30 Days 2 Shredz Reprogram Your Mind and Metabolism To Torch Fat Sculpt Muscle and Create Your Dream Body in 30 Days or Less 40 Jay Campbell 41 40 Z-Library 41

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Reprogram Your Mind and Metabolism

to Torch Fat, Sculpt Muscle and Create your

Dream Body in IO Days or Less

Reprogram Your Mind and Metabolism to Torch Fat,
Sculpt Muscle and Create Your Dream Body in 30 Days orLess

Copyright @2023 Jay Campbell

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without prior written consent of the author, except as provided by the United States of America
copyright law,

Published by

Tampa, Florida
I 979-8- 218-26287 -7
SB N :

This book is intended for informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for
professional medical advice. The author is not a licensed healthcare professional, and the content
should not be used to diagnose or treat any health issues, Always consult with a qualified health-
care provider before making changes to your health routines. The author and publisher expressly
disclaim any liability resulting from the use or application of the information contained in this book.
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Chapter 1: Explalning the 3 User 1eve1s.......... ........19

Chapter 2: Metabolically Ftexible Living (MFL).......,.. ...............3g

MFL Principle #1: Practice metabolic flexibility at all times.. .,,,,,....,,.,.........,.34
MFL Principle #2: We are all "N of 1"...,..,........ ...,,..,.......,.......,,,...36
MFL Principle #3:what gets measured gets managed and improved upon,..,...,,, .,......,37
MFL Principle #4:You MUST know how fat you are at any given moment (even if it hurts),,.,,,......,.,41
MFL Principle #5: Understand the specific body type (somatotype) you are right now 44
MFL Principle #5: Live an insulin-controlled lifestyle (tCL).....,.,..... ,,..........,,47

MFL Principle #8: You are NOT too busy for proper sleep ...,,..,....,,50
MFL Principle #9: Eat the right types and amounts of macronutrients.....,,...... ......,,,.......52
A FREE Nutrition Calculator Made Just For ..,,.......,.,,......65
Chapter 3: The Drugs and Supp1ements.............,..... .............,.... 67

Agent: Vitamin B-12 / Jarrow B-Ri9ht.,....,.. ,.....,..,....,.,.......,..,.74


Agent: Magnesium Citrate 83

Agent: Nicotine Gum 91

Fully F-kkn Optimized (FFO) ......,...'...',.'..,126

Agent: hGH (Human Growth Hormone), a.k.a, Genotropin......'....... ..,,...129

Agent: Cardarine, a.k.a. GW-501516...........,,,. ...,..,...,......,....,'.'139

Chapter 4: 30D2S Resistance & Cardiovascular Training Principles. ......... 146

Outlining the Resistance Training Protocol for 30D2S.,.. '...,,'........',..'.,.....151

Chapter 5: The Training Day 170

Chapter 6: The Fasting Day.,.....,..,... ...........,.........207

Toble of Contents

A Brief Background on How Fasting Works,.,.....,., ......,..,,......2Ct7

Chapter 7:The Weekends, Days 6 & 7 (Saturday and Sunday)..............,.. ......................2S0

Guidelines for Eating an Off-Plan Meal 241

Chapter 8:The Weekly Protocols (Basic, Advanced, and FFO) ........,........2S4

Chapter 9: Maintenance Eating post 30D2S protocol ............260
The lmportance of the Maintenance Period 261
How to Set Up Your Maintenance Period. .,..,...263
Length of Maintenance Period ..,..........,,.........263
Diet During the Maintenance Period ...........,.264
Training During the Maintenance Period 270
Supplements During the Maintenance Period... ..,,,,,.........,,276
Weekly Schedule During the Maintenance period .............276
How to Prepare for the Next 30D2S Cyc|e..,.......... .........,,.,.....277
Option #l - Maintain Your Current Level of Body Fat .277
Option #2 - Run a Second Cycle of 30D2S......,... ,.,,,.....,,....277
How to Troubleshoot Major Stalls in Weight Loss & Body Composition 278

Chapter 10: 30D2S Success Stories with Before-and-After pictures....... .......................2gs

Chapter 11: The Tools, Tips, and Tactics of the Shredded (Maintaining Single Digit Body Fat

The DIABOLICAL FFO Schedule for 30D2S ..,...3S1


How to Properly Prepare for a 60-Hour Fast............. ...."..'.357

Going From One 60-Hour Fast to Four 60-Hour Fasts 359

Extreme Feats During Long FastingWindows..... ..'....'..,...'..'360

Breathwork, Visualization, and Meditati0n.......,.,..... .....,,..'.....352

The Cheat Meal Damage Control Protocol..,..... ,..,......."..,,.,,...364

Diet 366

What NOT to Do With These Hacks .,...,,..,...,.,,,,.377

Concluslon: Beyond 30 Days 2 Shredz...... ...........380

"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go
through life, son,"

- Dean Vernon Wormer (Animal House,lgTS)

Looking in the mirror not long ago, this quote rang through my head.
Since I was awesome at negative self-talk, ljust had to add a few more choice words.
Don't forget "angry, depressed, failure, disappointment, and lost cause.,,
I stared at myself a bit longer, did a familiar bite of the bottom lip, yelled something
incoherent and took a picture,
To be fair, outside of fat and depressed, I wasn't any of those things.
Like many of you reading this book, I was a college-educated, six-figure wage slave doing
what I thought at the time was 'the best I could'to provide for my family.
lnterestingly, while not a clinician, I realized I had spent a majority of my adulthood in
the allopathic medicine world.
First as a Wall Street investment banker strategically advising health care service com-
panies, then as a health system executive in business development.
The healthcare INDUSTRY constantly bombards us with various fads and fitness trends,
all promising to help us live a better life.
I have seen countless patients walk through my clients' or employer's doors struggling
with obesity, anxiety, depression, and other health issues.
I KNOW because I was one of them.


But I found a way to take control of my health, increase my vibrational energy, and opti-
mize my life.
Oh, and I got f***ing shredded in the process!
ln this book, 30 Jay Campbell (a true visionary) shares the protocols that
Days 2 Shredz,
led to my transformation from being a burnt-out, obese executive to becoming a new,
awakened man.
Full disclosure:
I AM a true believer.
I AM a Jay Campbell disciple.

I preach to my friends and family about hormone optimization, staying lean, and the
benefits of peptides.
While Jay has helped countless individuals break free from the shackles of obesity, anx-
iety, and depression, this book is his magnum opus on achieving maximal fat loss and
expanding collective awareness about human optimization,
As someone who was once 270 pounds, depressed, anxious, and in physical and mental
pain, I know firsthand the transformative power ol 30 Days 2 Shredz.
By following the nutritional principles (insulin-controlled lifestyle, becoming fast-adapted),
training techniques (positive muscle failure weight training, low-impact Zone 2 or 3 cardio),
and additional hormonal optimization, peptide, and supplement protocols, I was able to
drop 50% of my body fat in 45 days.
Please read the statement above once more and realize I AM not lying to you.
Not even as a 17-year-old high school athlete with sub-10% body fat have I ever looked
as lean and muscular as I do now.
And yet today, at 49 years young, I AM in the best condition of my life and only getting
better by the day.
But, perhaps more importantly, l've found a sense of peace and fulfillment.
Jay's approach is not just about losing body fat.
It's about taking control of your health and optimizing your life in all areas - physically,
mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


Starting with his TRT Manual nearly 10 years ago, right through to this year's release of
Optimize Your Health with Therapeutic Peptides, Jay Campbell's work is the tip of the
spear for delivering new pathways of wellness to the awakened human.
ln 30 Days 2 Shredz,
Jay builds upon the foundation he laid out in his previous books The
Metabolic Blowtorch Diet and Guaranteed Shredded while utilizing the most up-to-date
peptide protocols.
Not only did his approach get me down to 8o/o body fat from 15%, but I FEEL AMAZINGI
People notice the new, positive vibrational energy I emit.
ln this crazy world, I have never been more optimistic about the future.
Jay has helped transform the lives of thousands of men and women.
I am just one of the many and trust there will be countless more once they choose to
read this book.
Iam honored to have been given the opportunity to write this foreword,
So, sit back, relax, pay full focused attention and you too wiil become

Jason Horowltz
Founder, HDS Advisory
CEO, Entera Skincare


Thank you so much for purchasing this book and any of my previous books.
It is my great honor to serve you.
You are only here to participate in and contribute to the mass awakening of human con-
sciousness to the undeniable great truth.
What is this undeniable great truth, you may ask?

Your thoughts creqte your reolity.

Learning to become acutely aware of what you think, feel and speak while also structuring
your life with supreme clarity through your words, thoughts and actions are essential
becoming a fully empowered being.
Your outer world is a mere reflection of your inner reality,
The nature of your reality is such that it will mirror, mix and play with all types of energy
without judgment.
It takes great courage to question your existence and even greater strength to KNOW
and recognize truth.
Truth, my friends, is only for the most sincere among you.
Did you know you produce an energetic signature and vibrational frequency that deter-
mine your specific version of reality?
This spiritual energy signature, which is known by many names (chi, orgone energy, prions,
prana, etheric energy, subtle energy, scalar waves, the morphogenetic field
and life force
energy, etc.), defines who and what you are from moment to moment.


Why AM I telling you all of this in what I KNOW to be the world's greatest fat loss
book to date?
Because I want you to understand every aspect of your existence is connected through the
frequency of your vibration, which ultimately determines the level of your consciousness,

You must leqrn to LOVE AND TRUST yourSELF for who

you qre to the core.

lf you don't feel truly worthy and deserving of going from fat to shredded, no amount of
peptides, hormones, supplements, resistance/cardiovascular training or advice will assist
you in changing your physique.
You will always default to self-sabotage and failure because you genuinely don't love and
trust yourSELF internally to become what you most desire.
To truly flourish and thrive in a world of great chaos, you must embrace and honor your
physical avatar body as the priceless gift it is.
You must accept your own worthiness and be willing and able to feel genuine love and
appreciation for who you are.
This is the essential key for attracting the very best experiences life has to offer.
First and foremost, the love you seek from others must be generated BY you and FOR you,
When you truly love and trust yourSELF, you are connecting with and contributing to the
divine life force energy sustaining the cosmos,
Loving and trusting yourSELF is the greatest gift you have to give to the world as it is
your version of pure, unconditional love.
Are you willing to accept the great responsibility of loving and trusting yourSELF?
lf so, read on as becoming the best version of you ever awaits.


I hope you find this book enjoyable and enlightening for your journey on the path to
maximum fat loss.
lf you are reading this book expecting me to validate and justify every single conclusion
with peer-reviewed research studies, you've come to the wrong place.
Granted, the bro-science and the research science are more-or-less in unison when it
comes to the basics: optimal protein intake, health benefits of fasting, muscle preserva-
tion, principles of resistance and cardiovascular training, etc,
But a lot of what we know about the newest frontiers in medical science, especially con-
cerning therapeutic peptides, is largely derived from real-world empirical observation
and experimentation (and much less from what is found on pubMed).
Outside of these nuances, many studies today are almost worthless and certainly cannot
be taken at face value from anyone.
Most of their designs have been manipulated to achieve a specific result, and the great
majority of studies cannot be successfully replicated,
They're often written in complex language, making them difficult to interpret,
One must learn how to "study the study" and "follow the money.,,
There are many who live and die by the so-called infallible scientific method, and yet
they fail to see its inherent flaws and biases.
To make matters worse, the statistical methods used in most studies are such that ,,if
measurement errors were to be taken into account in every study in the social sciences,
nothing would ever get published,,.
The linked article covers social sciences specifically, but the issue is present across allfields,
A brief Google search will even show you the dirty underbelly of modern research.


From false Al-generated studies readily accepted by major publishers, to intentionally

hiding known-faked results so every study based on those fake results doesn't get rejected,
it's almost shocking what people can get away with.
Dr. Anthony Jay's paradigm-altering book Estrogeneration conclusively proves most
studies are fraudulent.
For massive amounts of scientific research and clinical validation, read my first 3 books.
This book (and any future book) is written for explicit instruction on how to become fully
optimized in all aspects of one's health in the most effective and efficient way possible.


The information in this book has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration
or any other medical body.
I am not a doctor.
Ido not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease.
The information presented in this book should be regarded as advice and opinions based
on my experience and research.
All of my information is shared for educational purposes only and should not be inter-
preted as medical advice.
You must consult your doctor before acting on any content in this book or video, espe-
cially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

(t) tntroductlon
This disclaimer governs the use of this book. tBy using this book, you accept this disclaimer in full.
I ask you to agree to this disclaimer before you can access the bookl. No part of this book may be
reproduced in any form (written, electronic, recording, or photocopying) without written permission
of the publisher or author. All trademarks are the exclusive property of JayCampbell,com.

(z) credit
This disclaimer was created using an SEe Legal template.

(e) ruo odvice

The book contains information about losing body fat. The information is not advice, and should not
be treated as such. You must not rely on the information in the book as an alternative to medical
advice from an appropriately qualified professional. lf you have any specific questions about any
matter you should consult an appropriately qualified medical professional. lf you think you may be
suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never
delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because
of information in this book.

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To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and subject to section 6 below, we exclude all
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that the information in the book is correct, accurate, complete, or non-misleading; that the use of
the guidance in the book will lead to any particular outcome or result.


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The limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this section and elsewhere in this disclaimer:
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Nothing in this disclaimer shall: limit or exclude my liability for death or personal injury resulting from
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This disclaimer will be governed by and construed in accordance with law in the United States of
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Some links to various products found inside this book contain affiliate links. lf you make a purchase
after clicking a link, I may receive a commission, This commission comes at no charge to you,

0o) ttydetoils
ln this disclaimer, "my" means (and "1" refers to) Jay Campbell (Tampa Florida) and/or any future
addresses, temporary or permanent.

You may be looking at the title of this book and
thinking it's another "lose all your unsightty
stubborn body fat in just 30 days" pamphlet,

The type you see on TV infomercials and in sales letters written by sleazy lnternet marketers.

Iwouldn't blame you if you decided this was another one of those scams and closed the book,
Hell, I AM sure I already lost 25% of buyers already when they read what I wrote earlier
about loving and trusting themselves as the key to getting shredded.
Fad diets are great for lining the pockets of journalists and salespeople, but they do litle
in the way of actually helping you make and sustain lifelong change,
And if you can't stay lean in a sustainabre manner, then what's the point?
I don't know about you, but I want to look ripped and shredded on the beach, not end
up in a casket or hospital bed!
So if you're willing to hear me out over the next few hundred pages, I promise to show
you why 30 Days 2 Shredz is several orders of magnitude above any fat loss book
or info
product ever placed on the market.
For those of you hearing about me for the very first time, here's some background
info about me.,.
Back in october 2017,1published rhe Metabolic Browtorch Diet.
It was the first time in my life I attempted to put out an accessible yet definitive explo-
ration on the subject of becoming leaner.

The end result was a highly successful intermittent fasting protocol still being used by
hundreds of thousands of ordinary people around the world to get into the best shape
of their lives.
Sitting al 4,5/5 stars with over 500 reviews on Amazon nearly six years later, it's fair
to say the book was an international best-seller and my advice continues to stand the
test of time,
My second book, Guaranteed Shredded, was released in October 2019.
Unlike The Metabolic Btowtorch Diet, which was 156 pages jam-packed with scientific
references and carefully crafted explanations of why I recommend to do things my way,
Guaranteed Shredded was 20 pages.
That's right - the absolute bare minimum of what is required for high'speed fat loss.

"Here'S how tO dO it, here'S what yOu must btty, here's what to avOid, have fun."
You can think of it as the most advanced and optimal version of The Metabolic Blowtorch
Diet for the fastest yet healthiest fat loss possible.
lfollowed everything in GuaranfeedShredded to the letter for a vacation in Playa Del
Carmen I was taking in February 2020, and the results speak for themselves:


I eat my own home cooking and I NEVER advise or recommend anything I have not tested
in the real world or have taken the risk of putting into my own body first.
"But Jay, if you already have two highly successfu/faf /oss books, why waste time making a
third one? How would it be any different? lsn't this just a lazy rehash of your prior content
for more money?"
l'm glad you asked because I was wondering the same thing when I came up with the
idea for this book.
Here are all the ways in how 30 Days 2 Shredz is separate from, and superior to, both lhe
Metabolic Blowtorch Dref and Guaranteed Shredded.


The Time-Restricted, 30- Doy Promise

The one thing I explicitly avoided doing with my two prior books was promising results
by a specific date relative to when one starts training and dieting for fat loss.
I still subscribe wholly to the idea of N-of-l, meaning we are biochemically unique (more
on this in Chapter 2, where I talk about metabolically flexible living).
Therefore, I couldn't make the promises of "Lose 20 Pounds in 4 Days" you see on the
front cover of any magazine you pick up in a grocery store.
Do I lose money and customers because l'm not making a definite promise within a

narrow timeline?
Yes, but l'd rather tell the truth than lose my soul.
With all of this being said...
I AM convinced it is entirely possible for people to lose more body fat in a month than
they ever imagined possible if their approach is precise and every variable is accounted
for and fully dialed in,
30 2 Shredz is the greafest book ever written dedicated to teaching men and
women how to safely /ose tlre most amount of body fat possible in 30 days, and
within the context of health and longevity.
I wanted to take everything l've learned from 3 decades of bio-hacking for maximum fat
loss and incorporate it into a protocol, building and expanding upon my tried-and-true
principles of fasting, training, supplementation, and surgically precise drug use.
Like my prior two books, my protocol will be equally reliant and easy to follow,
I made sure of this by experimenting on myself and the members of my private VIP
Mastermind group (some of whom have agreed to share their jaw-dropping results in
Chapter 10).
So because I have real-world experience to show this protocol is effective, I can stand
behind the following claims:
1) You will lose a ridiculous amount of body fat because the time frame is condensed
to optimize for maximum stubborn body fat loss.


2) You will change your habits to achieve lifelong sustainability of the day-to-day
lifestyle choices required for fully optimized health.
3) Although the protocol may look restrictive on the surface, the non-repetitive
nature of the meal timing, fasting, and training will keep you from getting bored
and allows for higher compliance than your traditional "fasting" type diets.
4) The more seriously you take this process and the more of my advice you follow,
the more fat you will lose and the easier it will be to stay 1OO% on-plan,

STRICT ADHERENCE to the supplements, medications, resistance and cardiovascular

training protocols recommended in this book is required for you to manifest all four of
my claims to the maximum level and effect.

New Knowledge ond Discoveries in the Esoteric

Science of Fqt Loss

A large part of what allows me to make many extraordinary claims in this book is all of the
scientific advancements made on the concepts forming the basis of the previous two books,
Specifically, l'm referring to the newest medications, peptides and biomedical technolo-
gies now accessible for further acceleration of fat loss.
When you see them, you'll know why I had to create an entirely new book revolving
around their use,
One or two articles on my website wouldn't be nearly enough to describe and encompass
all of them.
Trust me when I say these agents are starting to break every previous paradigm we
know about weight and fat loss through new mechanisms and real-world results never
seen before.
Just five years ago, these types of promises were science fiction.
A book like this would have been impossible to publish because it would be some variation
of a starvation diet or water fast that inevitably causes maladaptive metabolic adaptation.
But now they are a reality - OUR quantum reality!

And unlike my previous two fat loss books, we're going ALL-IN on harnessing and lever-
aging the power of medical technology to hack our biological systems and achieve ELITE
level health and vitality (if society doesn't collapse, even better tools will emerge).
Ispent the entirety of 2023 beta-testing this program on myself and the members of my
VIP Mastermind.
Even in the span of four weeks, their results are unlike anything the world has ever seen
for fat loss in the fastest and healthiest way possible.
The proof is in the pudding and I have a whole carton of it to give you.
You'll see what these people have achieved in Chapter 10, where every single thing they
did was meticulously documented and tracked.
But in the interest of full transparency, let me show you how I was able to use the intel
in this book to achieve what l'm promising you.
Not only did I use these brand-new medications and supplements...
I also used the training/cardio recommendations and fasting hacks to get into my best
condition yet for my 52nd birthday on February 24th.


Here is what I looked like on January 3d,2023:

Granted, I was already in awesome shape and the lighting works in favor of myself and
my wife Monica,
But I wanted better.


I started the 30 Days 2 Shredz protocol on January 24th:



Here's my check-in on January 27th, five days into the program:


January 28th, six days into the program:


This is me on February 6th, 12 days into the program:

<.r I

Keep in mind this photo was taken AFTER eating a lot of junk food (chips, cookies, and
gummy bears).
I was looking shredded and super vascular while in the gym for my morning weighilift-
ing sessions.
This is the first time l've had arm veins in such a profoundly visual way, which has long
been one of my weak points in creating my perfect physique.


Fast forward to February 9th, Day 15 into the program:

The vascularity in my arms is even more enhanced than before.

Awesome progress so fari but I can be even drier and leaner by the 24th of February (Day 30)


February lOth, Day 16:

I rl
I I t
: lt

Now the vascularity is finally starting to show in my lower abdominals!

February 12th eventually came around, just 12 days before my 52.d birthday on the 24th,
It was time to go into full overdrive with the diet, the water intake with salt and electro-
lytes, the 60-hour fasts, and the training.


Here's me on February 19th, Day 25:


& .tt


Looking like a lean, mean, outing-the-demons machine!


And here's the end result on February 24th, Day 30 of the program and the start of
my 53'd rotation around the Sun:

) r- l'

i I



Another picture taken on the same day with myself and my wife Monica
headed to dinner:

No flexing, no special camera tricks or posing, no super-esoteric dietary manipula-

tion, nothing.


As promised, you have visual proof of my best condition ever and my becoming a proud
member of the new super-lean "upper class".
This is 10x what I could have ever achieved with the most advanced strategies found in
Guaranteed Shredded.
All the hype l'm bringing forth about the successful use of these "underground" fat loss
agents is backed by real-world evidence and my own self-experimentation as a lifelong
student of biohacking.
lf you took away nothing else, remember this:

Jay Campbell HAS NEVER, DOES NOT, and NEVER WILL design programs to failt

Extrq Emphosis on Avoiding the Common yet Deodly

Outcomes of Ropid Body Fqt Loss

Look, l'll be dead honest with you.

Even though I consider this the end-all treatise on fat loss in the shortest amount of time
possible, and I AM highly in favor of an alternate-day fasting approach...
There are quicker ways to lose fat than what you're about to learn in this book.
As I always say, lowering your body fat is the greatest way to live longer and stronger.
And excess body fat is what kills us faster over time (if you don't agree, see the numbers
for yourself).
HOWEVER, these "quicker ways" do not exist in the context of health, longevity, and safety.

Meaning they will result in dangerous short-term and long-term consequences: crash-
ing your metabolism, compromising your thyroid function, disturbing your hormona!
balance, destroying your mental health, and the hellish yet inevitable rebound weight
gain putting you even further behind compared to where you started.
Which lends some credence to why the mainstream media will lag behind for years before
stuff like this finally lands on their radar,
But you're not going to see any crash starvation diets here, or the use of toxic com-
pounds like DNP.
The shock to your system induced by those approaches will have your body screaming
to return to homeostasis.


Not only will I help you lose the most amount of fat humanly possible in 30 days, but it
will be fat you can actually KEEP oft.
This is an absolute guarantee that you will get into the best shape of your life and sustain
that shape for life.

ln my introduction, there was one final
"upgrade" to my two prior fasting books I
did not mention because ff rs dese rving of its
own chapter,

The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet was more-or-less a flexible plug-n-play system where full
freedom was granted to the end user.
Based on their experience with dieting and training, they could adjust the protocol to
their lifestyle needs.
Guaranteed Shredded was explicitly written for advanced users who wanted to squeeze
out every last drop of fat-losing potential from The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet.
Beginners should not apply.
With 30 Days 2 Shredz,l AM much more direct in dlviding readers into three levels:

ADVANCED (rury Frkkn optlmlzed)

Each level differs across the following parameters:


. Experience and tolerance with fasting for longer than 16'20 hours at a time
. Experience with lifting weights intensely via training to Positive Muscular Failure (PMF)
. Experience with using gray market agents (and the financial/legal means to
access them)
. Experience with cardiovascular training
. Experience with hormonal optimization (therapeutic testosterone, blood work, etc,)

Why is this important, you may ask?

A couple of reasons...
First, I am building off the flexibility of adjusting to one's lifestyle and level of commit-
ment iust like I did in The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet.
The refusal to box people into extremely rigid (and often unreasonable) rules is what
separated our book from so many conventional approaches.
Second, atternate-day fasting (or every-other-day fasting) and getting your body into
a state of trace ketosis is the foundation of this program.
Not everybody reading this is fast-adapted and can withstand fasting for 20-36 hours,
much less having fasted even once in their lives.
There's nothing wrong with being a beginner at fasting as it is still a relatively novelform
of calorie restriction in the fitness industry (yes, it had its popular wave in 2010-2015 but
has since given way to other viral trends).
All that matters is the willingness to abandon common dogma and a commitment to
give fasting an honest shot,
But you are not going to be able to jump immediately into the FFO level, taking on the
hardcore and aggressive measures I recommend.
I am not suggesting, but TELLING you it will be unsustainable.
Do not attempt to be a hero.

Chopter l: Exploinlng the 3 User Levels


lf you are NOT capable of intermittent fasting and refuse to allow your body to
"fast adapt" through the trial and error of extended fast windows, this program
will not work for you.
It may be necessary for you to spend 3-6 months learning and practicing the
concepts in The Metabolic Blowtorch Dret before you can take on the Beginner
level of 30 Days 2 Shredz.
Fasting is not easy at first because your microbiome (gut) is a flaming dumpster
of pathogens screaming to be fed.
And without any iasting experience, you will not be able to build up to doing fasts
tor 24 hours and beyond.
However, any person who possesses a modicum of willpower and intestinal forti-
tude can learn to become fast adapted,

Third, I must be honest about user expectations.

While I heavily encourage you to push yourself to the limit, your ambition should not be
clouded by delusions of grandeur.
lf you are poorly conditioned via cardio, untrained with weights, hormonally dysregulated,
and morbidly obese, you CANNOT expect the same results as someone who has been in
the gym for years and has a much better biological system (i.e. functioning foundation)
at the outset.
Furthermore (and this goes out to all of my fully optimized naturals), better results will
be seen by people who are hormonally optimized (i,e. using therapeutic testosterone).
Without re-writing The ToT Bible, testosterone is simultaneously anabolic (muscle-building)
and lipolytic (fat-burning),
Fourth, the drugs, supplements, and gray market agents recommended in this book
make a HUGE difference when used exactly as instructed.
As I stated in the introduction,30 Days 2 Shredz revolves more heavily around the use
of select Golden Age agents than my other two fat loss books.


At the same time, I am aware their "research chemical" status means they will not be
accessible to all of my international readers.
This does not mean you cannot follow the program and get exceptional results, but just
know the results you get with them, versus without them, will be worlds apart.
Without further ado, let's break down the three levels and help you determine which one
best describes you.
I even developed a series of statements to better assist you in matching your individ-
ual desires.

Chopter l: Exploining the 3 User Levels

Beginner level

This level is designed for people who are brand new to intermittent fasting and have not
yet become completely "fast adapted" from a metabolic standpoint.
(NOTE - lf you have never fasted longer than 24 hours, I woutd play it safe and put yourself
in this category for your very first run of the 30 Days 2 shredz program)
You are used to eating 3-6 meals of various macronutrients and macronutrients a day,
falling victim to the "insulin rollercoaster" where your blood sugar is regularly spiking
and crashing.
The good news is your results will be more dramatic because you will be least acclimated
to the benefits of fasting.
Think of it like the "newbie gains" you experience in your first year of lifting weights, but
applied to fasting.
Once you become fast-adapted, your body will self-regulate its insulin levels more efficienily,
You will tap into the awesome health benefits of fasting made possible by the biochemical
processes of autophagy and hormesis.
However, even as a newbie dieter, there are mandatory supplements for you to take.
Do not worry because all of them are cheap, easy to access, OTC (over the counter) or
online, and are simple to use.
Trust me when I say I have included them to make the process of fasting easier, not harder.
Let's look at the beginner criteria and assess where you fall by how you reply to the
following statements.


. I don't feel comfortable going to the gym by myself
. I have never been thoroughly trained and instructed on how to lift weights
. I don't know how to use most gym equipment
. I do cardio, but don't have a structured plan in place
. I lift weights sometimes, but I don't have a structured plan in place
. I don't know if my weight training form is correct when I try to lift weights
lf you answered "yes" to 3 or more of the above statements, then stick with the Beginner
level protocol.

. I have never regularly practiced intermittent fasting (16+ hours without eating)
. I have never gone 24 hours without eating more than once in my life
. I don't know exactly how to calculate my daily caloric intake
. I don't know exactly what macronutrients to eat and the amounts to eat each day
. I have never weighed my food out for each meal
. I don't know how much protein I should be eating every day
Again, if you answered "yes" to three or more of these statements, then the Beginner
level protocol is for you.

. I have never used supplements to aid my training/diet program
. I have never heard of or used peptides
. I prefer to only stick to supplements my doctor recommends
. I don't regularly use common supplements like a multivitamin or fish oil
. I have tried lots of supplements in the past, but don't have a set regimen I follow
. I forget to take supplements every day

Chopter l: Explolnlng the g UBer Levets

. I refuse to try any drug not prescribed to me by a doctor

Same deal here.
lf you answered "yes" to 3 or more of the above statements, then you should follow the
Beginner level protocol.


Advqnced [eve!

This level is designed for the experienced fitness enthusiast who has a significant level
of self-discipline from dropping their body fat levels via training, restricting their calories
and using smart supplementation.
Maybe you haven't reached sub 10% body fat and are struggling, but consistency is not
a problem for you.
You're going to be taking things up a notch with tip-of-the-spear supplements that are
helpful but not necessary for fat loss.
You will also find yourself fasting for longer periods of time than people at the Beginner
level and engaging in more exercise.
The Advanced level is indeed a mental and physical challenge.
By pushing through the difficulty, you will be greatly rewarded after 30 days with a

day-and-night difference in your outward appearance.

Let's look at who should be following the Advanced level protocol.
Again, ask yourself how closely you identify with the following statements.

. I feel confident going to the gym by myself
. I have a good of understanding of how to perform resistance training properly
. l'm not a master, but I know how to use most equipment at the gym

Chopter 1: Explolning the 3 User Levels

. I regularly do cardio
' lift weights regularly and stick to a plan at least so% of the time
. My lifting form is good, but I know it could be improved
lf you answered "yes" to 3 or more of the above statements, then you should start with
the Advanced level protocol.

' I have practiced lF (intermittent fasting) for at least 30 days at some point in my
life (i.e, 16+ hours without eating)
. I have gone 24 hours without eating more than once in my life
' Iknow how many calories are necessary per day to maintain my current body weight,
but know I could probably do a better job of getting an exact number
' I know the ballpark amount of macronutrients I should be getting each day
. I know how to properly measure and weigh my food
. I think I know how much protein I should eat every day
Again, if you answered "yes" to three or more of these statements, start with the Advanced
level protocol.

. I have used drugs/supplements to enhance my workout performance in the past
. I have heard of peptides but never tried them
. I am open to trying drugs/supplements my doctor may not know about
' I regularly use common supplements like multivitamins and fish oil
. I have a few supplements I take everyday as part of my routine
. I rarely forget to take my supplements
. I am willing to use drugs my doctor does not prescribe to me
lf you answered "yes" to 3 or more of the above statements, same deal.
Follow the Advanced level protocol.


Fully Fikkn Optlmlzea (rro) rcvel

FFO is designed specifically for the Type-A elite of the elite who ruthlessly go all-out,
doing everything and anything within their power to accomplish their goal.
This is the "/ will literally do exactly as you say, how you say, and when you say, without
fail, to /ose as much body faf as fasf as humanly possl'b/e" level.
You must have the highest amount of self-discipline and impulse control.
You must use agents that are "off the beaten path".
These agents may be difficult to acquire due to financial and geographical restraints,
have a riskier side effect profile, and will not receive an endorsement from your doctor.
lf you have to ask yourself whether you can compete at the FFO level, it's not for you.
But if you truly KNOW you are ready to be PEELED TO THE BONE in 30 days or less,
answer yes or no to the following statements,

. I love going to the gym and getting a killer workout
. I have a very solid foundation in resistance training and could teach others how to
lift weights
. I never lift with
ego or momentum, and all my reps and sets are done precisely in
a controlled fashion
. I can confidently use every machine at the gym and explain to others how to use them

Chopter l: Explolnlng th6 3 User Levels

. I regularly do cardio and rarely miss a session, if ever

. I stick to a program or plan for resistance training 9oo/o of the time
' I have great form for weightlifting and am able to critique my own form, as well as
the form of others

lf you answered "yes" to 3 or more of the above statements, then you should dive head
first into the Fully F*kkn Optimized level.

' I have practiced intermittent fasting for long stretches of multiple months at a time
(i.e, 18+ hours without eating)

' I have gone 24 hours without food several times throughout my life, and routinely
perform longer fasts
' I know exactly what my daily caloric requirement is to lose, maintain, or gain weight
' I know the exact ratio and amount of macronutrients I require every day
' I regularly measure and weigh my food to ensure I am sticking to my diet plan
' I know exactly how much protein I should be eating every day
Again, if you answered "yes" to three or more of these statements, Fully F*kkn Optimized
is for you.

. I regularly use advanced drugs/supplements to enhance my workouts and performance
' I have used peptides before and can confidently use them without hand holding

' I routinely use drugs like therapeutic testosterone and cutting-edge supplements
most doctors have never heard of or studied
. I regularly use both common supplements and advanced supplements
. I have several supplements I routinely take everyday
. I never forget to take my drugs/supplements
' I am willing to take and currently use drugs/supplements not prescribed by a doctor


Finally, if you answered "yes" to 3 or more of these statements, you should start with the
Fully F-kkn Optimized level.

Chopter l: Exploining the 3 User Levels

One Finql Note Before We Begin

No matter which level you choose, what ultimately matters is you're committing to this
book for the next 30 days.
And no matter your current body fat percentage, I promise if you follow my instructions
to the letter, you will experience a dramatic change in your body composition.
Even if you're starting at the Beginner level, you're about to embark on a journey only a
small percentage of the human population dares to tread.
When you finish one level to full completion, you'll have another level ahead to break
through any self-created limits and belrEfs you have about yourSELF.
As I said in my non-medical disclaimer, the results you get will be a direct reflection of
the love and trust you have for who you are.
I AM asking you to embrace the level you've chosen with full dedication.
lmagine experiencing a transformation the fitness industry currently believes is "impossible,,.
Remember, to achieve, you must first perceive.
The great Neville Goddard taught us to imagine our life as the wish fulfilled.
I ask you to envision the leanest, sexiest, and happiest version of yourSELF as the final
outcome of your 30 Days 2 Shredz protocol.
Let's dive in!




LlvrNG (uFL)
This chapter can be considered as a much-
needed upgrade to a philosophy I have long
held, which many of my long-time readers will
know as "insulin-controlled living" (tCL).

While it is important to keep your blood sugar regulated and your insulin sensitivity high,
they are one part - albeit a major one - of a fully optimized lifestyle.
so whether you are following along with 30 Days 2 shredz (3oD2s) for the first time or
the 10th time, or even staying exactly where you are, the power of metabolically flexible
living (MFL) will serve you well.
MFL will help you make the most optimal choices about tracking your progress, choosing
the right quantity and quality of foods, and putting the right health habits into place.
Of course, "optimal" is not a one-size-fits-all approach.
Once you have the fundamentals covered, you'll see how to customize your plan based
on your end goal and your current level of fitness (as self-assessed by you).
Pay close attention because the information you learn in this chapter will be used to set
up your protocol in every other chapter afterwards.
Specifically, your training day (Chapter 5) and your fasting day (Chapter 6) are approached
in different ways with respect to nutrition quality, quantity, and timing,


MFL Pilnclple #ll
e Practice metabolic flexibility at all times

Prior to writing this book, I wasn't happy with the definitions of "metabolic flexibility" I

found on the lnternet and stuck to my own.

Until this 2022 review was published that best summarizes my approach to nutrition:

'A metabolicatty flexiblesfafe exrsts when there is a rapid switch between glucose
and fatty acids during the transition between the fed and fasting sfafe.
This flexibitity in fuet choice seryes to prevent hyperglycemia following a meal
and simuttaneously ensures an adequate amount of blood glucose is available for
delivery to the brain and exclusively glycolytic tissues during fasting.
,,, When energy suppty exceeds demand across the mitochondria, as with a seden-
tary lifestyle, deposition of fat in non-adipose frssue occurs and is associated with
insulin resrsfance and the metabolic complications of obesity.
By contrast, skeletal muscle of trained endurance athletes is markedly insulin sensi-
tive and has a high oxidative capacity similar to a fasting individual, despife having
elevated I i pid content,"

ln other words, beino metaboticaltv ftexible means our bodies can efficiently switch between

body comoosition. and better overall health.

Depending on the situation and nutrient availability, we can either burn glucose (derived
from carbohydrates) during a fed state, or burn fatty acids (derived from fats) during a
fasted state.
What does this mean for me and You?
Practicing metabolic flexibility means eating RELATIVE to your unique energetic demands
and level of performance (i.e. your level of conditioning, experience, and fitness level).
For instance, a heavily muscled bodybuilder requires a lot of high-quality carbohydrates,
and must focus on WHEN they are consumed.

Chopter 2: Metobolicolly Flexibte tiving (Uft)

75% of these carbohydrates should preferentially be consumed before, during, and right
after training to replenish one's glycogen stores from the energetic demand created by
training with maximum intensity in the gym.
A highly sedentary obese person doesn't require anymore than 50-100 grams of carbo-
hydrates to maintain their energy levels.
They will probably want to tap into fat stores for energy through a diet consisting of high
protein, moderate fat, and extremely low carbohydrate consumption.
Both people are correct in their approach because their goals dictate their energy demands.
And thanks to the power of metabolic flexibility, their diets and training regimens can
easily evolve into something new without any adverse effects.


This is where most people screw up and get emotionally attached to one specific
type of diet.
No better example comes to mind than the ketogenic diet, which has amassed a
rabid cult following online.
Not only does it rob you of the ability to be metabolically flexible due to its militant
restrictions on what you can and cannot eat (ex. Enjoying holidays with family and
friends), it will also damage your insulin metabolism.
lf you're wondering how I can make such a bold proclamation, l'll share some
industry-insider information that grants me more authority on this topic than your
favorite guru.
I was one of the main crash test dummies in my 20s for Lyle McDonald's ketogenic
dieting book released in 1998, the FIRST one ever written on the topic (and still
gets heavily plagiarized to this day, like most of his work).
I did it for 3 years and it took six months after stopping the keto diet to restore
my insulin metabolism to normal.
Iwould have trouble functioning whenever I ate carbohydrates, and my only saving
grace was already being lean and athletic.


