minute, muffled. On vaginal examination, the cervix is immature, up to 3
cm long. There is no amniotic sac. Green amniotic fluid leaks. The discharge is purulent. The
diagnosis was made: pregnancy 41 weeks, antenatal rupture of amniotic fluid.
Chorioamnionitis. The onset of intrauterine fetal hypoxia. Complicated obstetric history.
Choose further tactics for labor management?

-Emergency caesarean section

A 26-year-old pregnant woman was taken to the maternity hospital with a diagnosis of 32
weeks of pregnancy. Severe preclampsia. Premature progressive abruption of a normally
located placenta. Antenatal fetal death. Objectively: the condition is serious, the skin is pale,
blood pressure is 160/100 mmHg, pulse is 100 beats per minute. The uterus is painful,
hypertonic. The fetal heartbeat cannot be heard. During vaginal examination: the cervix is
shortened to 2 cm. The cervical canal is closed. The fetal head is identified through the fornix,
above the entrance to the pelvis; the discharge is bloody, profuse, and continues. Determine
the doctor's tactics?

- Extended fruit-destroying operation

Pregnant at 34 weeks According to my husband, there were convulsions at home. Upon

admission to the maternity hospital, blood pressure is 150/100 mmHg. The expected weight of
the fetus is 1500 g. Pastiness of the face and legs. Protein in urine is 0.66 g/l. The birth canal is
not ready for childbirth. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 34 weeks. Eclampsia. Doctor's management

-During treatment, complex step-by-step pain relief

A primigravida was admitted to the maternity hospital with a full-term pregnancy and good
labor. The expected weight of the fetus is 4300 g. The fetal head is pressed against the entrance
to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 142 beats per minute on the left below the
navel. Vasten sign “+”. Upon examination, it was discovered that the cervix was effaced, the
opening was 10 cm. There was no amniotic sac. What is the doctor's next tactics?

-Start labor stimulation

A 26-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecology department with complaints of pain in
the external genitalia, awkwardness when walking, and elevated body temperature. The pain
appeared 5 days ago and is associated with hypothermia. History includes 1 birth, 3 medical
abortions. Denies gynecological disease. Upon examination, a tumor-like formation measuring
4*4 cm is detected in the area of the right labia majora, the skin over them is hyperemic, hot,
and fluctuation is detected on palpation. Gynecological status: the vagina is without any
features, the cervix is clean, the external os is slit-like, the uterus is anteflexed, not enlarged,
painless. Appendages on both sides are not identified. Which dmagnesis is most likely?

- Bartholin gland cyst

A 23-year-old primigravida woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Labor lasts 4 hours. The gestational age is
41 weeks. Contractions in 3-4 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The dimensions of the pelvis are 25-
28-31-20 cm. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end of the fetus is presented.
The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 136 beats per minute above the navel. A vaginal
examination revealed: the cervix of the uterus is smoothed, the opening of the uterine pharynx
is 3 cm. The amniotic sac is intact, the fetal pelvis is present, the fetal sacrum is on the right
front. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 41 weeks, 1st stage of labor. Breech presentation. It was decided to
use Tsovyanov’s manual during childbirth. For what breech presentation is it used?

-With a pure breech presentation

A 20-year-old girl came to see a gynecologist for a medical examination. No complaints. From
the anamnesis: Menses for 13 years, regular for 3-4 days every 28-30 days. Married 3 months.
There were no gynecological problems. Gynecological examination: when examined in the
speculum, the discharge is mucous, around the external os of the cervical canal there is a rim of
hyperemia about 0.5 cm in size. The uterus and appendages are without features. What
diagnosis is most likely?


A 30-year-old woman in labor is in the delivery room, having just given birth to a baby weighing
4000 grams. The uterus has contracted and is dense, at the level of the navel. Upon
examination of the birth canal, it was discovered: a growing hematoma in the area of the labia
majora on the right. With a progressive postpartum hematoma in the area of the labia majora,
the doctor’s tactics are:

-Inspection of the cervix in the speculum

A 26-year-old multipregnant woman came to a maternity facility with complaints of nagging

pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. From the anamnesis: this pregnancy is 3, childbirth
is 3. The previous birth ended with a cesarean section due to fetal distress. The gestational age
at the last menstruation corresponds to 37 weeks. Objectively: the uterus is in normal tone
when examined. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end is movable above the
entrance to the small pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 142 beats per minute.
Diagnosis: Pregnancy 37 weeks. Scar on the uterus. What fetal presentation should be added to
the diagnosis?

- Breech presentation of the fetus

A 40-year-old woman in labor was admitted to the maternity hospital with regular labor,
contractions every 5 minutes, 25-30 seconds each. Objectively: OZH-98 cm, VSDM-30 cm. The
second reception revealed a large part of the fetus of a rounded shape, floating, on the right, a
large part of a softish consistency is also palpated. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic; the
presenting part of the fetus is not determined. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 40 weeks, 1st stage of
labor. Transverse position of the fetus. Which tactic should you choose?

-Watch-and-see tactics

A 27-year-old woman, multiparous, 41 weeks pregnant, was brought to the clinic with cramping
pain in the lower abdomen. During external obstetric examination: the fetal head is on the
right, the pelvic end is on the left. Fetal tones are clear, rhythmic 136 beats per minute. Vaginal
examination: the cervix is shortened to 2 cm, the cervical canal allows 1 finger to pass through,
the amniotic sac is intact. The presenting part is not determined. Choose an introduction tactic?

-Caesarean section as planned

1) A 20-year-old woman in labor, in the postpartum ward, on the 4th day after birth, the temperature
rose to 39.1 C, the pulse was 102 beats per minute. The engorgement of the mammary glands is
determined. On the left in the outer quadrantepalpation there is a painful lump without fluctuation. The
skin over it is hyperemic. The abdomen is soft, painless, the fundus of the uterus is 8 cm above the
womb. Discharge from the genital tract is serous-sucrose. What therapy should be prescribed in this

1. Antipyretic
2. Detoxification
3. Infusion
4. Anti-inflammatory
5. Antibacterial

2) A 32-year-old pregnant woman consulted a gynecologist at the place where her pregnancy was
registered. The gestational age is 33 weeks. The condition is satisfactory. The uterus is enlarged up to 33
weeks of pregnancy, the tone of the uterus is normal. The fetal heartbeat is clear, 136 beats per minute,
rhythmic. Blood pressure 160/90 mm Hg. There is no swelling. Blood and urine tests are within normal
limits. Identify the risk factor?

- Arterial hypertension

- smoking

- age

- complicated medical history

- diabetes
3) a 23-year-old primigravida was brought to a milking house at the 36th week of pregnancy with
complaints of headache, double vomiting, and blurred vision. These phenomena appeared three hours
ago. Pulse 90 beats per minute, intense. Blood pressure – 170-100 mmHg, swelling in the lower
extremities, protein in the urine 3.3 g/l. Diagnosis: 36 weeks pregnancy. Severe preeclampsia. Physician
management tactics.

- magnesium hypertensive therapy

- magnesium hypotensive therapy

- magnesium-uterotonic therapy

- magnesium diuretic therapy

- magnesium antihistamine therapy

4) Postpartum woman K., 27 years old, primigravida, was delivered to the clinic two days ago, the birth
was complicated by a long anhydrous period (20 hours), frontal presentation of the fetus. An emergency
caesarean section was performed. By the end of the second day, vomiting and severe pain throughout
the abdomen appeared. Objectively: the skin is pale, with a grayish tint, the tongue is dry, with a grayish
coating. Body temperature 38.5, pulse 120 beats/min, blood pressure 110/70 mm Hg. The abdomen is
distended, Shchetkin-Blumberg sign is positive, leukocytosis is 17.5* 10/9. ESR 55 mm/hour, formula
shift to the left. What causes the development of peritonitis?

- metroendometritis

- metrothrombophlebitis

- failure of sutures on the uterus

- postpartum adnexitis

- postpartum parametritis

5) a 28-year-old pregnant woman came to the emergency department for an ultrasound. This is
pregnancy 4, 2 births are coming. History of 2 spontaneous miscarriages at 8 and 9 weeks. Ultrasound
data: pregnancy corresponds to 39 weeks. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, cephalic
presentation. Fetal heart rate 146 beats per minute. The placenta is located along the posterior wall of
the uterus at the edge, not reaching the internal os by 2.5 cm. The diagnosis was made: pregnancy 39
weeks. What pregnancy complication should be added to the diagnosis?

- low placental attachment

- lateral placenta previa

- central presentation

- marginal placenta previa

- normal
6) name the conjugate that is decisive for the outcome of childbirth?

- true

- lateral

- anatomical

- external

- diagonal

7) how many visits are recommended for physiological pregnancy





- 12

8) indicate where the myomatous nodes are located in submucous uterine fibroids?

-under the peritoneum, covering the uterus

- in the leaves of the broad ligament

- under the lining of the uterus

- in the cervix

- in the muscular layer of the uterus

9) what is the absolute indication for cesarean section?

- anatomical narrow pelvis 1 st.

- breech presentation of the fetus

- woman’s age over 30 years

- complete placenta previa

- earlier discharge of amniotic fluid

10) indicate contraindications for medical termination of pregnancy

- severe anemia

- abnormalities of the uterus

- uterine fibroids

- young age

- first pregnancy

11) a 30-year-old woman in labor was taken to the maternity ward by an ambulance. This is the third
pregnancy, full-term. The first pregnancy ended in normal birth, the second – in spontaneous abortion.
Labor activity is regular. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end is located at the
entrance to the small pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 146 beats per minute. During
vaginal examination: the opening of the uterine pharynx is complete, the amniotic sac is intact, the
buttocks and a stack of the fetus are identified nearby. Diagnosis: 40 weeks pregnancy. What
presentation of the fetus and period of labor should be added to the diagnosis?

- 2nd stage of labor. Mixed breech presentation

12) primigravida, 23 years old, is in the delivery room in the second stage of labor. During observation of
the woman in labor, a decrease in the fetal heart rate to 100 beats/min was noted, which did not level
out after pushing. Upon examination, blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, pulse is 94 per minute, there is
no visible edema. During vaginal examination: the fetal head is located in the narrow part of the pelvic
cavity, the sagittal suture is in the right oblique size, the small fontanel is facing left anteriorly. Further
tactics for labor management?

- application of vacuum extractors

13) a primigravida was admitted to the maternity hospital with a full-term pregnancy, good labor, which
began 5 hours ago. Tazy dimensions: 25 – 28 – 32 –20 cm. Estimated fetal weight – 4000 g. The fetal
head is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 142 beats per
minute on the left below the navel. Vasten's sign is level. The Zangemeister dimensions are 19 and 19
cm. Upon examination, it was discovered that the cervix was smoothed, the opening was 8 cm. There
was no amniotic sac. The angle of the large fontanel is determined on the left and in front, on the right
and behind - the bridge of the nose and the root of the nose, in the center - the forehead. The
promontory of the sacrum is not reached. What's your tactic?

- emergency caesarean section

1What group of operations does caesarean section belong to?

2 A 28-year-old woman in labor is in the second stage of labor, blood pressure is 130/90 mm Hg, the
fetal head is a small segment at the pelvic inlet. The fetal heartbeat is dull and slow. The uterus is tense
and does not relax between contractions. High position of the contraction ring. What is the diagnosis?

Uterine tetany

3 Postpartum woman K., 26 years old, after surgical delivery, which was complicated by a long
anhydrous period (20 hours), a clinically narrow pelvis. By the end of the second day, the condition
worsened, vomiting, severe pain throughout the abdomen, and gas retention appeared. There was no
chair. Objectively: the skin is pale, with a grayish tint. The tongue is dry and coated. Body temperature
38.50C. Pulse 120 beats per minute, blood pressure 110/70 mm Hg. The abdomen is distended, painful
on palpation, the Shchetkin-Blumberg sign is positive. With percussion – dullness of percussion sound in
sloping places. In the tests, leukocytosis was 17.5*109/l, ESR was 55 mm/hour, the leukocyte formula
shifted to the left. Give a diagnosis?

Postpartum peritonitis

4 A 27-year-old multi-pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Labor lasts 4 hours. The gestational age is 39
weeks. Contractions in 3-4 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal
head is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 136 beats per minute. A vaginal
examination revealed: the cervix is smoothed, the uterine os is dilated 8 cm. The amniotic sac is intact.
The fetal head is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 136 beats per minute. A vaginal
examination revealed: the cervix is smoothed, the opening of the uterine pharynx is 8 cm. The amniotic
sac is intact. The fetal head is presented, a small fontanel on the left, a sagittal suture in transverse size.
Diagnosis: Pregnancy 39 weeks. 1st stage of labor. What tactics are most appropriate in this situation?

Waiting tactics

5 A 29-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the emergency department at 34 weeks, according to
her husband, there were convulsions at home. Upon admission to the maternity hospital, blood
pressure was 150/100 mm Hg, the estimated fetal weight was 1800 g. Swelling of the face and lower
extremities. Protein in urine - 2.66g/l. The birth canal is not ready for childbirth. A diagnosis of Eclampsia
has been made. Intensive complex therapy was started. Doctor's management tactics?

Start labor induction, induction of labor according to the scheme.

6 A 42-year-old patient is scheduled for elective surgery for uterine fibroids. Name the most favorable
days of the menstrual cycle for elective gynecological surgery for a diagnosis of “Large uterine fibroids”


7 A 35-year-old primigravida was admitted with complaints of rupture of green amniotic fluid 5 hours
ago. History of 2 years of infertility. On examination: there is no labor, the fetal position is longitudinal,
the fetal head is presented, pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. Fetal heart rate up to 120 beats
per minute, muffled. On vaginal examination, the cervix is immature, up to 3 cm long. There is no
amniotic sac. Green amniotic fluid is leaking. The discharge is purulent. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 41 weeks.
Prenatal discharge of amniotic fluid. Chorioamnionitis. The onset of intrauterine fetal hypoxia.
Complicated obstetric history. Choose further tactics for labor management?

Emergency caesarean section

8 In the pathology department, a primigravida is 38 years old at a gestational age of 40 weeks. History of
menstruation since age 18, irregular. Sexual life since age 20, married. She was operated on for
polycystic ovaries five years ago, after which they became regular, but pregnancy did not occur. Two
years ago, a laparoscopy was performed, during which the adhesions in the pelvis were dissected.
Objectively: the height of the uterine fundus is 40 cm, the abdominal circumference is 105 cm. The
position of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end is present. The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at
140 beats per minute. Doctor's tactics?

Caesarean section as planned

9A 30-year-old female patient has been registered for infertility at a family planning center for 2 years.
From the medical history: menstrual function is not impaired, denies gynecological diseases, there have
been no operations. Married for 5 years. There were no pregnancies. Examined: the menstrual cycle is
two-phase, the tubes are patent, ultrasound did not reveal any pathology of the genitals. The husband’s
spermogram is normal. When performing a post-coital test: after 6 hours, motile sperm are not
detected. What factor of infertility is most likely?


10 A 30-year-old pregnant woman was delivered to the maternity hospital at 37 weeks of pregnancy.
Complaints of pain in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge from the genital tract. The general condition
is moderate, pulse 90/min, blood pressure 120/80 mm Hg. Objectively: the uterus corresponds to the
gestational age, is tense, the fetal position is longitudinal, the fetal head is slightly pressed to the
entrance to the pelvis, the fetal heartbeat is 160 beats/min, dull. During vaginal examination: the cervix
is preserved, moderate bleeding from the genital tract. The diagnosis is made: Pregnancy 37 weeks.
Premature placental abruption. Fetal hypoxia. Choose further tactics for labor management?

Emergency caesarean section

11 A 33-year-old multiparous woman was admitted to the department of pathology of pregnant women
at 37 weeks of gestation. Upon admission she complained of shortness of breath at rest, forced position.
The listed complaints have been bothering me for a month; I have not consulted a doctor. Objectively:
the general condition is relatively satisfactory, the position is forced, semi-sitting. The skin and visible
mucous membranes are of normal color, clean. Swelling in the lower extremities. Blood pressure 120/70
mmHg. pulse 84 beats per minute, respiratory rate 25 per minute. The abdominal circumference is 114
cm, the height of the uterine fundus is 40 cm. The uterus is tense upon examination. The presenting part
is highly mobile above the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is muffled, rhythmic up to 134
beats per minute. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 37 weeks. What pregnancy complication should be added to the

Large fruit

12 How many hours should a postpartum woman be under observation in the maternity ward?

4) 3

1) Specify the triggering moment for septic shock?

1. Bleeding
2. Acute renal failure

3. Brain hypoxia

4. Agiospasm

5. Action of exo- and endotoxins

2) Prevention of purulent-septic complications during surgery is achieved by administering what drugs?

1. Reopoliglyukina

2. Sulfanilamide

3. Antispasmodics

4. Antibiotics

5. Antihypoxants

3) A 22-year-old pregnant woman at 40 weeks’ gestation was delivered to the maternity hospital by
ambulance. Objectively: the condition is serious, blood pressure is 90/50 mmHg, pulse is 110 beats per
minute, poor filling. The skin is pale and clean. There was a faint at home. On examination, the uterus is
tense and painful. Parts of the fetus cannot be felt. The fetal heartbeat cannot be heard. There is no
labor activity. There is no discharge from the genital tract. Vaginal examination: the cervix is preserved,
the cervical canal is closed. The fetal head is palpated through the vaginal fornix and is pressed against
the entrance to the pelvis. The discharge is leucorrhoea. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 40 weeks. What
pregnancy complication should be added to the diagnosis?

1. Premature abruption of a normally located placenta

2. Premature detachment of a normally located placenta. Antenatal fetal death.

3. Premature abruption of a normally located placenta. Intrapartum fetal death

4. Premature abruption of the centrally located placenta

5. Premature abruption of a normally located placenta. Acute fetal distress syndrome

4) A 28-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the delivery room while pushing. Push every 2
minutes for 45-50 seconds. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is presented. The
fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 130 beats per minute. Active introduction of the 3rd stage of the
genus was carried out. She gave birth to a live, full-term boy on her own. When examining the newborn,
it was discovered that the head was irregular, elongated towards the forehead, and a birth tumor in the
forehead area. Determine in which insertion these births occurred?

1. In the frontal insertion

2. Anterior view of the occipital insertion

3. In the anterior cephalic insertion

4. Posterior view of the occipital insertion

5. In front insert

5) The clinical picture of hematoma in the area of the external genitalia is characterized.

1. Mixing of the external genitalia

2. Tumor-like formation of red color

3. Tumor formation and displacement of the external genitalia

4. The appearance of hemorrhagic shock

5. Tumor-like formation is blue-purple in color

6) A 26-year-old multipregnant woman came to a maternity facility with complaints of nagging pain in
the lower abdomen and lower back, and a burning sensation in the scar area. From the anamnesis: this
pregnancy |||, childbirth ||| . The previous birth ended by caesarean section due to fetal distress. The
gestational age at the last menstrual period corresponds to 39 weeks. Objectively: there is no
pronounced labor activity. Upon examination, the uterus becomes toned. The scar area on the uterus is
painful on palpation. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, pelvic presentation, the fetal heartbeat is
clear, rhythmic up to 142 beats per minute. Determine the tactics for managing this pregnancy?

1. End the pregnancy by cesarean section as planned

2. End the pregnancy by emergency caesarean section

3. Allow childbirth to proceed independently with the provision of benefits according to Tsovyanov

4. Proceed with pre-induction of labor, followed by labor induction

5. Allow labor to proceed independently with classic manual assistance

7) A 26-year-old multipregnant woman came to a maternity facility with complaints of nagging pain in
the lower abdomen and lower back, a burning sensation in the scar area. From the anamnesis: this
pregnancy||| ,birth |||. The previous birth ended by caesarean section due to fetal distress. The
gestational age at the last menstrual period corresponds to 39 weeks. Objectively: there is no
pronounced labor activity. Upon examination, the uterus becomes toned. The scar area on the uterus is
painful on palpation. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, pelvic presentation, the fetal heartbeat is
clear and rhythmic up to 142 beats per minute. Determine the tactics for managing this pregnancy?
1. End the pregnancy by cesarean section as planned

2. End the pregnancy by emergency caesarean section

3. Allow childbirth to proceed independently with the provision of benefits according to Tsovyanov

4. Proceed with pre-induction of labor followed by labor induction

5. Allow labor to proceed independently with classical manual assistance.

8) A 29-year-old multi-pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Labor lasts 7 hours. The gestational age is 38
weeks. Contractions in 3-4 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal
head is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 130 beats per minute. A vaginal
examination revealed: the cervix is effaced, the uterine os is dilated 8 cm. The amniotic sac is the target.
The fetal head and large fontanelle are presented along the pelvic axis. Determine the insertion of the
fetal head?

1. Posterior view of the occipital insert

2. Anterior cephalic insertion

3. Anterior view of the occipital insert

4. Face insert

5. Frontal insertion

9) In what week does a pregnant woman receive an exchange card?






10) Postpartum woman By 28 years old, after cesarean section. The postpartum period proceeded
normally. By the end of the second day, the condition began to progressively worsen, vomiting, severe
pain throughout the abdomen, and gas retention appeared. There was no chair. Objectively: the skin is
pale with a grayish tint. The tongue is dry with a grayish coating. Body temperature 38.50 C. Pulse 120
beats per minute, blood pressure 110/70 mmHg. The abdomen is distended, painful on palpation, the
Shchetkin-Blumberg sign is positive. Upon percussion, dullness of percussion sound in the lower lateral
parts of the abdomen. In the tests: leukocytosis - 17.5 x 109/l, ESR - 55 mm/hour, shift of the leukocyte
formula to the left. Determine the scope of surgical treatment of peritonitis after cesarean section?
1. Extirpation of the uterus without appendages with drainage of the abdominal cavity

2. Diagnostic laparoscopy with abdominal drainage

3. Extirpation of the uterus with tubes and drainage of the abdominal cavity

4. Supravaginal amputation of the uterus and drainage of the abdominal cavity

5. Diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity

11) How many calendar days is the duration of postpartum leave for a woman during the physiological
course of pregnancy and childbirth?


2. 56


4. 36

5. 70

12) An 18-year-old female patient consulted a gynecologist with complaints of lack of menstruation,
vaginal dryness, and inability to have sexual intercourse. Objectively: female phenotype, height 165 cm,
BMI 21 kg/m2. The skin is clean. The mammary glands are hypoplastic. On examination: the labia majora
are hypertrophied, in their thickness round formations 2 x 2 cm are determined. The labia minora are
hypoplastic. In the speculum: the vagina is narrow, shortened and ends blindly. Bimanually: the uterus
and appendages are not determined. Most likely diagnosis?

1. Itsenko-Cushing's disease

2. Arenogenital syndrome

3. Polycystic ovary syndrome

4. Morris syndrome

5. Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome

13) A 26-year-old pregnant woman at 31-32 weeks of pregnancy came to the city perinatal center with
complaints of pain in the lower abdomen in the lower back and the discharge of amniotic fluid 2 hours
ago. In the reception block of the maternity hospital, the symptom of arborization is positive.
Ultrasound revealed oligohydramnios. The position of the fetus is longitudinal. The fetal head is
presented high above the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 120-122 beats
per minute. Contractions in 15-20 minutes for 20 seconds. A diagnosis was made: Threatened early
labor at 31-32 weeks of pregnancy. Prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid. What antibiotic is prescribed 500
mg every 6 hours to prevent chorioamnionitis?
1. Tetracycline

2. Ciprofloxacin

3. Erythromycin

4. Levofloxacin

5. Doxycycline

14) A 26-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints of cramping
pain. Pregnancy 38 weeks,| period of childbirth. The previous 2 births ended in the birth of healthy girls.
Then the contractions became weaker and less frequent, 20-25 seconds every 2-3 minutes. The fetal
heart rate is 142 beats per minute. During vaginal examination, the uterine os is fully dilated and a
frontal insertion is detected. What tactics should the doctor choose?

1. Perform a carniotomy

2. Start labor stimulation

3. Apply vacuum extractor

4. Apply obstetric forceps

5. Perform a caesarean section

15) A 32-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of pain in the
lower abdomen. Gestational age is 39-40 weeks. Height - 168cm. Whole - 79 kg. Pelvic dimensions: 24-
26-30-18cm. What is the shape of the pelvis if all the direct dimensions of the planes of the small pelvis
are reduced?

1. Generally uniformly narrowed pelvis

2. Transversely narrowed pelvis

3. Oblique pelvis

4. Simple flat pelvis

5. Flat-rachitic pelvis

16) A 38-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the emergency department of a maternity
hospital with complaints of headaches, dizziness, and spots flashing before her eyes. According to the
date of menstruation, the pregnancy period is 30 weeks. Objectively: The condition is moderate. The
skin is pale pink. The abdomen is enlarged due to pregnancy. The uterus is in normal tone, its bottom is
2 transverse fingers above the navel, the position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is present.
Fetal heart rate 126 beats per minute. Blood pressure 160/110 mmHg. protein in urine - 2.5 g/l, swelling
in the lower extremities, according to ultrasound - pregnancy corresponds to 29 weeks. What is the

1. Severe preeclampsia

2. Gestational edema

3. Gestational proteinuria

4. Gestational hypertension

5. Moderate preeclampsia

7. An 18-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist with complaints of painful menstruation. FROM
ANAMNESIS: menstruation from the age of 13 for 5–6 days every 28–30 days, moderate, painful from
the period of menarche. He is not sexually active. EXAMINATION OF THE EXTERNAL GENITAL ORGANS:
properly developed. The hymen is scalloped in shape. RECTAL: the uterus is in the retroflexio position,
not enlarged, dense, painless. Appendages are not identified. What is the likely cause of this patient's
painful menstruation?

A. Adenomyosis.

B. Stenosis of the cervical canal.

C. Abnormal position of the uterus.

D. Vaginal stenosis.

E. Osteochondrosis of the spine.

Question #37

A 29-year-old patient was taken to the gynecological department with complaints of pain in the lower
abdomen radiating to the rectum on the 20th day of the menstrual cycle. The skin is pale, pulse 110
beats per minute, temperature 36.6, blood pressure 90 to 60 mm. Hg The abdomen is tense, slightly
painful in the lower parts, symptoms of peritoneal irritation are weakly positive. On bimanual
examination: sharp pain in the posterior fornix, the size of the uterus is unchanged, dense, the right
appendage is painful on palpation, enlarged to the size of a chicken egg with an elastic consistency.
Most likely provisional diagnosis?

1 Intestinal obstruction

2 Ovarian apoplexy ---

3 Acute appendicitis

4 Acute salpingitis

5 Ectopic pregnancy
Question #40

A 35-year-old patient, during a preventive examination after a Pap test, was found to have structural
changes in the epithelial cells on the cervix. What is the most likely diagnosis?

1 True erosion

2 Ectropion

3 Cervical dysplasia ---

4 Erythroplakia of the cervix

5 Pseudo-erosion of the cervix

Question #43

An ultrasound of a 12-year-old girl revealed an ovarian cyst with a diameter of 8 cm. A diagnosis of a
follicular cyst of the left ovary was made. What treatment tactics should be used in this case?

1 Antibacterial drugs

2 surgical treatment

3 control after a month ---

4 gestagens


Question #44

A 42-year-old patient consulted a gynecologist for a preventive examination. FROM the anamnesis:
menstruation for 4-5 days, after 30 days dark brown discharge from the genital tract 5-6 days before
menstruation, 6 years ago radio wave excision of the cervix was performed for chronic cervicitis. Two
births, without complications, 1 medical abortion. When examined in the speculum: the vaginal part of
the cervix is up to 1 cm, cyanotic eyes are 0.7 and 0.9 cm along the anterior lip; no pathology was
detected during bimanual examination. What treatment should be prescribed for this patient?

1 Triphasic oral contraceptives

2 Gestagens in continuous mode for 6 months.

3 Radio wave excision of the cervix

4 Dynamic observation

5 Gonadotropin-releasing hormones for 3 months

Question #46

A 27-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecological department with complaints of pain in the
external genitalia, an increase in body temperature to 37.8, for 4 days. From the anamnesis: menstrual
function is not impaired. Objectively: general condition is satisfactory, pulse 84, blood pressure 110 at
70 mmHg. Upon examination, a tumor-like formation measuring 3 by 3.5 cm is determined in the area
of the left labia majora, the skin over it is hyperemic. Gynecological status, the vagina is without any
features, the cervix is clean, the external os is slit-like, the uterus is anteflexed, not enlarged, painless.
Appendages on both sides are not identified. Medical tactics in this case?

1 Resorption therapy

2 Opening an abscess

3 Observation

4 Antibacterial therapy ---

5 Douching

Question #45

A 20-year-old patient complains of a 10-day delay in menstruation, which is noted for the first time.
Sexual life is regular, it is not protected from pregnancy. On examination: the condition is satisfactory,
the abdomen is soft, painless, blood pressure is 120 at 80 mm Hg. pulse 72. Transvaginal echography
suspected a progressive tubal pregnancy. What is the tactic in this case?

1 Hospitalize to clarify diagnosis and treatment ---

2 Conduct an examination using functional diagnostic tests

3 Recommend control ultrasound

4 Determine the hCG titer in the blood

5 Perform a puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix

Question #47

A 25-year-old patient came to the clinic to receive recommendations on contraception. From the
anamnesis: menstruation since the age of 13, irregular after 25-40 days, 6-7 days each, heavy, painful.
Married, had one childbirth 3 years ago. She does not plan to become pregnant for the next 2-3 years;
she wants reliable contraception. Somatically healthy. A gynecological ultrasound examination revealed
no pathology. Which method of contraception is recommended for this patient?

1 Barrier methods

2 Postcoital contraception

3 Monophasic contraceptives

4 Intrauterine device

5 Calendar method

Question #49

A 34-year-old female patient was hospitalized in the gynecology department with a diagnosis of Left-
sided pyovar. According to the results of ultrasound, the size of the pyovar is 5 cm. What is the scope of
surgical treatment for this patient?
1 Bilateral adnexotomy

2 drying of purulent formation

3 Flow-aspiration drainage of the abdominal cavity

4 Extirpation of the uterus with appendages

5Left-sided oophorectomy ---

Question #48

An 8-year-old girl with her mother at an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist. Complaints of
bloody discharge from the genital tract for 2 days. The development of secondary sexual characteristics
began a year ago. Objectively, height is 140 cm, weight is 40 kg. Somatic development corresponds to 12
years of age. The mammary gland protrudes significantly, and there are single hairs in the armpit. The
external genitalia are developed correctly, there are single hairs on the labia majora, the hymen is not
broken. Vaginal discharge is bloody. Rectally: the uterus is larger than the age norm, dense, painless.
Which treatment is most appropriate?

1 gonadotropin-releasing hormones ---

2 Dynamic control


4 Biphasic oral contraceptives

5 monophasic oral contraceptives

Question No. 50

In a 33-year-old woman, during an instrumental examination of the uterine cavity due to an incomplete
infected abortion, a perforation of the uterine wall was performed at the fundus. Determine the
administration tactics for this patient?

1 Hysterectomy with appendages, abdominal drainage

2 Hysterectomy, abdominal drainage

3 Suturing the perforation hole, draining the abdominal cavity ---

4 hysterectomy, abdominal drainage

5 Antibiotics, reducing agents

Question No. 41

A 42-year-old patient came to the gynecology department of a maternity hospital with complaints of
heavy, clotted, bloody discharge from the genital tract. From the anamnesis, menstruation since the age
of 13 years. 3-4 days, after 28 days. In the last 3 years he has noticed heavy discharge. These periods
came on time, during the day the volume of blood loss increased and by the evening blood clots
appeared. An ultrasound scan was performed: the body of the uterus was of normal size. The
endometrium is heterogeneous, up to 20 mm. A diagnosis has been made: Endometrial hyperplasia.
What should be prescribed to stop the bleeding?

1 Hormonal hemostasis

2 Symptomatic hemostasis

3 Uterotonics

4 Hysterectomy

5 Aspiration of the uterine cavity ---

Question #42

A 31-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecology department with complaints of sudden cramping
pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the sacrum and scanty bleeding from the genital tract.
Objectively, pallor of the skin, a decrease in blood pressure to 90 and 50 mm Hg, a pulse of 110 beats
per minute are determined. The abdomen is slightly swollen, painful, the Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom
is positive. Vaginal examination revealed shortened, painful vaults, the uterus was slightly enlarged, the
left appendages were thickened, the right ones were not visible. During puncture through the posterior
fornix, 8 ppm of dark, non-coagulable blood was obtained. What is the introduction tactics in this case?

1 Put cold on the lower abdomen

2 Prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy

3 Perform urgent laparotomy ---

4 Perform blood transfusion

5 Prescribe hemostatic agents

Question #35

A 26-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department with complaints of pain in
the external genitalia, awkwardness when walking, and elevated body temperature. The pain appeared
5 days ago and is associated with hypothermia. History: 1 birth, 3 medical abortions. Denies
gynecological diseases. On examination: in the area of the right labia majora, a tumor-like formation
measuring 4 by 4 cm is detected, the skin over it is hyperemic, hot, and fluctuation is detected on
palpation. Gynecological status: the vagina is without any features, the cervix is clean, the external os is
slit-like, the uterus is anteflexed, not enlarged, painless. Appendages on both sides are not identified.
What diagnosis is most likely?

1 Colpitis

2 Vulvovaginitis

3 Vulvitis

4 Bartholinitis ---

5 Bartholin gland cyst

answer: 1
A woman in labor with a full-term pregnancy in the first stage of labor developed
bright bleeding in moderate quantities. Before birth, an ultrasound examination
determined that the edge of the placenta was located 4.5 cm above the level of
the internal os. The condition of the woman in labor is satisfactory, blood
pressure is 110/70 mm Hg, pulse is 80 beats per minute. The fetal head is pressed
to the entrance to the pelvis, the fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 140 beats. per
minute The uterus relaxes between contractions and is painless on palpation. On
vaginal examination, the cervix is smoothed, the opening is 3 cm, the edges are
thin, the amniotic sac is intact. The fetal head is palpated through the
membranes, pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. Make a diagnosis.

