Commerce and Accountancy

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Commerce and Accountancy

qrFfGq oan +gr€IRe

Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 200

qqq: I Eit srfuofrq 3[6: zoo

Question paper specific instructions

y{{ q{ d frr frRrE ftfu

i. This paper is divided into two Sections, Section-A and Section-B.

i wqq-, A Ed it furTfud i, {ds-Asii{ {ds-B

ii. Each Section contains four (4) questions.

rd6 ds { qn crr tt

iii. Candidate has to aftempt five questions in all.

cfreflpff oi qis qrit or r+* fuq+ tt

iv. Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE questions
are to be attempted choosing at least ONE question from each Section.
crc *isr r st< s orM t oih lrs c$il t n fr-€t d-r 6r tsdr ft-€rIr t, rcio sis t 96
gsq 6 Ed 6fir tt

v. Word limit in questions, where specified, should be adhered to.

c{=it t {r< frqT, qd fr.Btre B. or or5v<w fu-qr ql{r ilEct

vi. The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it.

r$q qFTqFT + fuc ft-{d r}i6 ss-d smi ftl 'rc t r

vii. Questions are printed in English & Hindi languages. ln case of any ambiguity in
translation of any question, English version shall be treated as final.
rdo q{r tr{ 3ili oiffi fif qrcrsrt d Ecr t r ccii d ergqrq i ftffi erwenr of fuTfr i.
3iffi ss*q of fr s{t{q qFn qr\rfl I

sECrroN A (qEA)
Q.l. Write answers of the following questions in not more than 150 words each.
ffi ka qfr b B-ilr fr Rq r q-&m' u{ 6 r ufi srlQ-+-+q r so srd fr ft fus r

1(a) Illustrate the assumptions in Walter model of dividend.

drqisr&fl-d{xYsf,frqrqdioi6.rqfi6tr 8

lb) Discuss the depreciation method that assumes that an asset should be 8
depreciated more in the earlier years and less in later years ofuse.
qe-6rs u-aft w ruf of m u66 3 6 hd qkiqR sr q-64 b Eff C adDo. siR
Bqfrq b dK il qff fr o+ qsds +{r sGq r

l(c) Discuss how a shutdown point ofa business is determined. 8

s-df 6t fa- ffi q{srq o.r {resrs{ fr-E fr -$ fr Ef ka ft qr qrm ?

l(d) What is most important strategy in Mergers and acquisition 8

fr 'dq qri qlsrcq fr F{S cEdTf wrfift Hr e,
1(e) Illustrate Capital gain. What are different types of Capital Gain. Discuss the 8
conditions when Capital gain is exempted from tax.
(friro on+ or fu*ur of r {frrra eru fr Frx rox qr & s-{ Rtldd [r q-cf of s{

Q.2. Write answers of the following questions

2(a) Write a note on "Indian Financial System". Put your understanding over 10
components of Indian Financial System.
'qrfrq fd-frq qqrd" qt \'6 +e ftrd t r+rrfiq fufrq sunfr 1o u.61 qq .:{q-fr qrg rd r

2(b) What are the potential risks of poor working capital management? 15
strq odrfl-c (sfr qiftr+ b {iqrfud frkc flr Bz
2(c) What are the tax benefits one can get while investing through mutual funds? I5
Are there any special funds where one can invest to avail tax benefits?
qgorq rits &' cltqc fttsT a-G qr frffi +1 qr o-t on+ E-s avoi tz mr qil{
t ffiq
,i;.s t s6i 6t{ 6{ orq qrq 6-{i }. ft q fr tqr 6-r sf,dr ?u

Q,3. Write answers of the following questions.

3(a) What Assumptions Does CoslVolume-Profit (CVP) Analysis Make?
drqil-cl{r-ilq dfrfr) fds&qurHr s{-{qniirndre? 10

30) What are the rules regarding the preparation and presentation ofthe final 15
accounts ofa company?
frrS ffi b GiRq srfr 01 ffi qh u-qft & €dE fr flT Bqc tr
3(c) Describe Income from Profits and Gains from Business Or Profession. 15
efirFrqrit tffirr Brt{ drq enq6r Eofr6t

Q.4. Write answers of the following questions

4(a) Detail out the process of accounting when share is issued on premium. 10
q-q tT{ fifrqq qt qr0 fuqr qrdr d fu s-1 61 sfr 'qI ET fuff n t { 6t
t EDf I