MFL Prlnclple #2:
We are all "N of 1"

This is a term I frequently use to refer to situations where an individual experiments and
finds the training program, nutrition protocol, lifestyle habits, and additional supplemen-
tation most effective for their bodies and their goals (and ONLY them).
ln simpler terms, "Do what works for you."
However, "N of 1" (N=1) is equally prevalent in the clinical world.
N=l recognizes how numerous variables will dictate an individual patient's response to
a treatment for a specific disease, whether positively or negatively (i.e. lack of efficacy
and/or unwanted side effects).
These variables include:
. Disease subtype
. Unique genetic profile
. Method of administering the treatment (orally, intravenously, etc.)
. The dose of the treatment
. Nutritional intake
. Environmental surroundings
. AnV medications being taken alongside the studied treatment
. Co-existing diseases
. Variation in pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion
of the treatment drug in question)

The N=1 principle has served as the basis for N-of-1 clinical trials, which are ranked as the
highest standard of evidence for clinical decision-making:

"ln clinical medicine, the term N of I trial has been used to describe trials with mul-
tiple crossover and a repeat challenge-withdrawal design; for example, the ABAB
design sequence in which a single patient receives an intervention during some
periods (A) and then receives the control or alternate intervention or no intervention
during the other periods (B)."

Chopter 2: Metobolicoily Flexible tiving (uft)

N=l is also the basis for a new sub-category of medicine called "precision medicine,,,
which can be defined as "an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that
takes into account individualvariability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person".

To be clear: lf someone uses the N=l principle as an argument for suggesting everyone
should take a certain action, their logic is deeply flawed.
But when it comes to your personal health, your goals, and what ultimately ends up
working best for you, N=l is entirely valid.
ln fact, it is the only principle you must absolutely, lOOo/o, adhere to all the time.
You must do what works FOR YOU.
Experiment, find what works in your favor, and then refine it over time.

MFL Prlnclple
What gets measured gets managed and improved upon

The most impressive before-and-after transformations will come when you have hard
numbers to justify the lifestyle changes you've made.
While you don't have to micromanage your life to the point of paranoia-driven perfec-
tionism, it's a lot easier to make tweaks and see what went right or wrong when you have
more data available to you.
Therefore, I ask you to use this spreadsheet during your first run of 3OD2S and every
subsequent run thereafter.
(Once you have the spreadsheet open, yau can make an editabte copy for yourself by
going to File -> Make a copy)
Think of the spreadsheet as an interactive, "follow along as you learn" template where
all of the pieces of the puzzle are put together one at a time.
You will start to see how the individual pieces have value and fit together with one another.
This will create an entire picture larger than the sum of the pieces itself to form a fat loss
Every single member of my VIP Mastermind group received this same spreadsheet and
used it to keep track of their goals and progress.


When some members hit unexplainable plateaus, Hunter Williams and I made tweaks to
optimize their protocols and help them resume stubborn fat loss.
But this was ONLY possible because of the information they provided us!
You'll notice some of the details people tracked included:
. Body composition
" Starting weight and goal weight
" Starting body fat percentage and ending body fat percentage
. Mental/physical well-being
" Starting energy level and goal energy level
" Hunger levels
" Digestion
" Soreness
" Quality/quantity of sleep
. Visual progress

. Shirtless unflexed photo of the front part of your body

" Shirtless unflexed photo of the right side of your body
" Shirtless unflexed photo of the left side of your body
" Shirtless unflexed photo of the rear part of your body
. List of drugs/supplements taken on a daily or weekly basis
. Diet log detailing the foods and macronutrient totals over 0-2 meals (on Fasting
Day) or 4-6 meals (on Training Day)
. Training log detailing the exercises, weights, reps and sets done on Training Day
(or the amount of cardio on Fasting Day)

There are ways to go above and beyond what is provided in the spreadsheet, but under-
stand you are taking on more effort by doing so.
I DO NOT recommend people weigh themselves on a daily basis due to the wide fluctu-
ation in water weight one will experience during 30D2S.

Chopter 2: Metobolicolly Flexible tiving (Uft)

I instead recommend using photos taken every 3-4 days, your appearance in the mirror,
and how your clothes fit over time to gauge your progress.
Just make sure your photos are taken in the most consistent conditions possible to accu-
rately assess visual changes (i.e. same clothes, same flexed/unflexed posing, same mirror,
same lighting, same time of day, same amount of food/water in you, etc.).


As I wrote in The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet you'll normally see your body weight
drop on the day after a fasting day,
You may be excited by this, but then feel dismayed when you weigh yourself the
day after a training day and see your weight fluctuate anywhere from 3-8 pounds.
Fasting days will deplete your glycogen stores while training days will replenish
them via increased carbohydrate consumption,
The increased cellular energy from doing so will lead to better workouts, but the
water retention will make the number on the scale go up.
Therefore, you should NOT freak out when you see wild changes in your day-to-
day body weight.
The scale is not an accurate body composition measurement method because it
does not tell the full story.
Losing body fat does not necessarily mean the weight on your scale will go
down in unison.

But some of my VIP Mastermind members went against this recommendation.

As you'll see later in Chapter 10, Shawn is a data guy who got a thrill out of recording his
weight every single day in an app.
He was able to see how his fat loss was rapid before it stalled out near the end of his
30-day run,
lf you're going to do this, make sure you are consistent when you record your weight.
I recommend first thing in the morning immediately after a bowel movement, unclothed,
and also when you are the most dehydrated,


And when you read Jason's story, you'll see he recorded body measurements on a weekly
basis to assess the full extent of his fat loss and to know if he lost any muscle tissue in
the process.
Here's what he measured and wrote down at the end of every week:

. Waist measurement at belly button

. Body circumference measured2 inches above the belly button
. Body circumference measured 2 inches below the belly button
. Right and left biceps
. Right and left quadriceps
. Hips
lf you want to add in chest measurements, forearm measurements, and calf measure-
ments, be my guest.
Whatever you feel will best help you track your progress every week.


For the fatter individuals reading this, one of the best measurements you can take
is your waist-to-height ratio (WHtR).

Keeping this ratio at 0.5 or lower is a sign of decent health regardless of age, sex,
or ethnicity.
WHIR is becoming increasingly superior to the body mass index (BMl) for pre-
dicting cardiometabolic risks and screening for obesity.
It also serves as the better predictor of mediocre body composition (ex. Skinny-
fat people with high amounts of visceral fat tissue yet low amounts of lean
muscle tissue).

Lastly, if you are up to it, you can get more serious with logging your food by using a
tracking app on your smartphone.

Chopter 2: Metobolicolly Ftexible t-iving (UfL)

There are free options such as MyFitnessPal and paid options such as Carbon to help
you track calories and macronutrients, save the nutritional data of your favorite foods,
log your weight loss progress, and much more.
Ipersonally do not use these apps but I see their utility for people who are either brand
new to recording their caloric intake or obsessed with data collection.

sPEctAr NorE
Newbies may have to spend a few weeks measuring their food to get exact calorie
and macronutrient counts.
This means looking at nutrition labels, weighing out food on a scale, and logging
the total amounts of what they are eating.
Over time, you will develop a sixth sense for weighing out food and determining
macronutrients without needing a scale and a calorie-counting app.

lf you are not going to log your food so strictly, you must have a few prepared meals
where you know the exact macronutrient composition of what's going into your body.

MFL Prlnclple #4:

e You MUST know how fat you are at any given moment
(even if it hurts)

No matter whether your goal is muscle gain or fat loss, it is imperative to get a precise
measurement of your body fat percentage.
First, it is the most important biometric you can track to determine your lifespan.
The leaner you are, the longer you will live.
Point blank, end of story.
And let's be honest: Nearly everyone lies to themselves when they "guesstimate,, how
fat they are.


Especially when they look in the mirror or glance at their best photo taken under the
right angles and lighting conditions.
We all have too much optimism about this one number, myself included, so you must
get in check with reality ASAP.
Second, we want a valuable piece of information we can use as evidence of the dramatic
body composition change you may experience over the next 30 days.
Without an accurate "before" and "after" value using the same data, you'll never have a

clear picture of the progress you've made.

Third, in the context of 3OD2S, we desire this number in order to determine how much
food we're going to eat (more on this very soon).
Here are the best ways to have your body fat measured:

. A 9 site skinfold caliper measurement done by a knowledgeable professional

. DEXA Scan
. lnBody/Seco Technology Analysis
. Spren, a new piece of technology that accurately measures body composition using
nothing more than your smartphone

Ihighly recommend reading this two-part article series (Part 1 and Part 2) to understand
the advantages and disadvantages of each body fat testing method.
BodySpec also has a shorter summary if you're pressed on time, and Healthline dives
into more advanced fat measurement methods.

Chopter 2: Metobolicolly Ftexible Living (VfL)

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iBodV 1
[,nt"rpretation i1

Once you have this out of the way, you'll know exactly how much lean muscle tissue and
excess body fat you are carrying around.

sPEctAr NorH
Don't obsess over picking the perfect body fat measurement method and getting
100% accuracy.
What will matter the most is having the baseline measurement, along with the
consistency you apply towards the method you choose.
Are you using the same method to track body composition changes before and
after your 30D2S cycle?
Are you measuring your body fat under the same conditions (same time, same
place, same amount of food in you, same amount of water in you, etc,)?
As long as the two questions above can be appropriately answered, you are already
on the right path to accurately tracking how much fat/muscle is being lost over time.


MFL Prlnclple #5:

e Understand the specific body type (somatotype) you are right now

lf you have read any of my past books, you know I insist on understanding what your
specific body type (i.e. somatotype) is in order to tailor your diet towards your individual
metabolic needs.

I am

fully aware the idea of somatotypes is considered to be "widely debunked"

by the fitness community at large.
I partially agree somatotypes are not necessarily linked to certain psychological
traits, but disagree when it comes to body morphology and muscle fiber typing,
While close friends of mine such as Alexander Cortes strongly disagree with the
idea of somatotypes (as seen in his article series on EliteFTS, Part 1 and Part 2),
l've coached enough people to know the majority of people fall into a variable
combination of three somatotypes.
l'll provide the high-level summary in this book and list references for deeper reading.
You'll notice I selectively use these somatotypes in the context of insulin sensitivity,
and not to decide one's training style.

Look at the image below while reading about the characteristics of each of the
three somatotypes.
It will be fairly obvious which category you belong to.

Chopter 2: Metobolicoily Flexibte Uvlng (Vfi)

Extreme endomotph Extreme mesomorph Exreme ectomorph

o wide hips and naffow shoulders o broad shoulders and narrow o neffow shoulders and hips
(pcar-shaped) hips (wedge-shaped) o a thin face and high forehead
o a lot of fat on the body o a large hcad o a thin narrow chest and
o o lot of fat on the upper arms o a muscular body abdomen
and thighs o strong forcarms and thighs o thin legs and arms
o quite slim wrists ond ankles o vcry little body fat . very linlc muscle or body fat
.SomotDtlperating: 7I I Somatotyperating: I 7 l. Somatoryperating: I I 7,


'Stereotypically described as tall, skinny and weak, sometimes "skinny fat" if
eating poorly
. Long, thin muscles and limbs
. Fastest metabolism out of all 3 somatotypes
' No particular predisposition for fat storage or building muscle but'skinny fat' is the
norm if nutrition is poor


. Require higher
caloric intakes for maintenance and lean muscle tissue growth, making
muscle gain the most challenging

. Stereotypically described as fat and stocky, possesses a heavier body type
. Wider waist and larger bone structure
. Slowest metabolism out of all 3 somatotypes
. Predisposed to store fat due to naturally poor insulin sensitivity
. Require lower caloric intakes, especially of carbohydrates, making fat loss the
most challenging

. Stereotypically described as having an "athletic build"
. Wide shoulders, narrow waist, medium-sized bones ("naturally fit")
. Metabolism rate is naturally optimized between ectomorph and endomorph
. Predisposed to build muscle
. Requires a "just right" caloric intake as muscle gain and fat loss can happen with
relative ease

While these characteristics are the traditiona! view of the 3 somatotypes, and are helpful
as guides, l'd like to add on several other characteristics:

. Number of androgen receptor sites, and their binding sensitivity

. Muscle fiber typing
. lnsulin sensitivity
Mesomorphs predominately have quick twitch muscle fiber typing (fasf glycolytic, FG)
and a higher number of androgen receptors (i.e. increased receptor sensitivity) in their
skeletal muscle, which allows them to build muscle rather easily.
Endomorphs (i.e. fat people) possess naturally slow twitch muscle fiber typing Glow oxi-
dative,SO) and ectomorphs normally possess both s/ouz oxidative and fasf oxidative (FO).

Chopter 2: Metobolicolly Flexible tiving (n/lfL)

And in the context of insulin sensitivity, mesomorphs have the highest insulin sensitivity
while endomorphs have the lowest (i.e. poor) insulin sensitivity.
There's iust a couple of things to note about somatotypes before you cling on rigidly to
one body type:

' The majority of people are usually a combination of somatotypes; rarely are they
1A0o/o a single body type and nothing else

' Training and dietary adaptations CAN allow for fiber typing and insulin sensitivity
transformations over time, thereby changing one's predominant somatotype
' One part of the somatotype you cannot change is bone structure (ex. Shoulder/
waist width)
Now you know everything necessary regarding somatotypes.
Which transitions into the next principle of metabolically flexible living,..

MFL Prlnclple #6:
Live an insulin-controlled lifestyle (lCL)

Much of what you must become aware of regarding insulin has been extensively covered
in Chapter 14 of The TOT Bible.
so consider this as yet another high-level summary to catch you up to speed.
Especially since we will soon introduce the topic of insulin sensitivity in the context of
calculating your total calorie and carbohydrate intake for your body type.
(To recap: Endomorphic people who are naturatty heavier are /ess insulin-sensitive and
must limit their carbohydrate intake to avoid unnecessa ry fat gain, while mesomorphic
people are the opposite)
lnsulin is the regulating hormone released by the pancreas whenever food is consumed.
It determines how well your body will utilize the three macronutrients - proteins, fats,
and (most importantly) carbohydrates.
ln particular, it allows for glucose in your bloodstream to be used by your muscle cells,
liver cells, and fat cells.
A healthy insulin response means you are high in insulin sensitivity.


Which means when your blood sugar goes up as a result of eating food, insulin arrives
and restores your blood sugar back down to a normal level via absorption by the three
types of cells (muscle, liver, and fat) I just mentioned.
Every type of food will cause an insulin response, but carbohydrates (ex. processed
sugars) usually cause the most pronounced blood glucose spike.
lf you're someone with a decent amount of musculature who trains consistently, more
of your consumed glucose will go towards refilling your muscle cells than your fat cells.
But if you are a sedentary person with higher levels of body fat, you are most likely a
victim of insulin resistance and have excess sugar in your bloodstream,
ln short, insulin resistance is a cascade effect where your insulin levels are always spiking
due to overeating.
Eventually, your body's tissues (i.e. chemo-receptors in your pancreas) adapt by no longer
responding to these elevated insulin levels.
Consider the chemo-receptors in your pancreas like swinging door hinges with a certain
amount of life expectancy.
The more you spike your blood sugar with poor food choices, the less optimally those
chemo-receptors will function over time.
This will ultimately expose you to insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes.
As a result, even MORE insulin has to be produced to generate the same effect as in a

healthy person's body, and you store even more fat.

It's a nasty cycle where your body is constantly shuttling glucose over to your fat cells.
However, where most people go wrong is thinking that insulin alone is responsible for
fat storage.
Rather, high insulin levels are a symptom of excessive caloric intake.
There are numerous disease states such as Type 2 diabetes, neurological dysfunction,
and cardiovascular inflammation stemming from high insulin levels.
So how do you keep from developing insulin resistance as you age?
You get rid of your body fat, especially the highly inflammatory visceral fat surrounding
our internal organs.
The level of leanness one possesses ultimately determines how their muscles respond
to insulin and process it.

Chopter 2: Metobolicolly Flexlble tlvlng (vft)

ln addition to strategic cardiovascular and resistance training, both of which I discuss

in later chapters, you also have the option to utilize intermittent fasting and a precise
metabolically flexible dietary approach.
The latter will be covered in the 9th principle of MFL, but I have two other principles to
cover first.

MFL Prlnclple #7:
Stay hydrated

Water is what allows nutrients to be transported throughout your body via the bloodstream.
It also regulates your body temperature while ensuring proper metabolic function,
But what about water in the context of fat loss and gym performance?
I think the answer is quite obvious.
Water is what allows your body to simultaneously become a fat-burning and a
muscle-building machine.
Consequently, when you are dehydrated, your body's catabolic hormonal response is
enhanced while its anabolic hormone response is suppressed.
lf you want to burn more fat and spare more protein, you must drink a lot more water.
Hence you'll often hear the old wives'tale of drinking water before a meal to lower total
calorie consumption (via satiety) and break down more fat tissue during a caloric deficit.
Yes, pure water.
Not things like fruit juice, milk, sodas, and other calorie-dense liquids which do nothing
except increase energy consumption.
You must also drink water before and during a workout to keep your endurance up, while
avoiding the negative effects of dehydration post-workout.



High carbohydrate consumption, especially if you eat the "wrong" types of car-
bohydrates, can lead to more intracellular water buildup.
Keep in mind water retention from hydration is separate from the subcutaneous
water retention you experience when using peptides due to antibody buildup
(more on this later).

What do I recommend?
During the 30D2S protocol, drink a minimum of one gallon (4 liters) a day of water.
Staying hydrated at all times will keep hunger cravings at bay, help you stay energized,
and facilitate your fat loss progress.

MFL Prlnclple #8:

e' You are NOT too busy for proper sleep hygiene

High-quality, uninterrupted, rejuvenating deep sleep is one of the few things you
CANNOT biohack,
Short of tapping into the latest technology for improving your sleep, such as the Eight
Sleep Pod Pro Mattress, you must get 6-8 hours every single night and there is no excep-
tion to this rule.
I do not care how busy or important you are.

Chopter 2: Metobolicolly Flexlble tiving (uft)

caloric intakE

opportunity to eat

deprivation Obesity




Figure 1 Potential mechanisms by which sleep deprivation may

predispose to obesity.


With respect to fat loss, there is a clear link between sleep deprivation and weight gain.
Multiple mechanisms are at play, with increased energy intake and dysregulation of the
body's appetite control system working together (see the diagram above).
Add in increased cortisol on top of lower production of appetite-suppressing leptin
and higher production of appetite-increasing ghrelin, and you have a biologicalsystem
primed for fat gain.
This has been observed in numerous animal studies and in long-term human studies.
To make matters worse, even if you lose the same amount of weight, that lost weight
shifts towards lean mass more than fat mass (no, 'catching up' on lost sleep over the
weekend will not fix this).
Consequently, getting more sleep does the polar opposite:
. More sleep leads to a significant reduction of caloric intake


. An extra hour of sleep is correlated with lower body fat, independent of age and
energy intake
. Longer sleep will extend your lifespan
. ln mice, extreme sleep deprivation induces muscle atrophy (along with a reduction
in growth hormone synthesis)
. Sleeping 6-8 hours reduces buildup of fat reserves, especially in young people

Surprise surprise - sleep also improves physical performance with the weights and
the treadmill!
Probably because it helps your muscle fibers recover from the damage induced by
high-intensity weightlifting.
TL;DR = we must ensure proper sleep and recovery as these factors contribute to overall
metabolic health.

MFL Prlnclple #9:

e Eat the right types and amounts of macronutrients

The three staples of any healthy lifestyle are your nutrition, your training and your
We will critically examine the latter two in relation to 30D2S later in the book, but right
now we're going to focus on nutrition.
As the old saying goes, "Abs are made in the kitchen".
We're going to walk through how to set up and maintain your diet for maximum compli-
ance and efficacy to squeeze out every possible bit of fat loss possible in the next 30 days.
All of the information you find in this section will be used to create the diet plans seen
in later chapters.
Refer to this section as many times as possible to understand what we're doing and why.
But before you start getting too excited, remember this one thing: no diet can provide
you with a one-size-fits-all approach, nor is it supposed to.
What you're going to do instead is incorporate the protocol into your lifestyle based on
your self-assessed level of experience and your specific end goal.

Chopter 2: Metoboticolly Ftexlble tlving (MFL)

Everything here is done with the intent purpose of managing stress levels, as chronic
cortisol elevation can negatively impact metabolic flexibility.
Unlike other books, we are doing away with the dogma of crazy restrictions seen with
Carnivore, Vegan, Keto, Paleo, Mediterranean, and whatever cult dietary fad is hot right now.
All we are doing is sticking to two fundamental rules that give us the freedom to eat
what we want while staying true to the basics of healthy nutrition and metabolically
flexible living.

RULE #l: 90% of what you eat tomeet your macronutrient and micronutrient
guofas should come from real, wholesome unprocessed foods

lf the words "wild-caught" and "organic" come to mind, you're thinking in the right direction.
An even better definition: lf Source (GOD) didn't make it, you must not consume it.
We want to focus on whole foods due to the thermic effect of food from chewing and
digesting it, unlike liquid nutrition.
This means getting in your 5-5 servings of fibrous fruits and green veggies (-l pound)
a day to support fat loss, aid muscle growth, and dramatically lower your risk of
age-related disease.
(Planning your meals out in advance will help with compliance, especially when things
get tough and you have the temptation to go off-plan)
On the flipside, we want to stay away from nutritionally worthless, GMO-based pro-
cessed junk foods.
These foods lead us to unknowingly consume excess calories and literally make us stupid.

And even if these processed "bad" foods are calorically equivalent to the unprocessed
"good" foods, there is a large difference from an inflammation response standpoint.
But there's a reason we have the leftover lOo/o, which can more-or-less be whatever you
want in order to remain metabolically flexible.
Life does happen and it is OK to compromise when necessary.
Sometimes we must reach for an extra protein bar/shake when our schedules get too
chaotic to whip something up in the kitchen.
Just make sure you minimize consumption of sugars and harmful chemicals where possible.


By remaining metabolically flexible, you can experience benefits such as improved energy
levels, enhanced athletic performance, lower body fat, and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

RIILE #2: NEVERallow your diet to turn you into an anti-social stiff who freaks
out at the slightest deviations.

This is where otherwise sane people become lunatics whose entire lifestyles revolve
around their diet and not the other way around.
lf you find yourself going out to your favorite restaurant and you can't find the healthy
substitutions you want, don't stress!
Assuming you are following Rule #1, a single meal is not going to self-sabotage weeks
of hard-earned progress unless you turn it into an 8,000-calorie binge.
Metabolic flexibility means your diet is a PART of your lifestyle, not THE lifestyle.
No diet will be successful long-term if it deprives you of specific fuel sources.
As a dynamic self-regulating organism, your body will crave homeostasis and seek bal-
ance over time.
With these two rules set in stone, now it's time to get into the fun part.
We'llstart by covering your total caloric intake, followed by the three primary macronu-
trients making up your intake (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats).
Once we address these variables, you'll see in the upcoming chapters how to adiust them
depending on whether you are fasting or training on a given day.


The food choices you will see listed under each macronutrient are not set in stone,
Certain substitutions can be made if the macronutrient/calorie count is the same
(ex. Replacing white rice with white potatoes for carbohydrates).
I provide multiple options to give you as much dietary flexibility as possible.

Chopter 2: Metobollcolly Flexlbte ilvlng (Uft)

Totol Coloric lntoke

One thing we can all agree on is your basal metabolic rate (BMR) ultimately determines
what your current maintenance caloric intake is.
ln other words, how much food in a day you must consume to keep your current
weight consistent.
This is highly different for each individual and depends on their physical goals.
A sedentary individual who does zero physical activity may only require 1,BOO calories,
while a highly active individual may require as much as 4,000 calories.
To determine your BMR, you are going to spend an entire week tracking the amount of
calories you eat each day.
Read the nutrition label on each thing you consume, weigh out the portion you eat, and
then write the nutritional information down.
Try not to make any significant deviations from your normal dietary pattern.
(As I stated earlier, there are free apps like MyFitnessPal to make this recording process
quick and easy)
You also want to weigh yourself every single day of this week.
Make sure you do it first thing in the morning without clothes on and right after your
bowel movement.
After a week of doing this, you will have the following information:
The total calories you ate per day, the macronutrient breakdown of those calories, and
seren different body weight measurements,
lf you did this right, your body weight should hover within +/- 1-2o/o of your starting
scale weight.
Take a 7-day average of your calorie intake and you will have a rough estimate of how
many calories you require in a day to maintain your current weight.
This is your BMR, i.e. the total calories you require to maintain your current weight for at
least 3 days without more than a 2% deviation up or down.
Generally, this is where people find themselves with respect to caloric intake and
body weight:
. For weight maintenance, 13-]5 calories per pound of total body weight


. For weight loss, 7-11 calories per pound of total body weight
. For weight gain, 16-20 calories per pound of total body weight

l3-15 por pound ol
cqlorles 7-ll totolbodyw.lght
por poundol
totolbodywdghr colorles



Don't worry about specifics right now.

l'll show you how to determine exactly what to eat on fasting days and training days in
the upcoming chapters.
We are now ready to calculate exactly how much of each macronutrient to consume.

Mocronutrient #l: Protein

Protein is the first and most important macronutrient we must calculate.
It is imperative to keep protein consumption high so we can preserve lean muscle mass
during a caloric deficit, retain maximalstrength, stay satiated, help muscles grow after
strength training, and improve overall body composition.
(And contrary to what you may hear, high protein intake DOES NOT damage your kidneys)
You also require protein to stay alive and ensure proper brain function.
Muscle is the #1 key for getting and staying lean, so we require ample amounts of protein
in order to build and maintain muscle.

Chopter 2: Metobollcoily Flexibte Llving (uFL)

The easiest way to calculate your protein intake is to eat one gram of protein per pound
of LEAN body weight (not TOTAL body weight).
This is the lowest amount you require to support the anabolic processes responsible for
building and maintaining muscle tissue.
You may wonder why I AM deviating from the common "bro" rule of 1 gram of protein
per pound of total body weight, so allow me to explain.
lf you are a 400-pound obese man, you are not going to eat 400 grams of protein per day.
You will end up stalling your weight loss due to gluconeogenesis (i.e. the process of
synthesizing glucose from protein).
So if this same man is 35% body fat at 400 pounds, and we want to determine how
much skeletal muscle he has, we multiply 400 by 0.65 and his total protein intake will
be configured from that number (260 pounds of lean body weight, therefore he will be
eating 260 grams of protein a day).
As you can see, we have to subtract out total body fat to calculate daily protein consumption.


You DID get the precise measurement of your body fat percentage like I told
you to, right?
lf not, go back and make sure you get it done before reading ahead,
Without this precise biometric data point, you won't be able to move forward!

lf you are 200 pounds of total body weight and your body fat percentage is 2Oo/o, lout
lean body mass is 160 pounds.
20% of fat on you would be 40 pounds, so we subtract 40 pounds from 200 pounds to
get a lean body mass of 160 pounds.
Therefore, your minimum protein intake per day wourd be 160 grams.
You can eat more than this number, but'160 grams is your bare minimum to maintain
your current body composition,
It may not be 200 grams, but is still well within the amount of protein we require - as proven
by multiple studies - to confer all of the benefits of high protein intake previously described.


Moving forward, 1 gram of protein is equivalent to 4 calories.

lf we now assume your BMR is 2,000 calories, it means 640 of those calories (4 calories
per grams of protein - 160 grams of protein = 640 calories) will come from protein,
Easy math, right?
The next question to ask is where you should be getting your protein from.
You want your protein to come from the cleanest sources possible while also containing
a healthy level of essential fatty acids.
From my experience, here are the best sources of protein to consume:

Lcon, grosi-led beaf Orgonlc, wlld-eought fbh

(.toz tot) (solmon, cod, seo boss, sushi, tilopio, etc.)

Orgonlc, free-ronge whole eggs

Egg whltes (be mindtul of th€ tot content within the yolks)

Wheyprotoln Coacln protoln

(use it immediotely pre, peri, ond post
(best used ot night du€ to its Blow-digesting
workout due to the ropid obsorption ot
omino ocids preventing muscle tissue
omino ocids into your bloodstreom.
br6okdown during lorg6 coloric dgticits ond
cold-tiltrotion whey protein isolote is
extondod tosts)
my #l recommendotion if you con get it)

Vogon protcln
(stoy owoy from oll soy-bosed formulotions,
*,f..,.f opt for peo protein powdor if you ore o

Chopter 2: Metobolicolly Flexibte tiving (trlft)


For those of you wondering where the bodybuilding staples of turkey and boneless
skinless chicken breasts are, I recognize they are great sources of protein.
However, I am of the opinion that most of the poultry produced in the USA is full
of GMOs, antibiotics, pesticides, and other toxins accumulating in their fat cells
from the food they are fed.
Unless you remove 100% of the fat, you'll suffer unwanted side effects from these
toxins (such as more stored fat in your body).
Furthermore, chicken and turkey are very low in essential fatty acids (EFAs) and
do not provide any of the other minerals, vitamins, or micronutrients crucial to
several functions in the body.

Regardless of whether your goal is fat loss, maintenance or muscle gain, your diet has
to be rich in high-quality protein.
(Here's an interesting case study of what happens when you do not prioritize protein!)
Every protein source here is dead simple to cook, very palatable, and is sustainable to
regularly consume over the long-term.
We now know what our required protein amount is for the day, so let's break down and
analyze how much fat and carbs we should be eating.

Mocronutrient #2: Corbohydrotes

lf you are new to lnternet fitness culture, nothing starts wars and destroys friendships
faster than the arguments over the optimal amount of carbohydrates to consume.
Contrary to what "carb-o-phobes" tell you, carbohydrates serve as fuel to power you
through your training days while helping you build and maintain muscle.
We want to use them to our advantage so we can stay maximally lean with a minimal
amount of work.
Carbohydrates are not evil when you recognize the difference between a pill and a poison
is always the dosage.
So how do we strike the perfect balance?


By borrowing from the wisdom of the late and great Charles Poliquin, who said, "you
get your carbs when you deserve them!"
This means eating carbs when our body preferentially requires them while avoiding them
when they are not required.
The more weight one desires to lose, the fewer carbs one must necessarily consume.
Our training days require carbs in order to preferentially refill our body's glycogen stores
and maximize force production when maximizing our efforts in the gym.
How do we calculate the right amount of carbs to eat?
Let's go back to our example from calculating our protein intake, where we assume you
are a 200-pound person at2Oo/o body fat who has a BMR of 2,000 calories.
Like protein, 1 gram of carbohydrate is equivalent to 4 calories,
640 calories have already been assigned to protein, which leaves 1,360 calories left over.
Let's keep things simple by assigning one half of these remaining calories to carbs and
the other half to fats.
(NOTE - Car0s will be increased on training days to fuelour performance in the gym, while
being reduced on fasting days relative to your body fat leveland overall insulin sensitivity)
With 680 calories assigned to carbohydrates, we will be eating a total of 170 grams
of carbohydrates every day (680 calories / 4 calories per carbohydrate = 170 grams
of carbohydrates).
Now let's talk about our carbohydrate sources.
We will be eating extremely clean carbs from unprocessed whole food sources (i.e. not
laced with tons of added sugars, fats, or preservatives).
This helps us avoid storing the carbs we consume as body fat.
My best go-to sources for carbohydrates include:

Chopter 2: Metobollcqlly Flexlble Living (MFL)

$ Whltc rlcc
(osmine or bosmotl)
Croom of rlcc cal.ol

ffi Whltcpototocr swcct Pototoos

Ploln rugor-froc ootmcqt

Qulnoo (speclf lcolly Hunter WilliomB' Zerootq
which is only ovoiloble to USA customers)

Vegotoblrs, wlth on cmphosle

Unllovorrd rlcccoke on grcon leolyoner
wlth nooddcdlot (Asporogus, gre€n b€ong broccoli,
spinoch, coulillower, etc.)

Hlgh-flbrc frults, but only or on Cycllcdcxtrln

lmmedlotc prc-workout or (o fost-dig$tlng high-gtycemic corb bost
post-workout lnock
(bluebenies, strowb€rries, rospberri€s,
cherri6s, pinoopple, melon, opples) $ used 30 minutes b€tore ond oft6r o workout
for fu€lor fost repl€nishm€nt ot muscl€
glycoggn stor€s, reepectively)

Swcct pototo powdol

(o greot option for on intro-workout shok€,
llik€ the ono from lrue Nutrition)



It is important for individuals with poor insulin sensitivity (i.e. heavier set people
with a lot of body fat to lose) to minimize their fructose consumption, usually via
fruit, as fructose is rate-limited enzymatically in the liver.
This means there is a very small amount of fructose one can consume daily with-
out spill over in the body's liver glycogen, ultimately creating body fat deposition.
ln practical terms, you don't want to go over 50 grams of fructose in a day (roughly
two apples),

REMEMBER: Optimal carbohydrate consumption is time-specific, goal-dependent, and

We're focused on consuming the right types of carbs - and the right amounts of carbs
- at the right times.
Put another way, we're customizing our carbohydrate intake relative to our body type
and activity levels.
We want higher carb intakes to increase insulin, preferentially refilling our body's muscle
glycogen stores to support muscle-building.
Conversely, we want lower carb intakes to reduce insulin and lose body fat.

I/re /ess muscleyoupossess (i,e, obese) and the more physically inactive you are,
the fewer carbs you require (50400 grams of carbohydrates per day)
The more muscle you have (i,e, lean) and the more physically active you are, the
more carbs you can consume (+100 grams of carbohydrafesper day, or l'4 grams
of carbs per pound of total body weight)
The latter rule is due to these individuals being more metabolically active from possessing
more skeletal muscle.
Higher levels of muscle provide better nutrient partitioning and insulin sensitivity, which
allows for better carbohydrate absorption and processing.
Regardless, it is more important to ensure the majority of your carbohydrates are con-
sumed right before, during, and immediately after working out for optimal performance
and faster recovery,

Chopter 2: Metobolicolly Ftexible tiving (Urt)

Finally, you must keep yourself hydrated while consuming higher amounts of carbohy-
drates as your body will retain more water if it is dehydrated.
This explains why some people suffer from bloating after eating carbs.
A good rule of thumb is to consume 3-4 grams of water for every 1 gram of carbohydrate.

Mocronutrient #3: Fots

I AM going to keep this section short as I could write an entire book about fats alone.
Humans must consume a certain amount of dietary fat, which contains essential fatty
acids (EFAs), to ensure optimal bodily function.
You require fats for a fully functioning brain, absorption of vitamins, cellular growth,
energy, and production of key hormones.
Literally, your body will shut down completely if you deprived yourself of all fats.
The calculations for total daily fat intake are quite simple...
lf you have been following along so far, you'll recall we have 680 calories left in our 2,OOO
calories to maintain our current body weight.
Unlike carbohydrates and protein, 1 gram of fat is equivalent to 9 calories.
So if we divide our 680 calories by 9, we will be eating 75 grams of fat every day,
without getting too far into the weeds, there are good fats and bad fats.
Specifically, we want to maximize our exposure to omega-3 fatty acids and minimize our
exposure to omega-6 fatty acids.
Omega-6 fatty acids are found in almost all forms of processed foods and are highly
inflammatory to the body,
You'll find these in many types of refined vegetable and seed oils - sunflower, canola,
safflowel soybean, etc.
Omega-3 fatty acids come from avocados, grass-fed beel eggs, wild-caught fish, and
certain types of oils (olive, avocado, coconut, etc.).
As long as you avoid the "bad" fats and opt for the "good" fats, you don't have to worry
about the merits of saturated vs. unsaturated fats.
It's another debate not worth your attention.
Just remember fats are extremely calorie-dense, so be mindful of the portions you use.



It's also important to be cognizant of nut allergies.

Many people do not digest specific types of nuts well, if at all.
They often cause bloating, or a distended abdominal region (which is terrible for
people attempting to drop body fat and reduce abdominal size/thickness).
For an allergy or food insensitivity test, I recommend Cyrex Labs.

Here are the fat sources I recommend the most:


.i{ S

Ollvrol! lYocodooll Coconutoll

MGTOII Avocodor Eggyolk.

(rnedlum choln tdglyc.rlch)

@rorr-fod bocl Wlld-coughtrolmon Oro[-ird buttrr

chopter 2: Metobotlcolly Flexible tlvlng (uFt)

That's really all there is to it,

Get your body fat percentage measured, determine your BMR, plug in the numbers, and
you're off to the races!

A FREE Nutrition Colculqtor Mqde Just For you!

Before I end off this chapter, I want to provide you with a gift for having read this far
into the book.
CLICK HERE to download the 30 Days 2 Shredz Nutritional Calculator!
(Once you have the spreadsheet open, you can make an editable copy for yourself by
going to File -> Make a copy)
This nutrition calculator allows you to put in your current body weight, body fat percent-
age, somatotype, the level you chose for this program, and your fitness goal.
ln exchange, the calculator will spit out your total daily calorie intake and the macronu-
trient breakdown for your fasting days and training days.
Consider it as my way of making an already-easy protocol even easier to adhere to.
Let's move on to our second core pillar of this program, and the part l'm sure you're
excited to hear about:
The supplements.





As lsfafed in the introduction of this book, this
new protocol would not have been possible
even just 2-3 years ago,

There have been rapid advances in the world of supplements and pharmaceuticals to
make dramatic fat loss within a 30-day timeframe humanly possible.
ln this chapter, l've cataloged every single supplement used by myself and my Vlp
Mastermind members while running the 30D2S protocol,
Between the 3 levels, I have left no stone unturned.
Each supplement will be placed into the buckets of Basic, Advanced, and Fully
F*kkn Optimized.
Based on your own self-assessment from Chapter 1, I highly recommend sticking with
the supplements corresponding to your chosen level.
lf you are not an advanced dieter, most of the supplements/drugs in the Advanced and/
or Fully F*kkn optimized levels will be useless or perhaps worse with respect to experi-
encing potential side effects and/or negative occurrences from lack of familiarity.
Moreover, most of the Advanced level supplements require you to inject yoursell which
requires much more expertise and experience.
Again, even if you are using just the Beginner level supplements, this diet stitt worksl
It will be tougher to do extended fasts as many of the Advanced level supplements
and drugs create profound appetite suppression, but sheer willpower will still make
them possible.



