OrdinationExaminationPart3 (1) (1) ... BCO ChurchGovernment

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Study Material for licensure and ordination

candidates in the North Texas Presbytery

North Texas Presbytery

Theological Exam Committee

Section 3: Book of Church Order

1. What is the significance of insisting that Christ is the only King and Head
of the Church?
It is significant because it means that the church is obligated to obey His rule and
fulfill the offices He has mandated as it mediately exercises His authority and
enforces His laws. The church is not to be governed by the rules or institutions of

2. What one word best describes our form of government? What does that
word mean?
Presbyterian / representative

3. What scriptural warrant is there for our form of government? Discuss our
form of government in relation to congregationalism and hierarchicalism.
The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor,
especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. (I Timothy 5:17 NIV)
And there are other passages including the many times “elders” are mentioned
in Acts starting at chapter 11. In that passage, elders and apostles side by side
play important roles in making determinations for the early church. Acts 15 and
the Jerusalem council are composed of both elders and apostles.

4. What do we mean when we speak of the “visible church?”

The visible church consists of all those who have a made a profession of faith in
Jesus Christ along with their children.

5. Explain how Presbyterian government is necessary for the visible church’s

perfection but not essential to its existence.
It is necessary to the perfection of its order that is discipline and jurisdiction
because it is the Scriptural form of government mandated by Scripture. It is not
essential to the church’s existence because the church would still exist even if the
form of government were congregational or Episcopalian.

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Study Material for licensure and ordination
candidates in the North Texas Presbytery

6. What are the sole functions of the Church as a spiritual kingdom and
Being distinct from civil government, it is to proclaim, to administer and to
enforce the law of Christ as revealed in the Scripture.

7. What makes up the constitution of the Presbyterian Church?

The doctrinal standards set forth in the Westminster Confession of Faith along
with Shorter and Larger Catechisms and the Book of church Order.

8. Identify the courts of the Presbyterian Church.


When it is in conformity with the statutes enacted by Christ and when put forth
by courts or officers appointed there unto in His Word.

10. For what has Christ ordained the agency of the Church along with its
ordinances, officers and courts?
For the edification and government of His people, for the propagation of the faith
and the evangelization of the world.

11. What constitutes a particular church?

A number of professing Christians, with their children, associated together for
divine worship and godly living, agreeable to the Scriptures and submitting to
the lawful government of Christ’s kingdom.

12. What make a “mission church” different than a particularized church?

It lacks a governing body.

13. Who is responsible for exercise of ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the local

The Session, made up of pastors and ruling elders

14. What are some of the ordinances established by Christ in His Church?
Prayer; singing praises; reading, expounding and preaching the Word of God;
administering the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; public solemn
fasting and thanksgiving; catechizing; making offerings for the poor and other
pious uses; exercising discipline; taking solemn vows and ordination to sacred

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candidates in the North Texas Presbytery

15. Who ordinarily has responsibility for the organization of a particular

Presbytery, however the General Assembly may also organize a particular

16. List some of the duties of the presbytery.

To receive under care candidates for ministry, and to receive, dismiss, ordain,
install, judge and remove ministers; to review Session records and redress error;
to establish and dissolve pastoral relations; to set apart evangelists, to condemn
erroneous opinions which injure the purity or peace of the church; to devise
measures for the enlargement of the church within its bounds

17. Whose responsibility is it to exercise government and discipline and take

spiritual oversight of the church?

18. List some of the duties of the session.

Maintain the spiritual government of the church by: caring for the conduct of the
church; examining, ordaining and installing elders and deacons; approving
actions concerning church property, calling congregational meetings, to establish
and control educational groups in the church such as Sunday schools, Men’s
groups; to exercise in accordance with the Directory of Worship care over Word
and Sacrament; to promote the spiritual interests of the congregation; to carry
out lawful injunctions

19. Who is particularly responsible for the "ministry of sympathy and service,"
especially receiving and administering the offerings of the people?

