Carbonation System Report

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Carbonated Soft Drink Manufacturing

Process and Carbonation System

Instructor: PhD. Dinh Thi Lan Anh

Student: Vũ Đình Khánh 20212412

HÀ NỘI, 6/2024

I.1 Early history...............................................................................................1
I.2 Composition and Product...........................................................................1
II.Carbonated Soft Drink Manufacturing Process............................................2
II.1 Water treatment..........................................................................................2
II.2 Ingredient preparation.................................................................................4
II.3 Syrup preparation.......................................................................................5
II.4 Carbonation................................................................................................6
II.5 Packaging, sealing and distributing............................................................7
III. Carbonation System.......................................................................................9
III.1 Roles of CO2 in carbonated soft drink........................................................9
III.2 Factors affecting carbonation process........................................................9
III.3 Carbonator overview................................................................................10
a. Introduction...........................................................................................10
b. Working principles...............................................................................11
III.4 P&ID of carbonation system....................................................................11
a. Cooling – mixing tank..........................................................................12
b. Carbonation tank...................................................................................13
III. Conclusion....................................................................................................14
Carbonated soft drinks, commonly referred to as sodas, fizzy drinks, or
pop, are beverages that contain dissolved carbon dioxide gas, which gives
them their characteristic effervescence. These drinks have become a
ubiquitous part of global culture, enjoyed by people of all ages across
various continents. The origin, composition, and cultural impact of
carbonated soft drinks make them a fascinating subject of study.

I.1 Early history

The history of carbonated soft drinks dates back to the 18th century when
scientists first began experimenting with carbonating water. Joseph
Priestley, an English chemist, is credited with discovering a method to
infuse water with carbon dioxide in 1767. This process, initially aimed at
replicating the naturally effervescent mineral waters found in springs, laid
the foundation for modern soda production.

In the late 19th century, flavored carbonated beverages emerged, leading to

the creation of iconic brands such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi. These early
sodas were often marketed as medicinal elixirs, believed to have various
health benefits. Over time, they transitioned from medicinal products to
popular refreshments, evolving into a multibillion-dollar industry.

I.2 Composition and Product

The primary ingredients of carbonated soft drinks include:

 Carbonated Water: The essential component that provides the fizz.

 Sweeteners: Sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners
for diet versions.
 Flavorings: Natural or artificial flavors to give each drink its unique
 Acids: Such as citric acid or phosphoric acid to enhance flavor and
preserve the beverage.
 Colorings: To achieve the desired appearance.

The production process involves mixing these ingredients, carbonating the

mixture by injecting carbon dioxide under high pressure, and then bottling
or canning the product.

II. Carbonated Soft Drink Manufacturing

Figure 1: Carbonated Soft Drink Manufacturing Diagram

II.1 Water treatment

Water makes up about 90% of a typical soft drink, so its quality must meet
strict standards to ensure uniformity across all bottles and cans. Legal
quality requirements for soft drinks must be followed in each production
country. Any off taste in the water will affect the drink. Therefore, all water
in a soft drinks plant must meet agreed specifications. Major manufacturers
have developed their own standards to ensure consistent taste and quality.
Additionally, any contamination in the water increases business risks.

The process begins with pre-treatment, where raw water is screened to
remove large particles and debris. This is followed by coagulation and
flocculation, where chemicals are added to aggregate suspended particles
into larger clusters for easier removal. Next, sedimentation allows these
clusters to settle at the bottom of large tanks, separating from the clearer
water above. The water then undergoes filtration through sand, carbon, or
membrane filters to eliminate any remaining impurities.

Activated carbon treatment is used to remove organic compounds, chlorine,

and other contaminants that can affect taste and odor. Disinfection,
typically through chlorine, ozone, or UV light, is crucial for killing any
remaining microorganisms, ensuring microbiological safety. In some cases,
deionization or reverse osmosis is employed to remove dissolved minerals
and salts, achieving the desired purity. The pH of the water is adjusted to
the optimal level for the beverage formulation, ensuring consistent taste
and preventing equipment corrosion.

