Dermatoglyphics Ebook

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By Sari Puhakka
Destiny Palmistry
DERMATOGLYPHICS .............................................................................................................. 3
PALM RIDGE PATTERNS......................................................................................................... 5
LOOP OF SERIOUSNESS .........................................................................................................6
LOOP OF MUSIC ......................................................................................................................6
................................................................................................................................................... 7
LOOP OF RHYTHM ................................................................................................................. 7
LOOP OF NATURE .................................................................................................................. 7
LOOP OF ENVIRONMENT...................................................................................................... 7
MUSIC BEE................................................................................................................................8
VANITY LOOP ..........................................................................................................................8
LOOP OF HUMOUR ................................................................................................................8
LOOP OF CHARISMA (RAJAH LOOP) ...................................................................................9
LOOP OF MEMORY AND LOOP OF SENSITIVITY ............................................................. 10
LOOP OF COURAGE .............................................................................................................. 11
LOOP OF INSPIRATION......................................................................................................... 11
WHORL OF IMAGINATION .................................................................................................. 11
LOOP OF EMPATHY...............................................................................................................12
COMPOSITE WHORL ON THE MOUNT OF MOON ..........................................................12
FINGERPRINTS........................................................................................................................ 13
LOOPS ..................................................................................................................................... 14
WHORLS ..................................................................................................................................15
PEACOCK EYE WHORL..........................................................................................................15
COMPOSITE WHORL ............................................................................................................ 16
THE ARCH .............................................................................................................................. 16
TENTED ARCH ........................................................................................................................17
VARIANT OR UNUSUAL PATTERNS ....................................................................................17
INDIVIDUAL FINGERPRINT MEANINGS ............................................................................ 18
LIFE PURPOSE FROM FINGERPRINTS ................................................................................ 24
LOVE ................................................................................................................................... 24

WISDOM ............................................................................................................................. 25
PEACE .................................................................................................................................. 25
SERVICE .............................................................................................................................. 26
WHORL FINGERPRINT MEANING FOR EACH FINGER ................................................ 26

Scientists prove that examining the character from fingerprints is possible for over five
centuries of observation and study of genetic medicine, psychology, and brain science. I
believe that understanding your nature is the ultimate way to enrich your life, and the
prints and palm ridge patterns are, without a doubt, a great place to begin.

Dermatoglyphics is the scientific term used to describe skin ridges, more commonly
known as finger and palm prints. These prints are used in forensic analysis and medical
research to try to recognize specific abnormalities or disorders.

The fingerprints are compared and assessed for conditions; the ridges on each print are
carefully measured and counted to find their distinction. However, I will not go to such
lengths or present you with detailed scientific findings. Instead, I will illustrate to you the
basic types of patterns and the characteristics associated with them.

Even though each print is unique, we can classify the shapes into four main groups—
loops, whorls, arches, and tented arches. There are variations to the patterns in these
categories, and from these, we can begin to explore the person's character. It is the

combination of the prints we find on the palm and on individual fingers which add
complexity to the personality and at the same time help clarify our motivations and goals.

Unlike fingerprints, whorls on the palm itself are uncommon; you might not even be
aware that they exist. Loops are the usual patterns we see on the palms, but most people
will only have one or two. While the whorls on the palms are rare, they are fascinating
because their impression is a part of our natural character.


The loop of seriousness lies between Saturn and Apollo mounts. It is also named loop of
common sense, is a typical pattern found on the palm, and the name it has describes the
person well. These people are ambitious, career orientated, responsible and always with a
purpose in mind. Even if found on one who prefers not to pursue a job, they would enjoy
hard work. The name doesn't imply the subject has no sense of humour.

If the loop of seriousness is present on both hands, the person usually ends up devoting
their whole life to pursue their career or goal.

The loop of music suggests one who is musically talented, or at least strongly affected by
music. I rarely see marking, but when I found one on a person I know well, he looked a bit
confused because the music was not a big part of his life. He did have some interest in
music and admitted that he had a good sense of rhythm and considered guitar lessons
when he was young, but the opportunity never came.

