Automated Sampling in Wastewater Intelligence Network

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“Au ma Samp ng n was wa n g n w k”

Submitted By:
Parth M angroliya, En.Roll : 210140111056
Shaw Dewang, En.Roll: 210140111018
Nirav M oradiya, En.Roll: 210140111029
Prabhat Kumar, En.Roll: 210140111006
Om Sheladiya, En.Roll: 210140111032
Joshi Sunil, En.Roll: 210140111049
Vraj M akwana, En.Roll: 210140111030
Anshu Rajput, En.Roll: 210140111044
Under The Guidance Of:
Prof. Dhaval U. Patel
Department of
Electronics and Communication

November, 2023




This is to certify that Parth Mangroliya (Roll No. 210140111056), Shaw Dewang (Roll No.
210140111018), Nirav Moradiya (Roll No. 210140111029), Prabhat Kumar (Roll No.
210140111006), Om Sheladiya (Roll No. 210140111032), Joshi Sunil (Roll No.
210140111049), Vraj Makwana (Roll No. 210140111030), Anshu Rajput (Roll No.
210140111044) have successfully completed the project titled
“ ”
at G.E.C. Bharuch under my
supervision and guidance in the fulfillment of requirements of Academic
Y ear, Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics & Communication)
of Government Engineering College, Bharuch.

______________________ _____________________

Prof. K.G. Bhuva Prof. Dhaval U. Patel (Project Guide )

Head of the Department Assistant Professor in Department of

Electronics and Communication Electronics and Communication


We deem it a pleasure to acknowledge our sense of gratitude to our project

guide Prof. Dhaval U. Patel under whom we have carried out the project work. His
incisive and objective guidance and timely advice encouraged us with
constant flow of energy to continue the work.
We wish to reciprocate in full measure the kindness shown by Prof. K.G. Bhuva
(H.O.D, Electronics and Communication Engineering) who inspired us with his
valuable suggestions in successfully completing the project work.
We shall remain grateful to Mr. Prof. (Dr.) Pradeep P. Lodha, Principal of our college
G.E.C. Bharuch, for providing us a strong academic atmosphere by
enforcing strict discipline to do the project work with utmost concentration
and dedication.
Finally, we must say that no height is ever achieved without some sacrifices
made at some end and it is here where we owe our special debt to our
parents and our friends for showing their generous love and care throughout
the entire period of time.

Date: 25.11.2023
Place: G.E.C, Bharuch,
Bharuch, Gujarat

The Surat Municipal Corporation's Wastewater Intelligence Network (WIN) Program seeks to
innovate the process of wastewater sampling by introducing an automated system for composite
sample collection. The initiative aims to track CoViD-19 and other diseases by collecting samples
from Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) and Sewage Pumping Stations (SPSs) through automated,
vandalism-proof bots that operate with minimal human intervention. The proposed solution
focuses on reducing health hazards for personnel, ensuring time-controlled sample volumes, and
adapting to varying wastewater flow rates. Key functionalities include temperature-controlled
storage, simultaneous data collection (temperature, pH, flow rates), and reliable transport to
testing labs. The automation of this process addresses current gaps such as the inability to
refrigerate samples during collection, the necessity for simultaneous data measurement, and the
high risk of human exposure to hazardous elements. This advanced approach is anticipated to
improve sample quality, increase operational efficiency, and enhance safety for on-ground
personnel, ultimately providing more accurate and reliable data for disease monitoring and


No. Topics Page

1. Introduction 6

2. Software Requirements And Specifications 7

3. Project Plan 9

4. Design Strategy 11

7. Future Work 12

8. Conclusion 13

9. References 14

The ongoing global health crisis triggered by the CO ID i pandemic has underscored the critical
need for innovative and efficient public health monitoring systems. Traditional methods of
wastewater sampling for disease detection, which involve manual collection and significant human
interaction, present several limitations, including e posure to hazardous substances, data
collection inefficiencies, and the potential for sample degradation. To address these challenges,
the Surat Municipal Corporation, through its Wastewater Intelligence Network (WIN) Program,
proposes an Automated Sampling System designed to revolutionize the process of wastewater

The Automated Sampling System aims to provide a reliable, safe, and efficient method for
collecting composite samples from Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) and Sewage Pumping
Stations (SPSs) within Surat, Gujarat. This system will utilize advanced, vandalism proof bots to
perform automated sample collection with minimal human intervention. By integrating
temperature controlled storage and real time data measurement capabilities, the system ensures
high uality samples and comprehensive data for accurate disease tracking and modeling.

