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Collection of all found posts on “Field Effect” from Dale Power

Part VI: Discussion Topics

Weight Loss Strategies:

Gourmet Dieting

The classic example of a “Gourmet” (A person that appreciates fine food) is a

very thin man or woman eating many very complicated, sometimes disgusting
sounding, foods, but in very small portions.

This idea is completely opposite of the Modern American Diet (MAD), in which
one or two foods make up the bulk of a meals calories, large quantities are
presented at a single time and beverages often make up a significant portion of
calories in a single sitting (about ten percent, sometimes more).

The typical American is getting fatter though, while the Gourmets are staying
slim and trim and eating a more interesting diet and enjoying their food more.

So what to do? After all, eating snails is definitely not something the typical
burger eating person wants to contemplate! Is that the kind of food that has to be
eaten in order to get and stay slim?

Fortunately it turns out that it is not the type of food, not alone at least, that
allows them to stay slim, but the style of Gourmet eating that does the trick! By
practicing a few simple rules, you can add enjoyment to eating while feeling more
satisfied with what you have eaten, while actually eating fewer calories!

Plan a time for each meal and stick to it whenever possible.

Poor eating habits form, in general, due to expediency. We feel rushed by our
lives, so we try to cut corners to make more time to get everything done. The
picture of office workers sitting at a desk, working while absent minded consuming
calories is so traditionally American (Especially U.S.) that we don't think twice
about seeing it happen.

School kids are rushed through there lunch periods, with more than half of them
not even eating, because they fear gaining weight.

Those that do eat do not take time to enjoy what they are eating, generally
having either substandard food provided by the school or bringing a rather boring
lunch from home.

Even when at home, most meals are caught on the fly, eaten in front of the
television or computer and don't even have food on a plate, but rather coming
straight out of the container.

By making definite times to eat, we can more easily learn to shift focus on to our
meal, and plan out what we are going to be eating ahead of time, instead of on
the fly. Just sitting down and focusing on your food when eating, rather than
something else (work, television, computer war simulations Etc.) you will feel full
faster and feel better about what you have eaten, normally after eating less.

Eat off of a plate.

Or out of a bowl, because soup is hard to eat off of a plate when you get down to
it. (And while cutting calories, it wouldn't be very satisfying.)

The point is to not eat out of the package, container or what have you, instead,
put the food in a specific dish, so that you focus on it and can clearly see how
much your have in front of you.

The more “real” the dishes appear to you, ceramic or glass instead of paper or
Styrofoam, using metal eating implements rather than a plastic spork, the more
importance you will place on what you are eating. This will tend to help you focus
on the meal itself, rather than on simply stopping hunger.

Eat Several Courses.

This does not mean eat several heaping helpings of each thing!

A course is best defined as a single food item being placed in front of you, as
apposed to everything being put on one plate.

This forces you to focus on the food in front of you, but also slows down your
meal. You want to take at least 30 minutes to actually eat your main meal each
day, and should plan an hour for the whole thing.

So having one portion in front of you at a time will help draw out the length of
the meal! This means by the end of the meal you will be more satisfied with what
you have eaten than if you ended the meal sooner.

It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register you are comfortably full after
you begin eating. By slowing down you give your brain chemistry time to catch up
with what you have eaten without over indulging.

Eat Low Calorie Foods First.

Don't start with soup or salad, start with a soup and then a salad! You can keep
the portions small, and the calories low, but by having both regularly, you will
actually cut out about 30% of the calories you would have eaten by the end of the
meal and still feel like you have had something worth eating.

If you are like the typical American you may have a bit of a problem
incorporating vegetables into your diet, finding them to lack flavor and not very
satisfying. There is a reason for this.

The vegetables you get from the store, in general, suck.

They are picked under ripe, to extend the amount of time they have to get them
to the store. On top of that the varieties that are grown commercially are those
with the highest commercial value, which means they look good in the store and
keep well, not those varieties that have been selected for flavor or even enjoyable

Grow your own, buy from the local greenhouse if you can and find local small
farms that grow real food.

If you must buy from the store (and most people have too, especially if you live
in a city setting.) then season the heck out of your vegetables! Herbs, spices and
vinegar are your friends here.
If you really cannot make yourself like vegetables right now, tough it out and eat
them anyway. Because it is counter to good survival skills to exclude vegetables
and is too wimpy to allow to flourish in ourselves.

Use small plates with small portions.

A full portion of any one thing should be about half a cup. If you are not clear on
how small this is, go and get a half cup measure and take a peak.

This is about how much food you should have on your plate at any one time!
Get used to seeing small servings and knowing that this is what is actually
supposed to be in front of you, not a full bucket of KFC fried chicken!

*Don't worry, you will get enough food! There is not famine, and if at the end of
the meal you are truly hungry, you can always have more.

Eat at least six courses at diner.

Soup, salad, first and second vegetable dish, pasta and main course. A fruit
and cheese course is also nice and makes a fine replacement for desert in the
normal course of things. You can add in special (small!) drinks, at various
positions during the meal as an individual course as well.

Desert should be special when you have it! Don't just slab off a hunk of cake or
pie, pick something exotic, something you especially like or that has meaning to
you. Keep the portion very small, because you likely will already be full anyway.

