Mapeh Manual

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MGSSSI HISTORY……………………………………………………………..……………..………1
MGSSSI VISION………………………………………………………..…………………..…...……2
MGSSSI MISSION………………………………………………………………………..……………2
MGSSSI PHILOSOPHY…………………………………………………………….…………………2
The materials in this manual have been compiled from
MGSSSI OBJECTIVES………………………………………………………………….………….…2
sources believed to be reliable and to represent the best
MGSSSI CORE VALUES…………………………………………………………..…………...……4
current opinions on the subject in order to provide a basic
safety manual for use in Mother Goose Special School System, MGSSSI LOGO……………………………………………………………………………………..……5
Inc. This manual is intended to serve as a starting point for MGSSSI HYMN……………………………………………………………………………….…………6
good practices and does not support to specify minimum legal MGSSSI MAPEH MANUAL INTRODUCTION……………………………………….………7
standards. No warranty, guarantee, or representation is made
HISTORY OF MAPEH………………………………………………………………………….…..…7
by the department of education as to the accuracy or
sufficiency of the information contained herein. This manual MGSSSI SPORTS FACILITIES VISION……………………………………………………………8
is intended to provide basic guidelines for safe practices. MGSSSI SPORTS FACILITIES MISSION…………………………………………………………8
Therefore, it cannot be assumed that all necessary warnings RESPONSIBILITIES OF SCHOOL BOARDS AND SUPERINTENDENTS………..……9
and precautionary measures are contained in this document RESPONSIBILITIES OF SCHOOL ADMIN AND PRINCIPAL……………………..………9
and that other or additional measures may not be required.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTS……………………………………………………..………10
AREAS OF MAPEH…………………………………………………………….………………………10
PHYSICAL EDUCATION………………………………………………………………………………18
PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST……………………………………………………………………….……32
There are not many communities in the Philippines that
have in their midst a science high school. Today, Urdaneta City
and San Carlos City, Pangasinan can take pride in the Mother
Goose Special School System, Inc. (MGSSSI) Special Science
High School, formerly known as Mother Goose Special Science
High School (MGSSHS), the first in both cities to offer a science-
enriched Junior High School education, and one of the handfuls
in the whole country.
In 1985 and 1998, when the Mother Goose Montessori
Center (MGMC), now known as Mother Goose Special School
System, Inc. (MGSSSI) – Elementary Department was founded
in Urdaneta City and San Carlos City, respectively, the problem
projected by both the school administrators and parents, even
at the time of their inceptions, was where to place their
elementary school graduates. But as the date of reckoning
neared, the problem became a challenge since the choice must
be a school that can equal, if not better the education and
training that pioneer graduates had at MGSSSI-Elementary
Department. More than this, there was the ever-increasing
demand for a high school that should be different from the rest.
And thus, the MGSSSI Special Science High School
emerged that offers a relevant four-year advanced curriculum
that lays emphasis on the sciences and mathematics with a
liberal dosage of the humanities. Patterned after the highly
successful Philippines Science High School in Diliman and the
famed Bronx High School of Science in New York, U.S.A.,
considered a model for all the science high school all over the
world, MGSSSI Special Science High School’s mission can only

be viewed as a potent vehicle to ensure the Philippines’ global 3. To encourage and foster experimentation, creativity
competitiveness in 21st Century borderless world with science and innovation as means to understand man’s role
and technology assuming increasing importance in society. in the scheme of nature, get adjusted to the
environment and find solutions to man’s problem in
everyday living.
A leading private school system of choice for children 4. To develop awareness and understanding of the
and adolescents driven by excellence and the commitment to scholar’s self, his discipline and his relation to his
contribute to the advancement of the self and society. environment.
5. To educate students for responsible citizenship.
MGSSSI MISSION 6. To provide the ideal atmosphere for the
Formation of the well-rounded youngsters deeply development of ethical values acceptable to both
rooted in Christian values nurtured in a rigorous math/science- individual societies.
focused academic learning environment yet balanced with a 7. To serve as laboratory and training center for
strong foundation in the humanities, ready to assume the science teachers and as a source for research
spheres of principled and innovative leadership in the future. studies on student’s abilities, teaching and teaching
MGSSSI PHILOSOPHY To realize these objectives, the school offers regular and
Every individual has an inherent right to optimal growth elective courses, as well as optional subjects geared towards a
and development and the corresponding responsibility to be an work-oriented, value-oriented and success-oriented program.
asset to himself, and to the world of mankind. Participation in co-curricular activities is encouraged as
a means of leadership training, community involvement
MGSSSI OBJECTIVES and character development.

