Fift Sem

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Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University

University Campus, Aurangabad-431004, Maharashtra(India), Recognized by UGC U/s
2(f) and 12(B), NAAC Reaccredited with 'A' Grade
Statement of Marks for Faculty of Science T.Y.B.Sc. (Fifth Semester)
Examination: Oct/Nov-2023
Mother Name: RAJSHRI
PRN: 2021015200764342 Seat Number: NAE560387
College: Shri. Chattrapati Shivaji College,Omerga (56)
Exam Center: 605 Exam Venue Code: 57
Paper Paper Name AM UA CA Total Sts Rmk
Code Max Min Obt Max Min Obt Max Min Obt
CHEM- Chemistry-XIII TH 50 20 22 -- -- -- 50 -- 22 P E,C
CHEM- Chemistry-XIV TH 50 20 25 -- -- -- 50 -- 25 P E,C
CS-10-13 Computer Science-XV TH 50 20 30 -- -- -- 50 -- 30 P E,C
CS-11-13 Computer Science- TH 50 20 29 -- -- -- 50 -- 29 P E,C
PHY-10- Physics-XV TH 50 20 30 -- -- -- 50 -- 30 P E,C
PHY-11- Physics-XVI TH 50 20 29 -- -- -- 50 -- 29 P E,C
First Semester(Seat No: NAA176141) Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2021 400 330 P
Second Semester(Seat No: NAB253001) Exam Event: Apr/May- 700 434 P
Third Semester(Seat No: *NAC358318) Exam Event: Apr/May- 400 223 P
Fourth Semester(Seat No: NAD458630) Exam Event: Apr/May- 1000 627 P
Grand Total: 165 out of 300 (One Hundred and Sixty Five) Ordinance: Not applied
Result: Pass Class: -- Percentage: 55.00 %
Abbreviations: CA: College Assessment, UA: University Assessment, AM: Assessment Method,
Sts: Result Status, Rmk: Remark/s, P: Pass, F: Fail, AB: Absent, RR: Result Reserved, X: Past
Appearance, E: Exempted, T/ATKT: Allowed To Keep Term, M: Performance cancelled, D:
Detained, PNO: Paper Not Opted, EHB: Explicitly Hold Back, NP: No Punishment, £: Exemption
claimed and approved, N: Not Exempted, C: Current Appearance, SPH: Special Passing Head,
#:Additional Credits-Honors/Minor
Result Declared On: 31 Jan 2024


1) These marks/Grades and result information is purely a ‘Provisional Statement of Marks/

2)This Provisional statement shall not be used for any other purpose other than admission,
filling exam forms and redressal procedure.

3)Concerned Faculty/College admitting the student must verify the true state of this Provisional
Result from http://localhost/.

4)In case of any query, please contact university authorities for further clarifications.

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