Global Warming An Urgent Challenge

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Global Warming: An

Urgent Challenge
Global warming is a pressing issue that demands our immediate
attention. It's the gradual increase in Earth's average temperature,
primarily caused by human activities.

BK by Bodnar Krisztian
Causes of Global Warming
1 Greenhouse Gases 2 Fossil Fuel Burning
The primary driver of global warming is the release of Burning fossil fuels for energy is a major source of
greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane into greenhouse gas emissions, contributing significantly to
the atmosphere. global warming.

3 Deforestation 4 Industrial Activities

Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, so Many industries release greenhouse gases as a
deforestation reduces Earth's ability to absorb byproduct of their operations, contributing to the
greenhouse gases. overall warming trend.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Source Gas Contribution

Fossil Fuel Burning Carbon Dioxide 76%


Deforestation Carbon Dioxide 11%


Agriculture Methane (CH4) 4%

Industrial Processes Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 3%

Rising Temperatures and Sea
1 Increased Temperatures
Global average temperatures have risen by about 1 degree
Celsius since the pre-industrial era, with significant regional

2 Sea Level Rise

As glaciers melt and ocean water expands due to warming,
sea levels are rising, threatening coastal communities and

3 Ocean Acidification
As the ocean absorbs more carbon dioxide, it becomes
more acidic, impacting marine life and ecosystems.
Melting Glaciers and Arctic Ice
Glacier Retreat Arctic Sea Ice Loss Permafrost Thawing
Glaciers around the world are melting The Arctic sea ice is shrinking in both Permafrost, permanently frozen
at an alarming rate, contributing to extent and thickness, impacting polar ground, is thawing, releasing methane,
rising sea levels and altering regional ecosystems and opening up new a potent greenhouse gas, further
water resources. shipping routes. exacerbating global warming.
Extreme Weather Events
Increased Frequency
Global warming is linked to more frequent and intense heat
waves, droughts, floods, and storms, causing widespread
damage and disruption.

Shifting Patterns
Climate change is altering weather patterns, leading to
unpredictable rainfall, prolonged droughts, and more
extreme events.

Impacts on Society
Extreme weather events threaten infrastructure, agriculture,
and human health, requiring increased adaptation and
Ecological Impacts

Ocean Warming Forest Fires

Rising ocean temperatures are Warmer temperatures and drier
leading to coral bleaching, ocean conditions increase the risk of
acidification, and shifts in marine wildfires, destroying forests and
species distributions. releasing carbon dioxide into the

Plant and Animal Extinction Biodiversity Loss

Climate change is driving many The loss of species and ecosystems
species to extinction due to habitat due to climate change weakens the
loss, food scarcity, and changes in resilience of entire biospheres,
their natural environment. impacting ecological services.
Mitigating and Adapting to
Climate Change
Reduce Emissions Carbon Capture and
Transitioning to renewable Storage
energy sources, improving Technologies for capturing and
energy efficiency, and reducing storing carbon dioxide
deforestation are crucial steps emissions are being developed
in mitigating climate change. to reduce greenhouse gas
concentrations in the

Adaptation Strategies International

Developing infrastructure Cooperation
resilience, promoting Global collaboration is vital for
sustainable agriculture, and addressing climate change,
managing water resources are requiring collective action and
essential for adapting to the shared responsibility among
impacts of climate change. nations.

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