Tails of Equestria Base Rulebook.
Tails of Equestria Base Rulebook.
Tails of Equestria Base Rulebook.
Licensed by:
River Horse and River Horse Games are trading names of River Horse (Europe) Ltd (River Horse). River
Horse, the River Horse logo are either ®, TM and/or © 2019 River Horse.
HASBRO and its logo, MY LITTLE PONY and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro and are used
with permission. © 2019 Hasbro.
Meagan Little (order #26056428)
The Storytelling Game
Written by: Alessio Cavatore, Dylan Owen & Jack Caesar
Cover Art: Amy Mebberson
Internal Art: Luigi Terzi & Hasbro Studios
Book Layout & Graphic Design: Dylan Owen & Pete Borlace
Proofreading: Tracie Walsh
Thanks to: Heather Hopkins, Marion Bardou, Matt Walford, Hugo Pritchard-Law,
Criz Jamers, Luna, Minnie & Holly, Giovanni & Sara, Shinobi 7,
and all the other ponytesters
ISBN: 978-1-9160115-0-2
Product Code: RH_TOE_E01
River Horse and River Horse Games are trading names of River Horse (Europe) Ltd (River Horse).
River Horse, the River Horse logo are either ®, TM and/or © 2019 River Horse.
HASBRO and its logo, MY LITTLE PONY and all related characters
are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission. © 2019 Hasbro.
So, for example, the gamemaster could say something like: “You and your friends are making your way
through the Everfree Forest toward the Castle of the Two Sisters. You would prefer to get there before it
gets dark, and on your right a little trail leaves the main path you have been following. Your map shows
that little trail to be a shortcut, and if you follow it you might get to the castle before nightfall, but you
spy some really big cobwebs farther along the trail. What would you like to do—stick to the longer but
well-used main path, or take the slightly scary shortcut?”
Then it’s up to you and your friends to discuss which way to go and, once you all agree, you tell the
gamemaster and he or she will continue the story, telling you what happens next. As you play, the story
of your adventure develops. You will meet other characters (maybe even a famous one, like Princess
Twilight Sparkle) and weird creatures, explore new and familiar
places in Equestria, and face challenges and solve riddles on
your way to completing your mission.
When you and your friends finally succeed in your
adventure, you will be rewarded with experience as
you learn new things that will make your pony cleverer,
stronger, or more charming and talented—ready for a
new and more challenging quest!
The great thing about role-playing games is that you
don’t have to finish the story all at once. When it’s
time to stop, the story can be paused, and the next
time you all meet together, you can begin again from
where you left off.
For more information about how to play a role-
playing game, either as a gamemaster or as a pony
character, see pages 90-99.
Pony Sheets
You can photocopy the Pony Sheet on page 152. If you prefer, you can download these sheets from the
River Horse website—www.riverhorsegames.com—and print them out. Or you can buy one of our Tails
of Equestria Pony Sheet pads. However, you can start playing right away by writing out your Pony Sheet
on a blank sheet of paper.
Tokens of
Tokens of
(see pages 44-49
for more details)
can be represented by any
counter that is not going to be easily
confused with something else. Beads or
buttons work perfectly well.
The best die is the blue die, which has twenty sides and so is called a D20. When you roll it,
it will give you a number from 1 to 20.
The black die has twelve sides and so is called a D12. When you roll it, it will give you a
number from 1 to 12.
The purple die has ten sides and so is called a D10. When you roll it, it will give you a
number from 1 to 10 (the zero counts as a ten).
The yellow die has eight sides and so is called a D8. When you roll it, it will give you a
number from 1 to 8.
The green die has six sides and so is called a D6. When you roll it, it will give you a number
from 1 to 6.
The worst die is the red die, which has four sides and so is called a D4. When you roll it, it
will give you a number from 1 to 4 (the result is shown by the number that is facing ‘the right
way up’—so the die pictured on the left has scored a ‘4’).
Gamemaster screen
This is a Tails of Equestria
foldable cardboard screen
used by the gamemaster to
hide his or her maps, notes,
and the dice he or she rolls.
There is also some useful
reference information on the
side facing the gamemaster.
Some role-playing groups like to visualize the player characters and the other characters and creatures
they are going to interact with by using figurines. Many figurines representing characters from My Little
Pony, Friendship is Magic are available from Hasbro.
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3) Element of Harmony
There are six Elements of Harmony in Equestria. You can choose an element for your pony as part of
character creation. Will your pony be kind like Fluttershy, honest like Applejack, generous like Rarity,
loyal like Rainbow Dash, funny like Pinkie Pie, or clever like Twilight Sparkle?
The Elements of Harmony are:
Choose one and write it in the Element of Harmony line of your Pony Sheet.
You’ll find more about the Elements of Harmony on pages 32-37.
If you want your pony to be strong, write D6 in the BODY box of your Pony
Sheet (or D8 if your pony is an Earth pony!) and D4 in the MIND box.
If you want your pony to be brainy, write D6 in the MIND box of your Pony Sheet and
D4 in the BODY box (or D6 if your pony is an Earth pony!).
5) Charm
The Charm score shows how nice, polite, pretty or handsome, gentle, and charming
your pony is. Your pony uses Charm to make friends with other ponies and creatures.
Everypony starts with a Charm of D6—write D6 in the Charm box of your Pony Sheet.
6) Stamina
The Stamina score shows you how tough your pony is.
Everypony starts with a number of Stamina points (see pages 42-43).
• If your pony is a Unicorn or a Pegasus, write 10 in the Maximum Stamina box.
• If your pony is an Earth pony, write 12 in the Maximum Stamina box.
During the game, when things go wrong, your pony might lose Stamina points,
but it’s easy to gain them back through rest and healing. If your pony ever
reaches zero Stamina points, he or she is too tired to carry on, and must stop and
rest to recover.
Earth pony
If your pony is an Earth pony, he or she
also gets the Stout Heart talent (see page 69). Write Stout Heart
(D6) on the second line in the Talents box on your Pony Sheet.
If you have already given your pony the Stout Heart talent,
increase the score of this talent to Stout Heart (D8).
If your pony is a Unicorn, he or she also gets the Telekinesis
Magical talent (see page 70). Write Telekinesis (D6) on the
second line in the Talents box on your Pony Sheet.
If you have already given your pony the Telekinesis talent,
increase the score of this talent to Telekinesis (D8).
If your pony is a Pegasus, he or she also gets the Fly Talent (see page 67).
Write Fly (D6) on the second line in the Talents box on your Pony Sheet.
If you have already given your pony the Fly Talent,
increase the score of this Talent to Fly (D8).
11) Equipment
Finally, decide what items you want
your pony to carry. Your pony starts
off with 400 bits. Look at Chapter
10—Equipment and Money—to
decide what you’re going to spend
your money on. If there’s something
you want to buy that’s not listed
there, ask the gamemaster if he or
she can let you buy the item you
want, and how much it will cost.
Earth ponies
Earth ponies are known for their strength and for being ‘down to earth’.
They grow most of the food eaten in Equestria. Connected to nature and in
tune with the land, Earth ponies are a vital part of maintaining the order of
the seasons. From ensuring the leaves fall to wrapping up winter, they work
tirelessly to help keep Equestria in harmony. Many Earth ponies live in farms
and rural communities, though that is not to say that they shy away from large
cities like Manehattan and Fillydelphia. In fact, wherever you look in Equestria
you will often find Earth ponies living there since their great endurance means they
can thrive in what other ponies might call barren wastelands!
An Earth pony’s stout heart allows them to withstand great hardship without slowing down, and means
that they have a lot of love to give their friends. Earth pony characters are often the backbone of a
group of ponies, being a rock that other ponies can lean on. Although sometimes they can be seen as
a little ‘rough around the edges,’ Pegasi and Unicorns agree that Earth ponies are some of the most
dependable friends you can ask for.