Pregnancy 40 weeks. 1st stage of labor, latent phase. Low location of the

Pregnancy 40 weeks. 1st stage of labor, active phase. Low location of the placenta

Pregnancy 40 weeks. 1st stage of labor, latent. Regional placenta previa

Pregnancy 40 weeks. 1st stage of labor, active phase. Lateral placenta previa

Pregnancy 40 weeks. 1st stage of labor, latent phase. Complete placenta previa

1 The area of the glabella and the occipital protuberance are the fixation points for presentation:
Answer: anterocephalic
2 What short-acting antihypertensive drug is used in pregnant women with severe preeclampsia
in a FMC before transportation to the maternity hospital?
Answer: Nifidipine
3 The Solovyov index is measured to determine ?
Answer: True conjugates
4. Is the placenta firmly attached?
Answer: growth of chorionic villi into the basal layer of the endometrium
5. What is the height of the uterine fundus after the birth of the fetus?
Answer: at the level of the navel
6 A 20-year-old primigravida was admitted to the hospital with complaints of headache and
blurred vision. Pregnancy 38 weeks. Upon admission, blood pressure was 160/100 mmHg,
edema of the lower extremities. Urine for protein 2
.5 g/l. Make a diagnosis:
Answer: Moderate preeclampsia
8 The clinical picture of a hematoma in the area of the external genitalia or under the vaginal
mucosa is usually characterized by the following?
Answer: Presence of a gray-purple painful formation in the perineal area
47 A 32-year-old patient was admitted to a gynecological hospital for surgical treatment of
uterine fibroids complicated by bleeding; size of the uterine body up to 10 weeks of conditional
pregnancy. What is the optimal choice of surgery in this case?
Answer: Hysteroresectoscopy
48 A 20-year-old female patient came to the clinic for recommendations on contraception. From
the anamnesis: married. Childbirth 9 months ago, breastfeeding. It was my first menstruation
after giving birth. Somatically healthy. Gynecological examination: when examined in speculum,
the cervix is deformed by a rupture, with symptoms of ectopic columnar epithelium. Moderate
milky discharge. Bimanual examination: the body of the uterus is not enlarged, mobile, painless,
appendages on both sides are without features. The arches are free. Which method of
contraception is recommended for this patient?
Intrauterine device
Progestin contraceptives
49 A 36-year-old patient visited a gynecologist with complaints of prolonged heavy menstruation
for 3 cycles. From the anamnesis: the menstrual cycle is regular, the duration of menstruation is
7-10 days. 2 pregnancies, 2 births. Objectively: the skin is pale pink in color. Pulse 78 beats per
minute, rhythmic. Blood pressure 120/ 80 mmHg. Hemoglobin 96 g/l. On examination: the body
of the uterus is enlarged up to 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, dense, painless, tuberous. The
appendages on both sides are not palpable. Which research method is the most informative in
order to clarify the condition of the endometrium?
Answer: Hysteroscopy
A 26-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department with complaints of
absence of menstruation for 7 months and monthly pain in the lower abdomen. The
postoperative period was complicated by the development of hematometra, and therefore
repeated curettage of the uterus was performed. A month after repeated curettage, severe pain
in the lower abdomen was noted. Bimanual examination: the uterus is slightly enlarged, dense
in consistency, mobile, painless. The appendages on both sides are not palpable. Which
research method is most preferable?
Answer: vacuum aspiration
35 A 28-year-old patient came to the antenatal clinic with complaints of absence of pregnancy
for 6 years. From the anamnesis: menarche at 14 years old. Menstruation is 4-5 days every 45-
60 days, irregular, painless. Update: post 164 cm, weight 90 kg. The breast number according
to the Ferriman-Golovnya Scale is 9. The mammary glands are developed, soft and soft. Pv: the
external genitalia are developed correctly, drawing according to the female type. On bimanual
examination, the uterus is somewhat reduced in size, dense, mobile, painless. The appendages
are not clearly palpable, their area is painless, the vaults are free. Basal temperature is
monophasic. What is the most likely cause of infertility?
Answer: Metabolic disorders
29 Indicate which of the formations belongs to ovarian cystoma?
34. A 19-year-old female patient complained of absence of menstruation for 1.5 years. From the
anamnesis: menstruation has been regular since the age of 13. At the age of 17, she began to
limit herself in food due to excess weight. Over the course of a year, I lost 10 kg of weight,
menstruation stopped. Objectively, my height is 164 cm, my weight is 43 kg. On examination,
the external genitalia are hypotrophic, the vulvar mucosa is pale and dry. The uterus is smaller
than normal, dense, painless, appendages on both sides are not visible. What diagnosis is most
Answer: Amenorrhea in anorexia nervosa
33. A 25-year-old woman complained of the absence of a menstrual cycle for 3 years. From the
anamnesis: menstruation since the age of 12, established immediately, after 28 days, 4-5 days
at a time, moderately painful. The phenotype is female. Recently, he has noticed deterioration in
vision. The concentration of FSH in the blood serum is 0.3 IU/ml (normal is 2-20), prolactin is 16
ng/ml (normal is 2-25). The test with gestagens and estrogens is negative. What diagnosis is
most likely?
Answer: secondary hypogonadotropic amenorrhea
28. What is Shihan's early symptom?
Answer: agalactia after childbirth

Question #37

A 29-year-old patient was taken to the gynecological department with complaints of pain in the lower
abdomen radiating to the rectum on the 20th day of the menstrual cycle. The skin is pale, pulse 110
beats per minute, temperature 36.6, blood pressure 90 to 60 mm. Hg The abdomen is tense, slightly
painful in the lower parts, symptoms of peritoneal irritation are weakly positive. On bimanual
examination: sharp pain in the posterior fornix, the size of the uterus is unchanged, dense, the right
appendage is painful on palpation, enlarged to the size of a chicken egg with an elastic consistency.
Most likely provisional diagnosis?

1 Intestinal obstruction

2 Ovarian apoplexy ---

3 Acute appendicitis

4 Acute salpingitis

5 Ectopic pregnancy

Question #40

A 35-year-old patient, during a preventive examination after a Pap test, was found to have structural
changes in the epithelial cells on the cervix. What is the most likely diagnosis?

1 True erosion

2 Ectropion

3 Cervical dysplasia ---

4 Erythroplakia of the cervix

5 Pseudo-erosion of the cervix

Question #43
An ultrasound of a 12-year-old girl revealed an ovarian cyst with a diameter of 8 cm. A diagnosis of a
follicular cyst of the left ovary was made. What treatment tactics should be used in this case?

1 Antibacterial drugs

2 surgical treatment

3 control after a month ---

4 gestagens


Question #44

A 42-year-old patient consulted a gynecologist for a preventive examination. FROM the anamnesis:
menstruation for 4-5 days, after 30 days dark brown discharge from the genital tract 5-6 days before
menstruation, 6 years ago radio wave excision of the cervix was performed for chronic cervicitis. Two
births, without complications, 1 medical abortion. When examined in the speculum: the vaginal part of
the cervix is up to 1 cm, cyanotic eyes are 0.7 and 0.9 cm along the anterior lip; no pathology was
detected during bimanual examination. What treatment should be prescribed for this patient?

1 Triphasic oral contraceptives

2 Gestagens in continuous mode for 6 months.

3 Radio wave excision of the cervix

4 Dynamic observation

5 Gonadotropin-releasing hormones for 3 months

Question #46

A 27-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecological department with complaints of pain in the
external genitalia, an increase in body temperature to 37.8, for 4 days. From the anamnesis: menstrual
function is not impaired. Objectively: general condition is satisfactory, pulse 84, blood pressure 110 at
70 mmHg. Upon examination, a tumor-like formation measuring 3 by 3.5 cm is determined in the area
of the left labia majora, the skin over it is hyperemic. Gynecological status, the vagina is without any
features, the cervix is clean, the external os is slit-like, the uterus is anteflexed, not enlarged, painless.
Appendages on both sides are not identified. Medical tactics in this case?

1 Resorption therapy

2 Opening an abscess

3 Observation

4 Antibacterial therapy ---

5 Douching

Question #45
A 20-year-old patient complains of a 10-day delay in menstruation, which is noted for the first time.
Sexual life is regular, it is not protected from pregnancy. On examination: the condition is satisfactory,
the abdomen is soft, painless, blood pressure is 120 at 80 mm Hg. pulse 72. Transvaginal echography
suspected a progressive tubal pregnancy. What is the tactic in this case?

1 Hospitalize to clarify diagnosis and treatment ---

2 Conduct an examination using functional diagnostic tests

3 Recommend control ultrasound

4 Determine the hCG titer in the blood

5 Perform a puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix

Question #47

A 25-year-old patient came to the clinic to receive recommendations on contraception. From the
anamnesis: menstruation since the age of 13, irregular after 25-40 days, 6-7 days each, heavy, painful.
Married, had one childbirth 3 years ago. She does not plan to become pregnant for the next 2-3 years;
she wants reliable contraception. Somatically healthy. A gynecological ultrasound examination revealed
no pathology. Which method of contraception is recommended for this patient?

1 Barrier methods

2 Postcoital contraception

3 Monophasic contraceptives

4 Intrauterine device

5 Calendar method

Question #49

A 34-year-old female patient was hospitalized in the gynecology department with a diagnosis of Left-
sided pyovar. According to the results of ultrasound, the size of the pyovar is 5 cm. What is the scope of
surgical treatment for this patient?

1 Bilateral adnexotomy

2 drying of purulent formation

3 Flow-aspiration drainage of the abdominal cavity

4 Extirpation of the uterus with appendages

5Left-sided oophorectomy ---

Question #48

An 8-year-old girl with her mother at an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist. Complaints of
bloody discharge from the genital tract for 2 days. The development of secondary sexual characteristics
began a year ago. Objectively, height is 140 cm, weight is 40 kg. Somatic development corresponds to 12
years of age. The mammary gland protrudes significantly, and there are single hairs in the armpit. The
external genitalia are developed correctly, there are single hairs on the labia majora, the hymen is not
broken. Vaginal discharge is bloody. Rectally: the uterus is larger than the age norm, dense, painless.
Which treatment is most appropriate?

1 gonadotropin-releasing hormones ---

2 Dynamic control


4 Biphasic oral contraceptives

5 monophasic oral contraceptives

Question No. 50

In a 33-year-old woman, during an instrumental examination of the uterine cavity due to an incomplete
infected abortion, the uterine wall was perforated at the fundus. Determine the administration tactics
for this patient?

1 Hysterectomy with appendages, abdominal drainage

2 Hysterectomy, abdominal drainage

3 Suturing the perforation hole, draining the abdominal cavity ---

4 hysterectomy, abdominal drainage

5 Antibiotics, reducing agents

Question No. 41

A 42-year-old patient came to the gynecology department of a maternity hospital with complaints of
heavy, clotted, bloody discharge from the genital tract. From the anamnesis, menstruation since the age
of 13 years. 3-4 days, after 28 days. In the last 3 years he has noticed heavy discharge. These periods
came on time, during the day the volume of blood loss increased and by the evening blood clots
appeared. An ultrasound scan was performed: the body of the uterus was of normal size. The
endometrium is heterogeneous, up to 20 mm. A diagnosis has been made: Endometrial hyperplasia.
What should be prescribed to stop the bleeding?

1 Hormonal hemostasis

2 Symptomatic hemostasis

3 Uterotonics

4 Hysterectomy

5 Aspiration of the uterine cavity ---

Question #42
A 31-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecology department with complaints of sudden cramping
pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the sacrum and scanty bleeding from the genital tract.
Objectively, pallor of the skin, a decrease in blood pressure to 90 and 50 mm Hg, a pulse of 110 beats
per minute are determined. The abdomen is slightly swollen, painful, the Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom
is positive. Vaginal examination revealed shortened, painful vaults, the uterus was slightly enlarged, the
left appendages were thickened, the right ones were not visible. During puncture through the posterior
fornix, 8 ppm of dark, non-coagulable blood was obtained. What is the introduction tactics in this case?

1 Put cold on the lower abdomen

2 Prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy

3 Perform urgent laparotomy ---

4 Perform blood transfusion

5 Prescribe hemostatic agents

Question #35

A 26-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department with complaints of pain in
the external genitalia, awkwardness when walking, and elevated body temperature. The pain appeared
5 days ago and is associated with hypothermia. History: 1 birth, 3 medical abortions. Denies
gynecological diseases. On examination: in the area of the right labia majora, a tumor-like formation
measuring 4 by 4 cm is detected, the skin over it is hyperemic, hot, and fluctuation is detected on
palpation. Gynecological status: the vagina is without any features, the cervix is clean, the external os is
slit-like, the uterus is anteflexed, not enlarged, painless. Appendages on both sides are not identified.
What diagnosis is most likely?

1 Colpitis

2 Vulvovaginitis

3 Vulvitis

4 Bartholinitis ---

5 Bartholin gland cyst

1) Lactation begins under the influence of?

Answer : Prolactin

2) A 26-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints of cramping
pain in the lower abdomen. Pregnancy 38 weeks, 2nd stage of labor. Vaginal examination revealed the
head in the 4th plane. In what size of the pelvis are exit forceps applied for anterior occipital
Answer: Transverse

3) How does the first stage of labor begin?

Answer: With the onset of labor and ends with pushing .

4) Indicate where the myomatous nodes are located in submucous uterine fibroids?

Answer: submucosa

5) Select how many days is the normal length of the menstrual cycle?

Answer: 21-35

Question: No. 35

A 34-year-old patient came to the clinic with complaints of absence of pregnancy for 3 years and
irregular menstruation. From the anamnesis: menarche at 12 years old. I gave birth alone 10 years ago.
My husband is healthy. R/\: uterus in a/\, dense, mobile, painless. The appendages on both sides are not
palpable. The vaults are free. Ultrasound: uterus 48*40x35 mm, myometrial structure homogeneous,
endometrium 5 mm. The right ovary is 15x13x10 mm, the follicular apparatus is not pronounced, the
left ovary is 18x15x10 mm of a similar structure. Hormonal study: FSH 25 mIU/l, LH 12 mIU/l, estradiol
150 pmol/l, AMH 0.1 ng/ml. Most likely diagnosis?

Answers(one answer)

1 Resistant ovarian syndrome

2 Ovarian wasting syndrome✓

3 Post-castration syndrome

4 Polycystic ovary syndrome

5 Gonadal dysgenesis

Question: No. 16

A 23-year-old primigravida was delivered to the maternity hospital at 36 weeks of pregnancy with
complaints of headache, nausea, double vomiting, and blurred vision. These phenomena appeared
three hours ago. Pulse 90 beats per minute, intense. Blood pressure - 170/100 mmHg. swelling of the
legs, protein c. urine 33 g/l. Diagnosed with severe preeclampsia. What therapy is needed?

Answers(one answer)
1 Antihistamine

2 Uterotonic

h Infusion

4 Magnesian✓

5 Diuretic

Question: No. 22

Postpartum woman K., 28 years old, after Caesarean section. The postpartum period proceeded

By the end of the second day, the condition began to progressively worsen, vomiting, severe pain
throughout the abdomen, and gas retention appeared. There was no chair. Objectively: the skin is pale,
with a grayish tint. The tongue is dry, with a grayish coating. Body temperature 38.50 C. Pulse 120 beats.
minute, blood pressure 110/70 mm Hg. The abdomen is distended, painful on palpation, the Shchetkin-
Blumberg sign is positive. During percussion - dullness of percussion sound in the lower lateral parts of
the abdomen. B. tests: leukocytosis - 17.5109 /l, COE -55 mm/hour, shift of the leukocyte formula to the
left. Determine the scope of surgical treatment of peritonitis after cesarean section?

Answers(one answer)

1 'Supravaginal amputation of the uterus and drainage of the abdominal cavity

2 Extirpation of the uterus without appendages by drainage of the abdominal cavity

3 Extirpation of the uterus with tubes and drainage of the abdominal cavity✓

4 ® Diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity

5 Diagnostic laparoscopy with abdominal drainage

Question: No. 21

A 25-year-old multiparous woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with a prolapsed umbilical
cord. The contractions started 5 hours ago, the amniotic fluid broke on the way. Pregnancy!!, full term,
proceeded without complications. There is a history of two physiological births. Objectively, the
contractions are of a pushing nature, after 1-2 minutes for 40 seconds. The position of the fetus is
longitudinal, the pelvic end is located in the pelvic cavity. The fetal head is in the fundus of the uterus.
The fetal heart rate is 100 beats per minute, periodically arrhythmic. Vaginal examination: The opening
of the uterine pharynx is complete, there is no amniotic sac, the fetal leg and pulsating loops of the
umbilical cord are in the vagina, the fetal buttocks are in the third plane of the small pelvis. Choose labor
management tactics?

Answers(one answer)

1 Complete the birth by caesarean section✓

2 'Provide classic manual assistance

3 Let labor proceed independently

4 Provide benefits for Tsovyanov

5 Extract the fetus by the stem

Question: No. 13

A pregnant woman was admitted to the department of pathology of pregnant women on the referral of
a doctor from the FMC. History: The first pregnancy ended in a fetal destruction operation. The next 2
pregnancies ended in spontaneous miscarriages at 20-22 weeks. Objectively: The abdomen is enlarged
due to pregnancy, corresponds to 23 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is out of tone on palpation. On
vaginal examination, the cervix is soft, the external os is gaping. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

Answers(one answer)

1 Very early labor

2 Isthmic cervical insufficiency

3 Threatened early labor

4 'Threatened very early labor

5 Threatening premature birth

Question: No. 19

A 24-year-old woman in labor is in the delivery room. This is the first full-term pregnancy. Objectively:
the woman in labor is tired, contractions last 15-20 seconds, every 10 minutes, weak strength. The
position of the fetus is longitudinal, the presenting head is pressed to the entrance to the pelvis. The
fetus is not suffering, the heartbeat is 136 beats per minute, clear and rhythmic. The estimated weight
of the fetus is 3300.0 grams. Vaginal examination: the vagina of a nulliparous woman, the opening of
the cervix is 3-4 cm, the amniotic sac is intact. Sagittal suture in the right oblique size, small fontanelle -
left front, mucous discharge.

Choose further tactics?

Answers(one answer)

1 Tocolytic therapy

2 Obstetric forceps

3 Caesarean section

4 'Laborostimulation✓

5 Medication sleep.
6/ Question: No. 39

A 17-year-old patient first consulted a gynecologist with complaints about the absence of menstruation.
An objective examination reveals a low height -142 cm, a short neck with skin folds, low-set ears, a
barrel-shaped chest, scoliosis, short metatarsal bones: no mammary glands, scanty hair growth in the
armpits and forehead, the external genitalia are shaped like a woman's. type, the labia majora and
minora are hypoplastic. What syndrome is most likely?

Answers (one answer)

1 Swyer

2 Resistant ovaries

3 Adrenogenital

4 Shereshevsky-Turner

5 Polycystic ovaries

Question: No. 9

A 26-year-old multipregnant woman came to a maternity facility with complaints of nagging pain in the
lower abdomen and lower back. From the anamnesis: this pregnancy!!, childbirth 11. The previous birth
ended with a cesarean section due to fetal distress. The gestational age at the last menstrual period
corresponds to 37 weeks. Objectively: the uterus is in normal tone when examined. The position of the
fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end is movable above the entrance to the small pelvis. The fetal
heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 142 beats per minute. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 37 weeks. Scar on the
uterus. What fetal presentation should be added to the diagnosis?

Answers (one answer)

1 ® breech presentation of the fetus

2 Pure breech presentation of the fetus.

3 Leg presentation of the fetus

4 Kneeling presentation of the fetus

5 Mixed breech presentation✓

12) Question: No. 18

After childbirth, examination of the birth canal revealed a first-degree perineal rupture.

In what sequence are sutures placed for a first-degree perineal rupture?

Answers (one answer)

1 On the muscles of the perineum, skin of the perineum

2 On the muscles of the perineum, vaginal mucosa

3 On the vaginal mucosa, on the perineal muscles

4 On the skin of the perineum, vaginal mucosa✓

5 On the vaginal mucosa and perineal skin

Question: No. 18

A 26-year-old pregnant woman was taken to the maternity hospital with the diagnosis: Pregnancy 32
weeks. Severe preeclampsia. Premature progressive abruption of a normally located placenta. Antenatal
fetal death. Objectively: the condition is serious, the skin is pale, blood pressure is 160/100 mm Hg,
pulse is 100 bpm. The uterus is painful, hypertonic. The fetal heartbeat cannot be heard. During vaginal
examination: the cervix is shortened to 2 cm. The cervical canal is closed. The fetal head is identified
through the fornix, above the entrance to the pelvis. The discharge is bloody and profuse and continues.
Determine the doctor's tactics?

Answers (one answer)

1 Start labor stimulation

2 Start pre-induction

3 Emergency caesarean section✓

4 Emergency fetal destruction surgery

5 Proceed with labor induction

15) Question: No. 2

In case of facial presentation, the wire point is :

Answers (one answer)

1 forehead

2 large fontanel

h small fontanel

4th person

5 * chin✓

1) Postpartum woman, primigravida at the age of 27, was delivered to the clinic two days ago, the birth
was complicated by a long anhydrous period (20 hours) and frontal presentation of the fetus. An
emergency CS was performed. By the end of the second day, vomiting and severe pain throughout the
abdomen appeared. Objectively, the skin is pale, with a grayish tint, the tongue is dry with a grayish
coating, body temperature 38.5, pulse 120, blood pressure 110/70 mm Hg. The stomach is swollen.
Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom is positive, leukocytosis 17.5*10/9. ESR 55 mm/hour, formula shift to the
left. What causes the development of peritonitis?

1-Postpartum adnexitis

2-Postpartum parametritis


4-Failure of sutures on the uterus


2) A 33-year-old multiparous woman was admitted to the department of pathology of pregnant women
at 37 weeks’ gestation. Complaints upon admission: shortness of breath at rest, forced position. The
listed complaints have been bothering me for a month; I have not consulted a doctor. Objectively: the
general condition is relatively satisfactory, the position is forced, semi-sitting. The skin and visible
mucous membranes are of normal color and clean. Swelling in the lower extremities. Blood pressure
120/70 pulse 84 beats per minute RR-25. Abdominal circumference -114 cm, fundus height -40 cm. The
uterus is tense on examination. The presenting part is highly mobile above the entrance to the pelvis.
The fetal heartbeat is muffled, rhythmic up to 134 beats per minute. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 37 weeks.
What pregnancy complication should be added to the diagnosis?

1-breech presentation

2-large fruit

3-multiple pregnancy


5-oblique position of the fetus

3) A 25-year-old multiparous woman, third pregnancy, third birth, at 39 weeks, was delivered to the
maternity hospital with contractions that began 6 hours ago. Estimated body weight is 3300 g. The
pelvic dimensions are normal. Objectively: contractions in 3 minutes for 40-45 seconds, the head is
determined in the fundus of the uterus, the back of the fetus is palpated on the left. The buttocks are
presented, pressed to the entrance of the pelvis, the sacrum is on the left front, the intervertebral line is
in the left oblique dimension, the amniotic sac is intact. The diagnosis was inserted: Pregnancy 39
weeks. What fetal presentation and period of labor should be added to the diagnosis?

1st stage of labor. Leg presentation

2- II stage of labor. Pure breech presentation

3- I stage of labor. knee position of the fetus

4- I stage of labor. Mixed breech position

5- I stage of labor. Pure breech presentation of the fetus

4) A 22-year-old primigravida was admitted to the department of pathology of pregnant women with
complaints of nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Objectively: the belly is ovoid due to pregnancy.
Corresponds to 30 weeks. When palpated, the uterus becomes more toned. The position of the fetus is
longitudinal, the head is presented to the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear. Rhythmic
142 beats per minute. What is the diagnosis?

1-threatening early labor

2- early labor begins

3- threatening premature birth

4-early labor onset

5- very early labor

5) Woman in labor 24. Is in the delivery room. This pregnancy is the first full-term. Objectively: the
woman in labor is tired. Contractions last 15-20 seconds. Every 10 min. Weak strength. Her fetus suffers.
heartbeat 136 beats per minute, clear, rhythmic

Estimated weight 3300g Vaginal examination: nulliparous vagina, cervical opening 3-4 cm, amniotic sac
intact. Arrow-shaped seam in the right oblique size. Small fontanel on the left front. The discharge is
mucous. Choose your tactics

1- medicated sleep

2-labor stimulation

3-tocolytic therapy

4-obstetric forceps

5-caesarean section

6) A 40-year-old woman in labor was admitted to a maternity hospital with regular labor. Contractions
every 5 minutes for 25-30 seconds. Objectively, the coolant is 98 cm. VSDM -30 cm The second step
revealed a large part of the fruit with a soft consistency on the left. The fetal heartbeat is clear,
rhythmic, 140 beats per minute. Vaginal examination data: the cervix is effaced. The opening of the
uterine pharynx is 4 cm. the amniotic sac is intact, the presenting part is not determined. Diagnosis:
Pregnancy 40 weeks, 1st stage of labor. Transverse position of the fetus. Choose your tactics

1- labor induction

2-wait-and-see tactics

3-Caesarean section

4-labor stimulation

5- obstetric forceps

7) Excessive force during traction when releasing an unseparated placenta can lead to?

1- retained placenta

2-uterine inversion
3rd placenta compartment

4-placenta strangulation


8) A 26-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints of cramping
pain in the lower abdomen. Pregnancy 38 weeks, II stage of labor. During vaginal examination, the head
is in the 4th plane. In what pelvic size are exit forceps applied for anterior occipital presentation?

1-in right

2-in right oblique

3- straight

4- left oblique

5- in transverse

9) Pregnant woman 26. She was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of cramping pain.
Pregnancy 38 weeks. I stage of labor. The previous 2 births ended in the birth of healthy girls. After an
hour, the contractions became weaker and less frequent, 20-25 seconds every 2-3 minutes. Fetal heart
rate 142 beats per minute. On vaginal examination, the uterine os is fully dilated. Frontal insertion
detected. What tactics should the doctor choose?

1- produce craniotonmia

2-apply vacuum extractor

3- apply obstetric forceps

4- perform a caesarean section

5-start labor stimulation

10) The woman in labor is in the delivery room for 6 hours. After 2 hours, secondary weakness of labor
occurred. Vaginal examination revealed a frontal insertion. Your tactics

1-labor stimulation

2-obstetric forceps

3-vacuum extractor



11) A 26-year-old pregnant woman came to the city perinatal center with a gestational age of 31-32
weeks. With complaints about a bolt in the lower abdomen. Lower back and discharge of amniotic fluid
2 hours ago. In the reception block of the maternity hospital, the symptom of arborization is positive.
Ultrasound revealed oligohydramnios. The position of the fetus is longitudinal. The fetal head is
presented high above the entrance to the pelvis. The heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 120-122 beats per
minute Contractions after 15-20 minutes and 20 seconds. A diagnosis was made: Threatened early labor
at gestational age of 31-32 weeks. Prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid. What antibiotic is prescribed 500
mg every 6 hours to prevent chorioamnionitis?






12) A woman with a 39-week pregnancy was delivered to the maternity hospital by ambulance in a
condition of moderate severity. Complaints of bloody discharge from the genital tract and abdominal
pain. Objectively: pale skin, pulse 100 beats per minute. AD90/60

The uterus is painful on palpation and hypertonic. The fetal heart rate is muffled 160 beats per minute.
On vaginal examination, the cervix is formed. The cervical canal is closed. The fetal head is above the
pelvic inlet.

Blood clots in the vagina. Determine the doctor's tactics.

1- emergency CS operation

2-labor induction


4-pre-induction of labor

5-plan CS operation

13) A 29-year-old multi-pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The gestational age is 39 weeks. Contractions
every 2-3 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 136 beats per minute. An
hour later the birth occurred. Like active management of the 3rd stage of labor. Oxytocin 10 units was
injected intramuscularly. Controlled pulling on the umbilical cord. 15 minutes after the birth of the fetus,
moderate bleeding began; blood loss amounted to 500 ml; there were no signs of placental separation.
The diagnosis was made: Term 3rd stage of labor. Your tactics

1-Perform an external massage of the uterus and apply the Abladze technique

2-Proceed with manual separation of the placenta

3-Immediately begin the operation of curettage of the uterine cavity

4-apply KREDE_Lazarivich’s technique

5-to achieve separation of the placenta by introducing contractile agents

14) A 23-year-old primigravida woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of cramping
pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Labor lasts 4 hours. The gestational age is 41 weeks.
Contractions after 3-4 minutes, 40-45 seconds each. Pelvic dimensions 25-28-31-20 cm. The position of
the fetus is longitudinal. The pelvic end of the fetus is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear and
rhythmic at 136 beats per minute above the navel. Vaginal examination revealed: the cervix is
smoothed, the opening of the uterine pharynx is 3 cm. The amniotic sac is intact, the pelvic end of the
fetus is presented, the sacrum of the fetus is on the right front. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 41 weeks, 1st
stage of labor. Breech presentation. It was decided to apply the TSOVIANOV manual. For what breech
presentation is it recommended to use it?

1-with incomplete breech presentation

2-with full leg presentation

3-with pure breech presentation

4-with mixed breech presentation

5-with mixed leg presentation

15) A 33-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the admissions unit of a maternity hospital.
Upon admission, complaints of severe headaches and tinnitus. Blood pressure 155/110 mm Hg. PS-89.
The total history of pregnancy is 4, spontaneous miscarriage is 2. Spontaneous birth - 1 at 37 weeks with
severe preeclampsia. This pregnancy was complicated with severe preeclampsia at 37 weeks.
Objectively, there is no labor activity. The uterus is in normal tone. The position of the fetus is
longitudinal and cephalic. The fetal heart rate is slightly muffled to 160 beats per minute. Estimated fetal
weight 2100g. The cervix is not mature according to the Bishop scale 3 points. Progressive chronic fetal
hypoxia is determined. In UAC tests: Hb - 77 g/l, urine protein 1.8 g/l. Choose the most appropriate
doctor's tactics

1- carry out a labor induction scheme with a whole amniotic sac

2- perform amniotomy followed by induction of labor

3-delivery by caesarean section

4-prolong pregnancy

5-start labor induction with intravenous oxytocin

16) A woman gave birth to a healthy child last year and is planning her next pregnancy. What is the
minimum interval between pregnancies that must be observed?

1-3 years

2-1 year

35 years

4 - 4 years

5-2 years

A 35-year-old primigravida, 36 weeks pregnant, was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints
of a headache, dizziness, a feeling of shortness of breath, and palpitations. During pregnancy, blood
pressure increased to 160/110 mmHg. proteinuria in urine is 0.33 g/l. On examination: swelling in the
lower extremities, pulse - 112 beats per minute, blood pressure in the left arm - 180/110 mmHg, in the
right arm 180/105 mmHg. Maintenance data: OAM: relative density - 1012, protein 1.65 g/l, daily
protein loss - 3.5 g/s. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 36 weeks. PTM. Choose further tactics for labor

Rod stimulation with oxytocin

A 35-year-old primigravida was admitted with complaints of rupture of green amniotic fluid 5 hours ago.
History of 2 years of infertility. Upon examination: there is no labor, the position of the fetus is
longitudinal, the head of the fetus is suggested, pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. Fetal
heartbeat up to 120 beats per minute, muffled. On vaginal examination, the cervix is immature, up to 3
cm long. There is no amniotic sac. Green amniotic fluid leaks. The discharge is purulent. Diagnosis:
Pregnancy 41 weeks. Prenatal discharge of amniotic fluid. Chorioamnionitis. The onset of intrauterine
fetal hypoxia. Complicated obstetric history. Choose further tactics for labor management?

Initiate labor with prostaglandins

A 28-year-old woman in labor is in the delivery room and has just given birth to a baby weighing 4000
grams. The uterus has shrunk, dense in navel lessons. Upon examination of the birth canal, a growing
hematoma was found in the area of the labia majora on the right. Tactics for managing patients with
rapidly growing hematoma of the external genitalia. ?

Opening of the hematoma followed by hemostasis

The presenting part of the fetus is not determined due to tension and soreness of the uterus. Vasten's
and Zangemeister's signs are positive. Fetal heart rate 110/min. Vaginal examination: the opening of the
cervix is complete, its edges are swollen. The fetal head is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis.
There is a large birth tumor on the head. We will not achieve. What is your tactics?

Caesarean section operation

A 27-year-old woman in labor, multiparous, at 40 weeks of pregnancy, was brought to the clinic with
frequent painful contractions. The waters broke 8 hours before admission to the maternity hospital.
When the water broke, the fetal hand fell out. The behavior of the woman in labor is restless, the fetal
head is on the right, the pelvic end is on the left. Fetal sounds are not audible. A handle with superficial
skin maceration hangs from the genital slit. Vaginal examination: the opening of the cervix is complete,
the vagina is made with a pen. The fetal shoulder is impacted at the entrance to the small pelvis. The
axilla is open to the right. It is not possible to reach the fetal cervix. Will you make a diagnosis?

Pregnancy 40 weeks. 2nd stage of labor. Transverse position of the fetus. Intrauterine fetal death

*Parenter K., 28 years old, after Caesarean section. The postpartum period proceeded normally. By the
end of the second day, the condition began to progressively worsen, vomiting, severe pain throughout
the abdomen, and gas retention appeared. There was no chair. Objectively: the skin is pale, with a
grayish tint. The tongue is dry, with a grayish coating. Body temperature 38.5 C, pulse 120 beats/min,
blood pressure 110/70. The abdomen is swollen, painful on palpation, Shchetkin-Blumberg sign is
positive. During percussion - dullness of percussion sound in the lower lateral parts of the abdomen. In
the tests: leukocytosis - 17.5 * 109/l, ESR - 55 mm/hour, shift of the leukemia formula to the left.
Determine the scope of surgical treatment of peritonitis after cesarean section?
Extirpation of the uterus with tubes and drainage of the abdominal cavity

*A 27-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department for planned surgical
treatment for an adnexal mass. A laparotomy was performed, and during exploration of the abdominal
cavity, a cyst of the right ovary was discovered. The cyst was desquamated. Description of the
macroscopic specimen: a tight-elastic, regular-shaped formation measuring 5*5 cm, single-chambered
in section, a capsule of medium thickness, the contents of the formation are hair, fat, cartilage, the inner
surface of the capsule is smooth. Which cyst is most likely?


