Association Between Subjective Tinnitus and Cervical Spine or Temporomandibular Disorders: A Systematic Review
Association Between Subjective Tinnitus and Cervical Spine or Temporomandibular Disorders: A Systematic Review
Association Between Subjective Tinnitus and Cervical Spine or Temporomandibular Disorders: A Systematic Review
Trends in Hearing
Volume 22: 1–15
Association Between Subjective Tinnitus ! The Author(s) 2018
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Movements of the neck and jaw may modulate the loudness and pitch of tinnitus. The aim of the present study was to
systematically analyze the strength of associations between subjective tinnitus, cervical spine disorders (CSD), and temporo-
mandibular disorders (TMD). A systematic literature search of the Medline, Embase, and Pedro databases was carried out on
articles published up to September 2017. This covered studies in which tinnitus and CSD or TMD were studied as a primary
or a secondary outcome and in which outcomes were compared with a control group. Included articles were evaluated on
nine methodological quality criteria. Associations between tinnitus and CSD or TMD were expressed as odds ratios. In total,
2,139 articles were identified, of which 24 studies met the inclusion criteria. Twice, two studies were based on the same data
set; consequently, 22 studies were included in the meta-analysis. Methodological quality was generally limited by a lack of
blinding, comparability of groups, and nonvalidated instruments for assessing CSD. Results indicated that patients with
tinnitus more frequently reported CSD than subjects without tinnitus. The odds ratio was 2.6 (95% CI [1.1, 6.4]). For
TMD, a bidirectional association with tinnitus was found; odds ratios ranged from 2.3 (95%CI [1.5, 3.6]) for arthrogenous
TMD to 6.7 (95%CI [2.4, 18.8]) for unspecified TMD. Funnel plots suggested a publication bias. After adjusting for this, the
odds ratios decreased, but associations persisted. There is weak evidence for an association between subjective tinnitus and
CSD and a bidirectional association between tinnitus and TMD.
subjective tinnitus, systematic review, neck pain, temporomandibular disorder
Date received: 5 February 2018; revised: 23 July 2018; accepted: 9 August 2018
Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (http://www. which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work
is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 Trends in Hearing
peripheral auditory system (Eggermont & Roberts, 2004; Facial Muscles or Neck Pain or Masticatory Muscles
Kaltenbach, 2011; Moller, 2007; Norena & Farley, 2013; or Musculoskeletal or Trigger point or ((Head or
Roberts et al., 2010). Animal studies indicate that per- Jaw or Neck or Shoulder) and (Muscle or Pain or
ipheral damage, for example, noise trauma, results in Trauma or injuries))) (Appendix 1: electronic search
changes in spontaneous neural activity (Eggermont, strategy).
2005). The central auditory system is thought to com- Titles and abstracts were assessed for their relevance
pensate for the reduced input by upregulating the excit- by the first author (E. J. B.). In the next round, selected
ability of the central auditory neurons (Eggermont & full-text articles were retrieved and their relevance inde-
Roberts, 2012; Knipper, Van Dijk, Nunes, Ruttiger, & pendently assessed by two observers (E. J. B. and P. D.).
Zimmermann, 2013; Tyler, 1984). Interobserver agreements were expressed as Cohen’s
Two thirds of patients may experience modulations to kappa. Inclusion criteria were a cross-sectional or longi-
their subjective tinnitus through somatosensory system tudinal cohort design in which tinnitus and CSD or TMD
effects in addition to those associated with central audi- were treated as either primary or secondary outcomes
tory neurons. These patients are able to modulate the and that this group was compared with a control
loudness and pitch by muscle contractions of the neck, group. Exclusion criteria were reviews, letters to the
head, or jaw (Bjorne, 2007; Bonaconsa, Mazzoli, editor, animal studies, number of patients <10, and art-
Magnano, Milanesi, & Babighian, 2010; Levine, 1999; icles describing neck or jaw disorders caused by a
Pinchoff, Burkard, Salvi, Coad, & Lockwood, 1998; trauma. The term trauma was used as part of the
Rocha & Sanchez, 2007; Rubinstein, 1993; Sanchez, search strategy to avoid missing possibly relevant art-
Yupanque Guerra, Lorenzi, Brandao, & Bento, 2002; icles. No language restrictions were applied. In case the
Vernon, Griest, & Press, 1992). To indicate this type of authors were not able to understand an article for lan-
tinnitus, the term somatosensory tinnitus has been pro- guage reasons, it was translated. References of the stu-
posed (Levine, Abel, & Cheng, 2003). Moreover, cervical dies included were checked for relevant studies that had
spine disorders (CSD; e.g., pain, tenderness; Abel & been missed in the database searches.