Ponies attached to this Element have
the biggest hearts and are always
prepared to help out their friends and
share all they have with them. These ponies
sometimes have to be careful of others that
would take their generosity for granted, and
can have a tough time figuring out who to
give to when they can’t give to everyone.
Color: Purple
Last pony to possess
the Element of Generosity: Rarity
Ponies attached to this Element are the
funniest and most cheerful companions you
can ever hope for—they always look at the bright
side of things. Sometimes ponies that embrace
the element of laughter can have trouble making
sure everyone is enjoying their humor, since
laughter is only great when everyone is laughing!
Color: Blue
Last pony to possess
to the Element of Laughter: Pinkie Pie
Ponies attached to this Element can
be trusted with your life. They always
speak their mind and never conceal the truth
for any reason. Sometimes the truth can be a
difficult thing to tell, and even more difficult to
tell it without hurting anypony. These ponies
understand that better than anypony else!
Color: Orange
Last pony to possess
the Element of Honesty: Applejack
Ponies attached to this Element are sensitive
to the most powerful of all Elements—the
Magic of Friendship. Magic is the most difficult
Element to use, and can only exist if the other
five Elements are present. These ponies have a
difficult job balancing all of the other Elements
of Harmony to keep friendship strong.
Color: Magenta
Last pony to possess
the Element of Magic: Twilight Sparkle
The Body trait shows how strong you are—how much weight you can lift and
carry, for example. It also measures how tough you are, how long you can keep
running for, how easy it is for you to catch a cold, and so on. In addition, it
shows how agile you are when moving, how good you are at dodging things,
and how well you can balance, so is useful for when you need to complete an
obstacle course or want to show off your dancing skills.
Small animals and young ponies have a Body of D4 or D6. Grown up ponies and
larger animals have a Body of D8, D10 or even more in the case of very strong or
athletic ponies like Big Macintosh or Rainbow Dash.
Of course other creatures might have a very high Body value… a minotaur, for example, could have a Body
of D20, and a dragon can go even higher.
Charm is not just about how pretty or cute you are. It is about your
personality—how much other people like you, listen to you, and want to be
your friend and spend time with you. Charming ponies make everypony else
like them by being always nice and paying attention to the feeling of others.
This trait is the most difficult to measure, and can be very different for
different ponies. For example, you could say that both Rarity and Fluttershy
are charming, but they are so in very different ways. Charm is useful for
making friends with other ponies and creatures you meet on your adventures, and
influencing others’ opinions, such as when you are arguing over the price of a basket of cherries with a
shopkeeper at the market.
Your Charm normally starts at D6, as even the youngest ponies can be very charming by being so
adorable (actually, some of them become less charming with age). As your personality develops and
you learn to be nice, charismatic, and persuasive, your Charm might increase to D8, D10, and even
higher. Some characters have a Charm of D20 or even higher, such as Princess Cadence.
Losing Stamina
If you travel and get very tired, or are hurt, or become sad or confused, you will lose
a number of Stamina points. Write down on your Pony Sheet, under ‘Current Stamina,’ the number of
Stamina points you are left with.
For example, you have a maximum value of 10 Stamina points, and after a long day trekking across the
countryside you are so exhausted that you lose 2 Stamina points. This means that your current Stamina
points becomes 8—you write this down on your Pony Sheet. If you also twisted an ankle on a steep
mountain trail, you might end up losing 1 or more additional points of Stamina.
Zero Stamina!
If your Stamina ever gets to 0 or less, your pony faints or can’t carry on anymore—tiredness gets the
better of you, and you need some rest right now! This can be annoying as it can stop you from finishing
a task. It can also cause problems, as some bad guys could take you prisoner while you sleep, and you
might wake up in a cell or a cage! That’s why it’s normally a good idea not to adventure alone—having
friends around to help you out when you’re down or in trouble is best!
Maximum Stamina
Your Maximum Stamina points will increase as your pony character develops, as explained below.
It’s important to keep in mind that this is just an example and the gamemaster can always decide how
many Tokens of Friendship are needed to change a die roll, depending on the importance of the Test or
Challenge and the results of a success or failure. The gamemaster can decide that it is easier to change
some results, and harder to change others—it’s always up to the gamemaster, and his or her word is law.
New Friends!
Whenever a new friend joins the group, one Token of Friendship is immediately added to each player’s
pool—the more the mare-ier! When a friend leaves the group or cannot make it to a game session, the
group members do not lose a Token of Friendship, since that person is still a friend in spirit, even if they
cannot be there in pony!
A test is when your pony is facing a difficult situation like kicking open a locked door, dodging a falling
coconut, solving a difficult puzzle, or memorizing a speech.
The gamemaster will set a Difficulty to the test you need to pass, which is a number from 2 (the easiest)
to 20 (the most difficult), and will tell you what trait you should use for the test. In order to pass the test
you need to roll equal to or higher than the Difficulty.
For example, to dodge a falling coconut the gamemaster could decide that you need to test on your
Body trait, against a Difficulty of 4. This means that you roll the die for your Body trait (say for example
that it is a D8), and if you score a 4 or more, the test is passed—you dodge the falling coconut and
are okay. If you roll 3 or less, the test is failed and you’re hit on the head by the coconut—ouch, lose 1
point of Stamina!
Of course, if your Body trait was higher, like a D10 or better, the test would be easier.
If instead there was something making the test more difficult, such as your legs being tied together, the
gamemaster would set the Difficulty a little higher—a 5 or even 6.
Bad Luck!
Note that the minimum Difficulty for a test is 2, so if you roll a 1 the test is always failed.
Not only that, rolling a 1 is really bad, and the gamemaster can make up some very entertaining effects
when this happens.
For example, the gamemaster could decide that by rolling a 1 to dodge the coconut you have jumped
to the side so fast that you did indeed dodge the coconut, but crashed really hard into the trunk of the
palm tree—losing not 1 but 2 points of Stamina—bad luck!
Amazing success!
Sometimes you succeed really spectacularly, in which case you or the gamemaster get to tell everybody
how amazingly successful you were. This happens when the roll of your die is double or more the
Difficulty of the test.
For example, if the test was Difficulty 4 and you roll an 8 or more, the test was amazingly successful.
In the example above, if you rolled an 8 on the test to dodge the coconut (Difficulty 4), then you and the
gamemaster could come up with something really cool—for example you could say that rather than just
dodging the coconut, you bucked with perfect timing as it fell and kicked it right on top of the cart of
supplies that is behind you—nice move!
No Fingers? No Problem!
Often in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ponies can be seen doing things with their
hooves that don’t make sense in our slightly less fantastic world. They tie knots, pick up
stuff, move small objects, and even play the piano! It is the same in Tails of Equestria—
generally a pony can use a combination of teeth, hooves and magic to do what a
creature with hands can do. As a general rule of thumb…err…hoof, if a question comes
up concerning whether a pony is able to do something using hooves, it’s best to simply
not think very hard about it. Equestria depends far more on magic than science, after all!
When a rule or the GM allows you to re-roll a die, this means that you can choose not to accept the first
result you rolled, discard that score, and roll again. The second result always stands, even if it was worse
than the first, and can never be re-rolled.
Creative Flair
Whether it’s baking, art, or drama, you are excellent at performing this talent.
When you choose this talent, you must choose a flair for your pony. Some example flairs are listed
below. Feel free to pick from the list or talk to your GM about coming up with your own.
Whenever you take a charm test, if you and the GM think that your flair would be helpful in making that
test, roll your creative flair die in addition to your charm die and choose the highest result.
You may take this talent more than once, but you must choose a different flair each time you do.
Forcefield—Unicorns only
Some Unicorns can use their powers to create magical shields called forcefields, which can protect their
friends from harm. To create a forcefield you must be able to concentrate and must decide how big the
forcefield will be.