Hormonally optimized individuals will respond better to all of the supplements and
3OD2S protocols as their organ systems are slightly 'enhanced' bioenergetically
from their exogenous hormone, growth hormone and peptide usage,
lf you are an aging man or woman desiring to maximize the effects of the 30D2S
protocols, we recommend you understand whether you are dealing with a hor-
monal deficiency BEFORE starting and seeking the services of a recommended
health optimization physician like our good friends at MHI Life.

@ w ffi

Dr. Rudolph
Carlos Bertonatti Michael Bertonatti Dr. Amy Wecker, M.D.
Eberwein, M.D.

Beginner Supplements

Before I give you the list of supplements, let me be clear about one thing: without any
supplements, you can fast 4 days a week for 18-20 hours at a time and still drop body fat,
But if you want to lose fat in the fastest way possible over the next 30 days, you REQUIRE
these supplements regardless of which level you choose,
Otherwise the results won't be the same.
All of these medications work to optimize your health, increase metabolic rate, control
blood glucose, and improve post-exercise recovery.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

Many of them can be purchased online or over-the-counter, although some may need a
doctor's prescription depending on where in the world you live.


Due to the COVID-'19 pandemic and the shipping complications arising from global
supply chain issues, you may find these supplements taking forever to arrive if you
are buying them from offshore pharmacies.

Additionally, it is possible to take these supplements upon waking up and the timing
does not matter too much (relative to the supplements for people in the Advanced and
FFO levels),

Agent: Electrolytes
Most humans in first-world countries are now
deficient in electrolytes.
The negative effects of our environment, along
with the cellular damage caused by excessive
electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure and a
host of other environmental toxins, draw out
minerals from our cells.
As such, we are chronically dehydrated and
our cells crave the minerals needed to keep
our body hydrated.
When it comes to fasting, your body will tend
to become electrolyte-depleted, especially if you have not fasted before.
Luckily for us, there are electrolytes we can supplement with to enhance the effects of
our fast without breaking the fast itself.

Whot it does:
ln a nutshell, electrolytes help keep our body hydrated.


Without going too much into the weeds, our cells communicate with each other through
electro-chemical means,
ln the absence of electrolytes, the electrical communication inside our cellular network
suffers and can break down relatively fast.
Electrolytes help keep the electro-chemical function of our cells healthy and firing on
all cylinders.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

Fasting is a large component of the 30D2S protocol.
As your fast reaches the 24-hour mark, your body becomes rapidly depleted in electrolytes.

This can cause a whole host of issues like fatigue, brain fog, and muscle cramping.
Supplementing with electrolytes will help prevent onset of fatigue and make it much
easier to stick with your fast.


lf you do not hydrate when you are fasting, you are screwing yourself up royally.
Your body must be full of water, salt, and electrolytes.
Being deficient in sodium, potassium, calcium, and/or magnesium will lead to
serious health problems.
This problem is especially prevalent in people who use water filters (distillation,
reverse osmosis, etc.).
They may get out the fluoride and chlorine, but they also end up removing any
natural minerals and electrolytes.
For this reason, adding electrolytes to your water is non-negotiable (especially if
you are active and sweating a lot).
Doing this alone has made a massive difference in Hunter Williams'energy levels
and feelings of calm throughout the day.
So make sure you're not just hydrating (in accordance with MFL Principle #7 in the
previous chapter), but hydrating with minerals and electrolytes as well.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

Using electrolytes also can help suppress hunger, making it easier to prolong the extended
fasting window.

Dosoge ond timing:

You should be supplementing with electrolytes throughout the entire day.
I recommend adding them to your water or any other zero-calorie drinks you use
during your fast.
It's best to use a concentration solution of electrolytes without any added calories or
sugars whatsoever.
lf the two prerequisites above are fulfilled, you can drink as many electrolyte drinks as
you want throughout the day.
Where possible, try to avoid artificial sweeteners (although it's not a deal breaker).

Where to buy:
There are lots of different options, but my good friend Hunter williams
prefers the Eidon electrolyte solution (2 mL per one gallon of water,
up to 4 mL on fasting days) while I use Trace Minerals (Max Hydrate).
A bottle should last you one month depending on how much you use.

Agen[ J-Flex9 Joint Recovery

J-Flex9 Joint Recovery is a joint health
supplement from the amazing folks at True Nutrition I have
been using everyday since 2018.
It is a highly potent combination of curcumin, collagen, glu-
cosamine, and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM).
This is my go-to when it comes to making sure my joints,
cartilage, tendons, and ligaments stay strong over time while
allowing me to continue to build and develop muscle as
I get older.

lf you are an avid weightlifter, it is crucial to maintain joint

flexibility and integrity as you reach age 40 and beyond


Whot it does:
J-Flex9 helps keep your joints lubricated and youthful.
I notice a massive difference in the inflammation stemming from my training, particularly as
it pertains to my joints (knees, elbows, and shoulders) when l'm not using J-Flex9 regularly.
The synergistic combo of several anti-inflammatory compounds allows me to recover
quicker and ensure I can maintain my positive muscle failure (PMF) style training.
For nagging soft tissue injuries that don't heal quickly, this stuff is amazing.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

A large component of the 30D2S protocol involves resistance training.
By using this supplement, I can recover in a timely manner and stay injury-free from my
resistance training.
This is doubly important for older folks who are 40 or older.
J-Flex9 also enhances my fasting day cardio as the faster recovery from the previous day's
resistance training means my joints are ready to take on the bike, elliptical, treadmill or
whatever low-intensity steady-state (LISS) cardio method I use on fasting days.
ln the rare case where I find myself injured, J-Flex9 works wonders for helping inflamed
nerves and tendons,

Dosoge ond timing:

I recommend using one serving of J-Flex9 (6 capsules) each morning immediately
upon waking.
And a second dose (6 capsules) can be taken in the mid-afternoon.
Take J-Flex9 on an empty stomach if you are fasting, or with food if you are taking it first
thing in the morning on a training day.

Where to buy:
You can purchase J-Flex9 from True Nutrition here.
Two bottles should last 30 days if you are using two doses a day as instructed.

Chopter 3t The Drugs ond Supplements

Agent Vitomin D3 & K2

Most people in today's world are deficient in Vitamin D3,
which is actually a precursor steroid hormone.
Sedentary lifestyles and indoor work environments
keep many people from maximizing their exposure to
sunlight, thereby increasing the body,s endogenous
Vitamin D3 production,
lronically enough, Vitamin D3 is actually a hormone the
body uses as a building block for testosterone,
But we can't stop there.
ln order to properly absorb Vitamin D3, we must have
its cofactor Vitamin K2.
Adding it helps enhance the absorption of Vitamin D3 when supplemented orally,
While you can technically get Vitamins D3 and K2 from food, the food supply of
the modern world is heavily contaminated to the point where people will require
additional supplementation.
Especially if you have less melanin in your skin and can't absorb sunlight optimally.

Whot it does:
Vitamins D3 & K2 are crucial to help with the absorption of calcium in the body.
When Vitamin D3 is combined with Vitamin K2, they synergistically work together to
help shuttle calcium from your diet into the bones, ensuring strong bone mineral density.
They also help shuttle calcium out of the arteries and bloodstream, which can potentially
help stop plaque buildup in the arteries.
Other benefits of Vitamin D3 alone include improving cardiorespiratory fitness, boosting
muscle strength, extending your lifespan, and helping further weight loss.
Overall, these two powerful vitamins help serve to strengthen bone mineral density and
keep your cardiovascular system pumping strong.


Why we use it for 30D2S:

Although this supplement should be a part of any healthy person's protocol, in the
context of this book, Vitamins D3 & K2 will help support our bones as we engage in
resistance training,
They help with the absorption of calcium from the electrolytes we are supplementing
with, leading to an even more synergistic effect.
They also support our heart health since we're doing more cardiovascular exercise as
part of the 30D2S program,

Dosoge ond timing:

I recommend taking between 5,000-10,000 units of Vitamin D3 combined with 90-180
mcg of Vitamin K2 immediately upon waking.
This can be done on an empty stomach on fasting days, or with food on training days.

Where to buy:
Most supplement companies sell these two vitamins together now.
It's a relatively generic supplement you can find anywhere, but this is the brand I use.

Agenil Vitomin B-12 / Jorrow B-Right




Vitamin B-12 is a crucial supplement everyone can choose to use for better health

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

Most people with low energy levels may actually just be suffering from a massive Vitamin
B-12 deficiency.
The trick with Vitamin B-12 is to recognize there are two forms: Cyanocobalamin
and methylcobalamin.
While both forms are good, methylcobalamin (i.e. methylated Vitamin B-12) is the one we
want to use because cyanocobalamin depletes methyl reserves and spikes homocysteine
in individuals with specific polymorphism gene mutations.
Methylcobalamin is also a much more absorbable form and will produce a noticeable
energy boost, particularly if you are deficient in Vitamin B-12.

Whot it does:
Vitamin B-12 is important for a process called methylation, which is vital to DNA repair,
cognition, and immune function.
Literally, adequate Vitamin B-12 levels are needed for cells in the body to multiply properly.
Adding on to this, lower Vitamin B-.l2 levels are associated with an increased risk of
cardiovascular disease.
There are many health benefits, but this vitamin helps support three main things.
Vitamin B-12 (1) aids in the function of brain and nervous system tissue, which (2) has
the downstream effect of regulating energy levels while also playing a major role in (3)
red blood cell function.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

One crucial component of the 30D2S protocol is supplementing with Metformin (more
info on this medication later).
While everyone should supplement with Vitamin B-12, it is crucial to add it in if you are
using Metformin.
Metformin depletes folate and Vitamin B-12 in people who are genetically predisposed
to Vitamin B-12 and/or folate deficiencies.
Due to these potential issues, it is necessary we supplement with both minerals to help
any possible deficiency resulting from Metformin use.
Vitamin B-12 will also keep our nervous system firing on all cylinders on fasting days,
where we are going for longer periods of time without food,


Dosoge ond timing:

I recommend taking at least 500 mcg of Vitamin B-12 from methylcobalamin each day
while following 30D2S.
It can be taken on an empty stomach on fasting days, as well as with food on eating days.

Where to buy:
I recommend the formulation from Jarrow B-Right because it contains additional ingre-
dients to enhance the absorption of Vitamin B-12.

You can purchase it here.

Agent C6O (corbon 60)

C60, aka Carbon 6O, is one of the most profound biomolecules to be
discovered in recent years.
It is perhaps the most powerful and safest free radical scavenger known
to mankind, and its antioxidant power is unmatched,
Discovered in 1970, this molecule was notable for its spherical shape
consisting of 60 carbon atoms, its ability to remain extremely stable
despite high temperatures, and the fact it is readily found in nature.
I have been using it for years now and have even seen positive
results in animals.
My dog Simba is still alive at the time of this writing and I attribute his
existence to C60, as he should have been dead by all other accounts
at least 3 years ago!

Whot it does:
As previously stated, C60 is a potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger.
It works to lift the oxidative stress from our cells arising from environmental toxins,
unhealthy food, and overall oxidation from the body stemming from aging.
It also works to optimize mitochondrial function, which has the downstream effect of
improving every other health marker in our body,

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

Other notable benefits include extended lifespan, lower inflammation, better immunity,
and improved bone health.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

ln my opinion, everyone should be using C60 regardless of whether they follow the
30D2S protocol or not.
ln the context of this program, C60 will optimize our mitochondrial function and therefore
allow us to burn calories and fat more efficienfly.
The healthier our mitochondria, the healthier our metabolism.
ln short: C60 makes it easier to burn fat while also setting the groundwork for peak
cellular health.

Dosoge ond timing:

C60 is a fat-soluble biomolecule and must be paired with a fatty acid carrier (i.e. a meal
containing fats) in order to be absorbed by the body.
As such, it will contain calories and therefore break a fast.
Idon't think it hurts to take it on fasting days, but for the purpose of 3OD2S, you should
stick to taking it on feeding/training days first thing in the morning.
Irecommend starting out with 1 teaspoon daily to make sure your body doesn't have too
strong of a detox reaction,
From there, you can slowly titrate up to 1 tablespoon daily.

Where to buy:
The best supplier of C6O is C50 Purple Power (use coupon code jaylS for 15% off).


Agent Melotonin
Melatonin is endogenously produced from the
pineal gland and plays a key role in a variety of
biological functions within the body.
Like C60, melatonin is another powerfulantioxidant,
but we are just starting to scratch the surface of
what it is capable of doing in the context of opti'
mized health.
Melatonin is important enough to earn a spot in my
God Stack, which you can read about here.

Whot it does:
As a biomolecule produced by our bodies, melatonin plays a crucial role in sleep.
As a supplement, people use it to help improve deep and restorative sleep.
But on top of helping people fall asleep, melatonin helps with staying asleep while achiev-
ing more restful sleep (i.e. polyphasic sleep),
Melatonin also helps support immune system function as our body engages in deeper,
more restorative sleep cycles.
I highly recommend reading the work of the amazing researchers Doris Loh and Dr.
Russel! Reiter to learn more about this profound biomolecule.
lf you want to dive even deeper into an unexplored rabbit hole, I recently did a +2 hour
webinar with Doris about melatonin's little-known antiviral properties (and her updated
2023 dosing recommendations can be found here).
Additionally, this Substack article contains over 200 references summarizing the numer-
ous applications of melatonin for better health.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

Melatonin is a supplement I use year-round, but it is even more important to use if you
are following 30D2S.
One downside to extended fasting is the potential dysregulation of our sleep cycles.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

lf you are doing longer 36-60 hour fasts, it can become even tougher to sleep as our
bodies deepen the metabolic cascades of autophagy and hormesis,
Melatonin will help with sleep dysregulation and support our immune system as the
body is going through a dramatic state of transformation (i.e. extended stress) during
the 30D2S protocol.
Experimental studies suggest melatonin may also increase growth hormone production
and have beneficial effects on body composition.

Dosoge ond timing:

Irecommend taking 10-30 mg of melatonin at least 60-90 minutes before bed.
(Don't worry, it's safe to do this despite going far beyond the standard dosing recom-
mendations prescribed by doctors and health experts)
Most people make the mistake of taking melatonin right at bed time.
It is best taken'fasted' in a 90-minute window before bed in order for melatonin to cross
the blood-brain barrier and exert its effects.
Many people are experimenting with up to 1-5 GRAMS of melatonin for immunity and
healing purposes, but in the context of 30D2s you can stick with 10-30 mg.
lf you're taking a powdered formulation or chewable tablet, keep it under your tongue
or in your gums until it dissolves.


As a suppository, melatonin has a lot of good anecdotal evidence and support

behind it as anal absorption is always the best way to get a drug or supplement
into portal circulation.
l've heard good things about this formulation but have not used it myself,

Where to buy:
Melatonin is another cheap and abundant supplement you can easily buy online or over
the counter at any local pharmacy.


A good powdered formulation on Amazon recommended highly by Doris Loh can be

found here.

Agenil Creotine
Creatine is one of the tried-and-true supplements used suc-
cessfully by biohackers and bodybuilders for decades.
Consisting of three amino acids (Glycine, methionine and argi-
nine), it is mostly produced in the liver and can be found in
various protein sources such as fish, chicken and beef,
".!r i r
It is also one of the most studied sports performance supple-

!fifr tultrtrtiT {t lr'l*, ments in history.

lronically enough, creatine prices have skyrocketed in the last
2 years as people have become more aware of the neuropro-
tective effects of creatine,
Creatine is truly a jack-of-all-trades supplement offering several health benefits.

Whot it does:
Creatine works to primarily support the development and maintenance of muscle tissue.
Countless research studies also show creatine's ability to increase strength,
stamina, and speed.
This is made possible due to creatine's role in regulating adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels.
Other exercise-related benefits include accelerated muscle recovery, increased IGF-l
production, and retention of muscle strength during physical inactivity.
Newer and more emerging research shows it has cognition-boosting benefits and can
help protect the brain from neurodegeneration over time.
Last but not least, creatine can help the cells produce energy more efficiently, creating
a healthier cellular environment for enhanced physical performance,

Why we use it for 30D2S:

lf you are not aware by now, resistance training and cardio are a crucial part of 30D2S.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

ln this 30-day period, creatine will primarily work to protect our brains while helping
maintain muscle mass, especially in those who are not hormonally optimized.
Supplementing with creatine will also help keep our basal metabolic rate (BMR) higher,
allowing us to burn fat more efficiently.
Due to losing weight in the form of fat tissue, it is crucial to maintain muscle mass in
order to aid in the metabolic/thermogenic effect muscle has on all the biological systems
within the body.
Dosoge ond timing:
I recommend taking 5 grams of a plain creatine monohydrate powder first thing in the
morning on fasting and training days.
It will not break your fast and you can easily mix it in with water or any other calorie-free drink.
Contrary to popular dogma, you are NOT required to "front load" with higher doses of
creatine in order to experience positive benefits.
I personally prefer to use creatine 'intra-workout' as it may provide a noticeable increase
in strength and stamina while training.

Where to buy:
Creatine is widely available but I recommend sticking with the monohydrate formulation.
It works just as well as the other forms available and is far cheaper.
Here is a trusted brand from Amazon.

Agent Block Coffee / Coffeine

Iam not a frequent coffee/caffeine drinker and neither is Hunter Williams.
This is not a necessary supplement in the context of this diet, but others have had great
success with caffeine and it can be supportive when used properly.
As many historians have demonstrated, coffee had a major hand in building Western
civilization and we can use it to help us while foilowing 3oD2s.

Whot it does:
Basically, coffee blocks the adenosine receptors in the brain, and in doing so makes
you more awake.


It also has a slightly thermogenic effect (which can potentially help burn fat) and helps
suppress appetite to make fasting much easier.
Additionally, there are many powerful antioxidants the body uses from the polyphenols
in coffee to improve our cellular health.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

As already stated, caffeine is useful for speeding up the rate of fat loss while simultane-
ously suppressing appetite,
Two things you absolutely want on fasting days.
And although much more powerful stimulants exist, caffeine provides a solid dopamine
boost often necessary during extended fasting periods when cognitive performance declines,
People who are not hormonally optimized should not be concerned as coffee won't
meaningfully impact testosterone levels.

Dosoge ond timing:

I recommend keeping your caffeine consumption under 400-500 mg per day (for context,
1 cup of coffee contains roughly 100 mg of caffeine).

Most people usually drink 1-2 cups of coffee daily so it's unlikely you will reach the 400
mg limit unless you are a chronic coffee consumer.
Due to the stimulant effects of coffee/caffeine, avoid using it after 2pm-4pm in the after-
noon as it may disrupt your sleep cycle, especially on a fasting day.
It is imperative to drink PURE black coffee.
No added calories from milk, cream, sugar, artificial sweeteners or anything else.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

sPEclAr NorE
There are long held debates in the biohacking community about whether artificial
sweeteners knock users out of fasts and/or ketosis.
It is my professional opinion after nearly 25 years of self experimentation, once
one is fast or ketone adapted, a small amount of replacement sugar WILL NOT
noticeably effect or knock one out of a fasted or ketotic state.
Obviously, the heavier and more insulin resistant the user (i,e. more body fat to lose),
the less they should opt to use artificial sweeteners as a precautionary measure.

Where to buy:
We'll leave this up to you.
lf you do decide to drink coffee, buy organic versions.
Black coffee is the cheapest and most widely available stimulant in the world.

Agent: Mognesium Citrote

Up to 80% of people are deficient in magnesium intake.
Magnesium is a crucial mineral humans require to function properly
- ftcu, It has a ton of health benefits and plays a crucial role in the electrical
communication between our biological systems,
Citrate There are several forms of magnesium, but for the purpose of 3oD2s
we are specifically using magnesium citrate as it helps with digestion
and bowel regulation.

Whot it does:
Like melatonin, magnesium is more-or-less a miracle supptement.
It helps with muscle contraction, nervous system function, and supports healthy bone
mineral density.
When taken at night, it can help you feel more relaxed for sleep.
Magnesium also improves digestion and moves food along through the digestive tract.


Why we use it for 30D2S:

When fasting, we are eating less.
As such, we may experience mild amounts of constipation or a feeling of being "backed up".

When we supplement with magnesium citrate, it will help keep us regular and alleviate
any sort of constipation resulting from extended fasting.
For some people using GLP-l receptor agonists like Tirzepatide (more on this agent later),
they report having smaller and less frequent bowel movements.
Therefore, magnesium would be a useful supplement for said people,
ln addition to alleviating any sort of issues related to our bowel movements, magnesium
citrate also promotes restful and more restorative sleep.

Dosoge ond timing:

I recommend using 500-1,000 mg of magnesium citrate right before bed.

lf you don't currently supplement with magnesium citrate, start at the lowest dose and
titrate up slowly as too high of a dose can cause diarrhea the following morning.

Where to buy:
This is a widely available supplement you can buy anywhere, but here is a brand I rec-
ommend on Amazon.

Agent: Whey/Cosein Protein Blend

Given how important protein is in the con-
text of successful fat loss, it only makes
sense to use products that make it easier
to reach our daily protein intake.
Nothing could be simpler than adding a
powder to water and drinking it to get an
extra 30-60 grams of protein.
Whey/casein protein is both affordable and available in online stores and brick-and-mortar
supplement shops,

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

sPEctAr NorE
whey/casein protein is more of a food than a supplement, but it is import-
I realize
ant enough to be included in this list, whether for 3OD2S or for general health.
And I AM aware of whey, a dairy-based product, causing digestive issues for
some people.
Many protein powders use suboptimal dairy sources and are contaminated with
nasty artificial chemicals and heavy metals,
There is a vast difference between your average Walmart brand whey protein
concentrate, and grass-fed ultra-filtered whey/casein protein isolate produced by
brands like True Nutrition,
lf you can't get rrue Nutrition, optimum Nutrition is your 2nd best choice.

Whot it does:
whey protein is a fast-digesting, rapidly-absorbed protein source.
This is very important in the context of muscle repair, particularly for strength
training purposes.
Casein protein is a slow-digesting protein our body can utilize over a longer multi-hour
time frame, keeping us full while also promoting muscle size and strength.
Supplementing with them simultaneously provides the best of both worlds.
When combined with a properly designed strength training regimen, they are usefultools
for fostering an anabolic environment.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

ln addition to enhancing muscle tissue repair from strength training and cardiovascular
exercise, whey and casein also promote muscle protein synthesis (a.k.a. muscle gain).
Due to their pure protein content, one's appetite will be more satiated, making it much
easier to endure significant calorie deficits for metabolically unhealthy and insulin resis-
tant individuals.


Dosoge ond timing:

blend of whey and casein to break a fast after long fasting intervals, assuming
I like using a
l'm not fasting tor 24+ hours,
Add MCT oilto this blend and you can make a delicious low-calorie smoothie/shake with
only a minimal impact on your blood sugar levels.
I recommend staying within 25-50 grams of protein per serving depending on your body
size and energetic demands (25 grams of protein equals roughly 1 scoop of protein powder
depending on the brand you use).
As for optimal timing, I generally prefer to use whey pre-workout and casein post-workout.

Some people insist on using whey post-workout as well, but what's most important is con-
suming an easy and fast-digesting protein source both before and after a training session.

Where to buy:
My go-to source for this blend is True Nutrition.
They offer a host of options to build your own mix and flavor.
Their protein powders taste better, have higher protein content compared to other brands,
and mix a lot better with water or a low-calorie liquid source such as almond milk,

Advqnced Supplements

These are the agents to use once you have the basics down and desire a higher level of
both physical performance and overall fat loss results.
Everything in this section will safely and dramatically enhance fat loss in a very short
amount of time via decreased appetite, enhanced thermogenesis, and increased lipolysis
(i,e. fat burning).

Of course, |m assuming you already have your diet and training fully dialed in.
Unlike the supplements at the Beginner level, I have numerous warnings to disclaim before
introducing the Advanced level supplements.
#1 - You WILL have to iniect yourself subcutaneously.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

There is no getting around this.

9Oo/o of the compounds in this section are most bioavailable and effective when admin-
istered directly into your subcutaneous fat stores.
This one barrier alone prevents 80o/o of people who know about these compounds from
ever using them.
The cold hard truth is most people are simply uncomfortable using therapeutic peptides
and other tip-of-the-spear medications.
But for those of you who've left a fear-based existence, I ask you to educate yourself
about safe and proper subcutaneous injection technique.
You must also purchase your ancillary materials from a reliable vendor like
BacteriostaticWater.org (use JayClO for 10% off),
lnsulin syringes, needles, bacteriostatic water, alcohol wipes and more are required.
Once you have the materials and education listed above, I highly recommend familiarizing
yourself with the basics of peptide reconstitution and dose calculation,
It's no doubt an upfront investment, but doing all of this makes the fat loss game
infinitely easier.
#2 - You must become familiar with research chemical companies and how to
buy from them.


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This is outside the scope of this book, but a simple Amazon search will not suffice for
finding these agents/compounds.
You'll have to get creative and find underground and/or grey market vendors selling
high-purity research products at reasonable prices.
You must also become familiar with unconventional payment methods.
Cryptocurrency, wire transfers, alternative payment processors, and so on are required
for most websites,
Fortunately, the "Resources Page" at the end of this book does the hard work for you
and recommends the vendors I prefer and have the most experience with.


I AM the master affiliate and premier endorser of Limitless Life Nootropics, which
I consider to be the #1 research chemical company in the world,

As of this writing they are the only research company to offer independent 3'd-party
testing and verification, issuing certificates of authenticity (COAs) on nearly all
of its materials including peptides, small molecules and various other research
chemical products.
When visiting their website, always use the code Jayl5 to take 15o/o of your pur-
chase where applicable.
ln order to purchase their special VIP peptides like Tirzepatide, Tesamorelin,
Melanotan 1, Semaglutide and now Retatrutide, you must first become a member
of my FREE JayC VIP lnsiders CIub.

#3 - You must be in good financial standing if you desire to use these advanced ergo'
gens consistently over the course of your life.
Broke people should not apply.
Most of these compounds are not unreasonably expensive but they are not cheap either.
lf you plan to keep using them beyond a 30-day period, having the means to afford them
is the most prudent strategy.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

#4 - lt is best to track your usage of these compounds as many of them are best used
on an on/ott rotational basis.
I cover this extensively in my Peptides Demystified Course, but here's the gist...

-si- lr

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sTAcK YOUR pEpTtots


Most peptides can create antibody build-up after 8-.l2 weeks of use.
When this happens, it signifies the body has adapted to their use, making the peptides
no longer as effective as when they were first used.
You'll usually notice this 2-4 weeks after using peptides in the form of lower midsection
water retention.
The way around this is to use these peptides for 8-12 weeks at a time, take an 8-.l2 week
break to let the antibodies downregulate, and then use them again,
Repeat this on-and-off cycle as many times as necessary, relative to your goal(s) with
the peptides.


#5 - Peptides should be used/cycled with only ONE well-defined goal in mind.

ln case you haven't figured it out yet, 30D2S is specifically designed as a FAT LOSS book.
You will be using peptides with the explicit goal of torching body fat.
Therefore, I am being super-specific in my recommended dosage strategies and protocols
with these peptides, along with the peptides I choose.
By extension, certain peptides are not going to be covered in this book.
For more information on the complete library of therapeutic peptides for addressing a
wide range of health goals, either buy my book on peptides or purchase the Peptides
Demystified course.


It is important to re-emphasize peptides are best used for specifically defined

goals, rather than as a scattershot approach attempting to solve numerous per-
ceived health issues.
ln the context of this book, supreme fat loss is the major overarching goal
for everyone.
This means you aren't attempting to gain muscle, which can only happen when
you are eating in a caloric surplus.
You aren't in a healing mode either, which requires a complete overhaul (higher
carb consumption + more water intake + more sleep + less cardio),
This isn't to say you can't use a micro dose of BPC-157 or TB-5OO if you need to
heal a minor injury while in a fat loss phase.
However, healing is always better in the presence of increased carbohydrate/calorie
intake to rebuild soft tissue and support soft tissue strengthening.
Which means if recovery is currently your #1 priority, you don't want to be in the
middle of an extreme fat loss program.

#6 The Advanced level compounds, especially peptides, work best when you are
hormonally optimized.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

This is the final but most important point to mention before I roll out the list of my rec-
ommended compounds for Advanced level dieters.
Hormonal optimization is what sets the foundation of your biological system.
Without a proper functioning and optimized endocrine system, peptides are like a plastic
knife attempting to cut through a 32-ounce bone-in ribeye,
Consider them all sizzle and no steak.
Let's go over what hormonal optimization actually looks like:

' Your "natural" lifestyle habits are already in place - intense training, extended fasting,
and consistent cardio being done correcily over time

'Your bloodwork is fully done to establish a baseline and see where you may be
deficient (go to privatemdlabs.comfiayc and use code JayC tor 15o/o off)
An unhealthy person should not expect to get the same results as myself or Hunter, as
we both have been at the peak of hormonal health for years.
These agents are awesome, but they are not magic bullets.
Without further ado, here are my recommended Advanced level supplements for 3OD2S.

Agent Nicotine Gum

nicotine for many years in the
I have used
form of chewing gum.
Contrary to popular belief, when used cor-
rectly (outside of cigarettes and tobacco),
nicotine is not addictive.
When combined with thousands of other
carcinogens and addictive compounds,
nicotine appears to be addictive in the
context of smoking or chewing tobacco.
Nicotine is a powerful appetite suppressant, and when used in precise micro-dose quan-
tities it will enhance our focus while lowering our hunger cravings on fasting days.


Whot it does:
When you chew nicotine gum, nicotine is released into the mouth and absorbed into the
bloodstream through the lining of the mouth,
From there, it travels to the brain, where it binds to nicotine receptors and releases neu-
rotransmitters like dopamine, which creates feelings of pleasure and reward.
By increasing adrenaline and dopamine signaling, nicotine reduces the activity of the
digestive system and increases BMR (basalmetabolic rate), with both effects combining
to reduce feelings of hunger.
It can also acutely reduce the sense of taste and smell, thereby decreasing the pleasure
associated with eating.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

With nicotine coming highly recommended in my prior two fat loss books, it should be
no surprise to see it make a return here.
We have the appetite suppression to go for longer periods without food.
We have a reduced mental attachment to food, which lowers our cravings.
Add on nicotine's focus-promoting effects and we can lock in on important tasks without
being distracted by hunger pangs.
The mere act of chewing gum is helpful in maintaining alertness and lowering stress levels!

Dosoge ond timing:

I recommend using nicotine gum in the late morning.
It doesn't have the same negative effects on sleep as coffee, but in my experience it will
help push past the initial hunger pains when you are 12-16 hours or deeper into your fast.
From personal experience, I recommend first-time users start with a microdose.
I personally break a 2 mg piece of gum into 4 smaller parts and take 0.5 mg of nico-
tine at a time.
This approach helps me observe the same cognition-promoting and appetite-suppressing
effects as a 4 mg dose, but without any dizziness or habit-forming effects some people
claim to experience from nicotine.
But some people are different and can easily chew a piece of 2 mg or 4 mg nicotine gum
without any side effects whatsoever.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

Either way, I encourage people to experiment and see where their "sweet spot" is between
the positive benefits and the potential unwanted side effects.

Where to buy:
You can find nicotine gum for cheap at pretty much any drug or grocery store without
needing a prescription.
The company LUCY is also recommended by several biohackers due to their nicotine
gum's unique "chew and park" mechanism.
You chew a piece of gum 10 times, park the gum between your upper right/left gum and
lip, and let it stand there so it exerts its dopamine-stimulating effects.


One major detail l've always forgotten to disclose with nicotine gum is you cannot
use it like traditional chewing gum.
The instructions will differ between brands but the general approach is the same.
You chew the piece of gum a few times, and then you park it between your cheek
(usually your upper right/left gum) and your lip.
You let it stand there until you feel the stimulation of enhanced dopamine ("buzz"
effect), which is a sign the nicotine is being absorbed into your bloodstream.
Once the enhanced stimulatory effect is gone, you can choose to repeat the process.
Chew a few times again to release more nicotine and re-park the gum between
your gums and cheek, rinsing and repeating until you no longer feel the effect,
lf you've ever used the ZYN nicotine pouches now popular in the usA, you know
how this process works,


Agent lnjectoble L-Cornitine

lnjectable L-Carnitine has gained popularity in recent years within
the underground biohacking and bodybuilding communities.
L-Carnitine has been used for decades as a standard health
supplement, but recent discoveries have shown it to be much
more effective and bioavailable when injected,
L-Carnitine is a jack-of-all-trades fat loss compound one can use
to help with appetite suppression, lipolysis, enhanced cognition,
and a host of other health benefits.
I did not use it for 30D2S, but Hunter Williams used it every
day when he ran the program and swears by it as a staple in
his routine.
Having personally used it for years, he's going to share the ins and outs of this uncon-
ventional compound with you.

Whot it does:
L-Carnitine is a naturally-occurring molecule with an important role in energy metabolism.
Without getting too deep into the weeds of biochemistry, L-Carnitine helps transport
fatty acids into the mitochondria, thus allowing the body to burn more fat as fuel.
When L-Carnitine levels are low, the body may have difficulty using stored fats for energy.
This often leads to fatigue, decreased performance, and a higher risk for various
disease states.
On the flipside, when we raise L-Carnitine levels in the body via injection, it helps to
increase energy levels, improve athletic performance, and enhance fat burning.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

During our 30-day protocol, we want to prime our body to shred as much stubborn body
fat as possible.
L-Carnitine helps enhance lipolysis (i,e. breaking down triglycerides into fatty acids and
glycerol), allowing us to burn our body fat stores as energy.
This speeds uB our metabolic rate while accelerating our rate of fat loss.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

On top of a noticeable nootropic effect in the form of improved mood and focus, L-Carnitine
may one day be used as part of a holistic approach to improve free testosterone levels
in younger individuals who are not hormonally optimized.
Many biohackers report more energy in the gym, along with increased vascularity and
pumps when L-Carnitine is used in close proximity to a workout,
Finally, L-Carnitine is extremely beneficial for mitochondrial health and this in turn
enhances cellular health as we age,
To make a long story short, L-Carnitine supplementation helps prime our body to lose
the maximal amount of fat possible while following 30D2S.

Dosoge ond timing:

L-Carnitine is best taken before fasted cardio in the morning.
Hunter recommends starting at 250 mg per injection before fasted cardio, titrating up
to 500 mg per injection to assess tolerance.
The best method of delivery is lM (intramuscular) injection with anything from a 28-gauge
to 3l-gauge insulin needle.
You can use L-Carnitine every single day, so it won't take you long to find your individ-
ual sweet spot.
You can also use it before resistance training to enhance energy and fat metabolism.
As an alternative approach, it is recommended by select biohackers to use 60-90 grams of
fast-digesting carbs when dosing your L-Carnitine to maximize the effects of its absorption.

Where to buy:
Technically, since it is an injectable supplement, L-Carnitine has to be sold as a
research chemical.
There are numerous research chemical websites selling L-Carnitine, but Hunter recom-
mends purchasing from Amino Asylum (use code HUNTER2O for 20o/o oft).


Agent Tirzepotide
The GLP-l (Glucagon-like peptide-l) and GIP (Glucose-dependent
insulinotropic polypeptide) receptor agonists are all the
rage these days.
I can attest without hesitation the hype around them is very real.
When I say this book couldn't have been written even 3 years
ago, one of the primary reasons is access to these dramatic fat
loss medications.
They are unlike anything available in the world of fat
loss compounds.
I AM grouping Tirzepatide and Semaglutide together because
you really only require the use of just one of these medications
(preferably Tirzepatide for its GIP-targeting properties).

Chopter 3:The Drugs ond Supplements


As of the publication of this book, the healthcare industry is beyond excited for
what is being heralded as the potential successor to Tirzepatide and Semaglutide.
Manufactured by Eli Lilly, the same company behind Tirzepatide, this drug is known
as Retatrutide and is a "triple threat" to obesity.
Not only does it target GLP-l and GIB it also targets glucagon and therefore results
in a more direct effect on increasing metabolic rate.
The Phase 2 trial results were very recently revealed and no other weight loss
drug in history comes close to doing what it does.
A24o/o reduction in body weight at 12 mg weekly over 48 weeks compared to a
placebo is literally unheard of 1+3970 for I out of 4 people taking this dose).
It's also important to remember the cohort patient population group receiving these
outstanding results were co-morbid (i.e. diabetic, obese and/or insulin resistant).
As former healthcare executive Jason Horowitz informed me in an interview,
Retatrutide in combination with high protein intake and resistance training could turn
the entirety of America's unhealthy population into one of good health in 2 years.
Now imagine its effects on biohackers and many of the people reading this
book who are already living insulin controlled and on their way to becoming
As luck would have it, Limitless Life Nootropics now has a research chemical ver-
sion of Retatrutide and has sent it my way,
I will be experimenting with the optimal dosage protocol for all patient population
groups in the very near future.
Once I have a month of results with Retatrutide, my team will be publishing a
MONSTER article on my website containing everything you could possibly desire
to know about this earth-shattering agent.
It is my professional opinion this medication has the ability to profoundly change
the fat loss industry.
Subscribe to my email list and keep a close eye out for more on this compound
from yours truly!


The appetite suppression and blood sugar regulation both compounds provide is profound.

They are now the default weapon of choice for torching body fat regardless of age or fit-
ness level, and are definitely "must use" peptides at the Advanced level for losing weight.
It is important to state there is no denying how much easier it is for an obese person
to drop 150 pounds in record time when using Tirzepatide within the context of health
and longevity.
And as you'll see later, doctors like Peter Attia are dead-wrong when they fear-monger
about how these drugs cause record levels of lean muscle tissue loss.