Levine, 2004; Bjorne, 2007; Folmer & Griest, 2003;
Michiels, De Hertogh, Truijen, & Van de Heyning,
2015; Oostendorp et al., 2016; Reisshauer et al., 2006;
Assessment of Characteristics of Studies
Sahin, Karatas, Ozkaya, Cakmak, & Berker, 2008) or The methodological quality of the studies included was
temporomandibular disorders (TMD; Ramirez, independently judged by two observers (E.J. B. and E. A.
Ballesteros, & Sandoval, 2008) are frequently associated K.) according to nine criteria of a modified version of
with tinnitus. However, in most of these studies, the Quality Assessment of Case-Control Studies (2014). The
prevalence data are not compared with a control criteria were (1) ‘‘Was the research question or objective
group, and the strength of the association between tin- in this article clearly stated and appropriate?’’ (2) ‘‘Was
nitus and CSD or TMD remains unclear. the study population clearly specified and defined?’’ (3)
To the best of our knowledge, a systematic review of ‘‘Were controls selected or recruited from the same or
studies on the association between subjective tinnitus similar population that gave rise to the patients
and CSD or TMD has not yet been carried out. As (including the same timeframe)?’’ (4) ‘‘Were the defin-
movements of the neck and jaw may increase or decrease itions and inclusion and exclusion criteria used to iden-
the loudness and pitch of tinnitus, understanding the tify or select patients and controls valid, reliable, and
association between tinnitus and CSD or TMD is implemented consistently across all study participants?’’
important because in the future, treatment of CSD or (5) ‘‘Were the patients clearly defined and differentiated
TMD might be used to reduce tinnitus. The aim of the from controls?’’ (6) ‘‘Were the patients and controls ran-
present study was to systematically analyze the level of domly selected?’’ (7) ‘‘Were controls matched to patients
evidence for a bidirectional association between subject- on one or more attributes?’’ (8) ‘‘Were the measures of
ive tinnitus and symptoms of CSD or TMD. exposure clearly defined, valid, reliable, and imple-
mented consistently across all study participants?’’ and
(9) ‘‘Were the assessors blinded to the patient or control
Methods status of participants?’’ Criteria were scored: [þ] ¼ Yes,
[–] ¼ No, [?] ¼ Cannot be determined/unclear/ not
Identification and Selection of Studies reported. Each quality item addresses a different source
A database search was performed in Medline, Embase, of potential bias and can impact study results dispropor-
and Pedro to identify articles published within the time tionately. If, for example, only one quality item is not
period of 1966 to September 2017. The following search fulfilled, it does not mean that the study has a better
terms were used: Tinnitus and (Temporomandibular quality than a study with two quality items not fulfilled.
Joint or Jaw or Cervical Vertebrae or Neck Muscles or Therefore, the results of methodological quality
Bousema et al. 3
assessment will be described per item, without summing reference lists of the articles (Figure 1). No articles sur-
across items (see Table 2). faced in our search strategy that needed translation.
Papers retrieved by
database search (n=2139)
Duplicates (n=558)
Pezzoli et al., 2015; Ren & Isberg, 1995; Rubinstein et al., studies. Random selection of patients and controls was
1993); (b) the association between tinnitus and disorders applied in three studies. In five studies, participants were
in both neck and jaw (CSD plus TMD) in three studies matched for gender and age. In two studies, assessors
(Bonaconsa et al., 2010; Peroz, 2003; Rocha & Sanchez, were blinded. Patients and controls were recruited from
2007); (c) the association between tinnitus and TMD the same population in 16 studies.