*Indicate the most common location of the fetal egg during ectopic pregnancy?


*Multipregnant woman, 28 years old, was admitted to the maternity hospital while pushing, her
gestational age was 38 weeks. Push every minute for 45-50 seconds. The position of the fetus is
longitudinal, the fetal head is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 130 beats per
minute. The expected weight of the fetus is 3900g. During vaginal examination, the glabella and brow
ridges are determined on one side, and the anterior angle of the large fontanelle on the other.
Diagnosis: Pregnancy 38 weeks. 2nd stage of labor. Frontal insertion. Which tactic should you choose?


*A 54-year-old woman, at an appointment with a gynecologist, with complaints of urinary incontinence

during physical exercise. Load. Menopause 3 years. During a gynecological examination: prolapse of the
vaginal walls is accompanied by prolapse of the bladder and the anterior wall of the rectum. Determine
the degree of prolapse and prolapse of the walls of the vagina and uterus in this patient?


*A 32-year-old woman in labor is in the delivery room. Complaints of frequent strong painful
contractions, a feeling of fear, uncertainty about a favorable outcome of childbirth. Objective status: the
woman in labor is restless, uterine contractions follow one after another, there are almost no pauses
between them, the tone of the uterus is increased, the position of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is
pressed to the entrance to the pelvis, the fetal heartbeat is 160-170 beats. per minute The estimated
weight of the fetus is 2800 g. Vaginal examination: the vagina of a nulliparous woman, the cervix is
effaced, the opening of the uterine pharynx is 4 cm, the amniotic sac is intact. The head is presented,
pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. Choose further tactics?

Tocolytic therapy

*A 17-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist with complaints of lack of menstruation. Upon
examination, the body type is female, secondary sexual characteristics are developed. After an
ultrasound, a diagnosis was made: Rokitansky Küstner-Mayer syndrome. Based on which of the listed
ultrasound findings was the diagnosis made?

Uterine aplasia
*A 22-year-old pregnant woman at 40 weeks of gestation was delivered to the maternity hospital by
ambulance. Objectively: the condition is serious, blood pressure 90/50 mm Hg, pulse 110 beats per
minute, poor filling. The skin is pale and clean. I fainted at home. On examination, the uterus is tense
and painful. Parts of the fetus cannot be felt. The fetal heartbeat cannot be heard. There is no labor
activity. There is no discharge from the genital tract. Vaginal examination, the cervix is preserved, the
cervical canal is closed. The fetal head is palpated through the vaginal fornix and is pressed against the
entrance to the pelvis. The discharge is leucorrhoea. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 40 weeks. What pregnancy
complication should be added to the diagnosis?

Premature abruption of a normally located placenta. Acute distress syndrome.Fetus

*A multipregnant woman, 29 years old, was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen. Obstetric status of contractions after 10 minutes, 20-25 seconds
each. The fetal head is identified on the right, the pelvic end is on the left, the back is facing anteriorly.
The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic to 140 beats per minute, on the right at the level of the navel.
During a vaginal examination, the following was found: The cervix is shortened, the external os allows
the dome of the finger to pass through. The promontory is not reachable. Select the position, position
and type of the fetus?

Longitudinal position, 2nd position, front view

*A 24-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecology department with complaints of a 20-day delay in
menstruation and spotting from the floor. Pathways, pain in the lower abdomen, more on the right,
radiating to the rectum, general weakness. Shchetkin-Blumberg's symptom is positive. HCG test is
positive during bimanual examination: the posterior vaginal vault is protruded, tense, sharply painful on
palpation, the uterus is enlarged up to 5 weeks of pregnancy, in the area of the right appendages there
is a round formation, up to 4 cm in diameter, painful on palpation, most likely preliminary diagnosis?

Ectopic pregnancy

*A 23-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the department of pregnancy pathology at 32

weeks of pregnancy with complaints of periodic irregular nagging pain in the lower abdomen, the
amniotic fluid did not recede, and examination revealed a transverse position of the fetus. During
external obstetric examination, the uterus becomes toned. The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic,
140 per minute. During vaginal examination: the cervix is slightly shortened, the cervical canal allows the
tip of the finger to pass through, the presenting part is not identified, choose obstetric tactics?

Preservation of pregnancy

*In what syndrome can aplasia of the uterus and vagina be detected after ultrasound examination in the
presence of normal ovarian function?

Rokitansky Kustner Mayer

*Indicate which factor is a common cause of female infertility?


*A 24-year-old primigravida woman was admitted to the maternity ward with a complaint of cramping
pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Labor lasted 4 hours. gestational age is 40 weeks.
contractions in 3-4 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The dimensions of the pelvis are 25-28-31-20 cm. The
position of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end of the fetus is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear,
rhythmic, 136 beats per minute above the navel. A vaginal examination revealed the cervix was
smoothed, the opening of the uterine pharynx was 3 cm. The dense bladder was intact. The pelvic end
of the fetus is presented, the sacrum of the fetus is on the right in front. Determine the position and
type of fetus?

The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the 2nd position is anterior view.

*A 35-year-old primigravida was admitted with complaints of rupture of green amniotic fluid 5 hours
ago. History of 2 years of infertility. On examination: there is no labor, the position of the fetus is
longitudinal, the fetal head is presented, pressed to the entrance to the pelvis. Fetal heart rate up to 120
beats per minute, muffled. On vaginal examination, the cervix is immature, up to 3 cm long. There is no
amniotic sac. Green amniotic fluid leaks. the discharge is purulent. Diagnosis: 41 weeks pregnant.
Prenatal discharge of amniotic fluid. Chorioamnionitis. The onset of intrauterine fetal hypoxia. By calving
obstetric history point, choose further tactics for labor management?

Emergency caesarean section

*A 27-year-old woman gave birth at 38 weeks to a healthy boy weighing 3900 g. History: 1 pregnancy, 1
birth. Blood types A(||) Rh +. During pregnancy she received specific prophylaxis. 6 months after birth
there are no anti-Rhesus antibodies in the blood. Q Can the resulting prophylaxis be considered
effective? Yes

True iron deficiency anemia usually develops from what weeks of pregnancy?


What does a negative Vasten sign mean?

• discrepancy between the fetal head and pelvis
• correspondence between the fetal head and pelvis
• beginning of the 2nd stage of labor
• end of the 2nd stage of labor
• clinical narrow pelvis.

38) A 40-year-old patient consulted a doctor with complaints of spotting brown discharge from
the genital tract that appeared within 3 days of menstruation. From the anamnesis: childbirth,
pseudo-erosion of the cervix 5 years ago, treated by diathermo-electrocoagulation.
Menstruation is regular, moderate, every 5 days, after 30 days. Examination in the speculum: 2
brown areas measuring 2x2 mm and 2x3 mm were found on the mucous membrane of the
cervix. The body of the uterus is of normal size, painless. What pathology of the cervix is most
• Erythroplakia
• Pseudoerosion
• Leukoplakia
• Dysplasia
• Endometriosis

A 25-year-old pregnant woman, gestational age 33-34 weeks, complains of swelling of the lower
extremities. First pregnancy. Among the past diseases, pyelonephritis is noted. Weight gain was 14 kg

Protein with salt restriction

A 26-year-old multipregnant woman came to a maternity facility with complaints of nagging pain in the
lower abdomen and lower back, and a burning sensation in the scar area. From the anamnesis: this
pregnancy is III , childbirth is III . The previous birth ended by caesarean section due to fetal distress. The
gestational age at the last menstrual period corresponds to 39 weeks.

End the pregnancy by cesarean section as planned

A 28-year-old woman in labor is in the postpartum department. Birth II is urgent. Third day of the
postpartum period. There was a chill, a temperature of 39. The mammary glands were soft and painless.
The fundus of the uterus is at the level of the navel; upon palpation there is sharp pain in the uterus.


The first pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with a full-term pregnancy, good
labor, which began 5 hours ago. Pelvic dimensions: 25-28-32-20 cm. Estimated fetal weight - 4000 g. The
fetal head is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. Vasten's sign is level. Zangemeister sizes are 19
and 19 cm.

Start labor stimulation

A woman with a 37-week pregnancy was delivered to the maternity hospital by ambulance in a
condition of moderate severity. Complaints of bleeding from the genital tract at rest, during sleep.
Objectively: the skin is pale, blood pressure is 90\60 mmHg, pulse is 100 beats per minute, there is no

Pregnancy is completed through pre-induction and labor induction

A 32-year-old primigravida was admitted to the department of pathology of pregnant women with
complaints of green amniotic fluid 2 hours ago. The gestational age is 42 weeks. There is no labor
activity. Pelvic dimensions 26-29-32-20 cm.

Emergency cesarean section

A pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital complaining of cramping pain in the lower
abdomen. Contractions every 7-8 minutes for 20 seconds. Gestation period is 32-33 weeks. The position
of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is presented above the entrance to the pelvis.

Tocolytic drugs
A 20-year-old mother in the postpartum department, on the 4th day after birth, had a fever of 39.1 and
a pulse of 102 beats per minute. The engorgement of the mammary glands is determined.


A 33-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the admissions unit of a maternity hospital. Upon
admission, complaints of severe headaches, tinnitus, blood pressure 155\110mmHg. PS-89 beats per
minute. History of total pregnancy - 4, spontaneous miscarriage - 2, spontaneous birth - 1, at 37 weeks
with severe preeclampsia, this pregnancy was complicated by the diagnosis of pregnancy 37 weeks.
Severe preeclampsia.

Perform amniotomy followed by induction of labor

A 26-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints of cramping
pain. Pregnancy 38 weeks, first stage of labor. The previous 2 births ended in the birth of healthy girls.

Start labor stimulation

1. During a medical abortion, heavy bleeding occurred at the very beginning of the operation.
Cervical pregnancy is diagnosed. Determine the doctor’s tactics:
A) Supravaginal amputation of the uterus
2. A 19-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the pathology department, 27 weeks
pregnant, with complaints of weakness and swelling in the lower extremities. Objectively:
The condition is satisfactory. Consciousness is clear. Blood pressure 145/90 mmHg. Urine for
protein 0.5 g/l. Specify the diagnosis?
A) Gestational hypertension
3. A woman with a 37-week pregnancy was delivered to the maternity hospital by ambulance
in a condition of moderate severity. Complaints of bleeding from the genital tract at rest,
during sleep. Objectively: the skin is pale, blood pressure is 90/60 mmHg, pulse is 100 beats
per minute, there is no labor. The uterus is painless, in normal tone. The fetal head is above
the pelvic inlet. The fetal heartbeat is muffled, rhythmic, 156 beats per minute. The cervix is
2.5 cm long. Close the cervical canal. Spongy tissue is palpated through the fornix. There are
300 ml of blood clots in the vagina. The bleeding continues. Select further injection tactics?
A) Pregnancy is completed by emergency caesarean section.
4. What are the disadvantages of the intrauterine device:
A) increased risk of inflammatory diseases
5. A 26-year-old patient consulted a gynecologist for a preventive examination. No complaints.
Menstruation began at the age of 12, established immediately, every 4-5 days, after 28
days, moderate, painless. Somatically healthy. Sexual life since 24 years old. There were no
pregnancies. Has two sexual partners. Gynecological examination: vagina of a nulliparous
woman. The cervix is conical in shape, with symptoms of endocervicitis. The body of the
uterus is normal, dense, painless, limited mobility. Appendages are not identified. The
examination revealed a chlamydial infection and a large number of leukocytes. Which drug
is most preferable for treatment?
A) doxycycline
6. An 18-year-old patient consulted a gynecologist with complaints of lack of menstruation,
vaginal dryness, and inability to have sexual intercourse. Objectively: female phenotype,
height 165 cm, BMI 21 kg/m2. The skin is clean. The mammary glands are hypoplastic. On
examination: the labia majora are hypertrophied, in their thickness a rounded formation of
2x2 cm is determined. The labia minora are hypoplastic. In the speculum: the vagina is
narrow, shortened, ends blindly. Bimanual: the uterus and appendages are not determined.
Most likely diagnosis?
A) Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome
7. How often throughout pregnancy is it necessary to take a blood test for the presence of
antibodies for Rh sensitization?
A) once a month
8. Pregnant A, 36 years old. The gestational age is 20 weeks. From the anamnesis: the first
child was born with a congenital heart defect. This pregnancy is desired. The course of
pregnancy was unremarkable. Registered for pregnancy from 9-10 weeks. On an ultrasound
scan of the fetus at 11-12 weeks, the thickness of the nuchal space is 2.5 cm (normal is up to
2.5 cm), the coccygeal-parietal size is 49 mm (normal is 50-61 mm), the nasal bone is 1.8
mm (normal is up to 2 mm. Biochemical screening of serum markers in the first trimester is
within normal limits. What study should be performed for a detailed diagnosis of the
anatomical structures of the fetus?
A) Ultrasound screening of the fetus at 19-22 weeks
9. A woman in labor with a full-term pregnancy in the first stage of labor developed bright
bloody discharge in moderate amounts. Before birth, an ultrasound examination
determined that the edge of the placenta was located 4.5 cm above the internal os. The
condition of the woman in labor is satisfactory, blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, pulse is 80
bpm. The fetal head is pressed to the entrance to the pelvis, the fetal heartbeat is clear,
rhythmic 140 beats per minute. The uterus relaxes between contractions, painless. During
vaginal examination, the cervix is smoothed, the opening is 4 cm, the edges are thin, the
amniotic sac is intact. The fetal head is palpated through the membranes and pressed
against the entrance to the pelvis. Make a diagnosis?
A) pregnancy 40 weeks. 1st stage of labor, active phase. Low location of the placenta.
10. A 39-year-old patient visited a gynecologist with complaints of prolonged heavy
menstruation for 3 cycles. From the agnamnesis: the menstrual cycle is regular, 28-29 days,
the duration of menstruation is 7-10 days. 4 pregnancies, 2 births, 2 medical abortions.
Objectively: the skin is pale pink in color. Pulse 78 beats per minute, rhythmic, blood
pressure 120/80. Hemoglobin 96 g/l. On examination: the body of the uterus is enlarged up
to 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, dense, painless, tuberous. The appendages on both sides are not
palpable. What is the most likely cause of menstrual dysfunction?
A) uterine fibroids
11. A 27-year-old woman in labor, a first-time mother at 41 weeks' gestation, was brought to
the clinic with cramping pain in the lower abdomen. During external obstetric examination:
the fetal head is on the right, the pelvic end is on the left. Fetal tones are clear, rhythmic
136 beats/min. Vaginal examination: the cervix is shortened to 2 cm, the cervical canal
allows 1 finger to pass through, the amniotic sac is intact. The presenting part is not
determined. Choose your tactics?
A) emergency caesarean section
12. A pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints of cramping
pain in the lower abdomen. Contractions after 7-8 minutes and 20 seconds. Gestation
period is 32-33 weeks. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is presented above
the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 132-142 beats/min. The
diagnosis was made: pregnancy 31-32 weeks. Threatened early labor. What is the doctor's
A) tocolytic drugs
13. Prevention of purulent-septic complications during surgery is carried out by administering
what drugs?
A) antibiotics
14. The head is small in size, movable above the entrance to the pelvis. Two more large parts
are palpated in the fundus of the uterus. The fetal heartbeat is heard: one on the left below
the navel, 130 beats per minute, the second on the right above the navel, 138 beats per
minute. Vaginal examination data: the cervix is smoothed, the opening of the pharynx is 5
cm, the amniotic sac is intact and tense. The head of 1 fetus is presented, movable above
the entrance to the pelvis. The cape is not reachable. Make a diagnosis?
A) pregnancy 39-40 weeks, 1st stage of labor. Twins. Primary weakness of labor .
15. A multipregnant woman, 30 years old, was admitted to the maternity hospital with a
diagnosis of 42 weeks of pregnancy, 1st stage of labor. Estimated fetal weight 4000g. The
green, scanty amniotic fluid receded, primary weakness of labor appeared, for which labor
stimulation with oxytocin was performed. After 10 minutes from the start of pushing, the
fetal heartbeat changed, it became rare 90-100 per minute, muffled and arrhythmic. On
examination, the opening of the cervix is not complete. Choose further tactics for
introducing labor?
A) perform a caesarean section

1. What anticonvulsant drug is used to treat severe preeclampsia?


2) carbamazepine

3) primidone

4) clonozepam

5) magnesium sulfate

2. Where does the first stage of labor begin and end?

1) From the beginning of labor and ends with the birth of a child

2) With the beginning of pushing and ends with the birth of the placenta

3) With the beginning of pushing and ends with the birth of a child

4) With the onset of labor and ends with complete opening

5) With the onset of labor and ends with pushing

3. What is the height of the uterine fundus after the birth of the fetus?
1) At the level of the womb

2) 2 fingers below the navel

3) 2 fingers above the navel

4) At the level of the navel

5) In the middle of the distance between the womb and the navel

4. Does lactation begin under the influence?

1) prolactin

2) placental lactogen

3) estrogens

4) luteinizing hormone

5) progesterone

5. What pathology most often causes polyhydramnios?

1) multiple births

2) Rhesus conflict

3) liver diseases

4) kidney diseases

5) diabetes mellitus

6. A 26-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen. Pregnancy 38 weeks, 2nd stage of labor. During vaginal
examination, the head is in 4 planes. In what pelvic size are exit forceps applied for anterior
occipital presentation?


2) in the right

3) straight

4) in transverse

5) in the left oblique

7. Multiparous, 26 years old, this pregnancy is 3, 2 births are coming. Pregnancy, full term 40
weeks. She was admitted to a maternity facility to resolve the issue of the method of delivery.
Pelvis dimensions: 26*29*32*21. Abdominal circumference 110 cm, height of the uterine fundus
42 cm. Estimated fetal weight 4500 g. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end is
presented, movable above the entrance to the small pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic,
110 beats per minute. Vaginal examination: The cervix is shortened to 2.0 cm, softened, the
diameter of the cervical canal allows 1 transverse finger, the amniotic sac is intact, the buttocks
of the fetus are present, mobile above the entrance to the pelvis. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 40 weeks.
Large fruit. Determine fetal presentation?
1) pelvic

2) mixed gluteal

3 ) pure gluteal

4) knee

5) foot

8. A woman in labor with a full-term pregnancy in the 1st stage of labor developed bright bloody
discharge in moderate amounts. Before birth, ultrasound determined that the edge of the
placenta was located 4.5 cm above the internal os. The mother's condition is satisfactory. Blood
pressure - 110/70 mmHg, pulse - 80 beats per minute. The fetal head is pressed to the entrance
to the pelvis, the fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 140 beats per minute. The uterus relaxes
between contractions and is painless. On vaginal examination, the cervix is smoothed, the
opening is 4 cm, the edges are thin, the amniotic sac is intact. The fetal head is palpated through
the membranes and pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. Make a diagnosis?

1) Take 40 weeks. 1st stage of labor, latent phase. Placenta previa.

2) Take 40 weeks. 1st stage of labor, latent phase. Complete placenta previa

3) Take 40 weeks. 1st stage of labor, latent phase. Low location of the placenta .

4) Take 40 weeks. 1st stage of labor, active phase. Lateral location of the placenta.

5) Take 40 weeks. 1st stage of labor, active phase. Low location of the placenta.

9. Mother V., 25 years old, gave birth to a live full-term girl weighing 3400 g, height 50 cm, without
asphyxia. History of 2 induced abortions. The succession period proceeded without
complications, the fundus of the uterus was at the level of the navel, dense, painless. Moderate
bleeding from the vagina. A child was born with a birth tumor in the area of the greater
fontanelle, determine the type of insertion of the fetal head into the small pelvis?

1) anterior cephalic

2) frontal ??


4) facial

5) synclitic

10. Excessive force during traction when releasing an unseparated placenta can lead to?

1) placenta strangulation

2) retained placenta

3) separation of the placenta

4) bleeding

5) inversion of the uterus

11. How often throughout pregnancy is it necessary to take a blood test for the presence of
antibodies for Rh sensitization?

1. once a week

2) 2 times per trimester

3) once per trimester

4) 2 times throughout pregnancy

5) once a month

12. A 22-year-old primigravida was admitted to the department of pathology of pregnant women
with complaints of nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Objectively: the belly is ovoid in shape
due to pregnancy, corresponding to 30 weeks of pregnancy. When palpated, the uterus becomes
more toned. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is presented above the entrance
to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 142 beats per minute. What is the diagnosis?

1) Early labor has begun

2) Premature labor has begun

3) Threatened premature birth

4) Very early labor began

5) Threatened early labor

13. A 27-year-old woman, primigravida, was delivered to the clinic two days ago; the birth was
complicated by a long anhydrous period (20 hours) and frontal presentation of the fetus. An
emergency CS was performed. By the end of 2 days, vomiting and severe pain throughout the
abdomen appeared. Objectively: the skin is pale, with a grayish tint, the tongue is dry, with a
grayish coating. Body temperature 38.5, pulse 120 beats/min, blood pressure 110/70 mmHg. The
abdomen is distended, the Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom is positive, leukocytosis is 17.5*10/9,
ESR is 55 mm/hour, the formula shifts to the left. What causes the development of peritonitis?

2) failure of sutures on the uterus

3) postpartum adnexitis


5) postpartum parametritis

14. A 27-year-old multi-pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Labor lasts 4 hours. The gestational age is
39 weeks. Contractions every 3-4 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The position of the fetus is
longitudinal, the fetal head is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 136 beats per
minute. A vaginal examination revealed: the cervix is smoothed, the uterine os is dilated 8 cm.
The amniotic sac is intact. The fetal head is presented, the small fontanel is on the left, behind.
Determine the position, position and type of the fetus?
1) longitudinal position of the fetus, 2nd position, posterior view

2) longitudinal position of the fetus, 1st position, posterior view

3) longitudinal position of the fetus, 2nd position, anterior view

4) longitudinal position of the fetus, 1st position, anterior view

5) transverse position of the fetus, 1st position, anterior view

15. Primigravida, 25 years old. She is concerned about the low motor activity of the fetus. The only
risk factor identified in a pregnant woman is smoking. According to ultrasound, the gestational
age is 32 weeks, the fetal weight is below normal. What hormone content needs to be

1) testosterone

2) human chorionic gonadotropin

3) prolactin

4) progesterone

5) estriol

16. A 29-year-old multi-pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The gestational age is 39 weeks.
Contractions in 2-3 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 136
beats per minute. After 1 hour, birth occurred. During labor, active management of the 3rd stage
of labor. Oxytocin 10 units was injected intramuscularly. Controlled pulling on the umbilical cord.
15 minutes after the birth of the fetus, moderate bleeding began, blood loss was 500 ml, there
were no signs of placental separation. The diagnosis was made: Term 3rd stage of labor. What
tactics are most appropriate in this situation?

1) Carry out an external massage of the uterus and apply Abuladze’s technique

2) Immediately begin the operation of curettage of the uterine cavity

3) Proceed with manual separation of the placenta and release of the placenta

4) Apply the Credet-Lazarevich technique

5) Achieve separation of the placenta by introducing contractile agents

17. A 23-year-old primigravida was delivered to the maternity hospital at 36 weeks of pregnancy
with complaints of headache, nausea, double vomiting, and blurred vision. These phenomena
appeared three hours ago. Pulse 90 beats per minute, intense blood pressure 170/110 mm Hg,
swelling in the lower extremities, protein in the urine 3.3 g/l. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 36 weeks.
Severe preeclampsia. Doctor's management tactics?

1) Magnesium antihypertensive therapy

2) Magnesium diuretic therapy

3) magnesium hypertensive therapy

4) Magnesium uterotonic therapy

5) Magnesium antihistamine therapy

18. A 30-year-old pregnant woman with a full-term pregnancy was admitted to the hospital with
leaking amniotic fluid. There was a history of a CS performed 2 years ago due to acute fetal
hypoxia; the postpartum period was complicated by endometritis. Objectively: The condition is
satisfactory. There is no labor activity. The abdominal circumference is 96 cm, the height of the
uterine fundus is 34 cm. The dimensions of the pelvis are normal. The position of the fetus is
longitudinal. The fetal head is presented, pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal
heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 140 beats per minute. Vaginal examination: The cervix is
smoothed, its edges are thick, poorly pliable, the opening of the uterine pharynx is 3 cm. There is
no amniotic sac. The fetal head is presented, pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The cape
is not reachable. Medical tactics?

1) prevent intrauterine fetal hypoxia and begin labor induction.

2) Begin labor through the vaginal birth canal under cardiac monitoring

3) perform the CS operation as planned

4) perform CS surgery as an emergency

5) conduct a study of uteroplacental blood flow and begin labor induction followed by labor

19. A 25-year-old multiparous woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with a prolapsed
umbilical cord. The contractions started 5 hours ago, the amniotic fluid broke on the way.
Pregnancy 3, full-term, proceeded without complications. There is a history of two physiological
births. Objectively, the contractions are of a pushing nature, after 1-2 minutes for 40 seconds.
The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end is located in the pelvic cavity. The fetal
head is in the fundus of the uterus. The fetal heart rate is 100 beats per minute, periodically
arrhythmic. Vaginal examination: The opening of the uterine pharynx is complete, there is no
amniotic sac, the fetal leg and pulsating loops of the umbilical cord are in the vagina, the fetal
buttocks are in the third plane of the small pelvis. Choose labor management tactics?

1) Complete the birth by CS operation

2) Provide classic manual assistance

3) Provide benefits for Tsovyanov

4) Allow labor to proceed independently

5) Extract the fetus by the stem

20. A 25-year-old primigravida was admitted to the emergency room with complaints of cramping
pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The water broke 4 hours ago. Labor lasts 8 hours.
Contractions every 3-4 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The gestational age is 39 weeks. The position
of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is presented. The heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 140
beats per minute. A vaginal examination revealed: the cervix is effaced, the uterine os is dilated 6
cm, and there is no amniotic sac. The head is presented, the facial line is in the right oblique size,
the chin is on the left back. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 38 weeks, 2nd stage of labor. Facial insert.
Which tactic should you choose?
1) labor stimulation

2) wait-and-see tactics

3) obstetric forceps

4) labor induction

5) KS

21. Pregnant I., 25 years old, consulted a doctor at the FMC at 33-34 weeks of pregnancy with
complaints of swelling of the lower extremities. First pregnancy. Among the past diseases,
chronic pyelonephritis is noted. The weight gain was 14 kg, over the last week - 1.0 kg. General
condition is satisfactory. The skin and visible mucous membranes are of normal color. Pulse 64
beats per minute, blood pressure 120/80 and 115/80 mmHg. Fetal sounds are clear, rhythmic,
140 beats per minute. Edema of the lower extremities. General blood and urine tests without
pathological changes. What diet is appropriate for this risk factor?

1) restriction of carbohydrates

2)limitation of drinking regime

3) protein with limited salt

4) limiting fat

5) protein restriction

22. Postpartum woman K., 28 years old, after a CS. The postpartum period proceeded normally. By
the end of the second day, the condition began to progressively worsen, vomiting, severe pain
throughout the abdomen, and gas retention appeared. There was no chair. Objectively: the skin
is pale, with a grayish tint. The tongue is dry, with a grayish coating. Body temperature 38.50 C.
Pulse 120 beats per minute, blood pressure 110/70 mm Hg. The abdomen is distended, painful
on palpation, the Shchetkin-Blumberg sign is positive. Upon percussion, dullness of percussion
sound in the lower lateral parts of the abdomen. In the tests: leukocytosis - 17.5 * 109 / l, ESR -
55 mm/hour, shift of the leukocyte formula to the left. Determine the scope of surgical
treatment of peritonitis after CS surgery?

1) Diagnostic laparoscopy with drainage of the abdominal cavity

2) Extirpation of the uterus with tubes and drainage of the abdominal cavity

3) extirpation of the uterus without appendages with drainage of the abdominal cavity

4) Supravaginal amputation of the uterus and drainage of the abdominal cavity

5) Diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity

23. A 26-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints of
cramping pain. Pregnancy 39 weeks. The previous 2 births ended in the birth of healthy children.
After an hour, the contractions became weaker and less frequent, 20-25 seconds every 2-3
minutes. The fetal heart rate is 142 beats per minute. During vaginal examination, the uterine os
is fully dilated and a frontal insertion is detected. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 38 weeks. 1st stage of
labor. Frontal insertion. What tactics should the doctor choose?
1) perform a craniotomy

2) apply a vacuum extractor

3)start labor stimulation

4) apply obstetric forceps

5) make a CS

24. A 28-year-old woman in labor was admitted to the maternity hospital 4 hours after the onset of
labor. The water did not break. Third pregnancy, full term, third birth. All previous pregnancies
and births proceeded without complications. The pelvis dimensions are normal. The fetal head
can be felt through the abdominal wall on the right, and the pelvic end on the left. The fetal
heartbeat is 140 beats per minute, distinct, at the level of the navel. During vaginal examination:
the opening of the uterine pharynx is 6 cm, the amniotic sac is intact. The presenting part is not
determined. The cape is not reached. There is no bone deformation. What's your tactic?

1) turn the fetus onto its leg

2)birth through the birth canal

3) extract the fetus by the pelvic end

4) perform an autopsy of the amniotic sac

5) KS on an emergency basis

25. A 25-year-old woman in labor consulted a gynecologist; 10 days ago she had a physiological birth
with a live, full-term baby, with whom the woman was discharged home on the 7th day. Today
there was pain in the right mammary gland, there was chills, and the temperature rose to 39.5.
Upon examination: cracks were found on the nipples of the mammary glands. In the upper outer
quadrant of the right mammary gland, a lump measuring 4*5 cm was found, sharply painful, with
hyperemia of the skin above it. Preliminary diagnosis: postpartum infiltrative mastitis. Further
1)UV irradiation, warm compress

2) Warm compress, suppression of lactation

3) Tightening of the mammary glands, suppression of lactation

4) Express milk with a breast pump, A/B therapy

5)Frequent feeding, UV irradiation

26. Indicate which factor is a common cause of female infertility?

1) psychosexual disorders

2) immunological

3) endocrine
4) uterine

5) tubo-peritoneal

27. What is the symptom most characteristic of severe forms of peritonitis with purulent-septic
complications in gynecology?

1) Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom

2) Voskresensky’s symptom

3) Difficulty passing stool and gas

4) lack of intestinal motility

5)lack of urination

28. Indicate which part of the organs is affected by internal genital endometriosis?

1) retrocervical endometriosis

2) endometriosis of the cervix

3) endometrioid ovarian cyst

4) endometriosis of the interstitial part of the fallopian tubes

5) endometriosis of the uterosacral ligaments

29. Indicate which type of ectopic pregnancy is one of the most common forms?


2) interligamentous

3) abdominal

4) ovarian

5) in a vestigial horn

30. Indicate which of the formations belongs to ovarian cystoma?

1) theca-luteal

2) follicular

3) para-ovarian

4) dermoid

5)corpus luteum

31. A 27-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department for planned surgical
treatment for an adnexal mass. A laparotomy was performed, and during exploration of the
abdominal cavity, a cyst of the right ovary was discovered. The cyst was desquamated.
Description of the macrospecimen: tight-elastic, regular-shaped formation measuring 5*5 cm,
single-chamber in section, capsule of medium thickness, contents of the formation - hair, fat,
cartilage, the inner surface of the capsule is smooth. Which cyst is most likely?
1) serous

2) mucinous

3) dermoid

4) paraovarian

5) endometrioid

32. A 54-year-old woman visited a gynecologist with complaints of urinary incontinence during
physical activity. Menopause 3 years. During a gynecological examination: Prolapse of the vaginal
walls is accompanied by prolapse of the bladder and the anterior wall of the rectum. Determine
the degree of prolapse and prolapse of the walls of the vagina and uterus in this patient?






33. A 32-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist with complaints of heavy menstruation and
periodic intermenstrual spotting. Objectively: the condition is satisfactory, ultrasound: the body
of the uterus is located on the retroflexio , dimensions 45*52*43 mm, the structure of the
myometrium is homogeneous, M-echo – 5.5 mm, heterogeneous, in the cavity there is a
formation measuring 8*9 mm, increased echo density. The structure of the cervix is
unremarkable, the cervical canal is not dilated, the ovaries are located in a typical location. What
diagnosis is most likely?

1) endometrial polyp

2) adenomyosis

3) uterine fibroids

4) coagulation disorder

5) ovulatory dysfunction

34. A 37-year-old patient was prescribed hysterosalpingography to confirm the diagnosis of

adenomyosis. At what period of the menstrual cycle should this study be performed?
1) during menstruation

2) on any day of the menstrual cycle

3) before menstruation

4) after the end of menstruation

5) in the middle of the menstrual cycle

35. A 30-year-old patient has been registered for infertility at a family planning center for 2 years.
From the anamnesis: menstrual function is not impaired, he denies gynecological disease, there
have been no operations. Married for 5 years. There were no pregnancies. Examined: the
menstrual cycle is two-phase, the tubes are patent, ultrasound did not reveal any pathologies of
the genitals. My husband's spermogram is normal. When performing a postcoital test: after 6
hours, submerged sperm are not detected. What factor of infertility is most likely?

1) Immunological

2) tubo-peritoneal

3) endocrine

4) uterine

5) male

36. A 27-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department for planned surgical
treatment for an adnexal mass. A laparotomy was performed, and during inspection of the
abdominal cavity, a tight-elastic, regular-shaped formation measuring 7*5 cm was discovered.
The cyst was enucleated. A diagnosis of follicular ovarian cyst was made. Describe the expected
contents of the cyst.

1) clear watery liquid

2) hemorrhagic contents

3) hair, cartilage, fat, skin

4) thick brown substance

5) mucous gel-like contents

37. A 37-year-old patient consulted a gynecologist with complaints of painful and heavy
menstruation, dark brown discharge from the genital tract after menstruation. Menstruation up
to 8-9 days after 26-27 days. Gynecological examination: cervix without visible pathology,
mucous discharge. The body of the uterus is spherical, painful on palpation; appendages on both
sides are not defined, the arches are deep. Ultrasound: the body of the uterus is 52*49*55 mm,
the uterine cavity is not deformed, the myometrium is heterogeneous with multiple anechoic
inclusions up to 4-7 mm. What is the most likely diagnosis?