Whqt it does:
Tirzepatide and Semaglutide activate the GLP-l receptor, which mimics the effects of the
GLP-l (glucagon-like peptide-l) hormone.
This leads to decreased insulin secretion from the pancreas, increased glucagon secretion,
slower glucose release from the liver, and decreased appetite.
All of these mechanisms combine together to result in better blood sugar control and
enhanced lipolysis (i.e. fat burning).
Both medications have demonstrated efficacy in lowering blood sugar levels in people
with Type 2 diabetes in clinical trials.
They also help to improve glycemic control by reducing fasting and postprandial
glucose levels.
As for the weight loss aspect, the biggest benefit provided by both medications is the
feeling of satiety and appetite suppression.
Combined with delayed gastric emptying, these drugs can make it very difficult to eat.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements


There are some differences between both Semaglutide and Tirzepatide I must lay
out in this book.
While both medications target the GLP-l receptor, Tirzepatide (as a dual-agonist
agent) also targets the GIP receptor at the same time.
This leads to significant differences as confirmed by my own experience, Hunter's
experience, my VIP Mastermind clients' experience, the experience of the people
in my Fully Optimized Health membership group, and the results of numerous
clinical trials.
Tirzepatide is more efficient at lowering blood glucose, leads to greater reductions
in HbAlc (blood sugar) levels, and - most importantly - leads to way more fat loss
when compared against Semaglutide over an equivalent time period.
Unlike Semaglutide, targeting the GIP receptor allows Tirzepatide to selectively
increase lipolysis.
Additionally, l've also noticed Semaglutide has a slightly more unfavorable side
effect profile.
While it can cause nausea and a flushing sensation immediately post-injection,
I have not noticed this or any other unwanted side effects with Tirzepatide use.
The one noticeable side effect of Tirzepatide is smaller and more regulated
bowel movements.
But this one minor "issue" is a welcome addition to anyone desiring to lose body
fat in the quickest and most efficient way possible.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

GLP-l receptor agonist peptides are true difference makers for anyone desiring to repro-
gram their mind and metabolism, especially as it relates to dealing with the hunger pangs
and uneasiness that come with longer periods of fasting.
Out of every fat loss agent I have used since the 1990s, Tirzepatide is indisputably the
most powerful appetite suppressant to ever exist.
For 30D2S, the usage of Tirzepatide makes fasting extremely easy.


Especially when you are 24-48 hours into a fast and all your mind can think about is food.
Both Tirzepatide and Semaglutide effectively rid your mind of cravings, allowing long
fast intervals to become a breeze.
They are also extremely effective at regulating blood sugar, further contributing to 20+
hour fasts passing by with ease.
As discussed in The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet and Optimize Your Health with Therapeutic
Peptides, the true magic of fasting is seen at hour 20 and beyond.
This is when catecholamines (i.e. fight-or-flight hormones) flood the metabolic pathways
by increasing blood flow to your stubborn body fat areas (abdominals and upper back
in men, and glutes/hamstrings in women).
Ultimately, this process aids in torching stubborn body fat away.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements


lf you have fallen victim to any of the lnternet misinformation from doctors and
fitness influencers who should frankly know better, you falsely think two things
about Semaglutide/Tirzepatide.
One, they cause the loss of muscle tissue.
Two, they cause significant rebound weight gain and/or thyroid dysregulation as
soon as you stop using them.
Dr. Rudolph Eberwein, who has been successfully using GLP-I receptor agonists
with his patients in his weight loss clinic in Miami, debunks these assertions thor-
oughly in an epic +S,OOO-word article on my website.
To summarize, it is CRUCIALLY important to perform consistent resistance & car-
diovascular training while using these medications.
At the same time, you must rebuild your nutritional habits to adhere to the prin-
ciples of metabolically flexible living described in Chapter 2.
The "muscle tissue loss" while using Semaglutide or Tirzepatide happens when
patients fail to engage in strength training and/or keep their protein intake high
(minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body weight).
And 99% of the people regaining the majority of their lost weight after they stop
using either peptide have failed to change their overall diet and lifestyle.
This is why you hear people making false statements such as "you have to use
these drugs for life or else you'll get fat again", and "you will look worse due to
losing as much muscle as fat, if not more".
It is imperative to re-clarify: if one doesn't strength train, perform cardiovascular
exercise and eat the minimum amount of protein required to maintain lean body
mass, fat AND muscle loss are likely to occur.

Dosoge ond timing:

For Tirzepatide, I recommend starting with a once-weekly subcutaneous injection of 2.5
mg while in a fasted state, specifically on one of your fasting days,


While the medical monograph says you can increase the dose by 2.5 mg every month,
in my experience this is not necessary (depending on your current body tato/o and levels
of insulin resistance).
Heavier and more insulin resistant people *may* require titrating the dosage higher to
experience similar and/or better results over time.
But most people will experience more than enough appetite suppression at the starter dose.
Semaglutide is also a once-weekly subcutaneous injection of 0.25 mg, with the dose
being titrated up every four weeks by 0.25 mg up to a maximum of 2.4 mg (which again
seems like a rather excessive dosage for anyone but morbidly obese and supremely
insulin-resistant individuals).


It is important to re-emphasize (as already stated previously and many other

times in upcoming sections of this book) GLP-] receptor agonists won't produce
maximum fat loss or behavioral change if the end user isn't willing to dramatically
clean up their lifestyle and live insulin controlled.
lf you continue to eat poorly (i.e, insufficient protein intake) and refuse to perform
resistance or cardiovascular training, your results will be poor to non-existent.
ln addition, the end user will require higher dosages of the GLP-1 receptor agonists
to receive the same effect as when they first started.
I have to mention again the dramatic physique changes Tirzepatide will induce if
used properly.
To my knowledge, it is the first drug to allow lifetime lifters who could never attain
competition-level body fat to get there with ease by adapting to the fasting pro-
tocol found in this book.

lf you're following 30D2S you can use either drug for a month, come off it for a month,
and then use it again.
But if you're following a long-term fat loss diet such as The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet,
you can use Semaglutide or Tirzepatide for 3-4 months before taking a l-month break.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

Although both are very effective for appetite suppression, the superior choice is always
going to be Tirzepatide for its GIP-targeting effect of increasing lipolysis.
And as with any peptide featured in this book, it's imperative to know how to reconsti-
tute them properly.

Where to buy:
Both of these medications can be purchased through my trusted supplier of peptides,
Limitless Life Nootropics.
ln order to purchase them, you must sign up for my FREE VIP insider club and create an
account at LimitlessLifeNootropics.com as instructed.


Welcome to the JqyC lnsider

You're obout to unlock exclusive occess


First Lost

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Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

Agent: Tesofensine
Tesofensine is hands down one of my favorite
', i 4ttNr. It is not technically a peptide, but you will find it sold
by most research chemical companies as a peptide,
Originally, Tesofensine was being investigated as a treat-
,', urrruss
^l' -t tw'os ment modality for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.

ftsllttltstltr It was eventually orphaned because it did not work

30 capsules well enough for the condition it was originally
intended to treat.
However, the subjects taking the drug experienced
profound weight loss with relatively litile side effects
despite no instruction to lose weight or follow certain
dietary rules,
ln more recent times, attention is building up around Tesofensine as a treatment for
weight loss,
But one effect people tend to miss is its profound enhancement of BDNF (brain-derived
neurotrophic factor) production, providing people with an overwhelming feeling of
positivity and creativity.
Spiritually, BDNF is a direct connection to the SOURCE (GOD) and bestows divine
creation energy!

Whot it does:
Tesofensine is a triple reuptake inhibitor, otherwise known as a SNDRI
(serotonin-noradrenaline-dopamine reuptake inhibitor).
SNDRIs block the reuptake of the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine,
and dopamine.
By inhibiting their reuptake, these neurotransmitters are available in higher concentra-
tions, which can potentially affect various brain functions.
serotonin is involved in the regulation of mood, appetite, and satiety,
Noradrenaline plays a role in energy regulation and focus, while dopamine is associated
with reward and motivation.


By regulating the levels of these neurotransmitters, Tesofensine will simultaneously impact

appetite, energy expenditure, food cravings, and other factors related to weight regulation.
Many of my VIP Mastermind members noticed food cravings were near non-existent
with Tesofensine use.
This was observed for certain types of junk foods known for derailing weeks of dietary
progress during past failed attempts to lose weight.
They also observed visceral feelings of love, happiness, focus, creativity and an improved
overall sense of well-being.
Hunter and I have experienced this too, and it can all be traced back to increased
levels of BDNF.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

Dieting may be physically easy but it is normally very taxing on the brain.
Our modern world constantly bombards us with temptations in the form of advertise-
ments to eat the best-tasting foods specifically engineered to keep us addicted to them.
Tesofensine saves the day by rewiring our brains to have fewer cravings and associate
less pleasure/reward with eating nutritionally worthless junk food.
Thanks to the positive and uplifting feelings people experience on Tesofensine, dieting
becomes easier and they can push through the periods of extended fasting with less effort.

Dosoge ond timing:

Tesofensine is meant to be used every day first thing in the morning upon awakening
while fasted.
Irecommend this timing because some people suffer from difficulty falling asleep if they
use Tesofensine later in the day.
Personally, I do not use cognition-enhancing nootropics anymore due to the drug's effects
on BDNF production in the brain.
As for dosing, it comes in the form of 250 mcg tablets or 500 mcg tablets.
Start off with the lower dose if you are a first-time user, and cycle off Tesofensine for 30
days after you use it for a full run-through of 30D2S.
Some VIP Mastermind members found 500 mcg to have a much more drastic effect.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements


ln some users, Tesofensine at 500 mcg causes sleep disturbance even when taken
first thing in the morning.
ln my opinion, Tesofensine may be reactivating certain receptor pathways in the
brain that have been turned off in users who had previously used SSRIs (selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors).
ln the users where 500 mcg causes too much alertness/sensitivity, 250 mcg is
the "happy medium" for experiencing similar focus-enhancing effects without the
sleep disturbances.

Clinical research doesn't show Tesofensine to be 'addictive', nor does it cause receptor
This means one can withdraw cold turkey without any habit-forming issues or side effects.
There are theories in the biohacking community claiming Tesofensine somehow enhances
one's sensitivity to caffeine.
For some individuals, 1-2 cups of coffee transformed from stimulating to overwhelming
if consumed alongside Tesofensine.
This may not happen to you, but just be aware of it.
I found 250 mcg daily to be my sweet spot and Hunter agrees with this observation.
As with any medication, start low and go up slowly so you can titrate your dosage based
on your unique response,
One final thing worth mentioning: while the appetite suppression and reduced cravings
associated with Tesofensine are quickly evident, the actual fat loss effects linked to
Tesofensine don't kick in until 4-6 months of consistent use.

Where to buy:
You can buy Tesofensine as a research chemical from my trusted supplier, Limiiless Life
Here is the link to buy it through their website (get 15% off your order with code JAyls).


Agent Metformin
I have been using Metformin for over 20 years
METFORMIN: Life Extension to improve overall health and longevity.
in o Bottle ln a non-bragging way, this makes me one of
the largest and earliest proponents of Metformin
use in the online fitness/longevity space.
My lO,OOo-word website article has even been

& rn.* cited by EDU (Education).

,ErH#&r{toil From this position of earned authority, I can
[le6p1pf r confidently say there is a great deal of disin-
xot rHrwcEo^t
formation circulating online about Metformin.
!rtrtg.il Most of this stems from nearly every major
study on Metformin using comorbid patient
population groups (i.e, Type 2 diabetics, insulin
resistant, etc.)
I am living proof Metformin has profound life extension qualities, and it is one medication
I absolutely can not live without.

Whot it does:
Metformin primarily works by (1) reducing the amount of glucose produced by the liver
via gluconeogenesis, and (2) improving our response to insulin by enhancing the uptake
and utilization of glucose in muscle cells,
This medication even has positive effects on our metabolism!
It decreases appetite and has been associated with improvements in lipid profiles through
the lowering of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
People also overlook the amazing benefits Metformin has in suppressing systemic inflam-
mation by improving the health of our microbiome.
Many people don't know this, but Metformin has been shown in numerous peer-reviewed
studies to increase production of Akkermansia muciniphila, a healthy gut bacteria
responsible for dramatically cleansing our microbiome.
Finally, Metformin also acts a powerful gut health regulator, which will ultimately improve
our metabolic health.

chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

Why we use it for 30D2S:

ln addition to all of the properties described above, Metformin upregulates adenosine
monophosphate activated protein kinase (AMPK) expression and increases lipolysis (i.e.
fat burning).
And on top of upregulating fat oxidation and glucose uptake, Metformin also inhibits
fat synthesis.
However, the same pathway responsible for the drug's anti-inflammatory effects also
allows it to mimic the effects of caloric restriction (CR).
To this day, CR is the only proven life-extension strategy in mammals as it induces a
metabolic shift to burn fat stores for energy.

Dosoge ond timing:

lf you are not experienced with using Metformin, I recommend starting with 250 mg first
thing in the morning and 250 mg immediately before you go to bed for a total of 500
mg per day.
During this period, you may experience some gastrointestinal distress as your body
begins to detox from cleansing the pathogens and virulent agents growing in your gut
(i.e. your microbiome).
This process can take anywhere from 5-10 days before the distress disappears.
Iwant to stress it is imperative you don't quit or give up when experiencing gut distress
as Metformin is doing its job via detoxing your microbiome,
Once you get through this period, you can begin titrating the dose to 500 mg in the
morning and 500 at night.
From there, and depending on body size, you can work up to 10OO mg in the morning
and 1000 mg at night, which is what I take on a daily basis.
You will use Metformin every day during 30D2S, but it's truly a must-use medication for
the rest of your life.

Where to buy:
Metformin is a prescription drug I recommend getting from a doctor.
lf this is not an option, you can order it online here (use code JAY15 for 15% off).


Be advised this online source is an international pharmacy, so it may take up to 4-6 weeks
to get your order delivered.

Agent: Desiccqted Thyroid

I AM a veteran user of desiccated thyroid and of the firm opin-
ion everyone should be using this medication in their hormonal
optimization stack,
A vast percentage of the population is experiencing some sort
of thyroid dysfunction in the form of either hypothyroidism or
hyperthyroidism, and oftentimes both.
The great majority have no idea and go through life with poor
thyroid function.
(NOTE - lf you want a deeper understanding of the role your
thyroid gland plays in fat /oss and muscle gain, read the article
I just linked a few senfences ago)
The thyroid gland is the "master control" regulator of our biological system's functioning.
So much so to the point where common complaints of fatigue, brain fog, weight gain
and more can be traced back to some semblance of thyroid dysfunction.
Desiccated thyroid is important for 30D2S, but like Metformin it is even more important
for overall health.

Whot it does:
Desiccated thyroid is a natural porcine thyroid alternative to other synthetic thyroid
medications like Cytomel.
It comes from pigs and contains a combination of the hormones thyroxine (T4), triiodo-
thyronine (T3),T2, and T1, which are naturally produced by the human thyroid gland,
T3 and T4 specifically play a crucial role in regulating hormones and our metabolism.
When desiccated thyroid is ingested, the T4 and T3 hormones are released into the
bloodstream and taken up by cells throughout the body.
Once inside the cells, T4 is converted into T3, which is the active form of thyroid hormone.
T3 itself has several important effects on the body.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

It helps regulate the metabolism of all three macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates,

and fats), thereby influencing how the body uses and stores energy.
T3 also affects tissue growth and development, cardiovascular system function, and body
temperature maintenance.
By providing T4 and T3 hormones, desiccated thyroid medication helps to supplement
or replace the deficient thyroid hormone levels in individuals with a malfunctioning
thyroid gland.
Supplementing with dessicated thyroid helps alleviate common low thyroid symptoms
such as fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, and sluggishness.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

ln order to maximize the amount of fat we can lose in 30 days, it is crucial our hormonal
systems and pathways are functioning optimally.
I highly recommend getting blood work to see where both your hormone and your thyroid
levels are prior to starting 30D2S.
The best place to do so is Private MD Labs, and you can use code JayC to save l5%.
Assuming your thyroid hormones are low or imbalanced, supplementing with desiccated
thyroid will improve your body's metabolic rate and make it more efficient at burning fat
and maintaining high levels of energy.
Not just throughout the 30D2s program, but for the rest of your rife.

Dosoge ond timing:

The standard dosage for desiccated thyroid is 30-60 mg first thing in the morning
(dependent on body size and your doctor's recommendation) on an empty stomach for
maximal absorption.
You will use this supplement every day, whether you are fasting or eating,
lf you want to split up your doses into two parts, take 30 mg in the morning and 30 mg
in the mid-afternoon between lunch and dinner.
4pm to 6pm should be your cut-off time for the second dose to avoid disturbing sleep.


Where to buy:
Desiccated thyroid is normally a prescription medication I recommend getting through
your doctor.
It can also be purchased from offshore pharmacies.
I recommend The Anti-Aging Store (use code JAY15 for 15% off).
The three brands I use and recommend are Armour Thyroid, NP Thyroid, and Nature Throid.

Be advised it may take 4-6 weeks for your order to get through customs and arrive in
the country you ordered from.

Agenil Tesomorelin
Tesamorelin is a GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone)
tr# peptide that stimulates the brain's pituitary gland to increase the
production and secretion of growth hormone throughout the body,
It is the most powerful peptide I have ever used for shredding
stubborn body fat in the lower abdominal area, especially for men.
As a user for several years, l've recommended it to my clients
and they have also used it with great success.

Whot it does:
When Tesamorelin is injected, it binds to GHRH receptors and
stimulates the pituitary gland to release more growth hormone
into the bloodstream.
Growth hormone plays a key role in several biological processes within the body, and in
the context of Tesamorelin, its primary goal is to destroy adipose tissue (i.e. fat cells) in
the abdominal walls.
More specifically, growth hormone promotes the breakdown of triglycerides - the main
components of fat cells - into free fatty acids, a process known as lipolysis.
These free fatty acids can then be utilized by the body as an energy source, which helps
us to burn (and ultimately lose) more body fat.
Tesamorelin has been shown in clinical trials to predominantly reduce abdominal fat,
also known as visceral adipose tissue, in individuals with HIV-associated lipodystrophy

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

(i.e. unusual visceral body fat accumulation in the abdominal region, sometimes caused
by HIV drugs).

Why we use it for 30D2S:

Tesamorelin is a powerful tool for torching lower abdominal fat, especially in a low
insulin environment.
Tesamorelin will also provide more energy for resistance training and cardio sessions in
order to increase our body's fat-burning capabilities.
Thanks to its enhancement of growth hormone production, Tesamorelin consequengy
enhances deeper sleep cycles.
Deeper sleep cycles will aid in the form of shorter recovery times and higher energy
levels throughout the day.

Dosoge ond timing:

Irecommend subcutaneously injecting 1 mg of Tesamorelin in the morning on an empty
stomach before exercising or fasted cardio, and 1 mg at night before bed but at least 90
minutes after your final meal.
You will use it on a "5 on,2 off" cycle for the entirety of the 30D2s program.
So for instance, you will inject Tesamorelin on Monday through Friday, and then cease
using it on Saturday and Sunday.
This is done to allow your pituitary gland to temporarily reboot and prevent potential
downregulation in natural growth hormone levels.

Where to buy:
The only place I can recommend to purchase high-quality Tesamorelin is Limitless Life
ln order to purchase it, you must be a member of my FREE Jay CampbellVlP lnsider Club,


Agent lpomorelin
lpamorelin is a GHRP (growth hormone releasing peptide) with
profound fat loss properties.
?ffi' Similar to Tesamorelin, lpamorelin produces a pulse of growth hor-
mone that mimics your body's natural release of growth hormone.
What is unique about lpamorelin is unlike other GHRP mole-
cules, it does not affect other hormones like prolactin, cortisol,
or thyroid-stimulating hormone.
lf you are brand new to the world of therapeutic peptides,
lpamorelin is in my opinion the best "beginner" peptide to use.
Both men and women can use it, but l've noticed it works
extremely well for body recomposition in women,

Whot it does:
When injected, lpamorelin works by selectively binding to ghrelin receptors, which are
primarily found in the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus.
By binding to these receptors, it creates a cascade of reactions in the body to naturally
secrete more growth hormone.
Additionally, lpamorelin also suppresses somatostatin, a hormone responsible for signal-
ling the body to lower its output of growth hormone.
With more growth hormone now circulating throughout the body, several beneficial
effects arise:
. Accelerated muscle protein synthesis, leading to muscle growth and repair
. lncreased breakdown of stored fat via lipolysis, leading to body fat reduction
. Enhanced tissue repair and recovery from injuries
. lmproved skin elasticity and bone density

Why we use it for 30D2S:

The growth hormone pathway is one of the most critical components of fat loss we must
address in the 30D2S protocol.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

By enhancing the body's secretion of natural growth hormone, we get more bang for our
buck from all of the training, dieting, and cardio necessary to reduce body fat.
lpamorelin is also known to increase well-being.
This is especially useful given the significant amount of time we'll be spending in an
energy-zapping caloric deficit.


This is an extensive topic of discussion in my Peptides Demystified course, but

older people (45 years old and up) are required to measure their IGF-I levels before
and after using a growth hormone peptide (-6 weeks).
lf nothing happens, I recommend considering the use of pharmaceutical-grade
human growth hormone as instructed later on in this chapter.
Due to your age, your body is experiencing a normal decline in IGF-I production,
Peptides like lpamorelin and Tesamorelin will only stimulate your natural endog-
enous growth hormone production (which in turn stimulates IGF-l production).
Peptides can't increase what isn't functioning optimaily as one ages.

Dosoge ond timing:

I recommend subcutaneously injecting 100-300 mcg of lpamorelin in the morning and
100-300 mca at night if you have never used it before,
Each injection should be done on an empty stomach, or with a minimum of no food eaten
90 minutes before and after the injection.
We do this so the peptide can better cross the blood-brain barrier, enhancing lpamorelin's
fat-burning effects.
For your morning dose, aim to inject lpamorelin before a fasted cardio session.
Like Tesamorelin, I recommend using lpamorelin on a "5 days on, 2 days off" cycle for
the entirety of the 30D2S protocol.



You will see many peptides experts recommend using CJC-1295 alongside
lpamorelin, since lpamorelin is a GHRP and CJC-1295 is a GHRH.
I recommended this approach for years before now advising people to just use
human growth hormone instead of these two peptides (more on that later), and it's
common to see peptide vendors offer both peptides in a single blended formulation.
However, I no longer recommend CJC-1295 as it causes flushing in far too many users.
ln my opinion, it is an inferior GHRH compared to Tesamorelin.
But if resources are scarce and you cannot obtain human growth hormone or
Tesamorelin, it is acceptable to use both CJC-1295 and lpamorelin in combination.
The other noticeable issue is when lpamorelin and CJC are combined into one
vial, they make reconstitution and dosage configuration difficult for most people.

Where to buy:
As with most peptides, my trusted source is Limitless Life Nootropics.
You can purchase lpamorelin from them here (get 15o/o otf your order with code JAYIS)

Agent Melonoton I
lf I was only allowed to use 2-3 peptides for the rest of my life,
Melanotan 1 (M1) would easily make the cut.

While most people use this peptide for skin tanning, I use it pri-
marily to enhance conscious awareness.
Ml has played a massive role in improving my well-being and an
even greater role in my spiritual development over the past decade,

Whot it does:
When Ml is injected, it binds primarily to the melanocortin-l
receptor (MClR).

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

MClR is mostly expressed in melanocytes, which are skin cells responsible for producing
the pigment melanin.
By binding to these receptors, Ml stimulates a series of cellular responses leading to
increased melanin production.
ln case you didn't know melanin is responsible for determining the color of our skin,
hair, and eyes.
It serves as a natural defense mechanism against harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from
the sun by absorbing and scattering UV rays, thereby protecting the DNA in skin cells
from damage.
This mechanism may be crucial in the prevention of skin cancer.
Additionally, by binding to the melanocortin receptors, Ml may help with the regulation
of appetite, energy balance, and glucose metabolism, all of which are particularly useful
when dieting.
But above all else, I AM firmly convinced Ml improves our ability to receive and
absorb sunlight.
Since we are at base essence nothing more than vibrating molecules and oscillating waves
of spiritual energy (biophotons), Ml enhances our cellular network's ability to download
the resonant frequencies broadcasting to the cosmos.
This allows us to raise our vibrational frequency, leading to greater spiritual awareness.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

I like to use Ml when dieting because it helps me tan more easily.
Darker, tanned skin allows the muscular density of a lean person to appear more pro-
nounced for photos or competitions.
Anyone who's done a photoshoot knows a tanned physique is mandatory for showing
off your body's best features.
I AM also convinced the consciousness-raising effect of Ml plays an important role in
maintaining sanity while remaining calm and centered during the 1-2 day extended fasts
often required for the 30D2S protocol.


Dosoge ond timing:

I recommend injecting Ml subcutaneously twice per week on fasting days at a dose
between 0.5 mg and 1 mg for the entire 30 days of the program.
lf you live in a very cold climate with minimal to no sun exposure, stick to'l injection a

week for consciousness expansion.

Where to buy:
You can buy this peptide through Limitless Life Nootropics, but you must first be a

member of my VIP insider club.

Agent Theropeutic Testosterone

The total analysis of therapeutic tes-
tosterone use can be found in my #1
best-selling book of all time on the
subject, The TOT Bible, and the main
navigation page on my website.
takes the scope of a powerful
600-page book with thousands of
scientific references to explain the
nuances of how to use testosterone
therapeutically and in the context of
health and longevity.
With regard to 30D2S, if you are a man,
a therapeutic dose of testosterone will make this diet l00x easier to follow and your
results will be on the same degree of magnitude.
It is not necessary, but I can assure you testosterone - used and NOT abused - will vastly
improve every single aspect of your health.
Most men over 30 years old today are suffering from a testosterone deficiency and don't
even have a single clue they are,
Neither do most doctors.
Even worse, most men have nowhere to turn as a significant number of "gurus" and
"influencers" are still selling fake and worthless testosterone boosting supplements.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

All of which do nothing except drain the bank accounts of the suckers buying them.

Whot it does:
Again, this would take a whole book to explain, but in a nutshell, testosterone confers a
plethora of positive health benefits for the male species.
It is the primary male sex hormone, yet it is equally important for females.
Some of its key functions include the development of male sexual characteristics, regu-
lation of reproductive function, maintenance of bone density, regulation of muscle mass
and strength, and regulation of mood and cognitive function.
Optimized testosterone also makes our body much more insulin sensitive, which is only
going to make the process of losing fat faster and more effective,
lf there is one hormone in the body I would say is absolutely imperative to have fully
dialed in, it is testosterone.
By supplementing with exogenous testosterone, men can experience what it feels like to
be truly healthy and see real forward progress in every area of their life,

Why we use it for 30D2S:

To put it bluntly, NOTHING you do in the 30D2S protocol will be lOOo/o maximized if you
are not already using therapeutic testosterone.
ln particular, the peptides for fat loss I recommend won't do nearly as much as they can
without the concomitant use of therapeutic testosterone.
ln fact, all of the growth hormone agonist peptides like lpamorelin, Tesamorelin and
cJc-l295 work synergistically with therapeutic testosterone.
lf your memory is sharp, you'll remember I mentioned you MUST be hormonally opti-
mized in order for the supplements at the Advanced level (and eventually the FFO level)
to work at 100%.
While testosterone improves our insulin response and helps to regulate blood sugar (both
important precursors to the fat loss process), there,s an even more important reason to
keep our testosterone levels optimized.
The #1 reason to ensure your levels are optimized is due to the role testosterone plays in
metabolic health and muscle retention.


ln order to avoid slowing down our basal metabolic rate and negatively impacting our
thyroid function, we must hold on to as much muscle mass as possible.
Muscle is the ultimate metabolic equalizer as the more we have, the more calories we
burn at rest.
ln times of an extreme caloric deficit, testosterone's anabolic signaling does the best job
of maintaining our muscle mass while avoiding any susceptibility to muscle loss.
Optimized levels of testosterone will also allow you to not feel as run down during the
parts of 30D2S when your energy levels are lower than usual.
Once you have the triple-threat combination of testosterone, Metformin and desiccated
thyroid, and combine them with the training principles seen in the next chapter, your
body will become nothing less than a fat-burning machine.

Dosoge ond timing:

Following the N-of-l rule, your testosterone dosage will be completely customized to
your state of hormonal health by an experienced progressive physician.
But to give some general guidelines from my article on the God Stack, you will generally
find yourself in one of two camps...
. Camp #1: Subcutaneous daily (or every-other-day)
injections of a testosterone ester
such as cypionate, enanthate or propionate where your total WEEKLY dosage is
between 150 mg and 250 mg.
. Camp #2: 200 mg/g of compounded trans-scrotaltestosterone cream (with a Versa
or HRT base) applied 1-2 times a day to a clean, shaven and dry scrotum.

lf you are starting to use testosterone for the first time alongside 30D2S, your best days
are ahead of you,
Your body will go through a phase of increasing the sensitivity of its androgen receptors
and the TRUE muscle-building, protein-sparing effects won't be noticeable until 6-8 months
in (although it will definitely have acute effects during the 30 days of this protocol).

Where to buy:
Testosterone is obtained via a prescription from your doctor

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

Although I do not recommend buying testosterone from'grey market'sources, I do rec-

ognize it is difficult to obtain a prescription (or to work with a knowledgeable doctor)
in many countries,
lf procuring therapeutic testosterone via gray market channels is your only option, pro-
ceed with caution.
Members of my private Fully Optimized Health membership group have full access to my
complete rolodex of health optimization doctors in the United States and around the world,

Agent Modqfi nil (erovigil)

lf creatine is the world's most rigorously studied sports sup-
plement, then the world's most studied nootropic compound
would be Modafinil.
It has a place near and dear to my heart as it was one of the
first cognition-enhancing drugs I ever touched.
'.r&(O!r0ror Modafinil has never failed to work for me and it's one of the very
few compounds featured in every single book l've published.
,MODA FINIL} Military soldiers, astronauts, finance professionals, medical per-
fioo nls I sonnel, business executives, and any other career path heavily
t00Teblot! reliant on peak mental performance is "tainted" by this drug.
(ol Cepha lof
Modafinil is now the nootropic agent of choice for college
students cramming for exams at the last minute over the
commonly used amphetamines (ex. Adderall, Ritalin), and is
even being used by their professors.

Whot it does:
Modafinil's precise mechanism of action is not fully elucidated yet, but one primary path-
way appears to be the inhibition of dopamine reuptake.
This means it prevents dopamine breakdown while increasing dopamine production at
the same time.
Everyone's experience with Modafinil is a little different, but many of the reported
effects include:
. lncreased wakefulness


. Lowered fatigue
. lmproved memory and recollection of new information
. Enhanced focus that lasts for 5-8 hours
. Heightened motivation
. Better executive function
The first bullet point is particularly prudent as Modafinil's effects tend to be stronger when
combatting a lack of sleep while tired, versus using it in the middle of the day while awake.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

Modafinil, in the context of fat loss, does not directly target any mechanism that specif-
ically promotes weight loss (or the reduction of adipose tissue): appetite suppression,
increased metabolism, upregulated fat oxidation, etc.
The studies examining the connection between Modafinil and weight loss show mixed
results at best.
While some papers find no difference, others report lower caloric intake and
reduced impulsivity.
So why bother rhentioning Modafinil?
Due to the incredible wakefulness it provides and the stronger concentration people feel
upon taking this agent, time flies by when one is fully immersed in deep work,
This behavioral change indirectly leads one to feeling less hungry and the improved
self-control makes it far less likely for someone to reach for something to nibble on.
Not unlike what people experience when they use amphetamine salts like Adderall.
Nevertheless, l've personally noticed Modafinil really helps me get "in the zone",
And as any creative knows, food does not exist when you are fully immersed in the
flow state.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements


I am no longer using cognition-enhancing nootropics due to Tesofensine now

being my main agent of choice for simultaneously increasing BDNF production
while lowering my appetite and food cravings.
However, Modafinil is still a top-tier nootropic and it continues to be effective for
me in the rare instances I choose to use it.
Some people have asked me about using Tesofensine and Modafinil simultaneously,
and the only thing I can say is to try it and see what happens.
Just don't be surprised if you find yourself too overstimulated to get any mean-
ingful work done.

Dosoge ond timing:

I always fall back on the recommendation of 50-100 mg a day taken on an empty
stomach before 10am (ideally before fasted morning cardio) to avoid interference with
nighttime sleep.
It is imperative to drink more water than usual as dehydration is a common side effect
of Modafinil.
ln some newbie users, the sudden dryness in their eyes 30-60 minutes after their first
dose is a very good sign the drug is taking effect.
Also, Modafinil must be used sparingly and for highly specific reasons as Modafinil abuse
WILL negatively disrupt your circadian rhythm,
lf you attempt to override your body's natural desire for restful sleep too many times,
your biology is going to fight back violenily and knock you out cold.
Personally, a "10 days on, 10 days off" cyclical approach at a maximum daily dose of 100
mg is the upper limit for me.
Beyond my recommended duration and dose, side effects such as dry eyes and headaches
are more prevalent as the nootropic effects of Modafinil become less potent,


Where to buy:
Keep in mind Modafinil is a prescription medication given to people who suffer from shift
work sleep disorder, narcolepsy, or obstructive sleep apnea.
However, this has not stopped online vendors from attempting to distribute Modafinil
internationally for dirt-cheap prices.
But they have a bad habit of suddenly disappearing and going out of business as quickly
as they appear,

However, ModafinilXl is one of the very few vendors to have existed for years without
shutting down (yet).
With numerous payment options ranging from fiat to cryptocurrency, additional "samples"
included with every order at no extra cost, and full refunds or free-of-charge shipments
when orders fail to get delivered to your home, many nootropic websites continue to
endorse them to this date.
Outside of this recommendation, you're on your own.
Keep searching Google and online biohacking forums to see who is still around and who isn't,

Agent: MOTS-C
MOTS-C (mitochondrial open-reading-frame of the twelve S
rRNA-C) is a mitochondrial-derived peptide (i.e.produced by the
mitochondria within your cells) people in the anti-aging space
didn't pay attention to until recently.

r One of the emerging trends has been the concept of "exercise in

a pill", whereby a natural or synthetic agent alone can replicate
the health benefits provided by regular physical exercise.
Such a discovery would benefit people who can't exercise due
to injury or other legitimate physical limitations.
MOTS-C was hyped up to be this pill when a 2015 study in mice
found the peptide could restore insulin sensitivity in muscle
tissue and slow the rate of weight gain in mice despite eating a
diet high in fats.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

And in what would be a complete shocker, studies have found the human body's endog-
enous levels of MOTS-C are significantly elevated after a bout of exercise,
Since then, this peptide - and the role our mitochondria play in regulating obesity - has
been more closely examined by curious biohackers.

Whot it does:
Mors-c primarily works by activating AMp-activated protein kinase (AMpK), which
in turn
leads to a downstream cascade of biochemical reactions impacting energy metabolism.
Secondarily, it regulates the expression of genes responsible for managing the body's
blood sugar levels.
Despite being a highly experimental peptide with very few studies in humans and animals,
there are many plausible health benefits of MOTS-C because of these two mechanisms.
There's the increased fatty acid oxidation coupled with the reduction of fatty acid syn-
thesis at the same time.
You have the improved glucose utilization responsible for elevating insulin sensitivity and
lowering insulin resistance caused by age, obesity, or high-fat diets.
(Consequently, obese people have lower levels of MOTS-C levels compared to people of
normal weight)
Then you have the enhanced mitochondrial health via elevated ATP production, which
translates to increased energy in the form of enhanced cardiovascular endurance.
Lesser studied benefits of MOTS-C include its possible link to life extension, its
anti-inflammatory properties, and its antioxidant properties,

Why we use it for 30D2S:

From my own limited use, people who are leaner and have their mitochondrial health
fully optimized do not respond too well to MOTS-C.
Therfore, MOTS-C is far more useful for fatter individuals who are less physically condi-
tioned and more inflamed.
It will be far more effective as a nice-to-have supplement than a must-have supplement,
this because it will be difficult to see to what extent it contributes direcily to fat loss.
I say

And as the only peptide in this book derived directly from mitochondria, MOTS-C will
impact mitochondrial health far more than any other featured compound.


I would recommend caution in using this agent because it has not been thoroughly
tested in humans.
Follow the N-of-l principle discussed in MFL Principle #2 (Chapter 2) and see if it
works for you.
You might notice the benefit of increased energy levels more than anything else,

Dosoge ond timing:

Again, due to the experimental status of MOTS-C, there is no universally accepted
dosing protocol.
The range of recommendations will have you subcutaneously injecting 5-10 mg of MOTS-C
anywhere between 1-3 times a week for 4-10 weeks,
Personally, I have done 5 mg every third day for a few weeks and didn't notice
anything myself.
Start at the low end of dosing with respect to amount and frequency, see how you
respond, and titrate up from there.
Regardless of which dosing schedule you adhere to, perform your injection in the early
morning to avoid disturbing sleep.
You'll most likely notice a significant boost in energy levels within the first 30 minutes
of your injection.

Where to buy:
Limitless Life Nootropics is my recommended vendor for MOTS-C.
You can purchase it here (Don't forget to save 15% with code JAYIS).

Fully F*kkn Optimized (FFo) supplements

Since we've covered all of the supplements at the Basic and Advanced levels, it's time to
lf the Beginner level is "have to have" and the Advanced level is "nice to have", the FFO
level is "l want to look like Skeletor".

Chopter 3:The Drugs ond Supplements

At this stage in your evolution of pursuing the ultimate physique and the highest level
of fitness, you are now in the "throw in the kitchen sink and do whatever it takes" phase.
These supplements are not necessary to complete 30D2S but they are the icing on the cake.

Depending on your starting point, these agents will push you down into the low extremes
of single-digit body fat percentage as a man (5-7o/o) or a woman (11-13%).


Not only are women incapable of reaching single digit body fat percentages, but
I will emphatically state you do not wish to go there,

There are evolutionary and biological reasons why women have higher body
fat relative to men, which have to do with optimal reproductive/sexual and hor-
monal health.
Furthermore, there are gender differences in fasting between men and women I

talk about in The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet.

While the minimum fasting window is between 16-20 hours for men, it's 12-]5 for
women (although both genders can go beyond this).
Also, women will have lower plasma glucose concentrations if they fast as long as
men, have slower metabolisms in response to periods of food scarcity, and will
end up feeling much hungrier and moodier.
This is most likely attributed to genetic and epigenetic factors historically establishing
men as the hunter-gatherer type, whereas women were more of the nurturer type.
Women have insulin response patterning designed for more frequent eatings in
order to ensure their children are nourished adequately.
But through sheer willpower and desire, women can also extend their fast intervals
as long as men can.
l've worked with many women who can successfully fast for +20 hours, and Dr.
Jason Fung's excellent book The Complete Guide to Fasting shows fasting is
equally safe for both men and women.

Please go back to the self-assessment exercises in Chapter 1 and truly confirm you have
earned the right to use the supplements at the FFO level.


