Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing (3rd Edition) - 3rd Edition. ISBN 9780133876406, 978-0133876406

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Health & Physical Assessment In Nursing (3rd Edition)

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Brief Contents

CHAPTER 1 Health Assessment 1

CHAPTER 2 Human Development Across the

Life Span 22

CHAPTER 3 Wellness and Health Promotion 47

CHAPTER 4 Cultural Considerations 69

CHAPTER 5 Psychosocial Assessment 84

CHAPTER 6 Assessment of Vulnerable

Populations 100



CHAPTER 7 Interviewing and Communication

Techniques 112

CHAPTER 8 The Health History 126

CHAPTER 9 Techniques and Equipment 144

CHAPTER 10 General Survey 157

CHAPTER 11 Pain Assessment 172

CHAPTER 12 Nutritional Assessment 186


CHAPTER 13 Skin, Hair, and Nails 210

CHAPTER 14 Head, Neck, and Related

Lymphatics 260

CHAPTER 15 Eye 289

CHAPTER 16 Ears, Nose, Mouth, and Throat


CHAPTER 17 Respiratory System 371

CHAPTER 18 Breasts and Axillae 421

CHAPTER 19 Cardiovascular System 451

CHAPTER 20 Peripheral Vascular System 499

CHAPTER 21 Abdomen 533

CHAPTER 22 Urinary System 576

CHAPTER 23 Male Reproductive System 605

CHAPTER 24 Female Reproductive System 643

CHAPTER 25 Musculoskeletal System 685

CHAPTER 26 Neurologic System 745


CHAPTER 27 The Pregnant Female 795

CHAPTER 28 The Hospitalized Patient 853

CHAPTER 29 The Complete Health

Assessment 861
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Health & Physical
Assessment in Nursing

3rd Edition
Health & Physical
Assessment in Nursing

3rd Edition

Donita D'Amico, MEd, RN

Associate Professor
William Paterson University
Wayne, New Jersey

Colleen Barbarito, EdD, RN

Associate Professor
William Paterson University
Wayne, New Jersey

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The authors and publisher have exerted every

effort to ensure that drug selections and dosages
set forth in this text are in accord with current
recommendations and practice at time of
publication. However, in view of ongoing research,
changes in government regulations, and the
constant flow of information relating to drug
therapy and drug reactions, the reader is urged to
check the package inserts of all drugs for any
change in indications of dosage and for added
warnings and precautions. This is particularly
important when the recommended agent is a new
and/or infrequently employed drug.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication

D'Amico, Donita, author.

[Health & physical assessment in nursing]

Health and physical assessment in nursing /

Donita D'Amico, Colleen Barbarito.—Third edition.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-13-387640-6—ISBN 0-13-387640-3

I. Barbarito, Colleen, author. II. Title.

[DNLM: 1. Nursing Assessment—methods—Case

Reports. 2. Physical Examination--nursing—Case
Reports. 3. Holistic Nursing—methods—Case
Reports. WY 100.4]



10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN-10: 0-13-387640-3

ISBN-13: 978-0-13-387640-6
About the Authors
Donita D'Amico, MEd,
Donita D'Amico, a diploma nursing school
graduate, earned her baccalaureate degree in
Nursing from William Paterson College. She
earned a master's degree in Nursing Education at
Teachers College, Columbia University, with a
specialization in Adult Health. Ms. D'Amico has
been a faculty member at William Paterson
University for more than 30 years. Her teaching
responsibilities include physical assessment,
medical-surgical nursing, nursing theory, and
fundamentals in the classroom, skills laboratory,
and clinical settings.

Ms. D'Amico coauthored several textbooks,

including Health Assessment in Nursing and its
companion clinical handbook by Sims, D'Amico,
Stiesmeyer, and Webster, as well as
Comprehensive Health Assessment: A Student
Workbook and Modules for Medication
Administration with Dr. Colleen Barbarito.

Ms. D'Amico is active in the community. Within the

university, she is a charter member of the Iota
Alpha Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International.
She also serves as a consultant and contributor to
local organizations.
Colleen Barbarito, EdD,
Colleen Barbarito received a nursing diploma from
Orange Memorial Hospital School of Nursing,
graduated with a baccalaureate degree from
William Paterson College, and earned a master's
degree from Seton Hall University, all in New
Jersey. She received her Doctor of Education from
Teachers College, Columbia University. Prior to a
position in education, Dr. Barbarito's clinical
experiences included medical-surgical, critical
care, and emergency nursing. Dr. Barbarito has
been a faculty member at William Paterson
University since 1984, where she has taught
Physical Assessment and a variety of clinical
laboratory courses for undergraduate nursing
students and curriculum development at the
graduate level.

Dr. Barbarito coauthored two books with Donita

D'Amico—Modules for Medication Administration
and Comprehensive Health Assessment: A
Student Workbook. She published articles on
anaphylaxis in American Journal of Nursing and
Coping with Allergies and Asthma. Her research
includes physical assessment and collaboration on
revising a physical assessment project with results
published as a brief in Nurse Educator. As a
faculty member, Dr. Barbarito participated in
committees to explore curricular change and to
develop multimedia learning modules for critical

Dr. Barbarito is a member of Sigma Theta Tau

International Honor Society of Nursing and the
National League for Nursing.
Thank You
We extend a sincere thanks to our
contributors, who gave their time,
effort, and expertise so tirelessly to
the development and writing of
chapters and resources that helped
foster our goal of preparing student
nurses for evidence-based practice.

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