A final filtration step ensures any remaining fine particles or

microorganisms are removed just before use in the production process.
Throughout these stages, continuous monitoring and testing of the water
quality ensure it meets the stringent standards set by the beverage
manufacturer and regulatory bodies. This comprehensive water treatment
process guarantees that the water used in carbonated soft drink production
is of the highest quality, contributing to the consistency, taste, and safety of
the final product.

Figure 2: Water treatment system

II.2 Ingredients Preparing
The formulation of carbonated soft drinks involves a precise combination
of several key ingredients to achieve the desired flavor, sweetness, and
carbonation level. Each component plays a specific role in defining the
final product's quality, taste, and stability.

- Water constitutes about 90% of a typical soft drink, serving as the

primary solvent and carrier for other ingredients. Its quality must
meet stringent purity standards to ensure the drink's consistency and

- Carbon dioxide, a colorless and odorless gas, is dissolved in the

beverage to provide characteristic fizziness and help preserve the
drink. This carbonation is achieved by dissolving CO2 under
- Sweeteners such as sugar (sucrose), high-fructose corn syrup
(HFCS), and artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, and
sucralose add sweetness to the drink. The choice of sweetener affects
the flavor profile and calorie content of the beverage.
- Acids like phosphoric acid, citric acid, and malic acid provide
tartness and balance the sweetness in the drink. They also contribute
to the overall flavor and act as preservatives. The amount and type of
acid used depend on the desired taste and stability.
- Flavorings, whether natural or artificial, define the characteristic
taste of the soft drink. These can be derived from fruits, herbs, and
spices, and are carefully balanced to create a unique and appealing
flavor profile.
- Colorants enhance the visual appeal of the beverage. Both natural
(like caramel color and fruit extracts) and artificial (such as FD&C
dyes) colorants are used. They must comply with food safety
standards in the production country.
- Preservatives like sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate extend
the shelf life of the drink by preventing microbial growth. These are
used in minimal amounts to avoid affecting the flavor.
- Other additives include antioxidants (such as ascorbic acid),
stabilizers (like gum arabic), and emulsifiers. These improve the
texture, stability, and overall quality of the beverage. The choice and
amount of these additives depend on the formulation needs.

II.3 Syrup Preparation
The syrup preparation process is a critical step in the production of
carbonated soft drinks, ensuring that the final product has a consistent
flavor and sweetness.

- Mixing Ingredients:
o The syrup is made by mixing water with sweeteners, acids,
and flavorings in precise proportions. The water is typically
treated and filtered to meet high purity standards before use.
- Dissolving Sweeteners:
o Sweeteners, such as sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, are
dissolved in the water to create a concentrated syrup. This
process may involve heating the mixture to ensure complete
- Adding Acids and Flavorings:
o Acids like citric or phosphoric acid are added to balance the
sweetness and provide tartness. Natural or artificial flavorings
are then incorporated to give the drink its distinctive taste.
- Homogenization:
o The syrup mixture is homogenized to ensure a uniform
distribution of all ingredients, resulting in a consistent taste
and quality.
- Filtration:
o The prepared syrup is filtered to remove any undissolved
particles or impurities, ensuring a smooth and clear final
- Quality Control:
o Samples of the syrup are tested for sweetness, acidity, and
flavor to ensure they meet the desired specifications.
Adjustments are made as necessary to maintain consistency.

Figure 3: Syrup cooking system

II.4 Carbonation
Carbonation is the process of dissolving carbon dioxide (CO2) in the soft
drink, providing the characteristic fizziness and enhancing the overall
sensory experience.

- Chilling the Liquid:

o The soft drink mixture (typically water mixed with syrup) is

chilled to a low temperature. Colder liquids can dissolve more
CO2, which is essential for effective carbonation.

- Carbon Dioxide Injection:

o CO2 is injected into the chilled liquid under high pressure.

This can be done using a carbonation tank or a carbonator,
where the gas is dissolved into the liquid as it passes through.

