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ê á t t la n tj l ù i ì t à p e h ữ a l ỗ i i a ì t i i n ạ c/ hth

4. Because their financial problems; they couldn’t send their children to

better school.
5. He still went swimming despite of the heavy rain.
6. He learnt to play the guitar since he was a small boy.
7. His father said if he is free at weekends, he would go fishing with me.
8. The friend to who I want to introduce you is away this weekend.
9. Mary told to her friends what she would never walk alone in the forest
after dark
10. She refused to tell us why was she absent yesterday.
11 .1 don’t have many money as the other students.
12. It was nice o f him to let me to boưovv money.
13. A number of large insurance companies have its headquarter in
14. There are thousand o f different types of roses.
15. Most of us does not realize how much the car has influenced our
16. They did not meet each other since they left school more than five years
17. The Sun is so bright to look at directly.
18. A person must be at least thirty years age in order to serve as a senator.
19. The most small vessel in the circulatory system are capillaries.
20. The most important period o f physical growth in human occurred during
their first two years.
21. The first bicycle race on record in the United States taken place in 1883.
22. How long are you a member of the tennis club?
23. As a young man, George Washington liked boating, to hunt, and fishing.
24. Computers are often used to control, adjust and correct complex
industrial operation.
25. Modem motorcycles are lighter, faster and specialized than motorcycles
of twenty-five-years ago.

26. The Sahara desert in Africa is by far the most large desert in the world,
covering an area nearly as big as the United States.
27. Pork provides people with important nutrients which they need them.
28. Many people has complained about the polluted river.
29. If Kennedy would have lived a little longer, he would have won the
30. Neil Armstrong was the first person set food on the moon.
31. He slept soundly in his bed when the bomb went off.
32. My parents don’t allow me staying out after 10 p.m.
33. The secretary has done many mistakes in typing the letter for her boss.
34. The new hotel they are building is twice larger than the one on the main
35. He practices English every day in order to he can speak to foreigners.
36. Do you think taking care o f children are a heavy duty?
37. It was so a hot day that we wanted to stay at home.
38. He must retyping the report before she hands it to the manager.
39. Does her hair need to be cutting?
40. A large number o f the students in this school speaks English fluently.
41. The streets were crowded in people during the festival.
42. The girl who father is a famous lecture is my close friend.
43. After having wrote the letter, she went to the post office.
44. He is one of the best student in our school.
45. There were terrible news about the storm on television last night.
46.1 am going to have my car repair next month.
47. The United Nations play an important role in preserving the world
48. If you work hard, you would be successful in anything that you do.
49. There are some interesting foreign students stay in with our family.

Chia sẻ miễn phí tại thichtienganh.com 15

50. Jack London, that was a famous American writer, wrote many great
51. Those French teachers are the most interested teachers we have ever
known and talked to.
52. Lot of students want to study but they do not have enough money.
5 3 .1 would like to recommend this book to anyone who like animals.
54. A lot of football fans is gathering in front o f the stadium.
55. What are the differences between women in old times with women in
modem times?
56. She often spends a lot of money on shopping at weekends.
57. Connecticut together with the other New England states are dotted with
many little lakes.
58. Do you think that poor teenagers have a lot problems?
59. As everyone knows that he is really a good football player.
60. She always wishes she knew using a personal computer.
61. He said that he had been knowing her for three years.
6 2 .1 don't know where was our English teacher bom
63. We appreciate to have had the opportunity to work for the voluntary
64. Betty is one of the women who is responsible for organizing the outin.
65. Having finished the assignment in time, it was sent to the supervisor.
66. Not only the athlete but also his wife are going to the party tonight.
67. She talked about Egypt as if she has been there.
6 8 .1 passed my exam last summer, but my friend has just failed her
69. She is believing everything her son told her.
70. The more I got to know them, the fewer I liked them.
71. Philosophy, the inquiry into the nature of human knowledge it is still a very
popular subject among university students.
72. When an university formulates new regulations, it must relay its
decision to the students and faculty.

73.1 am angry because you didn't tell me the truth, I don't like having
74. Water that has had the minerals removed called "soft" water.
75. My sister told me that her boyfriend wasn't liking football matches on
76. These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time.
77. After she had bought himself a new car, she sold her bicycle.
78. Jackie, who isn't speaking French, wants to study it at the Adult Center.
79. The idea of to study abroad is attractive to many students.
80. After having dinner in that restaurant last night, I felt badly and my wife
had to take me to the hospital.
81. Robert spent three sleepless nights to try to solve the problem
82. John's get a pay rise will make him happy.
83. Most presidential candidates have their names print on the ballot in the
New Hampshire primary election.
84. In present-day buiness entrepreneurs are taken fewer risks than their
predecessors a century ago.
85. The brothers Grimm intended their fairy tales to be studied by scholars
of German literature and not to enjoy as simple stories by children.
86. The American frontierman, politician, and soldier Davy Crockett is one
of the most popular of American hero.
87. Three months after they have been laid, crocodile eggs are ready hatched.
88. A dolphin locates underwater objects in its path by doing a series of
clicking and whistling sounds.
89. A desert area that has been without water for 6 years will still bloom
when rain will come.
90. While both are members of the citrus family, the lemon is different from
the grapefruit in that it is smaller and bitter.
91. The term "ground" refers to an electrical conductor that completes an
electrical circuit by connection to earth.


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