(not specified) in six studies (Buergers et al., 2014; De Instruments to assess tinnitus, CSD, or TMD were
Felicio et al., 2008; Effat, 2016; Fernandes et al., 2013; well described in eight studies. In all eight studies, the
Park & Moon, 2014; Pekkan et al., 2010); (d) the asso- RDC/TMD (Dworkin & LeResche, 1992) was applied
ciation between tinnitus and TMDa in 11 studies (Akhter (Buergers et al., 2014; Camparis et al., 2005; De Felicio
et al., 2013; Bernhardt et al., 2004; Camparis et al., 2005; et al., 2008; de-Pedro-Herraez et al., 2016; Fernandes
Hilgenberg et al., 2012; Khedr et al., 2010; Kuttila et al., et al., 2013; Hilgenberg et al., 2012; Pekkan et al.,
2005; Parker & Chole, 1995; Peroz, 2003; Pezzoli et al., 2010; Tuz et al., 2003). Tinnitus was assessed with a
2015; Rubinstein et al., 1993; Tuz et al., 2003); and (e) single question in most of the studies (n ¼ 16). In six
the association between tinnitus and TMDm in seven studies, this question was part of the RDC/TMD
studies (Bernhardt et al., 2004; Camparis et al., 2005; (Buergers et al., 2014; Camparis et al., 2005; De Felicio
Hilgenberg et al., 2012; Peroz, 2003; Pezzoli et al., et al., 2008; Fernandes et al., 2013; Pekkan et al., 2010;
2015; Ren & Isberg, 1995; Tuz et al., 2003). Some studies Tuz et al., 2003). In all other studies (n ¼ 10), tinnitus
considered multiple associations and, as a consequence, was assessed by a single question as part of author-
belonged to more than one category (Table 1). designed questionnaires (nonvalidated). In six studies, a
physician assessed tinnitus. No information about sever-
Quality assessment. The number of quality criteria met by ity of tinnitus was reported.
the studies ranged from 1 to 7 (Table 2). The interobser- Participants were asked to report the presence of pain
ver agreement expressed as Cohen’s kappa was 0.33 in the jaw, neck, and shoulder region by means of
(absolute agreement: 64%). Criteria for study objective, author-designed (nonvalidated) questionnaires in five
population, and group discrimination were fulfilled in 21 studies (Khedr et al., 2010; Kuttila et al., 2005; Peroz,
Table 1. Overview of Studies Analysing the Association Between Tinnitus and Complaints of Neck, Shoulders, or Temporomandibular Joint in Patients and Controls.
Patients Patients Controls Controls Controls Recruitment Assessment
Author Patientsa recruitedb Patients N (,) age M (SD) Controlsa recruitedb N (,) age M (SD) methodc methodd Outcomea,e Casef Control
Table 1. Continued
Patients Patients Controls Controls Controls Recruitment Assessment
Author Patientsa recruitedb Patients N (,) age M (SD) Controlsa recruitedb N (,) age M (SD) methodc methodd Outcomea,e Casef Control
h h
Buergers et al., 2014 TMD Specialized 82 (68%) 54 (17) No TMD Specialized 869 (49%) 54 (17) Phys Phys Tinnitus 37% 4%
Lee et al., 2016g TMD Insurance 7,585 (66%) 45 (16) No TMD General/ 30.340 (66%) 45 (16) Phys Phys Tinnitus ?j ?j
Effat, 2016 TMD Specialized 104 (81%) 35 (12) No TMD General 110 (60%) 31 (8) Phys Quest Tinnitus 52% 12%
Khedr et al., 2010 Tinnitus Community 439 (46%) – No tinnitus Community 96 (–) – Quest Quest Pain in TMJ 21% 12%
