PNS BAFS 271-2019-Final Draft GAHP For Ducks

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ICS 65.020.30


Code of Good Animal Husbandry
Practice (GAHP) for Ducks



BPI Compound Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines
Trunkline: (632) 928-8741 to 64 loc. 3301-3319
E-mail: [email protected]


BPI Compound Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines

Foreword ................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope .................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references .......................................................................................... 1
3 Objective .............................................................................................................. 1
4 Terms and definitions .......................................................................................... 1
5 Minimum requirements ........................................................................................ 3
5.1 Species of ducks ........................................................................................... 3
5.2 Farm components ......................................................................................... 3
5.2.1 Farm location / Site selection ...................................................................... 3
5.2.2 Site history .............................................................................................. 5
5.2.3 Farm layout............................................................................................. 5
5.2.4 Animal housing ....................................................................................... 5
5.2.5 Storage facilities ..................................................................................... 8
5.2.6 Holding pen for culled ducks................................................................... 8
5.3 Feed, veterinary inputs, and drinking water .................................................. 8
5.3.1 Feeds and veterinary inputs ................................................................... 8
5.3.2 List of banned chemicals and veterinary products .................................. 9
5.3.3 Drinking water quality and treatment of water......................................... 9
5.4 Farm management ...................................................................................... 10
5.4.1 Farm Manual ........................................................................................ 10
5.4.2 Farm operators and workers/farm personnel ........................................ 10
5.4.3 Competency ......................................................................................... 11
5.4.4 Hygiene and sanitation ......................................................................... 11
5.5 Duck health management ........................................................................... 13
5.5.1 Introduction of new stock ...................................................................... 13
5.5.2 Surveillance and control of diseases .................................................... 14
5.5.3 Bio-security measures .......................................................................... 14
5.5.4 Laboratory testing ................................................................................. 15
5.5.5 Protocols when disease is suspended .................................................. 15
5.5.6 Prevention and treatment ..................................................................... 15
5.5.7 Animal welfare ...................................................................................... 16
5.6 Transport and storage ................................................................................. 17

5.7 Record keeping ........................................................................................... 19
5.8 Egg management ........................................................................................ 19
5.8.1 Egg sorting, grading and packing ......................................................... 19
5.8.2 Cleaning ............................................................................................... 20
5.8.3 Washing, disinfection and drying .......................................................... 20
5.8.4 In-shell treatment .................................................................................. 20
5.8.5 Egg collection, handling, storage and transport of eggs ....................... 21
5.8.6 Egg for balut production........................................................................ 21
5.9 Review and evaluation of practices ............................................................. 21


The Philippine National Standard (PNS) Code of Good Animal Husbandry Practice
(GAHP) for Ducks has been prepared by the Technical Working Group (TWG) for
GAHP for Ducks as per Department of Agriculture Special Order No. 567 series of
2017 and approved by the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture.

The main objective of this code is to ensure that the farms’ farming practices shall
provide consumers with products that are safe and fit for distribution and/or human
consumption. It shall also ensure safety and comfort to farm workers and animals
without any degradation to the environment.

Any development of industry’s specific requirements for duck production system

should satisfy the minimum requirements set out in this Code.

This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC
Directives, Part 2.

Code of Good Animal Husbandry Practice for Ducks

1 Scope
This code sets out the general principles of good practice and minimum
requirements for the production, handling, transportation and storage of ducks and
its products within the farm, in the commercial or backyard rearing/farming of broiler
and layer ducks for food use. Industry specific requirements for the different types of
ducks and different types of production system may be developed provided that it
satisfies the minimum requirements set out in this Code.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of
their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only
the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

ASEAN Biosecurity Management Manual for Commercial Poultry Farming

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Guide to Good Farming Practices for
Animal Production Food Safety. 2010. Rome.

Philippine National Standard (PNS) Code of Hygienic Practice for Table Eggs.

3 Objective
The purpose of this Code is to ensure that the farming practices of the establishment
provide greater confidence in consumers’ expectations that the final products are
safe and fit for human consumption, while improving farmers’ viability, ensuring
health safety and comfort to both the farm workers and ducks, and sustaining the
least damage to the environment.

