1.2 Motion

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Cambridge O Level Physics Your notes

1.2 Motion
Speed & Velocity
Distance-Time Graphs
Speed-Time Graphs
Calculating Acceleration from Speed-Time Graphs

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Speed & Velocity

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The speed of an object is the distance it travels per unit time
Speed is a scalar quantity
This is because it only contains a magnitude (without a direction)
For objects that are moving with a constant speed, use the equation below to calculate the speed:
𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑
𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛

Speed is measured in metres per second (m/s)
Distance travelled is measured in metres (m)
Time taken is measured in seconds (s)
Different speeds

A hiker might have an average speed of 2.0 m/s, whereas a particularly excited bumble bee can have
average speeds of up to 4.5 m/s

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Average Speed
In some cases, the speed of a moving object is not constant Your notes
For example, the object might be moving faster or slower at certain moments in time (accelerating
and decelerating)
The equation for calculating the average speed of an object is:

distance travelled
Average speed =
time taken
The formula for average speed (and the formula for speed) can be rearranged with the help of the
formula triangle below:
Average speed equation triangle

Average speed, total distance and time taken equation triangle

How to Use Formula Triangles
Formula triangles are really useful for knowing how to rearrange physics equations
To use them:
1. Cover up the quantity to be calculated, this is known as the 'subject' of the equation
2. Look at the position of the other two quantities
If they are on the same line, this means they are multiplied
If one quantity is above the other, this means they are divided - make sure to keep the order of
which is on the top and bottom of the fraction!
In the example below, to calculate speed, cover-up 'speed' and only distance and time are left
This means it is equal to distance (on the top) ÷ time (on the bottom)

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Formula triangle example

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How to use formula triangles

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Worked example
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Planes fly at typical speeds of around 250 m/s. Calculate the total distance travelled by a plane
moving at this average speed for 2 hours.
Step 1: List the known quantities
Average speed = 250 m/s
Time taken = 2 hours
Step 2: Write the relevant equation
𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛

Step 3: Rearrange for the total distance

total distance = average speed × time taken
Step 4: Convert any units
The time given in the question is not in standard units
Convert 2 hours into seconds:
2 hours = 2 × 60 × 60 = 7200 s
Step 5: Substitute the values for average speed and time taken
total distance = 250 × 7200 = 1 800 000 m

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The velocity of a moving object is similar to its speed, except it also describes the object’s direction Your notes
The speed of an object only contains a magnitude - it’s a scalar quantity
Velocity is therefore a vector quantity because it describes both magnitude and direction
e.g. ‘15 m/s south’ or ‘250 mph on a bearing of 030°’
Speed vs. velocity

Two objects can have the same speed but a different velocity
This means velocity can also have a negative value
E.g. a ball thrown upwards at a velocity of 3 m/s comes down at a velocity –5 m/s, if upwards is
considered positive
However, their speeds are still 3 m/s and 5 m/s respectively
The equation for velocity is very similar to the equation for speed:
𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒

𝑣= 𝑠

v = velocity in metres per second (m/s)
s = displacement, measured in metres (m)
t = time, measured in seconds (s)
Velocity is a vector quantity, so it uses displacement, s, rather than distance which is scalar.

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Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity
In other words, it describes how much an object's velocity changes every second
The equation below is used to calculate the average acceleration of an object:

change in velocity
acceleration =
change in time
a = acceleration in metres per second squared (m/s2)
Δv = change in velocity in metres per second (m/s )
Δt = time taken in seconds (s)

The change in velocity is found by the difference between the initial and final velocity, as written
change in velocity = final velocity − initial velocity

∆v = v − u
v = final velocity in metres per second (m/s)
u = initial velocity in metres per second (m/s)
The equation for acceleration can be rearranged with the help of a formula triangle as shown:
Acceleration equation triangle

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Equation triangle for the change in velocity, acceleration, and change in time
Speeding Up & Slowing Down
An object that speeds up is accelerating
An object that slows down is decelerating
The acceleration of an object can be positive or negative, depending on whether the object is
speeding up or slowing down
If an object is speeding up, its acceleration is positive
If an object is slowing down, its acceleration is negative (sometimes called deceleration)
Acceleration and deceleration

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A rocket speeding up (accelerating) and a car slowing down (decelerating)

