Crime Scene

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The Case of the Missing Coffee

WHO STOLE... What you need

A pencil
Mrs. McHenry's coffee
a Clue note book
has gone missing. She assistance from your
put it on her desk and
went to make copies,
and when she returned
You Can Help!
it was GONE! After
searching the library
Finish each table
she called on you, the
station and collect a
crime scene
detectives. Detectives, Use your clue note
it is your job to go book to unscramble
through the crime the clues and solve
scene and solve the the case.
clues. Help Mrs.
McHenry get her
coffee back!
CLUE ONE: 3- 15- 6- 6- 5- 5

Directions... What you need

1. Mrs. McHenry found a mysterious note A pencil
in the library when she was looking for straw
the coffee culprit. All it said was
"Yummy". There were 2 markers near
by. One belonged to Mrs. Malcein, and dropper
another had Mrs. Shupp's name on it. a crime note book
Using Paper Chromatography. assistance from your
Determine which marker wrote the grownup's
note and write the answer on the
correct line in your notebook.
2. Use a long 1/2 inch wide strip of paper
towel and hang it from the straw so
that the end just touches the
What is Chromatography?
water/solvent. Don't let the ink get
wet. Chromatography is a
3. Use each of your suspect pens to technique used to
place a dark spot of ink about 1/4 inch
separate mixtures. The
- 1/2 inch from the end of paper towel
strip mixture is passed through
4. Hang these strips from the straw so another substance, in this
that the tips of the strips just touch the
case filter paper. The
solvent (you may wish to tape the strip
to the straw in order to hold it in different color ink particles
place). travel at different speeds
5. Allow the inks to separate for 2-3
through the filter paper
6. Examine the banding patterns and allowing us to see the
determine which of your known suspect different colors of the ink.
pens was the pen used to write the
CLUE Two: 20-8-5-9-6

Directions... What you need

When the police dusted for A pencil
fingerprints they found several a crime note book
assistance from your
on Mrs. McHenry's desk where
the coffee was. Use the
Magnifying glass
magnifying glass to look at the Ink pad
prints that were found.
Compare the prints to the
UNKNOWN print. Who does the
fingerprint belong to? A fingerprint is a trace of a
Then use the ink pad to create human finger left on a
your own prints on a Child surface. Human fingers
Safety Kit to take home! Does have small structures on
your fingerprint have LOOPS, them (like mountains and
whirls or ARCHES? valleys). These structures
are unique in every human;
they can be used as means
of identification.
Sneaky Peaky Spying
CLUE Three: 23-1-19

Directions... What you need

Mrs. McHenry thought someone A periscope template
might have been watching her. scissors
The police found a Periscope
2 mirror squares
behind the bookshelf.
a crime note book
assistance from your
unfortunatly the glass was grownup's
cracked. Build your own and
see what you can spot with it.
A periscope is an
optical instrument that
uses a system of , lenses
or mirrors to reflect
images through a tube.
Light from a distant
object strikes the top
mirror and is then
reflected at an angle of
90 degrees down the
periscope tube.
A strange Reality
CLUE Four: 14-15-14-5

Directions... What you need

The Police sketch crayons
a special coloring sheet
artist is on vacation. ipad
assistance from your
Can you draw what
you think the suspect
looks like.
Augmented reality
Here is what we know: (AR) is an interactive
Long hair experience that
blue eyes combines the real
skinny nose
world and computer-
Draw the suspect on the
generated content AR
special paper, then hold
let us see the real-life
the ipad over it to see
what happens. environment right in
front of us .
What's that sound?
CLUE Five: 15-20-8-5-18

Directions... What you need

Before her coffee A computer station
disapeared Mrs. M anything that
heard a strange sound conducts electricity.
coming from one of (Hint: you conduct)
the computers. The
Makey-Makey Science
programs were Makey Makey is a
running on their own. resistive touch board
that means it is
Use the directions at programmed to sense
each computer to try when an item is
conductive. An item that
out the Makey-
is conductive is a material
Makey's. See what that allows electrons to
things you can use to flow, while an insulator is
make the program a material that does not
run. allow electrons to flow.
The escape
CLUE Six: 20-8-1-14

Directions... What you need

One Paper plate
The police think the scissors
suspect used a ZIP masking tape
LINE to escape with 2 Pipe Cleaners
the coffee. 1 paperclip
2 straws

Using only the Gravity dictates that things be
pulled downward along the line.
materials listed. Make Many modern ziplines can attain

a basket that will hold speeds in excess of 100km/h,

however, the speed something
Mrs. McHenry's extra travels at is determined by a number
of factors:
cup while traveling 1. mass: the heavier you are, the
down the zip line. Then faster you’ll travel
2. Slope of the line: the steeper the
test it on the "zip line" line, the higher the velocity
3. Length of line: the longer the line,
the more time you’ll have to
achieve maximum speed (to a
A strange gust of Air
CLUE Seven: 13-18-19.

Directions... What you need

Mrs. McHenry felt a puff of air a piece of pool noodle
right before her coffee one balloon
disappeared and something tape
shot past her, too quick to see. a pom pom
After experimenting she thinks
it might have been from an air
Can you make an air cannon Science
that shoots a pompom at the The air-vortex cannon works by quickly
target to test her theory? applying force to the air molecules

How to make it
inside the noodle. When the balloon
surface snaps forward it collides directly
with the air molecules inside the cup,
1. Cut off a little of the rolled part of the
pushing and accelerating them toward
balloon where it opens.
the hole at the end of the noodle. This
2. With your fingers stretch the end of the
push starts a chain reaction of high-
balloon over one end of the pool noodle.
speed collisions with other air molecules,
Do not put it over too tightly. you have to
and the only way for them to escape is
be able to pinch a little of the balloon to
through the opening at the end of the
make it shoot. cup. You should have heard the “poof”
3. Wrap the tape around the balloon where of the air escaping rapidly through the
the stretched edge meets the pool noodle hole each time you use your air cannon.
to keep it from slipping off the noodle when
you pull on it.
4. Put a pom pom in the hold at the other end
and pull just a little on the end of the
balloon and let go to see what happens.
A strange paper
CLUE Eight: 13-1-12-3-9-5-14

Directions... What you need

1 pipe cleaner
The police want to go 4 rubber bands
through all the cups one straw
in the school, but one cup (but you can only
they cant touch them touch it long enough to collect
your materials)
or they will
contaminate the
Design Thinking
Design thinking is a process for
solving problems by employing a
Your challenge is to hands-on approach to creating
innovative solutions.
use ONLY the
materials listed and Gives you the opportunity to view
create a way to move a problem from a different
the paper cup onto
the cup stack Encourages innovative thinking
WITHOUT touching and creative problem solving.
the cup with any part
Enables you to continually
of you. You may work expand your knowledge.
with ONE partner.
No Clue

Directions... What you need

A strange paper

Directions... What you need

Clue Journal
Detective's name:_________________________
3 15 6 6 5 5
Clue one:_ _ _ _ _ _
20 8 5 9 6
Clue two: _ _ _ _ _
23 1 1 9
Clue Three: _ _ _ _
14 15 14 5
Clue Four: _ _ _ _
15 20 8 5 18
Clue Five:_ _ _ _ _
20 8 1 14
Clue Six: _ _ _ _
13 18 19.
Clue Seven:_ _ _.
13 1 12 3 9 5 14
Clue Eight:_ _ _ _ _ _ _

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