I decided to dig a little deeper into the loop of music and found that it is in a similar area
to the loop of the environment. This person confirmed to me that it was a better
description of his life.

The loop of rhythm is more likely to be found on someone who can keep up a beat, such
as a talented drummer, dancer or just one with a sincere appreciation of a good tune. I
have seen this mark on a woman who was into boxing which requires similar rhythmic
action. This loop sits a little higher than the loop of environment on the base of the

If you prefer to be outdoors, in the country or feel you have an affinity with nature, you
might have the loop of nature on your palm. These people will choose to go camping over
a city nightclub, they will have a sensitivity to the feelings of animals and often love to
work in the garden, but whatever it is they fancy you can be sure it will be in the open air.

Sometimes called the loop of environment response. It describes someone who responds
very quickly in a situation, not only of sounds but also moods. They are also
compassionate, although they may not realize it. The response is like a perception of the
immediate surroundings, where they can quickly sense if something is dangerous or
wrong. There is a negative side to this, though if on an earth or fire type hand, with short
fingers, the sensitivity can spill over to having a quick temper.

The music bee is not a loop or a whorl but a group of ridges that go in opposite directions
of its surrounding ridge pattern on the mount of Venus. It denotes a keen natural talent
for music, especially stringed instruments. Many people have the ability in music even if
they do not have this marking, so don't be disappointed if you do not have one.

Some say they love listening to music, but that is all. Maybe there’s another hidden
meaning or that the person never explored their talent. I've seen similar markings that
they say look like a leaf. Some people with this mark have said they have an affinity with
insects. Others say that they are risk-takers. Considering that this mark is close to the loop
of courage, that would make sense.

The vanity loop, also called the loop of style, suggests good taste, taking care of their
appearance. However, with an egotistical attitude, these people can be impervious to the
opinions of others.

A loop of humour shows someone who values pleasure and good times over the financial
rewards of work. They do not take things too seriously; they have a good sense of humour
and are naturally witty. Sometimes it stretches or curves under the Apollo finger, showing
a somewhat strange or twisted sense of humour.

The loop of charisma or the Rajah loop is traditionally on those who have royal blood in
their ancestry. However, I have never been able to confirm it. What I have seen, though, is
that the person will have a strong character. They are lively, pleasant, and entertaining.
People admire them for their personalities.

However, they tend to be domineering, therefore, come across as arrogant to more

delicate souls. It is for this reason perhaps why it is often on those who are leaders in their
field or a position of authority.

The memory and sensitivity loop are similar; it is often easy to mistake for the other
because of their location on the palm. The sensitivity loop sits below the head line. A
memory loop is at the end of the head line in the region between the plain of Mars and
outer Mars.

The memory loop usually appears to be more rounded, like a whorl at the end of the head
line. Imagine in your thoughts where an idea gets trapped and is held there, like an
obsession. The loop of sensitivity is similar but with an open end which allows room for
the escape of the imagination.

The loop of courage on earth or fire type hand can depict an energetic character who likes
to do physical dares such as climbing the highest mountain or doing the most incredible
stunt. On the water or air type hand, it would be a challenge to stretch the imagination or
mental capacity.

However, these opposites do have in common that you can be sure they will be there in an
emergency to save a life or prevent a dangerous situation. They will bravely soldier on in
conditions where other spirits may have given up, whether physical, emotional or mental.

A rare loop marking on the edge of the Mount of Moon towards the middle of the palm, or
near the life line. This loop represents the ability to be inspired by a sixth sense. The loop
of inspiration example is someone who experiments with radical or unorthodox music and
art methods.

The whorl on the Mount of Moon shows an ability to visualize very clearly. The
imagination is excellent. However, they tend to daydream and get stuck in their world,
unable to express who they are.