Some people like to add in a fine sorbet (learn to make your own. The quality
will be far higher than anything you can get at a store in the U.S. And cheaper
too, even after adding in the cost of an ice cream maker.) to cleanse the palate
during the meal.

As you can see, it would be simple to put ten to fifteen courses into a meal!

Eat with someone else that is willing to eat this way.

This should not be a deal breaker, but you will have more fun doing this with
good company. Finding someone that needs to eat food isn't that hard to do
really! If you are truly so isolated that you have no one, don't let that stop you
from enjoying yourself though!

Good food is one of the main pleasures in life. A big part of this is socializing
with others while we eat!

Take small bites!

Don't over load the fork, spoon or your mouth. You have time to eat, pay
attention to the flavors of the food as you do it, the scents and even how it looks
on the plate!

It should take you about 15-20 bites to get through a half cup serving of

This should mean your fork or spoon is about half full with each bite.

By keeping the bite size down, you will chew more fully, slow down your eating
time and be able to discern more subtly in flavor and texture.
Try new things!

Only about ten percent of Gourmet foods is strange. Be willing to try things that
are new but within your personal comfort zone though.

New foods seem more important, which increases our focus on them when we
have them, which makes them more satisfying to eat!

Plus life can become boring if we eat the same few foods over and over again
as if it is a chore.

Keep things lively and interesting in the kitchen!

Now, obviously, ten curses of an overloaded plate won't do the trick here. Be
sensible and give yourself permission to enjoy what you are eating and to take
enough time to actually notice the food. It can only help you to practice noticing
what you are eating more than you are now, even if you feel your current skills in
this area are fine.

This isn't so much about what foods you are eating, but rather about how you
decide to eat them. It takes some dedication to establish good eating habits, but
the increase in pleasure, the decrease in waist line and the satisfaction of still
having fine foods while losing weight makes it well worth while!
Holiday Planning Time!

Every year we find the holidays coming, normally at a mad pace, hitting with what
seems to be one after another after another! The stress of this is enough o strip
the fun right out of the whole season if you are not careful! (And Really, if we can't
have fun during the “Designated fun time” we have some serious problems to deal

Here are some tips and tricks that may help you negotiate this time of year without

Start Early: We always say we are going to, next time, but this year actually do it.
Before the end of September, actually plan out your major holiday schedule,
leaving time for other peoples parties and festivities.

If you like to make your own gifts, start now! Rushing through hundreds of hand
made invitations isn't fun, so take your time and do it right.

Be Creative: Tired of doing the same old thing year in and year out? Why not
pick one holiday this year as a special project and try to add a little color? The
Internet has a million options (or more) for every occasion, so you don't even
have to use your own creativity if you don't want too!

Adding a few cute ideas to your normal Holiday schedule will allow others to adapt
without hassle while still making changes.

Make Time To Exercise: Half the fun of the holiday season is getting to eat
things that aren't very good for you! A good exercise program will help you stay in
a low stress mode while not gaining pounds though.

The extra endorphins are enough of a reason to exercise all on their own!

Plan ONE Party: Too often people feel the need to be the planner for all their
family and friends during this time of year. If that is you, then pick one Holiday to
plan for and let others know they get to pick amongst the others.

If you are one of those people that normally just floats along, letting someone else
do all the work, give it a try this year! The holidays actually mean a lot more when
you participate in them fully.

Also, by focusing on just one party or event, you give yourself permission not to
worry for three months while everything is going on. You take responsibility for
one thing, when it is over, you can just let it go and enjoy the season.

Get a Holiday Buddy: If you don't have any friends, go get some now. Join a
crafts club or something. If you do have friends, see if one of them would like to
plan that party or event with you! Shared work is halved and most things are more
fun if you have someone around to do them with.

Practice Important Holiday Skills Early: If you have never made a

Thanksgiving Turkey before, don't wait for the day to learn how-to! If last years
peppermint egg-nog didn't work out exactly right, take some time to perfect it now.

Do your package wrapping skills lack flair? (Mine do!) Take this opportunity to find
out what the pro's do, rather than waiting until the last minutes and slapping
things together in a haphazard fashion.

If you want a “Christmas Brunch” with home made everything, make sure you
make all of the dishes ahead of time. Peppermint Pancakes sound good, but do
you have the right kind of syrup ready for them? (Maple won't work well! Try
strawberry.) Do you even know how to make those cinnamon rolls yet? Now's the
time to try!

Don't neglect Scent: A scent of pumpkin pie, Cinnamon, fresh baked cookies...

These are all part of the visceral memories people have of Christmas. (And
Pumpkin pie can double for Thanksgiving too!)

Halloween is trickier though just as important!

Try a mix of caramel and apples, with just a hint of mild-dew. (I know, gross, but it
really sets that creepy mood you may be looking for. Keep it a vague scent and
watch people be far more interested in what you have planned than they did in
years past!)

Pick Out Your Music Early Too: We all have favorites to add to our Holiday
playlists. Still, how often do we actually hear them at the right time?

Getting some of your favorites collected into one place now will make everything
easier later.