database database
Hilgenberg et al., Tinnitus Specialized 100 (84%) 39 (12) No tinnitus Specialized 100 (65%) 34 (10) Phys Phys Pain in TMJ 53% 24%
2012 (RDC/TMD)
DD þ Clickingk 43% 30%
DD þ No Clicking þ 0% 1%
DD þ No Clickingk 6% 4%
Arthritis 3% 0%
Arthrosis 1% 1%
Pezzoli et al., 2015 Tinnitus þ Specialized 334 (84%) 42 (16) No tinnitus þ Specialized 917 (85%) 48 (16) Quest Phys DD ?i ?i
headache headache or
or facial pain facial pain
TMD vs. No TMD
Parker and Chole, Pain in Specialized 200 (87%) – No TMD nor General 649 (61%) – Phys Quest Tinnitus 59% 24%
1995 TMJ þ DD pain in TMJ þ DD
Tuz et al., 2003 MP in jaw þ DD Specialized 200 (83%) 30 (–) No TMD Specialized 50 (54%) 37 (–) Phys Quest Tinnitus 42% 26%
DD 44% 26%
Akhter et al., 2013 Pain in TMJ Students 543 (28%) 19 (2)h No TMD Students 1,387 (72%) 19 (2)h Quest Quest Tinnitus 48% 6%
<22 years <22 years
DD 6% 6%
DD þ Pain in TMJ 55% 6%
DD þ LMO 4% 6%
Pain in 9% 6%
DD þ Pain in 4% 6%
Table 1. Continued
Patients Patients Controls Controls Controls Recruitment Assessment
Author Patientsa recruitedb Patients N (,) age M (SD) Controlsa recruitedb N (,) age M (SD) methodc methodd Outcomea,e Casef Control
8 Trends in Hearing
Quality criteria
Author Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rubinstein 1993 þ þ þ þ þ þ – – ?
Parker and Chole 1995 þ – – ? ? ? – – ?
Ren and Isberg 1995 þ þ þ þ þ – – – ?
Peroz 2003 þ þ – þ þ ? – – ?
Tuz et al. 2003 þ þ þ þ þ – – þ ?
Bernhardt et al. 2004 þ þ þ – þ – – þ ?
Camparis et al. 2005 þ þ þ þ þ ? – þ ?
Kuttila et al. 2005 þ þ þ þ þ þ – – ?
Rocha and Sanchez 2007 þ þ þ þ þ – þ þ –
De Felicio et al. 2008 þ þ ? þ þ ? – þ ?
Bonaconsa et al. 2010 – þ ? þ þ ? þ þ –
Khedr et al. 2010 þ þ þ þ þ – þ þ ?
Pekkan et al. 2010 þ þ – þ þ ? – þ ?
Hilgenberg et al. 2012 þ þ þ þ þ ? – þ þ
Akhter et al. 2013 þ þ þ þ þ – – – ?
Fernandes et al. 2013 þ þ þ þ þ – – þ þ
Buergers et al. 2014 þ þ þ – þ – – þ ?
Park and Moon 2014 þ þ þ þ þ – – þ ?
Lee et al. 2016 þ þ þ þ þ þ þ ? ?
Pezzoli et al. 2015 þ þ þ þ þ – – þ ?
de-Pedro-Herraez et al. 2016 þ þ þ þ þ – þ ? ?
Effat 2016 þ þ – þ þ – – – ?
Note. 1. Was the research question or objective in this article clearly stated and appropriate? 2. Was the study population clearly specified and defined? 3.
Were controls selected or recruited from the same or similar population that gave rise to the cases (including the same timeframe)? 4. Were the definitions,
inclusion, and exclusion criteria used to identify or select cases and controls valid, reliable, and implemented consistently across all study participants? 5.
Were the cases clearly defined and differentiated from controls? 6. Were the cases and controls randomly selected? 7. Were controls matched to cases on
one or more attributes? 8. Were the measures of exposure clearly defined, valid, reliable, and implemented consistently across all study participants? 9.
Were the assessors blinded to the case or control status of participants? [þ] Yes, [–] No, [?] cannot be determined/unclear/not reported (modified version
of Quality Assessment of Case-Control Studies, 2014).