The GM sets the Difficulty of a test to create a forcefield. For example, a forcefield
around a small object like a book would be Difficulty 4, one protecting a pony-
sized object would be Difficulty 6, while one shielding a town would be Difficulty
12 or more.
A forcefield lasts for as long as the pony that created it concentrates on it, or
until it is broken.
If a character wants to break a forcefield, he or she will have to test
their Body trait with a Difficulty equal to the die value number of the
forcefield talent of the pony that created it.
For example, a pony trying to break a forcefield created by a pony with
Forcefield D6 would need to take a Body test against Difficulty 6.
Healing Touch
Some Earth ponies are so in tune with the life force of other creatures that they have the amazing ability
to heal their friends with a touch. Once per game session, you can roll your Healing Touch die to give a
single pony a number of Stamina points equal to the score you roll. That pony cannot gain more than his
or her Maximum Stamina.
Keen Knowledge
You are the pony to turn to when it comes to a certain subject—maybe you know everything there is to
know about apples or perhaps you are an expert on history.
When you choose this talent, you must choose a knowledge for your pony. Some example knowledges
are listed below. Feel free to pick from the list or talk to your GM about coming up with your own.
knowledges: Art; biology; chemistry; geography; history; magic knowledge; math; physics; pony law.
Whenever you take a Mind test, if you and the GM think that your knowledge would be helpful in making
that test, roll your Keen Knowledge die in addition to your Mind die and choose the highest result.
You may take this talent more than once, but you must choose a different knowledge each time you do.
Pony Sense
Nobody knows why your tail twitches when something falls from the sky or you get an ear flop, eye flutter,
and knee-twitch when you need to be careful of who might be behind a door! During a game session,
you can ‘sense’ trouble coming just before it affects you or your friends a number of times equal to the die
value of this talent. Pony Sense can only give you a vague sense, not a specific foretelling of the future.
For example, if you have Pony Sense (D6), and at the start of the session a dragon jumped out at you
from behind a rock to give you a scare, you could ask the GM, “Can I try to use my Pony Sense to warn
me of the dragon before he arrives, so I’m not so surprised?” The GM might reply, “That’s absolutely
fine. The Difficulty for sensing the dragon is 4; roll your D6. Also remember to note down that you only
have 5 uses left.”
Another way that the GM can use Pony Sense is by applying one of a pony’s Pony Sense uses to tell that
pony what might be happening in the near future. This can be a great way for the GM to give the group
a bit of information when they are having trouble, or to make the storyline go forward.
This talent lets you talk to the animals you have chosen and use your Charm trait to persuade them.
Whenever you roll a Body or talent test, if you and the GM think that your skill would be helpful in
making that test, roll your Special Skill die in addition to your Body or talent die and choose the highest
You may take this talent more than once, but must choose a different skill each time you do.
The Stare
You have the ability to look at someone… to really look. When using the stare, you must maintain eye
contact with your target and then make a challenge using your Stare talent against their Mind trait.
If you succeed, they are frozen, unable to do anything. If you get an amazing success, they will obey
simple commands—just don’t be too mean! The Stare only works for a short time and can only be used
on the same target once per adventure.
Teleport—Unicorns only
You can teleport yourself short distances using your Unicorn magic. Teleporting is difficult to control and
can sometimes cause more problems than it solves! Teleporting yourself a few feet is Difficulty 5, and every
few feet after that adds an extra 1 to the Difficulty.
Failing a Teleport test means that you teleport to somewhere you didn’t intend, though it may still save
you from trouble! The base Difficulty of 5 for even a short teleport means that you may want to upgrade
this talent to at least D6 before trying to teleport.
If you have this quirk, sometimes you have trouble breathing because of your sensitive airways. Ponies
with this quirk usually carry some ponybalm with them, which can clear up the symptoms fairly easily.
It’s true that honesty is important, but then again so is being aware of everypony’s feelings. With this
quirk you say what you are thinking, even when it doesn’t necessarily help you out and might hurt
somepony’s feelings.
Maybe you really are a good leader, but you also think that you are the only one who should be making
the decisions. A pony with this quirk finds it hard to let his or her friends make decisions for themselves
and hates to feel like he or she is helpless.
A pony with this quirk gets spooked by lots of things, or perhaps is very scared of one thing. Maybe it’s
snakes, maybe it’s heights, but whatever it is chills you to the bone and makes your mane stand on end.
This quirk can be taken multiple times—each time you take this quirk you must choose a different fear.
You would forget your horseshoes if they weren’t attached to your feet! A pony with this quirk often
forgets important information and you certainly can’t count on him or her to remember to bring the rope
for your climbing adventure unless he or she is very careful to write it down.
Where some ponies dislike the spotlight, others like it a little too much, and love being the center of
attention. You may not like it when other ponies are praised when you are not, or may even go out of
your way to catch everypony’s eye.
You don’t mind the muck, and you may sometimes forget to wash it off right away—your mane is a bit of
a shambles! Other ponies might be a little uncomfortable around you unless you make an effort to clean
up, especially if they are neat freaks!
You see the best in everypony, which is of course a wonderful thing, but it can lead to situations where
somepony may take advantage of you. Your pony is especially vulnerable to shirelatans and conmares.
Neat Freak
You like order and perfection, and cannot stand it when things aren’t absolutely perfect. This can make it
hard when other ponies are less concerned with perfection than you, or if they have a different style from
your pony.
Oooohhh… Shiny!
Ponies with this quirk are occasionally going to be overcome by greed and their desire for the shiny
things that they love—be that gems, or old, fashionable clothes… You must agree with your GM what
exactly it is that your pony likes so much.
Racing, fashion, or dancing—whatever it is, you know you are the best and dare anyone to test that fact.
This can cause problems when someone else is better than you or when you think that you can handle
something you just can’t.
Short Fuse
You just can’t help but get angry from time to time, or even all the time! With this quirk you are hot-
tempered, quick to anger and ready to blow at any moment. You sometimes find it hard to remember
who your friends are, but with a little patience they can always remind you.
You suffer from an excess of shyness, being a bit of a pushover, and are easily bullied around by nasty
creatures. Uncomfortable about speaking in public and in general hating attention, you might freeze in
these circumstances, even if something important is at stake.
Too Silly
If you are too silly you may be found annoying by your more
serious-minded friends. Not everypony in
Equestria is fond of antics and
pranks, especially when they
are trying to get some work
done. Sometimes you find it
difficult to figure out whether
it is the right time for a silly
joke or serious silence.
Cutie Mark
Your pony’s cutie mark is normally inspired by your talent, but once again there are no strict rules about
this. It can instead be connected with your name, or your Element of Harmony, or anything else that
helps make your pony character unique and helps describe his or her character to everypony else.
Once again, think of the cutie marks of the characters in the TV series and see how they match their
pony’s talents, name or character.
You can draw your cutie mark in the box on the Pony Sheet, or you can find a picture you really like and
ask the gamemaster to help you photocopy or print it so that you can then cut it out and glue it onto
your sheet… it’s entirely up to you.
When it comes to drawing your character, you can start with a Pony Sheet that already shows you the
outline of an Earth pony, Unicorn, or Pegasus, or you can instead use a completely blank one, if you or
the gamemaster are really good at drawing.
You can find a blank Pony Sheet on page 152 of this book for the gamemaster to photocopy. Other ones
can be downloaded from the River Horse website. Finally, sheets are available to buy as part of our first
adventure box: the Curse of the Statuettes blocks of pre-printed sheets.
Of course, like in the case of the cutie marks, you can use an existing picture of a pony that you find
somewhere else and cut it and paste it on to the sheet, and then just use it as it is, or modify it, drawing
or gluing on it all sorts of equipment and clothing… have fun!
This pony armor has metal plates and is much thicker than light barding.
While wearing this armor you lose 2 less points of Stamina whenever you
lose Stamina from a physical source, to a minimum of 1. In addition to
Barding (metal) 200 downgrading your Fly and Telekinesis like light barding, this barding is so
heavy that you also downgrade your Body trait when running, jumping or
swimming while wearing it.