4 Terms and definitions

For the purpose of this Code, the definitions specified in the documents of the Codex
Alimentarius shall apply. Other relevant definitions are as follows:

abnormal behavior
any changes developed as a response to poor or wrong management practice
causing stress to the ducks

that which has been permitted by the competent authority

backyard farm
any farm or household raising at least one head of animal or bird and does not
qualify as a commercial farm
PNS/BAFS 271:2019

commercial duck farm
any farm which, for poultry ducks, satisfies at least one of the following conditions: a)
500 layers or 1,000 broilers, or b) 100 layers and 100 broilers if raised in combination

competent authority
an entity/agency who has the knowledge, expertise and authority as designated by

culled animals
undesirable animals eliminated from the herd or flock; these include non-performers,
old, injured ducks and animals that did not meet breeding preferences

farm owner
legal or judicial entity who is responsible for the management and general operation
of the farm; the term may be used interchangeably

farm worker
personnel responsible for the rearing of ducks / persons engaged by the business on
a full time, part-time or casual basis

foot wear
outer coverings for the feet, such as shoes or boots that protect the wearer and can
be disinfected to prevent the spread of infection

good health status
free from illness, injury or pain

portable drinking water
drinking water that is free from diseases producing organisms and chemical
substances deleterious to health

protected clothing
clothing especially designed, fabricated, or treated to protect personnel against
contamination and dangerous working conditions

qualified laboratories
laboratories that are registered with the competent authority
PNS/BAFS 271:2019

daily feed/diet of the ducks

the act of raising of ducks. The term is used interchangeably with farming throughout
the text

any means of transporting ducks, including but not limited to trucks, tractors, trailers,
trains, ferries, ships and aircrafts

5 Minimum requirements

5.1 Species of ducks

The following duck species shall be considered:

a. Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) – is the largest and the most abundant duck
in the world. They can be larger than normal or much smaller, darker or
lighter, all white or all black. Male has a curled feather on the back.

b. Muscovy (Cairina moschata) – are wild tropical duck species native to

Mexico as well as Central and South Americas. The most obvious character
of Muscovy is the red facial skin. There are two subspecies of this species: a.)
Cairina moschata sylvestris (wild subspecies), commonly known as pato real
(Spanish) or royal duck and b.) Cairina moschata domestica (domestic
subspecies) commonly known as pato criollo (Spanish) or creolo duck. In the
Philippines, known as bibe.

c. Pekin ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) – originated from China. It is

a white duck of medium size, more upstanding in type than the Aylesbury, an
excellent market bird and noted for its vigor and hardiness. The purebred
Pekin is used on commercial duck farms for meat production.

5.2 Farm components

5.2.1 Farm location / Site selection

The farm should:

i. Be within the approved land use plan of the local government and should be
compliant with national regulations, e.g. DENR, etc., and other regulatory bodies.

ii. Have a continuous supply of adequate power, potable drinking water and good
access road.
PNS/BAFS 271:2019

iii. Not be prone to flooding. Perimeter canals that drain to a closed lagoon may be
constructed to prevent runoff from contaminating bodies of water and/or adjacent

iv. Not be near slaughterhouse facilities and other facilities such as dressing plants
and processing plants. –specific distance – no reference for specific distance

v. Not be on a site that could be a possible source of physical, chemical and

microbiological hazards.

vi. Existing farms that are not in compliance with numbers i to vi should have full
control of the risks and ensure that there are mitigation measures in place.

vii.Be accessible to major facilities of production (i.e. feed mill, water system).

5.2.2 Site history

If there is available data/information from relevant government agencies or

organizations on the prior land use, then it should be used to establish that the site is
not a possible source of physical, chemical and microbiological hazards. However,
when these data are not available and uncertainty exists as to the suitability of the
land for agricultural use, it is recommended to have the soil analyzed for heavy metal
contamination, etc.

5.2.3 Farm layout

The farm should:

i. Have a suitable area set aside for storage of feed, carcass disposal, waste
management, workers area including toilets and washrooms.

ii. Have a design that incorporates ventilation and ease of cleaning.

iii. Have buildings and perimeter fences constructed to prevent contact between farm
animals and potential disease carriers such as wild animals and stray animals like
game fowls and pets.

iv. Electrical conduits should be properly installed and covered to prevent possible

v. Layout and emergency procedures shall be placed in the most conspicuous place.

