HK 1 Lớp 10

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A.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
1.A.dust B.up C.cut D.rural B.crowded D.mop
B.Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest.
3.A.geology B.biology C.conservationist D.economy
4. A.psychologist B.linguist C.analyst D.activist
5. A.filament B.keyboard C.desktop
A. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.
6. Please___the floor.It's dirty!
A.wash B.mop C.iron D.fix
7. High quality documents for customers would be printed using a color___
A.laser printer engine C.smartphone D.browser
8.Celebrities___their social media profiles on a regular basis to attract morefans. B.update C.send D.revise
9. My father___the fence once every year to brighten up the garden.
A.makes B.does C.paints D.vacuums
10. Our friends moved to Spain a few years ago. They___in Hanoi.
A.used to living B.used to live C. use to live D.use to living
11.My father is____cook that everyone in my family loves his dishes.
A.such a good good C.such good a good
12.My mother____the dog for a walk almost every morning.
A.takes B.makes C.gets D.walks
13.My parents____the garden now.
A.waters watering C.watering D.are watering
14.When I got to the cafe, my friends____for me.
A.are waiting B.were waiting C.wait D.waited
15.When I_____Jessica,she____as a psychologist.
A.first meet-was working B. was first meeting-worked
C.was first meeting-was working D.first met-was working

B.Write the correct forms of the words in brackets.

16.I often do the________whenever I have free time.(HOUSE)
17. The old temple was discovered by a group of________.(ARCHAEOLOGY)
18.The________policy saved the animals that were at risk. (CONSERVE)

19. We need to buy some surface________to clean the bathroom.(CLEAN)

20. This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web________(BROWSE)
C.Write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
21. My younger brother usually takes the rubbish out but I________(do) it today becausehe's
22. My sister often complains that she can't stand________(clean) the sink.
23.I saw Sue in town yesterday, but she________(not/see)me.She________(look) the other
24.What________(you/ do) at this time yesterday?''I was asleep!'
25. I don't really mind________(wake) up early in the morning because I'm used to it,so don't

A.Read the text and choose the correct answer.
A robotic vacuum cleaner can make your housework much easier. First, a robotic vacuum
cleaner is fully automatic and all you need is a remote control. (27)_times set in, it goes to
different areas and cleans dirt which is otherwise hard to access to typical vacuum cleaner.
Second, unlike the traditional models of vacuum cleaners,robotic vacuum cleaners require
little maintenance and are thus (28).This device is usually made using high-quality materials.
Third, a robotic vacuum cleaner can be(29)that you do not need to move any of your
The only work you need (30)_is to empty the container and replace the vacuum bag regularly.
Finally, it saves you a lot of time. Now you can come home when everything is cleaned while
in the past, you(31)_spend a certain amount of time vacuuming the house.
The Top 9 Uses & Benefits of Robot Vacuum Cleaners in 2022 (

26.A.When B.During C.Until D.While

27.A.quiet B.long-lasting C.economical D.convenient
28.A.such small B. such a small a small small do C.doing doing
30.A.had to B.have to C.has to D.use to
B.Read the text again and choose the correct answer.
We can now record and play music in new ways thanks to changing technology. Twenty
years ago, we used to listen to music on CDs only. A few years later, more musicians went
online with their laptops and we could download music and use MP3 players to listen. Now,
almost everyone can use computers and search engines to look for their favourite songs.
So,how will technology change the music industry in the future?

In the future, we'll regularly watch live virtual reality concerts from home.We'll put on our
headset just before the concert starts and be ready to go. There might not be many virtual
reality concerts at the moment. But, these concerts are likely to become very popular.
Musicians are always looking for new ways to connect with listeners of their music. New
technology, known as a 'block chain', will allow musicians to share new songs directly with
fans. This 'll put an end to money loss through file sharing. Some artists are going to try out
this technology soon.
Finally,we won't only listen to music made by humans. A machine can also learn how to
write songs. Humans and machines will work together to make,hopefully,great music.
Of course, the great thing about the future is that none of us really knows what will happen.
What we do know about the future is that, with all these incredible developments in
technology, music's going to be exciting!
31. We can record and play music in new ways because has been changing
B.musicians are now smarter than before has become cheaper than it was in the past
D.there are more ways to share files
32.According to the text, live virtual reality concerts will be very_
33. What is true about "block chain"?
A.It'll make file sharing more convenient.
B.It'll help musicians connect with their fans.
C.It’ll make musicians lose money.
D.It is widely used now.
34. How does the author feel about the future of music?
A.He is excited about the future of the industry.
B.He is worried about the influence of technology on music.
C.He is curious about new songs in the future
D.He prefers the traditional ways of playing music.
35. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Future of Music
B.Machines in the Music Industry
C.New Ways of Listening to Music
D.How to Make Good Music

