D&D 5E - Goodman Games - Original Adventures Reincarnated 7 - Dark Tower - Volume 3 - qtH7BA

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dark tower


By James Floyd Kelly, Scott Moore and Joe Raso



Writers Chris Doyle, James Floyd Kelly, Scott Moore,

Additional Writing Chris Doyle
Original Dark Tower Design Jennell Jaquays
5E Editor William Fischer
5E Developer Chris Doyle
Art Direction Matt Hildebrand
Layout Vasili Kaliman
Slipcase Artwork Sanjulian
5E Cover Artwork Jennell Jaquays
Endsheet Artwork Doug Kovacs, Peter Mullen, & Stefan Poag
Interior Artwork Joe Abboreno, Chris Arneson, Tom Bumgardner, Alex
Coggon, Jeff Easley, Jason Edwards, Charles Ferguson-
Avery, Tom Galambos, Steven Gomez, Kennon James,
Davin Kluttz, Doug Kovacs, Aaron Kreader, Cliff
Kurowski, William McAusland, Bradley McDevitt,
Jesse Mohn, Peter Mullen, Stefan Poag, Colin
Richards, Chad Sergesketter, Jason Shoultis, Wayne
Snyder, Matt Sutton, Del Teigler, Carmin Vance, J.V.
West, Chuck Whelon
Cartographers Aaron Kreader & Stefan Poag
Playtesters Bob Anger, Samuel Brett, Dave Caughlin, Mark
Knapik, Effie Matteson, Cindy Moore, Chad Seitz,
Stuart Teather, Mike VanHooydonk, Mark Vickers,
Alec Doyle, Chris Doyle, Lisa Doyle
Publisher Joseph Goodman

Printed in China



Chapter 1: Introduction.......................................................................................................4
Chapter 2: Pocket in a Shroud..............................................................................................9
Chapter 3: The Cursed Coils of Set....................................................................................33
Chapter 4: The Heart Shards of Caphet ............................................................................64
Appendix A: The Sons of Set.................................................................................................90
Appendix B: New Monsters................................................................................................ 103
Appendix C: NPCS............................................................................................................... 111
Appendix D: New Equipment, Magic Items, and Spells.................................................... 121
Appendix E: Player Handouts............................................................................................ 127
Appendix F: Mugdhad Gazetteer....................................................................................... 142
Appendix G: The Sunket Temple of Set.............................................................................. 145




ark Tower is an award-winning adventure origi-
nally published in 1979 by The Judges Guild. It
was the first in a series of dungeon and adventure GAME MASTER
scenarios developed, designed, and illustrated entirely by The Chosen Sons of Set is a trilogy of adventures designed to
Jennell Jaquays. The Chosen Sons of Set is a continuation of continue the stories told in Dark Tower. It is presented in four
the story started in Dark Tower. If the heroes undertake the chapters, plus the associated appendices.
quests herein, they have the opportunity to deal a devastating
blow to Set’s immortality and power base. Chapter 1 is this Introduction, which outlines everything
the GM needs to run these adventures.
If you plan to participate in this module as a player, please
stop reading at this point. The information in the rest of Chapter 2 is Pocket in a Shroud, wherein the heroes must
this module is for your GM so that he or she may guide you disrupt the schemes of a cult of Set and discover a pocket
and other players through the adventure. Knowledge of the dimension containing a Chosen Son.
contents of this module will spoil the surprises and may limit Chapter 3 is The Cursed Coils of Set, wherein the heroes travel
the enjoyment of the game for everyone concerned. to the corrupt city of Mugdhad to confront a Chosen Son
that has usurped the city’s previous despotic ruler.

TRILOGY BACKGROUND Chapter 4 is The Heart Shards of Caphet, wherein the heroes
must travel the wastes of the Ghetrian Desert in search of
The Sons of Set are the offspring of the god of deserts, the hidden oasis lair of a Chosen Son.
storms, and violence and various mortal creatures. These
Appendix A: The Sons of Set
evil offspring are countless in number and typically exhibit a
combination of reptilian and humanoid traits. No two Sons Appendix B: New Monsters
of Set are the same, as fiendish blood intermingled with that Appendix C: Nonplayer Characters
of mortals corrupts both the body and soul. Among the Sons,
four Chosen Sons of Set represent the most powerful of Set’s Appendix D: New Equipment, Magic Items, and Spells
children. In the event a Chosen Son dies, one of Set’s Lesser Appendix E: Player Handouts
Sons is promoted to fill the vacancy, so that there are always
four Chosen Sons in existence. Appendix F: Mugdhad Gazetteer

At least, this is usually the case. Once every 666 years, the Appendix G: The Sunken Temple of Set
celestial hosts prevent Lesser Sons from being promoted to Before gathering at the game table to enjoy the challenges
fill a vacancy among the Chosen Sons for an entire year. If all presented by the Chosen Sons of Set trilogy of adventures, the
four of his Chosen Sons were defeated during this calendar GM should read the entire module thoroughly to become
year, Set would be stripped of much of his influence on the familiar with the details of Set’s machinations and the aspects
mortal plane. of each Chosen Son’s goals and motivations. Familiarity with
That time is now. Will heroes arise to oppose the Set and his Dark Tower is recommended, especially if these adventures
Chosen Sons? If so, those heroes must first find the Chosen are used to continue the story started in that module. Each of
Sons and bring the fight to them. the adventures could also be used as a “one-shot,” if that suits
the GM and players. In this case, knowledge of Dark Tower


is not required, although the module does contain additional In the encounter keys, the encounter number matches the
information about the deific struggles between Set and Mitra. location of the encounter on the maps. The first numeral
indicates the dungeon level, while the following one to two
Maps are numbered with the chapter first, then the map #.
numbers after the dash indicate the actual room number.
For example, Map 2-1 is the first map in chapter 2. To run
the adventure effectively, you need the fifth edition core rule- Encounter sections that appear in italics are designed to be
books: the Player’s Handbook (PH), the Game Master’s Guide read aloud to the players when their characters first arrive
(DMG), and the Monster Manual (MM). When you see a at a detailed encounter, or under a specific circumstance as
creature in bold, it’s a visual cue directing you to look up the described in the text. More experienced GMs are encouraged
full statistics block in the Monster Manual. In the case of a to paraphrase or embellish these read-aloud sections as they
new creature or a nonplayer character (hereafter referred to as feel comfortable. It is encouraged that the GM use not only
an NPC), the text directs you to the appropriate appendix (B visual descriptions, but audible, olfactory, or even tactile
or C) of this book for full game statistics. Spells and normal cues when describing an adventure site for the first time to
equipment are detailed in the Player’s Handbook. Magic items immerse the players in the environment.
are described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. New spells,
The other sections of the encounter contain information the
equipment, and magic items introduced in these adventures
players should not know in advance but may learn in the
are fully detailed in appendix D.
course of exploring the area, interacting with the monsters
or NPCs, or uncovering clues about the adventure site’s
backstory. These key features are generally presented in the
ABBREVIATIONS order of prominence, or in the order that the characters are
likely to encounter them. This is by design, in an effort to
The following abbreviations are utilized throughout the text
assist the GM in processing the information at a glance while
of these adventures:
running the game at the table. Before the adventure begins
GM = Dungeon Master (or during a particular encounter), the GM should determine
hp = hit points what information is available to the players (and how they
AC = Armor Class can get it) and what information to hold back until prompted
by the characters’ actions.
DC = Difficulty Class
XP = experience points In addition to the GM adjusting the encounters based on
the relative strength and composition of the party, the GM
pp = platinum piece(s)
is encouraged to make the Chosen Sons of Set their own. This
gp = gold piece(s) could include altering the backstory, locations, or even the
ep = electrum piece(s) nature of the deities to fit the GM’s campaign setting. Feel
sp = silver piece(s) free to customize these adventures to tell the kind of tabletop
narrative that suits you and your players.
cp = copper piece(s)
NPC = nonplayer character
LG = lawful good
CG = chaotic good
NG = neutral good This module has been designed for a party of four to six
12th-level fifth edition characters. An ideal group would have
LN = lawful neutral
between 50 and 60 total character levels. The group should
N = neutral be well balanced, with at least one spellcaster, one healer, and
CN = chaotic neutral two fighter types in it. The three adventure settings are varied,
LE = lawful evil so druids or rangers would fit well in the wilderness adven-
tures, while a rogue character would be ideal for dungeon
CE = chaotic evil
exploring and trap finding. A cleric or paladin dedicated to
NE = neutral evil Mitra might be especially interested in taking up the fight
against Set and his fiendish Chosen Sons. Most if not all of
the front-line combatants should have magic weapons.


Character Level Easy Medium Hard Deadly
10th 2,400 4,800 7,600 11,200
11th 3,200 6,400 9,600 14,400
4 Characters 12th 4,000 8,000 12,000 18,000
13th 4,400 8,800 13,600 20,400
14th 5,000 10,000 15,200 22,800
10th 3,000 6,000 9,500 14,000
11th 4,000 8,000 12,000 18,000
5 Characters 12th 5,000 10,000 15,000 22,500
13th 5,500 11,000 17,000 25,500
14th 6,250 12,500 19,000 28,500
10th 3,600 7,200 11,400 16,800
11th 4,800 9,600 14,400 21,600
6 Characters 12th 6,000 12,000 18,000 27,000
13th 6,600 13,200 20,400 30,600
14th 7,500 15,000 22,800 34,200

Since Dark Tower is a sprawling mega-dungeon, groups that monster (or a nearby resident monster), which could be an
finish their exploits in those halls could be at a variety of advantage for the outmatched characters. For example, if a
levels. Each of these adventures was designed for 12th-level battle with cultists is not going in the characters’ favor, the
characters. However, all three adventures contain notes for arrival of another faction (not necessarily allies of the char-
adjusting the encounters for use with groups as low as 10th acters!) might provide the characters the distraction they
level, and as high as 14th level. If necessary, use the follow- need to escape. Or the cultists may switch tactics and try to
ing tables to adjust the challenge of the encounters herein. capture the characters as eventual sacrifices on Set’s altar. If
At the same time, be mindful that the fifth edition challenge a few of the characters escape, give them an opportunity to
rating system is a guideline at best. The GM should know the regroup and mount a rescue operation.
abilities and equipment of the party (as well as the experience
To use the Total XP Budget table, first determine the number
of the players) and take this into account when presenting
of characters (including NPCs) in the party on the left-hand
these encounters. Be prepared to adjust encounters on the fly!
side of the table. You can extrapolate the table for groups with
There are four categories of encounter difficulty: Easy, fewer than four or more than six characters. Next determine
Medium, Hard, and Deadly. The combined XP value of all the average level of the characters; the table has XP budgets
the monsters or NPCs is used to calculate the difficulty of for levels 10 through 14, although the GM can expand the
the encounter. Most encounters should be Easy or Medium, table to include higher levels as needed. Finally, cross refer-
with Hard and Deadly encounters reserved for set pieces, ence the XP budgets for the different encounter difficulties.
sub-boss, or boss battles. With average luck, a balanced,
For example, if the party includes an 11th-level warlock, an
well-equipped party of four to five adventurers can handle
11th-level bard, a 10th-level barbarian, a 12th-level druid,
six to eight Medium or Hard encounters before requiring a
and a 10th-level cleric, we would have five characters with
long rest. Use the Total XP Budget and XP Multipliers tables
an average character level of 11. An Easy encounter for
below to alter the design of encounters in these adventures
this group would be the equivalent of 4,000 XP worth of
or when creating your own supporting material.
monsters, while a Deadly encounter would be the equivalent
If the characters get in over their heads during a particular of 18,000 XP.
encounter, encourage them to flee. Alternatively, the noise
To determine an encounter’s difficulty, add up the XP of all
generated by a given encounter might attract a wandering
the enemy creatures and then adjust the amount by using


the multiplier on the XP Multipliers table below. Monster The Cursed Coils of Set. For most of the last half century, the
XP is based on CR values, which are included in the Monster remote town of Mugdhad was governed by Tharikadh, an
Manual or the stat blocks provided in appendix B or C. For ireful human despot and secret devotee of Ankharet, the
example, a hydra (a CR 8 creature worth 3,900 XP) would cursed Sphinx Queen. Supported by his squads of brutish
be an Easy encounter for our example party. But an adult thugs, Tharikadh controlled all aspects of life in the town.
black dragon (a CR 14 creature worth 11,500 XP) and a As it turned out, Tharikadh was the lesser of two evils. Enter
mummy (a CR 3 creature worth 700 XP) would be a Deadly Skabhet, a charismatic half-elf, who usurped control of the
encounter for our five 11th-level characters (11,500 + 700 town with the help of Set’s cultists. In truth, Skabhet is a
= 12,200 XP × 1.5 = 18,300 equivalent XP). Keep in mind monstrous Chosen Son of Set bent on extending the evil god’s
these calculations are merely guidelines; other factors (such as influence across the Ghetrian Desert and Xa Deshret. In the
terrain, surprise or other tactics, or magic items used by the weeks after Skabhet’s conquest, the local temples tried in vain
combatants) could alter the difficulty of the encounter. Also to foment an uprising against her. Skabhet slaughtered the
note this calculation is the equivalent XP for the encounter. clerics and ransacked their places of worship, desecrating and
The characters are awarded only the actual experience points repurposing them as shrines to Set. Obsessed with finding
(in this case, 12,200 XP) for defeating this group of monsters. Tharikadh, Skabhet uses her minions to spread fear, publicly
execute those who dare oppose her rule, and torture many,
XP MULTIPLIERS hoping to spoil any chance at insurgence.
# Monsters XP Multiplier XP Multiplier XP Multiplier The Heart Shards of Caphet. Caphet, one of Set’s Chosen
Encountered Less than 3 3-5 Characters 6+ Characters Sons, resides in his Onyx Palace in the heart of the Crimson
characters Reed Oasis, far from any trade routes. When Caphet was
1 × 1.5 ×1 × 0.5 promoted to a Chosen Son, he knew Set would temporar-
2 ×2 × 1.5 ×1 ily strip him of his immortality after 666 years. Taking an
3-6 × 2.5 ×2 × 1.5 idea from the evil liches that store their souls in phylacteries,
Caphet used dark magics to remove his black heart, sundering
7-10 ×3 × 2.5 ×2
it into three stony shards. This ensured that he could not be
11-14 ×4 ×3 × 2.5 defeated unless the three shards of his heart were destroyed.
15+ ×5 ×4 ×3 Each of the heart shards of Caphet have been placed in or
near an obelisk in its own temple, trapped and protected
by a unique guardian. By establishing the temples hundreds
ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS of miles apart, time itself, in addition to the harsh desert
Pocket in a Shroud. At the foot of the Mountains of the Fifth environment, became two more allies of Caphet. Although
Prince lies the tiny hamlet of Thinis. In a nearby ruin, a cult it went unnoticed by Set, Mitra perceived the god’s dark
of Set harvests the villagers to fuel the creation of undead deed. She cursed each shard, granting magical abilities to
minions, in preparation for the return of Ophois, a Chosen those who could harness their malignant taint. In addition,
Son of Set. The heroes are tasked with saving the village and Mitra enchanted each shard to spur its owner onward to the
routing the cult. As they do, they discover the eldritch secret next shard. Mitra hopes this “curse” will lead to Caphet’s
to enter a pocket dimension created by Ophois. Only then eventual downfall.
can they defeat an unspeakable evil, delivering a decisive
blow to Set himself.


by Scott Moore

ocket in a Shroud is an adventure designed for use combination of reptilian and humanoid traits. Among them,
with the 5th edition of the first fantasy roleplay- the four Chosen Sons of Set represent the most powerful of
ing game. It is intended for four to six 12th-level Set’s children. In the event one of the Chosen Sons dies, one
characters and can be completed in a few sessions. A variety of Set’s Lesser Sons is promoted to fill the vacant role, so there
of character classes is suggested to tackle the challenges of are always four Chosen Sons in existence.
combat and exploration presented herein. A cleric would be
At least, this is usually the case. Once every 666 years, the
beneficial to overcome some of the undead challenges, and
celestial hosts prevent a Lesser Son from being promoted
magical weapons are crucial to have a chance against the final
to fill a vacancy among the Chosen Sons for an entire year.
foe. The adventure is set in a cavern-like complex behind a
During this calendar year, if all four of his Chosen Sons were
structure in a mountainous area and can be dropped easily
to be defeated, Set would be stripped of much of his influ-
into a similar setting.
ence on the mortal plane. To avoid this, Ophois (pronounced
“aw-FOY”), one of Set’s Chosen Sons, spends the year in a
BACKGROUND hidden pocket dimension, while members of Set’s cult spend
the year preparing for his glorious return.
The evil offspring of the god of deserts, storms, and violence,
the Sons of Set are countless in number and typically exhibit a


al-Sadiki A former priest of Set, now a mummy lord Area 2-8
Damush A djinni who guards the entrance to Ophois’s pyramid; might Area 2-4
strike a bargain with the party
Dashane A female human who serves as the Thinis’s town smith The Hamlet of Thinis sidebar
Dethik A male dwarf; proprietor of the Stewed & Pickled The Hamlet of Thinis sidebar
Forest Gaunt An elderly human fighter (now retired) The Hamlet of Thinis sidebar
Heka An arcanaloth in league with Ophois Area 2-13
Maga A Lesser Son of Set Area 2-14
“Magic” Zak A male human sorcerer and the youngest member of the The Hamlet of Thinis sidebar
council of Thinis
Nanz Bunish A female human housewife and farmhand The Hamlet of Thinis sidebar
Ophois A Chosen Son of Set Area 2-14
Sadiq Almawta A necromancer and devout follower of Set Area 1-17
Ur-Chisisi (“Sissy”) A female elf, Thinis’s spiritual leader and a secret follower of Set The Hamlet of Thinis sidebar; the Temple of
Set (area 1-3)
Uraeus An intelligent, giant cobra that serves Ophois Area 2-11
Wamnifa A dao who guards the entrance to Ophois’s pyramid Area 2-4


The Hamlet of Thinis
Small town, population. 87 Inns: During their stay in Thinis, travelers can acquire modest lodg-
ings by renting out a room in a private home at a rate of 5 sp per
Located between the foothills of the Mountains of the Fifth Prince
day. Alternatively, several farmers allow visitors to stay overnight
and the Ghetrian Desert, the hamlet of Thinis is a tiny agricultural
in their barns at a rate of 7 cp per day.
community that grew up around a natural spring. It is a conveni-
ent stop for those returning from, or heading into, the mountains. Taverns: Thinis boasts two taverns: Manolin’s Pub (modest food
The farmers grow a variety of beans, melons, peppers, and squash, and drink, with meals costing up to 3 sp) and Stewed & Pickled
using camels not only for labor and transportation, but also as (actually a converted private residence, but open to the public;
a source of milk. About 90 percent of the population is human, poor pub food and drink, with meals costing 6 cp).
with elves, half-orcs, and halflings making up the remainder. A Shrines and Temples: The hamlet’s religious sites include The
single male dwarf named Dethik lives in the hamlet and serves Temple, a non-denominational house of worship presided over by
as the proprietor of the Stewed & Pickled, a drinking establish- Ur-Chisisi, and the Stone Garden, a fairy ring of white mushrooms
ment. The hamlet does not have a formal political structure, but surrounding a single, ancient menhir just beyond the forest line
important decisions are brought before a council of five elders, at the base of the Mountains of the Fifth Prince. While no organ-
which includes: ized religious services take place at the Stone Garden, some farm-
• Dashane, a female human, who serves as the town smith ers leave offerings for “the wee folk” in the spring in the hopes of
ensuring a good growing season. More offerings are left each fall
• Forest Gaunt, an elderly human fighter (now retired)
as a show of thanks.
• “Magic” Zak, a male human sorcerer and the youngest member Guilds: The Forgers is an unofficial guild of four youths and six
of the council young adults who serve as apprentices for the town’s smith,
• Nanz Bunish, a female human housewife and farmhand Dashane. The Forgers seek to develop their smithing skills under
Dashane’s guidance, simply because there isn’t much to do for
• Ur-Chisisi (“Sissy”), a female elf, the community’s spiritual leader excitement in the small farming community
and a secret follower of Set

At the western edge of the Mountains of the Fifth Prince, near • If the characters have played any other Dark Tower adven-
an ancient ruin just south of the Valley of the Queen, lies the tures, they may have learned the locations of one or more
entrance to Ophois’s pocket dimension. The ruin currently of the Chosen Sons of Set and eventually found their
serves as a storing house for the cult of Set’s undead forces way here.
awaiting Ophois’s return. • The hamlet of Thinis has recently experienced several
A short distance to the west, the tiny hamlet of Thinis has kidnappings and attacks by undead. When the party
been under attack by the cult. Over the past several weeks, stops in the settlement for food and rest, the popula-
numerous kidnappings and undead attacks have taken place tion appeals to them to investigate the old ruins to the
as Ophois’s period of waiting comes to an end. The cult has east, in hopes of finding the missing citizens and putting
been using the kidnapped citizens to create undead forces an end to the undead menace. The hamlet’s religious
to serve Ophois upon his return. Isolated from the outside leader, an elven woman named Ur-Chisisi (“‘Sissy’ to
world, the small community of Thinis desperately hopes for her friends!”), offers to bless the characters the evening
the return of their missing brethren and the destruction of before they depart. In the morning, several more citizens,
the undead menace once and for all. Little do they know including Ur-Chisisi, go missing.
that they are running out of time, as Ophois will soon return • The characters are hired to guard a caravan of merchants
to assume control of his cult and claim the area as his own. transporting a shipment of electrum ore and raw gems.
They either stumble upon the ruins while scouting out
ADVENTURE HOOKS a campsite or are attacked by undead while setting up
camp. In the latter case, the party tracks the attackers
This adventure begins as the characters arrive at the ruins
back to these ruins.
in the foothills of the Mountains of the Fifth Prince. It’s up
to the GM to decide why the characters seek to destroy this • The characters stumble upon the ruins while traveling
cult of Set. Several suggestions to involve the characters are between adventures and find it a convenient shelter to
presented below. wait out a fast-approaching dust storm.


Quest: Weaken Ophois’s cult by defeating his minions Weaker parties (3 or fewer characters and/or lower than
beyond the pylons, discovering his hidden pocket dimen- 12th level):
sion, and defeating Ophois himself. Regardless of the hook
• Reduce the number of helmed horrors in area 1-5 to one
used, the characters should discover the threat presented by
in each tower.
Ophois and his cult. They should learn they have a limited
amount of time to defeat Ophois if they are to ensure a Lesser • In area 1-8, reduce the number of minions of Set to three.
Son of Set does not rise to take his place. Doing so would • In area 1-9, reduce the number of minions of Set to two.
deal a severe blow to the cult and diminish Set’s influence
on the mortal plane. • In area 1-12, reduce the number of swarms of poisonous
snakes to 10.

DRAMATIS PERSONAE • In area 1-13, reduce the number of minions of Set to

Pocket in a Shroud introduces a number of nonplayer charac-
ters, not all of whom are what they seem. Individuals refer- • In area 1-15, replace the iron golem with a stone golem.
enced in the adventure are summarized below. • In area 1-16, reduce the number of wraiths to one.
• In area 1-17, reduce the flesh golem’s hit points to 45.
SCALING THE ADVENTURE • In area 1-18, reduce the number of mummies in the ‘c’
Though designed for four to six 12th-level characters, Pocket wave from three to one.
in a Shroud can be modified for parties of different sizes or
• In area 2-1, decrease the number of sha to one.
levels. If the encounters are adjusted, remember to adjust
the amount of treasure appropriately. Consider adapting the • In area 2-4, have the djinni switch sides to join the party
adventure as follows: after two rounds if he hasn’t already by that time.


• In area 2-5, reduce the poison damage for both traps interior. Tracks in the dust imply several creatures came this way
from 14 (4d6) to 7 (2d6). recently, passing both in and out of the archway.
• Remove the ring of resistance from the mummy lord in
area 2-8 and add it to the treasure in area 2-9.
• In area 2-13, replace the arcanaloth with a nycaloth.
• In area 2-14, delay all of Ophois’s preparations by two
additional rounds if he was warned of invaders.
• In area 2-15, delay each of the effects of the pyramid
collapse by one additional round. The courtyard, pylons, and area beyond are depicted on Map
Stronger parties (more than 6 characters and/or higher
than 12th level): Ceilings and Walls. The ceilings inside the rooms and
passages behind the pylons are 10 feet high, unless otherwise
• Add one additional helmed horror between the two
specified in the room description. The ceilings and walls are
pylons in area 1-5.
all smooth, worked stone and carved from the rock under
• In area 1-16, increase the number of wraiths to three. the mountain. Climbing an interior wall requires a successful
• In area 2-2, add one additional lizardfolk astride a griffon. DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.

• In area 2-4, either the djinni does not offer to switch sides Doors. Unless otherwise specified, doors are made of wood
and assist the characters (in this case, remove his token of reinforced with iron bands (AC 17, 27 hp, immunity to
return) or he does so only after the dao is reduced to 20 piercing, poison, and psychic damage) and are unlocked.
percent of his hit points (37). Locked doors require a successful DC 15 Dexterity check
using thieves’ tools to open.
• In area 2-5, increase the DC of the Constitution saving
throws to 20. Illumination. Internal rooms are dark unless a source of
illumination is specified in the room’s description. Assuming
• In area 2-8, replace the mummy lord with a marilith. the characters arrive during the day, the exterior courtyard
• In area 2-11, the boar gets loose as the characters arrive is brightly lit, while the first 30 feet past the entrance (area
and attacks them immediately in its agitated state. In 1-4) is dimly lit.
addition, the materials stored in area 2-11 make the floor Wandering Monsters. There are no wandering monsters
of that room difficult terrain for Large or smaller crea- in the passages behind the pylons, but if the party lingers in
tures (Uraeus simply pushes items out of his way as he the exterior courtyard for more than 10 minutes or tries to
moves). take a long rest inside the dungeon, two sha (see appendix B)
• In area 2-13, the shield guardian starts within 60 feet of are drawn to the area and begin tracking the party by scent.
the arcanaloth.
BEGINNING THE ADVENTURE Four stone obelisks, each roughly 40 feet in height, form a
haphazard canopy overhead. Having seemingly collapsed at the
The adventure begins when the characters arrive at the court- same time, all four obelisks cross to form a fabric-like pattern,
yard before the collapsed obelisks and the ancient pylons. supporting each other and preventing them from collapsing onto
Read or paraphrase the text below, adjusting the text based the plaza below. Each of the pillars is carved from a single piece
on the particular adventure hook employed by the GM: of black basalt. The bases of the broken columns are each buried
Barely discernible beneath the dirt and sand at your feet are the under several feet of sand.
remains of an ancient stone courtyard. Four broken stone obelisks Despite their precarious position (see player handout 1), the
tower overhead, balanced in a precarious position. Seemingly obelisks are remarkably stable and would require a success-
having collided mid-fall, the obelisks now support each other, ful DC 30 Strength (Athletics) check to move. Due to their
preventing a complete collapse. Across the courtyard rise two steep angle, climbing to the top of an obelisk requires two
massive stone pylons carved from the rock of the mountain itself. successful DC 25 Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks. A character
Between them, two pedestals, one still bearing the sculpture of that fails the first check falls to the ground and takes 7 (2d6)
a lion, flank an archway that allows access to the mountain’s bludgeoning damage. A character that fails the second check


takes 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage instead. Characters who tips. A character standing atop the obelisks when the final
fail either check must start over if they wish to attempt the key is placed can make a DC 25 Intelligence (Investigation)
climb again. or Wisdom (Perception) check. On a success, the charac-
Once atop an obelisk, hopping to another requires a success- ter notices a momentary visual disturbance (a shimmer-
ful DC 25 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. Failure indicates ing or warping effect) in the area of the portal as the final
the character falls to the ground and takes 7 (2d6) bludg- key is placed.
eoning damage. A character who tries to “peek” through the portal (for exam-
Characters who view the obelisks from above (by climbing ple, by flying above the portal and putting only their face
them, using the fly spell, etc.) notice a different symbol carved through) is instantly pulled into it.
into the top of each pillar (see player handout 2). The four If the characters pass through the portal, proceed to area
symbols represent the creation of the Sons of Set (god and 2-1 in Part 2.
woman) and the creation of Set himself (Geb, “the earth,”
and Nut, “the sky”). AREA 1-2 – THE LEFT PEDESTAL
Development. Four “keys” matching the symbols atop the Once 10 feet on a side, this badly worn platform is half buried
obelisks can be found in the dungeon beyond the courtyard. in the sand and no longer bears any indication of what might
If the keys are inserted into the corresponding insets at top of have rested upon it.
each obelisk, a portal leading to a pocket dimension (see Part The pedestal to the east (area 1-3) is in better condition and
2) opens in the space enclosed by the tips of the four obelisks. gives an indication of what this platform might have looked
Even when active, the portal is invisible from this side, so like in the past.
its existence is not obvious unless a character flies or jumps
from the top of the obelisks into the space formed by their


AREA 1-3 – THE RIGHT PEDESTAL A character who makes a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Survival)
check confirms that many humanoid figures have traveled
Atop this 10-foot-square marble pedestal sits the figure of a majes-
both in and out of this entrance within the past few days.
tic, winged lion facing the entryway between the two pylons. As
you approach, the lion turns to you and gives a heavy sigh. “I was
hoping for more, but if that’s all you have, I guess you will have AREA 1-5 – THE PYLONS
to do. You don’t inspire much confidence at first glance but who A short flight of stairs leads to a small landing and then continues
knows, you might surprise me yet. But, doubtful.” further to a 10-foot by 10-foot room containing two humanoids
dressed in black plate armor and carrying swords. One figure
The creature on the pedestal is an androsphinx and a follower
has a head like a jackal’s, while the other has a head resembling
of Mitra, a god opposed to Set. The sphinx has sat here for
that of an ibis. A deep, red glow radiates from between their
centuries waiting for someone to challenge Set’s cult, which
plates of armor.
now occupies the passages beyond the pylons.
Sunlight from the exterior windows illuminates the top floors
Masters of esoteric knowledge, all sphinxes are aware of Set’s
of the pylons. The plate-clad humanoids are a pair of helmed
inability to promote Chosen Sons once every 666 years.
horrors, stationed here to guard the entrance. There are two
Although forbidden to share this information with mortals
helmed horrors at the top of both pylons.
directly, they provide what details they can to those who
oppose Set, offering clues through portents and prophecies. Development. If combat breaks out in either pylon, the
helmed horrors in the other immediately head towards the
If the characters attack the androphinx, it mutters “What
sounds, flying between the open windows and arriving on
disappointments!” and flies away. If the characters talk with
the second round of combat. If the characters defeat all four
the sphinx, they find its responses short and cryptic. If they
helmed horrors, they find the other pylon empty should
indicate their intention to explore the ruins, the sphinx offers
they explore it.
them advice in the form of a riddle (see player handout 3).
The characters may guess at the meaning of the various stan- AREA 1-6 – THE CROSSROADS
zas, but more will become obvious as they explore the ruins. Looking northward down the corridor, a side passage breaks off
The first stanza implies that many of the threats they encoun- and leads east into complete darkness. Beyond that, a second
ter are not living creatures, but undead and constructs. The corridor leads to the west. An unlit torch sits in a sconce on the
second stanza refers to the portal that leads to Part 2, the western wall.
four keys needed to open it, and its location “where the earth
meets the sky” (that is, where the tips of the obelisks in area Not part of the original construction, the secret door at the
1-1 touch the sky). The final stanza suggests that the loss of northern end of the corridor was added later to block access
a Chosen Son would diminish Set’s resources. to the temple (area 1-13). A character who makes a success-
ful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check notices a change
Development. If the characters return to the courtyard in the color and surface finish of the stone, revealing the
without all four keys (see areas 1-6, 1-13, 1-15, and 1-17), door’s presence.
the sphinx repeats the second stanza of the riddle, this time
emphasizing the final word. If they fail to grasp the meaning Development. If the characters acquire three of the four keys
of where “the earth meets the sky,” the sphinx stares silently needed to access the portal to Part 2 and return to this area,
at the crossed tips of the obelisks then returns its gaze to the they find a death knight waiting for them here. The knight
party, repeating this process until it believes they have made uses her Hellfire Orb or casts destructive wave when she feels
the connection. she can hit most of the party. If there is an obvious spellcaster
in the group (no armor, carrying a staff or wand, wearing a
AREA 1-4 – THE ENTRANCE heavy backpack, etc.), the knight casts banishment to remove
them from combat. Embedded in the breastplate of her plate
Inside the archway between the pylons, a vestibule presents
mail is the fourth and final key needed to access Ophois’s
several options. To the right and left, stairways lead up, seem-
pocket dimension (see player handout 4). Characters who
ingly to upper floors inside their respective pylons. Another
can read Common or Primordial and make a successful DC
passage stretches straight forward into darkness. Footprints in
20 Intelligence (History) check realize the key is in the shape
the sand give you the impression that others have recently trave-
of an ancient pictogram representing the word “woman.”
led through this area.


AREA 1-7 – STORAGE join in on the second round. If combat does not break out,
they are content to stay in their bunks and ignore visitors.
This storage area is filled with various crates and barrels, stacked
high and leaving little space to maneuver.
An unlit hooded lantern hangs on the wall by the entrance.
This room appears to serve as an armory. Several wooden racks
The materials stored here, although numerous, are rela-
along the walls hold a variety of weapons, including clubs,
tively mundane. There are a half-dozen large barrels, each
swords, and bows. Several quivers of arrows hang from one of the
containing either clean water or low-quality wine, the latter
racks near the center of the room. Three creatures, two humanoids
for ceremonial use and not particularly flavorful or potent.
with reptilian characteristics and the other resembling a lion
One barrel contains lantern oil instead of wine. The crates
with the upper half of a female human where the lion’s head
contain preserved foodstuffs, as well as various tools, sacks
should be, occupy the room.
of salt (for food preservation as well as for use in area 1-17,
the embalming room), bolts of canvas, and an assortment of A lamia inventories the weapons and ammunition in this
mundane weapons that has not yet been sorted and added room, assisted by two minions of Set (see appendix B). They
to the armory (area 1-9). attack anyone not presenting themselves as a follower of Set,
which requires a Charisma (Deception) check contested by
Treasure. The barrel of oil contains the equivalent of 256
the lamia’s Wisdom (Insight).
pints of oil, worth a total of 25 gp and 6 sp. The trade goods
include 60 pounds of salt (worth 3 gp) and 50 square yards In total, this room contains 25 of each of the following
of canvas (worth 5 gp). At the GM’s discretion, the crates weapons: club, khopesh, longbow, longsword, shortbow,
also contain a selection of mundane tools and simple melee and shortsword. Three quivers, each containing 20 normal
weapons worth a total of 30 gp. arrows, hang on the rack in the center of the room.
Treasure. Each of the minions of Set carries a key to one of
AREA 1-8 – THE BARRACKS the footlockers in area 1-8.
Simple bunk beds line the walls of this room, with a pair of Development. If combat breaks out in this room, any crea-
small footlockers at the foot of each bed. A partially covered ture can spend 5 feet of movement on its turn to knock over
hooded lantern hangs from a chain over a small, round table a weapon rack, creating a 10-foot-square area of difficult
in the center of the room. Seated in wooden chairs around the terrain on the floor within 5 feet of them.
table are four fiendish figures clad in plate armor and carrying
shields and sickle-shaped swords.
The lantern sheds dim light throughout the room. The four GM Note. The door to this chamber is locked. Ur-Chisisi,
figures are minions of Set (see appendix B). Unless they have the priestess from the nearby hamlet of Thinis, carries the
reason to believe the characters are worshippers of Set, the key. Without the key, opening the door requires thieves’ tools
minions immediately attack. Convincing the minions that and a successful DC 15 Dexterity check to pick the lock, or
the characters are followers of Set could be accomplished by a successful DC 17 Strength check to force open the door.
wearing or displaying a holy symbol of Set, a successful use of Ur-Chisisi is not in the room currently but can be found in
a disguise kit, or by winning a Charisma (Deception) contest the temple of Set (area 1-13).
against the minions’ Wisdom (Insight).
This cozy private chamber gives the impression that the owner
Each footlocker has a simple lock that can be opened with a appreciates their comfort. A high bed is stacked with several heavy
key carried by the minion of Set to whom the locker belongs blankets, as well as a black bear pelt. A nightstand with a marble
(note that not all the minions who reside here are currently top sits beside the bed. A desk, chair, and well-stocked bookshelf
present) or with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using comprises a work space on one side of the room, while a low table
thieves’ tools. with a rocking chair and ottoman provides a comfortable area
Treasure. Each footlocker contains mundane books, cloth- for relaxation on the other side of the chamber.
ing, and other personal effects, as well as 3d6 cp, 2d6 sp, and These are Ur-Chisisi’s private quarters when she is not in the
a random personal effect. hamlet. Unknown to the residents of Thinis, Ur-Chisisi is
Development. Two additional minions of Set lie in their a follower of Set and has been planning for Ophois’s return
bunks. Characters who succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom (Percep- for the past year. She is the one responsible for the undead
tion) check notice them. If combat begins, these minions incursions into Thinis, which have provided the cult with raw
materials for the creation of even more undead.


GM Note. The door to this chamber is locked. Sadiq
Almawta, a necromancer and devout follower of Set, carries
the key. Without the key, opening the door requires thieves’
tools and a successful DC 15 Dexterity check to pick the lock,
or a successful DC 17 Strength check to force open the door.
Sadiq is not in the room currently but can be found in the
embalming room (area 1-17).
This small chamber serves as someone’s private quarters. A
bed, nightstand, chair, desk, and well-stocked bookshelf fill
out the room.
This chamber serves as the private quarters for Sadiq
Almawta. An unlit lantern sits atop the desk next to a stack
of paper, an ink pen, and an inkwell filled with black ink.
The tomes on the bookshelf cover diverse topics, includ-
ing anatomy, biology, herbology, the preservation of meat,
sewing, taxidermy, and vivisection.
Treasure. Sadiq keeps a coin pouch in his nightstand drawer.
The pouch contains 2d6 × 100 gp worth of coins rolled into
cylindrical paper tubes of 50 coins each, with any excess
remainder loose in the pouch. A second pouch in the night-
stand drawer resembles a spell component pouch but actually
contains a blend of exotic loose-leaf tea. The pouch contains
enough to brew five cups of tea. Anyone consuming a fresh
cup of this herbal medley regains 1 hit point and is granted
a +1 bonus to saving throws against being frightened for 5
An unlit bullseye lantern, an abacus, several sheets of parch- minutes afterwards.
ment, an ink pen, and an inkwell sit atop the desk. Charac-
ters who explore this room and succeed on a DC 10 Intelli- AREA 1-12 – SNAKE PIT
gence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check discover A narrow, rope and wood-plank walkway suspended precariously
Ur-Chisisi’s journal, which reveals her duplicitous nature from the ceiling crosses this oval-shaped chamber. Thirty feet
(see player handout 5), as well as the secret location and below, countless snakes writhe and twist amongst each other, their
activation requirements for Ophois’s pocket dimension (see sheer volume concealing the floor that must exist beneath them.
player handout 6).
The rope bridge suspended over this area is as precarious as
Treasure. The nightstand drawer contains a small sack of it looks. For this reason, many of the dungeon’s inhabitants
2d8 × 50 gp worth of gold and silver coins and semi-precious avoid using it. The bridge can be crossed only single file and
gems (jasper, moonstone, onyx, and quartz). The bookcase is considered difficult terrain. A creature that ends its turn
contains primarily mundane reading material, but an oddly on the bridge must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobat-
folded sheet of paper sticks awkwardly from a volume entitled ics) check or plummet into the snake-filled pit below. Each
Tila’s Guide to Assassination for Fun and Profit. The paper is additional creature on the bridge increases the DC of the
actually a spell scroll of lesser restoration. The bear pelt on the check by 1.
bed could fetch 120 gp in any large city.
If three Medium or larger creatures stand on the bridge at
once, the weight causes the bridge to creak unnervingly.
One round later, or as soon as a fourth creature steps onto
the bridge, the ropes supporting the bridge snap. A creature
who makes a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) notices


the stress placed on the bridge before it collapses. Creatures northwest corner. A woman behind the altar addresses her fellow
within 25 feet of either end of the bridge when it collapses worshippers in a strange, sinister-sounding language.
can attempt a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw to grab hold of
An array of candles on the altar fills the area with dim light.
what remains of the bridge before falling into the pit. Crea-
The woman near the altar is Ur-Chisisi (see appendix C), the
tures that make a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) can
cleric from the hamlet of Thinis. Ur-Chisisi has worshiped Set
then climb to the closest exit.
for years but has thus far managed to conceal this fact from
Developments. At the bottom of the pit are 15 swarms the citizens of Thinis, many of whom consider her to be an
of poisonous snakes, each of which shares its space with a upstanding figure within the community. She addresses four
giant poisonous snake. Characters who actively observe the minions of Set (see appendix B) in Abyssal. Characters that
swarms can attempt a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to speak Abyssal realize she is leading a prayer to Set.
catch an occasional glimpse of the larger snake winding its
Once Ur-Chisisi spots the characters (a fairly simple task,
way amongst the other serpents.
given she wears a set of eyes of the eagle and stands directly
A creature that falls into the pit takes 10 (3d6) bludgeon- across from the only door leading into the room), she orders
ing damage from the fall and is then set upon by the snakes. the minions to “exterminate the intruders for the glory of
Set!” and then attacks.
AREA 1-13 – THE TEMPLE OF SET Treasure. Ur-Chisisi wears a set of eyes of the eagle and carries
This chamber is 65 feet wide and 20 feet deep. It appears to be a staff of the adder. On a chain around her neck, she also
a place of worship. Rows of benches flank an altar against the wears the first of the four keys required to access Ophois’s
back wall. Colorful frescoes depicting serpents, severe weather, pocket dimension (see player handout 7). Characters who
harsh desert scenes, and acts of violence committed by humanoids can read Auran—or those that can read either Common or
against one another decorate the walls. There are two additional Primordial and succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (History)
doors in the room: one in the northeast corner and one in the check—realize the key is in the shape of an ancient pictogram


representing the word “sky.” Ur-Chisisi also carries a ring of Characters who can read either Common or Primordial and
keys for every door in the dungeon. succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (History) check realize the
key is in the shape of an ancient pictogram representing the
AREA 1-14 – INCENSE STORAGE word “deity” or “god.”
The most striking thing about this 15-by-15-foot room is the
assault on one’s sense of smell. Several racks line the walls of the AREA 1-16 – UNDEAD STORAGE
room, each filled with sticks of incense, preserved flowers, and This rough-hewn cavern is a stark contrast to the finished passages
perfumes. The combination of potent smells in the room nearly you have seen so far. The cavern appears to have been excavated
takes one’s breath away. recently, as rubble still litters the chamber’s floor. The most strik-
ing characteristic of the area, however, are the ranks of desiccated
By now, the followers of Set are used to the smell in the
corpses standing motionless and silent—motionless, that is, until
room. Other creatures within 10 feet of the door when it
you opened the door.
is opened or that enter the room must succeed on a DC 15
Constitution saving throw or begin sneezing uncontrolla- The door to this room is locked. Stored in this cavern are
bly. The effect lasts for 5 minutes after the door is closed or a large group of undead dedicated to Set. Several are quite
the creature leaves the chamber. The effect also ends if the old, but the others are less decayed and are all that remain
creature ends its turn in an area of fresh air (such as outside of the recent kidnapping victims from Thinis. There are 10
the dungeon). A sneezing creature makes Dexterity (Stealth) skeletons and 10 zombies in the room. The undead attack
checks with disadvantage. anyone who is not a follower of Set, pouring into the hallway
unless the characters block their exit.
Characters that remove any of the materials from the room
must take special precautions to reduce their scent (such as Developments. One the second round of combat, two
storing them in a bag of holding, double wrapping them, wraiths emerge from the walls and attack the party along-
etc.). Otherwise, creatures within 30 feet of the party have side the skeletons and zombies. They make life drain attacks
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to detect against the most convenient targets, then use their Incorpo-
them, due to the scent. real Movement to hide inside the walls until their next turn.
Unless the party closes the door, any undead remaining when
AREA 1-15 – UTILITY AREA the characters leave this chamber continue to pursue the
An assortment of books, candles, and religious paraphernalia characters through the dungeon’s corridors.
emblazoned with serpent motifs spills from the shelves lining the
walls onto a simple wooden desk. An unlit hooded lantern hangs AREA 1-17 – EMBALMING ROOM
on the wall beside the door. A dusty manikin of a humanoid
This room appears to be some sort of alchemical laboratory, as
with a jackal’s head stands in one corner. Amongst the religious
several tables are covered with racks of vials and beakers filled
paraphernalia, the desktop is also littered with various hand-
with oddly colored and sharp-scented liquids. A table in the
written papers. An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair and a
middle of the room bears the outline of a humanoid reclined
short bookshelf are the only other furnishings in the chamber.
beneath a blood-stained linen sheet. A robed humanoid stands
The jackal-headed manikin in the corner is a heavily stylized over the figure. Flames from a chandelier above the center of the
jackal-headed iron statue (see appendix B). It attacks if room brightly illuminate the chamber.
anyone disturbs it or approaches the desk.
The figure beneath the sheet is a flesh golem that Sadiq
The stack of papers on the desk includes a diagram of area Almawta (see appendix C) has been working on. The creature
1-1. The papers detail the shapes of the four keys, how to is alert but remains motionless while covered by the sheet. If
access the pocket dimension, and the recent kidnappings in Sadiq notices the characters, he pulls off the sheet and orders
Thinis (see player handouts 6 and 8). the golem to attack. Otherwise, the golem attacks only if the
sheet is removed or if it is otherwise disturbed.
Among the various religious histories and prayer books on the
bookshelf is a volume entitled The Sons of Set. A character that The door on the southern wall of this room leads to the tomb
spends at least 5 minutes looking through this book learns (area 1-18). It is locked but can be easily opened from this
the information detailed in player handout 9. side. Sadiq carries the key to the door.. Without the key,
characters on the other side of the door can pick the lock with
Treasure. Acting as a paperweight for the stack of documents
a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools or
on the desk is the third of the four keys needed to open the
force open the door with a successful DC 17 Strength check.
portal to the pocket dimension (see player handout 10).


Treasure. If the characters spend 10 minutes going through
the materials in this room, they can recover enough materi-
als for two complete sets of alchemist’s supplies (worth 50
gp each), an herbalism kit (worth 5 gp), and a set of leather-
worker’s tools (worth 5 gp). In the event of a fire, the party
can recover only one set of alchemist’s supplies and the leath-
erworker’s tools.
Sadiq carries a periapt of health; a component pouch; a spell-
book containing all his prepared spells, as well as animate
dead; keys to the doors in areas 1-7, 1-9, 1-11, 1-16, 1-17,
and 1-18; and the second of the four keys needed to access
Ophois’s pocket dimension (see player handout 11). Char-
acters who can read Terran—or those that can read either
Common or Primordial and succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence
(History) check—realize the key is in the shape of an ancient
pictogram representing the word “land” or “earth.”
Development. If the golem drops to 40 hit points or fewer, it
goes berserk. The first time it attacks an object, it causes some
of the chemicals to combust, dealing 9 (2d8) fire damage to
itself and each creature within 5 feet of it. A creature that
takes this damage also catches fire, taking an additional 9
(2d8) fire damage at the start of each of its turns. As an
action, a creature can attempt a DC 12 Dexterity saving
throw to extinguish the flames on themselves or a creature
within 5 feet of them.