2003; Ren & Isberg, 1995; Rubinstein et al., 1993) or tinnitus but also about CSD. Because no data of CSD
RDC/TMD (Buergers et al., 2014; Camparis et al., were reported in the controls, these data were also not
2005; De Felicio et al., 2008; Fernandes et al., 2013; included in the meta-analysis.
Hilgenberg et al., 2012; Pekkan et al., 2010; Tuz et al.,
2003). In the other studies, participants were asked to Tinnitus and CSD. One study (Khedr et al., 2010) did
report pain provoked during physical examination of not and three studies did find a significant association
that region, such as assessment of myofascial trigger between myofascial pain in the neck region and tinnitus.
points (TrPs; Simons, Travell, & Simons, 1999). In one All studies investigated CSD in patients with and with-
study, a physician was trained to deliver a standardized out tinnitus. The study-size weighted odds ratios ranged
finger pressure for evaluating TrPs (Bernhardt et al., from 1.2 to 10.9, with an overall odds ratio of 2.6 (95%
2004). In another study, an algometer was used for CI [1.1, 6.4]; Figure 2).
assessment of TrPs (Hilgenberg et al., 2012).
Tinnitus and CSD plus TMD. All three studies analyz-
Meta-analysis. The results of Lee et al. (2016) were ing the association between tinnitus and CSD plus TMD
reported as hazard ratios (tinnitus with and without found a significant association between myofascial com-
TMD, Crude HR ¼ 2.73, p < .001) instead of odds plaints in head, jaw, neck, or shoulders. All studies inves-
ratios and were not included in the meta-analysis. tigated CSD plus TMD in patients with and without
Rubinstein et al. (1993) reported not only significant dif- tinnitus. All patients were recruited from specialized hos-
ferences in TMD between patients with and without pitals. Of these patients, 67% to 83% perceived tinnitus.
Bousema et al. 9
Figure 2. Forest plot of the association between tinnitus and CSD or TMD differentiated into five categories.
Adjusted odds ratios: To adjust for potential publication bias, Duval and Tweedie’s (2000) nonparametric trim-and-fill approach to impute
theoretical missing studies was applied.
CSD ¼ cervical spine disorders; TMD ¼ temporomandibular disorders; TMDa ¼ TMD arthrogenous; TMDm ¼ TMD myogenous.
The study-size weighted odds ratios ranged from 4.9 to 2016; Fernandes et al., 2013). Overall, 37% to 88% of
7.0, with an overall odds ratio 5.5 (95% CI [3.4, 9.0]). patients with TMD who were recruited from specialized
TMD clinics perceived tinnitus. The study-size weighted
Tinnitus and TMD (not specified). All studies but one odds ratios ranged from 1.7 to 44.3, with an overall odds
(De Felicio et al., 2008) found an association between ratio of 6.7 (95% CI [2.4, 18.8]).
tinnitus and TMD (not specified). One study investigated
TMD in patients with and without tinnitus (Park & Tinnitus and TMDa. Eight out of 11 studies found a
Moon, 2014). Conversely, five studies investigated tin- significant association between tinnitus and TMDa. Of
nitus in patients with and without TMD (Buergers the patients who were recruited from specialized TMD
et al., 2014; De Felicio, De Oliveira, Nunes, Jeronymo, clinics, 20% to 59% perceived tinnitus; when recruited
& Ferreira-Jeronymo, 1999; De Felicio et al., 2008; Effat, elsewhere, 21% to 48% perceived tinnitus. Eight studies
10 Trends in Hearing
investigated TMDa in patients with and without tinnitus tinnitus more frequently experienced TMD than sub-
(Bernhardt et al., 2004; Camparis et al., 2005; Hilgenberg jects without tinnitus, and, vice versa, patients with
et al., 2012; Khedr et al., 2010; Kuttila et al., 2005; Peroz, TMD experienced tinnitus more frequently compared
2003; Pezzoli et al., 2015; Rubinstein, 1993). Conversely, with subjects without TMD. For CSD, the results
three studies examined tinnitus in patients with and with- only revealed a unidirectional relationship. Thus,
out TMDa (Akhter et al., 2013; Parker & Chole, 1995; patients with tinnitus more frequently reported CSD.
