Multi Engine Book

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Multi-Engine Operations

Felipe Santiago, MEI

Aviator Zone Academy
Accelerate Stop Distance
The distance required to accelerate to rotation speed, and assuming an engine failure at rotation, bring the aircraft to a
stop (based on a 3 second recognition time). This is the maximum runway required for an aborted takeoff since an
engine failure after rotation will be handled airborne.

Accelerate Go Distance
The distance required to accelerate to rotation speed, and assuming an engine failure at rotation, climb to 35’ above
the departure end.

Absolute Service Ceiling

The maximum density altitude at which the aircraft can maintain or attain with two engines operating, maximum gross
weight gear up, flaps up and max continuous power.

Single Engine Absolute Ceiling

Same definition as above, except the critical engine has failed and is feathered.

Service Ceiling:
The maximum density altitude at which the best rate of climb will produce a 100FPM rate of climb at maximum gross
weight, gear up, flaps up and maximum continuous power.

Single Engine Service Ceiling:

The maximum density altitude at which the best rate of climb will yield a 50FPM rate of climb with the critical engine
failed and feathered, maximum gross weight, gear up, flaps up, and maximum continuous power.
Definitions (cont.)
Critical Engine

The engine that if failed will have the most adverse affect on the control and performance of the aircraft.


The speed at which the rudder no longer has the authority to overcome the yaw caused by the critical engine being
inoperative, under specific criteria.

The best angle of climb airspeed during single engine operations.


The best rate of climb airspeed during single engine operations.

The safe single engine speed. It is unsafe to intentionally fail an engine below this airspeed.
General Information
• With the loss of one engine:

• 50% of Power is lost

• 80% Performance is lost

• Climb Performance

• Depends on 4 factors

1. Airspeed: too much or too little decreases

climb performance

2. Drag: flaps, gear, cowl flaps, props

3. Power: must have available in excess of

power needed to maintain straight and level

4. Weight: a heavier aircraft has lower climb

General Information

• Requirements for Certification

• Multi-engine reciprocating engine aircraft that weigh

less than 6,000 lbs with a Vso under 61 kts has no
specific minimum performance criteria.

• Over 6,000 lbs or Vso above 61 Kts, must demonstrate

a climb at 5,000ft with one engine inoperative.

• FAR 23.149 states that Vmc for takeoff must not

exceed 1.2 Vso when Vs1 has been determined at max
Critical Engine
• The FARs refer to the critical engine as the engine that will most adversely affect the
performance and handling qualities of an aircraft. There is NO critical engine in the Seneca.

• Most of the Oral Exam for PPL or CPL is talking about critical engine and factors affecting Vmc.

• The applicant must know the following:

• Meaning of the term critical engine
• Effects of density altitude on the Vmc demonstration
• Effects of airplane weight and center of gravity
• Effect of angle of bank on Vmc
• Relationship of Vmc to stall speed
• Reasons for loss of directional control
• Indications of loss of directional control
• Importance of maintaining the proper pitch, bank attitude and proper coordination
• Loss of directional control recovery procedures
• Engine failure during takeoff, including planning
• Single Engine Operations
All About Critical Engine

Use the acronym PAST and commit it to memory.

The descending blade of the propeller is operating at a much higher angle of attack
than the ascending blade. The downward blade on a propeller takes a bigger bite
out of the air and has a higher angle of attack. This causes an imbalance in the
forces acting on the propeller. This phenomenon is more prevalent when an
airplane is flown at a high angle of attack, as would be the case of a multiengine
attempting to maintain altitude or climb with a single engine. The descending blade
of the propeller operates at a much higher angle of attack than the ascending
blade, shifting the center of thrust to the right propeller hub. The p-factor acting on
the propellers acts in the center of the downward traveling blade. If the left engine
is lost, there is a tremendous moment to the left because of the long arm of the
right engine’s p- factor and the drag of the windmilling left engine.
P — Factor
Spiraling Slipstream

The Coriolis Effect causes this spiraling slip stream to be displaced

laterally. In a conventional multiengine airplane with engines
rotating clockwise, the displacement is to the right as illustrated
below. The slipstream coming off the left engine rotates directly
onto the vertical stabilizer, rudder, stabilator, increasing their