- Mixing and Saturation:

o The mixture is vigorously agitated to ensure that CO2 is

evenly distributed throughout the liquid. This agitation helps
maximize the amount of CO2 that dissolves.

- Maintaining Pressure:

o The carbonated liquid is kept under pressure to prevent the

CO2 from escaping until it is sealed in bottles or cans. This
ensures that the fizziness is maintained until the drink is

- Quality Control:

o Samples are taken to measure the level of carbonation,

typically assessed by the amount of CO2 dissolved in the
drink. Adjustments are made if the carbonation level is not
within the desired range.

- Filling and Sealing:

o The carbonated beverage is quickly filled into bottles or cans,

which are then sealed immediately to maintain carbonation.
The sealing process is crucial to prevent CO2 from escaping.

The carbonation process is carefully controlled to ensure that each bottle or
can has the right level of fizziness, contributing to the refreshing
experience that consumers expect from carbonated soft drinks.

Figure 4: Carbonation System

II.5 Packaging, Sealing and Distributing

After the carbonation stage, the next steps in the production of carbonated
soft drinks typically involve final packaging, and quality control measures:

- Packaging:
o The finished soft drink is filled into bottles, cans, or other
containers. This step involves automated machinery that
accurately measures and fills the appropriate amount of liquid
into each container.

- Sealing:
o Once filled, the containers are sealed tightly to preserve the
carbonation and prevent any contamination. Sealing can be
done using caps, lids, or other closure mechanisms, depending
on the packaging format.

- Labeling and Coding:
o Labels with product information, branding, and nutritional
details are applied to the containers. Additionally, each
container may receive a unique code or batch number for
traceability and quality control purposes.
- Quality Control Checks:
o Throughout the production process, quality control measures
are implemented to ensure that the soft drinks meet regulatory
standards and consumer expectations. This includes testing for
factors such as taste, carbonation level, pH, and
microbiological safety.
- Packaging and Distribution:
o Once packaged and labeled, the soft drinks are ready for
distribution to retailers, supermarkets, and other points of sale.
They may be transported in bulk to distribution centers or
directly to retail outlets for sale to consumers.

III.1 Roles of CO2 in Carbonated Soft Drinks
Carbonation is a fundamental aspect of carbonated soft drinks, imparting
them with their signature effervescence and refreshing taste. This process,
driven by the infusion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the beverage, not only
creates the characteristic fizz and bubbles but also plays a pivotal role in
enhancing flavor, prolonging preservation, and adding visual appeal. Let's
delve into the multifaceted role of carbonation in crafting the beloved
experience of carbonated soft drinks.

- Carbonation: Carbon dioxide (CO2) serves as the driving force

behind the iconic fizz and bubbles in carbonated soft drinks. As CO2
dissolves in water under pressure, it forms carbonic acid, resulting in
the effervescent sensation that consumers love.
- Flavor Enhancement: CO2 doesn't just create bubbles; it also
enhances the taste of the beverage. The carbonic acid produced
during carbonation stimulates taste receptors on the tongue,
intensifying the flavors and providing a refreshing zing with every
- Preservation: Beyond taste and texture, carbonation plays a critical
role in extending the shelf life of carbonated soft drinks. By lowering
the pH of the beverage through the formation of carbonic acid, CO2
creates an acidic environment that inhibits the growth of bacteria and
mold, thus helping to preserve the drink's freshness.
- Visual Appeal: The presence of bubbles dancing in the liquid adds
an element of excitement and visual appeal to carbonated soft drinks.
Whether poured into a glass or enjoyed straight from the can or
bottle, the effervescence created by carbonation enhances the drink's
aesthetic allure, making it more enticing to consumers.

III.2 Factors affecting CO2 Carbonation Process

Several factors influence the carbonation process, determining the level of
carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the liquid and consequently, the degree
of fizziness in carbonated soft drinks.