Tuz et al., 2003). Temporomandibular disc displace- None of the included studies reported on the reverse
ments was investigated in four studies (Akhter et al., relation, that is, whether patients with CSD have an
2013; Camparis et al., 2005; Hilgenberg et al., 2012; increased probability to experience tinnitus. Meta-ana-
Pezzoli et al., 2015), while pain or noises in the TMJ lysis showed that patients with tinnitus have an average
were studied in the other studies. The study-size weighted of 2.6 and 6.7 times greater risk of reporting CSD or
odds ratios ranged from 1.2 to 9.9, with an overall odds TMD, respectively.
ratio 2.3 (95% CI [1.5, 3.6]).
Bias and Quality Assessment
Tinnitus and TMDm. All seven studies found a signifi-
cant association between tinnitus and TMDm. These Almost all studies reported a significant association
studies examined myofascial pain in the jaw region. between tinnitus and CSD or TMD, which may suggest
Five studies investigated TMDm in patients with and a risk of publication bias. This bias seems to be con-
without tinnitus (Bernhardt et al., 2004; Camparis firmed by the absence of data points on the left side of
et al., 2005; Hilgenberg et al., 2012; Leher, Dietrich, & the funnel plots in Figure 3(b), (c), and (e). When theor-
Peroz, 2003; Pezzoli et al., 2015). One study investigated etical missing studies were imputed, the adjusted odds
tinnitus in patients with and without TMDm (Tuz et al., ratios for these items reduced, but an association per-
2003). Patients were recruited from specialized TMD sisted. In Figure 3(d), one theoretical missing study is
clinics. The study-size weighted odds ratios ranged imputed in the right side of the funnel plot causing a
from 1.3 to 10.0, with an overall odds ratio of 4.1 minimum increment of the adjusted odds ratio. This
(95% CI [2.1, 8.1]). might be caused by a systematic difference between the
Finally, three studies investigated laterality between studies of higher precision and the only study of lower
unilateral tinnitus and unilateral TMD (Buergers et al., precision. In the analysis, one outlier was found with an
2014; Ren & Isberg, 1995; Rocha & Sanchez, 2007). In odds ratio of 44.3 (Pekkan et al., 2010). Quality assess-
two studies, all the participants had both conditions on ment could not sufficiently explain this outlier, except
the same side (Buergers et al., 2014; Ren & Isberg, 1995), that the sample size was small.
while the contralateral TMJ region was asymptomatic in The methodological quality assessment showed that
94% (Ren & Isberg, 1995). The third study found an only in a few studies were the assessors blinded (2/22)
association of laterality in 56.5% (p > .001) of the and the patients and controls randomly selected (3/22) or
patients between the tinnitus side (or the side with the matched for gender and age (5/22; Table 2). Despite this
worst tinnitus) and the side of the body with most TrPs shortcoming, no studies found a significant difference
(Rocha & Sanchez, 2007). regarding distribution of gender or mean age between
comparison groups. Further, in some studies, patients
Publication bias. Based on the funnel plots (Figure 3(a) and controls were not recruited from the same popula-
to (e)), publication bias was suggested regarding the tion. For instance, patients visiting a specialized TMD
association between tinnitus and CSD/TMD, TMD clinic were compared with controls visiting a dentist for
(not specified), and TMDm. The overall odds ratio minimal dental care. Consequently, recruitment from
reduced after trim and fill from 5.5 to 4.9 for the associ- different populations may result in differences between
ation with CSD/TMD, from 6.7 to 4.5 for the associ- groups that influence outcomes. To analyze effects of
ation with TMD (not specified), and from 4.1 to 3.3 quality, we initially intended to perform a meta-regres-
for the association with TMDm (Duval & Tweedie, sion to explore associations between quality criteria of
2000). studies and their outcomes. After reviewing the results,
however, we decided to refrain from meta-regression
because quality criteria were either met in the vast major-
Discussion ity of studies or not met, resulting in a skewed distribu-
tion between studies.
