Reflective Writing Language Guide.

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Reflective Writing Language Guide FAQ

Why write reflectively?

• to show what and how you have learnt
• to show what you have done or experienced
• to show how this learning and experience relates to the theories, concepts and models you are

How is reflective writing different to an academic essay?

Traditional Academic Essay Reflective Essay- Academic
• Theory • Theory and personal experience
• Third person • First person and third person
• Past tense • Tense: past, present and future
• A thesis (line of argument) and a well • A thesis (line of argument) and a well
organised structure organised structure
• Formal Language • Formal language

Can I use I?
Use first person when you are reflecting or describing your
I, ME, MY, MINE, experience.
• I used active listening well in the beginning of the
counselling session; however, I listened less effectively in
the second part.
• For example I typified the role of middle child…
• I intend to improve my knowledge of

Use third person when reporting what other people said or did
THEY, HE, or summarising theory.

SHE, IT • The client seemed to feel at ease during the session and
she showed signs of…
• Smith (2017) defines empathy as… He explains that
empathy helps to build the relationship with the client.
• Participants responded well to the treatment and said
that they felt more positive afterwards.
How do I write about the past and present?
When writing about your own experiences, you write in the past tense.

• During this time, I observed and analysed the client’s behaviour and reactions.
• For example, as a child I thought and felt that I should be seen and not heard.

You can write in the future tense when discussing what you would do differently next time. In an
academic essay you would write in past tense, except, when you are integrating theory into your

Past Present Future

For example: For example:
For example:
When I first started learning I am anxious that it takes me
I might say, "Take your
about conflict resolution I so long to integrate my
time to answer. " Then I
was keen to apply it. understanding of conflict
would be quiet.
into my real world conflict.

How do I write about theory?

We use the present tense (now) to talk about theory. For example, Smith argues/states/believes.

• Rogers’ theory (1959) is based on concepts of self, creativity and trust.

• Corey (2005) states A key principle of cognitive behavioural theory is to change “faulty
assumptions and beliefs” (p. 304)

How do I reference theory and reflection?

Incorrect Correct

• The client moved into the acceptance • Axelrod (2016) states the acceptance stage
stage (Axelrod, 2016). Axelrod did of the grief cycle is typified by……..
not comment on the client.

• Reframing the situation might have • Boyes (2013) suggests that reframing
helped my client (Boyes, 2013). Boyes situations may be helpful.
did not comment on the client.

• In my childhood I had unhelpful • An example of a faulty assumption or belief

behaviours (Boden et al.,2012). Boden is maladaptive thinking resulting in
did not observe your childhood unhelpful behaviours (Boden et al., 2012).
What does formal writing/academic style mean?
Even though are expressing your own experiences, you must convey this information in an academic
style. Try to avoid emotive or subjective terms: for example,

The client seemed so worried when she The client was visibly distressed when she
began discussing her heart-wrenching began discussing her situation.

The client was very unhappy at the start of The client was visibly distressed.
the session.
The teacher said that the class were really The teacher reported that the students did not
naughty. behave well in the class.

I remember feeling really worried when I I remember feeling very apprehensive when I
started telling them stuff about what I did began to disclose personal information about
in the past. my past.

The supervisor said that the clothes I was The supervisor said that my clothing choice was
wearing weren’t a very good choice. inappropriate.

I didn’t know what to do. I did not know how to handle the situation.

How can I structure my paragraphs?

Topic sentence: Introduce the main theory, skill or idea from the literature. This is also the main topic of
your paragraph.

Explanation: You may need to give further explanation about this theory, skill or idea.

Evidence/example: Provide an example. This could be an example from your practice or experiences,
depending on your assignment topic.

Linking sentence: Conclude the paragraph by summarizing the main idea and linking it to the main idea
of the next paragraph.

