The Cretaceous Corals of Mexico: Occurrences and History of Research

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52 Revista

FilkornMexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, v. 20, núm. 1, 2003, p. 52-78

The Cretaceous corals of Mexico:

occurrences and history of research

Harry F. Filkorn

Department of Invertebrate Paleontology, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County,

900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California USA 90007
[email protected]


An extensive, detailed compilation of the known occurrences and described species of Creta-
ceous scleractinian corals in the country of Mexico, based almost entirely on published scientific
literature, is presented for the first time. Cretaceous corals have been reported from more than 170
localities in more than 200 published studies dating from at least as early as 1839. Unfortunately,
relatively few of these 200 publications actually described coral species: the entire research history
on Mexican Cretaceous coral systematic paleontology is contained in only 16 studies. A total of 116
coral species have been described from these occurrences, inclusive of unnamed coral species and
with previously suggested synonymies taken into consideration. Overall the coral occurrences span
nearly the entire Cretaceous Period, from the Berriasian through the Maastrichtian, but at least 60
percent of them are from the Early Cretaceous. Furthermore, the vast majority (about 90 percent) of
the total number of Mexican Cretaceous coral species are known from the Early Cretaceous. Based
on these data, it seems likely that many of the Cretaceous corals of Mexico are still unknown. The
detailed review of the literature on Mexican Cretaceous corals presented in this study establishes a
modern foundation for future investigations of the paleobiogeography and systematic paleontology
of the members of this significant group of reef-building organisms.

Key words: corals, Cretaceous, Mexico, research history.


Con base en la revisión de literatura científica, se presenta por primera ocasión una compila-
ción extensiva de la ocurrencia de especies descritas de corales escleractinios del Cretácico de
México. A partir de 1839, más de 200 publicaciones reportan corales del Cretácico para más de 170
localidades. Desafortunadamente, muy pocas de estas 200 investigaciones publican descripciones de
especies de corales: la historia de la investigación acerca de corales fósiles de México está conteni-
da en tan solo 16 artículos. Un total de 116 especies han sido descritas en estos trabajos, incluyendo
especies que no fueron determinadas y especies con sinónimos previamente descritas. Los reportes
de estos corales fósiles abarcan prácticamente todo el Periodo Cretácico, del Berriasiano al Maas-
trichtiano. De estos reportes, el 60 % corresponde al Cretácico Inferior. En relación a las especies
formalmente descritas, el 90 % fueron reportadas para el Cretácico Inferior. Con base en estos
datos, es muy probable que existan especies cretácicas aún sin describir. Este informe establece la
base para futuras investigaciones sobre la paleontología sistemática y paleobiogeografía de los
miembros de este importante grupo de constructores de arrecife.

Palabras clave: Corales, Cretácico, México, revisión histórica.

The Cretaceous corals of Mexico: occurrences and history of research 53

INTRODUCTION (see Table 1) and many discovered faunas remain to be

described. The fauna of 34 coral species described more
The earliest reported discovery of Cretaceous than a century ago from the Lower Cretaceous of south-
corals in Mexico was made more than 160 years ago. eastern Mexico (Felix, 1891) is still the most diverse
Since that time, many studies have noted occurrences occurrence of corals known from that region. This seems
of fossil corals in the Cretaceous System of Mexico, unusual because a few studies which concentrated solely
but relatively few of these works actually provided on Cretaceous corals have subsequently been made in
detailed taxonomic descriptions of the coral species. that same region of Mexico. Corals frequently are abun-
Furthermore, despite the numerous studies of many dant and often diverse whenever they occur, but the
other Cretaceous invertebrate groups over the past skeletal features necessary for accurate taxonomy, even
century and a half, the corals of the entire Mexican at the family and genus level, typically are poorly pre-
Cretaceous System were rarely studied and they remain served or entirely obliterated by recrystallization. The
largely unknown. Therefore, the ultimate purpose of this unfortunate mineralogic instability of the aragonitic
report is to provide a detailed review of literature and scleractinian skeleton has no doubt been one of the
previously described coral species that will serve as a major hindrances to the development of knowledge
modern foundation for future work on the Cretaceous about the fossil record of this fascinating group of
corals of Mexico. marine animals.
The Cretaceous corals of Mexico are important Despite the importance of these Cretaceous coral
with regard to studies of global paleoceanographic faunas, there have been relatively few reviews of
and paleobiogeographic conditions because most of the occurrences or coral species that are known from
continental Mexico was centrally positioned in the Mexico. Compilations or reviews of Cretaceous Mexican
path of western Tethyan surface currents through the coral occurrences, either fairly complete or regionally
tropics during most if not all of the Cretaceous. There- specific in scope, were included in articles by Aguilera
fore, when utilized as a proxy for paleoecologic condi- (1897b, 1906, 1907), Freudenberg (1921), Burckhardt
tions and paleoceanographic surface currents, the bio- (1930), Wells (1933), Müllerried (1933b, 1934, 1941,
geographic distributions of Cretaceous coral species 1942a), Schuchert (1935), Imlay (1944a, 1944b),
from Mexico and adjacent regions are key indicators Maldonado-Koerdell (1950, 1953), Chubb (1959), and
of Tethyan surface current flow patterns between the Barceló-Duarte (1978). Some of the occurrence informa-
European realm, the equatorial Caribbean realm and tion presented in this report was derived from these
the ancestral Pacific realm during Cretaceous time. sources.
Regional and global comparisons of coral species identi- The previous studies of Cretaceous corals in
fied from these regions also will help facilitate recon- Mexico are reviewed in the following discussion. The
structions of their paleobiogeographic histories and evo- discussion encompasses works that include taxonomic
lution. However, due to a general lack of knowledge treatments of Cretaceous corals as well as other works
about the distribution and taxonomy of Mexican Creta- that contain relevant information on the occurrences and
ceous corals and coral reefs, the potential significance the stratigraphic and geographic distributions of Creta-
and implications of these organisms have yet to be real- ceous corals in Mexico. These studies are presented in
ized fully. Ideally, the information presented in this chronologic order based on year of publication, with
report will help to further work on the Cretaceous corals some exceptions, through the 1980s. The discussion for
of the New World. the studies published during the 1990s and later is
The objectives of this study are: to review the arranged by geographic region in order to provide a
published literature concerning the Cretaceous scler- more cohesive review of numerous coral occurrences
actinian corals of Mexico; to state the locations and ages that otherwise would have been difficult to synthesize.
of Cretaceous coral occurrences reported in this litera- The coral species from Mexico that are described in the
ture; to compile a list of coral species that have been articles cited below are listed in Table 1. Although the
described from Cretaceous occurrences in Mexico; and, literature cited may seem extensive, it probably is not
if known, to list the institution in which each of the exhaustive and undoubtedly many Cretaceous coral
collections of studied coral specimens is deposited. occurrences may have been missed. Nonetheless, the
This information will be of great significance in future following review of the literature certainly presents the
studies of Cretaceous paleoecology, paleobiogeography essential work on Mexican Cretaceous coral taxonomy
and paleoceanography, both regionally within North along with much of the necessary occurrence informa-
America and globally. Furthermore, for completeness tion that is required for future investigations of this sub-
and to provide taxonomic documentation, the references ject. The positions of many of the Cretaceous coral
for the original authors of all coral species listed herein occurrences discussed in this report are plotted on the
have been included in the bibliographic references. map shown in Figure 1.
Over the past century the knowledge on the taxo- Any omissions are solely the responsibility of
nomic diversity of Mexican Cretaceous corals has the author. Comments, additions and corrections pertain-
increased gradually, but the additions have been sporadic ing to the subject of this report are welcomed and
54 Filkorn

Table 1. List of the coral species described from the Cretaceous of Mexico. The author of each study, the formation name and age of each occurrence
if known, the Mexican state, and the coral species described are listed in chronologic order based on year of publication. Refer to the text for discus-

Author Formation/Age State Described species

Conrad (1857) Lower Cretaceous Chihuahua Turbinolia texana Conrad, 1857

Urquiza (1883) Probably middle Cretaceous Michoacán Trochoseris sinuosa Fromentel, 1857
Thamnastrea pediculata Fromentel, 1857

Felix (1891) Probably Zapotitlán Fm.; Puebla Porites sp.

Barremian - Aptian Thamnaraea holmoides Felix, 1891
Polyphylloseris polymorpha Felix, 1891
Thamnastraea xipei Felix, 1891
Thamnastraea barcenai Felix, 1891
Thamnastraea cf. T. stricta Fromentel, 1857
Thamnastraea tenochi Felix, 1891
Thamnastraea crespoi Felix, 1891
Mastophyllia conophora Felix, 1891
Latimaeandra steini Felix, 1891
Latimaeandra sauteri Felix, 1891
Latimaeandra montezumae Felix, 1891
Latimaeandra tulae Felix, 1891
Latimaeandra (?) sp.
Cyathoseris petalophyes Felix, 1891
Siderofungia zitteli Felix, 1891
Siderofungia irregularis Felix, 1891
Thamnoseris arborescens Felix, 1891
Calamophyllia sandbergeri Felix, 1891
Cladophyllia miroi Felix, 1891
Hydnophyllia wollheimi Felix, 1891
Cryptocoenia neocomiensis d'Orbigny, 1850a
Cryptocoenia micrommatos Felix, 1891
Cyathophora atempa Felix, 1891
Phyllocoenia cyclops Felix, 1891
Phyllocoenia nannodes Felix, 1891
Astrocoenia globosa (Fromentel, 1887)
Latusastraea cf. L. polygonalis (Fromentel, 1862)
Latusastraea provincialis (d'Orbigny, 1850a)
Eugyra neocomiensis Fromentel, 1857
Eugyra cotteaui Fromentel, 1857
Dendrogyra mariscali Felix, 1891
Stylophora tehuacanensis Felix, 1891
Prohelia anomalos Felix, 1891

Gregory (1899) From a Neocomian limestone San Luis Potosí Stylina collinsi Gregory, 1899

Aguilera, in Böse (1910) Lower Cretaceous Chihuahua Trochosmilia (Coelosmilia) texana (Conrad, 1857)
Trochosmilia (Coelosmilia) chihuahuensis Aguilera, in
Böse, 1910
Placosmilia bravoensis Aguilera, in Böse, 1910
Placosmilia mexicana Aguilera, in Böse, 1910

Wells (1933) From an Aptian limestone Durango Orbicella whitneyi Wells, 1932, n. var.

Imlay (1940) Carbonera Fm.; Valanginian Durango Astrocoenia hispaniensis Imlay, 1940
The Cretaceous corals of Mexico: occurrences and history of research 55

Table 1. Continued.

Author Formation/Age State Described species

Wells (1946) Several units; Durango, Sonora, Stephanocoenia guadalupae minor Wells, 1946
Lower Cretaceous Coahuila Isastrea whitneyi Wells, 1932
(see text for datails) Montlivaltia coahuilensis Wells, 1946
Montlivaltia burckhardti Wells, 1946
Placocoenia n. sp. Wells, 1946
Axosmilia mexicana Wells, 1946

Maldonado-Koerdell (1950) Upper Campanian strata Chiapas Trochocyathus cf. T. woolmani Vaughan, 1900
Trochosmilia sp.

Reyeros-Navarro (1963) San Juan Raya Fm.; Aptian Puebla Thamnasteria crespoi (Felix, 1891)
Thamnasteria decipiens (Michelin, 1845)
Thamnasteria felixi Reyeros-Navarro, 1963
Procyathophora aguilerai Reyeros-Navarro, 1963
Procyathophora poblana Reyeros-Navarro, 1963
Cyathophora atempa Felix, 1891
Stylina vaughani Reyeros-Navarro, 1963
Baryphyllia confusa (d'Orbigny, 1850b)
Felixastraea mexicana Reyeros Navarro, 1963
Polyphylloseris conophora (Felix, 1891)
Complexastrea cyclops (Felix, 1891)
Plesiastrea sulcatilamellosa (Michelin, 1841)

Myers (1968) Cárdenas Fm.; Maastrichtian San Luis Potosí Epistreptophyllum sp.
Trochoseris sp.
Synastrea sp.
Leptoria sp.
Cladocora sp.
Lithostrotionoides sp.

