Winchester-Reloaders-Manual 14th Edition

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Read Before Using Data . • .. . . . . .. . .... . . • . . . .. . • . . .. . .. . .. .. . . • .. . .. .. . . . . ......•... . . 2
Black Powder Warning .... .. ... . . . . . .. . . . .... . . . .. . .... . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .• . ....•... .. 2
Lead Warning . .......... •. ... . . . . . • ... • .. . .... . . . ... . . .. . . .. . • .. . . . .. . . . . ....••..... 2
Dram Equivalent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 2
Powder Storage Warning . . . . . , . • . . ......... . .... •• . • . • . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. ... ..••... .. . 2
Considerations for Storage of Smokeless Powder ......... . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .... ......... . .. 2
Recommendations for Storage of Smokeless Powder . . .• . •. . . . . .. . . ... . .. . .. . . . .. . ...••. .. .. . 3
Primer Warnings .. . ... . . . .. . . . . . .. . .... . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . ..... . .. . . ......... . ... 3
Reloading Precautions . . .... . . • ... . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .... . . .. . . . • .. . .. . . . .. •.••••....... 5
Components Section
BALL POWDER® Propellant .. . ..... . . . .. . . . . .... . . . . .... . .... . . . • . . .. . .. . . .... . ... .. .. . 7
Primer ..... . .... . . . . . .... . . . .... • . • .. ... ..... . ... • .... , .. ... • . . .. • .. . .. .. ..... .. ... 8
Unprimed Case Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . ......•..... . 9
Winchester® Wads ..... . . • .... . ...... . .... . ... . ... . . . . ........... • . . . ... . •.. . .. , . . . 10
Winchester Shot . . . . . . . . . . . .. . • ... .. . • .. • . . . .. . . . .. ... . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .... . .. 11
Shotshell Reloading
Empty Cases. . . . . . . . ... . .... . .. • . . .. •.• . .. . • . • .. . . .. . . .. . .... . .. . . .. . • . ....•...... 13
Steel Shot Cautions. . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . ... . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . ....... . . .. .. ... ... .. 13
Buffered Shot Cautions . .. . . . . . ... .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . .... .. . . . • .. . .. . . ..... . . ...•... , ... 13
Slow Burning Shotshell Powders .. , . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . • . • . . • . . . . . . • . • • . • . . . . . 14
Shotshell Loading Instructions . . .. . . • .. . . . .... . . . .. . ... . ... . . .. . • .. . . . . . . . . ...... .. , ... 14
Selection of Shotshell Loads .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . .. • .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .... • . ••••. ... ... . 16
Winchester Case Identification ....... . .... • . . . .. . • .. . .... . . .. . . . . .. . . ..... . .. . . .... . •.. . 18
Shotshell Data
10 Gauge 3 1/2" Winchester polyformed cases ........ . ..... • ....... . .. . . , . . . .. ..•...•... 19
12 Gauge 2 3/4" Winchester compression-formed cases .... . .......... . .... . .. . .. .... .. .... 19
2 3/4" Winchester and Sears polyformed low brass, high paper basewad cases .. . ..... ... 23
2 3/4" Winchester polyformed low or high brass, plastic basewad cases ... .... . ..... 23
2 3/4" Winchester and Sears paper, low brass, high paper basewad cases .. •.....•..• 23
2 3/4" Remington-Peters SP plastic cases ... . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . ... .......... 23
2 3/4" Remington-Peters RXP plastic cases .... . .. . . .. .. .... . .. . ... . . ... ..... 24
2 3/4" Remington RTL hull .. • . . .. • . . .. . .. . ......... . .. • .... • .. • . •....••.• 24
2 3/4" Peters Blue Magic cases .... . . . ....... . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .... .... . .....• 26
2 3/4" Federal paper, low brass, wound paper basewad cases ... . .... . . ......•.... 26
2 3/4" Federal Gold Medal hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 26
12 Gauge 3" Winchester compression-formed cases .. . .. • .. . . . • .. . . •. . . .. • ... •.. . •• . ... 27
3" Remington-Peters SP plastic cases . .......... . . . . . •. . .. .... .. .. . ... •.•.•. 27
16 Gauge 2 3/4" Winchester compression-formed cases .. . .... . • .. . . .. .... .. .. ...••...•. 27
20 Gauge 2 3/4" Winchester compression-formed cases ... . . . . . • .. . . . • .. • . .. . ... , , ....•. 28
2 3/4" Remington-Peters RXP plastic cases . . .. . . . . . . . . . • . .•.. . .. . ....•...... 29
20 Gauge 3" Winchester compression-formed cases . .. • .... . . . •• . . .. •. . . .. . . ........... 29
28 Gauge 2 3/4" Winchester compression-formed cases ... . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. ....•..... 29
410 Bore 2 1/2" Winchester compression-formed cases . .. . .... .• . . .... •. . . . .. .. . ,... 29
2 1/2" Remington-Peters SP plastic cases . • . •. . • ... .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. ... .. . 29
410 Bore 3" Winchester compression-formed cases . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .... . .. . .. ... . .. ..... 29
Powder Bushings and Scales . • ...... . .. . . . ............ . .... . .. . .. . . . .. .• . •..•.••.• 30
Powder Bushing Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 30
Metallic Cartridge Reloading
Data Generation .... . .... . ... . .. . . . . • .. •• ... . .... • .... .• .. . . .. . •. . • ... •. .......• 37
Powder Burning Rates .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . • .. . .. . . • ..... ...• . . . . .. , . ....• 37
Metallic Reloading Instructions .. . . . .... . . • .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .... . .•.. . ....• 37
Centerfire Rifle Loading Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........... 38
Rifle Case Dimensions ...... . . . .. . .. • ... . .. . . . • .... • .. , .. • . . . .... . .... ... .. .. . ... 39
Rifle Data (Smallest to Largest Caliber) . • .. . . . . .. . . .. ... .. , . .... • .. , . •. ... ..... •.. ... 40
Centerfire Handgun Loading Data ...... • . . .... . . . . . • . . . ..... . .. • ..... . . , .. ...•..•.•• 44
Handgun Case Dimensions . • .... . .... • .. . . • . . . .. .. . .. • . . .. . .... . ... . . ... ...•...... 44
Handgun Data (Smallest to Largest Caliber) ... . . . . . . . . .. .... . . . ......... . ... .......... 46
Ballistic Terms and Definitions . ... . . . . ..... . ... . . . . . .. .... . . .. ... . . . .... .. . . ... 52

WARNINGS If a small, tightly enclosed storage enclosure is loaded to capacity with containers of smokeless pow-
Read before using data der, the wall ot the enclosure will expand or move outwards to release the gas pressure - if the powder in
This information is presented to furnish the reloader with current data for reloading shotshell and storage is accidentally ignited
centerfire rifle and pistol ammunition It is not a textbook on how to reload, but rather a useful refer- Under such conditions, the effects of the release of gas pressure are similar or identical to the effects
ence list of recommended loJds using W1ncf1ester® BALL POWDER® smokeless propellants. produced by an explosion
Winchester is the only powder manufacturer which backs up their data with over 125 years of Hence only the smallest practicai quantrties of smokeless powder should be kept in storage, and then in strict
exoerience in manufacturing rill!! handp1111 and snotsne11 ammun LtOr compliance with aii applicable laws. regulations and recommendaiions of the National fire Proieciion Association
The data in this bookiet are the culmination of very exiensive testing which insures the reloader (reprinted at end of SAAMI pampr.:et)
the best possibie results. Recommendations ior Storage of Smokeless FowEer
The shotshell ana metaliic cartrioge data in this bookiet supersede all previous data published for 3TORE IN ACOOL DR PLACE e~ure tne sroragearea se1ecreo Is 1ree lrom any 00ss1b1e sources OT :ix~.
Winchester Ball Powder smokeless propellants. nea ano ls lsola1eo From ooenflame, rumaces. hot water neaiers. eic Do nor ,,,ore smol<lll&;; oowder whe~ I; wl 1
The data snown 1n th[s l'.JOOklm tlas been verified by tests fired in our laboratory under controlled be exoosad to sun s rays Avo10 storage mareas wnere mechanical o,e1eatncai equIpm1:0J 1s 111 operd.Uon Resm-
condrrions and fol.lnd to p ro□ uce safe cattnoges. Since we have no control over the actual loading pro- irom tl1e siorage areas hear or sparKS whlcll may result from Irnorooe1 defective .ir ovanoaaea rCurt5
cedures and methoos used or the condiilon or choice of firearms and componems useci and assem- 00 NOTSTORESMOKELESSPOWDER IN THE SAMEAREA WITH SO VEN1S fl..AMMABLE GASESORl-!IGI-
bled no resoons1bilitv tor the use or sarntv In use or these darn 1s assumed or implfe□ LY COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS.
Where dara coriiained in this oooKler list soecrnc components. no changes or substitutions for STORE ONLY IN DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION APPROVED CONTAINERS. Do not transfer the powcie:
these componems can Ile made Thetixceµtion To th1s is substlt--Utions of bullets of the sametype, diarn- from an approved container into one which is not approved.
erer and weight i rom repuratile ma11ufacturers, wltrloUI rlskfng s1gnmcam changes In the level of bal- DO NOT SMOKE IN AREAS WHERE POWDER iS STORED OR USED. Place appropriate "No Smoking" signs ir
listic performance and,or saiety of ttle loads snowri. these areas
WARNING - All smokeless powders are extremely flammable. Keep them stored in their orig- DO NOT SUBJECT THE STORAGE CABINETS TO CLOSE CONFINEME!,,JT
inal containers in locked cabinets, out of the reach oi children or incom11etent persons, and away STORAGE CABINETS SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED OF INSULATING MATERIALS AND WITH A WEAK WAL,
from exposure to the sun's rays, heating equipment, electrical equipment, or any source of heat, SEAMS OR JOINTS TO PROVIDE AN EASY MEANS m= SELF-VENTING.
flame or spari<s. DO NOT KEEP OLD OR SALVAGED POWDERS. Check old powder for deterioration regularly Destroy aeterio-
CHANTABILITY; AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL your powders in one piace. If you can. maintain separate storage locations Many small containers are saier thar
DAMAGES OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER. one or more large containers
MAY RESULT IN ACCIDENTS WITH SERIOUS INJURY AND/OR DEATH TO THE SHOOTER AND/OR is free of trash or other readily combustible materiais
Black Powder - WARNING Powder deterioration can be checked by opening the cap on tI1e container and smelling the contents. Powder
Never stJbstrtute smokeless powder for black powder or Pyrodex or mix smokeless powder with undergoing deterioration has an irritating ado~ (Don't confuse this with common soivent odors such as aIcohoi, ether
black powde or fyodex. Never use smokeless powoer in black powder firearms or in saiuting can- and acetone.)
nons Smo eless oowder has much more energy than Olack powder or Pyrodex. Substituting or mix- The best way to dispose of deteriorated smokeless powder is to burn rt oui in the ooen at an isolated location in
fn9 powders mav cause the flreann 10 b1ow uo resulting n personal injury, property damage, or death. small shallow piles (not over 1 " deep) The quantity burned in any one pile should never exceed one pound Usean
ea -WARNI ignition train of slow burning combustible material so the person may retreat to asafe distance before powder is ignit-
Discharging firearms in poorly ventilated areas, cleaning firearms, or handling ammunition may ed
result in exposure to lead, a substance known to cause birth defects, reproductive harm, and other seri- Instructions & Warning for the Safe Storage and Handling of Primers
ous physical injury. Have adequate ventilation at all times. Wash hands thoroughly after exposure. It is the responsibility of all persons who receive, store and use primers to be aware of the hazards and to know
Dram Equivaleni - WARNING and follow all approved safety procedures. It is your responsibility to strictly comply with all applicable federai. state
Never use the dram equivalent measure as a weight for smokeless powders in reloading. and local laws, regulations and ordinances
Dangerously high pressures can occur and result in personal injury, property damage, or death.
Powder Storage - WARNING Properties of Primers - DANGER
Toe following information has been extracted from a pamphlet entitled "Properties and Storage BULK STORAGE OF PRIMERS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!!
of Smokeless Powder" issued by the Sportmg Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute (SAAMI) Primers should never be stored, handled or used 1n bulk; i.e. piled or poured together. The energy of one explod-
at P.O. Box 838, Branford. CT 06405. For afree copy of the complete pamphlet send a self-addressed, ing primer is sufficient to cause mass detonation of Iha surrounding primers. This could result in property damage
slarnped envelope to the above addrnss and request the pamphlet by title. and serious injuiy or death to operators and/or bystanders.
Considerations for Storage of SmokeJess Powder Note: Primers Should Always Be Kept In Their Original Factoiy Containers.
Smokeless powder is intended to function by burning, so it must be protected against accidental Primers contain mixtures of chemical ingredients designed to explode and provide the necessaiy energy in the
exposure to flame, sparks or high temperatures. fonn of hot particles, heat & gas to ignite propellant powders.
For these reasons, it is desirable that storage enclosures be made of insulating materials to pro- Primers are sensitive to the following:
tect the powder from external heat sources. • Impact
Once smokeless powder begins to bum, it will normally continue to bum (and generate gas pres- Friction
sure) until it is consumed. Heat
0.0.T. approved containers are constructed to open up at low Internal pressures to avo1d the Flame
effects normally produced by the rupture or bursting of a strong container. Static Electricity
Storage enclosures for smokeless powder should be constructed in a similar manner: Mishandling abuses
1. Otfire-resistant and heat insulation materials to orotect contents tram external heat Conditions which may cause misfires or poor ignition:
2. Sufficiently large to satisfactorily vent tile gaseous products of combustion which would result if the • Exposure to water
quantity of smokeless powder within the enclosure accidentally ignited. • Exposure to organic solvents such as paint thinner, gasoline, oil, grease, penetrating lubricants, etc.

Warnings 2 3 Warnings
• Exposure to remperalures above 140 degrees Fahrenheit _ __ _ sive materials. A damp cloth or sponge should be used to clean contaminated areas and be thoroughly
Primers subjected to shaking, vibration, jolting, etc. may separate small particles of pnmmg compound. This rinsed after use. Do not use a vacuum cleaner because fire or explosion may result.
is referred to as "dusting". Accumulation of primer dust in primer feeds. on machine surfaces, in loading areas, Loading operations should be conducted with a minimum quantity of primers. Unused primers
etc. is extreme!y dangerous. Primer dust may causefires and/or explosions due to heat, impact, friction, flame or
slatic electricity. These areas must be kept very clean. should be returned to the original package and placed in a designated safe storage area.
It is common sense to make primers unavailable to children, household pets, and any individuals
Storage of Primers- Store in a Cool Ory Place
that are not familiar with the potential danger of primers.
BULK STORAGE OF PRIMERS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!! Never smoke or allow open flames, spark sources or hot particles near primers or loading areas.
Primers should never be stored, handled or used in bulk; i.e. piled or poured together. The ener-
Additional References:
gy of one exploding primer is sufficient to cause mass detonation of the surrounding primers. This
• Sporting Arms & Ammunition Manufacturer's Institute (S.AAM.I.)
could result in property damage and serious injury or death to operators and/or bystanders.
• National Electrical Code (NEC)
Note: Store Primers in a Cool Dry Place Away From Heat, Sparks & Flame. • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 495, Explosive Materials Code
Cabinets designated for primers only are recommended. They should be constructed of materials
• Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
designed to provide a substantial delay in the transmissions of heat in case of fire.
The storage area should be clean and free of other combustible materials such as propellant pow-
Reloading Precautions - WARNING
ders, solvents, flammable gases, etc. Avoid areas which may be subjected to high temperatures, open Follow these precautions to assure maximum enjoyment and safety in reloading and uniform per-
flames, furnaces, water heaters, direct sunlight, gunfire and bullet impact, the operation of mechanical formance of your reloads. Remember you can suffer severe burns, be badly injured, or killed if the
or electrical equipment and static electricity. strictest safety precautions and housekeeping rules are not enforced.
Primers should be stored in original factory containers only. The packaging has been designed to 1. Exercise care at all times. Wear safety glasses while reloading.
minimize accidental ignition and to protect the consumers as well as the primers. 2. Never smoke while handling powder or primers or during any reloading operation.
NEVER SMOKE IN PRIMER STORAGE AREAS. 3. Keep powder and primers away from heat, sparks and open flames.
Observe all federal, state and local laws, regulations and ordinances regarding quantities of
4. Store powder in a cool, dry place at all times.
primers stored and conditions of storage.
5. Never use a powder unless you are certain of its identity.
- Always read warnings on powder and component container labels.
Handling of Primers - Handle with care - Always read and understand the instruction manual for your reloading machine/tools.
BULK HANDLING OF PRIMERS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!! - Always reload in strict compliance with instructions in current reloading manuals.
Primers should never be stored, handled or used in bulk; i.e. piled or poured together. The ener- 6. Do not mix powders.
gy of one exploding primer is sufficient to cause mass detonation of the surrounding primers. This 7. Devote full attention to reloading operations- avoid distractions.
could result in property damage and serious injury or death to operators and/or bystanders. 8. Keep powder and primers out of reach of children.
Safety glasses should be worn at all times. Additional protection such as face shields and 9. Use components as recommended; don't take shortcuts.
machine guards are also recommended for personal safety. 10. Never exceed maximum recommended loads.
NEVER SMOKE WHILE HANDLING PRIMERS. 11. Examine every shell or cartridge before loading to insure good condition.
Primers are extremely sensitive and should always be handled with care. 12. Double check every operation for safety and uniformity.
Primers should be handled individually with adequate safeguards. The use of primer feeds for 13. Check powder charge level in shells to avoid double charges.
reloading is not recommended. Adequate protection from the danger of explosion must be provided by 14. On centerfire loads, start with charge weights 10% below recommended maximum loads.
machine guards, barriers, etc.. Primer feeds allowing contact between or among individual primers 15. Always watch for indications of excessive pressure.
cause a potentially dangerous condition and are to be avoided. One exploding primer could cause deto- 16. Do not decap live primers; it is safer to destroy them by firing the empty shell or cartridge in a
nation of all primers in the area. firearm.
Do not decap live primers. It is recommended live primers be destroyed by firing the empty shell 17. Do not substitute components, except bullets of the same type and weight from reputable manu-
or cartridge in a suitable firearm. facturers. It could result in a significant change in ballistics, and unsatisfactory or even dangerous
Areas designated for the storage and/or handling of primers should require equipment and wiring load.
methods suitable for hazardous locations (National Electrical Code, Class II, Div. I). Persons responsi- 18. Observe all local fire regulations and codes with respect to quantities of powders and primers
ble for these areas should also observe and comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, reg- stored and conditions of storage.
ulations and ordinances pertinent to their location. 19. Store powder in its original container. Never transfer it from one storage container to another
Precautions should be taken to prevent the accumulation of static electricity on persons handling since this increases the possibility of becoming mislabeled.
primers or conducting handloading procedures. Cotton clothing, conductive shoes & floors, individual 20. Do not use the shotshell data contained in this handbook with steel shot; to do so would cause an
ground straps, static bars, leg stats, and proper electrical/mechanical grounds all help to reduce, dissi- extremely dangerous condition. Steel shot requires the use of special data, wads and powders.
pate and/or eliminate the buildup of static electricity. Atmospheric conditions, especially low humidity, When such components become available, Winchester will develop data specifically for steel shot.
will increase the potential of static accumulation. The working area should be maintained at a comfort-
able temperature with a relative humidity of at least 60% to minimize static buildup and/or discharge. CAUTION: DO NOT INTERCHANGE FED 209 AND FED 209A PRIMERS
Good housekeeping is a must for safe cartridge loading and primer handling. Equipment and
work areas should be kept clean and free of loose primers, primer dust, propellant powder, and/or abra-

Warnings 4 5 Warnings
BALL POWDER® Propellant
BALL POWDER smokeless propellant is the product of an exclusive manufacturing process carried on com-
mercially by Olin Corporation since 1933. Although it is made from conventional propellant materials, plus other
compounds which control ignition and burning rates, its method of manufacture makes it entirely different in
appearance and performance.
Winchester® smokeless propellants meet almost every reloading requirement Our exclusive manufacturing
process produces powder with exc;illent ballistic uniformity. Smooth flowing for precision metering. cleaner and
cooler burning- these are just some of the ~dvantages you'll have when you use Winchester Ball Powder prope~
lant It fulfills the specific requlrements of the most discriminating reloader. Winchester Ball Powder propellant
duplicates the exact same high standards and quality of Winchester factory loads.
The advantages of Winchester BAU POWDER pTtlJlellantare many. Here are a few:
• 11 dillerenl BAU POWDER propellants- for shotguns, rifles and handguns- for a wide range of calibers and gauges.
• High energy, clean buming.
• All Winchester powders are double-based for maximum energy.
• Wincllester BAll POWDER propellant exllibi1s the greatest chemical stability ever allllined in a small arms propellant.
• Very high grain density.
• Low barrel erosion due to lower flame temperature for a given speed of powder.
• Less muzzle flash.
• High accuracy (and ballistic uniformity).
• Excellent and uniform flow and packing qualities in powder measures result in more uniform "thrown" charges.
A brief description of the line of Winchester BALL POWDER propellants follows (each powder number has a
color-coded label distinct to itself):
WST Super-Target® is the propellant of choice for Winchester factory target shotshell loads. Due to its low
gravimetric density, WST's fast bum rate results in a clean burning load. In addition to target shotshell, WST is an
excellent choice in standard velocity handgun loads such as 38 Special and 45 ACP due to its low charge weight,
ooUBLE clean burning and low muzzle flash. Use this competition proven powder with Winchester components and dupl~
cate factory load ballistics.