5.2.4 Animal housing Indoor management (Housing and equipment)

i. precautions must be taken to secure the site and buildings at all times in order to
protect the health and welfare of the ducks.
PNS/BAFS 271:2019

ii. duck sheds must be designed, constructed and maintained to:

 Provide insulation, ventilation, heating, lighting, sanitation and hygiene
 Allow ready access for handling and inspection of the ducks;
 Have sufficient height, width and space and entrance size to allow for
catching methods that minimize stress on the ducks; and
 Allow the distribution of ducks in the shed to be controlled to keep ducklings
within the heated area and prevent crowding of older ducks.

iii. all surfaces in the duck sheds and enclosures must be designed, constructed
and maintained to:
 Minimize the risk of injury and disease to the ducks; and
 facilitate cleaning and disinfection of the shed surfaces.

iv. all equipment used for rearing the ducks must be inspected as necessary to
ensure correct operational functions, and if required appropriate remedial action
must be undertaken.

v. the duck sheds must be subject to control plan of predators (e.g. wild birds,

i. all duck sheds must be sited to minimize risks of natural and environmental
hazards, such as storm water drainage, extreme winds, and to allow for
appropriate management of dust.

ii. controlled environment housing must have systems that warn of power failure
and/or significant temperature variance. Outdoor management (Shelter for ducks raised outdoors)

i. all ducks must have access to shelter from adverse weather that is likely to
cause heat stress, and to reduce the risk of predation.

ii. shed openings provided for ducks to access an outside area must be wide
enough to enable them to freely move to and from the outdoors at all times
without the risk of smothering or injury.

iii. where access to outside areas is provided it must be managed to prevent the
development around the housing of muddy, dusty or contaminated conditions to
an extent that could be harmful to the ducks’ health.

iv. precautions must be taken to protect ducks from pests, including predators. Open water facilities

i. all open water facilities must be:

 fit for the purpose;

PNS/BAFS 271:2019

 constructed from a material that is not likely to harm the ducks, for example,
by breaking or forming rough or sharp edges;
 designed and managed so as not to cause harm to the ducks;
 presented in a good state of repair;
 designed to minimize water spillage; and

ii. open water facilities must be designed and managed to ensure all ducks can
freely and fully submerge their whole body in the water, and take water up by
the bill, when standing around the outside of the facility.

iii. ducks must have access to open water facilities that allow full body access as
early as possible and, in any case, from no later than 21 days of age.

iv. From day old, the open water facilities must allow water to cover the head fully
and be taken up by the bill so the duck can shake water over its body without
difficulty and, in any case, have:

 a water channel width of at least 30.5 cm, and

 a water depth of at least 15.4 cm.

v. where necessary, for facilities that allow full body access, ramps can be placed
within the facility to help young ducks to exit the water. Where used, such
ramps must:

 only be provided where the ducks have difficulty exiting the water facility. This
is likely to depend on the flock and must therefore not be provided routinely.
 Be removed at no later than 28 days of age.

vi. open water facilities that permit full body access must:

 Ensure that any ball cocks are covered, to prevent ducks from becoming
stuck under them.
 Ensure that any ball cocks are mounted at the side of the facility only.
 With the exception of any ball cock, allow the ducks to use the whole area of
the facility unhindered.
 Be designed and managed to enable the ducks to enter and exit the water
freely and easily.

vii. the height of open water facilities that permit full body access must not hinder
the ability of ducks to freely and easily enter the water.

viii. when ducks are provided with open water facilities that permit full body access,
bell drinkers and/or nipple drinkers must also be provided to supply a separate
source of drinking water.

ix. open water facilities that allow ducks full body access must be emptied and
cleaned regularly.

PNS/BAFS 271:2019

5.2.5 Storage facilities

i. The farm should have facilities for proper storage.

ii. The storage facilities should be kept clean at all time.

iii. The storage facilities should have adequate ventilation, adequate protection
from moisture and should be vermin proof.

iv. If applicable, storage facility for feeds and eggs should practice First in, First
out rule.

5.2.6 Holding pen for culled ducks

i. Sufficient pens and floor space should be provided to prevent overcrowding

and permit necessary segregation of ducks.

ii. The holding pen should be constructed in such a way that it will adequately
protect the ducks from adverse weather conditions and will provide sufficient

iii. The holding pen should have proper facilities for ducks to feed and drink.