Books are very important for ponies in all of Equestria, and reading them
Book (common) 10 can solve a lot of your problems. A common book might contain the
history of Ponyville or perhaps one of Daring Do’s many tales.
Rare books might be very old or they might cover a very specific subject.
Book (rare) 50 They can be very useful for ponies that want to learn secrets that only a
few other ponies know!
Bucket 5 Important when you want to carry some milk or maybe a bushel of apples.
A cart that ponies can use to carry lots of stuff, like Applejacks’ apple
Cart 100 harvest or even other ponies.
Clock 10 A small clock that can be used to tell the time—useful when making plans.
A feast for those ponies that are just as hungry as a horse! This could be
Food (extravagant meal) 10 a much larger meal or it could be a very fancy meal at a fine restaurant
in Canterlot.
Food (simple meal) 3 An apple pie or a big hay sandwich that should keep the rumbles at bay.
Gems are useful for dressmaking or eating, depending on whether you ask
Gems 20+ Rarity or Spike. They vary in cost, but 20 bits would be around the amount
needed to make one sparkly dress or satisfy one baby dragon.
This kit has paint brushes, clay, bits of canvas and more. Everything a pony
could want to create art, whether it’s clay, pieces of sculpture or beautiful
Kit (Art supplies) 30 paintings. There’s even some sequins and glue in there to make your
creations pop. This kit lets you upgrade your die when you use it to create art.
With lots of lovely spices, bowls and other tools, this kit allows anypony
Kit (Cooking) 25 with ingredients to make the most wondrous edible creations. This kit lets
you upgrade your die when you use it to create food.
Glasses, a fake mustache and anything else you need to look like
Kit (Disguise) 35 somepony else. This kit lets you upgrade your die when you use it to
create a disguise for yourself or your friends.
Much like the other kits in this list, this kit has lots of supplies in it for a
specific hobby, be it for sewing, carpentry or anything else. Speak to your
Kit (Hobby) 50 GM about what you think might be suitable. When using a kit for its proper
use you can upgrade your die!
This curious kit is full to the brim with buzzers, whoopee cushions and
Kit (Joke) 20 other practical jokes—if it’s funny, it’s in there! This kit lets you upgrade
your die when you use it to create a practical joke.
For ponies that want to get up higher, but don’t have the benefit of
Ladder 25 wings, this ladder should let you reach the second story of any building.
Remember to have somepony at the bottom to steady it!
A glass and metal lamp with an oil flame inside, this lamp is the perfect
Lamp 10 tool for when you need to make your way through caves or spooky forests.
A guitar, a flute, a trombone, or even a piano. A musical instrument is
perfect for ponies that are musically gifted and are fun for ponies that
Musical Instrument 50+ aren’t. It’s especially useful to have one of these around in case you run
into any parasprites! A musical instrument lets you upgrade your die when
you use it to create a song.
This ten-foot pole is one of the most important tools an adventuring pony can
Pole 3 have. For poking dangerous-looking contraptions from afar or for pole-vaulting
across rivers, the ten-foot pole is a must have for any serious pony adventurer.
This balm is very soothing for ponies and can help with the effects of
allergies, asthma, and even small scratches and wounds. When using
Ponybalm (5 uses) 25 ponybalm, a pony gains 1 point of Stamina, up to its Maximum Stamina.
Ponybalm can only be used for this effect once every day.
Very useful for climbing deep down wells and up cliffs when you can’t fly.
Rope 5 Also useful to tie up bad guys!
These tough and spacious saddlebags are useful for storing many of the
Saddlebags 25 other items on this list.
A tool for moving gravel, sand and other loose material, a shovel usually
Shovel 20 has a flat square head that turns up slightly at the side.
A tool for digging into the ground, a spade usually has a sharp pointed
Spade 20 end to help it pierce the earth. There, now you can call a spade a spade!
A telescope allows you to see things that are far away—really far away. Make
Telescope 50 sure you look into the right end or else it will make everything look smaller!
1) Level
You can now gain a new level. Update your character sheet and increase your level by 1.
2) Traits
You can upgrade one of the die values among your three traits. Pick any Trait (Body, Mind, Charm) and
increase it by one step. For example, you can choose to increase your current Mind trait from a D4 to a
D6 or your current Charm of D6 to a D8.
There are no strict rules about which trait to choose. You can think about which trait you have used
the most in the last adventure, and increase that one—a clear effect of learning from experience. On
the other hand, you can imagine that your pony, seeing that his or her Body was a bit weak for some
of the tests your group had to overcome, might decide to train hard for a few weeks, in order to get a
stronger/faster Body and be ready for the next adventure. Or you can choose to study hard to improve
your Mind, or take singing or acting lessons to improve your Charm… it’s entirely up to you!
3) Stamina
As you develop, so does your Stamina—growing older means getting tougher! If you upgraded either
Mind or Body, increase your Maximum Stamina so that it is the sum of your Body and Mind values.
As you have plenty of rest in between adventures, your current Stamina points go to the maximum—
your new and upgraded maximum.
For example, if you had Body D6 and Mind D4, your previous Maximum Stamina was 10. Upgrading
your Mind to D6 means that your Maximum Stamina goes up to 12. If you ended the adventure
missing some Stamina points (say, on 5 points of Stamina), your current Stamina points go to the new
maximum (12).
4) Friendship
Much like when you started to play, you get 1 Token of Friendship per player that was in the last
adventure, including yourself and the gamemaster. These are added to your current number of Tokens
of Friendship remaining after the last adventure.
For example, Emily’s pony character has ended her adventure with 2 Tokens of Friendship remaining.
Emily played the adventure with two of her friends, so she earns 4 Tokens of Friendship (three players
in the group, plus the gamemaster). These extra 4 tokens are added to the leftover 2 tokens, so Emily’s
pony character is ready to start the new adventure with 6 Tokens of Friendship.
5) Talents
Upgrade all talents you used
All of the talents you have used in the adventure automatically improve by one die level. Because of
this, you might want to record during the adventure whenever you use a talent—whether successfully or
unsuccessfully, a pony learns from failure as much as from success. Just put a check next to a talent when
you use it during an adventure.
Upgrade a single unused talent or Learn a new talent
After you have upgraded all the talents that you have used, you get to either upgrade one more talent
that you have not used (if any), or learn a new talent.
Upgrading a talent you have not used represents the fact that your pony character will feel the need to
improve this talent and will spend some time practicing it between adventures.
Alternatively, you can decide that it would be more useful to learn a new talent, maybe something you
wish you’d known how to do in the last adventure, or something that you saw in the TV series, or even
an activity, skill, or hobby that you are learning in your real life, like ballet, tennis, or chess.
Pick from the list of talents in this book (pages 66-70) or talk to your gamemaster about creating talents
that are not listed there. All talents have a die value attached to them, and all new talents are gained at
the D4 level.
Picking quirks
You may have read the section on quirks and realized that you could be a bit clever by choosing a quirk
that will never be a problem for you. ‘Fear of Asteroids,’ for example! But remember that if you choose
a quirk that will never come up then you will never get the Friendship Tokens that come from facing
your fears and problems. On top of that, part of the fun of a role-playing game is putting yourself in the
horseshoes of your pony and overcoming their problems. If your pony has no problems, then you will
miss out on this interesting part of the game.
Be creative
Many times in your adventures you will encounter obstacles and problems. Often the answer to these
problems will not be obvious, and sometimes they may seem impossible. In Tails of Equestria, as in real
life, there is very little that you cannot work through by using your wits and skills. When you encounter a
locked door that is too heavy for anyone to break down, you might decide to try to find a key, to build
some sort of ram to knock it down, or to simply knock! This game does not have a set number of actions
you can take, but instead lets you come up with many solutions to your problems.
Failing is fun!