20. List some of the duties of the Diaconate.

To care for the friendless, the sick and the distressed; to develop the grace of
liberality among church members; collect the gifts of the congregation; to care for
the property of the church

21. Who elects the pastor and church officers?


22. Who ordinarily ordains Ruling Elders and Deacons?


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Study Material for licensure and ordination
candidates in the North Texas Presbytery

23. Who ordains Teaching Elders?


24. Who calls congregational meetings?


25. Who calls meetings of the Session other than stated meetings?
The Pastor at his own initiative or at the request of two or more elders and or the

26. Who is the moderator of Session and Congregational meetings?

The Pastor or an elected member of the Session in his absence or another minister
from the Presbytery if it is prudential to do so.

27. What is a quorum for congregational meetings?

¼ of resident members if less than 100 or 1/6 if larger than 100

28. What are the provisions stipulated by the BCO for the ownership of church
All congregations are entitled to hold and enjoy property without the right of
reversion whatsoever to their presbytery, even if they withdraw from the PCA

29. How much public notice is required for congregational meetings?

At least One week

30. What two kinds of church members are there?

Communing and non-communing

31. In what three ways does the Presbyterian Church receive new members?
Baptism, letters of dismissal, reaffirmation of faith

32. Who receives members into a church and dismisses them to other
churches? Session

33. Who appoints the church treasurer?


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candidates in the North Texas Presbytery

34. Which has the most authority in the church - the Teaching Elder or the
Ruling Elder?
Same authority, though a distinction is sometimes viewed because of the nature
of the public ministry of a teaching elder

35. How often must the following groups meet:

a) Deacons? At least once a quarter or at the call of the Session
b) Session? At least quarterly, or at the call of the Presbytery or Pastor
c) Presbytery? At least twice a year or at the call of the General Assembly
d) General Assembly? At least annually

36. Who elects commissioners to General Assembly?

Session out of the ruling elders of the session

37. List some of the duties of the General Assembly.

Receive and settle appeals, and complaints from lower courts; to give its advice
and instruction; to review the records of the Presbyteries; to enlarge the church;
create new Presbyteries; to suppress schism; to receive other ecclesiastical bodies;
to superintend the whole church

38. May someone who is not an elder represent the church at General

39. Are church courts composed exclusively of elders?


40. Of what three basic things does a call to church office consist? (In what
three ways does God's Spirit call a man to be a church officer)
a) Inward testimony of a good conscience
b) Manifest approbation of God’s people
c) Concurring judgment of a lawful court of the church

41. Describe briefly the procedure for electing ruling elders and deacons.
a) At least one month prior to installation, the congregation may make
nominations of qualified candidates
b) He shall be examined in: experience, doctrine, duties and willingness
c) Session will examine the candidates and report back to the congregation

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Study Material for licensure and ordination
candidates in the North Texas Presbytery

d) One fourth of the congregation being present, they shall vote on the
candidates approved by the Session. Majority needed for approval.

42. What do church officers promise about their beliefs concerning the Bible?
That they hold the Bible to be inerrant in the autographs

43. If a Ruling Elder or Deacon finds himself out of accord with the
fundamentals of the system of doctrine taught in the Westminster
Standards, what must he do?
He must report it to the Session

44. How may the Book of Church Order be amended?

a) Approval of amendment by majority of General Assembly
b) Advice and consent (2/3) of Presbyteries
c) Approval by majority of subsequent General Assembly

45. How may the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Catechisms be
a) Approval of (3/4) of General Assembly
b) Approval by (3/4) of Presbyteries
c) Approval by (3/4) of subsequent General Assembly

46. May the office of elder or deacon be laid aside at the officer's pleasure?

47. Does an elder or deacon who is released from the active duties of office
cease to be an elder or a deacon?

48. In what four ways may the proceedings of a lower court come under the
supervision of a higher court?
a) Review and Control
b) Reference
c) Appeal
d) Complaint

49. What are the four censures, which may be inflicted by the Church courts?
Define each of the four censures?
a) Censure of Admonition

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candidates in the North Texas Presbytery

b) Censure of Suspension
c) Censure of Excommunication
d) Censure of Deposition

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