WADS WSL Super-Lite® is the propellant of choice for Winchester Super-Lite Target Loads. WSL burns at lower
pressures to reduce felt recoil without reducing velocity performance. Super-Lite works well in 9mm and 40 S&W
as a low charge weight propellant. Combine Winchester components with WSL to duplicate factory load ballistics.
231 As the most popular reload propellant, 231 is a high energy pistol powder that is great for 38 Special,
45 ACP and 9mm standard velocity loads. Due to a unique density lowering process during its manufacturing, it is
cleaner burning than some other popular powders in this speed range. 231 is a popular propellant with police
WSF Super-Field® is the propellant of choice for Winchester 20 gauge AA® Target Load and 12 gauge
3 3/4 dram equivalent Super-X® load. WSF is an ideal choice to maximize velocities in 12 gauge 11/8 oz. and 1
1/4 oz. loads. Super-Reid also performs well in 38 Super, 9mm and 40 S&W pistol loads.
NEW WAP Winchester Action Pistol'"M propellant is one of the two new reloading powders introduced in 1994.
After years of product development, a clean burning, low muzzle flash, low recoil propellant was completed to be
factory loaded in Winchester 9mm and 40 S&W ammunition. WAP has a lower flame temperature than compel~
tive products which extends barrel life. This powder is the propellant of choice for premium factory loaded high
performance arnmunrtion. Ideal for use in competitive action pistol competition in 38 Super, 9mm and 40 S&W.
540 A versatile propellant that works well in 12 gauge 11/4 oz. and 11/2 oz., 20 gauge 1 oz. and 28 gauge
3/4 oz. loads. As a high density propellant, 540 is an excellent choice to maximize velocities with minimal recoil in
these loads. Suitable as a handgun propellant in 38 Super, 9mm, 40 S&W and 10mm loads.
571 A magnum shotshell propellant designed to maximize velocities in 12 gauge 1 3/8 oz and 11/2 oz loads
and other heavy field loads. 571 also obtains high velocities in 20 gauge and 28 gauge loads. Suitable as a hand-
gun propellant in 38 Super, 9mm, 40 S&W and 10mm loads.
296 This propellant was developed for Winchester factory loaded ammunition for 357 magnum, 44 mag-
num and 410 bore. Its high loading density provides optimal velocity and powder positioning performance. 296 is
also the powder type used by Winchester for factory loaded 41 Obore AA loads. However, 296 is not suitable for
most rifle cartridges.
748 748 is the powder of choice by Winchester and the U.S. military for 5.56mm and 223 Rem. ammun~
lion. The low flame temperature of 748 extends barrel wear versus other similar speed powders. It can be used in
a wide variety of centerfire rifle loads including 222 Rem, 30-30 Win and 308 Win. Combine Winchester compo-
nents with 748 to duplicate 308 Win factory load ballistics. 748 is recommended for use with the new 308 Fail Safe™
760 Combine Winchester components with 760 to duplicate 30-06 factory load ballistics. 760 has ideal flow
characteristics which give it an advantage over other propellants with similar burn rates. 760 is recommended as
an excellent choice for 7mm-08 as well as with the new 30-06 Fail Safe bullet.
NEW WMR Winchester Magnum Rifle™ propellant is one of the two new reloading powders introduced in 1994.
WMR is the propellant of choice for 270 Win, 243 Win and 300 Win Mag Winchester factory loaded ammunition.
WMR brings to the marketplace a propellant with low flame temperature and ideal flow characteristics. It is an exce~
lent magnum rifle propellant that can also be used in 257 Roberts, 25-06, 280 Rem and 338 Win Mag.
NOTE: 452AA, 473AA and 680 powders have been discontinued.

7 Components
BALL POWDER Smokeless Propellants Packed 1DD per box
are available in the followinc sized containers Symbol Primer Type Case Contains Case Wt. Lbs. (approx.)
Units Units W209 #209 Shotaun Shells 5.000 15
Per Case Per Case
Symbol Type Unit Case Wt. Lbs Symbol Type Unit Case Wt. Lbs WLR #81/2 -120 Larae Rifle 5.000 7
231 WSF WLRM #81/2M -120 Larae Rifle (Maanum) 5,000 7
2311 Handgun 1Lb. 10 14 WSF1 Shotshell & Handgun 1Lb. 10 13 WSR #61/2-116 Small Rifle 5.000 5
2313 Handgun 3 Lbs. 6 24 WSF3 Shotshell & Handgun 3 Lbs. 6 24
WSF8 Shotshell & Handgun 8 Lbs. 2 19.5 WSP #11/2 - 108 Small (Reaular) Handmm 5.000 5
2318 Handgun 8 Lbs. 4 38
WAP 540 WLP #7-111 Laroe (Reaular) Handaun 5.000 7
WAP1 Handgun 1Lb. 10 13 5401 Shotshell & Handgun 1Lb. 10 14 WSPM #11/2M-108 Small (Magnum) Handgun 5,000 5
WAP3 Handgun 3 Lbs. 6 24 5403 Shotshell & Handgun 3 Lbs. 6 24
WAP8 Handgun 8 Lbs. 2 19.5 5408 Shotshell & Handgun 8 Lbs. 4 38
296 571
2961 Mag. Handgun 5711 Shotshell & Handgun 1Lb. 10 14
& Shotshell 1Lb. 10 14 5713 Shotshell & Handgun 3 Lbs 6 24 Unprimed Cases for Rifles and Handguns
2963 Mag. Handgun 5718 Shotshell & Handgun 8 Lbs. 4 38 Winchester brass cases have to take a lot. The 30-06 case, for example, is hit with approximately 24 tons of
& Shotshell 3 Lbs. 6 24 748 pressure at every firing. Yet our cases can be resized. Again and again.
2968 Mag. Handgun 7481 Rifle 1Lb. 10 14 The reason? Precise engineering, meticulous attention to small details, and custom formulation in our own brass
& Shotshell 8 Lbs. 4 38 7488 Rifle 8 Lbs. 4 38 mill. The brass in the cartridges, made especially for our components, is carefully annealed to meet the stresses
WST 760 incurred in firing, resizing and bullet seating. Winchester's annealing process gives the right degrees of hardness in
WST1 Shotshell & Handgun 1Lb. 10 13 7601 Rifle 1Lb. 10 14
WST3 Shotshell & Handgun 3 Lbs. 6 24 Rifle 8 Lbs. 4 38 neck, body and base.
WST8 Shotshell & Handgun 8 Lbs. 2 19.5 WMR • Cases made in most popular calibers.
WSL WMR1 Magnum Rifle 1Lb 10 14 • Exact tolerances provide dependable functioning and reliability for rifle and handgun reloading.
WSL1 Shotshell & Handgun 1Lb. 10 13 WMR8 Magnum Rifle 8 Lbs. 2 19.5
WSL3 Shotshell & Handgun 3 Lbs. 6 24 Winchester Unprimed Cases Winchester Unprimed Cases
WSL8 Shotshell & Handgun 8 Lbs. 2 19.5 for Handguns for Rifles (cont'd}
Winchester Primers Wt. Lbs.; Wt. Lbs.;
You can't buy a more reliable primer than Winchester. Ignition is instant and precise. In Winchester testing labs, primers are Symbol Caliber Symbol Caliber
Per Case Per Case
constantly and rigorously tested for consistency and s,msitivity at1emperatures and conditions far beyond the range of normal
usage. Ignition reliability is assured when you use Wlnchester primers. U9MM *9mm Luger 4 U270 270 Winchester 16
• Better sensitivity for more positive firing in all guns. U9MMWM *9mm Winchester Magnum 7 U280 280 Remington (Nickel Plated)17
• Large rifle magnum primer for those heavy charges of slow powder where extra ignition is required. Use only where magnum U38SP *38 Special 5 U284 284 Winchester 17
primers are specified.
• 7 different primers cover your reloading needs for shotshells, rifte and handgun cartridges. U38A *38 Automatic (& 38 Super) 5 U7MM 7mm Mauser 14
• Non-corrosive, non-mercuric. U357 *357 Magnum (Nickel Plated) 6 U7MAG 7mm Remington Magnum 19
• Weight of the primer mixture is carefully controlled. U357MAX *357 Remington Maximum 9 U30C *30 Carbine 6
• Every Winchester primer is consistent in size and quality.
• Anvil heights are measured to precise tolerances to assure perfect ignition. U41 *41 Remington Magnum 9 U3030 30-30 Winchester 12
• Winchester primers maintain stability in extremes of temperature and humidity. U44S *44 S&W Special 9 U3006 30-06 Springfield 16
WARNING- Primers may explode if subjected to impact, shock, or intense heat. Store in original factory container only.
Primers in bulk are capable of mass explosion. Do not use in primer feed devices for reloading. U44M *44 Remington Maanum 9 U3040 30-40 Krag 15
U45C *45 Colt 9 U300WM 300 Winchester Magnum 21
Winchester Staynless Primers U45A • 45 Automatic 7 U300H 300 H&H Maanum 21
Centerfire primers are recommended for use as follows:
Large Rifle-WLR U45WM • 45 Winchester Magnum 9 U300 300 Savage 13
220 Swift 270 Winchester 300 H&H Magnum 348 Winchester Winchester Unprimed Cases U307 307 Winchester 14
22-250 Remington 284 Winchester 300 Savage 35 Remington for Rifles U308 308 Winchester 14
225 Winchester 7mm Mauser 303 Savage 356 Winchester
243 Winchester 280 Remington 303 British 358 Winchester U218 •218 Bee 6 U303 303 British 14
6mm Remington 7mm Express Rem 308 Winchester 350 Remington Magnum U22H *22 Hornet 4
25-35 Winchester 7mm Remington Magnum 32 Winchester Special 375 Winchester U3220 *32-20 Winchester 5
250 Savage 7.62 x 39mm 32 Remington 375 H&H Magnum U22250 22-250 Remington 14 U338 338 Winchester Magnum 20
25-06 Remington 30-30 Winchester 32-40 Winchester 38-55 Winchester
257 Roberts +P 30 Remington 8mm Mauser 416 Remington U220S 220 Swift 13 U348 348 Winchester 19
6 5 Remington Magnum 30-06 Springfield 8mm Remington Magnum 444 Marlin U222R 222 Remington 8 U356 356 Winchester 15
264 Winchester Magnum 30-40 Krag 338 Winchester Magnum 45-70 Government
7mm-08 Remington 300 Winchester Magnum 458 Winchester Magnum U223R 223 Remington 8 U358 358 Winchester 15
Small Riffe-WSR Small (Reg) Handgun-WSP Large (Reg) Handgun-WLP U225 225 Winchester 12 U375H 375 H&H Magnum 20
218 Bee 25 Automatlc 9mm Winchester Mag. 38-40 Winchester U243 243 Winchester 14 U375W 375 Winchester 20
22 Hornet 30 Luger 38S&W 10mm Automatic
222 Remington 32 Automatlc 38 Special 41 Magnum U6MMR 6mm Remington 15 U4440 *44-40 Winchester 9
222 Remington Magnum 32S&W 38 Short Colt 44 S&W Special U2520 *25-20 Winchester 6 U44M *44 Remington Magnum 9
223 Remington 32 S&W Long 38 Long Colt 44-40 Winchester
25-20 Winchester 32 Short Colt 38 Colt New Police 44 Magnum U2506 25-06 Remington 16 U4570 45-70 Government 15
256 Winchester Magnum 32 Long Colt 38 Super Auto +P 45 Colt U257P 257 Roberts +P 14 U458 458 Winchester Magnum 19
30 Carbine 32 Colt New Police 38 Automatic 45 Automatic
380 Automatic 45 Winchester Maonum U264 264 Winchester Magnum 19
357 Remington Maximu11 9mm Luger
40S&W l>'1113ll !Maal Handoun-WSPM All unprimed cases are packed 500 to a case *Packed 50 per box, all other packed 20 per box, t Weights. to nearest lb.
357 Magnum
9 Components
Winchester Wads Winchester Shot
Reloaders seldom give wads the same critical attention given to other components. Otten the result is poor per- High-quality lead shot made the old-fashioned best way- dropped from a seven-story shot tower continuously
fonnance- due entirely to the wad. Take a moment to review the high quality features of Winchester wads. For con- screened and rolled across multiple glass tables to insure only the best, roundest shot is bagged. Offered in regular
sistent, dependable perfonnance shot after shot, ask for Winchester AA® wads. chilled and AA special hard shot.
• Available in 12, 16, 20, 28, and 410, for all kinds of loads: target and field.
• Designed for the proper rate of collapse.*
• Fonns the right shape cup over the powder for proper obturation. Standard Shot Size
• Cushions the initial shock, designed to take the bite out of recoil. Shot Size
• Petal design protects the shot against flat-spotting, minimizes flyers in the pattern. Shot
Charge #2 #4 #5 #6 #71/2 #8 #81/2 #9
• The unifonn ballistics obtained with brand name wads may not be achieved with lower cost substitutes.
* Wad must collapse at pre-detennined rate in order to insure the proper pressure curve from the burning powder. 1/2 oz. 45 67 85 112 175 205 242 292
Winchester shot-protector wads of the Double A® type are available to the handloader in nine types in five differ- 3/4 oz. 67 101 127 168 262 308 363 439
ent gauges. All wads are packed 250 per container. The 12, 16 and 20 gauge wads are packed 5,000 per case. The 28 7/8 oz. 79 118 149 197 306 359 425 512
1 oz. 90 135 170 225 350 410 485 585
gauge and 410 wads are packed 2,500 per case. 461
1 1/8 oz. 101 152 191 253 393 545 658
1 1/4 oz. 112 169 213 281 437 513 605 731
1. WAA12-white one-piece wad for use in 12 gauge Double A, Upland, Xpert and Super-X cases for 1 to 1 5/8 ounce 1 3/8 oz. 124 186 234 309 481 564 665 804
loads for trap, skeet and field loads and other loads as shown in the data. Packed in a special box container to pre- 1 1/2 oz. 135 202 255 337 525 615 730 877
vent bent petals. 1 5/8 oz. 146 220 276 366 569 666 790 951
1 7/8 oz. 169 253 319 422 656 769 850 1097
2. WAA12R- red one piece wad for use in a wide variety of cases, including Double A, Upland, Xpert and Super-X 2 oz. 180 270 340 450 700 820 970 1170
cases, and for heavy field loads. Also for use in paper cases for trap, skeet and field loads 2 1/4 oz. 202 304 382 506 786 922 1090 1316
3. WAA12F114-a yellow flared petal Double Atype wad designed specifically for 12 gauge field loads with 11/4 ounce This tabulation gives the approximate number of pellets per shotshell load for shot sizes 2 through 9. The exact
and 1 3/8 ounce shot charges. number of pellets will vary, depending on exact alloy content. For example, chilled shot vs. soft shot. Variations in
4. WAA12SL- pink one piece wad used in 12 gauge for 1 to 11/8 ounce loads, but can be used anywhere 1 ounce shot pellet diameter will also affect the exact number of pellets per load when shot charge is thrown by volume rather
WAA12F1 wad was recommended. Anytime WSL powder is used the WAA12F1 wad CANNOT be substituted for than by weight.
WAA12SL. A tight crimp offers the best perfonnance. Duplicate the length of factory Super-Ute® loads for top Component Shot Chari- Diameter In Inches
perfonnance. Packed in a special box container to prevent bent petals. Winchester unifonn, chilled lead shot provides consistent shot patterns and better penetration. Strict quality con-
5. WAA16- blue one-piece wad used in 16 gauge Upland, Xpert and Super-X cases for 1 ounce to 11/8 ounce trap, trol throughout the manufacturing process assures the ultimate in perfonnance. All Winchester shot available in 25
skeet and field loads. pound bags.

6. WAA2i.- white one-piece wad for use in 20 gauge Upland, Xpert and Super-X cases for skeet and field loads for
9 8 7 1/2 6 5 4 2 BB

7/8 to 11/4 ounce loads. Also useful in other applications as specified in the data.

7. WAA20F1- a yellow flared petal Double A type wad designed specifically for 20 gauge field loads with 1 ounce to
11/8 ounce shot charges.
8. WAA2S- pink one-piece wad for use in 28 gauge Double A and Super-X cases for skeet and field loads.
9. WAA41-white one-piece wad for use in 410 bore Double A and Super-X cases for skeet and field loads.

• •
.09 .095 • • •
.12 .13 .15 .18


600 405 345 220 170 135 90 50

Chilled Shot

No. 48uck No. 00
Winchester Shot Svmbol Descriotion
SC2Y #2 Chilled
SC4Y #4 Chilled
SC5Y #5 Chilled
.24 .33
SC6Y #6 Chilled
SC75Y #7 1/2 Chilled APPROXIMATE NO.
(yellow) (white) (pink) (red) (blue) (yellow) (white) (pink) (white) SC9Y #9 Chilled 340 130
Hard Shot
Winchester Shot Svmbol Descriotion
SC75YH #7 1/2 Hard
SC8YH #8 Hard
SC9YH #9 Hard

Components 10 11 Components
Source of Empty Cases
All Winchester® cases used in shotshell reloading are obtained as a result of the first firing of factory loaded ammunition.
In a great many instances, once-fired Double A® cases and other Winchester shotshells can be purchased from local
skeet and trap ranges, gun clubs, and dealers catering to the shotshell reloaders. In case this service is not available, the
only means of obtaining these cases would be as the result of firing factory ammunition.

Powder Bushings and Scales

Shotshell reloading tool powder bushings do not throw the exact charge specification in many cases. The reasons are
many and include:
1. Variations in gravimetric density of powders from lot to lot. The tolerance is plus or minus .025 grams per cubic cen-
timeter. This tolerance applies to most canister powders.
2. Usually a bushing chart lists the nominal weight of a powder charge based on normal packing as a result of free flow and
gravimetric density of a powder or on a bushing volume and the nominal gravimetric powder density at 100% packing.
3. Various operators of a tool will get various powder weight from an identical tool and bushing. This is due to the change
in force of operation and the amount of vibration transmitted to the tool with resultant amount of packing of powder.
4. The amount of sizing force required on cases being loaded can cause a change in powder drop due to the change in tool
5. Bushing manufacturing tolerances.
6. Tool manufacturing tolerances.
7. Mismarked bushings.
A bushing listing chart cannot be interpreted as an absolute. It can represent what the manufacturer believes to be the
nominal charge thrown with the listed bushing and powder.
Areloading scale is an absolute must. Charges thrown must be carefully checked and changes in bushing sizes made
where required.
Do not try to determine the powder charge thrown by simply metering the powder bar back and forth and weighing
charges. The tool must be cycled through the complete loading cycle to insure the same amount of vibration and powder
packing as will take place in a normal loading cycle. Powder charges measured under the two conditions could vary as
much as several grains.
For your reference, bushing charts are on pages 30 thru 35.
WARNING-Steel Shot
With reference to the repeated inquiries on the reloading of steel shotshells, Winchester's advice, at this time, is:
Wait until suitable components and tested data are available from the ammunition makers.
At this time, key components, for acceptable steel shot loads, are not widely available to reloaders. This includes
"soft" steel shot, the special plastic wads and shot sleeves designed for use with such shot, and the special powder
Some steel shot pellets have a diamond pyramid hardness of up to 270, as compared to the desired DPH of about 90
for the soft steel shot being used in commercial shot loads.
In some cases, available steel pellets are harder than the gun barrel in which they would be fired and can severely
score barrel walls and distort barrel chokes.
Commercial steel shot loads have special wads and thick plastic shot sleeves helping to shield the barrel wall from the
shot pellets. The shot sleeves used in lead shot loads are not sufficient to protect gun barrels from damage due to steel
The reloading of steel shot loads, entirely different than loading lead shot ammunition, requires all new components
and data. The attempt to load steel shot loads, with current components, would damage your gun and could injure the
shooter or bystander.
Basically, when reliable data is available, the recommendations are as follows:
Steel shot components are not currently available from Winchester.

Buffered Shot Cautions

The use of any buffering material in a shot column will significantly alter the ballistics for any given shotshell load.
Also, if not carefully tested, buffering materials can produce dangerously high pressures. The development of loading
data for any buffered load requires extensive pressure and velocity testing to insure the proper speed propellant powder
and propellant charge weight are being used for the specific buffering material.
The use of talc, flour, and similar non-compressible materials should not be considered as buffering materials as they
can produce dangerously high, erratic pressures in an unpredictable manner.

13 Shotshell
The . .rate With Whlc~ shotshell propellant bums Within a shotshell ls governed to a great extent by the uniform com-
presslbilio/ al !he wadding and the shot itself. Changes in the compressibiilty, such as Isthe case with buffering materials, Wad Seating Pressure
can drastically change the bum rate of the propellant Careful testing is requiled to assure the load will not result in a dam- Wad pressure, when using BALL POWDER propellant, is not critical. Any pressure from Oto 100 pounds is
aged gun, personal injury or death We do not suggest the use of buffered shot reloads without lab testing. acceptable. The only criterion is enough pressure must be used to insure a good crimp. A safe level to use is
40 pounds, from which the loader may vary at his own choice to get the best crimp. Wads must be seated on
Slow Burning Shotshell Powders the powder (no air space should exist between wad and powder).
~low bu1']1ing powders always leaw more residue than fast burning powders, all other things being equal. This can be Do not load any components that require more than 100 pounds wad pressure
yenfied by oompanng the results of filing a box of factory 1 ounce loads with a box of factory 11/2 ounce loads. The heav-
ier I~ will leave behind considerably more residue. The reloader can take certain steps to help eliminate, as much as Shot Bushing Diameters
pOSSJble,:the amount or residue left in his firearm. .424-1 /2 Oz. .565-7/8 Oz. .664-1 1/4 Oz. .750-1 5/8 Oz.
The first step would be with the case itself. Do not use cases loaded more than two or three times for these loads. You .477-5/8 Oz. .596-1 Oz. .695-1 3/8 Oz. .780-1 3/4 Oz.
need a good firm crimp to offer the proper amount of resistance to the initial burning of slow powders. A case loaded a .517-3/4 Oz. .641-11/8 Oz. .721-11/2 Oz. .809-1 7/8 Oz.
number of times simply does not afford the firm crimping required.
Secondly, the primer selection is limited on these loads. If the cleanest possible burning is to be obtained, we suggest Velocity
only Winchester 209's. Be sure to use the specific primer listed for the load and do not make substitutions from data list- Velocities quoted in the data are averages of a series of shots fired in accordance with equipment and tech-
ings. niques used throughout the American arms and ammunition industry. Listed loads have given uniform veloci-
The third item is wad pressure. A wad pressure of 60 to 70 lbs. seems to help. Great care must be taken to insure the ty results in tests.
lips of the over powder cup section are not damaged or torn when seating the wad. (Wad guide fingers should be in good Shotshell velocity barrels used conform to the following lengths as approved by SAAM!*
condition.) Do not substitute wads, use data only as listed. 10 ga.-3 1/2" Full Choke 32" 20 ga.-3' Full Choke 30'
Fourth, powder charges and shot weights must be checked with a scale. Do this while the loading machine is being 12 ga.-3' Full Choke 30" 20 ga.-2 3/4" Full Choke 26'
cycled. This is very important. 12 ga.-2 3/4" Full Choke 30" 28 ga.-2 3/4" Full Choke 26"
Fifth, every effort must be made to make as firm a crimp as practical. It is important the finished shell length not exceed 16 ga.-2 3/4" Full Choke 28" 410 bore-2 1/2" or 3" Full Choke 26'
a factory loaded round and the depth of crimp be as deep as a factory round. Also, put a good bevel on the shell mouth *Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute
when crimping. This tends to strengthen the crimp. No sealers should be used on the crimp.
. It the maxlmum of m of the foregoing points is built into heavy reloads, ft will reduce th~ ammmtmiouling to.a min- Pressure Data
imum. However. tieally reloads will always leave some fouling. Semiautomatics are prone to the most fouling. Clean guns All pressure data listed as psi has been measured with the latest Piezo electric system showing actual pounds
carefully after eaeh fluming trip if more than 25 rounds have been fired. Most firearms will function with a good amount of per square inch (psi) and cannot be compared directly to the old data which used the lead crusher method (LUP).
fouling present but a good cleaning after each trip is proper maintenance 10 insure the maximum In renabillty from the Black Powder Warning: Never substitute smokeless powder for black powder or Pyrodex or mix smoke-
firearm. less powder with black powder or Pyrodex. Never use smokeless powder in black powder firearms or in
saluting cannons. Smokeless powder has much more energy than black powder or Pyrodex. Substituting
Shotshell Loading Instructions or mixing powders may cause the firearm to blow up resulting in personal injury, property damage, or death.
CAlffiON: Carefully read the infonnation on the powder can label and follow the recommended loading Pressure Data
instructions and precautions contained herein, before using the reloading data. Ballistics of shotshells are affected not only by the type and amount of powder, but also by the pellet size and
Winchest~r suggested loads are based on results obtained in our laboratory under carefully controlled conditions. They charge weight of shot, the type of crimp, the type of shotshell case, and the type of wads used. Follow loading
are offered without fee as an aid to handloaders, to be employed at their own discretion and risk. Since Winchester has no data instructions and do not deviate from recommended combinations.
control over the circumstances of loading, Winchester assumes no liability for the results obtained. It should be noted that low chamber pressures do not necessarily mean low recoil. Recoil is a Junction of the
The handloading of shotshells should be undertaken only by those familiar with all safety precautions and observe con- velocity of the ejecta from the muzzle and the weight of the ejecta. It is basic physics. For every action there is
servative practices in reloading operations. The powder charges shown are maximum and must not be exceeded. an equal and opposite reaction. Kick, or felt recoil can be reduced by lower velocity, everything else being equal.
Exercise extreme care in determining use of the exact case listed in the data. Substitution could be dangerous. When in
doubt contact the manufacturer of the case.