Wolleben (1977) Tanque Fm.; Upper Cretaceous Coahuila Trochocyathus gardnerae Wells, 1933

Reyeros de Castillo (1983) Several units; Oaxaca Actinastrea cf. A. decaphylla madagascariensis Alloiteau,
Lower and middle Cretaceous 1958
Thamnastraea xipei (Felix, 1891)
Thamnastraea crespoi (Felix, 1891)
Cyathophora haysensis Wells, 1932
Stylosmilia gregorii Wells, 1944
Stylina sucrensis Wells, 1944
Stylina tehuacanensis (Felix, 1891)
Myriophyllia neocomiensis (Fromentel, 1857)
Calamophyllia sandbergeri Felix, 1891
Baryphyllia confusa (d'Orbigny, 1850b)
Periseris irregularis (Felix, 1891)
Brachyseris morchella (Reuss, 1854)
Meandrophyllia montezumae (Felix, 1891)
Thecosmilia tobleri Koby, 1897
Thecosmilia oaxaquensis Reyeros de Castillo, 1983
Elasmophyllia tolmachoffana (Wells, 1932)
Cladophyllia stewartae Wells, 1944
Plesiastrea sulcatilamellosa (Michelin, 1841)
Diploastrea harrisi Wells, 1932

Waite (1986) Sierra Madre Limestone; Chiapas Hydnophora sp.

middle to Upper Cretaceous Multicolumnastraea sp.
56 Filkorn

Table 1. Continued.

Author Formation/Age State Described species

Astreopora? sp.
Cyathophora sp.

Scott and González-León Espinazo del Diablo Fm.; Sonora Stylosmilia sp.
(1991) middle Albian Thamnasteria sp.
Cladophyllia furcifera Roemer, 1888
Columnocoenia ksiazkiewiczi Morycowa, 1964

Baron-Szabo and Cerro del Oro, Espinazo del Sonora Columactinastraea sp.
González-León (1999) Diablo, and Nogal fms., upper Myriophyllia propria Sikharulidze, 1979
Barremian to middle Albian Pseudomyriophyllia turnsekae Baron-Szabo and Steuber,
Felixigyra patruliusi patruliusi Morycowa, 1971
Dermosmilia cretacica Turnšek and Buser, 1974
Thecosmilia bassanii Prever, 1909
Columastrea paucipaliformis Baron-Szabo and González,
Columnocoenia bucovinensis Morycowa, 1971
Columnocoenia ksiazkiewiczi Morycowa, 1964
Columnocoenia minima Baron-Szabo and González-León,

Placophyllia bandeli Baron-Szabo, 1998

Isastraea cf. I. neocomiensis Fromentel, 1857
Heliocoenia rarauensis Morycowa, 1971
Cladophyllia mexicana Baron-Szabo and González-León,
Pentacoenia pulchella d'Orbigny, 1850a
Cyathophora miyakoensis (Eguchi, 1936)
Cyathophora haysensis Wells, 1932
Pleurostylina major Baron-Szabo and González-León,

Amphiastraea aethiopica Dietrich, 1926

Keriophyllia roniewiczae Baron-Szabo and
González-León, 1999

Pleurophyllia aff. P. trichotoma Fromentel, 1856

Latusastrea provincialis (d'Orbigny, 1850b)
Thecidiosmilia morycowae Ko³odziej, 1995
Preverastraea paronai (Prever, 1909)
Stiboriopsis sonoraensis Baron-Szabo and González-León,

Meandrophyllia cf. M. lotharinga (Michelin, 1843)

Polyastropsis arnaudi Alloiteau, 1957
Microsolena distefanoi (Prever, 1909)
Microsolena kobyi Prever, 1909
Meandraraea meandroides Koby, 1898
Mycetaraea aff. M. dimorpha (Bölsche, 1867 [sic, 1866])
Dermoseris sp.
Fungiastraea crespoi (Felix, 1891)
Latiastraea mucronata Sikharulidze, 1979
Synastraea decipiens (Michelin, 1845)
Mixastraea westfalica Löser, 1993
The Cretaceous corals of Mexico: occurrences and history of research 57

Figure 1. Outline map of Mexico showing locations of most of the main Cretaceous coral occurrences discussed in the text. Hue. = Huetamo. Posi-
tions of Mexico City (star), Puerto Vallarta and Ac apulco shown for points of reference.

appreciated by the author. The majority of this report is locality between El Paso [now Ciudad Juárez], State of
from the section on previous studies in the author's Chihuahua, and Frontera was described in that report:
dissertation (Filkorn, 2001). Turbinolia texana Conrad, 1857 (p. 144, pl. 2, fig. 3a, b).
The type specimen is at the United States National
Museum (Wells, 1933, p. 136). This same coral species
CRETACEOUS CORAL OCCURRENCES AND was later reported from a locality called "Cerro de las
HISTORY OF RESEARCH Conchas" in the Cretaceous rocks east of Arivechi, State
of Sonora (Gabb, 1864, p. 154; Rémond, 1866, p. 252;
Explorations during the 1800s: the early discoveries Gabb, 1869, p. 276; Heilprin, 1891, p. 451). Another
coral species, reported only as a "favositiform coral"
One of the earliest mentions of Cretaceous corals and not described, was collected from the Cretaceous
in Mexico was reported from the vicinity of Jalapa rocks at Nugal, in the neighboring State of Chihuahua
(Xalapa), State of Veracruz, in 1839; this notice also in- (Gabb, 1872, p. 263).
cluded the first recognized occurrence of Cretaceous The first Cretaceous coral species reported from
limestone in Mexico (Galeotti, 1839). The corals of this the State of Michoacán were discovered in the western
area have never been described. The following year, fos- part of the state during explorations in the district of
sil bivalves, echinoderms and accumulations of corals Coalcomán (Urquiza, 1883, p. 41-42, figs. 20-23). The
were reported from a locality to the south-southwest of two species described and illustrated in that early report
Jalapa, in the vicinity of Tehuacán, State of Puebla (Nyst were referred to species that were originally described
and Galeotti, 1840, p. 220). The age of this fauna ini- from Europe, Trochoseris sinuosa and Thamnastrea
tially was regarded as Jurassic, but later it was deter- pediculata Fromentel, 1857 (p. 20, pl. 1, figs. 11, 12, and
mined to be Cretaceous, probably Aptian (Cotteau, p. 61, pl. 9, figs. 6, 7, respectively). A few years later, in
1890). a review of the geology and paleontology of the Creta-
Probably the earliest description of a Cretaceous ceous deposits of Mexico, both of these taxonomic deter-
coral from Mexico was made in the Report on the United minations were considered to be erroneous (Heilprin,
States and Mexican Boundary Survey published in 1891, p. 460; also see Aguilera, 1897b, p. 214). No
1857. Only one solitary coral species collected from a additional occurrences of these two coral species have
58 Filkorn

been reported in any subsequent studies of Mexican occurrences of Upper Cretaceous corals at several locali-
Cretaceous corals. ties in the State of Chiapas in 1894 and listed five coral
The species of a diverse Cretaceous (Neocomian) taxa from near Tuxtla Gutiérrez: Heliopora, Leptophyl-
invertebrate fauna discovered near Tehuacán, State of lia, Goniastraea, Stylina, and Cryptocoenia (Sapper,
Puebla, were listed (Felix and Lenk, 1891a, p. 123) in a 1894, p. 203-204). These data were reiterated in several
summary report on the geology of Puebla in 1891. The subsequent papers (Sapper, 1896a, p. 6; 1896b, p. 941-
descriptions of these species were published in the suc- 942; 1899, p. 12; Schuchert, 1935, p. 328; Sapper, 1937,
ceeding article in the same journal volume (Felix, 1891). p. 30; Maldonado-Koerdell, 1950, p. 181; Chubb, 1959,
The latter study, "Versteinerungen aus der mexi- p. 753), but none of the species was ever described.
canischen Jura– und Kreide-Formation" by Johannes Additional reports of these corals from the State of
Felix, included the first substantial taxonomic treatment Chiapas were not found and it seems that the coral fau-
of Mexican Cretaceous corals: 34 coral species were nas of this area have not been studied.
described, including 25 that were designated new species In an early outline of the geology of Mexico, José
(Felix, 1891, p. 142-162, pls. 22-25). Felix's (1891) coral G. Aguilera (1897a, p. 85, 87) noted the occurrence of
specimens reportedly are in the Johannes Felix Collec- abundant Cretaceous corals near Zapotitlán, State of
tion (Perrilliat, 1989) at the University in Leipzig, Ger- Puebla, and listed two species that were described previ-
many, but the collection is not accessible (H. Löser, per- ously by Felix (1891), Cyathophora atempa and Dendro-
sonal commun., 1997). The coral species described by gyra mariscali. Additionally, in a synopsis of the geol-
Felix (1891) are listed in Table 1. Locality information ogy of Mexico that was published as the second part of
was not given with the species descriptions because the the work cited above, Aguilera (1897b) reported a Creta-
precise geographic position of the coral locality and a ceous species of Montlivautia [sic] (p. 199) and listed
brief description of the geology at that site were pro- (p. 214-215) the coral species that were described previ-
vided in the preceding report (Felix and Lenk, 1891a, ously by Conrad (1857), Urquiza (1883), and Felix
p. 123), including: "Die Barranca, welche von Ayucingo (1891). Two other coral species, Heliastraea sp. and
gegen San Antonio de las Salinas hinabzieht, erschliesst Smilotrochus sp.?, also were included in the list, but they
einen mehrfachen Wechsel jener Kalkbänke mit leicht were not described and the source of the information was
verwitternden, braunen Mergelschichten, welche eine not cited (Aguilera, 1897b, p. 215).
ausserordentlich reiche Fauna enthalten." None of this Georg Boehm (1898, p. 325; 1899, p. 147) men-
information was repeated in the later article that con- tioned the occurrence of Cretaceous corals in the lime-
tained the species descriptions (see Felix, 1891, p. 142, stone of Cerro Escamela, near Orizaba, State of
footnote 1). The place called Ayucingo in the above Veracruz, but his work primarily dealt with the rudist
locality description no longer is identified on modern bivalves and the corals were not described. The Creta-
topographic maps, but its position is shown on some of ceous coral fauna of Cerro Escamela remains unknown.
the earlier maps of that area (for examples, see Aguilera, Late in the 1800s, J. W. Gregory described half of
1906: Rancho Ayutzingo; Burckhardt, 1930, p. 158; a colonial coral specimen from Neocomian age lime-
Calderón-García, 1956, fig. 7: Agua Ayucingo). In addi- stone in the vicinity of a mine at La Trinidad, four miles
tion, the unnamed ravine that was referred to in that from Guadalcázar, State of San Luis Potosí, as a new
same quote now bears the name Barranca Ayucingo, and species: Stylina collinsi Gregory, 1899 (p. 460-461, fig.
the village that they called San Antonio de las Salinas 3). The type specimen was collected by H. F. Collins and
appears to be now known as San Antonio Texcala. The presented to the British Museum of Natural History.
articles by Felix and Lenk (1891a) and Felix (1891), Gregory noted that Felix (1891) had not reported mem-
which were originally published in the journal Palaeon- bers of this genus from the Neocomian of Puebla, and he
tographica (volume 37, part 5-6), also were subsequently also mentioned that a species of Cryptocoenia described
issued as volume 3 of Felix and Lenk's (1889-1899) in that same study probably should be reassigned to
comprehensive work entitled "Beiträge zur Geologie und Cyathophora. During that same year, Sapper (1899,
Paläontologie der Republik Mexico" (see Felix and p. 11-14, 22, 66) noted several occurrences of Creta-
Lenk, 1891b). In addition, the coral species described ceous corals in the State of Chiapas, including those that
earlier by Felix (1891) were listed in an article on the he reported earlier (p. 12; discussed above).
development of the geologic formations of Mexico that
appeared in volume 2 of that same work (Felix, 1899,
p. 169). Based on similarities in the invertebrate faunas Geologic investigations from 1900 to 1950
and their relative stratigraphic position, R. T. Hill, the
pre-eminent pioneer geologist of Texas, correlated The first half of the twentieth century was a period
Felix's (1891) coral-bearing beds with the Glen Rose of expanding investigations for reconnaissance geologic
beds of the Trinity of Texas (Hill, 1893, p. 311). mapping and the initial stages of petroleum exploration.
Karl (Carlos) T. Sapper, the most scientifi- Excursion guides and reports for the Tenth Interna-
cally prolific early explorer of Central America tional Geologic Congress held in Mexico City in 1906
(Termer, 1956; Maldonado-Koerdell, 1958), reported the as well as Bulletins from the Geologic Institute of
The Cretaceous corals of Mexico: occurrences and history of research 59