5.3 Feed, veterinary inputs, and drinking water

5.3.1 Feeds and veterinary inputs

i. The farm operator should provide the ducks with adequate, safe and clean
feed and that would allow them to meet their optimum nutrition level.

ii. The farm operator should provide a daily feeding schedule or routine.

iii. Owners or managers of ducks should acquire feed from suppliers who follow
recognized good manufacturing practices and/or good hygiene practices and
that meet quality and standards set by the country regulations or government
directives, e.g. Animal Feeds, Veterinary Drugs, and Biologics Control Division
(AFVDBCD) of the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI).

iv. Where on-farm manufacture of feeds is practiced, procedures designed to

minimize contamination and prevent the inclusion of undesirable feed
components should be followed. Farm operators should only use ingredients
from authorized and traceable suppliers. Records of purchases should be
kept. Where necessary, an expert assistance should be sought.

v. The feed mixing equipment should be kept clean at all times and have regular
preventive maintenance schedule.
PNS/BAFS 271:2019

vi. The feed chain (transport, storage, and feeding) should be managed in such a
way as to protect feed from contamination (biological, chemical, and physical
hazards) and minimize deterioration.

vii. Feeds and veterinary inputs should be used in accordance with label
instructions, paying special attention to the withdrawal period of each specific
drug being administered before the ducks and/or eggs are sent to market.

viii. Feeds and veterinary inputs should be kept in a designated area under good

ix. The farm should record and keep documents, these include but is not limited to
the following:
 supplier or source of feed concentrate and its registration number;
 type of feed and supplements;
 quantity;
 declaration of ingredients;
 document of feed analysis;
 date of delivery; and
 date of manufacturing and batch number

5.3.2 List of banned chemicals and veterinary products

i. The farm should have a list of veterinary products registered/approved by the

competent authority available for viewing.

ii. The farm should have a list of chemicals that are regulated and banned by the
competent authority available for viewing.

iii. Feeds should not contain banned ingredients, chemicals and veterinary drugs,
including those disallowed by the authorities of importing countries.

5.3.3 Drinking water quality and treatment of water

i. Potable drinking water should be used.

ii. Ensure that only drinking water of known and acceptable biological and
mineralogical quality (i.e. fit for duck consumption) is used for watering stock.
The water should pass through a storage facility for at least 24 hrs. to let the
heavy metals settle. (e.g. chlorine should be stored for 24 hrs. before

iii. Non-potable drinking water should be treated to comply with standards.

iv. The water sanitizing system is checked regularly and at least once for every
batch of ducks.
PNS/BAFS 271:2019

v. Water treatment systems are checked daily and the appropriate parameters are
recorded. Record sheet is retained with batch records at end of batch.

vi. Treated water may be used for drinking water for ducks cooling systems and
shed wash downs.

vii. Pathogen levels should be checked regularly (E. coli and faecal coliforms as
indicators of efficacy of sanitation).

viii. ASEAN Biosecurity Management Manual for Commercial Poultry Farming may
be used when it is applicable.

5.4 Farm management

5.4.1 Farm Manual

i. The farm should have a policy statement that covers commitment and
emergency procedures.

ii. A farm management system should be documented and available for


iii. The farm should have an organizational chart.

5.4.2 Farm operators and workers/farm personnel

i. The farm owner should conform to existing animal farming legislation. This
covers the management of environment issues, farm location, animal welfare
requirements, disease control, production of wholesome food and occupational
hazard associated with animal farming.

ii. The farm owner should observe the International Labor Organization (ILO)
Conventions and Recommendations on Child Labor.

iii. The farm owner should ensure that all farm operators and farm workers are in
good health and undergo annual routine health checkup.

iv. The farm owner should always promote a safe and healthy working condition in
the farm. The farm workers should be equipped with suitable protective gears
and tools while working in the farm. Accident and emergency management
procedures should be available with clear instructions for all workers. First aid
kits and fire extinguishers should always be easily available and accessible.

v. The farm worker should be insured against accidents in the conduct of his/her
farm work.

PNS/BAFS 271:2019

vi. The farm owner should report to relevant authorities any occurrence of accident
in the farm which may result to serious physical injuries of workers.

vii. The farm owner should encourage the promotion of gender equality in the work

viii. The farm operator/worker should be responsible for the welfare of the ducks by
giving adequate provisions so that they are able to perform at their optimum

ix. Appropriate working uniform/attire and footwear should be provided to farm

operators or visitors who need to be at the production area.