Starting early will also give you a chance to ask others what they want to hear! A
little tailoring done months in advance will let people know you care as well as
helping you pick out selections that everyone will like.

Practice Moderation: Plan out how much you will drink and stick to it. Eat your
favorite things, but don't eat too much or eat it too fast. Savor it and enjoy it

Plan to eat full, healthy meals before “snack based” parties. Being comfortably full
makes it easier to turn down extra junk food later. If you do break down and start
eating everything in sight, being full already will help you stop this sooner. Physics
can be your friend. (Though you probably won't feel like it at the time!)

If you try something new and don't like it, stop eating it! You go to parties to
socialize, do new things and have fun. If something isn't fun, then don't do it.

A little moderation in all things will make everything seem a little brighter and a
little more valuable to you.

Ultimately Though, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff: If things g well, great! If drunk
Uncle Steve falls into the tree or drowns in the apple bobbing barrel*, get pictures.
These are the memories you will treasure later!

*Though if Uncle Steve is really drowning, calling for medical assistance will also
be a good idea.

The point here though, is to have fun, no matter what! If you go in with the idea
that you will enjoy whatever comes, it is a lot easier to roll with the small things
and focus on the people around you, which will help at least some of them have
more fun too!**
**Well, Drunk Uncle Steve may not actually have fun. You can't blame him though,
destroying the tree, nearly drowning...

Not to mention what he is probably going to do in your back yard later...

Why Are There No Superheroes?

After nearly 100 years of superheroes in comic books, on radio, movies and
television, you would think that the trend would have caught on in real life,
wouldn't you? While it is clear that we do have costumed vigilantes running
around fighting crime, many of whom have catchy names for themselves, we
never seem to see these folk come into the eye of the press like you would think
they would.


You didn't know we had real superheroes around?

Well... That's kind of my point here!

If you want to find out more about the real life superhero's check out:

Real Life Superheroes

The World Superhero Registry

It's worth looking into.

But, this article isn't about the reality of Superheroes it's about why we don't seem
to have any. Here is a list of reasons why these folks may not have made the
papers or national press as regularly as they deserve. (And many of them really
do deserve our attention!)

They don't have cool powers. This is not to say they don't have powers.
Maybe they do! Still, flying around without a plane is highly visible and catches
attention, where as being twice as strong as a normal man of a similar size is
pretty easy to ignore.

Blasting powerful ruby red eye beams is impressive, while the ability to simply
know where a crime will happen is not too flashy. (Though ultimately such a power
would probably be more useful to a real life crime fighter!)

Wait, you may say, Batman doesn't have cool superpowers either! Neither does
Hawkeye of the Avengers (he just shoots a Bow and Arrow really well.) So maybe
this isn't the reason here?

Batman has Billions of dollars and an array of really expensive toys for flash
though and Hawkeye...Well, he has Thor standing behind him, which kind of
draws the eye. And She-Hulk. Also eye catching. Plus, he tends to be ignored
even in the comic books. (Actually he may be out of the Avengers by now. I admit
I'm about 20 years behind on my comic book reading.)

So until someone starts flying around like Superman, or destroys large buildings
with a wave of a hand multiple times, we probably won't see the feats of these
people on Fox news or CNN.

They don't fight Super Villains. Let's face it, it is hard to get good press when
your greatest battle to-date was against a “Gang” of fourteen year olds that ride
their skateboards too recklessly.
Most of the press for the real Superheroes comes from work done in public
service areas. A man (or woman!) in a cape delivering meals to the housebound
or shoveling snow for free is good for a small spread in the local paper, but most
people don't read those things anymore anyway. So they often go unnoticed.

The fact of the matter is though, that a truly good super battle is hard to have
when your biggest enemy is the hardened criminal “Jeremy” who peddles cut rate
Marijuana behind the Tasty-freeze!

The Police ask the press not to report on Superheroes to cut out

I have no proof of this of course, but let's face it, the police do NOT like it when
someone does their job better than they do. Anyone with a Superhero suit and
name would make th e Police feel inadequate and as if they were not needed.
Instead of changing to less corrupt ways, the bad cops will try to hide who is really
getting the work done. The good Officers won't do that, of course, which doesn't
say a lot for the modern force I'm afraid.

The Press doesn't want to seem silly. A masked man fighting crime? Is that
supposed to be a joke? Well, to the modern press it sure seems like it!

How, they would ask, if I had bothered to interview any for this article, which I did
not, how can we be taken seriously as journalists if we report on things that look
even a little “goofy”. Just because it is happening and is real, that is not reason
for the press to report it as a serious story, is it?

If someone did report on it and didn't make fun of it, they could kiss that big job as
an anchor goodbye, right? All Americans should know by now that getting a better
job is what the “Real” journalists all care about most in life.

Well, that and their hair. Good hair is important to them too.

Real Superheroes lack funding. Sad but true! Maybe we should take up
donations for them? It gets expensive paying for tights and rocket packs you know.

Weapons capable of stopping a tank don't grow on trees either.

Have you even priced personal jet planes lately? (Not cheap!)

If you have ever though about helping the world around you, maybe you should
find and help out your local Superhero first?

Finally, men in tights look silly. There. I said it. Try some more manly looking
costumes if you want to be taken seriously guys!