Key functionalities of the Automated Sampling System include the ability to collect samples over
specified intervals and volumes, adapt to varying wastewater flow rates, and measure additional
parameters such as temperature, pH levels, and flow rates. The system also emphasizes the
safety and protection of on ground personnel by reducing direct contact with hazardous
wastewater. urthermore, the solution includes robust maintenance and sterilization protocols to
prevent cross contamination and ensure the longevity of the e uipment.

The e pected outcomes of implementing this automated system e tend beyond improved sample
uality and operational efficiency. The system aims to enhance public health surveillance by
providing timely and accurate data, reducing the risk of human error, and e panding sampling
coverage to previously inaccessible or dangerous locations. By fulfilling these objectives, the
Automated Sampling System will significantly contribute to the WIN Program's goal of enhancing
disease monitoring and public health outcomes in Surat.

This introduction sets the stage for a comprehensive e ploration of the system's design,
functionalities, and impact, detailing how the Automated Sampling System can transform
wastewater sampling and bolster public health efforts in the face of current and future challenges.


2.1 Product Perspective

The Automated Sampling System for the Wastewater Intelligence Network (WIN) Program is
designed to revolutionize the process of wastewater sample collection and analysis. The current
manual sampling methods used globally and within India present significant challenges, including
prolonged human exposure to hazardous elements, inability to collect simultaneous data
fashion the proper software for the communication purpose. A need for
parameters, and degradation of sample quality due to lack of refrigeration during collection. This
automated system aims to address these issues comprehensively.
The automated sampling system will consist of robust, vandalism-proof bots equipped with
advanced sensors and automated mechanisms for precise sample collection and storage. The
system will be integrated into the existing infrastructure of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) and
Sewage Pumping Stations (SPSs) across Surat, Gujarat.

2.2 User Characteristics

Primary Users
1. Surat Smart City Development Limited (SSCDL) Personnel
Role: Supervisors and coordinators of the WIN program.

2. Technical Operators
• Role: Individuals responsible for the operation and maintenance of the
automated sampling bots.
Secondary Users

• Laboratory Technicians
Role: Professionals analyzing the collected wastewater samples.

2. Public Health Officials

Role: Decision-makers utilizing the data for public health strategies.

• Field Support Staff
Role: Personnel providing logistical support during the sampling process.

2.3 Specific Requirements

1. Automated Sample Collection

2. Minimal Human Exposure

3. Data Collection and Measurement

4. Temperature-Controlled Storage

•5. Sterilization and Maintenance

6. Sample Transport

2.4 Performance Requirements

1. Sampling Accuracy and Precision 10. Sample Transport Efficiency

2. Sample Collection Frequency 11. Maintenance and Repair
3. Volume Control and Adjustment 12. User Interface and Control
4. Pumping and Lift Capability 13. Compliance and Safety Standards
5. Temperature-Controlled Storage
6. Simultaneous Data Collection
7. Operational Reliability and Uptime
8. Vandalism-Proof Design
9. Sterilization and Hygiene

2.5 Design Constraints

1. Environmental Constraints 5. Operational Constraints

2. Vandalism and Tamper Resistance 6. Size and Mobility
3. Power Supply 7. Data Handling
4. Safety and Health Standards 8. Temperature Control
3.1 Project Overview :
Objective: To develop and implement an Automated Sampling System for wastewater collection to
monitor CO ID i and other diseases, minimizing human e posure and enhancing data accuracy.

Scope: Design, develop, test, and deploy an automated system capable of collecting composite
The samples,
wastewater major aspect of the
storing them project
at iv°C, and work has additional
measuring been to parameters
develop asuchproper
temperature, pH, and flow rates. The system should operate in harsh and inaccessible
clustering method and an efficient algorithm for the purpose of the same. locations,
be vandalism proof, and re uire minimal human intervention.
The clustering process is done so as to make a better utilization of the
resources available and as a good communication technique. The
clustering process is carried out following the solution strategies stated

A detailed study of Mobility Models for Ad Hoc networks[4] was conducted

as an initial step.