Furthermore the right engine slipstream’s clockwise motion carries

it away from the aircraft not striking any control surfaces on the
empennage. Therefore the loss of the slipstream from the right
engine doesn’t affect the aerodynamics on the empennage.
However, losing the left engine gives us a problem because of loss
of effectiveness of the rudder and stabilator, resulting in less control
of the aircraft by the pilot.
Spiraling Slipstream

In a conventional airplane, having a propeller that rotates

clockwise when viewed from behind, the torque generated by the
engine will impart a left rolling moment to the airframe. In a
conventional twin-engine airplane the torque from each engine is
produced around axes defined by the engine crankshaft, and is
equidistant from the aircraft centerline, as shown below.

The engine and propellers turn clockwise from inside the cockpit
facing forward. The resultant force wants to turn the aircraft in the
opposite direction. So there is a natural tendency with the engines
running to turn the aircraft to the left. When you lose the left engine
the right engine wants to turn the aircraft over to the left. This is
known as the torque effect.
FAR 23.149 Vmc

• Vmc is the calibrated airspeed at which, when the critical

engine is suddenly made inoperative it is possible to:

• Maintain control of the airplane with one engine


• Maintain straight flight at the same speed with an angle of

no more than 5º.

• Vmc is defined as the first redline in the airspeed indicator.

In the Seneca that speed is 80 mph.

• Vmc does NOT guarantee a climb or altitude hold.

How is Vmc determined?

We use the acronym COMBATS.

— C — Critical Engine Failed and Windmilling

— O— Operating Engine at Max Takeoff Power

— M — Maximum Gross Weight

— B — Bank of no more than 5º

— A — Aft CG

— T — Takeoff Off Configuration

— S — Standard Day ( 15º C and 29.92 in Hg)

C — Critical Engine Failed and Windmilling

A windmilling propeller creates much more drag than a

feathered propeller.

Imagine a windmilling propeller as a circular piece of

plywood holding the airplane back.
O— Operating Engine at Max Takeoff Power

With the engine at max takeoff power this will create more
lift and produce more of a yawing tendency about the
longitudinal axis, thus increasing Vmc.
M — Maximum Gross Weight

While a heavier airplane is more stable, it also requires the

wing to produce more lift therefore requiring more power.
Think about it as being heavier and harder for the engine to
move a heavier aircraft.

This is really more of a standardization requirement for

B — Bank of no more than 5º

The bank into the good engine results in a horizontal

component of lift into the good engine which counteracts
the aerodynamic forces that turn the aircraft into the dead
engine. Each degree of bank up to 5 degrees lowers Vmc
approximately 3 KTS. Use no more than 5 degrees. Five
degrees bank into the good engine results in a reduction in
Vmc of approximately 15 KTS. This can be demonstrated in
the aircraft during a Vmc demo.
A — Aft CG

Since an airplane rotates around the CG, an aft CG

decreases the distance (arm) between the CG and rudder,
which decreases the leverage or effectiveness of the
T — Takeoff Off Configuration

This includes flaps in normal takeoff position and landing

gear retracted. While gear and flaps down creates drag, it
also creates a keel effect which tends to stabilize the

In the Seneca the standard configuration will be flaps up

and gear up.
S — Standard Day ( 15º C and 29.92 in Hg)

The published Vmc (red line) on the airspeed indicator are

based on standard day at sea level. As density altitude
increases, the red line becomes less reliable because Vmc
decreases with altitude – which brings Vmc closer to stall
Factors Affecting Vmc