Maybe something with body armor worked in, so that I don't have to hear about a
Masked crusader being shot by street punks?

I suggest looking at pre-Superman costumed hero's for inspiration. Those guys

often worked on no budget but still managed to fight the good fight. Without bright
or day-glow colors either!

These are just some reasons why we don't live in a world filled with Superheroes
yet. That coupled with the ever falling violent crime statistics means that the noble
caped crusaders of this world may be out of a job long before they ever get a
chance to truly shine and make an impact on the public consciousness.
Helpful Advice for Humans

Getting tired of the same old advice that you know you won't follow anyway? Well
here is a list of whole new ideas for you to ignore!

You can only absorb 24 ounces of water per hour for cellular use.
Everything else is wasted and washes through your system almost directly. It
doesn't matter what the external conditions are. Desert heat, arid tundra. 24 oz per
hour is all you get.

Most scientific studies are mis-reported in the press.

Normally this is because the reporters are not scientists and so do not actually
read the studies they are reporting on, instead taking single lines out of the
abstract and running with it. This means that about half or what you think it
scientific knowledge is simply misreporting.

You can only process about ten thousand calories a day.

You can burn off more than that, if you are an ultra endurance athlete or if life
suddenly goes very wrong for you very fast! But eating more than that won't help
you, no matter how much your burn off.

Optimists are generally smarter than pessimists.

By about five I.Q. Points. They are also luckier on average, by a whopping 33%. It
pays to stay positive and expect the best!

People find you more interesting if you seem interested in them.

Just don't make eye contact for more than six to eight seconds at a time. It gets

It hurts less to pull off a band-aid slowly and carefully.

By about 30%

If you stand up straight, people will think you are better looking.
By 50%. This works for both men and women. That is the difference between
being perceived as a 5 (on a scale of 1-10) and being seen as a 7.5. Worth doing
no matter who you are.

Crystal Meth is highly addictive because it acts as a true aphrodisiac.

This has been kept out of the press on purpose. Go figure?

Men: If you smell like Pumpkin pie women will be 60% more attracted
to you.
Yes, Pumpkin pie.

If you smell like lavender, everyone will be more attracted to you.

Male or female. About 50% more attracted.

You need about two hours of exercise per day to operate at peak
It can however be spread out and include some low intensity exercise, if at least
30% is high intensity.

Honey not only can be used as a topical anti-biotic, but will likely
replace many of the current anti-bacterial agents on the market
within the next ten years.
It contains specialized proteins that destroy bacteria and turns into hydrogen
peroxide as it degrades. This is why honey almost never “goes bad”.
Daily Stretching, taking only five minutes, will cut out 60-80% of all
future chronic back problems.
The rest normally are due to injury at some point.

Most of the negative effects of aging happen because people stop

doing active and engaging things.
If you stay engaged and active, you remain stronger longer.

Gambling is a losing proposition long term.

It is designed to make you feel like you can win, but the odds are always in the
houses favor. Play long enough and you eventually lose everything.

If you are interested in someone, ask them out now.

They may say yes and if they don't the pain of rejection is less when very near the
start of interest than several weeks or months into it.

After forty minutes in a virtual reality simulation, your subconscious

mind begins to act as if it is real.
This also holds true for vividly imagined things as well.

Any activity done regularly for six weeks tends to become a

permanent habit.

Eating large amounts of Turmeric may help prevent many forms of

cancer, reduce tumors and prevent fat accumulation in the body.
About two tablespoons per day should do the trick.
Using Physical Energy to Increase
Psychic Effect

“The Secret” took the Internet by storm a little over a year ago. A well produced
modern take on the well known Law of Attraction, it postulated that “What you
think about, is what you bring into your life”. The only thing they forgot, and
probably do not even know consciously, is the missing portion of The Secret, that
has been applied by practitioners throughout the ages and even by the producers
of the video themselves, even though they did not do it knowingly.

What is this amazing and incredible hidden value that causes the secret to
explode in power and utility?


That's right, the Law of Attraction was never meant to be separated from actually
working to achieve your goals, it was historically used by people like Issac Newton,
Leonardo Da Vinci and St. Germain as only one portion of a given process they
were already working on!

If Leonardo needed a patron let's say, he would use the law of attraction daily,
focusing on this patron already being in his life, visualizing it completely and fully...
And then go to parties with the rich and famous who may actually take him on in
that capacity, talk to his friends that knew people and made a point to be seen as
an unrivaled artist. He didn't sit in his house dreaming all the time, he got out,
worked on making his dream come true and was not content to simply try to will
things into being.

What this does in short is put an order in with the Universe, and follow that order
with the physical expectation of it happening, while adding energy to the process.

The greatest ability of humans in the physical world is our ability to add energy to
it selectively through work and effort.

Another Leonardo example: (these examples are made up using him as a

focus, they are not necessarily what he personally did in real life. I don't want him
spinning in his grave over these claims though...)

When he began a painting, he would first create the idea. He would focus on it
and give it life in his mind. Then, when it was alive to him, breathing, real, perfect
inside his mind, he would begin to paint, bringing his creation into being.