This means.
. Your diet is 1O0o/o on point
. Your training is 100% on point with respect to consistency, intensity, and technique
. Your other lifestyle habits are 100% conducive to fat loss
. You are hormonally optimized and understand what this truly means
Newbies and Turkesterone users need not apply.
You can be an idiot and use the supplements in this section as a rookie, but you will only
end up pissing your money away.
Believe me when I say l've seen this happen time and time again.
The only guaranteed outcome is you WILL NOT get what you truly want out of
these supplements.
But if you're ready to take the plunge, rest assured the advice I provide you is guaranteed
to help you carve your best physique ever.
You will learn how each tweak works individually and synergistically with the
other supplements.
You will also learn how to do everything properly and in perfect combination including
the fasting, the cardio, the weight lifting, Metformin, dessicated thyroid, Tesofensine,
Tirzepatide, testosterone, and human growth hormone.
These combinations, when followed with precision, will create an experience one can
only describe as magical.
Without further ado, let's introduce the final selection of fat loss agents for the elite to
choose from!

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

Agent: hGH (numon Growth Hormone), o.k.o. Genotropin

Up until recently, I had largely been opposed to the exogenous use of hGH and recom-
mended people stick with the peptides Tesamorelin and lpamorelin for extended growth
hormone release.
But about two years ago I acquired access to Genotropin, the pharmaceutical-grade hGH
from Pfizer.
This medication is absolutely profound and works miracles for fat loss, muscle gain,
healing/recovery, and enhanced wel l-being.
It has absolutely changed the structure of my body (and my wife's) within a very short
period of use.


Whot it does:
When injected, Genotropin binds to specific receptors called growth hormone recep-
tors (GHRs).
These receptors are found on the surface of many cells throughout the body, including
bone, muscle, and fat cells.
After binding to these receptors, a series of signaling pathways is initiated within the cells.
This leads to the activation of several downstream signaling molecules, including IGF-l.
IGF-I plays a crucial role in mediating the effects of growth hormone.
As we age, insulin-like growth factor-l (lGF-l) levels plummet dramatically and this is
linked to a variety of maladaptive health conditions such as Type 2 diabetes.
By increasing IGF-l in the body, we experience many benefits including upregulated
muscle growth, increased protein synthesis, enhanced lipolysis (fat burning), and stron-
ger bone density,
Additionally, hGH also improves features associated with youth such as skin elasticity,
hair quality, and overall well-being.
Much like testosterone, hGH is mandatory for proper adult development (especially
for males).
Keeping one's levels of growth hormone optimized while aging is of paramount impor-
tance to human health and life extension.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

Genotropin is great for everything, but in the context of 30D2S we will use it to enhance
the body's fat-burning processes.
Supplementing with a surgically precise dosage of hGH increases our body's growth
hormone levels and in turn increases our body's ability to burn fat tissue,
This is done through multiple mechanisms including lipolysis stimulation, fatty acid
oxidation, and insulin antagonism.
As a result, we get more bang for our buck in relation to improving our diet and training
during the 30-day protocol.
ln other words, surgically precise doses of hGH as we age allow our metabolic pathways
to absorb and utilize carbohydrates more efficiently,

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

For this reason, it is imperative one uses Metformin alongside Genotropin to maximize
insulin sensitivity and blood glucose suppression.
Not to mention testosterone and growth hormone in combination are synergistic to
optimizing a man's masculine power and identity.
Once your hormones are optimized with therapeutic testosterone and a surgically pre-
cise dose of growth hormone, you'll begin to experience the true magic of a harmonious
endocrine system.
The improvements in lean mass gains, fat loss, and maximalstrength are immeasurable!

Dosoge ond timing:

lf you have never used Genotropin before, I recommend starting with 1 lU (international
unit) subcutaneously injected in the morning upon awakening in a fasted state.
Avoid food consumption for 90 minutes before and after the injection.
I also recommend you stick to a "5 days on, 2 days off" cycle for the duration of the
30D2S protocol.

Where to buy:
ln most instances, and depending on where you live in the world, you must get Genotropin
from your doctor via prescription.
There are now international offshore pharmacies offering shipping to the United States
without a prescription for the savvy buyer.


Agent: Liquid Albuterol

Albuterol is a stimulant I have been using to enhance my own
fat loss for several years.
It has a massive effect on improving thermogenesis (i.e. more
calories burned), and fat loss is especially evident in the lower
abdominal area due to its unique ability to target specific recep-
tors in stubborn fat tissue.
Most people are already familiar with Albuterol inhalers being used
by asthmatic patients, who better know this drug as Salbutamol.
You can absolutely inhale Albuterol if you can get your hands on
the inhalers, but Albuterol is also found as a liquid formulation
at various research chemical companies.
Either way, Albuterol is primarily used to enhance fat burning and
improve cardiovascular endurance.

Whot it does:
Albuterol is a selective yet short-acting beta-2-adrenergic receptor agonist, which means
it will only bind to that receptor in the body.
These receptors are located in various bodily tissues, including fat cells (adipocytes).
When Albuterol binds to beta-2-adrenergic receptors in fat cells, it triggers a cascade of
biochemical events impacting fat metabolism.
Albuterol enhances lipolysis in stubborn fat receptor sites by releasing resistant fat cells
into the bloodstream, where they are burned for energy.
Albuterol also increases thermogenesis, leading to an elevation in metabolic rate and
ultimately increasing energy expenditure.
Combined with slight appetite suppression, Albuterol's effects work in unison to make
us more compliant with the 30D2S protocol.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

Even if you aren't following 30D2S, Albuterol is a phenomenal agent to use before doing
fasted cardio sessions.

Chopter 3: Ths Drugs ond Supplements

This is due to its unique ability to prioritize the burning of stored body fat for fuel in the
absence of insulin (blood glucose).
Albuterol also slightly elevates our core body temperature via thermogenesis to burn
fat in stubborn areas like the lower abdominals and back in men (for women, it's the
thighs and hips).
Combined with the increased cardiovascular endurance we get via opening up the
bronchial pathways, you'll find yourself "feeling the effects" in the second half of your
cardio sessions.

Dosoge ond timing:

Because of receptor attenuation, we want to use Albuterol on a "2 week on,2 week
off" cycle.


Albuterol, as a selective beta-2-adrenergic receptor agonist, downregulates recep-

tor sensitivity after a couple of weeks of continuous use.
As a result, its unique stubborn fat burning properties are reduced as the cells
become saturated (i.e. attenuated) and are no longer capable of producing the
intended fat-burning effect.
This is mediated by taking an equal amount of time off to allow the receptors to
upregulate (i.e. return to normal) before dosing again.
The tried and true protocol for dealing with the downregulation is two weeks
dosing and two weeks off.
There are other drugs one can use to alleviate the downregulation of the receptors,
but for the purpose of this book l'm not going to discuss them.

Since 30D2S is only a 30-day protocol, I recommend using it in either one of two ways
depending on your body fat level and goals:
Option 1 is a "one week on, one week off" protocol leading you to use Albuterol on your
first week and third week of 30D2S.


Option 2 is using Albuterol for the final two weeks of your 30-day protocol when you
desire the most stubborn fat burning.
I recommend taking between 3-6 mg before fasted cardio up to twice per day for
best results,
lf you buy the liquid formulation, simply put the liquid in your mouth and swallow (you
don't have to hold the liquid under your tongue).
It WILL NOT taste good, but none of the liquid research chemicals do.
For inhalers,4-6 inhalations usually gives you around 3-5 mg of Albuterol.
lf you have never used it before, start on the lower end of the dosing schedule to assess
your tolerance to the medication.

Where to buy:
Albuterol is found OTC as an inhaler in Mexico and various other foreign countries,
ln the USA, many research companies carry it as a liquid formulation.
I prefer the liquid version of Albuterol over the oral tablets for more precise absorption
during dosing.
lf you're using it regularly, $100-200 will get you 1-2 years'worth of Albuterol.
The best place I know of to get your hands on liquid Albuterol is Amino Asylum (use
code HUNTER2O for 20o/o oft).
I also recommend purchasing a 1 mL measured dropper to properly measure out the
correct dosage from the bottle of Albuterol you buy.

Chopter 3:The Drugs ond Supplements

Agent Rouwolscine
Rauwolscine (yes, I promise it's a real word) is an enhanced form
of the commonly used fat burner Yohimbine HCL.
Hunter and I have been using it for many years as it helps with
burning stubborn fat in the two toughest areas for men:the lower
abdomen and love handles.
we've recently gravitated towards Rauwolscine because it doesn't
have the side effect profile of traditional Yohimbine HCL.
These side effects often include nausea, rapid heart rate, anxiety,
and increased blood pressure.

Whot it does:
Rauwolscine, also known as alpha-yohimbine, is derived from the
bark of the African tree species Pausinystalia yohimbe.
It is a close relative of Yohimbine HCL and shares simirar
pharmacological properties.
Rauwolscine works by acting as an alpha-2 adrenergic antagonist,
Alpha-2 adrenergic receptors are found in various tissues throughout the body, including
fat cells (adipocytes).
By blocking these receptors, Rauwolscine may increase the release of norepineph-
rine, a neurotransmitter which plays a role in the regulation of energy metabolism and
fat breakdown.
Rauwolscine's downstream effects are enhanced lipolysis (i.e. fat burning) and an increase
in basal metabolic rate (BMR).

Why we use it for 30D2S:

Rauwolscine is great to use before fasted cardio due to its ability to increase blood flow
in the stubborn body fat areas of the lower abs, grutes and buttocks.
Similar to Albuterol, Rauwoscine increases heat exchange and makes fat burning during
steady-state cardiovascular exercise easier.


Dosoge ond timing:

We recommend using 3 mg of Rauwolscine taken before fasted cardio only, which means
NOT taking this agent on training/feeding days.

Most sellers provide this compound in capsule form and usually you will get 3 mg in a

single capsule.

Where to buy
Gorilla Mind has the best Rauwolscine available for purchase here

Agent: Phentermine

-r,tFA .
. Fonlormina


Phentermine is a fat-burning medication I have been using for the last couple decades.
It got a bad rap back in the day during the fen-phen diet craze, but when used properly
it can do wonders for fat loss.

Chopter 3:The Drugs ond Supplements


"Fen-phen" is short for the combination of Fenfluramine and phentermine.

As it turns out, the former was the one responsible for inducing heart valve disease
and killing people.
Phentermine itself had nothing to do with these side effects.
But the history of fen-phen and how the entire house of cards came crashing down
is a fascinating story to read.
lf you want to dive deep into this rabbit hole, "Fat chance" is a good book to
read about it.
This scandal could be considered as the opioid crisis of the 90s.

As with the rest of the FFO medications and supplements, I ONLY recommend using
it if you are an experienced trainee with several years of successfully using highly
advanced supplements.
Phentermine is a VERY strong and effective fat loss agent loved by old school bodybuild-
ers, and for good reason.

Whot it does:
Phentermine is part of a class of drugs called sympathomimetic amines, which work by
suppressing appetite and increasing energy expenditure.
It works to stimulate the release of certain neurotransmitters, specifically norepinephrine,
dopamine, and serotonin.
By increasing the release of norepinephrine, Phentermine helps increase alertness, focus,
and energy while also suppressing appetite.
Consequently, users experience reduced feelings of hunger and feel more satisfied with
smaller amounts of food.
Due to Phentermine increasing dopamine (the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure
and reward), you will notice reduced cravings for high-calorie foods.
And by increasing serotonin levels, Phentermine may help improve mood while reducing
the desire for emotion-driven eating, which often contributes to body fat gain.


Long story short: through the synergistic effects of appetite suppression, increased energy
expenditure, and improved mood, Phentermine makes it easier to reduce our total caloric
intake while decreasing the pleasure we get from eating unhealthy food.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

Phentermine makes a strict dieting plan much easier to adhere to.
It helps us dissociate emotional pleasure from eating the junk foods prevalent in
today's society.
It also helps take away the suffering associated with dieting by decreasing our appetite
and providing a laser-like focus so we aren't distracted by the allure of food.
On top of all these benefits, Phentermine has also been shown to speed metabolism.
Think of Phentermine as a very mild version of Adderall but without the nasty side effects.

Dosoge ond timing:

Believe it or not, Phentermine is a diet medication approved by the FDA to treat obesity.
While the daily dose is normally 30 mg, I have always split up my dose into two parts:
15 mg taken orally first thing in the morning while fasted, and another 15 taken orally
in the early to mid afternoon (1-2 hours before your second cardio session on fasting
days is best).
As with all fat loss supplements or medications, ingesting on an empty stomach (60-90
minutes without food before and after taking it) is always recommended for optimal
blood-brain barrier crossing and absorption into portal circulation.
lf you're the cautious type, start with just 15 mg in the morning and see how you feel
before adding in a second afternoon dose.
I recommend using this agent for 6-8 weeks before cycling off for an equal period of time.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements


Since Phentermine is a mild amphetamine known for stimulating the central ner-
vous system, there are potential side effects such as increased heart rate, higher
blood pressure, and headaches when used long-term and in higher dosages.
ln my experience, while there may be a mild elevation of heart rate, there are no
real noticeable side effects unless you are abusing Phentermine at 3-4x the rec-
ommended dosage.
lf you cannot get your hands on Tesofensine, Phentermine can be used as an
excellent substitute since it also promotes the release of dopamine, serotonin, and
(primarily) norepinephrine.
I have used Tesofensine
and Phentermine within the same day to experience tre-
mendous fat-burning and a heightened sense of creative well-being.
Caution is advised when doing this as one may have their sleep cycle disrupted.

Where to buy:
Don't consider this as medical advice, but Phentermine is available over-the-counter in
most pharmacies in Mexico.
lf you are able to find it at an offshore pharmacy, by all means let me know,

Agent: Cordorine, o.k.o. GW-501 516

cardarine is a relatively new agent in the research chemical scene
gaining more popularity within the last few years.
Idon't have extensive experience with cardarine, but r experimented
with it for my trial run of 30D2S and noticed an added boost to
my fat loss efforts.
My wife Monica now uses it before cardio and reaily rikes the energy
boost she gets from it,
Due to my limited knowledge of Cardarine relative to the other
FFO agents, I only recommend using this if you have many years
of experience with buying and using advanced research chemicals.


Whot it does:
Cardarine is known as a PPAR6 (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-delta) agonist.
PPAR6 is a type of nuclear receptor with an important role in regulating various meta-
bolic processes.
Upon binding to this receptor, Cardarine has multiple downstream effects within the body.
For starters, it stimulates the oxidation of fatty acids and improves the utilization of fat
as an energy source, increasing the amount of body fat burned.
It also helps enhance glucose uptake into skeletal muscle tissue, thus improving endur-
ance and performance.
And by increasing the proportion of type 1 slow-twitch muscle fibers, it enhances endur-
ance for longer cardio sessions.
l've personally noticed it increases cardiovascular density in the form of pronounced
vascularity for people who are already sub 10% body fat.
Last but not least, a little-known factoid about Cardarine is its antioxidant properties,
This means it lowers oxidative stress and may reduce the risk of some age-related diseases,

Why we use it for 30D2S:

Cardarine significantly mobilizes fatty acids while helping to burn fat as a fuel source
during cardio or weightlifting.
Additionally, I have noticed an incredible improvement in my cardiovascular endurance.
It was far easier to push through a 2nd daily cardio session without getting fatigued on
fasting days.

Dosoge ond timing:

I can't say for sure what the best dose would be, but consensus within the bodybuild-
ing community appears to be 10 mg to 20 mg orally consumed (swallowed) roughly 30
minutes before any exercise.
Simply draw out the proper amount of liquid from your bottle, drop it on the tongue, and
swallow, washing it down with water.
lf you're using the liquid formulation, you will need to get a measured dropper to properly
measure out the correct amount.

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

It should be cycled for 6-12weeks, followed by a break of equal time before doing another
6-12 week cycle (if one chooses to do so).
As an aside, some research chemical companies sell capsules with 10-20 mg doses.

Where to buy:
You can buy Cardarine from various research chemical companies, although I only have
two recommendations.
The first one is Cuerpoymente, but they only ship within the confines of Mexico.
The second one is Amino Asylum (use code HUNTER2O for 2oo/o off).

Agent Bromontone
Irecently came across Bromantane from my crose friend and the
owner of Limitless Life Nootropics Chris Mercer.
chris claimed it was more than a powerful cognition enhancer; it
could help people derive extra pleasure from doing hard things
like exercise.
Upon using it, I noticed I was super-driven and motivated to train,
tJn,hfidt Almost as if I could stay in the gym all day long without feering
like I was forced to do sol

Whot it does:
Bromantane is a psychostimulant and anxiolytic (i.e. anxiety-reducing) drug.
It was developed in Russia in the 1970s yet saw military applications in the 1980s.
Thanks to the relentless research of nootropic enthusiasts, it has gained popularity within
the United States in the last decade.
Bromantane is technically an adaptogen, which means it helps the body adapt to various
stressors by modulating several neurotransmitter systems in the brain.
We don't quite know how or why norepinephrine levels are increased, but we know for
sure serotonin and dopamine levels are elevated through reuptake inhibition.
As for its anxiety-reducing effects, these are caused by Bromantane strengthening
GABA-ergic mediation.


Users frequently report improved cognitive function, increased focus, enhanced mood,
and better physical endurance (all of which I noticed).
Paradoxically, people claim these benefits happen alongside being less affected by
bouts of anxiety.
ln short, Bromantane's cognition-boosting effects are ideal for periods where extra phys-
ical and/or mental effort are required.

Why we use it for 30D2S:

As a powerful nootropic, Bromantane will help us push through the latter stages in the
30D2S protocol when it is noticeably more difficult to gather the energy needed for
resistance training.
It helps our brain derive pleasure from intense physical exercise by offsetting the mental
fatigue seemingly" paired" with restrictive dieting as a package deal.

Dosoge ond timing:

The best Bromantane dose is 50-100 mg per day taken as a raw powder,
You dose it sublingually, i.e. you put the powder under your tongue and let it dissolve,
Most people willjust wash down with a small sip of water or electrolyte solution.
lf you're someone who is sensitive to stimulants, start at a lower dose of 25 mg and
slowly titrate upwards by 25 mg until you find the dose of Bromantane just right for you.

Where to buy:
My trusted supplier of Bromantane is Limitless Life Nootropics.
You can purchase it here (Don't forget to save 15% with code JAYIS).

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements

Agent: GWO742
Like Cardarine, GWO742 is another synthetic ppAR6 receptor ago-
nist to recently come across my radar thanks to Maxime Jean-Noel,
owner of the largest peptides distributor in Mexico.
As you can imagine, it also results in a massive increase in exercise
endurance and a noticeable boost in metabolism.
For this reason, it is unnecessary to use both cardarine and Gw0742
at the same time.

Whot it does:
Since Gwo742 also activates PPAR6 receptors in a simirar fashion
to Cardarine, the benefits are more-or-less equal:

' lncreased fatty acid oxidation, leading to greater caroric burn

' lmproved insulin sensitivity via regulated glucose utirization
' Enhanced oxidative capacity of skeletal muscles for better physical endurance
. Lowered inflammation
. Better lipid profiles

Why we use it for 30D2S:

Again, similar to Cardarine, this supplement is going to improve our endurance and make
the longer cardio sessions far easier to push through.
It will also upregulate our body's ability to burn fats as fuel and get rid of fat tissue in
stubborn areas such as the lower abdomen.
The end result is superior cardiovascular health.
An absolute must for aging men and women!

Dosoge ond timing:

Based on the extremes we've heard from various biohackers, the middle ground for
GWO742 appears to be 10-20 mg taken orally once or twice per day, usually 30 minutes
before cardio or weight lifting.


Again, simply draw out the proper amount of liquid from your bottle, drop it on the
tongue, and swallow, washing it down with water.
lf using the liquid formulation, you must have a measured dropper to properly measure
out the correct amount.
We also don't know if it's best to cycle on and off with GWO742, but if you do, try doing
an "on" cycle for 4-8 weeks before taking an equivalent amount of time off.

Where to buy:
GWO742 is sold as a research chemical by many vendors.
Cuerpoymente has GW0742 in stock, but they only ship within the confines of Mexico.
Amino Asylum also supplies GW0742 (use code HUNTER20 for 2Oo/o otf).

Chopter 3: The Drugs ond Supplements



I r

So far
we have covered two of the three
fundamental principles serving as fhe
bedrock for 30D25,

We have extensively discussed the importance of metabolic flexibility, how to calculate

your total caloric intake, how to calculate the amount of each of the 3 macronutrients
(proteins, carbohydrates and fats) you should be eating, and the right foods to select
for each macronutrient.
We also went over the comprehensive list of supplements we recommend you take at
the Beginner, Advanced, and FFO levels to achieve accelerated stubborn fat loss through
one (or more) of the following ways:
Faster metabolism,suppressed appetite, enhanced endurance, improved cognition, height-
ened insulin sensitivity for blood sugar and nutrient partitioning, optimized hormonal
profile, and overall human health,
This chapter will cover the last fundamental principle of exercise and how we are going
to train our physiology so we can best facilitate maximal fat loss while minimizing the
loss of muscle mass.
The 30D2S protocol revolves around two types of exercise: Resistance training and car-
diovascular training.

Chqpter 4: 30D2S Resistonce & Cordiovqsculor Trolning princlples

Combining them, rather than dogmatically doing one or the other, will enhance the body's
ability to utilize different fuel sources efficienily.


ln case you haven't realized by now, 30D2S is about so much more than merely
dieting and fasting.
Exercise is a huge component of accelerating the rate of fat loss and maximally
maintaining lean muscle tissue.
ln the case of the latter, physical inactivity leads to muscle breakdown regardless
of being in a caloric deficit or caloric surplus.
It's the same reason why people quickly lose muscle strength and mass with too
much bed rest, and my good friend PD Mangan talks about how prevalent this
phenomenon is within hospitals,
You see this happening all the time in people who used to be active and then
become sedentary.
While people usually increase their caloric intake when they exercise more, you
usually don't see a reduction in caloric intake with less frequent exercise,
Hence why people seem to "magically" get fatter when they stop working out.
Even if you never follow the 30D2S protocol, exercise is one of the best anti-aging
measures you can take on.
Even elite athletes live longer than the average person, showing the benefits of
exercise don't stop after reaching a certain level of activity.

Once we understand how to properly perform both, the next two chapters will ouiline
how all three pillars - supplements, diet, training - will be executed differently on "train-
ing days" and "fasting days".
Let's get right into it!


Resistqnce Troining

The purpose of lifting weights during 30D2S is very simple: Maintain and preserve as
much of our hard-earned lean muscle mass as possible despite being in an extreme
caloric deficit.
As I mentioned in Chapter 2 when calculating your protein intake, we need ample amounts
of protein in order to preserve lean muscle mass and maximal strength.
This is true when we are attempting to gain muscle, but doubly true when we are attempt-
ing to lose body fat.
I could have made the importance of retaining muscle for achieving sub-10% body fat
leanness as a 1Oth principle of metabolically flexible living (MFL), but it makes more sense
to discuss it here in the context of lifting weights.
Therefore, it's time for a quick summary of the scientific and empirical necessity of
building muscle.
lf you are familiar with any of my books or what I have written on my website, you already
know one of my core observations about human health:

Building muscle and maintaining strength are the single greatest deterrents to
ffie drseases brought on by aging.

Possessing a lean muscular body is not just about vanity and impressing people when
you walk outside with your shirt off.
Study after study after study clearly demonstrates the indisputable link between having
more lean body mass and living a longer, healthier life (the same goes for strength as well),
More muscle tissue also leads to greater insulin sensitivity, better mitochondrial function,
a lower chance of being prone to injuries, and a higher basal metabolic rate at rest.
All of these benefits work together to help you avoid fat deposition and insulate your
physical avatar from cellular inflammation.
So with the WHY out of the way, the next logical step is to understand the science (i.e.
the HOW) of building muscle.
The most effective way to amass and keep lean muscle tissue is to consistently train to
positive muscular failure (PMF).

Chopter 4: 30D2S Resistonce & Cordiovosculor Troining princlples

Ialready created an entire video course focused specifically on this training modality in
March 2022, and wrote an article summarizing the six key principles of PMF.
Rather than rewrite ad nauseam the content from those two resources, I AM giving you
the high-level summary of the optimal way to train with weights,
I highly encourage you to read the article and purchase the course if you truly desire to
understand the ins and outs of PMF training.

Whot is PMF Troining?

PMF can be defined as the state achieved during the execution of a training set where you
are unable to perform the lifting portion of a weighted movement (i.e, concentric phase
of a lift) without sacrificing perfect technique/form, getting assrsfan ce from a machine,
having a spotter help you, or resting,
ln other words, we are blasting a targeted muscle to total and complete exhaustion.
PMF is separate from COMPLETE muscular failure, which also includes the failure to per-
form the eccentric (lowering) part of a weighted movement,
No flailing, cheating, or destabilizing your body from the machine/movement.
lf you can't do it, you can't do it.


By re-organizing your entire training philosophy around PMF and following its concepts,
you will naturally develop a leaner, stronger and more muscular body,


Similar to how I went through every type of diet before discovering metabolic
flexibility, it took me a long time to eventually discover and optimize PMF training.
Bulgarian, German Volume, Stronglifts, Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty... I used to
change my programming every two months to experiment with the best training
methodologies the world had to offer.
But thanks to discovering PMF, there is no more desire to experiment as PMF over
time is unrivaled.
Nothing will produce bigger and stronger muscles than PMF-style training.
Done correctly, you will walk out of the gym with a 15-20 minute high.
2 working sets when performed with correct technique and maximum intensity is
all you require to build a world class physique.

To hash out PMF even further, here are those concepts laid out in detail.,.

Concept #l: You MUST learn the perfect form, technique, and cadence (i,e. speed
of your liftlng) necessary to maxlmize the muscle-buildlng benefits of each exer-
cise you pertorm.

The sad truth is 99o/o of gym-goers have no idea what they are doing when lifting weights.
They rely on ego and momentum to prove they can lift more than everyone around them.
The single greatest enemy to making progress year-after-year is allowing your own
monkey mind to dictate the flow and speed of your muscular contractions.
ln the context of progress, I AM referring to how much you lift AND how you look in the
mirror naked.
lf you're the type of person who speeds through every rep and set, using momentum to
jerk the weights and create the illusion of lifting heavier numbers... STOP!
You are not your favorite fitness influencer.

Chopter 4: 30D2S Reslstonce & Cordiovosculor Trolning prlnciples

You are unlikely a professional bodybuilder with elite genetics.

Therefore, you must perform each exercise with the FULL range of motion (ROM) instead
of doing half-assed partial reps with terrible form.
You do not contort your body or compromise your joints to get one more imperfect rep in.
When you can no longer perform another rep with PERFECT form, the set is over,
Your lifting is done.

Concept #2: Maximal muscle fiber recruitment and contraction of the target muscle
is mandatory for every rep of every set.

This is the secret to performing each exercise at the highest intensity possible.
It is also the safest way to avoid overloading your joints and damaging your bones.
Unless you maximally contract your muscle fibers and train your brain to recruit more of
them over time, you will never build muscle.
Doing so is what ultimately improves your body's neuromuscular efficiency.
Your body will have to adapt to this newfound stress by building the most amount of
muscle genetically possible.
With maximal muscle fiber contraction and perfectly controlled reps with proper form,
you are one step further to forging your physique to its maximum capacity,

Concept #3: Time under tension (TUT) is a lifelong training skiltyou MI|ST master
for optimal muscle growth.
TUT can simply be defined as the amount of time under load in which your muscles are
maximally contracting.
The longer your TUT is during a set, the more work you wilr perform.
This leads to greater adaptation to intense training and the most amount of muscle pos-
sible (relative to your genetics).
lf we want to maximize TUT during a set while following the first two concepts of pMF,
it means several things.
First, we must lower the resistance and use a weight we can strictly control yet vigorously
engage with at the same time.
Don't get your ego crushed just yet!


Slowing your movements down by just a few seconds can make a big difference in how
much muscle and strength you build.
Do this correctly, and you can build up the same amount of muscle mass with lighter
weights compared to "faster" reps with heavier weights.
Second, we will not be able to increase TUT without intense mental concentration and
complete elimination of all external distractions.
Because logically, achieving a higher TUT necessarily means we have to focus even harder
on feeling the correct muscle fibers and contracting them as hard as possible.
An easy-to-remember acronym I use to help myself and my clients optimize TUT is VCC
(Visualize, Concentrate, Control).
VISUALIZE yourself executing the movement with perfect form, seeing and feeling the
exercise before you even perform your first rep.
CONCENTRATE on nothing else but moving the weight with picture-perfect form on
every rep, contracting only the targeted muscle fibers and nothing else.
CONTROL the speed, momentum, and range of motion on every rep.,. set an intention
where YOU WILL experience the growth of your muscle elongating, stretching, and
relaxing without sacrificing form,
There's a reason why bodybuilders love lifting in front of a mirror,
When they can visually see their muscles working and pushing the weight, they focus
even harder on the targeted muscle group(s) and end up generating more strength,
Another way to apply the rule of "Less is MORE" principle!

Concept #4: Maximalmuscle hypertrophy is best achieved through higher rep sets
and shorter rest periods between each set

Chqpter 4: 30D2S ReslstoncE & Cordlovosculor Trolnlng prlnclples

Regardless of whether you are an inexperienced newbie lifter or an elite-level bodybuilder

following 30D2S, everyone is required to train in a higher rep range.
We'll get into the science of this shortly, but the best way to build muscle is to train in a
rep range where the muscles will experience PMF (Positive Muscle Failure) somewhere
between 20-25 reps.


And our rest periods will preferably be 60 to 90 seconds between sets.

Yes, this is mostly a direct contradiction to all the strength and weightlifting coaches who
insist you MUST train within the 1-7 rep ranges in order to build muscle.
Put another way, we are escaping from the modern dogma of low-rep sets and long rest
periods to achieve muscle hypertrophy.
And we are going to stop fixating obsessively on a specific number of sets, reps, or
weights lifted.
Unless you are genetically elite (i.e. with the right anatomical structure and size), you're
not gaining a lot of muscle by staying in the 3-5 rep range.
From now on, you are no longer focusing on heavy compound movements that take a
massive toll on the central nervous system.
lnstead, you are focusing on overloading the muscle and underloading the joint.
We will use mode rately heavy weights our bodies can control with perfect form.
We will go to positive muscle failure and force our bodies to build muscle by pushing
ourselves to our absolute limit (within reason).
And we will rest in between sets for just the right amount of time in order to build more
muscle mass and put our bodies in a more anabolic state.
Again, higher reps are going to give us the best muscled physique while also avoiding
injury as we age.
There may be some small sacrifice in the amount of strength we can build with this
approach, but our ultimate goal in 30D2S is maximizing fat loss and maintaining skel-
etal muscle.
When we compensate for lower loads by going to PMF, we end up building the same
amount of muscle as when we use heavier loads.
TL;DR = high-rep sets with minimal rest periods will allow you to train in the easiest, most
enjoyable, most effective, and most injury-free way possible.

Chopter 4:30D2S Reslstonce & Cordiovosculor Troining principles

sPEctAL NorE
As we age, avoiding injury is the most important thing we can do,
Upon becoming injured in our 40's, 50's, and 60's, recovery takes much longer
and this effectively keeps us out of the gym.
Staying out of the gym for longer periods of time will rapidly decondition the
musco-skeletal system and allow for fat deposition in unwanted areas.

Concept #5: Unless you target all three primary energysysfems simultaneously,
you will not realize the full fat-burning or muscle-building capabilities of resis-
tance training.

Another fundamental problem with the "low rep" crowd is their training methodology
does not allow the trainee to fully tax the body's three different energy systems.
This is a new concept for even the most experienced among us, so let me explain by
demonstrating how a single set of PMF will target each system depending on the rep
range we train in.

Energy System #l: Anoerobic Aloctic

Also known as the'Adenosine Triphosphate Phosphocreatine (ATP-PCr)" system, here
we are dealing with high intensities and short durations.
During the first l-5 reps of an exercise (-10-15 seconds), the body relies almost exclu-
sively on the ATP-PCr system to provide immediate energy for short bursts of intense
muscle contractions.
Without getting too deep into biochemistry, ATP is broken down into energy for muscle
contraction, and then phosphocreatine is broken down so ATP can be regenerated.
This cycle is highly efficient but has limited energy stores.
Past the lS-second window, the body must tap into other energy systems for the addi-
tional ATP production it needs.


Energy System #2: Anoerobic Loctic

Also known as the "anaerobic glycolytic" system, here we are dealing with medium-to-high
intensity and slightly longer durations.
During reps #6-12 of an exercise (-30-90 seconds), the anaerobic system takes over just
as the ATP-PCr system starts losing steam.

Again, we're going to keep the biochemistry as simple as possible: Glycogen gets con-
verted to glucose, which then requires 2 ATP molecules via a process called glycolysis.
Glycolysis will generate 4 ATP molecules, pyruvate, and hydrogen ions (which make the
muscle more acidic).
Lactate is formed by the binding of pyruvate with the hydrogen ions to lower muscle
acidity, and its accumulation leads to the "burn/pump" sensation we feel in the muscles.
While this energy system is much slower at making ATB the upside is energy production
can be sustained for much longer compared to the ATP-PCr system.
However, this system will reach its end point due to its anaerobic nature.
It will lack the oxygen it requires to continuously synthesize ATP and break down pyruvate.

Energy System #3: Aerobic Energy

ln this third and final energy system, we are dealing with low intensities and long dura-
tions (i.e. endurance).
During rep #15 and beyond (-90 seconds minimum), the aerobic system will take over
just as the anaerobic lactic system starts to run out of oxygen.
This is where the body starts relying on the oxidation of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
to produce ATB but this cannot happen without the presence of oxygen.
The biochemistry here gets increasingly complex and involves more chemical reactions.
ln short, this system will generate a total of 38 ATP molecules from one glucose molecule
(versus 2 ATP molecules for the anaerobic lactic system), but it will happen at a much
slower pace.
But by ensuring adequate oxygen supply, we can enhance nutrient delivery for energy
production and muscle repair throughout the body.
This in turn eventually leads us to the promised land of muscle hypertrophy.

Chopter 4: 30D2S Reslstonce & Cordlovosculor Trolning prlnclples

And thanks to the burning of fats (i.e. lipolysis), we can amplify the amount of fat burning
we get from weightlifting while simultaneously increasing muscle definition.
As you can see, PMF has us training in a high rep range to failure so we can tax all three
energy systems and build muscle in the most effective way possible.
However, many people only train the first two energy systems.
This causes them to plateau in their body composition results as they don't get blood
oxygenation via tapping into the aerobic energy system.
It's no wonder why the same people who fail to make any progress in the gym are the
same ones who are locked down by a 5x5 or 3xl0 multiple rep/set methodology.
lf you're a scrence geek like me who REALLY wants to dive into the intricate
scaence of each energy system, this four-parf seres - Part l, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 - wilt
safiafe your reading desires)

Concept #6: lf you master the brutal training intensity needed to properly fottow
PME two working sefs are all you require to get real results.

So let's put everything together we've learned so far:

' Perfect form and cadence (i.e, removing the ego from choosing heavier weights)
without any jerking or momentum
. Maximal muscle fiber recruitment and contraction
. lncreasing time-under-tension
. High-rep sets combined with short resting periods
. Taxing all 3 energy systems available to the human body
lf you are able to consistently train following all 5 concepts listed above, you'll be able
to reach a level of intensity where the targeted muscle can be trained to complete and
total exhaustion with only 2 working sets.
You read the last sentence correctly - just two sets.
While this revelation sounds like blasphemy to the gym bros who swear you must perform
high volume numbers of sets AND reps, this kind of training is not a brand-new discovery,
Train in-person with myself or Hunter, and you will quickly discover two sets are more
than enough.



Hunter Williams, a former Dl collegiate football athlete, used to do the heavy Big
3 lifts in the lower rep ranges for strength.
His l-rep maxes were a 585 lb squat, a 385 lb bench, and a 341 lb power clean.
Nowadays, he never goes above 75o/o of his l-rep max on any lift and there is
no reason to.
The primary purpose of PMF is to look better naked by losing the most amount
of body fat possible.
Of course, newbies can definitely make strength gains while training in PMF fashion,
but strength is a secondary goal in the context of 30D2S.

Jay Cutler, four-time Mr. Olympia winner, used to do 25-30 ass-to-grass (ATG) squats
using only 185-225 pounds.
(NOTE - Anybody who can do 20-25 AIG sguafs in a single set with 225 pounds is strong
AF and does not have to "prove" themselves to lnternet bros with 415 pounds for reps)
And he never used anything heavier than 100 lbs with dumbbells.
But it's not just him.
Dorian Yates was one of the first bodybuilders to popularize and champion the idea of
doing two working sets to failure for each exercise.
But once 1992 came around and he met Mike Mentzer, Yates'truth became riddled with error.
Long story short, Mentzer helped Yates break through a growth plateau by switching to
a SINGLE working set per exercise.
But he went beyond PMF and would do a combination of assisted reps, rest pauses, and
extra negatives until he literally could not even move the targeted muscle.
Let me be the first to tell you this type of training approach is impossible for everyday men
and women who have kids, careers, responsibilities, and a life outside of bodybuilding.
A single set to failure may work for the truly genetic elite who are maximally drug enhanced
and have the right coach advising them on hormonal optimization, rest, nutrition, etc.

Chopter 4: 30D2S Resistonce & Cordiovosculor Troining principles

But as I told Ben Greenfield, for everyone else it will only lead to central nervous system
(CNS) bu rnout/overload.
Iwould know because I built my most muscular physique in my late 30's and early 40's
using Mentzer's high-intensity training methodology of 1 set to failure.

Fortunately for the rest of the normal human population, PMF-style training will not lead
to this burnout because we are never going beyond what our CNS will allow.
At the same time, the sets are intense enough to stimulate all 3 energy systems and build
contractile proteins (a,k.a, lean muscle).
Don't knock it until you try it.
Most trainees aren't even following ONE of the five concepts belonging to the pMF
methodology, and don't even know how to train hard enough to change their physiques.
Not you, though.
Not anymore.


Concept #7: Your training must be designed relative to your age, somatotype,
goals, level of fitness/health, and lifestyle.

This is the one concept where you must have enough situational awareness to figure out
some of this on your own.
For example, an older trainee cannot recover as well as a younger trainee and has to
design their resistance training program with this fact in mind.
Therefore, their risk/reward calculation for getting injured requires more discretion in
selecting the right exercises.
An aging athlete who injures their lower back by barbell squatting (due to lack of synovial
fluid in their vertebral discs) is dealing with a very bad situation.
This bad situation can range anywhere between not training for an entire year and never
touching weights for the rest of their life due to spinal decompression.
Hence there is no reason for older trainees to be doing 315 pounds on the barbell back
squat UNLESS they are elite competitive powerlifters who have been lifting for decades.
On the flipside, I have something to say to any younger man who has been blessed enough
to pick up a copy of this book:
Your peak neuromuscular efficiency does not happen until your 4Os, and shortly after
your strength starts tapering off.
So if you're reading this in your 20s, you have 1015 solid years ahead of you to build the
best physi q u e poss i bl e.
Spend fhose years building in the gym and you can spend your 50s to 90s and perhaps
beyond maintaining.
Either way, as long as you remember to adhere to the prior 6 concepts discussed in
your training programs at all times, you can create your own PMF protocols to fit your
N-of-l needs.