Sometimes you will roll a 1. It happens, and sometimes it happens at the most important times. You
shouldn’t feel down when it does, because every story needs its moments of failure as much as its
moments of triumph. Getting caught by the palace guard can lead to exciting situations, and getting
embarrassed can lead to making new friends—it would be a very boring story indeed if the heroes
succeeded at everything they ever tried. So you should accept that sometimes you will be unlucky, and if
you keep failing, perhaps it is time to think about approaching problems in a different way.
There are many difficulties that will face you in Equestria, and your pony simply won’t be able to deal
with them all. Your pony is not going to be able to climb trees and read ancient languages and create
the most fantastic fashions, but with your friends, you can achieve almost anything. When trying to solve
problems, always think of your friends and their abilities as much as your own. The most challenging of
obstacles will require you to use all of your skills combined.
The curse of
the what?
The statuettes!
Surely you’ve heard?
It’s simply awful! You
could be trotting along
quite happily and
then ‘poof’…
‘Poof,’ and
you’re turned
into a little, um,
statue… thingy.
A girl pony, a Pegasus with a yellow coat and pink mane and tail, trots over to the PCs. She has big blue
eyes that stare at them shyly, and her cutie mark is three pink butterflies. It’s Fluttershy!
Read Aloud
“Excuse me,” says Fluttershy in a very quiet voice. “Thank you for rescuing my rabbit, Angel. He
scampered away from me and I’ve been looking for him all over the place!”
She gently takes the rabbit and cuddles him. He glares at you, making a furious face.
Fluttershy continues. “You’ve obviously got a way with animals,” she smiles shyly. “I think my little
Angel really likes you!”
At this, Angel shakes his head vigorously, still glaring at you. Fluttershy doesn’t notice.
“I think you’re just the ponies my friends and I have been looking for. We are going away on an
important mission, and we need somepony to look after our pets while we are gone. Would you
like to help us?”
Snack Time
After Twilight and her friends leave, the cottage falls silent. Owlowiscious has flown to perch on the back
of a chair, and looks wisely at the pet-sitters. Winona scratches herself, looking bored. Gummy stares
straight at the PCs with unblinking eyes. Opal seems to look them up and down, then curls her lips in
disgust and sniffs haughtily. Tank seems to have fallen asleep, while Angel narrows his eyes and fixes the
PCs with a fierce glare.
Ask each player to test their Mind trait (Difficulty 2). Anyone who passes this test realizes that perhaps
the best way to win the pets’ affection is to give them some food. It’s a little early for lunch, but perhaps
it’s time for a snack?
Hopefully the players were listening carefully earlier, and remember what each pet’s favorite food is.
Fluttershy’s cottage has plenty of food cupboards with all sorts of food for all sorts of animals—maybe
the PCs can strike it lucky and find the treats they’re looking for.
Pet Personalities
Each pet has its own unique personality. These are summarized below.
Spoiled, bossy, and very demanding. Short-tempered and prone to
childish tantrums. Very picky with food. Enjoys tormenting his pet-sitters.
Communicates in squeaks.
He has a blank, vacant stare. He will grab anything that comes within reach of
his toothless jaws and refuse to let go! Silent, but Pinkie Pie is convinced he
talks to her.
Selfish, manipulative, and irritable. She rubs against well-dressed ponies,
but spits at those displaying a fashion faux pas. Purrs if happy, but yowls and
hisses when angry.
A very well-behaved bird. He is highly intelligent and can understand and
follow orders. Communicates by hooting. Nocturnal, so usually sleepy during
the day.
Slow, but very faithful, helpful, and determined. He has a magically-
propelled helicopter rotor strapped to his shell, which allows him to fly. He is
always silent.
A friendly, loyal, and faithful work dog. She goes wild if she doesn’t get her
daily exercise. She barks, whines, pants, and yips like any other regular dog.
Read Aloud:
It’s impossible to keep your eye on Angel—he’s so naughty! Blowing a big raspberry at you, he
hops high into the air, landing on a bookshelf. He shoves the line of neat books, causing them to
topple like dominoes. The book at the end of the shelf falls to the floor, landing on Tank, setting
off the motors of his helicopter blades. The tortoise shoots into the air, smashing through a
window and hurtling into the sky. Winona gives a bark of alarm and jumps out the broken window
to try to rescue Tank. Owlowiscious screeches and flies in panic up the chimney in a cloud of soot,
which makes Gummy sneeze loudly. His jaws clamp shut on Opalescence’s tail, which is waving
right in front of him. Opal shrieks and leaps in panic, her outstretched claws tearing into the
curtains on the window nearest you. The curtain rail comes toppling down, knocking a cupboard
straight towards you!
The PCs have to test on their Body trait (Difficulty 5). If they fail, they get trapped inside the cupboard
and lose D8 Stamina. If they succeed, they dodge out of the way of the cupboard, but become tangled
up in the curtains and are trapped–they cannot do anything until they struggle free (see below).
Ponies trapped in the cupboard can test on their Body trait (Difficulty 5) to push over the cupboard
and free themselves–every time a pony fails this test he or she loses 1 Stamina. If trapped ponies work
together, reduce the Difficulty of the test by 1 for each helping pony. Because the cupboard is so heavy,
it takes about half an hour to get themselves free.
Ponies tangled up in the curtains will eventually free themselves after about half an hour of struggling
with no test needed.
Read Aloud:
Fluttershy’s cottage is a complete mess! Besides the collapsed curtains and fallen cupboard, there
are cushions, ornaments, and tipped up chairs all over the floor. One of the windows is smashed
and there’s soot from the chimney everywhere. The cat-flap in the front door is swinging loose.
There’s no sign of any of the pets!
The pets have all escaped. There is no sign of them inside the cottage. Make sure that the PCs realize
that they have two very important tasks to carry out—first they need to find the pets and bring them
back safely to the cottage (see Part 2 of the adventure). Second, they have to clean up the cottage
before Fluttershy and her friends come back (see Part 3 of the adventure).
The PCs should be made aware that rescuing the pets is the most important of these tasks, and it should
be carried out first.
Pet Detectives
If the PCs look for the animals outside Fluttershy’s cottage, they will discover clues that will point them
towards each pet.
<< A trail of bunny footprints leads from the cat-flap southwest into Everfree Forest.
<< Alligator tracks lead from the cat-flap to the edge of the river running past the cottage.
<< Snagged on a bush near the cottage is a purple bow.
<< A trail of soot leads from the cottage east into Everfree Forest.
<< In the distance, deep in Everfree Forest to the south, a cloud of smoke rises into the sky.
<< In the distance, deep in Everfree Forest to the west, a faint, sad dog howl can just about be heard.
Allow the PCs to explore around the cottage and discover each clue before letting them decide which
clue to follow first.
Alligator Tracks
The tracks lead to the river that flows south into the Everfree Forest. At that point, the tracks
disappear. If the players can’t figure it out for themselves, allow the PCs to test on their Mind trait
(Difficulty 2) to figure out that Gummy must have jumped into the river, and that he must have swam
downriver, because the water is flowing so fast that the baby gator would not have been strong
enough to swim against the current.
There is a small rowboat on the bank of the river, just big enough for all the PCs to squeeze into. Up
to two PCs can row the boat—this requires them to test on their Body trait (Difficulty 3) to control it—
otherwise it spins out of control and everyone in the boat is buffeted around, losing 1 Stamina.
Eventually, after about an hour, the river flows into a lake, which is where the PCs discover Pinkie Pie’s
pet—see Finding Gummy.
1. Marshy Pool. One or two (but not all) of the PCs stumble into an area of swamp. They
will be stuck fast until their friends cooperate to pull them out. After their rescue, the
PCs who fell in the marsh will be very stinky—they must degrade their Charm die by
one step until they get cleaned up. Uggh!