1. To select, stimulate and develop and prepare the

students for careers in the sciences.
2. To develop a spirit of inquiry and analytical thinking.



The Mother Goose Special School System, Incorporated,

Special Science High School, Urdaneta City, is a labyrinth of excellent
youngsters who are rigorous in Math/Science encapsulated by
Christian values—the test tubes, and the circular living embodiment
of green.

The logo is a wider spectrum of education for years in the

service of honing individuals to be globally competent. It has
mirrored that Mother Goose Special School System, Incorporated,
Special Science High School is the home of high-caliber learners, and
produces professionals who can contribute to the betterment of the

The circular living embodiment of green encompasses the

growth of learners through time. On which growth is embedded in
advancing the self and society.

Three different kinds of test tubes reflect the skills,

knowledge, and values of learners. These are the focal point of the
institution –instilling experiential learning and assimilating

Physical education programs have the responsibility to
"Mother Goose Hymn"
teach skills that students will need to participate in physical
activity outside of the physical education class and skills they
When we bid adieu to you
will need for a lifetime of physical activity. Skills learned in
Mother Goose beloved
physical education class transfer to skills used in a child's play.
Your planted seeds of wisdom
From the kindergarten-age child playing tag, to the second-
Is a worthy gift to keep
grade child jumping rope, to the older child playing a game of
kickball, the skilled child is more likely to participate in physical
We're forever grateful
activity. If a child is confident in his or her skills, there is typically
For lighting us our way
no hesitation to play; however, the low-skilled child, especially
We'll be your pride, bright stars to shine
in the upper grades, is less inclined to take part in group
The youth of father land
activities for fear of failure and peer ridicule. Students need
Our new life has just begun
skills to be participants in physical activity.
Greater paths we travel
You strengthen and equipped us HISTORY OF MAPEH
To be new hardy man and women The birth of the DepEd Physical Fitness came about
after the review and revision workshop of the existing physical
With profound love we will serve fitness test introduced by. Dr. Aparicio H. Mequi, former Chair,
Humanity to see Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) and Director, Bureau of
Forever we'll embrace your name Physical Education and School Sports (BPESS). The workshop
Our Alma mater was inspired by the desire of the Task Force on School Sports
May our God bless and keep you (TFSS) to bring in the new trends and latest researches in the
As your colors fly high field of physical fitness while we respond to the issues on test
You’re our beacon qualities and administration.
Our guiding light
Test administration shall be treated as an essential
Oh Mother Goose component of the Physical Education and School Sports
We pledge your loyalty… program. Both elementary (Grades 4, 5 and 6) and secondary
pupils/students must to undergo the test during the beginning

and ending of the school year. Using a score card, each RESPONSIBILITIES OF SCHOOL BOARDS/SUPERINDENTENTS,
pupil/student shall be responsible to record and keep the result SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION AND PRINCIPALS, MAPEH
of his/her own performance or the school may include these TEACHER AND STUDENTS
score cards in the school’s MIS.

Responsibilities of School Boards and Superintendents

The school boards and superintendents must ensure
To provide sufficient equipment for MAPEH subjects. that schools under their jurisdiction comply with safety
conduct activities to inculcate a sense of national responsibility, regulations, and must initiate plans to attain this goal.
national integration, gender equality, social, moral, spiritual
Measures to be taken include the provision of in-service
and scientific outlook. To safeguard and promote the physical
training so that staff may increase their knowledge of safety
fitness, traditional culture, values and professionalism
measures and ability to maintain a safe facility necessary to
MISSION ensure the safety of handicapped students. School boards
The school provides consistent materials and should also ensure that individual school administrations
equipment for MGSSI students in learning MAPEH subjects. comply with safety guidelines in their schools.
Responsibilities of School Administration and Principals
The responsibility to monitor the needs for MAPEH
equipment. Ensure that the restrictions of the school are
followed in accordance to the health protocols.
Responsibilities of MAPEH Teacher
MAPEH teacher is responsible to teach the students for
on different components in MAPEH. The teacher should
implement the different rules in MAPEH EQUIPMENTS. To
ensure the safety of the students during the sports activities
(it’s either indoor or outdoor activity). Ready for any intentional
8 injuries in doing first aid