1) endometritis

2) endomyometritis

3) intramural uterine fibroids

4) cancer of the uterus

5) endometriosis of the uterine body

38. A 27-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecology department with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding from the genital tract. Objectively: blood
pressure 100/60 mm Hg, pulse 90 beats per minute, body temperature 37 C. Last menstruation
two months ago. On bimanual examination: the cervix is without visible pathologies, cyanotic,
the external pharynx allows a finger to pass through. The uterus is enlarged up to 4 weeks of
pregnancy, softened. Appendages on both sides are not identified. The vaults are deep and
painless. The discharge is bloody and profuse. What is the presumptive diagnosis?
1) endometrial hyperplasia

2) submucous uterine fibroids

3) disrupted ectopic pregnancy

4) abnormal uterine bleeding

5) incomplete abortion

39. A 27-year-old patient complains of absence of pregnancy for 5 years. From the anamnesis:
menstruation since the age of 11, regular, 5-6 days, every 28-29 days, painful. Married. Notes
pain during sexual activity. The husband's spermogram is normal, the postcoital test is normal.
pV : the body of the uterus is dense, not enlarged, in a retroflexio position , inactive. The
appendages on both sides are not palpable. In the area of the posterior vaginal vault, a painful,
immobile, dense, tuberous formation 3.5*2.5 cm is identified. What diagnosis is most likely?

1) hydrosalpinx

2) retrocervical

3) retroposition of the uterus

4) internal endometriosis

5) ovarian endometriosis

40. A 27-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department for planned surgical
treatment for an adnexal mass. A laparotomy was performed, and during inspection of the
abdominal cavity, a tightly elastic, regular-shaped formation measuring 5*5 cm was discovered.
The cyst was desquamated. The diagnosis was made: “Ovarian dermoid cyst.” Describe the
expected contents of the cyst.
1) thick brown substance

2) hemorrhagic contents

3) clear watery liquid

4) hair, cartilage, fat, skin

5) mucous gel-like contents

41. A 54-year-old female patient is seen by a gynecologist with complaints of constant nagging pain
in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, sensation of a foreign body in the genital fissure,
and dysuric disorders. History: 4 births, the last one with a giant fetus, complicated by a 2nd
degree perineal rupture. A woman suffers from insulin-dependent diabetes. Gynecological
status: the genital fissure is gaping, there is a divergence of the elevators, the anterior and
posterior walls of the vagina are drooping, there are cysto- and rectoceles, and when straining,
the cervix protrudes beyond the vulvar ring. What are the tactics for correcting genital prolapse
in this patient?
1)training the pelvic floor muscles

2) total hysterectomy

3) installation of a mesh implant

4) subtotal amputation of the uterus

5) installation of a pessary

42. A 30-year-old patient has been registered for infertility at a family planning center for 2 years.
From the anamnesis: menstrual function is not impaired, denies gynecological diseases, there
have been no operations. Married for 5 years. There were no pregnancies. Examined: the
menstrual cycle is two-phase, the tubes are passable, ultrasound did not reveal any pathologies
of the genitals. My husband's spermogram is normal. When performing a postcoital test: after 6
hours no motile sperm are detected. What treatment should be prescribed for this patient?

1) Progestins

2) Artificial insemination of husband’s sperm

3) IVF

4) Stimulation of ovulation

5) Artificial insemination with donor sperm

43. A 29-year-old patient, at an appointment with a gynecologist at her place of residence, complains
of pain, burning in the vulva, pain when urinating, and an increase in temperature to 37.3C.
During a gynecological examination, vesicles with transparent contents, up to 3 mm in size with
hyperemia around them, were found on the skin and mucous membrane of the external genital
organs. Swelling of the labia minora and labia majora is noted. On the cervix there is hyperemia
in the area of the external pharynx. Internal genital organs without pathology. Preliminary
diagnosis: acute vulvitis and endocervicitis of herpetic etiology. Choose the right treatment
regimen for genital herpes

1) Acyclovir 100 mg * 3 times a day for 14 days orally

2) Acyclovir 200 mg * 3 times a day for 10 days orally

3) Acyclovir 200 mg * 5 times a day for 5 days orally

4) Acyclovir 400 mg * 5 times a day for 5 days orally

5) Acyclovir 200 mg *3 times a day 7 days orally

44. The patient, 34 years old, was hospitalized in the gynecology department with a diagnosis of Left-
sided pyovar. According to the results of ultrasound, the size of the pyovar is 5 cm. What is the
extent of surgical treatment for this patient?

1) Drying the purulent formation

2) Flow-aspiration drainage of the abdominal cavity

3) Left variectomy

4) Extription of the uterus with appendages

5) Bilateral adnexectomy

45. A 32-year-old female patient was seen by a gynecologist with complaints of heavy menstruation
and periodic intermenstrual spotting. The menstrual cycle is regular, 26-28 days. Objectively: the
condition is satisfactory. BMI 24. Ultrasound: the body of the uterus is located in retroflexio ,
dimensions 45*52*43 mm. Strucutramiometry is homogeneous. M-echo -5.5 mm,
inhomogeneous, a formation of 8*9 mm is visualized on the rear wall. The structure of the cervix
is unremarkable. The cervical canal is not dilated, the ovaries are located in a typical location.
Select the most preferable treatment for this patient.

1) Surgical curettage

2) Manual vacuum aspiration

3) Hysteroscopy

4) Laparotomy

5) Hysterectomy

46. A 35-year-old patient complained of heavy periods, with blood clots in the menstrual fluid, which
had been bothering her for the last 6 months. Menstruation up to 8-9 days after 26-27 days.
Gynecological examination: cervix without visible pathology, mucous discharge. The body of the
uterus is not enlarged, painless on palpation, appendages on both sides are not visible, the vaults
are deep. Ultrasound: the body of the uterus is 48*37*46 mm, the uterine cavity is not
deformed, the endometrium is not homogeneous. 15 mm thick. Appendages without features. A
diagnosis was made: endometrial hyperplasia. indicate the most appropriate drug for the
treatment of endometrial hyperplastic processes after histology.

1) Progestogens

2) Glucocorticoids

3) Androgens

4) Thyroid hormones

5) Estrogens

47. A 32-year-old female patient consulted the gynecology department regarding uterine fibroids
identified by ultrasound. He makes no complaints. Planning a pregnancy. From the anamnesis:
menarche at 13 years old. Menstruation lasts 5-6 days, after 27-28 days it is moderate and
painless. There were no pregnancies. Gynecological examination: a subserous myomatous node
with a diameter of up to 7-8 cm is determined at the fundus of the uterus, the appendages on
both sides are unchanged; mucous discharge. The diagnosis was made: “Uterine fibroids with
subserous growth of the node.” Choose a surgical treatment method for this patient.

1) extirpation of the uterus without appendages

2) amputation of the uterus with appendages

3) conservative myomectomy

4) amputation of the uterus without appendages

5) extirpation of the uterus with appendages

48. A 33-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecology department for planned surgical
treatment for a paraovarian cyst. Complaints of periodic pain in the lower abdomen. From the
anamnesis: menarche at 13 years old. Menstruation lasts 5-6 days, after 27-28 days it is
moderate and painless. There were no pregnancies. Gynecological examination: body of the
uterus in a . f . v ., normal size, dense, painless, heaviness on the right and left in the area of the
appendages. What volume of surgical treatment is most appropriate in this case?

1) ovarian resection

2)removal of the fallopian tube

3) enucleation of the cyst

4)removal of the uterus

5)removal of the ovary

49. A 30-year-old female patient was admitted with complaints of sharp pain in the lower abdomen,
chills, and an increase in body temperature to 38-39C. There is a history of 2 births and 3
abortions, chronic salpingoophoritis with frequent exacerbations. Contraception - 2 years
intrauterine device. Sick for 2 weeks. When examined in the speculum: the cervix is clean, the
discharge is purulent, there are “threads” of a spiral in the cervical canal. On vaginal
examination: the uterus is of normal size, soft in consistency, painful on examination. Posterior
to the uterus, sharply painful formations are palpated, of uneven consistency, with areas of
softening, measuring 5*8 cm. The vaults are flattened. Determine the scope of surgical

1) supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages

2) extirpation of the uterus with appendages

3)removal of both appendages

4) supravaginal amputation of the uterus with tubes

5) removal of both fallopian tubes

50. An ultrasound of a 12-year-old girl revealed an ovarian cyst with a diameter of 8 cm. The
diagnosis was a follicular cyst of the left ovary. What treatment tactics should be used in this

1) gestagens

2) non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

3) antibacterial drugs

4) control after a month

5) surgical treatment????
7 2 10 9 14 13 15 8 24 22 36 34 37 39

Question 7

A woman in labor with a full-term pregnancy in the 1st stage of labor developed bright bloody discharge
in moderate quantities. Before birth, an ultrasound examination determined that the edge of the
placenta was located 4.5 cm above the internal os. The condition of the woman in labor is satisfactory,
blood pressure is 110/70 mm Hg, pulse is -80 beats/min. The fetal head is pressed to the entrance to the
pelvis, the fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 140 beats/min. The uterus relaxes between contractions
painlessly. On vaginal examination, the cervix is smoothed, the opening is 4 cm, the edges are thin, the
amniotic sac is intact. The fetal head is palpated through the membranes and pressed against the
entrance to the pelvis. Make a diagnosis?

1) Pregnancy 40 weeks, 1st stage of labor, active phase. Low location of the placenta

2) Pregnancy 40 weeks, 1st stage of labor, latent phase. Low location of the placenta

3) Pregnancy 40 weeks, 1st stage of labor, active phase. Lateral placenta previa

4) Pregnancy 40 weeks, 1st stage of labor, latent phase. Complete placenta previa

5) Pregnancy 40 weeks, 1st stage of labor, latent phase. Regional placenta previa
Question 2

How many hours should a postpartum woman be monitored in the maternity ward?

1) 1 hour

2) 5 o'clock

3) 4 hours

4) 2 hours

5) 3 hours

Question 10

A repeatedly pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of cramping pain in
the lower abdomen and lower back. Labor is 5 hours. The gestational age is 41 weeks. Contractions
every 2-3 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The dimensions of the pelvis are 25-28-31-20 cm. The position of
the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end of the fetus is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic
140 beats/min. A vaginal examination revealed: the cervix was smoothed, the uterine os was 6 cm wide.
amniotic sac is intact. the pelvic end of the fetus is presented, the sacrum on the right. Determine the
position, position and type of the fetus.
1) The position of the fetus is longitudinal, 1st position. Back view

2) The position of the fetus is longitudinal, 1st position. Front view

3) The position of the fetus is longitudinal, 2nd position. Front view

4) The position of the fetus is transverse, 2nd position. Back view

5) The position of the fetus is longitudinal, 2nd position. Back view

Question 9

A 23-year-old primigravida is in the delivery room in the second stage of labor. During observation
of the woman in labor, a decrease in the fetal heart rate to 100 beats/min was noted, which did not
level out after pushing. On examination, blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, pulse is 94 beats/min,
there is no visible edema. During vaginal examination, the fetal head is located in a narrow part of
the pelvic cavity, the sagittal suture is in the right oblique size, the small fontanelle is facing left
anteriorly. Further tactics of labor management.

1) Apply a vacuum extractor

2) Waiting tactics

3) Delivery by caesarean section

4) Perform an episiotomy

5) Delivery through the natural birth canal

Question 14

A 20-year-old primigravida was admitted to the department of pathology of pregnant women with
complaints of nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Objectively: the belly is ovoid in shape, due to
pregnancy, corresponding to 35 weeks of pregnancy. When palpated, the uterus becomes more
toned. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is presented above the entrance to the
pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 142 beats/min. What is the diagnosis?

1) Threatened early labor

2) Threatening premature birth

3) Very early labor

4) The onset of premature labor

5) Early labor begins

Question 13

A 20-year-old primigravida was admitted to the department of pathology of pregnant women with
complaints of nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Objectively: the abdomen is enlarged due to the
pregnant uterus, corresponding to 26 weeks of pregnancy. When palpated, the uterus becomes
more toned. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is presented above the entrance to
the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 142 beats/min. Vaginal examination: the cervix is
preserved, the pharynx is closed. The head is presented through the fornix, pressed against the
entrance to the small pelvis. The cape is not reachable. The discharge is mucous. What is the
1) Early labor begins

2) Threatening very early labor

3) Threatening premature birth

4) Very early labor

5) The onset of premature labor

Question 15

A 26-year-old woman who was pregnant again came to the maternity hospital with complaints of
nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. From the anamnesis: this is the third pregnancy,
birth 3. The previous birth ended in a CS operation due to fetal distress. The gestation period
according to the last menstruation corresponds to 37 weeks. Objectively, when examined, the
uterus is in normal tone. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end is movable above
the entrance to the small pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 142 beats/min. The
diagnosis was made: pregnancy 37 weeks, a scar on the uterus. What presentation of fruits should
be added to the diagnosis?

1) Pelvic

2) Foot

3) Annual

4) Mixed gluteal

5) Knee

Question 8

A 29-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital for cramping pain in
the lower abdomen. Obstetric status: contractions in 10 minutes, 20-25 seconds each. The fetal
head is identified on the right, the pelvic end on the left, the back is facing anteriorly. The fetal
heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 140 beats/min, on the right at the level of the navel. Vaginal
examination revealed: the cervix is shortened, the external pharynx allows the dome of the finger to
pass through. The cape is not reachable. Select position, position and type of fetus.

1) Oblique position, 1 position, anterior view

2) Longitudinal position, 1st position, front view

3) transverse position, 2nd position, front view

4) longitudinal position, 2nd position, rear view

5) longitudinal position, 2nd position, front view

question 24

A primigravida was admitted to the maternity hospital with a full-term pregnancy, with good labor,
the estimated weight of the fetus was 4300 grams. The fetal head is pressed against the entrance to
the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic, 142 beats/min, on the left below the navel.
Vasten sign “+”. Upon examination, it was discovered that the cervix was smoothed, the opening
was 10 cm, there was no amniotic sac. What is the doctor’s further tactics:
1) apply obstetric forceps

2) perform a cranetomy

3) perform CS

4) start labor stimulation

5) apply vacuum extractor

question 22

A 27-year-old woman in labor, multiparous, 41 weeks pregnant, was brought to the clinic with
cramping pain in the lower abdomen. During external obstetric examination: the fetal head is on the
right, the pelvic end is on the left. The fetal tones are clear, rhythmic, 136 beats/min. Vaginal
examination: the cervix is shortened to 2 cm, the cervical canal allows 1 finger to pass through, the
amniotic sac is intact. The presenting part is not determined. Choose your tactics

1) labor induction followed by labor stimulation

2) vaginal delivery

3) Emergency CS

4) CS as planned

5) prevention of intrauterine fetal hypoxia and labor induction

Question 36

A 16-year-old patient consulted a gynecologist for rare, scanty menstruation. On examination: broad
shoulders, narrow pelvis, short limbs, hypertrophied body muscles, underdeveloped mammary
glands, male-type hair growth. Menstruation from the age of 15, after 38-49 days, is scanty and
painless. During gyncological examination: the external genitalia are developed according to the
female type, enlargement of the clitoris, hypoplasia of the labia minora and majora are noted. What
diagnosis is most likely?

1) Adrenogenital syndrome

2) Swyer syndrome

3) Itsenko-Cushing's disease

4) Morris syndrome

5) Shershevsky-Turner syndrome

Question 37

An 18-year-old girl consulted a gynecologist about contraception. From the anamnesis: menarchy
for 13 years, menstrual function is not impaired. Married. P / V : when examined in the speculum,
there is hyperemia on the cervix around the external os, the vaginal mucosa is pale pink, there is a
liquid grayish discharge with an unpleasant odor. During bimanual examination, the body of the
uterus is not enlarged, mobile, painless, appendages on both sides, without any features.
Microscopy of the discharge: from the cervical canal - 30-40 leukocytes in the field of view,
abundant coccal flora; from the vagina - leukocytes 8-10 in the field of view, epithelium more than
20, coccal flora, “key cells” were found. pH level 4.8. Presumptive diagnosis?

1) Vulvovaginal candidiasis

2) Chronic cervicitis

3) Acute fresh gonorrhea

4) Nonspecific vaginitis

5) Bacterial vaginosis

Question 34

A 20-year-old girl came to see a gynecologist for a medical examination. No complaints. From the
anamnesis: menstruation since the age of 13, regular for 3-4 days every 28-30 days. Married 3
months. There were no gynecological diseases. Gynecological examination: when examined in the
speculum, the discharge is mucous, around the external os of the cervical canal there is a rim of
hyperemia about 0.5 cm in size. the uterus and appendages are without features. What diagnosis is
most likely?

1) Leukoplakia

2) Endocervicitis

3) Cervical cancer

4) Cervical erosion

5) erythroplakia

question 39

A 25-year-old patient was hospitalized in the gynecological department with complaints of an increase
in body temperature to 38.50C, pain in the lower abdomen, and purulent vaginal discharge. She became
acutely ill after an induced abortion on the 4th day. Objectively: pulse - 100/min, blood pressure =
110/70 mm Hg, abdomen is soft, painless in the lower parts. Gynecological status: The uterus is
enlarged, soft, painful; The vaginal vaults are free. Vaginal discharge is profuse and purulent. What is the
most likely preliminary diagnosis?

1) pelvioperitonitis

2) acute salpingitis

3) endometriosis

4) acute metroendometritis

5) acute appendicitis


1) A 26-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department with complaints of pain in
the external genitalia, awkwardness when walking, and elevated body temperature. The pain appeared 5
days ago and is associated with hypothermia. History includes 1 birth, 3 medical abortions. Denies
gynecological diseases. Upon examination, a tumor-like formation measuring 4x4 cm is detected in the
area of the right labia majora, the skin over it is hyperemic, hot, and fluctuation is detected on palpation.
Gynecological status: the vagina is without any features, the cervix is clean, the external os is slit-like, the
uterus is anteflexed, not enlarged, painless. Appendages on both sides are not identified. What diagnosis
is most likely?

 Bartholin's gland cyst

 Bartholinitis
 Vulvovaginitis
 Vulvitis
 Colpitis

34) A 20-year-old girl came to see a gynecologist for a medical examination. No complaints. From the
anamnesis: Menstruation since the age of 13, regular for 3-4 days every 28-30 days. Married 3 months.
There were no gynecological diseases. Gynecological examination: when examined in the speculum, the
discharge is mucous, around the external os of the cervical canal there is a rim of hyperemia measuring
about 0.5 cm. The uterus and appendages are without features. What diagnosis is most likely?

 Leukoplakia
 Endocervicitis
 Cervical cancer
 Cervical erosion
 Erythroplakia

38) A 40-year-old patient consulted a doctor with complaints of spotting brown discharge from the genital
tract that appeared within 3 days of menstruation. From the anamnesis: childbirth, pseudo-erosion of the
cervix 5 years ago, treated by diathermo-electrocoagulation. Menstruation is regular, moderate, every 5
days, after 30 days. Examination in the speculum: 2 brown areas measuring 2x2 mm and 2x3 mm were
found on the mucous membrane of the cervix. The body of the uterus is of normal size, painless. What
pathology of the cervix is most likely?

 Erythroplakia
 Pseudo-erosion
 Leukoplakia
 Dysplasia
 Endometriosis

40) Patient, 62 years old, at an appointment with a gynecologist with complaints of periodic spotting.
Menopause at 52 years old. Objectively: condition is satisfactory, BMI-31.2. Bimanual examination
revealed no gynecological pathology. Ultrasound: the body of the uterus is located in heteroflexion, size
45x52x43 mm, the structure of the myometrium is homogeneous, M-echo - 10 mm, heterogeneous. What
preliminary diagnosis is most likely?

 Ovarian cancer
 Cervical cancer
 Endometrial polyp
 Endometrial cancer
 Uterine fibroids
35) A 22-year-old woman was admitted to the gynecological department with complaints of fever up to
39°C, pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, and gas retention. History: 2 months ago I had an induced
abortion; after the abortion, bilateral inflammation of the uterine appendages occurred; anti-
inflammatory therapy was carried out for 2 weeks. Objectively: weakened peristalsis, the abdomen is
moderately swollen, sharply painful in the lower parts. Bimanual examination: the body of the uterus and
appendages are not palpable due to tension in the anterior abdominal wall, they are sharply painful, the
posterior fornix is sharply painful, overhangs. What is the most likely preliminary diagnosis?

 Pelvioperitonitis
 Disturbed ectopic pregnancy
 Anoplexy of the ovary
 Diffuse peritonitis
 Acute annendicitis

41) A 35-year-old patient complained of heavy periods with blood clots in the menstrual fluid, which had
been bothering her for the last 6 months. Menstruation up to 8-9 days after 26-27 days. Gynecological
examination: cervix without visible pathology, mucous discharge. The body of the uterus is not enlarged,
painless on palpation; appendages on both sides are not defined, the arches are deep. Ultrasound: the
body of the uterus is 48x37x46mm, the uterine cavity is not deformed. The endometrium is
heterogeneous, 15 mm thick. Appendages without features. A diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia was
made. Specify the most appropriate drug for the treatment of endometrial hyperplastic processes after

 Thyroid hormones
 Progestogens
 Glucocorticoids
 Androgens
 Estrogens

42) A 32-year-old female patient came to the clinic with complaints of absence of pregnancy for 7 years.
From the anamnesis: there were 2 pregnancies, one of which ended in a medical abortion, complicated
by endometritis, the second pregnancy was tubal, a right-sided tubectomy was performed. The menstrual
cycle is regular, 3-4 days every 26-28 days. My husband is healthy. Ru: the body of the uterus is dense,
not enlarged. The right appendages are not identified, the left appendages are somewhat heavy, 6/6,
mucous discharge. What examinations need to be carried out to clarify the diagnosis?

 Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, CT

 STI screening, MRI
 Hysterosalpingography, laparoscopy.
 Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, hysteroscopy
 Functional diagnostic tests, hormonal studies

43) A 39-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist with complaints of heavy menstruation and needs
contraception. From the anamnesis: 3 births, 5 medical abortions. Three months ago, a hysteroscopy and
histological examination were performed. Conclusion: simple endometrial hyperplasia without atypia. She
took combined oral contraceptives for months. Notes side effects such as nausea and headache. PV: cervix
without visible pathology, the body of the uterus is enlarged, painless. The appendages on both sides are
not palpable. What method of contraception is recommended for this patient?

 Postcoital contraception.
 Calendar rhythm method
 Combined oral contraceptives
 Intrauterine device "Mirena"
 Barrier methods

45) A 34-year-old female patient was hospitalized in the gynecology department with a diagnosis of Left-
sided pyovar. According to the results of an ultrasound examination, the size of the pyovar is 5 cm. What
is the scope of surgical treatment for this patient?

 Extription of the uterus with appendages

 Left oophorectomy
 Flow-aspiration drainage of the abdominal cavity
 Bilateral adnexectomy
 Drying out purulent formation

46) A 26-year-old female patient came to the clinic with complaints of absence of pregnancy for six years.
From the anamnesis: menarche at 14 years old. Menstruation is irregular. My husband is healthy.
Objectively: height 164 cm, weight 90 kg. Gynecological examination: the external genitalia are developed
correctly, hair growth is of the female type. On bimanual examination, the uterus is somewhat reduced
in size, dense, mobile, and painless. The appendages of the abdominal wall are not clearly palpable, their
area is painless, the arches are free. Basal temperature is monophasic. Which infertility treatment method
should be prescribed for this patient?

 In Vitro Fertilization
 Natural estrogens
 ovulation stimulation
 Gestagens
 Glucocorticoids

49) A 46-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department with complaints of heavy
bleeding from the genital tract. For the last 2 years, the interval between menstruation has been 2-3
months. 2 weeks ago in a patient after 2 months. Without menstruation, bleeding began and continues
to this day. Denies gynecological diseases. On the day of admission, separate diagnostic curettage of the
uterus and cervical canal was performed: the length of the uterus along the probe was 8 cm, the walls
were smooth. An abundant scraping was obtained. The result of histological examination: simple
endometrial hyperplasia. What is your preferred treatment?

 Dopamine receptor agonists

 Gestagens
 Local forms of natural progesterone
 Estrogen-gestagens
 Estrogens

48) A 41-year-old woman was admitted to the gynecology department with complaints of moderate
bleeding. Notes menstrual irregularities such as oligoamenorrhea. Childbirth - 3, medical abortions - 6.
The skin and visible mucous membranes are of normal color. The abdomen is soft and painless. In the
speculum: The vaginal part of the cervix is cylindrical, without visible pathology, cyanotic. The discharge
is dark and bloody. Bimanual: The body of the uterus is soft, painless and enlarged until 11-12 weeks of
pregnancy. The external pharynx allows the tip of the finger to pass through. The appendages on both
sides are not palpable, their area is painless. What research needs to be done first?
 Ultrasound of the pelvic organs
 Cytological examination
 Blood for tumor markers
 Hemostasiogram
 Determination of hCG

47) A 36-year-old patient visited a gynecologist with complaints of prolonged heavy menstruation for 3
cycles. From the anamnesis: the menstrual cycle is regular, the duration of menstruation is 7-10 days, 2
pregnancies, 2 births. Objectively: the skin is pale pink in color. Pulse 78 beats per minute, rhythmic. Blood
pressure 120/80mm Hg. Hemoglobin 96 g/l. On examination: the body of the uterus is enlarged to 7-8
weeks of pregnancy, dense, painless, tuberous. The appendages on both sides are not palpable. Which
research method is the most informative to clarify the condition of the endometrium?

 Ultrasound
 Cavity probing
 Liquid cytology
 Histological examination of scraping
 Hysteroscopy


1) Is the Solovyov index measured to determine?

o 1) External conjugates
o 2) Degree of pelvic narrowing
o 3) True conjugate
o 4) About the anatomical condyles
o 5) Tension of the pelvic bones

2) Termination of pregnancy in what period is called miscarriage? From what week to what week?

o 12-20
o 22-37
o 24-28
o 20-24
o 8-12

3) Prevention of purulent-septic complications during surgery is carried out by administering what


o Sulfanilamide
o Reopoliglyukina
o Antispasmodics
o Antihypoxants
o Antibiotics

4) How many visits are recommended for physiological pregnancy?

o 12
o 8
o 5
o 6
o 4
5) In facial presentation, the wire point is:

o Face
o small fontanel
o chin
o large fontanel
o forehead

6) A 24-year-old primigravida woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of cramping
pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Labor lasts 4 hours, gestation period 40 weeks, contractions
every 3-4 minutes, 40-45 seconds each. The dimensions of the pelvis are 25-28-31 20 cm. The position of
the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end of the fetus is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic,
136 beats per minute above the navel. A vaginal examination revealed: the cervix is smoothed, the
opening of the uterine pharynx is 3 cm. The amniotic sac is intact, presenting the pelvic end of the fetus,
the sacrum of the fetus is on the right front. Determine the position and type of fetus?

o Transverse position of the fetus, 1st position, anterior view

o Fetal position longitudinal, 2nd position, posterior view
o Transverse position of the fetus, 2nd position, anterior view
o Longitudinal position of the fetus, 2nd position, anterior view
o The position of the fetus is longitudinal, 1st position is posterior view

7) A 19-year-old primigravida was admitted to the hospital with complaints of edema in the Lower
extremities, full-term pregnancy on admission from 130/90 mmHg edema in the Lower extremities urine
for protein 0.33 G/L Specify the diagnosis?

o Gestational proteinuria
o Moderate preeclampsia
o Eclampsia
o Severe preclampsia
o Gestational hypertension

8) A 28-year-old woman came to the FMC with complaints of delayed menstruation for 3 months,
nausea, and general weakness. Objectively, the condition is satisfactory, the skin and visible mucous
membranes are of normal color: clean. Blood pressure 120/70 mmHg, pulse 80 beats per minute.
Vaginal examination: the body of the uterus is enlarged to the size of the head of a newborn. Painless,
appendages on both sides are not palpable. The discharge is leucorrhoea. Determine the expected
duration of pregnancy - in weeks?

o 16
o 14
o 8
o 12
o 10

9) A 30-year-old multipregnant woman at 36 weeks was delivered to the receiving unit of the maternity
hospital with complaints of sudden, heavy bleeding from the genital tract. This is the 4th pregnancy, 1st
birth is expected. History of 3 medical abortions. Objectively: moderate condition, blood pressure 90/60
mm Hg, pulse 110 beats per minute. The skin is pale. When examined, the uterus is in normal tone and
painless. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is present, mobile above the entrance to the
small fetus. The fetal heartbeat is muffled, rhythmic 150 beats per minute. Vaginal examination: the
cervix is preserved, the cervical canal is closed. Through the arches the pastyness of the tissues is
determined. There are blood clots in the vagina. The diagnosis is 36 weeks pregnant. What pregnancy
complication should be added to the diagnosis?

o Central placenta previa

o Low covering of placents
o Central placenta previa Bleeding
o Placenta previa. Bleeding
o Lateral placenta previa. Bleeding

10) A 26-year-old multi-pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Labor lasted 6 hours. The gestational age is 40
weeks. Contractions in 2-3 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The dimensions of the pelvis are 25-28 31-20 cm.
The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end of the fetus is presented. The fetal heartbeat is
clear, rhythmic, 140 beats per minute. Vaginal examination revealed: the cervix is smoothed, the
opening of the uterine pharynx is 5 cm. The amniotic sac is intact, the buttocks and feet of the fetus are
present, the sacrum is in the left front. Determine the type of breech presentation, position and type of

o Foot presentation, 2nd position, anterior view

o Mixed breech presentation, 1st police, anterior view
o Mixed breech presentation, 2nd position, anterior view
o Mixed breech presentation, 1st position, posterior view
o Pure breech presentation, 1st position anterior view
11) Primipara 3. 24 years old, with a pregnancy of 39-40 weeks, was admitted to the maternity hospital
due to weak contractions that lasted for 8 hours. Pelvic dimensions" 26-29-31-21 OB 114 cm.
contractions 2 in 10 minutes for 30 seconds. The head is small in size, movable above the entrance to
the pelvis. Two more large parts are palpated in the fundus of the uterus, the fetal heartbeat is heard:
one on the left below navel, 130 beats per minute, second - on the right above the navel 138 beats per
minute. Vaginal examination data: the cervix is smoothed, the opening of the pharynx is 5 cm, the
amniotic sac is intact. The fetal head is present, moving above the entrance of the small pelvis. Make a

 Pregnancy 39-40 weeks: 1st stage of labor. Triplets Weakness of labor

 Pregnancy 39-10 weeks, 1st stage of labor Twins. Transversely narrowed pelvis
 Pregnancy 39-40 weeks. 2nd period of birth Triplets. Narrow pelvis
 Pregnant 39-40 weeks! birth period Twins. Primary weakness of labor
 Pregnancy 39-10 weeks, 2nd stage of labor. Secondary weakness of labor:

12) A 19-year-old primigravida is undergoing a pregnancy check-up with a FMC doctor. At the next visit
at -6 weeks, the dimensions of the pelvis were determined: 24-26-29-20 cm. Objectively: the condition
is satisfactory. There are no complaints. Blood pressure 110/70 m.Hg, pulse 78 beats per minute
Abdominal circumference - 92 cm, height of the fundus of the uterus - 34 cm; position of the fetus is
longitudinal; the pelvic end is movable above the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear,
rhythmic up to 138 beats per minute. Diagnosis made: Pregnancy 38 weeks: Breech presentation of the
fetus. What form of pelvic narrowing should be added to the diagnosis?
 Generally uniformly narrowed pelvis
 Simple flat pelvis
 common flat pelvis
 Constricted throttle
 Pyoscorachitic pelvis

13) A woman gave birth to a baby weighing 4300 g. The episiotomy was complicated by a 2nd degree
rupture. What tissues remained undamaged?

 Sphincter and rectum

 Vaginal mucosa
 perineal muscles
 Perineal skin
 Perineal fascia

14) The woman in labor has been in labor for 9 hours, she began to complain of painful contractions of a
pushing nature. Upon examination, hypertonicity of the uterus is determined, the high position of the
contraction ring, pain in the lower segment of the uterus on palpation, the fetal heartbeat is dull. On
vaginal examination: the cervix is completely open, the amniotic sac is intact and tense. The presenting
part is the head in the pelvic cavity. What complication occurs during childbirth?

 Cervical dystocia
 Uterine rupture begins
 Completed uterine rupture
 Discoordination of labor:

 Impending uterine rupture

15) A 23-year-old primigravida was admitted to the emergency room with complaints of cramping pain
in the lower abdomen and lower back. Contractions in 10-12 minutes for 20 25 seconds. The water did
not break. The pregnancy was 38 weeks. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is
present, the fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 130 beats per minute. Vaginal examination revealed: the
cervix is up to 1 cm long, the diameter of the cervical canal is 2 cm. The amniotic sac is intact, the fetal
head is present; the upper edge of the symphysis, innominate lines, and the sacral cavity along its entire
length are accessible by palpation. Determine the location of the fetal head?

 head in the flat pelvis

 the trap is fixed by a large segment at the entrance to the pelvis
 the head is a small segment Fixed at the entrance to the pelvis
 the head is pressed to the plane of the entrance to the small pelvis
 fetal head at the pelvic outlet

16) A 25-year-old woman in labor turned to a gynecologist. 10 days ago there was a physiological birth
of a live, full-term baby, and the woman was discharged home on the 7th day. Today there was pain in
the right mammary gland, there was chills, and the temperature rose to 39.5. On examination: cracks
were found on the nipples of the mammary glands. In the upper outer quadrant of the right mammary
gland, a lump measuring 4x5 cm was found, sharply painful, with hyperemia of the skin above it.
Preliminary diagnosis of postpartum infiltrative mastitis. Further tactics?
 frequent feeding, UV irradiation
 Warm compress, suppression of lactation
 UV irradiation, warm compress
 Dragging of milk jelly, suppression of lactation
 Express breast milk using a breast pump, A/B therapy

17) A 23-year-old primigravida woman was admitted to the maternity ward with complaints of cramping
pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Like 4 hours Pregnancy 41 weeks: Contractions every 3-4
minutes for 40-45 seconds. The dimensions of the pelvis are 25-28-31-20 cm. The position of the fetus is
longitudinal, the pelvic end of the fetus is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 136 beats
per minute above the navel. A vaginal examination revealed that the cervix was smoothed, the opening
of the uterine pharynx was 3 cm. The amniotic sac was intact, presenting the pelvic end of the fetus, the
sacrum of the fetus, and the front. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 41 weeks. 1st stage of labor Breech
presentation. It was decided to use Tsovyanov’s manual during childbirth. For what breech position is it
recommended to use it?