This large, rectangular crypt contains eighteen stone sarcophagi
arranged in three rows of six sarcophagi each. The top of each
sarcophagi bears the life-size likeness of a reclining humanoid,
their arms crossed over their chest.
The tomb is subject to a permanent magical effect that
dampens fire in the room. Nonmagical lanterns and torches
brought into the room are extinguished and cannot be relit.
Fire damage dealt inside the room is halved and might be
reduced further if the target has resistance to fire damage.
Creatures that are vulnerable to fire (such as the mummies
in the room) take the full damage from fire, instead of
double damage.
The door on the northern wall of this room leads to the
embalming room (area 1-17). The door is locked from the
other side. Sadiq Almawta (see areas 1-11 and 1-17) carries
the key. Without the key, the characters can pick the lock with
a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools or
force open the door with a successful DC 17 Strength check.
Each space containing a sarcophagus is difficult terrain.
Treasure. The sarcophagi occupied by the mummies each
contain 2d4 art objects (tools, idols, and other ritual items).


or climbing characters might discover them. Tiny creatures
can fit into the air shafts without a problem; Small creatures
must squeeze to move through the shafts.
All-seeing Eye. The top 40 feet of the pyramid is carved to
depict a stylized eye (see player handout 12). Characters
who make a successful DC 18 Intelligence (Religion) check
realize the eye is a representation of the left eye of Horus, Set’s
nephew. According to legend, Set stole Horus’s left eye while
his nephew was asleep. Although it is a carving, the eye rotates
slowly to the left, seemingly of its own accord, moving to the
next side of the pyramid every 4 rounds and completing a full
circle around the pyramid’s peak in 16 rounds.
When the characters arrive in the pocket dimension, the eye
faces “east” (see Directions, below) and moves to face areas
2-1 and 2-2 after 4 rounds. The all-seeing eye makes invis-
ible creatures and objects on the side of the pyramid it faces
visible. The effect ends once the eye rotates to a different face
or if the invisible creature or object moves to a different side
(where the eye isn’t currently “looking”).
Fortunately for the characters, a fragment of Horus’s essence
remains within the eye and actively works to oppose Set. The
eye grants magical boons to those that come into conflict
The objects were interred with the original occupant and with forces supporting Set. The boons are related to Horus’s
are worth 25 gp each. One of the sarcophagi also contains a characteristic traits of healing, protection, and wisdom. If the
single, wax-stoppered vial filled with a potion of diminution. party engages in combat with followers of Set—any creature
except the crawling kingsnake (see Wandering Monsters) or
Development. Eight mummies occupy the sarcophagi in this Damush the djinni in area 2-4—while under the watchful
room. One round after the characters enter, three mummies gaze of the eye, each character can make a DC 17 Charisma
emerge from their sarcophagi (marked ‘a’ on the map) and saving throw. The character with the highest success (rerolling
attack. On the following round, two more emerge from ties) receives one of the following minor boons. The boon
their sarcophagi (marked ‘b’ on the map). Finally, on round lasts only while the character remains within view of the eye.
three, the last three remaining mummies emerge from their
sarcophagi (marked ‘c’ on the map). d4 Minor Boon
1 The character regains 4 (1d8) hit points at the start of
each of their turns.
PART 2: ...WITH THE 2 The character gains +1 bonus to to Armor Class.

The character gains a +1 bonus to saving throws.
The character has advantage on Wisdom
ability checks.
A successful dispel magic (DC 18) temporarily stuns the eye,
The pocket dimension is depicted on Maps 2-2, 2-3, and 2-4.
ending the minor boon (but not its invisibility canceling
Air Shafts. There are two air shafts in the pyramid, one on property) and delaying the eye’s rotation to the next side for
the front side (area 2-12) and one on the back (area 2-16). an additional 1d4 rounds.
These shafts are tiny (2-1/2 feet on a side) and are meant to
Ceilings and Walls. The ceilings and walls of the pyramid are
circulate air and control the temperature inside the structure.
made of a strange, unnatural material that seems firm but is
One shaft is 100 feet up the side of the pyramid facing the
less hard than stone (almost plastic-like). There is no evidence
portal. The other is 375 feet up the side of the pyramid with
the walls have been tooled or worked, and yet they are
the entrances. Due to the distance and their small size, the
smooth to the touch. Because of this property, the walls are
shafts are practically invisible from the ground, but flying
extremely difficult to climb, requiring a successful DC 25 able air currents. The sky appears overcast, and the dim light
Strength (Athletics) check to do so. However, the pyramid that pervades the area does not necessarily seem to originate
accepts pitons and spikes more readily than normal stone. For from the sky. There is no visible horizon in the distance, and
the purposes of magic, the material comprising the pyramid walking in any direction for more than 5 minutes brings
does not count as clay, dirt, plaster, sand, stone, or wood. one back to one’s original location. The air shafts (areas 2-12
and 2-16) keep the inside of the pyramid consistent with the
Directions. This realm does not have a magnetic field,
temperature outside, except in the most extreme areas (areas
making compasses useless. Although there are no true cardi-
2-8, 2-9, and 2-15).
nal directions in the pocket dimension, Map 2-2 depicts a
compass rose to provide relative reference points for locations. Time. Time passes more quickly in the pocket dimension
than it does on the Material Plane, advancing at a rate of
Doors. Unless otherwise specified, doors in the pyramid are
about 1:100. One round in the pocket dimension is about
made of the same plastic-like material as the pyramid itself
10 minutes in the real world. For Ophois to remain hidden
(AC 17, 27 hp, immunity to piercing, poison, and psychic
away for a year of real time, he needs to stay in the pocket
damage) and are unlocked. Locked doors require a successful
dimension for only a little over three-and-a-half days. Use
DC 22 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools to open.
the following table as a guide to determine how much time
Illumination. A pervasive dim light illuminates the area has passed “on the outside” while the characters are in the
outside the pyramid, although its source cannot be deter- pocket dimension.
mined. Areas inside the pyramid are dark unless otherwise
specified in the room’s description. The first 30 feet of the Time in Pocket Dimension Time in Real World
entrances to the pyramid (areas 2-5 and 2-6) are dimly lit by 1 round (6 seconds) 10 minutes
the external ambient lighting. 1 hour (short rest) Just over 4 days
Surrounding Environment. The areas outside the pyramid 8 hours (long rest) 33 days
are sandy desert with no signs of vegetation. The temperature 1 day 3 months
is warm (77 degrees Fahrenheit), and there are no discern- 3.65 days 1 year


When the characters pass through the portal in area 1-1, read
or paraphrase the following:
You find yourselves falling towards a massive pyramid in a vast
expanse of desert. No, that’s not right. You were falling towards
the pyramid, but the direction of your movement has shifted.
You are now falling sideways. You land on the ground with a
hard thud as you realize the plane of the portal you entered was
not the same as the position of the portal on this side...wherever
this side is. From your vantage point on the ground, you see that
your arrival has apparently interrupted the rest of several unusual
animals that happen to be encircling your current position.
This side of the portal is a vertical surface, unlike the roughly
horizontal position it had when the characters first entered it.
Characters who enter the portal by dropping or flying into
it arrive on this side traveling horizontally until the gravity
of the pocket dimension takes effect and pulls them, verti-
cally, to the ground. Passing through the portal dispels any
magical effects (such as spells) currently affecting the charac-
ters. Characters who arrive on this side of the portal without
nonmagical means of flying (such as natural wings) fall and
take 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
It is impossible to pass back through the portal from this
side without a token of return (see appendix D) keyed to this
side of the portal. A stockpile of tokens can be found in the
treasure room (area 2-15).
Lounging around the portal are three “watchdogs”: an ammit
If you have not already played the other adventures in the and two sha (see appendix B). They attack anyone who comes
The Chosen Sons of Set trilogy adventures and wish to do so, through the portal that is not a follower of Set. None of these
you may want to ignore this time displacement if it would creatures willingly leave the cobblestone plaza, as they know
result in the characters remaining in the pocket dimension the crawling kingsnake patrols the area from under the sands
longer than the one-year period they have to defeat all four (see Wandering Monsters, above).
of Set’s Chosen Sons.
Wandering Monsters. There are no wandering monsters
inside the pyramid, but a crawling kingsnake (see appendix A 20-foot-wide road of cobblestone cuts through the desert sands
B) patrols the area outside the pyramid from beneath the in a path that heads directly towards the massive pyramid in
sand. It surfaces and attacks anyone that steps off the plaza the distance.
leading to and surrounding the pyramid. It also surfaces if any A group of sentries consisting of three lizardfolk and one
activities occur that disturb the areas off the plaza (combat, lizardfolk shaman, each riding a griffon, patrols the skies
explosions, etc.). The creature attacks indiscriminately, target- above the massive pyramid. They swoop in to attack unfa-
ing the heroes and their opponents alike. The followers of miliar creatures in the plaza. Each rider carries 20 javelins in
Ophois are aware of the creature and know what precautions a quiver attached to the saddle of their mount. The lizardfolk
to take to avoid it (e.g., stick to the plaza, don’t make big fight to the death, as they fear displeasing Ophois much more
“booms” in or around the sand). than they do the characters.
The lizardfolk shaman has the following additional attack:


• Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach granted as a gift to Ophois by his paternal grandparents
5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) (Geb, “the earth,” and Nut, “the sky”). The guards attack
piercing damage. anyone they do not recognize. When possible, the genies
prefer to remain airborne, attacking the characters with spells
Keep in mind that combat in the plaza may draw the atten-
and ranged attacks. Damush secretly resents his assignment
tion of the crawling kingsnake (see Wandering Monsters).
but does not see any other options available to him at this
time. If the characters reduce Wamnifa to 62 hit points or
AREA 2-3 – THE WALKWAY fewer, Damush proposes a deal to the characters, offering to
The cobblestone path splits to the right and left to encompass the change sides and help defeat Wamnifa in exchange for his
base of the massive structure. The path appears to run in both freedom. If the characters agree, Damush immediately turns
directions as far as you can see. on Wamnifa.
The walkway allows creatures to travel around the pyramid If the dao is defeated, Damush thanks the party for his free-
without drawing the attention of the crawling kingsnake. It dom (if the characters accepted his offer) or simply surren-
does indeed encircle the entire pyramid. ders, explaining that he wishes the characters no further harm
and just wants to return home. If the characters permit him
AREA 2-4 – GENIES OF THE to leave, Damush wishes them luck inside the pyramid (he
EARTH AND AIR has never explored the pyramid so has no information about
Two large humanoids, one with blue skin and one with brown, what other challenges may lie inside). If asked about Ophois,
float through the air in your direction. They carry large weapons, Damush describes the Chosen Son as “a massive lizard with
and their unfriendly intent is easily readable upon their faces. multiple heads that can walk on his two hind legs” but has
little to offer beyond that.
Wamnifa, a dao, and Damush, a djinni, stand guard outside
the thieves’ entrance to the pyramid. Their services were Damush does not have the ability to grant wishes but
mischievously likes to imply that he does. He may even ask


the characters to state their fondest wishes and then reply The double doors are unlocked. Beyond the doors, the passage
with something like “With hard work and years of dedica- continues to slope downward until it reaches a staircase that
tion, that may come to pass. I wish you much success with descends to an intersection of four passages (area 2-7).
that!” Damush offers to cast create food and water for the party
before he takes his leave. He refuses to accompany the party AREA 2-7 – THE INTERSECTION
inside the pyramid and heads to the portal in area 2-1 to use Four passages converge at this intersection, all but one of them
his token of return to exit the pocket dimension shortly after leading away at odd angles. Two 20-foot by 20-foot passage-
his dealings with the party are complete. ways lead back towards the external face of the pyramid.
Treasure. Damush carries a token of return (see appendix D) One is relatively level, while the other contains stairs leading
that he hopes to use to leave the pocket dimension. upward towards the face of the pyramid. A third 20-foot by
20-foot passage leads upwards into the heart of the structure. A
AREA 2-5 – THE THIEVES’ ENTRANCE fourth passage, this one only 10 feet wide, descends further into
the pyramid.
A 20-foot-wide by 20-foot-high opening at the base of the pyra-
mid leads into a 30-foot-long section of hallway that appears The level passage leads to the thieves’ entrance, area 2-5. The
to end at a pair of double doors. A second, similarly sized recess upward sloping passage towards the face of the pyramid leads
enters the pyramid about 50 feet above the base of the structure. to the true entrance, area 2-6. The downward sloping passage
leads to the crypt of the faithful, area 2-8. The passage slop-
This ground-level entranceway is considered a “thieves’
ing upward into the pyramid leads to the second intersec-
entrance” and, as such, is trapped and not used by any of
tion, area 2-10.
the residents of the pocket dimension. The true entrance
is the second opening 50 feet above this one (see area 2-6).
Climbing to the true entrance from the base of the pyramid AREA 2-8 – CRYPT OF THE FAITHFUL
requires a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. This chamber lies 40 feet underground, directly below the
center of the pyramid. When the characters enter the area,
The double doors at the end of the hallway are locked. Open-
read or paraphrase the following:
ing the lock requires a successful DC 15 Dexterity check
with thieves’ tools, with a failed check triggering a poison The walls of this musty, 60-foot by 60-foot room are covered with
needle trap. A creature that triggers the needle takes 1 pierc- colorful frescoes that stretch from the floor to the 20-foot-high
ing damage plus 22 (4d10) poison damage and must make a ceiling. Various scenes are woven together to create a diorama
DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. that encircles the room. In the center of the chamber, atop a
stone pedestal, rests a dusty sarcophagus with the likeness of a
A row of pressure plates 20 feet beyond the doors can be
human carved into its lid. Strange writing covers the sides of the
detected with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
sarcophagus. The temperature here is significantly lower than that
check. Deactivating the pressure plates requires a successful
found outside the pyramid and provides a welcome relief from
DC 20 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools. If more than 20
the sweltering heat.
pounds of weight is placed on a pressure plate, four darts fire
from the walls. Each dart makes a ranged attack with a +8 The words on the sarcophagus are written in Abyssal. They
bonus against a random target within 10 feet of the pressure read: “Here lies al-Sadiki, most blessed and faithful follower
plate. A creature hit by a dart takes 2 (1d4) piercing damage of Set; may her service continue into the next life, and her
and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, faith be an inspiration to us all.”
taking 22 (4d10) poison damage on a failed save, or half as A character that studies the frescoes can make a DC 15
much damage on a successful one. Intelligence (History or Religion) check. On a success, the
The hallway ends at an intersection of four passages character notices that a dark-haired, female human features
(see area 2-7). prominently in many of the frescoes, but at different ages.
The frescoes depict various events that occurred throughout
AREA 2-6 – THE TRUE ENTRANCE the life of this individual, likely al-Sadiki. The frescoes imply
she became a follower of Set at a very young age and eventu-
A 20-foot-wide by 20-foot-high opening about 50 feet above
ally became a priest in Set’s service before being murdered
the pyramid’s base slopes downward into the pyramid along a
or sacrificed. (The specifics of al-Sadiki’s death are difficult
40-foot-long section of corridor. The corridor ends at a pair of
to tell from the frescoes.)
double doors.


The mummy lord al-Sadiki, lies inside the sarcophagus wait- Treasure. The items on the podium once belonged to
ing to join Ophois’s triumphant return to the mortal plane. al-Sadiki. They include 2d4 art objects (carvings, sculptures,
If one of the characters knocks on the sarcophagus before statuettes, and ritual items) made from worked gold (worth
opening it, al-Sadiki assumes they are another follower of 750 gp each), a set of bracers of archery, and a rod of rulership
Set, come to let her know that the time has come to leave. If with a carving of a hissing cobra on one end.
the lid of the sarcophagus is removed in any other manner,
al-Sadiki responds by attacking immediately. AREA 2-10 – THE SECOND INTERSECTION
In the back of the chamber, a fresco depicting Set himself The corridor at this point splits. To the left, a level, 20-foot
serves as a secret door to a small chamber beyond (area 2-9). by 20-foot passage heads deeper into the pyramid. Ahead of
Locating the secret door requires a successful DC 16 Intel- you, the sloping passage opens into what appears to be a much
ligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check. The larger chamber.
secret door is not locked or trapped. The level passage on the left leads to Uraeus’s den (area 2-11),
Treasure. On her right ring finger, al-Sadiki wears a plain, while the passage straight ahead leads into the grand gallery
rust-covered iron band that functions as a ring of fire resistance. (area 2-13).


The musty air in this 10-foot deep chamber is thick with dust This chamber lies at the end of a corridor decorated with fres-
that visibly swirls up from the floor as you open the door. When coes depicting Set alongside various lizards, crocodiles, snakes,
the current of air that created them dissipates, the dancing wisps and other reptiles. The ceiling rises to a height of 30 feet, 10 feet
gradually settle to coat the floor once more. Several items lie atop higher than that of the corridor. Several large, broken blocks
a small, stone podium in the center of the room. similar to that of the pyramid itself lie scattered about the cham-
ber. Among the blocks are heaps of broken tools and other detri-


tus. An aggressive snort draws your attention to a corner of the as they do not appear to be followers of Set, nor is Uraeus
chamber, where an angry-looking boar protests your arrival. expecting to leave the pocket dimension so soon. Instead of
This chamber has been left exactly as it was when the attacking immediately, Uraeus attempts to converse with the
unknown builders completed the rest of the structure, count- characters, assuming someone in the party speaks Abyssal.
less years ago. When Ophois’s forces discovered the pocket Uraeus hopes to convince the party to leave on their own or
dimension, one of the Chosen Son’s more unusual minions— trick them into lowering their guard before he strikes. Uraeus
an intelligent, giant cobra named Uraeus (see appendix B)— does not feed on the boar while the characters are present,
claimed this chamber for itself, as it was far removed from unless the characters free the boar and Uraeus has the oppor-
the other, more active areas of the pyramid. As the characters tunity to strike before the beast leaves the chamber.
arrive, Uraeus lies coiled behind one of the broken stone A tiny opening is positioned roughly 30 feet up the rear wall
blocks on the far side of the room. of the chamber. The opening is an air shaft (see area 2-12)
Except for the occasional offering of fresh food (such as the that connects this room with the outside of the pyramid.
boar), Uraeus expects to remain undisturbed by the other
pyramid’s other inhabitants until Ophois is ready to return AREA 2-12 – THE LOWER AIR SHAFT
to the Material Plane. The boar was brought to this room This shaft is only 2-1/2 feet on a side and cuts through the pyra-
to serve as Uraeus’s next meal, but the massive reptile hasn’t mid at a 45-degree angle. It appears to be about 30 feet long and
yet grown hungry enough to consume it. If the characters is dimly illuminated by light spilling in from its upper end. There
approach the boar, they see that it is bound in a leg iron are no discernable features along the entire length of the passage.
attached to the floor. The animal is extremely agitated and Tiny creatures (or Small creatures that squeeze) can travel
attacks anyone who gets too close to it (or, if freed, stands through this air shaft between the outside face of the pyra-
between it and the exit). mid and area 2-11. The shaft opens into area 2-11 at a point
Despite its fearsome appearance, Uraeus is an intelligent crea- 30 feet above the floor, with no easy way of getting down.
ture. He is initially curious as to why the characters are here,


AREA 2-13 – THE GRAND GALLERY pp, and a pair of goggles of night in a pocket in his tunic and
wears the shield guardian’s control amulet around his neck.
This massive chamber is approximately 110 feet long, 40 feet
wide, and 40 feet high. It appears to have been intended as a Developments. If Heka notices the characters enter the
gallery for study or religious contemplation. The walls of the room, he responds by flipping over his desk (books and
chamber, or as much of them as you can see, are covered with lantern included), creating flaming debris and alerting
cracked and peeling frescoes depicting various humanoids and Ophois (see areas 2-14 and 2-15) to the intruders. Heka
reptilian creatures. then rushes to get within the shield guardian’s 60-foot radius
of protection.
In the light of a bullseye lantern, a lone humanoid with the head
of a jackal sits at a desk examining a stack of books. A nearby If Heka overturns his desk, oil from the lantern splatters
table supports even more tomes. The furniture throughout the everywhere, setting the books and furniture on fire. While
chamber has legs of different lengths, apparently to compensate the flames burn, a creature that starts its turn in the area
for the gradual incline of the floor. between Heka and area 2-10 must make a DC 17 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
The jackal-headed figure is Heka, an arcanaloth. The books
half as much damage on a success.
Heka studies are collections of necromantic theory related
to the creation of undead. Sadiq Almawta (see area 1-17) Heka prefers to cast spells from a distance rather than engag-
leant the texts to Heka so that the fiend could learn more ing the characters in melee. If the shield guardian is reduced
on the topic. to 0 hit points, Heka retreats to area 2-14.
A character that studies the frescoes can make a DC 20 Intel- For the purposes of setting up the encounter in area 2-14,
ligence (History or Religion) check. On a success, the char- track how many rounds pass between the time Heka overturns
acter notes that the images depict Set’s genealogy, beginning the desk and the party opens the double doors to area 2-14.
with his parents Geb (“the earth”) and Nut (“the sky”), and
proceeding to depict many of Set’s offspring. Characters who AREA 2-14 – THE GREAT HALL
can read Abyssal see the names of Geb, Nut, and Set written Opening the double doors reveals an expansive chamber, 100
next to depictions of those individuals, as well as the names feet long and 80 feet wide, with a 70-foot high ceiling. On the
Anubis, Maga, Makura, Manahath, Ophois, Serket, and right side of the room, a wide staircase ascends 30 feet to a land-
Sobek written next to images of Set’s children. Many other ing where an archway offers exit from the room. At ground level,
children were once depicted as well, but time has eroded a high-backed marble throne sits atop a raised dais flanked by
away the plaster, leaving those frescoes in broken pieces on columns of the same strange stone that makes up the rest of the
the ground. If the characters think to reassemble the pieces pyramid. Fine silks have been spread across the central floor of
(using the mending cantrip, for example), they can recon- the chamber in a seemingly haphazard fashion. Wooden spars of
struct two additional names: Caphet and Skabhet. The names various lengths litter the floor around the chamber’s perimeter.
are the true names of Set’s children and may prove useful to
the characters (as explained in the True Name traits of the Ophois, the Chosen Son of Set (see appendix A), is usually
creatures in appendix A). found in this room. If the characters approach the chamber
stealthily (or if they entered via area 2-16, the upper air shaft),
A set of double doors at the far end of the room lead into the they find Ophois lounging prone on a pile of silks in the
great hall (area 2-14). A shield guardian stands beside the middle of the chamber. If alerted to the presence of intruders
doors. If the characters try to pass through the double doors, (by combat with Heka and the shield guardian in area 2-13,
the guardian casts the 4th-level fireball spell stored within it. for example), Ophois starts the encounter already prepared
Creatures caught in the fireball must make a DC 17 Dexterity for the party’s arrival (see Developments).
saving throw, taking 31 (9d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one. Treasure. If gathered together and cleaned, the silks covering
the floor are worth a total of 1,100 gp.
Treasure. The books on necromancy might fetch up to 200
gp if the characters find a spellcaster or antiquarian who Developments. If alerted to intruders, Ophois has taken
doesn’t mind dealing in books on such dark topics. Among the following actions, depending on how much time he has
the tomes is a spell scroll of animate dead. Even if the books had to prepare:
catch fire (see Developments), somehow the spell scroll • Round 1: Ophois uses Summon Lesser Son of Set
remains unscathed. Heka keeps 2d4 × 100 gp, 1d6 × 10 to summon Maga (see appendix A). In addition, he


communicates telepathically with Heka to learn the architectural purpose of this room, as well as the potential
number, type, and abilities of the intruders. consequences should the chamber be structurally compro-
mised (see Developments below).
• Round 2: Ophois uses Summon Minions of Set to
summon 2d6 minions of Set. Treasure. The items stored here represent Ophois’s acquired
wealth. Among the crates and boxes are 10 gemstones of
• Round 3: Maga positions himself upon the throne while
various types, each worth 500 gp each, and five art objects,
the minions of Set move toward the entrance. Ophois
mostly jewelry and sculptures crafted from rare materials such
withdraws to the passage leading to area 2-15 to watch
as ivory and platinum, valued at 250 gp each.
how the situation unfolds.
Several magic items can also be found among the various
• Round 4+: Ophois casts see invisibility from his hiding
items stored here, including a +2 longbow, an amulet of health,
spot in the hallway. He then waits for a strategic moment
a staff of healing, a potion of clairaudience (see appendix D), a
to reveal himself and join the fray.
potion of sight (see appendix D), and the Vengeance of Horus
If caught unawares, Ophois converses with the characters, (see appendix D).
asking them why they are here, how they got here, how they
A small chest contains 18 tokens of return keyed to the portal
figured out how to activate the portal, how they gained
in area 2-1, more than enough for all the allies who traveled
access to the pyramid, and so on, buying time until he can
with Ophois to the pocket dimension to return with him.
use Summon Minions of Set to bring in 2d6 minions. The
The chest is locked and Ophois carries the key. The chest’s
following round, Ophois summons a Lesser Son of Set called
lock is trapped with a poison needle that springs out if anyone
Maga (see appendix A).
attempts to open the lock without the proper key (Ophois
If the majority of the minions of Set are defeated, Maga and carries the key with him at all times). When the trap is trig-
Ophois both cast sticks to snakes (see appendix D) to bolster gered, the triggering creature takes 1 point of piercing damage
their forces. They start by targeting any torches or nonmagical and must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking
wooden weapons the characters hold, then use the spars lying 22 (4d10) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much
at the base of the walls as the remaining material components, damage on a successful one.
if necessary.
A creature who makes a successful DC 20 Investigation
If the party overwhelms Ophois’s summoned allies before (Intelligence) check detects the trap. Disabling the trap
he has a chance to enter the fray, the Chosen Son retreats requires thieves’ tools and a successful DC 21 Dexterity
to the treasure room (area 2-15) and prepares to make his check. Disabling the trap also opens the chest’s lock.
final stand.
Developments. If Ophois retreats to this room instead of
A tiny opening is positioned roughly 70 feet up the southern joining the combat in the great hall (area 2-14), he casts
wall of the chamber. The opening is an air shaft (see area 2-16) any defensive spells he has reemaining and summons allies
that connects this room with the outside of the pyramid. until the party arrives. Assume Ophois has a bundle of sticks
stored among the other items, in case he casts sticks to snakes
AREA 2-15 – THE TREASURE ROOM (see appendix D). Ophois then positions himself opposite
This 60-foot-long, 30-feet-wide chamber has an arched ceil- the chamber’s door so he can use Poison Breath when the
ing that rises to a height of 40 feet above the floor. Assorted characters enter the room.
crates and chests give the area the impression of a storeroom. Each time an evocation spell is cast in the chamber, there is a
The temperature of this chamber is considerably warmer than chance the room’s architectural supports are damaged and the
the rest of the pyramid. upper part of the pyramid begins to collapse. This chance is
The original purpose of this chamber was to provide archi- equal to the spell’s level times 5 percent (so, a 5th-level fireball
tectural support above the great hall (area 2-14), ensuring has a 25 percent chance of starting a collapse). If a collapse
that the weight of the upper part of the pyramid would not occurs, the following events unfold on initiative count 20
cause a collapse into that area. The openness of the chamber over the next few rounds:
makes it a convenient storage space, while the lack of an • The round after the triggering spell is cast, the entire
air shaft raises the room’s temperature and makes it one of pyramid trembles.
Ophois’s favorite places to bask. Characters proficient with
either carpenter’s or mason’s tools that make a successful DC • On the second round, the ceiling of area 2-15 begins
10 Intelligence (carpenter’s or mason’s tools) check realize the to collapse. The room’s floor becomes difficult terrain.
In addition, creatures in the room must make a DC 17


Dexterity check. On a failed save, the creature takes CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE
7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone.

Medium or smaller creatures that fail the saving throw f Ophois escapes the pocket dimension, he heads
by 5 or more are also restrained by the debris. A creature into the ruins beyond the pylons (area 1-4) to
can use an action to make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) muster his forces. From there, he heads to the
check, freeing a trapped creature on a success. hamlet of Thinis intent on decimating the settlement. Once
that is accomplished, Ophois seeks out the closest Chosen
• On the third round, the ceiling continues to collapse. Son of Set. Keep in mind the passage of time inside the
The DC to avoid the falling debris rises to 20, and the pocket dimension and how long Ophois has free reign before
damage on a failed save increases to 10 (3d6) bludgeon- the party returns through the portal.
ing damage.
If the characters defeat Ophois, return through the portal,
• On the fourth round, the ceiling continues to collapse, as and head back to Thinis, the population there has already
described above. The DC to avoid the falling debris rises discovered Ur-Chisisi’s betrayal from incriminating docu-
to 23, and the damage on a failed save increases to 14 ments left behind in her home. If you plan on playing other
(4d6) bludgeoning damage. In addition, the chamber’s adventures in the Chosen Sons of Set trilogy, clues on where
floor collapses. Each creature in area 2-15 plummets 80 to head next can be gleaned from an examination of these
feet into area 2-14, taking 28 (8d6) bludgeoning damage papers. If the characters share the story of their exploits in
from the fall. The floor of area 2-14 becomes difficult the pocket dimension, they are celebrated by the town. Each
terrain. party member is rewarded with five acres of local farmland,
• On the fifth round, the upper air shaft (area 2-16) experi- free room and board for a week, and a rowdy celebration at
ences a partial collapse, sealing that passage completely. the Stewed & Pickled. As landowners, the characters may add
Creatures inside the shaft take 17 (5d6) bludgeoning the honorific “lord” or “lady” before their names, should they
damage and are knocked prone and restrained. Escaping wish. Characters who build a homestead on their farmland
the rubble requires a successful DC 17 Strength (Athlet- may even be offered a position on the council of elders.
ics) check. In addition, rubble pours into area 2-14 from If Damush escaped from the pocket dimension after making
the air shaft; creatures in area 2-14 must make a success- a deal with the characters, he can also be found in Thinis. In
ful DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 4 (1d8) bludg- this case, tales of the characters’ bravery (and foolhardiness)
eoning damage from falling debris. precede their arrival in the hamlet.
If Ophois is reduced to 75 hit points or fewer in this chamber, Awarding Experience. If the characters complete this adven-
he spends his next turn recovering the small chest (see Treas- ture’s quest, consider allowing them to advance to the next
ure, above), an additional turn opening it, and a third turn level. If you would prefer the characters not to advance a
retrieving a token of return (see appendix A) and teleporting level at this point, you may instead award each character a
outside the pyramid near area 2-6, with the intent of heading bonus of anywhere from 100 to 1,000 XP for completing
to the portal (area 2-1) and leaving. Ophois takes the chest the adventure.
with him, hoping to trap the characters in the pocket dimen-
sion, but in his haste he spills just enough tokens of return that
one is left behind for each party member.


This narrow shaft cuts through the pyramid at a 45-degree angle
and appears to go on without end. There seems to be no discern-
able features on the passage’s walls, at least for as far as you can
see along it.
This passage is 2-1/2 feet on a side. A Tiny creature (or a
Small creature squeezing at half speed) can travel through
the shaft between the outside face of the pyramid and area
2-14. The shaft opens into area 2-14 at a point 70 feet above
the floor, with no easy way of getting down.


By Joe Raso

he Cursed Coils of Set is an adventure designed for For most of the last half-century, the remote town of Mugd-
use with the 5th edition of the first fantasy roleplay- had was governed by Tharikadh, an ireful human despot and
ing game. It is intended for four to six 12th level secret devotee of Ankharet, the cursed Sphinx Queen who
characters. The adventure takes place in a remote town at the once ruled Khonsuria. Tharikadh controlled all aspects of
edge of a desert and has a distinctive ancient Egyptian theme. life in the town, supported by his squads of brutish thugs.
If used as part of a Dark Tower campaign, the adventure
A year ago, Skabhet, a charismatic half-elf, arrived and
occurs in the city of Mugdhad. Found at the southeastern
usurped control of the town with the help of Set cultists.
extent of the Ghetrian Desert, the city sits below hills that
Skabhet, in truth, is a monstrous Chosen Son of Set, bent on
rise into the Mountains of the Fifth Prince. The adventure
extending the evil god’s influence across the Ghetrian Desert
is also easy to place in the GM’s campaign. If the deity Set
and Xa Deshret. She is aided by a dim-witted Lesser Son of
does not exist in the GM’s campaign, a similar evil deity can
Set named Grahd, as well as numerous minions of Set.
be substituted.
In the weeks after conquering the town, Skabhet executed
dozens of clerics whose temples vainly tried to foment an
BACKGROUND uprising against her. Their skeletal remains continue to hang
In an effort to spread discord and evil among the mortal races, from pillars as a reminder of the power Skabhet wields. Places
the god Set sired many children. Possessing a mix of divine of worship have been ransacked, desecrated, and repurposed
and mortal traits, his offspring appear like hideous snake, as shrines to Set.
reptilian, and humanoid crossbreeds. Each “son” of Set is
Skabhet is currently obsessed with finding Tharikadh. Gravely
a unique, twisted fiend, as the god steeped his creations in
injured and weakened by a confrontation with the Chosen
chaotic sorcery. Since their unholy birth, the Sons of Set have
Son of Set when she captured the town, Tharikadh managed
spread far and wide to disseminate their father’s vile plots.
to escape and has remained hidden ever since. From his secret
Set has many such sons, but only the four most powerful are redoubt beneath Mugdhad, he dreams of defeating the Sons
his Chosen Sons. The rest, and most numerous, are called his of Set and reclaiming his rule over the town. Meanwhile,
Lesser Sons. All the Sons of Set share a spark of immortality. Skabhet uses her minions to spread fear, torturing and execut-
A Lesser Son always fights to the death, hoping to gain Set’s ing those who dare oppose her rule, in the hopes of uncover-
favor, for if it’s destroyed it reforms in one to two years. The ing Tharikadh’s hiding place.
Chosen Sons are more practical and often surround them-
selves with minions, eschewing direct conflict. A slain Chosen
Son of Set returns as a Lesser Son, and the most powerful and
worthy Lesser Son ascends to the title of Chosen Son. This The citizens of Mugdhad suffer under the rule of Skabhet
often results in the Lesser Sons taking matters into their own and her minions of Set. Those foolish enough to resist her
scaly appendages. Should a Lesser Son slay a Chosen Son, Set are either openly killed in the market square or thrown to
would have no choice but to elevate it to its rightful position Grahd, a bestial Lesser Son, in his dank underground lair.
as a Chosen Son. But failure curses a Lesser Son to 100 years The townsfolk yearn to be liberated from Set’s subjugation
of service to its brother. but see little hope of this occurring.


Amun Tor The god of mystery and riddles The Shrine of Mysteries (area 2-1)
Ankharet the Cursed A demigod who once ruled the great sphinx empire See Tharikadh
of Khonsuria
Botis the Chaste The first paladin of Mitra (dead) Temple Row (area 1-6)
Dokhad Owns Traders of the Shifting Sands, a mercan- The Grand Market (appendix F)
tile; recently decided to assist Tharkihad’s
return to power
Etan One of Zawg’s bodyguards Merchant Wagon (area 1-2)
Fawliq Scholar and owner of Luminous Scrolls, a book shop Luminous Scrolls (area 1-8)
in the Coin Ward
Gilem One of Zawg’s bodyguards Merchant Wagon (area 1-2)
Grahd A Lesser Son of Set and the secret name of the The Cavern of the Serpent (area 3-2)
monstrous serpent in the Death Pit
Gyadi Luckbearer The high priestess of the Temple of Weal (dead) Temple Row (area 1-6)
Hashess The owner of the Grub Hub eatery and informant for Desert Ward (appendix F)
Set’s forces
Jahness Owner of Quarry’s Rest; distraught over her son’s Ash Ward (appendix F)
death in the Death Pit
Kawglid Cook at Yellen’s Gullet; secretly assisting in Desert Ward (appendix F)
Tharikadh’s revolt
Kichkem A quasit spy working for Skabhet Merchant Wagon (area 1-2)
Mag and Mog An elderly couple running the Grass Hut hostel, with Desert Ward (appendix F)
a soft spot for anyone resisting Set’s forces
Malite Sparklestone A gnome jeweler and owner of Malite’s Treasures;, Coin Ward (appendix F)
commissioned to create a tiara for Skabhet
Moonhet Hammerhand The head priest of The Blessed Forge (dead) Temple Row (area 1-6)
Passef Owner of the Sandstorm Tavern who is sympathetic Sandstorm Tavern (area 1-7)
to Tharikadh
Ren Fairhand A merchant in a foreign city looking for Adventure Hooks
supplies of hulwah
Sarha Proprietor of the Sphinx’s Smile who wants to honor The Grand Market (appendix F)
the priests who died in Skabhet’s purge
Sahlil Owner of Smoking Sahlil’s, a smelter and forge; Ash Ward (appendix F)
he blames Tharikadh for recent attacks against
his business
Skabhet The half-elven guise of the Chosen Son of Set, Skab- Audience Pavilion (area 4-9)
hetalloxis, who now controls the city
Skabhetalloxis Skabhet’s true name See Skabhet
Toothless Felik Owner of Yellen’s Gullet Desert Ward (appendix F)
Tharikadh Deposed governor of the city seeking to Tharikadh’s Redoubt (area 2-3)
reclaim his power
Vech Bearmane The high cleric of The Pillars of Justice (dead) Temple Row (area 1-6)
Xanthes Owner of the Golden Point and secret inform- Upper City (appendix F)
ant for Skabhet
Zawg A self-serving merchant looking to remove Merchant Wagon (area 1-2)
Tharikadh and Skabhet


How the characters are pulled into this story is up to the GM, DRAMATIS PERSONAE
but here are a few suggestions:
The city of Mugdhad is filled with thousands of people, most
• Called by the Gods. A character receives a vision from of whom are just looking for a way to survive Skabhet’s harsh
Mitra or some other god, pointing them in the direc- rule. Individuals referenced in the adventure are summa-
tion of the ancient, mud-walled city of Mugdhad. In the rized above.
vision, a giant, shadowy snake rises above the town, an
omen the character interprets as a sign of the growing
threat of the evil god Set and an urgent divine imperative RUNNING THE ADVENTURE
to vanquish this evil. The vision ends with the ghostly In this adventure, the characters must liberate a remote
image of a priest saying, “Come to Temple Row and end desert town from the cult of Set but must also contend with
our suffering.” (see area 1-6) its previous despotic ruler, who yearns to return to power.
• Liberate the City. Giztahk, an agent of Tharikadh, says How your players react to the situation is open ended. Both
the people of Mugdhad yearn to be free from Skabhet, a Skabhet and Tharikadh seek allies to help defeat the other,
brutal ruler and evil follower of Set. He claims the city’s though good-aligned parties will likely have difficulty work-
people want Tharikadh to govern again, but his master ing with either of these evil individuals once they understand
must hide beneath the city until the agents of Set are their nature. Perhaps the characters make an alliance with
defeated. Giztahk assures the adventurers that Tharikadh the opportunistic merchant at the town’s gate? Of course, a
will generously reward those who defeat the cult of Set full-out assault against both powers is an option many may
and reinstate him as the city’s rightful ruler. He directs choose, though doing so could be deadly for the unprepared.
them to seek out the Sandstorm Tavern in the Upper
City (area 1-7). IN-GAME EVENTS
• Great Rewards. A placard posted in the characters’ Although the town of Mugdhad can be played as an open
favorite tavern states,“Brave and powerful heroes wanted in sandbox, GMs are encouraged to use the following encoun-
Mugdhad. Great rewards await the worthy.” The sign was ters to move the adventure forward.
posted by Zawg, an unscrupulous merchant the adven-
Tharikadh’s Request. The town’s previous despotic leader has
turers may meet when they arrive in Mugdhad (area 1-2).
become aware of the adventurers from his hidden redoubt
• Ancient Secrets. The characters learn that Mugdhad beneath the Shrine of Amun Tor (see Part 2: The Ruined
may house the magical treasures of the ancient Khonsu- Shrine of Amun Tor). If the characters have opposed the
rian empire and possibly of the Sphinx Queen Ankharet forces of Set, he sees them as a means to overthrow Skabhet
herself. These priceless artifacts would be highly coveted and reclaim his control of the city.
by arcane scholars and purveyors of magic. Fawliq, a
The characters receive a note from Tharikadh as they explore
scholar and owner of Luminous Scrolls, a book shop
the city. The note takes the form of a cryptic message: “We
in the Coin Ward (area 1-8), is said to be an expert on
share a common enemy. Meet me under the eyes of Amun Tor
this subject.
so we may coordinate our actions.” If questioned, the messen-
• Merchant’s Salve. Ren Fairhand, the owner of a store the ger claims that a plain-faced merchant paid them good
heroes frequent, laments he has run out of “hulwah,” a coin to deliver the note but knows nothing else about the
sweet-smelling salve favored by his wealthiest patrons. merchant’s identity.
The ointment is made only in Mugdhad, and he’s received
Desperate Parent. Cruel minions of Set have kidnapped a
no shipments from that city in a year. Ren offers to pay
child as an offering for Grahd (see Part 3: The Death Pit). The
the adventurers 100 gp if they look into the problem and
child’s parents beg the characters to save their child before
acquire flasks of the expensive salve. Ren’s only contact in
Set’s fiendish monster takes them.
the city is an old friend Passef, who now runs the Sand-
storm Tavern (area 1-7). Skabhet’s Summons. Skabhet has spies throughout the
Mugdhad who inform her of threats, including troublemak-
ing adventurers. She attempts to use the characters for her
own ends or eliminate them before they become a problem.


Skabhet dispatches a human guard to deliver a message, • In area 2-2, decrease the damage a creature takes for solv-
summoning the characters to her palace (see Part 4: Skabhet’s ing the puzzle incorrectly to 11 (2d10) psychic damage.
Palace). The message reads:
• In area 2-3, the smaller sphinx statues (gargoyles) aren’t
“Skabhet, favored of Set and Supreme Governor of Mugdhad, resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
requires your presence at the City Palace.” from nonmagical attacks that aren’t adamantine.
The message is written in expensive ink and sealed with • In area 3-1, remove the black puddings.
wax stamped with the symbol of Set. After delivering the
• In area 3-2, remove the black puddings.
message, the guard walks away and does not respond to ques-
tions. If the adventurers do not arrive within 24 hours of • In Part 4, reduce the number of guards on each patrol
the summons, Skabhet sends a squad of 8 guards and two by two (to a minimum of one).
minions of Set (see appendix B) to escort them forcibly • In area 4-9, increase the damage dealt by the holy light
to the palace. to 11 (2d10) radiant damage.
Hunger of the Serpent. Grahd, the great fiendish serpent • In area 4-9, remove Skabhet’s Sacrificed Spirits lair action.
and a Lesser Son of Set, is generally content to wallow in his
stinking pit, but he occasionally develops a hunger that the Stronger parties (more than 6 characters and/or higher
sacrifices left for him do not sate (see Part 3: The Death Pit). than 12th level):
On these occasions, the serpent ascends into the city, seeking • In area 1-2, add one or more thugs to Zawg’s retinue.
the thrill of catching victims in the streets.
• In area 1-4, add one minion of Set to each guard tower.
The screams of those fleeing the fiend alert the characters to
• In area 1-5, the exit of the smuggler’s tunnel is guarded
Grahd’s rampage. Alternatively, Set may whisper to Grahd
by two or more minions of Set.
to hunt down the adventurers, setting up a violent confron-
tation. If the characters reduce Grahd to half his hit point • In area 2-1, add one minion of Set.
maximum or less, he summons minions of Set and uses
• In area 2-1, increase the damage a creature takes for
Assume Etherealness to flee back to his pit to recover and
entering the incorrect code to 44 (8d10) psychic damage.
plan revenge.
• In area 2-2, increase the damage dealt by the stone golem
dragon’s Fire Breath to 66 (12d10) fire damage.
• In area 2-2, increase the damage a creature takes for solv-
Though designed for four to six 12th-level characters, The
ing the puzzle incorrectly to 44 (8d10) psychic damage.
Cursed Coils of Set can be modified for parties of different sizes
or levels. If the encounters are adjusted, remember to adjust • In area 2-3, the smaller sphinx statues (gargoyles) have
the amount of treasure appropriately. Consider adapting the maximum hit points (77 hp).
adventure as follows: • In area 3-1, add one or more minions of Set.
Weaker parties (3 or fewer characters and/or lower than • In area 3-2, change the cursed souls that attend Grahd
12th level): from shadows to wraiths.
• In area 1-2, remove Zawg’s ring of protection. • In Part 4, the guards that protect Skabhet’s palace are
• In area 1-4, remove the minion of Set from each guard veterans.
tower. • In area 4-9, decrease the damage dealt by the holy light
• In area 1-5, the midpoint of the smuggler’s tunnel is to 3 (1d6) radiant damage.
guarded by two basilisks instead of a behir. • In area 4-9, increase the DC of saving throws against
• In area 2-1, remove one minion of Set. Skabhet’s lair actions to DC 17.
• In area 2-1, decrease the damage a creature takes for
entering the incorrect code to 11 (2d10) psychic damage. BEGINNING THE ADVENTURE
• In area 2-2, decrease the stone golem dragon’s AC to The adventure begins as the characters approach the Mugd-
15. Change the frequency of the golem’s Fire Breath to had’s southern gate (area 1-1). There, they may interact with
1/Day. Zawg, a merchant with a secret agenda (area 1-2). Where the
adventurers head from there is up to them.


