Cyberbullying Identification Prevention Response 2020

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Identification, Prevention, and Response

2020 Edition

Sameer Hinduja, Ph.D.

Justin W. Patchin, Ph.D.
Y outh have been bullying each other for gen-
erations. The latest generation, however, has
been able to utilize technology to expand
their reach and the extent of their harm. This phe-
makes me feel sick and worthless.” Those who are
victimized by cyberbullying also reveal that they are
often afraid or embarrassed to go to school. In ad-
dition, research has revealed a link between cyber-
nomenon, termed cyberbullying, is defined as: bullying and low self-esteem, family problems, aca-
“willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use demic difficulties, school violence, and various de-
of computers, cell phones, and other electronic de- linquent behaviors. Finally, cyberbullied youth also
vices.” Basically, we are referring to incidents where report having suicidal thoughts, and there have
adolescents use technology to harass, threaten, hu- been a number of examples in the United States
miliate, or otherwise hassle their peers. For exam- and abroad where youth who were victimized end-
ple, youth can send hurtful texts to others or spread ed up taking their own lives.
rumors using smartphones or tablets. Teens have
also created web pages, videos, and profiles on so-
cial media platforms making fun of others. With Where does cyberbullying commonly occur?
mobile devices, adolescents have taken pictures in
a bedroom, a bathroom, or another location where Cyberbullying occurs across a variety of venues and
privacy is expected, and posted or distributed them mediums in cyberspace, and it shouldn’t come as a
online. Others have recorded unauthorized videos surprise that it occurs most often where adoles-
of their peers and uploaded them for the world to cents congregate online. In the early 2000s, many
see, rate, tag, and discuss. Still others are embrac- kids hung out in chat rooms, and as a result that is
ing anonymous apps or the interactive capabilities where most harassment took place. In recent years,
on gaming networks to tear down or humiliate oth- most youth have been drawn to social media (such
ers. as Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and Twitter), voice/
text chat in popular games (Roblox, League of Leg-
ends, Overwatch, PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds,
What are some negative effects that cyber- Fortnite) and video-sharing and streaming sites
bullying can have on a person? (such as YouTube, Twitch, and Live.Me). This trend
has led to increased reports of cyberbullying occur-
There are many detrimental outcomes associated ring in those environments. We are also seeing it
with cyberbullying that reach into the real world. happen in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality
First, many targets report feeling depressed, sad, (VR) environments, in social gaming sites, and in
angry, and frustrated. As one teenager told us: “It anonymous apps that come and go on a regular
makes me hurt both physically and mentally. It basis.
scares me and takes away all my confidence. It

Cyberbullying by the numbers or her identity using anonymous email addresses or
pseudonymous screen names. Second, the hurtful
Estimates of the number of youth who experience actions of those who cyberbully can more easily go
cyberbullying vary widely (ranging from 10-40 per- viral; that is, a large number of people (at school, in
cent or more), depending on the age of the group the neighborhood, in the city, in the world!) can
studied and how cyberbullying is formally defined. participate in the victimization, or at least find out
In our research, we inform students that cyberbully- about the incident with a few keystrokes or
ing is when someone “repeatedly makes fun of an- touchscreen impressions. It seems, then, that the
other person online or repeatedly picks on another pool of potential targets, aggressors, and witness-
person through email or text message or when es/bystanders is limitless.
someone posts something online about another
person that they don’t like.” Using this definition, Third, it is often easier to be cruel using technology
about 28 percent of the students who have been a because cyberbullying can be done from a physical-
part of our most recent 11 studies over the last ly distant location, and the aggressor doesn’t have
twelve years have said they have been the victim of to see the immediate response by the target. In
cyberbullying at some point in their lifetime. About fact, some teens simply might not realize the seri-
16 percent admitted to cyberbullying others during ous harm they are causing because they are shel-
their lifetime. In our 2019 study of a nationally- tered from the target’s response. Finally, while par-
representative sample of approximately 5,000 mid- ents and teachers are doing a better job monitoring
dle and high schoolers in the U.S., 36.5 percent said youth at school and at home, many adults don’t
they had been cyberbullied during their lifetime, have the technological know-how (or time) to keep
while 17.4 percent said they had been cyberbullied track of what teens are up to online. As a result, a
within the previous 30 days. With regard to offend- target’s experience may be missed and a aggres-
ing, 14.8 percent revealed they had cyberbullied sor’s actions may be left unchecked. Even if those
others during their lifetime, while 6.3 percent ad- who bully are identified, many adults find them-
mitted doing so in the last 30 days. selves unprepared to adequately respond.