5.4.3 Competency

i. Workers should be trained for the tasks that they are required to do. In addition,
workers should be trained in the following procedures: farm sanitation, personal
hygiene, animal handling and welfare, breeding program, medicine dispensing
and quarantine.

ii. Workers should be competent in the tasks that they are required to do, and the
competency should be reviewed on a regular basis.

iii. The farm should have sufficient workers/personnel/staff to perform the required
work load including the services of a farm supervisor and veterinarian.

5.4.4 Hygiene and sanitation

It is recommended that commercial poultry farms should refer to the ASEAN

Biosecurity Management Manual for Commercial Poultry Farming for other hygiene
and sanitation requirements. Personal hygiene

i. Workers should wear appropriate protective clothing, if necessary, with masks

and foot wear at all times that can be sanitized.

ii. Workers’ movement in the farm should be controlled to avoid cross

contamination between different age groups of ducks. Workers should enter
clean areas first then move to dirty areas. Workers should not move from dirty
areas to clean areas.

iii. Workers should ensure that no unnecessary accessories and personal effects
that may pose hazards may be brought in the production area.

PNS/BAFS 271:2019

iv. Downtime/quarantine should be observed before entering the production area

for workers coming from outside the farm. General farm hygiene

i. The farm should have a cleaning and disinfection procedure in place. Farm
premises should be kept clean and free of potential conditions conducive to
breeding of pests, duck parasites and disease outbreak. This is to avoid
negative effects on the landscape, environment and ducks’ welfare.

ii. Organic materials should be regularly removed from all livestock contact
surfaces (i.e. floors, pen partitions). Where bedding is used, it should be
regularly changed and/or topped up.

iii. The farm should have a proper and functional drainage system.

iv. Only approved chemicals by competent authorities in the country should be

used for cleaning and sanitation.

v. The farm should have appropriate equipment and tools for effective and
functional hygiene and sanitation operation. Waste management and environment management

i. The farm operator should take necessary measures to ensure that activities
related to livestock farming do not contribute to the degradation of the
environment (i.e. land, water, air) and cause destruction to bio-diversity.

ii. Gas (e.g. ammonia from the contact of water to animal manure), solid (e.g.
litter, biohazard waste) and liquid waste should be managed and disposed
according to the country’s regulations.

iii. The farm operator should maintain and display clear instructions on procedure
for disposal of farm solid wastes and farm chemical wastes (e.g. expired
pesticide/herbicide and containers, paint, etc.).

iv. Dead ducks should be buried properly or disposed in a manner that complies
with country regulations (e.g. mortality pits)

v. Compost stations should be positioned away from the activities of the farm,
waterways should be protected from rain to avoid leaching.

vi. Toilet septic tanks should be maintained so that potential overflows will be

PNS/BAFS 271:2019

vii. Effluent ponds should be located away from farming operations and should not

viii. Waste water from farms shall be treated before discharging into public water

ix. Any waste water treatment process should be properly functional.

x. Measures should be in place to keep out noise that could potentially affect
growth and productive performance of ducks, specifically around poultry
brooder house.

xi. The farm should regularly monitor the air quality and maintain it at acceptable

xii. The farm should take appropriate measures to minimize excessive odor coming
from the farm and that which may be associated with waste decomposition. Pest control

i. Farm premises should be maintained in a good condition to prevent possible

vermin infestation.

ii. The farm should have pest control programs to reduce or eliminate pests
including rodents and insects.

iii. Only approved chemicals and baits should be used in pest control programs.

5.5 Duck health management

5.5.1 Introduction of new stock

i. Acquire ducks, both day-old duckling (DOD) and ready-to-lay ducks (RTL) only
from sources with known good health status, certified by a qualified veterinarian
and/or competent authority or accredited by the competent authority.

ii. Keep newly arrived ducks separate from resident stock for an appropriate
period, to prevent possible disease transmission.

iii. Each batch of ducks purchased or hatched should have batch identification for
traceability purposes.

PNS/BAFS 271:2019

5.5.2 Surveillance and control of diseases

i. There should be a written duck health program in place, including a vaccination

and deworming program, if required, that is updated regularly and supervised
by a licensed veterinarian, in accordance with the requirements of the
competent authorities.

ii. The vaccination program should be adopted against the diseases in the region
as required by competent authorities and it should be in a written form. Only
vaccines approved by a competent authority in the country should be used.

iii. The health status of ducks should be monitored and recorded regularly, and
veterinary assessment of the establishment should be carried out annually by a
licensed veterinarian and/or by a competent authority.

iv. Separate diseased ducks from healthy ducks such that transmission of infection
does not occur, and where necessary, cull diseased ducks humanely.

v. Identified isolation area/pen for “suspected diseased birds” should be provided.

vi. The use of drugs, medicines, vaccines, and medicated feeds for disease control
should be in accordance with the instructions of a licensed veterinarian
following country regulations.

vii. Drugs or medicines should only be used for prophylactic and treatment

viii. Keep all treated ducks on the farm and ensure that these ducks and/or their
products are not used for human consumption until the drug withdrawal period
is completed and certified fit for human consumption by licensed veterinarians.