Mexico contained substantial contributions. Many of be published in bulletin number 26 of the Boletín del
these investigations resulted in discoveries of Cretaceous Instituto Geológico de México. However, the species
corals. However, none of the taxonomic treatments of descriptions were not published in bulletin number 26:
this time period approached the coral diversity recorded the volume instead contains a study by Juan D. Villarello
by Felix during the latter decade of the nineteenth cen- (1908) entitled "Algunas Regiones Petrolíferas de
tury. Furthermore, only 12 Cretaceous coral species were México". The descriptions of Aguilera's coral species
described from Mexico during this 50-year interval. have not been found and it has been presumed that he
In a review of the geology of the States of Chiapas did not have them published (see Müllerried, 1933b,
and Tabasco, Emil (Emilio) Böse (1905, p. 26) reported p. 79, 1933c, p. 315). Therefore, the coral species listed
the occurrence of Lower Cretaceous corals in the State in Aguilera's (1906) table which have "Aguilera" as the
of Chiapas. Only one coral taxon, Isastraea n. sp., was taxonomic author subsequently have been considered
listed, and he noted that it was very similar to a species nomina nuda (Calderón-García, 1956, p. 19; Alencáster
from the Lower Cretaceous of San Juan Raya (State of de Cserna, 1956, p. 2; Reyeros-Navarro, 1963, p. 3;
Puebla). However, the coral species was not described Barceló-Duarte, 1978, p. 55, 89) and they rarely have
therein and he noted that the other corals that he had been mentioned in the literature. Nonetheless, Aguilera's
encountered were badly preserved. This same occurrence (1906, table) list of 63 scleractinian species indicates the
was cited in several later studies (discussed below). possibility that a large proportion of the coral fauna from
The following year, Böse (1906a, p. 15, 16, 17) that region of Mexico is still unknown. Oddly, relatively
noted that he had encountered corals, sometimes few new coral species have been described in subsequent
abundant or forming banks, at several horizons in the studies of the Cretaceous rocks in the State of Puebla.
Senonian age Cárdenas beds that crop out along the rail- In addition to the article by Aguilera (1906) dis-
road line between Tampico and San Luis Potosí. How- cussed above, several other papers in the excursion guide
ever, because of the lack of sufficient material for com- for the Tenth International Geologic Congress also noted
parison, the corals were not described (Böse, 1906a, occurrences of Cretaceous corals in Mexico, including
p. 5). Böse only studied the molluscan fauna of these the following. Böse (1906b) noted a few corals in an
beds, but in a comparison of this fauna with that of the article on the excursion to Cerro de Muleros (about 5-6
Gosau facies of Jamaica he also included a brief review km northwest of Ciudad Juárez), State of Chihuahua, one
of the Jamaican coral fauna that was described previ- described previously, Trochosmilia (Coelosmilia) cf.
ously by Duncan and Wall (1865) and Vaughan (1899) T. (C.) texana (Conrad, 1857), and two others, Placos-
(Böse, 1906a, p. 31-32). This same occurrence of corals milia bravoensis Aguilera and Placosmilia mexicana
in the Cárdenas beds was mentioned more than a decade Aguilera (Böse, 1906b, p. 5, 16, and p. 8, 17, respec-
later (Stanton, 1918, p. 606). A few corals from the tively). The latter two species were not described therein,
Cárdenas beds were described half a century after- but both were figured in a later report on the geology
ward (see Myers, 1968, discussed below), but it seems of Cerro de Muleros (Böse, 1910, discussed below).
likely that many of the coral species found by Böse Burckhardt reported a coral reef, "un banc de coraux", at
remain unknown. the Picacho de la Abra, Sierra de Concepción del Oro, in
The geologic investigations in the region of the northeastern part of the State of Zacatecas
Tehuacán, Zapotitlán and San Juan Raya, State of (Burckhardt, 1906a, p. 2, 18; possibly Upper Jurassic).
Puebla, were reviewed by J. G. Aguilera (1906) in an Similar beds also were noted just to the west, in the
excursion guide for the Tenth International Geologic Sierra de Santa Rosa (Burckhardt, 1906b, p. 5, 20; possi-
Congress held in Mexico City in 1906. A list of the coral bly Upper Jurassic). Occurrences of Cretaceous corals
species that were described previously from the also were mentioned in the excursion of San Luis Potosí
Tehuacán area by Felix (1891) was given in this excur- to Tampico, in the vicinity of Cárdenas and eastward
sion guide (Aguilera, 1906, p. 14), as well as comments (Böse, 1906c, p. 3, 5, 8), and in the excursion to the
on the location and geology of the fossil coral locality. Isthmus of Tehuantepec, near Tuxtla Gutiérrez, State of
These coral species were listed again in a table Chiapas (Böse, 1906d, p. 10).
(Aguilera, 1906, table) which compared the invertebrate Some of the occurrences of Cretaceous corals in
fauna of the San Juan Raya strata with that of the Aptian Mexico were noted by Aguilera (1907) in a general sum-
of Europe. In addition, 34 other scleractinian coral spe- mary of the geology of Mexico that was presented in the
cies from the San Juan Raya beds were listed in the same Report of the Tenth International Geologic Congress. In
table. However, only three of those 34 species were pre- addition to the occurrences in the Tehuacán region of the
viously described by other authors: Latimaeandra State of Puebla (p. 235), four others were noted: the soli-
aff. brachygyra Reuss, L. aff. tenuisepta Reuss, and tary coral Trochosmilia (Coelosmilia) in the State of
Astrocoenia aff. minima Fromentel. The remaining 30 Chihuahua, northern Mexico (p. 237); Latyphyllia [sic;
named coral species from Mexico listed in the table have possibly Latiphyllia] from the Cenomanian of the State
"Aguilera" as author. These species were neither of Michoacán (p. 238); a large number of corals in the
described nor figured, but at the bottom of the table State of San Luis Potosí; and the solitary coral Micraba-
Aguilera noted that the species descriptions would cia americana Meek, 1876 (not Meek and Hayden; see
60 Filkorn

Wells, 1933, p. 250-251), from Ramos Arizpe and Las which contained the corals was interpreted to be upper
Esperanzas, State of Coahuila, in northern Mexico Santonian.
(p. 241). Another Cretaceous coral occurrence in north- An occurrence of Cretaceous corals was briefly
ern Mexico, in the vicinity of San Pedro del Gallo, State noted by W. S. Adkins (1930, p. 82) in a report on some
of Durango, also was reported that same year rudist bivalves from Texas and Mexico. The corals were
(Angermann, 1907, p. 12). found in the middle Cretaceous El Abra Limestone at
A total of four coral species, all solitary forms, Taninul tunnel, a tunnel on the Tampico - San Luis
were reported in a study of the geology and paleontology Potosí railway. This occurrence, which was later noted
of the Cerro de Muleros and La Encantada, State of by Muir (1936, p. 38), is one of the earliest reports of
Chihuahua (Böse, 1910). One of these species, Trochos- corals in the El Abra Limestone.
milia (Coelosmilia) texana, was described earlier by A coral-bearing Cretaceous limestone bed was dis-
Conrad (1857), but the other three were not previously covered by Charles L. Baker in 1923 during a geological
known and therefore they were named by Aguilera (in traverse of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Baker's journey
Böse, 1910; see p. 4): Placosmilia bravoensis (p. 33, followed the Tehuantepec railway line from Salina Cruz
pl. 45, fig. 11), P. mexicana (p. 33, pl. 45, figs. 10, 19, on the Pacific coast to Coatzacoalcos on the Gulf of
21) and Trochosmilia (Coelosmilia) chihuahuensis Mexico. The coral-bearing unit, a massive, light gray
(p. 53, pl. 45, figs. 6-8, 13, 16, 17, 23-25). The four coral limestone ridge, was exposed at Paso del Buque, a
species were illustrated, but none of them was described narrow gap a few kilometers north of Palomares station
in that work. The species of Trochosmilia named by (Baker, 1930, p. 171), State of Oaxaca. This same occur-
Aguilera, T. chihuahuensis, has been considered to be a rence was mentioned later by Müllerried (1942a, p. 136).
junior synonym of Coelosmilia texana (Conrad, 1857) Although Baker noted that the limestone was primarily
(Wells, 1933, p. 135-138). The other two species, P. composed of corals and foraminifera, no coral species
bravoensis and P. mexicana, are poorly known. The type are known to have been described from this locality.
specimens of both species reportedly were deposited at Carl Burckhardt (1930), in his comprehensive
Instituto de Geología in Mexico City (Wells, 1933, p. work entitled "Etude synthétique sur le Mésozoïque
146), but neither species was listed in the most recent mexicain", noted (p. 160, 177, 182-184) several of the
catalog of the type fossils of Mexico (Perrilliat, 1989). previously reported occurrences of Cretaceous corals in
A few of the occurrences of corals reported previ- Mexico, including the fauna described by Felix (1891).
ously from the Mexican Cretaceous were noted by Coral faunas from the Río Nazas (p. 138, 140) and San
Wilhelm Freudenberg (1921) in his book, "Geologie von Pedro del Gallo (p. 174) regions, State of Durango, also
Mexiko". Specifically, he mentioned the earlier reports were noted, but the corals from these areas still have not
of Isastraea n. sp. and some badly preserved corals in been described.
the State of Chiapas (from Böse, 1905), and the large The Cretaceous corals of Mexico were reviewed by
number of corals that were discovered near Cárdenas in John W. Wells (1933) as part of a study of the Creta-
the State of San Luis Potosí (probably from Böse, 1906a, ceous corals of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains and
1906c) (Freudenberg, 1921, p. 91 and p. 111, respec- Western Interior of the United States. One new Mexican
tively). The book contains much information on the occurrence was reported (p. 167): Orbicella whitneyi
stratigraphy and geographic distributions of the different var. from an Aptian limestone at Bufa, near Mapimí, in
ages of rocks found in Mexico, as well as fairly complete the northeastern region of the State of Durango. Accord-
descriptions of the geologic processes and geomorpho- ing to Wells, the specimen is at the United States
logic provinces of the country. However, the only taxon- National Museum. This variety reportedly is similar to
omy presented therein dealt with vertebrates and the the O. whitneyi Wells, 1932, from the lower Glen Rose
corals were not treated. of Texas, except the Mexican variety, which is possibly
A review of the geology of the southern Mexico oil a new species, possesses larger calices. The coral species
fields by W. A. Ver Wiebe in 1925 included a plate illus- described earlier by Felix (1891) were listed, including
trating two stratigraphic sections, one of which indicated some with tentative generic reassignments (p. 90, 95),
that the horizon of the Isastraea sp. reported previously but Wells noted that the fauna needed considerable revi-
from the State of Chiapas (most likely by Böse, 1905, sion. However, Wells recognized that the Astrocoenia cf.
p. 26) was Jurassic in age. However, the author also A. globosa described by Felix was different from the
noted that the horizon "may be Early Cretaceous (Ver A. globosa of Fromentel and that the Mexican form was
Wiebe, 1925, pl. 13)." close to A. whitneyi from the lower Glen Rose Formation
Two years later, the solitary coral species reported of Texas. Wells (p. 134-138) reassigned the coral species
earlier from Las Esperanzas, State of Coahuila, under the described by Conrad (1857), Turbinolia texana, to the
name Micrabacia americana Meek (Aguilera, 1907, genus Coelosmilia, and considered C. chihuahuensis,
p. 241), was determined to be M. cribraria Stephenson, one of the species from La Encantada, State of Chihua-
1916, after additional specimens were collected from hua, figured earlier in Böse (1910), to be a junior syno-
that same area in northern Mexico (Böse and Cavins, nym. On the other hand, Wells (p. 245) concurred with
1927, p. 35-36). In addition, the geologic age of the beds the previous determination (Böse and Cavins, 1927,
The Cretaceous corals of Mexico: occurrences and history of research 61