Responsibilities of Students a. Bamboo Flute
The students should follow the health protocols
and restrictions in different activities in this time of
pandemic. Moreover, the learners are held responsible b. saxophone
for the MAPEH equipment they borrowed.



vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in

such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and 2. Percussion Instrument- A percussion instrument is a musical
expression of emotion instrument that is sounded by being struck or scraped by a
The MGSSSI ensure that there are available musical
instruments to make sure that the students will able to learn a. Tambourine
easily and they allowed the students to bring their own
The Musical Instruments are classified into three. These b. Maracas
are wind instrument, percussion instrument and string

Wind Instrument- A wind instrument is a musical instrument that

contains some type of resonator (usually a tube) in which a column
of air is set into vibration by the player blowing into (or over) a
mouthpiece set at or near the end of the resonator.
c. Drum set 4. Other electronic instruments- An electronic musical instrument
or electrophone is a musical instrument that produces sound using
electronic circuitry. Such an instrument sounds by outputting an
electrical, electronic or digital audio signal that ultimately is plugged
into a power amplifier which drives a loudspeaker, creating the sound
d. Xylophone heard by the performer and listener.

a. Electronic piano keyboard

3. String Instruments- are musical devices that create sound by

c. Speaker
striking the strings. The sounds, or notes, culminate in a
musical composition by their arrangement and artistic
execution. The combination of materials that comprise an
instrument is what delivers the sound unique to each.

a. Acoustic guitar
d. Microphone

b. Violin
e. Sound system mixer

c. Banduria

a. Electronic base guitar Objectives of Arts Subject
Objectives of Art Education Art education generally aims to
• develop the human personality in an integrated
development that includes mental, psychological,
b. Note stand moral and physical aspects.
Art- also called (to distinguish it from other art forms) visual art,
a visual object or experience consciously created through an
expression of skill or imagination
c. Mic stand
The MGSSSI ensures that there are available art
materials to enhance learning, and to arouse the learners’
capability to think creatively. The students allowed to bring
their own art materials except for the dangerous materials.
VOCAL CAPABILITIES It is important to have the materials prepared for them
to have a good and quality art education and assimilate the
All of the MGSSSI students are capable to sing and
improve their voices. One of the responsibilities of a MAPEH
teacher is to help the students improve their confidence in Here is the list of art materials.
singing. The students will learn their vocal capabilities in their
respective classes. To have more engage the students in their 1. Art stand
singing talents, the SSC officers with the help of other clubs will
propose the singing contest such us The MG IDOL, The VOICE,
YOUR SOUNDS FAMILIAR and other activities that relates to the
vocal contest.

14 15
2. Illustration board A Scissors

B Cutter

3. Canvas
C. Bamboo Stick

D Wires
4. Oil pastel
C. Glue Gun and stick

5. Water based paint

Note: Some of the art materials are not safe to use by
the students alone. Learners must be accompanied and
guided by the facilitator or subject teacher.
Engagement—this is the sole purpose of art activities.
To make the art and students become one. Furthermore, these
activities will help the students to discover their potentials, and
showcase high ends performance. With the help of SKE (Spatial
7. Pencil
Kinesthetic Enthusiasts) and other clubs of school, art activities
will continue to flourish, and plan more exhibit for intramurals.