Would he have done as well if he just started paining or if he was not as diligent
about trying to bring the mental aspects into play? Not likely. He needed to bring
his full INTENT into the picture to extend into a higher level of skill than people
would normally be able to achieve.

The trouble here is that a lot of people have been taught that magic is supposed
to work without physical input from the practitioner, as if adding physical energy
somehow steals the magic from the situation. I do not know if this was done on
purpose or not, or if the situation is simply one where the ancients never even
thought that someone would “forget” to do the actual work needed to bring about
a successful end.
Foundation Building

It cannot be stressed enough that all “magic” requires a physical foundation for
best effect.

If you want a new house, you can't just sit and magic it up (Well, so far no one I
have met can do this), you need to look for it, find ways to pay for it, trade for it or
build it to your specifications.

So what good is “the Secret”?

It's value lay in it's ability to increase the effectiveness of what you are doing,
about ten times. Sometimes more.

When done well, opportunities that you would not have had to find that house will
appear while you are looking. You will find yourself in places where people are
more likely to aid you in your endeavor and they will more often be wiling to “make
a deal” that favors you!

Magic, psychokinesis, will working...

They all work best when paired with physical work and action! This does not
guarantee certain results all the time, but it will make a huge difference in how well
things work for you and help you to shift into the correct framework for what you
want to happen to become reality.

Don't become disheartened, though! Not only can you be more successful by
combining these two things, creating your reality mentally and doing so physically,
you can learn to use the energy available in other people places and things to
increase the effectiveness of work at a remove from your physical location as well!
The physical work is needed, but it does not always have to be your own!

Healing is most often done this way for instance, where the actual work is done by
the healing mechanism of the other person, and what you are doing is adding
pattern stability and a corrected information network.

Influencing the mind of another is also largely “borrowing” external energy, getting
the person being influenced to do most of the work.

Influencing the fall of a die uses the energy created by you (in picking the die up,
then dropping it) or another person (in the same way) to increase the effect of
your intent!

Keeping these things in mind, and being willing to do the work needed, will easily
take your “power” up several notches almost instantly!

Remember: Magic, The Secret, Will working, Intent, These things work
best when not placed in a vacuum! A little extra work, in a very normal
way, will make everything you do far more powerful! It is more than worth
the effort.
Fringe Techniques to Save the

It should come as no surprise to anyone reading this that mankind has damaged
the Earth lately. A Lot. Our actions have lowered the amount of oxygen producing
Plankton in the worlds oceans by an incredible (and frightening) 40% since 1900.
We dump millions of tones of Greenhouse gases into the air each year, a full
thirty-five years after it was originally recognized that this was a real problem that
will have consequences in our life time.

We over-fish, use high yield (a good thing) farming practices that poison the water
of the ocean (bad) and erode the soil into near un-usability that cannot sustain
high yield growth without damaging fertilizers and chemicals. (Bad!) We have to
keep doing this, we are told, because of the ever growing world population
problem! Within four months of this writing it is assumed that the worlds population
will have reached over seven Billion people!

Each person adds to the stress placed on the planet and no realistic program or
technique has been offered by out governments to do anything meaningful about

So here are a few suggestions about what we may want to try ourselves and
suggest to politicians and officials the world over.


The idea here is a simple but powerful one. Use long term farming techniques to
feed yourself and your family, without using unnatural pesticides and harmful

The closer you are to living where your food is grown, the less pollution,
greenhouse gases and so on are produced by it. If you walk out and pick it
yourself, there is no need for a truck to ship it across country, right? That takes
out a lot of pollution right there!

Doing things on a small scale with perennial shrubs, plants and trees means that
the amount of work you will have to do in your garden is far less than with typical
food gardens done in the traditional manner.

Even if you have only a small bit of land to work with, these methods can save
you hundreds of dollars in food costs each year and take a bit of stress off of the
food production system.

Go Vegetarian:

Or even more helpful to the environment, go Vegan.

A vegan is a person that eats only plants, where a vegetarian might also eat milk,
cheese and eggs. Some vegans use no animal products what so ever, which is
helpful given some modern farming practices, but unneeded in other areas for
environmental reasons. Currently most Vegans are such for ethical reasons
How big of a difference does this make? One recent study claimed that simply
going Vegan was the biggest impact a person could have on the world's
environment, even larger than not driving a car!

Vegetarians come in nearly as well though, especially if they don't eat dairy
products. The cattle industry is huge and a major producer of environmental
damage. Not eating dairy means that fewer cows are needed for milk production,
meaning fewer calves placed in the veal pens and less trucking of cattle and meat
as well as milk is needed taking out a lot of stress on the infrastructure of the
country. (Leading eventually to less road work.) It has a snowballing effect with a
single persons choice have a bigger impact than the single action taken would
appear to have on the surface.


Over the last 100 years in the U.S. We have moved further and further away from
the idea of inter community cooperation.

By increasing the bonds of community, we can share work, production of local

goods and entertainments, lowering the cost to each individual for many goods
and services.

It has to start somewhere, so why not be the one to get a community projects
group together? Or a bartering club? There are a lot of things that many people
would like to be a part of, if only someone else will do the work of getting it
started... Perhaps that person should be you?