p. 35-36) that the species of Micrabacia reported from State of Coahuila (Kelly, 1936, p. 1027); and a coral
the State of Durango (Aguilera, 1907) was M. cribraria, from Valanginian beds of the Torcer - Las Vigas strata in
not M. americana. Wells (p. 146-147) also listed two the northeastern area of the State of Durango (Kellum,
other coral species named by Aguilera (in Böse, 1910), 1936, p. 1055, 1067). Corals also were discovered by
Placosmilia bravoensis and P. mexicana, as noted ear- R. W. Imlay during geologic mapping of an area to the
lier. In addition, recently studied corals from the Upper east, in the Aptian La Peña Formation of the middle part
Cretaceous Cárdenas beds, State of San Luis Potosí, of the Sierra de Parras in the southern part of the State of
were listed (p. 111) but not described therein. Coahuila (Imlay, 1937a, p. 608, 610). That same year
Friedrich K. G. Müllerried, in a series of several Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian) corals also were
papers (1933a, 1933b, 1933c, 1934), reviewed the pre- reported (Imlay, 1937b, p. 554) in a stratigraphic section
vious paleontologic and stratigraphic investigations of that was measured previously by C. L. Baker in 1925 at
the region of Tehuacán, State of Puebla, and noted some a locality a mile east of Miquihuana, a small town in the
occurrences of Cretaceous corals in that area (1933b, western part of the State of Tamaulipas. Imlay (1939,
p. 80, 82, 85, 86; 1934, p. 65-71). Müllerried (1934, p. p. 1734) later reported corals from a Lower Cretaceous
61-62) acknowledged Aguilera's (1906) list of 64 coral limestone at the head of the Cañón Santa Rosa, El Tigre
species and provided two separate lists of corals from area of the Sierra de Teras, in the northeastern part of the
that area, one for San Antonio Texcala with 15 species State of Sonora. Just to the south, geological reconnais-
and the other for San Juan Raya - Zapotitlán with 17 spe- sance of the northern Sierra Madre Occidental resulted in
cies. However, 11 of the coral species are common to the discovery of Cretaceous (Albian) corals at Cerro El
both of the lists, so altogether only 21 different coral Palmar, a high peak about 8 km southeast of Arivechi,
species were reported and all of them were originally de- State of Sonora (King, 1939, p. 1661). The latter study
scribed by Felix (1891) from the same region of Mexico. also included a compilation of the Cretaceous inverte-
Based on ammonite faunas from the same area, the ages brate taxa from the Arivechi area which noted the occur-
of the strata were determined to be lower Barremian and rences of Parasmilia texana Roemer [sic; a reference to
upper Aptian (Burckhardt and Müllerried, 1936, p. 318). Conrad's (1857) species] that had been reported pre-
Charles Schuchert, in his extensive work viously (King, 1939, p. 1670, table 5). Farther to the
"Historical Geology of the Antillean - Caribbean Re- southwest, in the region of Valle del Mezquital, State of
gion," mentioned a few of the occurrences of Cretaceous Hidalgo, Müllerried (1939a, p. 226, 228, 242) reported
corals that were reported previously in Mexico. He listed indeterminate forms of Cretaceous corals from the lime-
the five coral genera that Sapper (1894) reported from stones of Cerro de las Minas, Cerro Maguey Blanco, and
the Upper Cretaceous of Chiapas and noted the the hills north of Cerro Cuesta de México. He questiona-
Isastraea n. sp. and other corals that were found by Böse bly referred some of the badly preserved coral specimens
(1905) in the same state (Schuchert, 1935, p. 328-329). from Cerro Maguey Blanco to the genus Latimaeandra.
Two other occurrences also were noted by Schuchert A few brief notices of an Upper Cretaceous coral occur-
(1935), one in the Cenomanian (p. 172) and the other in rence in the southern portion of Mexico, in the State of
the lower Senonian (p. 177). Schuchert obtained the Chiapas, also were made during this time period
information on the latter occurrence from Stanton's (Müllerried, 1936, p. 38; Sapper, 1937, p. 154).
(1918, p. 606) remarks on an earlier study by Böse Late in the 1930s, Cretaceous corals were reported
(1906a). The source of the information about the from Baja California for the first time. Geological recon-
Cenomanian coral occurrence was not directly cited naissance of the Sierra San Pedro Mártir, northern Baja
by Schuchert, but it probably was Böse (1910) or California, resulted in the discovery of indeterminate
Burckhardt (1930). fossil corals and other marine invertebrates in the vicin-
Two occurrences of corals in the middle Creta- ity of the Buena Vista ranch, just northwest of San José
ceous El Abra Limestone were briefly noted by J. M. (Woodford and Harriss, 1938, p. 1307). The fossils
Muir in his thorough study of the geology of the occurred in limestones and shales that exhibited signs of
Tampico region of Mexico. One of the occurrences was incipient metamorphism and the geologic age of the fos-
reported previously by Adkins (1930), whereas the other sils was not precisely determined, but the authors noted
was based on a fragment that was blown (literally) that "... they have a Mesozoic aspect." However, the
from Mexican Gulf Oil Company well number 3 field relations between the intrusives and the metamor-
Tepetate (Muir, 1936, p. 38 and p. 41, respectively), phosed marine sedimentary rocks indicate that the age of
State of Veracruz. the metamorphosed fossil-bearing strata must predate the
Several geological studies in the northern and cen- age of the intrusives. Investigations of the igneous intru-
tral Mexican states during the latter half of the 1930s sives and resulting metamorphism in Baja California
incidentally reported occurrences of Cretaceous corals. (Lindgren, 1888, 1889, 1890; Böse and Wittich, 1913;
An extensive project on the geologic evolution of the Wittich, 1914, 1915; Darton, 1921; Beal [anonomous],
Coahuila Peninsula reported two coral occurrences: a 1924; Hirschi, 1926; Hirschi and de Quervain, 1927,
large colony of a species of Isastrea from the Aptian 1928, 1930, 1933; Santillán and Barrera, 1930; Jahns,
upper Cuchillo Formation in the southwestern part of the 1954; Mina, 1956, 1957; Delgado-Argote et al., 1995)
62 Filkorn

indicate that the age of the intrusives is Late Cretaceous. southern and southwestern Mexico. Several of the previ-
Therefore, the age of the corals from these beds is proba- ously reported Mexican Cretaceous coral occurrences
bly within the interval of Early Cretaceous to early were noted in studies by R. W. Imlay, including those in
Late Cretaceous. The same fossiliferous, coral-bearing the Cárdenas area of the State of San Luis Potosí, the
locality discovered by Woodford and Harriss (1938) Tehuacán - San Juan Raya region of the State of Puebla,
was later noted in studies by Beal (1948, p. 40) and the Orizaba region of the State of Veracruz, the Cañón
Jahns (1954, p. 35). de los Cortinas and the Sierra de Santa Ana in the State
Several investigations of the Cretaceous of north- of Coahuila, the Sierra del Rosario in the State of
ern Mexico during the 1940s reported fossil corals. Durango, and other mid-Cretaceous outcrops throughout
However, in contrast to the majority of the studies from Mexico (Imlay, 1944a, 1944b). Reports of Cretaceous
the 1930s, some of these articles included descriptions of corals that were briefly noted in 1946 include an occur-
coral species. Imlay (1940, p. 129) tentatively referred rence near Santa Ana in the northern part of the State of
coral specimens from the Barril Viejo Shale in the State Sonora (Arellano, 1946, p. 58) and indeterminate corals
of Coahuila to the genera Montlivaltia, Pleurosmilia, and in the Aurora Limestone at the southeast base of the
Coelosmilia, and he described one coral species from the Sierra de la Encantada, State of Chihuahua (King and
Berriasian - Valanginian Carbonera Formation at the Adkins, 1946, p. 287).
northwestern part of the Cuesta del Carbonera, near Las Seven species of corals from the Jurassic and
Cuevas, State of Durango: Astrocoenia hispaniensis Cretaceous of northern Mexico were described by J. W.
Imlay, 1940 (p. 138, pl. 1, figs. 21, 22). The holotype of Wells in 1946. The descriptions were based on coral
this species was placed in the collections of the Museum specimens that were collected during previous geological
of Paleontology at the University of Michigan, Ann investigations in that region and mentioned earlier by
Arbor. That same year A. Heim (1940, p. 324) reported a Kelly (1936), Kellum (1936), and Imlay (1940). Of
Cretaceous coral occurrence in the Tamabra Limestone these seven species, only one was from the Jurassic:
at Monte Cristo, a locality in the Front Ranges of the Astrocoenia kellumi Wells, 1946 (p. 2-3, pl. 1, fig. 1)
Sierra Madre Oriental about 50 km south of Ciudad from the Kimmeridgian La Casita Formation near Las
Victoria, State of Tamaulipas. He also noted the occur- Cuevas Ranch, State of Durango. The six species of
rence of corals in the Cárdenas beds (Heim, 1940, p. Cretaceous corals and their occurrences are as follows.
332), State of San Luis Potosí, reported previously by Stephanocoenia guadalupae minor Wells, 1946 (p. 3,
Böse (1906a). The following year, Wells (1941, p. 292) pl. 1, figs. 2-4), was collected from Trinity age (upper
also reported a coral occurrence in the Cárdenas beds, Aptian - lower Albian) strata at Cañón Santa Rosa, a few
specifically the solitary species Paracycloseris elizabe- miles southeast of El Tigre, State of Sonora, and from
thae Wells, 1934, but no specimens from this area were the Aptian lower Cuchillo Formation of the Sierra de
described. Farther north, at the thirteenth annual meeting Acatita in the southwestern part of the State of Coahuila.
of the South Texas Geological Society, W. E. Humphrey Isastrea whitneyi Wells, 1932, a species described previ-
(1941, p. 3) noted the occurrence of corals in the Berri- ously from the lower Albian lower Glen Rose Formation
asian – lower Hauterivian Las Cortinas Formation (= Ta- of Texas, was collected from Aptian strata of the lower
raises Formation; see comments by Humphrey, 1949, p. Cuchillo Formation in the Sierra de Acatita, and from the
100) at the head of the Cañón de las Cortinas, Sierra de lower Albian (?) upper Cuchillo Formation at an outlier
los Muertos, State of Coahuila. Cretaceous corals also of the Sierra del Venado, State of Coahuila. Montlivaltia
were noted in several articles by F. K. G. Müllerried. He coahuilensis Wells, 1946 (p. 4-5, pl. 1, fig. 5, pl. 2, figs.
reviewed the coral occurrences reported previously from 4-6), was collected from the middle Valanginian strata of
the State of San Luis Potosí by Böse (1906a), Burckhardt the Carbonera Formation near La Goma station, from the
(1930), Burckhardt and Müllerried (1936), and Muir same formation at a locality just southwest of Las
(1936), and noted other occurrences in the Cretaceous Cuevas, State of Durango, and from the lower Hau-
Cárdenas beds as well (Müllerried, 1941, p. 27-30). terivian Barril Viejo Shale at Los Vagos, Potrero de
The following year, in an overview of the Mesozoic Oballos, State of Coahuila. A similar species, M. burck-
of Mexico and northwestern Central America, he hardti Wells, 1946 (p. 5, pl. 2, figs. 7-14), was collected
noted the general stratigraphic distribution of the from the Potrero de Oballos also, and from the Barril
occurrences of Cretaceous corals that were reported Viejo Shale at Barril Viejo, State of Coahuila. Axosmilia
previously (Müllerried, 1942a, p. 133-136, 139; 1942b, mexicana Wells, 1946 (p. 6, pl. 1, figs. 6-11), also was
p. 476). A few years later, Müllerried (1946, 1947) collected from the same two localities. A species of
noted occurrences of Cretaceous corals in the middle Placocoenia d'Orbigny, 1849, was described as new,
Albian Escamela Limestone at Orizaba and in but not named or figured: Placocoenia n. sp. Wells,
middle Senonian limestone at Peñuela, Cordoba region, 1946 (p. 5-6), from the middle Valanginian strata of the
State of Veracruz. The taxonomic identities of the Creta- Carbonera Formation near Las Cuevas, State of
ceous coral species from the Orizaba - Cordoba region Durango. The specimens of Astrocoenia hispaniensis
are unknown. Lastly, Müllerried (1949) mentioned that described previously by Imlay (1940) also were
corals occurred in the Upper Cretaceous reef facies of collected from the latter locality. All of Wells' (1946)
The Cretaceous corals of Mexico: occurrences and history of research 63