Use only those primers which are specifically shown in the data; do not substitute one primer for another. To do so could
result in a significant change in ballistics, and could result in an unsatisfactory or even dangerous load. Never use shotshell
primers having uncovered flash holes with BALL POWDER® smokeless propellants. To do so could be dangerous.

ChecK all poWlier charges with a scale. Check about 10 shells to determine !he average weight of charges thrown and
the uniformlty of the charge. Powder bushing charts are shown in this book to assist you In the selection of bushings. The
information contained In these Charts has been supplied by !he manutacturer or the btJsh111gs.
Su~ charts do not rep!esent l~rfln_g tablE:5 and list only the appraxirnate powder charge dropped by the fisted bushing.
Variatlons ln how the loading tool 1s handled, mthe bushings themselves and In the specific components used, will alter the
charges thrown. It is essential to check charge weight with a scale and go to the next larger or smaller bushing when and
where required.

Use only those wads as specifically shown in the data; do not substitute one wad for another. To do so could result in a
significant change in ballistics and could result in an unsatisfactory or even dangerous load. The uniform ballistics obtained
with brand name wads may not be achieved with lower cost substitutes.

Shotshell 14 15 Shotshell
The selection of shotshell loads can be further clarified by grouping. according to gauge, the weight of the shot
Selection ol Shotshell Loads charge and the velocity. These can be applied to general applications. Other specifications are of course possible.
Shotshell loads in this data reference are listed in order of gauge, shell length , case type and
shot weight. Shot Shot
For the reloader, no further explanation of his gauge or shell length is actually necessary. Weight Velocity Application Weight Velocity Application
Be certain to select the data for the exact case being loaded. Data is not interchangeable from one case 10 Ga. 31/2" 20 Ga. 2 3/4"
type to another. All loads 11210 fps IMagnum , turkey 3/4 oz. 1145-1200 fps Light target
The desired shot weight is readily referenced from the factory ammunition used for various purposes. 7/8 oz. 1200 fps Skeet, field
The load velocity may require some additional explanation. Factory ammunition packages normally 12 Ga. 2 3/4" 1 oz. 1165-1250 fps Field
make no reference to velocity but rather to dram equivalent. 1 1/8 oz. 1150-1185 fps Field (magnum)
7/8 oz. 1200 fps Light target
Winchester offers, for reference, the following dram equivalent table according to industry standards 1 oz. 1150-1290 fps Light target, light field
For load selection, select the load that meets or most nearly meets the velocity of the dram equivalent of 1 1/8 oz. 1145-1200 fps Trap, skeet and field 20 Ga. 3"
the load to be duplicated. In general, higher velocity will increase the effective range of a load while also 1 1/8 oz. 1255-1400 fps Field 1 1/8 oz. I1220 fps
1 3116oz. 1195 fps
increasing recoil. 1 1/4 az. 1150-1305 fps Field
1 1/4 oz. 1330 fps Heavy field 1 1/4 oz. 1135-1220 fps Field
20 Gauge 1 3/8 oz. 1250-1295 fps Heavy field
10 Gauge
1 3/8 oz. 1330 fps Magnum 28 Ga. 2 3/4"
31/2" Shells Velocity 2 3/4" Shells Velocity 1 1/2 oz. 1095 fps Field 3/4 oz. 1200 fps Skeet, field
4 1/4 drams equivalent, 2 ounce shot 1210 fps 2 1/2 drams equivalent, 7/8 ounce shot 1210 fps 1 1/2 oz. 1240-1260 fos Maanum. turkev 3/4 oz. 1260 fps Field
4 1/2 drams equ ivalent, 2 1/4 ounce shot 1210 fos 2 1/2 drams equivalent, 1 ounce shot 1165 fps 1 oz. 1125 fps Field
2 3/4 drams equivalent, 1 ounce shot i 220 fps 12 Ga. 3"
12 Gauge 2 3/4 drams eauivalent. 1 1/8 ounce shot 1175fps 1 3/8 oz, 1295 fps Heavy field 410 Bore
2 3/4" Shells Velocity 3" Shells Velocity 1 5/8 oz. 1205 fps Turkey
2 3/4 drams equivalent, 1 ounce shot 1180 fps 31/2 drams equivalent, 1 3/16 ounce shot 1195 fps 1 7/8 oz. 1100-1140 fps Turkey All Loads 11135-1200 fps
11/16 oz. 1135 fps
light field
3 drams equivalent, 1 1/4 ounce shot 1185 fps 2 oz. 1125 fps Turkey
3 1/4 drams equivalent, 1 ounce shot 1290 fps Loads
2 3/4 drams equivalent, 1 1/8 ounce shot 1145 fps
3 drams equivalent, 1 1/8 ounce shot 1200 fps 28 Gauge 16 Ga. 2 3/4"
3 1/4 drams equivalent, 1 1/8 ounce shot 1255 fps 2 3/4" Shells Velocity 1 oz. 1165-1220 fps
3 1/4 drams equivalent, 1 1/4 ounce shot 1220 fps Trap, skeet, field
3 1/2 drams equivalent, 1 1/8 ounce shot 1300 fps 2 drams equivalent, 3/4 ounce shot 1200 fps 1 1/8 oz. 1185 fps Trap, skeet, field
1330 fps 2 1/4 drams equivalent, 3/4 ounce shot 1295 fps 1 1/8 oz. 1240-1290 fps Field
3 3/4 drams equivalent, 1 1/4 ounce shot 1 1/4 oz. 1230 fps Field (magnum)
3 3/4 drams equivalent, 1 1/2 ounce shot 1260 fos Max drams equivalent, 1 ounce shot 1125 fps
3" Shells Velocity Winchester Lead Shot, Shotshell Loading Data
3 3/4 drams equivalent, , ·318 ounce shot 1295 fps 410 Bore Do not substitute components. Use only combinations as listed in the data. The data herein supersedes all
4 drams equivalent, 1 5/8 ounce shot 1280 ips Velocity previous Winchester tabulations. All data was obtained in once fired cases.
4 drams equivalent, 1 7/8 ounce shot 1210 ips 21/2" Shells
Caution: Shotshell BALL POWDER smokeless propellants should always be used with primers having covered
Max drams eauivalent. 2 ounce shot 1125 fas Max. drams eauivalent, t/2 ounce shot 1200 fns flash holes. Do not use the shotshell data contained in this handbook with steel shot; to do so would cause an
3" Shells Velocity extremely dangerous condition. See page 13.
16 Gauge Max. drams equivalent, 11/16 ounce shot 1135 fps Loads are listed for the following shotshell cases-
2 3/4" Shells Velocity 1DGauge 3 1/2''
2 1/2 drams equivalent, 1 ounce shot 1165 fps • Winchester polyformed plastic- paper basewad
2 3/4 drams equivalent, 11/8 ounce shot 1185 fps 12 Gauge 2 3/4"
3 drams equivalent, 1 1/8 ounce shot 1240 fps • Winchester compression-formed, Double A, Upland, Xpert and Super-X
3 1/4 drams equivalent, 1 1/8 ounce shot 1295 fps • Winchester and Sears polyformed plastic, low brass head- high paper basewads
3 1/4 drams enuivalent. 1 1/4 ounce sbot 1260 fos • Winchester and Sears paper, low brass head- high paper basewad
• Winchester polyformed plastic basewad
• Remington-Peters SP plastic
• Remington-Peters RXP plastic
• Peters Blue Magic plastic
• Remington RTL
• Federal paper, low brass head- wound paper basewad
• Federal Gold Medal
12 Gauge 3"
• Winchester compression-formed, Super-X
• Remington-Peters SP plastic
16 Gauge 2 3/4"
• Winchester compression-formed, Upland, Xpert and Super-X
20 Gauge 2 3/4"
• Winchester compression-formed, Double A, Upland, Xpert and Super-X
• Remington-Peters SP plastic
• Remington-Peters RXP Plastic
Shotshell 16 17 Shotshell
20 Gauge 3"
• Winchester compression-formed, Super-X.
• Remington-Peters SP plastic.
28 Gauge 2 3/4"
• Winchester compression-formed, Double A and Super-X.
410 Bore 21/2"
• Winchester compression-formed, Double A and Super-X.
• Remington-Peters SP plastic (new style for 209 size primer).
410 Bore 3"
• Winchester compression-formed, Super-X.
• Remington-Peters SP plastic. Winchester 12 Ga. Polyformed Plastic Tube with Plastic Basewad
The Winchester Dove & Quail, Rabbit & Squirrel (low brass), and Pheasant (high brass) cases all use
Wads Used in Various Loads a plastic tube and plastic basewad.
Winchester Remington Federal Regardless of whether this case has high or low brass it may be used with data listed for this case.
The internal dimensions of these cases are identical.
WAA12 WAA16 SP10 RXP12 RP12 PT28 121 C
WAA12R WAA20 Fig 8 R12L SP16 SP410 12C2
WAA12F114 WAA20F1 TGT12 R12H RXP20 1231
WAA12SL WAA28 SP12 SP20 410SC
Shotshell Data
Winchester Case Identification 10 Gauge 3 1/2" Case
Winchester Polyformed Plastic
Shot Charge Velocity
Wgt. Primer Powder (grains} Wad Column (fps) Pressure
2 oz. Win. 209 540 44.0 Rem. SP 10 with a 1210 8,700 LUP
16 ga. 1/4" fiber filler
2 oz. Win. 209 540 44.0 Pacific plastic with a 1210 8,600 LUP
20 ga. 3/8" fiber filler
2 1/4 oz, Win. 209 571 47.0 Rem. SP10 1210 9.900 LUP
2 1/4 oz. Win. 209 571 48.0 Pacific Plastic 1210 10,000 LUP

Winchester Compression-Formed Cases

The Double A case, the Xpert case, the Upland case, and the High Brass case-all are compression-formed-and 12 Gauge 2 3/4" Case
are made of one piece of plastic without separate basewad.
Regardless of whether the compression-formed case has high or low outside brass, it may be used for data list-
Winchester Compression-Formed, "Double A", "Xpert" and "Super-X"
ed for this case. Shot Charge Vi'ocity
The internal dimensions of the Double A, the Upland case, Xpert and High Brass are identical. Wgt. Primer Powder (grains} Wad Column fps) Pressure
All these cases now have an 8-fold crimp for improved reloadability. 7/8 OL Win. 209 452AA 19.0 Win. WAA12SLO 1210 7.100 LUP
* Win. 209
Win. 209
Win. WAA12SL
Fed. 12S0
7,400 psi
8,000 psi
' oz. CCI 209 WST 19.0 Fed. 12S0 1180 8,300 psi
1 oz. Fed. 209 WST 19.5 Fed. 12S0 1180 7,900 psi
1 oz. Fed. 209A WST 19.0 Win. WAA12SL 1180 7,900 psi
1 oz. Win. 209 452AA 20.0 Win. WAA12SL 1180 7,300 LUP
1 oz. Fed. 209 452AA 20.0 Win. WAA12SL 1180 7,300 LUP
1 oz. CCI 209 452AA 20.0 Win. WAA12SL 1180 6.800 LUP
1 oz. Win. 209 WST 21.0 Win. WAA12SL 1235 8,100 psi
1 oz. Win. 209 WST 20.5 Fed. 12S0 1235 9,500 psi
Low Brass High Brass 1 oz. CCI 209 WST 21.5 Win. WAA12SL 1235 7,900 psi
1 oz. CCI 209 WST 20.5 Fed. 12S0 1235 9,500 psi
1 oz. Fed. 209 WST 21.0 Win. WAA12SL 1235 7,400 psi
Winchester Low Brass and High Brass Polyformed or Paper Cases 1 oz. Fed. 209 WST 21.0 Fed. 12S0 1235 9,300 psi
The internal length of the low brass shell is shorter than the internal length of the high brass polyformed plastic 1 oz. Fed. 209A WST 20.0 Win. WAA12SL 1235 8,900 psi
shell or paper shell. 1 oz. Win. 209 452AA 21.5 Win. WAA12SL 1235 7,900 LUP
These shells are made with a separate paper basewad (with overlay cup). In the low brass shell the basewad is 1 oz. Fed. 209 452AA 21.5 Win. WAA12SL 1235 7,800 LUP
thicker than in the high brass shell. 1 oz. CCI 209 452AA 21.5 Win. WAA12SL 1235 7,800 LUP
The data recommendations for use in the high brass and low brass polyformed or paper shotshell cases must O No Wad Pressure
be different because of the difference in the internal volumes. • This load will duplicate the ballistics of the factory Winchester AA Xtra-Lite target load ,


Shotshell 18 19 Shotshell
12 Gauge 2 3/4" Case 12 Gauge 2 3/4" Case
Winchester Comoression-Formed, "Double A", "Xoert" and "Suoer-X" (cont'd) Winchester Comoression-Formed, "Double A", "Xoert" and "Suoer-X" (cont'd)
Shot Charge Velocity Shot Charge Velocity
Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
, oz. Win. 209 WST 22.0 Win. WAA12SL 1290 9,000 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WST 21 .0 Rem. Fi~-8 1200 9,200 psi
1 oz. Win. 209 WST 22.0 Fed. 12S0 1290 10,900 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WST 21 .0 Fed.12 3 1200 10,900 psi
1 oz. CCI 209 WST 22.5 Win. WAA12SL 1290 9,400 psi 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 20.0 Win. WAA12SL 1200 9,000 psi
1 oz. CCI 209 WST 21 .5 Fed. 12S0 1290 10,700 psi 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 20.0 Win. WAA12 1200 10,100 psi
1 oz. Fed. 209 WST 22.5 Win. WAA12SL 1290 8,400 psi 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 19.5 Rem. RXP12 1200 9,800 psi
pz. Fed. 209 WST 22.5 Fed. 12S0 1290 10}00 psi 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 20.0 Rem. Ft8 1200 9,400 psi

oz. Fed. 209A WST 21.0 Win. WAA12SL 1290 9,aoo Bsi 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 20.0 Fed. 12 3 1200 10,200 psi
Win. 209 452AA 23.0 Win. WAA12SL 1290 8,900 L P 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 19.5 Win. WAA12SL 1200 9,800 psi
oz. Fed. 209 452AA 23.0 Win. WAA12SL 1290 8,600 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 19.5 Win. WAA12 1200 10,800 psi
oz. CCI 209 452AA 23.0 Win. WAA12SL 1290 8,500 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 19.5 Rem. Fig-8 1200 9,700 psi
oz. Win. 209 WSL 21.0 Win. WAA12SL 1290 9,500 psi 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 19.5 Rem. R12L 1200 9,200 psi
oz. Win. 209 WSL 21.5 Fed. 12S0 1290 10.100 psi 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 19.5 Fed. 12S3 10,400 psi
1 oz. CCI 209 WSL 21.0 Win. WAA12SL 1290 9,400 psi J200
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 20.0 Win. WAA12SL 200 9,100 psi
1 oz. CCI 209 WSL 21.0 Fed. 12S0 1290 10,400 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 20.0 Win. WAA12 1200 10,700 psi
1 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 21.0 Win. WAA12SL 1290 9,300 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 20.0 Rem. RXP12 1200 9,700 psi

1 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 21 .5 Fed. 12S0 1290 9.600 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 20.0 1200 9,600 psi
1 oz. Fed. 209A WSL 19.5 Win. WAA12SL 1290 10,300 osi Rem. Ft8
11/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 20.0 Fed. 12 3 1200 10,500 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 18.5 Win. WAA12SL 1145 8,000 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 19.0 Rem. Fit._8 1145 8,400 psi 1/8 oz. Fed. 209A WSL 18.5 Win. WAA12SL 1200 11,100 psi
1/8 oz. Fed. 209A WSF 23.0 Win. WAA12SL 1200 8,400 ~SI
1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 18.5 Win. W 12SL 1145 8.800 psi 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 20.5 Win. WAA12 1200 10,100LP
1 1/8 oz. CCl209 WSL 18.5 Rem. Ft8 11 45 8,500 psi 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 21 .0 Rem RXP12 1200 9,900 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 18.5 Win . W 12SL 11 45 7,800 psi 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 20.5 Fed. 12S1 1200 10,200 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 19.0 Rem. RXP12 11 45 8,000 psi 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 21.0
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 19.0 Rem. Fi~-8 11 45 8,200 psi 452AA Fed. 12C1 1200 10,000 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 19.0 Fed. 12 3 8,000 psi 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 21.0 Alcan D 1200 10,000 LUP
1 1/8 oz Fed. 209A WSL 17.0 Win. WAA12SL r 145
45 9,800 psi 1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 452AA 20.5 Win. WAA12 1200 10,500 LUP
1 1/8 oz.· Win. 209 WST 18.5 Win. WAA12 145 6,600 psi 1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 452AA 20.5 Rem. RXP12 1200 10,400 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WST 19.0 Rem. RXP12 11 45 8,700 psi 1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 452AA 20.5 Fed. 12S1 or 12C1 1200 10,400 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WST 19.0 Rem. Fi~-8 1145 6,400 P,Si 1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 452AA 20.5 Alcan D 1200 10,300 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WST 19.0 Fed. 12 3 1145 9,800 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 452AA 20.5 Win. WAA12 1200 10,000 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WST 19.0 Win. WAA12 1145 9,100psl 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 452AA 20.5 Fed. 12S1 1200 9,900 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WST 19.5 Rem. RXP12 1145 8,800 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 452AA 21 .0 Fed. 12C1 1200 9.900 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WST 19.0 Rem. Ft8 1145 9.000 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 452AA 21 .0 Alcan D 1200 9,900 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WST 19.0 Fed. 12 3 11 45 9,500 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 399 452AA 20.5 Win. WAA12 1200 10,000 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WST 19.0 Win. WAA12 1145 9,000 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 399 452AA 21.5 Rem. RXP12 1200 9,900 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WST 19.5 Rem. Fi~-8 1145 8JOO psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 399 452AA 21 .0 Fed. 12S1 1200 10,200 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WST 19.5 Fed. 12 3 1145 10,000 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 399 452AA 21.0 Fed. 12C1 1200 10,100 LUP
1 1/8 oz Fed. 209A WST 18.5 Win. WAA12 11 45 10JOO psi 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 23.5 Win. WAA12 1200 8,500 LUP
1 1/8 oz Fed. 209A
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209
Win. WAA12SL
Win. WAA12
11 45
9, 00 L P
Bs' 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209
Rem. RXP12
Fed. 12S1 or 12C1
8,200 LUP
8,300 LUP
11/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 19.5 Rem. RXP12 1145 9,300 LUP 11/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 23.5 Win. WAA12 1200 8,900 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 19.5 Fed. 12C1 11 45 9,000 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 23.5 Rem. RXP12 1200 8,400 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 19.5 Fed. 12S1 11 45 9,300 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 20.0 Alcan D 1145 9,000 LUP ~ 1/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 23.5 Fed. 12S1 1200 8,700 LUP
1/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 24.0 Fed. 12C1 1200 8,500 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 Win. WAA12 9,600 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109
Rem. RXP12
Fed. 12S1
Fed. 12C1
11 45

