SLM 4th Q Music Arts. P.E. Health 21 22

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Grade 8 - 4th Quarter

Theatre is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the experience of a real or imagined
event before a live audience in a specific place. The performers may communicate this experience to the audience
through combinations of gesture, speech, song, music or dance. Elements of design and stagecraft are used to
enhance the physicality, presence and immediacy of the experience.

Kabuki (歌舞伎) is a classical Japanese dance-drama. Kabuki

theatre is known for the stylization of its drama and for the
elaborate make-up worn by some of its performers. The
individual kanji, from left to right, mean sing (歌), dance (舞),
and skill (伎). Kabuki Theatre Origins of Kabuki Theatre Kabuki
is a stylized traditional form of Japanese Dance -Drama
developed during the early 17th century. The story goes that
kabuki was invented as a new form in Kyoto, Japan in 1603
when Izumo no Okuni started performing a new form of dance
drama on the dry riverbeds of Kyoto.


1. YAKUHARAI TECHNIQUE - showcases the slow and low-pitched delivery of poetical text written in the
Japanese metrical form of alternating seven and five syllables.
2. IPPONCHOSHI - The continuous pattern that is applied in speeches that eventually progress to an explosive
climax in the aragato style.
3. NORI - adapted from the so called chanting of joruri (a traditional Japanese narrative music). A very sensitive
capacity of riding the rhythms of the shamisen (a string instrument).
Dances and movements are accompanied by shamisen music which collected and popularized a number
of aspects from all previous forms of Japanese music, from gagaku (classic court music imported from
China during the 18th century), kagura (performed in Shinto shrines), nō (chant derives from shōmyō, the
sophisticated and rich tradition of Buddhist chanting), down to the folk and fashionable song of the day.
The most popular shamisen music was called naugata (long song) which reached a golden age in the first
half of the 19th century as dance music for the henge mono or quick-change pieces
The Kotsuzumi is a small hourglass-shaped drum used in Japanese noh drama.

Wayang kulit is a traditional form of puppet-shadow play originally found in

the cultures of Java, Bali, and Lombok in Indonesia. In a wayang kulit
performance, the puppet figures are rear-projected on a taut linen screen
with a coconut-oil (or electric) light.
The dalang (shadow artist) manipulates carved leather figures between the
lamp and the screen to bring the shadows to life.

The kendhang sets the tempo of the music and the puppets' dances.
Suling is the bamboo flutes in Gamelan ensemble while the bowed two – stringed fiddle is the rebab.
Bonangs, or gong chimes, are important instruments of the traditional gamelan, the percussion orchestra
from Java in Indonesia.
The gambang is a xylophone idiophone of the Javanese people of Java, Indonesia. It is an elaboration
instrument that is part of a Javanese gamelan.
Taiko drums are traditional Japanese drums, which are played in traditional performing arts and festivals in

Peking opera, or Beijing opera, is the most dominant form of

Chinese opera, which combines music, vocal performance,
mime, dance and acrobatics. It arose in Beijing in the mid-Qing
dynasty (1644–1912) and became fully developed and
recognized by the mid-19th century. The form was extremely
popular in the Qing court and has come to be regarded as one
of the cultural treasures of China. Chinese theatre traditionally
was considered as the highest form of arts in China
Peking Opera is considered to be a cultural art form in which people are adapting even until today. Theme used
in a story of The Opera includes heroic tales, love, marriage, war, and historical events wherein, it uses
extravagant costumes and props to show sophistication.

Still follows traditional Chinese arts in stressing meaning, rather than precise actions.
A technique commonly used for sorrowful songs and is only sung by bearded characters is the fan-pan.
The orchestra of Peking opera is comprises about 8 of musicians sitiing on stools in the far corner of the stage.
The opera typically features fewer than a dozen players who are led by a conductor playing a wooden clapper
and a drum.
jīnghú) is a Chinese bowed string instrument
sanxian is a three-stringed traditional Chinese lute
two groups of instrumentalist / music ensemble:
a. civilian, or wenchang/string and wind
Essential instruments in the civilian ensemble are the jing hu, erhu—
bowed two-string fiddles, the jinghu sounding high pitches and the
erhu lower—and yue qin—the plucked “moon lute” with a round body.
b. martial, wuchang/gongs and drums. In the martial section, the
clapper and drum, and two types of gongs plus a pair of cymbals are
the most basic instruments. The gongs used in Beijing opera have
distinctive tones that rise and fall.

7 Types of Theatre in the Philippines By: Sandy Da Silva

1. Epic poetry
2. Duplo
3. Moro-moro
4. Senakulo
5. Traditional Folk Dance
6. Bodabil
7. Sarsuwela
The sarsuwela is a type of melodrama, usually in three acts, that uses alternately spoken and sung words. It
was the Spanish influence that started the sarsuwela which includes operatic and popular songs, but it was also
this colonization that led Filipinos to incorporate nationalistic overtones in the art. This resulted in the arrest of
several prominent writers such as Aurelio Tolentino and Pascual Poblete, and eventually, the shutdown
of sarsuwela companies during the American occupation. As proof of its importance in Philippine culture, in
2011 the National Commission for Culture and the Arts designated the sarsuwela as a nominee for the UNESCO
Intangible Cultural Heritage lists.