Cyberbullying vs. traditional bullying Why is cyberbullying becoming a major is-

While often similar in terms of form and technique,
cyberbullying and bullying have many differences Cyberbullying is a growing problem because in-
that can make the latter even more devastating. creasing numbers of kids are using and have com-
With cyberbullying, targets may not know who is pletely embraced online interactivity. A remarkable
targeting them, or why. The aggressor can cloak his 95% of teens in the U.S. are online, and the vast

majority access the internet on their mobile device. accept that cyberbullying is one such problem that
They do so for school work, to keep in touch with will only get worse if ignored.
their friends, to play games, to learn about celebri-
The other challenge relates to who is willing to step
ties, to share their creations, or for many other rea-
up and take responsibility for responding to inap-
sons. Because online communication tools have be-
propriate use of technology. Parents often say that
come such a tremendous part of their lives, it is not
surprising that some youth have decided to use the they don’t have the knowledge or time to keep up
with their kids’ online behavior, and that schools
technology to be malicious or menacing toward
should be covering it in detail during class time and
others. The fact that teens are constantly connected
through other programming. Educators are often
to technology means they are susceptible to victim-
doing their part through policies, curricula, training,
ization (and able to act on mean impulses toward
and assemblies, but sometimes don’t know when
others) around the clock. And because some adults
and how to intervene in online behaviors that occur
have been slow to respond to cyberbullying, many
away from school but still involve their students.
feel that there are little to no consequences for
Finally, law enforcement is hesitant to get involved
their actions.
unless there is clear evidence of a crime or a signifi-
Cyberbullying crosses all geographical boundaries. cant threat to someone’s physical safety. As a result,
Online connectivity across a broad variety of devic- cyberbullying incidents either slip through the
es has opened up the whole world to users, and for cracks, are dealt with too formally (or informally), or
the most part this has been a good thing (a really are otherwise mismanaged. At that point, the prob-
good thing!). Nevertheless, some users feel free to lem behaviors can continue and even escalate be-
post or send whatever they want while online with- cause they aren’t adequately or appropriately ad-
out considering how that content can cause harm. dressed.

Based on these challenges, we need to create an

environment where all youth feel comfortable talk-
Obstacles in the fight to stop cyberbullying ing with adults about this problem and feel confi-
There are two primary challenges today that make dent that meaningful steps will be taken to resolve
it difficult to prevent cyberbullying. First, even the situation. We also need to get everyone in-
though this problem has been around for over two volved - kids, parents, educators, counselors, youth
decades, some people still don’t see the harm asso- leaders, law enforcement, social media companies,
ciated with it. Some attempt to dismiss or disregard and the community at large. It will take a concerted
cyberbullying because there are “more serious and comprehensive effort from all stakeholders to
problems to worry about.” While it is true that there make a meaningful difference in reducing cyberbul-
are many issues facing adolescents, parents, teach- lying.
ers, and law enforcement today, we first need to

“Today my best friends turned on me and put my business on social media
and I can't believe why! I told them who I liked and they took and posted
our conversation...I didn’t want to fight back but I did and one of my friends
told everyone the guy I like told her he would never date me and now
everyone knows :( now everyone's calling me dirty and a slut.”