The study of Time Series Models for internet traffic [5],[6] have also
helped in our development work.

The major plans that will be utilized for the purpose of clustering are:

• A Distributed Clustering Algorithm (DCA)[1].

• A Distributed Mobility Adaptive Clustering Algorithm (DMAC)[1].

• A Weight Based clustering algorithm (WCA)[2].

• A Voting Based clustering Algorithm (VCA)[3].

This algorithm is mainly developed to partition a given set of nodes into

certain groups called clusters on the basis of weights which can be mainly
applied on the field of quasi-static networks and or a fully mobile ad hoc

In an ad hoc network all the nodes are possibly mobile and it is of utmost
importance to partition the set of nodes into groups, to make proper

Project Phases and Milestones :
Planning then begin
Design send CH(v);
Cluster(v) := Cluster(v)  {v};
Deployment Ch(v)=true;
Operation and Maintenance Clusterhead := v;
Project Closure

if then EXIT
3.3 Detailed Work Breakdown
end Structure (WBS) :
else begin
Design Clusterhead := maxwz{z: Ch(z)};
Development send JOIN(c,Clusterhead);
Operation and Maintenance

Hence this above DCA algorithm is implemented in our simulation and the
3.4 Resource
various Requirements :
parameters are studied.
Human esources
uipment and Materials
Software and Tools
Here we describe a distributed algorithm for the set up and the
3.5 Riskmaintenance
Management of a: cluster organization in the presence of node’s mobility
isk Identification
that satisfies the three ad hoc clustering properties. The main difference
isk Mitigation Strategies
with the DCA presented in the previous section consists in the fact that

3.6 here we do not Plan

Communication assume
: that during the clustering process the nodes of the
need not to move. This makes the algorithm suitable for both the
clustering set up and the maintenance, which was not possible in the
Training and Support
previous solutions. Adaptation to changes in the network is made possible
by letting each node to properly “react” not only to the reception of a
message from other nodes but also to the failure of a link with another
By following this project plan, the development and implementation of the Automated Sampling
node or to the presence of a new link.
System will be systematically managed, ensuring timely delivery, uality outcomes, and effective
monitoring of wastewater for public health surveillance.
In the description of DMAC[1] we will assume that a message sent by a
node is received correctly within a finite time(a step) by all of its
neighbours. We also assume that each node knows its own ID, its weight,
its role and the ID, the weight and the role of all its neighbours. When a
node has not yet decided what its role is going to be, it is considered as
an ordinary node. Furthermore we assume that :

4.1 Design Principles
sensor needs to: update its vote to all neighbors. Only one message is
Automation and eliability
needed to broadcast votes to all neighbors. Note that a small residual
Safety and Hygiene
energy change
Adaptability and leof ibility
a neighbor does not change the votes significantly.
Data Accuracy and Integrity
Theorem1: and Durability
Assume sensors are dispersed in an area

S=[0, L]2, the

4.2 System Architecture : time complexity of VCA is
Core Components
Subsystems and Modules

4.3 Development Process :

Phase 2: The message
i: Conceptual Design complexity of VCA is O(N) .
Phase ii: Detailed Design
Phase iii: Development and Integration
Phase iv: Testing and alidation
Phase v: Deployment and Training
Phase vi: Operation and Maintenance

4.4 Design Considerations :

nvironmental Conditions
andalism and Security
Human Interaction
Compliance and Standards
nvironmental Conditions

4.5 Sustainability and Impact :

nergy fficiency
nvironmental Impact
Community and Health Benefits

By following this design strategy, the development of the Automated Sampling System will
effectively address the challenges of wastewater sampling, ensuring reliable, safe, and efficient
monitoring for the Wastewater Intelligence Network (WIN) Program.