16 17
Maintain body and mental health The main objective These are the following list of sports events during
of the physical education is to maintain the student's physical intramurals:
health through physical activity. For this reason, the chair
comprises the practice of various sports and the realization of
complementary exercises.
Every year there should be a in-campus intramurals that
every grade level will compete in the different sports
The SKE club will be the one to organize and facilitate A. Basketball Equipment
the in-campus in coordination with the SSC and the other
related clubs and supervised by the SSC advisers, SKE advisers Ball
and other the teachers.
IN-CAMPUS INTRAMURALS Basketball Court and
It means that the activities which are performed within the Basketball Ring
walls or within the campus of an institution are called intramurals. Score board
These activities are organized only for the students of a school or
Score Sheet
It promotes mass participation. It provides fun, Sound System
enjoyment and recreation to students. It helps to identify the
talent among one’s classmates. It develops social values such
as honesty, discipline, cooperation and sympathetic attitude. Whistle 19
Variety of opportunities provide good leadership skills.

• 3 REFEREES 1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both
• PLAYER hands.
• COACHES 2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both
• TECHNICAL hands (never with the fist).
• ANNOUNCER 3. A player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw it
• WATERBOY from the spot on which he catches it, allowance to be made for
• SCORER a man who catches the ball when running at a good speed if he
tries to stop.
ATTIRE 4. The ball must be held in or between the hands; the arms or
FOR PLAYERS body must not be used for holding it.
Keep in mind and make sure that you look good and feel 5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping, or striking in any
comfortable while still being able to jump high and run fast! way the person of an opponent shall be allowed; the first
1. Shorts infringement of this rule by any player shall count as a foul, the
2. Jersey or T-shirts second shall disqualify him until the next goal is made, or, if
3. Basketball shoes there was evident intent to injure the person, for the whole of
4. Proper undergarments the game, no substitute allowed.
5. Sweatband 6. A foul is striking at the ball with the fist, violation of Rules 3,4,
6. Wristband and such as described in Rule 5.
7. If either side makes three consecutive fouls, it shall count a
FOR REFEREE goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the
Black referee shoes opponents in the mean time making a foul).
8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted from
1. Black socks the grounds into the basket and stays there, providing those
2. Black Slacks defending the goal do not touch or disturb the goal. If the ball
3. V-neck shirt which is striped rests on the edges, and the opponent moves the basket, it shall
(black and white stripes) count as a goal.
4. Whistle with a lanyard 9. When the ball goes out of bounds, it shall be thrown into the
field of play by the person first touching it. In case of a dispute,
the umpire shall throw it straight into the field. The

thrower-in is allowed five seconds; if he holds it longer, it shall B. VOLLEYBALL EQUIPMENT
go to the opponent. If any side persists in delaying the game,
the umpire shall call a foul on that side. BALL
10. The umpire shall be judge of the men and shall note the
fouls and notify the referee when three consecutive fouls have
been made. He shall have power to disqualify men according to
Rule 5.
11. The referee shall be judge of the ball and shall decide when
the ball is in play, in bounds, to which side it belongs, and shall NET AND COURT
keep the time. He shall decide when a goal has been made, and
keep account of the goals with any other duties that are usually
performed by a referee.
12. The time shall be two 15-minute halves, with five minutes’
rest between. WHISTLE
13. The side making the most goals in that time shall be
declared the winner. In case of a draw, the game may, by
agreement of the captains, be continued until another goal is
The rules are courtesy of USA Basketball. They were originally
published in The Triangle, the school newspaper of Springfield


22 23
volleyball, each set is won by the team that scores a total of 25
points and maintains a two-point lead at the end. Three sets
must be played to equal a complete match.

One of the essential rules of volleyball is that the ball cannot be

hit twice consecutively by the same player. When attempting
to hit shots, players are also not allowed to use another object
or person for support when attempting to reach the ball.
Volleyball is played with three people in the front and three
people in the back. The front three zones are designated as
Zone Two, Zone Three and Zone Four, while the back are Zones
One, Zone Five and Zone Six. The player on the back that has
rotated into Zone One is the person required to put the ball into
Here are the list of sportwear in playing volleyball
1. Shirt and tops
2. T-shirts
3. Tank Tops
4. Shorts
5. Shoes


When two teams play, the game is called a “match.” Each

match is made up of three different sets. In Philippine

24 25

BADMINTON RACKET 1. Played on a court 20 feet by 44 feet.