The role of parents early in their exploration of cyberspace. This can be

done informally (through active participation in
The best tack parents can take when their child is your child’s internet experience, which we recom-
cyberbullied is to make sure they feel (and are) safe, mend most of all) and formally (through software).
and to convey unconditional support. Parents must Spying on kids and unnecessarily invading their pri-
demonstrate to their children through words and vacy should only be done as a last resort when
actions that they both desire the same end result: there is a significant cause for concern. Honest and
that the cyberbullying stop and that life does not open monitoring is a part of a healthy parent-child
become even more difficult. This can be accom- relationship. Spying conveys distrust and may en-
plished by working together to arrive at a mutually- courage youth to go further underground.
agreed upon course of action, as many times it is
appropriate (and important) to solicit the child’s In time, parents will need to give their children
perspective as to what might be done to improve more freedom, privacy, and responsibility. They will
the situation. It is so critical not to be dismissive of never be able to monitor their child’s activities 24/7,
their perspective, but to validate their voice and nor should they need to do so. As a result, it is cru-
perspective. Targets of cyberbullying (and those cial that parents cultivate and maintain an open,
who observe it) must know for sure that the adults candid line of communication with their children, so
who they tell will intervene rationally and logically, that they are inclined to reach out when they expe-
and not make the situation worse. rience something unpleasant or distressing online.
Reinforce positive morals and values about how
If it is deemed necessary, parents should explain the others should be treated with respect and dignity.
importance of scheduling a meeting with school Point out models to emulate in society, and use vi-
administrators (or another educator they trust) to ral mistakes made by other youth and adults as
discuss the matter. Parents may also be able to teachable moments.
contact the father or mother of aggressor, and/or
work with the Internet Service Provider, Cell Phone Resilience - the skill to bounce back after facing ad-
Service Provider, or Content Provider to investigate versity - is also important to cultivate with intention
the issue or remove the offending material. Many at this stage. Instead of swooping in and rescuing
times, the target simply wants the content or ac- kids from all of their social and relational struggles,
count deleted so they can move on with their life. help them hone the ability to deflect, disrupt, dis-
The police should also be approached when physi- pute, shrug off, or otherwise ignore hurtful things
cal threats are involved or a crime has possibly that others say or post. This can occur by helping
been committed (extortion, stalking, blackmail, sex- them internalize positive beliefs (rather than self-
ual exploitation of minors, etc.). defeating thoughts) after being cyberbullied, or by
spotlighting relatable overcomers in books and
Overall, parents must educate their kids about ap- movies with whom they can connect.
propriate online behaviors just as they convey ap-
propriate offline behaviors. They should also moni- Parents may also utilize an age-appropriate
tor their child’s activities while online – especially “Technology Use Contract” to foster a crystal-clear

