MCQ - Pediatric

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1Q-a 3 years old child severely malnourished.

Which of the following can present with diagnosis of

kawshiorker? *
Moon face and pitting edema in lower extremities. *
Hypotension and bradycardia.
Redunant skin fold and loss of subcutaneous tissue.
Moist skin with areas of hypopigmentation
2Q-6 month ‫ ىلع هيتيطح‬growth chart cross to mussure Now falling below the 3rd But length and head
ramming at the 10 What rst step requst to diagnose ?
bone age
Calculat calories intake

3Q-A 9 month old baby came to will child visit, his parent reports that the baby can't reach the toys,
not rolling over, and there is a delay in his developmental millstone, what the sign that we concerned
about cerebral palsy
A/can not reach toys or rolling
B/ can not set without support

4Q-Caustive organism of scarlet fever

1- adinovirus
3- group A streptococcal

5Q-Ahmed 3years old Saudi boy diagnosed by echocardiography to have a small uncomplicated
VSD. Which of the following nding is most likely to be detected in this patient? *
A. Clubbing of the ngers *
B. Collapsing pulse. *
C. Pan-systolic murmur of grade 4/6 * in intensity
. * D. Wide and xed splitting of the second heart sound

6Q-Where the exchange of gases occurs in respiration?


7Q - 4 y/o boy was diagnosed with rickets because of Vitamin de ciency, what is the primary e ect
of vitamin D de ciency? -
impaired remodeling
- impaired formation -
impaired mineralization -
decrease reabsorption

8Q-A 2-month-old baby was presented to the ER with breathlessness (particularly on feeding) and
sweating. Examination revealed tachypnoea, tachycardia and gallop rhythm associated with
hepatomegaly. What is the MOST likely cause of this neonate problem?
* Fallot tetralogy *
Ventricular septal defect *
Eisenmenger syndrome *
Congenital pulmonary stenosis
9Q-A 2-year-old child presents with delayed speech development, repetitive behaviors, and di culty
with social interactions. The child also exhibits a strong preference for routines and has sensory
sensitivities. Which of the following is the most ?likely diagnosis
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Attention de cit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Intellectual disability
Speci c language impairment

10Q/ Baby with fever and tackpenia, respiratory distress, initial step ?

11Q- 6-Sally 2 month infant came to clinic received hepatitis B vaccination in newborn nursery before
discharge.... cons good health and absence contraindication, which vaccination should be admitted
during her routine immunization *
-Hepatitis B / DTAP / Hip/retovirase/ pneumococcal only.
- Hepatitis B / DTAP / Hip/retrovirase/lpv/ pneumococcal
-Hepatitis B / DTAP/ retrovirase/ pneumococcal only.
-DTAP, hib, retrovirase, pneumococcal

12Q-Sickle cell Anemia boy presents with Fever , Cough , chest pain on chest x ray Showed left
Lower lobe consolidation What’s the proper treatment ?

13-Girl ED with cold cough barking fever stridor What pathogen?

-Bettela cruos
-Hemuphilus in uza

14Q-15-15/ sarah 7 yo known to have asthma, she has cough and weezing when she exposed to
known allergens like pollen and pet denard, her parent wants advice how to improve her health What
is the key aseptic for health promotion in her case:
A) exposure to known allergens
B) ensure free smoke environment
C) limit physical activity to prevent symptoms
D) using scented cleaning products in home

15Q- A 14-year-old girl presents with a signi cant weight loss, intense fear of gaining weight, and a
distorted body image. She restricts her food intake and engages in excessive exercise. She had
amenorrhoea . Which of the following best describes this condition?
- Bulimia nervosa
- Binge eating disorder
- Anorexia nervosa
- Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
16Q-Regarding headache in paediatric age group; which of the following would you consider a red
ag? * A chronic headache in 12 y/o boy *
B Recurrent headache in 14 y/o girl *
C headache with runny nose and cough in 11 y/ *
D-Progressive occipital pain for 3 weeks in 12 y/o girls

17Q-6 M Boy Brought by his partns because of their concern about his head size and developmental
milestones, poor feeding on examination he is 95 percentile above and irratble prominent scalp vein,
sunset eyes, bulging frontal ?
A) hydrocephalus

18Q-Which of the following is rst choice drug in status epilepticus ?

1- benzodiazepines
2- phenobarbital
3- phenytoin
4- valproic acid

19Q-patient with ataxia, which one the right manifestation ?

-tip toe
-Wading gait

20Q- newborn become jaundice during rst 24H , mother has O - …?

Hemolytic anemia

21Q -‫? نونو مكسر تكسير واالهل يقولو اخوه الكبير طيحو بالغلط‬
Baby shaking baby syndrome

22Q -3 years old come to the OPD with her parents and the parents complain of night wet bed ?
• normal for his age

23Q-A 15 year old female present with right ankle pain and fever, skin erythema and sore throat, on
examination Systolic murmur is present on apex and her ASO titre is elevated, which of the following
indicate criterion of rheumatoid fever ?
-Fever -
ankle pain
-Elevated ASO titre
-Systolic murmur

24Q-4years old girl with cystic brosis supplements?


25Q- what the lower normal Haemoglobin in newborn ?


26Q-A boy presented in ER with a purpuric rash on his leg arthritis in both ankles and coilicky pain
he was discharged on oral perdselonon wiche lead ti Signi cant improvement in symptoms of over
the past 5 weeks. in which age you expect boy to be in:

27Q-What is the best identfy speci c non Functional gene with dysmorphic features?
B) Family history details
C) pedigree chart

28Q- What is the rst line treatment empirical antibiotic for neonatal sepsis?
ampicillin and cefotaxime

29Q-When do you say a child is born prematurely?

- 40 weeks
- 37 weeks
- 42 weeks
- 35 weeks

30Q- 6w full term newborn her mother touch her right checks the she tern head same side what the
best description?
• Rt rooting re ex

31Q-Newborn delivered in emergency, cs a 38 weeks fully delivery complicated by prolapsed cord he

came out with meconium - stationed amniotic uid / he lethargic+poor suckling ... at 6hours of age
has generalized seizure.. wich of the following is poor prognostic... For *
Abnormal examination at 2 weeks of life *
Abnormal imaging of brain at 2 days of life
* APGAR score 3 at 1 min of life
* Cord Ph at birh 7.25

32Q- the parents of a 14 y girl reported that her school performance has been deteriorating and
recently she has become confused and unsteady on her feet. Examination revealed the presence of
Kayser-Fleischer rings in her corneas. What is the most likely ?diagnosis of this girl
Intracranial tumor
Wilson disease

33Q-2 yo boy presented with acute watery diarrhea for 2 days and no urine output for 12 hours. On
PE he looked lethargic, dry mouth, skin turgor, no abdominal tenderness or masses. BP 79/40 HR:
150, CR> 3s. What is the initial management? *
calculate maintenance and losses over 24 * hours insert a catheter *
give IV bolus of 20ml/ kg NS rapidly
lower uid intake

34Q--chilid bach from endemic eara, in coma, splenomegaly, hypoglycemia?

A / leishmaniasis
B/ falciform malaria
35Q-chemoprophylaxis of meningococcal meningitis?

36Q- regulate temperature?


37Q- baby come with sever cry and vomting bile sutined ?

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