5.5.3 Bio-security measures

i. The farm should have a written protocol of bio-security measures. Proper

warning signage should be provided.

ii. Bio-security procedures should be well implemented to prevent introduction of

disease into the farm and/or to control its spread within the farm.

For ducks that are in coops/poultry houses/buildings, the cages should
be netted to prevent entry of migratory birds. In the cases of free-range
ducks, control measures that include putting them in cages while there
are cases of avian influenza outbreak to prevent them co-mingling with
migratory species.

PNS/BAFS 271:2019

The implementation of bio-security measures should be continuously monitored to

assess the effectiveness of the program.

iii. The farm should have the appropriate and functional lay-out and infrastructure
to ensure effective implementation of the bio-security measures. This should
include facilities:
 For changing, washing and shower; and
 For disinfection at entry/exit point of the farm and the building.

v. It is recommended that commercial duck farms should refer to the ASEAN

Biosecurity Management Manual for Commercial Poultry Farming for other
biosecurity requirements.

5.5.4 Laboratory testing

i. Routine testing should be carried out in qualified laboratories for surveillance

and/or monitoring of notifiable diseases.

ii. In case of reportable disease outbreak, testing should be conducted in an

approved/accredited laboratory and should continue until it can be shown that
the disease has been controlled.

5.5.5 Protocols when disease is suspended

i. If there is an outbreak or suspicion of epidemic disease, the farm should follow

the requirements of the laws and regulations on epidemic disease control of the
country and OIE guidelines.

ii. Emergency biosecurity procedures should be followed (refer to ASEAN

biosecurity management manual for commercial poultry farming and biosecurity
protocols for poultry).

iii. The farm operator should report immediately or within 24 hours to relevant
authorities any incidence of abnormal behavioral changes, health conditions
and mortalities in the farm or any characteristic of a disease outbreak (e.g.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), New Castle’s Disease).

5.5.6 Prevention and treatment

i. The use of medicines and biologics should be under the supervision of a

licensed veterinarian or competent authority. Medicines and biologics used
should be registered with the competent authority.

ii. Drugs, medicines, and vaccines should be stored and identified properly;
proper disposal of these items should be followed to prevent contamination to
the environment.

PNS/BAFS 271:2019

iii. The farm operator should keep and maintain complete records of farm
operations, management routines, and animal health records like disease
monitoring and medication. These records should be easily retrievable.

iv. Records include, but are not limited to, the following:
 Vaccination program;
 Deworming;
 Disease condition;
 Diagnosis;
 Intervention or treatment done;
 Control measures;
 Post-mortem findings;
 Surveillance; and
 Disposal.
 Mortality
 Fumigation (for feeds and litter)

v. The farm should maintain updated records of medicine purchase and

administration that should be readily available for inspection.

vi. The procurement records should have:

 Date of purchase;
 Name of the product (generic compound);
 Quantity purchased;
 Batch number;
 Expiry date; and
 Name of supplier.

vii. Administration records should consist of the following:

 Type of drugs or medication used;
 Batch number;
 Quantity of medicine used;
 Date administered;
 Route of administration;
 Identification of ducks/group treated;
 Number of ducks treated;
 Date of completion of treatment;
 Withdrawal period; and
 Name of the person who administered the medicine.

5.5.7 Animal welfare

i. Care shall be taken to preserve the welfare of ducks. In case of injury, sickness
or deformity, ducks shall be appropriately treated to avoid suffering.

ii. All ducks should have access to and are sufficiently provided with feed, water
and space (refer to OIE guidelines on Animal Welfare).

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iii. The farm operators and personnel should not cause cruelty to ducks, which
includes but is not limited to:

 Maltreatment of ducks under his/her care and attention.