PART 1: MUGDHAD OVERVIEW fail to think they have a chance to make things better. A rare
few cling to the hope they can initiate change, yearning for

he remote settlement of Mugdhad lies near the their fellows to join in an uprising against their oppressors.
southeastern extent of the Ghetrian Desert. The
If people in the city witness a confrontation between the
city covers an outcropping of rock just south of hills
adventurers and Set’s forces, they flee in terror. Most have
that eventually rise into the Mountains of the Fifth Prince
experienced the fiends’ violent reprisals. Should the characters
to the north. The settlement grew around an oasis during
actually defeat the minions of Set in public, word of their
the Khonsurian Empire’s height, supporting shadowstone
victory spreads. Consider using one or more of the events
mines in the nearby mountains. Though those mines have
described in the In-Game Events section to highlight the
long since been abandoned, occasionally small quantities of
impact of the character’s growing reputation.
the rare metal make their way here via intrepid (some say
foolish) prospectors. Skabhet’s Forces. The backbone of Skabhet’s stranglehold
on the city are her minions of Set (see appendix B), squads
In the centuries since Khonsuria’s fall, the once-bustling
of violent, snake-headed fiends who walk the streets enforc-
community shrank from a bustling city of nearly 8,000 souls
ing capricious laws they define on the spot. Civilians who
to its current population of a few thousand. The community
grovel have a chance of surviving altercations. Those who fail
offers quantities of millet, copper, and a modest selection of
to show sufficient subservience are either executed, dragged
manufactured goods for trade. Up to a year ago, the city’s
to the palace for Skabhet’s cruel enjoyment, or thrown into
most sought-after commodity was “hulwah,” a sweet-smelling
the Death Pit as sacrifices to its monstrous serpent.
salve made from fermented fruit and insect larva.
Skabhet also maintains a growing contingent of desperate
Since Skabhet conquered the city, trade has dropped consid-
residents who’ve joined her cause. They’re often destitute,
erably. Hulwah production was crippled when a sinkhole
pledging themselves to Set for food, survival, and to avoid
swallowed the buildings where for centuries the salve had
Set’s heartless minions. These unfortunates have decided it’s
been made. Few merchants return from the city, as Set’s
better to swing the sword than die at the end of one. Set’s
minions demand coin indiscriminately and make examples
grip on the city grows with every desperate soul claimed
of anyone who refuses. Inventories of nearly everything have
in this way.
run short. Most goods not produced locally are difficult to
find, and the characters can expect to pay twice the regular The minions of Set have little tolerance for people of faith,
price for most goods. such as clerics and paladins. They attempt to capture these
individuals and either sacrifice them to the serpent of the
Death Pit (see Part 3) or take them as a new victim for Skab-
GENERAL FEATURES het’s artistic expression (see Part 4).
Over the past generation, Mugdhad has fallen on hard
Tharikadh’s Followers. Few Mugdhadites loved the previous
times. Things have only gotten worse with the arrival of
governor, but now some grudgingly admit life was less terri-
Skabet and her minions of Set. The City of Mugdhad is
ble with him in power. A handful of citizens have remained
depicted on Map 3-1.
loyal followers of Tharikadh and built a resistance network
The People of Mugdhad. Tough and enduring, the citizens across the city. Their numbers are small and grow smaller
of Mugdhad have grown used to hardship. The city is mainly each day, falling victim to Set’s forces as they hunt for the
human, though communities of dwarves and gnomes, plus previous governor.
small numbers of other humanoids, give it a cosmopolitan air.
Still, these loyalists somehow manage to hinder Set’s forces by
For much of the last century, Mugdhad’s citizens endured stealing supplies, disrupting their activities, and sabotaging
the harsh rule of Tharikadh, who used crews of goons to their buildings. As the struggle drags on, Mugdhad’s citizens
enforce his peace. Today, the minions of Set arbitrarily inflict grow increasingly irate at these rebellious citizens, as their
violence as they hunt for Tharikadh. The city is divided. Some actions provoke inevitable reprisals from Skabhet’s forces.
remember life being better while Tharikadh was in power
Silver Must Be Sacrificed. One of Skabhet’s earliest decrees
and wish he’d return. Others blame the previous governor
was that Set demanded all silver in the city be taken and
for the ongoing violence inflicted by Set’s forces, hoping his
sacrificed to the Serpent of the Death Pit. In truth, Grahd
capture will ease everyone’s suffering. Most are resigned to
has no interest in silver and merely guards it for Set’s forces.
their fate, silently wondering if the city is cursed to suffer
However, Skabhet is vulnerable to silver and does all she can
beneath heartless tyrants; they’ve seen too many rebellions
to sequester the material from those who might harm her.


Anyone found to possess silver must immediately surrender winds. Desperate travelers occasionally camp here, though
it to Set’s forces. Failure to do so invites a quick death. rarely for more than a night, as packs of wild dogs prowl
outside the city at night, and minions of Set forcefully evict
RUMORS any squatters they find camped near the city during the day.

As they interact with the people of Mugdhad, the characters AREA 1-2 – MERCHANT WAGON
may hear any the following rumors:
If the adventurers continue towards the city, they encounter a
• Skabet is counseled by a medusa, who is likely the true merchant wagon on the side of the trail a few hundred yards
power behind the cult of Set. Mirrors were removed from from the city gate.
the palace for fear the medusa would see her reflection.
Beside the merchant-trail stand four camels quietly grazing near
a loaded wagon. Nearby, in front of a brightly colored tent, sits
• Skabet demands gold and gems as tribute. Copper and a merchant contentedly puffing on a pipe. Two figures stand at
silver are considered an insult to her. (TRUE) attention behind him.
• Tharikadh is dead, eaten by the Serpent of the Death Pit As you draw near, the merchant’s face brightens. With a broad
when the forces of Set captured the city. (FALSE) smile, he calls to you. “Welcome travelers! Please, do come near!
• Skabhet spreads the rumor of Tharikadh’s continued I have an offer I know you can’t resist!”
insurgence as an excuse to commit her acts of violence. Merchant. The pipe-smoking human merchant is Zawg, a
(FALSE) neutral evil gladiator with the following adjustments:
• The Death Pit is a portal to hell. Anyone who enters is • He has 150 (20d8 + 60) hit points.
doomed to never return. (FALSE)
• He wears studded leather armor and a ring of protection,
• Tharikadh waits for an opportunity to strike and free increasing his AC to 15.
Mugdhad from the cult of Set. (TRUE)
• He has an Intelligence score of 14 (+2) and a Charisma
• Tharikadh has hired an army to liberate the city. They’ll score of 17 (+3).
be here soon. (FALSE)
• His skills are Deception +9, Intimidation +6, and Persua-
• If you give yourself to Skabhet, and she finds you worthy, sion +6.
she’ll transform you into one of her serpent minions. If
• Special Equipment: Zawg wears a ring of protection and
you’re unworthy, she turns you to stone. (FALSE)
hides a potion of invisibility in a pocket of his robes. A
The following sections describe encounter areas the adven- snake bundle (see appendix D) hangs from his belt.
turers are likely to visit if they follow the Adventure Hooks
Guards. The two figures behind Zawg are Gilem (human
provided. Should the characters wish to explore the city
veteran) and Etan (human assassin), his devoted body-
further, see appendix F for ideas.
guards. They are utterly loyal to Zawg, as he has treated them
well for many years.
Invisible Watcher. A quasit named Kichkem sits invisibly
The character’s first exposure to the town of Mugdhad will
atop one of the tent poles. Skabhet has grown suspicious of
likely be as they arrive along the southern merchant trail. Read
Zawg and commanded Kichkem to spy on the merchant.
or paraphrase the following when they approach the city:
Zawg and his guards are unaware of the quasit’s presence.
After a long journey through the southern extent of the Ghetrian
Characters who examine the outside of the merchant’s tent
Desert, the mud walls of Mugdhad finally come into view.
and succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check suspect
The city rises from a rocky outcropping surrounded by fields
a small, unseen creature sits atop the tent. If discovered,
of drought-resistant crops. The half-buried remnants of long-
Kichkem flies back to the royal palace to share what it has
abandoned buildings poke through the mounds of sand and grass
seen with Skabhet.
that surround the city.
Zawg’s Motivation. Zawg is a charming but unscrupulous
Buried Buildings. These half-buried buildings are the
merchant who is ultimately out for himself. He flourished
remains of a shanty town that encircled Mugdhad at the
under Tharikadh’s rule and viewed the previous governor’s
height of its power centuries ago. The broken structures
brute squads as his own security force, thanks to considerable
provide limited shelter from the desert’s incessant, sand-filled
under-the-table payments. However, when Skabhet’s forces


arrived, he quickly recognized their strength. Being an oppor- Zawg does not tell the characters that he suspects Skabhet’s
tunist, Zawg bartered for Skabhet’s favor by sharing informa- forces now guard the tunnel. He hopes the adventurers defeat
tion on the placements of Tharikadh’s units, intelligence that the guards so he can again use the tunnel to bypass the city
was instrumental in the cult of Set’s rapid conquest of the city. gate. Assuming Set’s forces block the tunnel, he expects it
will be a good test to determine if the adventurers are strong
Over the past year, Zawg has grown dissatisfied with the
enough to defeat Skabhet.
cult of Set’s presence in the town. Though Set’s minions
continue to leave him alone (thanks to his continued bribes), If the group is unwilling to use the tunnel and would prefer
the decline in trade is draining his purse. Recently, Zawg to enter through the city gates (area 1-3), Zawg warns any
decided that Mugdhad, and more importantly himself, would obvious clerics or paladins that clergy are treated harshly by
be better off if Skabhet was removed. If he can make that Skabhet’s troops. He has extra sets of clothing in his wagon
happen, who better to control the town than himself! that the party can use as disguises, if needed.
Recognizing Skabhet’s frustration at failing to capture Interacting With Zawg. Zawg has lived in Mugdhad for two
Tharikadh, Zawg offered to find adventurers better suited years and is aware of the city’s state before and after Skabhet’s
to the task, requesting 1,000 gp to make it happen. Surpris- arrival. If he believes the adventurers could defeat Skabhet,
ingly, Skabhet accepted his offer. Zawg then discretely sent he answers questions as best he can.
messages to the nearest cities seeking hardy adventurers,
Here are suggestions for Zawg’s answers to questions:
suggesting that great rewards await the worthy. He then set
up his merchant tent outside the city to meet adventurers • What Do You Sell? “I trade for silver. The cult of Set confis-
as they arrive. Zawg intends to encourage adventurers to cates any silver they find on visitors at the city gate, giving it
eliminate not only Tharikadh, but Skabhet and Grahd as as a sacrifice to the bestial Serpent of the Death Pit. Selling
well, leaving him to rule the town in peace. your silver to me is a better deal than losing it!
Now, if he could just find a group of adventurers willing to • Why Trade Here? “The guards leave me alone, so long as
do his dirty work... I give them a small taste of my profits.”
Trading for Silver. Zawg isn’t overly concerned with his silver • Isn’t the cult of Set Evil? “In my humble opinion, most
trade, using it as a pretense to exist outside the city gates. He leaders care little for those beneath them. Skabhet is harsh
offers below-market values, arguing it’s worthless in the city to those that oppose her but leaves folks alone if they follow
as Skabhet’s forces confiscate any silver they find. Initially, he her rules.”
offers to trade 1 gp for 20 sp but is willing to bargain lower. • What’s your relation to Skabhet? “I make payments to
Offer to the Adventurers. Once Zawg identifies a group Skabhet to make sure I stay in her good books.”
of potential adventurers, at first he only discusses Skabhet’s If utterly convinced in the group’s ability to defeat the forces
wish to capture (or eliminate) Tharikadh. He lies, saying of Set, he may quietly share that the city might be better off
Skabhet has authorized him to pay a reward of up to 100 gp with both Skabhet and Tharikadh removed.
for Tharikadh, dead or alive. He’s willing to bargain up to
500 gp, but no more. He provides one 100 gp ruby as a sign “Of course, with both leaders removed, perhaps Mugdhad would
of good faith if the group accepts his offer. be better served if a merchant of means ruled the city.”

Assuming the group eventually succeeds in capturing the Fighting Zawg. In the unlikely event the characters attack
Tharikadh, Zawg plans to use the remaining coin he received Zawg, his bodyguards Gilem and Etan defend him to the
from Skabhet to bribe the characters into ridding the city of death. Zawg uses his snake bundle to engage the adventurers
Skabhet and the cult of Set as well. while he quaffs his potion of invisibility and escapes to his
home in the Upper City.
How to Find Tharikadh? Zawg suggests the adventurers start
their search for Tharikadh at the Sandstorm Tavern in the Developments. If the adventurers leave Zawg on good
Upper City (area 1-7), a place known to harbor sympathizers terms, he can serve as an ally who helps the characters in
of the previous ruler. times of need.

Zawg says the group should avoid the ever-watchful eyes of

Tharikadh’s agents by sneaking into the city. He describes an
old smuggling tunnel they could use (area 1-5) but warns that The merchant trail passes through the city walls via an arched
entrance could be dangerous, as cutthroats have been known tunnel flanked by guard towers fashioned from hardened mud.
to prey on the unsuspecting. Beneath a raised portcullis, a pair of armored guards carrying


shields emblazoned with a rearing snake symbol stops everyone master are allowed to pass through the gate if they possess
before entering the city. a special bronze pendant called a “mine pass.” Only five of
these pendants exist (see appendix F for more information).
Entrance Tunnel. The arched tunnel can be secured with
a thick wooden gate and a portcullis. The portcullis is typi-
cally closed at night. The winches to open the portcullis are AREA 1-4 – CITY WALLS
found on the second floor of each tower. Lifting the portcullis Hardened mud walls encircle Mugdhad. The walls are 20 feet
requires a successful DC 25 Strength check. The barred gates thick at their base and rise 25 feet above the ground. Atop
are reinforced and strong (AC 20, 50 hp, immunity to poison the walls is a 10-foot-wide walkway. The walkway’s outer wall
and psychic damage, damage threshold 10). features 5-foot-high crenelations, which provide defenders
half cover against attacks from outside the city. Stairs from
Two human guards collect tolls from visitors and merchants
the ground rise along the inner walls every hundred feet,
visiting the city. They demand 1 gp per person, 1 gp per
granting access to the walkway.
horse, and 10 gp per wagon to enter the city. Workers deliv-
ering food to the city are exempt from the tax. Additionally, The walls are easy to climb because of their many cracks
the guards demand all silver be handed over at the gate, irre- and footholds, requiring only a successful DC 10 Strength
spective of any tolls collected. (Athletics) check. However, the ancient construction crum-
bles easily, forcing Medium or larger creatures to also succeed
Guard Towers. Two 30-foot-tall towers stand at either side
on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or fall, resulting in 7
of the gate. Each tower has three floors that are 20-feet-
(2d6) bludgeoning damage as portions of the mud wall disin-
square, with stone steps leading to the next level. The doors
tegrate beneath them as they climb.
of the towers are reinforced with iron and can be barred shut,
requiring a successful DC 20 Strength check to open. The walkways are regularly patrolled, day and night. Every
minute a character stands atop the wall, they have a 1 in 6
The gate towers typically house 2d4 + 1 human guards and
chance of encountering a patrol of 1d4 human guards. There
a bandit captain overseen by a minion of Set. The bandit
is a 25 percent chance each patrol includes a minion of Set
captain carries a key for the locked chest stored on the ground
(see appendix B). The patrols aren’t particularly vigilant, as
floor of each tower.
they are confident in their control of the city. Unless alert to
• Ground Floor. This room includes a table and chairs where trouble, patrols have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception)
guards play cards while on duty. A locked chest holds the checks to observe stealthy characters.
tolls collected from visitors. Opening the chest requires
a successful DC 13 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools AREA 1-5 – SMUGGLER’S TUNNEL
or a successful DC 15 Strength check to force open. The At the base of the cliff, a dark cave entrance is barely visible
chest contains 10d10 sp and 5d10 gp. A stone staircase behind a screen of brush and dry grass. The broken terrain helps
leads to the second level. to hide this area from anyone watching from the city’s outer wall.
• Second Floor. This floor is usually unoccupied. It contains Smugglers and unscrupulous merchants have used this
a rack holding spare chain shirts, shields, and spears. A entrance to bypass the city gates for years. The tunnel is unlit.
wooden door opens onto a walkway on the inside of the It varies from 5 to 10 feet wide and is generally 10 feet high.
city walls. The passage is hundreds of feet long, slowly twisting through
• Upper Floor. Arrow slits on all sides of this room grant the rock under the city before ending at a secret door in a
three-quarters cover from attacks outside the tower. A dark alley in the Coin Ward. The secret door is easily noticed
barrel of 150 arrows and a rack with four short bows and opened from inside the tunnel, but on the outside, a
are stored here. One exceedingly bored human guard is successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check is required to
typically stationed here. A wooden ladder ascends to a identify the exit.
trap door, which opens onto the roof. The forces of Set found this tunnel shortly after capturing the
• Roof. Five-foot-high crenelations encircle the roof. Troops city. A minion of Set (see appendix B) guards the tunnel’s
are stationed here only if the city is under attack or facing exit in the Coin Ward. At the tunnel’s midpoint, the passage
an imminent threat. opens into a natural cavern roughly 50 feet in diameter. Here,
Skabhet installed a trained behir to guard the route against
Mountain Gate. The Ash Ward on the northern side of the
unwanted use. The behir attacks any creature not accompa-
city has a similar gate. Workers heading to the mines north
nied by Skabhet, Grahd, or a minion of Set.
of the city use this entrance. Groups of workers led by a task-


Developments. If the characters were given the name of the Characters following the Called by the Gods adventure hook
Sandstorm Tavern by Zawg (area 1-2), they can easily find sense that the atrocities committed on this street are a part
their way to that location from the tunnel’s exit. of why they were urged to come to this city.
Honoring the Priests. Characters who somehow honor a
AREA 1-6 – TEMPLE ROW priest (removing them from the poles, saying prayers, etc.)
A row of four burned and broken temples line this street. The holy receive a spiritual charm as described below. Each priest offers
symbols that once hung from these buildings are defaced with only one spiritual charm, and no character can receive more
dried blood smeared in the shape of a rearing snake. In front than one charm at a time.
of each temple rises a 20-foot-tall wooden pole where skeletal
Each of the high priests knew the true names of Skabhet and
remains dressed in priestly robes hang from their wrists above
Grahd. If the characters later face either Skabhet or Grahd in
the street.
combat, one of the characters who honored a priest is briefly
Skabhet’s forces massacred all the priests and ransacked their visited by their ghostly image. The ghost whispers the true
temples shortly after taking the city. The corpses of each name of the fiend and says:
temple’s high priest hang from poles in front of their broken
“Utter this name aloud with conviction to help defeat this
temples. Their forms are now little more than skeletons wear-
ing tattered priestly robes. The bodies of the remaining priests
were taken to the palace and hung from poles around the Peoples’ Reactions. If the characters remove the skeletons
tainted pools in her audience pavilion (see area 4-9). from the poles, the passersby become upset and fervently
shout for them to stop. They are afraid such actions will
bring punishment from Set’s forces. Some residents may


even forcefully intercede. A character can make a DC 15 temple, left by those hoping the Restoring Flame would again
Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check to convince light the fires of justice.
the residents to end their protests, as does a casting of the
The skeleton of Vech Bearmane, the temple’s high cleric,
calm emotions spell.
hangs here. A character who honors this priest receives the
Unless they’ve had a hostile encounter with the party previ- Charm of the Sentinel.
ously, the forces of Set ignore adventurers taking down the
Charm of the Sentinel. This charm helps you protect those
skeletons. Instead, they mock the characters for “playing with
under your watch. When a creature within 10 feet of you
dead things” and suggest they go to a graveyard where they
is targeted by a weapon attack, you can use your reaction
can really dig into some fun.
to move adjacent to that creature. If you do, the attack is
The Blessed Forge. This was the temple to Daenthar, the made at disadvantage, and the creature gains resistance to
lawful good god of industry, blacksmithing, and oaths. The the attack’s damage. If the creature under your protection
worship of Daenthar was always important in Mugdhad, takes damage from the attack, you take the same amount
particularly when large quantities of ore flowed into the town of damage. Once you use this charm three times, the charm
from the Mountains of the Fifth Prince. The modest temple vanishes from you.
once boasted a working forge that artisans would visit to
Mitra’s Shrine. A modest sanctuary dedicated to Mitra, the
bless their creations. Bits of copper and metal have been left
god of duty, vigilance, and sworn enemy of Set, once stood
as meager offerings near the temple’s threshold.
here. Set’s forces have taken considerable pleasure in reducing
The skeleton of Moonhet Hammerhand, the head priest this shrine to a pile of rubble. In Mugdhad, Mitra’s followers
of Daenthar hangs in front of the temple. A character who were few, and they all died defending the city from Skabhet’s
honors this priest receives the Charm of Iron. incursion. No offerings are found near the temple.
Charm of Iron. When you roll initiative, you can activate The skeleton of Botis the Chaste, first paladin of the temple,
this charm to magically enchant a melee weapon you possess. hangs here. A character honoring Botis receives the Charm
For the next minute, the enchanted weapon scores a critical of the Lion.
hit on a roll of 18-20. After 1 minute, the weapon returns to
Charm of the Lion. This charm grants you divine protec-
normal, and you cannot activate the charm again.
tion against fiends in the service of Set. For the next seven
Temple of Weal. The denizens of this temple once revered days, you are protected from fiends as if you were affected by
Myna, the Maid of Fortune, a chaotic good god of chance. a protection from evil and good spell.
The temple was always popular within the city, particularly
during times of hardship, when people looked to change AREA 1-7 – SANDSTORM TAVERN
their fate. Hopeful citizens still leave dried flowers before the Rising three stories above the street is the Sandstorm Tavern. A
temple hoping to earn Myna’s blessings. simple placard with its name hangs above the entrance. A few
The skeleton of Gyadi Luckbearer, the high priestess of Myna, patrons can be seen enjoying food and drink through the build-
hangs in front of the temple. A character who honors this ing’s front window.
priest receives the Charm of Fate. The Sandstorm Tavern serves food and drinks to patrons
Charm of Fate. This charm grants you some power over your in the Upper City. Generous payments to the minions of
fate. When you receive this charm, roll three d20s. These Set by its owner Passef (NE male human bandit captain)
are your fate rolls. You can replace any attack roll, saving have allowed the establishment to remain open. Passef is here
throw, or ability check made by you or a creature you can at most hours, serving customers or resting in his private
see with one of these fate rolls. You can choose to use a fate room behind the bar. The upper two floors consist of sleep-
roll after you see the die roll, but before the roll’s outcome is ing quarters available for rent, though are all empty at the
determined. Once a fate roll is used, it is spent and cannot moment—the downturn in economic activity has resulted
be used again. Once all three fate rolls are used, the charm in few travelers needing a place to stay.
vanishes from you. Secretly, the tavern is a hub for those who remain sympathetic
Pillars of Justice. This temple was dedicated to Justicia, to the city’s previous governor. Passef is an ardent supporter
the goddess of mercy and justice. It was one of the smaller of Tharikadh and has covertly helped him by providing food
shrines along Temple Row, frequented by a small but dedi- and delivering messages. The tavern owner is also a follower of
cated following. A few burnt candles rest beside the ruined Ankharet and dreams of the day when the Sphinx empire will


be reborn. He knows Tharikadh hides beneath the Shrine of
Amun Tor but does not know how to find its secret entrance.
If Passef believes the adventurers responded to Tharikadh’s call
for adventurers (see the Liberate the City adventure hook),
he grows excited and shares his hopes that they can return
Tharikadh to power. He suggests they seek out Tharikadh at
the Shrine of Amun Tor (see Part 2).


A sign painted in yellow and purple proclaims “Luminous Scrolls”
on the front of this modest, two-story, mud-walled building.
Stacks of books are visible through its dust-caked front window.
Luminous Scrolls is run by Fawliq the Sage (see appendix C),
a male tiefling with an insatiable interest in history and lore
related to the ancient Khonsurian Empire. He sells books of
all sorts from his ill-kept shop, though his business has all but
dried up since Set’s forces arrived a year ago. He is terrified
of Set’s forces and stays in his shop most of the time, losing
himself in his many books or resting in his modest apartment
on the second floor.
Fawlik is intrigued by the ruined shrine of Amun Tor (see
Part 2). He visited it briefly when he first arrived in the city
years ago and marveled at the inscriptions on its walls. He
did not have a chance to decipher the inscriptions and now is
too afraid to leave his shop again. He encourages the adven-
turers to investigate the shrine and happily shares its loca-
tion. He suspects the temple contains a wealth of lore regard-
ing the ancient Khonsurian empire and possibly a hidden
shrine to Ankharet the Cursed, the sphinx demigod who
ruled that empire.



fter capturing the town and hanging its priests in
a violent display of domination, the minions of
Set ransacked every temple they found. But they
overlooked a shrine to Amun Tor, the Lord of Mystery, as
the small, unassuming sanctuary did not sit along Temple
Row (area 1-6), where most of the city’s places of worship
were located.
The shrine has sat unattended for many years. Only a handful
of individuals in Mugdhad know that a shrine to Ankharet
lies hidden beneath the temple or that Tharikadh uses the
shrine as a refuge from Skabhet’s incessant campaign to
destroy him.


Your Campaign World Amun Tor
If the god Amun Tor does not exist in your campaign, you can Amun Tor (ah-mun-TOR), the Lord of Mystery, the Father of
replace him with any deity of mysteries, puzzles, secrets, or Riddles, is a mysteriarch among gods. The deity of knowledge,
hidden knowledge. Similarly, you can replace Ankharet with the known and unknown, Amun Tor was charged by the Triad
any powerful entity who could serve as a warlock’s patron. to oversee the realms now known as the Lostlands. It was Amun
Tor who first led the sphinxes to the majesty that was the Khon-
surian Empire, and it was Amun Tor who warned his daughter,
AREA 2-1 – THE SHRINE OF MYSTERIES the immortal Queen Ankharet, from the path that led to its
ruin. He watches still over the wind, hills, and deserts of the
A nondescript building stands at the end of the alley. Rough stone Lostlands, the unseen lord of every city and desolation.
walls rise 20 feet to a flat stone roof. Wooden doors gray with age
The Father of Riddles has many followers, mostly among the
open into the structure; just visible above the doors is a faintly peoples of the Lostlands, but few real priests devote their lives
etched glyph of an eye. One of the doors is slightly ajar. to his enigmatic dogma. True worship of Amun Tor is a mystery
The only entrance into the shrine is through the front doors. in itself; an acolyte must study the hieroglyphs of his maze-
The doors are made of heavy wood (AC 15, 22 hp, immunity like temples for many years to understand his doctrines. One
of Amun Tor’s only known tenets is that true power is worth
to poison and psychic damage). They have no locks but can
searching for and is therefore hidden in riddles. The greatest
be barred from the inside using a piece of wood or similar of his temples, structures usually half-buried in the wilds of the
object. A character who makes a successful DC 13 Intel- Lostlands, are labyrinthine pyramids hiding divine reliquaries
ligence (Religion) check identifies the eye-glyph above the and arcane libraries. Adventurers faced with the prospect of
doors as a symbol associated with Amun Tor, god of mystery infiltrating one of Amun Tor’s temples know that exceptional
and riddles. perils—and equally exceptional rewards—lie within.
The shrine has no windows. Scrambling up the rough stone The Lord of Mysteries is depicted differently in each culture of
blocks of its outer walls requires a DC 10 Strength (Athlet- which he is a part. Some depict him as a great androsphinx,
ics) check. The shrine’s flat roof is covered with red clay while others see him as a tall elf gilded like the noble serv-
ants of old Khonsuria. Still others represent him only as an
tiles, each imprinted with a stylized sphinx, but is otherwise
eye-shaped glyph.
The domains associated with Amun Tor are Knowledge
Inside the Shrine. The shrine’s interior can be illuminated and Nature. His favored weapon is the quarterstaff. His
using oil lamps mounted on its maze-like walls. Light sand symbol varies with each culture but often incorporates an
criss-crossed with footprints covers the floor. Two great pillars image of an eye.
hold aloft the 20-foot-high ceiling, which is painted with
the peeling image of an androsphinx. The sphinx holds in
its right paw a cube covered in numbers, while its opposing Agents of Set. When the characters arrive at the shrine, five
paw points towards the numbers. The image suggests the minions of Set (see appendix B) struggle to interpret the
actions required to open the secret passage described below. writings engraved on its internal walls. They are following
Characters who make a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Reli- up on a tip that Tharikadh still hides beneath one of the city’s
gion) check recognize that the androsphinx represents Amun temples, and this is the last shrine they have yet to scour. The
Tor, the Lord of Mystery and Father of Riddles. Amun Tor minions are frustrated and unmotivated, but they violently
is said to have led the sphinxes to form the great Khonsu- eject anyone who interrupts their work. If left alone for two
rian Empire, and also warned his immortal daughter, Queen hours, the minions give up and start using sledgehammers
Ankharet, of the empire’s impending doom. to demolish the shrine, possibly discovering the secret passage
after hours of reckless destruction.
Dead Bodies. The remains of two unfortunate street urchins
lie against a wall near the shrine’s entrance. They once squat-
ted in the shrine but were heartlessly executed when the
agents of Set began their search.
If the characters cast speak with dead on either of the bodies,
they can learn that the urchins were named Nyasiir and
Hawkesh. The shrine had been their refuge ever since their


For the most part, these letter and number combinations
are meaningless.
A Pattern Appears. Characters who examine the shrine’s
inner walls and succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) or
Intelligence (Investigation) check discover a section where the
letter-number pattern is disrupted. Characters who make a
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check can also discover
this section by noting a faintly worn path leading to the area.
Otherwise, individuals who search the shrine for 2 hours
eventually discover this location through trial and error. Divi-
nation magic cannot help locate this area, as a permanent
nondetection spell protects it.
Hidden within the lines of inscribed characters is the follow-
ing interesting passage (see player handout 13):
Puzzle. Solving this puzzle reveals a secret passage through
the wall. The relevant text is backward and reads:
mother was offered as a sacrifice to Grahd in the Death Pit
(see area 3).
While they lived, the urchins occasionally witnessed a robed
man enter the shrine and disappear somewhere in the rear
of the structure. Other times, the man would appear from
the same area. They looked for a hidden door but couldn’t
find one, and the robed man always ignored them as he came
and went. The urchins are unaware that the man they saw
was Tharikadh.
Skeletal Remains. When the characters arrive, two of the
minions of Set examine a pile of bones near the back of the
shrine. The bones belonged to an unfortunate thief named
Lawtz who, years before Set’s forces arrived, failed to solve the
puzzle on the nearby wall (see A Pattern Appears below). If
the characters use a speak with dead spell to question Lawtz,
he can share that he found a place on the walls where the
letter-number pattern changed. He tried touching some of
the numbers but died after his first attempt.
Character-Covered Walls. The walls of this chamber are
mesmerizing. The inner walls are two feet thick and do not
reach the ceiling, being only 8 feet high. The walls divide
the shrine into a simple maze and are engraved with lines of
letters separated by numbers. The numbers appear to repre-
sent a count of the letters found to its right, as shown in
this example:


“COUNT ON THE FATHER OF RIDDLES TO flicker and glow, gently illuminating the area. The air is cool
UNLOCK THE WAY” and musty. The smooth stone floor is slick with moisture that
has seeped from the walls. Several piles of wet ash are scattered
The “Father of Riddles” refers to Amun Tor, the god of the
throughout the chamber.
shrine. The god’s name consists of two words of 4 and 3
characters each. Thus, the secret code is 4 - 3. At the center of the room sits a gilded statue of a large dragon.
The dragon stares intensely at a six-by-six grid of white porcelain
Opening the Secret Passage. A living creature who physi-
tiles on the far side of the room. Each one-foot-square tile bears
cally touches the numbers of the inscription causes the digits
the image of a man or woman, possibly elven, dressed similar to
to click then glow with a soft white light. Constructs, undead,
the noble servants of ancient Khonsuria. The figures stand in a
and spells (such as mage hand) cannot activate the numbers.
variety of strange poses. A metal plaque inscribed with a flowing
Only those specific numbers behave this way; there is no
script is affixed to the wall above the tiles.
effect if numbers in other areas are pressed.
The chamber’s ceiling is 20 feet high. The walls and ceiling
Pressing a second digit will either open a secret passage if the
glisten from dampness that seeps from nearby natural springs.
correct code is entered (4 then 3) or deal 22 (4d10) psychic
Creatures who move more than 15 feet on their turn must
damage to the creature who enters the incorrect code. The
succeed on a DC 13 saving throw or fall prone at the end of
numbers then stop glowing.
the movement.
When the correct code is entered, a 5-foot-wide section of
Dragon Statue. The statue is a stone golem dragon (see
the wall disappears, remaining open for 1 minute. The open-
appendix B). An examination of the statue reveals that it is
ing reveals a spiral staircase that descends to area 2-2. A lamp
ancient, its gold paint crumbling with the slightest touch. A
enchanted with a continual flame spell illuminates the stairs.
character who makes a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana
After 1 minute, the wall returns to its previous appearance, or Nature) check determines that the statue is meant to
and the code must be entered again to reactivate the secret resemble a gold dragon. Characters who make a successful
passage. Creatures caught inside the wall when it reforms are DC 17 Intelligence (History) check recall that Ankharet’s
shunted harmlessly into the shrine. consort was a great gold dragon named Kozurgen. This statue
A line of numbers are inscribed on the opposite side of the may be a representation of him.
disappearing wall: The statue remains inert until a character interacts with the
1●2●3●4●5●6●7●8●9 porcelain tile puzzle. When the first tile is pressed, its head
turns to focus on the individual manipulating the tiles. The
Entering the same code (4 – 3) opens the wall as moment an incorrect answer to the tile puzzle is entered, the
described above. statue animates fully, releasing a gravelly roar as it moves to
Hints. If the players struggle to solve the riddle, consider attack everyone in the chamber. The statue also animates if
allowing each character to make a DC 10 Intelligence check the characters damage it in any way.
to make a connection between the need for two correct digits If destroyed, the stone golem dragon magically reforms 7
and the two words in the name of this shrine’s god. days later, refreshed with a fresh coat of sparkling gold paint.
Breaking the Wall. The characters can break through the wall Piles of Ash. The piles of damp ash are the remains of adven-
separating the shrine from the secret passage (AC 17; 50 hp; turers who failed to solve the porcelain tile puzzle and fell
immunity to poison and psychic damage; damage threshold victim to the awakened dragon statue.
10). However, unless precautions are taken, the noise created
by breaking down the wall attracts the attention of a squad Porcelain Tiles. The figures on each tile are depicted in posi-
of 1d4 + 1 minions of Set (see appendix B), who arrive to tions that are easily recognizable as letters. Each tile has a
investigate the disturbance after 2d8 + 2 minutes. white background, and the figures are painted in red, black,
and gold. The tiles and the plaque above them are magical,
revealing auras of both divination and transmutation magic
when examined with a detect magic spell. A character who
The spiral staircase descends approximately 30 feet below makes a successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check real-
the shrine. Characters who follow the stairs from the secret izes that the tiles conceal a massive secret door with no obvi-
passage in area 2-1 observe the following: ous opening mechanism.
The winding stone staircase descends several turns before opening The figures on the tiles subtly shift their stances to resemble
into a 40-foot-square chamber. Crystals embedded in the ceiling letters of the most common language spoken by creatures


within the chamber. Characters with passive Perception scores
of 15 or higher notice this change. Should the complement R E T S Y M
of creatures in the area change to alter the most common
language, the letters adjust to accommodate.
The script on the plaque changes along with the tiles, always Y C A T F B
displaying the following message:
The letters of the tile are arranged as follows. Note the high-
lighted area on this diagram is not visible to the characters;
instead, it shows the solution to the puzzle posed by the
plaque’s message. E N H A J P

Show the players player handout 14:


The Puzzle. To solve the puzzle, the correct letter tiles must
be pressed. Pressing a tile causes it to glow with golden light.
If the same tile is pressed twice, it stops glowing. The puzzle
resets if no letters are pressed after 1 minute.
The answer to the puzzle is “ANKHARET,” which is found
as a ring of letters near the center of the panel. Charac-
ters who succeed on various ability checks may receive the
following clues:


• Intelligence (Religion) DC 10: You are currently beneath Entering the Correct Answer. If “ANKHARET” is entered
a shrine to Amun Tor, the Lord of Mysteries and The into the tile puzzle, the wall opens as two 10-foot-wide doors
Father of Riddles. swing outwards, revealing a 20-foot-long passage sloping
down to area 2-3.
• Intelligence (History or Religion) DC 15: Amun Tor was
the father of the Sphinx Queen, Ankharet the Cursed, Unless propped somehow, the doors close soundlessly 1
though when she first ruled the Khonsurian Empire she minute after they are opened. The doors can be pushed open
was known as Ankharet the Blessed. easily from the other side.
• Wisdom (Insight) DC 20: You suspect recognizable but Breaking the Wall. The tiled wall can be broken through to
false answers are included in the tiles to trick the unwary. access the hidden passage (AC 17, 50 hp, immunity to poison
and psychic damage, damage threshold 10). However, doing
• Wisdom (Perception) DC 23: Faint traces of wear are
so alerts Tharikadh, who prepares to ambush the characters
noticeable on certain tiles in a circle around the center
as they enter the next chamber.
of the grid.
Entering A Wrong Answer. Once eight letters are pressed, AREA 2-3 – THARIKADH’S REDOUBT
if the letters do not spell “ANKHARET” as shown in the
This great chamber was built as a shrine to Ankharet the
diagram, the letter glyphs release a blast of psychic energy.
Blessed before the demigod was corrupted and she became
Creatures in a 30-foot cube directly in front of the panel
known as Ankharet the Cursed. Currently, this is where
must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 22
Tharikadh (see appendix C) hides from the agents of Set,
(4d10) psychic damage.
unless the characters have defeated him elsewhere. How the
Additionally, if the dragon statue has not yet been destroyed, city’s previous governor greets the characters depends on
it animates to attack all in the room. The first time the dragon whether they solved the puzzle in area 2-2 or broke through
uses its Fire Breath, the water on the floor vaporizes, filling the the door, and if they carry the Mask of the Sleeping Queen
room with mist. Areas in the room become lightly obscured (see appendix D)
within 15 feet and heavily obscured beyond this distance.
Tharikadh’s Story. Only a handful of people in Mugdhad
The mist lasts for 10 minutes or until a wind of moderate or
know that, in addition to being the city’s previous governor,
greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.
Tharikadh is a warlock beholden to Ankharet. Tharikadh has
pledged to return the evil sphinx queen to the world.


Tharikadh discovered these secret chambers beneath the
Shrine of Amun Tor many years ago. Inside, he found an Sphinx Statues
enchanted mask fashioned from glass and rare wood, infused
with some of Ankharet’s essence: the Mask of the Sleeping The eight smaller sphinx statues come in four varieties, two
Queen. This mask forged a connection between Ankharet of each type.
and Tharikadh, granting him great power and allowing him • Androsphinx: A winged lion with a male human face
to rule Mugdhad with an iron fist.
• Gynosphinx: A winged lion with a female human face
Unfortunately for Tharikadh, when he confronted Skabhet
• Criosphinx: A winged lion with the head of a ram
as she attacked the city, she wrested his treasured mask from
his possession. The loss significantly weakened him, forcing • Hieracosphinx: A winged lion with the head of a falcon
him to retreat to these chambers beneath the city. The large bronze sphinx atop the pyramid is a gynosphinx
intended to represent Ankharet the Cursed, the Sphinx Queen.
Try as she might, Skabhet could not use the mask’s power, as
it is still linked to Tharikadh. She recognizes that the mask
holds ancient secrets that could further Set’s plans and is Sphinx Mural. A colorful mosaic on the far side of the room
frustrated that the previous governor continues to elude her depicts Ankharet atop a fiery mountain. The mural is the end
grasp. For the time being, she has hidden the mask within the point of a one-way portal from the royal apartments in the
Cache of Set (area 3-3), along with the cult’s other treasures. city’s palace (see area 4-10). Traveling through the portal from
General Layout. What the characters find when they enter this chamber to the royal apartments is impossible.
this room depends on several factors. GMs are encouraged Secret Tunnel. When not engaged in combat or directed
to adjust the following description as needed: by Tharikadh, the smaller sphinx statues rest atop pedestals
The sloped passage from the previous room opens into a large, in the corners of the room. The base of each pedestal bears
octagonal chamber with a domed ceiling that rises 30 feet above a small carving depicting the face of the sphinx statue that
the floor. Covering the ceiling is a mosaic depicting sphinxes rests atop it. The two pedestals with the gynosphinx images
circling a regal-looking gynosphinx holding a scepter, the glow- conceal a secret door. A character who makes a successful
ing end of which illuminates the room below. DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check spots stains on the floor
around the northern gynosphinx pedestal and the faint
Dominating the chamber is a square-based pyramid made of smell of sewage.
white marble. A bronze statue of a regal gynosphinx stands atop
the 15-foot pyramid. Eight smaller sphinx statues encircle the A character who examines either of the gynosphinx pedes-
pyramid, echoing the mosaic above. A mural depicting the same tals and succeeds on a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation)
gynosphinx sitting within a pillared audience chamber decorates check discovers a decorative ornament on the base that, when
the far wall. A sleeping mat, backpacks, and other personal effects turned, causes the pedestal to slide to one side, revealing a
lie scattered near the pyramid’s base. tunnel beneath the floor. The tunnel beneath the southern
sphinx is clean, while the one beneath the northern sphinx
The sides of the pyramid are considered difficult terrain. The reeks from a year’s worth of chamber pots Tharikadh has
bronze sphinx statue (see appendix B) animates if the Mask dumped therein. Both tunnels lead to a chamber inside the
of the Sleeping Queen is brought into the chamber. The eight pyramid that is just large enough to fit the vessel of Gimet (see
smaller sphinx statues are the size of ponies; each depicts a appendix D). Tharikadh keeps his treasure hidden inside the
sphinx with a unique appearance. They use gargoyle stats but vessel (see below).
are considered constructs. They follow Tharikadh’s directions
and act on their own initiative. Tharikadh. This city’s previous governor remains defiant,
despite his defeat at the hands of Skabhet. He is convinced
The personal effects near the pyramid include food, drink, Mugdhad is his city to rule and regards anyone who disagrees
and several changes of clothing, but nothing of value. A as a traitor. However, he’s an excellent liar and is not above
chamber pot sits beside one of the small sphinx statues. saying what anyone wants to hear to get his way. Ultimately,
the value of his word is dependent on whether his oath will
further his goals.
Tharikadh spends most of his time hiding in this chamber but
occasionally visits the Sandstorm Tavern (area 1-7), where he


“At last! The heroes I knew would come and help me ascend
again to my rightful throne!”
Arriving with the Mask. If the party arrives carrying the
Mask of the Sleeping Queen, read the following instead:
A regal figure stands at the base of the pyramid. Tharikadh,
the city’s previous ruler, holds out a hand and speaks in a
commanding voice:
“I thank you for your service. Now give me the mask, and I
shall give you your reward.”
Arrive By Breaking Down the Door. Tharikadh is prepared
to attack the intruders. The eight sphinx statues (as gargoyles)
have animated and rush to engage the characters as they come
through the door. Tharikadh stands at the base of the pyra-
mid, his eyes an inky black from the eyebite spell he has cast.
Developments. Tharikadh knows he needs help to defeat
Skabhet and her minions. He will say anything to win the
adventurers to his cause. However, he is also very arrogant
and suffers little disrespect before becoming frustrated and
assaulting the characters.
If the characters agree to help Tharikadh, he grants one of
them Ankharet's Blessing, which lasts as long as they actively
assist him to reclaim the city:
Ankharet's Blessing. You have advantage on attack rolls
against the fiends who are followers of Set.
If the characters return the Mask of the Sleeping Queen to
Tharikadh, he is elated and retrieves a coffer filled with
meets with Passet—the tavern’s owner and a loyal follower— 1,000 gp that he stores in the vessel of Gimet. If the charac-
to hear the latest news and obtain supplies. ters demand more, Tharikadh becomes offended, stating they
Until the Mask of the Sleeping Queen is returned to Tharikadh, should feel honored to have helped him. Unless the characters
his abilities are significantly hindered as follows: do something quickly to defuse the situation, he attacks the
characters with all the powers at his disposal.
• His hit point maximum is reduced to 71.
Tharikadh suspects the Mask is stored in the Death Pit (area
• He cannot use legendary actions or cast spells. 3-3). He insists that any treasures there belong to the people
• He is considered poisoned. of Mugdhad (and by extension himself ). However, if he is
on good terms with the adventurers and they succeed on a
Additionally, Tharikadh cannot direct the bronze sphinx DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check, he lets them keep half
statue (see appendix B) atop the pyramid to attack without of what they found. Otherwise, he becomes angry, attacking
the mask. However, he can always command the eight smaller if the party fails to accommodate his demand to return the
sphinx statues (gargoyles). treasure to him.
Arriving Without the Mask. If the characters solved the The Mask’s presence fully invigorates Tharikadh. In the heady
riddle in area 2-2 but do not possess the Mask of the Sleeping return of his powers, his demeanor becomes defiantly arro-
Queen, read or paraphrase the following: gant, and he unleashes his ire against any who disrespect him.
Standing at the pyramid’s base is a man wearing clothing that Treasure. Even after a year of exile beneath the city,
clearly was once regal but is now crumpled and dirty. Although Tharikadh maintains a significant treasure hoard, which he
bent from weariness, his stare is defiant and unbroken. Perhaps keeps stored inside the vessel of Gimet. The hoard includes a
you have finally found Tharikadh, the city’s previous ruler! The coffer filled with 1,000 gp (which he may reward the char-
man speaks in a wavering but hopeful voice:


acters); a chest filled with 500 cp, 250 sp, 100 ep, and 1,200 Two minions of Set tie a sobbing youth to a pole behind the altar,
gp; ten gemstones worth 100 gp each; a potion of growth; a while low guttural sounds reverberate from the depths of the pit.
potion of superior healing; spell scrolls of comprehend languages
Two minions of Set (appendix B) are tying a youth to the
and spider climb; and a +1 spear.
pole to be sacrificed to the Serpent of the Death Pit. They
respond forcefully to anyone who disturbs their work.
PART 3: THE DEATH PIT Debris Piles. The remains of the buildings once used to
manufacture hulwah form several 10-foot-high mounds

ne of the largest hits to the city’s economy was the
of debris encircling the mouth of the pit. The mounds are
loss of its hulwah production. This sweet-smelling
considered difficult terrain.
salve was made in a building known as Hulwah
House. Heated underground springs provided the ample Hundreds of gallons of hulwah were magically corrupted
quantities of water needed to craft the valuable ointment. in the decisive battle between the forces of Tharikadh and
Skabhet. The once fragrant salve was transformed into fiend-
This site was devastated during a battle between Skabhet and
ish ooze creatures that now infest the area. The debris piles
Tharikadh’s forces. Each side threw terrible magics at the
hide four of these oozes (as black puddings immune to
other, but just when it appeared that Tharikadh’s forces had
poison damage and the poisoned condition). While slither-
the upper hand, Skabhet invoked Set’s power to summon
ing through the debris, the oozes have three-quarters cover
Grahd, a Lesser Son of Set. The bestial serpent burst from
(+5 to AC and Dexterity saving throws). They lash out at
the ground, creating a massive sinkhole that destroyed the
anyone foolish enough to approach the rubble and pursue
hulwah facilities. It was during this battle that Skabhet stole
characters who descend into the pit. For unknown reasons,
the Mask of the Sleeping Queen from Tharikadh, the decisive
the oozes do not leave this area, preferring to stay near the
turning point that brought victory to Set’s forces.
Death Pit. They slither through the debris piles, never stray-
None of the hulwah manufacturing survived; only the sink- ing more than 15 feet from the mouth of the pit.
hole remained. Grahd, whom locals refer to as the Serpent
Unstable Ground. The ground within 10 feet of the pit’s
of the Death Pit, lairs in the noxious, mist-filled depths of
mouth is unstable. Creatures that succeed on a DC 13
the chasm. He rises from the pit only to claim sacrifices left
Wisdom (Survival) check recognize that the earth here
for him to consume.
could give way; characters with Stonecunning have advan-
tage on this check.
Hulwah Area effect abilities that deal damage other than poison or
psychic damage risk collapsing the unstable ground. Dealing
Brewed from the pulp of a local desert fruit and the crushed
bludgeoning damage to the area, such as striking the ground
remains of giant ant larva, this fragrant ointment was once
highly sought after by wealthy nobles throughout the area. The
with a hammer, has a similar effect, and thunder damage of
secrets to hulwah production were held close by three promi- any type—either targeted or area of effect damage—may also
nent merchant families in Mugdhad, but each was effectively trigger a collapse. Each time damage of the relevant type is
wiped out in the violent events that allowed the followers of dealt in the area, there is a percentage chance equal to the
Set to claim the city. damage dealt that the ground collapses into the cavern below.
Campaign Idea. Local merchants would pay a fortune to For example, if a fireball spell deals 25 damage in the area,
recover the instructions for making hulwah. A rumor persists there is a 25 percent chance the unstable ground collapses.
that a child of one of the families now lives in a tower deep in Double the chance of collapse if the triggering damage is
the desert pursuing arcane research. He may hold the secrets to thunder damage.
crafting hulwah, but only the bravest adventurers would brave
the wastes of the Ghetrian Desert to speak with the reclusive
Creatures in the area when the ground collapses must make
Wizard of the Sandy Wastes. a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the crea-
ture can use its reaction to move to the nearest unoccupied
space within 5 feet of the collapsed area. A creature that
AREA 3-1 – THE OUTER LEDGE doesn’t move plummets 50 feet into the cavern below, taking
Whatever buildings once stood in this section of the city have 17 (5d6) bludgeoning damage from the fall. There is a 25
been leveled. Mounds of debris surround a vast, mist-filled pit. A percent chance the creature falls into one of the deeper pools
makeshift altar carved to resemble a coiled snake stands nearby. of water in the cavern and takes half as much damage instead.


