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Remaining Cot: $0 $0 $0
UTI i the leading provider of training for tudent preparing for career a profeional automotive,
dieel, colliion repair, motorccle, marine, CNC machining and welding technician.
More than 220,000 tudent have graduated from UTI during our 55-ear hitor. Our reputation i
uilt on the qualit of our training and intructor, and our indutr relationhip with leading
* Note: The etimated annual cot hown aove doe not include aid uch a government uidized tudent loan or the
fact that the amount of Other xpene ma e lower if a tudent i careful with peronal purchae, uch a clothing
and going out with friend.
Your "timated Net Price" i calculated aed on the information ou provided. Thi Net Price Calculator give etimate of our cot of attendance and net
price. Thee etimate do not repreent a final determination or actual offer of financial aitance or the final net price. An etimate calculated will not e
guaranteed the U.. ecretar of ducation, the tate or the chool. The chool ha the final authorit on determining the financial aid offer.
While all care ha een taken to produce etimate that are accurate aed on the information provided to u the tudent or uer, cot of attendance and
financial aid availailit i uject to change without notice. An future change made the federal government, tate agencie, or intitution could reult in a
different offer. Alo, an outide/private cholarhip or financial aitance ma reduce our aid offer.
tudent mut complete the Free Application for Federal tudent Aid (FAFA) in order to determine their eligiilit for, and receive an actual financial aid offer
that include federal grant, loan, and work-tud aitance. For information on appling for federal tudent aid, go to http://tudentaid.gov/h/appl-for-
For the academic ear 2020-2021, 80% of firt-time, full-time tudent at the Orlando campu received grant/cholarhip aid.
You can ecome part of an impreive team. UTI ha over 220,000 graduate who choe to invet in their
education and future career. Man of them are living their dream – working in dealerhip acro the
countr or in their own hop, and ou can too.
Your UTI team i here to help ou through ever tep of the proce o ou can train for a career doing what
ou love. From chooing the right program, to appling for cholarhip, to anwering quetion aout
financial aid, houing and emploment opportunitie, we can help.