understanding about what is and is not appropriate in situations that make them uncomfortable and
with respect to the use of various devices and that can soften their heart. This might involve com-
online communication tools. When there are viola- munity service projects, missions trips, or other ac-
tions, immediate logical consequences must be giv- tivities that help them to take alternative perspec-
en that are proportionate to the misbehavior. Kids tives and begin to understand that everyone is
need to learn that inappropriate online actions will fighting a hard battle.
not be tolerated. Get them to understand that tech-
nology use and access is a privilege, and not a
right—and with those privileges come certain re-
What should schools do to prevent cyber-
sponsibilities that must be respected.
If a parent discovers that their child is cyberbullying
The most important preventive step that schools
others, they should first communicate how that be-
can take is to educate the school community about
havior inflicts harm and causes pain in the real
responsible use of their devices at all times (ideally
world. We must remember that kids are not socio-
through a concerted focus on digital citizenship re-
paths—they are just kids who sometimes lack em-
sponsibilities). Students need to know that all forms
pathy and make mistakes. Give them the oppor-
of bullying are wrong and that those who engage in
tunity to address the behavior and move on. That
harassing or threatening behaviors will be subject
said, consequences should be firmly applied de-
to discipline. It is therefore essential to discuss is-
pending on seriousness and intentionality (and es-
sues related to appropriate online communications
calated if the behavior continues). Moving forward,
in various areas of the general curriculum. To be
it is essential that parents pay even greater atten-
sure, these messages should be reinforced in clas-
tion to the technology use of their child to make
ses that regularly utilize technology. Signage also
sure that they have internalized the lesson and are
should be posted around campus to remind stu-
continually acting in responsible ways. Finally, work
dents of the rules of acceptable use. In general, it is
to cultivate empathy by intentionally putting them
crucial to establish and maintain an environment of
respect and integrity where violations result in in-
“I like the way they [my school] handled it
formal or formal sanction.
because they treated me with respect and
Furthermore, school district personnel should re-
did not laugh at the situation. view their harassment and bullying policies to en-
They took it seriously.” sure that it allows for the discipline of students who
engage in cyberbullying. If their policy covers it,
cyberbullying incidents that occur at school - or harm done and the disruption that occurred.
that originate off campus but ultimately result in a
Moreover, schools should come up with creative
substantial disruption of the learning environment -
response strategies, particularly for relatively minor
are well within a school’s legal authority to inter-
forms of harassment that do not result in significant
vene. The school then needs to make it clear to all
harm. For example, students may be required to
stakeholders. In some cases, simply discussing the
incident with the offender’s parents will result in the create anti-cyberbullying posters to be displayed
throughout the school, or a public service an-
behavior stopping. If inappropriate behaviors con-
nouncement (PSA) video conveying an anti-bullying
tinue, additional steps need to be taken.
and/or a pro-kindness message. Older students
might be required to give a brief presentation to
A youth may be being cyberbullied if he or she:
younger students about the importance of using
• unexpectedly stops using their device(s) technology in ethically-sound ways. The point here,
again, is to condemn the behavior (without con-
• appears nervous or jumpy when using device(s) demning the child) while sending a message to the
• appears uneasy about being at school or outside
rest of the school community that bullying in any
form is wrong and will not be tolerated.
• appears to be angry, depressed, or frustrated after texting,
chatting, using social media, or gaming
Even though the vast majority of these incidents
can be handled informally (calling parents, counsel-
• becomes abnormally withdrawn ing the aggressor and target separately, expressing
condemnation of the behavior), there may be occa-
• avoids discussions about their activities online
sions where formal response from the school is
A youth may be cyberbullying others if he or she: warranted. This is particularly the case in incidents
involving serious threats toward another student, if
• quickly switches screens or hides their device the target no longer feels comfortable coming to
• uses their device(s) at all hours of the night
school, or if cyberbullying behaviors continue after
informal attempts to stop it have failed. In these
• gets unusually upset if they can’t use device(s) cases, detention, suspension, changes of placement,
or even expulsion may be necessary. If these ex-
• avoids discussions about what they are doing online
treme measures are required, educators must clear-
• seems to be using multiple online accounts, or an account ly articulate the link to school and present evidence
that is not their own that supports their action.

In general, if a child acts in ways that are inconsistent with their

usual behavior when using these devices, find out why.
Cyberbullying and school climate
The benefits of a positive school climate have been
What should schools do to respond to
identified through much research over the last thir-
cyberbullying? ty years. It contributes to more consistent attend-
Students should understand that cyberbullying will ance, higher student achievement, and other desir-
result in consequences at school, and our recent able student outcomes. Though limited, research
research shows that this known potential has a done on school climate and traditional bullying also
meaningful deterrent effect on youth. Utilize school underscores its importance in preventing peer con-
liaison officers or other members of law enforce- flict. One of our recent studies found that students
ment to thoroughly investigate incidents, as need- who experienced cyberbullying (both those who
ed, if the behaviors cross a certain threshold of se- were targets and those who admitted to cyberbully-
verity. Once the offending party has been identified, ing others) perceived a poorer climate at their
develop a response that is commensurate with the school than those who had not experienced cyber-

bullying. Youth were asked whether they “enjoy go- What can youth do?
ing to school,” “feel safe at school,” “feel that teach-
ers at their school really try to help them succeed,” First and foremost, youth should develop a relation-
and “feel that teachers at their school care about ship with an adult they trust (a parent, teacher, or
them.” Those who cyberbullied others or who were someone else) so they can talk about any experi-
the target of cyberbullying were less likely to agree ences they have online (or off) that make them up-
with those statements. set or uncomfortable. If possible, teens should ig-
nore minor teasing or name calling, and not re-
Overall, it is critical for educators to develop and spond to the aggressor as that might simply make
promote a safe and respectful school climate - one the problem continue. If they can develop the abil-
marked by shared feelings of connectedness, be- ity to demonstrate resilience when targeted, it will
longingness, peer respect, morale, safety, and even bode well for their future since there will always be
school spirit. A positive on-campus environment others who want to tear them down as they journey
will go a long way in reducing the frequency of towards personal and professional success in life.
many problematic behaviors at school, including
bullying. In this setting, teachers must demonstrate Kids should also use the account and privacy set-
emotional support, a warm and caring atmosphere, tings within each device, app, or network to control
a strong focus on academics and learning, and a who can contact and interact with them, and who
fostering of healthy self-esteem. In schools with can read their online content. This can significantly
healthy climates, students know what is appropriate reduce their victimization risk.
and what is not. It’s useful to keep all evidence of cyberbullying to
show an adult who can help. If targets of cyberbul-
lying are able to keep a log or a journal of the dates
and times and instances of the online harassment,
that can also help prove what was going on and
who started it—which greatly helps during an in-
vestigation. This information can also be forwarded
to the respective site or company that serves as the
venue or medium for the cyberbullying. Youth
should take the time to report any harassment,
threats, impersonation, or other problems they see
or experience, and remember that their identity will
be protected to the maximum extent of the law
when doing so (we have a frequently updated list of
Internet, gaming, and social media companies and
their contact information at
report so you know exactly where to get help).

