(Movement) Excel Workout Tracker

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Intensity Day Muscles Exercise

Main Press Bench Press

Secondary Press Incline Press
Optional Triceps Skullcrushers
Shoulder Isolation Military Press
Deadlift Deadlift
Squat Squat
Upper Back/Traps Lat Pulldown
Forearms EZ Preacher Curls
Optional Forearms Table Curls
Posterior Chain Isolation Good Mornings
Abs Leg Raises

2 to 5 minutes rest
Volume Day Muscles Exercise 16/01/2020
Main Press Chest Bench 3 x 10 (45lbs)
Secondary Press Chest Incline Bench 1 x 10 (45 lbs) 1 x 4 (45lbs)
Triceps Triceps Skullcrushers 3 x 10 (45lbs)
Triceps Triceps Behind Head DB 3 x 7 (30lbs)
Shoulder Isolation Shoulders Frontal Raise 2 x 10 (15lbs) 1 x 10 (12.5lbs)
Shoulder Isolation Shoulders Lateral Raise 2 x 5 (15lbs)
Deadlift Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back Deadlift 3 x 10 (45lbs)
Squat Quads Squat 3 x 10 (45lbs)
Upper Back Upper Back Lat Pulldowns 5 x 10 (45 lbs) 1 x 10 (60lbs)
Traps Traps Shrugs 3 x 10 (20lbs)
Traps Isolation Traps Forward Lateral Raise 3 x 10 (15lbs)
Forearm Forearm EZ Preacher Curls 3 x 10 (30lbs)
Forearm Forearm Forearm Cable Curls 3 x 10 (10lbs)
Posterior Chain IsolPosterior Chain Good Mornings 3 x 10 (30lbs)
Abs Abs Plank 3 x 30sec.

30 seconds to 2 minutes rest

x 10 (12.5lbs)

x 10 (60lbs)
Muscles Exercise

Neck Look far left and lean head back and left
Neck Look far right and lean head back and right
Neck Look up and behind
Neck Left ear to left shoulder (+hand)
Neck Right ear to right shoulder (+hand)
Neck Look Left
Neck Look Right
Neck Look Left & Down
Neck Look Right & Down
Neck Far left and back swoop trhough chin tuck, end far right and back

Neck Forehead Plate Lifts

Neck Back-of-head Plate Lifts
Neck Left Side Plate Lifts
Neck Right Side Plate Lifts

Triceps Band Pushdowns 3 x 33

Biceps Band Curls 5 x 20
Forearm Band Reverse Wrist Curls 1 x 20
Forearm Band Wrist Curls 1 x 20
Forearm Band Rear Rotations 1 x 20
Forearm Band Front Rotations 1 x 20
Posterior Chain Band Goodmornings
Muscles Exercise

Neck & Upper Back Levator Scapulae (Side Lookdown)

Sternocleidomastoid Hand on chest lookbacks 30 - 60 seconds
Anterior Scalene hand on chest, ear to shoulder rotate 31 - 60 seconds
Suboccipital ball under back neck chin tucks 2 x 15
Neck lying chin tucks (head lifted to make harder) 2 x 15

Back Rhomboidus (Reach Forth)

Back Pressbacks in Pushup Position
Back Wall Screws
Back Push Up Plus
Back Wall Slides
Back Foam Roll
Back Shoulder Dislocations
Back Prone Y's
Back Band Pullaparts
Back Face Pull & Up

Serratus Anterior Apple Pickers

Serratus Anterior Serratus Pulldowns
Muscle Group(s) Exercise

Neck Forehead Plate Lifts

Neck Back-of-head Plate Lifts
Neck Left Side Plate Lifts
Neck Right Side Plate Lifts

Traps Shrugs
Traps Forward Lateral Raises

Chest Bench
Chest Incline Bench
Chest Pushups

Abs Plank
Abs Leg Raises

Shoulders Frontal DB Raise

Shoulders Lateral Raise
Shoulders Shoulder Press
Biceps Bicep Curl
Biceps Band Curls

Triceps Skullcrushers
Triceps Behind Head DB
Triceps Band Pushdowns

Forearm EZ Preacher Curls

Forearm Forearm Cable Curls
Forearm Band Reverse Wrist Curls
Forearm Band Wrist Curls
Forearm Band Rear Rotations
Forearm Band Front Rotations

Upper Back Pullups

Upper Back Lat Pulldowns

Mid Back Bent Over Rows

Lower Back Deadlift

Glutes Bridges
Glutes Deadlift
Glutes Squats

Quads Squats

Hamstrings Deadlift
Calves Calf Raises
Muscles Exercise 11/1/2020
Neck Front & Back Plate Raises 2 x 10 (10lbs)
Shoulders Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 5 (20lbs each)
Triceps Tricep Kickbacks 1 x 5 (20lbs each)
Biceps Bicep Curls 2 x 5 (20lbs each)
Forearms Table Curls 3 x 5 (12lbs each)
Chest Push Ups 2 x 10
Abs Leg Raises 4x5
Back Dumbbell Bent Over Rows 3 x 10 (20lbs each)
Glutes Bridges 2 x 50 (1 set close feet, 1 set far feet)
Quads Dumbbell Squats 3 x 5 (20lbs each)
Hamstrings Dumbbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts 3 x 10 (20lbs each)
Calves Calf Raises 2 x 20

Sets x Reps (Weight)

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