Grahd is attended by the cursed souls of two priests of Set
(as shadows that speak Common). These priests are bound
to protect Grahd wherever he goes. Three hulwah oozes
(as black puddings immune to poison damage and the
poisoned condition) cling to the sides of the pit, basking in
the cavern’s stench.
Choking Mist. A heavy, choking mist fills the crater, making
everything within 10 feet lightly obscured and anything
farther away heavily obscured. As one descends into the pit,
the mist becomes increasingly heavy, and the stench wors-
ens. The bottom 10 feet of the pit is treated as if under the
effects of a stinking cloud spell. A creature that starts its turn
completely within the cloud must make a DC 17 Constitu-
tion saving throw against poison. On a failed save, the crea-
ture spends its action that turn retching and reeling. Crea-
tures that don’t need to breathe or are immune to poison
automatically succeed on this saving throw.
A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the
cloud after four rounds. A strong wind (at least 20 miles per
hour) disperses it after one round. However, the mist gradu-
ally returns once the winds stop. The entire chamber becomes
lightly obscured 10 minutes after such a wind ends. After 1
hour, the chamber becomes heavily obscured again, and after
4 hours, the stinking cloud effect returns.
Rocky Walls. Climbing the pit’s rough stone walls requires
a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check.

When the ground collapses, creatures in the cavern (area Unstable Roof. The cavern is even more unstable than the
3-2) must also make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a outer ledge (area 3-1). Increase the chance of a collapse in
failed save, the creature takes 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage the cavern by 25 percent. For example, if a fireball spell deals
and is knocked prone by the falling debris. On a success, the 25 points of damage in the area, there is a 50 percent chance
creature takes half as much damage and isn’t knocked prone. the ceiling collapses.
Creatures in the cavern when the ceiling collapses must make
AREA 3-2 – THE CAVERN OF THE SERPENT a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the creature
A swirling, noxious mist fills this deep crater, obscuring every- takes 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage from the falling debris
thing beyond a few feet. The air has a rancid smell reminiscent and is knocked prone. On a success, the creature takes half
of rotten eggs and burnt onions. Something unseen stirs below as much damage and isn’t knocked prone.
as a low growl echoes from the crater’s depths. Fetid Water. Fetid water fills most of the cavern to a depth
This deep pit was formed during a great battle between of 3 feet. In a few areas, the water’s depth drops to 20 feet.
Tharikadh and Skabhet when Set’s forces claimed the city. Grahd. Grahd, a Lesser Son of Set, resembles a massive cobra
The once-pure waters used by the makers of hulwah are now with shimmering compound eyes. He is a dim-witted brute
polluted, tainted by Set’s evil presence. who enjoys inflicting pain and fear. He makes great use of the
Hidden within the choking mists is the creature locals call fetid water that covers the bottom of the chamber, grappling
the Serpent of the Death Pit. This demonic beast is Grahd, creatures within his coils and crushing them beneath the
Lesser Son of Set (see appendix A). Grahd is Skabhet’s brut- water. His blindsight allows him to see through the noxious
ish lieutenant and spends much of his time contently loung- vapors that fill the bottom of the cavern. Though he often
ing in the fetid waters at the bottom of the cavern. He is dozes, the souls of the priests bound to him ensure he is never
charged with guarding the treasure hoard amassed by Set’s surprised by unexpected guests.
forces, found in area 3-3.


No living person in the city knows Grahd’s true name save Glyph of Warding. Skabhet has inscribed a glyph of warding
Skabhet, and she does not share this information except as a on the ground beside the treasure. Any creature other than
last resort to save her life. However, the priests whose corpses Skabhet, Grahd, or a minion of Set that comes within 5 feet
hang from poles along Temple Row (area 1-6) know the true of the treasure triggers the glyph. When the glyph is triggered,
names of both Grahd and Skabhet. each creature within 20 feet must make a DC 18 Dexterity
Development. If Grahd is reduced to 25 hit points or fewer, saving throw, taking 27 (6d8) lightning damage on a failed
he becomes ethereal and flees to the Palace to seek Skabhet’s save, or half as much damage on a success. The glyph is nearly
aid (see Part 4: Skabhet’s Palace). invisible and requires a successful DC 18 Intelligence (Inves-
tigation) check to notice. A successful dispel magic (DC 14)
spell disables the glyph.
A short tunnel from the larger cavern leads to this small, dry Treasure. Skabhet has amassed a great quantity of silver,
chamber. Although a hazy mist still fills the air, it carries less as well as several treasures she has not yet decided how to
stench and is easier to breathe. A heap of treasure is piled in the use. The treasure includes 35,000 sp, 8,000 gp, 1,200 pp,
center of the chamber. Silver objects and coins dominate the 5 garnets (worth 100 gp each), a silver chalice set with
hoard, but other valuable items are also gathered here. gemstones (worth 250 gp), a silver-plated steel longsword
with an ivory hilt (worth 500 gp), a silver and gold brooch
Because of her vulnerability to silver, Skabhet’s minions (worth 750 gp), 10 silver sling bullets (worth 1 gp total), a
confiscate all silver objects they find within the city and store silver ceremonial dagger emblazoned with a holy symbol
them in this chamber. (worth 20 gp), 10 silver-tipped arrows (worth 10 gp), a silver


chain (worth 50 gp), a pair of silver earrings (worth 25 gp), GENERAL FEATURES
a silver ewer (worth 100 gp), 8 silver mirrors of varying size
(worth 500 gp total), several silver holy symbols of various The palace is depicted on Map 3-6.
gods worshiped in Mugdhad (worth 250 gp total), a pair of Outer Walls. A 12-foot-high stone wall encircles the palace
sending stones, and a helm of brilliance. grounds. Climbing the wall requires a successful DC 12
Skabhet’s most significant treasure, the Mask of the Sleeping Strength (Athletics) check. The gates in the eastern wall opens
Queen (see appendix D), rests atop the pile of treasure. onto Temple Row. A side gate (area 4-3) leads to the upper
city. A 30-foot-tall cliff supports the southern and western
walls. Scaling the cliff requires a successful DC 15 Strength
PART 4: SKABHET’S PALACE (Athletics) check. However, sentries on the city walls have
clear views of the cliff face.

his palace has watched over Mugdhad since the days
of the Khonsurian empire. A 10-foot-high stone Doors. Unless otherwise noted, doors in palace buildings are
wall surrounds the complex. Gates protected by a wooden and unlocked.
guard tower open into the palace grounds, while a smaller Illumination. At night, oil lanterns illuminate the walking
servant’s portal is set into the northern wall. Inside the walls, paths and the pillared audience pavilion (area 4-9).
the structure’s most impressive feature is a pillared audience
Wandering Monsters. The grounds are regularly patrolled
pavilion overlooking a pool of once-pristine water, now
day and night. Every 10 minutes the characters explore the
tainted by Set. Other buildings within the palace complex
palace grounds, there is a 50 percent chance they encounter
include servant’s quarters, barracks, stables, a mess hall, and
a patrol. Roll a 1d4 and consult the table below.
the royal apartments.
The palace grounds once boasted manicured lawns and a
fragrant rose garden. Skabhet’s arrival has caused most of
this vegetation to wither and die, though a vegetable garden
beside the mess hall continues to provide food for the palace.


d4 Encounter and two minions of Set (see appendix B) arrive within 2d6
+ 1 rounds to investigate.
1 1d4 + 1 veterans
2 1d6 guards, 1 minion of Set (see appendix B) Stone Figures. Skabhet has added her decorative touch to the
palace grounds by installing numerous statues. Each statue
3 1d4 + 1 guards, 1 cult fanatic
depicts a terrified humanoid either staring at their body in
4 2 minions of Set (see appendix B) horror or raising their hands to shield their face.
During the day, there is a 50 percent chance the patrol Though they appear to have been petrified, the statues are
includes a trained crocodile that follows the directions of in fact petitioners Skabhet encased in stone using stone shape
one of the guards. spells. Skabhet enjoys creating these gruesome works of art,
as they encourage the rumor that a medusa lives within the
Most guards and cult fanatics are human, though there’s a
palace. Breaking a statue releases the body of the victim
chance that other races may be found within a patrol. GMs
trapped inside. Though the bodies are putrid with decay,
are encouraged to adjust a patrol’s complement as they see fit.
they are harmless.
At night, the guards carry lanterns, and every patrol includes
one person with a horn. If the horn is sounded, 2d6 guards


A two-story stone tower rises behind the entry gate, its roof-
top providing clear views of the palace grounds and over the
palace wall.
The door leading into the tower’s ground floor is reinforced
with iron and can be barred (AC 20, 50 hp, immunity to
poison and psychic damage, damage threshold 10). Beyond
the door is a simple table and chairs for guards on duty, along
with a rack of spears and small shields. The second floor
contains racks of shortbows and barrels filled with arrows.
Crenelations on the roof grant half-cover against attacks
made from outside the tower. Two guards are always on
duty atop the roof, each of whom is equipped with a horn.
The lower levels are staffed by 2d4 guards and one minion
of Set (see appendix B), who oversees the tower.


A wooden door reinforced with iron bands provides access
through the northern wall. Only servants use this entrance
during the day. At night, the door is barred (AC 20, 50
hp, immunity to poison and psychic damage, damage
threshold 10).
Two guards are always on duty at the gate. The guards are
familiar with the few servants who use the gate, but a char-
acter who makes a successful DC 20 Charisma (Deception)
AREA 4-1 – ENTRY GATE check can convince the sentries that they are here on palace
A pair of ornate iron gates grants access to the palace grounds. The business and should be allowed through.
gate’s bars are expertly shaped to depict sitting sphinxes. Beyond
the gate, an elegant, columned pavilion stands in the center of AREA 4-4 – BARRACKS
an expansive courtyard. The grounds are crowded with stone
This single-story, mud-walled structure stands near the palace’s
statues, as well as numerous poles from which hang unmoving
southern wall. Small windows punctuate its 80-foot length, with
robed figures.
a simple wooden door opening at either end of the building.
The gates are each 10 feet wide and 8 feet tall. They are in
The palace barracks are lined with bunk beds to accommo-
good condition, swinging inward on well-oiled hinges. Skab-
date up to 40 Medium humanoids. At any time, 4d6 guards
het usually keeps the main entry gates closed but unlocked,
and 1d4 minions of Set (see appendix B) can be found rest-
with a minion of Set (see appendix B) standing watch behind
ing in the barracks, with racks of spears, shortswords, short-
the gate. The sentry carries a horn; if blown, 2d6 human
bows, and barrels of arrows at the ready. Two privies stand
guards and two minions of Set from the nearby guardhouse
between the barracks and the palace wall.
arrive to investigate within 3 rounds.
Assuming the party has encountered Set’s forces elsewhere AREA 4-5 – STABLES
in the city, the palace is on the lookout for the characters. If Wooden trusses hold aloft a roof of clay tiles, creating an open-air
the party arrives peacefully, the guards are not immediately stable near the corner of the northern and eastern palace walls.
hostile. Instead, they escort the adventurers to the audience The stalls appear empty and in disuse.
pavilion (area 4-9). Characters caught sneaking onto the
palace grounds are met with violence. Tharikadh kept several well-bred horses and camels, but Skab-
het and her forces disliked the beasts and promptly roasted
them in a victory feast after conquering Mugdhad. Patrols
rarely pass through this area, with the chance of encountering
one here dropping to 10 percent every hour.


This modest, two-story structure stands at the northern side of
the palace grounds.
Skabhet’s personal servants reside here. The building contains
eight small rooms, each furnished with two beds and storage
chests for personal effects. A shared washing area and lavatory
are attached to the structure. At any time, 2d4 servants (N
human commoners) can be found here, though the servants
come and go at all hours of the day.


This wooden, barn-like building stands just west of the Side Gate.
Smoke and the scent of cooking rises from the structure’s chimney.
This building includes an open eating area and a large kitchen
where cooks and servants busily prepare food for the palace at
all hours. In contrast to the rest of the city, the kitchen is well
stocked with food and spices. Kegs of ale are kept here as well.


A vegetable garden covers the northwest corner of the palace
grounds. Unlike the stables (area 4-5), the gardens appear
well tended.
Skabhet recognizes that her servants must remain well fed
if they are to serve her, so she allows a pair of gardeners to
maintain a productive vegetable garden. During the day, two
human commoners work here. Aside from vegetables, there
is little of interest here.


A majestic pool dotted with patches of green algae runs down the
center of the palace grounds. Rotting corpses dangle from poles
along the sides of the pool. On the ground, a dozen or more stone
statues surround the pool. Their rough, rocky forms appear to be
in distress, with arms reaching forward to defend against unseen
assailants or clawing at their own bodies in horror.
The western end of the pool splits to surround an impressive
pavilion. Pillars of white stone hold aloft a gilded roof. Shel-
tered beneath the roof, marble steps rise to a dais atop which
rests a majestic throne. An elegant, half-elven woman sits upon
the throne, her gold dress shimmering under the light of flam-
ing sconces. Two guards flank the woman, their sickle-shaped
khopesh swords held at the ready.
Pools. The pools are 5 feet deep and once held fresh spring
water, but Set’s taint has polluted them. A creature that drinks
from the pools must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution check
or become poisoned. While poisoned in this way, the creature
regains only half the number of hit points it would normally


regain from spending hit dice during a short rest. The creature In total, 24 dead priests hang from poles around the pool.
must repeat the saving throw whenever it finishes a long rest. Each time a priest’s spirit is put to rest, shafts of holy light
On a success, the poisoned condition ends. On a failure, the descend from the heavens, dealing 5 (1d10) radiant damage
creature gains no benefit from the long rest and gains a level to each evil creature within 60 feet of the pool. If 12 or more
of exhaustion. priests are put to rest, Skabhet can’t use lair actions until she
Hanging Remains. The remains of the priests killed during finishes a long rest.
Skabhet’s purge of the city hang from the poles surrounding Throne. Skabhet’s throne is large enough to seat a Large
the pool, in the same manner as those along Temple Row creature comfortably. It is carved of rare wood, inlaid with
(area 1-6). This gruesome collection reinforces Set’s fiendish semi-precious stones, and gilded in gold foil. The seat is cush-
taint upon the palace grounds. The souls of the dead priests ioned with rich red velvet. Skabhet rarely leaves the throne,
remain bound within their rotting forms, and Skabhet can believing she should always be seen in this glorious fashion.
call upon them to harm the living (see Skabhet’s lair actions).
The throne is magical, radiating a faint aura of enchantment
Characters can put the spirits of these priests to rest by magic. A creature has advantage on Charisma (Intimidation
cutting them down and using a bonus action to whisper a and Persuasion) checks while seated on the throne. With a
prayer to any non-evil god. The poles are 15 feet high and minute of work, a creature using a sharp, pointed tool can
can be climbed with a successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) make a DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to pry out
check. Once at the top of a pole, a creature can use an action 100 gp worth of semi-precious stones from the chair. Doing
to cut a rope with a piercing or slashing melee weapon (no so permanently destroys the chair’s enchantment.
attack roll required). A successful ranged attack against the
Skabhet. The half-elf sitting atop the throne is Skabhet
rope (AC 18) also severs it. This act immediately attracts
(see appendix A), currently shapechanged into the form of
Skabhet’s attention, and she focuses all of her attention on
an attractive humanoid. In her true form, Skabhet resem-
stopping the activity.
bles a marilith, possessing a female humanoid torso and the


lower body of a serpent. She wields four scimitars among
her three pairs of arms, and a writhing mass of snake hair Skabhet’s Lair Actions
crowns her head.
Skabhet’s evil connection to Set has corrupted the palace
Thanks to her network of spies, Skabhet is most likely famil-
grounds. If Skabhet is encountered within 100 feet of the audi-
iar with the party’s abilities and recognizes the characters as
ence pavilion’s pools (area 4-9), she can use the lair actions
a threat. However, while near the corrupted pools, she is described below.
supremely confident that her powers are enough to defeat
Skabhet’s Lair Actions. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative
even the mightiest of foes. As long as Skabhet remains within
ties), Skabhet can take one of the following lair actions. Once
100 feet of the pools, she can take lair actions. she uses a lair action, she can’t use that action again until she
Skabhet offers the characters a reward of 500 gp each to finishes a long rest:
capture or kill Tharikadh for her. She grows impatient if the • Demonic Snake. Skabhet summons a huge demonic snake.
adventurers try to negotiate, suggesting they join her side or The snake appears in an unoccupied space that she can see
become permanent fixtures on the palace grounds. within 60 feet of the corrupted pool. The snake uses stats
for a giant crocodile, except that it has a swim speed of
Battling Skabhet. Fighting Skabhet should be an epic battle.
50 feet and is considered a fiend (demon). The snake obeys
She is a dangerous foe, made even more so within the palace Skabhet’s commands, takes its turn on initiative count 10
thanks to Set’s corruptive effects. She has no fear of spell- (losing initiative ties), fights until it is destroyed, and dissi-
casters, instead focusing her attention on powerful melee pates into smoke after 1 hour.
combatants, particularly anyone wielding a silver weapon.
• Poisonous Burst. A burst of toxic gas erupts from the
If she has a choice of targets, she looks to eliminate clerics corrupted pool. Each creature within 20 feet of the pool
and paladins first. must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed
Once fighting breaks out, each round on initiative count 10 save, the creature takes 5 (1d10) poison damage and is
there is a 25 percent chance that 2d4 guards arrive to defend poisoned until the end of its next turn.
Skabhet. Half of these guards are armed with shortbows and • Sacrificed Spirits. Skabhet calls forth the spirits of two
shortswords, and don’t use shields (reducing their AC to 14). victims sacrificed to Set (use will-o’-wisp stats). The sacri-
Guards stop arriving once 20 guards have appeared. ficed spirits appear in unoccupied spaces Skabhet can see
within 60 feet of her. The spirits obey Skabhet’s commands,
On her first turn, Skabhet changes from a humanoid into take their turns on initiative count 15 (losing initiative ties),
her true monstrous form, hoping her snake hair may give and fight until destroyed.
her opponents pause. She then summons minions of Set to
• Wail of the Damned. Skabhet causes the tortured spirits of
assist her and makes good use of her lair actions. If reduced the dead priests hanging from the poles around the pool to
to 115 hit points or fewer and Grahd is dead (see area 3-2), shriek with unholy pain. Each non-evil creature within 20
Skabhet shapechanges into an adult brass dragon. If Grahd feet of a priest still hanging from a pole must make a DC
still lives, she summons him (using her Summon Lesser Son 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes
of Set action) to the palace grounds. When Grahd appears, 5 (1d10) psychic damage and is stunned until the start of
he explodes out of the earth, forcing creatures within 30 feet its next turn.
of him to succeed on DC 18 Strength saving throws or be
knocked prone.
Secret Name. No living person in the city knows Skabhet’s AREA 4-10 – ROYAL APARTMENTS
true name (“Skabhetalloxis”). However, the priests whose An elegant, one-story building spreads out behind the audi-
corpses hang from poles along Temple Row know the true ence pavilion.
names of both Grahd and Skabhet.
It is here that the various governors of Mugdhad have lived
Development. If Skhabet dies, any remaining minions of for centuries. The structure was not built to impress, but to
Set vanish. If Grahd still lives, Set summons him and installs provide a quiet and comfortable place where the city’s ruler
him elsewhere in the region, perhaps even elevating him to could escape their duties.
the status of Chosen Son.
Encounters. Although the residence is reserved for Skabhet,
she rarely comes here, preferring instead to lounge in the
audience pavilion, which she believes is a more impressive
and worthy location for her greatness. She returns to the royal


apartments only when she wishes to “entertain” a new victim nondetection spell protects the image. If a creature facing the
in her private chambers. Once she’s lost interest in her victim, mosaic speaks the words “Open in the name of Ankharet,” a
she encases them in stone and adds them to the statues on the one-way magical portal opens in the mosaic, allowing crea-
palace grounds. Otherwise, only Skabhet’s personal servants tures who step through it to teleport to area 2-3. The portal
(N human commoners) are likely to be encountered here. remains open for 1 minute before reverting to its normal
appearance. Creatures on the other side can’t use the portal
This building includes the following rooms:
to return to the palace.
Entrance Hall. This room presents a luxurious sitting area
Dining Room. Just off the entrance hall is a well-appointed
for visitors, including well-made couches covered with expen-
dining room that serves up to 20 guests. A painting of
sive imported fabrics and side tables carved from ivory and
Tharikadh (defaced with the image of a hissing serpent) hangs
rare wood. Once-glorious frescoes depicting the landscape
here. A side entrance allows servants to deliver food from the
surrounding Mugdhad have been defaced with the symbols
kitchens in the mess hall (area 4-7). Nothing else of interest
of Set painted in red, green, and black.
is found here.
Guest Rooms. These four guest rooms sit empty. Skabhet
Bathing Chambers. This is an opulent bathing chamber
refuses to allow others to stay in the building she sees as her
complete with a marble tub, lacquered wash-stand, and
personal space. Aside from being well furnished and deco-
ebony commode inlaid with semi-precious stones. A side
rated with mundane art objects, these rooms hold little inter-
entrance allows servants to empty the commode and deliver
est to adventurers.
heated water for baths. With an hour’s work, the characters
Study. After Skabhet captured the city and claimed the palace can pry 50 gp worth of gemstones from the commode.
as her own, she quickly inspected the collections of books
Palace Suite. By far the largest bedroom in the building, this
Tharikadh stored here. She set aside a few books related to
chamber includes a luxurious bed, settee, chairs, and side
the Khonsurian Empire and Ankharet’s rule but has not yet
table. A walk-in closet remains filled with Tharikadh’s regal
bothered to study them.
clothes. Skabhet rarely visits here, preferring to lounge in the
Characters who inspect the books and succeed on a DC 13 audience pavilion (area 4-9).
Intelligence (Investigation) check discover in a well-thumbed
book an interesting passage detailing the creation of a shrine AREA 4-11 – ROSE GARDEN
to the Sleeping Sphinx Queen hidden beneath a House of
The rows of dead rose bushes cover the grounds between the royal
Secrets somewhere in Mugdhad. A creature that makes a
apartments and the palace wall.
successful DC 13 Intelligence (Religion) check recognizes
that the “House of Secrets” is likely a temple to Amun Tor, What was once a glorious garden now stands as a bleak testi-
the god of mysteries (see Part 2: The Ruined Shrine of Amun mony to the evil influence of Skabhet and her forces. A char-
Tor). Scribbled in the margin beside this entry are the words acter who makes a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Nature)
“Open in the name of...” This passage hints at the phrase or Wisdom (Survival) check determines that the plants were
needed to open the magical gate to the shrine (see Secret killed from a combination of necrotic energy and a lack of
Gate below). water. Two swarms of poisonous snakes now lie in wait
among the dead bushes.
Another book, Bangier’s Treatise on Desert Relics, has been left
open to a page describing a gigantic statue of a crowned gyno-
sphinx. The statue is guarded by the androsphinx Khubsheth AREA 4-12 – DATE GROVE
and is said to be located in the hills between a mountain range A date grove rises along the southern extent of the palace grounds.
and a great desert. The passage further suggests a sphinx of The palms stand 50 feet tall, and many are laden with ripe date
great power lies trapped within the statue (this describes the clusters waiting to be picked.
location of the adventure DCC #15 – Lost Tomb of the Sphinx Skabhet cares little for the dates but allows her gardeners
Queen by Chris Doyle and Joe Crow). to continue managing the grove. However, in her cruelty
In addition to these two tomes, the characters can discover she placed a giant constrictor snake here. One servant has
six other rare books, worth a total of 200 gp to loremasters already fallen prey to the beast, and the other gardeners now
and discerning collectors. avoid the area. The snake hides high in the palms, waiting
to fall upon prey that passes beneath it. While hiding in the
Secret Gate. One wall of the study includes a colorful mosaic trees, the snake has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
depicting Ankharet atop a fiery mountain. This mural is a
smaller version of the one found in area 2-3. A permanent


CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE unearthing the location of Ankharet's tomb, in hopes of free-
ing his patron from her deathless slumber. He might call

haracters who arrive in Mugdhad have a choice upon the characters to help free her from her desert tomb.
to help either Tharikadh or Skabhet, or to work Alternatively, the adventurers could find themselves in a race
against both of them. against Tharikadh to prevent the return of the Sphinx Queen
(see DCC #15 – Lost Tomb of the Sphinx Queen).
Tharikadh was defeated with Skabhet left as governor.
The harsh evil rule of Skabhet makes this outcome unlikely. Both Tharikadh and Set’s forces were defeated. This is
However, given Skabhet’s strength and the resources at her likely the best scenario for the people of Mugdhad. The
disposal, the adventurers may decide to make a pact with merchant Zawg (area 1-2) looks to consolidate his politi-
the Chosen Son of Set. Should this happen, Set gains a solid cal clout and claim the title of governor. Although he is an
foothold in the area and seeks to expand his influence in unscrupulous merchant, he would likely be a better ruler than
the region. the city has seen in the last half-century. His cause would
be helped greatly if he could find a way to restart hulwah
Set’s forces were defeated with Tharikadh reinstated as
manufacturing. He may even enlist the characters to travel
governor. Though Tharikadh was not a popular governor,
into the desert to recover the secrets to its production (see
most citizens agree life was better under his rule. The adven-
Hulwah sidebar in area 3).
turers have likely made a powerful ally in the region. Once
he solidifies his position, Tharikadh refocuses his efforts on


by James Floyd Kelly

he Heart Shards of Caphet is an adventure designed
for use with the 5th edition of the first fantasy role-
playing game. It is intended for four to six charac- In an effort to spread discord and evil among the mortal races,
ters of 12th level. The adventure takes place deep in the desert the god Set sired many children. Possessing a mix of divine
and focuses on the search for a hidden oasis and an enemy and mortal traits, his offspring appear like hideous snake,
who is vulnerable only once every 666 years. This adventure reptilian, and humanoid crossbreeds. Each “son” of Set is
can be used to complement a Dark Tower campaign. a unique, twisted fiend, as the god steeped his creations in
chaotic sorcery. Since their unholy birth, the Sons of Set have
spread far and wide to disseminate their father’s vile plots.


Set has many such sons, but only the four most powerful are
his Chosen Sons. The rest, and most numerous, are called his
Lesser Sons. All the Sons of Set share a spark of immortality.
A Lesser Son always fights to the death, hoping to gain Set’s
favor, for if it is destroyed it reforms in one to two years. The
Chosen Sons are more practical and often surround them-
selves with minions, eschewing direct conflict. A slain Chosen
Son of Set returns as a Lesser Son, and the most powerful and
worthy Lesser Son ascends to the title of Chosen Son. This
often results in the Lesser Sons taking matters into their own
scaly appendages. Should a Lesser Son slay a Chosen Son, Set
would have no choice but to elevate it to its rightful position
as a Chosen Son. But failure condemns a Lesser Son to 100
years of service to its sibling.
At least, this is usually the case. Once every 666 years, the
celestial hosts prevent a Lesser Son from being promoted
to fill a vacancy among the Chosen Sons for an entire year.
During this calendar year, if all four of his Chosen Sons were
to be defeated, Set would be stripped of much of his influ-
ence on the mortal plane.
However, one Chosen Son, a terrible serpent-demon named
Caphet, believes himself invincible even during these periods
of vulnerability. For eons, he has hidden himself away in his
Onyx Palace, an impenetrable redoubt located in the heart of
the Crimson Reed Oasis. The oasis lies deep in the desert, far
from any trade routes, its exact location unknown to all but
the wisest of mortal sages. But unknown to Caphet, or even
Set, centuries ago Mitra interfered with Caphet’s machina-
tions—giving the heroes a chance to find and destroy this
Chosen Son of Set!


The GM should consult Map 4-1, an overview of the Lost-
lands Region, for the location of the three temples containing
the three Heart Obelisks of Caphet. At the center of the three
temples (deep in the wastes) is the Crimson Reed Oasis. A
fourth temple, the Limestone Temple, can be found in the
oasis, along with Caphet’s Onyx Palace.
The Heart Obelisks are so named because each hides a shard
of Caphet’s heart inside it. When Caphet defeated Krimaret
(a former Chosen Son), he knew that Set would strip him
of his new-found immortality in a short 666 years. Like a
lich who stores its soul in a phylactery, Caphet used dark
magics to remove his own black heart and sunder it into three
stony shards. In doing so, he ensured that even while stripped
of his immortality, he could be defeated only if the three


shards of his heart were destroyed as well. To prevent this the Heart Shards of Caphet (see player handout 15). They
from happening, Caphet placed each of the Heart Shards of must also learn the location of at least one of the temples
Caphet (see appendix A) in or near a magically warded obelisk (areas 1, 2 and 3).
protected by a powerful guardian. And because the obelisks
A secretive guild of scholars known as the Obsidian Pages
were located hundreds of miles apart, both time and the
(named for the book of thin obsidian sheets on which the
harsh desert environment became two more allies of Caphet.
guild’s secrets are recorded) has recently uncovered docu-
Although this dark act went unnoticed by Set, Mitra noted ments detailing directions to the Heart Obelisks of Caphet.
it. He cursed the shards so that they granted magical abilities The guild now seeks adventurers to visit the obelisks and end
to those who harnessed their malignant taint. In addition, the reign of Caphet. Once the Caphet’s oasis is revealed, the
Mitra enchanted each shard so that it would point anyone guild intends to raid its library while the adventurers do battle
attuned to it to the next shard. Mitra hoped this curse would with the Chosen Son.
lead to Caphet’s eventual downfall.
Suggestions for how the characters might cross paths with
the Obsidian Pages include:
ADVENTURE HOOKS • The characters discover a rare tome, but before they have
Before the adventure begins, the characters should come into a chance to sell it, the Obsidian Pages approaches them
the possession of a cryptic passage explaining the obelisks and with an offer to buy the book at a handsome price. To

Anin Leads Caphet’s Maul, a group of mortal followers who guard The Quartz Temple (area 3)
Caphet’s Quartz Temple
Atamep A gynosphinx that rests in the Crimson Reed Oasis Part 2: The Crimson Reed Oasis
Blimbull A former elf ranger, now transformed into a basiloid to guard The Sandstone Temple (area 2)
Caphet’s Sandstone Temple
Candra Windspeaker A half-elf druid transformed into a|servant of Caphet The Sandstone Temple (area 2-5)
Caphet A Chosen Son of Set The Onyx Palace (area E-3)
Chuskra A former human fighter, now transformed into a crypt hag The Granite Temple (area 1)
Hann Darkflame A human thief transformed into a servant of Caphet The Granite Temple (area 1-4)
Kolric Stonefist A dwarf fighter transformed into a servant of Caphet The Granite Temple (area 1-4)
Krimaret A former Chosen Son defeated by his sibling Caphet Background
Lashmag A half-orc sorcerer, now transformed into a necryclops The Quartz Temple (area 3)
Milar Skyblaze A fighter transformed into a into a servant of Caphet The Sandstone Temple (area 2-5)
The Obsidian Pages A secretive guild of scholars who have recently discovered the Adventure Hooks
location of the Heart Obelisks of Caphet
Shard A trespasser Caphet transformed into a limestone golem The Limestone Temple (area D3)
Sterrif Leads Caphet’s Gaze, a group of mortal followers who guard The Sandstone Temple (area 2)
Caphet’s Sandstone Temple
Thipix An An efreeti who uses the Crimson Reed Oasis as his personal Part 2: The Crimson Reed Oasis
hunting grounds
Tronna Leads Caphet’s Grasp, a group of mortal followers who guard The Granite Temple (area 1)
Caphet’s Granite Temple
Woggo A trespasser Caphet transformed into a hobbling heap The Limestone Temple (area D3)


sweeten the deal, the guild presents the characters an DRAMATIS PERSONAE
opportunity to rid the world of an evil Chosen Son and
recover a collection of artifacts (see appendix D). If none The Heart Shards of Caphet presents a number of nonplayer
of these offers interest the characters, the guild can give characters, including many enemies and a few potential
spellcasters access to their archives, fighters a few prize allies. Individuals referenced in the adventure are summa-
weapons or pieces of armor, and thieves…well, the local rized below.
thieves’ guild owes the Obsidian Pages a few favors, and a
rogue looking to move up in the thieves’ guild hierarchy SCALING THE ADVENTURE
could do worse than having the Obsidian Pages as an ally.
Though designed for four to six 12th-level characters, The
• One of the characters (most likely a fighter or other Heart Shards of Caphet can be modified for parties of differ-
martial character) has heard legends of the guardian ent sizes or levels. If the encounters are adjusted, remember
khopesh of Caphet (see appendix D). One of these weap- to adjust the amount of treasure appropriately. Consider
ons is said to be located near one of the obelisks, and adapting the adventure as follows:
rumor has it that other obelisks have artifacts of their
Weaker parties (3 or fewer characters and/or lower than
own. The Obsidian Pages sends the interested characters
12th level):
a message (along with a map to the three Heart Temples)
requesting that the characters meet at a location indicated • Reduce the frequency of wandering monster checks in
on the map. the Ghetrian Desert to once every 24 hours.
• A priest of Mitra (see Dark Tower) stumbles into the • Throughout the adventure, replace the servants of Caphet
characters’ campsite, a map leading to the three Heart with mummies.
Temples clutched in her hands. With her dying breath, • In area 1-1, decrease the DC of the Dexterity saving
the priest implores pleads the characters to end Caphet’s throw triggered by walking across the moat to DC 13.
reign of terror by seeking out the obelisks and collecting
the Chosen Son’s heart shards. The priest explains that • In area 1-2, decrease the DC of the lightning bolt trap
Caphet can be truly killed only by destroying the shards. to DC 13 and the damage dealt to 21 (6d6) lightning
• In area 1-3, decrease the DC of the symbol to DC 13.

The Three Guardians

Five hundred years ago, three adventurers named Chuskra, Blimbull, and Lashmag assaulted one of Caphet’s temples hoping to ransom
the Chosen Son’s heart shard in exchange for wealth and power. Though they failed in this endeavor, Caphet was so impressed by their
audacity that he raised the adventurers from the dead and transformed them into the guardians of his three temples, giving each of
them a weapon he felt would enhance that guardian’s specific abilities. None of the guardians are pleased with their current situation,
but all fear a worse fate should they fail Caphet, as the Chosen Son has promised that any guardian who keeps its assigned temple safe
for 500 years will be allowed to die.
Chuskra. A human fighter, Chuskra was the leader of the group. Though impressed by Chuskra’s fierceness in battle, Caphet envied her
beauty, especially after Chuskra uttered an insult regarding Caphet’s three hydra heads. As punishment, Caphet reanimated Chuskra
as a crypt hag to protect the Granite Temple (area 1).
Blimbull. An elf ranger, Blimbull never intended to ransom the heart shard. Instead, Blimbull hoped to take the shard to his elders, who
believed they had found a way to destroy it. Caphet reincarnated Blimbull as a half-human, half-basilisk monstrosity called a basiloid
and tasked him with guarding the Sandstone Temple (area 2).
Lashmag. A half-orc sorcerer, Lashmag received the harshest punishment for his attempted theft of the heart shard. Before Caphet
struck him down, one of Lashmag’s final actions was to strike Caphet’s leftmost head with his magical staff, blinding that head. For this
affront, Caphet resurrected Lashmag as a necryclops and tasked him with guarding the Quartz Temple (area 3).
For each full day a guardian leaves their respective temple (willingly or not), Caphet increases that guardian’s punishment 100 years.
A protective ward prevents a guardian from leaving the Crimson Reed Oasis (Blimbull and Lashmag tested the ward and added 200
years to their punishments). Chuskra has guarded the Granite Temple for five centuries, and now eagerly awaits Caphet’s promise to
allow her to die. Whether Caphet will honor that promise remains unknown


• In area 1-5, decrease Chuskra’s AC to 16. Stronger parties (more than 6 characters and/or higher
• In areas 2-3 and 2-4, decrease the DC of the handrail trap than 12th level):
to DC 18 and the damage dealt to 9 (2d8) force damage. • Increase the frequency of wandering monster checks in
• In area 2-5, decrease the DC of the trapped obelisks to the Ghetrian Desert to once every 6 hours.
DC 14. • Throughout the adventure, remove the servants of Caph-
• In area 2-6, decrease the DC of Blimbull’s Petrifying et’s vulnerability to fire damage.
Gaze to DC 14. • In area 1-1, increase the DC of the Dexterity saving
• In area 3-1, decrease the damage dealt by the symbol trap throw triggered to walk across the moat to DC 17.
to 44 (8d10) necrotic damage. • In area 1-2, increase the DC of the lightning bolt trap
• In area 3-2, decrease the DC of Lashmag’s Leeching Gaze to DC 17 and the damage dealt to 35 (10d6) lightning
to DC 16. damage.

• Reduce the frequency of wandering monster checks in • In area 1-3, increase the DC of the symbol to DC 17.
the Crimson Reed Oasis to once every 4 hours. • In area 1-5, increase Chuskra’s hit points to 219 (22d8
• In area D-1, reduce the number of giant water snakes in + 120).
the moat to one. • In areas 2-3 and 2-4, increase the DC of the handrail
• In area D-1, decrease the DC of the limestone bridge trap to DC 22 and the damage dealt to 27 (6d6) force
to DC 13. damage.

• In area E-3, reduce Caphet’s AC to 17. Reduce the DC of • In area 25, increase the DC of the trapped obelisks to
his bite attack, staff of the scorpion attack, and Lightning DC 18.
Blast action to DC 17. • In area 2-6, increase the DC of Blimbull’s Petrifying Gaze
to DC 18.


• In area 3-1, increase the damage dealt by the symbol trap
to 66 (12d10) necrotic damage.

he characters can explore Caphet’s three temples
• In area 3-2, increase the damage dealt by Lashmag’s
in any order. Once the characters visit the first
Leeching Gaze to 27 (6d8) necrotic damage.
temple (the location of which they learn via an
• Increase the chance of triggering a wandering monster adventure hook), the heart shards can direct them to the
in the Crimson Reed Oasis to 2 in 6. other two temples.
• In area D-1, increase the number of giant water snakes The temples lie approximately 350 miles apart from one
in the moat to four or more. another, with expanses of unforgiving sandy wastes between
• In area D-1, increase the DC of the limestone bridge them. Based on a normal pace of movement, it takes approxi-
to DC 17. mately 14 days to travel from one temple to another. Since
the Chosen Sons of Set are vulnerable for only one year, travel
• In area E-3, increase the number of hit points Caphet time can be significant. At the GMs discretion, wandering
regains each round via his Regeneration trait to 30. monster encounters might occur during this journey, slow-
ing the party’s progress. However, characters with access to
BEGINNING THE ADVENTURE magic such as teleport, flying carpets, or flying mounts might
be able to bypass many of these encounters.
Three temples dedicated to Caphet are located throughout
the sandy wastes, but the order in which the characters visit
them does not matter. Once they have explored all three WANDERING MONSTERS IN
temples, the characters should be able to deduce the loca- THE GHETRIAN DESERT
tion of the Crimson Reed Oasis. A final temple is located in
the oasis, but it does not possess a piece of Caphet’s heart. The Ghetrian Desert is a desolate waste filled with sandy
Instead, it houses two guardians who might be convinced to dunes and rocky badlands. The harsh terrain presents few
become allies in the fight against Caphet. opportunities to forage for food or water, making wandering
monsters less frequent. Every 12 hours the characters spend in
the desert, there is a 1 in 6 chance they encounter one of these

Followers of Caphet
Three separate groups devoted to Caphet wander the area around Caphet’s Grasp. The first group calls itself Caphet’s Grasp. The
the Crimson Reed Oasis. Each group serves one of Caphet’s three group is led by a priest named Tronna and frequents the Granite
temples: the Granite Temple (area 1), the Sandstone Temple (area Temple (area 1), providing food and water to the temple’s guard-
2), and the Quartz Temple (area 3). The groups separate occasion- ian, Chuskra.
ally, with half their number remaining within 15 minutes of its Caphet’s Gaze. The second group calls itself Caphet’s Gaze. The
temple while the other half forages for food and water. All three group is led by a priest named Sterrif and frequents the Sandstone
groups believe they are Caphet’s favored followers, but in truth Temple (area 2), providing food and water to the temple’s guard-
Caphet cares nothing for any of them, beyond the added protec- ian, Blimbull.
tion they afford against trespassers in the oasis.
Caphet’s Maul. The third group calls itself Caphet’s Maul. The
Travelers who encounter such a group are offered a chance to
group is led by a priest named Anin and frequents the Quartz
pledge their lives to Caphet (accepting a horrific curse should they
Temple (area 3), providing food and water to the temple’s guard-
ever leave the area around the oasis). Those who refuse are taken
ian, Lashmag.
as prisoners and offered as sacrifices the next time the group visits
a temple. During the sacrifice, the prisoners’ blood is poured over Servants of Caphet. Not one to waste the skills of experienced
Caphet’s heart shard. Caphet’s followers believe this increases the adventurers, Caphet occasionally instructs his priests to mummify
Chosen Son’s powers, but it offers no real benefit. captured adventurers. He then reanimates these mummies to
serve as additional guardians in his temples. A servant of Caphet
The groups fluctuate in size as followers are killed by wild animals
(see appendix B) rests in its sarcophagus until called upon by the
or interlopers. A typical group consists of 3d6 + 10 followers of
temple’s guardian.
Caphet (see appendix C) led by one priest of Caphet (see appendix
C). The groups try to convert prisoners they capture but sacrifice
those who resist.


wandering monsters. If an encounter is triggered, roll 2d6 or Lamia. A band of six half-ogres armed with greataxes (2d12
select one of the encounters below. The GM is encouraged + 3 slashing damage) is led by what appears to be an ogre
to create more encounters if needed. Alternatively, the GM maiden. The ogre maiden is actually a lamia using disguise
can refer to the table presented in Chapter 12 of Volume 2 self to dupe the half-ogres, whom she leads with an iron fist.
of Dark Tower for additional encounters. The lamia seeks one of the temples of Caphet and hopes to
pledge her service to the wicked Son of Set.
2d6 Encounter
Priests and Followers of Caphet. This encounter only occurs
2 Brass dragon
within a few miles of one of the temples. The temple the
3 Lamia and half-ogres characters approach determines which band they encounter
4-5 Giant sandworm (see the Followers of Caphet sidebar).
6-7 Roc Roc. A roc soars overhead. If the party includes horses or
8-9 Immense scorpion pack animals, the roc swoops down to grab one or two. Char-
10 Cyclops family acters able to charm or dominate the roc could use the enor-
11 Gnoll pack mous bird for transportation.
12 Priests and followers of Caphet

Brass Dragon. Bassantha (“Bas”) is an adult brass dragon AREA 1: THE OBELISK OF THE
who maintains a hidden cavern lair in the foothills south
of the mighty Ctabakul River. Her range encompasses the GRANITE HEART
desert south of the river, and she spends most of her days Caphet’s Granite Temple is located to the east of the Crimson
gliding on the hot desert winds searching for elusive herds Reed Oasis. After Caphet removed his heart and divided it
of wild camels. Bas is more curious than aggressive and is into three pieces, he placed the first shard beneath an obelisk
largely uninterested in the characters’ fight against Caphet. made of granite inside this temple. He hid the remaining two
However, characters willing to trade a magic item or two pieces in their own temples, the Sandstone Temple to the east
might be able to convince the dragon to give them a ride to (area 2) and the Quartz Temple to the west (area 3).
one of the nearby temples.
To further protect each shard, Caphet assigned an immor-
Cyclops Family. A (somewhat dysfunctional) family of four tal guardian to each of the temples. Currently, the Gran-
cyclopes roams the sandy wastes seeking the plains of Quays- ite Temple is protected by a crypt hag named Chuskra
arria and the Great Bazaar. The father is a proud but stubborn (see appendix C). Caphet’s Grasp, a group of Caphet’s
leader who can’t admit he’s lost. Despite his wife’s pleas to mortal followers, serve him by providing Chuskra with
“just ask for directions,” the father flies into a rage and attacks food and water.
the characters. Shortly thereafter, the couple’s two sons shrug
and join the combat with their father. The cyclopes carry five
bolts of fine silk (worth 250 gp each) and a box of carved
wooden figurines (17 in total; worth 2d6 × 10 gp each) that The Granite Temple is depicted on Map 4-2.
they hope to trade at the Bazaar. The Moat. The moat that surrounds the temple is 5 feet
Giant Sandworm. A giant sandworm (use statistics for a deep and 15 feet wide. The moat is filled with loose shards
purple worm) bursts from the sand in the midst of the char- of granite that do not support the weight of a Small or
acters. Characters who make a successful DC 15 Wisdom larger creature.
(Perception) check are not surprised by the attack. Lighting. During the day, the temple’s interior is lit by natu-
Gnoll Pack. A pack of 12 gnolls lead four giant hyenas on ral light filtering in from the western entrance. At night,
a hunt. The pack is led by a gnoll pack lord armed with a there is a 1 in 6 chance that Chuskra has lit torches inside
+2 morningstar (+7 to hit, 1d8 + 5 piercing damage). Each the temple to accomodate a visiting priest; otherwise, the
gnoll carries a bladder of water, and the leader wears a satchel temple is completely dark.
stocked with three potions of healing. Walls and Ceilings. The temple’s walls and the ceiling are
Immense Scorpions. Three immense scorpions (see appen- made of polished granite. They are impossible to climb with-
dix B) burst from the sand to attack. Each of the scorpions out the use of magic.
is nearly 20 feet long and fights to the death.