coral specimens are in the Museum of Paleontology at reported previously by Sapper (1899) and Böse (1905).
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Wells recog- Corals were now beginning to be reported frequently in
nized that the Cretaceous corals belonged to two differ- studies of the middle Cretaceous rocks of the Tampico
ent faunas and that the older fauna from the Carbonera region of Mexico, but the coral faunas of this region
Formation and the Barril Viejo Shale was "... not related have yet to be described. Nigra (1951, p. 149, 157) noted
to the penecontemporaneous reef coral fauna of the occurrences of corals in the El Abra and studies by
Tehuacán region of southern Mexico described by Felix F. Bonet resulted in a few reports of corals, including a
(1891), although the two lived in the same embayment thin-branched colonial form referred to as Cladophyllia,
(Wells, 1946, p. 2)." He also noted that the older fauna in the Sierra de El Abra and vicinity (Bonet, 1952a, p.
was not related to the younger, Trinity age coral fauna 182, 183, 221, 253, figs. 11, 13; 1952b, p. 5, 61, 67, pl.
known from northern Mexico and central Texas, and that 19, fig. 21, pl. 21, fig. 23). Maldonado-Koerdell (1953,
the younger coral fauna of the Cuchillo Formation p. 114) briefly mentioned some of the earlier works that
probably was distally related to the reef coral fauna of dealt with the Cretaceous corals of Mexico, but no infor-
the lower Glen Rose Formation of central Texas. mation on any new occurrences was provided. An occur-
Late in the 1940s, W. E. Humphrey described rence of Cretaceous corals in the Alisitos Formation of
limestone beds of the Taraises Formation that were the Punta San Isidro area, west coast of Baja California,
mostly composed of bryozoans and corals (Humphrey, was noted early in the 1950s (Kirk and MacIntyre, 1951,
1949, p. 100-101). The beds were exposed near the head p. 1505). Subsequently, in 1955, E. C. Allison reported
of the Cañón de San Juan, on the northern limb of the the discovery of corals in the Alisitos Formation at Punta
Los Muertos anticline of the Sierra de los Muertos, State China, Baja California, a locality in the same area. Over-
of Nuevo León. Ammonites indicated that the coral- all, the diverse marine invertebrate fauna from the
bearing beds are probably Berriasian in age. Much later Alisitos Formation is most similar to faunas known from
it was realized that the fossils that Humphrey identified the middle Albian (Popenoe, 1954, p. 17). Among the
as bryozoans actually were colonies of microsolenid corals, Allison (1955) listed Astrocoenia sp., Cyatho-
corals (Ward, 1999, p. 102). phora sp., Myriophyllia cf. M. cuyleri (Wells, 1932),
Dermosmilia sp., Isastrea whitneyi Wells, 1932,
Montlivaltia sp., Montastrea sp., and Placosmilia sp.,
Geologic investigations from 1950 to 1990 but none of the species was described therein. The corals
from the Alisitos Formation subsequently have not
The first four decades of the latter half of the twen- been described.
tieth century witnessed an ever widening surge in Some of the field guides for the Twentieth Session
geologic investigations of Mexico. The Twentieth of the International Geologic Congress held in Mexico in
Session of the International Geologic Congress held in 1956 noted occurrences of Cretaceous corals. Corals
Mexico in 1956 and continued exploration for rich petro- were reported from localities in the Zapotitlán and San
leum prospects helped to elucidate the complex geologic Juan Raya formations in the Tehuacán region of the
history of Mexico as well as provide new discoveries of southern part of the State of Puebla (Calderón-García,
Cretaceous corals. Most notable during this time interval 1956, p. 17, 19, 70), the same region from which Felix's
are two of the investigations published by the Geologic (1891) coral fauna was collected. Two other Cretaceous
Institute of Mexico in which Cretaceous coral species coral localities also were noted in the same region
from the states of Puebla and Oaxaca were described (Calderón-García, 1956, p. 41, 62), as well as some
(see Reyeros- Navarro, 1963, and Reyeros de Castillo, belonging to the Jurassic (p. 29, 81). Just to the west of
1983, respectively, discussed below). These two studies the Tehuacán region, Carl Fries Jr. (1956, p. 27, 28 [not
alone include descriptions of a total of 28 Cretaceous published until 1962], 1957, p. 300, 301) reported the
coral species. occurrence of corals in the Turonian Cuautla Formation
Cretaceous corals were reported from several of the State of Morelos. Two of the coral species were
localities in Mexico during the 1950s, but only a few listed in a later report (Fries, 1960).
coral species were described. Two small, solitary coral Geological studies in the northern Mexican states
specimens, collected earlier by J. T. Singewald Jr. in during the 1950s produced only a few reports of Creta-
1922 from the upper Campanian strata near Ocuilapa, ceous corals. Occurrences were noted in the Aurora
State of Chiapas, were later briefly described and figured Limestone of the Sierra de Tlahualilo, State of Coahuila
by M. Maldonado-Koerdell (1950, p. 196-197, figs. 3, (Kellum, 1956), and in the Walnut and Kiamichi forma-
4): Trochocyathus cf. T. woolmani Vaughan, 1900, and tions in the State of Chihuahua (Ramírez and Acevedo,
Trochosmilia sp. Neither of these species has been 1957, p. 721, 724, 726). The only coral species identified
reported from this region of Mexico again. The coral in these studies, Trochosmilia texana, was listed in the
specimens are in the collections of Petróleos Mexicanos, latter article as part of the fauna from the Kiamichi
Mexico City. Maldonado-Koerdell (1950, p. 181-183) Formation (Ramírez and Acevedo, 1957, p. 726).
also reviewed the other occurrences of Cretaceous fossils Several occurrences of corals were noted by L. J.
in the State of Chiapas and mentioned the coral taxa Chubb (1959) during investigation of the Upper
64 Filkorn

Cretaceous strata in the central region of the State of his investigation and no corals were described.
Chiapas. He reported some newly discovered occur- The most significant contribution to the taxonomy
rences, acknowledged the coral taxa reported earlier by of Mexican Cretaceous corals during the 1960s was the
Sapper (1894, and subsequent papers cited above) and description of a coral fauna from the Lower Cretaceous
Böse (1905), and briefly re-evaluated their taxonomy as (Aptian) of the San Juan Raya region, State of Puebla, by
well (Chubb, 1959, p. 726, 753). He noted that he found María M. Reyeros-Navarro in 1963. The coral species
a massive coral specimen in the section of Campeche described by Reyeros-Navarro are listed in Table 1.
beds at Rancho Campeche, near Ocozocuautla, and ten- A total of 12 species were described in that study,
tatively referred it to Astrepora [sic] sp. He also found including five that were described as new: Thamnasteria
coral in another section northwest of Ocozocuautla, a felixi, Procyathophora aguilerai, P. poblana, Stylina
species of Actinacis that resembled A. martiniana vaughani, and Felixastraea mexicana Reyeros-Navarro,
d'Orbigny (Chubb, 1959, p. 747). He suggested that 1963. Four of the remaining seven species were
Sapper's Heliopora sp. possibly was the form that he described previously from this region of Mexico by Felix
referred to Actinacis cf. A. martiniana, that Sapper's (1891), but three of the four were now reassigned
Leptophyllia sp. may be a species of Montlivaltia, and to other genera: Thamnasteria crespoi (Felix, 1891),
that the Stylina sp. was the form that he assigned to Cyathophora atempa Felix, 1891, Polyphylloseris
Astreopora. He also recognized that none of his coral conophora (Felix, 1891), and Complexastrea cyclops
specimens could be referred to Isastraea, the genus (Felix, 1891). The three remaining species described by
reported earlier from this region by Böse (1905). As a her, Thamnasteria decipiens (Michelin, 1845), Bary-
summary remark on the coral fauna, he noted that: “In phyllia confusa (d'Orbigny, 1850b), and Plesiastrea
any case corals are among the rarest and least character- sulcatilamellosa (Michelin, 1841; see Fromentel, 1886,
istic fossils of the Ocozocuautla series” (Chubb, 1959, p. 575), were described previously from occurrences in
p. 753). Contrary to Chubb's statement, recent investiga- Europe and reported from Mexico for the first time.
tions of the Upper Cretaceous strata in this same area Reyeros-Navarro's study was based on corals that J. G.
have demonstrated that corals are abundant and diverse Aguilera gathered during the latter years of the 1800s
at certain horizons and that they are a significant compo- and placed in the collections of the Museo de Paleon-
nent of the Latest Cretaceous marine fauna in this region tología of the Instituto de Geología, Mexico City. She
of Mexico (Filkorn, 2003). indicated that the corals were from the San Juan Raya
Several studies of the Mexican Cretaceous during Formation in the vicinity of the town of the same name,
the 1960s reported fossil corals. Fries (1960, p. 66- but no other locality information was provided and no
67, 181, 189, 195, 221, pl. 15, fig. B) listed two coral fossil localities were plotted on her geologic map of the
species from the Turonian Cuautla Formation that were area (Reyeros-Navarro, 1963, fig. 2). She noted that her
identified by J. W. Wells: Multicolumastraea [sic] fossiliferous locality was very near to the Tehuacán
cyathiformis (Duncan, in Duncan and Wall, 1865), and region, the source of Felix's (1891) coral specimens
Columastraea n. sp. However, neither of the two species (Reyeros-Navarro, 1963, p. 3), but according to her
was described in that study and the latter species proba- geologic map the stratigraphic horizon of Felix's (1891)
bly was never described. In that same study, Fries (1960, coral locality would be in the Barremian Zapotitlán
p. 49, 55, 198) also reported the occurrence of corals in Formation, not the Aptian San Juan Raya Formation.
the lower Cenomanian strata of the Morelos Formation, The Cretaceous coral faunas of this entire region of the
State of Guerrero, and listed a species that also was iden- State of Puebla require further study to better determine
tified by Wells, Epistreptophyllum sp. cf. E. budaensis their taxonomic affinities and their stratigraphic and
Wells. A description of the latter species could not be geographic distributions. The coral specimens that were
found in the literature and thus it seems likely that it was described by Reyeros-Navarro (1963) are at the Museo
never described. de Paleontología, Instituto de Geología, Universidad
The occurrence of Cretaceous corals in the Alisitos Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City (Perrilliat,
Formation at Punta China, Baja California, which was 1981, 1989).
initially reported by Allison (1955), was noted later in a A few other Cretaceous coral occurrences also
field guide article for that area (Allen et al., 1961, p. 62- were noted in 1963. The coral occurrence reported pre-
63). However, members of only two coral genera were viously from the State of Chiapas by Ver Wiebe (1925)
listed in the later article: Isastrea, including the species and others was later noted by H. G. Richards (1963) in
I. whitneyi Wells, 1932, and Montlivaltia. his study of the early Mesozoic stratigraphy of southeast-
Geological investigations by K. Segerstrom in the ern Mexico and western Guatemala. Richards (1963, p.
south-central part of the State of Hidalgo and the adja- 1869) listed the same coral taxon that was originally
cent northeastern part of the State of Mexico, a region reported by Böse (1905), Isastraea n. sp., a species that
just to the north of Mexico City, resulted in the dis- was never described. In northern Mexico, geological
covery of corals in the middle Albian - lower Cenoma- studies of the Cañón de la Huasteca area of the Sierra
nian El Doctor Formation (Segerstrom, 1962, p. 101). Madre Oriental in the State of Nuevo León resulted in
However, geologic mapping was the major emphasis of the discovery of corals in the Valanginian - Hauterivian
The Cretaceous corals of Mexico: occurrences and history of research 65