A loop that rises from the rascettes area shows someone interested in others and is
naturally compassionate. Nature, animals, environment combined.


The composite whorl can mean the psyche experiences emotional ups and downs or
confusion about what they feel. They may change their mind often or have uncertainty
with moods or difficulty in relationships.

The central part of the fingerprint pattern is where we can analyse its form. If the shape
appears to be high up on the tip of the finger, it can show someone who is mainly the
intellectual type. If the pattern is lower on the fingertip, towards the top crease, it can
denote a more practical or pure and simple person.

The four categories of fingerprints can have many

variations, and sometimes we find a pattern that doesn't
seem to fit into any of them, such as a double loop that
can look like a composite whorl. When this happens, it is
essential to examine the triradius. A triradius is a 'Y'
shaped pattern of ridges that split into three directions,
usually found on one or two sides of the print. If there is
only one triradius, it is a loop with two triradii. It is in the
category of a whorl.

To get a basic understanding of reading fingerprints, merely combine the qualities

represented by each finger to the meaning of the print. You get an understanding of the
character and potentially see where their talent or development lies.

The whorl being the most condensed pattern, it shows aptitude or growth in an area. For
instance, a whorl on the thumb would point to leadership. Someone with at least four

whorl fingerprints has exceptional skills or possess a dedication to a specific cause. The
arch is the pattern that shows weakness or immaturity (in a Karmic sense) since it has the
least amount of intensity.

Loops are the most common patterns and are recognized by their distinct loop formation
with a single off-centre triradius on one side—the average loop points towards the thumb
side (ulnar loop) opening away from the thumb. The loop depicts an open-minded nature.
This ulnar loop belongs to the gentle, passive types.

Occasionally, the loop appears oppositely, with the loop pointing towards the thumb and
the open end; they are called radial loops. The radial loop changes the connotation of it
slightly. The person is very caring and puts others needs first before their own - on the left
hand, most likely family, on the right side, the public in general. They are independent
and intelligent. They like to question everything and tend to go against the majority.

If the fingerprints are predominantly loops (especially on all ten fingers), the persona has
a great deal of flexibility and adaptability. They are friendly, easy-going and work well in a
team environment. They can be committed workers and partners, but at the same time,
they are ready for change if necessary. They will have many interests and so might be the
jack of all trades. While they enjoy diversity and freedom, they may lack individuality or
struggle to finish what they commence.

Whorls have a centre that appears like a full circle, a coiled spiral, or an 'S' pattern. The
whorl always has two triradii, usually one on either side of it. Having many whorls exhibits
someone who can be focused, determined and responsible, preferring to be in charge.
They have a desire to help others; they are individual, independent, and highly motivated

If the whorl is closed in a circle, it represents a less open and adaptable mindset, so they
tend to be secretive and keep their feelings to themselves. They may also come across as
selfish because of their need for space. These are the more self-centred types who do not
like to be controlled by others.

If the whorl is in a spiral pattern from the centre, it depicts a self-motivated individual.
They are a little less self-centred compared to the concentric whorl.

The whorl, the peacock whorl and composite whorl are the most intense print; therefore,
it represents the character's strengths depending on which finger it is on. If there are no
whorls present, the loop ranks as the next highest. However, the focus is not as high, but it
still shows the most vital traits, depending on which finger the loop is on.


A peacock eye is a variation of the whorl, which has circles or a spiral inside a loop, but the
meaning is nearly the same as the plain whorl. The peacock eye whorl, like the plain one,
can indicate an area of development or skill. When found on the Apollo finger, it is said to
bring luck or protection to its owner. I can see where this idea might have come from
because the energy and enthusiasm for life are intense. Missing an opportunity is rare.


The composite whorl is a type that is made up of two loops going in opposite directions,
making the shape of an 'S' or Yin and Yang, but it is still a whorl. This pattern brings
similar qualities to the plain whorl but with a more open-minded outlook.