2. Clinging Thorns. The PCs blunder into a patch of thorny briars that cling to their
manes and tails and tear at their clothes. They can’t go forward or back without being
scratched. Unless they can figure out a way to get through the thorns without being
hurt, they will each lose D4 Stamina as they try to escape.
3. Rabid Rhododendrons. The huge plants around the PCs suddenly begin to crowd
around them, moving with a will of their own. Leafy tendrils snake around their legs,
and the heads of the plants snap at them like hungry jaws. Unless the PCs have a
better plan, they each must make a Challenge using their Body trait against the plants’
Body trait of D6. If they pass, they struggle free, but if they fail they lose 1 Stamina and
must try again.
4. Cragadile. The PCs must cross a small lake of smelly green water. There are large
stepping stones across the lake, which can be easily crossed. However, halfway across,
one of the stones turns out to be the back of a cragadile—a huge and fierce reptile
with stony scales! It’s hungry and will try to snap at the PCs. Will they spot the cragadile
before they step on it? If they disturb it, how can they get away, or overpower it? You
can find the statistics for a cragadile on page 133.
5. Timberwolves. A terrible howling fills the air. Out of the undergrowth leaps a pack of
ferocious timberwolves, with bodies of twigs, logs, and leaves, their eyes gleaming with
a spooky green light. The PCs must try to overpower them, trick them, or run away. You
can find the statistics for a timberwolf on page 135.
6. Zecora. Each PC feels their mane stand on end, and has the feeling that they are
being watched. They can see large, yellow eyes gleaming from the shadowy depths of
the forest. The creepy-looking eyes begin to move, getting closer and closer… what
do the PCs do?
Luckily for them, it’s a friend—but don’t let the PCs know that until the last minute. It’s
Zecora—her description and statistics can be found on page 135. If the PCs charm
her, she gives them information about the forest (each PC upgrades their Mind die by
one step next time they test to see if they get lost in the woods). She also gives them a
potion containing enough medicine for each pony to heal D6 points of Stamina—but if a
pony drinks more than their single share, they get a stomach ache and must downgrade
their Body trait by one step until the end of the adventure. Zecora can also cure any PC
of the effects of the Poison Joke curse (see later).
Read Aloud:
It’s very dark inside the cave. The coldness makes you shiver. Your light dances on the rocky walls,
which gleam wetly. The ground underhoof is stony. The only sound you can hear is the drip…
drip… drip... of water falling from the ceiling. The air is musty and damp.
The tunnel eventually opens out into a large grotto which glows as though lit by a bright starry
night sky. The light is coming from a gigantic bear-like creature with a transparent body, midnight-
blue in color, that shines as though it is made up of dozens of stars. A white star glows on its
forehead and it has fierce yellow eyes and sharp, gleaming white fangs. You have heard of these
monsters in stories—it’s an Ursa: a monstrous, magical bear.
Despite its scary appearance, the Ursa has a kind smile on her face, and is gently cradling a small,
white trembling animal—it’s Angel, looking absolutely terrified. The rabbit is trying to struggle free,
squeaking in fear. You notice that the Ursa has put Angel in a diaper and is gently rocking him back
and forth. A low growl rumbles from the Ursa’s throat—is she singing some sort of bear lullaby?
How will the PCs get Angel back from the Ursa? The Ursa, despite her huge size, is a very young one,
and has adopted Angel as her new baby dolly. She will not want to let the rabbit go!
Have the PCs test their Mind trait (Difficulty 3). Anypony who passes realizes that this massive monster
is just an Ursa minor—a baby—and that her mother, an Ursa major (even bigger and fiercer!), must be
coming back to look after her cub sometime soon. The PCs
only have a limited amount of time to rescue Angel.
The PCs will probably come up with several clever
ideas on how to rescue Angel. However, we’ll deal
with these two approaches here: using kindness and
using unkindness.
The best way to rescue Angel is to treat the Ursa
minor with kindness. She just wants her own pet
to play with and take care of, and she doesn’t
realize that Angel belongs to someone else.
First, the PCs will have to show the Ursa
minor that they are kind and gentle and
don’t mean them any harm.
To do this they need to test their
Charm trait (Difficulty 5 because
the Ursa doesn’t trust them).
The worst way to treat the Ursa minor is with unkindness. That will only make him angry, and nobody
wants to face an angry Ursa, even a ‘little’ one.
If the PCs manage to take Angel away from the Ursa using any form of unkindness, trickery, sneakiness,
lies, or any other method that will hurt her feelings, the Ursa minor will roar and growl fiercely,
immediately bringing his mother back to the den (see below). The Ursa minor will join his mother in
chasing after the PCs—double trouble!
Mom’s Home!
If the PCs take too long trying to resolve this encounter, the Ursa minor’s mom might come home, and
be very angry at finding the PCs trespassing! The Ursa major will also appear as soon as her baby gets
upset by the PCs’ actions (see above).
To determine whether the Ursa major comes home, every time you judge that the PCs are taking too
long to do something during this encounter, roll a die—if you roll the highest possible score, the Ursa
major appears. Start by rolling a D20, and then degrade the dice by one step the next time you roll to
see whether mom comes home.
When the Ursa major appears, the PCs will have an even harder time trying to rescue Angel, if they
haven’t already. If they annoy the bears, both will chase the PCs away from their den—if the PCs get
captured by the Ursa major they will end up as the Ursa minor’s playthings, dressed up like Angel in
diapers and treated like baby dolls until they figure out a way to escape.
Angelic Angel?
If and when the PCs rescue Angel, he will do everything he can to annoy them while
he is in their company. Whenever the PCs have to make an important dice roll, roll a
D6 and refer to the table below to figure out how Angel behaves (or you can decide
yourself how he behaves badly).
D6 Score Result
1 Angel has a tantrum! Unless the PCs shut him up, he will make as much
noise as possible—bursting into tears and stamping his feet as loudly as
he can.
2 Angel tries to escape. The PC carrying him must make a challenge against
his Mind trait (D4). If Angel wins the challenge, he bolts for freedom and
has to be chased and recaptured.
3-4 Angel behaves badly in such a way that he makes it harder for the PCs to
complete their task. For this dice roll, each PC degrades their die by one step.
5-6 Angel behaves himself—phew!
Read Aloud:
The river opens out onto a small lake, in the center of which is a little island
covered in trees and bushes. You can’t help but burst into laughter when you see
a comical-looking bird of prey with a ridiculous bright green mohican-style crest
on its bald head, flying high in the air in circles and screeching in panic as a baby
alligator stubbornly clings onto its tail feathers with its jaws.
The bird is a mohawk, and you can see that the ’gator is none other than Gummy.
How will you manage to get him safely down?
The PCs have several different problems here: how do they get Gummy down to the ground without
hurting him, and how do they make Gummy let go without hurting the mohawk?
No Laughing Matter!
If the PCs do anything that upsets or hurts the mohawk, the bird will peck angrily at the PCs, causing
them to lose 1 Stamina. Ouch!
Gator Jaws
Gummy has a bad habit of snapping his jaws tight around anything within reach. This
includes ponies’ legs, tails, and manes. Luckily, he has no teeth, so his grip doesn’t
hurt, but he’ll hold on stubbornly for as long as he can.
The first pony to pick up Gummy must win a challenge against him using his Body trait
(D4); otherwise Gummy will grab the pony with his jaws and not let go, and the pony
must do everything with Gummy attached to him or her
(this means his Body trait die is degraded by one step until
Gummy lets go). Gummy will only let go when he’s fed his
favorite treat—fish cakes—or if the PCs think up a
cunning way to make him open his mouth.
If Gummy does not have anything in his jaws, you
can decide that he tries to snap at a nearby PC at
any time during the scenario (as described above).