AREA 1-1 – THE GRANITE MOAT The temple’s foundation is 15 feet high, 50 feet on a side,
Caphet’s temple rests atop a foundation of granite blocks, each and made from five levels of granite block. The granite is
the size of a full-grown dwarf. On the west side of the temple, nonmagical, but characters who make a DC 10 Intelligence
steps ascend to an open archway. An obelisk is visible just inside (History) check recognize that the stones were chiseled using
the archway. A path of loose rock encircles the temple. dwarf mining techniques. The temple’s sides are flush with
the foundation, with no ledge or gap to be had.
The moat that encircles the temple has been designed to look
like a worn path paved with granite pebbles. In truth, the AREA 1-2 – THE STAIRS
path is a 5-foot-deep, 15-foot-wide moat filled with shards of
A set of fifteen steps ascends to an archway that allows access to
granite. To prevent injury, Caphet’s followers bring a special
the temple. Footprints of dried blood are visible on every step. A
portable bridge with them when they cross the bridge, though
scene chiseled into the archway depicts priests with heads bowed
some fanatics show respect to Caphet by jumping into the
and hands pressed together above their heads walking towards a
moat and wading across. Characters who make a successful
humanoid with three serpent-like heads. An unusual set of runes
DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check notice the shards
is carved above the three-headed figure.
are extremely sharp. A creature that attempts to walk across
the surface of the moat must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving The runes are in Abyssal and translate to “Caphet Protect Us.”
throw or take 4 (1d8) slashing damage as they sink into the A living creature that walks up the steps must speak “Caphet
granite shards. Creatures wading through the moat treat the Protect Us” in Abyssal or move up the steps with their hands
moat as difficult terrain and take an additional 4 (1d8) slash- raised above their bowed head like the priest figures in the
ing damage for every 5 feet they move. carving. A creature that fails to do so takes 28 (8d6) lightning
damage, or half as much damage with a successful DC 15
Dexterity saving throw, as an arc of lightning leaps from the


On the floor at the top of the steps is a symbol as an added
protection. The nearly invisible glyph can be detected with
a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. The
symbol is triggered if a living creature steps on it, unless it
utters “Set, protect me” in Abyssal. If triggered, a sphere of
hopelessness washes over living creatures in a 60 foot sphere.
Each target must make a successful DC 15 Charisma saving
throw or become overwhelmed with despair for 1 minute.
Affected creatures can’t attack or target any creature with a
harmful ability, spell, or other magical effect for the duration.
Releasing the symbol arouses the servants of Caphet in area
1-4, which fall upon the hopeless creatures.
As the characters move into area 1-4, give them player hand-
out 16, which shows the placement of the obelisk and other
details in the area.


Footprints of dried blood circle a looming obelisk in the center
of the room. The smooth granite walls and roof are entirely free
of imperfections, save for a small cutout above the obelisk that
reveals the sky. Three iron rings hang from the north, west, and
south walls. Matching rings are visible on the north, west, and
south sides of the obelisk. At the rear of the temple, steps ascend
to a granite throne sized for someone three to four times larger
than an average humanoid. To the left and right of the throne
are two closed sarcophagi.
A character who inspects the obelisk and makes a success-
ful DC 10 Investigation check realizes that a portion of the
three-headed figure to the creature as they approach the arch- obelisk rests below the granite floor. Attempts to topple the
way. (The phrase “Caphet Protect Us” can be taught to a non- obelisk are futile, as the obelisk’s 2-foot-tall base is sunk
Abyssal speaker with a successful DC 10 Intelligence check.) into the floor.

One or more lightning strikes alerts Chuskra to the arrival of Touching the obelisk summons the temple’s guardian,
trespassers. If alerted, she hides in area 1-5, waiting for the Chuskra, from area 1-5. She hides in the passage to that
right moment to ambush the characters. area, waiting to teleport and strike at the trespassers, target-
ing a spellcaster (favoring clerics above others). She wields a
Developments. The lightning strike hints at one of three guardian khopesh of Caphet.
special abilities Caphet possesses. Observant characters
may learn Caphet’s additional abilities at the remaining The Throne. Constructed from loosely fitted granite blocks,
two temples. the throne is 25 feet tall and 8 feet wide, with its seat approx-
imately 8 feet above the ground. A creature other than
Chuskra that sits in the throne must make a DC 15 Wisdom
AREA 1-3 – TEMPLE ENTRANCE save or take 4 (1d8) psychic damage as their mind fills with
Granite stones have been arranged to create an archway on the images of torture and suffering. Among these images, the
western side of the temple. Handprints of dried blood cover the creature catches a brief glimpse of a screaming human held
stones. Visible through the archway is an obelisk in the center by two priests, as seen through the eyes of Caphet. Caphet
of the temple. bites the screaming human and, moments later, the human
Fanatics who waded across the moat left the bloody hand- begins to turn to stone.
prints as an insult to those who chose to use the bridge instead. The Passageway. Between the legs of the throne, a set of
steps descend to the north. The steps lead to Chuskra’s quar-


ters (area 1-5). Unless Chuskra is alerted to the characters’ requires a total of four successful DC 15 Strength checks (one
presence, the sounds of humming can be heard rising from check per rope). A second person on a rope grants advantage
the chamber. on the Strength check. If the characters don’t have rope, they
can find some in area 1-5, but moving into that area alerts
The Sarcophagi. To assist the guardians, Caphet commanded
Chuskra, if she is not already aware of the trespassers.
his priests to mummify adventurers caught trespassing in
the temples. Each of these servants of Caphet (see appen- The cutout above the obelisk is a trick to lure trespassers into
dix B) is sustained by keepsakes interred with them in their thinking that the obelisk must be raised all the way to the
sarcophagus. Chuskra can call upon the servants to assist her roof. If the characters lift the obelisk far enough that the tip
in times of need. blocks out the sky, a bolt of lightning leaps from the obelisk
to strike one of the rope holders (determined randomly).
Sarcophagus 1 (north of the throne) contains a servant of
The target takes 28 (8d6) lightning damage, or half as much
Caphet named Hann Darkflame, a human thief who nearly
damage on a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. All
made it across the Crimson Reed Oasis before his capture.
remaining creatures on a rope must make a successful DC 20
Hann’s sarcophagus contains a leather pouch holding 48 gp,
Strength check or the obelisk drops. If the obelisk drops, it
a single emerald worth 100 gp, and a creeping dagger (see
topples to the floor and shatters, and each remaining creature
appendix D).
on a rope is targeted by a similar lightning bolt.
Sarcophagus 2 (south of the throne) contains a servant of
Lifting the obelisk reveals the hidden niche containing a heart
Caphet named Kolric Stonefist, a dwarf fighter who single-
shard of Caphet. A creature that touches the shard must make
handedly fought off thirteen of Caphet’s followers before
a successful DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 4 (1d8)
being subdued. Kolric’s sarcophagus contains his plate armor
psychic damage as they receive a vision of Caphet’s heart
and clan battleaxe (see appendix D).
being removed by a cabal of dark-robed priests. A creature
The Obelisk. Walking around the obelisk reveals an addi- that uses a cloth or similar item to handle the evil artifact
tional iron ring on its eastern side, as well as a ring mounted automatically succeeds on this save.
near the ceiling on the east wall (neither ring is visible when
Destroying the Granite Obelisk. The granite obelisk is
looking into the room from area 1-3.) The obelisk itself is 10
one of three magical obelisks that conceals Caphet’s palace.
feet tall, 3 feet across at its base, and has an iron ring mounted
Destroying the three obelisks causes the palace to appear
where the obelisk tapers at the top. heart shard
in the Crimson Reed Oasis. However, doing so also alerts
Using four 50-foot-lengths of rope, the characters can tie Caphet that trespassers should be expected. Toppling the
ropes to the obelisk’s iron rings, then thread each rope obelisk is the easiest way to destroy it. The obelisk can be
through its matching ring on the corresponding wall. Doing shattered (AC 15, 66 hp, immunity to poison and psychic
so allows the characters to pull on the ropes to lift the obelisk. damage), but any creature that damages the obelisk without
Lifting the obelisk far enough to access the niche beneath it destroying it outright is targeted by a bolt of lightning, as
described above. Chuskra focuses her attacks on creatures she
Chuskra’s Lair Actions witnesses damaging the obelisk.

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Chuskra takes a AREA 1-5 – CHUSKRA’S QUARTERS
lair action to cause one of the following effects. Chuskra can’t The passageway leads to a small, square room lit by a single torch.
use the same lair action twice in a row. In the northeast corner lie the skinned remains of a rabbit or
• One creature Chuskra can see within 30 feet of her must some other small beast. Bones and a few ragged blankets litter the
make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, rest of the floor. Hanging on the south wall are six coils of rope.
Chuskra magically teleports the creature to the entrance
of the Granite Temple (area 1-3), automatically triggering
Chuskra. Unless alerted to the party’s presence, Chuskra
the symbol if not triggered yet. (see appendix C) ambushes the first character who enters her
quarters, then teleports to area 1-4. Chuskra rarely sleeps,
• Chuskra magically awakens one of the two servants of believing her service to Caphet will end should she success-
Caphet (see appendix B) in area 1-4. If the two servants have
fully defend the obelisk. Chuskra knows the importance of
already been defeated, a minion of Set (see appendix B) is
summoned instead, although this displeases Set. the heart shard and refuses to reveal its location under any
circumstances. If Chuskra dies, she reforms 48 hours later
• Chuskra magically regains 4d8 hit points, and any harmful in this chamber.
conditions currently affecting her end.


The Ropes. Hanging on the wall are six coils of rope, each The Sandstone Temple’s only entrance is the set of stairs on
approximately 75 feet long. Chuskra provides these ropes to the southern side of the building.
the priests when they arrive at the temple. They are in excel-
lent condition. AREA 2-2 – STAIRS DOWN
The steps descend a short distance before splitting left and right.
AREA 2: THE PILLAR OF THE Tucked into an alcove in the wall where the stairs split is the
lifelike statue of a wizard with her staff held high and her finger
SANDSTONE HEART pointing up and out of the temple. The stairs make another turn
towards the north as they descend; from somewhere beneath you,
The Sandstone Temple sits to the north of the Crimson Reed torchlight flickers across the rough sandstone walls.
Oasis. Caphet’s second heart shard is stored in one of the
A creature who makes a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Inves-
seven obelisks the characters find when they enter the temple.
tigation) check determines that the statue is actually a petri-
Each temple has its own set of protections, but the Sandstone fied female half-elf. While she appears to point up and out of
Heart temple is unique due to it being the favorite of Caphet. the temple, this is simply a coincidence due to her placement
The priests that favor this temple are particularly cruel. They at the bottom of the stairs. Wherever she was when she was
amuse Caphet by taking advantage of the obelisks’ unusual petrified originally, the woman was pointing up, the horror
ability to both terrify and kill unwitting trespassers. on her face captured perfectly as she transformed into stone.
The Sandstone Temple is protected by Blimbull (appendix Developments. The petrified statue in area 2-2, as well
C), a former elven ranger whom Caphet raised as a half- as the numerous “statues” in area 2-5, are clues to one of
human, half-basilisk monstrosity called a basiloid. Caphet’s three special abilities Caphet possesses. Observant charac-
Gaze, a group of Caphet’s mortal followers, serve Blimbull ters might deduce Caphet’s other abilities from clues at the
by providing him with food and water. other two temples.


The stairs descend eight steps northward, opening into a larger,
The Sandstone Temple is depicted on Map 4-3.
open area where torchlight flickers. Deep grooves chiseled into the
Lighting. During the day, the temple’s interior is lit by the sandstone along the stairs appear to serve as handrails.
natural light filtering in from the southern entrance. Torches
The temple’s builders did indeed carve the grooves as hand-
are lit when Caphet’s mortal servants visit the temple; other-
rails. Knowing that intruders would be on the lookout for
wise area 2-5 is completely dark. The ramp and Blimbull’s
traps and most likely view the handrails with suspicion, the
lair (area 1-6) are completely dark.
builders created a trap that would be triggered only if the left
Walls and Ceilings. The temple’s walls and the ceiling are handrail (on the western wall) was not used. Placing a hand
made of rough sandstone. Climbing the walls requires a in the west groove as one descends the stairs is the only way
successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. to prevent the trap from triggering. If at any time a creature
removes its hand from the groove while still on the steps, an
AREA 2-1 – SANDSTONE TEMPLE ethereal spear emerges from the eastern wall to skewer the
You spy a rectangular, sandstone structure hidden among the creature. The triggering creature must make a successful DC
palms. The building’s walls are seamless, as if the entire structure 20 Dexterity saving throw or take 18 (4d8) force damage. The
was carved from a single piece of stone—an amazing feat made trap then resets, but any creature that sees the spear emerge
even more remarkable as you ponder how such an enormous block can make a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) to intuit the
could have been transported to this location. In the building’s trap’s trigger.
southern face, a set of stairs descends into darkness. When the characters arrive at the bottom of the stairs, give
The Sandstone Temple stands 20 feet tall, 40 feet wide, and them player handout 17, which illustrates the obelisks and
80 feet long. No steps or handholds exist to climb to the top other details found in area 2-5.
of the temple, but anyone who finds a way to the roof discov-
ers that the temple is indeed a single block of sandstone with
no imperfections.


AREA 2-4 – EASTERN STAIR The Throne. The sandstone throne is 25 feet tall and 8 feet
wide, with its seat approximately 8 feet above the ground. A
The stairs descend eight steps northward, opening into a larger, creature that sits in the throne must make a DC 15 Wisdom
open area where torchlight flickers. Deep grooves chiseled into the save or take 4 (1d8) psychic damage as their mind fills with
sandstone along the stairs appear to serve as handrails. images of torture and suffering. Amongst the images, the
This trap functions identically to the one in area 2-3, except creature catches a glimpse of a dwarf struck down by a light-
the directions are mirrored (the right handrail must be used ning bolt fired from a lizard-like hand.
or the ethereal spear emerges from the west wall). The Sarcophagi. To assist the guardians, Caphet commanded
When the characters arrive at the bottom of the stairs, give his priests to mummify adventurers caught trespassing in
them player handout 17, which illustrates the obelisks and the temples. Each of these servants of Caphet (see appen-
other details found in area 2-5. dix B) is sustained by keepsakes interred with them in their
sarcophagus. Blimbull can call upon the servants to assist
AREA 2-5 – THE SANDSTONE OBELISKS him in times of need.
At the base of the steps, you discover a room chiseled from the Sarcophagus 1 (west of the throne) contains a servant of
heart of the sandstone megalith. Stone statues of individuals Caphet named Milar Skyblaze, a fighter who slew a priest of
caught in various poses of surprise or anger have been arranged Caphet before being captured. Milar’s sarcophagus contains
along the west and east walls. At the rear of the room sits a his bronze shield and +1 longsword.
throne carved from sandstone; a sarcophagus rests on either side Sarcophagus 2 (east of the throne) contains a servant of
of the throne. Beneath the throne, a ramp descends further into Caphet named Candra Windspeaker, a half-elf druid who
the temple. Standing in the center of the room are seven obelisks wandered into the oasis and tried to make a new home.
of red sandstone arranged in a circle, with a small altar in the Candra’s sarcophagus contains her thornstaff (see appendix D).
center. Each obelisk rests atop a red sandstone block.


The Statues. A total of 17 statues are placed near the west causes the palace to appear. However, doing so also alerts
and east walls. Though arranged in a variety of poses, all have Caphet that trespassers should be expected. The obelisk is
a look of horror on their (now) stone faces. Moving a statue an object with AC 15, 66 hp, and immunity to poison and
requires a DC 15 Strength check; on a failed check, the statue psychic damage. Blimbull focuses his attacks on creatures he
topples and shatters. witnesses damaging the obelisk.
The Obelisks. Each of the seven obelisks is 5 feet tall, 3 feet Developments. Unless the characters have defeated them
square at the base, and tapers towards its tip. The obelisks are previously, a group of Caphet’s Gaze cultists (see Followers
carved from red sandstone and rest on cubes of similar stone. of Caphet sidebar) arrives in area 2-5 ten minutes after the
characters move within 5 feet of the statue in area 2-2. The
Six of the obelisks are warded with a magical trap; beneath the
group consists of 1d6 + 6 followers of Caphet and are led
seventh lies a hidden compartment that opens to reveal one
by a priest of Caphet (see appendix C) named Sterrif. The
of Caphet’s heart shards. Besides Blimbull, only the priest of
followers attempt to grapple the characters or shove them
Caphet that frequents this temple (see Developments) knows
against the trapped obelisks. Sterrif remains near the base of
the location of the hidden compartment.
the western stairs (area 2-3) and casts spells to distract the
GM Note. The GM should select which of the seven obelisks characters so his followers can grapple them.
contains the heart shard and note of its location in regards
to the six false obelisks. Discovering the secret compartment AREA 2-6 – BLIMBULL’S’S LAIR
requires a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Between the legs of the throne, a ramp descends to a small, rectan-
It is safe to touch the sandstone cube that supports each gular room that contains nothing but animal bones. The room
obelisk. A creature that touches one of the trapped obelisks is dark, and no doors or windows are visible.
must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. A creature
Guardian. Blimbull (see appendix C) rarely sleeps, and his
that fails the saving throw by 5 or more is instantly petrified.
keen sense of smell immediately alerts him to trespassers in
Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to turn to
the temple. Blimbull sneaks up the ramp to catch a glimpse
stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must repeat
of the intruders; characters with a passive Perception of 15 or
the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petri-
higher may spot Blimbull as he spies on them. If discovered,
fied on a failure or ending the effect on a success. The petrifi-
Blimbull launches himself toward the character nearest to a
cation lasts until the creature is freed by the greater restoration
false obelisk and attempts to shove them into it.
spell or other magic.
As punishment for attempting to steal his heart shard,
Opening the hidden compartment in the base of the safe
Caphet reincarnated Blimbull as a half-human, half-basilisk
obelisk reveals a hidden niche containing one of the heart
monstrosity called a basiloid. A basiloid has the lower body of
shards of Caphet. A creature that touches the shard must make
a humanoid and the massive torso, claws, and head of a basi-
a successful DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 4 (1d8)
lisk. Despite the creature’s size, a basiloid is quiet as it stalks
psychic damage as they receive a vision of Caphet’s heart
its prey, attempting to move in close for a gaze. A petrified
being removed by a cabal of dark-robed priests. A creature
victim is then consumed, stone turning back to flesh inside
that uses a cloth or similar item to handle the evil artifact
the basiloid’s stomach.
automatically succeeds on this save.
A character who searches Blimbull’s lair and makes a success-
Blimbull. Blimbull does not wait for the characters to
ful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check discovers a
descend the ramp; instead, he rushes forward and attacks
hidden compartment that contains two potions of petrifica-
the first creature to approach within 10 feet of the top of the
tion resistance and one potion of stone to flesh (see appendix
ramp. Blimbull is immune to the magic of the obelisks and
D). Caphet has instructed Blimbull to provide these potions
does his best to lure the party closer to the obelisks so he can
to a priest of Caphet without question.
grapple and shove a character against an obelisk and trigger
the petrification effect. Should that fail, he uses his Petrifying Blimbull knows which of the obelisks conceals the heart shard
Gaze on any creature within 10 feet of him. but will not reveal its location under any circumstances. If
Blimbull dies, he reforms in this area after 48 hours.
Destroying the Sandstone Obelisk. The sandstone obelisk
is one of three magical obelisks that conceals Caphet’s palace
inside the Crimson Reed Oasis. Destroying the three obelisks


Blimbull’s Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Blimbull takes a
lair action to cause one of the following effects. Blimbull can’t
use the same lair action twice in a row.
• Blimbull makes a mace-ax of Caphet attack. On a hit, the
target is also subjected to Blimbull’s Petrifying Gaze.
• Blimbull awakens one of the two servants of Caphet (see
appendix B) in area 2-5. If both have been defeated, a
minion of Set (see appendix B) is summoned instead, to
the displeasure of Set.
• Blimbull magically regains 4d8 hit points, and any harmful
conditions currently affecting him end.


The Quartz Temple lies to the southwest of the Crimson
Oasis. A third heart shard is hidden in the open here, but
its defenses are more significant than those of the shards
found at the Granite Temple (area 1) and the Sandstone
Temple (area 2).
Caphet’s Maul, the cultists that favor this temple, are hesi-
tant to visit the site more than once a month. The temple’s
guardian, a necryclops named Lashmag, has no patience for
trespassers and tolerates those loyal to Caphet only when they
bring him food and water. It is not uncommon for Lashmag
to strike out at the priest and followers of Caphet for the
smallest imposition.

GENERAL FEATURES carcasses have been heaped atop the three steps leading into the
The Quartz Temple is depicted on Map 4-4. structure. Just beyond the temple’s arched entry, the base of a giant
obelisk is visible, its true size hidden as it disappears towards the
Lighting. During the day, the temple’s interior is lit by the roof. The grass around the temple has been stomped flat, except
natural light that filters through the structure’s translucent here at the entrance where the soil is devoid of vegetation entirely.
quartz stone. At night, the cultists of Caphet’s Maul may light
torches to illuminate the temple. Otherwise, the temple is The Quartz Temple is 60 feet tall, 30 feet wide, and 60 feet
completely dark. long, with a 20-foot-tall archway leading inside. Creatures
near the entrance can catch a partial view of the gigantic
Walls and Ceilings. The walls and the ceiling of the temple obelisk inside.
are made of smooth quartz and cannot be climbed without
the use of magic. On the third step, under the animal carcasses, is a symbol
as an added protection. The nearly invisible glyph can be
detected with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
AREA 3-1 – QUARTZ TEMPLE CLEARING check, but only if the carcasses are moved aside. The symbol
Rising from the palms is a structure made from translucent is triggered if a living creature steps on it, unless it utters “Set,
quartz striped with veins of gray and black. On the south side protect me” in Abyssal. If triggered, a sphere of death washes
of the temple, mounds of rotted fruit and fly-infested animal over living creatures in a 60-foot-radius sphere. Each target


must make a successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw The Sarcophagi. To assist the guardians, Caphet commanded
or take 55 (10d10) necrotic damage. his priests to mummify adventurers caught trespassing in his
When the characters enter the temple, give them player temples. The sarcophagi in this temple, however, lie empty.
handout 18, which illustrates the obelisk and other details Lashmag took out his anger on the two mummies long ago,
found in area 3-2. devouring them whole.
The Obelisk. The obelisk stands 50 feet tall, with a 10-foot-
AREA 3-2 – QUARTZ TEMPLE square base that tapers to a 5-foot-square gold cap at the top.
A gigantic obelisk carved from marbled blue quartz stretches to
the ceiling, its cap made from pure gold. On the western wall, a
giant-sized throne of similar blue quartz faces the obelisk, with
Lashmag’s Lair Actions
a closed sarcophagus on either side. Otherwise, the temple is
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Lashmag takes a
devoid of furniture, carvings, and other adornments one might lair action to cause one of the following effects. Lashmag can’t
expect to find in a temple. use the same lair action twice in a row.
The Throne. The quartz throne is 25 feet tall and 8 feet • Lashmag makes a leg of Krimaret attack. On a hit, the target
wide, with the seat approximately 8 feet above the ground. A must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failure,
creature that sits in the throne must make a DC 15 Wisdom the target is stunned until the end of its next turn.
saving throw or take 4 (1d8) psychic damage as images of • Lashmag summons 1d4+1 wraiths. The wraiths appear in
torture and suffering fill their minds. Among these images, unoccupied spaces within 10 feet of the quartz obelisk in
the creature catches a glimpse of a warrior striking out at a area 3-2. The wraiths remain for 1 minute, until Lashmag
lizard-like creature. The warrior’s blade cuts a deep gouge dies, or until Lashmag uses an action to dismiss them.
in the creature’s side, but the wound heals almost instantly.
• Lashmag magically regains 4d8 hit points, and any harmful
conditions currently affecting him end.


The surface of the obelisk is slippery to the touch; climbing
the obelisk requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity (Acro-
batics) check.
The gold cap conceals one of the three heart shards of Caphet

he Crimson Reed Oasis is depicted on Map 4-5.
(see Appendix D). The shard is placed inside a marble box
accessible through a hidden panel on the eastern face of the The mysterious Crimson Reed Oasis is isolated
gold cap. A creature that inspects the cap can discover the deep in the wastes of the Ghetrian Desert. It
panel with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) or Intel- appears on few maps and lies far from any trade routes. Its
ligence (Investigation) check. name comes from the tall reeds with blood-red sheaves that
grow around the oasis. One legend states that Set created the
A creature that touches the heart shard must make a DC 15
Crimson Reed Oasis and filled it with wild animals, water,
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes
and lush vegetation as a personal retreat. Another tale suggests
4 (1d8) psychic damage as they receive a vision of Caphet
that Set destroyed an ancient people who called the oasis
screaming as his heart is removed by a cabal of dark-robed
home and claimed it for his own followers. Some scholars
priests. A creature that uses a cloth or similar item to handle
believe the oasis was the site of a terrible battle between the
the evil artifact automatically succeeds on this save.
forces of Set and Mitra millennia ago, the blood-soaked sands
Destroying the Quartz Obelisk. The obelisk itself is immune granting fertility to the wasteland. Whatever the truth of
to all damage and too heavy to topple. (The noise created by the oasis may be, it is inarguably a place with a reputation
such attempts, however, may alert Lashmag to the presence for danger, with matching rewards that draw adventurers to
of trespassers.) However, destroying the obelisk’s gold cap its borders.
undoes the magic that hides Caphet’s Onyx Palace. The cap
The Crimson Reed Oasis stretches approximately 24 miles
is an object with AC 13, 25 hp, and immunity to poison and
from east to west and 12 miles from north to south. The
psychic damage.
oasis contains a mix of undergrowth, palm trees, two lakes,
Lashmag. When the characters arrive, Lashmag (see appen- a quarry, and a few ancient settlements that now consist of
dix C) hides among the palms that surround the temple. nothing more than crumbling rock walls. Caphets’s Onyx
Unless the characters each succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity Palace is hidden in the quarry, while the never-finished Lime-
(Stealth) check as they approach the temple, the beast notices stone Temple lies to the west.
them. Rather than attacking immediately, Lashmag allows
On average, the party should be able to cross the oasis at a
the characters to enter the temple, then attacks them from
rate of 2 miles per hour. The characters are sure to have a few
behind. Lashmag does not care about protecting the obelisk
encounters as they travel. The oasis is home to not only wild
or the heart shard; he generally attacks the creature nearest
animals, but to three groups of followers of Caphet (see
to him but switches targets frequently to injure all trespassers
appendix C), whom Caphet summons once he senses his
in equal measure. He uses his Leeching Gaze to great effect,
heart shards are in peril. The three groups (see the Followers
closing to melee even if it risks injury to him.
of Caphet sidebar) each have a favored temple; if the char-
As punishment for attempting to steal his heart shard, Caphet acters have already defeated the groups in those areas, they
reincarnated Lashmag into an undead creature known as a are not encountered here.
necryclops. A necryclops is an undead cyclops with the ability
to regenerate by stealing life from its opponents. Unlike its
cyclops brethren, a necryclops is not only strong, but devious
and perceptive, as well. Once per hour, there is a 1 in 6 chance the characters encoun-
ter a wandering monster in the oasis. Roll 1d12 and consult
Developments. Unless the characters have defeated them
the following table. Note that while some wild animals can be
previously, a group of Caphet’s Maul cultists (see Followers
scared off, others refuse to retreat, especially when defending
of Caphet sidebar) arrives soon after the characters encounter
their lairs or protecting their young.
Lashmag. The group consists of 1d6 + 6 followers of Caphet
and are led by a priest of Caphet (see appendix C) named
Anin. They avoid combat and immediately retreat to either
the Granite Temple (area 1) or the Sandstone Temple (area
2) if Lashmag is defeated.


Giant Scorpion. Giant scorpions are a common sight in the
oasis. If this result is rolled, the party is ambushed by 1d4 + 3
giant scorpions. The stringers of these scorpions are unusu-
ally potent: a target hit by a scorpion’s stinger takes 44 (8d10)
poison damage, or half as much damage with a successful DC
18 Constitution saving throw.
Gynosphinx. A gynosphinx named Atamep rests in the oasis
before heading to another location. She is unnerved by the
evil of this place. Unless attacked, Atamep asks the heroes
about their previous adventures. In exchange for the story,
Atamep informs the characters that she senses great magic
in the quarry (area 5).
Phase Spider Cluster. This cluster of 1d4 + 4 phase spiders
has grown in number over the last few months, as more
and more of the spiders have been drawn from the Ethereal
Plane to the power emanating from the Crimson Reed Oasis.
During the encounter, the characters must make a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw at the start of each of their turns. On
a failure, they become caught in the spiders’ nearly invisible
webs, becoming restrained. A creature can use an action to
make a DC 15 Strength check, freeing a restrained creature
on a success.


d12 Result
There are three of these locations throughout the oasis. Each
is a collection of crumbling stone buildings overrun with
1-2 Followers of Caphet
vegetation. Exploring the ruins takes at least an hour and
3-4 Couatl triggers a wandering monster check. For every hour the party
5-7 Giant scorpions spends exploring the ruins, each character must make a DC
8-10 Gynosphinx 15 Constitution check. On a failure, the character gains a
level of exhaustion.
11 Phase spider cluster
12 Efreeti If the characters take the time to explore the ruins, the party
can make a group DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. On
Couatl. This couatl attacks only if provoked. The couatl a success, they discover a long-forgotten treasure. Roll on
is spying on the activities of Caphet and readily shares its the table below:
information if the characters prove they oppose the Chosen
Son. The couatl can describe a shortcut the characters can d6 Result
follow to reach the nearest temple; if the characters act on 1 A cache of ancient coins (worth 550 gp)
this information and head directly to the temple, forgo the 2 1d4 gold art objects worth 1d4 × 100 gp each
wandering monster check as they travel.
3 2d6 gems worth 100 gp each
Efreeti. An efreeti named Thipix uses the oasis as his personal 4 An ivory statuette crudely fashioned after Caphet
hunting grounds but abandons the area and retreats to the (worth 1,100 gp)
City of Brass if reduced to 50 hit points or fewer. 5 A random uncommon magic item
Followers of Caphet. These groups are detailed in the 6 A random rare magic item
Followers of Caphet sidebar. Randomly determine which
group is encountered. If the characters have already defeated
a particular group en route to one of the temples, ignore
this result.


AREA B: THE STAIN tigation) check notices slight cracks in the wax seals. The
bottles are now filled with the poisonous water. A creature
A lake of blood-red water (with a maximum depth of 7 feet)
that drinks either potion must make a DC 14 Constitution
borders the west side of the oasis. Although the vegetation
saving throw or become poisoned for 1d4 hours.
around the lake is lush, a constant bloom of red-pigmented
phytoplankton has fouled the water. A creature that drinks
the fouled water must make a successful DC 14 Constitution AREA C: GLIMMERGLASS LAKE
saving throw or be poisoned for 1d6 + 3 hours. With a maximum depth of 35 feet, this lake is deeper than
the one on the west side of the oasis. If the characters hack
Decades ago, a band of bandits hid their booty in an old chest
their way through the lake’s weed-choked shoreline, they
at the bottom of the lake. A creature who explores the area
discover a source of clean freshwater. For every 10 minutes
and makes a successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check
the party spends near the lake, roll for a wandering monster.
spots a rope lashed to a rock on the banks of the lake. Haul-
ing on the rope causes it to break, but if the rope is used as a
guide, the characters can find the chest buried in the silt at AREA D: THE LIMESTONE TEMPLE
the bottom of the lake. A creature that submerges themselves A short distance north of the Stain (area B) stands a temple
in the lake to retrieve the chest must make a saving throw assembled from limestone blocks (See Map 4-6). Caphet
as if they had drank the foul water, but they make the save began construction on the temple decades ago, intending to
with advantage. remove the brain from his blind head to further protect his
immortality. The temple was built, the guardians created, and
Treasure. Inside the chest is a collection of six gold goblets traps and magic installed to further strengthen the temple’s
(worth 250 gp each), four silver trade bars (worth 50 gp defenses. But the third head (and brain) of Caphet changed
each), and two potion bottles. The potions appear sealed, but its mind, refusing to go through with the plan. Caphet was
a creature that makes a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Inves-


not pleased, but without the third head’s cooperation, the AREA D1 – THE LIMESTONE BRIDGE
ritual to remove the brain would have failed. Still, Caphet
Emerging from the brush, you spot a moat of dark water encir-
hoped that one day the third head might agree to the ritual,
cling a small temple. The temple’s roof is unfinished; massive
and the temple remained in place.
limestone blocks nearby look as if they were intended to be lifted
With Caphet’s attention no longer focused on the temple, and placed on top of the temple. A limestone bridge crosses the
the guardians have begun making their own plans… moat, allowing access to the temple. The burbling water in the
moat suggests that something moves beneath its surface, but noth-
ing can be seen in the murky waters.


The Moat. The moat is 15 feet wide, but the easiest way to Shard, work together to seal the entrance once half the party
enter the Limestone Temple is to cross the limestone bridge. has entered the temple.
It is possible to swim across the moat, but doing so disturbs
Thick vines cover the rest of the temple. With a successful
the two giant water snakes (see appendix B) that lurk in
DC 12 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check,
the dark water.
a creature can climb the vines and enter the temple through
The Bridge. The limestone bridge is trapped. A creature that the open roof.
crosses the bridge with their hand placed on either guardrail
does not trigger the trap. A creature that crosses the bridge AREA D3 – LIMESTONE TEMPLE
without holding a guardrail is slammed by a magical fist of The temple appears to have been abandoned some time ago.
invisible force. The target takes 9 (2d8) force damage and Cobwebs fill the corners of the room, while a limestone obelisk
must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, tilts against the east wall. The top of a bamboo ladder pokes from
the target is knocked off the bridge and into the moat below. a shaft near the north wall.

AREA D2 – TEMPLE ENTRY The ladder leads to a dead end that was created to further
separate trespassers. Only one person can use the ladder at a
A stack of three limestone blocks the entrance to the temple.
time. At the bottom of the shaft is a small, 3-foot by 3-foot
To enter the temple, one or more of the stones must be
chamber that barely accommodates two Medium creatures
moved. With a successful DC 15 Strength check, a creature
standing shoulder to shoulder.
can push one of the limestone blocks to the side, creating
enough space for a creature to climb through the gap and The Hobbling Heap. Decades ago, Caphet magically trans-
into the temple. The blocks weren’t placed here to prevent formed a trespasser named Woggo (see appendix C) into
entry; rather, they are meant to trap those who enter the a hobbling heap, a more powerful version of a shambling
temple by other means. The temple guardians, Woggo and mound. Woggo is unaware that Caphet has abandoned


the temple and continues to defend the structure against with them. Neither Woggo or Shard understand why they
trespassers. were left to guard a temple that never has visitors. Over time,
the two have learned to communicate with one another and
The Limestone Golem. The leaning obelisk is not what it
now question their true purpose. They have also recovered
seems. The 10-foot-tall stone is a living creature that calls itself
some memories of their lives as adventurers and understand
Shard (see appendix C). Transformed by Caphet into a lime-
that they have not always served as the temple’s guardians.
stone golem, Shard works with Woggo to protect the temple.
If the characters share what they know about Caphet and
Once at least half of the party is inside the temple, Woggo
make a successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check, they
uses his vines to move the limestone to block the entrance.
can convince the two guardians to leave the temple and join
He climbs into the temple through the hole in the rooftop.
the fight against Caphet. Unfortunately, Caphet focuses his
Any party members outside the temple will need to climb
wrath on the turncoat guardians if they enter the Onyx Palace
up the walls through the temple’s roof or move the limestone
with the characters. If either Woggo or Shard survive, they
block again.
may join the characters when they leave the oasis. Other-
The Confused Guardians. Woggo and Shard attack trespass- wise, the guardians go their own way and attempt to find a
ers but cease attacks if the characters attempt to communicate new purpose.


AREA E – THE QUARRY The Columns. Each of the four slate columns is 45 feet tall
and 20 feet in diameter. The columns provide cover but also
In the past, this quarry was the source of the slate used to
obstruct the view of much of the room. The columns are
construct the Onyx Palace (which, though dark as slate, is not
immune to damage and all but the most powerful magic.
actually made from onyx). Two ramps carved from the stone
(one to the north, one to the south) allow an easy descent to The Statues. The statues are 25 feet tall and are all that
the quarry’s floor 30 feet below ground level. remain of two Lesser Sons who tried to ambush Caphet in
his palace. GMs can use the tables presented in appendix A to
The Hidden Palace. A powerful illusion conceals the Onyx
determine the appearances and abilities of the Lesser Sons, if
Palace from view. The spot where the palace stands instead
needed. Though their names were forgotten long ago, Caphet
appears to be littered with shale debris. Destroying all three
leaves the statues here as a warning to his other Sons. If the
magical obelisks at the temples dispels the illusion. The
Sons are returned to flesh, each creature that witnesses the
sphinx Atamep (see Wandering Monsters) knows the loca-
transformation must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw
tion of the palace and can nudge the characters in the right
or take 4 (1d8) psychic damage. If Caphet survives, he petri-
direction. The characters might also track the followers of
fies the creatures once the amusement of seeing his defeated
Caphet here. The illusion does not hold up to physical inspec-
siblings in the flesh again wears off.
tion, so characters exploring this area might literally bump
into structure, as well. The Script. The Abyssal script that covers the walls consists
of three phrases repeated over and over: “Blessings to Set the
Followers of Caphet. If any of the three groups of Caphet’s
Eternal,” “Set the Father and Master,” and “May Set Reign
followers are still alive by the time the characters arrive at the
Eternal.” Caphet wrote the phrases in jest, as he cares nothing
palace, the cultists are camped in the quarry near the entrance
for Set beyond the time Set gives him to plot his own rise in
to the palace (area E-1). Caphet has abandoned them, and
power. Caphet desires nothing more than to kill his father
they do not pursue the characters should the party choose
and take his throne, but he is intelligent enough to give the
to retreat. The groups remain camped near the temple until
appearance of fealty. (Set cares nothing for the platitudes; he
the characters drive them off or until they run out of food
fully expects the occasional Son to try to usurp him.)
(they have brought supplies for at least a two-week siege).
The Stairs. The stairs are sized for a gigantic creature like
Caphet. For Medium or smaller creatures, ascending the steps
THE ONYX PALACE is a slow process, as each step is almost 4 feet high. Caphet
won’t attack the characters as they climb the steps, prefer-
The adventure assumes the characters have already destroyed
ring instead to watch the awkward process with amusement.
the three obelisks by the time they reach the quarry. If this is
not the case, adjust the following read-aloud text accordingly.
As the vegetation thins, you find yourself looking down into a
This room has the same dark slate walls as the chamber below,
quarry. Ramps on two sides of the quarry descend to a field of
except a section of the northern wall protrudes southward, almost
debris, from which a dark structure rises, a tower made from the
dividing that section of the room in half. Columns identical to
same slate that fills the quarry. Steps lead up to the south side of
those on the first floor support the ceiling. More script covers the
the octangular structure, while four wide balconies are visible 50
stretches of wall between four exterior balconies, the glow of the
feet above its base. The top of the structure’s corners peel away and
runes providing just enough light to make out a fresco on the ceil-
split into claws that look as if they are poised to rake the ground.
ing 45 feet above your heads. The fresco depicts a creature from
your nightmares: a figure with four lizard legs and a human’s
AREA E-1 – GRAND ENTRY upper torso, from which sprouts a trio of snake-like heads perched
Slate walls and floors absorb the feeble light thrown off by the on long, sinuous necks.
dozens of torches lining this grand entry. In front of you, a wide
The Columns. Each of the columns is 45 feet tall and 20 feet
staircase sweeps upward to the second level. Four massive columns
in diameter. The columns provide cover but also obstruct
support the ceiling, each so wide they block most of your view of
the view of much of the room. The columns are immune to
the chamber. The statues of two horrific-looking creatures stand
damage and all but the most powerful magic.
guard on either side of the stairs. A glowing, alien script, each
rune as tall as a humanoid, covers the walls. The Balconies. Characters who step out onto a balcony can
see up to two miles across the oasis.
The Onyx Palace is depicted on Map 4-7.


The Script. The script on the walls is Abyssal and repeats a
single phrase: “Caphet, Son of Set.” Caphet takes pride in
the simple fact that his name appears before Set’s (and in
Minor Favor of Set
slightly larger script, as well). A character who defaces the
runes that spell out “Caphet” gains a Minor Favor of Set. A d6 Result
character can have only one favor at a time, and each favor 1 Your current and maximum hit points increase by
disappears after 1 hour. 1d4 per character level.

The Northern Wall. The protruding section of the northern 2 You gain a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus increases
to +2 while you aren’t wearing armor or
wall is an illusion. A creature that touches the wall ends the
u‑sing a shield.
illusion and reveals Caphet, Chosen Son of Set (see appendix
A) on his throne. Caphet can see through the illusion from 3 You have advantage on saving throws against
effects that would petrify you.
his side and enjoys secretly observing the characters as they
explore the room. 4 You gain resistance to lightning damage.
5 You regain 1d8 hit points at the start of each
of your turns.
6 You are immune to effects that would petrify you.


AREA E-3 – THE THRONE earned by grudging respect. I sense the pieces of my heart,
meaning you have defeated my temple guardians.
Before you sits a creature of staggering size and shocking appear-
ance. Caphet, Son of Set, sits on his throne. His three hydra heads “You mortals always overreach. You believe that defeating a
move independently, two of them gazing in your direction while Son of Set will earn you riches and glory. But such things can
the third stares blankly at the ceiling, its eyes white with blind- be had without risks to your tiny lives.
ness. The heads emerge from a humanoid torso with two massive
“Give me my heart shards—and those items I have bestowed
arms, one of which holds a 15-foot-tall staff. Caphet’s lower
upon my guardians—and depart. Go now, and the bounty
body consists of four reptilian legs curled awkwardly beneath
you seek will come in the form of the stories you will tell about
his massive form.
your audience with Caphet, Son of Set. I will instruct my
The Throne. The throne is carved from a single block of slate. priests to allow you safe passage from the oasis. You will live,
Its back is 20 feet high, and its seat rises 8 feet above the floor. for a time: enough time to ponder just how close you came
to eternal death. Stay, and your corpses will serve as the new
The Staff. Caphet hold a staff of the scorpion (see appendix
guardians of my temples.”
D), a gift he received from Set when he ascended to become
a Chosen Son. If Caphet dies, the staff instantly teleports to Caphet will listen to the adventurers for up to 1 minute. They
Set’s armory. may plead, insult, brag, threaten, or negotiate, but if the party
has not handed over Caphet’s heart shards and other magic
Caphet. When Caphet is revealed (once a character
items after 60 seconds, Caphet taps his staff on the ground,
breaks the illusory wall or Caphet tires of waiting), he
sealing the exits of the room with magical walls of force (see
speaks in Common:
Caphet’s Fate).
“I do not remember the last time mortals entered my palace
If the characters surrender the heart shards and magic items,
without permission. You are trespassers, but ones who have
Caphet honors his word and instructs his priests to escort


the party from the Crimson Reed Oasis. This outcome disap- Though the adventurers have won the day and defeated
points Set, but nonetheless allows Caphet to remain a Chosen Caphet, there is still work to be done. Caphet is not truly
Son for the next 666 years. defeated until his heart shards are destroyed. If the characters
do not burn Caphet’s body and heart shards, Caphet’s body
CAPHET’S FATE reforms after 48 hours, regaining all hit points. There are
enough trees outside the quarry to fashion a pyre large enough
If the characters refuse Caphet’s offer of mercy, read or para- to consume Caphet’s body. The smoke produced by the pyre
phrase the following: announces the end of Caphet’s reign as a Chosen Son of Set.
Caphet slams his staff against the dark slate floor. A shimmering As the flames of the pyre subside, read the following aloud:
barrier appears in front of each of the balconies and the stairs
As you and your fellow adventurers stare at the dissipating smoke,
leading down. Despite his size, Caphet leaps from his throne
a crack echoes across the quarry as the walls of the Onyx Palace
and lands nimbly in the center of the room. “Your neverending
collapse in on themselves. As the slate crumbles, a supernatural
punishment begins now,” he roars.
light forces you to cover your eyes until it finally fades. When it
Combat with Caphet. Caphet is a formidable opponent, but does, a dark figure emerges from the rubble of the palace.
he has a few weaknesses the characters may be able to exploit:
The figure appears to be a young male human wearing a mix of
• Caphet’s leftmost head is blind. At the GM’s discretion, green and black cloth beneath a shirt of polished chainmail. He
characters who attack Caphet from that direction may raises a hand in greeting as he approaches.
gain advantage on the roll.
“I have been instructed to bring you greetings. My master, Set
• A character with a passive Perception of 15 or higher the Eternal, desires that you leave the Crimson Reed Oasis, but
might notice that Caphet’s Regeneration doesn’t function not before you take a well-deserved rest. You will be granted
if he has used a legendary action since the end of his last protection until the next sunset. No creature will bring harm
turn. Clever characters may try to provoke Caphet into to you in this domain. This is Set’s command.
using legendary actions.
“You are also granted this scroll. When you are ready, open
• When Caphet uses Legendary Resistance, a character it and read its words. Read them aloud, so that all in your
carrying at least one of Caphet’s heart shards senses a presence can hear. When the words are completed, the scroll
burst of energy from the heart, as Caphet draws magi- will vanish. This is Set’s command.”
cal energy from the shard. That character gains a Minor
The figure places a scroll at your feet, then turns and walks back
Favor of Set.
into the palace’s ruins.
• If Caphet is reduced to 115 hit points or fewer, one of
If the characters inspect the scroll, give them with player
his heads dies. Thereafter, whenever he uses Multiattack,
handout 19.
he can make only two attacks. The character who killed
the head gains a Minor Favor of Set. A character who accepts Set’s gift increases one ability score
of their choice by 1, to a maximum of 20. But just as Set
• If Caphet is reduced to 57 hit points or fewer, his second
gives a gift, he also takes something away. A character who
head dies. He loses his Multiattack action. The character
accepts the gift takes 7 (2d6) necrotic damage, and their
who killed the second head gains a Minor Favor of Set.
hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the
damage taken. This reduction can’t be removed by any means
CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE short of a wish spell. A creature that declines the evil god’s
gift increases their hit point maximum by 7 (2d6) instead.
Heroes Defeated. If Caphet defeats the characters, Set allows
Caphet to remain a Chosen Son for another 666 years.
Caphet reanimates the corpses of the characters, transform-
ing them into the new guardians of his temples. This time,
Caphet vows, his heart shards will stay where they belong…
Caphet Defeated. The magical barriers disappear upon
Caphet’s death, allowing the adventurers to leave the Onyx
Palace. Caphet’s followers sense their master’s defeat and
immediately flee the area.




he Sons of Set are the bastard offspring of the evil
god Set and various mortals. A jumble of divine and
mortal attributes, the Sons are horrific conglomera-
tions of humanoid and reptilian features. No two Sons have
the same appearance or abilities, for in uniting himself with
mortals, Set made his offspring susceptible to Chaos. Thus,
instead of being neutral evil like their sire, the Sons of Set
are chaotic evil.
While the Lesser Sons of Set are numerous, only four Chosen
Sons of Set can exist at one time. Every time one of the
Chosen Sons dies, a Lesser Son is promoted to take its
place. A Lesser Son can usurp a Chosen Son if it defeats it in
combat, but if the Lesser Son is defeated, it owes its greater
sibling a century of service.‑
The Lesser Sons of Set have no fear of death, for if destroyed,
they reincarnate in a new form after a year or two. Chosen
Sons, however, are more cautious, as a Chosen Son that dies
is demoted to Lesser status. Every 666 years, the celestial
hosts prevent Set from promoting a Lesser Son to a Chosen
Son for a full year. Defeating all the Chosen Sons during this
time would strip Set of significant deific power. As such, Set LESSER SON OF SET
is particularly vigilant during these celestial occurrences. But Large fiend (demon), chaotic evil
the immortal Sphinxes never forget, and although they are
forbidden to share this information with mortals directly, Armor Class: 19 (natural armor)
they lace their prophecies with hints of Set’s vulnerability. Hit Points: 127 (15d10 + 45)
Speed: 30 ft.