Summary of Main Results Instead of a validated questionnaire such as the
In the majority of the studies, a significant association Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (Newman, Jacobson, &
between tinnitus and TMD was identified. This rela- Spitzer, 1996), tinnitus was often assessed by means of
tionship is bidirectional meaning that, patients with a single question as part of the RDC/TMD or other
Bousema et al. 11
Figure 3. Funnel plots of studies regarding association between tinnitus and CSD or TMD. (a) Association between tinnitus and CSD;
(b) association between tinnitus and CSD and TMD; (c) association between tinnitus and TMD (not specified); (d) association between
tinnitus and TMD (arthrogenous); (e) association between tinnitus and TMD (myogenous).
[o] ¼ Studies included.
[] ¼ Imputed studies to adjust a summary odds ratio in light of these ‘‘missing’’ studies, compensating for the risk of publication bias (Duval
& Tweedie, 2000).
Open and closed rhombuses represent the mean log odds ratios before and after study imputation, respectively (Duval & Tweedie, 2000).
CSD ¼ cervical spine disorders; TMD ¼ temporomandibular disorders.
questionnaire. Thus, only information on the presence, value, but with an acceptable absolute agreement. After
and not about the severity, of tinnitus was provided. It is discussion, however, consensus was reached on all topics.
therefore unclear whether severity of tinnitus affected the Classifying studies according to their risk of bias was con-
associations. sidered, but it was impossible to state at which level and in
As only one author screened abstracts, titles, and which direction the individual quality items contributed to
selected full texts, studies may have been missed. To a study’s risk of bias. Therefore, the results of methodo-
reduce the chance of missing studies, references of the logical quality assessment are described.
included studies were checked. In exploring the association between tinnitus and
We used a modified version of Quality Assessment of TMD, we combined studies recruiting patients with tin-
Case-Control Studies for methodological quality assess- nitus in a TMD clinic and studies recruiting patients with
ment of case-control, cross-sectional, and cohort studies. TMD in a tinnitus clinic. This might have induced selec-
A negative feature of this tool was that the quality criteria tion bias, but as the association was bidirectional, this
were widely interpretable, which resulted in a low kappa analysis did not appear to influence results.
12 Trends in Hearing
The majority of the studies exploring the association and CSD and TMD (Dehmel, Cui, & Shore, 2008). In
between TMD and tinnitus are of acceptable quality, and addition, in case of cochlear damage, this connection is
almost all found an association between TMD and tin- upregulated, as over a time interval of days after reduced
nitus. However, we found no high-quality studies, as auditory nerve input, responses to somatosensory stimu-
each study had at least one critical unfilled individual lation are heightened (Shore, Roberts, & Langguth,
quality criterion, such as lack of blinding or compar- 2016). The interaction between both systems might
ability of the groups, which could have contributed explain why tinnitus sufferers can modulate the loudness
to a study’s risk of bias. Based on the Grading of and pitch of their tinnitus (Ralli et al., 2016; Shore et al.,
Recommendations Assessment, Development and 2016). It is also conceivable that based on stochastic res-
Evaluation level of evidence scale, we qualified the over- onance, the somatosensory input may lead to the devel-
all level of evidence for this association as low (Grading opment of subjective tinnitus, as it may lift subthreshold
of Recommendations Assessment, Development and auditory nerve input to the CN above detection thresh-
Evaluation, 2017). old (Krauss et al., 2016).