 Neglect of ducks, such that it experiences pain, suffering or distress.
 Failure to provide adequate resources to maintain the live weight of the
ducks within the normal physiological range for the species type, age and
 Removal of any part of the anatomy without adequate anesthesia,
whenever applicable.
 Putting to sleep (euthanasia, e.g. cervical dislocation), confine, handle or
transport any ducks in a manner causing deliberate pain, suffering or
 Keeping a duck alive, especially that which is pronounced physically or
physiologically incapacitated, unless it is under the direct care of a licensed
and registered veterinarian.

iv. The farm operator and personnel should not neglect ducks according to the
following criteria;

 Freedom from hunger and thirst and malnutrition. Feed withdrawal of ducks
should not be more than eight (8) hours before slaughter;
 Freedom from physical discomfort and pain;
 Freedom from injury and disease;
 With due consideration to the differences in the production system
(confined and free-range), ducks should be given enough freedom to
conform to essential behavior patterns, (i.e. specific growing stage of
poultry); and
 Freedom from fear and distress.

v. Handling and restraining of ducks

 Ducks, including ducklings in boxes, must be moved and handled at all

times in a manner that minimizes the risk of falls, pain and distress and
avoids injury.
 Ducks, including day old ducklings, must not be carried by one or both
wings, or by the neck without supporting the body weight.
 Stress induced by handling must be minimized by appropriate design of
facilities, use of suitable tools and equipment and training of personnel.

5.6 Transport and storage

i. The transport of ducks from point of origin to the final destination should follow
a planned route and be in a manner that does not cause stress throughout the
journey and does not predispose them to injury and disease.

PNS/BAFS 271:2019

ii. Transport should follow the regulations and biosecurity recommendations of the
competent authority.

iii. Appropriate space allowance and ventilation should be provided during


iv. Only clean and disinfected vehicles should be used to transport ducks.

v. Vehicles used to transport ducks should be exclusively used for ducks’

transport only.

vi. Vehicles used for the transport of animals should be according to the following
 Allow easy loading and unloading;
 Has communication equipment and first aid kit;
 Ensure safety of the ducks and personnel during transport;
 Clean and sanitized;
 Equipped with floors that provide secure footing;
 Have proper provision for collecting manure; and
 Have a decal/label “live animal on board” at the sides and front/back.
 Registered with the competent authorities (both for LTO and BAI)

vii. Transportation should be carried out at the coldest time of the day in order to
avoid heat stress to ducks.

viii. The transport of ducks from point of origin to final destination should be through
the most direct and appropriate route that should be completed without
unnecessary delay.

ix. The transporter should be fully responsible for the care and welfare of the
ducks as well as ensure the cleanliness of the vehicle during the entire process
of transporting. Disposal of the waste should be done in an environment friendly

x. Day old ducklings should be packed in appropriate packaging or restraining

containers as required by the country regulations.

xi. Where appropriate, ducks should be segregated according to species, size,

sex, and age or according to customer requirements.

xii. Short duration feeding regimes aimed at reducing shedding of harmful bacteria
during slaughtering should be applied for ducks destined for slaughter. Ducks
destined for slaughter should be rested upon arrival at the slaughterhouse.

PNS/BAFS 271:2019

xiii. Ducks being transported should be in a good state of health.

xiv. A transport or movement permit should be obtained prior to shipping ducks as

required by the country regulations with animal health certificate signed by a
licensed veterinarian.

xv. In cases wherein the establishment seeks the services of a second (2nd) party
to ship the live ducks, the shipper should be properly informed of the
recommendations stated in i to xiii.

5.7 Record keeping

i. When a problem arises, be it a disease, a chemical hazard issue or a physical

safety matter, record keeping is central to any effort to trace the source of the
problem and eliminate it. The OIE Guide to Good Farming Practices for Animal
Production recommends the ability to trace animals at least one step forward
and at least one step backward from the current holding. Hence, as far as is
practicable, farmers should keep records of:

 Animal identification;
 Animal source, especially import animals;
 Feed
 Animal Health (Treatment and Vaccination);
 Animal movement
 Laboratory;
 Sanitation and Hygiene;
 Pest control;
 Personnel Health and Training;
 Waste management;
 Production;
 Procurement;
 Storage;
 Visitor;
 Transportation;
 Traceability (e.g. animal/lot/batch ID, customer record, etc.).

ii. Records should be kept for a minimum of 3 years or a time specified by

Government directives.