Note: You may need more than one sentence for some of these parts. Also remember one main idea per
What are some vocabulary and sentence structures I can use?

aspect(s) was (were)

For me, the [most] important idea(s)

meaningful experience(s)
significant issue(s)
relevant element
happened when…
learning resulted from…
arose from…

Previously, thought (did not think)

At first, I felt (did not feel)
In the past, noticed (did not notice)
questioned (did not question)
might be because of…
is perhaps due to…
could be explained by…
is probably related to…
noticed… feel…
felt… know…
discovered… I now question…
Having observed… understand…
reflected… realise…
discussed… think…
experienced… wonder…
I now
adapted my skills in…
changed my understanding of…
As a result, I have
learned my knowledge of…
realised my ability to…
This knowledge is essential
This understanding could be to me in the workplace because…
This skill will be to me as a practitioner [because…]
I will now need to… develop..
As a next step
I aim to… learn…
I want to… improve…
I need to.. adapt…

*Adapted from Hampton, M. (2010). Reflective writing: a basic introduction:

Sample paragraph 1 – reflecting on theory
Topic sentence: Alfred Adler’s (2005) theory of the family constellation explains that humans are a part
of larger systems including the family, the community and all of humanity.

Explanation: Adler’s (2005) theory explains that the birth order, or position in the family constellation
affect a person’s lifestyle, but only through one’s own interpretation of their birth position. Leman
(2009) argues that the middle child may be characterized by feeling neglected within the family, being
an excellent negotiator and very diplomatic.

Evidence/example: As the second born of three girls, I typified the role of middle child. Growing up, I felt
neglected and was often overshadowed by my older sister’s achievements. I developed negotiation skills
by trying to keep both of my sisters happy.

Linking sentence: These characteristics have affected my relationships within the family and more

Sample paragraph 2 – reflecting on theory

Starts with a topic sentence

using present tense to talk
about theory
Past tense used
for past A key principle of cognitive behavioural theory is to change “faulty assumptions and
beliefs” (Corey, 2005, p. 304). An example of a faulty assumption or belief is

maladaptive thinking resulting in unhelpful behaviours (Boden et al., 2012). For

example, as a child I thought and felt that I should be seen and not heard. This led to a
This example
lifetime of being shy and anxious around people. Consequently, I avoided parties and shows how
for making
the theory
suggestions social functions. Therefore, my thinking could be seen as maladaptive. As an adult I relates to life
want to be a better role model to my children. I realise I have been developing social

anxiety and cognitive based therapy may be worthwhile for me in order to change. For

example Boyes (2013) suggests that reframing situations may be helpful and this is

what I would like to learn to do.

This could be
Note: a link to the
Theory: Doesn’t use I and is written in third person using present tense. next
Reflection: uses I and tense varies depending on sentence. paragraph.
Linking words
Sample paragraph 3 – Reflecting on group work