Chopter 4: 30D2S Resistonce & Cordiovosculor Troining principles


As much as I applaud any man or woman who becomes a self-taught student of

proper exercise and nutrition, watching training videos online WILL NOT get you
the physique you want if you lack training experience or neurological coordination
often created by past athletic practice and performance.
the one guy or gal who managed to work themselves up to elite levels
Yes, there's
of strength and body composition without ever having to hire a coach or ask
anybody for help.
But ask the other 99,999 people how the same approach worked for them.
Each one of them will have deep regrets about not hiring a coach to figure things
out far more easily and way faster.
So if you're unathletic, uncoordinated, untrained, and have never touched weights
before, it is mission-critical to work 1-on-1 and in-person with a master of resis-
tance training.
Someone who can teach you correct eccentric and concentric movement, optimal
anatomical alignment, and proper cadence and fiber contraction.
A true master teacher who can show you all the little things which make more of
a difference than you can possibly realize.
lf you can find one of these rare souls walking around planet Earth, hire them
to coach you.
Until this day comes, the second-best option for beginners is to enroll in my Positive
Muscle Failure (PMF) Training Program and visually see how every exercise should
be performed.

outlining the Resistonce Troining protocol for 30D2s

Since we now understand the concepts forming the philosophy of PMF, let's go over some
general details about what your training schedule is going to look like.
A lot of what you must know about the specifics of resistance training will be covered
in Chapter 5.


Consider this as the high-level prdcis of what an average week in a PMF-based program
will look like.

Weekly Schedule
You are going to be in the gym 3 days a week lifting weights.
Depending on how many cycles of 30D2S it will take for the end user to drop their body fat
to their desired level, it is possible to switch "Full Body" training programs every 8 weeks.
And because we want to be as efficient as possible while in the gym, you'll be performing
two working sets per body part in the "Full Body" program.
More on both of those later.

Time Spent in the Gym

An actual PMF-style training session done properly will take you 45-70 minutes, which
amounts to 2-3 hours per week in the gym.
lf you think this doesn't seem like a lot of time, you're exactly right.
The intensity from these sessions will be more than enough to prime your body for rapid
fat loss while maintaining maximum muscle tissue.
ln some small studies (here, here, and here), much less time & volume is needed to
increase the body's energy expenditure than you think.
The name of the game with PMF is maximum fiber contraction in minimum time.

Totol Number of Exercises

Every workout session should have a total of 6-8 exercises.
lf you complete all of the programmed exercises and find yourself with gas leftover in
the tank, you are not pushing yourself hard enough.

Worm-up Sets & Reps

Before you start your first working set to PMF for any exercise, start by performing 1-3
warm up sets at 40-50% of your l-rep max (1RM) for said exercise.
You don't have to count reps.
For myself and Hunter, around 10-12 slow and controlled reps in a warm-up set is enough
to ignite the mind-muscle connection and get the body primed for high-intensity lifting.

Chopter 4: 30D2S Reslstonce & Cordlovosculor Troinlng princlples

Idon't recommend any more than 3 warm-up sets to avoid wasting energy.
For aging trainees living in very cold climates, as many as 4-6 sets may be required to
get enough blood flow through the veins and prepare for recruiting muscle fibers at
maximal intensity.

Working Sets & Reps

With each exercise, your goal is to perform 2 working sets to PMF at -60-65o/o of your
lRM for said exercise.
The first set should allow you to reach PMF within the 20-25 rep range,
The second set, if training at the right intensity, *usually* allows one to crank out 15-18 reps,

You don't have to max out on an exercise to figure out your lRM, but you should have a
general ballpark idea of where it is.



For newbies who truly don't know their 1RM, it would be helpful to estimate your
IRM for an exercise by spending a couple of days recording your lifting numbers
in a paper notebook, a spreadsheet, or even a smartphone app like Strong.
I recommend two calculators to help you reach this number.
The first one comes from CalculateRM and I would consider it the "accurate" one.
It explains the science and the reasoning behind the numbers it spits out.
Just keep in mind the formulas used were meant for powerlifters reaching maximum
strength on the Big 3 lifts (Bench press, barbell squat, conventional deadlift), and
accuracy falls off beyond 10 reps,
The second one comes from Strengthlevel and ignores the 10-rep limitation
just mentioned,
Use a mix of the results you get from both calculators to get a rough idea of what
your lRM may be.
lf you want to test this out in the gym for yourself, make sure you are using a
spotter and avoid putting yourself at any unnecessary risk for injury.
Understanding your rough 1RM not only helps you determine where you will start,
but also helps you track the improvements in strength you make over time via
progressive overload,

Our goal here is to train for maximal fat loss, functional health and aesthetics.
We are not going to the gym to become a competitive powerlifter, at least not for the
next 30 days.
lf you get more than 25 reps on Working Set #,l, increase the weight for the next time
you do the exercise.
Conversely, if you can't perform more than 15 reps on Working Set #1, lower the weight
for the next time you do the exercise.
Assuming you reached the right level of intensity, Working Set #2 should have you shoot-
ing for 20 reps but normally reaching the 15-]7 rep range due to fatigue.
lf you can get over 17 reps on Working Set #2, the weight you are using is likely too light,

Chopter 4:30D2S Reslstonce & Cordlovosculor Troinlng prlnciples

However, if you can't do more than 10 reps on Working Set #2, the weight you are using
is likely too heavy.
REMEMBER - You are aimingfor positive muscular failure with perfect form,
Newbies may have to spend a few sessions calibrating their weights at just the right
difficulty level.
But rest assured, you will KNOW when you hit the sweet spot for high-intensity lifting.

Rest Periods ln-Between Working Sets

After the first working set, your rest period will normally be 60-90 seconds long.
lf you're training with a partner or a spouse, this rest interval is normally perfect for them
to complete their set.
But don't spend time mindlessly scrolling through your phone.
Make sure you focus on recentering your breath and keeping the mind-muscle connection
sharp for the second working set.
When time is up, perform your second working set to PMF with the SAME weight as the
first working set.
Again, you perform the exercise until you can no longer do another rep without perfect form.
And as ljust stated, you should expect to get around 12-20 reps in the second working set.

Post-Workout Stretching
Always stretch and/or foam roll after your training session.
Depending on how muscular you are, actively stretching in between sets is also a good idea.
This will help you recover quicker, which ultimately aids us in the fat loss process.
We want to perform static stretches on each body part for at least 30 seconds each after
we complete our lifts AND our post-lift cardio (i.e. you do a stretch for each muscle group
worked in succession once your lifting and your cardio are complete),
I will stretch each of these muscle groups with a static hold for at least 30 seconds per
group if they were targeted during the workout, starting from the lower body and work-
ing up to the upper body:
. Hamstrings
. Quads


. Hips
. Calves
. Lats
. Abs
. Shoulders
. Triceps
. Biceps
. Chest
. Neck

Gqrdiovqsculqr Troining

ln the later chapters, you are going to see how endurance exercise is performed differ-
ently depending on whether you are on a training/eating day (Chapter 5) or a fasting
day (Chapter 6).
Unlike the Resistance Training section you just read through, there are only two principles
to adhere to no matter which day you are on.

Low-lmpoct Cordio ONLY

Hunter and I were both competitive athletes in our 20s, which meant we did a lot of
explosive and high-impact movements.
Jumping, agility training, running on hard uneven surfaces... you get the deal.
What neither of us realized at the time was how detrimental these ballistic movements
end up being to the ioints as one ages.

Chopter 4: 30D2S Resistonce & Cordiovosculor Troining prlnciples


ln my experience, a top 1% gym-goer does not require running of any form.

Excessively running over large distances on hard surfaces (i.e. anything except
for grass or sand) over a long period of time will cause issues in the hips, knees,
ankles and the foot due to the shearing forces generated.
Running is the perfect form of exercise for knee and hip replacements later in life,

Except for playing sports on a leisurely and infrequent basis, 9Oo/o of your cardio should
be focused entirely on low-impact methods such as:
. Brisk walking outside
. Stationary bike
. Stair machine (i.e. Stairmaster)
. Elliptical
. Swimming
. Rowing machine (Ergometer)
. Climber machine
. Walking hills, with the occasional hill sprint
. lncline walking on a treadmill

Contrary to what you may hear online, cardio is the icing on the cake for an exceptional
body and not the foundation.
We are not deriving the majority of our caloric deficit/burn from pedaling on the bike
for hours on end.
But don't think your cardio sessions are going to be a breeze.
IMPACT and INTENSITY are two very different things.

Understand this and you'll stop cardio from becoming a muscle-catabolizing activity.
And if nothing else, remember cardio comes with an abundance of health benefits:
increased lifespan, better metabolic health, and improved mental performance.


Amount of Cordio
There are two instances in which you should opt to do as much cardio as possible:
. You are following the 30D2S protocol at the FFO level
. You are fat

The first instance is self-explanatory.

You want to accelerate your rate of fat loss as much as possible (in a long fast window
and/or significant caloric deficit) beyond what would normally be expected.
For the second instance, people with more body fat have to perform more cardio in order
to drop more fat as quickly and efficiently as possible.
They are also in a worse state of cardiovascular conditioning and must improve their
heart health ASAP.
It is essential for heavier people to be methodical and consistent with their cardio in order
to build up their cardiovascular efficiency over time.

Chopter 4:30D2S Reslstonce & Cordiovosculor Troinlng principles



the book where you take ALL
I/rs rs the part of
the intel I've dumped on you and start to put it
into practice.

You can finally start becoming intentional about what the next 30 days will look like.
This means being crystal-clear about what we are doing on training days (i.e. eating)
and fasting days.
We'll start by digging deeper into the training days as there's a lot more to cover.
Trust me when I say things will get easier from here.
As you start to see each piece click together, the bigger picture will become immedi-
ately apparent.
You'll know what to do, how to do, and most importantly the WHY behind 30D2S.
Remember what I said in the introduction of the book:

Jay Campbell DOES NOT design programs to fail, and there ris a so/tdreason behind
every single tweak and suggestion.

No more putting this off - I AM going to divide the methodology of the training day into
the three foundational pillars discussed earlier: Diet, training, and supplements.

Chopter 5:The Troinlng Doy

Pillor #I: Diet

lf you followed MFL Principle #9 in Chapter 2,youshould already know what your BMR is.
And if you followed MFL Principle #4 in the same chapter, you already know your current
lean body mass.
We're going to require those two pieces of information in order to set up our diet for
training day.

Here, we are just calculating the raw totals of how much you are going to eat on
training days.
We're going to keep our calories on training day equivalent to our BMR, or roughly 13-15
calories per pound of body weight (i.e. to maintain your current weight),
This may seem contradictory given 30D2S is a fat loss protocol, so allow me to explain
why we're taking this approach.
Your body is a lot smarter than you think.
Within 1-2 weeks of training and dieting in a straight caloric deficit, your body will adapt
and downregulate its metabolism accordingly (i,e. resting energy expenditure goes down).
It will start producing more appetite-inducing ghrelin while producing less
appetite-suppressing leptin.
What ends up happening is your hunger levels will go way up, and yet your ability to feel
"full" after a meal will be inhibited.
As a result, all your hard work in the gym becomes progressively less fruitful because
your body will start burning fewer calories.
Most traditional diets put people in this difficult position because they follow a model of
daily caloric restriction which inevitably leads to a lower resting metabolism.
Keeping it continuously low sets us up for unwanted weight gain as our body becomes
more inefficient at burning calories.
But none of this changes the basic laws of thermodynamics.


We still must put ourselves in a caloric deficit in order for any kind of weight loss to happen.
So how do we solve this dilemma?
By manipulating our metabolism, i.e. eating more calories on days with higher physical
activity and fewer calories on days with lower physical activity.
ln the context of 30D2S, we eat at a caloric deficit on fasting days (or not at all), while
eating at caloric maintenance or just slightly above it (depending on your somatotype)
on training days.
Anyone who is even casually involved in the world of fitness will recognize this approach
as "calorie cycling", where the higher calorie consumption on training days is effectively
a programmed refeed (mostly through carbohydrates to preferentially refill muscle gly-
cogen stores, as you will soon see).
The refeed will force your body to upregulate your metabolic rate and your thyroid hormone
levels, which increases metabolism to compensate for the additional food you are eating.
ln effect, this alternate-day fasting strategy allows us to achieve two things:
1 - Refuel our muscle
glycogen stores, allowing our muscles to use glucose for energy
and therefore power us through intense resistance training.
2 - Prevent catabolism (muscle loss) due to the lower caloric intake on fasting days.
Charles Poliquin's signature quote of "you get your carbs when you deserve them" is
equally applicable to calories.
But here's the key to making this work for fat loss:
When you look at your overall WEEKLY caloric intake, you will still be in a caloric deficit
when you add up the calories you ate over all 7 days (i,e, the sum will be lower than your
BMR multiplied by 7).
This is why we can still end up losing fat on a weekly basis despite having days in the
week where we are eating at maintenance.
Your protein intake will be whatever you calculated in MFL Principle #9 in Chapter 2.
As a quick recap: you are eating 1 gram of protein per pound of LEAN body weight, which
you should have already calculated by determining your exact body fat percentage.
For your carbohydrate intake, we're going to base it on your individual somatotype:

Chopter 5: The Trolning Doy

. Ectomorph - 250 grams

. Mesomorph - 200 grams
. Endomorph - 75 grams or less, 100 grams at maximum
As you can see, the more muscular people get to eat more carbohydrates.
More muscle means a higher metabolic rate and more carbohydrates required for storage
in the form of glycogen for optimal training performance (therefore, more calories must
be consumed),
Furthermore, more muscle mass means higher insulin sensitivity and a better ability to
handle the digestion of carbohydrates.
Once we know our total calorie intake, total protein intake, and total carbohydrate intake,
we simply fill up the leftover calories with fats.
Let's go back to the example we used in MFL principle #9.
We have an endomorphic 200 pound man with 20% body fat who has a BMR of
2,000 calories.
You already know how the calculations are done and why we do them a certain way, so
here is a summary of what the man will be eating on training days:





. 200 lbs totol | 20%body fot = 40 pounds of fot
. 200 lbs totol - 40 lbs of fot = 160lbs of leon muscle weight

. 160lbs of leon muscle weight * I grom of protein =

l8O gramsol proteln
. 160groms of protein * 4 colories per grom of protein =
64a c.alorles hom proteln

. IOOgrams of corDs * 4 colories per grom of corbs =
4OO colorleslrom corDs


. 2,000 colories - 640 colories - 400 colories =
960 calorles lrom lats

. 960 colories / g colories per grom of fot = lO7 grams ol lat

Or in shorthand notation: 2000 kcal, P160/C100/F107

Chopter 5: The Troining Doy


You'll notice we chose the highest end of carbohydrate intake in this example of
an endomorphic man.
This is because on training days, we never want the calorie intake from carbohy-
drates to be less than 20olo of our TOTAL caloric intake on training days.
This does not contradict what I said earlier about eating fewer carbs to suppress
blood sugar and insulin if you are fatter (+20% body fat).
People with more body fat must lower their carbohydrate intake, yet they still
require a minimal amount on feeding days to fuel their resistance training.
You will clearly see why within the next few pages.

With our raw numbers for calorie and macronutrient intake established, let's talk about
how to apply this to our eating schedule.
I have been doing this for decades and Hunter is fast approaching his first decade of
field-testing these principles using a combination of science and experience,
Everything I recommend below is based on what I have seen work, or fail to work, for fat
loss in people from all walks of life.

synthesis. muscle orowth. and muscle reoair.

This is one of the few instances in life where the nerd-science and the bro-science come
together in full agreement:

' Keeping protein intake more-or-less equal across all your meals at roughly SO-45
grams of protein per meal is most optimal for muscle protein synthesis and, by
extension, maxima! muscle retention
. A steady supply of protein every 3 hours is best for muscle building AND fat loss,
which comes out to roughly six meals a day


We don't have to be so anal-retentive to the point where we find ourselves locked in the
traditional bodybuilding paradigm.
30D2S was created so you don't have to keep 42 Tupperware containers of prepped food
in the refrigerator and carry them around with you in a cooling bag (although for fatter
individuals, some degree of meal prep will make their life much easier).
However, the general principles hold true.
We must get -20-50 grams of quality protein throughout the day every 4-5 hours when
we are not fasting,
Hunter and I find ourselves anywhere between 4-5 meals per day on training days.
One must NEVER lift weiohts in a fasted state!
NOTE - Here, "fasted" means no food in the digestive sysfem for 18 hours or longer.
I havecontinually received harsh criticism for this rule from multiple fitness influencers...
before they eventually agree with me.
The #1 weak point of most fasting programs is asking people to train intensely with
weights while fasted.
When you are in a fasted state, your circulating blood glucose, amino acid stores, liver
glycogen stores and muscle glycogen stores are all depleted.
There's also the lack of synovial fluid in your joint capsules due to age and muscle cell
dehydration from long fast windows,
Therefore, your body is not biochemically primed to tap into the second energy system
(i.e. anaerobic lactic) since it requires full muscle glycogen stores.
Trying to override your biology by lifting weights in a fasted state will only lead to sub-
optimal performance.
All you end up doing is increasing the risk of serious injury and setting yourself up for
unnecessary physical exhaustion, which will carry over into the next day.
This is one of the few tenets I always keep consistent across every single fasting-based
fat loss protocol I have ever created.
The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet, Guaranteed Shredded, and now 30 Days 2 Shredz.
Maximally generating force production while efficiently contracting muscle fibers is simply
impossible with fasted training due to a lack of muscle glycogen to fuel the endeavor.

Chopter 5: The Troining Doy

I must emphasize this point because many people will have already fasted for 20-36 hours
by the time they reach their workout (due to having started their fast the day before).
My recommendation is to break your fast at LEAST 3-4 hours before your training session,
or make sure your final pre-workout meal falls within that window of time.
Hunter personally prefers getting in at least 2-3 meals before training when he comes
off a 36-48 hour fast, as only 1 meal leaves him out of steam (due to a lack of muscle
glycogen) halfway through a weightlifting session.
He likes to get his first meal right after waking up, roughly 30-45 minutes after taking
supplements, and usually opts for his favorite combination of oatmeal mixed with whey/
casein protein powder.
What's most important here is getting some fast-absorbing carbohydrates and protein
into your bloodstream ASAP.


After 6 years of using The Metabotic Btowtorch Diet, Guaranteed Shredded, and
now 30D25 for close to 6 months, I can honestly say training with only 1-2 meals
to replenish muscle glycogen levels after a 36-48 hour fast (or longer) ensures a
substandard training session.
lf you regularly fast for 36-48 hours during your 30D2S protocol (i,e. over the
weekends), plan your training later in the day to allow for 3 or more feedings in
order to preferentially refill muscle glycogen stores.
so for example, if you stopped eating on a training day at g:30pm, and then ate
nothing for the fasting day that follows (more on this in the next chapter), you
would break your fast with your first early morning meal on the next training day.
And this first meal would not be heavy (i.e. no nuts or anything greasy), but rather
something light as your stomach is a lot smaller.
Continuing with this example, if you broke the fast at 5:3Oam, you would have
fasted for 33 hours total.
It is also recommended to use fast-absorbing liquid carbohydrate sources like
Sweet Potato Powder from True Nutrition before AND during your training session
in order to best facilitate absorption of glucose for fuel,


There's a reason why competitive athletes do not train intensely in caloric deficits, short
of extreme situations where they must fall within a certain weight class.
Likewise, you don't use GLP-I receptor agonists like Tirzepatide when you are going for
l-rep maxes in the gym.
You will selectively orient your carbohydrate intake around your workout session.
Obviously, we are only training on days when we are eating carbohydrates.
And while carbohydrate consumption is relative to your insulin sensitivity, you must
nourish your body with ample clean carbohydrates to replenish muscle glycogen and
fuel intense training.
However, we are going to be very intentional with how we use carbohydrates.
Your earlier meals in the day should strive to be balanced across all three macronutrients
(protei ns, carbohydrates, fats).
But there are three meals where we are going to disrupt this balance...
Your pre-workout meal (within t hour before the gym), your peri-workout meal (during
the workout), and your post-workout meal (within t hour after the gym).
The majority of the carbohydrates you eat on training days should be consumed within
these three meals.
For those of you deeply entrenched in the world of fitness, this is the infamous approach
of "carbohydrate cycling" you've heard so much about.
Here's how this will play out in the context of 30D2S.,.
PRE-WORKOUT - grams of high-glycemic fast-digesting carbohydrates, an equal
amount of (liquid) protein, and minimal to no fats
I personally prefer a minimum of 50-75 grams of carbohydrates before the gym, but I

can get away with this due to higher carbohydrate consumption on training days as a
muscular and lean individual.
Fatter people with lower carbohydrate intakes on training days should stick to the lower
end of this recommendation.
The best sources for fast-digesting carbohydrates are cyclic dextrin powder and sweet
potato powder, both of which can be bought in bulk for cheap from True Nutrition,
Feel free to use a low-calorie liquid such as almond milk if you need to enhance the taste
and palatability of these carbohydrate powders.

Choptor 5:The Troining Doy

Likewise, whey protein isolate is your best bet for getting in a source of fast-acting proteins,
PERI-WORKOUT - 25-50 grams of high-glycemic fast-digesting carbohydrafes, an equat
amount of (liquid) protein, and minimal to no fats
out of all three workout meals, this one has the least importance.
Beginner level users and fatter individuals can choose to opt out of this, putting the
majority of their carbohydrates in the pre-workout and post-workout meals.
For Advanced level users of 30D2S and muscular individuals with more experience in
the gym, a peri-workout shake consisting of whey protein and a rapidly-digesting car-
bohydrate powder (or short-chain simple sugars) is optimal for inducing further muscte
fiber growth.
POST-WORKOUT - a minimum of 25-40 grams of high-glycemic fast-digesting carbohy-
drates, an equal amount of (liquid) protein, and low fats
Regardless of whether it is "broscience" or not, I highly recommend a shake with liquid
protein and high glycemic index carbohydrates immediately after training.
It is essential for maximally replenishing muscle glycogen stores post training.
ln fact, this short post-training anabolic window is when it is most important to refill
glycogen stores and amino acid stores.
Your body is most primed to preferentially refill muscle and liver glycogen stores, and
therefore ready to process a higher caloric intake induced by the training session's
energy demands,
Even if you don't use a shake like I do, you must have adequate post workout nutrition
within 60 to 90 minutes of training to take advantage of your body's biochemical and
enzymatic pathways.
What I like to do is have the shake as my first post-workout meal immediately after
training, and then another post-workout solid food meal t hour rater.
This second post-workout meal should be the largest one of the day.
ln short, we are:

' Keeping protein feedings high and regular to maximize nitrogen retention
' Keeping the majority of our carbohydrates within close proximity of the training session
to maximize glycogen replenishment and provide an optimal blood sugar response


. Keeping saturated fats lower within close proximity to the training to limit the amount
of fat being stored under conditions of eating at (or above) caloric maintenance
while also improving gastric emptying

Due to the importance of these three meals, we highly recommend tweaking your meal
prep around them.
Figure out the macronutrients for your pre-workout, peri-workout, and post-workout
meal(s) first.
Then, configure all of the earlier meals to have an even balance of all three macronutri-
ents where possible.

Chopter 5:The Troining Doy


lf you are over 20o/o body fat, I do not recommend eating any carbohydrates at
night (i.e. past 6pm) if you desire the fastest amount of body fat loss possible
within 30 days.
You should only stick to dark leafy green vegetables for trace amounts of carbo-
hydrates, getting the rest of your calories from protein and fats.
I recommend this for the purpose of insulin control.
Yes, I AM fully aware many people will say this tactic is thoroughly-debunked
But actually, the nerds who claim "the science is settled" are missing something
called context.
Especially when it comes to dealing with fat, insulin-insensitive and highly inflamed
people (i.e. 50% of adults in North America).
Not eating starches or higher glycemic foods after 6pm is an effective tactic for
fatter people with poor insulin sensitivity who require harder limits on what they
are allowed to eat and when.
ln fact, there's a new emerging micro-trend within the fasting space known as
"circadian rhythm fasting".
The name says it all: your feeding window starts at 7am and ends at 7pm.
It coincides with your body's natural rise and fall in cortisol production, and the
rise and fall of the sun.
Early evidence suggests late-night eating leads to impaired thermogenesis and
negatively affects the secretion of leptin (i.e. the hormone providing the feeling
of fullness).
But there's no denying the chronic disruption of our circadian rhythm puts us at
a higher risk of obesity and insulin resistance,



To show you how to put all of this information together, I will provide two sample meal
plans for training days.

PLAN #l: Resistonce troining in the morning

Let's say you're like myself and Hunter, whose lives do not follow a conventional 9am-5pm
working schedule and grant us the freedom to train in the early morning.
We'll go back to our example man from MFL Principle #9:
. 200 pounds
, 2Oo/o body fat
. 2,000 total calories for maintenance
. 160 grams of protein (640 calories)
. 100 grams of carbohydrates (400 calories)
. 107 grams of fat (960 calories)
Here is what a sample meal schedule would look like for them:

Chopter 5: The Troining Doy

Training Day Meal Schedule (Morning Training)

Macronutrient Grams Of Calories From
Time Food
Breakdown Macronutrients Macronutrients
6:00 AM I'1edl 1 (Pre Workout)
earb Zeroats oatmeal 20 BO
Fat None 0 0
Protein Protein oowder 35 140

8:30 AM Meal 2 (Post Workout)

Carb Sweet potato oowder 20 80
Fat None 0 0
Protein Protein oowder 35 140

1I:30 AM Meal3
Carb White rice 20 80
Fat 0live oil 35 31s
Protein Lean qrass-fed beef 30 120

3:00 PM Meal 4
Carb White rice 2A BO
Fat Olive oil 35 .1 t5
Protein Lean orass-fpd t-rpef 30 120

6:00 PM lvlarl R

Carb Sweet ootato 20 80

Fat Eqo volks 35 315
Protein Wild-cauoht salmon 30 DA

Carb 100 400
Fat 105 945
Protein 160 640
Total Calorles r.985

This is for the people who are working 9am-5pm day jobs and cannot access a gym until
they get off work, or simply prefer to train later in the day.


ln this example, we're going to use the same 200 lb man except this time he will be
training later in the day,
The man's eating day is going to look something like the table below:

Training Day Meal Schedule (Afternoon/Evening Training)

Macronutrient Grams Of Calories From
Time Food
Breakdown Macronutrients Macronutrients
7:O0 AM Meal 1

Carb Zeroats oatmeal 20 80

Fat Eqq volks 35 315
Protein Wild-cauqht salmon 35 140
Total 535

1O:OO AM Meal 2
Carb Sweet potato 2O 8O
Fat Olrve orl 35 315
Protein Wild-cauqht salmon 35 MA
Total 535

11;30 AM Meal3
Carb White rice 20 BO
Fat Olive oil 35 Jt5
Protein Lean grass-fed beet <t\ 120
Total 515

3:00 PM Meal 4 (Pre Workout)

Carb White rice ZU BO
Fat None 0 0
Protein Lean qrass-fed beet 30 120

7:00 PM t'4eal 5 (Post Workout)

Carb Sweet potato powder 2A BO
Fat None 0 0
Protein Protein powder 30 120
Total 200

Carb r00 400
Fat 105 945
Protein 160 640
Total calorles 1.985

Chopter 5:The Trolnlng Doy


Most readers will observe the table above has all of the macronutrients evenly
distributed across the day's five meals.
But those with an eagle eye will see the majority of carbohydrates in the example
are Nor consumed within the pre-workout and post-workout meal.
Someone who is more mesomorphic doesn't have to worry about selectively ori-
enting carbohydrate intake around their workout session as a hard and fast rule.
This privilege does not exist for most somatotypes, which are a combination of
endomorph and ectomorph.
lf you're either somatotype, timing the majority of your carbohydrates around
your workout window is preferable to achieve the maximum amount of fat loss in
the 30D2S protocol.

This may all seem confusing and overwhelming at first, especially when you try to fit it
within your current lifestyle.
But after a few days it will become second nature to follow your training day meal plan.
You are now ready to move on to the actual training.

Pillqr #2: Trqining

We're going to split this section into two parts: the weightlifting itself, and the cardio you
have the option of doing immediately after lifting.

While I covered the important concepts of PMF training in the prior chapter, there are
some more general principles we must cover for weightlifting oriented around fat loss.

Principle #l: Accept you won't be as maximally strong as you normally are.


No matter your level or lifestyle circumstances, it is imperative to have multiple resistance

training sessions while following the 30D2S protocol.
However, because we are in an overall caloric deficit, you won't be lifting as heavy as you
would be during a caloric surplus.
The goal here is maximum fat loss and we are adjusting our weight training to this goal,
For the newbies and Beginner level users following this program and/or are new to
PMF-style training, your body may not be used to the fatigue and we want to avoid
symptoms of overtraining.
But don't let this be an excuse for lower intensity.
We want to go all-out, balls-to-the-wall when we are lifting the weights with 1000/o focus,
attention and intention!
Principle #2: Full-body splits are generally better for faf /oss than a body part split,

For the next 30 days, you will be doing a 3-day-a-week full body split.
This means we do one exercise for each of the major muscle groups: Chest, back, shoul-
ders, legs, biceps, triceps, abs, and one additional movement for rehab purposes,
There are two reasons why we are choosing this training setup.
First, the full-body split will keep us in the gym for as little time as possible.
lf we overtrain while in an energy deficit, we risk burning out prematurely and this zapped
energy carries over into the next day.
Sticking to 3 days a week stimulates the nervous system just enough to maintain muscle,
while also giving you sufficient time for recovery in-between sessions.
This also gives us the ability to fast 4 days out of every week, resulting in a full 16 days
of fasting in a single cycle of 30D2S.
Second, full-body splits tend to burn more calories due to higher energy expenditure
and suppress appetite relative to body-part splits.
This can be explained by the use of all our major muscle groups in one workout and the
inclusion of more compound, multi-joint movements versus isolated, single-joint movements.
With these two principles fully elucidated, let's walk through what your workouts are
going to look like for the next 30 days.

Chopter 5: The Troinlng Doy


lf you are struggling with weighted movements, feel free to substitute body weight
exercises where necessary and work your way up to the weighted movements.
lf you want to switch out one weighted movement for another, you can do so as
long as you target the muscle group in question.
What's most important is you do one major exercise for each group on all 3 days.
At the same time, you must avoid overcomplicating your training and falling victim
to ADHD-induced shiny object syndrome.
As long as you have a few good foundational exercises repeated consistently and
properly over time, you don't have to "shock" your muscles.


Muscle Warm Up Warm Up Rest
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Group Set 1 Set 2 Period
Chest Slight lncline 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 6570 of 1RM 65% of 1RM 60-90 sec-
Chest Press 15reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
(dumbbell or get 15-30 get 15-30
machine) Reps) Reps)

Back Hammer 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of 1RM 60-90 sec-
High Row / 15 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Wide Pull- get 15-30 get 15-30
down / Pull REPS) Reps)
Up Band
Shoulders Laterai Raise 40% of 1RM, 45% of lRM, 65% of lRM 657o of IRM 60-90 sec-
(dumbbellor 15reps 15 ReBs to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
machine) get 15-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Legs Leg Exten- 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
sions ]5 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- toPl.4F (Tar- onds
get 15-30 get l5-30
Reps) REPS)

Trlceps T-Bar Tricep 40% of lRM, 45% of lRM, 65% of 1RM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Cable Push- 15 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
downs get l5-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Blceps Dumbbell 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of IRM 657o of lRM 60-90 sec-
2-Arm l5 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Standing get 15-30 get 15-30
Curls Reps) Reps)

Abdomlnals Superset: 3 sets of 15 reps 60-90 sec-

Hanging onds
Leg Raises,
Cable Rope

Rehab Lower Back 3 sets of 15 reps 60-90 sec-

Extensions onds

Cardlo 15-20 minutes HllT Cardio - Bike, stairmaster, elliptical, incline treadmill - target 150{60 average

Chopter 5i The Trolning Doy


Muscle Warm Up Warm Up Rest

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Group Set 1 Set 2 Period
Chest Chest Fly 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of IRM 60-90 sec-
(machine or 15 reps l5 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
cables) get'15-30 gct 15-30
Reps) Reps)
Back Back Rows 40% of ]RM, 45% of 1RM, 6570 of 1RM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
(machine, l5 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
cables, or get l5-30 get l5-30
dumbbell) Reps) Reps)
Legs Hamstring 40% of lRM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of IRM 60-90 sec-
Curls 15reps l5 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
get l5-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)
Shoulders Seated 40% of 1RM, 45% of lRM, 65% of lRM 65% of 1RM 50-90 sec-
Overhead ]5 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Press get 15-30 get 15-30
(dumbbellor Reps) Reps)

Trlceps Standing 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 6570 of lRM 60-90 sec-
Rope Tricep 15 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Extensions get i5-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)
Blceps Standing 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Rope Ham- reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
mer Curls get 15-30 9et 15-30
Reps) Reps)
Abdomlnals Superset: 3 sets of j5 reps 60-90 sec-
Hanging onds
Leg Raises,
Cable Rope
Rehab Lower Back 3 sets of 15 reps 60-90 sec-
Extensions onds
Cardlo 15-20 minutes HllT Cardio - Bike, stairmaster, elliptical, incline treadmill - target 150-l60 average


Muscle Warm Up Warm Up Rest
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Group Set 1 Set 2 Period
Chest Chest Press 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of 1RM 65% of iRM 60-90 sec-
Machine, 15 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Dips or set 15-30 get'15-30
Elevated Reps) Reps)

Back Stiff Cable 40% of lRM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of IRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Pulldowns / 15 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Wide Cable get 15-30 get 15-30
Pu lls Reps) Reps)

Shoulders Cable Rope 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Front Raises 15 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar onds
get 15-30 get'15-30
Reps) Reps)
'lRM 'lRM
Legs Leg Press, 40% of 1RM 45% of lRM, 6570 of 65% of 60-90 sec-
Squat 15 reps l5 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Machine, set 15-30 get 15-30
or Squat Reps) Reps)

Trlceps Rope Push- 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
downs 15 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
get 15-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Blceps Seated 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of 1RM 65% of 1RM 60-90 sec-
Preacher 15 reps l5 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Curls (ma- get 15-30 set 15-30
chine or EZ Reps) Reps)
Abdomlnals Superset: 3 sets of 15 reps 50-90 sec-
Hanging onds
Leg Raises,
Cable Rope

Rehab Lower Back 3 sets of 15 reps 60-90 sec-

Extensions onds
'15-20 minutes HllT Cardio - Bike, stairmaster, elliptical, incline treadmill - target 150{60 average

Chopter 5: The Troining Doy


Here are a couple of helpful notes about some of the exercises featured across
all three days.
Restbetween exercises - Take 60-90 seconds of rest between exercises. For example,
when you finish the second working set of the Chest exercise, take 50-90 seconds
to recover your breath before doing the first warmup set of the Back exercise.
Dumbbell 2-Arm Standing Curls - You are doing BOTH arms at the same time.
When you are only doing 1 arm at a time, you are relaxing the bicep at top and no
meaningful muscle fiber contraction is happening. Using two arms at the same
time takes more muscle innervation and neurological strength. Hold your arms
tightly to the sides, and as you come up, the peak squeeze for bicep contraction
should happen just slightly above a 90-degree angle.
Hanging Leg Parses - These are done with your legs kept straight, Do NoT do
"knee-ups" as those primarily train the hip flexors and not the abdominals. Go up
slowly, hold at the top for 1 second, and slowly go back down. Anybody who can do
2 sets of 20 concentrated hanging leg raises has an extremely strong core. Either
way, they are part of a brutal superset for abs and are not to be taken lightly just
because they are not being done PMF-style.
Lower Back Extensions - They are especially critical for all trainees. lt strengthens
your erector spinae, which tightens the myelin sheath running underneath and
through your glutes. This improves core strength and flattens the abdominal wall
where so many people have a "pooch" or distended abdominal area. Ultimately,
they are important for spinal stability and core strength as one ages. Once you can
successfully do 3 sets of 15 with just your body weight, you can hold a weighted
plate while doing them to make the movement more challenging.
Bodyweight Pulbups - lf you are over 40 and you are opting for pull-ups as
your movement for your back muscles, use a band to better stabilize your joints
(elbows, shoulders/wrists) and allow for a form of spotted resistance due to the
band bracing the weight of your body.

Before we move on to cardiovascular training, l'll demonstrate how all of this looks in
practice with a sample day from Hunter's training log.


You'll see how to adjust your numbers for the next session based on your performance,
You will either keep the weight the same or increase it for next time, staying true to the
basic principle of

Plate-Loaded Leg Press l(Warmup) 180 t5

2 (Warmup) 360 15

3 (Working Set To Failure) 540 25

4 (Working Set To Failure) s40

Decline Dumbbell Bench Press 1(Warmup) 50

I 15

2 (Warmup) 60 15

3 (Working Set To Failure) t5 20

4 (Working Set To Failure) t8

Lat Pulldown 1(Warmup) r00

I 15

2 (Warmup) 120 15

3 (Working Set To Failure) 150 IB

4 (Working Set To Faiiure) 1s0 14

Seated Machine Shoulder Press l(Warmup)

I 15

2 (Warmup) BO 15

3 (Working Set To Failure) r00 16

4 (Working Set To Failu 100 12

Preacher Curl Machine l(Warmup) 50

I 15

2 (Warmup) 60 t5
3 (Working Set To Failure) 80 17

4 Worki Set To Failure) 80 17

I t5
Rope Grip Triceps Cable Push- 25
2 (Warmup) 35 l5
3 (Working Set To Failure) 50 18

4 (Worki Set To Failure) 50 17

l Bodyweight
Hanging Leg Raises 15

2 Bodywelght 12

3 Bodyweight 10

Chopter 5:The Trolnlng Doy

On the Plate-Loaded Leg Press, Hunter actually managed to get 25 reps on his first
working set of 540 lbs.
So for the next session, his first and second working sets will be at 550 lbs (or whatever
weight increase he feels he can handle).
Don't worry about increasing the weight for the two warm up sets.
For the rest of the weighted exercises in this workout, he failed to reach 25 reps on
the first set.
This means he keeps the same weight for the working sets to failure on the next session.
But even if you fail to reach 25 reps next time, at minimum you should be aiming to
squeeze out 1-2 more additional reps on both sets.
So if Hunter uses the Preacher Curl machine next time and he stays stuck on23 reps for
the first working set of 80 lbs, at the very least he should aim for 18-19 reps to pMF on
the second working set.
And for the Hanging Leg Raises, next time he should push himself for 17 reps on the first
working set.
Failing this, he should push to get 1-2 additional reps on the second and third working sets.
Let's move on.