Cause Effect
Increase Power in Good Engine ↑ Vmc ↑ Performance
Windmilling Propeller ↑ Vmc ↓ Performance
Feathered Propeller ↓ Vmc ↑ Performance
Flaps Down ↓ Vmc
Gear Down ↓ Vmc ↓ Performance
Max Takeoff Weight ↓ Vmc ↓ Performance
Aft CG ↑ Vmc ↑ Performance
High Temperature ↓ Vmc ↓ Performance
Low Pressure ↓ Vmc ↓ Performance
Bank of 5º into Good Engine ↓ Vmc ↑ Performance
Split Ball ↓ Vmc ↑ Performance
High Altitude ↓ Vmc ↓ Performance
Ground Effect ↓ Vmc ↑ Performance
PA-34-200 Speeds
V-Speed Description Value
Vr Rotation Speed 80 MPH
Vx Best Angle of Climb 90 MPH
Vxse Best Angle of Climb SE 90 MPH
Vy Best Rate of Climb 105 MPH
Vyse Best Rate of Climb SE 105 MPH
Vs1 Stall Speed Landing Config 69 MPH
Vso Stall Speed Clean 76 MPH
Vmc Minimum Control Speed 80 MPH
Vne Never Exceed 195 MPH
Vlr Landing Gear Extension 125 MPH
Vle/Vlo Landing Gear Extension / Operation 150 MPH
Vfe Flap Extension 10º/25º/40º 160/140/125 MPH
Va Maneuvering Speed 4200 lb 146 MPH
Max Crosswind Component 15 MPH
PA-34-200 Weights

Description Value
Maximum Ramp Weight 4200
Maximum Takeoff Weight 4200
Maximum Landing Weight 4000
Basic Empty Weight 2930
Maximum Weight In Nose Compartment 100
Maximum Weight In Aft Compartment 100
Maximum Useful Load 1270
Stalls vs Vmc
• Normally aspirated airplanes will tend to stall before reaching Vmc at altitude. This is caused due to the loss of
engine performance.

• There is a point the stall speed and vmc will be the same, if these are reached in the plane, you will most likely spin.

• If a an engine failure occurs during a stall, immediately reduce both throttle to idle and pitch down.

Occurs Stall Speed

Stall and Vmc
Density Altitude

Occur at the same Time

0 First

Indicated Altitude
Engines Overview

• Two four cylinders Lycoming, fuel injected, each rated at

200HP at 2700 RPM.

• Air cooled, cowl flaps in each nacelle and alternate air

controlled via the center console.

• Counter rotating propellers

• Oil limitations 6-8 qts

Propellers Overview

• Two propellers, counter rotating.

• Constant Speed and Full Feathering.

• Oil pressure keeps them at high rpm (low pitch).

• Springs, nitrogen pressure, assisted by counterweights

places them in the low rpm (high pitch) feathered

• A governor maintains the propeller at a desired RPM.

Landing Gear System

• Tricycle, retractable landing gear.

• Hydraulically operated via electrically powered reversible pumps.

• Gear is held up by hydraulic pressure.

• In an emergency it can be lowered by releasing the pressure and free

fall. Aerodynamic loads and springs bring the gear down.

• Gear lights dim with NAV lights on.

• Gear extension (Vle) is less than 150 MPH (we use 140 MPH)

• Gear retraction is less than 125 MPH

Electrical System Overview

• Two 60 amp alternators, one 12 volt battery.

• Two Voltage regulators maintain load sharing and

maintain 14 volts in the electrical system.

• Battery is used for engine starting and emergency power.

Fuel System Overview
• Two 24.5 gallon tanks per wing, that are
interconnected to facilitate fuel management.

• Total fuel capacity of 98 gallons, and 93

usable gallons.

• In normal ops each engine feeds from the

wing they are mounted on. Cross feeding is
available via the selector to extend SE range
and balance the tanks.

• Total of 8 fuel drains. One per fuel tank, one

per engine gascolator, one per crossfeed line
(under belly).

• Total of 4 fuel pumps. Two electrical and two

mechanical. Mechanical provide normal fuel
flow. In the event of a mechanical failure the
electrical pumps can feed the engine.
Common Systems Overview
• Flaps - manually extended.
Available selections are 0º, 10º, 25º
and 40º.

• Stall warning - two detectors on left

wing. One for flaps 0-10º and one
for 25-40º.

• Pitot/Static - Pitot tube is located on

the left wing and two static ports on
the aft on each side. Static drain is
inside on the right of the throttle

• Vacuum - two engine driven pumps

on each engine. If one fails the other
can maintain adequate suction.

• Brakes - Dual brakes, hydraulically

actuated on each main gear.
Common Systems Overview
• Flaps - manually extended.
Available selections are 0º, 10º, 25º
and 40º.