AND SHUTTLE COCKS 2. A match is the best of three games, each of 21
3. A point can be won by the server or receiver.
4. At 20-20, the side first to achieve a two-point lead


Score Sheet

Sound System SCORE BOARD

Whistle Score Sheet


Sound System • The first team to reach 21 points wins a set. The first
team to win two sets is declared the winner.


• Games of Sepak Takraw shall be played by two teams of
three players. TABLE TENNIS NET AND
• Games should be played on a court that fits the COURT
regulation size and markings as set out by ITSAF, with an
official Sepak Takraw ball.
• The team to serve first is decided by a coin toss before SCORE BOARD
the match commences.
• Play begins when the server is thrown the ball by a
teammate and must then kick the ball over the net Score Sheet
whilst keeping one foot in the service circle.
• Players may only touch the ball with their feet, head,
knees and chest. Touching the ball with the hand or any Whistle
other part of the body can result in a fault and a point
for the opposition.
• Each team is allowed a maximum of three touches of
the ball to return it back over the net without letting it Our rules and guideline are mostly common sense, oriented
touch the ground. towards creating a safe, friendly and enjoyable environment
• Failure to return the ball over the net before it hits the
ground results in a point to the opposition.
• Points are always scored in Sepak Takraw by the
opposition faulting, and they can do this in a number of
ways (see above).


for all players. These rules may be modified or expanded by the will result in removal from the club for the night.
center for that purpose at any time. Repeated poor behavior will result in loss of center
privileges up to but not limited to loss of membership.
• Players will conduct themselves in a sportsman-like
manner. • Table dominating (hogging), will not be tolerated. If
• Players must wear sneakers or table tennis shoes. No someone is waiting and you’ve practiced for the same
shoes that mark the floor will be allowed in playing amount of time a match would take, or if you’ve won 3
areas. matches in a row, then please relinquish the table for
• Players must sign up for an available table on sign up the person that is waiting.
board if no tables are available.
• Only spill proof drink containers are allowed in the F. ARNIS EQUIPMENT
playing area, no food. Arnis Sticks
• Please speak quietly when sitting close to an active
match and move quickly between tables when there is
a break in play.
• Loud or offensive language will not be tolerated.
Language and conversations must be kept ‘family Mat
friendly’ especially when kids or new players are
around. If you have a problem with the club, a member
or guest, bring it to our attention. This can also be done
by emailing us at [email protected] Safety Gear
• No smoking or alcoholic beverages in the building. No
alcoholic beverages in the parking areas.
• Willful damage to the club’s equipment or the facility
will not be tolerated. Whistle
• If your ball ends up in another court, wait and let them
retrieve your ball between points.
• Any person breaking the rules in a manner that upsets
the play and enjoyment of other members of the center
will be given a warning. Further or serious infractions


GUIDELINES Prior to the actual day of testing, “familiarity” testing sessions
• In order to safely practice Arnis, the play area should be held advising students “to go through” without
should be a square that has a side of 8 meter with exerting maximum effort.
at least 2 meters of free space around it. 1. Explain the purpose 31 and benefits that can be derived
from physical fitness tests.
• There should be 2 inches wide lines drawn in a 2. Make sure that the test score cards are filled up and
different color that will set the exact play area in ready for distribution to students (name, age,
order to make sure that the players know exactly gender, etc.) prior to testing.
where they can move. 3. Set up stations (in the form of circuit training) ready
for use one hour before actual testing begins to
PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST ensure smooth “flow of traffic”.
4. Divide the students into groups, by pairs (buddy
COMPONENTS MATERIALS system) and assign them into different stations.
Body Composition tape measure, bathroom 5. Students should wear appropriate clothing: t-shirt,
scale, L-square jogging pants, and rubber shoes.
6. Conduct warm-up and stretching exercises before
Flexibility tape measure the test.
Cardiovascular Endurance stopwatch, step box 7. Conduct testing in a joyful, challenging, encouraging,
Muscular Strength mat and fun-filled environment
Speed stopwatch
Power meter stick/tape measure HOW TO GET THE BMI
Agility cone Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based
Reaction Time plastic ruler (24 inches) on height and weight that applies to adult men and
Coordination coupon bond women.
Balance stopwatch
Formula of BMI

Examp 32kg 32kg BMI = 21.47 Normal

1.49m^ 2.98m

fairness and equality in conducting sporting events.
These rules and regulations are important in maintaining ethics
BMI Categories: in sports, promoting enthusiasm and dignity of sports,
developing personal qualities, minimizing accidents, protecting
Underweight = <18.5
the rights of participants, solving problems related to sports,
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9 engaging in fair play and in maintaining the entertainment that
Overweight = 25–29.9 sports provide.

Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater 1. Facilities are intended primarily for sporting use.
2. Equipment must be returned to its proper place after use.
Maintain a Healthy Weight Damage must be reported to staff immediately.
3. Facilities may not be used by persons under the influence
● Maintaining a healthy weight is important for your heart
of intoxicating substances.
health. 4. Facilities may be closed entirely or partly because of
maintenance work, weather conditions or special
● Learn more about overweight and obesity occasions.
5. Users may play different sports in the appropriate facilities
Increase Physical Activity
and at the appropriate times reserved for their use.
Moving more can lower your risk factors for heart disease. 6. Individuals may use facilities at their own risk and are
responsible for the storage of clothing and other property
Eat a Heart-Healthy Diet
at facilities. Any found items should be turned over to staff.
7. Users must follow instructions and orders given by staff
● Eating a healthy diet is the key to heart disease
concerning order and safety.
prevention 8. A person or organization that violates these rules and
regulations or does not follow instructions or orders given
by staff can be required to leave facilities or can be banned
Rules and regulations in sports have been formulated from using facilities for a set period.
9. In addition to these rules and regulations, supplementary
and accepted by the associations for sports in order to ensure
instructions can be issued at individual facilities.


IV. HEALTH But acute injuries generally require first aid—immediate
treatment that is provided until medical help arrives. If you
It is important to have plan for the unexpected participate in sports (especially those with a high rate of acute
injuries. Accidents happen, especially during sports. injuries, such as football or wrestling), it is important to have
While it is possible to limit the number and severity of knowledge of first aid procedures. You should also keep
injuries with prevention strategies, one wrong step or a supplies on hand such as ice packs, bandages, a finger splint,
collision on the field can result in a sudden and painful hand sanitizer or alcohol wipes, and a breathing barrier to
injury. When this happens, be prepared to act quickly. provide CPR.
Ideally, you will have access to a well-stocked first aid
kit or have medical help nearby. First Aid for Acute Sports Injuries

Different Types of Sports Injuries The most common acute sports-related injuries vary by
age. For example, younger athletes are at higher risk for
There are many possible types of injuries that can occur fractures and dislocations. Concussions are also more
while playing sports. It's a good idea for anyone involved in commonly reported in younger athletes, especially those who
sports to be familiar with treatment for some of the more participate in contact sports such as football, rugby, ice hockey,
common sports injuries. These injuries may be classified as and wrestling (for males) and soccer and basketball (for
acute or chronic. females).1

• Acute injuries are those injuries that occur suddenly. According to government sources, the most common acute sports
• Chronic injuries happen over time and are also injuries include:
commonly called overuse injuries. Dislocations
Because chronic injuries happen over time, it is more likely Knee injuries
Rotator cuff injuries
that you (or those around you) will be able to seek appropriate
Sprains and strains
medical care to manage them. For example, if you begin to The primary goal of sports injury first aid is to stop the activity and
experience knee pain while running, you might make an prevent further injury or damage. You may also need to manage
appointment with your healthcare
38 provider or physical certain symptoms until medical help arrives. Common symptoms of
therapist. acute injuries include:


• Bone or joint that is visibly out of place A fracture is a break in a bone that is often the result of
acute trauma. If the bone breaks through the skin, it is called an
• Cuts and abrasions open fracture. Fractures that occur over time are called stress
• 39 or arm weakness
Extreme leg fractures, but these are not acute injuries. A bone fracture may
• Joint weakness or inability to move a joint cause intense pain, deformity, bruising or swelling, and
• Not being able to place weight on a leg, knee, ankle, or difficulty moving.5
• Sudden pain and swelling If you suspect a fracture, always seek immediate
medical care. Limit movement and mobilize the area with a
If you or someone near you gets injured while playing sports splint if one is available. Elevate the limb and apply ice to
or participating in any fitness activity, the first course of action reduce bruising or swelling. If the skin has broken, try to cover
is always to stop the activity.2 If you are helping another person the wound to avoid infection. Apply sterile bandages if
in an emergency, be sure that the scene is safe for you to enter, available.6
then call 911. From there, you may provide different measures
based on the type of injury. A medical examination will determine if the bone is
broken or if another acute injury (such as dislocation) has
Dislocations occurred.

One of the most common areas where an athlete may Knee Injuries
experience an acute dislocation is in the shoulder. The shoulder
is the most mobile joint in the body. When the head of the There are many different types of knee injuries that
humerus (the upper arm bone) is forced out of the shoulder can occur as a result of participation in sports, but acute knee
socket, dislocation occurs. You may notice that the joint looks injuries often include meniscus, tendon, or ligament injuries.
out of place, is bruised, swollen, or difficult to move. Symptoms can include a popping or clicking noise, pain,
weakness, or a buckling sensation.
If you notice dislocation in this or any other joint, experts advise
that you immobilize the joint and do not try to manipulate it. Cold and compression are often applied for acute sports
You should also treat the area with ice, use ibuprofen or injuries.The PRICE method is a simple way to remember how
acetaminophen for pain, and seek immediate medical care.


to apply the treatment. PRICE stands for Protection, Rest, Ice, ➢ Elevation: Elevating the injured area is another way to
Compression, Elevation. It's also known as the RICE method, reduce the blood flow and swelling in the area.
but RICE does not include "protection," which is an important
step for on-field management of injuries. Sprains and Strains

PRICE Method Sprains and strains are soft tissue injuries that may occur to
different areas of the body, including the knee, the ankle, or the
➢ Protection: In this case, protection means stopping the elbow. But the tissues involved are slightly different.
activity immediately and protecting the injured part
from additional damage. • A sprain is an injury (such as a stretch or a tear) to a
➢ Rest: Rest the area to allow the tissues to heal. ligament, which is tissue that connects two or more
➢ Ice: Applying cold therapy (ice or an ice pack wrapped bones at a joint.
in a thin towel) to an acute injury reduces swelling and • A strain involves a stretched or torn muscle or tendon
pain. (tissue that connects muscle to bone).
➢ Ice is a Vaso-constrictor. It causes the blood vessels to
narrow and limits inflammation at the injury site. Apply If you experience a sprain or strain, you may not be able to
cold to the affected area every two hours for no more determine which injury has occurred because symptoms are
than 20 minutes at a time. Allow the skin temperature similar. Symptoms of a sprain include pain, swelling, and limited
to return to normal before icing it again. You can ice an use of the joint. Symptoms of a strain include muscle spasms,
acute injury several times a day. cramping, and the symptoms of a sprain.9
➢ Compression: Compression of an acute injury is
perhaps the next most important immediate treatment. If you suspect a strain or sprain, stop the activity that caused
By quickly wrapping the injured body part with an the injury. Then use the PRICE method to reduce pain and
elastic bandage or wrap, you help keep swelling to a swelling and seek medical care. Depending on your specific
minimum. If possible, it's helpful to apply ice to the injury, a healthcare provider may advise that you use crutches
injured area over the compression wrap to limit or another form of assistance while the area is healing. You may
swelling. also be advised to work with a physical therapist. 10