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Worked example
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A Japanese bullet train decelerates at a constant rate in a straight line. The velocity of the train
decreases from 50 m/s to 42 m/s in 30 seconds.
(a) Calculate the change in velocity of the train.
(b) Calculate the deceleration of the train, and explain how your answer shows the train is slowing
Part (a)
Step 1: List the known quantities
Initial velocity = 50 m/s
Final velocity = 42 m/s
Step 2: Write the relevant equation
change in velocity = final velocity − initial velocity
Step 3: Substitute values for final and initial velocity
change in velocity = 42 − 50 = −8 m/s
Part (b)
Step 1: List the known quantities
Change in velocity, Δv = − 8 m/s
Time taken, t = 30 s
Step 2: Write the relevant equation

Step 3: Substitute the values for change in velocity and time
a = −8 ÷ 30 = −0.27 m/s
Step 4: Interpret the value for deceleration
The answer is negative, which indicates the train is slowing down

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Exam Tip
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Remember the units for acceleration are metres per second squared, m/s2. In other words,
acceleration measures how much the velocity (in m/s) changes every second, m/s/s.

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Distance-Time Graphs
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Distance-Time Graphs
A distance-time graph shows how the distance of an object moving in a straight line (from a starting
position) varies over time:
Distance-time graph

This graph shows a moving object moving further away from its origin
Constant Speed on a Distance-Time Graph
Distance-time graphs also show the following information:
If the object is moving at a constant speed
How large or small the speed is
A straight line represents constant speed
The slope of the straight line represents the magnitude of the speed:
A very steep slope means the object is moving at a large speed
A shallow slope means the object is moving at a small speed
A flat, horizontal line means the object is stationary (not moving)

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Faster and slower speed on a distance-time graph

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This graph shows how the slope of a line is used to interpret the speed of moving objects. Both of these
objects are moving with a constant speed, because the lines are straight.
Changing Speed on a Distance-Time Graph
Objects might be moving at a changing speed
This is represented by a curve
In this case, the slope of the line will be changing
If the slope is increasing, the speed is increasing (accelerating)
If the slope is decreasing, the speed is decreasing (decelerating)
The image below shows two different objects moving with changing speeds
Acceleration and deceleration on a distance-time graph

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Changing speeds are represented by changing slopes. The red line represents an object slowing down
and the green line represents an object speeding up.

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Using Distance-Time Graphs

The speed of a moving object can be calculated from the gradient of the line on a distance-time Your notes
𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 = 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒

Gradient of a distance-time graph

The speed of an object can be found by calculating the gradient of a distance-time graph
The rise is the change in y (distance) values
The run is the change in x (time) values

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Worked example
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A distance-time graph is drawn below for part of a train journey. The train is travelling at a constant

Calculate the speed of the train.

Step 1: Draw a large gradient triangle on the graph and label the magnitude of the rise and run
The image below shows a large gradient triangle drawn with dashed lines
The rise and run magnitude is labelled, using the units as stated on each axes

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Step 2: Convert units for distance and time into standard units
The distance travelled (rise) = 8 km = 8000 m
The time taken (run) = 6 mins = 360 s
Step 3: State that speed is equal to the gradient of a distance-time graph
The gradient of a distance-time graph is equal to the speed of a moving object:
Step 4: Substitute values in to calculate the speed
speed = gradient = 8000 ÷ 360 = 22.2 m/s

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Worked example
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Ose decides to take a stroll to the park. He finds a bench in a quiet spot and takes a seat, picking up
where he left off reading his book on Black Holes. After some time reading, Ose realises he lost track
of time and runs home.
A distance-time graph for his trip is drawn below.

a) How long does Ose spend reading his book?

b) There are three sections labelled on the graph, A, B and C. Which section represents Ose
running home?
c) What is the total distance travelled by Ose?
Part (a)
Ose spends 40 minutes reading his book
The flat section of the line (section B) represents an object which is stationary - so section B
represents Ose sitting on the bench reading

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This section lasts for 40 minutes - as shown in the graph below

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Part (b)
Section C represents Ose running home
The slope of the line in section C is steeper than the slope in section A
This means Ose was moving with a larger speed (running) in section C
Part (c)
The total distance travelled by Ose is 0.6 km
The total distance travelled by an object is given by the final point on the line - in this case, the line
ends at 0.6 km on the distance axis. This is shown in the image below:

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Exam Tip
Use the entire line, where possible, to calculate the gradient. Examiners tend to award credit if they
see a large gradient triangle used - so remember to draw these directly on the graph itself!
Remember to check the units of variables measured on each axis. These may not always be in standard
units - in our example, the unit of distance was km and the unit of time was minutes. Double-check
which units to use in your answer.