Topic sentence
Working in my group proved that face to face communication is the
- what is the
key to better team performance. I used to think that the success of a team
main point of
lay in everyone having access to up to date information about the project.
the paragraph?
However, I have come to realise that face to face communication can be
more effective because it is synchronous, and the participants are more Elaborate
engaged. Bodell and Levins (2012) found that a group of geographically on topic
dispersed therapists collaborating on a project online did not continue
the rich and sociable communicative interaction that had been
Use a study established initially face to face. Their interactions online became task
as evidence oriented and information based. In the same way, I found that our best Connect the
to support ideas and solutions grew out of the meetings. I have also realised that evidence to
the idea richer communication between team members can build rapport and your experience
enrich understanding of your team members. The regular meetings made
me become more conscious of my teammates' personalities, skills,
strengths and needs. For example, Sharifa was able to teach Reyan how Critical analysis
to use some software that she needed. Cascio (as cited in Ebrahim et. al, of evidence and
2012) cites “(the) loss of face to face synergies" as one of the five key experience
challenges to virtual teams' success (p. 2660). The synergies of our skills
Tie in more theory became obvious in the face-to-face context and the confidence we had
and elaborate by in each other increased. Meetings also built a sense of commitment to
connecting to your each other. We did not want to disappoint our team by missing timelines Elaborate on next
experience or making poor quality submissions. Consequently, I now think that a step / future
team can be more than the sum of its component parts. For any future impact on
teamwork, I am much more aware of the importance of the group practice / the
meeting together. In a professional setting, I now consider that some result or
incentive such as a free lunch or transport to get a group together, if conclusion. If
necessary, would be a sound investment. In future, I will always try to join followed by
teams who can get together because I now realise how crucial this is to another
success. paragraph, link to
new topic.
Sample paragraph 4 – Reflecting on research
Topic sentence
- what is the
During my interviews with elite groups, they were often
main point of
bemused and yet intrigued at the same time about my role as a foreign
the paragraph? Use a study
female researcher. Kobayashi (1994) highlighted how gender identities
play out during fieldwork, meaning women are often discriminated as evidence
against on the basis of their sex. I did not experience discrimination, but to support
I feel my being a woman helped me gain access to certain respondents the idea
that I never anticipated to access, because I was somewhat perceived as
a damsel in distress who needed help. While the pity I received worked
Connect the
in my favour, it had no bearing within the interviews themselves as I was Critical analysis
evidence to
not able to acquire the data that I hoped to. Having a better of evidence and
your experience
understanding of the cultural nuances would have helped me to manage experience
my expectations better. Indeed, researchers such as Denzin and Lincoln
(2011) have highlighted how a researcher’s ability to gain access is
Tie in more
shaped by personal characteristics, including gender. Looking back, I
theory and
believe my fieldwork project was fairly successful, mostly because of its
elaborate by
ability to gain nuanced insight from the second sample involving slum
dwellers. The major pitfalls of the project mostly pertained to the
to your
logistics of the project, specifically the lack of training for the research
assistant, and the general lack of a research focus.
Adapted from: Oxbridge Essays (2018)

Elaborate on next step /

future impact on
practice / the result or
conclusion. If followed
by another paragraph,
link to new topic.
Sample paragraph 5 – Reflecting on practice
Topic sentence
- what is the
main point of
Transparency is crucial to completing positive work with people
the paragraph?
in social work. Congruence is an imperative aspect of this where the
practitioner and the client have openness within themselves and with
one another to foster trustworthiness (Platt, 2007). Though this can only Critical analysis
Use a study of topic and
happen if there is a genuine desire to be honest with one another. The
as evidence evidence
professional should not hold up a façade and must attend to what the
to support
client is saying by staying in the present and remaining transparent. This
the idea
may seem like a natural concept but was quite difficult to apply when
working with Client A. I did not want to undermine her experience of Connect the
being bullied by her peers by bringing my own personal experiences into evidence to
the forefront. Yet, I thought if I told her she may not feel quite so isolated, your experience
Tie in more which is a common feeling in teenagers with complex lives (Metzing-Blau
theory and and Schnepp, 2008). Ultimately, I began to question almost every piece
elaborate by of work I undertook with Client A, convinced that I would disappoint her
connecting and her mother. Seeking advice on being congruent with clients and Elaborate on next
to your starting daily reflective practice are steps I will now take to improve my step / future
experience practice. impact on
practice / the
result or
conclusion. If
followed by
paragraph, link to
new topic.
Technique Completed Y/N
The paper is written into clear and concise paragraphs with 1 topic per

The paper uses first (for reflection and my experiences) and third person
(for theory) throughout
The paper support points with relevant theory drawn from coursework

Good quality resources and research throughout the paper are used

APA 7th referencing style, both in- text and in the reference list is used
correctly throughout
Formal academic language is consistently used

The writer has answered the assessment task accurately

The paper is easy to read and has a logical flow

The writer has used critical reflection in their paper

The writer has checked the spelling and grammar accurately

Have I remembered everything?

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