IV.WRITING:Use the word in capitals to rewrite the sentences. Do not change thegiven
37.I think doing the washing up is awful.(HATE)
I________________washing up.
38.When my brother was younger, it was normal for him to spend a few hours a dayonline.
→When my brother was younger,he________________a few hours a day online.
39.My younger sister likes walking the dog more than vacuuming the floor. (PREFER)
→My younger sister thinks vacuuming the floor is fine, but she________________the dog.
40.We studied the oceans during our geology lesson.(LEARNING)
→We studied the oceans while________________________
41. Social media wasn't my favourite thing but I like it now.(LIKE)
I________________social media but I like it now.
Exercise 1: Find the word with a stress pattern that is different from the others.
1.A.routine B.laundry C.household
2.A. biography B.incredible C.necessary
3.A.contest B. format C.housework D.remote
4.A. enormous B.extended C.ungrateful D.elderly
5. A.rubbish B.divide C.lifting D.service
Exercise 2: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A.take C.grateful D.table
2. A.superstar B.basic C.season D.second
3. A.society B.sociable C.groceries
4. B.suggestion C.request D.interest
5.A.area B.available C.facility D.approach
Exercise 3.1. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences
1.Do you have to do________?
A.the mess B.your bed C.the washing-up D. the cook
2.Do you have to________the rubbish out?
A.take B.make C.empty
3.My mother________the responsibility for running the household.
A.holds B.takes C.runs D.bears
4. We share the house with our grandparents and our uncle's family. It is
A.nuclear B.extended C.crowded D.multi-generator
5. Are you free on Sunday evening? I'd like to________to the cinema?
A ask you B.ask out you C.ask you out D.ask you away
6.My mother is very good at ________her time between work and family
A.leaving B.splitting C.sharing D.taking
7.When a couple can________chores in a way that both spouses feel satisfied with the
outcome, they are showing mutual respect for one another.
A.cut C.take D.divide
8.The children, all three, have done.......... mopped, dusted,helped on the house and in the
A.laundry B.clothes C.groceries D.rubbish
9.My mother is________for taking care of the home and the family.
A.responsible B.takes the responsibility C.take the duty D. Both B & C are correct
10.Women usually manage________better than men do.
A.household finances B.household machines C.housewives D.houseplants
11.My parents________.My mother usually does more housework than my father.
A.divide chores equally B.split chores unequally
C. don't share housework equally D. Both B & C are correct
12.Equal share of household duties helps increase________
A.job satisfaction B.couple satisfaction satisfaction D.marital satisfaction

13.He decided that he wanted to be a________while his wife worked full-time.

A.homemaker husband C.housewife D.Both A & B are correct
Exercise 3.2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1.Young people are now getting more and more concerned about environmental problems.
A.worried B.nervous C.hopeless D.uneasy
2.After consideration, teaching is still a career worth pursuing as I prefer to become a teacher
like my mother and my father. B.unemployment C.occupation D.professor
3.The government needs to seek a solution to prevent domestic violence as soon as possible.
A.recreation B.remedy C.keyword D.technique
4. It is advisable that everyone in family shares the household duties.
A.views B.ideas D.chores
5.A digital camera is more economical than a film camera since you don't have to buy rolls
of films.
A. Better B.cheaper C.safer D.stronger
6. You can use earbuds to listen to music or your listening everywhere, even in publicplaces,
as nobody is disturbed.
A.annoyed B.connected C.imitated D.interacted
7. You can use a USB stick to transport files from one computer to another.
A. Delete B.display C.transfer
Exercise 3.3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE inmeaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1.From my point of view, parental divorce can cause lasting negative consequencesfor
A)beginning of a marriage B. the situation of not marrying
C.single person D.ending of a marriage