Taraises Formation and the Barremian Cupido Forma- mid-Cretaceous Taninul facies (Albian) and post-reef El
tion (Vokes, 1963, p. 130, 140, 142). In addition, corals Abra facies (Albian - Cenomanian) of the El Abra
were reported from the mid-Cretaceous Taninul facies of Formation, State of San Luis Potosí. He also noted coral
the El Abra Formation in the Sierra de El Abra, State of occurrences in the Tamasopo Formation (upper
San Luis Potosí (Rose, 1963, p. 58, 60), but no species Turonian? - upper Senonian) and the Cárdenas Forma-
were listed. tion (Campanian - Maastrichtian) in the same state,
The following year, Allison (1964, p. 13) noted the including the six corals described previously by Myers
occurrence of corals in the Alisitos Formation of Baja (1968) (Carrillo-Bravo, 1971, p. 51-52, 54, and p. 58, 60,
California that had been reported previously. In addition, respectively). Corals also have been reported in the reef
he reported that F. H. Kilmer discovered corals in the facies of the El Abra Formation of the Actopan platform
Upper Cretaceous Rosario Formation near El Rosario, in the State of Hidalgo (Carrasco, 1971, p. 11), an area
also in Baja California (Allison, 1964, p. 16). The coral just to the southwest of the Valles - San Luis Potosí plat-
faunas of these two formations have not been described. form. A report of the geologic investigations for a
Some corals from the Upper Cretaceous Cárdenas hydroelectric project in an area even farther to the south-
Formation in the State of San Luis Potosí were described east, at the Cañón del Sumidero on the Río Grijalva,
and figured in a biostratigraphic study of that formation State of Chiapas, included a brief mention of corals in
by R. L. Myers (1968), but the corals only received the Aptian San Ricardo Formation (Zavala-Moreno,
a very cursory taxonomic treatment and none of the 1971, p. 22). However, no coral species were described
species was named. Six coral species were reported or listed in that article.
from Maastrichtian strata: ?Epistreptophyllum sp., Study of the depositional environments and geo-
Trochoseris sp., Synastrea sp., Leptoria sp., Cladocora logic history of the Golden Lane and Poza Rica trend,
sp., and ?Lithostrontionoides sp. (Myers, 1968, p. 80-82, State of Veracruz, by A. H. Coogan and others resulted
pls. 15-16). Along with the brief descriptions, he also in reports of corals in the middle Cretaceous Tamabra
noted the local stratigraphic and geographic distributions and El Abra formations (Coogan et al., 1972). The taxo-
of each coral species. Myers' (1968) coral specimens nomic identities of the Cretaceous coral species from this
were placed in the W. S. Adkins Collection of the region are unknown.
Department of Geology, University of Texas, Austin. A report on the stratigraphy of the Morelos -
Late in the 1960s, the occurrence of corals in the Guerrero basin by G. Ontiveros Tarango (1973) included
Lower Cretaceous San Ricardo Formation of the State of several mentions of Cretaceous corals. Fragments of
Chiapas was noted (Sánchez-Montes de Oca, 1969, p. 7), corals were observed in the upper Aptian Acahuizotla
but coral species were not described or named. Similarly, Formation of the Sierra de Chilacachapa, State of
relatively low percentages of both branching and Guerrero, and in the Albian - Cenomanian Morelos
massive corals were noted in an environmental analysis Formation in that same area and at the eastern flank of
of the middle Cretaceous El Abra Formation of the State the Cerro del Acuitlapan, State of Morelos (Ontiveros-
of San Luis Potosí (Griffith et al., 1969), but no coral Tarango, 1973, p. 201, 208, 210). He discussed the
species were listed. paleontology of the formations, but no coral species
Cretaceous corals were reported in several studies were listed in his report. The coral faunas of these two
of the Mexican Cretaceous System during the 1970s, but formations have not been described.
no corals were described and very few coral species The occurrence and distribution of corals in the El
were listed. In a biostratigraphic study, A. Becerra Abra Formation, State of Veracruz, were discussed by
(1970) noted the occurrence of corals in the middle Cabrera-Castro and Meneses-López (1973) during their
Cretaceous Tamabra Formation in the Poza Rica district, investigation of the applications and economic impor-
State of Veracruz, but no taxonomic information was tance of the microfacies of that formation. They noted
provided. Study of the Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy in that typical reef boundstone was usually absent from the
the northern part of the State of Coahuila by C. I. Smith reef cores and that the corals that they found were of the
resulted in the discovery of corals at several horizons type that did not construct true growths of organic reefs.
and localities including: the Aptian Cupido Formation at They recognized a coral-algal zone at a horizon strati-
the southern end of the Coahuila Peninsula; the Glen graphically just above the lower Albian, but they noted
Rose Formation at Rincón de María, Sierra de San that corals also were observed at lower horizons. The
Gerónimo, and Sierra El Cedral; the combined upper authors considered the age of the El Abra Formation to
Glen Rose and lower Devils River formations southeast range from late Aptian through early Albian and into
of Rancho El Melón; and the Devils River Formation at later Albian.
Puerto de Aguacate, Sierra de San Gerónimo (Smith, The occurrences of corals in the Aptian - Albian
1970, p. 30, 32, 43, 86, pl. 2). The Cretaceous corals of Alisitos Formation of Baja California were noted in a
this region are poorly known. study of the type area of that formation by E. C. Allison
Investigation of the geology of the Valles - San (1974, p. 29, 45-47). Two of the coral taxa that were
Luis Potosí platform by J. Carrillo-Bravo (1971, reported previously (Allison, 1955; Allen et al., 1961)
p. 35, 39) produced reports of scarce corals in the from the Albian strata in the Punta China area, Isastrea
66 Filkorn

and Montlivaltia, were listed, but the corals were neither of northeastern Mexico by J. A. Wolleben (1977)
described nor determined to species level. included a brief description and a figure of the Upper
In an overview of the middle Cretaceous deposits Cretaceous coral species that was collected earlier
of northeastern Mexico, P. Enos (1974, p. 804) noted (McBride et al., 1974, p. 1616, 1620) from the Medranos
that corals had been reported from the Taninul reef Lentil of the Tanque Formation in the eastern part of the
facies of the El Abra Formation, State of San Luis Parras basin, State of Coahuila. The three solitary speci-
Potosí, but they were only minor components of the reef mens were assigned to Trochocyathus gardnerae Wells,
facies. The corals of the El Abra Formation still are not 1933 (Wolleben, 1977, p. 396, pl. 3, fig. 1), a species
known well. that was originally described from the Navarro Group of
Two occurrences of Cretaceous corals were discov- Texas. These coral specimens are in the collection at the
ered during study of the stratigraphy and structure of the University of New Orleans, Louisiana.
Parras and La Popa basins in northeastern Mexico Several occurrences of corals were reported in a
(McBride et al., 1974, p. 1616-1617). The corals were study of the mid-Cretaceous rocks of the Poza Rica and
found in two of the formations of the Upper Cretaceous Golden Lane fields, State of Veracruz, by P. Enos
Difunta Group: the Lower Siltstone Member of the (1977). He noted occurrences of corals in certain litholo-
Potrerillos Formation in the La Popa basin, State of gies of the Tamabra Limestone (Enos, 1977, p. 297) and
Nuevo León; and the Medranos Lentil, a limestone bed recognized massive coral heads and coral-rich intervals
in the Noria Member of the Tanque Formation, at a with delicate branching corals in well cores from the
locality in the eastern part of the Parras basin, State of Golden Lane. The latter intervals were interpreted as
Coahuila. The coral specimens from the latter locality patch-reef coral thickets or coral fringes of a mud shoal
were identified as Trochocyathus gardnerae Wells, (Enos, 1977, p. 302). However, no coral species were
1933 (McBride et al., 1974, p. 1620), whereas those described or listed.
from the Potrerillos Formation were not determined. The A report of investigations of the Cretaceous
specimens of T. gardnerae were described later by carbonates of Texas and Mexico (Bebout and Loucks,
Wolleben (1977). 1977) contains several mentions of coral occurrences in
Geologic investigations of the Lower Cretaceous Mexico. Study of a Lower Cretaceous shelf margin near
strata in the State of Coahuila by C. I. Smith and others Monterrey, State of Nuevo León, and vicinity yielded
resulted in reports of fossil corals at several localities. reports of coral occurrences, including Cladophyllia, in
Thin sections of microsolenid corals collected from the the Hauterivian - Barremian Taraises and Cupido forma-
Upper Tamaulipas Formation at Rancho Los Ojos, San tions (Wilson and Pialli, 1977). In the Sabinas basin,
Rafael, and El Cedral were figured in a study by Smith coral reefs were discovered in surface exposures of the
and Bloxsom (1974, pl. 2, figs. 2, 4, 6). They also illus- Hauterivian Padilla Formation at Potrero Oballos and
trated corals from the Glen Rose Formation, including a Potrero Pájaros Azules, and a similar facies was recog-
thin section of a thamnasteroid coral from El Cedral and nized in the subsurface of that area as well (Stabler and
field photographs of large growths of dendroid corals at Marquez, 1977). Several coral occurrences in the Cupido
Puerto Aguacate (Smith and Bloxsom, 1974, p. 73, pl. 3, Formation of northeastern Mexico were noted in a
figs. 1-4, pl. 4, fig. 4). Occurrences of corals also were paleoenvironmental analysis of that unit (Conklin and
noted in measured stratigraphic sections of the Stuart Moore, 1977), the most notable at the localities of Busta-
City facies of the Glen Rose Formation at Puerto de mante Canyon, Pajaros Azules Canyon, and Potrero
Aguacate, Sierra de San Gerónimo, and the Cupido Chico. Fragments of branching corals that resembled
Formation at Potrero de Agua Chiquita (Smith et al., Cladophyllia also were noted in the latter study.
1974, sections 5, 6). However, no coral species were A study of the sedimentary environments and
described or listed in these studies. diagenesis of the El Abra Limestone by J. E. Aguayo-
The occurrence of corals in the Alisitos Formation Camargo (1978) yielded a few mentions of solitary and
that was reported earlier by Allison (1955, 1964) was colonial corals, including Cladophyllia, in the mono-
later noted in a reconnaissance of the geology of the pleurid-requienid-coral biolithite facies of the shelf-edge
State of Baja California by R. G. Gastil, R. P. Phillips, reef zone. A thin section of a specimen of Cladophyllia
and E. C. Allison (1975). In addition, they reviewed the from this facies was figured (Aguayo-Camargo, 1978,
different age determinations that were applied previously pl. 9, fig. A). However, he noted that the colonial corals
to the Alisitos Formation and presented evidence for an were a minor constituent of the biostromes in that facies.
overall age range of Aptian to Albian (Gastil et al., 1975, His remarks on the shelf-edge reef zone were based on
p. 19). Subsequently some of the same invertebrate taxa observations of the El Abra strata at Taninul quarry,
that were identified from the Alisitos Formation were State of San Luis Potosí.
discovered in the partially metamorphosed Olvidada Several of the Mexican Cretaceous coral occur-
Formation, a contemporaneous unit in the same region rences were mentioned in a review of the distribution of
(Phillips, 1993). However, there have been no additional Cretaceous marine faunas of southern Mexico and north-
studies of the coral fauna of the Alisitos Formation. ern Central America by G. Alencáster (1978). She noted
A study of the paleontology of the Difunta Group the extraordinary abundance of corals in the Lower
The Cretaceous corals of Mexico: occurrences and history of research 67

