Law For University Study - Assignment 1 - Sample Assessment MS

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Law for University Study

[Assignment title:
The tensions between English law and the
European Convention on Human Rights]
Assignment 1: Case brief
Sample Assessment
Marking Scheme
Markers are advised that, unless a task specifies that an answer be provided in a
particular form, then an answer that is correct (factually or in practical terms) must be
given the available marks. If there is doubt as to the correctness of an answer, the relevant
NCC Education materials should be the first authority.

This marking scheme has been prepared as a guide only to markers and there will
frequently be many alternative responses which will provide a valid answer.

Each candidate’s script must be fully annotated with the marker’s comments (where
applicable) and the marks allocated for each part of the tasks.

Throughout the marking, please credit any valid alternative point.

Where markers award half marks in any part of a task, they should ensure that the
total mark recorded for the task is rounded up to a whole mark.

Marker's comments:

Moderator's comments:

Mark: Moderated mark: Final mark:

Penalties applied for academic malpractice:

Aspect Guide Maximum
1 Introduction

3 marks – The introduction is clear and outlines the purpose

and planning for the assessment
2 marks – The introduction shows evidence of some planning
1 mark – The introduction is unclear
0 marks – No introduction 3
2 Key legal concepts and cases

5 marks – A clear understanding of the key legal concepts

and cases required for the assessment has been presented.
3 marks – Some clear understanding of the key legal
concepts and cases required for the assessment has been
1 mark – A basic understanding of the key legal concepts and
cases required for the assessment has been presented.
0 marks – No understanding of the key legal concepts and 5
cases required for the assessment has been presented.
3 Structure

5 marks – The assessment has a clear structure.

3 marks – The assessment has been provided with a
structure that is largely clear.
1 mark – The structure is unclear.
0 marks – There is no evidence of a structured approach in
the assessment. 5
4 Presentation

5 marks – The assessment has been presented in a clear

3 marks – The assessment has been presented with some
errors but they do not impact on the narrative flow.
1 mark – The presentation is unclear.
0 marks – The presentation is unclear with little evidence of a 5
structured approach.
5 Analysis

5 marks – There is evidence of analysis of multiple legal

3 marks – The student presents descriptive arguments, using
multiple sources.
1 mark – The student has used a limited range of sources to
support their work. 5
0 marks – No sources used and no analysis presented.

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6 Proofreading

2 marks – There are no errors in spelling or punctuation.

1 mark – There are some errors in spelling and punctuation. 2
0 marks – There are multiple spelling and punctuation errors.
Total out of 25

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Learning Outcomes matrix

Task Learning Outcome(s) / Marker can differentiate

Assessment Criteria between varying levels of
assessed achievement
1 LO1, LO2, LO3 Yes

Grade descriptors

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

(40-59%) (60-69%) (70-100%)
1. Be able to Demonstrates an Demonstrates a Demonstrates an
recognise and discuss the adequate consistent and outstanding
primary concepts, terms awareness and accurate awareness and
and processes in the understanding of awareness and understanding of key
practice of law in England key concepts, understanding of concepts, terminology
and Wales and discuss the terminology and key concepts, and perspectives with
interpretation and perspectives with a terminology and a highly
application of legal rules, reasonable perspectives with a comprehensive and
providing insight into key application of detailed application sophisticated
aspects of professional principles. of principles. application of
practice and law in the principles.
2. Be able to Demonstrates an Demonstrates a Demonstrates an
recognise and analyse adequate ability to consistent and outstanding ability to
different types of law, what analyse the accurate ability to analyse the concepts
constitutes valid and concepts with analyse the with highly
enforceable laws and look reasonable concepts with comprehensive and
at the obligations, rights analytical and detailed analytical sophisticated
and terms, covering a critical evaluations. and critical analytical and critical
range of concepts via legal evaluations. evaluations.
reasoning, and analytical
and critical evaluations.
3. Be able to Demonstrates an Demonstrates a Demonstrates an
recognise and discuss the adequate ability to sound and outstanding and
skills needed for effective discuss the appropriate ability highly appropriate
legal practice, including the concepts with to discuss the ability to discuss the
proper use of language, reasonable concepts with concepts with highly
legal reasoning, critical application of detailed application comprehensive and
thinking, and decision analytical and of analytical and sophisticated
making as well as the critical evaluation critical evaluation application of
processes and procedures tools and tools and analytical and critical
of professional conduct, techniques. techniques. evaluation tools and
with client care, interviews
and communications.

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