9,600 LUP
9,700 LUP
9,600 LUP
pj~ 1/8 oz. Fed. 209
11/8 oz. Fed. 209
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209
Win. WAA12
Rem. RXP12
Fed. 12S1 or 12C1
9,200 LUP
8,500 LUP
8.700 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 452AA 19.5 Alcan D 1145 9,000 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 21 .5 Win. WAA12SL 1255 10,800 psi
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 452AA Win. WAA12 1145 9,200 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 21.0 Win. WAA12 1255 10,900 psi
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 452AA t5
9.5 Rem . RXP12 1145 8,700 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 21 .0 Rem . RXP12 1255 10,900 psi
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 452AA 9.5 Fed. 12S1 1145 9,000 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 21.0 Rem. Fig-8 1255 10,800 psi
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 452AA 20.0 Fed . 12C1 1~45 9,200 LUP 11/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 21 .5 Rem. R12L 1255 10,800 psi
i 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 452AA 20.0 Alcan D 1 45 9,300 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 21.0 Win. WAA12SL 1255 10,900 psi
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 399 452AA 20.0 Win. WAA12 1145 9,100 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 21.0 Rem. RXP12 1255 10,700 psi
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 399 452AA 20.0 Rem. RXP12 11 45 8,800 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 21.0 Rem. Fig-8 1255 10,900 psi
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 399 452AA 20.0 Fed. 12C1 11 45 9,600 LUP 11/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 21.0 Rem. R12L 1255 10,600 psi
1 1/8 oz, Fed. 399 452AA 20.0 Alcan D 1145 9.500 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 21 .5 Win. WAA12SL 1255 10,300 psi
i 1/8 oz~· Win. 209 WST 20.0 Win. WAA12 1200 9,800 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 21.0 Rem. RXP12 1255 10,700 psi
11 /8 oz. Win. 209 WST 20.0 Rem. RXP12 1200 9,700 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 21 .5 Rem. Fig-8 1255 10,900 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WST 20.5 Rem. Ft8 1200 10,000 psi 11/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 21.5 Rem. R12L 1255 10,500 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WST 20.0 Fed. 12 3 1200 10,900 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209A WSF 24.0 Win. WAA12SL 1255 9,100 psi
1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WST 20.5 Win. WAA12 1200 10,300 psi 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 25.0 Win. WAA12 1255 9,500 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WST 20.5 Rem. RXP12 1200 10,300 psi 11/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 25.0 Rem. RXP12 1255 8,500 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WST 20.5 Rem. Ft8 1200 10,000 psi 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 25.0 Fed. 12S1 1255 9,100 LUP
l 1/8 OZ. CCI 209 WST 20.5 Fed. 12 3 1200 10,800 psi 1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 24.5 Win. WAA12 1255 9,400 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WST 20.5 Win. WAA12 1200 10,000 psi 1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 25.0 Rem. RXP12 1255 9,400 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WST 21 .0 Rem. RXP12 1200 10.000 psi
• This load will duplicate the ballistics of the factory AA Winchester Light 2 3/4 dram eq. target load.
• • This load will duplicate the ballistics of the factory AA Winchester Heavy 3 dram eq. target load.
21 Shotshell
12 Gauge 2 3/4" Case
12 Gauge 2 314 11 Case Winchester Western and Sears Polyformed Plastic, Low Brass Head-
Winchester Compression-Fonned, "Double A", "YnPrt" and "Suoer-X" (cont'd)
Hiah Pacer Basewad
Shot Charge Velocity Shot Charge
Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure Velocity
Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 25.0 Fed.12S1 1255 9,900 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 473AA 24.5 Win. WAA12 1255 9,900 LUP 1 oz. Win. 209 452AA 25.0 Rem. R12L 1290 8.100 LUP
11/8 oz. Fed. 209 473AA 25.0 Rem. RXP12 1255 9,300 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 21 .5 Rem. RPA12 1145 7,600 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 473AA 25.0 Fed. 12S1 1255 9.600 LUP 1 1/8 OZ. Win. 209 452AA 23.0 Rem. RPA12 1200 8,900 LUP
11/8 oz. Win 209 473AA 27.0 Win. WAA12 1300 9,800 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win_209 540 32.5 Win. WAA12 1300 9,200 LUP
l 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSF 27.5 Win. WAA12 1310 8,700 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSF 27.5 Fed. 12S3 1310 8,500 psi 12 Gauge 2 3/4 11 Case
l 1/8 oz. Fed 209A WSF 25.5 Win. WAA12SL 1310 9,800 osi Winchester Polyformed Plastic, Low or Hiah Brass Head-Plastic Basewad
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 28.0 Win. WAA12 1330 10,100 LUP
i 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 28.0 Rem. RXP12 1330 10,100 LUP Shot Charge Velocity
11/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 28.0 Fed. 12S1 1330 10,400 LUP Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
l 1/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 27.0 Win. WAA12 1330 10,400 LUP 1 oz. Win. 209 452AA 23.0 Fed. 12S3 1290 8.400 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 27.0 Rem. RXP12 1330 10,100 LUP 1 1/8 oz.. Win. 209 452AA 20.5 Fed_ 12S3 1145 7.500 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 27.0 Fed. 12S1 1330 10.500 LUP 1 1/4 OZ. Win. 209 Rem. R12H
540 35.0 1330 8 400 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSF 29.0 Win. WAA12 1365 9,900 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSF 28.5 Fed. 12S3 1365 9.500 osi 11/2 oz. Win. 209 540 33.5 Win. WAA12R 1260 8.900 LUP
11/8 oz. Win. 209 WSF 30.0 Win. WAA12 1400 10,600 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSF 29.5 Fed. 12S3 1400 10,800 psi
11/8 oz. Win. 209 540 35.0 Win. WAA12 1400 10.000 LUP
11/4 oz. Win. 209 473AA 23.5 Win. WAA12 1150 9,400 LUP 12 Gauge 2 3/4 11 Case
11/4 oz. Win. 209 473AA 23.5 Win. WAA12F114 1150 9,500 LUP Winchester and Sears Paoer, Low Brass Head-Hiah Paner Basewad
l 1/4 oz. Win. 209 473AA 23.5 Rem. RXP12 1150 8.900 LUP
11/4 oz. Win. 209 WSF 26.0 Fed. 12S4 1220 9,000 psi Shot Charge Velocity
11/4 oz. Win. 209 473AA 25.0 Win. WAA12 1220 10,300 LUP Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
11/4 oz. Win. 209 473AA 25.0 Win. WAA12F114 1220 10,100 LUP 11/8 oz.• Win. 209 452AA 21 .0 Win. WAA12R 1145 8,600 LUP
11/4 oz. Win. 209 473AA 25.0 Rem. RXP12 1220 10,100 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 21 .0 Rem. RPA12 1145 8,600 LUP
1 1/4 oz. Fed. 209 473AA 25.0 Win. WAA12 1220 10,500 LUP 11/8 oz•• Win. 209 452AA 22.5 Win. WAA12R 1200 9,200 LUP
11/4 oz. CCI 109 473AA 24.5 Win. WAA12 1220 9,800 LUP 11/8 oz. Win-209 452AA 22.5 Rem. RPA12 1200 9 600 LUP
11/4 oz. Win. 209 540 31.5 Win. WAA12 1220 9,000 LUP
11/4 oz. Win. 209 540 30.0 Win. WAA12F114 1220 8,500 LUP *This load will duplicate the ballistics level of the factory Winchester 2 3/4 dram eq. Target Load
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 540 31.5 Rem. R12H 1220 8,900 LUP **This load will duplicate the ballistics level of the factory Winchester 3 dram eq. Target Load
1 1/4 oz. Win. 2.09 540 32.0 Fed. 12C1 1220 8.800 LUP
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 540 33.0 Win. WAA12 1255 9,100 LUP
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 540 31.0 Win. WAA12F114 1255 9,100 LUP
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 540 33.0 Rem. R12H 1255 9,000 LUP 12 Gauge 2 3/4 11 Case
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 540 33.0 Fed. 12C1 12.55 9100 LUP Remington-Peters "SP" Plastic
11/4 oz. Win. 209 WSF 28.0 Win. WAA12F114 1275 9,700 psi Shot Charge Velocity
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 WSF 27.5 Fed. 12S4 1275 10,900 psi Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
11/4 oz. CCl209 WSF 29.0 Rem . RXP12 1275 10.400 nsi CCI 157 Win. WAA12 1290 9,800 LUP
1 oz. 452AA 23.5
11/4 oz. Fed. 209A WSF 27.0 WJn_WAA 12.F114 1310 10.700 osi 1 oz. CCI 157 452AA 23.5 Rem. R12L 1290 9,700 LUP
1 1/4 oz.· Win. 2.09 WSF 29.5 Win. WAA12F114 1330 10,600 psi 1 oz. CCI 157 452AA 23_5 Fed. 12S1 1290 10.200 LUP
11/4 oz. CCl209 WSF 28.0 Rem. SP12 1330 9,800 psi 1 1/8 oz. CCI 157 452AA 19.5 Win. WAA1 2 1145 9,200 LUP
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 540 34.5 Win. WAA12 1330 10,100 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 157 452AA 19.5 Rem. R12H 1145 9,100 LUP
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 540 33.0 Win. WAA12F114 1330 10,400 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 157 452AA 19.5 Fed. 12S1 1145 9600 LUP
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 540 35.0 Rem. R12H 1330 10,300 LUP
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 540 35.0 Fed. 12C1 1330 10,200 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 157 452AA 21 .5 Win. WAA12 1200 10,200 LUP
1 1/4 oz. CCI 109 540 34.5 Win. WAA12 1330 10.500 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 157 452AA 21 .5 Rem. R12H 1200 10,300 LUP
1 3/8 oz. Fed. 209.A 571 32.0 Win. WAA12R 1215 11 .000 osi 1 1/8 oz. CCI 157 452AA 21 .0 Fed. 12S1 1200 10,400 LUP
1275 10.300 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 157 473AA 24.5 Rem. R12H 1200 7.700 LUP
1 3/8 oz. Win. 209 540 32..0 Win. WAA12F114
1 3/8 oz. Win. 209 571 36.0 Win. WAA12F114 1285 10,300 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 157 473AA 26.0 Rem. R12H 1255 8.800 LUP
1 3/8 oz. Fed. 209 571 35.5 Win. WAA12R 1285 10,500 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 157 473AA 28.5 Rem. R12H 1330 9.400 LUP
1 3/8 oz. Fed._ 2.09 571 35.5 Rem. RP12. 1285 10 100 LUP 1 1/4 oz. CCI 157 540 32.0 Rem. R12H 1220 7 800 LUP
1 1/2 oz. Win. 209 540 27.5 Win. WAA12R 1095 8,500 LUP 1 1/4 oz. CCI 157 540 33.0 Rem. R12H 1255 8100 WP
1 1/2 oz. Win. 209 540 27.5 Rem. RP12 1095 8,700 LUP 1 1/4 oz. CCI 157 540 36.0 Pacific Blue Verelite 1330 9.200 LUP
1 1/2 oz. Fed. 209 540 27.0 Win. WAA12R 1095 9,700 LUP
1 1/2 oz. Fed. 209 540 26.5 Rem. RP12 1095 9.500 LUP 1 3/8 oz. CCl 157 540 35.5 Rem. RP12 1295 9300 LUP
1 1/2 oz. Fed 209A 540 27.0 Win. WAA12.R 1130 I 11 .000 nsi 1 1/2 oz. CCI 157 540 35.0 Win. WAA12R 1260 10,300 LUP
1 1/2 oz. Win. 209 571 36.5 Win. WAA12R 1260 10,300 LUP 1 1/2 oz. CCI 157 540 35.Q Rem. RP12 1260 10100LUP
1 1/2 oz. Win. 209 571 36.5 Rem. RP12 1260 9,800 LUP
1 1/2 oz. CCI 109 571 35.5 Win. WAA12R 1260 10.500 LUP
*This load will duplicate the ' .
balilst,cs level of the factory Winchester 3 3/4 dram eq. Super-X Load CAUTION: DO NOT INTERCHANGE FED 209 AND FED 209A PRIMERS
23 Shotshell
Shotshell 22
12 Gauge 2 3/4" Case
Remington-Peters "RXP" Plastic 12 Gauge 2 3/4" Case
Shot Charge Velocity Remington RTL Hull (cont'd.)
Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure Shot Charge Velocity
1 oz. Win. 209 452AA 22.5 Win. WAA12 1290 10,300 LUP Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
1 oz. Win. 209 452AA 22.5 Rem. R12L 1290 10,100 LUP 1 oz. Win . 209 WSL 20.5 Win. WAA12SL 1290 10,100 psi
1 oz. Win. 209 452AA 22.5 Fed 12S1 1290 10.300 LUP 1 oz. Win. 209 WSL 21 .0 Fed. 12S0 1290 9,800 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 19.5 Win. WAA12 1145 9,700 LUP 1 oz. CCI 209 WSL 20.5 Win. WAA12SL 1290 10,800 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 19.5 Win. WAA12XW 1145 10,000 LUP 1 oz. CCI 209 WSL 21 .0 Fed 12S0 1290 10,300 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 19.5 Rem. RXP12 1145 9,600 LUP 1 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 20.5 Win. WAA12SL 1290 10,100 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 19.5 Fed. 12S1 1145 9.900 LUP 1 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 21.0 Fed. 12S0 1290 9.700 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 21 .0 Win. WAA12 1200 10,500 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 18.5 Win. WAA12 1145 8,300 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 21.0 Rem. RXP12 1200 10,400 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 18.0 Win. WAA12 1145 8,900 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 23.5 Win. WAA12 1200 8,600 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 18.0 Fed. 12S3 1145 8,600 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 23.5 Win. WAA12XW 1200 8,600 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 18.5 Win. WAA12SL 1145 8,000 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 24.0 Rem . RXP12 1200 8,400 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 18.0 Win. WAA12 1145 8,500 ps1
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 23.5 Fed. 12S1 1200 8,500 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 18.5 Fed. 12S3 1145 8,300 psi
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 23.0 Win. WAA12 1200 9,000 LUP 11/8 oz. Win. 209 WST 19.0 Rem. RXP12 1145 10,500 ps1
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 23.0 Win. WAA12XW 1200 9,600 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WST 19.0 Rem. Fig-8 1145 10,400 psi
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 23.5 Rem. RXP12 1200 8,300 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WST 18.0 Win. WAA12 1145 10,800 psi
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 23.0 Fed. 12S1 1200 8,700 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WST 18.5 Rem. RXP12 1145 10,800 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 25.0 Win. WAA12 1255 9,600 LUP 11/8 oz. CCI 209 WST 18.5 Rem. Fig-8 1145 10,200 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 25.5 Rem. RXP12 1255 9,700 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WST 18.5 Rem. RXP12 1145 10,000 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 540 33.0 Rem. RXP12 1255 8,500 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WST 18.5 Rem. Fia-8 1145 10.000 osi
1 1/8 oz. Wln. 209 473AA 27.5 Win. WAA12 1330 9.900 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 19.5 Win. WAA12SL 1200 9,400 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 27.5 Rem. RXP12 1330 10.500 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 19.5 Win. WAA12 1200 9,700 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 19.5 Rem. RXP12 1200 9,500 psi
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 473AA 25.0 Win. WAA12 1220 10,300 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 19.5 Rem. Fig-8 1200 9,400 psi
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 473AA 25.0 Rem. RXP12 1220 10,400 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 19.5 Fed. 12S3 1200 10,200 psi
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 473AA 25.0 Fed. 12C1 1220 10,300 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 19.0 Win. WAA12SL 1200 9,800 psi
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 540 29.0 Win. WAA12F114 1220 8.900 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 19.0 Win. WAA12 1200 10,800 psi
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 540 30.0 Win. WAA12F114 1255 9.600 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 19.0 Rem. RXP12 1200 10,000 ps1
1 1/4 oz. Win. 2.09 540 31.0 Win . WAA12F114 1305 10.300 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 19.0 Rem. Fig-8 1200 9,600 psi
1 1/4 oz. Win . 209 540 33.5 Win. WAA12 1330 10,300 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 20.0 Win. WAA12SL 1200 9,000 psi
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 540 34.5 Rem. RXP12 1330 9,700 LUP 11/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 19.0 Win. WAA12 1200 8,700 psi
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 540 33.5 Fed. 12S1 1330 10.000 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 19.5 Rem . RXP12 1200 8,800 psi
1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 20.0 Rem . Fig-8 1200 8,100 PSI
1 3/8 oz. Win. 209 571 34.0 Win. WAA12F114 1250 10,500 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 19.0 Fed . 12S3 1200 9.200 OSI
1 3/8 oz. Win. 209 540 33.0 Win. WAA12R 1275 10,200 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSL 20.5 Win. WAA12SL 1255 10,600 psi
1 3/8 oz
1 3/8 oz.
1 3/8 OL
1 1/2 oz.
Win. 209
Win. 209
Win. 209
Win. 209
Rem . RP12
Win. WAA12R
Rem. RP12
Rem. RP12
10,500 LUP
10,100 LUP
10.000 LUP
10.400 LUP
11/8 oz.
1/8 oz.
1/8 oz.
Win. 209
Win. 209
Win. 209
CCI 209
Win. WAA12
Rem. RXP12
Rem. Fig-8
Win. WAA12SL
10,900 psi
10,500 psi
10,700 PSI
10,900 psi
1'8 oz.
1 /8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 20.0 Rem. RXP12 1255 10,900 psi
12 Gauge 2 3/4" Case Remington RTL Hull 11/8 oz. CCI 209 WSL 20.0 Rem. Fig-8 1255 10,600 psi
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 21 .0 Win. WAA12SL 1255 10,400 psi
Shot Charge Velocity 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 20.5 Win. WAA12 1255 9,900 psl
Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 21 .0 Rem. RXP12 1255 9,900 psi
1 oz. Win. 209 WST 19.0 Fed . 12S0 1180 8,200 psi 11/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 21 .0 Rem. Fig-8 1255 9,180psi
1 oz. CCI 209 WST 19.0 Win. WAA12SL 1180 8,000 psi 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSL 20.5 Fed. 12S3 1255 10,400 PSI
1 oz. CCI 209 WST 18.5 Fed . 12S0 1180 8,800 psi 1 1/8 oz. Win . 209 WSF 27.0 Win. WAA12 1310 9.700 osi
1 oz. Fed. 209 WST 19 0 Win. WAA12SL 1180 8,100 psi 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSF 28.5 Win. WAA12 1365 10,700 psi
1 oz. Fed . 209 WST 19.0 Fed . 12S0 1180 8.500 psi 11 /8 oz. Win. 209 WSF 28.0 Fed. 12S3 1365 8.900 osi
1 oz. Win. 209 WST 19.5 Win. WAA12SL 1235 8,000 psi 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WSF 29.0 Fed. 12S3 1400 9.500 psi
1 oz. Win. 209 WST 20.0 Fed. 12S0 1235 8,900 psi
1 oz. CCI 209 WST 20.0 Win. WAA12SL 1235 9,000 psi 1 1/4 oz. Fed. 209 WSF 26.5 Win. WAA12F114 1220 8,800 psi
1 oz. CCI 209 WST 19.5 Fed. 12S0 1235 9,800 psi 1 1/4 oz. CCI 209 WSF 25.5 Win. WAA12F114 1220 9.100 osi
1 oz. Fed. 209 WST 20.5 Win. WAA12SL 1235 9,000 psi 1 114 oz. Win. 209 WSF 27.5 Win. WAA12F114 1275 9,700 psi
1 oz. Feci 209 WST 20.0 Fed . 12S0 1235 9.700 osi 1/4 oz. Fed. 209 WSF 28.0 Win. WAA12F114 1275 9,500 PSI
1 oz. Win. 209 WST 21 .0 Win. WAA12SL 1290 10,000 psi 1 1/4 oz. Fed. 209 WSF 28.0 Rem. RXP12 1275 9,500 psi
1 oz. Win. 209 WST 21 .0 Fed. 12S0 1290 9,700 psi 1 1/4 oz. CCI 209 WSF 27.0 Win. WAA12F114 1275 10.200 OSI
1 oz. CCI 209 WST 21 .0 Win. WAA12SL 1290 10,100 psi 11/4 oz. Win. 209 WSF 29.5 Win. WAA12F114 1330 10,400 psi
1 oz. CCI 209 WST 20.5 Fed. 12S0 1290 10,800 psi 1 1/4 oz. Fed. 209 WSF 29.5 Win. WAA12F114 1330 10,200 psi
1 oz. Fed. 209 WST 21 .5 Win. WAA12SL 1290 9,700 psi 1 1/4 oz. Fed. 209 WSF 29.5 Rem. RXP12 1330 10,700 psi
1 oz. Fed. 209 WST 21 .0 Fed. 12S0 1290 10.900 psi 1 1/4 oz. CCl209 WSF 28.5 Win. WAA12F114 1330 10,900 psi

