Minor1 BI1201 Introduction To Biology 2024 Solutions

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Mahindra University Hyderabad

École Centrale School of Engineering


Program: B. Tech. Branch: CSE, CM, AI Year: 2023 (CSE,

CM, AI) Semester: II (CSE, CM, AI) Subject: Introduction
to Biology (BI1201)
Date: 28.02.2024 Start Time: 2:00 PM
Time Duration: 1:30 Hours Max. Marks: 25

1) Answer all questions
2) Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Section-I. Choose the right option (8 x 1= 8 marks)

1. Chlamydomonas is a unicellular green alga. How does it differ from a photosynthetic
a) Chlamydomonas is less complex than a prokaryotic bacterium
b) Chlamydomonas do not differ from photosynthetic bacterium
c) Chlamydomonas is a eukaryotic organism
d) Photosynthetic bacterium evolved from unicellular algae

2. Find the incorrect match

a) Chemical evolution – most widely accepted theory regarding origin of life
b) Biogenesis theory – Life originated spontaneously from non-living matter
c) Theory of Catastrophism – Universe has cyclic process of generation and destruction
d) Cosmozoic theory – life reached earth from outer space

3. Which of the following is true of amino acids, but not of carbohydrates?

a) The presence of nitrogen atoms c) The presence of carbon atoms
b) The presence of hydrogen atoms d) The presence of oxygen atoms

4. Identify the option, where all the columns are matched correctly:
1 Indirect evidence Vestigial organ Wings of bat
2 Direct evidence Fossils Appendix
3 Indirect evidence Homologous organ Wisdom teeth
4 Indirect evidence Connecting link Archaeopteryx

5. Which of the following are examples of in situ conservation?

I. National parks III. Sanctuary
II. Seed banks IV. Botanical gardens

a) II and III only c) I and IV only

b) I and III only d) I only
6. Glucose diffuses slowly through artificial phospholipid bilayers. The cells lining the small
intestine, however, rapidly move large quantities of glucose from the glucose-rich food into
their glucose-poor cytoplasm. Using this information, which transport mechanism is most
probably functioning in the intestinal cells?
a) Simple diffusion
b) Phagocytosis
c) Active transport pumps
d) Facilitated diffusion

7. A sequence of DNA contains 52000 base pairs. Analysis shows that 65% are A-T base pairs.
How many nucleotides are guanine in the DNA sequence?
a) 36400 b) 33800 c) 18200 d) 9100

8. Find the incorrect match

a) Nucleolus- Synthesis of ribosome
b) Cytoplasm- Sites for metabolic processes
c) Nuclear pores- Import RNA into the nucleus
d) Ribosomes- Synthesis of protein

Section-II. State if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. (8 x 1= 8 marks)

1. The endosymbiotic theory states that prokaryotes entered ancestral eukaryotes and lived
2. Darwin’s theory of natural selection elucidates the survival of the fittest but not the arrival of the
3. DNA is composed of two strands of nucleotides coiled around each other. Each strand is
composed of four complementary nucleotides – adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and
uracil (U)
4. Cells make thousands of different kinds of proteins in living systems out of only 20 amino
5. The cytoskeleton protein “microfilaments” are responsible for chromosome movement and
segregation during cell division
6. Fats are hydrophobic in nature because the fatty acid tails of a fat molecule contain only
nonpolar C-H bonds
7. Lactose, a disaccharide sugar in milk is formed from glucose and galactose. The formula for
both these monosaccharides is C6H12O6, hence the formula of lactose is C12H24O12
8. Option value of biodiversity refers to the pleasure, excitement and visual peace we get from
the beauty of our planet

Section-III. Answer ALL of the following (9 marks)

1) Answer the following questions on biological significant properties of water.
a) Ice acts as a protective layer, allowing aquatic life to survive beneath frozen surfaces.
What is the reason for this phenomenon? (1Mark)
b) Water regulates body temperature and provides the necessary environment for biological
processes to take place. What is the reason for this phenomenon? (1 Mark)
2) Describe the “Fluid Mosaic Model” of plasma membrane? (2 Mark)

3) Answer the following questions:

a) Invasion of alien species leads to extinction of native species. Justify this with one
example (1Mark)
b) Habitat loss stands as the foremost threat driving species extinction. Justify this with one
example (1Mark)
c) Polysaccharides are the main form of energy storage in plants. Justify this with one
example. (1Mark)