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Speed-Time Graphs
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Speed-Time Graphs
A speed-time graph shows how the speed of a moving object varies with time
The red line represents an object with increasing speed
The green line represents an object with decreasing speed
Increasing and decreasing speed

Increasing and decreasing speed represented on a speed-time graph

Acceleration on a Speed-Time Graph
Speed-time graphs also show the following information:
If the object is moving with a constant acceleration or deceleration
The magnitude of the acceleration or deceleration
A straight line represents constant acceleration
The slope of the line represents the magnitude of acceleration
A steep slope means large acceleration (or deceleration) - i.e. the object's speed changes very
A gentle slope means small acceleration (or deceleration) - i.e. the object's speed changes very
A flat line means the acceleration is zero - i.e. the object is moving with a constant speed

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Acceleration, deceleration and constant speed

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This image shows how to interpret the slope of a speed-time graph

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Using Speed-Time Graphs

The distance travelled by an object can be found by determining the area beneath the graph Your notes
Area under a velocity-time graph

The distance travelled can be found from the area beneath the graph

If the area beneath the graph forms a triangle (the object is accelerating or decelerating) then the area
can be determined using the formula:
area = × base × height
If the area beneath the graph is a rectangle (constant velocity) then the area can be determined using
the formula:

area = base × height

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Worked example
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The speed-time graph below shows a car journey which lasts for 160 seconds.

Calculate the total distance travelled by the car on this journey.

Step 1: Recall that the area under a velocity-time graph represents the distance travelled
In order to calculate the total distance travelled, the total area underneath the line must be
Step 2: Identify each enclosed area
In this example, there are five enclosed areas under the line
These can be labelled as areas 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, as shown in the image below:

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Step 3: Calculate the area of each enclosed shape under the line
Area 1 = area of a triangle = ½ × base × height = ½ × 40 × 17.5 = 350 m
Area 2 = area of a rectangle = base × height = 30 × 17.5 = 525 m
Area 3 = area of a triangle = ½ × base × height = ½ × 20 × 7.5 = 75 m
Area 4 = area of a rectangle = base × height = 20 × 17.5 = 350 m
Area 5 = area of a triangle = ½ × base × height = ½ × 70 × 25 = 875 m
Step 4: Calculate the total distance travelled by finding the total area under the line
Add up each of the five areas enclosed:
total distance = 350 + 525 + 75 + 350 + 875
total distance = 2175 m

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Calculating Acceleration from Speed-Time Graphs

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Interpreting Speed-Time graphs
If there is a change in an object's speed, then it is accelerating
An object may accelerate at a steady rate, this is called constant acceleration
On a speed-time graph this will be a non-horizontal straight line
Constant acceleration

An object may accelerate at an increasing rate

On a speed-time graph this would be an upward curve
Increasing acceleration

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An object may accelerate at a decreasing rate

On a speed-time graph this would be an upward curve with a decreasing gradient

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An object is said to decelerate if its speed is decreasing over time, i.e. its acceleration is negative
On a speed-time graph this would be a downward line
If the line is a non-horizontal straight line, deceleration is constant
If the line is a curve with an increasing gradient, deceleration is increasing
If the line is a curve with a decreasing gradient, deceleration is decreasing

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Calculating Acceleration
The acceleration of an object can be calculated from the gradient of a speed-time graph Your notes
acceleration = gradient =
Gradient of a speed-time graph

How to find the gradient of a speed-time graph

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Worked example
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Tora is training for a cycling tournament.
The speed-time graph below shows her motion as she cycles along a flat, straight road.

(a) In which section (A, B, C, D, or E) of the speed-time graph is Tora’s acceleration the largest?
(b) Calculate Tora’s acceleration between 5 and 10 seconds.
Part (a)
Step 1: Recall that the slope of a speed-time graph represents the magnitude of acceleration
The slope of a speed-time graph indicates the magnitude of acceleration
Therefore, the only sections of the graph where Tora is accelerating is section B and section D
Sections A, C, and E are flat – in other words, Tora is moving at a constant speed (i.e. not
Step 2: Identify the section with the steepest slope

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Section D of the graph has the steepest slope

Hence, the largest acceleration is shown in section D Your notes
Part (b)
Step 1: Recall that the gradient of a speed-time graph gives the acceleration
Calculating the gradient of a slope on a speed-time graph gives the acceleration for that time
Step 2: Draw a large gradient triangle at the appropriate section of the graph
A gradient triangle is drawn for the time period between 5 and 10 seconds below:

Step 3: Calculate the size of the gradient and state this as the acceleration
The acceleration is given by the gradient, which can be calculated using:
acceleration = gradient = 5 ÷ 5 = 1 m/s2
Therefore, Tora accelerated at 1 m/s2 between 5 and 10 seconds