4(b) Detail out various cost concept in accounting. Illustrate precisely. 15

iqi6-{ fr frf$H 6prd orsERU[Gi 6'r ft6R fr s0h Et r s&6. fudur 6t

4(c) Differentiate between interim and final dividend. 18

oiaftc arh rifrqmqi{&'frs rim6t

sECrroN B (q5 B)
Q.5. Write answers of the following questions in not more than 150 words each.
Bsfr Rfd qfr b rfl fr Rg r u-&fi s$ ol tsrR qfuo-aq 1 s0 srd fr fr fu g I

5(a) Why it is important for business enterprises to understand their environment? 8

Discuss "Social Environment" in detail.
qr+qrft -o' B-edf b fr q rtqi qqf -+tur fr] sc-fi r ad cEdfDf Bz "qrqrfu6 qqffl ur q{
fusntqsf 6tr

5(b) Discuss the concept of organizational behaviour. Elaborate the levels in the 8
organisation which is affected with Organizational Behaviour
qrrd-{rffs 6q-{6n o1 sreErusfl w rql sfr r rirrd{ fr B-{ Hfr o.r fu€R sof I et
t d
€rrd{rfl6' q{6R t srrrEd Ae t
5(c) Elucidate the concept oflearning and discuss the type oftraining by 8
elaborating upon the process of training.
ffi t
+1 orEqnun a1 ss of o{ti qRrepr o1 qb'ql q{ ft-RR a-uf ott gv uRrcrur a.
[s'RwTqf 6tt

5(d) Discuss in detain the objective of Industrial Dispute Act in India and discuss 8
the challenges evolved in Industrial dispute in India.
r+rrdfr ffiFr+'ft'dlE qfUFqq}.st{qq-rft'frRtilqf of oir rnwfr gMFro
fuqnfrs-s*Crlhdw+qf otr

5(e) What do you mean by Industrial Relations? What measures you would suggest 8
to improve industrial relations in India.
oidFro €dE ernr wr srgt Bz qrd C ffiFro. ditfi d a-f,d{ c{ri t. frg enq wr
Q.6. Write answers of the following questions
6(a) Is organization design the right solution for the business? Discuss 10
flr rirroT Bqr{{ qsslq & lds FS smEn tu q-qf or+

60) What are motivational Theories. Discuss different tlpes of motivational 15

theories in brief.
i'ro fuaia wr tu fr f rrx u-6 R t }rf, ft t<id al ri&q fr s-qf 6t t

6(c) Discuss in detail the concept of360o Performance Appraisal 15

360' frqrfi Sqrm,-{ ol ereERulr w ftrsR Tsf t 6t

Q.7. Write answers of the following questions

ffifuoqfr+ B-flfrfust

7(a) What is understood by formal and informal organizations? Examine their 10

relative advantages and disadvantages in organizational functioning.
gMco qrti orMw grrcfr t ror aro{ ftz qq-6qrffm orf,fi.M fr 3-q} q0q{ qlqe
eilr 1o-vr< al uiu ot. eMro rni orffiro drrdfr t ilr drfl{ tz €,racrffo
orr+rq fr t-cb srqq mrqi oir fo'sn o1 qiq oi
7(b) What is the nature and types of conflicts in organizations? Why do conflicts 15

arise in organizations?
ffi ffi ffi
fr al vtt u-on wr tu rirrafr fr eosrd s-m di 3z d
'7 (c) Discuss workers participation in management. What are different levels of l5
workers participation
miffi fr s{ffif a1 rnzffi w {qf 6t r xMI o1 r+rrffi & fr ltrx wt ql tt
Q.8. Write answers of the following questions
8(a) Discuss in detail different types ofgoals within an organizational l0
frrfr drrin & ftdr frftrx q-6R & ssfr w fr'ffR t ?-d 6t
S(b) Explain "Power". Elaborate upon Bases of Power' 15
'{rfu ' ol qsgr{t r srfr }. 3fi Erd w f+sn t +qf of t

8(c) Elaborate your Understanding upon "Transactional Analysis" and explain the 15

Purpose and stages of Transactional Analysis

'd-<-tc ffiqur q-{ o{qfi ec-{ 01frqd 6i 3?R fu-t{ fr{dqo] t. tst{q 3ttt woil fr1

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