18 (+4) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)

Saving Throws: Con +7, Int +6, Wis +5

Damage Resistances: acid, lightning
Damage Immunities: poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks


Condition Immunities: poisoned
Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages: Abyssal, Common, telepathy 100 ft.
Challenge: 9 (5,000 XP)

Innate Spellcasting: The Lesser Son’s spellcasting ability

is Intelligence (spell save DC 14). It can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components:
• 1/day each: conjure animals (5th level; snakes only), snake
charm (see appendix D), sticks to snakes (see appendix D)
Magic Resistance: The Lesser Son has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
True Name: Each Lesser Son has a true name. If the Lesser Son
hears its true name spoken aloud, it loses its Magic Resist-
ance trait and makes saving throws with disadvantage for
the next hour.

Multiattack: The Lesser Son makes three melee attacks, at least
one of which must be a slam attack. Additional attack types
are based on modifications to the base form.
Slam: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Summon Minions of Set (1/Day): The Lesser Son summons 1d6 Huge fiend (demon), chaotic evil
minions of Set. The minions appear in unoccupied spaces
within 60 feet of the Lesser Son and act as allies of the Lesser Armor Class: 20 (natural armor)
Son. Each minion remains for 1 minute, until it or the Lesser Hit Points: 231 (22d12 + 88)
Son dies, or until the Lesser Son dismisses it with an action.
Speed: 30 ft.


20 (+5) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws: Con +9, Int +8, Wis +8

Skills: Perception +8, Intimidation +11
Damage Resistances: acid, lightning
Damage Immunities: poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities: poisoned
Senses: darkvision 120 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive
Perception 18
Languages: Abyssal, Common, telepathy 100 ft.
Challenge: 13 (10,000 XP)


Innate Spellcasting: The Chosen Son’s spellcasting ability The physical appearance of a Lesser or Chosen Son of Set
is Intelligence (spell save DC 16). It can innately cast the determines its combat abilities. To generate a Son’s appear-
following spells, requiring no material components: ance, roll a d10 on the Base Body Type table to determine
its general shape, then roll a d20 on the Number of Modi-
• 1/day each: conjure animals (7th level; snakes only), dispel
fications table to determine the number of modifications to
magic, snake charm (see appendix D), sticks to snakes (see
that body type. Take the resulting number and roll that many
appendix D)
times on the Modifications table. Additional attacks or traits
Legendary Resistance (3/Day): If the Chosen Son fails a saving conferred by the modification are then described.
throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance: The Chosen Son has advantage on saving
d10 d20 # of modifications
throws against spells and other magical effects.
1-5 Human (30 1 1 modification
True Name: Each Chosen Son has a true name. If the Chosen percent female)
Son hears its true name spoken aloud, it loses its Magic
6-9 Snake 2-4 2 modification
Resistance trait and makes saving throws with disadvantage
for the next minute. 10 Lizard 5-10 3 modification
11-14 4 modification
ACTIONS 15-17 5 modification
Multiattack: The Chosen Son makes four melee attacks, at 18-19 6 modification
least one of which must be a slam attack. Additional attack 20 0 modification
types are based on modifications to the base form.
Slam: Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one crea- MODIFICATIONS
ture. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
d20 Modification
Summon Lesser Son of Set (1/Day): The Chosen Son of Set 1 Snake Body. The Son has a snake-like lower body (no legs).
summons a Lesser Son of Set. The Lesser Son appears in an It gains the following action:
unoccupied space within 60 feet of the Chosen Son and acts
Constrict: Melee Weapon Attack: proficiency bonus plus
as its ally. It remains for 10 minutes, until it or the Chosen Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 2d12
Son dies, or until the Chosen Son dismisses it as an action. + Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.
The Lesser Son can’t use Summon Minions of Set.
2 Extra Arms. The Son has a human torso (30 percent
Summon Minions of Set (1/Day): The Chosen Son summons female) with an additional set of arms. It gains the
2d6 minions of Set. The minions appear in unoccupied spaces following action:
within 60 feet of the Chosen Son and act as its allies. A Melee Weapon: Melee Weapon Attack: proficiency bonus
minion remains for 10 minutes, until it or the Chosen Son plus Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit:
dies, or until the Chosen Son dismisses it as an action. twice the weapon’s damage + Strength modifier damage
of the appropriate type.
LEGENDARY ACTIONS 3 Extra Heads. The Son has 1d4 additional heads (roll on the
Multiple Heads table). It gains the following traits:
The Chosen Son can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
the options below. Only one legendary action can be used Multiple Heads: While the Son has more than one head,
at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. it has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on
The Chosen Son regains spent legendary actions at the start saving throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened,
frightened, stunned, and knocked unconscious.
of its turn.
Reactive Heads: For each head the Son has, it gains a reac-
Attack: The Chosen Son makes a melee attack.
tion it can use only for opportunity attacks.
Move: The Chosen Son moves up to its speed without provok- Wakeful: When the Son sleeps, at least one of its
ing opportunity attacks. heads is awake.
Innate Spellcasting (Costs 2 Actions): The Chosen Son casts 4 Cobra Head. The Son has a cobra head. It gains immunity
an innate spell. to poison damage and the poisoned condition. It gains
the following action


Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: proficiency bonus plus 15 Dragon Head. The Son has a dragon head (roll on the
Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: Dragon Breath table to determine the type). The Son gains
1d8 + Strength modifier piercing damage, and the target resistance to a damage type determined by the dragon
must make a successful DC Constitution saving throw head type. It gains the following actions:
(DC 17 for a Lesser Son; DC 19 for a Chosen Son) or become
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: proficiency bonus plus
poisoned for 1 hour
Strength modifier to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit:
5 Human Head. The Son has a human head (30 2d8 + Strength modifier piercing damage.
percent female).
Breath Weapon (1/Day): The dragon head exhales a
6 Hydra Head. The Son has a hydra head. It gains the breath weapon based on its type (see Dragon Breath
following action: table). Each creature in the area of the breath weapon
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: proficiency bonus plus must make a DC 15 saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) damage
Strength modifier to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
1d10 + Strength modifier piercing damage. one. The saving throw and damage type is determined by
the dragon head type.
7 Bat Wings. The Son gains a fly speed of 40 ft.
16 Insect Eyes. The Son gains blindsight out to a range of 60
8 Scales. The Son’s Armor Class increases by 1.
ft. It gains the following trait:
9 Cyclops Eye. The Son gains the following trait:
Keen Sight: The Son of Set has advantage on Wisdom
Poor Depth Perception: The Son of Set has disadvantage (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
on any attack roll against a target more than 30 feet away.
17 Horns. The Son has a set of horns. It gains the
10 Multiple Human Arms. The Son has 1d3 + 1 additional arms. following action:
For each additional arm, the Son can make an additional
slam when it uses Multiattack. Increase CR by 1 (for two Gore: Melee Weapon Attack: proficiency bonus plus
extra arms) or 2 (for three or four extra arms). Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d8
+ Strength modifier piercing damage.
11 Snake Hair. The Son gains the following action:
18 Crocodile Head. The Son has a crocodile head. It gains the
Snake Hair: Melee Weapon Attack: proficiency bonus plus following action:
Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit:
1d4 + Dexterity modifier piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: proficiency bonus plus
poison damage. Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d10
+ Strength modifier piercing damage, and the target is
12 Gargantuan Size. The Son’s size increases to Gargantuan. grappled (escape DC 10 + Strength modifier). Until the
Its Hit Dice increase to d20s, and its Strength and Consti- grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the head can’t
tution scores increase by 4 each. The damage of its slam bite another target.
attacks increases to 2d12. Increase CR by 2.
19 Lizard Head. The Son has a lizard head. It gains the
13 Glowing Eyes. The range of the Son’s darkvision increases following action:
by 60 feet. A Lesser Son of Set gains truesight out to a
range of 60 feet. Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: proficiency bonus plus Strength
modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d8 + Strength
14 Multiple Lizard Legs. The Son has an additional 1d3 + 1 pair
modifier piercing damage.
of legs. It gains the following action:
20 Tail. The Son has a tail. It gains the following action:
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: proficiency bonus plus
Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 2d6 Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: proficiency bonus plus Strength
+ Strength modifier slashing damage. modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d10 +
Strength modifier bludgeoning damage. If the Son is
Huge or larger, the target must make a successful Strength
saving throw (DC 10 + the Son’s Strength modifier) or be
knocked prone.


MULTIPLE HEADS 5 Poisonous Bite. The Son gains the following action:
Roll a d10 for each head indicated. Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: proficiency bonus plus Strength
d10 Head Type modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d8 + Strength
modifier piercing damage, and the target must make a
1-3 All one kind of head (roll one more time, ignore Constitution saving throw (DC 13 for a Lesser Son; DC 15
rolls of 1-3) for a Chosen Son). On a failed save, the target takes 17
4 Lizard (5d6) poison damage (for a Lesser Son) or 24 (7d6) poison
5 Snake damage (for a Chosen Son) and is poisoned for 1 hour. On
a successful save, the target takes half as much damage
6 Human (30 percent female) and is poisoned for 1 minute instead.
7 Medusa 6 Poisonous Sting. The Son gains the following action:
8 Crocodile
Sting: Melee Weapon Attack: proficiency bonus plus Dexter-
9 Dragon ity modifier to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d8 +
10 Hydra Dexterity modifier piercing damage, and the target must
make a Constitution saving throw (DC 13 for a Lesser Son;
In addition to their innate powers, each Son of Set has a DC 15 for a Chosen Son). On a failed save, the target takes
certain number of special abilities that are unique to it. The 16 (3d10) poison damage (for a Lesser Son) or 22 (4d10)
Lesser Sons have 1d4 special abilities, and the Chosen Sons poison damage (for a Chosen Son). On a successful save,
have 1d4 + 2 special abilities. Roll on the Special Abili- the target takes half as much damage.
ties table to determine the Son’s special abilities, reroll- 7 Breath Weapon. The Son of Set gains the following action:
ing duplicates. Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6): The dragon head exhales
a breath weapon based on its type (see Dragon Breath
table). Each creature in the area of the breath weapon
must make a DC 15 saving throw. On a failed save, the
d20 Special Ability target takes 17 (5d6) damage (for a Lesser Son) or 28
1 Petrification. The Son gains a petrification ability. See the (8d6) damage (for a Chosen Son). On a successful save,
Petrification Trigger table to determine the trigger. the target takes half as much damage. The saving throw
and damage type is determined by the dragon head type.
2 Paralyzing Ray. The Son gains the following action:
8 Arcane Spellcasting. Increase the Son’s Intelligence score
Paralyzing Ray (2/Day): The Son shoots a paralyzing ray
by 4. It gains the following trait:
from its eyes in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each crea-
ture other than elves and undead in that line must make a Spellcasting. The Son is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its spell-
Constitution saving throw (DC 13 for a Lesser Son; DC 15 for casting ability is Intelligence. It requires no material
a Chosen Son). On a failed save, the target is paralyzed for 1 components to cast its spells. The Son has the following
minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end wizard spells prepared:
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. ʷ Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand, prestidig-
3 Limited Magic Immunity. The Son gains the following trait: itation
Limited Magic Immunity: The Son is immune to spells of ʷ 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, mage armor, magic missile,
3rd level or lower (if a Lesser Son) or 5th level or lower (if a shield
Chosen Son), unless it chooses to be affected.
ʷ 2nd level (3 slots): misty step, suggestion
4 Vulnerable to Silver. Replace the Son of Set’s damage immu-
nities with the following: ʷ 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, fly

Damage Immunities: bludgeoning, piercing, and slash- ʷ 4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, ice storm
ing damage from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered. ʷ 5th level (1 slot): cone of cold
9 Etherealness. The Son gains the following action:
Etherealness: The Son enters the Ethereal Plane from the
Material Plane, or vice versa. It is ‑‑visible on the Material
Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet
it can’t affect or be affected by anything on the other plane.


10 Regeneration. The Son gains the following trait: 16 Divine Spellcasting. Increase the Son’s Wisdom score by 4.
It gains the following trait:
Regeneration: The Son regains 5 hit points (if a Lesser
Son) or 10 hit points (if a Chosen Son) at the start of Spellcasting. The Son is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its spell-
its turn. If the Son takes fire or radiant damage, this casting ability is Wisdom. It requires no material compo-
trait doesn’t function at the start of the Son’s next turn. nents to cast its spells. The Son has the following cleric
The Son dies only if it starts its turn at 0 hit points and spells prepared:
doesn’t regenerate.
ʷ Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
11 Shape Change. The Son gains the shapechanger subtype.
It gains the following action: ʷ 1st level (4 slots): bane, guiding bolt, inflict wounds

Change Shape: The Son magically polymorphs into a ʷ 2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, spiritual weapon
Small or Medium humanoid, or back into its true form. ʷ 3rd level (2 slots): dispel magic, spirit guardians
Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment
17 Lightning Arc. The Son gains the following action:
it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its
true form if it dies. Lightning Arc (2/Day): The Son fires an arc of magi-
cal lightning in a 100-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each
12 Orb of Flame. The Son gains the following action:
creature in that line must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
Orb of Flame (2/Day): The Son hurls a ball of magical throw. On a failed save, the target takes 28 (8d6) lightning
fire that explodes at a point it can see within 120 feet of damage (for a Lesser Son) or 38 (11d6) lightning damage
it. Each creature in a 20-foot radius sphere centered on (for a Chosen Son). On a successful save, the target takes
that point must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. The half as much damage.
sphere spreads around corners. On a failed save, the target 18 Chilling Blast. The Son gains the following action:
takes 28 (8d6) fire damage (if a Lesser Son) or 38 (11d6) fire
damage (if a Chosen Son). On a successful save, the target Chilling Blast (3/Day): The Son emits a 60-foot cone of
takes half as much damage. chilling cold. Each creature in that area must make a DC
13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target
13 Astral Travel. Add the plane shift spell to the Son’s Innate
takes 36 (8d8) cold damage (for a Lesser Son) or 54 (12d8)
Spellcasting trait. When it casts the spell in this way, the
cold damage (for a Chosen Son). On a successful save, the
Son can only target itself and can only travel to the Astral
target takes half as much damage.
Plane or the Material Plane.
14 Teleport. The Son gains the following action: 19 No Magic Resistance. Remove the Son’s Magic Resistance
Teleport: The Son magically teleports, along with any
20 Low Intelligence. Reduce the Son’s Intelligence score to 5
equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to an
(for a Lesser Son) or 7 (for a Chosen Son).
unoccupied space it can see.
15 Enervating Ray. The Son gains the following action:
Enervating Ray (1/Day): The Son emits an enervating
ray from its eyes in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each
creature in that line must make a Constitution saving
throw (DC 13 for a Lesser Son; DC 15 for a Chosen Son). On
a failed save, the target takes 21 (6d6) necrotic damage (for
a Lesser Son) or 28 (8d6) necrotic damage (for a Chosen
Son). In addition, the target has disadvantage on attack
rolls, ability checks, and saving throws until the end of
its next turn.


PETRIFICATION TRIGGER 9 Aura. The Son gains the following trait:
Roll a d10 to determine how this ability is triggered. Aura of Petrification: A creature that starts its turn
within 5 feet of the Son must succeed a Constitution
d10 Trigger
saving throw (DC 13 for a Lesser Son; DC 15 for a Chosen
1-3 Gaze. The Son gains the following trait: Son) against being magically petrified. On a failed save,
Petrifying Gaze: When a creature that can see the Son’s the creature begins to turn to stone and is restrained. It
eyes starts its turn within 30 feet of the Son, the Son must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn,
can force it to make a Constitution saving throw (DC 13 becoming petrified on a failure or ending the effect on
for a Lesser Son; DC 15 for a Chosen Son), if the Son isn’t a success. The petrification lasts for 24 hours or until
incapacitated and can see the creature. If the saving the creature is freed by the greater restoration spell or
throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is instantly petri- other magic.
fied. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to 10 By two of the above triggers (re-roll additional 10s)
turn to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature
must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn,
becoming petrified on a failure or ending the effect on a DRAGON BREATH
success. The petrification lasts until the creature is freed Roll a d10 to determine what type of breath weapon the
by the greater restoration spell or other magic. Son can expel.
Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid d10 Damage Type Breath Weapon
the saving throw at the start of its turn. If the creature
does so, it can’t see the Son until the start of its next 1-2 Acid 5 by 30 ft. line (Dexterity save)
turn, when it can avert its eyes again. If the creature 3-4 Cold 15 ft. cone (Constitution save)
looks at the Son in the meantime, it must immediately 5-6 Fire 5 by 30 ft. line (Dexterity save)
make the save.
7-8 Poison 15 ft. cone (Dexterity save)
If the Son sees itself reflected on a polished surface
9-10 Lightning 5 by 30 ft. line (Dexterity save)
within 30 feet of it and in an area of bright light, the Son
is affected by its own gaze.
4-5 Breath Weapon. The Son gains the following action:
Petrifying Breath (Recharge 5-6): The Son exhales
petrifying gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that
area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC
13 for a Lesser Son; DC 15 for a Chosen Son). On a failed
save, a target begins to turn to stone and is restrained.
The restrained target must repeat the saving throw at
the end of its next turn, becoming petrified on a failure
or ending the effect on a success. The petrification lasts
until the creature is freed by the greater restoration spell
or other magic.
6-8 Touch. Add the following to one of the Son’s melee
weapon attacks:
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Consti-
tution saving throw (DC 13 for a Lesser Son; DC 15 for
a Chosen Son) against being magically petrified. On a
failed save, the creature begins to turn to stone and is
restrained. It must repeat the saving throw at the end of
its next turn, becoming petrified on a failure or ending
the effect on a success. The petrification lasts for 24
hours or until the creature is freed by the greater restora-
tion spell or other magic.


• 1/day each: conjure animals (7th level; snakes only), dispel
magic, see invisibility, snake charm (see appendix D), sticks
to snakes (see appendix D)
Legendary Resistance (3/Day): If Caphet fails a saving throw,
he can choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance: Caphet has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Regeneration: Caphet regains 20 hit points at the start of his
turn if he has at least 1 hit point. This trait doesn’t function if
he has used a legendary action since the end of his last turn.
True Name: Each Chosen Son has a true name. If the Chosen
Son hears its true name spoken aloud, it loses its Magic
Resistance trait and makes saving throws with disadvantage
for the next minute.

Multiattack: Caphet makes any combination of three bite
or staff of the scorpion attacks. He can use Lightning Blast in
place of one of these attacks.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Gargantuan fiend (demon), chaotic evil Hit: 11 (1d10 + 6) piercing damage, and the target must make
Armor Class: 20 (natural armor) a DC 19 Constitution saving throw. If the saving throw fails
by 5 or more, the creature is instantly petrified. Otherwise,
Hit Points: 319 (22d20 + 88) a creature that fails the save begins to turn to stone and is
Speed: 30 ft. restrained. The restrained creature must repeat the saving
throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petrified on a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA failure or ending the effect on a success. The petrification
120 (+6) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) lasts until the creature is freed by the greater restoration spell
or other magic. A creature that successfully saves against this
Saving Throws: Con +9, Int +8, Wis +8 effect becomes immune to petrification for 1 hour.
Skills: Perception +8, Intimidation +11 Staff of the Scorpion: Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage,
Damage Resistances: acid
and the target must make a DC 19 Constitution saving
Damage Immunities: lightning, poison; bludgeoning, pierc- throw. On a failed save, the target takes 11 (2d10) poison
ing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons damage and is poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat
Condition Immunities: petrified, poisoned
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
poisoned condition on a success. On a successful save, the
Senses: truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 18 target takes half as much damage and isn’t poisoned.
Languages: Abyssal, Common, telepathy 100 ft. Lightning Blast: Caphet fires a bolt of lightning in a 120-foot
Challenge: 15 (13,000 XP) line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make
a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, taking 38 (11d6) light-
Special Equipment: Caphet wields a staff of the scorpion (see ning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
appendix D). successful one.
Innate Spellcasting: Caphet’s spellcasting ability is Intelli- Summon Lesser Son of Set (1/Day): Caphet magically summons
gence (spell save DC 16). He can cast the following spells, a Lesser Son of Set. The Lesser Son appears in an unoccu-
requiring no material components: pied space within 60 feet of Caphet and acts as his ally. It
remains for 10 minutes, until it or Caphet dies, or until


Caphet dismisses it as an action. The Lesser Son can’t use Innate Spellcasting: Grahd’s spellcasting ability is Intelligence
Summon Minions of Set. (spell save DC 9). Grahd can cast the following spells, requir-
Summon Minions of Set (1/Day): Caphet magically summons
ing no material components:
2d6 minions of Set. The minions appear in unoccupied 1/day each: conjure animals (5th level; snakes only), snake
spaces within 60 feet of Caphet and act as his allies. A minion charm (appendix D), sticks to snakes (appendix D)
remains for 10 minutes, until it or Caphet dies, or until
Keen Sight: Grahd has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
Caphet dismisses it as an action.
checks that rely on sight.
LEGENDARY ACTIONS Magic Resistance: Grahd has advantage on saving throws
Caphet can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the against spells and other magical effects.
options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a Regeneration: Grahd regains 5 hit points at the start of his
time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Caphet turn. If Grahd takes fire or radiant damage, this trait doesn’t
regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn. function at the start of Grahd’s next turn. Grahd only dies
Bite: Caphet makes one bite attack. if he starts his turn at 0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate.

Move: Caphet moves up to half its speed without provoking True Name: Each Lesser Son has a true name. If the Lesser Son
opportunity attacks. hears its true name spoken aloud, it loses its Magic Resist-
ance trait and makes saving throws with disadvantage for
Lightning Blast (Costs 2 Actions): Caphet uses Lightning Blast. the next minute.
A creature of staggering size and shocking appearance, three hydra
heads move independently, two of them staring in your direction ACTIONS
while the one to your right looks up to the ceiling, its two eyes white Multiattack: Grahd makes three attacks, only one of which
with blindness. Beneath the three heads is a female humanoid upper can be a Tail attack.
body with two massive arms, one of which holds a 15 foot long staff.
The lower body consists of four reptile legs, two at the rear of the Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
throne’s large slate block and two at the front with its trunk rest- Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage, and the target must make
ing on the slate block. a successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become
poisoned for 1 hour.

GRAHD, LESSER SON OF SET Slam: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Large fiend (demon), chaotic evil
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one crea-
Armor Class: 19 (natural armor) ture. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage and the target is
Hit Points: 127 (15d10 + 45) grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the crea-
ture is retained and Grahd can’t make tail attacks against
Speed: 30 ft. another target.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Etherealness: Grahd enters the Ethereal Plane from the Mate-
18 (+4) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 5 (-3) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) rial Plane, or vice versa. He is visible on the Material Plane
while he is in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet he can’t
Saving Throws: Con +7, Int +1, Wis +5 affect or be affected by anything on the other plane.

Damage Resistances: acid, lightning Summon Minions of Set (1/Day): Grahd magically summons
1d6 minions of Set. The minions appear in unoccupied spaces
Damage Immunities: poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and within 60 feet of Grahd and act as his allies. Each minion
slashing from nonmagical weapons remains for 1 minute, until it or Grahd dies, or until Grahd
Condition Immunities: poisoned dismisses it with an action.
Senses: blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive This coiled serpent resembles a massive cobra with large, shimmer-
Perception 11 ing insect-like compound eyes.
Languages: Abyssal, Common, telepathy 100 ft.
Challenge: 9 (5,000 XP)


Challenge: 9 (5,000 XP)

Innate Spellcasting: Maga’s spellcasting ability is Intelligence

(spell save DC 14). Maga can cast the following spells, requir-
ing no material components:
• 1/day each: conjure animals (5th level; snakes only), snake
charm (see appendix D), sticks to snakes (see appendix D)
Keen Sight: Maga has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.
Magic Resistance: Maga has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
True Name: Each Lesser Son has a true name. If the Lesser Son
hears its true name spoken aloud, it loses its Magic Resist-
ance trait and makes saving throws with disadvantage for
the next minute.

Multiattack: Maga makes two slam attacks.
Slam: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Summon Minions of Set (1/Day): Maga magically summons
1d6 minions of Set. The minions appear in unoccupied spaces
within 60 feet of Maga and act as his allies. Each minion
remains for 1 minute, until it or Maga dies, or until Maga
dismisses it with an action.
This fiendish humanoid male is somewhere between human and
giant size and is covered with thick, plate-like, scales. Large insect-
MAGA, LESSER SON OF SET like eyes are made even more disturbing by the soft blue glow they
Large fiend (demon), chaotic evil seem to constantly emit.
Armor Class: 20 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 127 (15d10 + 45)
Speed: 30 ft.


18 (+4) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)

Saving Throws: Con +7, Int +6, Wis +5

Damage Resistances: acid, lightning, poison
Damage Immunities: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
from nonmagical weapons
Condition Immunities: poisoned
Senses: blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 180 ft., truesight 60 ft.,
passive Perception 11
Languages: Abyssal, Common, telepathy 100 ft.


Special Equipment: Ophois carries the key to the locked chest
in area 2-15 (see Pocket in a Shroud).
Innate Spellcasting: Ophois’s spellcasting ability is Intelli-
gence (spell save DC 16). Ophois can cast the following
spells, requiring no material components:
• 1/day each: conjure animals (7th level; snakes only), dispel
magic, see invisibility, snake charm (see appendix D), sticks
to snakes (see appendix D)
Legendary Resistance (3/Day): If Ophois fails a saving throw,
he can choose to succeed instead.
Limited Magic Immunity: Ophois is immune to spells of 5th
level or lower unless it wishes to be affected.
Magic Resistance: Ophois has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Multiple Heads: Ophois has two heads. While Ophois has
more than one head, he has advantage on all saving throws
against being blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened,
stunned, and knocked unconscious.
Reactive Heads: Each round, Ophois can take two reactions,
which he can use only for opportunity attacks.
Regeneration: Ophois regains 10 hit points at the start of his
turn. If Ophois takes fire or radiant damage, this trait doesn’t
OPHOIS, CHOSEN SON OF SET function at the start of his next turn. Ophois only dies if he
Gargantuan fiend (demon), chaotic evil starts his turn at 0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate.

Armor Class: 21 (natural armor) True Name: Each Chosen Son has a true name. If the Chosen
Son hears its true name spoken aloud, it loses its Magic
Hit Points: 363 (22d20 + 132) Resistance trait and makes saving throws with disadvantage
Speed: 30 ft. for the next minute.
Wakeful: While Ophois sleeps, at least one of his
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA heads is awake.
24 (+7) 17 (+3) 23 (+6) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws: Con +11, Int +8, Wis +8
Multiattack: Ophois makes four attacks: one with his bite,
Skills: Perception +8, Intimidation +11
one with his gore, one with his slam, and one with his tail.
Damage Resistances: acid, lightning, poison
Bite (Hydra Head): Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10
Damage Immunities: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing ft., one creature. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage and the
from nonmagical weapons target must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On
a failed save, the target takes 24 (7d6) poison damage and
Condition Immunities: poisoned
is poisoned for 1 hour. On a success, the target takes half as
Senses: darkvision 120 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive much damage and is poisoned for 1 minute.
Perception 18
Gore (Dragon Head): Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach
Languages: Abyssal, Common, telepathy 100 ft. 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) piercing damage.
Challenge: 15 (13,000 XP) Slam: Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 25 (4d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.


Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one crea-
ture. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) bludgeoning damage and the target
must make a successful DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or
be knocked prone. If the target is a creature, it also takes 22
(4d10) poison damage, or half as much damage on a success-
ful DC 14 Constitution saving throw.
Poison Breath (Recharge 5-6): Ophois exhales a poisonous gas
in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a
DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 56 (16d6) poison
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Summon Lesser Son of Set (1/Day): Ophois magically summons
a Lesser Son of Set. The Lesser Son appears in an unoccu-
pied space within 60 feet of Ophois and acts as his ally. It
remains for 10 minutes, until it or Ophois dies, or until
Ophois dismisses it as an action. The Lesser Son can’t use
Summon Minions of Set.
Summon Minions of Set (1/Day): Ophois magically summons
2d6 minions of Set. The minions appear in unoccupied spaces
within 60 feet of Ophois and act as his allies. A minion
remains for 10 minutes, until it or Ophois dies, or until
Ophois dismisses it as an action.
Teleport: Ophois magically teleports, along with any equip-
ment he is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoc-
cupied space he can see.

Ophois can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a
time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Ophois
regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Move: Ophois moves up to half his speed without provoking
opportunity attacks. Huge fiend (demon), chaotic evil
Slam: Ophois makes a slam attack. Armor Class: 21 (natural armor)
Innate Spellcasting (Costs 2 Actions): Ophois casts an innate Hit Points: 231 (22d12 + 88)
spell if available.
Speed: 30 ft.
This massive fiend resembles a gargantuan, bipedal lizard, approxi-
mately 25 feet tall and covered with thick, blue-green iridescent STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
scales. Sharp, jagged teeth are apparent in both of the creature’s two 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)
reptilian heads. Its long tail ends in a curved, scorpion-like stinger,
which visibly secretes a viscous drop of shimmering liquid. Saving Throws: Con +9, Int +8, Wis +8
Skills: Perception +8, Intimidation +11
Damage Resistances: acid, lightning
Damage Immunities: poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical weapons.


Damage Vulnerabilities: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing ACTIONS
from silvered weapons
Multiattack: Skabhet makes four scimitar attacks, one slam
Condition Immunities: poisoned
attack, and one snake hair attack.
Senses: darkvision 120 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive
Scimitar: Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Perception 18
creature. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.
Languages: Abyssal, Common, telepathy 100 ft.
Slam: Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one crea-
Challenge: 13 (10,000 XP) ture. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Innate Spellcasting: Skabhet’s spellcasting ability is Intelli- Snake Hair: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
gence (spell save DC 16). She can cast the following spells, creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6)
requiring no material components: poison damage.
• 1/day each: conjure animals (7th level; snakes only), dispel Shapechange (2/Day): Skabhet magically changes shape (as
magic, see invisibility, snake charm (see appendix D), sticks per the shapechange spell). She can take the form of any
to snakes (see appendix D) creature up to CR 13 that she has seen and that is not a
construct or undead.
Spellcasting: Skabhet is an 8th-level spellcaster. Her spellcast-
ing ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell Summon Lesser Son of Set (1/Day): Skabhet magically summons
attacks). She has the following cleric spells prepared. Spells a Lesser Son of Set. The Lesser Son appears in an unoccupied
marked with an asterisk are detailed in appendix D: space within 60 feet of Skabhet and acts as her ally. It remains
for 10 minutes, until it or Skabhet dies, or until Skabhet
• Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, sacred flame, sand blast*, dismisses it as an action. The Lesser Son can’t use Summon
thaumaturgy Minions of Set.
• 1st level (4 slots): bane, command, cure wounds, desiccating Summon Minions of Set (1/Day): Skabhet magically summons
touch*, serpent missile*, snake charm* 2d6 minions of Set. The minions appear in unoccupied spaces
• 2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, dispel magic, hold within 60 feet of Skabhet and act as her allies. A minion
person, locate object, protection from poison, silence remains for 10 minutes, until it or Skabhet dies, or until
Skabhet dismisses it as an action.
• 3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, bestow curse, darkness,
sending, sticks to snakes*
• 4th level (2 slots): death ward, dominate snakes (as domi-
nate beasts, but only affects snakes), poison touch*, Skabhet can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
stone shape options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a
time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Skabhet
Legendary Resistance (3/day): If Skabhet fails a saving throw, regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
she can choose to succeed instead.
Move: Skabhet moves up to her speed without provoking
Limited Magic Immunity: Skabhet is immune to spells of 5th opportunity attacks.
level or lower unless she wishes to be affected.
Attack: Skabhet makes a melee attack.
Magic Resistance: Skabhet has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects. Innate Spellcasting (Costs 2 Actions): Skabhet casts an innate
spell if available.
True Name: Each Chosen Son has a true name. If the Chosen
Son hears its true name spoken aloud, it loses its Magic Towering over her humanoid followers is an imposing figure possess-
Resistance trait and makes saving throws with disadvantage ing a female humanoid upper torso and the lower body of a serpent.
for the next minute. She wields four scimitars among her three pairs of arms, and a
writhing mass of snake hair crowns her head.



Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 20

Languages: understands Common but doesn’t speak
Challenge: 10 (5,900 XP)

Hold Breath: The ammit can hold its breath for 30 minutes.
Pounce: If the ammit moves at least 20 feet straight towards
a creature and then hits it with its claw attack on the same
turn, that target must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving
throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the ammit
can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.

Multiattack: The ammit makes three attacks: one with its bite
and two with its claws.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 20 (3d10 + 4) piercing damage, and the target is grap-
pled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the target is
restrained, and the ammit can’t bite another target.
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one crea-
ture. Hit: 22 (4d8 + 4) slashing damage.
This fiendish chimera has the hindquarters of a hippopotamus,
the front legs and mane of a lion, and the head of a crocodile.
Large fiend (demon), chaotic evil
Armor Class: 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 161 (17d10 + 68)
Speed: 40 ft.


19 (+4) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0)

Saving Throws: Int +5, Wis +6

Skills: Perception +10, Stealth +8
Damage Resistances: fire


Medium beast, unaligned
Armor Class: 14
Hit Points: 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed: 50 ft., swim 50 ft.


12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)

‑Skills: Perception +2
Senses: blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages: —
Challenge: 1 (200 XP)

Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one crea-
CRAWLING KINGSNAKE ture. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage, and the target must
Gargantuan monstrosity, unaligned make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or gain a level of
exhaustion. The target recovers all exhaustion it takes in this
Armor Class: 17 (natural armor) way when it finishes a short or long rest.
Hit Points: 186 (12d20 + 60) This enormous snake has drab mottled brown and tan skin. Its
Speed: 50 ft. triangular head has a wide mouth and oversized eyes.


20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 3 (-4)
Huge beast, unaligned
Senses: blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 9
Armor Class: 17 (natural armor)
Languages: —
Hit Points: 126 (12d12 + 48)
Challenge: 12 (8,400 XP)
Speed: 40 ft.
Multiattack: The crawling kingsnake makes one poisonous
bite attack and one constrict attack. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 1 (-5) 9 (-1) 3 (-4)
Poisonous Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 19 (4d6 + 5) piercing damage, and the Senses: blindsight 90 ft., passive Perception 9
target must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking
35 (10d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much Languages: —
damage on a successful one. Challenge: 7 (2,900 XP)
Constrict: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Multiattack: The scorpion makes three attacks: two with its
target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage, and the target claws and one with its sting.
is grappled (escape DC 17). Until this grapple ends, the crea-
ture is restrained and the crawling kingsnake can’t constrict Claw: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
another target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grap-
pled (escape DC 15). The immense scorpion has two claws,
This gargantuan serpent is colored in alternating bands of each of which can grapple only one target.
vibrant red and yellow along its length, with rings of black scales
markedly separating the red and yellow regions from each other.


Sting: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one crea-
ture. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 5) piercing damage, and the target must
make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 33 (6d10)
poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one.
A scorpion the size of a hut with an inky carapace aggressively
skitters toward the group, pinchers snapping. Its tail is arched
high over its back poised to strike.


Medium construct, unaligned
Armor Class: 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 75 (10d8 + 30)
Speed: 30 ft.


18 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 11 (+0 1 (-5)

Damage Immunities: fire, poison, psychic; bludgeon-

ing, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that
aren’t adamantine ACTIONS
Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, para- Multiattack: The statue makes two melee attacks. It can
lyzed, petrified, poisoned replace one attack with Poison Spray if available.
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Longsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Languages: understands Common but can’t speak creature. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4)
slashing damage if used with two hands.
Challenge: 6 (2,300 XP)
Poison Spray (Recharge 5-6): The statue extends its hand
Fire Absorption: Whenever the statue is subjected to fire toward a target it can see within 10 feet of it and sprays the
damage, it takes no damage and instead reagins a number of target with poison. The target must make a successful DC 14
hit points equal to half the damage dealt. Constitution saving throw or take 19 (3d12) poison damage.
Immutable Form: The statue is immune to any effect or spell This statue is wrought from black iron and stands about 7 feet
that would alter its form. tall. Its body is distinctly humanoid, although its head is that
Magic Resistance: The statue has advantage on saving throws of a jackal.
against spells and other magical effects.
Magic Weapons: The statue’s weapon attacks are magical.


Improved Critical: The minion’s weapon attacks score a critical
hit on a roll of 19-20.
Magic Resistance: The minion has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.

Multiattack: The minion makes two melee attacks.
Longsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3)
slashing damage if used with two hands.
Cleave: When the minion reduces a target to 0 hit points, it
makes another melee attack against a different target within
5 feet of it.
Several warriors clad in plate armor and bracing shields advance
down the corridor in rhythmic unison. At first glance they appear
to be humanoids, but they sport cloven feet and scaly hands grasp-
ing hooked swords.

Medium fiend (demon, shapechanger), chaotic evil
Armor Class: 20 (plate armor and shield)
Hit Points: 55 (10d8 + 10)
Speed: 30 ft.


16 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1)

Damage Resistances: acid, cold, fire

Damage Immunities: lightning, poison, psychic
Condition Immunities: frightened, poisoned
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages: Abyssal, Common
Challenge: 4 (1,100 XP)

Shapechanger: The minion can use its action to polymorph

into a giant constrictor snake or a giant poisonous snake, or
back into its true form. Any equipment it is wearing or carry-
ing isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
False Appearance: While the minion remains motionless, it
is indistinguishable from a normal statue.
Dueling Fighting Style: While the minion wields a melee
weapon in one hand and no other weapons, it deals an extra
2 damage with that weapon (included in the attack).


Multiattack: The servant makes two claws attacks.
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage plus 14 (4d6) poison
damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC
12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end
of its next turn.
Once a humanoid, the creature before you is now a mockery of
life. Its skin is fine scales, and its hands end in extended claws
dripping with ichor. Its undead eyes burn with hatred as it
closes to attack.

Medium beast, unaligned
Armor Class: 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 104 (16d8 + 32)
Speed: 40 ft.


14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)

Saving Throws: Int -1, Cha +1

SERVANT OF CAPHET Skills: Perception +7, Stealth +9
Medium undead, lawful evil Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
Armor Class: 14 (natural armor) Languages: —
Hit Points: 75 (10d8 + 30)
Speed: 35 ft.


16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)

Damage Vulnerabilities: fire

Damage Immunities: necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages: the languages it knew in life
Challenge: 4 (1,100 XP)

Supernatural Speed: The servant is immune to effects that

would reduce its speed.


Challenge: 6 (2,300 XP) Immutable Form: The statue is immune to any spell or effect
that would alter its form.
Charge: If the sha moves at least 20 feet straight towards a
target and then hits with its ram attack on the same turn, Immobile: The statue cannot be moved from its location
the target takes an extra 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage. If the until destroyed.
target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength Magic Resistance: The statue has advantage on saving throws
saving throw or be knocked prone. against spells and other magical effects.
Keen Hearing and Smell: The sha has advantage on Wisdom Magic Weapons: The statue’s weapon attacks are magical.
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Swivel: The statue can rotate, allowing it to target any creature
ACTIONS within 360 degrees with its attacks. Creatures can grapple the
statue to prevent this rotation, limiting the statue’s targets to
Multiattack: The sha makes three attacks: one with its bite, a 180 degree arc. The statue has advantage on all checks to
one with its ram, and one with its tail. resist and escape a grapple.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Ram: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Multiattack: The statue makes three radiant blast attacks.
Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage. Radiant Blast: Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, ranged 30
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. ft., one creature. Hit: 14 (4d6) radiant damage.
Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage. Roar: The statue unleashes a magical roar in a 30-foot-cone.
This creature resembles a cross between an okapi and a large Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Constitu-
greyhound. Its long, stiff tail ends in a growth resembling a mace tion saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 21 (6d6)
head, and two squared-off ossicones rise from its brow. thunder damage, is pushed 10 feet directly away from the
stature, and knocked prone. On a success, the target takes
half as much damage and isn’t pushed or knocked prone.
SPHINX STATUE This stone statue is crafted as a lion-like creature with a female
Large construct, unaligned upper torso and visage. Its powerful haunche are covered with
Armor Class: 17 (natural armor) folded wings carved into its surface.

Hit Points: 123 (13d10 + 52)

Speed: 0 ft.


18 (+4) 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)

Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing

from nonmagical attacks that aren’t adamantine
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, para-
lyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages: understands the language of its creator
but can’t speak
Challenge: 7 (2,900 XP)

False Appearance: While the statue remains motionless, it is

indistinguishable from an inanimate statue.


STONE GOLEM DRAGON Challenge: 10 (5,900 XP)

Large construct, unaligned False Appearance: While the golem remains motionless, it is
indistinguishable from an inanimate statue.
Armor Class: 17 (natural armor)
Immutable Form: The golem is immune to any spell or effect
Hit Points: 178 (17d10 + 85)
that would alter its form.
Speed: 30 ft.
Magic Resistance: The golem has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
22 (+6) 9 (-1) 20 (+5) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 1 (-5) Magic Weapons: The golem’s weapon attacks are magical.

Damage Resistances: acid, lightning ACTIONS

Damage Immunities: poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, Multiattack: The golem makes three attacks: one with its bite
and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t adamantine and two with its claws. It can make one tail attack in place
of its two claw attacks.
Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, para-
lyzed, petrified, poisoned Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one crea-
ture. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage.
Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Claw: Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one crea-
Languages: understands the language of its creator
ture. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.
but can’t speak


Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one crea-
ture. Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6). The golem exhales fire in a 30-foot
cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 17 Dexter-
ity saving throw, taking 55 (10d10) fire damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
This granite statue is a rough-hewn dragon.

Huge beast, lawful evil
Armor Class: 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 190 (20d12 + 60)
Speed: 30 ft., swim 30 ft.


15 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 19 (+4)

Saving Throws: Wis +5

Skills: Perception +5, Stealth +8
Senses: blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
Perception 15
Languages: Abyssal
Challenge: 13 (10,000 XP)

Keen Smell and Taste: Uraeus has advantage on Wisdom

(Perception) checks that rely on smell or taste.

Multiattack: Uraeus makes three bite attacks.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must
make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 27 (6d8)
poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one.
This reptilian creature resembles a massive cobra. Unlike other
snakes, it keeps its head perpetually raised and never lowers it to
the ground, even when moving.



Languages: Abyssal, Common

Challenge: 12 (8,400 XP)
Special Equipment: Blimbull wields a mace-ax of Caphet (see
appendix D).

Multiattack: Blimbull makes three attacks with his mace-ax
of Caphet, then uses Petrifying Gaze.
Mace-Ax of Caphet: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6)
bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, Blimbull
can force the target to make a DC 10 Strength saving throw.
On a failed save, the target is pushed 5 feet directly away
from Blimbull.
Petrifying Gaze: One creature Blimbull can see within 30 feet
of him must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. A
creature that fails the saving throw by 5 or more is instantly
petrified. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to
turn to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must
repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming
BLIMBULL, BASILOID petrified on a failure or ending the effect on a success. The
petrification lasts until the creature is freed by the greater
Medium monstrosity, neutral evil
restoration spell or other magic.
Armor Class: 18 (natural armor, mace-ax of Caphet)
Hit Points: 190 (20d8 + 80)
Blimbull can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Speed: 30 ft.
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Blim-
16 (+3) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) bull regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Mace-Ax: Blimbull makes a mace-ax of Caphet attack.
Skills: Stealth +7
Shove: Blimbull makes a Strength (Athletics) check contested
Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing by the Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) of a
from nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered creature within 5 feet of him. If Blimbull wins the contest,
Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened, petrified
he can either knock the target prone or push it 5 feet directly
away from him.
Senses: darkvision 90 ft., passive Perception 13


Petrifying Gaze (Costs 2 Actions): Blimbull uses Petrifying
Before you is the broken form of an elf and lizard hybrid. He
walks upright on two powerful legs, but several more pairs of
lizard-like appendages line its torso. Its opaque eyes swivel in its
eye sockets, seeking targets.


Medium fiend, lawful evil
Armor Class: 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 190 (20d8 + 100)
Speed: 30 ft.


18 (+4) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)

Skills: Perception +5, Stealth +7

takes 28 (8d6) lightning damage, or half as much damage
Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
with a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw.
from nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered
Baleful Teleport: One creature within 30 feet of Chuskra that
Damage Immunities: lightning
she can see must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On
Condition Immunities: frightened, petrified a failed save, Chuskra magically teleports the target up to 30
Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15 feet to an unoccupied space that she can see.