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Exam Tip
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Use the entire slope, where possible, to calculate the gradient. Examiners tend to award credit if they
see a large gradient triangle used - so remember to draw 'rise' and 'run' lines directly on the graph

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Acceleration of Free Fall
In the absence of air resistance, all objects fall with the same acceleration
This is called the acceleration of freefall (this is also sometimes called acceleration due to gravity)
acceleration of free fall = g = 9.81 m/s2
Galileo's free fall experiment

In the absence of air resistance, Galileo discovered that all objects (near Earth's surface) fall with an
acceleration of about 9.8 m/s2
This means that for every second an object falls, its velocity will increase by 9.8 m/s

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The symbol g also stands for the gravitational field strength, and can be used to calculate the weight
of an object using its mass:
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weight = mass × gravitational field strength
𝑊 = 𝑚𝑔

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Terminal Velocity
Falling Objects without Air Resistance Your notes
In the absence of air resistance, all objects falling in a uniform gravitational field, fall with the same
acceleration, regardless of their mass
So long as air resistance remains insignificant, the speed of a falling object will increase at a steady
rate, getting larger the longer it falls for.

Free fall with constant acceleration

In the absence of air resistance objects fall with constant acceleration

Falling Objects with Air Resistance

Objects falling through fluids (fluids are liquids or gases) in a uniform gravitational field, experience two
Weight (due to gravity)
Friction (such as air resistance)

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A skydiver jumping from a plane will experience:

A downward acting force of weight (mass × acceleration of freefall)
An upward acting force of air resistance (frictional forces always oppose the direction of motion) Your notes
The force of air resistance increases with speed. This is illustrated in the image below:
Change in resultant force on a skydiver

Debbie initially accelerates downwards due to her weight. The upwards air resistance increases as she
falls until it eventually grows big enough to balance the weight force
Initially, the upwards air resistance is very small because the skydiver isn't falling very quickly
Therefore, there are unbalanced forces on the skydiver initially
As the skydiver speeds up, air resistance increases, eventually growing large enough to balance the
downwards weight force
Once air resistance equals weight, the forces are balanced
This means there is no longer any resultant force
Therefore, the skydiver's acceleration is zero - they now travel at a constant speed
This speed is called their terminal velocity
When the skydiver opens the parachute, the air resistance increases

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This is due to the increased surface area of the parachute opening

The upward force of air resistance on the skydiver increases, slowing the acceleration of the skydivers
fall Your notes
The skydiver decelerates
Eventually, the forces balance out again, and a new slower terminal velocity is reached
Speed-time graph for a skydiver

Graph showing how the velocity of a skydiver changes during the descent

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Worked example
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A small object falls out of an aircraft. Choose words from the list to complete the sentences below:
Friction Gravitational field strength Air pressure
Accelerates Falls at a steady speed Slows down

(a) The weight of an object is the product of the object's mass and the __________.
(b) When an object falls, initially it ____________.
(c) As the object falls faster, the force of ______________ acting upon the object increases.
(d) Eventually the object ______________ when the force of friction equals the force of weight acting
on it.

Part (a)
The weight of an object is the product of the object's mass and the gravitational field strength.
The weight force is due to the Earth's gravitational pull on the object's mass as it falls through a
uniform gravitational field
Part (b)
When an object falls, initially it accelerates
The resultant force on the object is very large initially, so it accelerates
This is because there is a large unbalanced force downwards (its weight) - the upward force of air
resistance is very small to begin with
Part (c)
As the object falls faster, the force of friction acting upon the object increases.
The force of air resistance is due to friction between the object's motion and collisions with air
Collisions with air particles slow the object down, so air itself produces a frictional force, called air
resistance (sometimes called drag)
Part (d)

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Eventually the object falls at a steady speed when the force of friction equals the force of weight
acting on it.
When the upwards air resistance increases enough to balance the downwards weight force, the Your notes
resultant force on the object is zero
This means the object isn't accelerating - rather, it is moving at a steady (terminal) speed

Exam Tip
The force of gravity on an object with mass is called weight. If asked to name this force make sure you
use this word: Don’t refer to it as “gravity” as this term could also mean gravitational field strength and
so would probably be marked wrong.
Likewise, remember to identify air resistance as the upwards force on a falling object. This force gets
larger as the object speeds up, but the weight of the object stays constant. Don't confuse 'air
resistance' with 'air pressure' - these are two different concepts!
Exam questions about terminal velocity tend to involve the motion of skydivers as they fall
A common misconception is that skydivers move upwards when their parachutes are deployed -
however, this is not the case, they are in fact decelerating to a lower terminal velocity

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