As discussed in the previous chapter, there are two instances in which you should be
doing more cardio:

1) You are fatter and you require more energy expenditure to maximize your 30-day
window of fat loss.
2) You are a more advanced trainee who wants to tap into a faster rate of fat loss,

Cardio is a critical piece of the program, but it is also the primary focus for fasting days.
What we're going to reveal here is a hack for true maximization of fat loss and
metabolic upregulation.
Right off the bat, it's important to distinguish how cardio on training days is going to
differ from cardio on fasting days.


We can safely use hioh-intensity interval trainino (HllTt to increase fat loss further without
catabolizino muscle tissue. but only when our muscle olvcooen stores are full.
Too many people attempt HllT while in a fasted state.
This is a major no-no as performing HllT cardio in the absence of glycogen makes the
body tap into muscle protein stores for energy,
This puts the body into a catabolic state, ultimately degrading hard-earned muscle tissue.
Essentially, your heart rate is already elevated from an intense weightlifting session
(-125-140 BPM),
And thanks to training PMF-style in a higher rep range, the aerobic system has already
been activated.
Our core body temperature is elevated, our glycogen stores are further depleted (but
not completely exhausted), and our muscles are fatigued.
Ultimately, we get more caloric burn per unit of time, burning even more fat, while tap-
ping into something known as "excess post-exercise oxygen consumption" (EPOC).
ln the bodybuilding world, it is also known as the afterburn effect,
Basically, your metabolism and oxygen consumption are elevated after exercising.
The body wants to repair and return to a state of homeostasis.
This can only happen with more energy and oxygen, which boosts one's metabolic rate
during the post-exercise recovery period.
But as explained in an article from the blog Myosynthesis, doing resistance training
before our quick bout of cardio is especially important:
"Taken together, anaerobic exercise seems to favorably shift partitioning towards
muscles, by increasing the muscleb rate of fat oxidation and in general acting as a
calorie sink, while avoiding some of the muscle-eating adaptations that come from
doing large amounts of cardio.
Additionally, while the EPOC "afterburn" effect may not be eating up that much
calories, it could well be causing a greater proportion of the calories that are burned
to come from fatty acids - both by increasing fat oxidation in the musc/es and by
triggering a larger release of triglycerides from your fat cells,"

And as exercise science researcher Brad Schoenfeld points out, EPOC lasts far beyond a
few hours when the stimulus is resistance training and not aerobic training.

Chopter 5: The Trolnlng Doy


NEVER in a fasted state.

Because we will be tapping muscle glycogen stores for the high exertion needed for HllT
cardio, we only perform HllT sessions on days in which we have food in our system to
prevent the risk of injury and catabolizing (i.e. breaking down) muscle.
Here are a few quick reasons we only want to be in a fed state when performing HllT cardio..,
Energy availability and improved performance: When performing HllT, we rely on stored
glycogen as an energy source, primarily carbohydrates, to fuel the intense bursts of activity.
On eating days, our body has a readily available supply of carbohydrates from the food
consumed and glycogen (stored glucose) in the muscles and liver,
Muscle glycogen serves as a primary energy source during high-intensity exercises.
With higher muscle glycogen levels, we will have increased stamina and endurance,
enabling us to power through an intense session of HllT.
Muscle preservation: When we wrongly perform HllT cardio while fasted, our body may
utilize both stored glycogen and muscle protein as energy sources.
ln contrast, on feeding days our body is less likely to break down muscle protein for fuel,
This is particularly beneficialto help us preserve muscle mass while we are in a fat loss phase.
Recovery and adaptation: Healthy eating before our training session supports post-exercise
recovery and adaptation,
On eating days, our body gets essential nutrients like carbohydrates and protein, which
aid in replenishing glycogen stores and repairing damaged muscle tissues.
This enhances our ability to recover from the HllT session and be ready for our fasted
cardio sessions the following day.
With all of the above said, there is one important similarity between cardio on fasting
days and training days..,
We are still ooino to focus on LOW-IMPACT movements.
Men and women 40 and older MUST avoid performing explosive and/or ballistic movements.
These types of movements often lead to catastrophic injuries to the joints and/or soft
tissue due to the extreme stress and damage they place on the body.


This often creates a hormonal cascade of inflammation within the body.

So no box jumps, battle ropes, plyometrics, Crossfit, or anything of the sort.
This means you are sticking with the options I recommended at the end of Chapter 4.
My wife loves the Stairmaster, and I stick with the stationary bike, but hill sprints - or even
sprints on grass or sand (not asphalt) - are acceptable in this context.
A young guy like Hunter who has just turned 30 may be able to get away with ballistic
movements, but people in their 40s or older should absolutely avoid such movements.
lf you get hurt, you are done training for god-knows-how-long.
As you age, you want to strive to avoid injury at all cost as it will prevent you from
training altogether.
High-intensity DOES NOT equal high-impact!
lf you choose the same form of cardio you use on fasting days, we recommend changing
one variable at a time to make things more challenging.
Pace, timing, resistance, and other variables your machine will allow are open for


Although this hack comes highly recommended for fatter individuals, the people
who will benefit the most are those who possess enough neurologically efficient
muscle mass.
ln addition to adhering to the conditions necessary for post-lifting cardio, these
people are at even lower risk of catabolism from training at a high intensity.
And just to remind you again, you CANNOT do the type of interval-style training
we're doing here on fasting days.

With these clarifications out of the way, let's talk about how we will combine higher
intensity and intervals to get the most out of HllT.

As already stated, the most optimal time to do HllT is immediately after !ifting weights.

Chopter 5: The Trolnlng Doy

We're going to keep this cardio session to 10-20 minutes.
You can go to the higher end if you want more aggressive fat loss, but I recommend not
going longer than 30 minutes.

We want to get our heart rate into the 135-155 BpM range.
You'll have to experiment with your cardio machine's settings to determine what helps
you best reach and maintain your heart range within the specified range.
For me, I prefer to use a resistance level of 12-14 if l'm using a Precor bike, and 15-16 if
l'm on the Lifecycle.

Post-lifting HllT cardio is going to be done in three phases.
The first phase will be your warmup to get your glutes and quads loose.
You don't require a lot, just 60-90 seconds.
The second phase will involve a variation of Tabata intervals.
You sprint for a given duration at 100% of your maximum exertion (-180 BpM heart rate),
followed by a period of 60-700/o of your maximum exertion (-'l4O BPM) for double the
duration of your sprint so your breathing and heart rate can recover.
Hunter and I like to do a l-minute all-out sprint followed by 2 minutes of recovery where
we go at a moderate pace.
The extremely cardio-conditioned among us can test their limits and attempt to go for
30 seconds of sprinting followed by 60 seconds of recovery.
A sprint period and a recovery period count as I interval,
You want to get in 5-6 rounds total to boost metabolic rate and greatly enhance the
body's rate of fat loss.
The third phase is a cooldown where you go at a gentle pace, somewhere around 3O-4Oo/o
of your max exertion.
No matter how many intervals you do, you want a 5-minute cooldown to end the
post-lifting cardio.


lf we do a 15-minute HllT cardio session after lifting, here is what it will look like:
. WARM-UP (1 minute)
. INTERVALS #1-5 (15 minutes)
" Sprint for 1 minute
" Recover for 2 minutes
" Repeat the steps above four more times
. COOLDOWN (5 minutes)

21 minutes in total.
Trust me when I say it might be the longest 20 minutes of your life (until you become
conditioned to the 30D2S protocols).
You will sweat profusely and feel the heat in your stubborn body fat areas (lower abs
and lower back).
But if you do HllT cardio the right way, it is a truly magical tool for reaching
single-digit body fat.

Pillqr #3: Supplements

With our diet and training fully configured for training day, let's address the supplementation.
There are two ways in which your supplement protocol during 30D2S will vary.

1) The level at which you are doing 30D2S (Beginner, Advanced, FFO) will significantly
dictate how many supplements you are taking.
The more elite you are, the more you'll be taking.
Either way, the separation between all three levels is not significant with diet and training.

2) Whether you are on a training day or a fasting day.

Since we're on the former day, the foods we eat are much more important than what we
supplement with.

Chopter 5: The Troining Doy

Therefore, supplement intake is designed AROUND our pre-arranged meal timing


There is no doubt the synergistic combination of the supplements in Chapter 3

set the 30D2S protocol years ahead of other fat loss approaches.
Compliance is far easier from a mental standpoint, and the rate of fat-burning far
exceeds what the human body can do naturally.
Thanks to the experimentation and research of my team and my VIP Mastermind
members, we've tested and refined the exact supplementation protocol for truly
accelerated weight loss.
What I'm presenting today was literally impossible to conceive of 3-4 years ago.
BUT - and this is a big but - if your diet and training are not fully dialed in, you
are wasting your time and your money.
We call them "supplements" because they COMPLEMENT fully optimized nutrition
and exercise, not REPLACE it.

To show you how the supplement schedule looks, I AM going to present it in two forms.

I will first break it down into the four parts of the day where you will be taking your fat
loss agents, using the earlier example of the meal plan schedule where resistance training
is done in the morning,
Then, I will lay out everything in a single chart to show you what the entire day looks like
when all four parts are put together.
Believe me when I say this routine is as simple as brushing your teeth.
It will only feel like a lot because this is your first time diving into it.
(For more detailed information on how fo use fhese supplements, refer back to Chapter 3)

Let's dive in!


l't Supplement Session: lmmediately Upon Waking (5:00'7:00 AM)

Suoolement Dose
i-FIex9 Joint Recovery serving (6 capsules)
Vitamin D3 + K2 1 serving (5,000 - 10,000 lU of Vitamin
D3, 90 - 180 mcg of Vitamin K2)
Jarrow B-Right Vitamin Complex 1 capsule as indicated on the label
Carbon 60 1 teaspoon to I tablespoon
Creatine 5 grams

Electrolytes 1 serving
Coffee/caffeine No more than 250
ADVANCED (includes BEGINNER, plus what's listed below)
Suoolement Dose

Tesofensine 250 mcs

Metformin 500 ms for women,1,000 ms for men
Desiccated Thyroid 60 mg
Growth Hormone Peptide Choose one (1 mg Tesamorelin or 300
mcg Ipamorelin)
Testosterone Depends on dosing method, see Chap-
ter 3

FFO (includes BEGINNER and ADVANCED, plus what's listed below)

Suoolement Dose
hGH (Genotropin) 1 lU (women) or 1.5 - 2.0 lU (men)

Some helpful notes:

. lf you are entering your training day after not eating anything on the fasting day
preceding it, take your supplements first and then eat 30-45 minutes later. Due to
being fast-adapted, the body will absorb the supplements into the bloodstream
much faster.
. lf you decide to use any other supplements outside of what is in this example, let
alone what is in Chapter 3, be aware of the pathway(s) they address and avoid any
crossover with other supplements so you aren't overdoing things.
. lf you decide to use pharma-grade hGH, DO NOT use Tesamorelin or lpamorelin in
the Advanced stack.

Choptor 5: The Trolnlng Doy

2nd Supplement Session: Post Workout (if training in the morning, 9:OO - 1l:00 AM)

in Protein Blend 25-s0 5

ADVANCED (includes BEGINNER, plus what's listed below)

Suoolement Dose
Same as Same as rnner
FFO (includes BEGINNER and ADVANCED, plus what's listed below)
Suoolement Dose
Same as Beginner Same as nner

3'd Supplement Session: Afternoon (2:00 - 4:00 pM)

Suoolement Dose
J-Flex9 Joint Recovery 1 serving (6 capsules)

Suoolement Dose
Desiccated Thyroid 30-60mg
Metformin 250 - 500 mg for women, 500 - 1,000 mg
for men
Growth Hormone Peptide Choose one (l mg Tesamorelin or 300 mcg

Suoolement Dose
hGH (Genotropin) 1 lU (women) or'1.5-2,0 tU (men)
Fat burner Choose one (15 mg Phentermine,l0 mg
Cardarine,5 mg GW0742)

Some helpful notes:

' lf you decide to use pharma-grade hGH, DO NOT use Tesamorelin or lpamorelin in
the Advanced stack.
' lf you have a training session in the afternoon and you want to throw in a quick
fasted low-intensity steady-state (LISS) cardio session in the morning, switch the


2nd and 3d supplement sessions around. So the 3'd supplement session will be done
prior to LISS cardio, and your 2nd session will be done post-lifting.

" However, if you stick to the example and train in the morning yet want to do a LISS
cardio session, it should be done within 1-2 hours after this supplement session.

" Make sure it's low impact, your heart rate is in the 120-140 BPM range, and you do
it for no more than 50 minutes in a single session.
" This extra bonus session would be done in addition to the post-lifting HllT cardio
you are doing on training days.

4th Supplement Session: Bedtime (8:00 - 10:00 PM, -60-90 minutes prior to bedtime)

Melatonin 10-30ms
Magnesium Citrate 500 - 1,000
ADVANCED (includes BEGINNER, plus what's listed below)
Same as inner Same as Beginner
FFO (includes BEGINNER and ADVANCED, plus what's listed below)

Same as rnner Same as

Some helpful notes:

. One hack you can use with hGH injections is to take half your dose in the morn-
ing and half your dose at night, 30-50 minutes before bed. However, as stated in
Chapter 3 you CANNOT take it around food (45-60 minutes before and after injec-
tion) because hGH has to cross the blood-brain barrier in a fasted state so it doesn't
compete with insulin for absorption into portal circulation. Otherwise, you won't get
the same beneficial response.
. You will naturally be awake longer on training days because your body is metab-
olizing food. Likewise, you may find yourself going to bed sooner on fasting days.

As promised, here is the entire example training day supplementation schedule packaged
into a single chart:

Chopter 5: The Troining Doy

Training Day Supplement Schedule

Beginner I't Session: 2nd Session: Post 3'd Session: 4th Session:
lmmediately Workout Afternoon Bedtime
Upon Waking (9:00 - 11:00 (2:00 - 4:OO PM) (8:O0 - 10:OO
(5:00 - 7:OO AM) AM) PM)
Supplement J-Flex9 Joint Re- Whey/Casein Pro- J-Flex9 Joint Re- Melatonin
covery tein Blend covery
Dose serving, or 6 25 - 50 grams 1serving, or 6 10 - 30ms
capsules capsules

Supplement Vitamin D3 + K2 Magnesium Citrate

Dose 5,000 - 10,000 tu 500 - 1,000ms

of Vitamin D3, 90 -
180 mcg of Vitamin

Supplement Jarrow B-Right

Vitamin Complex
Dose 1 serving or'1 cap-
su le

Supplement Carbon 60

Dose I tsp to 1 tbsp

Supplement Creatine

Dose 5 grams

Supplement Electrolytes

Dose 1 serving

Supplement Coffee / Caffeine

Dose 250 mg or less


Advanced I't Session: 2nd Session: Post 3'd Session: 4th Session:
(includes lmmediately Workout Afternoon Bedtime
everything Upon Waking (9:OO - 11:0O (2:OO - 4:OO PM) (8:OO - lO:OO
listed above) (5:OO - 7:O0 AM) AM) PM)
Supplement Tesofensine Same As Above, No Desiccated Thyroid Same As Above, No
Additional Additional
Supplements Supplements
Dose 250 mcg 30 ms

Supplement Metformin Metformin

Dose 500 mg for women, 500 mg for women,

1,000 mg for men 1,000 mg for men

Supplement Desiccated Thyroid Growth Hormone

Dose 60 mg Tesamorelin I mg
OR lpamorelin 300

Supplement Growth Hormone


Dose Tesamorelin I mg
OR lpamorelin 300

Supplement Testosterone

Dose lnjections: Break up

into every
day, EOD Cream:
200 mg/g or 4
clicks from dis-

Chopter 5:The Troining Doy

Fully F*kkn 'l't Session: Session: Post

2nd 3'd Session: 4th Session:
Optimized lmmediately Workout Afternoon Bedtime
(includes Upon Waking (9:00 - 11:00 (2:00 - 4:00 (8:00 -'10:00
everything (5:OO - 7:OO AM) AM) PM) PM)
listed above)
Supplement Human Growth Same As Above, No Human Growth Same As Above, No
Hormone (Genotro- Additional Supple- Hormone Additional
pin) INOTE: Do not ments (Genotropin) Supplements
use the growth INOTE: Do not
hormone peptide if use the growth
using pharma grade hormone peptide if
GH] using pharma grade
Dose 1 lU (women) or 1,5 1 lU (women) or'1,5
- 2,0 lU (men) - 2.0 lU (men)

Supplement Fat Burner (Choose

Dose Phentermine 15 mg
Cardarine 10 mg OR
GW0742 5mg

l've covered the most detail-intensive day of the entire 30D2S protocol thoroughly across
the three fundamental pillars of diet, training, and supplementation.
Things will get simpler from here and you'll find the fasting day to be a lot easier to follow.
Moving on!




We are now entering the exploration of the
fasting day, which will be responsible for the
majority of your extreme weekly caloric deficit
(and hence your fat loss),

This day is by far the easiest to follow because you are eating far less food (or not at all),
your training is heavily simplified, and your supplement stack will have a more profound
effect here.
But heed caution: there are thousands of ways to screw fasting up, and very few ways
to do it right.
While the training day focuses on what you must do, the fasting day is all about what
you must NOT do.
No more delays, let's jump right into it.

A Brief Bockground on How Fosting Works

A lot of the science behind why and how fasting works has been extensively covered in
The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet, complete with citations of medical papers and an expla-
nation of the biological mechanisms of actions taking place during a fast.
The lifespan extension generated by fasting is well-established.


However, for those of us curious about the shorter-term health benefits of fasting, they
can all be readily summarized in one picture:

ti tt
i&urotrophlc frctor prodrEtlon'
Mltodrmddrl blojcnolr'
R.drtmc. to lnlury.nd dBcrcc'
Elcvrrcd krtonc lcrclc CANUOVICOJI^NEYtilEIf,
Rcdrmd3luo*,lntrrlln and hpdn lcrdr Rlduccdblodprclnrc
ELv.trd dlponccrin lar.lr hduad rtrtlrf hcrrt ntr
ncduccd |fifr.mrn totry cVtotlncs lncnud prnsymprthctk tonG
n du6d mr*rrr d cld.thre $r!rs Stnrr rorlrtrnco'
[email protected]
lctonc prcductlon
Rrducrd hptln prodwtlon
lnocr*d lnsulln lclultMty
Reduod llfld acumul$lon
nduc.d ln0umrtlur

Enhrnord nptlllty
Rcduc.d lnfrerxnrtbr
lncrcrnd lnrulln nnrltlvlty
Enhrnccd cfilclcncv/cndururoG
Rcduccd lnfirmmrtlon


And if you want an overview of why all of the benefits above are manifested, this recently
published review paper will go far deeper into the science than we will,

Chopter 6: The Fosting Doy


Before we go any further, it's important to remember nothing overpowers your

daily/weekly caloric intake.
lntermittent fasting, at least the kinds you'll read about on the lnternet, largely
works because people are forced to restrict their feeding into a smaller time window.
lf the average person assumes perfect adherence to something like an 8-hour
eating window and a 16-hour fasting window within 24 hours, they will naturally
find themselves eating less food (unless they purposefully force feed themselves).
But no amount of fasting is going to help you if your weekly caloric intake ends
up taking you back to maintenance or even a surplus.
You may "feel" better but the scale weight and your image in the mirror will remain
exactly as it is now.

Hunter already did the legwork of creating a YouTube video explaining what happens
to your body over a 24-hour fasting period, so here's what happens:

HOURS l-4: Digestion & Absorption

. Your Gl tract starts digesting and absorbing food
' Carbs get broken down into glucose, proteins into amino acids, fats into fatty acids
and glycerol

' Glucose is released into the bloodstream, and insulin facilitates its cellular uptake
for energy or storage
. lmmediate energy is provided

HOURS 4-8: Storting to Use Stored Glucose

' The body starts to use stored glucose instead of dietary grucose
. lnsulin levels fall, and the body can access glycogen stores for energy

' Glycogenolysis (glycogen breakdown) happens mosily in the river

' Glucose is released into the bloodstream, providing energy for bodily functions and
regulating blood sugar levels


. Muscle glycogen is used to fuel activity and muscular contractions

HOURS 8-12: Glycogen Store Depletion

. The liver's glycogen stores get depleted
. The body starts to break down stored fats for energy instead of glucose
. Glycogen breakdown in the liver is less meaningful
. Lipolysis (i.e. breakdown of stored triglycerides and fat cells) begins, fatty acids are
released into the bloodstream and transported throughout the body
. The same fatty acids go through a process called beta-oxidation to generate ade-
nosine triphosphate (ATP), the body's energy currency

HOURS l2-16: Fot-Burning Begins

. Glycogen stores are depleted, and the body now relies primarily on stored fats
. More beta-oxidation occurs to break down fatty acids and generate ATP

HOURS l6-20: Ketosis & Metobolic Adoptotion

. The body enters a state of ketosis (i.e, production of ketones from the break-
down of fats)
. Ketones serve as an alternative fuel source, especially Jor the brain
. The body adjusts to fats as the primary energy source via metabolic adaptation
. Fight-or-flight hormones known as catecholamines (epinephrine, noradrenaline and
adrenaline) are released into the bloodstream, helping to mobilize and break down
stubborn body fat stores

HOURS 20-242 Enhonced Autophogy ond Cellulor Repoir

. The body undergoes autophagy, a process involving the recycling and repair of
damaged cells, thereby promoting cellular health and longevity
. Growth hormone levels increase, supporting muscle preservation and repair
. These processes contribute to overall bodily rejuvenation and regeneration

ln the larger context of fasting, Hunter's beautifully-written description would encompass

Phases 1-2 and some of Phase 3 as shown below:

chopter 6: The Fosting Doy

Pherc 1 Phaso 2 Phaee 3 Phese 4 Phase 5

400 lx
200 tr
'E rm hr

812 I
20 24 28
o Phr.l Pher 2 Phmr 3 Pharo tl Pharc 5
r Ylllrlt yanr Foodor i G[yrcFn > Chrconcoeen€lb lLivcil > Gtuoneogemctr tLiwr Glnconeogpoedr
GLUCOSE tfiff( Gluulooggnod! Glyoogdt A Kidn€yl ttlvbrE l$n€yl
cmreftorn [Llverl

Sactomo, 'At A[ excepl liver. An exed lhrsr. Braln. Red Blood Ce[s. Rod Blood Colb,
yorbody tit rdaild rdfrq. fArldo and edporo sa 6095 Contrr ol Kk n€y Con(srof Kldnoy,2096
udng a,r 60*
Crrc6GfttaLd 0[ucole dBraln

S.ctlont ol - tlono Llvcr baefnr Lhrergoducktg l(6bn6. Mucde, f8t-10(M ifusde, fat r l0f,{
yorr body produdrB krlonc!. Mnrdo& Fetao 50% lolonc-lirslod. Braln:80%
prccildng Mu!d. .nd F.|.lr lohn+ftdcd. kaonofuded.
loton . 2016 k6ton.-fu6lcd

' Bnln'r Ftrl Gftm Ouoooe l Gtrcao Glucooo> l(ebnog ]Gbnop@ucooe

(Source, original author unknown but is believed to be an adaptation of Figure 1

from this paper)

Long story short: intermittent fasting, especially extended fasts of at least 20 hours and
beyond, trains the body to switch its source of energy consumption and preferentially
start burning body fat stores as fuel for energy.
Let's transition into setting up the diet, training, and supplementation for our fasting days
like we did for our training days in the previous chapter.


Pillqr #l: Diet

We are going to set our caloric intake far below maintenance level using the information
in MFL Principle #9 in Chapter 2 (keep reading and you'll see how this is done).
And since you already calculated and used your current lean body mass in the previous
chapter, a lot of the leg work has already been done for us.
Let's set up our diets for the fasting day,

Here, we are just calculating the raw totals of how much you are going to eat on fasting days.
For weight loss, your caloric intake is going to be anywhere between 7-10 calories per
pound of total body weight.
I recommend mesomorphs (athletic & muscular individuals) start at the higher end of
the range, while endomorphs (sedentary & fatter individuals) start at the lower end
of the range,
The latter group has more fat to lose and needs the kickstart.
Of course, if you are doing 30D2S at the FFO level, you may naturally gravitate towards
the lower end as well.
What matters is you pick a number and get started.
You are eating gram of protein per pound of LEAN body weight, which you should have

already calculated by determining your exact body fat percentage.

It's the same number you used on your training day in the previous chapter.
I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to eat ample protein while following 30D2S.
Eating a higher protein intake is what allows you to preserve muscle tissue, keep you
fully satiated after a meal, and slightly elevate diet-induced thermogenesis (i.e. how much
energy is required for nutrient absorption, metabolism and storage).
This effect is observed in crash diets where people eat less than 1,000 calories a day.

Chopter 6: The Fosting Doy

You would think they would be a recipe for complete muscle wasting, but there's a way
to do these super-low calorie programs right.
What you must do is keep the carbs extremely low and replace nearly all of them
with protein,
The medical community calls this a very-low-calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD).
Even with protein intake set at 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of total body weight
(which is much lower than what I advocate for), lean body mass toss is non-existent.
For your carbohydrate intake, we're going to base it on your individual somatotype:

. Ectomorph - 75 grams
. Mesomorph - 50 grams
. Endomorph - 0-15 grams (only trace amounts from vegetables)

Carbohydrate consumption is the lowest priority on fasting days because they are not
required to the extent they are on feeding days.
We use a lot less energy on fasting days, and so we practice metabolic flexibility by
dropping the amount of carbohydrates relative to our energetic demand.
By doing this, we push the body to rely on its adipocytes (i.e, fat cells) as its primary
source of fuel/energy.

Once we know our total calorie intake, total protein intake, and total carbohydrate intake,
we simply fill up the leftover calories with fats.
For extreme fat loss, you're effectively filling out all remaining calories after protein
intake with fats.
As you'll see later, it is highly recommended to keep carbs at or near zero because we
don't want to do anything to increase insulin production.
However, trace green vegetables are OK as they produce a negligible insulin response.
Let's go back again to the example we used in MFL Principle #9: an endomorphic 2OO
pound man with 20% body fat.


You already know why the calculations are done and how they're done, except this time
we're going to add on the fact he is desperate to lose body fat.
So we're going to put him on the lowest end of caloric intake at 7 calories per pound of
total body weight.
Here is a summary of what he will be eating on fasting days:




. 200 lbs totol * 20% body fot = 40 pounds of fot

. 200 lbs totol - 40 lbs of tot = 160 lbs of leon muscle weight
. 160 lbs of leon muscle weight * I grom of protein =
l8O grams ol prolcln
. 160 groms of protein '4 colories por grom of protein =
640 calorl* lrom proteln


. O gtams ol carbs " 4 colories per grom of corbs =
O calorleshom corbs


. 1.400 colories - 640 colories - 0 colories =
76O calorleslrom Jals

' 760 colories / 9 colories per grom of fot = 86 grcmc ol lot

Or in shorthand notation: 1400 kcal, P160 /CO/F85.

Chopter 6: The Fostlng Doy


We're going to do things differently from the previous chapter: while everyone more-or-less
follows the same diet protocol and feeding schedule on training days, the fasting day's
diet protocol you follow will be dictated by the level you chose in Chapter 1.
As you go up each level, you will be progressively extending your fasting window and
eating fewer calories.
Obviously, longer fasting windows will equal more fat lost per unit of time due to greater
use of fat stores for energy, leading to increased lipolysis (fat burning).
You should be aiming for a 21-24 hour fast on fasting days where possible, given our
knowledge about how *Hour 20* in the fast window is where the real magic (and health
benefits) kick in.
I highly encourage men with lots of body fat to fast for at least 20 hours.
You will feel hungry at some point in your fast if you're new to this, which indicates your
body is starting to tap into its own fat stores for fuel.
DO NOT eat until you absolutely have to so you can burn as much fat as possible.
However, there are some common elements between the Beginner, Advanced, and FFO
levels in the context of fasting.
DO NOT consume anv calories whatsoever durina your prescribed fastino window,
This means you are not eating ANY calories in the form of proteins, carbohydrates or fats
during your fasting window until it is time to break your fast.
Even a single calorie may stop your fast altogether.
so in addition to avoiding food, I also recommend staying away from:
. MCT oil
. Cream/milk
. Butter
. Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
. Pre-workout formulas containing any calories
' Essential fatty acids, ex. Omega-3 fish oil caps (to be taken at your first feeding if
you have one)


Anything eliciting even the smallest insulin response is all it takes to end your fast.
The only acceptable exceptions, some within the 1-2 calorie range, unlikely to stop the
positive effects of fasting windows are the following:

. Black coffee
. Sugar-free gum (most brands of gum have 2 grams of sugar and they will
break your fast)
. Sugar-free water flavor enhancers (ex. MIO)
. Water (1 gallon a day minimum as prescribed in MFL Principle #7 in Chapter 2. Jay
personally likes lcelandic water and Litewater's deuterium-depleted water)
. Electrolytes
There's a lot of controversy within the fasting community on whether diet sodas and
select artificial sweeteners like Splenda and Stevia will break your fast, even though they
are advertised as zero-calorie options.
Diet sodas are an absolute NO-NO during fasting windows due to their acidity and also
their scientifically proven ability to elicit an insulin response.
Select "fitness" water products like Propel aren't as bad and may provide a small
burst of energy.
The chemicals in these fitness water products do not help us.
However, they also aren't a hindrance to caloric burning.
ln other words, you can't be so Spartan to the point of zero flexibility.
As strict as the 30D2S rules are, there has to be some degree of variability and adapt-
ability or else you'll just ditch the protocol and quit.
Now, if you want to go all-in and drink literally nothing else but distilled/lcelandic/
Deuterium Depleted Water, more power to you and you'll get "game over" results.
But it's an extremely minor tradeoff and it won't destroy whatever results you were going
to get anyway.
As for artificial sweeteners, the chemicals may be bad for you, but we can't avoid all of
the chemicals on the planet.
Are they good for us?
Probably not.

Chopter 6:The Fosting Doy

will they damage you metabolically when you're in the 5oth hour of your fast?
ls it better to have water?

But artificial sweetener water replacement drinks and 1 occasional Coke Zero may knock
off the edge of hunger with a few sips, and most likely they won't derail your fasting.
It's one thing when you have a single soda in the day.
However, do not consider this as an invitation to pound 12 diet sodas in a day!
Get vour carbohydrates from "clean" sources onlv and heavilv emohasize qreen vqaaies,
You can eat an unlimited amount of dark, leafy, green, and fibrous vegetables during the
feeding window (although some of the red and yellow ones are ok too).
Brussel sprouts, spinach, asparagus, green beans, broccoli, lettuce... you get the picture.
Their carbohydrate content is near-zero and they are mostly composed of water with
plenty of roughage (great for bowel movements during 30D2S),
I highly doubt anybody is going to overload on calories by just binge-eating green vegetables.
But the cleaner your carbohydrate consumption, the faster you will lose body fat.
You won't 9o wrong if you just stick to green veggies, a healthy fat source and a healthy
protein source for your meals on fasting days.


For people whose goal is maximum fat loss and/or those with higher body fat,
they should opt to eat fewer carbs/calories and follow my recommendation from
the prior chapter about avoiding carbohydrates after 6pm.
Optimized fat burning through controlled insulin levels is the primary goal here.

Get creative with low-to-zero calorie sauces and soices ^"onina.

Eating bland foods gets old fast and can cause us to stray from compliance during the
30D2S protocol.


Thankfully, there are a ton of healthy ways to make your food taste amazing and add
variety without adding calories.
At the same time, you definitely want to avoid high-calorie dressings.
Hunter likes Walden Farms due to their amazing selection of low-calorie dressings, mar-
inades, and sauces.
Keep vour feedino window on fastina davs as consistent as possible.
One of the easiest ways to maintain adherence to 30D2S is to have a regularly scheduled
eating pattern, regardless of whether you are on a fasting day or training day.
For instance, if you normally break your fast at 6pm and resume fasting again at 9pm on
fasting days, stick to this schedule as often as you can.
lf vou eat more than one meal on fastino davs, the first meal should be the laroest feedino.
Unlike the training day, where the first meal post-workout is your largest feeding, we are
going to do the opposite on fasting days.
At minimum, you should aim to get 20-50% of your total protein intake for the day in
your first feeding,
From there, the frequency of your feedings after you break your fast are insignificant.
Just make sure you keep your feeding window to no longer than 3-4 hours.
Let's dive into how your meal plan will look depending on the level of 30D2S you
are following.

Beginner (18-20 hour fost)

You are going to fast for 18-20 hours relative to when you had your last meal before
breaking the fast.
This will be the point where your body starts to burn stored body fat for fuel.
You will have a large first feeding followed by a smaller second one 2-3 hours later.

Chopter 6: The Fosting Doy


This is completely optional, but a great way for beginners to see how metabolically
effective their bodies are at producing ketones is to buy ketone strips.
Right before you break your fast, you pee on the sick and the color will tell you if
your body is producing ketones or not.
The faster you can produce ketones, the more fast-adapted your metabolism
will become.

Let's say you break your fast and you eat at 7pm,
What are you going to eat?
While you are still required to adhere to the principles of metabolic flexibility, I recom-
mend two options for optimal nutrition.
The first option is a grass-fed steak (or grass-fed beef) cooked rare to medium with
green veggies.
lf you eat red meat cooked beyond reddish pink, you have denatured the protein and
you are eating cancerous food.
This is not an alarmist warning red meat causes cancer, but a reminder to pROpERLy
cook your meats to a medium rare or pinkish medium color.
Additionally, you should be eating as close to ZERO carbohydrates whatsoever, whether
you are 20o/o body fat or 6% body fat.
Even at sub-10% body fat year round with ample amounts of neurologically efficient
muscle, I make sure any feeding I have on fasting days is normally low or carbohydrate-free.
(REMEMBER - Green veggies don't count as 'carbs' due to their tow gtycemic index and
high levels of water/fiber, ensuring they don't produce a significant insulin response.
Nor are they stored as body fat in thepresence of excessp rotein and fat calories consumed
in the meal.)
The second option is a whey/casein protein shake mixed in with MCT oil.
Let's say you have to hit 80 grams of protein in one meal and each scoop of protein
powder contains 20 grams of protein.


At two scoops per shake, you're drinking a minimum of two shakes for your meal.
Add in a tablespoon of MCT oil per shake and you will be instantly satiated.
This is as close as it gets to liquid nutrition done properly.
No matter which option you choose, I recommend cutting off all feeding at 8pm-9pm so
your body has ample time to digest the food before bed.
The later you eat at night, the later you will want to go to sleep.
lf you have a massive ribeye steak in your digestive tract and try to go to bed 45-60
minutes later, Vou won't sleep well.
So give yourself a minimum of 90 minutes after your last meal before you go to sleep.
Like someone once told me, "lf you only eat when the sun is up you can stave off
metabolic dLsease".
For our example endomorphic man who is 2Oo/obody fat at 200 lbs (1400 kcal, P160/C0l
F85), here is what a sample Beginner level fasting day would look like for him:

Chopter 6: The Fosting Doy

Beginner Fasting Day Diet

Macronutrient Grams Of Calories From
Food Macronutrients Macronutrients
spgQ'Pi4 Meal l

Carb None 0 0
Fat Olive oil 45 445
Protein Grass-fed beefAteak OR 80 324
Wild-causht fish
Total 725

;'ftoQ pM'
Meal 2

Carb None 0 0
Fat MCT oll OR Almond butter 40 360
Protein Whey/Casein protein blend BO 324
Total 680

Carb 0 0
Fat 85 765
Protein 160 640
Total Calories 1,405

Advonc ed (24 hour fost)

You are going to fast for 24 hours relative to when you had your last meal before breaking
the fast, and you will have a single meal before you start fasting again.
This is effectively the one-meal-a-day (OMAD) fasting approach.
Here, macronutrient balance is less of a priority compared to the Beginner level.
All you are doing is breaking the desperation of the body's hunger signals.
For our example endomorphic man who is 20%body fat at 200 lbs (1400 kcal, P160 /CO/
FB5), here is what a sample Advanced level fasting day would look like for him.
Notice how we can either take a whole-foods approach or a liquid-foods approach:


Advanced Fasting Day Diet

Macronutrient Grams Of Calories From
Time Food
Breakdown Macronutrients Macronutrients
7:00 PM Meal 1

Carb None 0 0

Fat Olive oil 85 765

Protein Grass-fed beef/steak OR Wild- 160 640

caught flsh

I .|;*r,:, 1'1
!iil#.':f "' .':i,i;: i'i:i; i,ti#.*ifi*1fi ,ffill ;frF;liflffi,&ffiffi

Macronutrient Grams Of Calories From

Time Food
Breakdown Macronutrients Macronutrients
7:00 PM Meal'l

Carb None 0 0

Fat MCT oil OR Almond butter 85 765

Protein Whey/Casein protein blend 160 640

rro (+S0 hour fost)

You are going to fast for more than 30 hours relative to when you had your last meal
before breaking the fast, and not eat ANYTHING on fasting days.
Your next feeding will be the first meal you eat on training days.
lf your goal is to lose as much fat as possible while following the 30D2S protocol, not
eating on your fasting days will produce the best results.
And if you have access to Tirzepatide, this will be very easy as your appetite will be
Metformin supplementation also helps to eliminate the'hangry'effect which comes from a
dysbiotic microbiome (i.e. pathogens and virulent agents growing in the gut and eliciting
a 'feed us'signal to the brain, thereby creating poor food choices in people).
The key to powering through a 30+ hour fast is to stay creative and busy.

Chopter 6:The Fosting Doy

Tesofensine's ability to increase BDNF and Tirzepatide's drastic appetite suppression

effects are the winning combination here to effortlessly power through these extended
36-hour fasts and go for even longer.
It's also important to keep your focus off of food and avoid placing yourself in environ-
ments where you can see and smell food all the time.
Even for people like myself with an iron mind, my brain will go into overdrive if I am
surrounded by food while in a fasted state.