Languages: Abyssal, Common LEGENDARY ACTIONS

Challenge: 12 (8,400 XP)
Chuskra can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Special Equipment: Chuskra wields a guardian khopesh of options below. Only one legendary action option can be
Caphet (see appendix D). used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s
turn. Chuskra regains spent legendary actions at the start
Frightening Visage: A creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of her turn.
of Chuskra and can see her must make a DC 16 Wisdom
saving throw or be frightened by Chuskra’s nightmarish Khopesh: Chuskra makes a guardian khopesh of Caphet attack.
features until the end of its turn. On a success, the creature Teleport: Chuskra magically teleports, along with any equip-
is immune to Chuskra’s Frightening Visage for 24 hours. ment she is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoc-
cupied space she can see.
Baleful Teleport (Costs 2 Actions): Chuskra uses Bale-
Multiattack: Chuskra uses Baleful Teleport, then makes three ful Teleport.
guardian khopesh of Caphet attacks.
A former powerful warrior, the despicable creature now in front
Guardian Khopesh of Caphet: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, of you is a withered, bent hag. Shroud in baleful robes, she
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage plus 9 wobbles forward, leaning heavily on a hooked sword as a staff.
(2d8) lightning damage. Instead of dealing damage, Chuskra
can force the target to make a DC 16 Strength saving throw.
On a failed save, the target drops one weapon, shield, or
object it is holding. The first time a creature touches the
dropped item before the end of Chuskra’s next turn, an arc of
lightning leaps from the object to the creature. The creature


Spellcasting: The Fawliq is a 3rd-level spellcaster. His spell-
casting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with
spell attacks). He has the following wizard spells prepared:
• Cantrips (at will): light, mage hand, mending, thau-
• 1st level (4 slots): burning hands, comprehend languages,
desiccating touch (see appendix D), detect magic, identify,
magic missile, shield
• 2nd level (2 slots): mirror image, snakeskin (see
appendix D)

Dagger: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1)
piercing damage.
Radiant Flash: Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 30 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) radiant damage. The target and
each creature within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 13
Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the start of
Fawliq’s next turn.
The hunched figure pours over an ancient text while he twiddles
the end of whip-like tail. As he looks up, you are greeted with
a gnarled face lined with mutton-chops, and messy black hair
with gray streaks. A pair of smooth curved black horns adorn
FAWLIQ THE SAGE the crown of his head.
Medium humanoid (tiefling), lawful neutral
Armor Class: 11 (15 with snakeskin) FOLLOWER OF CAPHET
Hit Points: 45 (7d8 + 14) Medium humanoid, lawful evil

Speed: 30 ft. Armor Class: 13 (leather)

Hit Points: 33 (6d8 + 6)
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) Speed: 30 ft.

Saving Throws: Int +5, Cha +4 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Skills: Arcana +5, History +7, Intimidation +4, Religion +5
Damage Resistances: fire (poison with snakeskin) Skills: History +2, Religion +2

Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Senses: passive Perception 11

Languages: Common, Draconic, Elvish, Infernal, Sphinx Languages: Common

Challenge: 2 (450 XP) Challenge: 2 (450 XP)

Khonsurian Expert: Fawliq has advantage on Intelligence Fanatical Focus: While it can see a priest of Caphet, the follower
(History) checks to recall lore about the Khonsurian Empire. has advantage on saving throws against being charmed.



Multiattack. The follower makes two melee attacks. Challenge: 12 (8,400 XP)
Shortsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Special Equipment: Lashmag wields a leg of Krimaret (see
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. appendix D).
A new follower of Caphet is given basic combat training by the
more experienced members of the group. Those with spellcasting ACTIONS
abilities are typically sacrificed by the group’s priest, who does not Multiattack: Lashmag makes two leg of Krimaret attacks and
wish their followers to challenge their authority. uses Leeching Gaze.
Leg of Krimaret: Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
LASHMAG, NECRYCLOPS one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage plus 9
Huge undead, neutral evil (2d8) force damage.

Armor Class: 16 (chain mail) Leeching Gaze: Lashmag uses his gaze to drain the life force
from a creature he can see within 60 feet of him. The target
Hit Points: 225 (18d12 + 108) must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take
Speed: 30 ft. 18 (4d8) necrotic damage and Lashmag regains hit points
equal to the necrotic damage dealt to the target.
22 (+6) 16 (+3) 22 (+6) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) LEGENDARY ACTIONS
Lashmag can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Skills: Perception +6
options below. Only one legendary action option can be
Damage Resistances: necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s
slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered turn. Lashmag regains spent legendary actions at the start
of his turn.
Damage Immunities: poison
Detect: Lashmag makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, fright-
ened, poisoned Leg Attack: Lashmag makes a leg of Krimaret attack.
Senses: passive Perception 16 Leeching Gaze (Costs 2 Actions): Lashmag uses Leeching Gaze.
Languages: Abyssal, Common This hulking brute towers over your pathetic form. Its pallid flesh
is rent and torn, and a single piercing eye is centered under a
sloping forehead covered with wispy clumps of hair.


Grim Harvest: When Sadiq uses a spell of 1st level or higher
to kill a creature that is not a construct or undead, he regains
hit points equal to twice the spell’s level (or three times the
spell’s level if it was a necromancy spell).
Spellcasting: Sadiq is an 18th-level spellcaster. His spellcast-
ing ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with
spell attacks). He has the following wizard spells prepared:
• Cantrips (at will): chill touch, light, mage hand, message,
ray of frost
• 1st level (4 slots): false life, mage armor, magic missile,
ray of sickness
• 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, misty step, ray of enfeeble-
ment, see invisibility
• 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, fear, slow, vampiric touch
• 4th level (3 slots): arcane eye, ice storm, phantasmal killer
• 5th level (3 slots): cloudkill, cone of cold, telekinesis
• 6th level (1 slot): circle of death, disintegrate
• 7th level (1 slot): finger of death
• 8th level: (1 slot): feeblemind
SADIQ ALMAWTA • 9th level (1 slot): gate
Medium humanoid (half elf), neutral evil
Armor Class: 12 (15 with mage armor) ACTIONS
Hit Points: 99 (18d8 + 18) Staff: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Speed: 30 ft.
Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage, or 4 (1d8) bludgeoning
damage if wielded with two hands.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Command Undead: Sadiq can use an action to command one
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) undead creature not already under his control that he can
see within 60 feet of him. The creature must make a DC
Saving Throws: Int +9, Wis +6 17 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
Skills: Arcana +9, History +9, Insight +6, Perception +6 becomes friendly to Sadiq and obeys his commands until
Sadiq uses this ability again. Undead creatures with an Intel-
Condition Immunities: disease (periapt of health) ligence of 8 or higher have advantage on this saving throw.
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 A creature with an Intelligence of 12 or higher can repeat
the saving throw at the end of every hour until it succeeds
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Primor- and breaks free, ending the effect. Once a creature success-
dial, Sylvan fully saves against this effect, it becomes immune to Sadiq’s
Challenge: 12 (8,400 XP) Command Undead for 24 hours.

Special Equipment: Sadiq carries a periapt of health; a compo- Standing over the altar is a bald humanoid with a slight build.
nent pouch; a spellbook containing all his prepared spells, as He has knife-like ears and dried, cracked skin. He looks over
well as animate dead; keys to the doors in areas 1-7, 1-9, 1-11, his shoulder, acknowledging the intrusion with a sinister smile
1-16, 1-17, and 1-18 (see Pocket in a Shroud); and the second and bright eyes.
of the four keys needed to access Ophois’s pocket dimension.
Fey Ancestry: Sadiq has advantage on saving throws against
being charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep.


Spellcasting: The priest is a 7th-level spellcaster. Its spellcast-
ing ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell
attacks). The priest has the following cleric spells prepared:
• Cantrips (at will): guidance, resistance, sacred flame, spare
the dying
• 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, guiding bolt, inflict
wounds, shield of faith
• 2nd level (3 slots): blindness, hold person, prayer of healing
• 3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, dispel magic, meld
into stone
• 4th level (1 slot): guardian of faith

Mace: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
The priest of Caphet is a fanatic who inspires others to devote
themselves unthinkingly to the Chosen Son Caphet. The priest
has been blessed with resistance to lightning and can’t be turned
to stone by magic. Should a priest of Caphet die, another follower
invariably rises to take their place. Dressed in a green tunic
beneath leather armor, the priest wields a mace with the symbol
PRIEST OF CAPHET of Caphet emblazoned on the head.
Medium humanoid, lawful evil
Armor Class: 14 (leather) SHARD, LIMESTONE GOLEM
Hit Points: 52 (8d8 + 16) Large construct, unaligned
Speed: 30 ft. Armor Class: 17 (natural armor)

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit Points: 168 (16d10 + 80)
12 (+1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) Speed: 30 ft.

Skills: Deception +6, History +6, Persuasion +6, Religion +6 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Damage Resistances: lightning 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 1 (-5)

Condition Immunities: petrified Damage Immunities: lightning, poison, psychic; bludgeon-

Senses: passive Perception 16 ing, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that
aren’t adamantine
Languages: Abyssal, Common
Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, para-
Challenge: 5 (1,800 XP) lyzed, petrified, poisoned
Inspired Furor: As a bonus action, the priest of Caphet can Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 9
issue a rousing speech to a follower of Caphet within 10 feet
Languages: Abyssal, Common
of it. If the follower hears the speech, it is moved to anger
against one target the priest can see. Until the end of the Challenge: 10 (5,900 XP)
follower’s next turn, the follower’s shortsword attacks against
the designated creature deal an extra 3 (1d6) slashing damage. Immutable Form: The golem is immune to any spell or effect
that would alter its form.


Light Weapon: The golem can use a bonus action to focus
natural light into a weapon of solid light called a prismatic
spear. The prismatic weapon disappears as soon as the golem
no longer holds it.
Magic Resistance: The golem has advantage on savings throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Magic Weapons: The golem’s weapon attacks are magical.

Multiattack: The limestone golem makes two shard
slice attacks.
Shard Slice: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) slashing damage.
Prismatic Spear: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage, and the
target must make a successful DC 15 Constitution saving
throw or be blinded for 1 minute. The target can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
on a success.
The leaning limestone obelisk shutters, splitting into two rough
legs and two crude arms. A few runes on its upper surface glow,
creating a hellish visage.
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
AC: 11 (14 with mage armor)
Hit Points: 143 (22d8 + 44)
Speed: 30 ft.


16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 19 (+4)

Saving Throws: Con +6, Wis +5, Cha +8

Skills: Deception +8, History +6, Intimidation +8, Percep-
tion +5, Persuasion +8
Damage Resistances: psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened
Senses: truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages: Common, Sphinx
Challenge: 11 (7,200 XP)

Special Equipment: Tharikadh is attuned to the Mask of the

Sleeping Queen (appendix D) but does not currently possess


it. While more than 100 feet from the mask, Tharikadh REACTION
suffers the following effects:
Contingency: When Tharikadh drops to 0 hit points, he magi-
• His hit point maximum is reduced by half.
cally teleports, along with any equipment he is wearing or
• He can’t cast spells. carrying to the vessel of Gimet (see appendix D), provided the
• He gains the poisoned condition. vessel is on the same plane of existence.

Innate Spellcasting: Tharikadh’s spellcasting ability is LEGENDARY ACTIONS

Charisma (spell save DC 16). He can cast the following spells,
requiring no material components: Tharikadh can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a
• At will: mage armor (self only), silent image time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Tharikadh
• 1/day each: eyebite, forcecage regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Inscrutable: Tharikadh is immune to any effect that would Flail: Tharikadh makes a flail attack.
sense his emotions or read his thoughts, as well as any divina- Blinding Blast: Tharikadh makes a blinding blast attack.
tion spell that he refuses. Wisdom (Insight) checks made to
discern his intentions or sincerity are made with disadvantage. Teleport (Costs 2 Actions): Tharikadh magically teleports,
along with any equipment he is wearing or carrying, up to
Magic Weapons: Tharikadh’s weapon attacks are magical. 120 feet to an unoccupied space he can see.
Spellcasting: Tharikadh is a 13th-level spellcaster. His spell- Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions): Tharikadh casts a spell from his
casting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with list of available spells, using a spell slot as normal.
spell attacks). He regains his expended spell slots when
he finishes a short or long rest. He knows the following
warlock spells:
• Cantrips (at will): chill touch, eldritch blast, mage hand,
• 1st-5th level (4 5th-level slots): charm person, counter-
spell, dispel magic, dimension door, greater invisibility,
hold person, inflict wounds, misty step, scrying, suggestion,
tongues, unseen servant

Multiattack: Tharikadh makes two flail attacks.
Flail: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.
Blinding Blast: Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 120 ft.,
three creatures. Hit: 5 (1d10) force damage and the target
must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be
blinded. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Summon Weapon: Tharikadh magically summons a flail to
his empty hand.


pocket dimension (see Pocket in a Shroud). Ur-Chisisi also
carries a ring of keys for every door in the dungeon.
Divine Eminence: Ur-Chisisi can use a bonus action to expend
a spell slot, causing her melee weapon attacks to magically
deal an extra 10 (3d6) radiant damage to a target on a hit.
This benefit lasts until the end of her turn. If Ur-Chisisi
expends a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage
increases by 3 (1d6) for each level above 1st.
Divine Strike: Ur-Chisisi can infuse her weapon strikes with
divine energy. Once per turn when she hits a creature with
a weapon attack, she can cause the attack to deal an extra 9
(2d8) thunder damage to the target.
Eyes of the Eagle: Ur-Chisisi has advantage on Wisdom (Percep-
tion) checks that rely on sight.
Fey Ancestry: Ur-Chisisi has advantage on saving throws
against being charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.
Spellcasting: Ur-Chisisi is a 14th-level spellcaster. Her
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit
with spell attacks). Ur-Chisisi has the following cleric spells
prepared (a spell marked with an asterisk is granted by the
Tempest domain):
• Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, resistance, sacred flame,
• 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, guiding bolt, sanctuary,
• 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, lesser restoration, spiritual
Medium humanoid (elf), neutral evil • 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, shatter,* spirit guardians
Armor Class: 16 (chain mail) • 4th level (3 slots): banishment, control weather,* freedom
of movement
Hit Points: 77 (14d8 + 14)
• 5th level (2 slots): call lightning, insect plague*
Speed: 25 ft.
• 6th level (1 slot): create undead
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA • 7th level (1 slot): fire storm
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 13 (+1)
Thunderbolt Strike: When Ur-Chisisi deals lightning damage
Skills: Deception +9, Medicine +9, Perception +9, Persua- to a Large or smaller creature, she can also push it up to 10
sion +5, Religion +5 feet directly away from her.
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19 ACTIONS
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Elven
Staff of the Adder: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Challenge: 9 (5,000 XP) one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage, and the target must
make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6)
Special Equipment: Ur-Chisisi wears a set of eyes of the eagle
poison damage on a failed save.
and carries a staff of the adder. On a chain around her neck, she
also wears the first of the four keys required to access Ophois’s Mace: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.


REACTIONS Senses: blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 12
Wrath of the Storm: When a creature Ur-Chisisi can see within
Languages: Abyssal, Common
5 feet hits her with an attack, Ur-Chisisi forces the creature
to make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes Challenge: 10 (5,900 XP)
9 (2d8) lightning or thunder damage (Ur-Chisisi’s choice)
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Lightning Empowerment: Whenever Woggo is subjected to
lightning damage, he takes no damage, regains 9 (2d8) hit
Wrapped in tan robes and a swaddled turbin is a sinister elf points, and has advantage on the next weapon attack he
maiden. She has a wild look in her wide eyes, and she leans on makes before the end of his next turn.
a snake-headed staff.
WOGGO, HOBBLING HEAP Multiattack: Woggo makes two slam attacks.
Large construct, unaligned Slam: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Armor Class: 15 (natural armor) Hit: 21 (4d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the target is
Medium or smaller, it is also grappled (escape DC 13).
Hit Points: 152 (16d10 + 64)
Constrict: Woggo deals 36 (8d8) bludgeoning damage to one
Speed: 20 ft. creature grappled by it. If the target is wearing heavy armor,
this damage increases to 54 (12d8) bludgeoning damage.
16 (+3) 10 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 5 (-3) The pile of rotting vegetation rears up into the rough shape of
a hunched humanoid, with the snapping of moist roots and
Damage Resistances: cold, fire branches. As its black maw opens in a silent protest, the over-
powering stench of organic rot fills your nostrils.
Damage Immunities: lightning
Condition Immunities: blinded, deafened, exhaustion



Weighted Net. Similar to a net, a weighted net is adorned

EQUIPMENT with metal shot to make escape more difficult. A Large or
smaller creature hit by a weighted net is restrained until it
Name Cost Damage Weight
is freed. A weighted net has no effect on creatures that are
MARTIAL MELEE WEAPONS formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can
Blackjack 1 gp 1d3 bludgeoning 1 lb. use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself
Khopesh 12 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. or another creature within its reach on a success. Due to the
weighted shot of the net, this check is made at disadvantage.
Mace-ax 25 gp 1d6 slashing and 6 lb.
Dealing 7 slashing damage to the net (AC 11) also frees the
1d6 bludgeoning
creature without harming it, ending the restraining effect and
MARTIAL RANGED WEAPONS destroying the net. When you use an action, bonus action,
Weighted Net 2 gp - 6 lb. or reaction to attack with a weighted net, you can make
only one attack regardless of the number of attacks you can
Blackjack. Sometimes called a sap, this weapon is a short, normally make.
wooden baton with a metal (often lead) reinforced head.
It is designed to deliver a concussive blow to an unsuspect-
ing target, typically from behind. When you score a critical NEW MAGIC ITEMS
hit with this weapon, the target must make a Constitution
saving throw against a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + CLAN BATTLEAXE
your Strength modifier. On a failure, the target is stunned
Weapon (battleaxe), rare (requires attunement by a dwarf)
until the end of its next turn. If the target fails its save by 5
or more, the target falls unconscious for 1d6 minutes instead. Blessed by a priest of a dwarven clan, the blades of this
weapon shimmer with an aura of magic. When you hit
Khopesh. A khopesh is a sickle-shaped blade derived from a target with this weapon, that target takes an extra 1d4
the battleaxe. Only the outer edge of the blade is sharpened. force damage.
The center of the sickle blade is used to disarm an oppo-
nent’s weapon or shield. On a successful hit, you can choose
to inflict no damage and instead force the target to make a CREEPING DAGGER
Strength saving throw against a DC of 8 + your proficiency Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement by a rogue)
bonus + your Strength modifier. On a failure, the target drops Some thieves’ guilds reward these daggers to members who
one weapon or shield it is currently holding. show an unusual talent for breaking and entering. You gain a
Mace-ax. Designed to bash through mundane weapons and +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
bronze armor, a mace-ax is a metal- or stone-headed club with If you deal Sneak Attack damage to a target while wielding
an ax blade set into the head. It’s a two-handed weapon that this weapon, that target takes an extra 1d6 damage.
inflicts both slashing and bludgeoning damage.


GUARDIAN KHOPESH OF CAPHET once, but only the first shard counts against the limit of the
Weapon (khopesh), rare (requires attunement) number of magic items to which you can attune.
If you use this magical khopesh to force a creature to drop an Psychic Assault. A creature that touches a shard must make
object, you can choose to empower the dropped item with a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature
electricity. The first time a creature touches the dropped item takes 22 (5d8) psychic damage and can’t attune to that shard
before the end of your next turn, an arc of lightning leaps for 24 hours.
from the object to the creature. The creature takes 28 (8d6) Mitra’s Curse. When the Heart Shards were first created,
lightning damage, or half as much damage with a successful Mitra placed a curse upon the shards. These curses are a
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. boon to anyone willing to assemble the shards and defeat
Caphet. While attuned to a shard, you know the location
HEART SHARDS OF CAPHET of the nearest shard not in your possession (as per the locate
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement) object spell but with an unlimited range). In addition, you
gain the following benefits, depending on how many shards
The Heart Shards of Caphet are the stone remnants of Caphet’s
you are attuned to:
heart, ripped from his body as a safeguard against defeat.
There are three shards in total. The left atrium is 6 inches • One shard: You gain a +1 bonus to AC.
long and composed of smooth, blood-red sandstone. The • Two shards: Your Constitution score increases by 2, to a
right atrium is 6 inches long and composed of gray granite maximum of 20.
with crimson striations. The lower ventricles are 8 inches long
and composed of jagged red quartz. If two or more shards are • Three shards: You regain 10 hit points every hour so long
pressed together, the shards magically meld and gain addi- as you have at least 1 hit point remaining.
tional properties. You can attune to multiple heart shards at


Destroying the Heart Shards. The Heart Shards can be destroyed Inscrutable. You are immune to any effect that would sense
only once all three parts have been assembled. Burning the your emotions or read your thoughts, as well as any divi-
shards in a pyre along with Caphet’s body destroys the shards. nation effect, unless you choose to be affected. Wisdom
(Insight) checks made to discern your intentions or sincer-
LEG OF KRIMARET ity are made with disadvantage.
Weapon (greatclub), rare Longevity. You age very slowly. For every 10 years that pass,
Caphet defeated Krimaret to become a Chosen Son of Set, your body ages only one year.
but to remind his brother of the defeat, Caphet ripped his Destroying the Mask. While Ankaharet’s physical form still
left leg off and turned it into a club for one of his temple rests within her lost tomb, the mask is indestructible. Only
guardians. When you hit a target with this weapon, that if the Sphinx Queen’s undead form is killed can the mask be
target takes an extra 4 (1d8) force damage. destroyed, and only then by melting it in the fiery breath of
a gold dragon. If the mask is not destroyed within 6 days of
MACE-AX OF CAPHET Ankharet’s demise, her undead body reforms near where she
Weapon (greataxe), rare (requires attunement) was previously destroyed.
This mace-ax functions much like a traditional greataxe, but it
has a larger central mass between its blades. While you wield POTION OF CLAIRAUDIENCE
the weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to AC. In addition, when Potion, very rare
you hit a creature with the weapon, you can force the target When you consume this potion, you can hear the sounds
to make a DC 10 Strength saving throw. On a failure, you (including speech) in a location up to 1 mile away, provided
push the target 5 feet directly away from you. there is another creature capable of hearing in that area. The
location must be familiar to you (a place you have visited
MASK OF THE SLEEPING QUEEN or seen before) or in an obvious location that is unfamil-
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement by a spellcaster) iar to you (such as behind a door, around a corner, or in a
This exquisite mask is crafted from rare wood and vibrantly grove of trees).
colored glass. Though it appears fragile, it is not. It is touched
by the essence of Ankharet the Cursed, the Sphinx Queen, POTION OF PETRIFICATION RESISTANCE
who still slumbers in her tomb waiting to be freed by her Potion, rare
followers—or destroyed by heroes destined to slay her. Upon drinking this potion, you can’t be petrified for 1 hour.
While attuned to the mask, you are compelled (as if by a After 1 hour, you have advantage on saving throws against
geas spell) to free Ankharet the Cursed from her tomb. The being petrified for the next 24 hours.
mask must be in your possession to benefit from its abilities,
although you do not need to wear the mask to do so. Unlike POTION OF SIGHT
most magic items, you do not need to remain within 100 Potion, rare
feet of the mask to maintain attunement to it, and in fact
When you drink this potion, you gain the effects of the see
you cannot end attunement to the mask unless you die or a
invisibility spell for 10 minutes. It also removes the blinded
wish spell or similar magic ends the attunement. However,
condition for the same duration. The thick liquid in this vial
if you are ever more than 100 feet from the mask, you suffer
is a bright blue-white in color and appears to give off a dim
the following effects:
dull glow of its own.
• Your hit point maximum is reduced by half.
• You can’t cast spells. POTION OF STONE TO FLESH
• You gain the poisoned condition. Potion, rare
You can use an action to pour this potion over a petrified
Contingency. When you drop to 0 hit points, you magically
creature, restoring that creature to flesh. For the next hour,
teleport, along with any equipment you wear or are carrying,
the creature’s speed is reduced by 5 feet and it makes attacks
into the vessel of Gimet, but only if you and the vessel of Gimet
with disadvantage, but it is also immune to effects that
are on the same plane of existence.
would petrify it.


SNAKE BUNDLE khopesh is wielded against Set’s children, clerics, minions, or
Wondrous item, rare other followers. Clerics and other followers of Horus recog-
nize the blade and are generally friendly toward you. Simi-
This enchanted bundle of five sticks is roughly 1 foot long larly, clerics and other followers of Set are hostile toward you.
and 2 inches in diameter. It is held together by two thin
copper wires. As an action, you can throw the bundle up • In addition, while attuned to Vengeance of Horus, you
to 15 feet into an unoccupied space you can see. The sticks gain the following benefits:
immediately transform into five constrictor snakes, as per the • You can read and understand (but not speak) Abyssal.
sticks to snakes spell.
• You gain a +5 bonus to Intelligence (History) checks
related to Set.
Weapon (quarterstaff), legendary • As an action, you can cast aid or enhance ability (owl’s
wisdom effect only). Once you have cast a spell in this
This magical quarterstaff is tipped with the stinger of a way, you can’t cast that spell again until the next dawn.
giant scorpion. When you hit a target with the weapon, the
target must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw. On Finally, if Ophois escaped from his pocket dimension, Venge-
a failed save, the target takes 11 (2d10) poison damage and ance of Horus magically urges you to travel in the Chosen
is poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving Son’s general direction, so long as you and Ophois are on the
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the poisoned same plane of existence (see Pocket in a Shroud).
condition on a success. On a successful save, the target takes
half as much damage and isn’t poisoned. VESSEL OF GIMET
Wondrous item, legendary
THORNSTAFF This black, spherical construction of unknown alloy resembles
Weapon (quarterstaff), rare (requires attunement by a druid) a massive, ornamental urn, standing 10 feet high and covered
This magical quarterstaff is wrapped with thorny vines. When with magical symbols. The vessel was a gift to Ankharet the
you hit a target with this weapon, that target takes an extra 2 Blessed from an unnamed prince of the Elemental Planes. It
(1d3) piercing damage. In addition, you can force the target is intimately tied to the Mask of the Sleeping Queen, an artifact
to make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, that still harbors a fragment of the demigod’s spirit.
the target is restrained until the end of its next turn as ethe- The outside of the vessel has a single handle that opens a
real vines burst from the ground and twist around its body. portal allowing access to the vessel’s interior. The vessel has
enough room for two Medium creatures to sit or lie comfort-
TOKEN OF RETURN ably. Another handle allows a creature to lock the access
Wondrous item, very rare portal from the inside. While the vessel is locked, opening
the vessel requires a DC 25 Dexterity check using thieves’
These tokens, which usually bear an emblem related to its
tools. The vessel can also be broken open with a successful
purpose or creator, might take the form of an amulet, badge,
DC 30 Strength (Athletics) check, although doing so destroys
bracelet, charm, cloak pin, earring, patch, or some other
the vessel. The vessel is otherwise immune to all damage.
piece of jewelry. The token serves as a portal key, allowing
the bearer to pass freely through one side of the portal it was Creatures inside the closed vessel have total cover against
designed to work with. Note that the token allows the bearer attacks and other effects outside the vessel. A creature that
to pass through a portal in one direction only; to return from finishes a long rest inside the vessel gains the benefit of a
the other side of the portal, the bearer must have other means greater restoration spell and receives visions from Ankharet
of doing so (such as a second token attuned to the portal’s as if they had successfully cast the contact other plane spell.
other side).

Weapon (khopesh), legendary (requires attunement)
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon. This bonus increases to +3 when the


0 sand blast Evocation No No Cleric, Druid
1 desiccating touch Evocation No No Cleric, Druid
1 serpent missile Evocation No No Cleric, Druid
1 snake charm Enchantment Yes Yes Cleric, Druid
2 snakeskin Transmutation No No Cleric, Druid
3 sticks to snakes Transmutation No Yes Cleric, Druid
4 poison touch Necromancy No No Cleric, Druid

1st-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action SAND BLAST
Range: Touch Evocation cantrip
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Self (15-foot cone)
Your mere touch siphons the moisture out of a living creature. Components: V, S, M (handful of sand)
Make a melee spell attack against a creature you can see. On a Duration: Instantaneous
hit, the creature takes 2d8 necrotic damage and must succeed With the point of a finger, you release a short blast of sand
on a Constitution saving throw or gain a level of exhaustion. and air in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area takes
If the target already had one or more levels of exhaustion, it 1d6 bludgeoning damage and must succeed on a Dexterity
makes the saving throw with disadvantage. saving throw or become blinded until the end of its next turn.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot The spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level
of 2nd or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each spell (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
slot above 1st.
POISON TOUCH 1st-level evocation
4th-level necromancy Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120 feet
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (one snake scale per missile)
Components: V, S, M (a drop of poison) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous This is a variation of the popular magic missile spell. You
By calling on divine power, your touch is imbued with a create two green glowing missiles shaped like stiff snakes.
magical venom. Make a melee spell attack against a creature Each missile strikes a target of your choice you can see within
within your reach. On a hit, the target takes 4d10 poison range. The missiles can target different creatures. Each missile
damage and must make a Constitution saving throw or be causes 5 (2d4) poison damage to its target.
poisoned until the end of its next turn.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one additional missile
of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each for each slot above 1st.
slot level above 4th.


2nd-level transmutation 3rd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a shed snake skin) Components: V, S, M (one stick, such as an unlit torch, for
Duration: 1 hour each snake created)
You touch a willing creature who isn’t wearing armor. Until Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
the spell ends, the target’s skin becomes scaled like that of You transform up to eight nonmagical sticks (at least 1 foot
a serpent. The target’s base AC becomes 14 + its Dexterity long with a diameter of at least 1/2 inch) into poisonous
modifier, and the target gains resistance to poison damage. snakes (with maximum hit points). For each stick you trans-
The spell ends if the target dons armor or if you dismiss the form, roll a d20. On a 10 or higher, that stick transforms into
spell as an action. a constrictor snake (also with maximum hit points) instead.
A snake transforms back into a mundane stick when it drops
SNAKE CHARM to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.
1st-level enchantment The snakes are friendly to you and your companions. Roll
Casting Time: 1 action initiative for the snakes as a group, which have their own
Range: 60 feet turns. They obey any verbal commands that you issue them
(no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands
Components: V, S
to them, they defend themselves from hostile creatures, but
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
otherwise take no actions.
By swaying your holy symbol and your whole body, you can
create a hypnotic effect that charms snakes. All snakes that At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot
can see you within range must make a successful Wisdom higher of 4th level or higher, you create two additional snakes
saving throw. The target makes the saving throw with advan- for each slot above 3rd level.
tage if you or your companions are fighting it or if it is a giant
snake. On a failure, the target becomes charmed by you for
the spell’s duration. While charmed, the target is incapaci-
tated and has a speed of 0. If you or one of your companions
harms a charmed target, the spell ends for that target.


Pocket in a Shroud (1-12)





There may be some who condemn,
And hope you do not survive,
But fear not, for many of them
Are not even alive.
The greatest challenge lies not inside,
But behind a hidden door.
Placed where the earth meets the sky,
Secured with keys, numbered four.
Time is short, you have a chance,
Should you choose to bother.
Destroy the son and, perchance,
Deal a blow to the father.




The simpletons of Thinis still have no idea what is going on.
Or, if they do, they are too scared to do anything about it. It’s
becoming harder and harder to feign surprise at their panicked
ramblings every morning after we grab a few more for Sadiq
to use in his “experiments.” Fortunately, I won’t have to put
up with it for very much longer, as Sadiq already has quite a
few creations in reserve, and once the year of waiting is up, our
blessed Chosen Son of Set will return to us...”

“One of the hunting parties in Thinis claims to have seen a

sphinx while looking for game in the foothills. I’m hoping it’s
nothing more than their drunken visions or pure coincidence.
I can’t believe one of the sphinxes may have actually found us.
We’ve been so careful...”

“When the final day of our year-long wait is over, we will care-
fully place each of the four keys in their appropriate homes atop
the fallen obelisks, which will reopen the portal. There won’t be
any sign that the portal has opened, so it will be a leap of faith
to pass through the rectangular space between the pillars. Once
through, my arrival should be enough to begin the process of rous-
ing everyone in preparation for the Son’s return...”

“Still curious as to the Chosen Son’s true name. Wepwawet?

Upuaut? Ophois? Wepwawet could be Wep-wawet or
Wepawet...apparently the spelling, or at least the pronuncia-
tion, matters when invoking a true name. It’s understandable
that he keeps it private, given the power one would wield while
saying it in his presence, but I remain curious nonetheless…”






“Sadiq has created well
over a dozen undead
from those we’ve
kidnapped from Thinis. If
we continue to have such
an easy time harvesting
individuals from the
hamlet, we may be able to
convert the entire town
by the time the year is up.”



The Sons of Set are the children of the god
of deserts, storms, and violence with other
mortal creatures. These evil offspring are
countless in number and typically exhibit a
combination of reptilian and humanoid traits.
Among them, there are four Chosen Sons
of Set, who represent the most powerful
of Set’s children. In the event one of the
Chosen Sons is slain, one of Set’s Lesser
Sons is promoted to fill the vacant role,
so there are always four Chosen Sons
in existence.

At least, this is usually the case. Once every

666 years, the celestial hosts prevent
a Lesser Son from being promoted to fill
a vacancy among the Chosen Sons for an
entire year. During this time, Set could be
stripped of much of his influence on this
plane, should all four of his Chosen Sons
be defeated.

Each of Set’s children is known by many

names, as tradition tells that Osirus and
Isis placed a curse upon Set’s half-mortal
children, causing them to fall weak when
they hear their own, true name uttered
before them. This was meant to punish Set’s
children for their father’s violence against
Osirus and Isis’s own child, Horus.







The Cursed Coils of Set (13-14)





The Heart Shards of Caphet (15-19)

Listen to Mitra’s Decree

Concealed in Temples, Three
Sandstone, Quartz, Granite
Reunite the Shards of Caphet
Each Shard leads to the next
Following destruction of the Obelisks
At the center of the Three, an Oasis
Conceals Caphet’s many Faces











he city of Mugdhad presents many interesting have a soft spot for anyone who resists Set’s forces and believe
locations that characters may wish to explore. that returning Tharikadh to power would be an improvement
The following sections summarize key aspects of over Skabhet’s rule. They can share that the previous governor
the city’s eight wards: Desert Ward, Grand Market, Sweet was often seen on the streets behind Temple Row and can
Ward, Ash Ward, Coin Ward, Temple Ward, Upper City, give directions to the former Shrine of Amun Tor (see Part 2).
and the Palace.
Grub Hut. This frighteningly dirty establishment serves
Mugdhad features prominently in one of the adventures simple yet tasty local food. Hashess (LN halfling bandit)
presented in this volume, The Cursed Coils of Set. More detail runs the place. He’s friendly to all, loves to joke with the
about the encounter areas referenced in this gazetteer can be patrons, and is secretly an informant for Set’s forces.
found in that adventure.


DESERT WARD If the city of Mugdhad had a heart, it would be the Grand
This maze of multistoried, mud-walled residences houses Market. In better times, foreign merchants came from far and
most of the city’s population. Many of the buildings in this wide to sell their wares in the market, and most streets in the
ward house multiple families, most of whom earn their keep city branch out from this central gathering place. Skabhet’s
working in the city’s fields or as laborers in mines to the forces are particularly active here, demanding taxes from
north. Most residents try to keep their heads down. Many merchants and overseeing the construction of a 20-foot-tall
of the poor who’ve joined Skabhet’s forces come from here statue of Set.
because they have few other options to survive.
Places of Interest. Anyone looking to buy, sell, or trade
Places of Interest. Visitors to Mugdhad are advised to avoid comes here. Even with Skabhet’s crackdown, the market
this area of the city, as the ward contains few commercial remains active.
establishments, and those that do exist are typically run-down
The Sphinx’s Smile. Many visitors to the city favor this modest
and dangerous.
inn. Sarha (CG half-elf acolyte) takes great care managing
Yellen’s Gullet. The sign for this drinking tavern is a stylized, the operation. She is a follower of Myna and was training
camel-headed man tossing a tankard into his wide mouth. to become an acolyte at the Temple of Weal (area 1-6) and
Skewers of roasted (and questionable) meat make up the through luck alone managed to escape the Skabhet’s purge.
entirety of the establishment’s menu. The tavern’s proprietor She carries terrible guilt for having survived and wishes for
is Toothless Felik (N dwarf thug), called this because all but the bodies of the priests hanging in Temple Row and on the
one of her front teeth have fallen out. Felik turns a blind eye palace grounds to be laid to rest.
to the activities of her cook, Kawglid (CN, human scout).
Traders of the Shifting Sands. This mercantile is located in a
Kawglid is not a fan of Tharikadh but has helped the previ-
crumbling, mud-walled building facing the Grand Market.
ous governor’s forces make covert attacks against the palace.
Though its stock is significantly low, it carries the widest selec-
He can provide a rough layout of palace grounds and warns
tion of goods and supplies in the city. Adventuring equip-
that something inside the palace turns trespassers to stone.
ment worth 50 gp or less can be found here, at double the
Grass Roof. This low-quality hostel offers the only public lodg- normal price. Items worth more than 50 gp can be acquired
ing in the ward. An elderly human couple named Mag and with a day’s notice but at 2-1/2 times its typical price.
Mog (N human commoners) run the establishment. They


Dokhad (N human noble) owns this store and has paid Places of Interest. Set’s forces maintain a strong presence
outrageous sums to Set’s forces to stay in business. Recently, in this ward. However, Skabhet insists that her forces show
he’s decided something needs to be done about the forces of restraint, as she depends on the weapons and armor produced
Set. After chatting with Passef of the Sandstorm Tavern in by the tradesfolk here.
the Upper City (area 1-7), he has agreed to help Tharikadh
Mountain Gate. A gate similar to the South City Gate
reclaim his throne. He directs adventurers to the Sandstorm
(area 1-3) pierces the city walls here. The gates open onto a
Tavern, suggesting they could help the city.
merchant trail heading to mines north of the city. Skabhet
has given five wealthy merchants amulets called “mine passes”
SWEET WARD that allow them to use the gate without paying the usual tolls.
These merchants ferry teams of miners to and from the city.
This ward was named after the aromatic hulwah that was
Smoking Sahlil’s. Near the center of this district is a large,
once manufactured here. When Skabhet captured Mugdhad,
mud-walled building used for smelting iron and forging
this section of the city was devastated during the battle that
weapons and armor. The operations are run by Sahlil, a
turned the tide for the forces of Set. As Tharikadh’s forces
burly half-orc veteran with a nose for business. He employs
appeared to be gaining the upper hand, Skabhet summoned
a team of blacksmiths and apprentices to supply Skabhet and
Grahd, a Lesser Son of Set. His explosive arrival destroyed
her forces with weapons and armor. In recent weeks, Sahlil’s
the ward’s hulwah production facilities and created the sink-
operations have been repeatedly sabotaged by rebels looking
hole now called the Death Pit. This area is covered in detail
to hurt Skabhet. Sahlil blames Tharikadh and wishes someone
in Part 3: The Death Pit.
would put a stop to the failed governor’s meddling. Sahlil has
Today, the Sweet Ward is even more destitute than the Desert heard that Tharikadh still hides in the Upper City and that
Ward. Only the genuinely desperate live here, eking out a the Sandstorm Tavern (area 1-8) harbors his sympathizers.
meager existence among the rubble of broken buildings.
Quarry’s Rest. This two-story inn offers rooms for rent at
Other dangerous creatures have somehow made their way
modest rates. Jahness (CG human commoner) runs the inn.
into the ward, as well. Every hour the characters explore the
Recently, Jahness’s only son was taken by the minions of Set
ward, there is a 3 in 20 chance of an encounter. During the
and thrown into the Death Pit (see Part 3). If the characters
night, the chance increases to 5 in 20.
defeat the Serpent of the Death Pit (Grahd), Jahness rewards
SWEET WARD ENCOUNTER TABLE them with a family heirloom that once belonged to her father:
d6 Encounter
a luck blade shortsword with no wishes remaining.
1 2d4 bandits
2 1d4 human guards COIN WARD
3 1d4 human guards and 2 minions of Set This ward was once the beating heart of Tharikadh’s gem
4 1d4 minions of Set bringing a victim to and precious metals trade. Most of the shops are now shut-
the Death Pit tered, their owners having fled to safer cities or fallen victim
5 1 giant crocodile to Set’s forces.
6 1d4 giant scorpions Places of Interest. Compared to its past, this ward is exceed-
ingly quiet. Minions of Set occasionally patrol its streets,
During the day, roll a 1d4 to determine what the adventurers demanding coin from the citizenry and threatening to throw
encounter. At night, roll 1d4 + 2. those who refuse into the Death Pit.
Smuggler’s Tunnel. Hidden in a side alley is a secret door that
ASH WARD opens into an old smuggler’s tunnel (see area 1-5).
This ward houses hard-working craftspeople who refine the Luminous Scroll. This bookstore (see area 1-8) remains
ore excavated from the mines to the north of the city. Thanks open, but its owner Fawliq the Sage rarely leaves the build-
to the forges working here, most of the ward is smoky and ing. Fawliq is an expert in the Khonsurian Empire and seeks
caked with soot. Visitors to the city looking for metal weap- someone to explore the ruined shrine of Amun Tor (see Part
ons, armor, or similar items are directed here. 2) on his behalf.
Malite’s Treasures. The last jewelry maker still operating in
the Coin Ward is Malite Sparklestone (N gnome noble),


who Skabhet has commissioned to fashion an extravagant Sandstorm Inn. This simple establishment has serviced the
tiara. Malite is afraid to deliver the finished tiara (worth 500 Upper City for years. It’s a poorly kept secret that people
gp) to the Chosen Son and offers the adventurers 100 gp to sympathetic to Tharikadh frequent the location. The Sand-
deliver it instead. storm Inn is detailed in area 1-7.
The Golden Point. This discriminating shop sells weapons
TEMPLE WARD and armor to those who prefer to avoid the Ash Ward. Its
owner is Xanthes (LE human spy), who has grown rich sell-
Located just west of the Grand Market, the Temple Ward ing overpriced weapons to the people of the district. Xanthes
once boasted houses of worship of multiple faiths, all located detests most of his customers and serves as an informant
on the same street heading to the palace. After Skabhet’s for Skabhet. Any weapon or armor one might desire can be
victory, the priests of these temples rose up against her, found here, but each piece is needlessly fancy, tripling the
hoping to drive out the new fiendish ruler. Unfortunately regular price. Functionally, the items are no different from
for them, the forces of Set proved too powerful, and every normal weapons and armor.
priest was massacred and their temples destroyed.
Places of Interest. People avoid this area, believing it’s cursed
with the ghosts of dead priests. Two encounter locations are
described in Temple Row (area 1-6) and The Ruined Temple The palace rests atop the highest point of Mugdhad, offering
of Amun Tor (Part 2). a clear view of the city below. It is now the base of operations
for Skabhet and her minions. Part 4: Skabhet’s Palace explores
this location in detail.
Places of Interest. The Upper City is filled with tension.
Most of its residents were rich and powerful before Skabhet’s
arrival. When she violently ended the uprising fomented
by the city’s priests, Skabhet realized the wealthy residents
of Mugdhad had helped support the rebellion against her.
In retribution, she slaughtered entire families in the Upper
City, demonstrating what would happen should anyone
step out of line again. Today, the streets are quiet. The only
businesses still in operation are a few taverns catering to the
area’s residents.