Often found on the Jupiter finger or thumb, it depicts someone who looks at problems
from all viewpoints. Many are very adaptable and may have difficulty saying no or agree to
things even if they are doubtful, at least until they have had the chance to see all sides of
the situation. They are easily distracted and persuaded by others. Making decisions can be
difficult for them because they never feel 100% convinced about things. When they do
make up their mind, they can quickly change it again. If this pattern is on the thumb, I
always recommend that the person make up their mind if they're 60% sure.

The arch print does not have a triradii, and the ridges form the shape of a mountain or hill
but are not as sharp as the tented arch (no
tentpole appearance). The arch is a simple
pattern that reflects the owner as being humble,
grounded, and unassuming. They are hard-
working, introverted, and cautious.

If the prints are predominantly arches, it might

suggest a lack of confidence or caution. They
don't like taking risks and might have a

pessimistic view of life. If something gives them enthusiasm, such as a person or project,
they can go to extremes with their obsession. They may not be very trusting of others, but
they can be reliable and trustworthy themselves. They are usually quite old fashioned with
a need for security and peace in their life. If a person with many arches happens to be
materialistic, they must work hard for everything they need and want. Rarely the
intellectual type. However, they often do appreciate the more beautiful things in life.

A tented arch has a single triradius in the centre which
rises vertically to appear like a tent or tent pole. These
usually only occur on the index finger. The individual with
a tented arch print is passionate and competitive with
high energy levels and so have good potential for success
due to their enthusiasm. They may find it difficult to


The pattern that doesn't match any main categories is often a combination, such as the
tented arch with a loop. Sometimes you can have a twisted loop almost like the composite
whorl but only one triradius. I call these complicated loops. The complicated loop
describes the person as complex. They might express themselves uniquely or differently,
possibly creating misunderstandings. If one of these unusual patterns happens to be on
the Mercury finger, it can denote a weird character or uncertainty in sexuality.


You might be surprised to learn that you can use your fingerprints to tell life purpose. We
all have a calling or purpose in life; it is our passion to pursue a dream, your dream, and
what you want to attain in your life.

In Palmistry, you can use fingerprints to tell life purpose. The real reason for knowing your
mission is to be aware of why you are here, living the life you are meant to live, your
values, your worth, and your goals from a soul perspective.

Get to understand your motives and make clear life decisions to claim your power and live
your best life possible. Learn about your potential life purpose based on the pattern of
your fingerprints. They are your identification, and the pattern never changes.

Even though each print is unique, there are four main groups for these patterns. The
categories are whorls, loops, arches and the tented arch.

The whorl ranks the highest in the fingerprint patterns. It is because it's the most
condensed pattern; it shows aptitude or growth in an area. For instance, a whorl on the
thumb would point to leadership. Someone with at least four whorl fingerprints has
exceptional skills or possess a dedication to a specific cause. The arch is the pattern that
shows an area of weakness or immaturity since it has the least amount of intensity.

Your life purpose includes a stage of development commonly referred to as 'schools.' As

per Richard Unger. These schools are such because we go through phases of learning in
our lives, and while we go through life's lessons, we are developing our purpose.

The four schools about life purpose:

1. Love – at least eight loop patterns.

2. Wisdom – there need to be at least two tented arch prints.

3. Peace – you need to have two plain arch prints.

4. Service – at least four of the whorls.

If you have at least eight loop fingerprints, your development phase in your life purpose is
'love'. It is an essential theme in your life. The objective is to be passionate about your life,
master your emotions, have love and closeness, and express your genuine self. It also
includes learning self-love.

You are friendly, easy-going and work well in a team environment. You can be a
committed worker and partner, but at the same time, you are ready for change if

necessary. You enjoy diversity and freedom. However, you might lack individuality or
struggle finishing what you start.

The main goal to reach the karmic stage of love is to establish and maintain satisfying
relationships and be 'there' for those you love and have others 'there' for you when you
need them. This type of 'love school' includes feeling, displaying, and communicating a
whole range of emotions at the right time and intensity.

