New Chapter 3
New Chapter 3
New Chapter 3
S.Y. 2024-2025
Joven Cagape, Genevieve Alagon, Jhannel Aleria, Joel Andre Timba, Jullian Tac-
Aj giunsod
Chapter 3
Research Methodology
This chapter presents the study’s setting, the research design, sample and sampling
design, data gathering procedure, research instruments used, and the statistical techniques.
Research Design
In this study, the researcher employed Causal Research Design. Casual studies may be
Y. This type of research is used to measure what impact a specific change will have on existing
norms and assumptions, it will also help researchers understand why the world works the way it
does through the process of proving a causal link between variables and eliminating other
possibilities. The researchers believed that this design is suitable for the present study since this
design allowed the researchers to gather information that was purely accurate and unbiased.
Research Setting
The researchers will conduct the study at PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College, one of the
private non-sectarian schools. The school is located at Max Suniel St, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro,
Management and Accountancy courses in PHINMA COC Main Campus of Misamis Oriental in
The sampling technique that will be used is the Census Sampling Technique. In this
technique researchers will collect data from every member of the school population rather than
selecting a subset or sample. This approach is typically used when the population size is
manageable and the researcher aims to obtain a complete and accurate picture of the population.
Since the data includes every individual, the results are generally more accurate and free from
sampling errors. Census sampling can be more costly and time-consuming compared to sampling
methods due to the need to contact and collect data from every member of the population. The
target respondents will be the students currently enrolled in Management and Accountancy
courses, since researchers believe that accounting students are suitable candidates to assess the
variables impacting their academic success. Also, it may be more practical for the researcher to
reach out to a certain group of students, like accounting students, as this would enable a more
The researchers will propose a letter of approval to the CMA Department Head before
conducting the said survey. In subsequent to the letter, a pre survey will follow towards the target
student who are currently enrolled in the Management and Accountancy program. In collection
of data, the researchers will be utilizing survey questionnaires. The questionnaire is intended to
collect data about how resilience they are towards their academic success. These questionnaires
Scoring Guideline
The researchers will use the Microsoft Excel to transfer all data gathered from the
responses provided by the accounting students. Scoring data involves the research assigned
Dear Respondents,
I hope this letter finds you well. We are 3 rd year BS in Management Accounting students
who are currently enrolled in ACC116 – The Accounting Research Methods. We conducting a
research study entitled Resilience of Accounting Students towards Their Academic Success
and I am writing to invite you to participate in this important study. The purpose of this
research is to explore the factors that contribute to the resilience of accounting students and
how this resilience impacts their academic success. Understanding these factors can help
educators and institutions develop better support systems to enhance student outcomes. Your
participation would involve completing a survey, participating in an interview, or both which
should take approximate time. The survey will include questions about your experiences,
challenges, and strategies you use to overcome academic difficulties. Your insights will be
invaluable in understanding the resilience mechanisms among accounting students. Please be
assured that your participation is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw from the study at
any time without any consequences. The information you provide will be kept strictly
confidential and will be used solely for academic purposes. No personally identifiable
information will be disclosed in any reports or publications resulting from this study. By
participating in this study, you will contribute to a greater understanding of the resilience
factors that support academic success in accounting students. This research could potentially
lead to improved educational practices and support services for students facing similar
challenges. Thank you for considering this invitation. I am looking forward to your valuable
contribution to this research.
Warm regards
Introduction: Thank you for participating in this survey. The purpose of this research is to
understand the resilience of accountancy undergraduate students in facing academic and personal
challenges. Your responses will be kept confidential and will contribute to enhancing support
o Female
o Non-binary/Third gender
o Under 18
o 18-21
o 22-25
o Over 25
3. Year of Study:
o First Year
o Second Year
o Third Year
o Fourth Year
4. Course:
o BS Accountancy
o BS Management Accounting
Section 2: Resilience
2. I trust my problem-solving
skills in difficult academic
6. I feel supported by my
professors and academic
9. I am able to manage my
emotions effectively when
dealing with academic pressure.
4. I am confident in my ability to
understand complex
accountancy concepts.
o (3) Agree
o (2) Disagree
o (3) Agree
o (2) Disagree
o (3) Agree
o (2) Disagree
o (1) Strongly Disagree
o (3) Agree
o (2) Disagree
o (3) Agree
o (2) Disagree
o (3) Agree
o (2) Disagree
o (3) Agree
o (2) Disagree
o (1) Strongly Disagree
o (3) Agree
o (2) Disagree
o (3) Agree
o (2) Disagree
10. I ensure I get enough sleep to stay focused and alert during my studies.
o (3) Agree
o (2) Disagree
o (3) Agree
o (2) Disagree
12. I have strategies to cope with the pressure of exams and deadlines
o (3) Agree
o (2) Disagree
Thank you for your time and valuable insights. Your feedback is crucial in understanding
the factors that contribute to the academic success of accountancy undergraduate students.
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