 With pure nodic presentation

 With mixed noctial anticipation
 with incomplete breech presentation
 With mixed breech presentation
 With full tender presentation

18) A 26-year-old pregnant woman at 31-32 weeks of pregnancy came to the city perinatal center with
complaints of pain in the lower abdomen in the lower back and discharge of amniotic fluid 2 hours ago.
In the reception block of the maternity hospital, the symptom of arborization is positive. An ultrasound
revealed oligohydramnios. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is presented high in
the small pelvis. Fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 120-122 beats per minute. Contractions after 15-20
minutes, 20 seconds each, and a diagnosis was made: THREATENING EARLY labor at a gestational age of
31-32 weeks. prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid. After how many hours is dexamethasone 6 mg
prescribed to prevent fetal distress syndrome?

 6
 8
 24
 12
 10

19) A 28-year-old woman in labor was admitted to the maternity hospital 4 hours after the onset of
labor. The waters did not break. Third full-term pregnancy, third birth. All previous pregnancies and
births proceeded without complications. The pelvis dimensions are normal. Through the abdominal wall,
the fetal head can be felt on the right, the pelvic end on the left. The fetal heartbeat is 140 beats/min,
distinct, at the level of the navel. On vaginal examination: the opening of the uterine pharynx is 6 cm,
the amniotic sac is intact. The presenting part is not determined. The cape is not reached. There is no
bone deformation. What's your tactic?

 Rotate the fetus onto its leg

 Extract the fetus by the pelvic end
 Carry out an autopsy of the amniotic sac
 Vaginal birth
 emergency caesarean section
20) A primigravida, 35 years old, 36 weeks pregnant, was admitted to the maternity hospital with
complaints of headache, dizziness, lack of air, palpitations. During pregnancy, blood pressure increased
160/110 mmHg, proteinuria in the urine was 0.33/l. On examination: swelling in the lower extremities,
pulse 112 beats per minute, blood pressure in the left arm - 180/110 mmHg, in the right arm - 180/105
mmHg. Examination data: TAM: relative density -1012, protein 1.65t/l. daily protein loss is 3.5 g/s.
Diagnosis: Pregnancy 36 weeks. PTS, Choose further tactics for labor management?

 Planned caesarean section

 Waiting tactics
 Rod stimulation with oxytocin
 Apply obstetric forceps
 Emergency caesarean section.

21) A 25-year-old primigravida was taken to the maternity hospital with complaints of cramping pain
and leakage of amniotic fluid. From the medical history: High myopia. Objectively: the uterus
corresponds to the 34th week of pregnancy, the position of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is above
the entrance to the pelvis, the fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 138 beats per minute. During vaginal
examination: the cervix is 1 cm long, the soft cervical canal is centered, 1 transverse finger is passed,
light amniotic fluid is leaking. The diagnosis was made: Preterm labor began at 34 weeks. Premature
rupture of amniotic fluid. High myopia Select further tactics for labor management?

 Emergency caesarean section

 Start labor stimulation with oxytocin
 planned caesarean section
 Waiting tactics
 Conduct childbirth through the natural birth canal

22) A woman in labor is in labor for about 10 hours. No water came out. Suddenly, the woman in labor
turned pale, vomiting, severe bursting pain in the abdomen appeared, the uterus took on an
asymmetrical, dense shape, and the fetal heartbeat was muffled. A vaginal examination revealed that
the cervix was fully dilated, the fetal bladder was intact and tense. The presenting part is the head in the
pelvic cavity. Medical tactics?

 Open the vesicle and begin vacuum extraction of the fetus

 Stimulate labor
 Emergency caesarean section
 Open the bubble and apply forceps
 Treat acute fetal hypoxia

23) A 26-year-old pregnant woman was taken to the maternity hospital with the following diagnosis:
Pregnancy 32 weeks Severe pre -eclampsia . Premature progressive abruption of a normally located
placenta. Antenatal fetal death. Objectively. the condition is serious, the skin is pale, blood pressure is
160/100 mm.r. CL pulse is 100 beats min. The uterus is painful, hypertonic. The fetal heartbeat cannot
be heard. During vaginal examination: the cervix is shortened to 2 cm. The cervical canal is closed. The
fetal head is identified through the fornix, above the entrance to the pelvis. The discharge is bloody and
profuse and continues. Determine the doctor’s tactics?

 Start labor stimulation

 Emergency fetal destruction surgery
 Start pre-induction
 emergency caesarean section
 Proceed with labor induction

24) A 23-year-old primigravida was taken to the maternity hospital at 36 weeks of pregnancy with
complaints of headache, nausea, double vomiting, blurred vision. These phenomena appeared three
hours ago. Pulse 90 beats per minute, intense. LD 170/100 mmHg, swelling of the legs, protein in the urine
3.3 g/l. Diagnosed with severe preeclampsia. What therapy is needed ?

 Antihistamine
 Magnesian
 Diuretic
 infusion
 Uterotonic

25) Pregnant I, 25 years old, consulted a doctor at the FMC at 33-34 weeks of pregnancy with complaints
of swelling of the lower extremities. First pregnancy. Among the diseases suffered, chronic pyelonephritis
is noted. Weight gain was 14 kg, over the last week 1.0 K: General condition is satisfactory. The skin and
visible mucous membranes are of normal color. Pulse 64 beats per minute, blood pressure 120/80 and
115/80 mm Hg. Fetal sounds are clear, rhythmic, 140 beats per minute. Swelling of the lower extremities,
General blood and urine tests without pathological changes. What diet is appropriate for this risk factor?

 Limiting carbohydrates
 About limiting fats
 Protein limitation
 Drinking restrictions
 Proteinwith salt restriction

26) Select, is this an accumulation of pus in the fallopian tube?

 Piovar
 Abscess
 Pyosalpinx
 Hydrosalpinx
 Salpingo-oophoritis

27) SPECIFY Irregular uterine bleeding lasting more than 7 days with a blood loss of more than 80 ml?

 Menometrorrhagia
 Menorrhagia
 Metrorrhagia
 Polymenorrhea
 Oligomenorrhea
28) Indicate which part of the organs is affected by internal genital endometriosis?

 Endometriosis of the uterosacral ligaments

 Endometriosis of the interstitial part of the fallopian tubes
 Cervical endometriosis
 Endometrial ovarian cyst
 Retrocervical edometriasis

29) Indicate which organs are affected by internal (genital endometriosis?

 Body of the uterus

 Fallopian tubes
 Ovarian Cervix
 Uterus
 Peritoneum

30) What is the symptom most characteristic of severe forms of peritonitis with purulent-septic
complications in gynecology?

 lack of urination
 Difficulty passing stool and gas
 Voskresensky's symptom
 Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom
 Lack of intestinal motility

31) What are the possible complications when using an intrauterine contraceptive device?

 Colpitis
 salpingoophori
 Dysmenorrhea
 Infertility
 Endometritis

32) A 28-year-old patient came to the antenatal clinic with complaints of absence of pregnancy for 6 years.
From the anamnesis: menarche at 14 years old. Menstruation for 4 5 days every 45-60 days, irregular,
painless About: height 164 cm, weight 90 kg. The hirsute number on the Ferriman-Gollwen scale is 9. The
mammary glands are developed, soft, b/0. PV: external genitalia are developed correctly, female-type
hair growth. On bimanual examination, the uterus was somewhat reduced in size, dense and mobile.
Painless. The appendages are not clearly palpable, their area is painless, the arches are free. Basal
temperature is monophasic. What is the most likely cause of infertility?

 immunological factor
 Tubal-peritoneal factor
 Chronic anovulation
 Megabolic disorders
 Hypoplasia of the uterus

33) patient, 33 years old, came to the clinic with complaints of heavy, prolonged and painful menstruation,
absence of pregnancy for 5 years. From the anamnesis: one birth 10 years ago, heavy menstruation has
been bothering me for the last 6 months. R.V. the cervix is clean: the body of the uterus is enlarged to 6-
7 weeks. pregnancy, dense, b/w, appendages on both sides are not changed, mucous discharge.
Ultrasound: the body of the uterus is 65x56x50 mm, in the uterine cavity a round medium-sized formation
with clear contours is determined, 15 mm in diameter, deforming the uterine cavity: Structure and size of
the ovaries Without features. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

 Uterine fibroids.
 Submucous uterine fibroids.
 Endometrial gilerplasia
 Endometrial ponip.
 Adenomyosis

34) A 17-year-old female patient first contacted a pediatric gynecologist with complaints of lack of
menstruation and primary amenorrhea. Karyotype 46XY. Upon examination, the phenotype is female, the
physique is normosthenic, height is 170 cm, weight is 50 kg. The mammary glands are developed
according to age. Self-awareness, behavior and psychosocial orientation are female. The external genitalia
correspond to the female phenotype. The hymen is intact. Probing of the vagina (probe length 5 cm)
examination with the help of a child. the vagina is narrow, ends blindly, the cervix is visualized. A rectal
examination revealed the absence of the uterus and appendages. Determine what syndrome the patient

 RokitanskyKustnir Mayer
 Shershevskoy about Terrier
 Testicular feminization
 Mixed gonadal dysgenesis
 Svayra

35) An 18-year-old patient consulted a gynecologist with complaints about the absence of menstruation,
vaginal dryness, and the inability to have sexual intercourse. Objectively: the phenotype is female. height
165 cm, BMI 21 kg/m2. The skin is clear The mammary glands are hypoplastic On examination: the labia
majora are hypertrophied, in their thickness there are formations of a rounded shape 2x? cm The labia
minora are hypoplastic: In the speculum: vagina, narrow, shortened, ends slightly. Bimanual: The uterus
and appendages are not identified. The most likely diagnosis!

 Morris syndrome
 Arenogenital syndrome
 Shereshevsky Turner syndrome
 Polycystic ovary syndrome
 Itsenko-Cushing's disease
36) A 45-year-old patient was admitted to a gynecological hospital with complaints of heavy bleeding from
the genital tract for 7 days. From the anamnesis, for the last half a year he has noted menametrorrhagia.
There is a history of 2 births, 3 medical abortions. Examination - when examined in the speculum, the
cervix is hypertrophied, deformed, a purplish cyanotic formation emanating from the cervical canal
measuring 3x2 cm. There is copious dark bloody discharge. The body of the uterus is enlarged up to 6
weeks of pregnancy, dense, painless, both appendages are changed. What diagnosis is most likely?

 Endometrial polit
 Cervical cancer
 cervical endometriosis
 Dmk menopause
 The submucosal node is born.

37) A 35-year-old patient was diagnosed with Adenomyosis; the menstrual cycle lasted 28 days. What is
the most likely period for the patient to experience pain?

 20-24
 1-4
 10-14
 15-19
 5-9

38) What operations are most often used for the treatment of tubo-peritoneal female infertility in case
of obstruction of the fallopian tubes?

 Tube resection
 Salpingolysis
 Salpingostomy
 Salpincectomy
 Implantation of fallopian tubes into the uterus

39) At an appointment with a gynecologist, parents and their 4.5-year-old daughter. Growth has
noticeably accelerated over the past year and amounted to +15 cm per goal. Height SM. weight 20 kg -
corresponds to height. There are single elements of acne on the skin of the forehead. Sexual development
is ahead of the passport age: X-ray of the wrist bones: bone age corresponds to 9 years. Ultrasound of the
pelvic organs - corresponds to the age of 8-9 years - the size of the uterus is increased, the angle between
the cervix and the body is formed: there is an endometrium of 2 mm, the size of the ovaries is increased
- 2.5 ml. No pathology of the adrenal glands or brain was detected. Which of the following diagnoses
corresponds to the girl's condition?

 Incomplete form of premature sexual development

 True precocious puberty
 Hylophyseal dwarfism
 Hypogonadotropichypogonadism
 False premature sexual development of the isosexual type

40) A 20-year-old girl came to see a gynecologist for a medical examination. No complaints. From the
anamnesis: Menstruation since the age of 13, regular for 3-4 days every 28-30 days, married for 3 months.
There were no gynecological diseases. Gynecological examination: when examined in the speculum, the
discharge is mucous, around the external os of the cervical canal there is a rim of hyperemia measuring
about 0.5 cm. The poppy and appendages are without features. What diagnosis is most likely?

 leukoplakia
 Cervical erosion.
 Endocervicitis
 Erythroplakia
 Cervical cancer

41) A 27-year-old female patient underwent an ultrasound of the pelvic organs in the middle of the
menstrual cycle. In this case, a liquid formation with a diameter of more than 40 mm was discovered in
the right ovary. He makes no complaints. Menstruation since the age of 13, every day, without any
peculiarities. There were 3 pregnancies in total, of which 2 were births, 1 was a spontaneous miscarriage.
Vaginal examination: the body of the uterus is of normal size; the appendages on the right are not
enlarged; a mass of 5x5 cm is determined on the left. A diagnosis of “Follicular cyst” is made. A combined
oral contraceptive was prescribed. What is the most likely mechanism of the therapeutic effect of oral
contraceptives on a patient with an ovarian follicular cyst?

 Changes in the structure of the endometrium

 Anti-inflammatory effect
 Decreased sperm motility
 Thickening of cervical mucus
 Ovulation suppression

42) A 24-year-old female patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints of sharp pain in the lower
abdomen, radiating to the rectum, chills, nausea, increased body temperature to 38.5 °C. She became
acutely ill on the 3rd day of the menstrual cycle. Objectively: general | moderate condition heavy, pulse
110-112 per minute, blood pressure 125//0 mm Hg. tongue dry, covered with white coating, abdomen
moderately swollen, sharply painful, positive Shchetkin-Blumberg sign. Gynecological examination The
body of the uterus and appendages cannot be palpated. sharp tension of the muscles of the anterior
abdominal wall, the posterior vault hangs, sharply painful. The discharge is purulent. Liagiosis is detected:
Acute Pelpioperitonitis. What treatment do you recommend?

 Surgical treatment
 Physiotherapeutic
 Insulin therapy
 Symptomatic
 Antibiotics

43) A 1/2-year-old patient consulted a gynecologist with complaints about the lack of development of the
mammary glands, lack of menstruation. She was growing and developing ahead of her peers. There was
no menstruation, she is not sexually active. Objectively, height is 160 cm, weight is 55 kg. Broad shoulders,
narrow hips. The mammary glands are hypoplastic, male-type hair growth. No somatic pathology was
identified. The external genitalia are formed correctly according to the female type, the ring-shaped
hymen is intact. Rectal: the body of the uterus is dense, smaller than normal size, painless, mobile. The
appendages are not identified. What examination should be carried out first to clarify the diagnosis?

 Determination of androgens
 Diagnostic laparoscopy
 Study of FSH, LH
 Determination of karyotype
 Taking fingerprint swabs

44) Bolynaya, 32 years old, was admitted to a gynecological hospital for surgical treatment of submucosal
uterine fibroids, complicated by bleeding; size of the uterine body up to 10 weeks of conditional
pregnancy. What is the optimal choice of surgery in this case?

 Hysteroresectoscopy
 Supravaginal amputation of the uterus without appendages
 Conservative myomectomy
 Supravaginal amputation of the uterus and appendages
 Hysterectomy without appendages

45) A 27-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecology department for planned surgical
treatment. No complaints. From the anamnesis: menarche is 13 years old. Menstruation lasts 5-6 days,
after 21-28 days it is moderate and painless. There were no pregnancies. Gynecological examination: body
of the uterus va.GV. normal size, dense, non-painful, on the right in the area of the appendages a dense
formation measuring 5x6 cm is palpated, non-painful, traces without features. The diagnosis was made:
Deromid cyst on the right. Confirmed What volume of surgical treatment is acceptable in this case:

 oophorectomy
 tubectomy
 Cystectomy
 Hysterectomy
 Adnexectomy

46) A 42-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist with complaints of heavy, prolonged and painful
menstruation, periodic nagging, aching pain in the lower abdomen, and constipation. Gynecological
examination: the cervix is smoothed, dense, with a diameter of 4-5 cm. The body of the uterus is slightly
enlarged, sensitive to palpation. The appendages on both sides are changed. A diagnosis of cervical
uterine fibroids was made. Select the method of surgical treatment for this patient:

 Conservative myomectomy
 extirpation of the uterus with appendages
 Supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages
 Supravaginal amputation of the uterus without appendages
 hysterectomy without appendages

47) A 59-year-old patient came to the FMC with complaints of bloody discharge from the genital tract,
and anamnesis: menopause for 5 years. Gynecological examination: external genitalia and vagina with
phenomena of age-related involution: the vaginal mucosa is easily vulnerable; cervix without visible
pathology. From the cervical canal, scanty bloody discharge increases up to 15 weeks of pregnancy, from
limited mobility, dense. Appendages are not defined; parameters are free. A preliminary diagnosis of large
uterine fibroids was made. In order to exclude a malignant process, what research method is of primary

 Extended colposcopy
 Histology of aspirate
 Determination of tumor markers
 Hysteroscopy
 MRG of the pelvic organs

48) A 37-year-old patient, three days ago, an intrauterine device, which was installed 8 years ago, was
removed. Since yesterday, he has noticed an increase in body temperature to 39C0, pain in the lower
abdomen, and general weakness. Upon admission, symptoms of peritoneal irritation in the lower
abdomen are noted. After a gynecological examination, a diagnosis of acute endometritis, right-sided
pyosalpinx pelvioperitonitis was made. Over time, the patient's condition worsens (pain intensifies and
leukocytosis increases). What is your tactics in treating the patient?

 Strengthen local anti-inflammatory therapy

 Change antibiotics
 Carry out surgical treatment
 Desensitization therapy
 Administer antibiotics by puncture of the posterior fornix

49) A 33-year-old patient was brought to the gynecological clinic with symptoms of an acute abdomen.
During a clinical examination carried out urgently, a diagnosis was made of a cystoma of the right ovary
with signs of torsion of its pedicle. Further tactics for treating the patient?

 Emergency surgical treatment

 Prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics.
 Administer antibiotic by abdominal puncture
 Carrying out planned surgical treatment
 Intensive anti-inflammatory therapy

50) Patient, 36 years old, visited a gynecologist with complaints of prolonged heavy menstruation during
3 cyclones. From the anamnesis: the menstrual cycle is regular, the duration of menstruation is 7-10 days.
Pregnancies 2. Childbirth 2. Objectively: the skin is pale pink in color. Pulse 78 beats per minute. Rhythmic
blood pressure 120/80 mm Hg. Hemoglobin 96 g/l. On examination: the body of the uterus is enlarged to
7-8 weeks of pregnancy, dense, painless, tuberous. The appendages on both sides are not palpable. Which
research method is the most informative in order to clarify the condition of the endometrium?

 Liquid cytology
 Histological examination of scraping
 Ultrasound
 Probing cavity smears
 Hysteroscopy
AiG tests with photos.

1. In the treatment of DIC syndrome, the use of heparin is contraindicated at what stage?

1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
5. V

2 . Does lactation begin under the influence?

1. Prolactin
2. Progesterone
3. Luteinizing hormone
4. Placental lactogen
5. Estrogen

3. Is the Solovyov index measured to determine?

1. External conjugates
2. Anatomical conjugates
3. True conjugates
4. Degrees of pelvic narrowing
5. Pelvic bone thickness

4. In what week does a pregnant woman receive an exchange card?

1. thirty
2. 35
3. 34
4. 28
5. 32

5. At what gestational age is anti-Rh gammaglobulin administered during pregnancy to prevent Rh


1. 24
2. 35
3. 40
4. 28
5. thirty

6. Primigravida V., 25 years old, gave birth to a live, full-term girl weighing 3400 g, height 50 cm, without
asphyxia. History of 2 induced abortions. The succession period proceeded without complications, the
fundus of the uterus was at the level of the navel, dense, painless. Moderate bleeding from the vagina.
A child was born with a birth tumor in the area of the right parietal bone. Determine the type of
insertion of the fetal head into the pelvis?

1. Frontal
2. Synclitic
3. Anteroparietal
4. Anterior cephalic
5. Facial
7. A 27-year-old woman gave birth at 38 weeks to a healthy boy weighing 3900 grams. From the
anamnesis: 1 pregnancy, 1 birth. Blood type A ( II ) Rh +. During pregnancy she received specific
prophylaxis. 6 months after birth there are no anti-Rhesus antibodies in the blood. Can the resulting
prophylaxis be considered effective?

1. Yes
2. Cannot be confirmed until next pregnancy
3. Depending on complications
4. No
5. Depending on parity of births

8. A woman gave birth to a child weighing 4300 g. The episiotomy was complicated by a 2nd degree
tear. What tissues remained undamaged?
1. Perineal muscles
2. Sphincter and rectum
3. Vaginal mucosa
4. Perineal skin
5. Perineal fascia

9. A woman came to see an obstetrician-gynecologist with a complaint of delayed menstruation. She

needs to take a pregnancy test. How long does it take for human chorionic gonadotropin to be excreted
in the urine after fertilization?

1. 2 months
2. 8 days
3. 2 weeks
4. 3 days
5. 1 month

10. Pregnant for 25 years. I consulted a gynecologist, my pregnancy is 26 weeks. This pregnancy is the
first and desired. The condition is satisfactory. The uterus is enlarged up to 26 weeks of pregnancy, in
normal tone. There is a one-time increase in blood glucose to 7.0 mmol/l. What should I do?

1. Determination of blood sugar 2 hours after lunch

2. Diet with energy value 200 kcal
3. Glucose tolerance test
4. Determination of glucose in urine
5. Insulin therapy

11. A 36-year-old multipregnant woman was delivered by ambulance after an attack of convulsions; she
was not registered. Gestation period according to menstruation is 37 weeks. First emergency aid was
provided. The examination revealed that the condition was of moderate severity. Consciousness is
confused. Blood pressure 175/110, pulse 88. Swelling in the lower extremities. The position of the fetus
is longitudinal, pelvic presentation. The fetal heartbeat is rhythmic 153 beats per minute. Make a

1. Eclampsia
2. Severe preeclampsia
3. Gestational hypertension
4. Gestational proteinuria
5. Moderate preeclampsia
12. The clinical picture of a hematoma in the area of the external genitalia or under the vaginal mucosa
is usually characterized by the following?
1. Severe anemia
2. Increased body temperature and signs of inflammation over the hematoma
3. Presence of a blue-purple formation in the perineal area
4. Sharp pain in the perineal area
5. Copious bloody discharge from the site of the hematoma

13. By the end of the period of dilatation, due to a term birth and a tightly pressed head to the entrance
to the pelvis, the woman in labor has lost clear amniotic fluid. Labor is regular, contractions every 3
minutes for 40 seconds. The fetal beat is clear, rhythmic, slightly muffled. On vaginal examination: the
cervix is smoothed. The opening of the uterine pharynx is 8 cm. The membranes of the fetal bladder,
stretched over the fetal head, are determined. What's your tactic?

1. Amniotomy, vaginal delivery

2. Perform vacuum extraction of the fetus
3. The birth is completed by applying obstetric forceps
4. Start labor stimulation
5. Perform an emergency caesarean section

14. After childbirth, examination of the birth canal revealed: a first-degree perineal rupture. In what
order are sutures placed for a first-degree tear?

1. On the muscles of the perineum, vaginal mucosa

2. On the muscles of the perineum, skin of the perineum
3. On the vaginal mucosa, perineal muscles
4. On the skin of the perineum, vaginal mucosa
5. On the vaginal mucosa and perineal skin

15. A 30-year-old woman who was pregnant again was admitted to the emergency department of a
maternity hospital with complaints of cramping pain in the lower abdomen for 3 hours. Term 32 weeks.
Regular labor contractions last 10 minutes, 1 to 15-20 seconds. The position of the fetus is transverse,
the head is on the right. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, up to 140 per minute. On vaginal
examination, the cervix was effaced. The opening of the uterine pharynx is 3 cm. The fetal bladder is
intact, the presenting part is not determined. The diagnosis was made: pregnancy 32 weeks. Transverse
position of the fetus. The first period of early labor. Latent phase. Select obstetric tactics:
1. Tocolytic therapy
2. Labor induction with oxytocin
3. External rotation of the fetus
4. Carrying out an amniotomy
5. Emergency caesarean section

16. A 27-year-old woman, multiparous, 41 weeks pregnant, was brought to the clinic with cramping pain
in the lower abdomen. During external obstetric examination6, the fetal head is on the right, the pelvic
end is on the left. Fetal tones are clear, rhythmic 136 beats/min. Vaginal examination: the cervix is
shortened to 2 cm, the cervical canal allows 1 finger to pass through, the amniotic sac is intact. The
presenting part is not determined. Choose your tactics:

1. Vaginal birth
2. Planned caesarean section
3. Prevention of intravenous fetal hypoxia and labor induction
4. Labor induction followed by labor stimulation
5. Emergency caesarean section

17. A 32-year-old woman in labor is in the delivery room. Complaints of frequent, strong, painful
contractions, feelings of fear, uncertainty about a favorable outcome of childbirth. Objective status of
the woman in labor is restless. Contractions of the uterus follow one after another, there are almost no
pauses between them, the tone of the uterus is increased, the position of the fetus is longitudinal, the
head is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. Fetal heart rate 160. Estimated fetal weight 2800.
Vaginal examination: the vagina of a nulliparous woman, the cervix is effaced, the opening of the uterine
pharynx is 4 cm, the amniotic sac is intact. The head is presented. Pressed against the entrance to the
small pelvis. choose further tactics:

1. Labor stimulation
2. Medication-induced sleep
3. Tocolytic therapy
4. Obstetric forceps
5. C-section

18. A pregnant woman came to the FMC with complaints of pain in the lower abdomen for 3 days. From
the anamnesis it was revealed that this was the fourth pregnancy. Three previous pregnancies ended in
miscarriage at 18 weeks. According to the last month, the pregnancy period is 16-17 weeks. According
to ultrasound: there is 1 fetus in the uterine cavity, BPR - 34 mm, fronto-occipital size - 47 mm, OG - 127
mm, OB - 104 mm. The period corresponds to 17 weeks. The length of the cervix is less than 3 cm.
Vaginal examination revealed a short and soft cervix: which allows the tip of the finger to pass through.
The diagnosis was made: pregnancy 17 weeks. Ismic cervical insufficiency. What should I do?

1. Tocolytics
2. Install the pessary
3. Antispasmodics
4. Painkillers
5. Bed rest

19. Name the symptom most characteristic of severe forms of peritonitis with purulent-septic
complications in gynecology?

1. Difficulty passing stool and gas

2. Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom
3. Lack of urination
4. Resurrection symptom
5. Lack of intestinal motility

20. What is the disadvantage of the intrauterine device?

1. Contraindicated during lactation

2. Effect on lactation
3. Increased risk of inflammatory diseases
4. A large number of side effects
5. Short validity period
21. Indicate until what age is the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and menstruation in
girls with premature puberty determined?
1. 10
2. eleven
3. 8
4. 12
5. 9

22. Determine what is the gold standard in the diagnosis of chronic salpingoophoritis?
1. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs
2. Hysterosalpingography
3. Hysteroscopy
4. Laparoscopy
5. Echohysteroscopy

23. What is heavy menstruation with intermenstrual bleeding?

1. Amenorrhea
2. Polymenorrhea
3. Oligomenorrhea
4. Menorrhagia
5. Menometrorrhagia

24. A 25-year-old primigravida was admitted to the emergency room with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The water broke 4 hours ago. Labor lasts 8
hours. Contractions in 3-4 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The gestational age is 39 weeks. The
position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear and
rhythmic at 140 beats per minute. A vaginal examination revealed: the cervix is effaced, the
uterine os is dilated 6 cm, and there is no amniotic sac. The head is presented, the facial line is in
the right oblique size, the chin is on the left back. The diagnosis was made: pregnancy 38 weeks.
2nd stage of labor. Facial insert. Which tactic should you choose?
1. Labor stimulation
2. Waiting tactics
3. Obstetric forceps
4. C-section
5. Labor induction
25. On the 3rd day after a cesarean section, a postpartum woman’s temperature rose to 38.7 C
and vomited. The tongue is dry and covered with a white coating. Pulse-110. The abdomen is
swollen, sharply painful on palpation. Mild symptoms of peritoneal irritation. Peristalsis is very
sluggish. The bandage is dry. Discharge from the genital tract is purulent-bloody, with an odor.
Stimulation of the intestines without effect. Patient management tactics?
1. Laparoscopic sanitation of the abdominal cavity, anti-inflammatory therapy.
2. Extirpation of the uterus with fallopian tubes, antibacterial therapy
3. Relaporotomy, sanitation of the abdominal cavity, anti-inflammatory therapy
4. Hysterectomy of the uterus, abdominal toilet, antibiotic therapy
5. Uterus amputation, detoxification therapy
26. pregnant, 32 years old. I went to the gynecologist, the period is 33 weeks. The condition is
satisfactory. The uterus is enlarged up to 33 weeks of pregnancy, the tone of the uterus is normal.
The fetal heartbeat is clear. 136 beats per minute, rhythmic. Blood pressure 160/90. There is no
swelling. Blood and urine tests are within normal limits. Identify the risk factor.
1. Aggravated medical history
2. Arterial hypertension
3. Diabetes
4. Age
5. Smoking
27. in gnik. An 18-year-old girl came to the department with complaints of bloody vaginal
discharge and weakness during menstruation. The skin is pale. BP 100/70. Menarche from age
12. Menstruation is regular, painless. Upon examination by a gynecologist, it was determined
that the girl had normal menstruation. What causes desquamation of the functional layer of the
1. Reducing prolactin levels
2. Decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels
3. Peak output of human chorionic hormone
4. Increased estradiol levels
5. Peak output of luteinizing hormone
28. A 25-year-old primigravida was admitted to the emergency room with complaints of
cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The water broke 4 hours ago. Labor lasts 8
hours. Contractions in 3-4 minutes for 40-45 seconds. The gestational age is 39 weeks. The
position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is presented. The heartbeat is clear, rhythmic,
140 beats per minute. A vaginal examination revealed: the cervix was effaced, the uterine os was
dilated 6 cm, and there was no amniotic sac. The head is presented, the facial line is in the right
oblique size, the chin is on the left back. The diagnosis was made: pregnancy 38 weeks, 2nd
stage of labor. Facial insert. Which tactic should you choose?
1. C-section
2. Labor stimulation
3. Obstetric forceps
4. Labor induction
29. A 49-year-old woman consulted a gynecologist with complaints of bloody discharge from the
genital tract. From the anamnesis: Menstruation is regular. For six months I have been bothered by
copious yellowish discharge with an unpleasant odor, sometimes mixed with blood. Gynecological
examination: the cervix is hypertrophied, barrel-shaped, the mucous membrane is dark purple in
color, there is not a lot of bloody, bloody, turbid discharge from the cervical canal with an unpleasant
odor. Bimanual: the vaginal part of the cervix is barrel-shaped, very dense. The body of the uterus is
slightly larger than normal. In the parametriums on both sides there are dense infiltrates reaching the
pelvic walls. What diagnosis is most likely?
1) Nascent submucosal node
2) Cervical pregnancy
3) Trophoblastic disease
4) Cervical cancer
5) Erythroplakia of the cervix
30. A 39-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist with complaints of heavy menstruation and
periodic intermenstrual spotting. The menstrual cycle is regular, 26-28 days. Objectively: the
condition is satisfactory. BMI 24. Ultrasound: the body of the uterus is located retroflexio ,
dimensions 45x52x43 mm, the structure of the myometrium is homogeneous, M-echo – 5.5 mm,
heterogeneous, a formation measuring 8x9 mm is visualized on the posterior wall. The structure of
the cervix is unremarkable, the cervical canal is not dilated, the ovaries are located in a typical
location. Select the most preferred treatment for this patient?
1. Manual vacuum aspiration
2. Hysteroscopy
3. Surgical curettage
4. Laparotomy
31. A 42-year-old patient was admitted with symptoms of an acute abdomen and complaints of
pain in the lower abdomen, an increase in body temperature to 38.2 C. Two years ago, the patient
was diagnosed with uterine fibroids and refused surgical treatment. Three days ago, at the
request of a woman who was 11-12 weeks pregnant, she underwent an artificial abortion. During
gynecological examination: discharge from the genital tract is scanty and sanguineous. A round
formation of soft consistency is palpated in the area of the right corner of the uterus, and sharp
pain is noted. Leukocytosis 14*109/l. Please indicate the most likely diagnosis:
1. Right-sided ectopic pregnancy
2. Festering parametritis
3. Necrosis of fibromatous node
4. Acute post-abortion endometritis
5. perforation of the uterus during an induced abortion.
32. A 39-year-old patient came to the antenatal clinic with complaints of severe headaches,
dizziness accompanied by nausea, vomiting, swelling of the eyelids, face, irritability, appearing a
week before menstruation. From the anamnesis: at the age of 10 there was a closed
craniocerebral injury. menarche at 12 moderate, painful. headaches appeared about 2 years ago.
Gynecological status: no visible pathology. What diagnosis is most likely?
1. Pyelonephritis
2. Menopausal syndrome
3. Migraine
4. Pituitary adenoma
5. Premenstrual syndrome
33. Is the gestational age in weeks taken as a criterion for fetal viability?
1. thirty
2. 28
3. 22
4. 26
5. 20

34. A 23-year-old patient, at an appointment with a gynecologist, complains of absence of

menstruation for 7 months and infertility. Menstruation since the age of 13, irregular, delayed by
2-3 months, scanty, painless. Since the age of 13, he has noticed hair growth on the back of the
thighs, legs, and above the lip. Married for 3 years, no protection from pregnancy, pregnancy
does not occur. On examination - hypertrichosis of the skin, pigmentation and hyperkeratosis in
the axillary, groin areas, under the mammary glands; obesity with uniform distribution of
adipose tissue. What diagnosis is most likely?
1. Cushing's disease
2. Tuberculous endometritis
3. Polycystic ovary syndrome
4. Adrenogenital syndrome

1) The gestational age is taken as a criterion for the viability of the fetus
• 20 weeks;

• 22 weeks;

• 26 weeks;

• 28 weeks;

• 30 weeks.