Cretaceous of the San Juan Raya region, State of Puebla, provided. Studies of the Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy
as well as the corals of a diverse marine fauna from the in the Monterrey - Saltillo area, northeastern Mexico,
Albian strata in the vicinity of Ensenada, Baja Cali- reported occurrences of corals at several localities
fornia. Alencáster (1978, p. 53) listed Montastraea, including the coral-rudist reef of the Cupido Formation
Isastraea, Astrocoenia, and Myriophyllia, some of the at Huasteca Canyon and Potrero Chico (Wilson, 1981),
colonial reef coral taxa reported previously from Baja and the upper portion of the Stuart City reef facies of the
California (Allison, 1955), but no new occurrences were Glen Rose Formation, with massive colonial corals, at
noted and no coral taxa were described. Puerto de Aguacate (Smith, 1981). The coral faunas
The Lower Cretaceous corals reported previously from these localities have not been described. Study of
from the vicinity of Tehuacán, State of Puebla, were the Cretaceous fauna of the Franklin Mountains, El Paso
reviewed by J. Barceló-Duarte (1978) as part of a County, Texas, and adjacent areas in New Mexico and
detailed study of the stratigraphy and petrography of the the State of Chihuahua, Mexico, resulted in the discov-
Tehuacán - San Juan Raya region. However, because he ery of corals at several localities (LeMone and Simpson,
could not determine the exact position of the fossil local- 1981). Subsequently 21 species of corals from Cerro de
ity, he listed the coral species described previously by Cristo Rey in Dona Ana County, New Mexico, and the
Felix (1891) twice, once in the faunal list of the Zapoti- State of Chihuahua, Mexico, were listed in an abstract
tlán Formation and again in the faunal list of the San (Turnšek et al., 1984), but none of the species was
Juan Raya Formation (Barceló-Duarte, 1978, p. 55 and described or figured. Among these corals, one was from
p. 89, respectively). Based on the geologic map of this the Cenomanian Buda Formation and the others were
area in Calderón-García (1956), Felix's (1891) coral from Albian age formations. Although the authors indi-
locality in the Barranca Ayucingo would plot within the cated that three of the 21 coral species were new, they
outcrop of the Zapotitlán Formation. In the faunal list for were not described.
the Zapotitlán Formation, Barceló-Duarte (1978, p. 56- Some of the Cretaceous coral occurrences reported
57) also listed some of Aguilera's (1906, table) nomina previously were reviewed in a study of the late Mesozoic
nuda coral species and some of the coral species reported paleogeography of Mexico by P. Enos (1983). He util-
previously by Müllerried (1934). In the faunal list for ized occurrences of corals and other shallow-water
the San Juan Raya Formation, he also listed many of organisms to help define regional paleogeography during
Aguilera's (1906, table) nomina nuda coral species, two the Cretaceous Period. Included in his discussion were
of the coral species reported previously by Müllerried mentions of the corals in the Barremian - Aptian reef
(1934, p. 62), and the 12 coral species described from facies of northeastern Mexico, the mid-Cretaceous of the
the San Juan Raya area by Reyeros-Navarro (1963) Sierra de El Abra, the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) of
(Barceló-Duarte, 1978, p. 91-95). In addition to the lists the Valles - San Luis Potosí platform, and the Cárdenas
of previously reported taxa, he included a table that Formation in the State of San Luis Potosí (Enos, 1983).
noted occurrences of solitary corals and species of five His study exemplifies the fact that corals can be very
colonial coral genera, Pollyphylloseris [sic] sp., Procy- useful in certain studies even though their precise taxo-
athopora [sic] sp., Cyathopora [sic] sp., Thamnastraea? nomic identities are completely unknown.
sp., and Latimaeandra sp., that were collected from the Coral occurrences were noted frequently in a study
San Juan Raya Formation at five localities in the study of the sedimentation and diagenesis of the mid-
area. These five new coral localities were at San Nicolás Cretaceous platform margin of east-central Mexico by
Tepostitlán, Las Lomas, Arroyo del Salitrillo, Santa Ana Minero et al. (1983). The majority of the reported occur-
Teloxtoc, and La Mesa. Further studies of the corals rences were in the El Abra Formation or its basinal
from this region are needed to revise their taxonomy and equivalent, the Tamabra Formation, in the vicinity of the
clarify their local stratigraphic and geographic distribu- Sierra de El Abra, State of San Luis Potosí, and Laguna
tions. Colorada (also known as El Madroño), State of
Studies of the Cretaceous System of Mexico Querétaro. Despite the numerous occurrences of corals
increased greatly in the 1980s and occurrences of corals that were noted, the only coral taxon that was determined
were reported frequently. However, as in earlier decades, by them was Cladophyllia, a branched colonial coral that
relatively few coral species were listed or described formed scattered thickets around caprinid-rich lenses in
during this time. Corals were noted in the middle Creta- the reefal Taninul facies of the El Abra Formation at
ceous strata at Paso del Río, State of Colima, during a Taninul quarry, State of San Luis Potosí (Minero et al.,
study of the faunal zonation and hydrothermal diagenesis 1983, p. 150). The species of Cladophyllia and other
of a rudist reef (Huffington, 1981a, 1981b), but the taxo- morphologically similar species with a branched growth
nomic identities of the corals were not determined. The form that occur in these strata have not been described.
occurrence of reef corals that was reported previously The most significant contribution to the taxonomy
from the Cupido Formation of the Sabinas basin, north- of Mexican Cretaceous corals during the 1980s was the
eastern Mexico, was briefly discussed in a study of the description of a coral fauna from the vicinity of Huajua-
age-equivalent Sligo and Hosston formations of south pan de León in the Mixteca Alta region of the State of
Texas (Bebout et al., 1981), but no taxonomic data were Oaxaca by M. M. Reyeros de Castillo in 1983. A total of
68 Filkorn

19 coral species were described by her, including one the Tithonian - Valanginian Eugenia Formation at Punta
that was described as new: Thecosmilia oaxaquensis Eugenia, on the western tip of the Vizcaíno Peninsula
Reyeros de Castillo, 1983 (p. 24-25). Of the remaining (Hickey, 1984) and also in the paraconglomerate - brec-
18 species, seven had been both described and reported cia of the upper Lower Cretaceous Asuncion Formation
previously by Felix (1891) from the Tehuacán region of near Bahía Asunción, on the southern coast of the
the State of Puebla: Thamnastraea xipei (Felix, 1891); Vizcaíno Peninsula (Barnes, 1984). The fossils in these
T. crespoi (Felix, 1891); Stylina tehuacanensis (Felix, units were reworked and their exact source was not
1891); Myriophyllia neocomiensis (Fromentel, 1857); determined.
Calamophyllia sandbergeri Felix, 1891; Periseris Occurrences of Cretaceous corals in the Albian
irregularis (Felix, 1891); and Meandrophyllia montezu- carbonate rocks of the Sierra Pena Blanca and the Sierra
mae (Felix, 1891). Two of the remaining 11 species, Gomez, State of Chihuahua, were noted during a study
Baryphyllia confusa (d'Orbigny, 1850b) and Plesiastrea of the paleoenvironmental setting of the Cretaceous
sulcatilamellosa (Michelin, 1841), as well as one of the stratigraphic sequence of that area (LeMone, 1984). The
species just listed, Thamnastraea crespoi (Felix, 1891), Cretaceous corals from these mountains have not been
were reported previously from the San Juan Raya region described.
of the State of Puebla by Reyeros-Navarro in 1963. The Several occurrences of Cretaceous corals in
remaining nine species were described earlier by other Mexico were reported in the articles presented for the
authors and reported from the Cretaceous of Mexico for Third Congress of Latin-American Paleontology held in
the first time by Reyeros de Castillo (1983). Among Mexico during 1984. Corals were reported from the
these nine species are six that were originally described lower Albian strata of the Teposcolula Formation at
by J. W. Wells, three from the Glen Rose Formation of Apoala a Apasco and at Apoala a Santa María Huautla,
Texas: Cyathophora haysensis Wells, 1932; Elasmophyl- in the Coixtlahuaca - Tomellín area, State of Oaxaca
lia tolmachoffana (Wells, 1932); and Diploastrea harrisi (Alencáster et al., 1984), but none of the species was
Wells, 1932; and three others from the Barranquin For- identified. Two coral species, Epistreptophyllum sp. and
mation of northeastern Venezuela: Stylosmilia gregorii Axosmilia sp., were reported from the Lower Cretaceous
Wells, 1944; Stylina sucrensis Wells, 1944; and Clado- rocks of the Lampazos area, just southeast of Tepache,
phyllia stewartae Wells, 1944. The remaining three State of Sonora (González-León and Buitrón-Sánchez,
species described by Reyeros de Castillo (1983) were 1984), but neither was described or figured. Three of
originally described from other localities: Actinastrea cf. the coral taxa reported previously from the Alisitos
A. decaphylla madagascariensis Alloiteau, 1958 Formation of Baja California Norte, Cyathophora sp.,
(p. 185), which was known only from the Campanian(?) Montastrea sp., and Montlivaltia sp., were observed in
of Signal de Bodaroka, Madagascar; Brachyseris Alisitos outcrops in the same region, at Los Torotes and
morchella (Reuss, 1854), a species known from the La Bocana, and listed in a review of the biostratigraphy
Senonian of Nefgraben, Gosau region (Alloiteau, 1957, of that unit (Almazán-Vázquez and Buitrón-Sánchez,
p. 309); and Thecosmilia tobleri Koby, 1897, from the 1984). The precise taxonomic identities of the corals
Neocomian of Switzerland. The occurrence of the latter from the Alisitos Formation are unknown. An occur-
three species in Mexico also constitutes their first rence of corals in the Upper Cretaceous Mendez Forma-
reported occurrence in the Western Hemisphere. Reyeros tion, northwest of Ciudad del Maíz, State of San Luis
de Castillo's (1983) coral specimens were collected Potosí, also was briefly noted (Hurtado-González, 1984),
from: the Teposcolula Limestone (?Aptian - lower Ceno- but no coral species were listed or described.
manian) at localities called Coixtlahuaca and El Rodeo; Many studies of Mexican Cretaceous rocks during
the Upper(?) Cretaceous Yucunama Formation at a the middle and late 1980s reported occurrences of fossil
locality northeast of San Pedro Yucunama; and an corals, but coral species were listed in relatively few of
unnamed Lower Cretaceous limestone at localities in the these works and only one study included a taxonomic
vicinity of the Cañada del Toro, near the Río Mixteco, at treatment of coral species. Occurrences of corals in the
Boquerón de San Juan Reyes, and at Vereda a Papalutla. Lower and middle Cretaceous strata of northeastern and
The relatively broad geographic and stratigraphic distri- eastern Mexico were frequently cited, including those of
butions of the Cretaceous corals in this region suggests the La Peña (Cantú-Chapa et al., 1985), Cupido (Wilson
that many more coral species will likely be discovered and Selvius, 1984; Wilson et al., 1984; Selvius and
here during future studies. The coral specimens that were Wilson, 1985), and El Abra (Bebout and Kupecz, 1985;
described by Reyeros de Castillo (1983) are at the Enos, 1986; Alencáster, 1987; Collins, 1988; Johnson
Museo de Paleontología, Instituto de Geología, Universi- et al., 1988; Minero, 1988) formations. One study
dad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City specifically concentrated on the Berriasian coral-rich
(Perrilliat, 1992). limestone of the Taraises Formation, called the San Juan
Geologic investigations of the Vizcaíno Peninsula Lentil, at San Juan, Cortinas, and El Ranchero canyons
on the western margin of Baja California have resulted in the States of Coahuila and Nuevo León (Frame and
in the discovery of fossil corals in two formations. Ward, 1987). They alluded to an abundant and diverse
Corals and other fossils were found in conglomerates of coral fauna in the unit, including massive and laminar
The Cretaceous corals of Mexico: occurrences and history of research 69