5.8 Egg management

5.8.1 Egg sorting, grading and packing

PNS/BAFS 271:2019

i. Thin-shelled and cracked eggs should be identified and separated from those
intended for salted egg/balut production.

ii. Dirty eggs may be cleaned and if appropriately cleaned, may be marketed as
table egg or sent for further processing.

iii. Broken/leaker and other unsuitable table eggs should be identified in such a
way that they cannot be used for human consumption, for example, by
appropriate labelling or the use of a de-characterizing agent (an additive that
makes it clearly visible that the eggs should not be processed into human food
e.g. a denaturing agent)

5.8.2 Cleaning

i. A cleaning process may be used to remove foreign matter from the shell
surface, but this should be carried out under carefully controlled conditions so
as to minimize damage to the shell surface.

ii. Cleaning can be used to reduce the bacterial load on the outside of the shell.

iii. If dry cleaning is undertaken, the methods used should minimize damage to
the protective cuticle.

5.8.3 Washing, disinfection and drying

i. Washing should be carried out under carefully controlled conditions so as to

minimize damage to the shell and prevent contamination to the egg contents.

ii. Eggs should not be soaked prior to or during washing.

iii. Water used for washing should be potable with appropriate water temperature,
pH and quality.

iv. If cleaning compounds are used, they should be suitable for use in eggs and
not adversely affect the safety of the egg.

v. If eggs are washed, they should be dried to minimize moisture on the surface of
the shell that can lead to contamination or growth of mold. Washing should be
followed by application of an effective and routinely recommended sanitizing

5.8.4 In-shell treatment

Where eggs are treated to eliminate pathogens (e.g. in-shell pasteurization) the
treatment should not adversely affect the safety or suitability of the egg.

PNS/BAFS 271:2019

5.8.5 Egg collection, handling, storage and transport of eggs

Eggs should be collected, handled, stored and transported in compliance with the
requirements stated in section 5.3 of Philippine National Standard (PNS) Code of
Hygienic Practice for Table Eggs.

5.8.6 Egg for balut production

i. Eggs should:
 be thick-shelled and crack-free;
 not be older than 5 days from the time these are laid by ducks;
 be fertile.

ii. eggs should be placed in an iron vat or cauldron with appropriate temperature
to maintain the embryo.

iii. candling should be done on the 11th and 17th day after eggs are placed in iron
vat or cauldron. Separate eggs with dead embryos (penoy) and those that are
ready to be sold as balut.

5.9 Review and evaluation of practices

Practices should be checked for compliance and evaluation for effectiveness and do-
ability on a regular basis. In cases where provisions are no longer applicable, they
may be amended.

PNS/BAFS 271:2019


ASEAN Good Animal Husbandry Practice (GAHP) – Animal Welfare and

Environmental Sustainability Module. 2015. ASEAN Secretariat. Jakarta, Indonesia.

Duck Breeding.1937. A.R. Lee, Associate Poultry Husbandman, Animal Husbandry

Division, Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Department of Agriculture.

Food Safety Module – Good Animal Husbandry Practices for Layers and Broilers in
ASEAN Countries. 2015. ASEAN Secretariat. Jakarta, Indonesia.

Glossary of Terms. Philippine Statistics Authority. Visited June 6, 2016. - Visited June 6, 2016

Investment Guide Series – Duck Production, DA – AMAD 8

PNS/BAFPS 60:2008 Code of Good Animal Husbandry Practice. 2008. Bureau of

Agriculture and Fisheries Standards. Department of Agriculture. Manila, Philippines.

Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards

Technical Working Group (TWG) for the Development of Philippine National

Standard (PNS) Code of Good Animal Husbandry Practice (GAHP) for Ducks


Erwin Joseph Cruz

Philippine College of Poultry Practitioners
Ducks Industry Association of the Philippines


1 Rene Santiago
2 Arlene Asteria V. Vytiaco
3 Anthony Bucad
Bureau of Animal Industry

4 Alfredo Ryenel M. Parungao

Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research
and Development

5 Gemerlyn Garcia
6 Marvin Bryan Salinas
Central Luzon State University

Project Managers Adviser

John Gregory V. Aquino Vivencio R. Mamaril
Gari Pellinor U. Hernandez
Abbie Stephanie S. Uy
Paul Andrew P. Texon

Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards


BPI Compound Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines

T/ (632) 928-8741 to 64 loc. 3301-3319
E-mail: [email protected]

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