• Stall warning - two detectors on left

wing. One for flaps 0-10º and one
for 25-40º.

• Pitot/Static - Pitot tube is located on

the left wing and two static ports on
the aft on each side. Static drain is
inside on the right of the throttle

• Vacuum - two engine driven pumps

on each engine. If one fails the other
can maintain adequate suction.

• Brakes - Dual brakes, hydraulically

actuated on each main gear.
Takeoff Briefing

“We will be departing from runway ____. Any problems prior

to rotation we will reject. If we have a problem after rotation
with runway available we will land on the runway. If we have
no runway available we will identify and secure the engine
and land back on the field. I will fly the airplane unless we
exchange controls.”
Short Field Takeoff with Max Performance Climb
1. Brakes - Hold

2. Full Power - Apply

3. Brakes - Release

4. Vr - Rotate at 80 MPH

5. Positive Rate - Gear Up

6. Climb at Vmc

7. Reaching 100’ AGL pitch for Blue Line

8. Passing 90 MPH - Flaps 10º

9. Passing 100 MPS - Flaps - 0º

10. Power - Set 25 Squared

11.Above 500’ - Fuel Pumps OFF (one at a time)

Normal Approach and Landing
Abeam Touchdown Point

1. Power - 17’’

2. GUMPS (wait on Props to final)

3. Flaps - 10º

4. Pitch for Blue Line


1. Flaps - 25º



1. Flaps - 40º

2. GUMPS (Props FULL)

3. Maintain Blue Line Until Landing is assured.

SE Approach and Landing
Abeam Touchdown Point

1. Power - 17’’

2. GUMPS (wait on Props to final)

3. Flaps - 10º

4. Pitch for Blue Line


1. Flaps - 25º



1. Flaps - 40º (if desired and only when landing is assured. SE GA is not possible at flaps 40º.

2. GUMPS (Props FULL)

3. Maintain Blue Line Until Landing is assured.

SE Approach and Landing (IMC)
Abeam Touchdown Point

1. Power - 19’’

2. GUMPS (wait on Props to final)

3. Flaps - 10º

4. Pitch for Blue Line


1. Flaps - 25º



1. Flaps - 40º (if desired and only when landing is assured. SE GA is not possible at flaps 40º.

2. GUMPS (Props FULL)

3. Maintain Blue Line Until Landing is assured.

Go Around

1. Power - Full Open

2. Flaps - 25º

3. Positive Rate - Gear Up

4. Pitch for Blue Line

5. Passing 90 MPH - Flaps 10º

6. Passing 100 MPH - Flaps - 0º

7. Power - Set 25 Squared

8. Above 500’ - Fuel Pumps OFF (one at a time)

SE Go Around

1. Power - Full Open

2. Flaps - 10º

3. Positive Rate - Gear Up

4. Pitch for Blue Line

5. Passing 90 MPH - Flaps 0º

6. Power - Set 25 Squared

7. Above 500’ - Fuel Pumps OFF (one at a time)

Traffic Pattern
Flaps - 25

Flaps - 40
Blue Line - 105 MPH
GUMPS 15-17’’ MP
Pitch for Blue Line - 105 MPH
Flaps - 10

Vr at 80 MPH

Positive Rate - Gear Up

90MPH - Flaps 10 Reaching TPA
100MPH - Flaps 0 20’’ MP
Pitch for Blue Line - 105 MPH 25 RPM
25 Squared
Pumps and Lights - OFF
Engine Failure Flow Chart

“Engine Failure”

Maintain directional control.

“Mixture / Props / Throttles / Flaps Up / Gear Up”

Identify the dead engine.

“(left/right) foot, dead foot, dead engine”

Throttle - IDLE (on dead engine)

Fix or Feather?
Engine Failure Flow Chart (cont.)

Note: If engine has damage or

FIX severe vibration do not
attempt a relight!
Fuel / Fire / Air

Fuel Selector Magnetos Alternate Air

No Engine Relight - Secure

Engine Failure Flow Chart (cont.)