Read Aloud:
The edge of the well is made up of a low, circular stone wall. A slate roof, covered in moss, shelters
the well from the sky. There’s an old, rickety-looking wooden handle attached to the wheel, used
to raise and lower the rope that drops down into the depths of the well. Looking down over the
wall of the well, you peer into darkness and can’t make out the bottom. The shadowy walls of the
well disappear deep underground. You can hear a faint meowing coming up from the darkness.
There’s an old board attached to the front of the well. Scraping away the cobwebs and dirt, you
can see some words written in old-fashioned writing that appear to change before your very eyes!
In moments they have formed into a poem!
Opal has fallen into the well—her curiosity caused her to go too close to the edge. The scared meows the
PCs can just about hear are hers. The PCs must try to figure out how to get her out of the well, which is a
magic wishing well. A long time ago, before this part of the Everfree Forest grew around the well, ponies
used to visit it and drop in gold bits, hoping for wishes. At first, the well granted those wishes, but it grew
greedy and demanded more and more offerings before granting them. The ponies stopped visiting the
well and gradually the Everfree Forest grew around it. After being abandoned and forgotten for so long,
the well has grown lonely, and it will not release Opal unless the PCs throw in their most precious items.
The Poem
The writing on the well is quite difficult to read. It requires the PCs to test their Mind trait (Difficulty
5). If they fail, they cannot read it—unless they spend Tokens of Friendship to re-roll or pass the test
automatically. The poem reads:
With gifts and daring you have saved the cat. It yowled and complained like an aristocrat! Now
leave me ponies, to my treasure hoard, to my lonely existence, silent and bored. No-pony ever
visited for the longest time, it makes me wonder why I bother to rhyme!
At this point the PCs may decide that they want to talk and interact with the well, which will talk to them
by changing the writing on its board. It is greedy, but lonely, and can be convinced with a charm test
(Difficulty 4) to give back the PCs’ items for being so mean. Alternatively, if the ponies promise to visit
the well from time to time, then the well will return their items happily as well as giving them 25 bits
each! The well retrieves these items by lowering its bucket deep into the water, filling it with the desired
items, and pulling it back up.
Soggy Kitty
After being rescued, Opal will be wet and grumpy. She looks like a soggy dishcloth until
she dries out. Even after drying out in the sun, Opal will be in an extremely bad temper.
She hates the Everfree Forest and yowls in fear constantly, unless the PCs figure out a
way to pacify her. She makes it impossible for the PCs to perform any task quietly.
Read Aloud:
Parting the low branches framing the entrance to the glade, you see that the ground is covered
with a mass of beautiful blue plants—blue petals, blue leaves, and blue stalks streaked with dark
blue veins. There’s a tall oak tree in the middle of the glade, and flying repeatedly into the trunk of
this tree, hooting crazily, is Owlowiscious, cross-eyed and dopey-looking.
The blue plants are called ‘poison joke.’ Anything that breathes in the microscopic spores of this flower
will be cursed—the plant plays a practical joke on its victims (see below).
The owl has been cursed by the plants and has become utterly stupid!
The problem for the PCs is this: how they can rescue the owl without getting cursed themselves (see
‘Cursed’ below). The key here is ‘harmony.’ The PCs must work together to avoid becoming victims of
the plants’ ‘prank.’ Working together creates harmony, in the same way that Twilight Sparkle’s magic is
only triggered when all of the other Elements of Harmony are present.
The Curse
If the PCs touch the blue plants, they will become cursed. A Pegasus can fly over the plants without
being affected, but to grab the owl must test its Fly talent (Difficulty 7)—if the Pegasus fails, the owl
flutters out of reach and the Pegasus loses 1 Stamina out of exhaustion. If it suffers Bad Luck, the flying
pony tumbles into the poison joke and is affected by the curse!
It’s up to you how each pony is affected. Choose the thing that would be most annoying to the affected
pony—for example a pony might always suffer Bad Luck if it tries to use its talent, or it might shrink,
grow to a huge size, sneeze constantly, lose her magical powers, or his ability to fly straight, have to talk
backwards, smell bad, and so on—whatever’s funniest and most embarrassing for the pony.
Zecora (see page 135) has the cure for the poison joke curse. If any of the PCs are cursed, and they have
not yet met Zecora, make sure they meet her in the forest at some point before they leave Everfree
Forest. If they have already met her, they should meet her again so she can cure the poisoned ponies.
The cure is a vial of herbal bubble bath, which affected ponies must bathe in. Perhaps Zecora will only
give them the antidote if the PCs promise to do a task for her when she calls upon them—planting the
seed of an adventure of your own creation for the PCs to take part in at a future date.
Clever Bird
If the PCs have rescued Owlowiscious and cured him
of the curse (by giving him a bath containing Zecora’s
antidote), while he is with them, Owlowiscious will help the
PCs solve any problems that require cunning and thinking. Each
time the PCs have to test their Mind trait, if all the PCs fail, test
using Owlowiscious’s Mind trait too (D4). The problem is that if
Owlowiscious is successful, the PCs have to make sense of his
hoots and sign language (remember he cannot talk). This requires one
of them to pass a test using his or her Mind trait (Difficulty 4). Owlowiscious will not of
course attempt this test if the PCs fail it, as that would be silly!
Read Aloud:
Looking down into the rocky chasm, you immediately see the source of the smoke—halfway down
the left wall of the chasm, the tortoise, Tank, is dangling by the strap of his goggles, which are
caught on a jagged piece of stone that juts out from the cliffside. He must have crashed into the
cliff, as thick black fumes stream from the ruined rotor engine of his flying machine.
The cliff looks like it can be climbed, but Tank is very far down. You also notice several caves
dotting the cliff face.
Poor Tank has managed to crash land near the den of a huge quarray eel (see page 134)! The eel
is luckily resting in its cave, but if disturbed it will snap out at anypony climbing near its lair. Its exact
position is not fixed at the start of this encounter, but depends on which pony is ambushed first—that
pony by chance happens to be right by the cave that is the eel’s den, which remains its den for the rest
of the encounter.
Reaching Tank
This will be easy if the PCs’ group includes a flying pony; not so easy if they have to climb down
the crumbling rock face. To climb the rock face, a PC has to pass a test against his or her Body trait
(Difficulty 5). If the pony suffers Bad luck, it slips and falls, losing D4 Stamina, and is ambushed by the
quarray eel as it rears its ugly head out of its cave!
The Caves
Any pony investigating one of the caves must sneak in quietly—by
chance it picks the cave that is the eel’s den, and the pony must pass
a test against its Body trait (Difficulty 3). If the pony fails, he or she
wakes the eel inside and is ambushed. A pony inside a cave cannot see unless it has a light source. As
soon as it shines a light into the cave, it disturbs the eel, which ambushes it.
If a PC is ambushed by the eel, that PC must test against its Body trait (Difficulty 6) to avoid being
swallowed whole by the eel!
If the eel fails to snap up the PC, it will attempt to snap up any other PC that comes near its den (or if
the PC who triggered the ambush foolishly decides to stay near the den).
Note that as soon as one PC is ambushed, no other PC can be ambushed. There is only one eel and one
den in this area. Also, the only creature that will not trigger an ambush is Tank—the eel is not interested
in breaking its teeth on the tortoise’s hard shell.
A PC who is swallowed whole is okay, but finds itself in the eel’s cavernous belly, damp and smelly, like
a long cave with a red, ribbed roof, disgustingly slimy walls and foul-smelling liquid up to the pony’s
knees. The pony is trapped inside the eel until rescued.
Read Aloud:
Winona is tied to a post outside a tumbledown shack, in a large clearing covered with the trunks
of chopped down trees and dozens of holes dug roughly into the ground. Winona is howling
miserably and looks very sad. There is no other sign of life in the clearing. The door of the shack is
ajar, but no smoke comes from the chimney.
The hut belongs to three diamond dogs—Rover, Fido, and Spot (see page 134). They are in the mines,
reached by the holes in the ground, digging for gems. Inside the shack, the diamond dogs have hidden
their stash of gems, and when they found Winona, they decided to keep her and use her as a guard dog
to scare away potential thieves.