Elements of Theatre
1. Performers - People onstage presenting characters in dramatic action.
The audience is coming to see a performer pretend to be someone else.
When the actor/actress is on stage, they must be believable as the character they are portraying. If
they are not believable, then the audience will be less interested in the production.
2. Audience - The essence of theatre is the interaction between the performer and audience.
Theatre needs to be experienced live. There is a "call and response" atmosphere that cannot be
witnessed in a movie theatre.
3. Director - The director makes certain that the performers understand the text and deliver the script
excitingly and appropriately. The director also makes sure the blocking, costume designs, set designs
and other aspects of the show blend together to make a production that works together. All the aspects
of theatre should compliment each other, and the director oversees all these things.
4. Theatre Space - Another necessary element of theatre is the space in which performers or audiences
come together. It is essential to have a stage, or some equivalent area, where actors and actresses
can perform. It is also essential to have a place for audience members to sit or stand.
5. Design Aspects (scenery, costume, lighting, and sound)
 Visual Aspects - costumes, lighting, and some form of scenic background
 Nonvisual Aspect - sound.
6. Text (which includes focus, purpose, point of view, dramatic structure, and dramatic characters) - A final
element essential to theatre is the text that is performed, and it must be present for theatre to occur.
Another name for the text is script.
Principles of Composition and Organization of Theatre Art The organization of all the elements of a play
into a meaningful pattern is the PLOT. The plot is the order of events as the author has constructed the play.
Basically, this means that a play should be complete and self-contained. Everything that is necessary to
understand the play should be included within the play itself.
SELECTIVITY selecting the optimum amount of information necessary to portray a character. FOCUS is often
used interchangeably with the terms concentration and engagement, assisting the performer in the portrayal of
believable characters. This also implies memorisation of text (including word, moves and
gestures). Furthermore, focus requires the channelling (focusing) of all the performer’s energies into achieving
the given goals or objectives of a character in a scene (otherwise known as ‘wants’).

 where the actors move on the stage, what this communicates to the audience and the effect this has
upon the drama
Principles of Composition and Organization of Theatre Art importantly includes Variation,
Proportion, Logic, Contrast, Dynamism, Balance, Subordination, Harmony, and Unity.


Sky Lantern Thailand Thai people launch hot-balloon lanterns into the sky to sends
Festival away misfortune & bad lucks
Loi / loy Krathong Thailand People gather to pay respect to the goddess of water by releasing
Festival beautiful lotus on the evening of the full moon of the twelfth month
in the traditional lunar calendar of Thailand
Taiko Drum Japan A dynamic performances using drums
Chinese New China Is a time for families to come together, exchange money-filled red
Year or Spring envelopes (红包, hóngbāo), and enjoy delicious Chinese food. It
is common practice to decorate one’s home with Chinese
lanterns. In many homes, you will find auspicious Chinese
characters and couplets on red paper stuck on doors. Red is an
auspicious color as it scares away the Nian monster. Wearing new
clothes is also a common tradition to ward off bad luck—a new
year is a time for newness after all.
Bali Dance Indonesia People dance in their tradition and is part of the religious and
Festival artistic expression such as hands positions and facial
expressions since their dance movements are associated with
rhythms and produced by Bali dancers wearing crowns and


Grade 8 - 4th Quarter

DANCE is a physical activity that is a good source of exercise that could help develop grace and poise,
a patterned and rhythmic bodily movements, usually performed along with music.
A form of a dance developed by a group of people that reflects the traditional life of a certain country
or region IS FOLK DANCE.

Dance Title: BINISLAKAN Dance Title: PANGALAY

Meaning: With the use of sticks Meaning: Finger Nail
Dance Culture: Christian-lowland Dance Culture: Muslim-lowland (coastal)
Place of Origin: Lingayen, Pangasinan Place of Origin: Sulu
Country of Influence: China Country of Influence: Thailand, Malaysia,
Ethno-linguistic Group: Pangasinense Burma, Cambodia, and Indonesia
Classification: Social Dance Ethno-linguistic Group: Tausug
Classification: Wedding/ Dance Festival
Dance Title: SUA-KU-SUA
Meaning: My Pomelo Tree Dance Title: SAKUTING
Dance Culture: Muslim-lowland (Coastal) Meaning: Refers to rhythmic sticks producing
Place of Origin: Jolo, Sulu the accompaniment for the dance.
Country of Influence: China, Malaysia, Place of Origin: Abra and Ilocos Norte
and Indonesia Country of Influence: China
Ethno-linguistic Group: Tausug Classification: Social Dance
Classification: Courtship Dance

The 4 Laws of Success; The Keys to Achieving Your Fitness Goals

The Law of Possession The Law of Consistency
The Law of Effort The Law of Self-Efficacy
Folk dance terms and dance steps:

It means to bow. SALUDO

A dance formation of two or more couples SET
To move the body or part of the body around the wide axis. BEND
Both arms are in one side at shoulder level, either right or left. ARMS IN LATERAL POSITION


Grade 8 - 4th Quarter

Gateway drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol are legal drugs that a non-drug user might try, which can lead
him/her to more dangerous drugs such as marijuana and shabu


Tobacco is a tall, leafy plant, originally grown in South and Central America, but now cultivated throughout the
world. There are many species of tobacco but Nicotiana tabacum or sometimes-called common tobacco is
preferred for producing present day cigarettes.