4) Explain four key factors that lead to generation of variations according to “Neo-Darwinism”
theory? (2 Mark)
Key (Minor 1):
Section-I. Choose the right option (8 x 1= 8 marks)
1) C. Chlamydomonas is a eukaryotic organism
2) B. Biogenesis theory – Life originated spontaneously from non-living matter
3) A. The presence of nitrogen atoms
4) 4. Indirect evidence, Connecting link, Archaeopteryx
5) B. I and III only (National parks, Sanctuary)
6) D. Facilitated diffusion
7) C. 18200
A-T bp make up 65% of DNA, so 0.65 x 52000 = 33800
So, A= 33800 bases
And T= 33800 bases
Because there is 1A and 1T for every A-T base pair
C-G bp make up 35% of DNA, so 0.35 x 52000 = 18200
So, C= 18200 bases
And G= 18200 bases
Because there is 1C and 1G for every C-G base pair

8) C. Nuclear pores- Import RNA into the nucleus

Section-II. State if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE


Section-III. Answer ALL of the following (9 marks)

1a) The solid form of water is less dense than the liquid form of water, which allows ice to act as
a protective layer, allowing aquatic life to survive beneath frozen surfaces. In solid state, water
molecules form stable hydrogen bonds which hold water molecules apart. However, in liquid
state water molecules are close to each other, where hydrogen bonds constantly break and re-
form. Thus, water molecules are spaciously arranged in the ice crystal and are more tightly
packed in the liquid water. As the ice crystal has fewer molecules than an equal volume of liquid
water, ice is less dense and floats on top of liquid.
1b) Water has high heat capacity, even with large increase in heat there is only a small rise in
water temperature, because high amount of energy is required to break the Hydrogen bonds in
water. As our cells consist of water, it helps in regulating our body temperature and provides the
necessary environment for all the biological processes to take place.
2) The model used to describe the structure of plasma membrane is “Fluid mosaic model”. The
fluidity of the plasma membrane refers to the bends in the unsaturated fatty acids tails of
phospholipids that keeps the phospholipids from packaging too tightly. This maintains the fluid
character of the membranes and allows transportation of smaller, non-polar substances across the
plasma membranes. The mosaic appearance of the membranes comes from the proteins that are
spread throughout in the membrane.
3a) Invasion of alien species is one of the major causes that leads to extinction of native species in
a habitat. Eg. Brown tree snakes in Guam (a Pacific Island), eliminated species of native birds in
the island.
3b) Habitat loss is the most important cause driving species extinction. Destruction of natural
habitats occurs via Deforestation, converting forest area into Agriculture or grazing land,
polluting habitats, forest fires etc.
3c) Starch is a storage polysaccharide in the plants and act as the main form of energy storage in
plants. Starch consists of long chains of unbranched glucose monomers. Glucose monomers are
the primary energy resources of living systems.

4) Neo-Darwinism or Modern synthetic theory explains the basic factors involved in generation
of variations that contribute to the process of organic evolution. It explains the origin of species
based on a genetic foundation. Factors that can lead to genetic variations are as follows:
a) Gene mutations
• Mutation in genes occurs from time to time in naturally breeding populations
• Mutation can produce drastic changes (useful or harmful) or can remain insignificant
• The useful variations in the genes can alter the phenotype of an individual and tend to
produce variations in the offspring.

b) Chromosomal aberrations
• Chromosomal aberrations lead to changes in structure of chromosomes via Deletion,
duplication, inversion and translocation.
• They also bring variations in the offspring

c) Genetic recombination
• Genetic recombination is the random mixing of chromosomes from two parents to
produce a new individual.
• It is the basis of generation of variations in sexual reproduction.

d) Natural Selection
• Allows the survival of the fittest genes (useful mutations) in the population
• It favors some useful genetic changes over others and is the main driving force of

e) Isolation
Species develop variation resulting in new species (a process called Speciation) due to
isolation of species.
Geographical isolation:
• Geographical isolation of species occurs due to Physical barriers
• This prevents interbreeding and gene exchange between related organisms resulting
in generation of new species
Reproduction isolation:
• The new species formed by geographical isolation cannot interbreed
• Reproduction isolation plays an important role in giving rise to new species and
preserving species integrity.

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