2) In what week does a pregnant woman receive an exchange card?

30 weeks
3) on what day are sutures removed after a CS ? -7
4) A 28-year-old pregnant woman came to the antenatal clinic with complaints of
pain in her stomach and in the postoperative area during the last week. Gestation
period is 36-37 weeks. Pregnancy 3, history; 2 years ago the corporation had a
section due to placenta previa. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, cephalic
presentation. Heart rate is rhythmic 140 beats/min. The postoperative scar of the
abdominal wall is wide, fused to the underlying tissues, pain upon palpation at a
point 3 cm below the navel. What diagnosis can we talk about in this situation?
1 Incompetent scar on the uterus
2Threatened uterine rupture along the scar
3 Applying a postoperative suture
4Wealthy tripe atke

5) On the 4th day after the cesarean section, the postpartum mother’s body
temperature rose to 38.8 PS-110 beats/min, the tongue was dry, the abdomen
was distended, peristalsis could not be heard, and gases did not pass away on
their own. What complication begins in the birth?
3 Adnexit
4 Endometritis

6) A primigravida, primigravida at 38 weeks, came to the maternity hospital with

complaints of irregular pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, copious
discharge of mucus from the genital tract. Note: There is no regular labor activity.
The uterus is easily excitable. The head is presented, pressed against the entrance
to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 136 beats. per minute
During vaginal examination: the cervix is up to 2 cm long. The cervical canal allows
1 transverse finger. The amniotic sac is intact. The discharge is mucous. What is
your diagnosis?
1 Second stage of labor
2 Third stage of labor
3 Harbingers of childbirth
4 First stage of labor, latent phase
7) A 26-year-old pregnant woman at 31-32 weeks of pregnancy came to the city
perinatal center with complaints of pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back
and the discharge of amniotic fluid 2 hours ago. In the reception block of the
maternity hospital, the symptom of arborization is positive. When performing an
ultrasound, oligohydramnios was detected. The position of the fetus is
longitudinal. The fetal head is presented high above the entrance to the pelvis.
The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 120-122 beats per minute. Contractions in
15-20 minutes, 20 seconds each. Diagnosis: Threatened early labor at 31-32
weeks of pregnancy. Prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid. To carry out tocolytic
therapy for an hour, how many times is nifedipine 10 mg prescribed? ( 4 times
8. A 25-year-old primigravida was taken to the maternity hospital with complaints
of cramping pain and leakage of amniotic fluid. From the anamnesis: High myopia.
Objectively: the uterus corresponds to the 34th week of pregnancy, the position
of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is above the entrance to the pelvis, the fetal
heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 138 beats per minute. During vaginal examination:
the cervix is 1 cm long, centered, soft, the cervical canal allows 1 transverse
finger, light amniotic fluid leaks. The diagnosis was made: Preterm labor began at
34 weeks. Premature rupture of amniotic fluid. High myopia. Choose further
tactics for labor management?
1Emergency caesarean section
2Start labor stimulation with oxytocin
3Watch-and-see tactics
4 Conduct a vaginal delivery
9) What are regular heavy menstruation lasting more than 7 days called?
1 Menometrorrhagia

10) A mother and her 5-year-old daughter came to see a gynecologist. According
to her mother, the girl developed rashes in the area of her external genitalia. The
girl is worried about severe itching. From the medical history, these rashes
appeared after a fever. The day before there was a rise in temperature to 37.6 C.
Objectively: on the skin of the labia majora there are vesicles filled with
transparent contents. The bubbles are closely located and surrounded by a halo
of hyperemia. In some places there are open bubbles and dried out with the
formation of a crust. Establish the most probable preliminary DIAGNOSIS?
1 Chicken pox
3 Genital herpes
4Allergic reaction

11) Specify the localization of extragenital endometriosis?

1Fallopian tubes
2 Vagina
4 Body of the uterus
5 Bladder

12) A 15-year-old girl is being examined due to the absence of puberty and
menstruation. The study of which hormone will allow for a differential diagnosis
of central and ovarian forms of pathology?
4Chorionic gonadotropin

13) A 38-year-old patient consulted an obstetrician-gynecologist with complaints

of painful menstruation, discomfort, marks and blood in the stool, disturbing
cyclically, during each menstruation. Menstruation is regular, 6 days, after 29
visits to the doctor - the 27th day of the cycle. On vaginal examination, the body
of the uterus is of normal size, the appendages on both sides are not identified,
the posterior fornix is flattened, filled with a formation of tight-elastic
consistency . What is the most likely diagnosis?
1 Crohn's disease
2 Malignant tumor of the rectum
3Rectal tuberculosis
4 Endometriosis of the rectum
5 Varicose veins of the rectum

14) A 51-year-old patient complained of heavy bleeding from the genital tract for
10 days with clots. From the medical history: menstruation since the age of 13,
regular. She has been missing menstruation for about a year. During a
gynecological examination, the external genitalia are developed correctly. The
cervix is cylindrical in shape, without visible pathology, the uterus is aniteflexio
enlarged to 8 weeks, dense elastic consistency, limited mobility on palpation,
lumpy, painless. Make a preliminary diagnosis?
1 Endometrial hyperplasia
2Endometrial polyp
3Coagulation disorder
4Uterine fibroids

15) A 26-year-old woman consulted a gynecologist for a preventive examination. I

had my period 20 days ago. Usually 3 - 4 days, after 29 days, painless, moderate.
Vaginal smears contain predominantly intermediate cells. Indicate what phase of
the menstrual cycle?
3 yellow bodies
16) Abortion before how many weeks of pregnancy is called spontaneous
1) 12
2) 22
17) Pregnant L. 30 years old. The gestational age is 14 weeks. From the
anamnesis: There are 2 pregnancies in total. There are 2 upcoming births. The
course of pregnancy against the background of the threat of miscarriage in the
first trimester. Registered in the antenatal clinic at 10-11 weeks, ultrasound of the
fetus at 12-13 weeks, the thickness of the porotic space (TPS) of the fetus is 2.1
mm (the norm is up to 2.5 m), the coccygeal-parietal size (KTP) of the fetus is 57
mm (the norm is 51 -63mm), fetal nasal bone 1.3mm (normal up to 2mm).
Biochemical screening of first trimester serum was within normal limits. When is
the second ultrasound screening performed and what examinations are included?
1) 11-13 weeks and PAPP-A. B-HCG
2)16-18 weeks and PAPP A, B hCG
3) 13-16 weeks and total hCG, B hCG, AFP
4) 18-22 weeks and total hCG, B-hCG, AFP

18) A woman came to the FMC doctor with complaints of nausea, rheumatism up
to 5 times a day, and delay of menstruation for 3 months. She is somatically
healthy. During vaginal examination: the mucous membrane of the vagina and
cervix is cyanotic in color, the uterus is enlarged in size, the consistency is soft,
and upon palpation it is painless and occupies the entire pelvic cavity, its bottom
is at the level of the symphysis pubis. Determine the gestational age ? -12 weeks
19) a primigravida at 36 weeks of gestation came to the maternity hospital
complaining of irregular pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, and copious
discharge of mucus from the genital tract. Note: There is no regular labor activity.
The uterus is easily excitable. The head is presented, pressed against the entrance
to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 136 beats per minute.
During vaginal examination: the cervix is up to 2 cm long. The cervical canal allows
the dome of the finger to pass through. The discharge is mucous. Choose your
next tactics?
1Transfer to the delivery room and perform amniotomy
2Transfer to the department of pathology of pregnant women
3Consult and send home
4Perform an emergency caesarean section
5 Transfer to the delivery room and start IV oxytocin
20) I first went to a gynecologist when I was 17 years old, complaining about the
absence of menstruation. An objective examination reveals a low height - 142 cm,
a short neck with skin folds, low-set ears, a barrel-shaped chest, scoliosis, short
metatarsals: no mammary glands, scanty hair growth in the axillary areas and on
the pubis, the external genitalia are formed According to the female type, the
labia majora and minora are hypoplastic. Which syndrome is most likely?
1Polycystic ovary syndrome
2 Adrenogenital
3 Shereshevsky-Turner
4 Swyer
21) A 22-year-old woman was admitted to the gynecological department with
complaints of fever up to 39ºC, pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, and gas
retention. History: 2 months ago I had an induced abortion; after the abortion,
bilateral inflammation of the uterine appendages occurred; anti-inflammatory
therapy was performed for 2 weeks. Objectively weakened peristalsis, the
abdomen is moderately distended, sharply painful in the lower parts. Bimanual
examination: the body of the uterus and appendages due to tension in the
anterior abdominal the walls are not palpable, sharply painful, the posterior
fornix is sharply painful, hangs over
What is the most likely preliminary diagnosis?
1 Diffuse peritonitis
2 Acute appendicitis
3 Disturbed ectopic pregnancy
4 Ovarian apoplexy
22) A 40-year-old patient came to the FMC with complaints of mucopurulent
leucorrhoea and contact bloody discharge from the genital tract. From the
anamnesis: Menstruation is regular. History of 2 births. The second birth was
surgical application of obstetric forceps, complicated by cervical rupture. After
clinical and laboratory examination, a diagnosis of hypertrophy, cicatricial
deformity of the cervix was made. Pseudo-erosion. Leukoplakia What treatment is
1Cryodestruction of the cervical epithelium
2 Antibacterial therapy
3 Compliance with hygiene rules, diet, multivitamins
4 Extirpation of the uterus without appendages
5Radio wave conization
23) A 17-year-old girl consulted a gynecologist with complaints about the absence
of menstruation. From the anamnesis, she grew up and developed faster than her
peers. Denies childhood illnesses. He is not sexually active. Objectively: height 158
cm, weight 55 kg. On examination, the shoulders, narrow pelvis, and mammary
glands are hypoplastic. There is growth of terminal hair on the thighs, back,
sternum, along the white line of the abdomen, in the chin area, and upper lip.
Inspection of the external genitalia: male-type hair growth is properly developed.
A recto-abdominal examination revealed no pathology in the genitals. When is
treatment necessary?
1 Dynamic control
2 After establishing menstrual function
3After the onset of sexual activity
4After pregnancy
5 from the moment of diagnosis

24) To determine what is the Solovyov index measured?

1 transverse dimensions of the pelvis
2 oblique pelvic sizes
3 straight pelvis sizes
4thickness of the pelvic bones
5 body types
25) Does the birth of the head occur in the anterior view of the occipital
1 Straight size 12 cm
2Small oblique size 9.5 cm
3 Medium oblique size 10.5 cm
4Large oblique size 13.5 cm
5 Vertical size 9.5 cm
26) Select which type of endometrial hyperplasia is more common?
1Focal hyperplasia
2 Miosis of the endolymphatic stroma.
3Adenomatous hyperplasia
4Adenomatous endometrial polyps
5Glandular hyperplasia
27) What are the indicators of FSH, LH in Sheehan Syndrome?
1 FSH high, LH high
2 FSH is normal, LH is high
3FSH norm, LH norm
4FSH low, LH low
5FSH high, LH normal
28) What percentage is tubal pregnancy among the various forms of ectopic
1) 88
5) 28
30) Determine what is the “Gold Standard” in the diagnosis of chronic
1 Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
2 Hysteroscopy
5 Hysterosalpingography
31) What is the main hormone produced by the corpus luteum?
2 Prolactin
3 Progesterone
5 human chorionic gonadotropin
32) A 35-year-old patient, during a preventive examination after a PAP test, was
found to have structural changes in the epithelial cells on the cervix. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
1 True erosion
2 Ectropion
3Cervical dysplasia
4 Erythroplakia of the cervix
5 Pseudo-erosion of the cervix
33) A 26-year-old female patient consulted a gynecologist for a preventive
examination. No complaints. Menstruation began at the age of 12, established
immediately, every 4-5 days, after 28 days, moderate, painless. Somatically
healthy. Sexual life since 24 years old. There were no pregnancies. Has two sexual
partners. Gynecological examination: vagina of a nulliparous woman. The cervix is
conical in shape, with symptoms of endocervicitis. The body of the uterus is
normal, dense, painless, limited mobility. Appendages are not identified. The
examination revealed a chlamydial infection and a large number of leukocytes.
Which drug is most preferable for treatment?
1 Ciprofloxacin
2 Ceftriaxone
3 Doxycycline
4 Ampicillin
34) Patient R., 45 years old, went to the antenatal clinic with complaints of itching
and burning in the external genital area. She last saw a gynecologist six years ago.
Upon external examination of the genital organs, whitish plaques are visible on
the vulva. Internal genital organs without pathology. Preliminary diagnosis:
Leukoplakia of the vulva. To treat vulvar leukoplakia, ointments are prescribed.
What components should these ointments contain? Which of the following
components should be included in ointments used in the treatment of vulvar
2 Glucocorticoids, antibiotics
4 Estrogens, glucocorticoids
35) A 43-year-old female patient was hospitalized in the gynecology department
with a diagnosis of Bilateral pyosalpinx. The general condition is moderate. What
volume of surgery is planned?
1Bilateral adnexectomy
2 Amputation of the uterus with appendages
3 Amputation of the uterus without appendages
4Bilateral tubectomy
5Extraction of the uterus with appendages

36) A 27-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecology department for
planned surgical treatment. No complaints. From the anamnesis: menarche at 13
years old. Menstruation lasts 5-6 days, after 27-28 days it is moderate and
painless. There were no pregnancies. Gynecological examination: the body of the
uterus in a.fv, normal size, dense, non-painful, on the right in the area of the
appendages a dense formation measuring 5x6 cm, non-painful is palpated. On the
left there are no features. The diagnosis was made: Deromid cyst on the right.
Confirmed What volume of surgical treatment is acceptable in this case:
4 Ovariectomy
37) An 18-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist with complaints of itching
of the external genitalia and burning sensation when urinating. She got sick a
week ago, before that she suffered from a purulent-necrotic sore throat and
received antibiotics for 10 days. Her condition is satisfactory, her body
temperature is normal. Somatically healthy. Menstruation from the age of 14, for
4-5 days, after 28 days, painless, moderate. Upon examination of the external
genitalia, the following was found: in the area of the vaginal opening there was
hyperemia, swelling, and white cheesy deposits, which were easily removed with
a cotton swab. What is the most likely diagnosis?
1 Vulvovaginal candidiasis
2Acute trichomoniasis
3 Allergic vaginitis
4Nonspecific vulvovaginitis
38) Termination of pregnancy in what terms is called miscarriage from which to
which week?
3) 24-28
39) What short-acting antihypertensive drug is used in pregnant women with
severe preeclampsia in a FMC before transportation to the maternity hospital?
1 Atenolol
2 Captopril
4 nifedipine
5 Hypothiazide

40) The absolute indication for cesarean section is

1Complete placenta previa
2Anatomically narrow pelvis 1 st.
3Woman’s age over 30 years
4 Breech presentation of the fetus
5 Early rupture of amniotic fluid

41) Where does the second stage of labor begin and end?
1With the onset of labor and ends with the birth of a child
2 From the beginning of pushing and ends with the birth of the placenta
3Starts with pushing and ends with the birth of a child
4 With the onset of labor and ends with complete opening
5 From full opening and ending with the birth of a child

42) A woman gave birth to a healthy child last year and is planning her next
pregnancy. What is the minimum interval between pregnancies that must be
1) 4 years
2)2 years
35 years
4)1 year
5)3 years
43) A 26-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with
complaints of cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Contractions
after -7 minutes - 20-25 seconds. The gestational age is 35 weeks. The position of
the fetus is longitudinal, the head is pressed to the entrance to the pelvis. The
fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 130-140 beats. per minute On vaginal
examination, the cervix is smoothed, the uterine os is dilated by 5 cm. The
amniotic sac is intact. The fetal head is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis.
The discharge is mucous. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 35-36 weeks. Premature labor has
begun. What are the next tactics?
1Start oxytocin administration
2 Prescribe tocolytics
3 Start administration of glucocorticoids
4 prescribe antispasmodics
44) Indicate what active substances act at the level of the hypothalamus in
regulating the menstrual cycle?
1Estrogen and progesterone
2 Oxytocin and prostaglandins
3FSH, LH, prolactin
4 Neurotransmitters and neuropeptides
5 releasing hormone
45) Indicate which part of the organs is affected by internal genital
1Cervical endometriosis
2Retrocervical endometriosis
3Endometriosis of the interstitial part of the fallopian tubes
4Endometrioid ovarian cyst
5Endometriosis of the uterosacral ligaments

46) A 32-year-old primigravida was admitted to the department of pathology of

pregnant women with complaints of discharge of green amniotic fluid 2 hours
ago. The gestational age is 42 weeks. There is no labor activity. Pelvic dimensions:
26-29-32-20cm. Coolant-110cm. VDM-39 cm. During obstetric examination: the
position of the fetus is longitudinal, cephalic. Fetal heart rate 116 beats per
minute, muffled. On vaginal examination: the cervix is centered, dense,
immature, up to 3 cm long. There is no amniotic sac. Green amniotic fluid leaks.
Diagnosis: Pregnancy 42 weeks. Prenatal discharge of amniotic fluid. Large fruit.
The onset of intrauterine fetal hypoxia. What's your tactic?
1 Planned caesarean section
2Emergency caesarean section
3Start labor induction with amniotomy
4Wait for labor to begin
47) Indicate the last independent menstruation (the date is set retrospectively,
namely after 12 months of absence of menstruation) - this?
2 Menopause
3 Perimenopause
4 Postmenopause
48) There is a woman in labor in the second stage of labor in the delivery room. A
woman in labor developed bloody discharge from the genital tract. On
examination: the skin is pale, blood pressure is 110/60 mmHg. pulse 90 beats per
minute. Fetal heart rate is 110 beats per minute. On vaginal examination: the
uterine os is fully dilated, there is no amniotic sac, the fetal head is in the third
plane of the pelvis. Diagnosed: premature abruption of a normally located
placenta. Choose the doctor's further tactics?
1Childbirth continues expectantly
2Complete the birth by applying obstetric forceps
3Complete labor by perineotomy or episiotomy
4 Complete the birth by vacuum extraction of the fetus
5 Complete the birth by emergency CS operation

49) The smallest growth of a viable fetus is:

1 30 cm
2 36 cm
3 28 cm
434 cm
5 32 cm

50) What anticonvulsant drug is used in the treatment of severe preeclampsia?

1 phenobarbital
2 magnesium sulfate
3 primiden
5 carbamazepine

51) Periopregnant for 25 years. she is concerned about the low motor activity of
the fetus. The only risk factor identified in a pregnant woman is smoking.
According to ultrasound, the gestational age is 32 weeks
fetal weight is below normal. Which hormone content needs to be determined?
1 Prolactin
2Chorionic gonadotropin
3 testosterones
4 Progesterone
5 estriol

52) Select which type of hyperplasia is common?

1Adenomatous endometrial polyps
2 Glandular
3myosis of the endolymphatic stroma
4 Adenomatous hyperplasia
5 Focal hyperplasia
53) What should be the minimum level of protenuria to confirm the diagnosis of
preeclampsia? 0.3 g/l
54) What is the clinical picture of a hematoma in the area of the external genitalia
characterized by?
1 Displacement of the external genitalia
2 Copious bleeding from the hematoma
3 Sharp pain in the area of the hematoma
4Tumor-like formation of blue-purple color
5The appearance of hemorrhagic shock

55) The area of the glabella and the occipital protuberance are the fixation points
for presentation:
2 anterior cephalic
3 frontal
5 anterior view of the occipital

56) A 28-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital

with complaints of contractions and rupture of amniotic fluid. Obstetric status of
contractions in 2-3 minutes, 40-45 seconds each. The fetal heartbeat is clear,
rhythmic up to 140 per minute. Vaginal examination revealed: The cervix is
smoothed and thin. The opening of the uterine pharynx is 8 cm, there is no
amniotic sac, a suture is identified, on one side of which is the bridge of the nose
and brow ridges, on the other - the anterior angle of the large fontanel. The
promontory is not reachable. Select expected presentation?
1 0 Facial presentation
2 Frontal presentation
3 Anterocephalic presentation
57) A 29-year-old multi-pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward
with complaints of cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Labor
lasts 7 hours. The gestational age is 38 weeks. Contractions in 3-4 minutes for 40-
45 seconds. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is presented.
The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 130 beats per minute. A vaginal
examination revealed: the cervix is smoothed, the uterine os is dilated 8 cm. The
amniotic sac is intact. The fetal head and large fontanelle are presented along the
pelvic axis. Determine the insertion of the fetal head?
1 Frontal insertion
2Anterior cephalic insertion
3 Posterior view of the occipital insert
4Anterior view of the occipital insert
58) A 23-year-old primigravida is in the delivery room. During the process, the
woman in labor is noted to have a decrease in the fetal heart rate of 100
beats/min, which levels off after pushing. Upon examination, the blood pressure
is 120/100 mmHg. p.94 there is no visible swelling. During vaginal examination,
the fetal head is located in the narrow part of the pelvic cavity, the sagittal suture
is in the right oblique size, the small fontanel is facing left anteriorly. Further

Answer: Premature abruption of a normally located placenta during pregnancy of

35-36 weeks against the background of a long course of moderate preeclampsia.
Fetal distress, urgent operative CS delivery
59) A 25-year-old primigravida was admitted to the department of pathology of
pregnant women with complaints of aching pain in the lower abdomen and
bloody discharge. Objectively, the abdomen is oboid-shaped due to pregnancy,
corresponding to 32 weeks of pregnancy. Upon palpation, the uterus comes into
increased tone. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, with the heads at the
entrance to the small pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is as rhythmic as 142 beats per
minute. Vaginal examination, the cervix is shortened to 1 cm, the cervical canal is
passable for 1 finger. The amniotic sac is intact, the head is present, pressed to
the entrance to the pelvis. The cape is not reachable, the discharge is bloody.
What is the diagnosis?
1Threatened early labor
2 Early labor begins
3preterm labor begins
4 Threatening premature birth


- the fetal head is presented,

- the upper edge of the symphysis is accessible to


Innominate lines, sacral cavity throughout.

LOCATE the location of the fetal head

· the head is pressed to the plane of the entrance to

the pelvis

61) the first pregnancy ended in normal birth, the second - in

spontaneous abortion. labor activity is regular. The position
of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end is located at the
entrance to the small pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear,
rhythmic up to 146 beats per minute. During vaginal
examination: the opening of the uterine pharynx is complete,
the amniotic sac is intact, the buttocks and a stack of the
fetus are identified nearby. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 40 weeks.
What fetal presentation and stage of labor should be added
to the diagnosis?

-II stage of labor. Incomplete pedicle presentation of the


-I stage of labor. Full leg presentation of the fetus

-II stage of labor. Pure breech presentation of the fetus

-I stage of labor. Fetal breech presentation

- II stage of labor. Mixed breech presentation

62) A 25-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the

maternity ward with complaints of cramping pain in the lower
abdomen and lower back. Labor lasts 7 hours. The
gestational age is 41 weeks. Contractions in 3-4 minutes for
40-45 seconds. The dimensions of the pelvis are 25-28-31-20
cm. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end of
the fetus is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear and
rhythmic at 142 beats per minute above the navel. Vaginal
examination revealed: the cervix is smoothed, the uterine os
is dilated 6 cm. The amniotic sac is intact. The pelvic end of
the fetus is presented, the sacrum of the fetus is on the left
front. Define position, position and view?

1) Transverse position of the fetus, 1st position, anterior view

2) Longitudinal position of the fetus, 2nd position, anterior


3) Longitudinal position of the fetus, 2nd position, posterior


4) Longitudinal position of the fetus, 1st position,

anterior view

63) Primigravida V., 25 years old, gave birth to a live full-

term girl weighing 3400 g, height 50 cm, without asphyxia.
History of 2 induced abortions. The succession period
proceeded without complications, the fundus of the uterus
was at the level of the navel, dense, painless. Moderate
bleeding from the vagina. A child was born with a birth tumor
in the area of the right parietal bone . Determine the type
of insertion of the fetal head into the pelvis?

1 Lobnoye

2Anterior parietal



5 Anterior cephalic

64) A 27-year-old pregnant woman, gestational age 26

weeks, complains of a significant enlargement of the
abdomen over the last 3 days and the occurrence of
shortness of breath. From the anamnesis it is known that the
woman suffers from diabetes. Palpation of the abdomen
revealed: the uterus is tense, somewhat painful, the
abdominal circumference is 112 cm, the symptom of
fluctuation is determined, parts of the fetus are poorly
palpated, the heartbeat is muffled. Choose the correct

1 Large fruit

2Uterine fibroids

3 Acute polyhydramnios

4 Multiple pregnancy

5Initiated uterine rupture

65) A 23-year-old pregnant woman came for her next

appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist. Changes
appeared during Doppler measurements of the uteroplacental
blood flow. The obstetrician-gynecologist referred the woman
for cardiotocography. What is the main purpose of antenatal

1Assessment of the biophysical profile of the fetus

2Determination of myometrial contractile activity

3 Diagnosis of fetal hypoxia

4 Determination of fetal heart defects

5 Diagnosis of motor activity disorders

66) Postpartum woman A., 27 years old, felt chills on the 5th
day after birth, temperature appeared up to 39.0C. From the
anamnesis: labor II was urgent, complicated by premature
rupture of amniotic fluid (24 hours), secondary weakness of
labor forces, and intrauterine fetal hypoxia. Delivery was
resolved by cesarean section. Objectively: pulse 96 beats per
minute. The fundus of the uterus is 4 fingers below the navel,
soft consistency, painful on palpation. During vaginal
examination, the cervix misses 1 finger. The uterus is painful
on palpation. The appendages on the left are enlarged and
painful on examination, on the right - without any features.
Discharge is brown in color with an unpleasant odor. Make a

1 Postpartum endometritis, right-sided adnexitis

2Acute postpartum endometritis, left-sided adnexitis

3 Postpartum peritonitis, bilateral adnexitis

67) A 28-year-old primigravida was admitted to the maternity hospital with

complaints of contractions and rupture of water 2 hours ago... Obstetric
status: contractions in 2-3 minutes, 30-35 seconds each. The fetal heartbeat
is clear, rhythmic up to 140 per minute. Vaginal examination revealed: The
cervix is smoothed and thin. The opening of the uterine pharynx is 8 cm,
there is no amniotic sac, the fetal chin is determined, the cape is not
reachable. Select expected presentation?

1 Lobnoye


3 Synclitic


5Anterior cephalic

68) Causes of hematomas of the external genitalia and vagina?

1 birth of a small oblique head

2Obstetric forceps

3 Arterial hypertension

4Birth in breech presentation

5 Anatomically narrow pelvis

69) Indicate the most common location of the fetal egg during ectopic


2 Sheike
0 Peritoneum

About the Ovaries

0 Rudimentary uterine horn

70) What are the disadvantages of the intrauterine device:

1Short validity period

2 Contraindicated during lactation

3 Increased risk of inflammatory diseases

4 A large number of side effects

5 effect on lactation

71) SPECIFY Irregular uterine bleeding lasting more than 7 days with a blood
loss of more than 80 ml?

1 Polymenorrhea

About menometrorrhagia

About Menorrhagia

0 Oligomenorrhea

72) At what gestational age is anti-Rh gammaglobulin administered during

pregnancy to prevent Rh sensitization? 28 weeks

73) Determine the scope of surgical treatment for a 30-year-old patient with
bilateral pyosalpinx:

1Supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages

2 Removal of both appendages

3 Extirpation of the uterus with appendages

4Removal of both fallopian tubes

5 Supravaginal amputation of the uterus with tubes

74) What are the possible complications when using an intrauterine
contraceptive device?

0 Infertility

O Salpingoophoritis

0 Dysmenorrhea



75. A 42-year-old patient visited a gynecologist for a preventive examination:

From the anamnesis: menstruation for 4-5 days, after 30 days, dark brown
discharge from the genital tract 5-6 days before menstruation, radio wave
excision of the cervix was performed 6 years ago regarding chronic cervicitis.
There were two births, without complications. 1 medical abortion. When
examined in the speculum: the vaginal part of the cervix is up to 1 cm, bluish
“eyes” are 0.7 and 0.9 cm along the anterior lip; no pathology was detected
during bimanual examination. What treatment should be prescribed for this
Gestagens in continuous mode for 6 months
Triphasic oral contraceptives

76. At an appointment with a gynecologist, a 27-year-old patient complains of an

increase in body weight of 10 kg over the past 8 months,

increasing the duration of the menstrual cycle to 37-45 days during the last 5
cycles. From the anamnesis: menarche with

12 years old, sexual life since 24 years old. Objectively: height 157 cm, weight 65
kg, blood pressure 110/80 mm Hg. Art., growth of single terminal hairs in

chin area. Bimanual examination: the body of the uterus is not enlarged, mobile,

The appendages are not palpable. The discharge is light and odorless. Hormones:
prolactin 700 med/l, TSH 3 med/l, free T4 10

pmol/l (normal 9.0-22.0). What test is indicated in this case?

Answers(one answer)

With dexamethasone
With gestagens
With thyreoliberin
With estradiol

77. A 27-year-old patient complains of absence of pregnancy for 5 years. From the
anamnesis: menstruation since the age of 11, regular for 5-6 days, every 28-29
days, painful. Married. Notes pain during sexual activity. The husband's
spermogram is normal, examinations for urogenital infections are negative, and
the postcoital test is normal. PV : the body of the uterus is dense, not enlarged, in
a retroflexio position , inactive. The appendages on both sides are not palpable. In
the area of the posterior vaginal vault, a painful, immobile, tuberous formation
3.5 x 2.5 cm is identified. What treatment should be prescribed first.
1. In Vitro Fertilization
2. Progestin drugs
3. Antigonadotropins
4. Combined oral contraceptives
5. Surgical

78. A 33-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecology department for
planned surgical treatment for a paraovarian cyst. Complaints of periodic pain in
the lower abdomen. From the anamnesis: menarche at 13 years old.
Menstruation lasts 5-6 days, after 27-28 days it is moderate and painless. There
were no pregnancies. Gynecological examination: body of the uterus in a . f . v .,
normal size, dense, painless, heaviness on the right and left in the area of the
appendages. What volume of surgical treatment is most appropriate in this case?
1) ovarian resection
2)removal of the fallopian tube
3) enucleation of the cyst
4) removal of the uterus
5)removal of the ovary
79. A 17-year-old girl consulted a gynecologist with complaints about the
absence of menstruation. From the anamnesis: she grew and developed faster
than her peers. Denies childhood illnesses. He is not sexually active.
Objectively: height 158 cm, weight 55 kg. Upon examination, broad shoulders,
a narrow pelvis, and the mammary glands are hypoplastic. There is growth of
terminal hair on the thighs, back, sternum, along the white line of the abdomen,
in the chin area, and upper lip. Examination of the external genitalia: correctly
developed, male-type hair growth. A rectoabdominal examination revealed no
genital pathology. What treatment does this patient need?