Shotshell 24 25 Shotshell
12 Gauge 2 3/4" Case 12 Gauge 2 3/4" Case
Peters "Blue Maaic" Plastic Federal Gold Medal Hull (cont'd.)
Shot Charge Velocity Shot Charge Velocity
Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
1 oz. Win. 209 452AA 20.5 Win. WAA12SL 1180 6,600 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WST 19.5 Fed. 12S3 1145 8,500 psi
1 oz. F~rl. ?na 452AA 20.5 Win. w11111?c::1 11 80 6.700 LUP 1 1/8 OL Fed. 209 WST 20.0 Fed. 12S3 1145 7 700 osi
1 oz. Win. 209 452AA 21 .5 Win. WAA12SL 1235 7,500 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 WST 21 .0 Fed. 12S3 1200 9,500 psi
1 oz. Fed. 209 452AA 21.5 Win. WAA12SL 1235 7.500 LUP 1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 WST 21 .0 Fed. 12S3 1200 10,300 psi
1290 8,400 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 WST 21 .5 Fed. 12$3 1200 9,000 psi
1 oz. Win. 209 452AA 23.0 Win. WAA12SL
1 oz. Fed. 209 452AA 23.0 Win. WAA12SL 1290 8,100 LUP 11/4 oz. CCl209 WSF 27.0 Fed. 12S4 1275 9200 osi
i 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 19.5 Win. WAA12 1145 10,100 LUP 1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 WSF 31.5 Fed. 12S4 1330 9,500 psi
1145 9,200 LUP 1 1/4 OL CCI 209 WSF 29.5 Fed. 12S4 1330 10.600 osi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 20.0 Rem. RXP12
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 20.5 Fed. 12S1 1145 9,000 LUP 12 Gauge 3" Case
1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 452AA 18.5 Win. WAA12 1145 9,500 LUP Winchester Compression-Formed, "Su r-X"
1 1/8 OL CCl209 452AA 19.5 Rem. RXP12 1145 8,700 LUP Shot Charge Velocity
1 1/8 OL CCI 209 452AA 19.5 Fed. 12S1 1145 8.500 LUP Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 21.5 Rem. RXP12 1200 10,400 LUP
1 3/8 oz. Win. 209 540 35.0 Win. WAA12 1295 9,500 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 21.5 Fed. 12S1 1200 9,800 LUP 1 3/8 oz. Win. 209 540 35.5 Rem. R12L 1295 9,500 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 452AA 20.0 Win. WAA12 1200 10,400 LUP
1 5/8 oz. Win. 209 571 36.0 Win. WAA12 1205 10,500 LOP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 452AA 20.5 Rem. RXP12 1200 9,800 LUP 1 5/8 oz. Win. 209 571 36.0 Rem . R12H 1205 10,100 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 452AA 21 .0 Fed. 12S1 1200 9,200 LUP
1 7/8 oz. Win. 209 571 33.0 Win. WAA12R 1100 10,500 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 24.0 Win.WAA12 1200 8,500 LUP 1 7/8 oz. wrn. 209 'd:1.HS7 a.13c::; Rem. RP12 1100 10 100 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 24.0 Rem. RXP12 1200 7 800 LUP
11/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 25.0 Win. WAA12 1255 9,400 LUP 12 Gauge 3" Case
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 25.5 Rem. RXP12 1255 9100 LUP Remington-Peters "SP" Plastic
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 26.5 Rem. RXP12 1290 9.500 LUP Shot Charge Velocity
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 473AA 25.5 Win. WAA12 1220 10,500 LUP Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 473AA 26.0 Rem. RXP12 1220 10 300 LUP 1 3/8 oz. CCI 157 540 36.0 Win. WAA12 1295 9,800 LUP
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 540 36.0 Rem. RXP12 1330 10.400 LUP 1 3/8 oz. CCI 157 540 37.0 Rem. R12L 1295 9,100 LUP
1 3/8 oz. Win. 209 571 38.5 Win. WAA12R 1330 10,000 LUP 1 7/8 oz. CCI 157 571 36.0 Win. WAA12R 1140 10,500 LUP
1 3/8 oz. Win, 209 571 38.0 Rem. SP12 1330 10.400 LUP 1 7/8 oz. CCI 157 571 36.0 Rem. RP12 1140 10 500 LUP
1 1/2 oz. Win. 209 571 35.5 Win. WAA12R 1230 10,400 LUP 16 Gauge 2 3/4" Case
11/2 oz. Win. 209 571 36.0 Rem. RP12 1230 10,400 LUP Winchester Compression-Formed, "Xpert", "Super-X"
and Promotional Game Loads with lntearal Basewad
12 Gauge 2 3/4" Case Shot Charge Velocity
Federal Paper, Low Brass Head-Wound Paper Basewad Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
Shot Charge Velocity 1 oz: Win. 209 WSF 20.0 Win. WAA16 1165 8,400 psi
Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps} Pressure 1 oz. Win. 209 540 23.0 Win. WAA16 1165 8,700 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 20.5 Win. WAA12 1145 8,700 LUP 1 oz. Fed. 209 540 22.5 Win. WAA16 1165 8,700 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 21 .0 Fed. 12C1 1145 8,500 LUP 1 oz. CCI 209 540 23.5 Win. WAA16 1165 8,300 psi
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 452AA 21 .0 Fed. 12C1 1145 8,300 LUP 1 oz. Win. 209 571 25.0 Win. WAA16 1165 8,500 psi
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 452AA 20.5 Fed. 12S3 11 45 8,200 LUP 1 oz. Fed. 209 571 25.0 Win. WAA16 1165 8,500 psi
1 1/8 OL Fed. 399 452AA 21.0 Fed. 12C1 1145 7.800 LUP 1 oz. CCI 209 571 25.0 Win. WAA16 1165 8,400 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 22.0 Win. WAA12 1200 9,900 LUP 1 oz. Win. 209 452AA 17.5 Rem. SP16 1165 10,300 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 452AA 22.5 Fed. 12C1 1200 9,600 LUP 1 oz. CCI 109 452AA 17.5 Rem. SP16 1165 10,500 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 452AA 22.5 Fed. 12C1 1200 9,300 LUP 1 oz. Win. 209 473AA 20.5 Rem. SP16 1165 8,300 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed 209 452AA 22.0 Fed. 12S3 1200 9,200 LUP 1 oz. CCI 109 473AA Rem. SP16 1165 8,700 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 399 452AA 22..5 Fed. 12C1 1200 9.200 LUP 20.0
1 oz. Win. 209 WSF 21 .0 Win. WAA16 1220 9,000 psi
1 oz. Fed. 209 WSF 21.5 Win. WAA16 1220 8,600 psi
12 Gauge 2 3/4" Case 8,800 psi
1 oz. CCI 209 WSF 21.0 Win. WAA16 1220
Federal Gold Medal Hull
1 oz. Win. 209 540 24.0 Win. WAA16 1220 9,500 psi
Shot Charge Velocity 1 oz. Fed. 209 540 24.0 Win. WAA16 1220 9,500 psi
Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure 1 oz. CCI 209 540 24.5 Win. WAA16 1220 9,000 psi
1 oz. Win. 209 WST 20.5 Fed. 12S0 1180 7.400 psi 1 oz. Win. 209 571 26.5 Win. WAA16 1220 9,300 psi
1 oz. Win. 209 WST 22.0 Fed. 12S0 1235 B.500psi 1 oz. Fed. 209 571 26.0 Win. WAA16 1220 9,400 psi
1 oz. CCf 209 WST 21.0 Fed. 12$0 1235 8.500 OSI 1 oz. CCI 209 571 26.5 Win. WAA16 1220 9,100psi
1 oz. Win. 209 WST 23.0 Fed. 12S0 1290 9,300 psi 1 oz. Win. 209 473AA 21 .5 Rem. SP16 1220 8,800 LUP
1 oz. CCI 209 WST 22.5 Fed. 12S0 1290 9,500 psi 1 oz. CCI 109 473AA 21.0 Rem. SP16 1220 9.000 LU.P
1 oz. Fed. 209 WST 23.0 Fed. 12S0 1290 8,400 psi
•This load will duplicate the ballistics of the factory Winchester 2 1/2 dram eq. Promotional Field Load
Shotshell 26 27 Shotshell
16 Gauge 2 3/4" Case 20 Gauge 2 3/4" Case- Remington-Peters "RXP" Plastic
Winchester Compression-Formed, "Xpert", "Super-X", Shot Charge Velocity
and Promotional Game Loads (cont'd.) Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
Shot Charge Velocity 7/8 oz. Win. 209 WSF 17.0 Win. WAA20 1200 10,500 psi
Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure 7/8 oz. Win. 209 WSF 17.5 Rem. RXP20 1200 10,600 psi
1 1/8 oz. CCl209 WSF 20.5 Win. WAA16 1185 10,800 psi 7/8 oz. Win. 209 WSF 17.0 Fed. 20S1 1200 11,300 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 540 24.5 Win. WAA16 1185 10,900 psi 7/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSF 17.0 Win. WAA20 1200 10,700 psi
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 540 24.0 Win. WAA16 1185 10,500 psi 7/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSF 17.5 Rem. RXP20 1200 10,300 psi
i 1/8 oz. CCI 209 540 24.5 Win. WAA16 1185 10,400 psi 7/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSF 17.0 Fed. 20S1 1200 10,800 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 571 26.0 Win. WAA16 1185 10,200 psi 7/8 oz. CCI 209 WSF 17.0 Win. WAA20 1200 10,500 psi
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 571 25.5 Win. WAA16 1185 10,200 psi 7/8 oz. CCI 209 WSF 17.5 Rem. RXP20 1200 9,700 psi
1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 571 26.0 Win. WAA16 1185 10,GOO psi 7/8 oz. CCI 209 WSF 17.5 Fed. 20S1 1200 11,100 psi
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 540 26.5 Rem. SP16 1185 8,800 LUP 7/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 17.5 Rem. RXP20 1200 10,800 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 540 26.5 Rem. SP16 1185 8 500 WP 7/8 oz. Win. 209 540 20.5 Win. WAA20 1200 9,700 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 571 27.0 Win. WAA16 1240 10,900 psi 1 oz. Win. 209 540 21 .0 Win. WAA20F1 1165 10,100 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 571 26.5 Win . WAA16 1240 10,900 psi 1 oz. Win. 209 571 23.0 Win. WAA20F1 1165 9,700 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 209 571 27.5 Win . WAA16 1240 10,800 psi 1 oz. Win. 209 540 22.0 Win. WAA20F1 1220 10.700 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 540 27.5 Rem. SP16 1240 9,400 LUP 1 oz. Win. 209 571 25.0 Win. WAA20F1 1240 10.900 LUP
1 118 oz. CCI 109 540 27.5 Rem. SP16 1240 9.200 LUP 1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 571 23.5 Win. WAA20F1 1150 11,100 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 540 28.5 Rem. SP16 1290 10,300 LUP 20 Gauge 3" Case - Winchester Compression-Formed, "Super-X"
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 540 28.5 Rem. SP16 1290 9.600 LUP
Shot Charge Velocity
1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 571 30.5 Rem. SP16 1230 10,500 LUP Wgt. Primer Powder (.grains) Wad Column (fpsl Pressure
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 571 27.0 Win. WAA20 1220 11,000 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 571 27.0 Win. WAA20 1220 11.100 LUP
20 Gauge 2 3/4" Case
Winchester Comoression-Formed. "Double A" "Xoert" and "Suoer-X" 1 3/16 oz. Win. 209 571 27.5 Rem. R20 1195 10.600 LUP
Shot Charge Velocity 1 1/4 oz. Win. 209 571 24.0 Win. WAA20 1135 10,800 LUP
Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure 1 1/4 oz. CCI 109 571 24.0 Win. WAA20 1135 11,000 LUP
3/4 oz. Win. 209 452AA 14.0 Win. WAA20 with a 410 1145 9,700 LUP 28 Gauge 2 314" Case Winchester Compression-Fanned, "Double A" and "Super-X"
bore .135" card filler Shot Charge Velocity
3/4 oz. Win. 209 473AA 16.0 Rem. RXP20 with a 410 1145 8,600 LUP Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
bore .135" card filler 3/4 oz. Win. 209 540 17.5 Win. WAA28 1200 9,900 LUP
3/4 oz. Win. 209 452AA 15.0 Win. WAA20 with a 410 1200 10,600 LUP 3/4 oz. CCI 109 540 17.5 Win. WAA28 1200 10,200 LUP
bore .135" card filler 3/4 oz. Fed. 209 540 17.5 Win. WAA28 1200 0,200 LUP
3/4 oz. Win. 209 473AA 17.0 Rem. RXP20 with a 410 1200 9,300 LUP 3/4 oz. Fed. 209A 540 15.5 Win. WAA28 1200 11,300 psi
3/4 oz. Win. 209 571 19.0 Win. WAA28 1200 10,200 LUP
bore .135" card filler 3/4 oz. CCI 109 571 19.0 Win. WAA28 1200 10,300 LUP
7/8 oz.· Win. 209 WSF 16.5 Win. WAA20 1200 11,200 psi 3/4 OZ. Win. 209 571 20.5 Win. WAA28 1260 11 ,000 LUP
7/8 oz. Win. 209 WSF 17.0 Rem. RXP20 1200 10,700 psi 3/4 oz_ CCI 109 571 20.5 Win. WAA28 1260 11 ,100 LUP
7/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSF 16.5 Win. WAA20 1200 11,400 psi
410 Bore 21/2" Case Winchester Compression-Fanned, "Double A" and "Suaer-X"
7/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSF 17.0 Rem. RXP20 1200 10,500 psi
7/8 oz. Fed. 209 WSF 16.5 Fed. 20S1 1200 11,400 psi Shot Charge Velocity
7/8 oz. CCl209 WSF 16.5 Win. WAA20 1200 11,300 psi Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
7/8 oz. CCI 209 WSF 17.5 Rem. RXP20 1200 10,500 psi 1/2 oz. Win. 209 296 13.5 Win. WAA41 1150 9,100 LUP
7/8 oz. CCI 209 WSF 16.5 Fed. 20S1 1200 11,400 psi 1/2 oz. CCI 109 296 13.5 Win. WAA41 1150 8,500 LUP
7/8 oz. Fed. 209A 540 19.5 Win. WAA20 1200 10,900 psi 1/2 oz. Win. 209 296 14.0 Win. WAA41 1200 9,800 LUP
7/8 oz. Win. 209 473AA 18.0 Win. WAA20 1200 10,900 LUP 1/2 oz. Win. 209 296 14.0 Fed. 410SC 1200 10,300 LUP
7/8 oz. CCI 109 473AA 17.5 Win. WAA20 1200 10,900 LUP 1/2 oz. CCI 109 296 14.0 Win. WAA41 1200 9,100 LUP
1/2 oz. CCI 109 296 14.0 Fed. 410SC 1200 9.900 LUP
7/8 oz. Fed. 399 473AA 18.0 Win. WAA20 1200 11,100 LUP
1 oz.** Win. 209 540 21.5 Win. WAA20F1 1165 9,900 LUP 410 Bore 21/2" Case Remington-Peters "SP" Plastic (New style for 209 size orimer)
1 oz. Win. 209 540 23.0 Rem. SP20 1165 10,000 LUP Shot Charge Velocity
1 oz. Win. 209 571 23.5 Win. WAA20F1 1165 9,300 LUP Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
1 oz. Win. 209 571 23.5 Rem. SP20 1165 9.800 LUP 1/2 OZ. Win. 209 296 15.0 Rem. SP410 1200 9.500 LUP
1 oz.••• Win. 209 540 22.5 Win. WAA20F1 1220 10,900 LUP 410 Bore 3" Case Winchester Compression-Fanned, "Super-X"
1 oz. Win. 209 540 24.0 Rem. SP20 1220 10,700 LUP
Shot Charge Velocity
1 oz. Win. 209 571 24.5 Rem. SP20 1220 10.300 LUP Wgt. Primer Powder (grains) Wad Column (fps) Pressure
1 1/8 oz. Win. 209 571 24.5 Rem. RP20 1175 10,200 LUP
11/16 oz! Win. 209 296 13.5 Win. WAA41 1135 10,800 LUP
1 1/8 oz. Fed. 209 571 24.0 Rem. RP20 1175 11,000 LUP 11/16 oz. Win. 209 296 13.5 Fed. 410SC 1135 10,800 LUP
1 1/8 oz. CCI 109 571 24.5 Rem. RP20 1175 10.500 LUP 11/16 oz. Fed. 410 296 14.0 Win. WAA41 1135 10,000 LUP
• This load will duplicate the balllst1cs level of the factory Winchester 2 1/2 dram eq. AA Target Load 11/16 oz. fed. 410 296 14.0 Fed. 410SC 1135 10 600 LUP
•• This load will duplicate the ballistics level of the factory Winchester 2 1/2 dram eq. AA Target Load "This load will duplicate the ballistics level of the factory Winchester Super-X Load
•·• This load will duplicate the ballistics level of the factory Winchester 2 3/4 dram eq. Super-X Load
Caution- Read instruction manual for the reloading machine/lOols.
Shotshell reloading tool powder bushings do not throw the exact charge specification in many cases. Some reasons include: MEC Bushing Chart
1. Variations in gravimetric density of powders from lot to lot The tolerance is plus or minus .025 grams per cubic cen-
timeter. This tolerance applies to most canister powders. Bushing# WSL WST WSF 296 571 452AA 473AA 540
2. Usually a bushing chart lists the nominal weight of a powder charge based on normal packing as a result of free flow and
gravimetric density of a powder or on a bushing volume and the nominal gravimetric powder density at 100% packing. 10 10.6 7.9 10.9 13.7 13.4 7.5 9.1 13.0
3. Various operators of atool will get various powder weights from an identical tool and bushing. This is due to the change 11 11.2 8.3 11.5 14.6 14.2 7.9 9.7 13.8
in force of operation and the amount of vibration transmitted to the tool with resultant amount of packing of powder. 12 11.9 8.8 12.2 15.4 15.0 8.4 10.2 14.6
4. The amount of sizing force required on cases being loaded can cause a change in powder drop due to the change in 12A 12.5 9.3 12.9 16.3 15.8 8.9 10.8 15.4
tool vibration. 13 13.2 9.8 13.6 17.2 16.7 9.4 11.4 16.3
5. Bushing manufacturing tolerances. 13A 13.9 10.4 14.3 18.1 17.6 9.9 12.0 17.1
6. Tool manufacturing tolerances. 14. 14.6 10.9 15.0 19.0 18.5 10.4 12.6 18.0
7. Mismarked bushings. 15 15.4 11.4 15.8 20.0 19.5 10.9 13.2 19.0
A bushing listing chart cannot be interpreted as an absolute. It simply represents what the manufacturer believes to ... 16 16.2 12.0 16.6 21.0 20.4 11.4 13.9 19.9
be the nominal charge thrown with the listed bushing and powder. 17 16.9 12.6 17.4 22.0 21.4 12.0 14.6 20.8
A reloading scale is an absolute must. Charges thrown must be carefully checked and changes in bushing sizes 18 17.7 13.2 18.2 23.0 22.4 12.6 15.3 21.8
made where required. 19 18.5 13.8 19.0 24.1 23.4 13.1 16.0 22.8
Do not try to determine the powder charge thrown by simply metering the powder bar back and forth and weighing 20 19.4 14.4 19.9 25.1 24.5 13.7 16.7 23.9
charges. The tool must be cycled through the complete loading cycle to insure the same amount of vibration and powder 21 20.2 15.0 20.8 26.2 25.6 14.3 17.4 24.9
packing as will take place in a normal loading cycle. Powder charges measured under these two conditions could vary as 22 21.1 15.7 21.6 27.4 26.7 14.9 18.2 26.0
much as several grains. 23 22.0 16.3 22.6 28.5 27.8 15.6 18.9 27.1
24 22.9 17.0 23.5 29.7 28.9 16.2 19.7 28.2
Ponsness Warren Bushing Chart 25 23.8 17.7 24.4 30.9 30.1 16.9 20.5 29.3
26 24.8 18.4 25.4 32.1 31.3 17.5 21.3 30.5
Bushing# WSL WST WSF 296 571 452AA 473AA 540 27 25.7 19.1 26.4 33.4 32.5 18.2 22.1 31.7
1A 10.2 13.6 28 26.7 19.8 27.4 34.6 33.8 18.9 23.0 32.9
2A 11.2 15.0 29 27.7 20.6 28.4 35.9 35.0 19.6 23.8 34.1
3A 11 .8 16.0 30 28.7 21.3 29.5 37.3 36.3 20.3 24.7 35.4
A 13.5 14.0 18.2 17.2 16.7 31 29.7 22.1 30.5 38.6 37.6 21.1 25.6 36.6
B 14.3 15.1 19.3 18.1 17.7 32 30.8 22.9 31.6 40.0 38.9 21.8 26.5 37.9
C 14.9 15.7 20.0 18.8 18.4 33 31.9 23.7 32.7 41.4 40.3 22.6 27.4 39.2
C1 15.7 16.7 19.9 19.4 34 33.0 24.5 33.8 42.8 41.7 23.3 28.4 40.6
D 16.3 17.0 20.4 19.9 35 34.1 25.3 35.0 44.2 43.1 24.1 29.3 42.0
D1 16.6 17.8 21.3 15.4 20.7 36 35.2 26.2 36.1 45.7 44.5 24.9 30.3 43.3
E 18.7 20.0 24.1 17.3 23.5 37 36.3 27.0 37.3 47.1 45.9 25.7 31.3 44.7
E1 19.6 21.1 25.0 18.0 24.4 38 37.5 27.9 38.5 48.7 47.4 26.6 32.3 46.2
E2 20.4 15.0 22.1 26.5 15.3 19.1 25.8 38A 38.7 28.8 39.7 50.2 48.9 27.4 33.3 47.6
F 22.0 15.9 23.2 28.0 16.7 20.1 27.3 39 39.9 29.7 40.9 51.7 50.4 28.3 34.3 49.1
F1 22.1 16.0 23.5 28.1 16.8 20.2 27.4 39A 41.1 30.6 42.2 53.3 52.0 29.1 35.4 50.6
F2 22.7 16.5 24.6 29.4 17.7 21.4 28.6 40 42.3 31.5 43.4 54.9 53.5 30.0 36.4 52.1
G 24.5 17.7 26.0 31.2 19.0 22.3 30.4 40A 43.6 32.4 44.7 56.6 55.1 30.9 37.5 53.7
G1 ?4_7 17.9 ?f; '.'I 31 .6 191 22 F. 30.7 41 44.9 33.4 46.0 58.2 56.7 31.8 38.6 55.2
H 26.2 19.1 28.0 33.6 20.2 24.1 32.8 41A 46.2 34.3 47.4 59.9 58.4 32.7 39.7 56.8
I 27.2 19.8 29.0 35.0 21.3 25.1 34.1 42 47.5 35.3 48.7 61.6 60.0 33.6 40.9 58.4
J 28.2 20.5 30.0 36.2 21.6 26.1 35.2 42A 48.8 36.3 50.1 63.3 61.7 34.6 42.0 60.1
.11 ?Q n ?1:-1 31 n 373 ?? 4 ?F. Sl '.'lf;,J
43 50.1 37.3 51.5 65.0 63.4 35.5 43.2 61.7
K 29.4 21.6 31.4 37.7 23.0 27.2 36.8 43A 51.5 38.3 52.9 66.8 65.1 36.5 44.3 63.4
L 30.6 22.5 32.7 39.4 23.6 28.3 38.4 44 52.9 39.3 54.3 68.6 66.9 37.5 45.5 65.1
M 32.6 23.8 35.0 41.8 25.2 30.1 40.7 44A 54.3 40.4 55.7 70.4 68.6 38.5 46.7 66.8
N '.'!,JR ?S.5 '.'lf;Sl 44.S ?F..7 43.4 45 55.7 41.4 57.2 72.3 70.4 39.5 47.9 68.6
0 35.0 37.4 44.8 43.7 45A 57.1 42.5 58.0 74.1 72.3 40.5 49.2 70.4
p 36.5 46.7 45.6 46 58.6 43.6 60.1 76.0 74.1 41.5 50.4 72.2
a 37.7 46.8
R 3R.1 4R 7
s 38.6 NOTE- IMPORTANT CAIJTION: These tables are not loading recommendations. Read "Powder Bushings and Scales" before
using these tables. This information has been supplied by the tool manufacturers and is not a result of Winchester testing.
T 41.3
u 44.0
V 45.0
NOTE- IMPORTANT CAUTION: These tables are not loading recommendations. Read "Powder Bushings and Scales" before
using these tables. This information has been supplied by the tool manufacturers and is not a result of Winchester testing.
Shotshell 30 31 Shotshell
*Texan Bushing Chart *Texan Bushing Chart
Model "M" Only Models GT, FW, LT A, AP, D and DP Lee Precision- Auto Disk
Bushing 452AA 473AA Bushing 452AA 473AA 540 Disk Grains
540 571 296 571 296
Numher Number (cc) WSF WSL WST 231 296 452AA 473AA 540 571 630 748 760 785
101 13.1 101 13.5 0.30 3.6 3.5 2.5 3.2 4.6 2.6 3.1 4.4 4A 4.5 4.6 4.5 4.6
102 13.6 102 14.1 0.32 3.8 3.8 2.7 3.4 4.9 2.7 3.3 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.8 4.9
103 14.1 103 14.6 0.34 4.0 4.0 2.8 3.7 5.2 2.9 3.5 5.0 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.1 5.2
104 14.7 104 15.3 0.37 4.4 4.4 3.1 4.0 5.6 3.2 3.8 5.4 5.4 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6
105 15.3 105 16.0 0.40 4.8 4.7 3.3 4.3 6.1 3.4 4.1 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.0 6.1
106 16.1 106 0.43 5.1 5.1 3.6 4.6 6.6 3.7 4.4 6.3 6.3 6.5 6.6 6.5 6.6
107 107 16.9 0.46 5.5 5.4 3.8 4.9 7.0 3.9 4.7 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 6.9 7.0
108 108 17.7 0.49 5.8 5.8 4.1 5.3 7.5 4.2 5.0 72 7.2 7.4 7.5 7.4 7.5
109 17.4 109 18.3 18.6
110 18.3 18.9 110 19.4 19.7 0.53 6.3 6.3 4.4 5.7 8.1 4.5 5.4 7.8 7.8 8.0 8.1 8.0 8.1
0.57 6.8 6.7 4.7 6.1 8.7 4.9 5.8 8.3 8.4 8.6 8.7 8.6 8.7
111 19.2 19.6 111 20.2 20.6
112 19.9 20.4 112 21.0 21.4 0.61 7.3 7.2 5.1 6.6 9.3 52 6.3 8.9 9.0 9.2 9.3 9.2 9.3
113 20.8 20.6 113 21.9 22.3 0.66 7.9 7.8 5.5 7.1 10.1 5.6 6.8 9.7 9.7 9.9 10.1 9.9 10.1
114 21.6 21.3 114 22.7 23.2 0.71 8.4 8.4 5.9 7.6 10.8 6.1 7.3 10.4 10.4 10.7 10.8 10.7 10.8
115 22.5 234 115 17.2 23.6 24.2 0.76 9.0 9.0 6.3 8.2 11 .6 6.5 7.8 11.1 11.2 11.4 11 .6 11 .4 11.6
116 17.0 23.6 24.3 116 18.0 24.8 25.3 0.82 9.8 9.7 6.8 8..8 12.5 7.0 8.4 12..0 12..1 12.3 12.5 12.3 12.5
117 17.6 24.4 25.2 117 18.6 25.6 26.2 0.88 105 10.4 7.3 9.5 13.4 7.5 9.0 12.9 12.9 13.2 13.4 132 13.4
118 18.4 25.5 26.3 118 19.4 26.7 27.4 0.95 11.3 11.2 7.9 102 14.5 8.1 9.7 13.9 14.0 14.3 14.5 14.3 14.5
119 18.9 26.2 27.0 119 16.9 19.9 27.5 28.1 1.02 12..1 12..0 8.5 11.0 15.6 8.7 10.5 14.9 15.0 15.3 15.6 15.3 15.6
120 19.9 27.4 28.3 120 17.7 20.8 28.8 29.5 1.09 13.0 12.9 9.0 11 .7 16.6 9.3 11 .2 16.0 16.0 16.4 16.6 16.4 16.6
121 17.1 20.3 28.1 29.0 121 18.0 21.4 29.4 30.2 1.18 14.0 13.9 9.8 12.7 18.0 10.1 12.1 17.3 17.4 17.7 18.0 17.7 18.0
122 17.7 21.0 29.1 30.1 122 18.7 22.2 30.5 31.4 1.26 15.0 14.9 10.5 13.5 192 10.8 12.9 18.5 18.5 18.9 19.2 18.9 19.2
123 18.3 21.7 30.2 31 .2 123 19.3 22.9 31 .6 32.4 1.36 16.2 16.0 11.3 14.6 20.7 11.6 13.9 19.9 20.0 20.4 20.7 20.4 20.7
124 18.8 22.3 30.9 32.0 124 19.8 23.5 32.4 33.3
125 19.5 22.9 31 .7 33.0 125 20.3 24.2 33.5 34.5 1.46 17.4 17.2 12.1 15.7 22.3 12.5 15.0 21.4 21.5 21 .9 22.3 21.9 22.3
1.57 18.7 18.5 13.0 16.9 24.0 13.4 16.1 23.0 23.1 23.6 24.0 23.6 24.0
126 20.1 23.8 33.0 34.3 126 21.0 25.1 34.6 35.6
127 20.7 24.5 34.0 35.3 127 21.6 25.9 35.6 36.6
128 21.2 25.2 34.9 36.3 128 22.2 26.6 36.6 37.6
129 21.8 25.9 35.9 37.3 129 22.8 27.3 37.5 38.6
130 22.4 26.6 36.9 38.5 130 23.5 28J 38.6 39.9
131 23.0 27.5 38.1 39.6 131 24.1 29.0 39.9 41.1
132 23.6 28.2 39.0 40.7 132 24.7 40.9 42.1
133 24.3 29.0 40.1 41.8 133 25.3 43.2
134 24.9 42.9 134 44.4
135 25.3 43,8
136 45.2 *Texan bushings are no longer manufactured. See Lee Precision- Dippers
alternate charts for new powder series.
Dippers Grains
Lee Precision-Load-All/Fast (cc) WSF WSL WST 231 296 452AA 473AA 540 571 630 785
Grains 0.30 3.6 13 2.5 3.2 4.6 2.6 3.1 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.6
0.50 6.0 5.9 42 5.4 7.6 4.3 5.1 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6
Bushing 296 452AA 473AA 540 571 630 748 760 785 72
(Cu. In.) WSF WSL WST 1 231 0.70 8.3 8.3 5.8 7.5 10.7 6.0 10.3 10.3 10.5 10.7
1.00 11.9 11.8 8.3 10.7 15.3 8.5 10.3 14.6 14.7 15.0 15.3
.IJ~!) 18.5 18.4 12.9 16.7 23.7 13.3 16.0 22.8 22.9 23.4 23.8 23.4 23.8
1.30 15.5 15.3 10.8 14.0 19.8 11 .1 13.3 19.0 19.1 19.5 19.8
.1 00 19.5 19.3 13.6 17.6 25.0 14.0 16.8 24.0 24.1 24.6 25.0 24.6 25.0
1.60 19.0 18.9 13.3 24.4 13.7 16.4 23.4 23.5 24.0 24.4
.105 20.5 20.3 14.3 18.5 26.2 14.7 17.6 25.2 25.3 25.8 26.3 25.8 26.3
27.1 27.5 27.1 27.5 1.90 22.6 22.4 15.8 20.4 29.0 16.2 19.5 27.8 27.9 28.5 29.0
.110 21.5 21.3 15.0 19.4 27.5 15.4 18.5 26.4 26.5
27.8 28.0 28.5 29.0 28.5 29.0 2.20 26.2 26.0 18.3 23.6 33.6 18.8 22.6 32.2 32.4 33.0 33.6
.116 22.6 22.4 15.8 20.4 29.0 16.2 19.5
2.50 29.8 29.5 20.8 26.8 38.1 21.4 25.6 36.6 36.8 37.5 38.1
.122 23.8 23.6 16.6 21.5 30.5 17.1 20.5 29.3 29.4 30.0 30.5 30.0 30.5
30.7 30.8 31.5 31 .-5 32.0 2.80 33.3 33.0 23.2 30.1 42.7 23.9 28.7 41.0 41 .2 42.0 42.7
.128 25.0 24.8 17.4 22.5 32.0 17.9 21.5 32..0
3.10 36.9 36.6 25.7 33.3 47.3 26..5 31.8 45.4 45.6 46.5 47.3
134 26.1 25.9 18.2 23.6 33.5 18.8 22.5 32.2 32.3 33.0 33.5 33.0 33.5
34.7 34.7 35.3 3.40 40.5 40.1 28.2 36.5 51.9 29.0 34.9 49.8 50.0 51 .0 51.9
.141 27.5 27.3 19.2 24.8 35.2 19.7 23.7 33.8 34.0 35.3
.148 24.9 35.7 36.4 37.0 36.4 37.0 3.70 44.0 43.T 30.7 39.7 56.4 31 .6 37.9 54.2 54.4 55.5 56.4
28.9 28.6 20.1 26.0 37.0 20.7 35.5
20.5 26.6 37.7 25.4 36.2 36.4 37.1 37.8 37.1 37.8 4.00 47.6 47.2 33.2 43.0 61 .0 34.2 41.0 58.6 58.8 60.0 61.0
.151 29.4 29.2 21.1
.155 30.2 30.0 21.1 27.3 38.7 21.7 26.0 372 37.4 38.1 38.8 38.1 I 38.8 4.30 51..2 50.7 35.7 46.2 65.6 36.7 44.1 63.0 632 64.6 65.6
.163 31.8 31.5 22.2 28.7 40.7 22.8 27.4 39.1 39.3 40.1 40.8 40.1 40.8
.171 33.3 33.1 23.3 30.1 42.7 23.9 28.7 41.0 41.2 42.1 42.8 42.1 42.8
.180 35.1 34.8 24.5 31 .7 45.0 25.2 30.2 43.2 434 44.3 45.0 44.3 45.0
.189 36.9 36.5 25.7 33.3 47.2 26.5 31.8 45.4 45.6 46.5 47.3 46.5 47.3
.198 38.6 38.3 26.9 34.8 49.5 27:7 33.3 47.5 47.7 48.7 49.5 48.7 49.5 NOTc- IMPORTANT CAIJTION: These tables are not loading recommendations. Read "Powder Bushings and Scales" before
NOTf- IMPORTANT CAIJTION: These tables are not loading recommendations. Read "Powder Bushings and Scales" before using these tables. This information has been supplied by the tool manufacturers and is not a result of Winchester testing.
using these tables. This infonnation has been supplied by the tool manufacturers and is not a result of Winchester testing.
Shotshell 34 35 Shotshell
Data Generation
Data tested for the current handbook included not only the various tests for pressure and velocity at ambient 70
degrees F, but also tests with powder positioned at the primer and the bullet to simulate muzzle up, muzzle down con-
ditions. Further, the same kind of tests are run at +140 degrees F and -40 degrees F. A criteri on for all these tests
was the data listed for hand loading provide results which would meet the stringent criteria which Winchester applied
to factory ammunition. Such stringent testing resulted in not listing some calibers and/or bullet weights with
Winchester's current line of powders because Winchester was not satisfied with the results. It is possible the reloader
would never have noticed the difference, but Winchester wants to supply only the very best data possible. In some
cases, certain loads were not included for safety reason.
For the present, this data book represents all the applications of BALL POWDER® Propellant Winchester has
been able to qualify.
Under no circumstances would Winchester presume to suggest data which exceeds the Sporting Arms and
Ammunition Manufacturers lnstitute's suggested recommended loading limit.
Powder Burning Rates
Do not use any burning rate chart as a guide to reloading.
Burning rate charls are developed In closed bomb tests. The closed bpmb test results merely serve as a very vague
guide to the laboratory technician equipped with the necessary pressure testing equipment. Closed bomb charts as devel-
oped by a powder manufacturer include only powder of their manl.lfacture. So-called "burning rate charts" are usually
the result of estimates of where powders wall.Id fit If they were to develop a closed bomb test list for all brand powders.
When powders are used in cartridge cases ot varying sfzes and shapes. the so-called burning rates can and do vary
depending upon the exact set of loading circumstances. One can easily discover this by carefully examining a manufac-
turer's loading dala
Such changes in apparent burning rates come as no surprise to the ballistician who regards closed bomb test results
as merely a very crude guide. The same changes, however, have resulted in more than one reloader having trouble when
attempting to extrapolate data from a burning rate chart.
Reloading data should never be extrapolated and since burning rate charts tend to be misleading, and are often the source
of grief to the reloader, Winchester does not suggest the positioning of Winchester® powders on any burning rate chart.
Old Brass
Most of the older, obsolete cartridge cases were designed for use with Black Powder. the only available propellant at
the time. The primers used contained a mercury fulminate mixture as the initiator. The mercury, by itself, is ruinous to
the brass case, if it comes in direct contact with it, causing embrittlement and weakening of the brass structure.
Fortunately for the old-timers using black powder, the powder fouling Itself tended to dilute the effect of the mercury on
the brass case.
The advent of smokeless powder greatly magnified using the mercuric effect upon the brass cases, particularly these
cases which were reloaded and refired. The cleaner burning propellant and the stronger primers used allowed the mer-
cur; to be driven deeper into the brass, causing serious weakening of the case.
The use of mercury in commercial priming mixtures continued in the U.S. until the early 1930s, when lead styphnate
replaced mercury in priming. An exception to this was the continued use of a mildly mercuric priming mixture by Winchester
for Super-Match® 30-06 Springfield and 300 H&H Magnum cartridges. This primer was discontinued in 1960.
Since it would be unusual for a present day handloader to acquire old and/or obsolete brass cartridge cases and be
able to identify the period of manufacture, it is not worth the risk of injuring a shooter or damaging his gun to attempt to
load such cases. Therefore, Winchester suggests not reloading old brass cartridge cases.
Loading Instructions
CAUTION: Carefully read the information on the powder can label and follow the recommended loading instructions
and precautions contained herein before using the reloading data.
These suggested loads are based on results obtained in the Winchester laboratory under carefully controlled condi-
tions. They are offered without a fee as an aid to handloaders. to be employed at their own discretion and risk. Since
Winchester has no control over the circumstances of loading, Winchester assumes no liability lor the results obtained.
The handloadiog of center/ire metallic cartridges should be undertaken only by those who are familiar with all safety
precautions and who observe conservative practices in reloading operations. The powder charges shown are maximum
and must not be exceeded.
Exercise extreme care in inspection of cases. Be sure cases are kept trimmed to the required length. Excess case
length is a common cause of difficulty in reloading. Cases should be discarded prior to the fifth trimming.
All primers used for testing of the data were standard Winchester primers of the applicable size. Use caution against
the substitution of any component as it can alter the ballistic level of the load. The only magnum primer used in the data
testing was for 357 magnum cartridges.