Also, kids should go online with their parents, show

them what sites and apps they use, and share why
they love them. They should tell their parents how
they are keeping themselves safe online, and allow
mom or dad to suggest other strategies as well.

Finally, youth should pause before they post—and

make wise decisions with what they share or send
or post online, considering the possibility that any-
one and everyone may see it (including their par-
ents, and others with opportunities to give them).

Don’t stand by When should law enforcement get involved?

Bystanders also have a very critical role to play. Law enforcement officers also have a role in pre-
Those who witness cyberbullying generally do not venting and responding to cyberbullying. They first
want to get involved because of the hassle and need to be aware of ever-evolving state and local
problems they fear it might bring upon them, yet laws concerning online behaviors, and equip them-
they often recognize that what they are seeing is selves with the skills and knowledge to intervene as
not right and should stop. However, by doing noth- necessary. In our research, we found that almost
ing, bystanders are doing something—they are pas- one-quarter of officers did not know if their state
sively encouraging the behavior. By actively stand- had a cyberbullying law. This is surprising since
ing up—in that moment or right afterward (by de- their most visible responsibility involves responding
fending the target, providing encouragement, help- to actions which are in violation of law (e.g., harass-
ing to block and report the harassment, saving digi- ment, threats, stalking). Even if the behavior doesn’t
tal evidence, and reaching out to an adult), they can appear to rise to the level of a crime, officers should
make a huge difference in improving the situation, use their discretion to handle the situation in a way
as targets often feel helpless and hopeless and that is appropriate for the circumstances. For exam-
need someone to come to the rescue. Finally, they ple, a simple discussion of the legal issues involved
should never directly or indirectly contribute to the in cyberbullying may be enough to deter some
behavior – by forwarding hurtful messages, laugh- youth from future misbehavior. Officers might also
ing at inappropriate jokes or content, condoning talk to parents about their child’s conduct and ex-
the act just to “fit in,” or otherwise silently allowing press to them the seriousness of online harassment.
it to continue.
Relatedly, officers can play an essential role in pre-
To be sure, sometimes it is hard for a student—all venting cyberbullying from occurring or getting out
alone—to step up on behalf of others. However, it of hand in the first place. They can speak to stu-
is a lot easier to do when the help and support of dents about cyberbullying and online safety issues
one or two other friends. Encourage students to more broadly to discourage them from engaging in
band together with others if they are nervous about risky or unacceptable actions and interactions. They
intervening by themselves. might also address parents about local and state
laws, so that they are informed and can properly
respond if their child is involved in an incident.

Suggested citation

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2020). Cyberbullying Identification, Prevention, and Response. Cyberbullying Research Center

Sameer Hinduja, Ph.D. is a professor at Florida Atlantic University

Justin W. Patchin, Ph.D. is a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

The Cyberbullying Research Center ( provides research findings, stories,

cases, fact sheets, tips and strategies, current headlines, quizzes, a frequently-updated blog,
and a number of other helpful resources. It also has downloadable materials for educators,
counselors, parents, law enforcement officers, and other youth-serving professionals to use
and distribute as needed.

© 2020 Cyberbullying Research Center - Sameer Hinduja and Justin W. Patchin.

Permission for duplication provided for non-profit educational purposes.

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