1. Steam Ovulation
2. Estrogen gestagens
3. Glucocorticosteroids
4. Pure estrogens

80. A 54-year-old female patient is seen by a gynecologist with complaints of

constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, sensation of a
foreign body in the genital fissure, and dysuric disorders. History: 4 births, the last
one with a giant fetus, complicated by a 2nd degree perineal rupture. A woman
suffers from insulin-dependent diabetes. Gynecological status: the genital fissure
is gaping, there is a divergence of the elevators, the anterior and posterior walls
of the vagina are drooping, there are cysto- and rectoceles, and when straining,
the cervix protrudes beyond the vulvar ring. What are the tactics for correcting
genital prolapse in this patient?
1)training the pelvic floor muscles
2) total hysterectomy
3) installation of a mesh implant
4) subtotal amputation of the uterus
5) installation of a pessary
81. A 27-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecological department with
complaints of pain in the external genital area, an increase in body temperature
to 37.8, for 4 days. From the anamnesis: menstrual function is not impaired.
Objectively: general condition is satisfactory, pulse 84, blood pressure 110 at 70
mmHg. Upon examination, a tumor-like formation measuring 3 by 3.5 cm is
determined in the area of the left labia majora, the skin over it is hyperemic.
Gynecological status, the vagina is without any features, the cervix is clean, the
external os is slit-like, the uterus is anteflexed, not enlarged, painless.
Appendages on both sides are not identified. Medical tactics in this case?
1 Resorption therapy
2 Opening an abscess
3 Observation
4 Antibacterial therapy ---
5 Douching
82. A 33-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecology department for
planned surgical treatment for a paraovarian cyst. Complaints of periodic pain in
the lower abdomen. From the anamnesis: menarche at 13 years old.
Menstruation lasts 5-6 days, after 27-28 days it is moderate and painless. There
were no pregnancies. Gynecological examination: body of the uterus in a . f . v .,
normal size, dense, painless, heaviness on the right and left in the area of the
appendages. What volume of surgical treatment is most appropriate in this case?
1) ovarian resection
2)removal of the fallopian tube
3) enucleation of the cyst
4)removal of the uterus
5)removal of the ovary

83. A 32-year-old female patient is seen by a gynecologist with complaints of

heavy menstruation and periodic intermenstrual spotting. The menstrual cycle is
regular, 26-28 days. Objectively: the condition is satisfactory. BMI 24. Ultrasound:
the body of the uterus is located in retroflexio , dimensions 45*52*43 mm.
Strucutramiometry is homogeneous. M-echo -5.5 mm, inhomogeneous, a
formation of 8*9 mm is visualized on the rear wall. The structure of the cervix is
unremarkable. The cervical canal is not dilated, the ovaries are located in a typical
location. Select the most preferable treatment for this patient.
1) Surgical curettage
2) Manual vacuum aspiration
3) Hysteroscopy
4) Laparotomy
5) Hysterectomy
84. A 26-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department
with complaints of pain in the external genitalia, awkwardness when walking, and
elevated body temperature. The pain appeared 5 days ago and is associated with
hypothermia. History includes 1 birth, 3 medical abortions. Denies gynecological
diseases. Upon examination, a tumor-like formation measuring 4x4 cm is
detected in the area of the right labia majora, the skin over it is hyperemic, hot,
and fluctuation is detected on palpation. Gynecological status: the vagina is
without any features, the cervix is clean, the external os is slit-like, the uterus is
anteflexed, not enlarged, painless. Appendages on both sides are not identified.
What diagnosis is most likely?
 Bartholin's gland cyst
 Bartholinitis
 Vulvovaginitis
 Vulvitis
 Colpitis

85. A 26-year-old woman at an appointment with a gynecologist at the FMC.

Menstruation from 12 years, 4 days,
The duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. When studying the basal curve
temperature, it was revealed that until the 15th day of the menstrual cycle, the
basal temperature in
within 36.2 - 36.5 C. On the 15th day of the menstrual cycle, the temperature was
37.6 C. What does this indicate?
Estrogen deficiency
Single-phase anovulatory cycle
Normal two-phase cycle
Two-phase cycle with insufficient first phase
Two-phase cycle with insufficient second phase

86. A 30-year-old pregnant woman with a full-term pregnancy was admitted to

the hospital with leaking amniotic fluid. There was a history of a CS performed 2
years ago due to acute fetal hypoxia; the postpartum period was complicated by
endometritis. Objectively: The condition is satisfactory. There is no labor activity.
The abdominal circumference is 96 cm, the height of the uterine fundus is 34 cm.
The dimensions of the pelvis are normal. The position of the fetus is longitudinal.
The fetal head is presented, pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal
heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 140 beats per minute. Vaginal examination: The
cervix is smoothed, its edges are thick, poorly pliable, the opening of the uterine
pharynx is 3 cm. There is no amniotic sac. The fetal head is presented, pressed
against the entrance to the pelvis. The cape is not reachable. Medical tactics?
1) prevent intrauterine fetal hypoxia and begin labor induction.
2) Begin labor through the vaginal birth canal under cardiac monitoring
3) perform the CS operation as planned
4) perform CS surgery as an emergency
5) conduct a study of uteroplacental blood flow and begin labor induction
followed by labor stimulation
87. A 28-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital
while pushing, her gestational age was 38 weeks. Push every minute for 45-50
seconds. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is presented. The
fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 130 beats per minute. The expected
weight of the fetus is 3900g. During vaginal examination, the glabella and brow
ridges are determined on one side, and the anterior angle of the large fontanelle
on the other. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 38 weeks. 2nd stage of labor. Frontal
insertion. Which tactic should you choose?
Labor stimulation
Labor induction
Survival tactics

88. A 33-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the admissions unit of a

maternity hospital. Upon admission, complaints of severe headaches, tinnitus,
blood pressure 155/100 mmHg, PS - 89 beats per minute. The history includes 4
pregnancies, 2 spontaneous miscarriages, 1 spontaneous birth at 37 weeks with
severe preeclampsia, this pregnancy was complicated by the diagnosis of
pregnancy at 37 weeks. Severe preeclampsia. Objectively: There is no labor
activity. The uterus is in normal tone, the fetal position is longitudinal, cephalic.
Fetal heart sounds are slightly muffled to 160 beats per minute. The estimated
weight of the fetus is 2100g. The cervix is not mature according to the Bishop
scale 3 points. Progressive fetal hypoxia was detected. In the tests: Complete
blood count: Hb – 77 g/l, Urine for protein – 1.8 g/l. Choose the most appropriate
management tactics?

A. Carry out delivery by caesarean section

B. Prolong pregnancy
B. Start labor induction with intravenous oxytocin
D. Perform amniotomy followed by induction of labor
D. Carry out a labor induction scheme with a whole amniotic sac

89. A 29-year-old woman in labor was delivered to the maternity hospital at 38

weeks of pregnancy with complaints of headache, pain in the epigastric region, and
spots flashing before her eyes. Soon after admission, pushing began for 40-45
seconds every 3-4 minutes. The fetal heartbeat on the left, below the navel, is 134
beats per minute, rhythmic. When trying to perform a vaginal examination, a
seizure of convulsions occurred, accompanied by loss of consciousness. What
caused the development of eclampsia?
History of gestational hypertension
History of heart disease
Moderate preeclampsia
Severe preeclampsia
History of kidney disease
90. Postpartum woman K., 27 years old, primigravida, was delivered to the clinic
two days ago, the birth was complicated by a long anhydrous period (20 hours),
frontal presentation of the fetus. An emergency caesarean section was
performed. By the end of the second day, vomiting and severe pain throughout
the abdomen appeared. Objectively: the skin is pale, with a grayish tint, the
tongue is dry, with a grayish coating. Body temperature 38.5, pulse 120
beats/min, blood pressure 110/70 mm Hg. The abdomen is distended, Shchetkin-
Blumberg sign is positive, leukocytosis is 17.5* 10/9. ESR 55 mm/hour, formula
shift to the left. What causes the development of peritonitis?
- metroendometritis
- metrothrombophlebitis
- failure of sutures on the uterus
- postpartum parametritis
- postpartum adnexitis
91) Name the conjugate that is decisive for the outcome of childbirth?
92) Repeat the dimensions of the pelvis, conjugates, wire points for different
presentations. For example: Is the area of the hyoid bone a point of fixation
during presentation?
• A. LobnoM
• V. Litsevoy
S. Occipital
• E. Anterior-Parietal
93) A 24-year-old primigravida woman was admitted to the maternity ward with
complaints of cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In kind: 4
hours. The gestational age is 40 weeks. Contractions in 3-4 minutes for 40-45
seconds. The dimensions of the pelvis are 25-28-31-20 cm. The position of the
fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end of the fetus is presented. The fetal heartbeat
is clear and rhythmic at 136 beats per minute above the umbilicus. A vaginal
examination revealed: the cervix is effaced, the uterine os is dilated 3 cm. The
amniotic sac is intact. the pelvic end of the fetus is presented, the sacrum of the
fetus is on the right front. Determine the position and type of fetus?

A. Transverse position of the fetus, 1st position, anterior view

B. Longitudinal position of the fetus, 2nd position, anterior view
C. Longitudinal position of the fetus, 1st position, posterior view
D. Longitudinal position of the fetus, 2nd position, posterior view
E. Transverse position of the fetus, 2nd position, anterior view
94) a 35-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the department of
pathology of pregnant women with complaints of nagging pain in the lower
abdomen and spotting. Objectively: the abdomen is ovoid in shape, COOTBETCTB
is 35 weeks of pregnancy. When palpated, the uterus becomes more toned. The
position of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is presented above the entrance to
the pelvis. (pressed) The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, 142 beats per minute.
What is the diagnosis?

. A. Preterm labor has begun

. B. Threatened preterm birth
C. Threatened early labor
Early labor begins
E. Very early labor
95) A 27-year-old primigravida came to the emergency department with
complaints of cramping pain in the lower abdomen for 8 hours. The gestational
age is 38 weeks. Blood pressure 130/90, 140/90 mmHg. Pulse 78. No headaches,
no dizziness. Vision and hearing are not impaired. There was no history of
elevated blood pressure. There is no protein in the urine. Regular labor
contractions for 10 minutes 2 to 15 seconds. The head is in a longitudinal position
at the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 140
beats per minute. Vaginal examination: The cervix is smoothed, the opening of
the uterine pharynx is 3 cm. The amniotic sac is intact, the head is present at the
entrance to the pelvis. The discharge is mucous. Diagnosed as 38 weeks pregnant.
Head presentation. period of childbirth. Latent phase. What complication is
described in this patient?
A. Moderate preeclampsia
B. Severe preeclampsia
C. Essential hypertension
D. Gestational hypertension
E. Gestational pyelonephritis
96) Diagnosis: Severe preeclampsia. Anemia 2 degrees. Doctor's management
• Start labor induction
Start infusion therapy
Urgent delivery indicated
Intensive care for preeclampsia
Start magnesium antihypertensive therapy
97) A 33-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the admissions unit of a
maternity hospital. Upon admission, complaints of severe headaches, tinnitus,
blood pressure 155/110 mm Hg. art., ps-89 beats per minute. There is a total
history of pregnancy - 4, spontaneous miscarriage - 2. spontaneous birth - 1 at 37
weeks with severe preeclampsia, this pregnancy was complicated by the diagnosis
of pregnancy at 37 weeks. Severe preeclampsia. Objectively: There is no labor
activity. The uterus is in normal tone, the fetal position is longitudinal, cephalic.
Fetal heart sounds are slightly muffled to 160 beats per minute. The estimated
fetal weight is 2100 g. The cervix is not mature according to the Bishop scale of 3
points. Progressive chronic fetal hypoxia was detected. In the tests: Complete
blood count: Hb-77g/l, Urine for protein - 1.8g/l. Choose the most appropriate
management tactics?

Prolong pregnancy
Start labor induction with intravenous oxytocin
Carry out a labor induction scheme with a whole amniotic sac
Carry out delivery by caesarean section
Perform amniotomy followed by induction of labor
98) Multipregnant woman, 36 years old, with complaints of nagging pain in the
lower abdomen and lower back. From the anamnesis: This pregnancy is III,
childbirth III. The previous birth ended by caesarean section due to fetal distress.
The gestational age at the last menstrual period corresponds to 37 weeks.
Objectively: the uterus is in normal tone when examined. The position of the
fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end is movable above the entrance to the small
gas. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 142 beats per minute. Diagnosis:
Pregnancy 37 weeks. Scar on the uterus. What fetal presentation should be added
to the diagnosis?
Pure breech presentation of the fetus.
Breech presentation of the fetus
Leg presentation of the fetus
Mixed breech presentation
99) Vaginal examination: The cervix is shortened to 2.0 cm, softened, the
diameter of the cervical canal allows 1 transverse finger, the amniotic sac is
intact, the buttocks of the fetus are present, mobile above the entrance to the
pelvis. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 40 weeks. Large fruit. Determine fetal presentation?
. Pelvic
• Knee
• Foot
• Pure gluteal
Mixed gluteus
100) A 22-year-old pregnant woman at 40 weeks’ gestation was delivered to the
maternity hospital by ambulance. Objectively: the condition is serious, blood
pressure is 90/50 mmHg, pulse is 110 beats per minute, poor filling. The skin is
pale and clean. There was a faint at home. On examination, the uterus is tense
and painful. Parts of the fetus cannot be felt. The fetal heartbeat cannot be heard.
There is no labor activity. There is no discharge from the genital tract. Vaginal
examination: the cervix is preserved, the cervical canal is closed. The fetal head is
palpated through the vaginal fornix, pressed against the entrance to the pelvis.
The discharge is leucorrhoea. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 40 weeks. What pregnancy
complication should be added to the diagnosis?
Premature abruption of a normally located placenta
Premature abruption of the centrally located placenta
Premature abruption of a normally located placenta. Intrapartum fetal death
Premature abruption of a normally located placenta. Acute fetal distress
Premature abruption of a normally located placenta. Antenatal fetal death
101) A 33-year-old multiparous woman was admitted to the department of
pathology of pregnant women at 38 weeks of gestation. Complaints upon
admission: shortness of breath at rest, forced position. The listed complaints have
been bothering me for a month; I have not consulted a doctor. Objectively: the
general condition is relatively satisfactory, the position is forced, semi-sitting. The
skin and visible mucous membranes are of normal color, clean. Swelling in the
lower extremities. Blood pressure 120/70 mmHg, pulse 84 beats per minute,
respiratory rate 25 per minute. The abdominal circumference is 114 cm, the
height of the uterine fundus is 40 cm. The uterus is tense upon examination. The
presenting part is highly mobile above the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal
heartbeat is muffled, rhythmic up to 134 beats per minute. Diagnosis: Pregnancy
38 weeks. What pregnancy complication should be added to the diagnosis?
Multiple pregnancy
Large fruit
Breech presentation
Oblique position of the fetus
102) A 30-year-old multipregnant woman at 36 weeks was delivered to the
emergency room of a maternity hospital with complaints of sudden, heavy
bleeding in the genital tract. This is pregnancy 4, 1 birth is coming. History of 3
medical abortions. Objectively: moderate condition, blood pressure 90/60 mmHg,
pulse 110 beats per minute. The skin is pale. When examined, the uterus was in
normal tone and painless. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is
presented, movable above the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is
muffled, rhythmic 150 beats per minute. Vaginal examination: the cervix is
preserved, the cervical canal is closed. Through the arches the pastiness of the
tissues is determined. There are clots of blood in the vagina. Diagnosis: Pregnancy
36 weeks. What pregnancy complication should be added to the diagnosis?
Central placenta previa
Central placenta previa. Bleeding
Lateral placenta previa
Lateral placenta previa. Bleeding
Regional placenta previa. Bleeding
103) A 33-year-old primigravida is in the delivery room in the second stage of
labor. During observation of the woman in labor, a decrease in the fetal heart rate
to 100 beats/min was noted, which did not level out after pushing. Upon
examination, blood pressure is 120/80 MM.PT.St., pulse is 94 per minute, there is
no visible edema. During vaginal examination: the fetal head is located in the
narrow part of the pelvic cavity, the sagittal suture is in the right oblique size, the
small fontanelle is facing left anteriorly. Further tactics for labor management?

. A. Delivery by cesarean section

B. Delivery through the natural birth canal
C. Apply a vacuum extractor
D. Perform an episiotomy
E. Waiting strategy
104) When will the forceps be applied?
On examination there is pronounced edema, blood pressure is 180/110 2 hours after admission, an attack of eclampsia occurred.
105) A 23-year-old pregnant woman came to her regular appointment with an
obstetrician-gynecologist at the FMC. Changes appeared during Doppler
measurements of the uteroplacental blood flow. The obstetrician-gynecologist
referred the woman for cardiotocography. What is the main purpose of antenatal
cardiotocography? The main purpose of antenatal cardiotocography is:

Fetal biophysical profile assessment

Determination of fetal heart defects
Diagnosis of fetal heart rhythm disorders
Determination of myometrial contractile activity
Detection and determination of the severity of fetal hypoxia
106) A 32-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with
complaints of pain in the lower abdomen. Gestation period is 39-40 weeks. Height
- 168cm. Weight-79kg. Pelvic dimensions: 24-26-30-18cm. What is the shape of
the pelvis if all direct dimensions of the planes of the small pelvis are reduced?
Oblique pelvis
Simple flat pelvis
Transversely narrowed pelvis
Flat-rachitic pelvis
- Generally uniformly narrowed pelvis
107) A pregnant woman was admitted to the emergency department of the
maternity ward with complaints of cramping pain in the epigastric region and
bleeding from the genital tract, after which they immediately arrived. On
examination, the abdomen is enlarged due to pregnancy up to 38 weeks. The
uterus is hypertonic and does not relax. The position of the fetus is longitudinal,
the head is presented, pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal heart
rate is muffled to 172 beats per minute. Make a preliminary diagnosis from the
emergency room doctor.
• Answer: Pregnancy 38 weeks. Head presentation. Premature detachment is
located placenta. Acute fetal hypoxia.

108) Multiparous woman 28 years old at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Coolant - 110

cm. Water broke in the amount of 2 liters. 3 hours after the water broke, she gave
birth to a live, full-term baby weighing 3500 g. After 30 minutes, the placenta
separated and came out on its own. Upon examination, the afterbirth is
complete, all membranes are present. Following the afterbirth, blood with clots in
the amount of 500 ml was immediately released and continues. Uterus without
clear contours. The fundus of the uterus is at the level of the navel. Make a
diagnosis. Determine the doctor's tactics.
Answer: Diagnosis: Delivery l, urgent. Early postpartum period. Hypotonic
109) Postpartum woman K., 28 years old, after cesarean section. The postpartum
period proceeded normally. By the end of the second day, the condition began to
progressively worsen, vomiting, severe pain throughout the abdomen, and gas
retention appeared. There was no chair. Objectively: the skin is pale, with a
grayish tint. The tongue is dry, with a grayish coating. Body temperature 38.50 C.
Pulse 120 beats per minute, blood pressure 110/70 mm Hg. The abdomen is
distended, painful on palpation, the Shchetkin-Blumberg sign is positive. On
percussion, dullness of percussion sound in the lower lateral parts of the
abdomen. In the tests: leukocytosis - 17.5x109/l, ESR - 55 mm/hour, shift of the
leukocyte formula to the left. Determine the scope of surgical treatment of
peritonitis after cesarean surgery
Diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity
Diagnostic laparoscopy with abdominal drainage
Extirpation of the uterus without appendages with drainage of the abdominal
Supravaginal amputation of the uterus and drainage of the abdominal cavity
Extirpation of the uterus with tubes and drainage of the abdominal cavity
110) a 29-year-old postpartum woman was transferred to the observation
department from the physiological postpartum department on the 4th day after
birth. During childbirth - early rupture of amniotic fluid, surgical delivery by
applying abdominal obstetric forceps. Complaints of pain in the lower abdomen,
weakness, malaise, fever up to 38.1 °C. Pulse 100 beats per minute. Blood
pressure 120/80 mm Hg. Objectively: the fundus of the uterus is 10 cm above the
womb. The uterus is painful on palpation and has a soft consistency. Discharge
from the genital tract is dark bloody and smells. General blood test: leukocytes -
10x109 g/l, ESR - 45 mm/h, hemoglobin - 60 g/; flora smear from the vagina -
leukocytes - 40-60 in the field of view, flora: rods, cocci. Give the most likely

Diagnosis. Postpartum period 4 bags. Postpartum metroendometritis.

111) The development of peritonitis in the postpartum period is most often

caused by:
A. metroendometritis
• B. failure of sutures on the uterus after cesarean section
• C. postpartum adnexitis
• D. metrothrombophlebitis
• E. postpartum parametritis
112) Postpartum endometritis manifests itself most often:
. A. Bleeding from the genital tract
• B. Fever
. C. Subinvolution of the uterus
• D. Symptoms of peritoneal irritation
E. Headaches
113) A 36-year-old multipregnant woman was brought in by ambulance after an
attack of convulsions; she was not registered. Gestation period according to
menstruation is 37 weeks. First emergency aid was provided (magnesium
antihypertensive therapy). The examination revealed: The condition is moderate.
Consciousness is confused, blood pressure is 175/110 mmHg. pulse 88 per
minute. Swelling in the lower extremities. The position of the fetus is longitudinal,
pelvic presentation. The fetal heartbeat is rhythmic 153 beats per minute. Make a
Moderate preeclampsia
Severe preeclampsia
Gestational hypertension
114) On the 3rd day after cesarean section, a postpartum woman’s temperature
rose to 38.7 C. there was vomiting. The tongue is dry and covered with a white
coating. Pulse - 110 beats/min. The abdomen is swollen, sharply painful on
palpation. Mild symptoms of peritoneal irritation. Peristalsis is very sluggish. The
bandage is dry. Discharge from the genital tract is purulent-bloody, with an odor.
Intestinal stimulation without effect. Lead tactics?
1 Laparoscopic sanitation of the abdominal cavity, anti-inflammatory therapy.
2 Extirpation of the uterus with fallopian tubes, antibacterial therapy
3 Relaparotomy, sanitation of the abdominal cavity, anti-inflammatory therapy
4 Hysterectomy of the uterus, abdominal toilet, antibiotic therapy
5 Uterine amputation, detoxification therapy
115) A 32-year-old pregnant woman consulted a gynecologist at the place where
her pregnancy was registered. The gestational age is 33 weeks. The condition is
satisfactory. The uterus is enlarged up to 33 weeks of pregnancy, the tone of the
uterus is normal. Heart rate is currently 136 beats per minute, rhythmic blood
pressure is 160/90 mm Hg. Art. There is no swelling, blood and urine tests are
within normal limits. Identify the risk factor?
Aggravated medical history
Arterial hypertension
116) An 18-year-old girl came to the gynecological department with complaints of
bloody vaginal discharge and weakness during menstruation. The skin is pale.
Blood pressure 100/70 mm Hg. Art. Menarche from age 12. Menstruation is
regular, painless. Upon examination by a gynecologist, it was determined that the
girl had normal menstruation. What causes desquamation of the functional layer
of the endometrium?

1 Decrease in prolactin levels

2Decreases in estrogen and progesterone levels
3 Peak output of human chorionic hormone
4 Increased estradiol levels
5 Peak output of luteinizing hormone
117) A 25-year-old primigravida was admitted to the emergency room with
complaints of cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The water
broke 4 hours ago. Labor lasts 8 hours. Contractions in 3-4 minutes for 40-45
seconds. The gestational age is 39 weeks. The position of the fetus is longitudinal,
the fetal head is presented. The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 140 beats
per minute. A vaginal examination revealed: the cervix was effaced, the uterine os
was dilated 6 cm, and there was no amniotic sac. The head is presented, the facial
line is in the right oblique size, the chin is on the left back. Diagnosis: Pregnancy
38 weeks, 2nd stage of labor. Facial insert. Which tactic should you choose?
1 Caesarean section
2. Labor stimulation
3 Obstetric forceps
4 Labor induction
118) A 42-year-old patient is scheduled for elective surgery for uterine fibroids.
Name the most favorable days of the menstrual cycle for a planned gynecological
operation with a diagnosis of large uterine fibroids"
119) Pregnant for 25 years. I consulted a gynecologist, my pregnancy is 26 weeks.
This pregnancy is the first and desired. The condition is satisfactory. The uterus is
enlarged up to 26 weeks of pregnancy, in normal tone. There is a one-time
increase in blood glucose to 7.0 mmol/l. What should I do?

1 Determination of blood sugar 2 hours after lunch

2 Diet with an energy value of 200 kcal
3 Glucose tolerance test
4Determination of glucose in urine
5 Insulin therapy
120) Criteria for the differential diagnosis of prolonged and post-term pregnancy:
Number of amniotic fluid
Condition of the uterus
Gestational age
Fetal condition
Condition of the birth canal
121) A 57-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecology department with
complaints of moderate bleeding from the genital tract. Menopause for 4 years.
In the last 3 months, moderate bleeding from the genital tract has been bothering
me. Ultrasound of the uterus is 48x37x46 mm, the uterine cavity is not deformed.
The endometrium is heterogeneous, 15 mm thick. Appendages without features.
A diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia was made. In order to exclude a malignant
process, what research method is of primary importance?

Extended colposcope
MRI of the pelvic organs
Determination of tumor markers

122) A woman gave birth to a child weighing 4300 g. The episiotomy was
complicated by a 2nd degree rupture. What tissues remained undamaged?

perineal muscles
Sphincter and rectum
Vaginal mucosa
Perineal skin
perineal fascia
123) The smallest growth of a viable fetus is

30 cm
32 cm
28 cm
36 cm
124) A pregnant woman came to the FMC with complaints of pain in the lower
abdomen for 3 days. From the anamnesis it was revealed; that this is the fourth
pregnancy. Three previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage at 18 weeks.
According to the last month, the pregnancy period is 16-17 weeks. According to
ultrasound: There is 1 fetus in the uterine cavity. BPR-34 mm; fronto-occipital size
- 47 mm: Og - 127 mm; Coolant-104mm. The period corresponds to 17 weeks of
pregnancy. The length of the cervix is less than 3 cm. A vaginal examination
revealed a short and soft cervix: which allows the tip of a finger to pass through.
Diagnosis: Pregnancy 17 weeks. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency. What should I do?

Install the pessary

Bed rest
125) gynecological examination: the cervix of the uterus is hypertrophied,
spectacle-shaped, the mucous membrane is dark purple in color, there is not a lot
of sanguineous-bloody turbid discharge from the cervical canal with an
unpleasant odor. Bimanual: the vaginal part of the cervix is barrel-shaped, very
dense. The body of the uterus is slightly larger than normal. In the parametriums
on both sides there are dense infiltrates reaching the pelvic walls. What diagnosis
is most likely?

Cervical cancer
Nascent submucosal node
Erythroplakia of the cervix
Cervical pregnancy
Trophoblastic disease
126) A 26-year-old woman is seen by a gynecologist at the FMC. Menstruation
from 12 years of age, for 4 days, the duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days.
When studying the basal temperature curve, it was revealed that until the 15th
day of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature was in the range of 36.2 - 36.5
C. On the 15th day of the menstrual cycle, the temperature was 37.6 C. What
does this indicate?
Normal two-phase cycle
Estrogen deficiency
Single-phase anovulatory cycle
Biphasic cycle with first phase deficiency
Biphasic cycle with second phase deficiency

127) What is the earliest diagnostic symptom for prolapse of the genital organs?
Feeling of a foreign body in the perineal area
Frequent urination
Stress urinary incontinence
Gas incontinence
Recurrent vaginitis
128) A 26-year-old woman is seen by a gynecologist at the FMC. Menstruation
from 12 years of age, for 4 days, the duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days.
When studying the basal temperature curve, it was revealed that before the 15th
day of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature was in the range of 36.2 - 36.5
C. On the 15th day of the menstrual cycle, the temperature was 37.6 C. Indicate
the effect of which hormone changes the basal temperature on the 15th day of
the cycle?

129) A 17-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist with complaints of lack of
menstruation. Upon examination, the body type is female, secondary sexual
characteristics are developed. After an ultrasound, a diagnosis was made:
Rokitansky Küstner-Mayer syndrome. Based on which of the listed ultrasound
findings was the diagnosis made?

Uterine aplasia
Hypoplasia of the uterus
Ovarian aplasia
Duplication of the uterus
Homogeneous ovarian structure
130) 91. A 29-year-old woman in labor was delivered to the maternity hospital at 38
weeks of pregnancy with complaints of headache, pain in the epigastric region, and
spots flashing before her eyes. Soon after admission, pushing began for 40-45 seconds
every 3-4 minutes. The fetal heartbeat below the navel is 134 beats per minute,
rhythmic. When trying to perform a vaginal examination, a seizure of convulsions
occurred, accompanied by loss of consciousness. What caused the development of
3) History of gestational hypertension ( correct)
131. Repeatedly pregnant, 33 years old. She was admitted to the reception block of the
maternity hospital. Upon admission, complaints of severe headaches, tinnitus, blood
pressure 155/110 mm Hg. Art. , pulse 89 beats/min. The history includes 4
pregnancies, 2 spontaneous miscarriages, 1 spontaneous birth at 37 weeks with severe
preeclampsia, this pregnancy was complicated by the diagnosis of pregnancy at 37
weeks of severe preeclampsia. Objectively: there is no labor activity. The uterus is in
normal tone, the fetal position is longitudinal, cephalic. Fetal heart sounds are slightly
muffled to 160 beats per minute. The estimated fetal weight is 2100 g. The cervix is
not ripe according to the Bishop scale 3 points. Progressive chronic fetal hypoxia was
detected. In the tests: Complete blood count: Hb - 77 g/l, urine for protein - 1.8 g/l.
Choose the most appropriate management tactics.
1. Initiate labor with intravenous oxytocin
2. Prolong pregnancy
3. Carry out a labor induction scheme with a whole amniotic sac
4. Perform amniotomy followed by induction of labor
5. Carry out delivery by caesarean section
( severe preeclampsia, pregnancy more than 37 weeks, progressive chronic fetal
hypoxia, immature cervix 3 points according to Bishop)

132. A 28-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital

while pushing, her gestational age was 38 weeks. Push every minute for 45-50
seconds. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is presented. The
fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 130 beats per minute. The expected
weight of the fetus is 3900g. During vaginal examination, the glabella and brow
ridges are determined on one side, and the anterior angle of the large fontanelle
on the other. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 38 weeks. 2nd stage of labor. Frontal
insertion. Which tactic should you choose?

133. A 30-year-old pregnant woman with a full-term pregnancy was admitted to

the hospital with leaking amniotic fluid. There was a history of a CS performed 2
years ago due to acute fetal hypoxia; the postpartum period was complicated by
endometritis. Objectively: The condition is satisfactory. There is no labor activity.
The abdominal circumference is 96 cm, the height of the uterine fundus is 34 cm.
The dimensions of the pelvis are normal. The position of the fetus is longitudinal.
The fetal head is presented, pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The fetal
heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 140 beats per minute. Vaginal examination: The
cervix is smoothed, its edges are thick, poorly pliable, the opening of the uterine
pharynx is 3 cm. There is no amniotic sac. The fetal head is presented, pressed
against the entrance to the pelvis. The cape is not reachable. Medical tactics?
1) prevent intrauterine fetal hypoxia and begin labor induction.
2) Begin labor through the vaginal birth canal under cardiac monitoring
3) perform the CS operation as planned
4) perform CS surgery as an emergency
5) conduct a study of uteroplacental blood flow and begin labor induction
followed by labor stimulation
134. A 26-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department
with complaints of pain in the external genitalia, awkwardness when walking, and
elevated body temperature. The pain appeared 5 days ago and is associated with
hypothermia. History includes 1 birth, 3 medical abortions. Denies gynecological
diseases. Upon examination, a tumor-like formation measuring 4x4 cm is
detected in the area of the right labia majora, the skin over it is hyperemic, hot,
and fluctuation is detected on palpation. Gynecological status: the vagina is
without any features, the cervix is clean, the external os is slit-like, the uterus is
anteflexed, not enlarged, painless. Appendages on both sides are not identified.
What diagnosis is most likely?
 Bartholin's gland cyst
 Bartholinitis
 Vulvovaginitis
 Vulvitis
135. A 35-year-old patient underwent a preventive examination after a PAP test
and was found to have structural changes in the epithelial cells on the cervix.
What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Cervical dysplasia
B. Erythroplaxia of the cervix
B. True erosion
G. Ectroion
D. Pseudo-erosion of the cervix
136. A 32-year-old female patient is seen by a gynecologist with complaints of
heavy menstruation and periodic intermenstrual spotting. The menstrual cycle is
regular, 26-28 days. Objectively: the condition is satisfactory. BMI 24. Ultrasound:
the body of the uterus is located in retroflexio , dimensions 45*52*43 mm.
Strucutramiometry is homogeneous. M-echo -5.5 mm, inhomogeneous, a
formation of 8*9 mm is visualized on the rear wall. The structure of the cervix is
unremarkable. The cervical canal is not dilated, the ovaries are located in a typical
location. Select the most preferable treatment for this patient.
Surgical curettage
Manual vacuum aspiration
137. A 17-year-old girl turned to a gynecologist with complaints about the absence
of menstruation. From the anamnesis: she grew and developed faster than her
peers. Denies childhood illnesses. He is not sexually active. Objectively: height
158 cm, weight 55 kg. Upon examination, broad shoulders, a narrow pelvis, and
the mammary glands are hypoplastic. There is growth of terminal hair on the
thighs, back, sternum, along the white line of the abdomen, in the chin area, and
upper lip. Examination of the external genitalia: correctly developed, male-type
hair growth. A rectoabdominal examination revealed no genital pathology. What
treatment does this patient need?
 Pure estrogens
 Glucocorticosteroids -?
 Anabolic hormones
 Ovulation stimulants
 Estrogen gestagens - ?

138. A 54-year-old female patient is seen by a gynecologist with complaints of

constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, sensation of a
foreign body in the genital fissure, and dysuric disorders. History: 4 births, the last
one with a giant fetus, complicated by a 2nd degree perineal rupture. A woman
suffers from insulin-dependent diabetes. Gynecological status: the genital fissure
is gaping, there is a divergence of the elevators, the anterior and posterior walls
of the vagina are drooping, there are cysto- and rectoceles, and when straining,
the cervix protrudes beyond the vulvar ring. What are the tactics for correcting
genital prolapse in this patient?
1)training the pelvic floor muscles
2) total hysterectomy
3) installation of a mesh implant
4) subtotal amputation of the uterus
5) installation of a pessary

139.. A 33-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the admissions unit of

a maternity hospital. Upon admission, complaints of severe headaches, tinnitus,
blood pressure 155/100 mmHg, PS - 89 beats per minute. The history includes 4
pregnancies, 2 spontaneous miscarriages, 1 spontaneous birth at 37 weeks with
severe preeclampsia, this pregnancy was complicated by the diagnosis of
pregnancy at 37 weeks. Severe preeclampsia. Objectively: There is no labor
activity. The uterus is in normal tone, the fetal position is longitudinal, cephalic.
Fetal heart sounds are slightly muffled to 160 beats per minute. The estimated
weight of the fetus is 2100g. The cervix is not mature according to the Bishop
scale 3 points. Progressive fetal hypoxia was detected. In the tests: Complete
blood count: Hb – 77 g/l, Urine for protein – 1.8 g/l. Choose the most appropriate
management tactics?