37 Metallic
*Pacific Bushing Chart for Models *Pacific Bushing Chart Hornady 366 and 91 Bushing Chart
"DL-155, DL-105 and DL-155APF" for Model "DL-366" Bushing No.
Bushino Numbers Bushinq Numbers Grains WSF WSL WST 296 452AA 473AA 540 571
Grains 452AA 473AA 540 571 296 Grains 452AA 473AA 540 571 296
13 250 13 256 10
14 259 14 266 11
15 15 12
16 16 13 256
17 393 351 17 390 357 300 14 266 360 327
18 396 363 303 18 402 369 309 15 369 339
19 402 372 312 19 411 381 318 318 15.5 327
20 414 381 318 20 420 390 327 330 16 330 333 381 348
21 423 393 327 327 21 432 399 336 339 .... 16.5 336 339
22 432 399 333 22 441 408 345 348 17
23 444 405 342 345 23 450 414 351 357 342 345 405 390 357 300
24 453 417 348 351 24 462 426 360 363 17.5 348 348 411
25 462 426 357 25 474 435 366 369 18 351 354 417 402 369 309
26 435 363 366 26 444 375 378 18.5 354 360 423
27 444 372 375 27 450 381 384 19 363 429 411 381 318 318
28 453 378 381 28 462 387 390 19.5 366 435
29 384 29 393 396 20
30 393 30 402 405 372 438 420 390 327 330
408 411 20.5 378 444
31 399 399 31 21 381 450 432 399 336 339
32 405 32 414 417
33 411 411 33 423 423 21.5 387 456
34 417 417 34 429 429 22 390 459 441 408 345 348
35 423 423 35 435 438 22.5 396 465
36 429 429 36 441 444 23 402 471 450 414 351 357
37 435 435 37 444 450 23.5 405 477
38 441 38 450 24 480 462 426 360 363
25 411 474 435 366 369
*Pacific Bushing Chart Hornady Pistol Measure 25.5 414
for Model "DL-266" Bushini I Chart 26 420 444 375 378
Bushino Numbers Bushing WSL WST 231 296 680 26.5 423
Grains 452AA 473AA 540 571 296 Number 27 426 450 381 384
13 256 1 3.1 2.3 3.0 27.5 429
14 266 2 3.3 2.5 3.3 28 432 462 387 390
15 3 3.7 2.7 3.6 28.5 438
16 4 4.1 3.0 4.1
5 4.5 3.3 4.5 29 441 474 393 396
17 384 357 300 29.5 447
18 396 366 309 6 4.6 3.4 4.6
19 408 378 315 318 7 4.9 3.7 4.8 30 450 402 405
20 420 387 321 327 8 5.4 4.0 5.3 30.5 453
21 432 396 333 333 9 5.5 4.1 5.5 31 456 408 411
22 441 402 339 339 10 6.3 4.6 6.3 31 .5 459
23 450 411 348 351 11 6.4 4.8 6.4 8.8 32 462 414 417
24 459 423 354 357 12 6.9 5.1 6.9 9.5 33 423 423
25 474 432 360 363 13 7.6 5.6 7.6 10.3 10.5 34 429
14 8.2 6.0 8.1 11.0 11 .2 429
26 438 369 369 35 435 438
27 450 375 378 15 8.6 6.3 8.5 11.6 11 .9
28 456 384 387 16 9.0 6.6 8.9 12.2 12.6 36 441 444
29 390 393 17 10.0 7.3 9.9 13.6 13.8 37 444 450
30 396 399 18 10.4 7.5 14.0 14.3 38 450 456
31 402 405 19 10.6 7.9 14.7 15.1 39 459 462
32 408 411 20 11.5 8.4 15.6 16.0 40 465 468
33 414 417 21 12.6 9.2 17.1 17.5 41 471 474
34 420 423 22 13.2 9.6 17.9 18.3 42 477 480
35 429 429 43 483 486
36 435 435 *Pacific bushings are no longer manufactured. See
Hornady charts for new powder series. 44 489 492
37 441 441
38 447
NOTE- IMPORTANT CAUTION: These tables are not loading recommendations. Read "Powder Bushings and Scales" before
NOTE- IMPORTANT CAUTION: These tables are not loading recommendations. Read "Powder Bushings and Scales" before using these tables. This information has been supplied by the tool manufacturers and is not a result of Winchester testing.
using these tables. This information has been supplied by the tool manufacturers and is not a result of Winchester testing.

Shotshell 32 33 Shotshell
Check all powder charges with a good scale. All loads listed are maximum loads. You must start 111% below the suggested load
and wolf< up to the maximum load carefully, except as follows: Rifle Case Dimensions
The loads for 8mm Mauser and 338 Winchester Magnum must be used exactly as shown. No reductions in powder charge or A
change in components should be made because such changes can cause dangerous pressures.

BLACK POWDER WARNING: Never substibrte smokeless powder for black powder or Pyrodex or mfx smokeless powder wi1h
black powder or Pyrodex. Never use smokeless powder in black powder firearms or in saluting cannons. Smokeless powder has. Rimless Rifle Cases
much more energy than black powder or Pyrodex. Subs1ilu1lng or mixing powders may cause the firearm tu blow up resurnng in
personal injmy, property damage, or dealh. '' D �'
Pressure Maximum Dimensions
All new pressure data has been measured with the latest piezo electric system showing actual pounds per square inch (psi) and Trim To
cannot be compared directly to the old data which used the copper crusher pressure measurement method. This data replaces all pre- Caliber A B C* D Length
viouSly published load data. 222 Remington .045" .378' .253' 1.700" 1.690'
CENTERFIRE RIFLE LOADING DATA 223 .& 5.56 Remington .045 .378
The data for metallic cartridges contained in this handbook were obtained using Winchester cases and primers. Substitution of .253 1.760 1.750
222 Remington Magnum .045 .378 .253 1.850 1.840
components other than bullets of the same size and weight from reputable manufacturers could alter the ballistic level and safety of 22/250 Remington .049 .473
these loads. Winchester strongly urges when using this information you use the components as shown. .254 1.912 1.902
243 Wlnchester .054 .473 .276 2.045 2.035
Interpolation of additional loads from this data stioutd not tw atlllmpred. Such prac "ce can be dangerous. Winchester has strived 6mm Remington .048 .472 .276
to show those applications for which BALL POWDER smokeless propellant Is most ldf111lly suited. While other loads are certainly pos­ 2.233 2.225
250/3000 Savage .049 .473 .285 1.912 1.902
sible. the only way such loads can be developed is In a ballistic laboratory. Winchester cautions against the use of any other loads 257 Roberts +P .049 .473 .290
with BALL POWDER smokeless propellant except where such loods have been adequately proven with the proper testing. 2.233 2.223
25/06 Remington .049 .473 .290 2.494 2.484
Velocity 270 Winchester .049 .473 .308 2.540 2.530
Velocities quoted n the tables are averages of a series of shots fired in accordance with equipment and techniques universally used 284 Winchester .054 .473 .320 2.170 2.160
throughout the Amerlcan arms and ammunition industry. Listed loads have given uniform velocity results in our ests, 7mm Mauser .049 .473 .320 2.235 2.225
All rifle velocities quoted have been measured in standard SAAM!" barrels of24-lnch length, except thB30 carbine data which was 7mm/08 Remington .054 .473 .315 2.035 2.025
obtained in a 20· barrel. ·sporting Arms and Ammunition ManUfa(!!urers lnstlture. 280 Remington .048 .472 .315 2.540 2.530
30 Carbine .050 .360 .336 1.290 1.286
Bullet Descriptions 30 Remington .049 .422 .331 2.050 2.040
Abbreviation Description Abbreviation Description 300 Savage .049 .473 .339 1.871 1.860
FMJ Full Metal Jacket HSP Hollow Soft Point 308 Winchester .054 .473 .343 2.015 2.005
FMJBT Full Metal Jacket Boattail OPE Open Point Expanding 30/06 Springfield .049 .473 .339 2.494 2.484
FS Fail Safe PSP Pointed Soft Point 8mm Mauser .049 .473 .349 2.240 2.235
HP Hollow Point SP Soft Point 35 Remington .050 .460 .383 1.920 1.910
HPBT Hollow Point Boattail ST Silvertip 358 Winchester .054 .473 .388 2.015 2.005
*This dimension is with bullet seated
WARNING: Fail Sala™ bullets are longer than many other bullets of the same weight To avoid excessive pressure, 00
NOT load Fail Safe bUllelS to the sarne powder charge recommendedr for otner bullets of the same welghl Han.dload
only in strict compliance with load data for Winchester �I Safe bullefs. Incorrect llSe of these components or incor­
rectly handloaded ammunition can cause serious injury or damage. Wear eye protection when handloading.