Soft Tissue Injury Step-By-Step Cuts and Abrasions
Stop the activity immediately.
Cuts and abrasions can easily occur as the result of a fall
Wrap the injured part in a compression bandage. while running, biking, rollerblading, or participating in any
fitness activity. Bleeding or open wounds can vary from minor
Apply ice to the injured part for 10 to 15 minutes. Let the area
scrapes, blisters, and small punctures to more serious
warm completely before applying ice again (to prevent lacerations and arterial wounds that can be life-threatening.
Elevate the injured part to reduce swelling. Abrasion-type wounds can be washed with soap and
water. Contaminated abrasions (scrapes that have particles of
See a physician for a proper diagnosis of any serious injury. debris embedded in them) may need to be treated in a hospital
with irrigation under pressure in order to remove foreign
Rotator Cuff Injuries particles. Once the wound is washed and bandaged, you can
also apply ice and pressure to manage any related bruising or
The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons in the swelling.
shoulder that wrap around the head of the humerus (the upper
end of the arm bone). While wear in the rotator cuff can often Deeper cuts may need medical attention. Immediate
occur with age, when a large rotator cuff tear occurs, the first aid can include applying direct pressure, followed by
tendon attachment to the head of the humerus is not as elevation and application of a pressure bandage. If you are
strong.11 This can be the result of an acute injury or may be unable to control the bleeding, seek immediate medical care.
caused by chronic use.
If someone near you is injured, it's important to take
When caused by an acute injury (such as a fall), rotator proper protective measures to avoid disease transmission.
cuff injuries cause intense pain. You might also experience a Personal protective equipment, such as latex or rubber gloves
snapping sensation and immediate weakness in your arm. afford protection when controlling bleeding, performing
bandaging, and when handling soiled or bloody bandages or
If you suspect a rotator cuff injury, you should stop what instruments.1
you are doing and rest the arm. Continuing to use the shoulder
joint could cause additional injury. If you experience symptoms Concussion Sports-related concussion is becoming one of the
that last for more than one week, contact your healthcare most common types of mild traumatic brain injury among
provider for evaluation and diagnosis.

youth who participate in organized sports. According to the While the most dramatic sports injuries are acute, the majority
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, symptoms are of sports injuries come on gradually. Pain from overuse injuries
not always obvious and may not present immediately after the tends to have vague symptoms that develop slowly. What
injury. Symptoms include: begins as a small, nagging ache or pain can grow into a
debilitating injury if it isn't recognized and treated early.
• Balance problems, dizziness
• Changes in sleep patterns Treating overuse injuries
46 requires rest and reducing exercise
• Confusion intensity, frequency, and duration. Icing an overuse injury can
• Depression also help reduce inflammation and pain. For more serious
• Difficulty speaking and communicating overuse injuries, physical therapy, over-the-counter (OTC)
• Drowsiness medications, and complete rest may be necessary.
• Headache
• Irritability Returning After an Injury
• Loss of consciousness
• Memory loss After you've treated your injury, what comes next?
• Nausea and vomiting Most athletes want to know how soon they can return to their
sport. This answer tends to be different for everyone because
If you suspect that you, your child, or someone close by has each athlete and each injury is unique.
experienced a concussion, there are basic steps you can take to
stay safe. Experts advise that for a moderate to severe head Returning to sports too soon can increase your risk of re-injury
injury, you should call 911 right away. or developing a chronic problem that will lead to a longer
recovery. Waiting too long, however, can lead to
If you are with someone who has experienced a head unnecessary fitness declines (deconditioning). It's smart to
injury, stay nearby if they are unconscious to begin CPR if work together with your healthcare provider to make a plan for
necessary. Then stabilize the head and neck and stop any returning to play.
bleeding with a clean cloth. Do not apply pressure with the
cloth if you suspect a skull fracture. If the person begins
vomiting, roll them onto their side.

• Rodelia Natividad Tangco, Aneglina A. Mojica. (2015) Honing
Your Skills Through Mapeh 7.
• Rodelia Natividad Tangco, Aneglina A. Mojica. (2015) Honing
Your Skills Through Mapeh 8
• Rodelia Natividad Tangco, Aneglina A. Mojica. (2015) Honing
Your Skills Through Mapeh 9
• Rodelia Natividad Tangco, Aneglina A. Mojica. (2015) Honing
Your Skills Through Mapeh 10


ONLINE REFERENCESS Director for Academic Affairs

• Sepak Takraw Rules: Quick Guide - My Cricket Deal

• Rules and Guidelines – SpinBlock Table Tennis DR. LUIS ANGELO NIÑO S. REYNA
• Immediate First Aid Treatment for Sports Injuries Assistant Director for Academic Affairs



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Student Affairs Coordinator




Asst. Secretary

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