A. Carry out delivery by caesarean section

B. Prolong pregnancy
B. Start labor induction with intravenous oxytocin
D. Perform amniotomy followed by induction of labor
D. Carry out a labor induction scheme with a whole amniotic sac
140.. A 30-year-old woman in labor was taken to the maternity ward by an
ambulance. This is the third pregnancy, full-term. The first pregnancy ended in
normal birth, the second – in spontaneous abortion. Labor activity is regular. The
position of the fetus is longitudinal, the pelvic end is located at the entrance to
the small pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic up to 146 beats per minute.
During vaginal examination: the opening of the uterine pharynx is complete, the
amniotic sac is intact, the buttocks and a stack of the fetus are identified nearby.
Diagnosis: 40 weeks pregnancy. What presentation of the fetus and period of
labor should be added to the diagnosis?
- 2nd stage of labor. Mixed breech presentation
1. 141.. Woman in labor V., 25 years old, gave birth to a live full-term girl
weighing 3400 g, height 50 cm, without asphyxia. History of 2 induced
abortions. The succession period proceeded without complications, the
fundus of the uterus was at the level of the navel, dense, painless. Moderate
bleeding from the vagina. A child was born with a birth tumor in the area of
the greater fontanelle, determine the type of insertion of the fetal head into
the small pelvis?
1) anterior cephalic
2) frontal ??
4) facial
5) synclitic
142. A 36-year-old pregnant woman with a full-term pregnancy was admitted to
the hospital with leaking amniotic fluid. The patient had a history of cesarean
section performed 2 years ago due to acute fetal hypoxia; the postpartum period
was complicated by endometritis. Objectively: There is no labor activity. Coolant –
96 cm, VDM – 34 cm. The dimensions of the pelvis are normal. The position of the
fetus is longitudinal. The fetal head is presented, the head. The fetal heartbeat is
clear, rhythmic up to 140 beats per minute. Vaginal examination: The cervix is
smoothed, its edges are thick, poorly pliable, the opening of the uterine pharynx
is 3 cm. There is no amniotic sac. The fetal head is presented, pressed against the
entrance to the pelvis. The cape is not reachable. The pelvic capacity is
satisfactory. Medical tactics?
CS emergency
143. A 32-year-old primigravida was admitted to the department of pathology of
pregnant women with complaints of discharge of green amniotic fluid 2 hours
ago. The gestational age is 42 weeks. There is no labor activity. Pelvic dimensions:
26-29-32-20cm. Coolant -110cm. VDM -39 cm. During obstetric examination: the
position of the fetus is longitudinal, cephalic. Fetal heart rate 116 beats per
minute, muffled. On vaginal examination: the cervix is centered, dense,
immature, up to 3 cm long. There is no amniotic sac. Green amniotic fluid leaks.
Diagnosis: Pregnancy 42 weeks. Prenatal discharge of amniotic fluid. Large fruit.
The onset of intrauterine fetal hypoxia. What's your tactic?
Emergency CS

A 32-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist with complaints of heavy
menstruation and periodic intermenstrual spotting. Objectively: condition is
satisfactory; ultrasound: The body of the uterus is located in retroflexio,
dimensions 45x52x43 mm. The structure of the myometrium is homogeneous M-
echo – 5.5 mm, heterogeneous, in the cavity there is a formation measuring 8x9
mm, of increased echo density. The structure of the cervix is unremarkable, the
cervical canal is not dilated, the ovaries are located in a typical location. What
diagnosis is most likely?
1. Endometrial polyp
3.Ovulatory dysfunction
4.Coagulation disorder
5.Uterine fibroids
Question: No. 2
A 25-year-old woman complained of the absence of a menstrual cycle for 3 years.
From the anamnesis: menstruation since the age of 12, established immediately,
after 28 days, 4-5 days at a time, moderately painful. The phenotype is female.
Recently he has noticed worsening vision. The concentration of FSH in the blood
serum is 0.3 IU/ml (normal range is 2-20). Prolactin – 16 ng/ml (normal 2-25). The
test with gestogens and estrogens is negative. What diagnosis is most likely?
1. Sheehan syndrome
2.Premature ovarian failure syndrome
3.Secondary hypogonadotropic amenorrhea
4.Hyperprolactenemic hypogonadism
5.Polycystic ovary syndrome
Question: No. 3
A 27-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department for
planned surgical treatment for an adnexal mass. A laparotomy was performed
during exploration of the abdominal cavity and a cyst of the right ovary was
discovered. The cyst was desquamated. Description of the macroscopic specimen:
a tight-elastic, regular-shaped formation measuring 5x5 cm, single-chamber in
section, capsule of medium thickness. The contents of the formation are hair, fat,
cartilage, the inner surface of the capsule is smooth. Which cyst is most likely?
Answers(one answer)
4. Serous
Question: No. 4
A 27-year-old woman came to the antenatal clinic with complaints of profuse
leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor that occurs periodically. Menstrual function
– without disturbances. The last menstruation was 5 days ago. The result of
microscopy of a vaginal smear, Gram-stained, leukocytes - 12-15, gram variable
polymorphic bacterial flora, key cells were found. What is the most likely
1.bacterial vaginosis
2. Acute trichomoniasis
3. Candida Bulvovaginitis
5. Nonspecific vulvovaginitis
Question: No. 5
An 11-year-old patient came to a pediatric gynecologist for a preventive
examination. He makes no complaints. From the anamnesis: the first child in the
family from an urgent birth through the birth canal. She grew and developed
according to her age, somatically healthy. Gynecological examination data: the
external genitalia are developed correctly, according to age. The hymen is ring-
shaped and not broken. Rectal: the body of the uterus is in antepositio,
corresponds to the age norm, dense, painless. Appendages are not identified. A
smear from the posterior vaginal fornix reveals 4-5 leukocytes in the field of view
and coccal flora. What method was used to examine the smear?
1.Polymerase chain reaction
2.Enzyme immunoassay
3. Immunofluorescence reaction
Question: No. 6
A 27-year-old female patient was admitted to the gynecological department for
planned surgical treatment for an adnexal mass. A laparotomy was performed,
and during an inspection of the abdominal cavity, a tight-elastic, regular-shaped
formation measuring 7x5 cm was discovered. The cyst was enucleated. The
diagnosis was made: Follicular ovarian cyst. Describe the expected contents of the
1.Hemorrhagic contents
2.Transparent watery liquid
3.Thick brown substance
4.Mucous gel-like contents
5.Hair, cartilage, fat, skin
Question: No. 7
A 46-year-old woman contacted a gynecologist at the FMC with complaints of
irregular bleeding of varying intensity for 3 months. History: 2 births, 3 abortions.
Menstruation from 12 years of age. 3-4 days each, cycle duration 30 days. There
were no gynecological diseases before. During gynecological examination: the
uterus is of normal size, the cervix is clean, the appendages are not enlarged.
What stage of life is a woman in?
Question: No. 8
A 14-year-old girl is visiting a pediatric gynecologist. According to the mother, she
complained of bleeding from the vagina for 3 days, which appeared for the first
time. On examination: the physique is normosthenic. The mammary glands
protrude above the surface of the chest. There is hair in the armpit area.
Gynecological examination: the external genitalia are developed correctly, the
labia majora cover the labia minora. There is hair on the labia majora and pubic
area. The hymen is preserved, the discharge is bloody and moderate. What
condition is being described in this case?
1. Menstrual irregularities
2. Juvenile uterine bleeding
3. Delayed sexual development
4. Lack of sexual development
Question: No. 9
A 28-year-old patient came to the antenatal clinic with complaints of absence of
pregnancy for 6 years. From the anamnesis: menarche at 14 years old.
Menstruation is 4-5 days every 45-60 days, irregular, painless. About: height 164
cm, weight 90 kg. The hirsut number on the Ferriman-Gallwey scale is 9. The
mammary glands are developed, soft and b/w. PV: external genitalia are
developed correctly, female-type hair growth. On bimanual examination, the
uterus is somewhat reduced in size, dense, mobile, painless. The appendages are
not clearly palpable, their area is painless, the arches are free. Basal temperature
is monophasic. What is the most likely cause of infertility?
1. Chronic anovulation
2.Immunological factor
3.hypoplasia of the uterus
4.metabolic disorders
5.Tubo-peritoneal factor
Question 10
The woman in labor is in labor for about 10 hours. No water came out. Suddenly
the woman in labor turned pale, vomiting, severe bursting pain in the abdomen
appeared, the uterus took on an asymmetrical, dense shape, and the fetal
heartbeat was muffled. Vaginal examination revealed: the opening of the cervix is
complete, the amniotic sac is intact and tense. The presenting part is the head in
the pelvic cavity. Medical tactics? Answers(one answer)
1.Emergency caesarean section
2. Treat acute fetal hypoxia
3. Stimulate labor
4.Open the bubble and apply forceps
5.Open the amniotic sac and start vacuum extraction
Question: No. 11
Woman S., 33 years old, was admitted to the maternity hospital with labor and
rupture of amniotic fluid. Third pregnancy. After 12 hours, complaints appeared
about frequent, painful contractions, difficulty urinating, the woman was
screaming and tossing about in bed. Pulse 100/min, blood pressure 130/80
mmHg. Art. Hourglass-shaped uterus. The uterus is in constant hypertonicity.
Sharply painful on palpation. The position of the fetus is longitudinal. The
presenting part of the fetus is not determined due to tension and soreness of the
uterus. Vasten's and Zangemeister's signs are positive. Fetal heart rate 110
beats/min. Vaginal examination: the opening of the cervix is complete, its edges
are swollen. The fetal head is pressed against the entrance to the small gas. There
is a large birth tumor on the head. The cape is not reachable. What is your
1.application of obstetric forceps
2.Applying a vacuum extractor
3. Caesarean section operation
4. Vaginal birth after symphysotomy
5. Vaginal birth after pain relief
Question: No. 12
A 25-year-old multiparous woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with
complaints of cramping pain in the lower abdomen. The contractions began 5
hours ago, the amniotic fluid broke on the way. The third pregnancy, full-term,
proceeded without complications. There is a history of two physiological births.
Objective socks of a pressing nature, after 1-2 minutes for 40 seconds. The
dimensions of the pelvis are 26-29-32-20 cm. The abdominal circumference is 95
cm, the height of the uterine fundus is 34 cm. The position of the fetus is
longitudinal, with the pelvic end in the pelvic cavity. The fetal heartbeat is clear,
rhythmic, up to 140 beats per minute. Vaginal examination The opening of the
uterine pharynx is complete, there is no amniotic sac, in the vagina of the fetal
buttock in the third plane of the small pelvis. Determine your tactics?
1.Provide classic manual assistance.
2.apply obstetric forceps
3.Provide benefits for Tsovyanov
4. Perform a caesarean section
5. Delivery through natural means
Question: No. 13
Primigravida, 25 years old. She is concerned about the low motor activity of the
fetus. The only risk factor identified in a pregnant woman is smoking. According to
ultrasound, the gestational age is 32 weeks, the fetal weight is below normal.
Which hormone content needs to be determined?
Answers(one answer)
1. Testosterone
3.Chorionic gonadotropin
Question: No. 14
Primipara 38 years old; was admitted to the maternity hospital at 42 weeks'
gestation. History of primary infertility for 7 years. According to the last month,
the gestational age is 42 weeks; at first appearance 42 weeks 2 days. The fetal
heart rate is 120 beats per minute. According to ultrasound and Dopplerography
of the uteroplacental blood flow, post-term pregnancy is diagnosed. On vaginal
examination: the neck is long, deviated posteriorly, and dense. The cervical canal
is passable for 1 finger, but in the area of the internal pharynx the tissue is dense.
The amniotic sac is intact; flat. The fetal head is presented. Lightly pressed against
the entrance to the small pelvis. The diagnosis was made: Pregnancy 42 weeks + 2
days. Considering the diagnosis, what tactics to apply in this situation REDUCE
Answers(one answer)
1.wait for spontaneous childbirth for several days...
2.Start labor stimulation urgently.
3.Caesarean section as planned
4. Caesarean section with the onset of labor
5. Start urgent labor induction

Question: No. 15
A 42-year-old woman consulted a doctor at the gynecology department with
complaints of heavy, prolonged menstruation, cramping pain in the lower
abdomen during menstruation, and periodic headaches. An ultrasound
examination revealed a pedunculated submucous uterine fibroid with a diameter
of 3 cm. Which treatment method is most preferable?
1 . Hysteroresectoscopy
2. Conservative therapy with gestagens?
3.Total hysterectomy
4.Vacuum aspiration
5.Therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy
Question: No. 16
A 22-year-old pregnant woman at 40 weeks of pregnancy was delivered to the
maternity hospital by ambulance. Objectively: the condition is severe, blood
pressure is 90/50 mmHg. pulse 110 beats per minute, weak filling. The skin is pale
and clean. There was a faint at home. On examination, the uterus is tense and
painful. Parts of the fetus cannot be felt; the fetal heartbeat cannot be heard.
There is no labor activity. There is no discharge from the genital tract. Vaginal
examination: the cervix is preserved, the cervical canal is closed. Through the
vaginal fornix, the fetal head is palpated and pressed against the entrance to the
small ta3. White discharge. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 40 weeks. What pregnancy
complication should be added to the diagnosis?
1.Premature abruption of the centrally located placenta
2. Premature abruption of a normally located placenta. Acute fetal distress
3.Premature abruption of a normally located placenta
4. Premature abruption of a normally located placenta. Antenatal fetal death
5. Premature abruption of a normally located placenta. Intrapartum fetal death
Question: No. 17
A 33-year-old primigravida is in the delivery room in the second stage of labor; a
decrease in the fetal heart rate to 90-100 beats/min is noted, which does not
level out after pushing. On examination, blood pressure was 120/80 mmHg. pulse
94 per minute, no visible swelling. During vaginal examination: the fetal head is
located in the narrow part of the pelvic cavity, the sagittal suture is in the right
oblique size, the small fontanelle is facing left anteriorly. On CTG: late
decelerations, basal rhythm: 94 beats/min. Make a diagnosis and determine
further management of labor? Answers (one answer)
1. Chronic fetal hypoxia, deliver by caesarean section
2.Acute fetal hypoxia, perform episiotomy
3. Chronic fetal hypoxia, delivery through the natural birth canal
4. Acute fetal hypoxia, application of a vacuum extractor
5. Acute fetal hypoxia, expectant management
Bonpoc: Nº18
A 28-year-old woman in labor is in the second stage of labor. Blood pressure
130/90 mm Hg. Art. the fetal head is a small segment at the pelvic inlet. The fetal
heartbeat is dull and slow. The uterus is tense and does not relax between
contractions. High position of the contraction ring. What is the diagnosis?
1.Uterine tetany
2.Secondary weakness of labor
3.Cervical dystocia
4. Threatening uterine rupture
5. Discoordination of labor
Bonpoc: Nº19
A 23-year-old primigravida was admitted to the emergency room with complaints
of cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Contractions in 10-12
minutes for 20-25 seconds. The water did not break. The gestational age is 38
weeks. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the fetal head is presented. The
fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 130 beats per minute. Vaginal
examination revealed: the cervix is up to 1 cm long, the diameter of the cervical
canal is 2 cm. The amniotic sac is intact, the fetal head is present, the upper edge
of the symphysis, the innominate lines and the sacral cavity along its entire length
are accessible to palpation. Locate the fetal head?
1. Head of the pelvic cavity
2. The head is fixed by a large segment at the entrance to the pelvis
3. fetal head at the pelvic outlet
4. The head is fixed by a small segment at the entrance to the pelvis
5. The head is pressed to the plane of the entrance to the pelvis
Question: No. 20
What should be the minimum level of proteinuria to confirm the diagnosis of
1. 0.5 g/l
2.0.2 g/l
4. 0.3 g/l
5.0.6 g/l
Question: No. 21
A 32-year-old woman in labor is in the delivery room in the 3rd stage of labor.
During active management of the 3rd stage of labor, uterine inversion occurred.
The doctor’s tactics for the clinical picture of uterine inversion is:
1. Carrying out hysterectomy
2. Immediate uterine reduction
3. Careful reduction of the uterus under anesthesia
4.performing supravaginal amputation of the uterus
5. Prescribing uterotonic therapy
Question: No. 22
Indicate which part of the organs is affected by internal genital endometriosis?
1. Retrocervical Endometriosis
2. Endometrioid ovarian cyst
3.Endometriosis of the uterosacral ligaments
4. Endometriosis of the interstitial part of the fallopian tubes
5. Cervical endometriosis

Question: No. 23
What percentage is tubal pregnancy among the various forms of ectopic
1. 68
2. 98
3. 88
4. 28
5. 48
Question: No. 24
Select which type of endometrial hyperplasia is more common?
1. Adenomatous endometrial polyps
2. Glandular hyperplasia
3. Miosis of the endolymphatic stroma.
4. Adenomatous hyperplasia
5. Focal hyperplasia
Question: No. 25
A 27-year-old woman, multiparous, 41 weeks pregnant, was brought to the clinic
with cramping pain in the lower abdomen. During external obstetric examination:
the fetal head is on the right, the pelvic end is on the left. Fetal tones are clear,
rhythmic 136 beats/min. Vaginal examination: the cervix is shortened to 2 cm, the
cervical canal allows 1 finger to pass through, the amniotic sac is intact. The
presenting part is not determined. Choose your tactics?
1. Vaginal birth
2.Kecapevo section as planned
3. Prevention of intrauterine fetal hypoxia and labor induction
4. Labor induction followed by labor stimulation
5.Emergency caesarean section
Question: No. 26
A pregnant woman came to the FMC with complaints of pain in the lower
abdomen for 3 days. From the anamnesis it was revealed that this was the fourth
pregnancy. Three previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage at 18 weeks.
According to the last month, the pregnancy period is 16-17 weeks. According to
ultrasound: There is 1 fetus in the uterine cavity. BPR-34 mm: fronto-occipital
size-47 mm: OG-127mm: OZH-104mm. The period corresponds to 17 weeks of
pregnancy. The length of the cervix is less than 3 cm. A vaginal examination
revealed a short and soft cervix: which allows the tip of a finger to pass through.
Diagnosis: Pregnancy 17 weeks. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency. What should I do?
2.Install the pessary
3. Antispasmodics
4. Painkillers
5.Bed rest
Question: No. 27
Repeatedly pregnant for 30 years. She was admitted to the emergency room of
the maternity hospital with complaints of cramping pain in the lower abdomen
for 3 hours. The gestational age is 32 weeks. Regular labor contractions last 10
minutes, 1 to 15-20 seconds. The position of the fetus is transverse, the head is
on the right. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, up to 140 per minute. During
vaginal examination, the cervix is smoothed, the opening of the uterine pharynx is
3 cm. The fetal bladder is intact, the presenting part is not determined. Diagnosis:
Pregnancy 32 weeks. Transverse position of the fetus. The first period of early
labor. Latent phase. Choose obstetric tactics.
1.Tocolytic therapy
2. Labor induction with oxytocyon
3. External rotation of the fetus
4. Carrying out amniotomy
5.Emergency caesarean section
Question: No. 28
Specify the location of extragenital endometriosis:
1. Fallopian tubes
2. Body of the uterus
4. Bladder
5. Ovaries

A 57-year-old patient was admitted to the gynecology department with

complaints of moderate bleeding from the genital tract. Menopause for 4 years.
In the last 3 months, moderate bleeding of 48x37x46 mm has been bothering me,
the uterine cavity is not deformed. The endometrium is heterogeneous, 15 mm
thick. A diagnosis of “Endometrial hyperplasia” was made. In order to exclude a
malignant process, what is of primary importance?
2.Determination of tumor markers
3.Extended colposcopy
4.Histology of aspirate

Question: No. 29
A 28-year-old pregnant woman came to the emergency department for an
ultrasound. This pregnancy is 4. 2 births are coming. History of 2 spontaneous
miscarriages at 8.9 weeks. Ultrasound data corresponds to pregnancy at 39
weeks. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, cephalic presentation. The fetal
heart rate is 146 beats per minute. The placenta is located along the posterior
wall of the uterus at the edge, not reaching the internal os by 2.5 cm. The
diagnosis was made: Pregnancy 39 weeks. What pregnancy complication should
be added to the diagnosis?
1. Marginal placenta previa
2. Low placental attachment
3. normal location of the placenta
4.central placenta previa
5. Lateral placenta previa

Bonpoc: Nº30
A 28-year-old primigravida was admitted to the maternity hospital with
complaints of contractions and rupture of water 2 hours ago. Obstetric status of
contractions in 2-3 minutes for 30-35 seconds. The fetal heartbeat is clear,
rhythmic up to 140 per minute. Vaginal examination revealed: The cervix is
smoothed and thin. The opening of the uterine pharynx is 8 cm, there is no
amniotic sac, the fetal chin is determined and the cape is not reachable. Select
expected presentation?
1.Anterior cephalic
3. Facial
5. Frontal

Bonpoc: Nº31
A 26-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with
complaints of cramping pain in the lower abdomen. Pregnancy 38 weeks, II stage
of labor. Vaginal examination shows the head in 4 planes. In what size of the
pelvis are exit forceps applied for anterior presentation of occipital presentation? the right oblique
2. straight
3. on the right the left oblique transverse

Question: No. 32
A woman in labor is in labor for 9 hours. She began to complain of painful,
pushing sensations. Upon examination, hypertonicity of the uterus, high standing
of the contraction ring, and pain in the lower segment of the uterus on palpation
are determined. The fetal heartbeat is dull. On vaginal examination, the cervix is
completely open and the amniotic sac is intact and tense. The presenting part is
the head in the pelvic cavity. What complication occurs during childbirth?
1. Cervical dystocia
2.started uterine rupture
3. Discoordination of labor
4.complete uterine rupture
5. Threatening uterine rupture

Question: No. 33
A 30-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the emergency room of a
maternity hospital with complaints of cramping pain in the lower abdomen for 3
hours. The gestational age is 32 weeks. Regular labor is 1 contraction every 10
minutes for 15-20 seconds. The position of the fetus is transverse, the head is on
the right. The fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, up to 140 per minute. During
vaginal examination, the cervix is smoothed, the opening of the uterine pharynx is
3 cm, the amniotic sac is intact, the presenting part is not determined. Complete
the correct diagnosis: Pregnancy 32 weeks. Transverse position of the fetus.
(What position and what period and phase of labor?)
1.II position period of early labor. Active phase
3. I position. II early period Latent phase
3. I position. II period of early labor-natal phase
4. II position. I period of early labor latent phase

Question: No. 34
A 29-year-old multi-pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity ward with
complaints of cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Labor lasts 7
hours. The gestational age is 38 weeks. Contractions in 3-4 minutes for 40-45
seconds. The position of the fetus is longitudinal and the fetal head is presented.
The fetal heartbeat is clear and rhythmic at 130 beats per minute. A vaginal
examination revealed: the cervix is smoothed, the uterine os is dilated 8 cm. The
amniotic sac is intact, the fetal head is present, and a large fontanel is located
along the pelvic axis. Determine the insertion of the fetal head?
1. Frontal insertion
2. Anterior cephalic insertion
3. Posterior view of the occipital position
4.Anterior view of the occipital position
Question: No. 35
A 25-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with
complaints of pain in the lower abdomen. The gestation period is 41-42 weeks.
Height-156cm. Weight-79kg. Pelvic dimensions: 24-26-29-18 cm. Which conjugate
determines the degree of pelvic narrowing?
1. Outdoor
2. False
3. Diagonal
4. Anatomical
5. True
Question: No. 36
A 25-year-old primigravida was delivered to the maternity hospital. Complaints
of sharp local abdominal pain, single vomiting. There is an increase in blood
pressure to 160/110, 170/110 and proteinuria from 28 weeks. Ultrasound
diagnostics revealed fetoplacental insufficiency, 36 weeks of pregnancy. She
refused the hospitalization suggested a week ago. On examination, the skin
was pale, pulse 94 beats per minute, rhythmic, blood pressure 110/60 mmHg.
The uterus is tense and painful in the area of the anterior wall. The parts of the
fetus are difficult to identify. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, cephalic
presentation. The fetal heartbeat is dull, 150 beats per minute, rhythmic.
Complete the diagnosis of pregnancy 36 weeks. Intrauterine fetal hypoxia?
1. Severe preeclampsia. Premature abruption of a low-lying placenta
2. Preeclampsia of moderate severity, marginal presentation
3. Severe preeclampsia. Premature detachment is centrally located
Question: No. 37
A 28-year-old multipregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital
with complaints of contractions and rupture of amniotic fluid. Obstetric status:
contractions in 2-3 minutes, 40-45 seconds each. The fetal heartbeat is clear,
rhythmic up to 140 per minute. Vaginal examination revealed: The cervix is
smoothed and thin. The opening of the uterine pharynx is 8 cm, there is no
amniotic sac. A suture is identified, on one side of which is the bridge of the
nose and the brow ridges, on the other - the anterior angle of the large
fontanelle. The promontory is not reachable. Select expected presentation?
1.Face presentation
2. Frontal presentation
3. Anterocephalic presentation
4.Anterior view of occipital presentation
Question: No. 38
Where does the third stage of labor begin and end?
1. From the beginning of labor and ends with the birth of a child
2. With the beginning of pushing and ends with the birth of the placenta
3. With the onset of labor and ends with the birth of the placenta
4.from the moment the child is born and ends with the birth of the placenta
5. It starts with pushing and ends with the birth of a child.
Question: No. 39
A 36-year-old multipregnant woman was delivered by ambulance after an
attack of convulsions; she was not registered. Gestation period according to
menstruation is 37 weeks. First emergency aid was provided (magnesium
antihypertensive therapy). The examination revealed: The condition is
moderate. Consciousness is confused. Blood pressure 175/110 mmHg. pulse
88 per minute. Swelling in the lower extremities. The position of the fetus is
longitudinal, pelvic presentation. The fetal heartbeat is rhythmic 153 beats per
minute. Make a diagnosis?
2. Severe preeclampsia
3. Gestational hypertension
4. Gestational proteinuria
5.Moderate preeclampsia
Question: No. 40
A pregnant woman was admitted to the department of pathology of pregnant
women on the referral of a FMC doctor. History: The first pregnancy ended in a
fetal destruction operation. The next 2 pregnancies ended in spontaneous
miscarriages at 20-22 weeks. Objectively: The abdomen is enlarged due to
pregnancy, the uterus corresponds to 23 weeks of pregnancy when palpated
without tone. On vaginal examination, the cervix is soft, the external os is gaping.
What is your preliminary diagnosis?
1. Isthmic cervical insufficiency
2. Very early labor began
3. Threatening very early labor
4. Threatened early labor
5. Threatening premature birth
Question: No. 41
Primigravida c. 25 years old, gave birth to a live full-term girl weighing 3400 g,
height 50 cm, without asphyxia. History of 2 induced abortions. The succession
period proceeded without complications, the fundus of the uterus was at the
level of the navel, dense, painless. Moderate bleeding from the vagina. A child
was born with a birth tumor in the area of the right parietal bone. Determine the
type of insertion of the fetal head into the pelvis?
1. Frontal
3. Anteroparietal
4. Anterior cephalic

105. Pregnant A, 36 years old. The gestational age is 20 weeks. From the
anamnesis: the first child was born with a congenital heart defect. This pregnancy
is desired. The course of pregnancy was unremarkable. Registered for pregnancy
from 9-10 weeks. On an ultrasound scan of the fetus at 11-12 weeks, the thickness
of the nuchal space is 2.5 cm (normal is up to 2.5 cm), the coccygeal-parietal size
is 49 mm (normal is 50-61 mm), the nasal bone is 1.8 mm (normal is up to 2 mm.
Biochemical screening of serum markers in the first trimester is within normal
limits. What study should be performed for a detailed diagnosis of the anatomical
structures of the fetus?
A) Ultrasound screening of the fetus at 19-22 weeks
106. A 37-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist at the FMC with complaints
of painful and heavy menstruation, dark brown discharge from the genital tract
after menstruation. Menstruation up to 8-9 days after 26-27 days. Gynecological
examination: cervix without visible pathology, mucous discharge. The body of the
uterus is spherical, painful on palpation; appendages on both sides are not defined,
the arches are deep. Ultrasound: the body of the uterus is slightly enlarged in size -
48x37x46 mm, the uterine cavity is not deformed, the myometrium is
heterogeneous with multiple anechoic inclusions up to 4-7 mm. Indicate the most
likely reasons for the increase in the size and shape of the uterus in this case

107. Specify the starting moment for septic shock?

Action of exo- and endotoxins

108. A 28-year-old primigravida came to her next appointment with the midwife at
the clinic. Gestation period is 37 – 38 weeks. The somatic and gynecological
anamnesis is not burdened. On examination: condition is satisfactory. The skin is
of normal color. Blood pressure 110/70 mm Hg. Art. Coolant 110 cm. VDM 42
cm. The position of the fetus is longitudinal. The head is presented. The head of
the second fetus is palpated in the fundus of the uterus. Two independent
heartbeats are heard, the tones are clear and rhythmic. There is no swelling. Further
tactics for managing a pregnant woman?
Hospitalization to determine the method of delivery
How often throughout pregnancy is it necessary to take a blood test for the
presence of antibodies for Rh sensitization?

A) once a month

3) A 22-year-old pregnant woman at 40 weeks’ gestation was delivered to the

maternity hospital by ambulance. Objectively: the condition is serious, blood
pressure is 90/50 mmHg, pulse is 110 beats per minute, poor filling. The skin is
pale and clean. There was a faint at home. On examination, the uterus is tense
and painful. Parts of the fetus cannot be felt. The fetal heartbeat cannot be heard.
There is no labor activity. There is no discharge from the genital tract. Vaginal
examination: the cervix is preserved, the cervical canal is closed. The fetal head is
palpated through the vaginal fornix and is pressed against the entrance to the
pelvis. The discharge is leucorrhoea. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 40 weeks. What
pregnancy complication should be added to the diagnosis?

1. Premature abruption of a normally located placenta, antenatal fetal death...

A 26-year-old woman is seen by a gynecologist at the FMC. Menstruation from 12

years, 4 days,
The duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. When studying the basal curve
temperature, it was revealed that until the 15th day of the menstrual cycle, the
basal temperature in
within 36.2 - 36.5 C. On the 15th day of the menstrual cycle, the temperature was
37.6 C. What does this indicate?

Normal two-phase cycle

: 1).A 25-year-old patient was hospitalized in the gynecological department with

complaints of fever up to 38.5C, pain in the lower abdomen, purulent vaginal
discharge. She became acutely ill after an induced abortion on the 4th day.
Objectively: pulse 100/min, blood pressure 110/70 mmHg, abdomen is soft and
painful in the lower parts. Gynecological status: The uterus is enlarged, soft,
painful; The vaginal vaults are free. Vaginal discharge is profuse and purulent.
What is the most likely preliminary diagnosis?

Acute salpingitis

1) Specify the triggering moment for septic shock?

2. Acute renal failure

33. A 32-year-old patient came to see a gynecologist with complaints of heavy

menstruation and periodic intermenstrual spotting. Objectively: the condition is
satisfactory, ultrasound: the body of the uterus is located on the retroflexio,
dimensions 45*52*43 mm, the structure of the myometrium is homogeneous, M-
echo – 5.5 mm, heterogeneous, in the cavity there is a formation measuring 8*9
mm, increased echo density. The structure of the cervix is unremarkable, the
cervical canal is not dilated, the ovaries are located in a typical location. What
diagnosis is most likely?

1) endometrial polyp

.: At an appointment with a gynecologist, an 18-year-old patient complains of

painful menstruation. From the anamnesis: menstruation from 13 years to 5-6
days after 28-30 days is moderate, painful from the period of menarche. Does not
have sexual activity. Inspection of the external genitalia: correctly developed. The
hymen is intact. Rectal: the uterus is in the retroflexio position, not enlarged,
dense, painless. Appendages are not identified. probable cause of painful
menstruation in this patient.

5 Adenomyosis of the uterine body

Indicate which of the formations belongs to an ovarian cyst?

1. Follicular

25. A 25-year-old woman in labor consulted a gynecologist. 10 days ago she

had a physiological birth with a live, full-term baby, with whom the woman was
discharged home on the 7th day. Today there was pain in the right mammary
gland, there was chills, and the temperature rose to 39.5. Upon examination:
cracks were found on the nipples of the mammary glands. In the upper outer
quadrant of the right mammary gland, a lump measuring 4*5 cm was found,
sharply painful, with hyperemia of the skin above it. Preliminary diagnosis:
postpartum infiltrative mastitis. Further tactics?
4) Express milk with a breast pump, A/B therapy

3 Postpartum woman K., 26 years old, after surgical delivery, which was
complicated by a long anhydrous period (20 hours), a clinically narrow pelvis. By
the end of the second day, the condition worsened, vomiting, severe pain
throughout the abdomen, and gas retention appeared. There was no chair.
Objectively: the skin is pale, with a grayish tint. The tongue is dry and coated.
Body temperature 38.50C. Pulse 120 beats per minute, blood pressure 110/70
mm Hg. The abdomen is distended, painful on palpation, the Shchetkin-Blumberg
sign is positive. With percussion – dullness of percussion sound in sloping places.
In the tests, leukocytosis was 17.5*109/l, ESR was 55 mm/hour, the leukocyte
formula shifted to the left. Give a diagnosis?

Postpartum peritonitis

What system defect is caused by folic acid deficiency during pregnancy?


b. During an artificial abortion operation, a 26-year-old woman had a perforation

of the uterus in the area of the uterine isthmus on the right; there was a
hematoma between the leaves of the broad ligament, behind the bladder,
reaching the walls of the pelvis. You should do:

4) extirpation of the uterus with tubes.

Postpartum woman K., 28 years old, was brought to the clinic two days ago after
the first urgent birth, which was complicated by a long anhydrous period (20
hours), frontal presentation of the fetus, a clinically narrow pelvis, and symptoms
of impending uterine rupture. An emergency caesarean section was performed.
The postpartum period proceeded normally for 2 days. By the end of the second
day, the condition began to progressively worsen, vomiting, severe pain
throughout the abdomen, and gas retention appeared. There was no stool.
Objectively: the skin is pale, with a grayish tint. The tongue is dry, with a grayish
coating. Body temperature 38.50 C. Pulse 120 beats per minute, blood pressure
110/70 mm Hg. The abdomen is distended, painful on palpation, the Shchetkin-
Blumberg sign is positive. During percussion - dullness of percussion sound in the
lower lateral parts of the abdomen. Data from additional research methods:
leukocytosis - 17.5x109 /l, ESR -55 mm/hour, shift of the leukocyte formula to the

laparotomy, extirpation of the uterus with fallopian tubes, drainage of the

abdominal cavity,\

Patient Yu., 23 years old, complains of absence of menstruation for 7 months and
infertility. Menstruation since the age of 13, irregular, delayed by 2-3 months,
scanty, painless. Since the age of 13, he has noticed hair growth on the back of
the thighs, legs, and above the lip. Married for 3 years, no protection from
pregnancy, pregnancy does not occur. On examination - hypertrichosis of the
skin; pigmentation and hyperkeratosis in the axillary, groin areas, under the
mammary glands; obesity with uniform distribution of adipose tissue. On
bimanual examination: the body of the uterus is in anteversio-flexio, normal size,
dense, mobile, painless. Slightly enlarged, dense, painless ovaries are palpated on
both sides.
: glucocorticoid hormones.

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