Nominal Bullet Diameters (Jacketed)
Caliber Dia. Caliber Dia.
22 Hornet .224" 30 Carbine .308" Rimmed Rifle Cases B C
222 Remington .224" 30 Remington .308" ..l..
223 Remington & 5.56 .224" 30/30 Winchester .308" D
222 Remington Magnum .224" 300 Savage .308"
225 Winchester .224" 30/40 Krag .308" Maximum Dimensions I
22/250 Remington .224" 308 Winchester .308" Trim To
Caliber A B C* D Length
243 Winchester .243" 30/06 Springfield .308"
6mm Remington .243" 300 Winchester Magnum .308" 22 Hornet .065' .350' .242" 1.403' 1.393"
307 Winchester .308' 225 Winchester .049 .473 .260 1.930 1.920
25/20 Winchester .257" 25/20 Winchester .065
25/35 Winchester .257" 303 Savage .311" .408 .273 1.330 1.320
25/35 Winchester .063 .506 .282 2.043 2.033
250/3000 Savage .257" 32 Winchester Special .321" 303 Savage ,063
257 Roberts +P .257" .505 .333 2.015 2.010
8mm Mauser .322" 30/30 Winchester .063 .506 .330 2.039 2.028
25/06 Remington .257" 30/40 Krag ,064
338 Winchester Magnum .338" .545 .338 2.314 2.304
264 Winchester Magnum .264" 307 Winchester .063 .506 .343 2.010 2.005
348 Winchester .348" 32 Winchester Special
270 Winchester .277" .063 .506 .343 2.040 2.035
35 Remington .358' 348 Winchester .070 .610 .376 2.255
7mm Mauser .284" 356 Winchester .358" 2.245
284 Winchester .284" 356 Winchester .063 .506 .388 2.010 2.005
358 Winchester .358" 375 Winchester .063 .506 .400 2.020
280 Remington .284' 2.015
7mm Remington .284" 375 H&H Magnum .375" 44/40 Winchester .065 .525 .443 1.305 1.300
7mm/08 Remington .284" 375 Winchester .376"
44/40 Winchester .426" *This dimension is with bullet seated
458 Winchester Magnum .457"

Metallic Rifle 38 39 Metallic Rifle

-,>- Rifle Data (cont'd)
Belted Rifle Cases
I~ D
Bullet Weigh! & Type
222 Remington Magnum
Charge Weight
in Grains
fps Pressure

Maximum Dimensions Trim To 50 grains PSP 748 27.2 3220 43,000 C.U.P
C* D Length 52 grains HPBT 748 27.2 3270 45,500 C U.P,
Caliber A B 53 grains HP 748 27.2 3270 45,500 C.U.P.
264 Winchester Magnum .050" .532" .298" 2.500" 2.490" 55 grains PSP 748 27.2 3215 42,500 C.U.P
7mm Remington Magnum .050 .532 .315 2.500 2.490 55 grains FMJ 748 27.0 3215 44,000 C.U.P
300 Winchester Magnum .050 .532 .340 2.620 2.610
2.500 2.490 225 Winchester
338 Winchester Magnum .050 .532 .369 46 grains OPE 760 37.0 3650 46,000 CUP,
375 H&H Magnum .050 .532 .404 2.850 2.840
2.500 2.495 50 grains PSP 760 36.0 3570 49.000 CUP.
458 Winchester Magnum .050 .532 .480 55 grains SP 760 35.8 3410 49,000 C U.P.
•This dimension is with bullet seated. 55 grains FMJ 760 35.2 3480 47,5DO C.U.P,
22/250 Remington
Maximum Overall Lengths with Bullet Seated 46 grains OPE 748 36.8 3815 50,000 C.U .P.
Lenqth 46 grains OPE 760 41.0 3850 49,000 C.U.P
Caliber Length Caliber 50 grains PSP 748 35.0 3660 50,000 C.U.P
22 Hornet 1.723" 303 Savage 2.520" 50 grains PSP 760 39.5 3700 49,200 C.U.P
222 Remington 2.130 30/30 Winchester 2.550 52 grains HPBT 760 38.6 3595 46,500 C.U.P.
223 & 5.56 Remington 2.220 300 Savage 2.600 53 grains HP 760 38.6 3565 46,500 C.U.P
222 Remington Magnum 2.280 30/40 Krag 3.089 55 grains SP 748 34.8 3500 49,500 C.U.P.
225 Winchester 2.500 307 Winchester 2.520 55 grains FMJ 748 35.6 3665 50,000 C.U.P.
22/250 Remington 2.350 308 Winchester 2.800 55 grains SP 760 39.0 3675 49,000 C.U.P.
2.710 30/06 Springfield 3.340 55 grams FMJ 760 39.5 3700 47.500 C.U.P.
243 Winchester 3.340
6mm Remington 2.825 300 Winchester Magnum 243 Wfnchester
1.592 32 Winchester Special 2.565 75 grains HP 760 43.0 3320 49,000 C.U.P.
25/20 Winchester
25/35 Winchester 2.550 8mm Mauser 3.250 80 grains PSP 760 43 5 3280 51,000 C.U.P.
250/3000 Savage 2.515 338 Winchester Magnum 3.340 80 grains PSP WMR 47.5 3250 54,700 psi
257 Roberts +P 2.775 85 grains HP 760 40.5 3150 49,000 C.U.P.
348 Winchester 2.795 1oo grains PSP WMR 44.7 3000 55,500 psi
25/06 Remington 3.250
35 Remington 2.525 105 orains SP WMR 43.7 2890 56,500 psi
264 Winchester 3.340 356 Winchester 2.590
3.340 25/20 Winchester
270 Winchester 358 Winchester 2.780 60 grains OPE 680 13.0 2300 26,000 C.U.P.
7mm Mauser 3.065 375 Winchester 2.560 86 grains Lead 680 11.1 1895 25 ,500 C.U.P.
284 Winchester 2.800 375 H&H Magnum 3.600 86 grains SP 680 11.0 1800 23,500 C.U.P.
280 Remington 3.330 44/40 Winchester 1.592 25/35 Winchester
7mm Remington Magnum 3.290 117 oralns SP
2.800 458 Winchester Magnum 3.340 760 28.5 2200 34,500 C.U.P.
7mm/08 Remington
1.680 250/3000 Savage
30 Carbine 60 grains OPE 748 40.8 3470 40,500 C.U.P.
30 Remington 2.525
60 grains OPE 760 44.0 3330 39,000 C.U .P.
87 grains SP 748 36.0 2940 41 ,000 C.U.P
87 grains SP 760 39.5 2985 43,500 C.U.P.
Rifle Data 100 grains SP 748 35.5 2820 43,500 C.U.P
Caliber Charge Weight Velocity 100 grains SP 760 38.8 2820 42.000 C.U.P_
Bullet Weight & Type Powder in Grains fps Pressure 257 Roberts +P
22 Hornet 75 grains HP 760 47.8 3420 42,500 C.U.P.
45 grains SP 680 11 .8 2650 41 ,000 C.U.P, 90 grains OPE WMR 48.7 2990 45,200 psi
46 grains OPE 680 11.6 2590 40,000 C.U.P. 100 grains ST WMR 48.7 2935 48,300 psi
120 grains BT WMR 45.6 2795 55,000 psi
222 Remington
45 grains SP 748 25.5 3210 41,000 C.U.P 25/06 Reminglon
46 grains OPE 748 25.3 3125 38,000 C.U.P 90 grains OPE WMR 58.1 3340 52,700 psi
50 grains PSP 748 24.0 2980 38,000 C.U.P. 1oo grains ST WMR 58-1 3280 55,600 psf
52 grains HPBT 748 22.6 2815 34,500 C.U.P. 120 grains BT WMR 54.3 3055 60,100 psi
53 grains HP 748 22.9 2855 36,000 C.U.P 270 Winchester
55 grains SP 748 24.0 2900 38,000 C.U.P. 100 grains SP WMR 59.5 3120 45,500 psi
55 grains FMJ 748 22.6 2750 33,800 C.U.P. 100 grains PSP 760 56.0 3335 48,000 C.U.P.
223 & 5.56 Remington 130 grains SP 760 52.0 2990 49,500 C.U.P.
50 grains PSP* 748 26.0 3200 40,000 C.U.P 130 grains SP WMR 58.9 3000 53,500 psi
52 grains HPBT 748 25.5 3160 40,500 C.U.P. 140 grains SP WMR 57.6 2930 57,800 psi
53 grains HP 748 26.0 3200 43,500 C.U.P. 150 grains SP 760 49.0 2725 48,500 C.U.P.
55 grains PSP 748 26 3 3150 39,000 C.U.P. 150 grains SP WMR 57.5 2850 58,200 psi
55 grains FMJ 748 26.2 3170 41,000 C.U.P

*Note: Maximum overall length on this pat1cular load 1s 2.120 .

Metallic Rifle 40 41
Rifle Data (cont'd) Rifle Data (cont'd)
Caliber Charge Weight Velocity Caliber Charge Weight Velocity
Bullet Weight & Type Powder in Grains fps Pressure Bullet Weight & Type Powder in Grains fps Pressure
280 Remington 30/40 Krag
145 grains SP WMR 60.4 2930 53,500 PSI 180 grains SP 760 44.5 2380 37,000 C.U.P.
160 grains ST WMR 57.8 2795 56,800 psi 220 grains SP 760 40.5 2070 36,000 C.U.P
284 Winchester 30/06 Springfield
125 grains SP 748 50.8 3075 50,000 C.U.P. 110 grains PSP 748 52.7 3230 47,000 C.U.P.
125 grains SP 760 57.0 3180 50,000 C.U.P 110 grains PSP 760 59.0 3210 45,500 C.U.P.
150 grains SP 748 48.5 2770 49,000 C.U.P. 125 grains SP 748 51.0 3060 46,000 C.U.P.
150 grains SP 760 54.0 2890 49,000 C.U.P. 125 grains SP 760 57.8 3125 45,000 C.U.P.
7mm Mauser 150 grains SP 748 48.0 2810 46,000 C.U.P.
125 grains SP 760 48.7 2885 43,500 C.U.P. 150 grains SP 760 54.0 2900 48,000 C.U.P.
150 grains SP 760 46.5 2660 43,500 C.U.P. 168 grains HP 760 52.5 2665 47,000 C.U.P.
175 grains SP 760 44.0 2400 44.500 C.U.P. 180 grains FMJBT 748 44.0 2530 47,000 C.U.P.
7mm-08 Remington 180 grains SP 748 45.0 2540 48,500 C.U.P.
120 grains SP 760 48.0 2990 56,600 psi 180 grains FMJBT 760 52.5 2700 48,500 C.U.P.
139 grains BT 760 2725 50,800 psi 180 grains SP 760 53.0 2725 50,000 C.U.P.
45.4 180 grains FS 760
150 grains SP 760 45.6 2645 49,900 psi 51.4 2625 57,100 psi
162 grains BT 190 grains HPBT 760 52.0 2605 47,500 C.U.P.
760 43.0 2605 58,100 psi 200 grains SP
162 grains BT WMR 43.8 2290 40.400 PSI 760 49.0 2470 46,000 C.U.P,
200 grains SP WMR 55.7 2435 48,200 psi
30 Carbine 220 grains SP 760 49.0 2370 48,000 C.U.P.
110 grains HSP 680 16.0 1970 37,500 C.U.P. 220 grains SP WMR 55.7 2380 51.100 psi
110 grains HSP 296 15.0 1980 36,000 C.U.P. 300 Winchester Magnum
30 Remington 165 grains SP 760 67.1 2995 60,800 psi
170 grains SP 748 30.0 2000 34,000 C.U.P. 165 grains SP WMR 76.0 3010 53,800 psi
170 grains SP 760 35.0 2095 35,000 C.U.P. 180 grains SP WMR 74.0 2960 60,300 psi
303 Savage 190 grains SPBT WMR 74.0 2920 59,500 psi
170 _grains SP 748 33.5 2090 32,000 C.U.P. 200 grains SP WMR 69.0 2750 59,000 psi
30/30 Winchester 220 grains SP WMR 68.2 2665 59,800 psi
110 grains HSP 296 18.7 2155 36,000 C.U.P. 32 Winchester Special
110 grains HSP 680 20.0 2200 36,000 C.U.P. 170 grains SP 748 36.2 2240 32,500 C.U.P.
11 ograins HSP 748 36.8 2595 33,000 C.U.P. 8mm Mauser*
150 grains SP 748 34.5 2310 36,000 C.U.P 170 grains SP* 748* 46.0 2410 37,000 C.U.P.
150 grains SP 760 35.9 2090 30,000 C.U.P. 170 grains SP* 760* 48.0 2240 32,000 C.U.P.
170 grains SP 748 32.0 2145 36,000 C.U.P. 338 Winchester Magnum*
170 grains SP 760 33.6 1975 30,000 C.U.P. 200 grains SP* 760* 70.0 2900 51,000 C.U.P.
300 Savage 200 grains SP WMR 71.7 2660 43,400 psi
110 grains HSP 748 45.2 2930 41,500 C.U.P. 220 grains SP WMR 72.2 2640 41,800 psi
150 grains SP 748 42.0 2600 41,000 C.U.P 230 grains FS WMR 66.8 2450 44,900 psi
150 grains SP 760 45.5 2580 42,000 C.U.P. 250 grains SP* 760* 63.2 2545 50,500 C.U.P.
180 grains SP 748 40.0 2375 43,000 C.U.P. 250 grains SP WMR 72.0 2550 51,600 psi
180 grains SP 760 44.5 2410 41.000 C.U.P. 275 grains SP WMR 67.1 2390 50,800 psi
307 Winchester 300 grains SP* 760* 59.8 2285 51,500 C.U.P.
130 grains SP 748 45.2 2720 38,000 C.U.P. 35 Remington
130 grains SP 760 45.2 2470 33,000 C.U.P. 200 grains SP 748 39.0 2130 33.000 C.U.P.
150 grains SP 748 44.0 2625 44,500 C.U.P. 356 Winchester
150 grains SP 760 44.0 2305 34,000 C.U.P. 220 grains SP
170 grains SP 748 41 .2 2455 44,000 C.U.P. 748 42.1 2015 31,000 C.U.P.
170 grains SP 760 220 grains SP 760 42.1 1805 27.500 C.U.P.
41.2 2260 39,000 C.U .P.
308 Winchester 358 Winchester
11 Ograins SP 748 200 grains SP 748 50.6 2500 50,000 C.U.P.
53.2 3300 46,000 C.U.P. 250 grains SP
125 grains SP 748 52.0 3175 50,000 C.U.P. 748 46.2 2250 50,500 C.U.P.
150 grains SP 748 48.5 2865 48,000 C.U.P. 375 H&H Magnum
150 grains SP 760 50.1 2700 40,500 C.U.P. 270 grains SP 760 77.5 2660 51,000 C.U.P.
180 grains FMJBT 748 45.5 2600 50,500 C.U.P. 300 grains SP 760 77.5 2560 51,500 C.U.P,
180 grains SP 748 46.5 2610 48,500 C.U.P. 300 grains FMJ 760 77.5 2560 51,500 C.U.P.
180 grains FMJBT 760 46.6 2535 43,000 C.U.P. 44/4D Winchester
180 grains SP 760 48.0 2580 43,000 C.U.P. 200 grains Lead 231 6.7 1100 12,000 psi
180 grains FS 748 41.3 2420 54,900 psi 458 Winchester Magnum
190 grains HPBT 748 42.0 2445 49,000 C.U.P. 500 grains FMJ 748 73.0 2040 39,000 C.U.P.
200 grains SP 748 43.0 2435 50,000 C.U.P. 510 grains SP 748 75.0 2065 41,000 C.U.P.
200 grains SP 760 45.7 2430 46,500 C.U.P.
CAUTION: Loads marked with astensk (*) must be used approximately as shown. Reductions m powder charge not
to exceed 10% or change in components should be made because such changes can cause dangerous pressures.

42 43 Metallic Handgun
The data for the metallic cartridges contained in this handbook were Obtained using Winchester® cases, primers
and bullets. Any substitution of components other than bullets of file same size and weight from reputable manufac-
turers could alter the ballistic level and safety of these loads. We strongly urge when using this information use the
components as shown.
Rimmed Handgun Cases


Maximum Dimensions Trim To

lri!Brpolatlon ot additional loads lrom this data·should not be attempred. Such practice can be dangerous.
Warning- Loads using 296 powder require heavy bullet pull (heavy crimp), 296 powder is not suitable with Caliber A B c· D Length
lightbullets. The use ol 296 powder with light bullet pull (light crimp) or lightweight bullets can cause squib loads. 256 Winchester .060' .440' .285" 1.281 " 1.275"
Such loads create a hazard lo both the shooter and bystander as a bullet lodged in the banrel may cause the gun 32 S&W .055 .378 .339 .605 .600
to burst if not removed before the next round is fired. 32 S&W Long .055 .375 .337 .920 .915
We have endeavored to show !hose applications for Which BALL POWDER® smokeless propellant is most 357 Magnum .060 .440 .379 1.290 1.285
ideally suited. While other loads are certainly possible, lhe only way such loads can be developed is in a 357 Remington Max. .060 .440 .379 1.605 1.600
38S&W .055 .440 .385 .775 .765
ballistic laboratory. We caution against the use al any other loads with Ball Powder smokeless propellant except 38 Special .058 440 .379 1.155 1.149
where such loads have been adequa!Bly proven wlth !he proper testing. 41 Magnum .059 .442 .434 1.290 1 285
BLACK POWDER WARNING- Never substitute smok.eless powder for black powder or Pyrodex or mix smoke- 44 S&W Special .060 .514 .456 1.160 1.152
less powder with black powder or Pyrodex. Never use smokeless powder in lllack powder firearms or in saluting 44 Magnum .060 .514 .456 1.285 1.280
cannons. Smokeless powder has much more energy than black powder or Pyrodex. Substituting or mixing pow- 45 Colt .060 .512 .480 1.285 1.280
ders may cause the firearm to blow up resulting in personal injury, property damage, or death.
*This dimension is with bullet seated.
Velocities quoted in the tables are averages of a series of shots fired in accordance with equipment and techniques
Maximum Overall Lengths with Bullet Seated
universally used throughout the American arms and ammunition industry. Listed loads have given uniform velocity
results in our tests. Caliber Lenoth Caliber Length
Handgun velocities quoted were measured in SAAMI* barrel lengths as listed. 256 Winchester Magnum 1.590" 38 ACP 1.280"
*Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute, Inc. 30 Luger 1.175 38 Super Auto +P 1.280
32 S&W .930 38 Special 1.550
32 Auto .984 38S&W 1.180
Caliber Barrel Caliber Barrel 32 S&W Long 1.280 40S&W 1135
8 1/2' 10mm Auto 1.260
256 Winchester 38 S&W 4" 9mm Luger 1.169 41 Magnum
30 Luger 4 1/2 1.590
380 Auto 3 3/4" 9mm Winchester Magnum 1.575 44 S&W Special 1.615
32 Auto 4 38 ACP 5" 357 Magnum 1.590 44 Remington Magnum 1.610
32 S&W 3' 38 Super Auto +P 5" 357 Remington Max. 1.990
32 S&W Long 4'' 40 S&W 4' 380 Auto .984 45 Auto 1.275
10mm Auto 5' 45 Colt 1.600
357 Magnum 8 3/8" 45 Winchester Magnum 1.575
38 Special 4" 41 Magnum 8 3/8"
9mm Luger 4• 44 S&W Special 6 1/2"
9mm Winchester Magnum 5• 44 Magnum 61/2' Bullet Descriptions
45 Auto 5'
45 Colt 5 1/2' Abbreviation Description Abbreviation Description
45 Wincheter Magnum 5" JSP Jacketed Soft Point HSP Hollow Soft Point
FMJ Full Metal Jacket JSWC Jacketed Semi-Wad Cutter
Handgun Case Dimensions
FPJ Full Plated Jacket swc Lead Semi-Wad Cutter
WC Wad Cutter JHP Jacketed Hollow Point

Rimless Handgun Cases

Maximum Dimensions


Trim To
Nominal Bullet Diameters
Dia. Lead Dia .
256 Winchester .257" 32 S&W 314"
Caliber A B c· D Length 30 Luger .309" 32 S&W Long 314"
30 Luger .048 .393' .332' .850' .845' 32 Auto .312" 9mm Luger 355"
32 Auto .045 .358 .336 .680 .672 9mm Luger .355" 357 Magnum .358"
9mm Luger .050 .394 .380 .754 .751 9mm Winchester Magnum .355" 38 S&W .358"
9mm Winchester Magnum .050 .394 .379 1.161 1.155 357 Magnum & Remington Max .356" 38 Special .358"
38 Special .356" 40 S&W .400"
38 ACP and Super Auto +P .050 .406 .384 .900 .895 380 Auto 356"
.680 10mm Auto .400"
380 Auto .045 .374 .373 .677 38 ACP and Super Auto +P .356" 44 S&W Special .430"
40S&W .055 .424 .423 850 .847 41 Magnum .410" 44 Remington Magnum 430"
10mm Auto .035 .425 .423 .992 .989 44 Remington Magnum .430" 45 Auto .452"
45 Auto .049 .480 .473 .898 .895 45 Auto .451" 45 Colt .455"
45 Winchester Magnum .049 .480 .473 1.198 1.193 45 Winchester Magnum .452"
*This dimension is with bullet seated.

Metallic Handgun 44 45 Metallic Handgun

Handgun Data andoun Data-38 Soecial
Caliber Charge Weight Velocity I ~:: - VST
Bullet Weight & Type Powder in Grains (fps) Pressure
Bullet Wt.
' Chg. I Chg,
WI. 'lelocily Pressure I WL 1/eocitv
I Cho.
Pressure 'Ni Velocit( ?tessure
WI. './elocilv :"ressure
30 Luger and Type (grs. J (!psi nisll (grs.J flpsl 1psll (grs., [lps) '.psil rs.1 1lps1 •llSII
93 grains FMJ 231 4.2 1085 25,500 cup
1148 gr. i.ea.d 29 590 "2AOO / J6 720 )2.100 I oc
85 grains Lead 231 1.4 595 9,500 cup
IHollow Base WC 13 '70 16100
48gr l.f.aa 3.0 -S90 13,600
51 800 '5.JOO
32 Auto Be'lei Bare WC 3.4 760 16.400 52
,I llO
~35 i6.300
~.; ii65
71 grains FMJ
32 S&W Long
231 2.5 865 14,000 cup
llio%wc I .;.9 145
4,;; 8SO 15. 00 ·2roo Ii~
5-. I
1 3 300
98 grains Lead 231 2.4 765 11,000 cup
38 Smith & Wesson
145 grains Lead 231 26 675 11,500 cup
380 Auto
95 grains FMJ 231 3.2 860 15,000 cup
38 Auto
130 grains FMJ 231 4.4 875 20,000 cup

Handgun Data-38 Super Auto +P Handgun Data-38 Special (+PJ"

231 540 WSL WSF WAP 231 540 571 WST
Bullet Chg. Chg. Chg. Chg. Chg. Chg. Chg. Chg. Chg.
Wt Wt. Velocity Pressure WI. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocity Pressure Bulle!Wt. Wt. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocity Pressure
ind Type (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) and Type (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi)
7.8 1185 110gr.JHP 5.3 935 14,700 8.2 1005 14,900 - - - . .
8.5 1320 5.7 1015
125 gr. JHP 4.8 840
-- - -
5.3 935 17200 8.2 1000 17.500 - - - - - .
140 gr. JHP 4.3
158 gr. JHP 4.0 635 13,900 6.1 750 15,300 6.6 700 14,100 - - -
4.4 720 17.200 6.6 800 17,400 7.3 800 17,400 - - -
rss;r. . - . . . - . - . -
Lea S#C 4.7 800 17,100 7.1 915 17,300 7.7 910 17,300 3.9 800 17,300
• Designated (+P) loads are higher pressure loads \ogive greater yafooilles.. These loads should be used only in firearms recom-
mended for (+P) type cartridges by the firearms mammictlJtar. Continuous use of (+P) loads in firearms with aluminum frames or
cylinders or with light weight steel frames or cylindllrs is-notracommeAded, If doubt exists check with the gun manufacturer.