Carcinogens are substances which cause cancer. Nicotine, the addictive drug found in tobacco products like
cigarettes is a poisonous stimulant. A stimulant drug increases the central nervous system (CNS) activity. The
central nervous system controls all body organs like the heart, lungs, brain, and processes like heart rate, blood
pressure rate, respiration rate, and more. Every time a cigarette is lit, smoke is emitted. There are three smokes
produced by cigarette smoking namely:
1. Mainstream Smoke – refers specifically to the smoke that a smoker directly inhales.
2. Sidestream Smoke – the smoke that comes out of the lighted end of a cigarette or pipe. This is also called
“second-hand smoke” (SHS) or “environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). This is more dangerous than mainstream
3. Third-hand Smoke – smoke left for a long time on sofa, beddings, pillow and other objects. This smoke also
called residual tobacco smoke (RTS) settles along with dust and can last for months. This smoke still contains
harmful chemicals and carcinogens. the smoke that comes out of the lighted end of a cigarette or pipe.


a. High Blood Pressure – too much exertion of blood against the arteries causing damage
b. Heart Diseases – Involves the cardiovascular system
c. Body Odor – unpleasant smell to your body
d. Bad Breath – foul smell exhaled from the mouth
e. Bronchitis – inflammation of the airways from trachea into the lungs
f. Emphysema – damaged air sacs in the lungs
g. Pneumonia – infection of the lungs
h. Asthma – a chronic disease which affects the airways
i. Cancer – a group of diseases which makes body cells grow uncontrollably
Alcohol is a colorless, bitter-tasting substance that humans have been consuming since the ancient times. It
comes from plants that underwent fermentation. Fermentation is the process of extracting alcohol from a plant
or a fruit. An example of fermented alcohol is a beer. A beer is extracted from grains. On the other hand, wines
are from grapes and other fruits.

Do you know that alcohol is a depressant? It means that when taken, it slows down the processes of a person’s
central nervous system. It is not true that alcohol gives extra strength and energy. In addition, alcohol has
very little nutritional value. They only provide empty calories. When alcohol enters the bloodstream, it goes in
all the parts of the body. The main effect of alcohol drinking reflects on a person’s central nervous system
(CNS). The CNS controls one’s mental processes, memory, speech, learning and decision-making. It also
affects a person’s senses, feelings, movement, and breathing. The amount of alcohol that entered in the
bloodstream at a certain period can be measured in percentages through blood alcohol concentration (BAC)
or most often called blood alcohol level (BAL). A BAC of 0.05 percent means there is 5 parts of alcohol per
10,000 parts of blood in the body. A 0.3-0.5 percent BAC could lead to coma, brain damages, and death.

Alcohol causes a person both intoxication and hangover. Intoxication happens when physical and mental
changes in the body of an alcohol drinker occur. On the other hand, hangover takes place when an alcohol
drinker feels uncomfortable effects after drinking. These may include changes in sight, smell and other senses.
Hangover on the other hand is the occurrence of an uncomfortable feeling after getting intoxicated. These
effects are only for occasional drinking. But when a person consumes alcohol consistently and heavily, extreme
changes in the body may occur. A person may suffer from liver diseases like cirrhosis. Cirrhosis happens when
an alcoholic’s liver is already being stored with fats. These fats block the flow of blood inside the liver,
making it damaged and malfunctioning.

A. Tolerance happens when a person stops drinking alcohol then suddenly feels its side effects. In order for the
person not to feel these side effects, he/she will go back to alcohol drinking.
B. Dependence this happens when a person literally depend his/her everyday life on alcohol.
C. Cirrhosis doesn’t happen that fast. When alcohol is consistently consumed, the liver may find it hard to
function normally. When it happens, fat will be stored in the liver, thus a condition called fatty liver
occurs. When liquids cannot pass through the bloodstream because of the blockage of the fatty liver,
cirrhosis happens.
D. Brain Damage when alcohol is taken more than water or any other liquids, the body may not function properly.
What will happen is that the blood that the heart will be pumping to the whole body, especially to the
brain, is not healthy. If this continuously happens, it will lead to brain damage and even death.
E. Addiction is the abnormal strong craving for and dependence on something that is psychologically or
physically habit-forming.
F. Tolerance is a body condition whom a person needs more alcohol to feel its original effects.



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