2.Ms.Lan taught her children to keep their rooms neat and tidy when they were four.
A.ordered an untidy
B. messy and arranged
C messy and dirty
D. clean and undusted
3.Setting and clearing the table, making bed and taking out the trash are suitable chores for
8- to 10-year-old children.
A.Inappropriate B.proper C.acceptable D.reasonable
4.A smartphone is too costly for him to even have a normal one.
A.economical B.expensive C.priceless D.valuable
5.Many people are afraid that computers with superhuman intelligence will destroy
A. awareness B.perception C.stupidity D.wisdom
6.A digital camera is convenient as it is quick to view and deletes as well as easy to transfer
photos to a computer.
A.harmful B.inexpensive C.uninteresting D.useless
7. Even the best invention may have drawbacks. A laptop, for example, is expensive so
many people cannot afford it.
A.advantages B.disadvantages C.shortcomings D.weaknesses
Exercise 4.GRAMMAR
Exercise 4.1. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences
1.My brother and I________to clean the toilets and take out the rubbish.
A.takes turn B. take turn C. takes turns D take turns
2.Our parents________hands to provide for the family and make it happy.
A.were joining B.are always joining C.join D.joins
3.My grandparents________with my family at present and my grandmother________me how
to cook several traditional Vietnamese dishes.
A.stay-instructs B.stay-is instructing C.
are staying-instructs D.are staying-is instructing
4. I am afraid he can't go out with you now. He________his car. B.repairs C.repairing repairing
5.My Mum usually________the washing-up. B.doing doing D.does
6.My younger sister is________lazy that she never does any housework.
B.such C.enough D.too
7.Thanks for your help. You are________a nice kid. B.such C.very D.too
8.Last Sunday,our volunteer team________a lot of food packages to the homeless in the
flood-hit region.
A.were bringing B.brought C.have brought D.had brought
9.I________my report when my boss________the hall.
A.made-was entering B.made-entered C. was making-was entering D.was
10.While I________for him to call up,he________a good time in the bar.
A.waited-was having B. was waiting-was having
C. was waiting-had D. was waited-was waiting
11.I used________in a flat when I was a child. live living lived
12.He will call me________he arrives in Hue.
A.while B.during soon as
Exercise 4.2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
1.When he was still working for Oxfam, he was coming up with different ideas to
help needy people.
2.While he and his wife Ali first went to Africa, they worked in a refugee camp for a month.
3.What are you search for, Lan ? You looks so nervous.
4. We can't play golf. It rains outside.
5.Quiet, my baby sleeps.Don't wake her up.
6. Life without computers has seemed simply impossible now.
7. He didn't used to get up early when he lived here.
Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B,C, or D to indicate the correct response to each ofthe
following exchanges.
1."Good luck with the exam, Minh!" -"...............Dad"
A. By no means
B. I wish so C.Never mind
D. Thank you
"2."Dad. I've passed the English test."-"
A. Good job! B.Good test! C.Good luck! D.Good way!
3." I think I will choose a new laptop rather than a smartphone." -"_"
A. Congratulation B.I hope so C. What a pity D.What a wise choice
4."Do you know that many inventions were inspired by the natural world? "- "....."
A. Of course. You're right.
B. There is no hope about it.
C.Well, that sounds interesting.
D.Yes,I couldn't agree more.
5."Do you think new inventions always make people rich?"-"_
A. I agree B.I don't think so C.It sounds great D.No,not much.
6. "I have never been to America" -'"..............
A. Me either B.Me neither C.I so D.Me too.
7. "Can I take away your dish?" -"Wait a minute.
B. I can't finish. B. I don't finish C.I have to finish D.I haven't finished
Exercise 8.Choose the one option - A,B,C or D - that best completes the passage
Today computers come(1)________ all shapes and sizes. There were still big computers for
companies or universities. There are other special computers for factories.These large
computers tell the factory machines_(2) to do. But there are also small(3)________computers
to use at home or in an office. There are even computers in telephones,television_(4), and
cars. These computers have to be small. They are so small that you cannot_(5) see all their
Computers are very useful, but they also can_(6) problems. One kind of problems is with the
computer's memory. It is not perfect so sometimes computers(7)________ important
information. Another problem is with the machinery.
Computers are machines, and machines can break down. When the computers
breakdown,they may(8)________ information,(9)________ chalk on a blackboard. Or they
may stop doing anything at all. And there is_(10) different kind of problem with computers.
Some doctors say they may be bad for your health. They say you should not work with
computers all day. C.under D.with
2.A.everything B.something C.what D.thing
3.personal B.private C.individual D.owner's B.outfits C.boxes D.sets
5.A:even B.still C. at all D.almost
6.A.get B.cause C.suffer D.gain
7.A.lose B.miss C.misplace D.misunderstand
8.A.clean B.erase C.wipe D.scrape B)like C.such as D.for instance
10.A.yet B.other C.more D.another
Exercise 9. Read the text carefully, then choose the correct answers.
In 1998, a Valencian professor made an amazing claim. Professor Antonio
Cervilladiscovered how to use water as a substitute for petrol. The scientist said that
youcould drive from Billbao to Valencian on just half a litre of water. His invention usesa
molybdenum compound to break down water into hydrogen and oxygen. Unlikeother
methods, no electricity is required and the reaction happens at atmospherictemperature. This
impressive technology is based on the way plant enzymes breakdown water. The use of
molybdenum is the perfect choice because, although rare, itis cheap and found all around the
Since the claims were made, nothing more has been heard about this fabuloustechnology.
There is no explanation for the disappearance anywhere on the Internet,apart from a list of
similar inventions which have also vanished. An inventor fromthe Philippines called Daniel
Dingel developed a water-fuelled car but was arrestedand sentenced to 20 years in person. If
this technology were to become widelyavailable, it would prove disastrous for petrol station
owners and would also savethe planet from the impending environmental catastrophes being
caused bypollution.
1.The word "substitute" in the passage is closet in meaning to________.
A.addition B.alternative C.imitation D.solution
2.Which of the following is NOT true about Cervilla's invention?
A. It happens at atmospheric temperature.
B. It imitates something in nature.
C. It requires no electricity.
D. It uses enzymes to break down water.
3.The word "it" in the passage refers to________
A.enzyme B.molybdenum C.petrol D.water
4. The word "vanished" in the passage is opposite in the meaning to
A.appeared B.produced C.introduced D.invented
5.It is stated in the passage that water-fueled cars may contribute to energy environment
C. save money time

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