“(left/right) foot, dead foot, dead engine”

Throttle - IDLE (on dead engine)

“(left/right) foot, dead foot, dead engine”

Mixture - IDLE CUTOFF (on dead engine)

“(left/right) foot, dead foot, dead engine”

Propeller - FEATHER (on dead engine)

Engine Failure Flow Chart (cont.)

Continue the same flow as you secure the magnetos,

cowl flaps, fuel pumps, and any other systems.

Verify with the checklist that all items were completed.

These procedures and commands are all memory


Practice, Practice, Practice!

Slow Flight

1. Cruise Configuration (cowls open)

2. Clearing turns

3. Slow to 85 MPH

4. Throttle - As required to hold altitude

5. Trim

6. Cruise Configuration
Power On Stall

1. Cruise Configuration (cowls open)

2. Clearing turns

3. Slow to 85 MPH

4. Throttle - 20’’

5. Pitch - Increase Smoothly

6. Recover at first indication

7. Cruise Configuration
Power Off Stall
1. Cruise Configuration (cowls open)

2. Clearing turns

3. Throttle - 15”

4. Configure on speed for landing

5. Recover at first indication

1. Throttle

2. Flaps - 25º

3. Gear - UP

4. Flaps - 0º

6. Cruise Configuration
Emergency Descent
1. Cruise Configuration (cowls open)

2. Clearing turns

3. Throttle - idle

4. Props - Full Forward

5. Gear - Down

6. Pitch down and bank left and right 30º

7. Recovery

1. Wings Level

2. Throttle - Full

3. Gear - UP

8. Cruise Configuration
Steep Turns
1. Cruise Configuration (cowls open)

2. Clearing turns

3. Throttle - +1’’

4. Bank Increase to 50º and add 2 nose UP Trim

5. Recovery

1. Wings Level

2. Throttle - -1’’

3. Trim - 2 nose DOWN

6. Cruise Configuration
Accelerated Stall
1. Cruise Configuration (cowls open)

2. Clearing turns

3. Speed - 85 MPH

4. Bank Increase to 45º

5. Recover at first Indication

1. Wings - Level

2. Pitch - Nose Slightly Down

3. Throttle - Full Open

6. Cruise Configuration
Vmc Demo
1. Cruise Configuration (cowls open)

2. Clearing turns

3. Slow to 85 MPH

4. Propellers - Full Forward

5. Throttle - One Idle, One Full

6. Pitch - Reduce Speed 1kt per second

7. Recover when loosing directional control

1. Throttle - Idle

2. Pitch - Blue Line

3. Throttle - Increase passing blue line.

8. Cruise Configuration
Drag Demo (MEI)
1. Cruise Configuration (cowls open)

2. Throttle - One Full, one Idle

3. Airspeed - 85 mph

4. VSI - Read

5. Failed engine - Simulate feather

6. Airspeed - 85 mph

7. VSI - Read

8. Repeat with flaps and gear.

9. Recover

10.Cruise Configuration
Oral Exam Key Points

Vmc - Minimum Control Speed

Vmc - this is the most important subject of the oral. Make sure you can
describe this thoroughly.

How is it determined?

What lowers Vmc?

Reduce drag
Reduce power on good engine
Forward CG
High Density Altitude (high temp, low press)

What Increases Vmc?

The opposite of above.
Oral Exam Key Points (cont.)
Critical Engine
Be able to define the critical engine.
How is it determined?
Does the Seneca have a critical engine?

Weight and Balance

Be able to complete the dispatch sheet.
Understand the charts.

Read and use all the charts in the POH.
Calculate - takeoff distance, accelerate-stop distance, climb
performance, cruise performance, SE service ceiling, landing distance.
Oral Exam Key Points (cont.)
Fuel System - pumps, tanks, capacity
Landing Gear - operation, emergency extension, limitations
Flaps - operations, limitations
Propellers - operation
Electrical System - operation, volts, amps, source of power

Vr, Vx, Vxse, Vy, Vyse, Vmc, Va, Vle, Vlo, Vso, Vs1

Read and use all the charts in the POH.
Calculate - takeoff distance, accelerate-stop distance, climb
performance, cruise performance, SE service ceiling, landing distance.

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