Admission Form Format2
Admission Form Format2
2023 - 2024
1. This is to confirm that all my details visible herein are complete and correct without any mistake in
spelling and figures.
2. The University has got the right to cancel my admission in case of situations like, Non-submission of
eligibility documents in stipulated time, Non-Payment of fees for more than one semester and/ or Non-
reporting to the Constituent- institute for more than 30 days, without prior intimation in writing to the
concerned authority.
3. I am well aware that I need to have minimum mandated attendance in theory and practical classes (if
applicable for the Programme) of the semester to be eligible to appear for examinations and or placements
(if applicable). I understand that, in this regard, if my attendance is less than 75%, I will be given a TNG
(Term Not Granted) or CNG (Course Not Granted) as the case may be.
4. I am aware, if I do not pay the fees for the Semester/ Year, I will not be permitted to register and
appear for Term End Examinations and my result and degree will be kept on hold till I clear all my dues.
5. "Also, I confirm and declare that I had very carefully and consciously read, understood and signed the
THE ACADEMIC YEAR (2021 - 2022) on stamp paper of Rs. 100/-; and that I am required to undertake
all the needful action(s) accordingly and my behaviour/conduct will be as per the said signed document
by me".
6. THAT, I will not indulge in any action of using technology and/ or social media causing disrepute to
institution / students, hurting sentiments of other students, abusive in nature, abusing, amounting to racial
discrimination or moral turpitude or any such effort which is prohibited under any law in India; and if I
am found indulging in such acts, I will be liable for strict disciplinary action which may lead to
termination of my admission. I further undertake that I will not indulge in any act of indiscipline or /and
misconduct; and if I am found to be involved in any act of indiscipline or misconduct, I am aware that I
shall face the consequences for the same; and I am also aware that if fine is imposed for the act of
indiscipline or/and misconduct, the amount will be recovered from the security deposit for any