In addition, we found no high-quality studies explor- The association between tinnitus and CSD or TMD is
ing the association between CDS and tinnitus. In con- mostly ipsilateral (Buergers et al., 2014; Ren & Isberg,
trast to the good clinometric properties of the instrument 1995; Rocha & Sanchez, 2007). This suggests that neural
assessing TMD, CSD was assessed only by means of interactions between CSD or TMD and tinnitus are
author-designed questionnaires or by examination for based on neural circuits that are sensitive to (mostly)
tenderness or TrPs. The latter was almost always per- ipsilateral stimuli. This is consistent with the functional
formed by means of palpation and only once by means connections between the spinal trigeminal nucleus and
of pressure algometry. Therefore, we also qualified the the CN, which are both located peripheral to major
overall level of evidence for this association as low. neural decussations in the brainstem (Gelfand, 2009;
Somayaji & Rao, 2014). Thus, the possible ipsilateral
association between tinnitus and CSD or TMD is con-
Explanatory Models sistent with a cross-modal mechanism between the tri-
A frequently described explanation for subjective som- geminal systems and the CN.
atosensory tinnitus is that a TMJ disorder (e.g., disc dis- To better understand a possible underlying mechan-
placement) or hypertonia of the masticatory muscles ism, further exploration of the association between tin-
might influence middle ear muscle tension or ventilation nitus and CSD or TMD is needed. This could include not
through an anatomical connection (e.g., the tensor only the relationship of CSD or TMD to unilateral tin-
veli palatini, the eustachian tube, or several ligaments). nitus but also the different symptoms of TMD, such as
These influences would generate afferent signals that disc derangement and pain, in relation to tinnitus.
would—via the cochlear nerve—influence the auditory
pathways (for review, see Ramirez et al., 2008).
However, as tinnitus and its somatosensory modulation
Clinical Implications
can persist after cutting the system off at the auditory This review implies that physical examination of the
nerve (D. M. Baguley, Axon, Winter, & Moffat, 2002; TMJ and the neck region may help explain some phe-
House & Brackmann, 1981), these peripheral explan- nomena described by patients with tinnitus. However,
ations cannot provide the sole explanation. Recently, our study does not provide information on possible
studies have shown anatomical and functional connec- effects of treatment of CSD or TMD on tinnitus.
tions between the trigeminal and dorsal column systems Nevertheless, explaining the existence of a possible asso-
of the somatosensory system and the cochlear nucleus ciation to the patient might support the patient’s ability
(CN) of the auditory system in the medulla oblongata to understand and cope with tinnitus.
(Shore & Zhou, 2006). The spinal trigeminal nucleus
receives nociceptive and proprioceptive input from the
head, face, oral structures, TMJ, and cervical spine
(C1–C3) and projects to the CN (Shore, 2011). A pos- Future studies investigating the association of tinnitus
sible functional role of the auditory-somatosensory inter- with CSD or TMD should focus on improving methodo-
actions involves the differentiation between external logical quality, such as blinding and ensuring compar-
auditory signals and those generated by the body itself ability of groups, and using validated instruments for
(Shore, 2005). This functional connection in the brain- diagnosing tinnitus and symptoms of CSD. CSD and
stem between the auditory and somatosensory system TMD should also be evaluated on the side corresponding
might mediate an association between subjective tinnitus to the lateralization of the perceived tinnitus.
Bousema et al. 13
Conclusion Buergers, R., Kleinjung, T., Behr, M., & Vielsmeier, V. (2014).
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Camparis, C. M., Formigoni, G., Teixeira, M. J., & De
association between subjective tinnitus and CSD/TMD,
Siqueira, J. T. T. (2005). Clinical evaluation of tinnitus in
TMD (not specified), and TMDm may be overestimated patients with sleep bruxism: Prevalence and characteristics.
due to publication bias in the available studies. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 32(11), 808–814. DOI:
Declaration of Conflicting Interests Chole, R. A., & Parker, W. S. (1992). Tinnitus and ver-
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with tigo in patients with temporomandibular disorder.
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article. 118(8), 817–821.
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Funding R. S. Tyler (Ed.), Tinnitus handbook (pp. 1–23). San Diego,
The authors received no financial support for the research, CA: Singular, Thomson Learning.
authorship, and/or publication of this article. De Felicio, C. M., De Oliveira, J. A. A., Nunes, L. D. J.,
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