Course Outline

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Wollega University

Department of Economic
Course Title: Advanced Econometrics
Prerequisite and/or co-requisite: no requisite
Credit hours: 3

Instructor: Badassa Wolteji (PhD)

Email: [email protected]

Course Description
The course aims to introduce theory and practice of econometric models. Interpretations of
various econometric models as well as statistical tests of significance of the estimates will be
discussed in details. Stata software will intensively be used in class. Thus, the course covers
widely used econometric estimation techniques accompanied by hands-on exercises.

Course Objectives
Up on the completion of this course, students will be able to explain econometric concepts on
correlation, econometric models and interpretation of empirical results. Furthermore, students are
expected to apply different estimation techniques in the context of agribusiness. Specifically, the
course will help students:
o Figure out appropriate econometric method and evaluate alternative techniques of data
o Work with agribusiness data using stata
o Write standard research reports; and
o Develop presentation skills in addressing theoretical and empirical issues.
Unit 1: The Nature of Econometrics and Economic Data
1.1 What is econometrics?
1.2 The structure of economic data
1.3 Steps in empirical economic analysis
1.4 Introduction to STATA: An overview of its basic applications
Unit 2: Classical Linear Regression Model
2.1 Regression versus correlation
2.3 Method of least squares
2.3 Simple regressions
2.4 Multiple regressions
Unit 3: Further Issues in Classical Linear Regression Model
3.1 Assumptions and properties
3.2 Precision and reliability.
Unit 4: Violations of the Assumptions of the Classical Linear Regression
4.1 Residual non-randomness;
4.2 Heteroscedasticity
4.3 Normality of residual disturbances;
4.4 Measurement error (omitted/irrelevant variables);
4.5 Multicolinearity
5.6 Wrong functional form (model specification error)
Unit 5: Advanced Panel Data Methods
5.1 Fixed Effects Estimation
5.2 Random Effects Estimation
5.3 Fixed Effects or Random Effects Estimation?
5.1 First Differencing
Unit 6: Non-linear regression analysis
6.1 Logistic regression/ or Probit reression
6.3 Tobit regression
Unit 7: Introductory time series regression

Mode of delivery
Lecture and practical lab sessions
Mode of assessment: Continuous assessment (assignments and lab practices) out of 50% and
final written examination (50%)

o Verbeek M. (2004): A Guide to Modern Econometrics. 2nd edition. Erasmus University
o Gujarati D.N. (2004): Basic Econometrics. 4th ed. The McGraw-Hill.
o Wooldridge, J.M. (2009). Introductory Econometrics. 4th edition, South-Western.
o Cameron A. C. & Trivedi P. K. (2005): Micro econometrics Methods and Application.
Cambridge University Press, New York
o Cameron A. C. & Trivedi P. K. (2009): Micro econometrics Using Stata. Stata Press
Publication. Stata Corp LP. College Station. Texas
o Greene, W.H. (2008). Econometric Analysis. 6th edition, Prentice-Hall.
o Greene W.H and Hensher D.A (2010): Modelling ordered Choices. Cambridge
University Press

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