microsolenids, dendroid calamophyllids, and other Goldhammer, 1999; Lehmann et al., 1999; Marrett et al.,
branched forms, but the only genus listed was Stylos- 1999; Wilson, 1999; Lehmann et al., 2000) and the
milia, a phaceloid form. In the northwest of Mexico, Berriasian - Valanginian San Juan Lentil of the Taraises
corals were noted in a study of the Lower Cretaceous Formation, States of Coahuila and Nuevo León
biostratigraphy of Cerro de las Conchas, near Arivechi, (Michalzik and Schumann, 1994; Ward, 1999). From the
State of Sonora, and one species was listed: Parasmilia latter unit, Ward (1999) listed the same coral taxa
texana (Roemer) [sic; probably Conrad's species] reported earlier by Frame and Ward (1987). Also from
(Almazán-Vázquez and Jose Palafox, 1985). Other the State of Nuevo León, corals of Late Cretaceous
reports of corals from the State of Sonora include occur- (Maastrichtian) age were noted at several localities in the
rences in several members of the Lower Cretaceous Potrerillos Formation at Sierra El Antrisco (Vega-Vera
Mural Limestone at Montes Canova and the Sierra del and Perrilliat, 1990, p. 5-6), but no coral species were
Caloso in the northeastern part of the state (Warzeski, described or listed. However, one coral species from the
1987) and the Represo Formation at Cerro Pima, near Potrerillos Formation was listed in a later study, as well
Santa Ana (Pérez-Ramos, 1986). The only other Creta- as one from the Cárdenas Formation in the State of San
ceous corals described from Mexico during the 1980s Luis Potosí: Siderastrea sp. and Trochocyathus sp.,
were from the middle Cretaceous Sierra Madre Lime- respectively (Vega et al., 1995).
stone of the State of Chiapas (Steele, 1986; Waite, In northern Mexico, occurrences of corals were
1986). Four coral species were briefly described reported from the Albian Benigno Formation (Cantú-
and figured: Hydnophora sp., Multicolumnastraea sp., Chapa, 1993) and the upper Albian Loma Plata Lime-
Astreopora? sp., and Cyathophora sp. (Waite, 1986, stone (Monreal and Longoria, 1999), State of Chihuahua,
p. 180-181, pl. 19). However, based on the figures of and from Lower Cretaceous strata in the northern part of
these taxa, the determinations seem doubtful. the State of Sonora (Scott and Warzeski, 1993; Jacques-
Late in the 1980s, corals were discovered in the Ayala, 1995). In addition, corals were listed or described
lower Albian Espinazo del Diablo Formation at the in a few of the studies in the State of Sonora. Four colo-
Sierra Espinazo del Diablo, Cerro Coloso, Cerro Encinal, nial coral species, Stylosmilia sp., Thamnasteria sp.,
and the Sierra Las Azules in the Lampazos area of the Cladophyllia furcifera Roemer, 1888, and Columnocoe-
State of Sonora (González-León, 1988). Several coral nia ksiazkiewiczi Morycowa, 1964, from the middle
taxa were listed, including Stylina sp., Montlivaltia sp., Albian Espinazo del Diablo Formation were described
Cladophillia [sic] furcifera Roemer, 1888, Epistrepto- and figured in a study of the Cretaceous strata of the
phillum [sic] sp., and Axomilia [sic] sp., from the Sierra Lampazos area, State of Sonora (Scott and González-
Espinazo del Diablo and Thecosmilia sp. and Thamnas- León, 1991). Just to the northwest, in the central region
teria sp. from Cerro Encinal, but none of these species of the same state, a taxonomically diverse assemblage of
was described or figured. However, the coral species of fossil corals, including Callamophyllia [sic], was
the Espinazo del Diablo Formation subsequently were reported from the upper part of the upper Aptian Cerro
described in later studies (see Scott and González-León, de Oro Formation at Cañada los Tubos, State of Sonora
1991, and Baron-Szabo and González-León, 1999, (González-León and Lucas, 1995). These corals and
discussed below). others from the Espinazo del Diablo Formation in the
Lampazos area were subsequently described by Baron-
Szabo and González-León (1999). They described a total
Geologic investigations from 1990 to the present of 36 coral species from the Lower Cretaceous Bisbee
Group (see Table 1). Six of the 36 species were
The geologic investigations reviewed in this described as new: Columastrea paucipaliformis, Colum-
section are arranged by geographic region instead of nocoenia minima, Cladophyllia mexicana, Pleurostylina
chronologically in order to achieve a more cohesive major, Keriophyllia roniewiczae, and Stiboriopsis
presentation of the information. Cretaceous coral species sonoraensis. Of the remaining 30 species, only two were
are described in only two of the articles cited below. described earlier from Mexico: Columnocoenia ksiaz-
Nonetheless, both articles altogether contain descriptions kiewiczi Morycowa, 1964, and Fungiastraea crespoi
of 39 coral species (see Table 1), more than three times (Felix, 1891). All of the other remaining 28 species were
the number described during the entire first half of the reported from Mexico for the first time. The coral speci-
twentieth century. mens described by Baron-Szabo and González-León
Fossil corals were commonly encountered in stud- (1999) are in the paleontology collection of the Instituto
ies of the Mexican Cretaceous during the 1990s and de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
early 2000s. However, as with earlier periods, only a México, Hermosillo, State of Sonora. In addition, two
few of the investigations listed coral species and even other coral species, Actinastrea scyphoidea (Wells,
fewer provided taxonomic descriptions. In north- 1932) and Microsolena sp. cf. M. kugleri (Wells, 1932),
eastern Mexico, occurrences of corals were reported have been reported from the Bisbee Group of the
from the Barremian - early Aptian Cupido Formation northeastern part of the State of Sonora (McKee and
(Goldhammer et al., 1991; Wilson and Ward, 1993; Anderson, 1998, p. 1522). Both species were discovered
70 Filkorn

in Albian limestones that are stratigraphically equivalent and Pantoja-Alor, 1994, 1995a, 1995b; Chávez and
to the upper Mural Formation. García-Barrera, 1996; Buitrón-Sánchez and Pantoja-
A comparative study of the biostratigraphy of the Alor, 1998), and the lower Aptian Cumburindio Forma-
Alisitos Formation, Baja California, and the Lower tion, State of Michoacán (Alencáster and Pantoja-Alor,
Cretaceous of the State of Sonora (Almazán-Vázquez, 1993; Pantoja-Alor, 1993a, 1993b; Filkorn and Pantoja-
1991) reported that the faunas of both areas indicated Alor, 1994, 1995a; Alencáster and Pantoja-Alor, 1995,
an Aptian - Albian age and that several taxa were 1996a, 1996b; Pantoja-Alor and Filkorn, 1995). Geo-
common to both sequences, including the coral genus logic investigations of fossiliferous Cretaceous outcrops
Montlivaltia. Corals also have been reported from the in the Huetamo region, including the lower Aptian Cum-
Upper Cretaceous Rosario Formation at Las Minas, Baja burindio Formation near Turitzio, State of Michoacán,
California (Lescinsky et al., 1991), but the coral species and the upper Albian - lower Cenomanian calcareous up-
from this formation have not been identified. per member of the Mal Paso Formation in the State of
In eastern and southeastern Mexico, corals Guerrero, just north of Chumbítaro, State of Michoacán,
frequently were reported in studies of the Lower and have yielded diverse coral faunas that recently have been
middle Cretaceous El Abra Formation at the Sierra de El studied (Filkorn, 2001). The results of the latter study
Abra, State of San Luis Potosí (Scott, 1990; Minero, currently are being prepared for publication.
1991; Wilson and Ward, 1993; Basáñez-Loyola et al.,
1993; Alencáster et al., 1999), and at El Madroño, State
of Querétaro (Alencáster, 1991; Aguilar-Pérez et al., CONCLUSIONS
1993; Aguayo-Camargo, 1998; Alencáster and Oviedo-
García, 1998). One coral genus, Calamophyllia, from 1) Corals have been reported from more than 170
the El Abra Formation has been noted (Aguayo- Cretaceous localities in Mexico, from the Berriasian to
Camargo, 1993), but the coral fauna of this formation the Maastrichtian, but very few of these corals have been
has not received a taxonomic treatment. Corals also have studied.
been reported from the Tamabra Formation, a basinal 2) About 60 percent of these 170 occurrences are
facies and lateral equivalent of the El Abra Formation, Early Cretaceous in age.
near El Lobo, State of Querétaro (Enos and Stephens, 3) Although there are more than 200 published
1993), and the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) limestone reports of Cretaceous corals in Mexico, only 16 of these
of Cerro Matzitzi, near San Luis Atolotitlán and about gave detailed descriptions of coral species.
65 km south of the Tehuacán region, State of Puebla 4) Approximately 116 species of scleractinian cor-
(Hernández-Láscares and Buitrón-Sánchez, 1992). None als have been described from Cretaceous occurrences in
of the coral species from these latter occurrences has Mexico.
been identified. In southern Mexico, an occurrence of 5) Approximately 90 percent of these 116 coral
corals was reported from the Lower Cretaceous strata of species are known from the Lower Cretaceous.
the Ixtapa - Soyaló area, State of Chiapas (Ferrusquía- 6) Most of the Cretaceous Mexican corals are
Villafranca, 1996), but no specific determinations were known from the adjacent States of Puebla and Oaxaca in
noted. the southern part of the country and from the State of
In southwestern Mexico, Cretaceous corals were Sonora in the northwestern region.
noted in several reports during the middle and late 7) Based on these data, the Cretaceous corals of
1990s. The coral occurrence in the Cuautla Formation of Mexico still are poorly known and what little that is
Guerrero reported earlier by Fries (1960) and another known is disproportionately weighted toward the Early
one in that same formation in the State of Morelos were Cretaceous species.
noted (Hernández-Romano et al. 1998), but no coral spe- 8) The taxonomic identities of the vast majority of
cies were listed. Scarce corals were noted in the Aptian - the Mexican Cretaceous coral species are still unknown
Albian Encino Formation of the Tamazula area, State of and they await future investigation.
Jalisco (Buitrón-Sánchez, 1993b), but no species were
listed and their taxonomic identities are unknown. To the
south, occurrences of corals have been reported from the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Albian El Cajón Formation (Pantoja-Alor, 1993a, 1993b;
Omaña-Pulido and Pantoja-Alor, 1998) and Aptian strata The Instituto de Geología of the Universidad
of the San Lucas Formation (Buitrón-Sánchez, 1993a), Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City,
both in the State of Michoacán, but the coral taxa from through the support of Dante J. Morán Zenteno, Direc-
these units have not been described. Corals also have tor, and Jerjes Pantoja Alor, Researcher, provided the
been reported from the upper Albian - lower Cenoma- initial impetus for this investigation. The assistance of
nian Mal Paso Formation, State of Guerrero (García- Francisco J. Vega-Vera, Instituto de Geología, UNAM,
Barrera, 1993, p. 45: Actinastrea guadalupe [sic], and María del Carmen Perrilliat, Museo de Paleon-
Pollyphilloceris [sic] convexa, and Thammnastheria [sic] tología, UNAM, was invaluable and is greatly appreci-
sp.; Buitrón-Sánchez and Pantoja-Alor, 1994; Filkorn ated. The involvement and support of the Dirección de
The Cretaceous corals of Mexico: occurrences and history of research 71

Intercambio Académico, UNAM, is gratefully acknowl- rrusquía-Villafranca, I. (ed.), Conexiones terrestres entre No r-
edged. Original copies of several older coral studies te y Sudamérica: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Instituto de Geología, Boletín, 101, 47-65, 4 pls.
published by the Instituto de Geología, including those Alencáster, G., 1987, Fauna arrecifal del Albiano tardío de la región de
by Reyeros Navarro (1963), Myers (1968), and Reyeros Jalpan, Querétaro (México), en Barbarín Castillo, J.M., Gurs-
de Castillo (1983), were provided by the library of the ky, H.J., Meiburg, P., (eds.), El Cretácico de México y Améri-
ca Central, Resúmenes, Simposio Internacional, Linares,
Instituto and I appreciate the contribution to this investi- México: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Actas de la
gation. I am especially thankful for the assistance of Deb Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra, 2, 111-119.
J. Lyons, Interlibrary Services Office, Kent State Univer- Alencáster-Ybarra, G., 1991, El Madroño, localidad de rudistas excep-
sity Library, for her relentless efforts in helping me to cional del Cretácico medio del estado de Querétaro, parte cen-
tral de México, en Rubinovich-Kogan, R., Carreño, A.L.
obtain copies or loans of much of the old, obscure, for- (eds.), Convención sobre la Evolución Geológica de México,
eign literature cited in this study. The final version of the Primer Congreso Mexicano de Mineralogía: Memoria: Méxi-
manuscript was reviewed by F. J. Vega Vera and Ma. del co, Pachuca, Hgo., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Méxi-
Carmen Perrilliat, UNAM, Mexico City, and Luca Fer- co, Instituto de Geología, Universidad Autónoma de Hidalgo,
Centro de Investigación en Ciencias de la Tierra, Sociedad
rari, UNAM, Querétaro, and I appreciate their helpful Mexicana de Mineralogía, Sociedad Geológica Mexicana,
comments. The formatting and final editing of this publi- 7-10.
cation was executed by Ma. Teresa Orozco Esquivel, Alencáster, G., Oviedo-García, A., 1998, Re-examination of the genera
UNAM, Querétaro, the Technical Editor for this journal, Texicaprina Coogan, Mexicaprina Coogan and Kimbleia Coo-
gan (caprinid rudists) from the Albian of central México: Re-
and I am grateful for her meticulous work. This report vista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Paleontología, 8 (2), 163-
was adapted from the previous studies section of the au- 179.
thor's dissertation, a study that was supported by Na- Alencáster, G., Pantoja-Alor, J., 1993, Early Aptian rudists from the
tional Geographic Society grant number 5517-95. Huetamo region, southwestern Mexico, in Alencáster, G., Bui-
trón, B.E. (eds.), Third International Conference on Rudists,
Proceedings: México, D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma
de México, Instituto de Geología, p. 4.
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