- Temperature: Temperature plays a significant role in carbonation.
Generally, lower temperatures enhance the solubility of CO2 in the
liquid, resulting in higher levels of carbonation. To optimize the
carbonation process, the liquid is typically chilled to temperatures
ranging from 2 to 4 degrees Celsius.
- Pressure: Pressure also affects the absorption of CO2 into the liquid.
Higher pressures increase the ability of the liquid to absorb CO2
molecules, leading to more efficient carbonation. Typically,
pressures of 2 to 4 atmospheres are applied during the carbonation
process to achieve desired levels of fizziness.
- Contact Surface: The contact surface area between CO2 and the
liquid directly impacts the dissolution of CO2. Increasing the contact
surface area enhances the liquid's ability to absorb CO2 molecules,
resulting in higher carbonation levels. Various methods, such as
agitation or introducing fine bubbles, are employed to maximize
contact surface area and facilitate efficient carbonation.

III.3 Carbonator Overview

a. Introduction

The carbonator is a crucial piece of equipment in the production of

carbonated soft drinks, responsible for infusing carbon dioxide
(CO2) into the beverage to create its distinctive fizz and refreshing
sensation. By effectively dissolving CO2 into the liquid, the
carbonator ensures that each soft drink has the right level of
carbonation, contributing to its taste, texture, and overall appeal.

Figure 5: GEA DICAR-C Carbonation System

b. Working Principles

A booster pump is used to convey the ready-mixed beverage to the

saturator, so that the reduction in pressure in the part of the saturator
that has the smallest cross-section generates a partial vacuum and
this results in the desired suction effect for pulling in CO2.
Automated optimization keeps the flow velocity through the
saturator within a predesignated working range. The short duration
of increased flow velocity guarantees a fine distribution of CO2 gas,
and its homogeneous mixing into the product.

CO2 is supplied from a pressure tank to the saturator. The constant

overpressure of the pressure tank helps to control beverage
carbonation and the complete process also supports a loss free CO2

Beverage carbonation is effectively dependent on the tank pressure,

which is adjusted according to the desired CO2 setpoint of the
specific beverage and is only slightly higher than the saturating
pressure of the product. Temperature compensation adapts the
pressure in the tank to the saturation curve. The system is
dimensioned according to the required flow rate of the overall

III.4 P&ID of Carbonation System

Overall, inputs of this system are syrup, water and CO2 and output is the
final product carbonated soft drink. There are two main devices in this
system: cooling - mixing tank and carbonation tank.

Figure 6: P&ID of carbonation system

a. Cooling – mixing tank

- Firstly, syrup and water are mixed in this tank with a specific ratio
depending on recipe of each drink. The output of this tank is
controlled by a concentration controller that generates referrence
value for ratio controller to control two valves.
- Then, the mixture in this tank is cooled to 2-4 degrees.
- The safety of this tank is controlled by a level controller and a
temperature controller to indirectly control pressure.

Figure 7: Cooling – mixing tank

b. Carbonation tank
- The mixture after being cooled is fed into carbonator tank.
- CO2 from carbon supply is pumps into the tank that ensure the
concentration of the drink.
- The temperature is maintained from 2 to 4 degrees while pressure is
from 2 to 4 atm.
- The level and pressure in the tank must be control for safety.

Figure 8: Carbonation tank

IV. Conclusion
In this report, I have thoroughly explored the production process
of carbonated soft drinks, focusing on the carbonation system and
the role of the carbonator. Detailed stages from chilling to
carbonation are examined, with an emphasis on how the
carbonator effectively infuses CO2 into the beverage to ensure
consistent carbonation and high-quality taste. In the future, I will
study other systems such as water treatment, ingredient
preparation, syrup cooking as well as filling methods.


[1] David P. Steen and Philip R. Ashurst, “Carbonated Soft Drinks

Formulation and Manufacture”.

[2] Emerson's Beverage Process Solutions Guide.

[3] "Carbonation Systems for Beverage Applications", GEA Group

[4] "Thiết bị phối trộn Carbonated - Carbonated Drink Mixer", JIMEI Việt
[5] "Quy trình sản xuất nước ngọt có gas", ifood
[6] Process Control in carbonated soft drinks industry:


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