Plant Trees:

We all intuitively know that having trees and green things around is helpful to the
environment. Rarely though do we actually put trees in the ground.

While we can't fix global warming by planting trees, we may be able to protect our
local environment, prevent droughts and keep things considerably cooler in the
summer and less breezy in the winter by making trees a part of our lives.

It takes about 20 seconds to put a seed in the ground or plant a single seedling.
So for a time investment of only 34 minutes, each of use could plant 100 trees per
year. Is it enough? Probably not, but it is about 99.8 more trees planted per
person than would otherwise have happened! (Not including government efforts
which should continue regardless.)

It is only one step, but each tree gives us a bit of hope!

Cut Back:

The less we each use, the less stress we place on the planet.

When you use a good, try to use the whole thing. Reuse the bottle or bag it came
in, don't waste any of it, use biological scraps that are uneaten by you or animals
(pets, livestock, teenage children) as fuel for your compost heap.
Try to use glass, which is reusable, durable and can be recycled easily, instead of
plastic, which has none of these characteristics at a high enough level.

Try to drive less. Or not at all if that is available to you!

Keep the lights off, the air conditioning off and the heat turned down low.

Don't eat more than you need to for health and survival! Eat only foods that come
from local sources and that have a low impact on the environment. Some
research is needed on this topic for each person, of course, as each local area
will have different products that vary in the amount of environmental impact.

Don't over Breed:

Until we have the population under control, it is irresponsible to have too many
children. One child per couple should be the norm.

Now, many western cultures and countries like Japan have been slowly moving in
this direction, but it needs to be turned into a world wide meme.

It is a bad thing to have too many children and endangers us all, at least a little.
We cannot count on technology to save us. It may yet do so, but we cannot count
on it. We also cannot count on Jesus coming back to make fixing the environment
a moot point. So living as if this is the world we have is a good idea for now!

Should we take away the right to breed from people that abuse the privilege? I
hate the idea of it, forced sterilization has so many negative overtones, but if
people cannot learn to control their baser desires, I fear that this is coming sooner
or later. (I'm talking about a desire from the presumed ego boost of having many
children. Not controlling the desire for sex. Fighting that one would be and has
always been, a losing battle. Best not to waste time on it.)

We can head it off now though, by taking control of our own biological destiny and
being more careful.

Actually do it:

We all know what to do, but we often fail to follow through in regards to the
environment. It seems like there will be plenty of time to do it later or as if
someone else should be taking care of it.

There isn't more time. We have to act now to have any effect later. The longer we
wait the worse it is going to hurt trying to fix things.

No one else will do this for us. The big companies have no reason too, and have
some reason to fight against change that would make them less rich.
Governments stay in power by keeping people happy, not telling them that they
will have to learn to do with less. The only group with a reason to take action is us.
The mass of humanity that will actually suffer as things get worse, if nothing is

So action must be ours, and it must be personal.

Or nothing will change.

Alien Visitations:
Alternative Explanations

We have had strong history of strange sightings and reports of alien visitations
and abductions over the last sixty to eighty years of American history. These
events tend to come with little or no physical proof and often leave everyone
involved baffled and perplexed as to what, if anything, is really going on.

Having had a visitation experience myself many years ago, I started to look into
this phenomenon, looking for answers. While I don't have anything definitive, here
are some thoughts as to what may, or may not be going on.

The “Ships”:

People see a light in the sky and assume it is a physical craft, but this may not be
the case. Given the way that these craft move, it is also very possible that we are
dealing with a non-physical event that is closer to the focal point of a lens than a
physical ship.

What would the end point of a worm hole searching for an anchor point look like
to us on the ground for instance?

Or, for that matter, what if these lights in the sky are a creation of the collective
unconscious? Could it be that we are all getting together on a deep level and
causing these things to appear?

If so, is it possible that what we see now is not something truly alien, but simply a
reflection of ourselves, much like the Gods and Goddesses of old were? (If that
theory holds of course. If aliens are real now, then who knows what the ancient
gods really were.)

The “Aliens”:

The aliens themselves that are most commonly reported, the “Grey's” bear a
strong resemblance to the “Mechanical elves” that people report seeing when
undergoing a DMT trip.

Dimethyltryptamine(DMT) is produced by the brain and other tissues of the body

in very small, normally not psychoactive, amounts. Is it possible that in certain
circumstances our own bodies could send us on a sudden and unexpected “trip”?
It is a powerful psychoactive drug, specifically a hallucinogen, that is reported to
cause sightings of “Mechanical singing elves” in high enough doses. A slight
chemical difference, such as experienced in the production of such a chemical in
the body as compared to a laboratory, could cause small differences in how the
experience is perceived.

This does not mean that DMT is not simply allowing us to see what is always
there, of course. If that is the case though, we need to rethink our understanding
of reality a lot, as we are never as alone as we think we are.

There are also the rather “ghostly” effects that these visitors often show. Passing
through walls, appearing and disappearing, Sometimes seeming to be translucent.

This could indicate a high level of technology, or a difference in physical being, as

beings from a significantly different dimension would not necessarily interact with
our world like we do.
Finally, we have the collective unconscious again.