The main design procedure in this project work of ours has been carried
out with the simulations being done in OMNeT++ which is a discrete
simulation software developed to display and simulate communication
networks. OMNeT++ is an open source simulation package. Development

5.1 System Enhancement and Optimization :
Advanced and the nodes are distributed in an as uniform manner as
Data Analytics
and Technology pgrades
nhanced Mobility
nergy fficiency

5.2 Scaling and Deployment :

Geographic pansion
Integration with Other Public Health Systems
Standardization and Guidelines

5.3 Community and Stakeholder Engagement :

Public Awareness Campaigns
Stakeholder Collaboration

5.4 Research and Development :

New Applications and se Cases
ongitudinal Studies
ser eedback and System Iteration

5.5 Policy and Regulatory Advocacy :

Policy Development
egulatory Compliance
Fig 4.3: The Network Architecture.
5.6 Education and Training :
Capacity Building
Academic Collaboration

By focusing on these future work areas, the Automated Sampling System can continue
to evolve, e pand, and contribute significantly to public health monitoring and disease
prevention efforts.

The future work of this project is mainly based on the development of the
following features which can be easily incorporated in the existing
algorithm that has been proposed by us.

The Automated Sampling in Wastewater Intelligence Network project represents a significant
under its cluster set. This property will be a huge difference to the
advancement in public health monitoring and environmental management. By developing a fully
automated systemexisting
for the concepts
collection and
and the wholeofclustering
analysis wastewaterprocess can we
samples, be can
made to be more
accurate and timely detection
more of diseases like CO ID i while minimizing human e posure to
hazardous conditions. This initiative aligns with the broader goals of the Surat Smart City
Development imited and Surat Municipal Corporation to enhance urban health infrastructure
These above two concepts is on the process of being implemented and the
through innovative and sustainable solutions.
results obtained so far show further development of the existing
The project's design strategyparameters.
performance focuses on key
The principles such
fuzzyfication ofas automation,
the safety,
whole network is aadaptability,
and data integrity. By integrating advanced sensors, reliable power sources, and secure data
boost to the overall performance parameter as it makes the net
transmission systems, the automated sampling bots can operate effectively in harsh and
performance The
inaccessible environments. much higher.ability to maintain samples at a controlled temperature
and collect additional data parameters simultaneously will significantly improve the uality and
reliability of the collected data.

The future work outlined includes system enhancement, geographic scaling, community
engagement, and continuous research and development. By embracing these areas, we can
e pand the impact of the automated sampling system, integrate it with other public health
initiatives, and ensure its long term sustainability and effectiveness.

In conclusion, the Automated Sampling in Wastewater Intelligence Network project is poised to

transform wastewater monitoring practices, providing a safer, more efficient, and data driven
approach to public health surveillance. This innovative solution will not only enhance the detection
and management of diseases but also contribute to the overall well being of communities by
supporting a cleaner and healthier environment.

The work of Clustering in Mobile Ad Hoc Network is a research based

project work which keeps on taking its own course along the whole
timeline of work. We are having fixed in our minds certain targets which
we have enumerated before in this report. So, we find it important to take

[1] https: publication ully Automatic Sampling and Data Monitoring Automation for Wastewater Treatment Plants
stock of the whole work that we have done till now. The understanding of
the proper functioning of the Mobile Ad Hoc Network is totally based upon
[2] https: 1
thorough theoretical study. The simulations and the practical

[3] implementation of the new ideas have been successfully developed by

https: science article pii S

means of the network architecture and coding of the various modules of

[4] https: pmc articles PMC
the working model. We also have made a considerable progress regarding
the forecasting capability of the algorithm.

The detailed study of the program codes reveal that the entire model is
devoid of any complicated nested loops and is based on simple code
fragments, leading to its average complexity being O(n). Implementation
of the prediction algorithm will make the model much more effective with
respect to time , cost and space.

In our future work we plan to implement the following:

• The Node Prediction System where we will be implementing in our

algorithm, the code for the Time Series analysis , to predict the future
location of a particular node.

• Fuzzyfication: We plan to introduce the Fuzzy Set Theory into our

algorithm to find out the membership of a node in a cluster. We shall
try to find out the degree of participation of a node for a clusterhead
on the basis of its membership values which will be dictated by the
Fuzzy Theory.


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