Metallic Handgun 46 47 Metallic Handgun

Handgun Data- 9mm Luger Handgun Data- 9mm Luger
231 540 571 WSL WSF WAP
Chg. Chg. Chg. Chg. Chg. Chg.
Bullet WI. Wt. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocity Pressure Bullet Wt. Wt. Velocity Pressure WI. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocity Pressure
and T~pe (grs. ) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) and Type (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi)
95 gr. FMJ 4.6 1145 27,100 6.6 1145 28,600 7.3 1165 26,400 95 gr. FMJ 4-3 1100 27,700 . - - 56 1140 29,100
5.1 1235 32.600 7.1 1245 33.100 a.3 1290 33200 4.8 1195 32.700 - ~ . 64 1285 33.000
114 gr. Lead 3.8 1010 26,900 5,6 1050 28,400 . . . 114gr.Lead 3.8 965 28,500 - . . 4.8 1040 26,200
r.~r:1 Conical Nose 42 1115 32.500 6.2 1125 33 000 . . . r.ast Conical Nn~e 4.1 1050 32.700 . . 5.7 1160 33 2nn
1i6 gr FMJ 44 1045 25,900 6.1 1040 28,300 7.0 1080 27,100 115 gr. FMJ 4.2 985 29,500 49 1060 24,200 6.3 1055 27,200
. . . . . . . - 5.3 1135 28,300 - . .
4.9 1135 32.600 6.7 1135 33.400 7.6 1180 33.000 4.6 1075 33_200 5.7 1195 31.900 6.0 1155 33.100
115grJliP 4.3 1010 25,800 6.1 1050 28,600 6.9 1060 27,000 115gr.JHP 4.1 1050 29,500 5.2 1095 28.700 53 1065 28.500
4.8 1120 32.100 6.6 1130 33.400 7.7 1185 32900 4.5 1105 33.600 s.; 1165 32.100 s.a 1150 33.200
124 gr Lead 33 910 23,800 5.0 950 28,400 . . - 124 gr. Lead 34 920 29,200 4.0 945 22,200 4.4 955 25,900
Round Nose 40 1035 32.900 5.7 1050 33.500 - - Round Nose 3.8 985 33.500 4.7 1055 21300 5.1 1080 33 200
124 gr FMJ 4.2 1005 28,800 5.6 1000 29,200 6.8 1035 27,800 124 gr. FMJ 3.8 970 29,200 4.7 1015 2i.700 4.9 1005 28,000
. - . . - - 7.2 1085 30,600 - . . - - . .
(5 1060 32.700 6.1 1065 32.900 75 1125 32.900 4.1 1025 32 600 5.3 11 15 32.700 5.6 11 05 33.300
147 gr. Lead 3.3 865 29,000 4.5 840 26,900 5.4 895 27,500 147 gr. Lead . 3.7 905 28,500 3.9 845 24,600
Cast Flat Paint 3.5 qns 32100 5.0 925 32.500 5.9 970 32 700 Cast Fla1 Point . - . 4.1 965 32.800 4J 985 33.100
147 gr. FMJ . . . 47 855 30,600 5.5 880 27,200 147 gr. FMJ - 39 895 28,400 42 880 29,200
- - . 5.1 890 33.300 60 960 33.000 - - . 4.3 950 32.300 46 q40 33200
147 gr. JHP -
-- .
147 gr. JHP - -

Handgun Data- 357 Magnum Handgun Data- 357 Remington Maximum

Charge Weight Velocity Pressure Charge Weight Velocity Pressure
Bullet Weight & Type Powder in Grains (fps) Bullet Weight & Type Powder in Grains (fps)
110 grains JHP 231 88 1575 42,500 cup (Note: Use small rifle primers with thesi loads)
125 grains JHP 231 81 1460 42,500 cup 158 grains JSP 680 23.4 1780 34,400 cup
125 grains JHP* 296* 18.5 1800 '32,500 cup 180 grains FMJ* 296* 19,0 1670 46,900 cup
148 grains WC 231 3.4 880 19,500 cup 180 grains FMJ 680 19.7 1550 38,300 cup
150 grains Lead 231 69 1305 42.00!l cup
150 grains Lead*
158 grains JHP
32,000 cup
47nnn rup
42,500 cup
·Note; 296 powder Is consldel)ld to be one of the best powders for use in magnum ravoi,,er cartrldges. Recommended tor these
loads are the use of a Winchester or magnum primer and avery heavy crimp [fiigh bullet pull).
158 grains Lead failure to·folfow this proaedure could resul1 in poor igni!J-On and/or squib toaos under extreme circumstances. particularly in loads
158 grains Lead* 296* 14.5 1560 38,000cup where less than 90%o! the available p-0wder space Is berno used (low loadlng density),
158 grains JHP* 295· 16.6 1610 39500 cuo Do opt reduce powder charges wftl1 296 powder. These loads must be used elG!C1ly as shown, A reduction in powder charge or
170 grains FMJ* Z~b 10 1::!W ~i.uuu cup change In components can cause dangerous pressures.
200 grains Lead 231 55 1060 42,500 cup
200 grains Lead* 296' 12.4 1335 35,000cup

Handgun Data- 40 Cal. Smith & Wesson Handgun Data- 40 Cal. Smith & Wesson
231 540 571 WST WSL WSF WAP
Chg. Chg. Chg. Chg. Chg. Chg. Chg.
Bullet WI. Wt. Velocity Pressure WI. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocity Pressure Bullet Wt. Wt. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocify Pressure Wt. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocify Pressure
and TVPe (grs.) {fps) (psi) (grs.) {fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) and Type (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) (fps)
(!irs.) (psi)
150 gr. JHP 5.2
11sn ~i-~gg 7.7
11 ~~-Agg
150 gr. JHP
~j 16~2 23,27.11~~ 4.6
120n ~~·*gg 7.0 1110
7.5 11QO
155 gr. JHP 5.1 950 23,200 7.7 1040 26,700 8.5 1020 24,700 155 gr. JHP 5.5 980 24,000 4.5 930 21.~gr 6.0 1010 21,600 6.9 1100 28,300
6.0 1100 33.200 8,5 1140 33100 10.0 1180 33.200 6.0 1040 27.900 5.6 1100 33 0 7.3 1180 33 200 7.4 1170 33.500
170 gr. JHP 4.5 860 24,000 7.0 970 26,200 7.6 900 22,500 170 gr. JHP 4.2 830 22.100 4.2 860 24,000 5.5 920 23,300 6.2 1020 28,000
5.3 1000 33.200 7.7 1075 33,400 8.8 1080 33.200 5.5 970 30,100 5.0 1000 33200 6.5 1080 33.200 6.7 1085 33.500
170 gr, Lead 4.0 850 22,800 6.3 945 25,800 7.0 900 24,100 170 gr. Lead 40 870 22,800 4.3 940 28,700 5.2 950 23,500 5.7 980 25 700
5.2 1030 33200 7.2 1060 33.200 8.4 1070 33200 5.0 970 30.000 4.8 1030 33.200 62 1090 33200 6.4 1075 33'.400
180 gr, JHP 4.0 790 23,700 62 895 26,300 6.8 830 23,200 180 gr. JHP 40 780 21,800 4,0 830 26,300 5.0 860 22,900 5.5 920 25.000
. - . . . - 7.8 950 29,500 . . - . . . 5.6 950 28,300 6.2 1020 33,200
5_0 950 33200 69 985 32.800 8.3 1015 33200 5.0 900 28,100 4.8 950 33 200 6.2 1040 33.200 - .
200 gr. FMJ 4.0 750 26,600 5.7 835 27,200 6.6 790 26,000 200 gr FMJ 3.8 740 24,200 3.8 760 27,600 4_9 840 25,600 4.8 800 23,800
4.7 850 33.200 6.4 905 32.800 7.5 910 33.200 4.5 810 29.900 4.4 850 33.200 57 930 33.200 5.6 920 32.600
200 gr Lliad 3.0 700 21,100 4.7 775 26,300 5.0 740 20,600 200 gr. Lead . . . 3.0 710 21,800 3.9 785 21,800 4.2 795 25,600
4.0 850 33,200 5.3 855 32,900 6.5 900 33,200 3.5 760 25,200 3,9 860 33,200 5.0 920 33,200 4.9 900 33,000

Metallic Handgun 48 49 Metallic Handgun

Handgun Data- 10mm Auto Handgun Data- 10mm Auto
231 296* 540 571 WST WSL WSF WAP
Chg . Chg. Chg. Bullei ChG, Ch~. Chg Cit;!. Chg
Bullet WL Wt. Velocity Pressure Wt Velocity Pressure w. Vefocily Pressure W! Wt. Velocity Pressure W!. Velocity Pressure WI Velocity Pressure WI Velocity Pressure Wt Velocity Pressure
and Type (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.} (fpsJ (.psi/ \grs.} f:lps) (ps!I and Type l (grs.) (fps) (psii 1grs.J (lpsl (psi; I (grs.) (fps) (PSI) (grs.; (fps) (psi) Irnrs.J{fps\ (ps11
150 gr JHP a.o 1090 29 008
I .- - . 6.i' 1105 25,00D 65 1090 a:
I 7 (j 1210 35600 -- .
10.6 133(] 3'i60i1 131(
155grJHP 58
~~.~~~ -
1n ~
3~ 400
6.6 1100
a.t 13 r-
170 gr Lead 4.8
~ .

. 82
1?45 ~~-~g~
170 gr JHP 4.7 880 20.600 .
.. 87 1105
~~ ~~~ ..
6.3 1120 -35 60G 9.9 1265 1210
180 g1 JHP 52
10'i0 ~i-ggg -
~? 6 ago
?? 400
1190 ~H~~
35:600 I
- 7
J •
950 LO
1150 35.oOG
. 190gr 85 24100 '-
190 gr FM.;
I ts 800
35 600 12.5
97P ?? ?nn
35.400 FM..: 10.1 35 600 I 4.5 850
, .J
880 22,000
. .
200 gr Lead

200 gr FMJ
24,600 -

200 gr 75
Lead 90
27 500
I 3850- 830

56 1000 35.600 11.5 940 2~ 600 a:s 1090 35.600 35 00 I 4 fi 890

• See note on page 51
Charge Weight Velocity
Bullet Weight & Type I Powder I in Grains I (fps) I Pressure
Handgun Data- 44 Remington Magnum l
Charge Weight Velocity
Handgun Data- 41 Magnum Bullet Weight & Type Powder in Grains I (fPSl Pressure
210 grains Lead
210 grains JSP
210 grains JSP' I
296 I
' 1125
146C I
28,000 cup
38,000 cup
24,000 cup
1 210 grains JHP
240 grains Lead SWC
38.000 CUP
38,000 cup
240 grains HSP 231 11.2 1280 38,000 cup
Handgun Data- 44 Smith & Wesson Special 240 grains Lead SWC' 296° 25 0 1560 37,500 cup
240 grains HSP •
246 grains Lead I 231 I 54 I 795 I 12,500 cup 295' 24 0 1430 38,000 cup
Handgun Data- 45 Colt 'Nam· 296 pewlier is cons1oereo m Ile om: ot th~ tlilst oowdars 1 □ r USfl fn magnum revolver cartridges Recommended for these
255 grains Lead I 231 I 71 I 875 1 13,000 cup
loads are the usa ot. Wincoesrer or magnum primer and. very Jieavy crimo thigh bullet pull).
Fa,Iuro ID lollow mis procedure couid 11JSul1in poor iunioon ana/or squib loads under extreme circumstances. particularly in loads
where 1ess tnan 901, or the a11aJ13ble fl0\'IC3! space is lll!lrig used (low loading density).
See note on page 51
Do nm reduce PoWder chaiyes wttn 2!5 J)Ol'/Ofl. Tnese ioao; rnusi be used exacUy as shown. A reduction mpowder charge or
chango In C1Jrnponents can cause danQerous pressures

Handgun Data- 45 ACP Handgun Data- 45 ACP

231 540 571 WST WSL WSF WAP
Chg. Chg Chg. Chg. Chg. Chg. Chy.
Bullet Wt. WI. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocity Pressure Bullet Wt. Wt. Velocity Pressure Wt. Velocity Pressure WI. Velocity Pressure WI. Velocity Pressure
and Type (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs. ) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) and Type (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi) (grs.) (fps) (psi)
- . - . -
154 gr. Lead
- -
1060 ~~·l~~ - . . 154 gr Lead - 14,800
1 0
180 i·lead
Casi WC
-- -
185 gr. JSWC 5.1 760 13,300 8.0 825 15,700 - - .
6.1 920 18,600 9.0 950 20.000 - - .
185 gr. JHP 6.2 915 y.200 9.1 905 16,800 {0.3 935 16,800
68 990 9 500 10.0 1015 20.300 1.3 1045 19400
~~or. Lead 4.8 800 14,900 7.2 805 15,600 8.5 835 15,300
st'SWC 5.5 910 19 600 8.3 925 20 000 95 945 19500
200 gr. FPJ 5.4 815 16,200 8.1 825 16,600 9.2 850 15,600
6.1 920 19.900 8.9 925 20000 10.2 960 19 900
200 gr. JHP 5.3
1 900 ij 860
QA~ ~g.g~~
230 gr. Lead 4.5 765 15,500 6.9 750 14,300 7.7 800 15,900 230 gr. Lead 4.0 4.2 15,100 15,200 16,600
Round lllose 5.1 870 19.800 7.6 860 19700 8.7 890 19,800 Round Nose 4.5 4.8 19.BOO 19 600 19.600
230 gr. FMJ 4.9 695 14,900 7.4 745 16,100 - - . 230 gr. FMJ 4.1
. . 4.7 15 900 14 900 16,800
5] 830 19200 8.1 830 19.B00 - 4.9 5.3
230 gr. JHP 4.8 740 18,000 6.9 715 17,200 8.4 795 18,400 230 gr. JHP - 4.4
5.1 785 20,000 7.6 800 19.900 8.9 845 19.900 4
Metallic Handgun 50 51 Metallic Handgun
BALLISTIC TERMS AND DEFINITIONS GAUGE, SHOTGUN The unit of measure of the bore diameter of a shotgun. The gauge is the number of lead balls, of the diame-
ACCURACY In firearms using single projectiles, the measure of the dispersion of the group fired. The optimum would be one hole ter of the gun bore, that make a pound. Thus, a 12-gauge, or 12 bore means that 12 pure lead balls of such a diameter will weigh
no larger in diameter than a single projectile one pound. The standard diameters of shotgun bores of various gauges are as follows:
ACTION The combination of the receiver or frame and breech bolt together with the other parts of the mechanism by which a 4 gauge.. . . . . ..... , .. .. . • .. .. .. . . .. . .. • . .. .935 inch
firearm is loaded, fired and unloaded. 8 gauge . . .... .. •.•. . ...... . • .. . . , . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .835 inch
10 gauge . . . . • . . . . . • • . • .. . . .. • . . • .. . • .. . .. . . . • .. . . . .775 inch
AUTOMATIC Atenm commonly used for a self-loading fireanm Afireanm is truly automatic only when it continues to fire as long 12 gauge. • . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. • . • .. .. . .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. . 730 inch
as the trigger is held back. 16 gauge .. . .. . .. . .. . ..... . .. . .. .... ...... . . .. . , . . . . . .670 inch
BALLISTIC, EXTERIOR The theory of the motion of the projectile from the gun to the target. 20 gauge . . . .. .. . .. . . . • .. . . . . .. .. .. . • . .. • .. .. . • . • . . . . .615 inch
BALLISTICS, INTERIOR The theory of the motion of the projectile in the firearm. 28 gauge.. .. .. . . • .. .. .. .. • .. .. . • . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . .550 inch
BALLISTICS, TERMINAL That branch of ballistics which deals with the effects of projectiles at the target. 41 Obore (36 gauge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Oinch
GRAIN 1. A unit of weight (avoirdupois), 7000 grains per pound. 2 The grain unit is commonly used in American and English
BORE The hole through the barrel of afirearm. In a rifle the bore is the hole after it has been drilled and reamed, and before rifling; ammunition practice to measure the weight of components. 3. A term applied to a single particle of propellant powder.
that is, the bore diameter measuring to the top of the opposite lands. The groove diameter is the diameter to the bottom of oppo-
site grooves. See Choke. LUBALOY Atrade-mark for Winchester copper-coated shot and bullets.
BREECH The rear end of the bore of afirearm where the cartridge is inserted into the chamber. LUBRICATION OF BULLETS Most lead bullets have to be lubricated with agrease or wax placed on their surface or in their grooves
to prevent their leadlng the bore. Outside-lubricated cartridges have the lubricant placed on the surface of the bullet outside the
BULLET The projectile fired from a rifle or handgun. case. Inside-lubricated bullets have the lubricant placed in grooves or cannulures on the bullet where it is covered by the neck of
CALIBER The nominal diameter of the bore of a rifle or handgun In America and England it is expressed in decimals of an inch, the case.
and in Europe it is expressed in millimeters. LUP Lead Unit of Pressure. Apressure value detenmined by means of lead crusher cylinders. Now generally obsolete- replaced
CANNELURE A groove around the circumference of a bullet or case such as the lubrication groove of a lead bullet, the expansion by Piezo electric measurements of actual pressure.
groove of an open point expanding bullet or the extractor groove around the head of a rimless cartridge case. MUZZLE The end of the gun barrel from which the bullet or shot emerges.
CHAMBER The enlarged portion of the bore, at the breech, in which the cartridge rests when in position to be fired. PATTERN The distribution of a charge of shot fired from a shotgun. See Choke.
CHOKE The constriction in the muzzle end of a shotgun bore by means of which control is exerted upon the shot charge in order PRESSURE In a gun, the force devBloped by Iha expanding gases generated by the combustion of the propellant. When gases
to throw its pellets into a definite area or predetermined concentration. Degree of choke is measured by the approximate percent- expand in a confined space they exert pressure. When smokeless powder burns it forms gases which occupy many times the vol-
age of pellets in a shot charge which hit within a 30 inch circle at 40 yards. The following table give the accepted percentages ume of the solid propellanl The heat of burning expands these gases even more.
obtained with various chokes: When a cartridge is fired in a rifle or shotgun the gas pressure is exerted equally in all direction. The area where this pres-
Full Choke .. .. . .... . . . .. . . . . .... . ....... . . .... . ..... 65-75% sure not easily results in the expansion of the gas volume is on the base of the bullet or wad column. The bullet or shot is free to
Improved Modified . . .. • . , • . . .. •. . .... . ........ •.. •.. . .. 55-65% move and the expanding gases rapidly push it down the barrel and out the muzzle.
Modified . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. .... . .. . .. .. .... 45-55% If pressure is too low, non-uniform ignition will result, and with it non-uniform velocities and poor accuracy. In extreme cases,
Improved Cylinder. . . . . • . . ...... . ...................... 35-45% there will not be enough gas pressure to push the bullet or shot out the barrel. An obstruction will be left that will result in dam-
Cylinder Bore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 25-35% age to the barrel on the next shot
CHRONOGRAPH The instrument used to detenmine the velocity of a projectile in flight. If pressure it too high, gas pressure builds up to a point that damage to the firearm and/or personal injury can result
CONE The slope of the forward end of the chamber of a shotgun which decreases the chamber diameter to bore diameter. Also Follow the loading data given and avoid trouble.
called forcing cone. Pressures are designated by "CUP", "LUP" and "psi" meaning "Copper Units of Pressure", "Lead Units of Pressure" and
"pounds per square inch"
CRIMP In shotgun shells the fold-over of the end of the shell to hold the shot in position within the shell. In rifle or handgun
cartridges, the slight bending in of the mouth of the case so it enters the cannulure on the bullet, thus securing the bullet in the PROJECTILE A ball, shot, or bullet fired from afirearm.
case. PUMP GUN Common name for a slide action repeating firearm.
CUP Copper Unit of Pressure. A pressure value detenmined by means of copper crusher cylinders using SAAMI recommended RANGE The distance measured from the firing point of the fireanm to the target. Also a place where rifle and pistol shooting is
procedures and equipment. conducted.
DRAM EQUIVALENT A dram is a measure used for black powder and is normally used as a volume measure (although strictly RIFLING The spiral groove cut Inthe bore of a rifle or pistol barrel. The object of these grooves is to rotate the elongated projec-
speaking it is a weight measure equivalent to 1/16 oz. or 1/256 lb). Acertain dram charge of black powder imparts a certain veloc- tile so that it will fly point-on to the target A ro!atlng projectile has a gyroscopic stability which causes it to resist any force tend-
ity to a given weight of shot. For example, three drams of black powder with 11/8 oz. shot in 12 gauge gives about 1200 ftJsec. ing to deflect it from the direction it takes as it departs from the muzzle of the rifle. The longer the bullet and the lower the veloc-
muzzle velocity When the change to smokeless powder was made, the dram equivalent designation was used as a measure of ity, the qulckerthe twist must be to cause the bullet to travel with point to lhB iron!.
the approximate velocity and shot weight of commercial loads to the dram equivalent system, but modem loadings depart from
the system in a number of instances. SEMI-AUTOMATIC Atype of fireanm which, by pulling the trigger, utilizes the energy of recoil, or the powder gases, together with
Some shooters mistakenly believe a low dram equivalent is synonymous with low pressure. This is not so, as all modern a heavy counter-balanced bolt and strong bolt spring, to eject the fire case, load afresh cartridge from magazine into chamber, and
shotshells regardless of dram equivalent marking, gauge, brand, powder or shot charge are loaded to approximately the same pres- close the breech ready to fire another round. The trigger must be pulled for each shot.
sure level. Therefore, those who attach significance to the term "dram equivalent" in respect to chamber pressure are in error SHOT Spherical pellets used in loading shotshells. Commonly formed from lead or steel. (See Steel Shot warning page 11.)
The main problem is that people still confuse a "dram equivalent" designation with a "dram measure" of powder and this may THROAT The forward portion of the rifle chamber where it tapers to meet the bore diameter.
be serious in the case of modern fast burning shotshell powders. Taking the density of black and smokeless powders into account,
avolumetric 3-dram measure of such modern fast powders is approximately 40 grains (where a grain equals 1/7000 lb.) or about TRAJECTORY The course described by a projectile in flight. It forms an arc due to the effect of gravity on the bullet. Usually mea-
a double charge. sured in terms of height above the line of sight at midrange.
Dram Equivalent - WARNING Never use the dram equivalent measure as a weight for smokeless powders in reloading. VELOCITY The speed of the bullet or shot charge, measured in feet per second (fps) at or near the muzzle.
Dangerously high pressures can occur and result in personal injury, property damage, or death. FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FROM WINCHESTER, CALL 1-800-526-0015.
ENERGY The measure of the work performed by a bullet, expressed in foot pounds. Energy depends upon the weight of the bul-
let and the square of the velocity, hence it is less at long range than at the muzzle because the velocity has fallen off at long range.
Energy is easily calculated. Simply multiply the velocity by itself, then by the weight of the bullet, and divide 450240 into the result
Thus 2390 x 2390 x 150 divided by 450240 = 1903 ft. lbs.. the muzzle energy of the 30-30 Winchester 150 grain cartridge.

Definitions 52 53 Definitions

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