The idea here is that a belief held strongly enough, by enough people, could
manifest in certain parts of a given society. This certainly seems to be a factor in
how we describe things, if nothing else. Two thousand years ago, would we have
seen angles and Gods instead of E.T.'s? Four thousand years ago, would they all
have been ancient demons from the Earth?

This brings us to at least two other groups of sighted “aliens” the tall “Nordics”,
who reportedly look just like we do, only taller (about seven foot) blond and
universally good looking.

This could easily be an idealized vision of ourselves and what we hope to be.

The Reptilians are, if from our own minds, basically demons. Primordial ones at
that. They change shape, have sharp pointed teeth and need to consume
humans for some reason. (Possibly to hold their shape) they are also known to be
sexual with humans, but in a manner that the humans seldom enjoy.

It is not certain that these creatures are from our own minds, but they do kind of fit
nicely into our human scheme if looked at in this way.

The Responses:

The most inexplicable factor is the response of those in the scientific community.
Instead of looking at this as an interesting phenomenon that is reported by
millions of people, they simply dismiss it without acknowledging that anything is
even going on.

It seems that a full scientific study would be called for, no matter what the cause of
these events happens to be. If it is psychological, then being able to show this to
“abductees” with definitive proof would give comfort to a great many people.

If it is a simple biological hallucination, then why wouldn't scientists as a group be

interested in finding out how this comes about? The greater our knowledge of
ourselves the better off we tend to be.

Even if this does turn out to be aliens in the literal and normal sense of the word,
physically coming to our planet, a wide spread study of what is going on could
help us gather information that would allow us to interact with these beings and
gain insight into who and what they are. Or if need be, to protect ourselves from

Without study, we cannot know what is going on for certain. Without information
about reality, we cannot make good choices. By refusing to look into this, science
as an institution, is failing to investigate a situation that, at the very least, should
have interesting findings, no matter what those findings turnout to be.
Is Jasmine Really as Effective as Valium?
(Part One)

This isn't my claim, but rather one made by researchers from the Heinrich Heine
University in Düsseldorf, who have stated (after a study with hundreds of
volunteers) that smelling jasmine is as potent as taking Valium for stress
reduction, relaxation and as a sleep aid! Supposedly identical effects.

Here is more information about this from Science daily:

Intoxicating Fragrance: Jasmine as Valium Substitute


So, tonight I shall test it out and report my findings tomorrow!

I am going to try this at 9:00 P.M. Well before I would normally be tired, by about
four hours or more, to see if I can discern real effects from this or not.

It is not that I do not trust the scientists, but claims such as this are best tested in
real world conditions as well as in lab tests.

I shall try inhaling through the nose (in case this is actually due to scent directly
and not just air born chemicals), from a bottle of NOW Jasmine scented oil.

My findings will be reported regardless of the effects or lack there of.

Stay tuned for part two tomorrow! (Will this really do anything? I don't know, but
telling others to use it or try it without doing so myself seems...lacking, somehow!)
Can Jasmine Replace Valium?
(Part Two)

I have to admit, when I heard that the sent of Jasmine could replace a fairly
powerful drug and have nearly identical effects, I was a bit skeptical.

But after trying it, I have to agree that there was a powerful effect similar to Valium.

Things I noticed:

The effects took about the same time to kick in that one would expect from having
taken a pill, not something inhaled, which normally hits the system faster. This
would indicate that a certain threshold of particulates is required for full effect.

(Meaning that, even though a common substance, this appears to be a drug

reaction in the system, not a psychological effect from a soothing scent or
something like that.)

It left me feeling very relaxed and loose, but not sleepy. (Which is also what I
found the few times I had Valium for anything, it seemed to act as a muscle
relaxant for me more than anything else.)

Given that this works on a GABA response, (again, just like Valium) it would seem
that the addictive indications would likely be identical to Valium.

This means that while you can have the Valium like effects for a very low price
and without a prescription and do it legally, you will want to make certain you don't
fall into an addictive cycle.

The general rule is that you should never use any drug more than once every
four days if it is addictive, if at all possible.

So far I have to give Jasmine four stars out of four though. It is cheap, available,
effective and legal.

Use with caution.

A Means To An End

Everything we learn in life is only a means to an end. While the specifics of that
end, your personal goals, will vary from individual to individual, there are some
basic themes that tend to be very meaningful to most people.

Helping Others: Almost everyone can see the value in helping other people.
Those that can't tend to end up with a great internal stockpile of misery. Why is
this? Possibly because helping others is inherently good for both the survival of
the species and the survival of a given society or sub-group.

When you help other people, there is an innate biological reward button that is
“pushed”. Which tends to make us feel better about ourselves and let's us know
that we are doing something meaningful.

When we ignore such signals and focus on greed, jealousy or anger, we tend to
end up harming ourselves and others through incorrect action and harshness that
is unwarranted.

Protecting Resources: This is similar to helping others, but has a different form.
When we try to protect the planet, to conserve resources for later or even save
money, time or effort, we feel a little more complete as individuals.

Excitement: This is the most dangerous of natural drives. (I bet you thought that
would be sex, but no, that comes in about third. Right behind, gluttony.) The need
for stimulation. It is basic and innate, but can lead people into increasingly bad
decisions if not controlled well!