If the PCs say that they are searching the ground and are able to pass a test against their Mind trait
(Difficulty 3), they notice three sets of fresh dog footprints, much larger than Winona’s prints.
The Cottage
The PCs probably won’t get a chance to go inside the cottage before Winona’s barks alert the diamond
dogs. However, if they do, there is nothing inside except three dirty dog baskets, scraps of chewed
bone, a chewed slipper, and a large tin dish of water on the floor. The
dogs’ stash is too well hidden to be found by the PCs.
The Holes
Anyone who peers into the holes needs a source of light. The
holes disappear deep into the earth. Anyone going down
into the holes will enter the mines, a labyrinth of tunnels,
and will soon bump into the diamond dogs, who chase
them up to the surface, growling fiercely as they run.
If the PCs are honest with the dogs, each PC has to test against their Charm (Difficulty 5), but only one
has to pass the test to convince the dogs that all they want is Winona.
If the PCs attempt to lie, the dogs—being cheats and liars themselves—are good at detecting lies so
every single PC has to pass the Charm test to convince the dogs to let them go.
If the test or tests are failed, then the dogs do not believe the PCs—they will try to catch them and tie
them up, and then force them to work in the mines. The PCs will have to try to run away from the dogs,
or escape from the mines if they are captured, as well as try to rescue Winona afterwards.
Even if the test or tests are successful, and the dogs believe the PCs and do not try to make them their
slaves, they claim ‘finders’ keepers’ on Winona and will not let her go. The PCs will have to try to figure
out a way to persuade the dogs to give Winona up—perhaps by offering to buy her back. The dogs
demand a high price—1,000 bits! Perhaps the PCs offer to work in the dogs’ mines for a while for free.
They might try to trick the dogs or steal Winona from them, but if they anger the dogs in any way, the
dogs will try to enslave them as described above.
Bad Tidings
Shortly after the PCs have gotten things in order, there’s a rapid knocking on the front door. Spike is
back! He looks tired, bruised, and battered, and he’s in a panic. Read the following section out loud:
Read Aloud:
“You’ve gotta help, guys! Twilight Sparkle and the other ponies are in big trouble! I’m the only one
who escaped! They need help right now!”
With that, Spike whirls around and collapses on the floor, unconscious.
Level Up!
Now that the PCs have finished this adventure,
they can gain a new level and update their
Pony Sheets. See pages 84-89 for details on
how the PCs can increase in level.
Body: D20+D10 Mind: D4 Charm: D4 Stamina: 34
Natural armor: The hard scales of the cragadile mean it loses 3 fewer
points of Stamina whenever it loses Stamina from a physical source, to
a minimum of 1.
These greedy dogs can talk, but they only have one thing they want
to talk about: gems! They spend most of their time trying to figure out
how to get more gems or complaining that they don’t have enough.
Body: D6 Mind: D4 Charm: D6 Stamina: 10
Quarray Eel
Body: D20 Mind: D4 Charm: D4 Stamina: 24
Massive with nasty teeth, quarray eels eat anything that is foolish
enough to come near their pit. Quarray eels never leave their pits on
the sides of cliffs because they enjoy the cool and the dark within.
Ursa Minor
Body: 3D20 Mind: D6 Charm: D4 Stamina: 66
Zecora Unique
Body: D12 Mind: D20+D6 Charm: D20 Stamina: 38
Fluttershy Unique
Body: D10 Mind: D10 Charm: D20 Stamina: 20
Talents: Speak to Animals (D20); Fly (D6); Creative Flair: Singing (D12);
The Stare (D20); Creative Flair: Fashion (D12);
Keen Knowledge: Animal Care (D20)
Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own
heart’s desire, represents the spirit of Loyalty!
Quirks: Bossy.
Talents: Stout Heart (D6); Pick one appropriate Cutie Mark talent
Earth ponies don’t have wings or magic but they do have strong
hearts and stout bodies. To create a typical Earth pony, choose a
talent and quirk that best represent their personality. This is a quick
and easy way to create most of the citizens that pony characters will
meet from day to day.
Pegasi can fly high in the sky using their beautiful wings. To
create a typical Pegasus, choose a talent and quirk that best
represent their personality. This is a quick and easy way to
create most of the citizens that pony characters will meet from
day to day.
Unicorns can all use telekinesis magic to move things with their
minds through the power of their horns. To create a typical Unicorn
pony, choose a talent and quirk that best represent their personality.
This is a quick and easy way to create most of the citizens that pony
characters will meet from day to day.
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4
5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4
5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4
5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4
5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4
5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4
5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4
5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
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3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
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3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
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3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
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3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
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3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
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3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
7 5 3 1 9 8 6 4 2 10
6 4 2 10 8 5 3 1 9 7
3 1 9 7 5 4 2 10 8 6
2 10 8 6 4 1 9 7 5 3
9 7 5 3 1 10 8 6 4 2
10 8 6 4 2 9 7 5 3 1
7 5 3 1 9 8 6 4 2 10
6 4 2 10 8 5 3 1 9 7
3 1 9 7 5 4 2 10 8 6
2 10 8 6 4 1 9 7 5 3
9 7 5 3 1 10 8 6 4 2
10 8 6 4 2 9 7 5 3 1
7 5 3 1 9 8 6 4 2 10
6 4 2 10 8 5 3 1 9 7
3 1 9 7 5 4 2 10 8 6
2 10 8 6 4 1 9 7 5 3
9 7 5 3 1 10 8 6 4 2
10 8 6 4 2 9 7 5 3 1
7 5 3 1 9 8 6 4 2 10
6 4 2 10 8 5 3 1 9 7
3 1 9 7 5 4 2 10 8 6
2 10 8 6 4 1 9 7 5 3
9 7 5 3 1 10 8 6 4 2
11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
17 5 13 1 19 8 16 4 12 20
6 14 2 20 8 15 3 11 9 17
13 1 19 7 15 4 12 10 18 6
2 20 8 16 4 11 9 17 5 13
19 7 15 3 11 10 18 6 14 2
10 18 6 14 2 19 7 15 3 11
17 5 13 1 19 8 16 4 12 20
6 14 2 20 8 15 3 11 9 17
13 1 19 7 15 4 12 10 18 6
2 20 8 16 4 11 9 17 5 13
19 7 15 3 11 10 18 6 14 2
10 18 6 14 2 19 7 15 3 11
17 5 13 1 19 8 16 4 12 10
6 14 2 20 8 15 3 11 9 17
13 1 19 7 15 4 12 10 18 6
2 20 8 16 4 11 9 17 5 13
19 7 15 3 11 10 18 6 14 2
10 18 6 14 2 19 7 15 3 11
17 5 13 1 19 8 16 4 12 20
6 14 2 20 8 15 3 11 9 17
13 1 19 7 15 4 12 10 18 6
2 20 8 16 4 11 9 17 5 13
19 7 15 3 11 10 18 6 14 2
Each of these books gives you a new story and all
the details the GM is going to need to run a fun and
challenging adventure. The first one can be found in
The Curse of the Statuettes expansion set, which also
includes a pad of Pony Sheets, a set of role-playing dice,
and a GM screen – the screen allows the GM to keep all
information that the players cannot see (yet) secret. It also
includes core information for quick reference.
Tokens of
These fragments of pure
crystallized Friendship allow
you to keep track of the
Tokens of Friendship you
have earned. And it’s much
nicer to actually hand out a
shiny crystal when you give
it as a present to a friend.
Eq u o f
e s tri a
Expansion Books
These supplements are vital guides and
collections of information for the GM and the
players alike. The first example of these is The
Bestiary of Equestria—a source of knowledge
An Expans
about the many creatures and races that
n Book fo
inhabit the magical land of Equestria.
Level: ........................................................................................................
Max Current
Stamina: ................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................
Cutie Mark