It may be a challenge to overcome the barriers that prevent you from expressing your
genuine emotional self (often not even knowing 'what' the real love feels like), but to do so
will have you mastering this life purpose:

Be conscious of all emotions.

Show your true feelings at the appropriate times.

Say what you feel while you feel it (to the person involved) at the right time and intensity
appropriate to the moment.

Allow people into your life by being vulnerable enough to accept love.

If you have at least two tented arch prints, your phase is 'Wisdom'. You want to take risks
and commit to a purpose. You must learn to move from thinking about it to doing it. Be a
participant, not just an observer.

The category and developmental focus of wisdom are that a person needs to learn to take
the risk of personal exposure and be a contributor, not just an onlooker in life. Also, to be
willing to commit wholly to projects without fear. Wisdom focuses on the mind, so a
balanced thinking=action is necessary.

The fingerprints you own are less common than other people in general. Throughout your
life, you will (or have) a challenge to get insight through authentic experiences and step
out of the onlooker stage and take risks (whether regarding career, relationships or any
daily activity). This risk means that when you investigate and evaluate, you then actually
move from there and act and commit to what you started.

Sometimes having a purpose of wisdom, you might isolate or insulate yourself from others
or from life itself. You should try to avoid doing so. Life has no guarantees, but your life
purpose requires that you learn by experience what real commitment in life means.

If you have at least two arch prints, you belong to the theme of peace. You seek calm and
happiness in your life without excessive drama. You want to feel safe and enjoy being alive
and well.

You should be taking care of your body, finding balance and seeking calm in your life.
Finding inner peace is discovering a deep sense of peace within yourself. You can still
work hard when necessary but leave time for family, friends and enjoyment. With this as a
life purpose, it also means trying to deal with responsibilities without creating an endless
chain of emergencies of things to do because you didn't do them or that you can't keep up
with the million things to do or don't have the time. When handling one emergency after
another, you may lose touch with yourself. You know you are going against this purpose
when you go too far, go numb or slack off completely. To live your life purpose of peace,
you need to:

Give yourself time for family and friends.

Rest and relax without ignoring responsibilities.

Handle life problems smoothly.

Live in the now time.

Find the balance of being 'alert' and being 'still'.

If you have at least four whorl patterns, the development phase in your purpose is 'service'.
You want knowledge and be able to teach, mentor or serve others without being overly
controlling, and knowing when to say no or yes.

However, before this service can become a fully unified part of your life that it was meant
to be, some experiences apparently at odds with service must be faced. Your self-centred
side and the tendency to mistake obligation for service becomes clear. Problems may arise,
and the more you do, the crummier things get. You begin to feel unappreciated to the
point where you might think you are never doing anything for anyone ever again.

Ironically, those on this path of service must first learn to become selfish before
development can happen. This moment is when you learn the difference between self-
indulgence and an apt sense of personal identity. Eventually, doing for others becomes
very rewarding.

You can be free to say yes or no to peoples' requests.

Remember to take your own needs into account, along with the requirements of others.

Renegotiate agreements as circumstances warrant.


The whorl is the most concentrated of the fingerprint patterns. Therefore, whichever
finger there is a whorl depicts the most talent.

The whorl, peacock whorl or composite whorl on the right hand:

THUMB – The doer, a ruler of success.

INDEX – The leader, ruler of authority and influence.

MIDDLE – The businessman, a ruler of responsibility.

RING – The artist, master of creativity or charisma.

PINKIE – The author, the Master of Communications.

The whorl, peacock whorl or composite whorl on the left hand:

THUMB – The doer, ruler of family or community.

INDEX – The leader, master of living your passions.

MIDDLE – The mentor, master of integrity.

RING – The innovator, master of self-approval.

PINKIE – The healer, a ruler of insight.

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Artwork, photos and print copyright by Sari A Puhakka.

Copyright © 2021 Sari. A. Puhakka

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Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @destinypalmist


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