You will most likely still seek stimulation! So do so with care for the world and
compassion for others to use this source of energy well.

Most of the time this is expressed within us as interest! (Which is a good thing!)

So, what is the point of listing these things?

Everything we do in life needs to support a major theme in some way. Magic,

psychic abilities, will working, meditation...

These things are no different!

To have value in the long run, all of these things need to be used in a fashion
which supports a larger goal!

Think of power lifters for a moment. These men (and women) are very strong,
dedicating large amounts of time to their chosen sport. This isn't a bad thing, but
what's the point?

To be physically strong? That's nice, but just being strong is an empty thing, if
that strength is not going to be used for something.

This is not to say that they shouldn't be power lifters, just that each person should
seek a greater meaning for each skill and practice, a framework that will give
meaning to what they are doing!
If you learn to sing, and do so to uplift the spirits of others, there is greater power
in that than if you do so just to make money. BUT, there is greater power in trying
to make money (even if that is a bit of a selfish goal, it is good to remember that
everyone needs to eat and pay the rent...) than in learning to sing just to be good
at it.

So ask yourself, why do you want to learn to read minds, or foretell the future or
control your own body? If it is just to know how to do it, then such things may not
be the best way to spend your time.
Collection of all found posts on “Field Effect” from Dale Power
Part VII: Rogue Techniques

Rogue Techniques:
Quick and Dirty Altered States

So, you have read up on the various psychic techniques on this site, and even
have a project in mind, but don't want to spend six months to a year learning how
to enter the deep mental states needed for best results? O.K. Your best bet is to
simply hire the work done, or buy an object that will do the work for you, like the
ones located in our Shop.

Still, what if that is out of reach for you? (Or you really, really just like to do things
for yourself?)

There are some ways you can quickly reach altered states of mind deep enough
to be useful to you, without breaking the law. I'm not anti-drugs (In regards to
psychic/mystical uses), but they need to be used carefully and with control (I am
indicating psychotropics and hallucinogens here). Enough, so that I don't use
them myself, just to prevent mistakes. Be careful and have a long term plan that
you follow carefully if you are going to mix drugs and psychic matters or magic. As
always though, don't break the law if you can help it and if you must break the law,
do so in a way that actually helps the world and society, not in a selfish manner.

Here are two techniques that will get you into a deep state, in a way that will allow
you to focus and get work done. These should not be your go-to techniques,
because you will eventually want to be more adaptable to situations than they will
allow for, but they will get the job done in a pinch.

Sensory Deprivation on a Caffeine Kick:

When you are in a sensory deprived state, you will drop into a midrange Theta
state within about six seconds. This is a fine working state, though most untrained
people will also have to fight hard not to fall asleep.

To get around that, I recommend caffeine tablets. (Not coffee or soda, as though
will also tend to make you have to use the restroom which will be disruptive if you
need extra time to get the work done.) You will have to judge how much to take
based on body size, gender and tolerance for yourself, but for a normal sized
adult, one to two tablets should be fine. (150 milligrams to 200 milligrams)

No need to over do this, it should just be enough to keep yourself awake.

Setting up a sensory deprivation chamber takes a little work, but you don't have to
spring for a three thousand dollar flotation tank. You just need a dark room, a
blind fold and some ear plugs. The room should be at a very comfortable
temperature for you, so that you really don't feel the air on your skin.

You will want to be sitting in a very comfortable reclining style chair or lying down.

Once this is set, go to and follow your plan with focus.

This will be good for about two hours of deep theta work time. After that your brain
will probably distract you with colorful images and realistic pictures unrelated to
your work. Try to be done before that time.
*The images you may see, called hypnogogic visions are no more likely to be
exactingly related to other things, like the future, the past or events happening at
a distance, than any other kind of psychic information. Don't be fooled into
thinking they are exact representations. These visions have been filtered through
your own lens of mental distortion even before you see them. They may have
good information at the same time! Just be careful about reading meaning into

Isochronic Sounds:

You will have to look this up online, but the short version is this: Certain kinds of
sounds cause brainwave entrainment. Isochronic sounds are the ones that get
the strongest effect.

These tones vary in intensity in a single range, which makes a kind of “Wah-wah”
effect to the ear. (If low enough in hertz, waves per second, for you to make it

You can look this up on line now, as some kids are using them as a recreational
“drug”. They are harmless however, as long as you treat them with care and don't
do hearing damage.

With a little effort you can learn to make your own, or buy music online that has
them already embedded in them.

For beginners (to altered mental states) I recommend experimenting and working
in the Theta range first, then pushing into deeper ranges after a few days or
weeks of use.

If you can match a strobe light or flashing light effect to the Isochronic sound, you
will further increase the depth of entrainment.

It helps to seek the level the sounds are guiding you towards. Clearing your mind
and focusing on the feeling of the state for a bit, about ten minutes, before
beginning to focus on your planned work.

Don't be lazy!

Just because you can do these fast and without much work doesn't mean you
won't benefit long term from learning these things the long way too! Machines
break, lights can be bright and people noising, just when you need to get
something done. By learning to hold the deeper states in a variety of situations,
you can't easily have such things taken away from you.

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