Rules Regulations For Use of Sports Facilities Equipments

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Rules and regulations in sports have been formulated and accepted by the

associations for sports in order to ensure fairness and equality in conducting sporting
events. These rules and regulations are important in maintaining ethics in sports,
promoting enthusiasm and dignity of sports, developing personal qualities,
minimizing accidents, protecting the rights of participants, solving problems related to
sports, engaging in fair play and in maintaining the entertainment that sports provide.



1. Facilities are intended primarily for sporting use.

2. Use of mask or cloth face coverings, handwashing for at least 20 seconds before
beginning and after you are done, if soap and water are not readily available, use
hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, and social distancing, including
during player drop off and pick up.
3. Players should be properly attired at all times. Shorts and T-shirts must be worn
at all times
and sports shoes are mandatory.
4. All applications to book sports facilities and equipments must be submitted at
least one day in advance except for use of gymnasium. Players should present
booking confirmation slip together with all the group participants’ ID cards to the
staff on duty before using the facility.
5. Players are advised to bring their own equipment. However, players who wish to
borrow equipment can refer to the staff on duty. Any person who damages or
destroys the property of the school shall be held responsible and liable for the
repair and replacement of such property at his or her own expense.
6. Do not drip sweat on the equipment. Wipe your sweat off the benches after you
have used them. Do not monopolize, drop or clang sports equipment.
7. Facilities may not be used by persons under the influence of intoxicating
8. Facilities may be closed entirely or partly because of maintenance work, weather
conditions or special occasions.
9. Food and bags are not allowed at the sports venue. Drinks and water may be
taken in nonbreakable, spill-proof containers.
10. Users may play different sports in the appropriate facilities and at the appropriate
times reserved for their use.
11. Individuals may use facilities at their own risk and are responsible for the storage
of clothing and other property at facilities. Any found items should be turned over
to staff.
12. Users must follow instructions and orders given by staff concerning order and
safety.Anyone who does not observe the Rules and Regulations for Sports
Facilities, abuses equipment or shows disrespect to other students and staff or are
in violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
13. A person or organization that violates these rules and regulations or does not
follow instructions or orders given by staff can be required to leave facilities or
can be banned from using facilities for a set period.
14. In addition to these rules and regulations, supplementary instructions can be
issued at individual facilities.

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