A Dark Tower Fifth Edition Fantasy Adventure by Chris Doyle
For 7th to 8th Level Characters

most powerful and worthy Lesser Son ascends to the title

THE SUNKEN TEMPLE OF SET of Chosen Son. This often results in the Lesser Sons taking
matters into their own scaly appendages. Should a Lesser Son

he Sunken Temple of Set is an adventure designed
for use with the fifth edition of the first fantasy slay a Chosen Son, Set would have no choice but to elevate
roleplaying game. It is intended for four to six char- it to its rightful position as a Chosen Son. But failure curses
acters of 7th to 8th level. The adventure occurs in a barren, a Lesser Son to 100 years of service to its brother.
rocky, mountainous region bordering a sandy waste and has A year ago, an ambitious Lesser Son named Makura desired
a distinctive Egyptian theme. This adventure can be used as to challenge Manahath, a Chosen Son of Set rumored to
a side adventure for a Dark Tower campaign (available from reside in the nearby Dark Tower of Set. But Makura never
Goodman Games). If used as such, the adventure location is got the chance to challenge the Chosen Son. Set himself
a box canyon in the Redmoon Pass to the east of the Village placed this Chosen Son as guardian and ally to a powerful
of Mitra’s Fist. The adventure is also easy to place in the GM’s Lich. Makura’s undoing was a feigned alliance with another
own campaign. If the deity Set does not occur in the GM’s Lesser Son named Konah the Dissenter. Konah betrayed his
campaign, they can substitute a similar evil serpentine deity. brother with an arcane onslaught and sent him back to the
Lower Planes to seethe in his failure.
BACKGROUND But Makura’s tale doesn’t end there, as Set himself was
In a concerted effort to spread discord and evil among the intrigued by the brash powerplay. Following a year of banish-
mortal races, the god Set sired many bastard offspring via its ment, when Makura was granted the right to walk again
dalliances among them. The result was a jumble of divine among the mortals, he awoke in a ruined temple not too far
and mortal traits, but all of his children were hideous snake, from the Dark Tower. The temple was dedicated to Sobek,
reptilian, and humanoid crossbreeds. Each was a unique, the lesser crocodile god of destiny. Makura, with three croco-
twisted fiend, as Set steeped his creations in chaotic sorcery. dilian heads, took this as a favored sign from Set, and set
These he called his sons, and they were spread far and wide about to rededicate this temple to his god, Set. Soon after,
to disseminate their vile plots. a werecrocodile high priest of Sobek arrived at the temple
at the behest of his deity, but quickly pledged its service to
He had many sons, but only the four most powerful were his the powerful Lesser Son. This dedication is but a ruse, as the
Chosen Sons. The rest, and most numerous, are called his priest has his own agenda, which includes reclaiming the
Lesser Sons. All the Sons of Set share a spark of immortality. ruined temple in the name of his god. Rynchus bides his
A Lesser Son always fights to the death, hoping to gain Set’s time and plots to overthrow Makura.
favor, for if it’s destroyed it reforms in one to two years. The
Chosen Sons are more practical and often surround them-
selves with minions, preferring to eschew direct conflict.
A slain Chosen Son of Set returns as a Lesser Son, and the


New Weapons
This adventure includes a few new weapons; the khopesh and
mace-axe were commonly used in ancient Egyptian cultures
while the macana has South and Central American origins.
Khopesh. A khopesh is a sickle-shaped blade derived from
the battleaxe. Only the outer edge of the blade is sharpened.
The center of the sickle blade is used to disarm an opponent’s
weapon or shield. On a successful hit, the wielder can decide
to not inflict damage and instead force the target to drop its
hand-held weapon or shield. The target does not drop the
weapon if it can succeed on a Strength saving throw against a
DC equal to 8 + wielder’s Strength modifier + wielder’s profi-
ciency bonus if proficient in the khopesh.
Macana. A macana is a flat wooden sword-like paddle set with
obsidian shards or serrated animal teeth. Shark or crocodile
teeth are commonly used.
Mace-axe. A mace-axe is a metal- or stone-headed club with
an axe blade set into the head. It’s a two-handed weapon that
inflicts both slashing and bludgeoning damage, designed to
bash through mundane weapons and bronze armor.
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Khopesh 12 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lbs. Special
Macana 10 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lbs. -
Mace-axe 25 gp 1d6 slashing and 6 lbs. Heavy,
1d6 bludgeoning two- handed

run amok of Soukhos in area 2 during the boat ride), or

they could arrive at the temple still prisoners. In either
case, the GM can develop a way for them to escape or
allow them an audience with Rynchus to bargain for
their freedom.
• Old Cornelius, a senile and befuddled priest of Mitra (see
area V-1 in Dark Tower) has seen a clouded vision from
his god. The vision reveals a partially sunken temple in
a lake at the bottom of a box canyon with steep cliffs.
The evil of Set holds sway over this ruined temple, and
perhaps it as a clue to the mystery of the Village of Mitra’s
Fist. He beckons the party to investigate the temple with
ADVENTURE HOOKS all haste and grants a worthy character a boon as encour-
The werecrocodile priest Rynchus is trying to lure heroes to agement. If the GM has Dark Tower, this is Mitra’s Favor.
the sunken temple to confront his new “master”. How the Otherwise, it’s a spell scroll of raise dead.
characters learn about the sunken temple is up to the GM, • Rynchus, through intermediary followers of the god
but here are a few suggestions: Sobek, contacts the characters and offers a reward of
• The characters begin as captives to a band of soben (see gems if they investigate a ruined temple in the wilder-
area 1). The party is told they are being taken to be fed to ness to the East of Mitra’s Fist. He claims it was aban-
the temple’s master. The soben are hopeful for a reward. doned, but now it seems brigands or humanoids are using
Either the characters can escape in route (maybe they the haunted place as a base of operations. He hints the


hallowed halls might still contain riches and divine magic brutes falling to the blades of the characters while at the same
from a bygone age. time giving the false impression this route is well guarded.
• The characters learn that a lost Mitraic artifact, Mitra’s Rope Bridge. The bridge is composed of standard hemp
Bulwark, is possibly hidden in a nearby ruined temple. rope intertwined to improve strength and resilience. Wooden
The characters are encouraged by their benefactor to planks form the bridge base, spaced one foot apart. The
recover the relic for the purposes of reuniting it with bridge is 75 feet long, securely tied to massive rocky outcrops.
other Mitraic artifacts in the fight against Set. It would take about 10 minutes to untie the massive knot-
ted rope at one end. Although it sways in the wind, crossing
is simple and doesn’t require skill checks for characters who
BEGINNING THE ADVENTURE cross at half speed. Characters who cross at regular speed
must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or
trip and fall prone. The bridge can easily support 1,500
PART 1: THE CANYON LAKE pounds of weight.

he sunken temple of Set is located in a flooded box
The bridge can be destroyed with weapon blows. A typi-
canyon at the foot of Mount Bone-head about 1.5
cal plank has an AC 14 and 5 hit points. The rope part of
miles southeast of the Village of Mitra’s Fist. Since
the bridge is AC 12, has 15 hit points, and is vulnerable to
the river that exits the box canyon swiftly flows to the west
slashing damage, but resistance to bludgeoning and pierc-
through a ravine, it is easiest to approach from the higher
ing damage. Severing one of the ropes causes the bridge to
elevation. This puts the characters at the west end of the box
suddenly shift and tilt at a sharp angle. All on the bridge
canyon looking down at the temple, partially submerged in
must make a successful DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or
a lake. Consult map 1 for an overview of this locale.
fall off the bridge. If a second rope is severed, the bridge
Makura was recently reincarnated by Set, and now resides collapses. Targets on a collapsing bridge that make a success-
in the sunken temple, bidding his time to strike back at his ful DC 17 Dexterity saving throw to hold onto the bridge as
enemies. The powerful spawn of a god has not yet estab- it slams into one of the ravine walls, taking 10 (3d6) bludg-
lished regional effects of his evil taint. That said, perceptive eoning damage. Climbing up a severed rope bridge requires
characters notice a few unusual effects as they get within a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check.
half a mile of the sunken temple. A profusion of mundane
The ravine is approximately 120 feet deep with a raging river.
snakes and lizards gather near the canyon and may appear
Falling into the ravine causes 28 (8d6) bludgeoning damage
in a character’s packs. Dark clouds and a cold wind create a
as the water somewhat cushions the fall. But the target is
sense of foreboding. The occasional influx of chaotic eldritch
swept 30 (1d6 x 10) feet down stream at the end of each of
magic sours waterskins, bruises desert plants, and creates the
their turns, taking an additional 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage
sound of a serpent’s hiss on the wind. None of these effects
for each 10 feet of movement.
impact combat, but they serve to unnerve the players and
provide atmosphere. Guards. During the daylight hours, the bridge is guarded
by a pair of soben, stationed on the northern side. These
AREA 1 –THE ROPE BRIDGE 10-foot tall bulky lizardfolk-like humanoids have thick scaled
hides and crocodilian heads. Each hefts a massive khopesh
Travel through the broken rocky terrain has been slow at best as
(a hooked sword), carries a longbow slung over its back, and
you meander along the top of a steep-sided ravine. Below, the
has a sword-like blade affixed to its crocodilian tail.
bottom is occupied by the churning rapids of a swift moving river
cutting through the barren landscape. A worn rope bridge spans The soben address the characters in sibilant, halting
the ravine at a narrow location. It appears sturdy as it sways in Common, blocking passage across the bridge. They demand a
the cold breeze. toll of at least 200 gp to pass, but can be bargained down with
a successful DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) check. They do
The denizens of the Sunken Temple installed this rope bridge
not respond to Persuasion, only dominance and threats. If
to provide easier access to the paths that lead down into the
the characters refuse, it comes to blows, but the soben flee
box canyon (areas 3 and 4). Recently, Rynchus added guards
(not across the bridge, however) if reduced to half hit points.
to the bridge. These flunkies are under orders to prevent
Once one flees, the other follows suit.
anyone from crossing, but really, Rynchus is punishing them
for insubordination and displaying too much respect for The soben carry no treasure. One of them carries a bloody
Makura. Rynchus would like nothing more than these two leather sack holding two haunches of camel meat—not just


for snacking, this meat is used to appease the beast in area Shoulder Slam: Melee Weapon Attack +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
2 when they use the boat to return to the temple. They are target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
armed with longbows to take down other prey to replenish
Tail Blade: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
their supply of fresh meat.
target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage.
Developments. The soben are not trustworthy. If the char-
This lizard-like humanoid is massive, with dark gray scales and
acters pay the toll, they wait until targets are halfway across
a hunched back. The creature sports bulging muscles and lumbers
before they attack the ropes of the bridge with khopesh blows.
forward on two thick legs, its heavy tail dragging behind. Its head
If the soben flee from combat, they don’t travel far, seek-
resembles that of a crocodile.
ing to double back and sabotage the bridge while the char-
acters cross.
When the characters get a good look at the box canyon from
SOBEN (2) above, read the following:
Large humanoid, lawful evil Standing at the edge overlooking a box canyon is a majestic site.
Armor Class: 14 (natural armor, breastplate) The bottom of the box canyon holds a turbid lake, which drains
through a ravine along the west side. The river and ravine are
Hit Points: 59 (7d10 + 21) flanked by massive statues of crocodile-headed humanoids that
Speed: 20 ft. nearly reach the top of the cliff-face. At the east end of the canyon,
which stretches for hundreds of feet, a partially submerged stone
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA temple is set into the wall of the cliff. Dense beds of flowering
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 5 (-3) lotus bobbing at the water’s surface flank the temple. To its north,
a massive waterfall tumbles into the canyon from hundreds of
Damage Immunities: poisoned feet above, agitating lake and throwing mist into the air.
Condition Immunities: frightened, poisoned Along the southern edge of the canyon wall where the ridge is
lowest, you spy a wooden dock that juts into the lake. Tied to the
Skills: Athletics +8
end of the dock is a reed boat.
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
The lake extends to the cliff-like edges of the box canyon.
Languages: Common, Draconic The lake is fed by a towering waterfall, which disturbs the
bottom, creating muddy water, especially at the eastern end
Challenge: 4 (1,100 XP)
of the lake. The outlet is a ravine on the northwest side of
Great Charge: If the soben moves at least 10 feet straight the box canyon. The water depth slopes from 10 feet at the
toward a target and then hits it with a shoulder slam attack edges to a maximum depth of 20 feet (except for the Avenue
on the same turn, the target takes an extra 9 (2d8) bludgeon- of the Faithful—see area 5) along the north side.
ing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Swimming in the mostly placid lake requires a successful DC
DC 13 Strength saving throw or be pushed 5 feet away and 10 Strength (Athletics). The DC of this check increases to
knocked prone. 15 as the swimmer gets to within 100 feet of the waterfalls.
Failure indicates the swimmer is forced under and pushed
ACTIONS 20 feet away from the falls.
Multiattack: The soben makes two attacks: one with its main Statues. A pair of 100-foot-tall statues are carved into the
weapon (or bite, if unarmed) and one with its shoulder slam cliff face flanking the river outlet. Each depicts a muscled
or tail blade. male human wearing scale mail, but with a crocodile head.
Khopesh: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one The one to the left wears ceremonial robes and a tall head-
target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage. The soben can dress and proudly presents a staff aloft in an outstretched arm
forgo dealing damage to instead force the target to make a while holding a mace-axe in its off-hand. The other, clearly a
DC 15 Strength saving throw or drop its weapon or shield warrior-type, has a smaller headdress, brandishes a khopesh
(soben’s choice). up high, and braces a shield in the other hand. The craftman-
ship of each of these is exquisite, although somewhat worn
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. from erosion and the exposure to the elements.
Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage.


The Guardian. The lake is inhabited by a giant crocodile Development. When the characters arrive at the lake, there is
sacred to the Sobek faith. Soukhos is a 20-foot-long aggres- a 50% chance that Rynchus (see area 11) in crocodile form is
sive crocodile that indiscriminately attacks those attempting lazily floating on the surface of the lake among the lotus pads
to cross the lake to the temple—that is, unless an offering of to the north of the temple. He can be spotted with a passive
fresh meat (at least 10 pounds) is presented or the “faithful” Perception of 20 before he submerges. Most likely, he is the
walk along the avenue between the pillars (see area 5). Souk- one who attracted the characters to the temple in the first
hos spends most of its time during the day floating among place. Assuming they are in the reed boat or walking along
the lotus beds at the east end of the lake. At night it pulls its the avenue of the faithful, when they get within 300 feet of
massive bulk out of the water and rests on a few rocks along the temple, he changes into his hybrid shape and casts control
the northern shore of the lake. water. He chooses the flood effect as the water is not deep
enough for the whirlpool effect. He commands the water to
Soukhos attacks swimmers using its stealth to gain a surprise
create a series of 20-foot-high waves (one each turn) to crash
attack. Due to the turbidity of the water, this Stealth check
into the characters or boat. If they are in the boat, there is
is at advantage. It also targets the reed boats (or any other
a 25% chance per wave of it capsizing. If they stand on the
floating structures) unless an offering of food is made. It can
avenue of the faithful, a character must make a successful DC
spend an action trying to capsize the boat, succeeding 10% of
14 Strength check or be swept off the avenue and into deeper
the time. Any targets in the boat caught unaware of Soukhos’
water where they become a viable target for Soukhos’ wrath.
capsize attempt must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving
Rynchus secretly attacks with the waves for 2-3 rounds, or
throw or be tossed from the boat. If it fails to capsize the boat,
until he is reduced to half hit points, before retreating.
it attacks the hull with its bite and tail slap, sinking the vessel
once it’s reduced to 0 hit points (see area 3).


Huge beast, lawful evil
Armor Class: 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 126 (12d12 + 48)
Speed: 30 ft., swim 50 ft.


23 (+6) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 2 (-4) 14 (+2) 12(+1)

Skills: Stealth +6, Perception +5

Senses: truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages: —
Challenge: 6 (2,300 XP)
Hold Breath: Soukhos can hold its breath for 30 minutes.
Sacred Blessing: Soukhos gets advantage on all saving throws
against spells and magical effects. reveals a few sets of humanoid footprints that continue past
Special Equipment: Emerald set in his head (worth 1,000 gp), this route and proceed toward area 4.
three gold teeth (each worth 50 gp), body pierced with three The rocky trail is steep and meanders down to the water’s edge.
gold rings (worth 250 gp, 400 gp, and 600 gp). Despite a few slips and stumbles, soon you are at the lake’s
edge. Before you is a crude wooden dock, cobbled together with
ACTIONS mismatched boards and secured with hemp rope. Securely tied
Multiattack: Soukhos makes one bite and one tail attack. to the end of the dock is a reed skiff.

Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Despite appearances, the dock is secure and durable. It juts
Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) piercing damage and the target is grap- out into the lake about 12 feet, and the water’s depth quickly
pled (escape DC 17). Until this grapple ends, the target is drops off. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
restrained and the giant crocodile can’t bite another target. while examining the wooden structure reveals dried blood
splotches on the planks.
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Reed Skiff. The reed skiff is about 15 feet long and can fit
creature, it must succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw six Medium-sized creatures comfortably (eight maximum).
or be knocked prone. There is a 20-foot-long pole-paddle inside that can be used
to pilot the craft. The skiff has an Armor Class of 11 and 60
Death Roll (3/day): If Soukhos is grappling a target, it can hit points.
perform a violent death roll. The grappled target takes 11
(1d10 +6) bludgeoning damage and 11 (1d10 +6) piercing Developments. The sacred guardian (see area 2) attacks the
damage and the target needs to make a successful DC 17 skiff unless an offering of fresh meat is dropped into the water
Constitution saving throw or become stunned until the end soon after departing the dock.
of its next turn.
AREA 3 – THE OBVIOUS WAY DOWN If the southern ridge line is searched past the obvious trail
If the characters walk along the southern ridge of the canyon, (area 3), this concealed path can be located with a successful
they come across an obvious trail winding its way to the lake’s DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check. If the tracks in area 3
edge and a crude dock. A successful DC 15 Survival check were discovered, this check is made at advantage. If discov-
ered, read the following:


After careful examination, it appears there is a route down the Lotus Beds. Flanking the temple are dense beds of floating
slope here. It picks its way through a maze of boulders and rocky lotus full of vibrant purple flowers. A creature in a lotus bed
outcroppings, but it seems safe. In a few minutes, you are at the gets advantage on all Stealth checks to hide.
edge of the lake. The water doesn’t seem as deep here.
Development. Soukhos, the sacred guardian in area 2, will
This hidden route leads to the Avenue of the Faithful (area not attack anyone “walking” along the avenue, but Rynchus
5). While trekking down the slope here, a successful DC 15 may sweep the party off the path with his control water spell
Wisdom (Perception) reveals the tip of a stone column or (see area 2).
pedestal just below the surface of the water, and then another,
as indicated on map 1.
Hidden beneath the surface of the lake is an elevated fitted

stone platform that leads out into the open water and then he temple was constructed when the box canyon
takes a 90 degree turn toward the temple steps. The “avenue” was dry. Then, by channeling divine magic, a high
is just under 100 feet wide and the water here is only 4 feet priest altered the course of a nearby river, rerout-
deep. Walking along the avenue is considered difficult terrain. ing it to spill into the canyon. Now, the temple is partially
submerged and contains a fully flooded crypt.
Pedestals. The avenue is demarked by a series of 3-foot-high
pedestals now 1 foot beneath the surface of the water. Affixed The sunken temple was once dedicated to Sobek, the croco-
to the top of these stone columns are enchanted bronze dile god of fertility and flowing water (such as mighty rivers).
braziers. If one is touched with a holy symbol dedicated to But now, with the arrival of Makura the temple has been
Sobek and the cantrip sacred flame is cast, the braziers ignite, rededicated to Set—although this doesn’t sit well with his
as per continual flame (even underwater), but with a duration ally, the priest Rynchus.
of eight hours.


The sunken temple is depicted on Map 2. The massive stone doors blocking entry to area 6 are
unlocked, but trapped with a glyph of warding (cast with a
The Steps. Six stone steps are submerged in the lake, leading 5th level spell slot). If the door is opened without pressing
to a stone stage in front of the doors. The stage is covered Sobek’s holy symbol onto its surface, the glyph releases a wall
with about 1 foot of water. of force spell in area 6 (indicated by the dashed line between
Illumination. Individual rooms describe the type of illumi- the last two pillars). The wall is 20 feet high and lasts for 10
nation in the chambers (if any). minutes. The glyph can be detected with a successful DC
15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. When the characters
Walls and Ceilings. The interior walls and ceiling are all
approach the temple doors, read the following:
worked stone. Climbing an interior wall requires a successful
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. The ceiling heights vary Carved on the exterior of these two massive stone portals are a
by room description. pair of crocodile-headed humanoids standing in the rapids of a
river, joining hands under a blazing sun. Water from the lake
Flooding. Area 6 is covered with 1 foot of water. Areas 7 and
laps up against the base of the door.
8 are completely underwater. The shaft at area 9 is partially
underwater (30 feet), while areas 10 and 11 are dry. It takes an action and a successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics)
check to open the doors. When opened, read the following:
Wandering Monsters. There are no wandering monsters
in the temple, but two soben (see area 1) are currently out When pulled open, the doors reveal an expansive chamber of
hunting. If the party tries to take a long rest in the temple, worship about 80 feet wide and perhaps 50 feet deep. The floor
Rynchus summons them and sends them to evict the is covered by 1 foot of murky water. The walls are painted with
interlopers. pictographs of crocodiles savagely attacking farmers, common-


ers and sailors. The beasts graphically tear apart swimmers, its counterpart being a similar throne in area 11. While a
capsize reed boats, and burst from the shallows to surprise those living creature sits on the throne in area 11, once per day it
on the banks. can cast a specialized project image to appear sitting in the
throne in this chamber. The target in this chamber appears
Three sets of stone pillars, each engraved with different crocodile-
enlarged (to fit the oversized throne) and glows with either
hybrid beasts, reach to the ceiling 30 feet overhead. At the far
a brilliant radiance or a sinister shadowy pall. The user can
end of the room is a giant-sized stone throne, 10 feet wide and
speak (enhanced in a booming voice), gesture, and behave in
double the height. Its back carved into a water plume. Flanking
other ways, although limited to seating. In this way, a high
the throne are a pair of statues that nearly reach the ceiling. Each
priest in area 11 could address a congregation or its minions
depicts a powerful human figure with a crocodile head. Both
in a deific manner.
are adorned with ornate stone breastplates, wear a ceremonial
headpiece, and hold a crescent-shaped khopesh aloft. The project image effect lasts for up to a day, assuming the
one seated in area 11 maintains concentration. The sitter can
This massive chamber was the central worship area to Sobek
also cast one spell through the project image, but this ends the
in the temple’s heyday. It features a stone throne that the
connection between the thrones in one minute.
clergy could use to address the congregation magically
while not actually in the chamber. The floor is covered with The aquamarine gemstones can be removed with a success-
about 1 foot of cloudy water, but it’s not deep enough to ful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check and a sharp,
impede movement. pointed tool. Failure indicates the gemstone is ruined. The
first such gemstone removed in this fashion releases a burst
Pillars. Six carved stone pillars lead to the throne. Due to
of arcane energy. All creatures within 15 feet of the throne
the carved design, these are easy to climb, requiring only a
suffer 16 (3d10) force damage, although a successful DC 15
successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. Each is attached
Intelligence saving throw reduces the damage by half. Each
to the ceiling, and thus can’t be toppled. Each features a
intact gemstone is worth 250 gp.
crocodile-hybrid creatures as part of the design. These include
(letters refer to the map) the following: Statues. Each of the statues represent Sobek. Climbing a
statue requires a successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check.
A. Snakes and Serpents
Each statue sports hollowed eyes. These once held valuable
B. Humans emeralds now removed by Makura as each visage has been
C. Hippopotamus defaced with a sharp object. Each statue’s arm that is held
high can be swiveled at the elbow, bringing the khopesh
D. Camels perpendicular to its chest. Moving both of these arms (caus-
E. Jackals ing the moons to “descend”) is required to open the secret
door behind the throne.
F. Water Buffalos
At the base of each statue is the following passage (one line
Clinging to the upper 10 feet of pillar A is a behir, a croc-
per base) concealed in the scrollwork. It requires a successful
odile-headed serpent-like monstrosity. A “gift” from Set to
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) to notice them.
Makura, the creature has folded its legs along its sides and its
natural coloration blends in well with the pillar. The behir Only when both moons descend,
can only be recognized as a living creature with a successful will the stone door ascend.
Wisdom (Perception) contest versus its Dexterity (Stealth).
The behir waits to attack from behind, hopefully after some Secret Door. There is a 10-foot-wide stone slab blocking
characters move to the other side of the wall of force and get the exit of this chamber (to area 7). This secret door can
split up. It starts its surprise attack with its lightning breath. be detected with a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
Then while its breath attack recharges, it attacks with its bite, check, but the slab weighs nearly a ton and can’t be simply
using its 10-foot reach to avoid melee while perched on the “opened”. If both statue arms are rotated to their perpen-
pillar. The creature fights to the death, charged with guarding dicular position (both moons shift), the slab slowly opens. Its
this sacred chamber. stone remains elevated until the lever in area 8 is pulled down.

Throne. The throne is smooth stone, and features exquisite Hidden Chambers. In the northeast and southeast corners of
craftmanship with water motifs throughout and set with the room are hidden chambers. The secret doors concealing
five symmetrical aquamarine gemstones. It radiates illusion these chambers require a successful DC 17 Wisdom (Percep-
magic. This throne is one of a set of enchanted devices with tion) check to locate. Each chamber is a nondescript triangu-
lar room with two items of note: a lever mounted on the east


wall of each chamber and a closed stone chest. The stone chest tional crypts. The opposite wall is covered with hieroglyphics and
to the north holds three bronze holy symbols (each worth 5 pictograms of religious ceremonies.
gp) dedicated to Sobek. The chest to the south holds a stash
This chamber served as a crypt for the high priests and other
of four potions of water breathing.
worthy personages of the temple. The previous leaders of the
Both levers are in the upright position. If both are pulled temple left a few guardians.
down, a loud grinding sound can be heard from down below,
Lever. An obvious lever in the upright position is affixed to
but nothing else seems to occur. This actually disables the
the right-hand wall just inside the entrance to the crypt. If
trap in area 7.
pulled down, it seals the secret door in area 6 and the metal
Developments. Shortly after the characters enter the hall (but doors in area 7. If pushed up, the door once again ascends.
before the behir attacks and hopefully before they discover
Sealed Crypts. There are six crypts in the main chamber and
the wall of force), Rynchus uses the throne in his hybrid form
another seven crypts in each the north and south corridors.
to pose as Sobek. He threatens the characters and goads them,
Each crypt is sealed with a slab of stone plastered in place.
“You will never be able to defeat the master of this temple,
It requires a successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check to
one blessed by a god!”. He commands the behir to attack and
open one of these crypts. If 10 minutes are spent chipping
then casts control water in the room, flooding the chamber.
out the plaster, this check is at advantage. The contents of
The water level raises 5 feet per round (to a maximum of
each crypt are random. Roll on the following table and if
20 feet), but then 6 rounds later, starts lowering the same
applicable any additional tables.
amount. This ends the project image in 1 minute. (Rynchus
cannot do this if he did not have time to retreat to area 11 TABLE A – CRYPT CONTENTS
after being encountered outside the temple in area 2.) 2d6 Result
2 Treasure (roll on table B)
3-4 Mummified human body
The secret door to this descending corridor and stairs is
5-7 Mummified human body and treasure
detailed in area 6.
(roll on table B)
With the grinding sound of stone on stone, the huge slab raises 8-9 1d6 weapons (roll on table C)
up. A set of stairs descends into the murky depths of the water.
10-11 Empty
This corridor descends 30 feet into the sunken crypt and is 12 Mummified crocodile and treasure (roll on table B
completely underwater. The corridor is trapped. Unless the with a +2 modifier)
two levers in the hidden chambers in area 6 are moved to
the lower position, the corridor is blocked by a metal wall. If
touched, the wall discharges an electric shock, which causes TABLE B – TREASURE
22 (4d10) lightning damage to all in the submerged corridor. 1d12 Treasure
A successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw results in half 1 1d4 x 100 bronze coins (worth 2 cp each)
damage. Once the trap is discharged, the walls can be pried 2-4 1d4 weapons (roll on table C)
open with a successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check to
5-6 1d8 x 100 gp
allow a Medium-sized creature to pass through, but some-
thing needs to hold the doors open or else they slide shut. 7 3d4 x 10 pp
8 silver jeweled object (necklace, ring, bracer,
If both levers in area 6 are in the lower position, the metal
anklet) worth 3d6 x 100 gp
walls have receded into the side walls and the trap is disabled.
9 gem-studded object (weapon, coffer, statuette,
idol) worth 5d6 x 100 gp
10 gold jeweled object (statuette, necklace, ankh)
This entire chamber is underwater. worth 10d8 x 100 gp
The steps descend into a crypt-like 40-foot square chamber with 11 platinum-gem studded object (statuette, scepter,
a 20-foot-high ceiling. The floor is set flagstones. Three enormous crown) worth 1d4 x 1,000 gp
stone sarcophagi dominate the chamber, each 20 feet long and 12+ Roll twice on this table
5 feet wide. Aisles to the north and south apparently lead to
burial crypts. At the corners of the room, stone slabs seal addi-


1d6 Weapon
1 Longbow
2 1d4 spears
3 Khopesh
4 Mace
5 Mace-axe
6 Roll twice on this table
Huge beast, lawful evil
The sealed crypt at the end of the north passage is always
Armor Class: 14 (natural armor)
empty. Concealed on the back wall is a secret door that can
be located with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) Hit Points: 85 (9d12 + 27)
check. It leads to a rough-hewn passage that turns west and Speed: 30 ft., swim 50 ft.
then meanders about 80 feet, slowly climbing before exiting
into the lake bottom below the lotus bed to the north of the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
temple. Rynchus is aware of this route and uses it to exit and 21 (+5) 9 (-1) 17 (+3) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)
enter the temple.
Sarcophagi. The three long sarcophagi are smooth, Saving Throws: Wis +3
unadorned granite. The middle one is sealed with electrum. Skills: Stealth +5
It takes 10 minutes to break the seal (yielding 85 ep worth
of metal). Inside is a silver shield, emblazoned with a rear- Damage Immunities: poison
ing lion in gold, resting on a stack of 12 gold bars (each Condition Immunities: poisoned
worth 200 gp). This is Mitra’s Bulwark, a Mitraic artifact (see
below). This sarcophagus is set on a pivoting base which can Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
be discerned with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investiga- Languages: —
tion) check. With relative ease, the entire sarcophagus can be
Challenge: 5 (1,800 XP)
rotated 90 degrees in a counterclockwise direction.
The other two sarcophagi are unsealed. Each contains a giant Undead Fortitude: If damage reduces the giant crocodile
crocodile zombie. They are aroused if the opposite wall is zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving
investigated or their sarcophagi are opened. The giant croc- throw with a DC of 5+ the damage taken, unless the damage
odile zombies take one turn pushing the lid off and exit- is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the giant croco-
ing the sarcophagi before moving to attack. The mindless dile zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.
undead fight until destroyed, but prominently displaying a Undead Nature: The giant crocodile zombie doesn’t require
holy symbol of Sobek wards off a direct attack. air, food, drink or sleep.
Secret Door to the Shaft. The secret door on the east wall
can be located with a successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) ACTIONS
check. Examining the pictograms on the wall with a success- Multiattack: The giant crocodile zombie makes one bite and
ful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals the clue one tail attack.
to opening the door nested above and below the arch of a
pictogram of a letter “H” among the other hieroglyphics: Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic
Three to one, damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 16). Until
to get it done. this grapple ends, the target is restrained, the giant crocodile
zombie can’t bite another target.
If the center sarcophagus is pivoted counterclockwise, it locks
into place nearly adjoining the other two sarcophagi. This Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
forms a letter “H”, and unlocks the secret door, which lifts Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a
straight up, revealing area 9. creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw
or be knocked prone.


Pulling the tapestry aside, you are greeted with soft illumination
Mitra's Bulwark in a circular chamber. The ceiling is 30 feet overhead and dome
shaped, but you can’t see the source of the light. In the center of
Armor (shield), unique (requires attunement) the room is a 10-foot square open pit. Surrounding the pit on
Mitra’s bulwark is an oval tower shield of bright metal adorned three sides are plain stone altars soaked with crimson stains. You
with a bas relief roaring lion’s head on its outer surface. The are entering the chamber from the west, and positioned at the
Mitraic artifact functions as an arrow-catching shield in the three other points of a compass are similar tapestries.
hands of a good-aligned wielder. This hard-to-reach chamber is reserved for the exalted ones
The shield has 1 charge. While holding it, you can use an action stationed at the temple. It’s also reserved for private sacrifi-
and say a command phrase to transform the shield into a wall cial rituals and bloodletting ceremonies. Recently, Makura
of stone. The wall of stone lasts for up to 10 minutes, although has taken primary residence in this chamber, preferring to
it can be ended sooner with another command phrase, which allow Rynchus to serve his every whim, such as bringing in
doesn’t take an action. If all 10 panels of the wall are destroyed,
the occasional sentient being for sacrifice and consumption.
the shield is likewise destroyed. The shield regains its charge
daily at dawn. This setup serves Rynchus well as he plots behind his master’s
back. Ambient light is provided via several continual flame
If a wielder is attunded to a second Mitraic artifact, the shield
spells placed on wall tiles.
as 2 charges. If the wielder is attuned to two other Mitriac arti-
facts, the shield has 3 charges. Tapestries. There are four tapestries hanging about the room.
Each has a base color of red with gold thread and are deco-
rated with foul prayers, fables told via hieroglyphics, and
AREA 9 – THE SHAFT pictograms of evil acts involving sacrifice on altars. Although
The secret door effortlessly slides up, revealing a short 5-foot each tapestry has a malevolent theme, each is worth 700 gp.
passage, terminating in a 10 foot plain square chamber. The Altars. The three short altars are similar and all bears crimson
worked walls are smooth and unadorned. Centered along the stains. The east altar has a secret compartment that can be
north wall is a bronze wheel. detected with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation)
This chamber is a shaft that extends 250 feet straight up. The check. Inside are an array of torture implements and sacrifi-
water level is 30 feet high; above that is dry. The walls are cial daggers, all with carved ivory handles. The lot is 17 pieces
smooth and it requires a successful DC 20 Strength (Athlet- and worth 1700 gp. There is also a platinum bowl wrought
ics) check to scale. The floor of this chamber is actually a as a coiled serpent (worth 650 gp). Between the north and
platform that can be raised and lowered to provide access east altars along the wall is a pile of 22 torches (for use in
to the area 10. casting sticks to snakes).
Bronze Wheel. A large bronze wheel can be turned clock- Sacrificial Pit. The pit is 15 feet deep and stained with the
wise to raise the platform. This is a slow, laborious process blood of countless victims. At the bottom of the pit is Maku-
that alerts any creatures in areas 10 and 11 of an impending ra’s accumulated wealth since settling in at the temple. It
arrival. Turning the wheel ascends the platform 10 feet per includes 1,667 gp, 39 pp, an ivory scroll tube shaped like a
turn. A character that operates the wheel must make three bone, set with onyx (worth 250 gp) holding a pair of magic
DC 13 Constitution saving throws over the whole journey scrolls (one is a spell scroll with enhance ability and the other
to area 10. If the character fails two or more of these saves, he is a scroll of protection from fiends), a +1 shortsword, and a teak
gains a level of exhaustion. If one other character Helps with coffer inlaid with silver (worth 475 gp) holding an assortment
this task, the saving throws are made at advantage. Turning of gems. The collection of gemstones includes four pieces
the wheel counterclockwise lowers the platform at double of jet (worth 100 gp each, six brown-green garnets (worth
the rate and doesn’t require saving throws. 100 gp each), a blue spinel (worth 500 gp), four large round
emeralds (each worth 1,000 gp), a pale gray topaz (worth
AREA 10 – THE CHAMBER OF THE 1,500 gp) and a flawed black sapphire (worth 3,000 gp),
and a dusty rose prism ioun stone (protection). The emeralds
EXALTED ONE were extracted from the eye sockets of the statues in area 6
The moving platform comes to a halt with a grinding protest as Makura defaced them.
of metal on stone. The air here is dry and warm. The back of a
Makura. This lesser Son of Set has the lower body of a thick
tapestry provides the only barrier to another room.
serpent, the torso of a muscular human with two arms, and
Once the tapestry is pulled aside, read the following: three snake-like necks, each ending in a crocodilian head


that sports wicked curved horns and piercing yellow eyes. Damage Immunities: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
The covetous Makura spends most of his time wallowing in nonmagical weapons
his meager hoard at the bottom of the sacrificial pit, plotting
Condition Immunities: poisoned
against the other Chosen Sons.
Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
Assuming the characters use the elevator in area 9, he is well
aware of their arrival. He starts by casting sticks to snakes, Languages: Abyssal, Common, telepathy 100 ft.
and then he summons 1d6 minions of Set (the GM can Challenge: 9 (5,000 XP)
select the number of minions to help balance the combat to
the characters). The minions appear behind the other three Innate Spellcasting: Makura’s spellcasting ability is Intelligence
tapestries and step out to engage the characters. They move (spell save DC 14). He can cast the following spells, requiring
into position to attempt to shove targets into the pit. Once no material components:
the minions are destroyed, Makura casts conjure animals 1/day each: snake charm, sticks to snakes, conjure animals
(summoning 16 giant poisonous snakes that drop from (snakes only; using a 5th level spell slot)
the heavens) and then he pulls his massive bulk out of the
pit. He attacks with his great mace-axe and all three heads. Limited Magic Immunity: Makura is immune to spells of 3rd
level or lower unless he wishes to be affected.
Magic Resistance: Makura has advantage on saving throws
Divine Assistance? against spells and other magical effects.
During the confrontation with Makura, Rynchus uses his ring Regeneration: Makura regains 5 hit points at the start of his
of messaging to deliver the following whispered assistance to a turn. If he takes fire or radiant damage, this trait doesn’t func-
character: “The foul fiend’s True Name is Makura! Utter it aloud tion at the start of his next turn. He only dies if it starts its
with conviction to help lay him low!” turn at 0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate.
True Name: Each Lesser Son has a true name that can be
Developments. Makura did not suffer humiliation for the discovered or divined. If the true name is spoken and the
past year to be defeated by some upstart heroes. If reduced Lesser Son of Set can hear it, it loses its Magic Resistance
to 20 or fewer hit points, he ceases attacking and offers a trait and all its saving throws are at disadvantage for 1 hour.
truce. He claims he can restore any characters turned to stone
(he can’t), and offers a Mitraic artifact in exchange for his life. ACTIONS
Rynchus, aware of the confrontation from his throne in area
Multiattack: Makura makes three petrifying bite attacks and
11 will have none of this. He casts flame strike centered on
one attack with his mace-axe. In place of his mace-axe attack,
Makura, hopefully catching one of more characters in its area
he can constrict a grappled target or make two slam attacks.
of effect. Since the lesser son doesn’t have resistance to fire or
radiant damage, and this negates his regeneration for one Petrifying Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
turn, he likely dies in the divine conflagration. creature. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage and the target
is grappled (escape DC 14). While grappled, the target is
restrained. If the target is a creature, it must succeed a DC
MAKURA, LESSER SON OF SET 13 Constitution Saving throw against being magically petri-
Large fiend (demon), chaotic evil fied. On a failed save, the creature begins to turn to stone
and is restrained. It must repeat the saving throw at the end
Armor Class: 20 (natural armor) of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends. On a failure,
Hit Points: 127 (15d10 + 45) the creature is petrified for 24 hours.
Speed: 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Mace-Axe: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage and 7 (2d6)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA bludgeoning damage.
18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) Constrict: One target that Makura has grappled takes 17
(2d12 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Saving Throws: Con +7, Int +6, Wis +5
Slam: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Damage Resistances: acid, lightning, poison
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.


Summon Minions of Set (1/Day): Makura may summon 1d6 REACTIONS
minions of Set. They appear in unoccupied spaces within
60 feet of the Lesser Son and act as allies. They remain for 1 Cleave: If a minion of Set reduces a target to 0 or fewer hit
minute or until the Lesser Son is killed or they are dismissed points, it can use its reaction to make another attack on a
with an action. different target within 5 feet of it.
This twisted fiendish humanoid has scales covering its serpentine
MINION OF SET face. It wears bronze plate armor and carries a shield emblazoned
with a coiled cobra about to strike.
Medium fiend (demon, shapechanger), chaotic evil
Armor Class: 20 (plate armor and shield)
Hit Points: 55 (10d8 + 10)
Speed: 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 1st-level enchantment
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Damage Resistances: acid, cold, fire
Components: V, S
Damage Immunities: lightning, poison, psychic Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Condition Immunities: frightened, poisoned By swaying your holy symbol and your whole body, you can
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 create a hypnotic effect that charms snakes. All snakes within
range must make a successful Wisdom saving throw or become
Languages: Abyssal, Common charmed for the duration. While charmed, the snakes are inca-
pacitated and have a speed of 0. If the snakes were aggressive
Challenge: 4 (1,100 XP)
(i.e., attacking) when this spell is cast, or they are giant varieties
Dueling: When wielding a weapon in one hand and no of snakes, their saving throw is made at advantage.
other weapons, a minion of Set gets +2 to damage rolls with
that weapon. STICKS TO SNAKES
2nd-level transmutation
Improved Critical: A minion of Set scores a critical
hit on a 19-20. Casting Time: 1 action

Magic Resistance: The minion of Set has advantage on saving Range: 120 feet
throws against spells and other magical effects. Components: V, S, M (one stick, such as a torch, per snake)

Shapechange (1/Day): A minion of Set can use its action to Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
polymorph into a giant constrictor snake or a giant poisonous This spell transforms up to eight normal sticks (at least 1 foot
snake. It can revert to its true form as an action. It takes on long, with a diameter of ½ inch) to constrictor snakes (with
the statistics of the creature as if using the spell polymorph. It maximum hit points). Roll a d20 for each snake; on an 11 or
reverts to its true form if it dies. higher it is a poisonous snake (also with maximum hit points)
instead. The snakes are friendly to you and your allies and can
be commanded to attack or perform simple duties. At the end
ACTIONS of the duration, the snakes turn back into mundane sticks.
Multiattack: The minion of Set makes two khopesh attacks. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
higher than 3rd level, you can create two additional snakes for
Khopesh: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
each slot level above 3rd level.
creature. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage. The minion can
forgo dealing damage to instead force the target to make a
DC 13 Strength saving throw or drop its weapon or shield
(minion of Set’s choice).


AREA 11 – THE AUDIENCE CHAMBER appointed ruler of this holy sanctuary”. For their troubles,
he grants them the treasure in area 10, and encourages them
When the characters pull back this tapestry (even if still to depart this sacred place in haste or face the wrath of Sobek
engaged with Makura) read the following: himself. He is haughty, proud, and over-confident. He enjoys
Beyond the southern tapestry is another chamber, triangular in mocking the characters and their pathetic abilities.
shape and sloping up toward the opposite end. Only 10 feet wide If the characters attack, Rynchus reveals a scroll under his
at the entrance, the far end of the room is 25 feet wide and 50 cloak and casts blade barrier. He then uses spiritual weapon
feet higher than where you stand. A series of 5-foot-high steps (macana), flame strike, guiding bolt (possibly cast using a
lead to the opposite end of the chamber, and the walls are covered higher spell slot), or blindness/deafness on suitable targets. If
with pictograms and hieroglyphics depicting crocodile-headed a target moves into melee range, he uses inflict wounds or his
humanoids enslaving a human population. At the far end of the enchanted rod. Once most of the characters are through the
room is a massive stone throne, similar in size and design as the barrier, he casts animate objects on the two statues (each is a
one in the main temple below. Flanking the throne are statues Large target) or insect plague as conditions warrant. If reduced
of crocodiles, heads thrown back, toothy maws agape. to 20 or fewer hit points, he uses his magic cape to dimension
Sitting on the oversized perch is a hybrid humanoid; a cross door into the secret corridor and flees the temple.
between a crocodile and a human. He wears a crimson cloak Secret Passage. In the southeast corner of the room is a secret
with black edges and a wooden rod rests on his lap. door that can be located with a successful DC 17 Wisdom
This is an audience chamber used by the high priest to engage (Perception) check. The door can only be opened if the croco-
with his close attendants in person, but also engage with his dile statue in front of it is turned clockwise a one-quarter
faithful in area 6 via the throne. The ceiling slants upward as turn. The swiveling nature of the statue base can be discov-
the elevation of the room increases to the south, maintaining ered with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
a 20-foot-high reach. The hieroglyphics are fanciful decora- check or simply with trial and error.
tions with prayers to Sobek, portents to when “the great one Beyond is a 5-foot-wide passage that winds around while
will walk among the mortals”, and various diatribes against sloping up. After nearly 500 feet, it finally terminates at a
agents of good. boulder covering the exit onto the plateau above the canyon.
Stone Steps. Six 5-foot-high stone steps lead to the opposite It requires a successful DC 22 Strength (Athletics) to move
end of the room. No skill check is required to climb these, the boulder enough to squeeze by. Rynchus uses stone shape
but each requires 10 feet of movement to scale. to bypass the boulder if he uses this route to escape.
Throne. The throne is smooth stone set with five symmetrical
aquamarine gemstones and features exquisite craftmanship SOBEK INTERVENES
with water motifs throughout. It radiates illusion magic. This
throne is one of a pair of enchanted devices, with its counter- Rynchus is a 10th level cleric, and he can spend an action
part being a similar throne in area 6. While a living creature to seek divine intervention from Sobek. This has a 10% of
sits on the throne here, once per day it can cast a specialized being granted. A suitable effect would be that of an earth-
project image, to appear sitting in the throne in area 6 among a quake spell centered in this chamber. The radius is enough to
wash of deific enhancements. See the description in that area. divert the river nearby to start flooding the upper chambers
The aquamarine gemstones can be removed with a success- while collapsing the temple. Rynchus then makes his escape
with his cape.
ful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check and a sharp,
pointed tool. Failure indicates the gemstone is ruined. The
first such gemstone removed in this fashion releases a burst
of arcane energy. All creatures within 15 feet of the throne
suffer 16 (3d10) force damage, although a successful DC 15
Intelligence saving throw reduces the damage by half. Each
intact gemstone is worth 250 gp.
The High Priest. Rynchus, a werecrocodile high priest, sits
on his throne, a master of none. He commands the characters
to stop on the first or second step while he addresses them.
He thanks them for defeating the “abomination and self-


RYNCHUS, WERECROCODILE HIGH • 5th level (2 slots): animate objects, flame strike

Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), neutral evil Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only): In humanoid
form, the werecrocodile can make two macana attacks. In
Armor Class: 14 (breastplate) in humanoid or hybrid form, hybrid form, it can make two attacks, only one of which
12 (natural armor) in crocodile form can be a bite.
Hit Points: 65 (10d8 + 20) Macana (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only): Melee Weapon
Speed: 30 ft. (swim 30 ft. in crocodile form) Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2)
slashing damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Bite (Crocodile or Hybrid Form Only): Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
15 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 9 (-1) hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage,
and the target is grappled (escape DC 12). Until the grapple
Saving Throws: Int +4, Wis +7 ends, the target is restrained, and the werecrocodile can’t bite
Skills: Stealth +3 another target. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed
a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with were-
Damage Immunities: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
crocodile lycanthropy. This saving throw must be repeated
nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered
for each turn the target is grappled.
Senses: passive Perception 13
Languages: Common (can’t speak in crocodile form) NEW MAGIC ITEMS
Challenge: 6 (2,900 XP)

Special Equipment: spell scroll (blade barrier), spell scroll (insect ROD OF THE CROCODILE
plague) cape of the mountebank, rod of the crocodile, ring of Rod, rare (requires attunement by a cleric or druid)
messaging, bronze holy symbol (Sobek), gold headdress set This rod is a wooden shaft wrapped in cured crocodile skin.
with onyx (worth 1,250 gp). The head is iron and shaped like a crocodile. This functions as
a magical mace-axe that grants a +1 bonus to hit and damage.
Hold Breath (Hybrid or Crocodile Form Only): The werecrocodile
You can use a bonus action to speak this rod’s command word
can hold its breath for 15 minutes.
and make the head of the rod transform into an animated
Shapechanger: The werecrocodile can use its action to poly- crocodile head for 1 minute. By using another bonus action
morph into a Medium-sized crocodile-human hybrid, into to speak the command word again, you return the rod to its
a Large-sized crocodile, or back into its true form, which is normal form.
humanoid. Its statistics, other than its size, speed, and AC, You can make a melee attack using the crocodile head, which
are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or has a reach of 5 ft. Your proficiency bonus applies to the attack
carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies. roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 +1 piercing damage and
the target is grappled (escape DC 12). Until this grapple ends,
Spellcasting: Rynchus is a 10th level spellcaster. His spell- the target is restrained, and the rod can’t be used to attack
casting ability is Wisdom (save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell another target.
attacks). He has the following cleric spells prepared: The crocodile head can be attacked while it is animate. It
• Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, resistance, sacred flame, has an Armor Class of 14 and has 25 hit points. If the head
spare the dying drops to 0 hit points, the rod is destroyed. As long as it’s not
destroyed, the rod regains all lost hit points when it reverts to
• 1st level (4 slots): command, guiding bolt, inflict wounds, its inanimate form.
shield of faith
• 2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person, spir- RING OF MESSAGING
itual weapon Ring, uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
• 3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, water walk This is a plain ring of twisted copper wire has three charges. As
an action, the wearer can expend a charge to cast the cantrip
• 4th level (3 slots): control water, stone shape message. All 3 charges return daily at dawn.



he defeat of Makura deals another blow to Set and
his allies controlling the region. It’s also possible the
characters have recovered another Mitraic artifact
in their defiance to Set. If this adventure is being used in
conjunction with Dark Tower, Rynchus could offer informa-
tion on the location of a hidden tomb (located in the Valley
of Tombs) that holds the secret names of one (or more) of
the Chosen Sons of Set. Such information would be valuable
during a confrontation.
Of course, it’s very likely that Rynchus escapes the clutches of
the characters and becomes a reoccurring antagonist. Unless
the temple was destroyed by the wrath of Sobek, he eventu-
ally returns and sets up a base of operations. Soon after, he
begins to attract the attention of cultists and worshipers. The
GM should determine what his ultimate objective is, but
eventually he will clash with the characters again.


Stand-alone, world-neutral adventure modules compatible with 5E. All print editions also include a
code for free PDF edition. Look for them at your local game store or www.goodman-games.com!

Original Adventures Reincarnated are an homage to the origins of our

hobby! Each volume contains high-quality scans from multiple printings
of the original first edition adventure modules, plus commentary by
gaming legends. Full fifth edition conversions are included, as well as
brand new adventure material that adds new encounters and expands the
original encounters.
The Chosen Sons of Set are the most powerful of the many reptilian
half-breeds spawned by the vile deity Set to wage battle against the
faithful of Mitra. Should a Chosen Son fall in battle, Set promotes one
of the Lesser Sons to take its place, and the cycle begins anew. But
once every 666 years, the celestial host can prevent Set from promot-
ing the Lesser Sons.
It is now that year, and if all the Chosen Sons can be defeated, Set will
be stripped of significant deific power. The adventurers just defeated
one of the Chosen Sons while exploring the ruins of Dark Tower. Now
it is a race against time to track down and defeat the three remaining
Chosen Sons of Set, from the foothills of the Mountains of the Fifth
Prince, to a forbidden oasis in the Ghetrian Desert, and finally to the
corrupt city of Mugdhad.
The Chosen Sons of Set presents three additional fully-developed 5E
adventures inspired by the classic Dark Tower, ready to continue the
campaign! Additional riches, powerful eldritch sorceries, endless glo-
ry, and grisly death can also be found in The Chosen Sons of Set!

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