When you start regularly fasting in this manner and you become more fast-adapted,
you will have smaller, less frequent, and often more liquid bowel movements.
This is NOT diarrhea, but the natural biological response functioning created
from autophagy.
It is a good thing.
Between fasting, autophagy, and hormesis, your body is now entering into an
internal fumigation of inefficient biological cellular processes (i.e. senescence).
ln other words, it is going to start cleaning itself from the inside out,
You are becoming a much more efficient biological organism through elimination
of oxidative impurities and cellular contaminants.

For our example endomorphic man who is 20o/obody fat at 200 lbs (1400 kcal, pl60/C0l
F85), here is what a sample FFo level fasting day would look like for him:

FFO Fasting Day Diet

Macronutrient Grams Of Calories From
Food Macronutrients Macronutrients
n/a Meal I

Carb None 0 0
Fat None 0 0
Protein None 0 0
Total 0


It literally cannot be any simpler than this.

We can now move on to the exercise you will be doing on fasting days.

Pillor #2: Trqining

On fasting days, your training is going to be dead-simple:

You are doing low-impact, low-intensity steady-state (LISS) cardio WHILE FASTED for
30-60 minutes at -65-80% of your maximum heart rate (roughly 125'140 PM).
That's it.
No weight training whatsoever.
Exactly as discussed at the end of Chapter 4.
Cardio for fat loss only has a meaningful impact if we do it frequently (4x/week minimum).
Furthermore, experimentalevidence is starting to prove us right with respect to muscle
growth being stimulated by consistent low-intensity cardio.
The type of cardio we prescribe will prevent the burning of glucose (thereby catabolizing
muscle tissue due to the absence of glycogen from extended fasting), will be gentle on
your joints, and will ultimately burn more fat.
It also puts you within the heart rate range where you are engaging in Zone 2 Training
for better mitochondrial efficiency, not to mention the increased BDNF production ener-
gizing you for the rest of the day.

Chopter 6: The Fostlng Doy

sPEctAr NorE
Whether you are keto-adapted or fast-adapted, the most counterproductive thing
you can do is the HllT cardio discussed in Chapter 5 during long fast windows.
The body cannot fuel high'intensity exercise without muscle protein or glycogen,
and while it can create glycogen from stored body fat via gluconeogenesis, this
will not happen with 20-30 minutes of Hllr cardiovascular training.
With no muscle glycogen or blood glucose stores, your body WILL break down
your muscle tissue,
You see this all the time in women who compete in bikini shows.
They diet down too hard and do too much cardio for weeks on end.
The end result?
They show up on stage looking worse than when they started.
And due to their now maladaptive metabolism and thyroid hormone profile, the
rebound weight gain ends up being horrendous.

I recommend wearing a high-tech wearable device and/or using your cardio machine to
track your target heart rate in real-time.
It will be hard to adjust at first because your body will want to go faster and train
more intensely.
But if you do this correctly, you will not be be out of breath and exhausted.
You should be able to have a conversation on the phone while performing this type of cardio.
No matter which level of 30D25 vou follow. do at minimum one of these sessions a dav
and preferablv in the earlv morning.
I have a Lifecycle bike in my home office so I can start biking as soon as I wake up.
lf you live in an apartment complex and have a gym with a few cardio machines, more
power to you.
Moving forward, there are two ways we can make our cardio more advanced on fasting
days and accelerate fat loss even further.


HACK il: A 7d fasted cardio session done before you break your fast with your
first feeding (if you eat on fasting days).

The higher your body fat, the more cardio you require to lose fat as fast as possible,
But even if you aren't fat, I still strongly recommend two fasted cardio sessions in a fasting
day for maximum fat loss.


Whether you do 1or 2sessions of cardio on fasting days, make sure you have them
completed BEFORE you break your fast (assuming you are not on the FFO level).
Doing so is mission critical for enhanced lipid oxidation and improved insulin
You'll be surprised how many people make the newbie mistake of doing one cardio
session fasted, breaking their fast, and then doing their second cardio session in
a fed state,

On top of becoming a metabolic furnace, you'll be more insulin-sensitive to any carbo-

hydrates you consume upon breaking your fast,
You may be slightly out of breath after your second session depending on your cardio-
vascular conditioning before starting 30D2S, but rest assured you will adapt quickly.
Doing this much cardio goes against the consensus of bodybuilding broscience, but keep
in mind we are also using a lot of medications and tools to prevent metabolic inefficiency.
Not to mention doing a very different kind of cardio from what they usually do.
I promise you WILL NOT LOSE MUSCLE performing cardio in the way we instruct.
As for timing, I recommend the early evening.
lf you can get the 2nd cardio session done between 5pm and 7pm and then go to bed
around 9pm, you will dramatically reduce your chances of "cheating" on your diet.
Because from my experience, the hours of 7pm to 9pm are when your body will be
screaming at you for food.
Especially if you have already been fasting for 21+ hours.

Chopter 6:The Fosting Doy

HACK #2: Finish each cardio session with 2-3 sets of abdominalexercr3es done in
PMF fashion.

When lwant to get super lean, lwill throw in 2 sets of 20-25 strict hanging leg raises
once l'm done on the bike.
NOTE - Decline crunches or rope crunches, standing or kneeling, are also acceptablesubsfifufes,
I intentionally focus on getting my abs to the place where if I over-contract them, I feel
like they are going to rip out of my stomach.
I probably don't have to draw out a table to show you what this looks like, but for the
purpose of simplicity I will include one below:

Fasting Day Cardio

Time Type Duration Target HR
AM Cardio Session - LISS Cardio - Bike, 40-50 minutes 120-140 BPN4
lmmediately upon waking elliptical, incline
treadmill, stairmaster
PM Cardio Session - LISS Cardio - Bike, 40-50 minutes 120-140 BPM
Prior to first meal (if eating at all) elllptical, incline
treadmill, stairmaster

Time to move on to the third and final pillar of your fasting day

Pillqr #3: Supplements

As we did on our training day, we want to take surgically precise doses of drugs within
the context of fully optimized health, longevity, and fat loss.
Some of the supplements you see here have already been featured in Chapter 5, but only
because they are part of an overall healthy lifestyle.
The other supplements shown are ONLY dosed on fasted days because you're using them
in a fast-adapted state, which is when their effects are most pronounced.
I will break your supplement schedule down into the parts of the day where you will be
taking your fat loss agents.


Iwill also lay out everything in a single chart to show you what the entire day looks like
when everything is put together.
Notice what is meant to be followed to the letter and what has some flexibility attached to it.

l't Supplement Session: lmmediately Upon Waking (5:00'7:00 AM)

Suoolement Dose

J-Flex9 Joint Recovery 1 serving (6 capsules)

Vitamin D3 + K2 1serving (5,000 - 10,000 lU of Vitamin D3,

90 -]80 mcg of Vitamin K2)
Jarrow B-Right Vitamin Complex 1 serving (l capsule)

Carbon 60 I teaspoon to I tablespoon

Creatine 5 grams

Electrolytes 1 serving

Coffee/caffeine No more than 250 mq

ADVANCED (includes BEGINNER, plus what's listed below)

Suoolement Dose

Tesofensine 250 mcg

Tirzepatide 2,5 ms (if you are starting the week)

Metformin 500 ms for women, 1,000 mg for men

Desiccated Thyroid 60 mg

Growth Hormone Peptide Choose one (l mg Tesamorelin or 300 mcg

Melanotan i 0,5 - 1,0 mg twice a week

Testosterone Depends on dosing method, see Chapter 3

FFO (includes BEGINNER crnd ADVANCED, plus what's listed below)

Suoolement Dose

Phentermine 15 mg

Albuterol 3 - 6 mg right before cardio

Rauwolscine I capsule
hGH (Genotropin) 1ru

Some helpful notes:

Chopter 6:The Fostlng Doy

' lf you decide to use any other supplements outside of what is in this example, let
alone what is in Chapter 3, be aware of the pathway(s) they address and avoid any
crossover with other supplements so you aren't overdoing things.
' lf you decide to use pharma-grade hGH, DO NOT use Tesamorelin or lpamorelin in
the Advanced stack.

' Do your morning fasted cardio session 15-20 minutes after taking your supplements.

' Tirzepatide is always meant to be taken on your fasting day, NOT your training day.
' On fasting days, taking Phentermine twice a day is more beneficial because you
are in a period where your glucagon is high. This leads to ketone formation, basal
metabolic rate acceleration, and delayed appetite.
. I have not found a tablespoon of C5O (use coupon code Jayl5 for 15% off) to be
detrimental for fasting, and highly recommend it for its lifespan extending properties.

' Rauwolscine is best taken in the morning as it has a mild stimulatory effect and may
disturb sleep if taken later at night.

2nd Supplement Session: Post Cardio (10:00 AM)

Suoolement Dose

ADVANCED (includes BEGINNER, plus what's listed below)

Nicotine 0,5 - 1.0 mg

FFO (includes BEGINNER and ADVANCED, plus what's listed below)

Same as Advanced Same as Advanced

Some helpful notes:

' Using nicotine gum if you already have Tirzepatide in your system for appetite sup-
pression is unnecessary. Before the craze surrounding Semaglutide (the predecessor
to Tirzepatide), nicotine was the tried-and-true agent for killing hunger. A great
option to use at 10am-11am in the morning when you are hungry in the morning/
afternoon but are not fast-adapted yet.


3'd Supplement Session: Afternoon (2:00 - 3:00 PM)

Suoolement Dose

J-Flex9 Joint 1 serving (6

ADVANCED (includes BEGINNER, plus what's listed below)
Suoolement Dose

Desiccated Thyroid 30 mg
Metformin 500 mg for women,1,000 mg for men
Growth Hormone Peptide Choose one ('l mg Tesamorelin or 300 mcA

FFO (includes BEGINNER and ADVANCED, plus what's listed below)

Suoolement Dose
hGH (Genotropin) 1ru
Albuterol 3 - 6 mg right before cardio
Rauwolscine 1 capsule
Fat burner Choose one (15 mg Phentermine,'10 mg
Cardarine,5 mg GW0742)

Some helpful notes:

. lf you decide to use pharma-grade hGH, DO NOT use Tesamorelin or lpamorelin in
the Advanced stack.
. Taking these supplements after 4:30pm, especially Phentermine, may disturb your
sleep schedule, More creativity and an enhanced flow state are great, but we all
require deep restorative sleep (the one thing you CANNOT hack).
. Ionly recommend using Albuterol a second time if you intend on doing a 2nd cardio
session for the day.
. Likewise, if you are splitting up your hGH dosage into two parts, both of them
should be taken immediately pre-cardio to take advantage of growth hormone's
thermogenic effect,

4thSupplement Session: !f Breaking The Fast (8:00 PM)

No table, but an important note for non-fast adapted people who want to break their
fast at this point in the day...

Supplements sucf as digesfive enzymes, curcumin, and Omega-Ss (exentially

fatty acids) should only be taken at the first feeding.

Choptgr 6: The Fostlng Doy

I don't recommend taking them at any other point to avoid potentially breaking the fast.

Sth Supplement Session: Bedtime (9:00 PM)

Suoolement Dose

Melatonin 10-30mg
Magnesium Citrate 500 - 1,000 mg
ADVANCED (includes BEGINNER, plus what's listed below)
Suoolement Dose

Same as Beginner Same as Beginner

FFO (includes BEGINNER and ADVANCED, plus what's listed below)

Suoolement Dose

Same as Beginner Same as Beginner

Some helpful notes:

. The earlier you go to bed, the easier it is to skip food for the day,
. As described in Chapter 5 near the end of the section on supplements, you have the
option to take your second dose of hGH here, 30-50 minutes before bed (instead
of the afternoon and before a 2nd session of fasted cardio). lf you broke your fast
with a meal on a fasting day, make sure your dose of hGH is not taken within 45-60
minutes before and after food consumption.
. lf you wake up extremely groggy the next day after using melatonin, you took too
much. But if you wake up feeling refreshed, keep taking it at your chosen dose.

' lronically, some people may find it harder to fall asleep on fasting days due to feel-
ing more alert from their upregulated metabolic rate and their body's enhanced
production of BDNF. The longer you fast, the more BDNF production is stimulated.
You tap into this highly focused "flow state" as a result. To really GET SHIT DONE,
schedule your most brain-intensive work between 16-22 hours into your fast when
BDNF is at peak levels.

As promised, here is the entire example fasting day supplementation schedule packaged
into a single chart:


Fasting Day Supplement Schedule

Beginner 1't Session: 2nd Session: 3'd Session: Afternoon 4th Session:
lmmediately Upon Post Cardio (2:OO - 3:OO PM) Bedtime
Waking (5:00 - 7:00 (10:00 AM) (9:00 PM)
Supplement J-Flex9 Joint Recovery J-Flex9 Joint Recovery Melatonin
'10 - 30 mg
Dose I servinq or 6 capsules 1 serving or 6 capsules

Supplement Vitamin )3 + K2 Magnesium


Dose 5,000 - 10,000 lU of Vi- 500 - 1,000 ms

tamin D3, 90 - 180 mcg
of Vitamin K2

Supplement Jarrow B-Right Vitamin

Dose 1 serving or 1 capsule

Supplement Carbon 6O
Dose tsp to 1 tbsp

Supplement Creatine

Dose 5 grams

Supplement Electrolytes

Dose 1 serving

Supplement Coffee / Caffeine

Dose 250 mg or less

Chopter 6: The Fosting Doy

Advanced l't Session: 2nd Session: 3'd Session: Afternoon 4th Session:
(includes lmmediately Post Cardio (2:00 - 3:00 PM) Bedtime
everything Upon Waking (10:OO AM) (9:OO PM)
listed above) (5:OO - 7:0O AM)
Supplement Tesofensine Nicotine Gum Dessicated Thyroid Same As
Above, No
Dose 250 mcg 5mg 30 mg

Supplement Metformin Metformin

Dose 500 mg for women, 500 mg for women,'1,000 mg

1,000 mg for men for men

Supplement Dessicated Thyroid Growth Hormone Peptide

Dose 60 ms Tesamorelin 1 mg 0R lpamo-
relin 300 mcg

Supplement Tirzepatide

Dose 2,5 mg (JUST ONCE PER


Supplement Growth Hormone Pep-

Dose Tesamorelin 1 mg 0R
lpamorelin 300 mcs

Supplement Melanotan 1

Dose 0,5 - 1,0 mg (2xlweek)

Supplement Testosterone

Dose lnjections: Break up into

every day, EOD Cream:
200ng/g or 4 clicks
from dispenser


Fully F-kkn 1't Session: 2nd Session: 3'd Session: Afternoon 4th Session
Optimized lmmediately Post Cardio (2:00 - 3:0O PM) Bedtime
(includes Upon Waking (10:00 AM) (9:0O PM)
everything (5:00 - 7:00 AM)
listed above)
Supplement Human Growth Hormone Same As Human Growth Hormone Same As
(Genotropin) [NOTE: Above, No (Genotropin) [NOTE: Do not Above, No
Do not use the growth Additional use the growth hormone Additional
hormone peptide if using Supplements peptide if using pharma grade Supplements
pharma grade GHl GH]

Dose 1 lU (women) or 1,5 - 2.0 1lU (women) or 1,5 - 2.0 lU

lU (men) (men)

Supplement Albuterol Albuterol

Dose 3-5mg 3-6mg

Supplement Rauwolscine Rauwolscine

Dose 1 capsule 1 capsule

Supplement Phentermine Fat Burner (Choose 0NLY

Dose 15 mg Phentermine 15 mg OR
Cardarine 10 mg OR GW0742

l've thoroughly covered what is simultaneously the easiest and hardest day of the entire
30D2S protocol across the three fundamental pillars of diet, training, and supplementation.
lf you thought each thing alone was highly effective for fat loss, studies (here and here)
are now showing how fasting, resistance training, and endurance exercise put together
are the optimal combination.
Not just for body fat loss, but a type of targeted fat loss where 1OO% of the lost weight
is fat mass and 0% of it is lean muscle tissue,

Now it's time to look at how we approach the weekends, where the majority of dieters
derail their progress and end up sabotaging all their hard-won progress.

Chopter 6: The Fostlng Doy



(saruRDAY AND suNonv)

The 30D25 protocol was designed for the

fasfesf and healthiesf faf /oss poss ible within
just 30 days,

But not at the expense of sacrificing a normal life and living like an isolated Spartan.
Even though it's a mere 30 days, I want you to have the freedom to enjoy a good meal
with your family and friends.

Chopter 7: The Weekends, Doys 6 & 7 (Soturdoy ond Sundoy)

A path to peak physical health should not require blocking out emotional, mental, and
spiritual health in the process.
We want to keep things strict but not too strict.
Consider Saturday and Sunday as your two days off, relative to how intensely you are
pushing yourself from Monday through Friday.
There are varying degrees of flexibility you can choose on Saturdays and Sundays with
respect to adherence to the 30D2S protocol,
However, you are not going to go off the rails and binge eat yourself into an
insulin-induced coma.
All we're doing is being slightly less restrictive in what we eat and when we eat.
ln fact, you'll find we are still adhering to the three foundational pillars of diet, training, and
supplements set forth in both the training days (Chapter 5) and fasting days (Chapter 5).
So let's see how each pillar is changed for the weekend days (i.e. days 6 & 7 of every
7-day week).


Weekends will be based on your individual work-life balance.

Depending on your work schedule, a weekend might be Tuesday and Wednesday,
This is why the 'weekend' portion of the diet is referenced as Days 6 and Z versus
just Saturday and Sunday.
The most important tenet to adhere to with 30D2S is the 7-day alternate day
fastingfieeding protocol.


Pillor #l: Diet

The structure we will follow on days 5 and 7 (i.e. the weekend for most people) is almost
identical to what is contained in Chapter 6 (Fasting Day) across all three pillars.
We'll start with diet, because this is the time of the week where most dieters have failed
at least once if not multiple times before "getting it right".
Newbies and the blissfully unaware treat the weekend like a complete break and eat
To nobody's surprise, all the progress they made from Monday to Friday is completely
sabotaged and they have to start all over again.
Of the people who do manage to succeed with weight loss and keep off excess fat
long-term, the key is they are consistent 7 days a week.
Given the temptations of the weekend and all the food-oriented festivities happening
within that 48-hour time window, you require even more discipline to avoid giving in
while resuming the same rate of weight loss.
Which is why I AM going out of our way to prevent this common mishap from hap-
pening to you,
I know there are going to be two types of people who follow 30D2S.
Those who really want a mental break in the form of dietary freedom, and the hardcore
warriors who want lOOo/o discipline even on the weekends.
So with this in mind, you have two choices:

OPTION I - Continue to strictly follow 30D25 without any deviation from the plan.

This means you will follow the program as normal and continue to have 0, 1, or 2 meals
as planned.
You literally treat Saturday and Sunday like fasting days and act accordingly.
Below is an example of what a non cheat meal day will look like on days 6 and 7 (the
weekend) for someone who is an Advanced level dieter:

Choptsr 7: The Weekends, Doys 6 & 7 (Soturdoy ond Sundoy)

Weekend Day Diet (Non Cheat Meal Day) - Advanced Level

Macronutrient Grams Of Calories From
Time Food
Breakdown Macronutrients Macronutrients
7:00PM Meal 1

Carb Veggies and/or salad JU 120

Fat Olive oil BO 720
Protein Grass-fed beef/steak OR 160 640
Wild-caught fish
Total 1,480


Carb 3o 120
rdt 80 720
Protein 160 640
Total Calorles 1,480


You have the option to fast all of Saturday and then break your fast on Sunday.
ln this case, you can slightly prolong your fast and have your first feeding in the
late afternoon of Sunday (4pm-5pm).
Unlike lifting days, it is not necessary to eat first thing in the morning.

OPTION 2 - Choose one weekend day where yoa will strictly fotlow 30D25, and
assr?n the other weekend day as the one where you can eat one meal unrestrained.

By "strictly" follow, I mean you adhere to the fasting day protocol without deviation.
This means having your 1-2 meals (or no meals at all) to meet your pre-defined cal-
orie and macronutrient needs, performing your 2 cardio sessions, and taking the
appropriate supplements.
But on the day you have your unrestrained meal, you will still be fasting, doing your cardio
and taking your supplements.


The only real difference will be the once-a-week cheat meal you eat and some guidelines
to stop you from stuffing yourself sick.
This is known as a "free meal" and was popularized by Lyle McDonald when he wrote his
book A Guide to Flexible Dieting back in 2005.
Here is how the free meal works in relation to the rest of your diet:

"This is a single meal, once or twice a week, that breaks your diet.
Ihrs is mostly psychological, so you don't have any sense of deprivation.
The free meal ultimately will have little impact on your overall progress, and will
likely help your long-term commitment,
The short timeframe isn't really long enough to affect the various hormones involved
in the physiological response to dieting.
ln general you should wait several weeks after starting a diet before considering a
Free Mea[ so you've transitioned to that change,

And they should not be on consecutive days,"

The free meal can be beneficial because the extra calories - within reason - will help reset
our metabolism after spending the entire week being in an extreme deficit.
The most optimal results will be obtained if you choose #1, but both options end up tap-
ping into an advanced hack I recommended in my first two fat loss books, The Metabolic
Blowtorch Diet and Guaranteed Shredded:
Back-to-Back Fastlng!
Over the weekend, you have two back-to-back 24-hour fasting days.
This will happen whether you are at the Beginner, Advanced, or FFO level.
When we perform 48-hour fasts, our body turns into a fat-incinerating machine and our
rate of fat loss is dramatically enhanced,
What's happening is you have increased catecholamine production from the super-low
insulin levels your body has during extended fasts.
Catecholamines (ex. Adrenaline/epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine) are the
fight-or-flight hormones secreted into your bloodstream by your adrenal glands when
your body undergoes emotional or physical stress.

Chopter 7: The Weekends, Doys 6 & 7 (Soturdoy ond Sundoy)

ln the case of 30D2S, the low carbohydrates and low calories created by *24 hour fasts
induce this stress.
These catecholamines will then flood stubborn and resistant fat cell areas with blood in
order to mobilize them to be burned as energy.
Put another way, the catecholamines are promoting fatty acid mobilization and
beta-oxidation (fat burning), in addition to increasing energy expenditure.
Nothing I know of is more effective for tapping into stubborn fat stores.

Guidelines for Eoting on Off-Plon Meol

Let's say you picked Option #2,
You've also selected Saturday or Sunday night as the day you will have a cheat meal.
I want you to have leniency and flexibility with your cheat meal, yet at the same time
prevent you from completely sabotaging your diet.


One major exception to the unrestrained meal is if you are a frequent traveler and
are subject to what is offered at airports and on airplanes.
You effectively have zero access to quality food, therefore the only solution is to
avoid eating.
This is the one situation where I encourage you to be as anally retentive as possible,
and even go as far as to bring some prepped food in a cooler.

To achieve both goals, there are a core set of disciplines we must adhere to in order to
avoid ruining the fat loss progress we made during the week.

The earlier you finish eating, the better.
ldeally you are done eating by 9pm and optimally even sooner.
lf you eat too late at night, your digestion and blood sugar response will be suboptimal,


Iwould go as far as to recommend you cut your fast interval short to meet this guideline,
rather than fast for longer and not finish eating until 10pm.
ln all honesty, the most optimal choice would be to not eat at all.


Now is not the time to obsessively worry about counting calories and macronutrients.
Otherwise it defeats the entire purpose of eating your one meal unrestrained.
This does not mean there aren't some important things to be mindful of:

. Stick to higher-quality food preparedat home or from a good restaurant, avoiding

processed food and fast food at all costs
. You should be full - NOT STUFFED - after a meal (if you're so full you have to stay
in bed for 2 hours due to a food coma, you went too far)
. lt's best to stick with the theme of high protein, low to moderate fat, and low car-
bohydrates (green veggies are always the best choice)

My favorite place to chow down is at a steakhouse restaurant.

Appetizers, baked potato, salad without the high carb/sugar dressing, and a massive steak.
You can never go wrong with pounding meats, healthy fats, and green veggies.
ln this context, even lesser meats like chicken and turkey are acceptable when paired
with a healthy fat source.

Chopter 7: The Weekends, Doys 6 & 7 (Soturdoy ond Sundoy)


lf you are over 20o/o body fat, avoid carbohydrates as much as possible during
your unrestrained meal.
You get what you deserve, and carbohydrates usually aren't it at this point in your
fat loss journey.
Even if you are leaner, it is fine to have some low glycemic index carbohydrates
but the point is to avoid overeating them.
The more hardcore you are over the working week, the better your body can handle
unrestrained eating on this one meal.

I AM making a separate section for sugar because this is where people make mistakes
once they allow carbohydrates into their off-plan meal.
You do not want to do anything to tilt your body's balance towards fat storage/gain,
and the most common way this happens is by combining high amounts of sugar and
fat together.
It's one thing if you had a small slice of cake or a scoop of ice cream.
No problem.
But if you have a gigantic ice cream sundae with apple pie, or 12 donuts, or whatever
sugary overload comes to your imagination, you are now actively derailing your diet.
You are spiking your insulin levels and transitioning your body into "fat storage" mode.
Even though a caloric surplus is ultimately what matters most, many hormones are at
play and the over-secretion of insulin will definitely slow the speed of fat loss.

This is the one recommendation likely to bother and/or frustrate some of you.
ln addition to the suppression of fat oxidation, there are several other reasons to elim-
inate alcohol,
Extra calories without any caloric value, impaired decision making naturally leading to
even worse dietary choices, a nasty hangover the next morning leaving you bed-ridden.,.


I think you can see where l'm going with this.

And I don't care about all of the smaller studies you can show me suggesting low to
moderate drinking may be linked with longevity or reduced heart disease.
I AM specifically talking about fat loss, and I AM telling you to avoid alcohol altogether
for the next 30 days.
lf you drink in excess on this program, you are not going to get any value out of this book.
ln truth, you aren't getting any value out of your life either.
Let's be brutally honest now.
Alcohol is a solvent and a cell toxin.
People who drink alcohol in excess truly DO NOT love and trust themselves.
Which in turn guarantees they don't love or trust anyone else either.
One day of getting wasted is all it takes to undo everything you did in the previous week.
Your body cannot filter alcohol well (if at all), especially when you are into your
40's and beyond.
Even worse, alcohol contributes significantly to fat gain when combined with excess calories.
I AM aware many readers will fail to heed my advice and grab a drink anyway.
So in the event you DO drink alcohol, make it a one-time thing only.
Absolutely no sugary drinks and definitely no beer.
Low-calorie distilled options like whiskey, vodka, tequila, and spirits are your better choices.
Red wine is a very poor choice due to the carb content of the fermented grapes.
lF YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT GOING TO LISTEN TO ME, it's very easy to tell you
the following:
You absolutelv. oositivelv WILL NOT oet the same results as someone who chooses to
abstain from alcohol entirely.
With this disclaimer said and out of the way:
No alcohol is always best.
I would even go further and say zero alcohol is mandatory for individuals who are 40
years of age and above,

Chopter 7: The Weekends, Doys 6 & 7 (Soturdoy ond Sundoy)

You are not in college anymore and your metabolism will not work in your favor.
Either choose to make 30D2S work for you, or don't.
Let's carry on to how you will be training over the weekend...

Pillqr #2zTrqlning

Just like fasting days, we are going to avoid resistance training and stick to two 3O-GO
minute sessions of LISS cardio.
NOTE - I promise the three full-body PMF-style weightlifting workouts you atready did
over the week are more than sufficient for retaining muscle and burning fat,
Your first session should be done within 1-2 hours of waking, and your second one should
be done in the late afternoon before eating either your on-plan meal (if you are following
30D2S strictly) or your unrestrained off-plan meal (if you do choose to have one).
lf you do take the off-plan meal, I strongly recommend taking an additional 10-30 minute
walk after eating the meal,
This will help mitigate the deleterious blood sugar response from eating more than normal
and will also aid in digestion.
Here is an example of a standard Day 6/7 training routine:

Weekend Day Cardio

Tlme Dpe Duratlon Target HR
AM Cardio Session - immediately LISS Cardio - Bike, elliptical, 40-50 minutes 'r20-140
upon waking incline treadmill, stairmaster
PM Cardio Session - prior to first LISS Cardio - Bike, elliptical, 40-50 minutes 120-140 BPN4
meal (if eating at all) incline treadmill, stairmaster
Post-Meal Movement Walking l0-30 minutes 100-120 BPM

Nothing here you haven't already seen.

l'll wrap up this chapter quickly by talking about the supplements required for the weekend.


Pillqr #3: Supplements

Your supplementation will look exactly identical to the fasting day in the previous chapter
with respect to what you take and when you take it.
The only significant tweak to make is in relation to hGH or any growth-hormone releasing
peptide you choose to use.
lf you recall what you learned in Chapter 3, it is best to use them on a "5 days on, 2 days
off" cycle.
Meaning you will take the weekends off and not use them again until Monday morning.
We are only doing this to ensure our pituitary gland reboots on the weekend and our
body doesn't become reliant on the exogenous supply of hGH or a growth hormone
releasing peptide.
Older people (50+) don't really have to adhere to this rule as strictly as younger people
due to their lack of circulating IGF-I levels.


lf you decide to use pharma-grade hGH while following the FFO level during 30D2S,
DO NOT use Tesamorelin or lpamorelin in the Advanced stack.
Outside of this warning, the same rules apply as on the fasting days and training days,

Here is an example of a weekend supplement schedule:

Chopter 7: The Weekends, Doys 6 & 7 (Sqturdoy ond Sundoy)

ls Supplement Session: lmmediately Upon Waking (5:00 - 7:00 AM)

Suoolement Dose

J-Flex9 Joint Recovery 1 serving (6 capsules)

Vitamin D3 + K2 1 serving (5,000 -]0,000 lU of Vitamin D3, 90 - 180 mcg

of Vitamin K2)
Jarrow B-Right Vitamin Complex 'l
serving (1 capsule)

Carbon 60 1 teaspoon to I tablespoon

Creatine 5 grams

Electrolytes 1 serving

Coffee/caffeine No more than 250 mg

ADVANCED (includes BEGINNER, plus what's listed below)

Suoolement Dose

Tesofensine 250 mcg

Metformin 500 mg for women,1,000 ms for men
Desiccated Thyroid 60 mg
Melanotan l 0,5 - 1,0 mg twice a week

Testosterone Depends on dosing method, see Chapter 3

Growth Hormone Peptide Choose one (l mg Tesamorelin or 300 mcg lpamorelin)

FFO (includes BEGINNER and ADVANCED, plus what's listed below)

Suoolement Dose

Phentermine 15 mg

Albuterol 3 - 6 mg right before cardio

Rauwolscine 1 capsule

NOTE -Refer to the previous chapter if you want fo see the helpful notes t provided under
each table as fhereb no point in repeating myself.


2nd Supplement Session: Post Cardio (10:00 AM)

Suoolement Dose

ADVANCED (includes BEGINNER, plus what's listed below)

Suoolement Dose

Nicotine 0.5 - 1.0 mg

FFO (includes BEGINNER and ADVANCED, plus what's listed below)

Suoolement Dose

Same as Advanced Same as Advanced

3'd Supplement Session: Afternoon (2:00 - 3:00 PM)

Suoolement Dose

J-Flex9 Joint Recovery I serving (6 capsules)

ADVANCED (includes BEGINNER, plus what's listed below)
Suoolement Dose

Desiccated Thyroid 30 mg

Metformin 500 ms for women, 1,000 mg for men

Growth Hormone Peptide Choose one (l mg Tesamorelin or 300 mcg lpamorelin)

FFO (includes BEGINNER and ADVANCED, plus what's listed below)

Suoolement Dose

Albuterol 3 - 6 mg right before cardio

Rauwolscine capsule

Fat burner Choose one (15 mg Phentermine,l0 mg Cardarine,5 mg


hGH (Genotropin) 1ru

4th Supplement Session: lf Breaking The Fast (6:00 PM)

No table, but a reminder that fast-adapted or non-fast adapted people can either (a)
have their first feeding in line with the 30D2S protocol, or (b) go out to have one off-plan
meal with their family and friends.

Chopter 7: Tha Weekends, Doys 6 & 7 (Soturdoy ond Sundoy)

Supplements such as digestive enzymes, curcumin, and Omega-3s (essentially fatty acids)
should be taken at the first feeding to avoid breaking the fast.

5th Supplement Session: Bedtime (10:00 PM)

Suoolement Dose

Melatonin 10-30mg
Magnesium Citrate 500 - 1,000 mg
ADVANCED (includes BEGINNER, plus what's listed below)
Suoolement Dose
Same as Beginner Same as Beginner

FFO (includes BEGINNER and ADVANCED, plus what,s listed below)

Suoolement Dose
Same as Beglnner Same as Beginner

The earlier you go to bed, the easier it is to skip food that day if fasting longer than 24 hours,
Here is a single chart summarizing all of the times of the day where you are
taking supplements:


Weekend Day Supplement Schedule

Beginner l't Session: 2nd Session: 3'd Session: 4th Session:
lmmediately Post Cardio Afternoon (2:OO - Bedtime (lO:OO
Upon Waking (10:00 AM) 3:00 PM) PM)
(5:00 - 7:00 AM)
Supplement J-Flex9 Joint Recov- J-Flex9 Joint Recovery Melatonin
Dose 1 serving or 6 cap- 1 serving or 6 capsules 10-30mg
su les

Supplement Vitamin D3 + K2 Magnesium


Dose s,000 - 10,000 rU of 500 - 1,000 ms

Vitamin D3, 90 - l8O
mcg of Vitamin K2

Supplement Jarrow B-Right Vita-

min Complex
Dose I servino or'l caBsule

Supplement Carbon 60

Dose 1 tsp to 1 tbsp

Supplement Creatine

Dose 5 grams

Supplement Electrolytes
Dose serving

Supplement Coffee / Caffeine

Dose 250 mg or less

Chopter 7: The Weekonds, Doys 6 A 7 (Soturdoy ond Sundoy)

Advanced l't Session: 2nd Session: 3'd Session: 4th Session:

(includes lmmediately Post Cardio Afternoon (2:00 - Bedtime (1O:OO
everything Upon Waking (lO:00 AM) 3:00 PM) PM)
listed above) (5:00 - 7:00 AM)
Supplement Tesofensine Nicotine Gum Dessicated Thyroid Same As Above,
No Additional
Dose 250 mcg 0,5 mg 30 mg

Supplement Metformin Metformin

Dose 500 mg for women, 500 mg for women,
1,000 mg for men '1,000 mg for men

Supplement Dessicated Thyroid Growth Hormone

Dose 60 mg Tesamorelin 1 mg OR
lpamorelin 300 mcg

Supplement Growth Hormone

Dose Tesamorelin lms OR
lpamorelin 300 mcg

Supplement Melanotan l

Dose 0,5 - 1,0 ms Qx/


Supplement Testosterone

Dose lnjections: Break up

into every day, EOD
or 4 clicks from


Fully F*kkn I't Session : 2nd Session: 3'd Session: 4th Session:
Optimized lmmediately Post Cardio Afternoon (2:00 - Bedtime (10:00
(includes Upon Waking (10:OO AM) 3:O0 PM) PM)
everything (5:O0 - 7100 AM)
listed above)
Supplement Human Growth Hor- Same As Above, Human Growth Hor- Same As Above,
mone (Genotropin) No Additional mone (Genotropin) No Additional
INOTE: Do not use Supplements INOTE: Do not use Supplements
the growth hormone the growth hormone
peptide if using phar- peptide if using pharma
ma grade GHI grade GHI

Dose 1 lU (women) or 1,5 - i lU (women) or 1,5 - 2,0

2.0 lU (men) lU (men)

Supplement Albuterol Albuterol

Dose 3-6mg 3-6mg

Supplement Rauwolscine Rauwolscine

Dose 1 capsule 1 capsule

Supplement Phentermine Fat Burner (Choose


Dose 15 mg Phentermine 15 mg OR
Cardarine 10 mg OR
GW0742 5ms

And you're done!

As you can see, the weekend is very similar to a normal fasting day with small variations.
You should enjoy your family meal, but don't make it the 10,OOO calorie challenge.
And don't go through the week thinking all of your efforts are for your one off-plan meal,
Look forward to it, but don't obsess over it.

Chopter 7: The Weekends, Doys 6 & 7 (Soturdoy ond Sundoy)



(aasrc, ADVANcED, AND FFo)
It's time to put everything together from a
bird eyet view,

With one of three 30D2S levels chosen, the principles of metabolically flexible living (MFL)
fully understood, the drugs and supplements (hopefully) obtained, the cardiovascular and
resistance training rules internalized, the fasting days and training days fully described,
and now your playbook for having some fun on the weekends (days 5 and 7)...
Hopefully you can finally start to see a structure forming.
With every puzzle piece connected, it should be obvious how every element of 30D2S
combines to form something greater than the sum of the individual elements themselves.
Let's start with an overview of what your 7-day week will look like with respect to when
you follow a fasting day (Chapter 6) or a training day (Chapter 5):

Day of the Week 30D2S Day to Follow

Monday Training/Feeding Day

Tuesday Fasting Day

Wednesday Training/Feeding Day

Thursday Fasting Day

Friday Training/Feeding Day

Saturday Fasting Day

Sunday Fasting Day

Chopter 8:The Weekly Protocols (Boslc, Advonced, ond FFO)

This weekly training protocol for fat loss works because we have four fasting days, and
two of those fasting days - Saturday and sunday - are back to back.
We talked about how this accelerates fat loss further via catecholamine release in the
prior chapter.
NOTE - lfyou want to REALLY demonstrate your dedication to stubborn body fat removal,
the next chapter will show you a riskier (side effect wise) yet massively effective way to
nearly l1x what you get out of fhose back-to-back fasts.


The weekly schedule for fat loss is the same regardless of whether you are in the
Beginner, Advanced, or FFO level.
The differences between all three levels are reflected in the day-to-day activities
with respect to diet, training, and supplementation.

Each of the 4-5 weeks will look exactly the same over the next 30 days.
Print the weekly schedule, put it in your calendar and follow it to the letter.
Alternatively, you can look at the sample calendars below and see the 30D2S protocol
carried out over an entire month depending on which level you are following:



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
I 2
Fasting Fasting
Day - 20 Day - 20
Hours Hours

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Trainrng Fasting Training Fasting Tra in in g Fasting Fasting
udy Day - 20 Day Day - 20 Day Day - 20 Day - 20
Hours Hours Hours Hours

10 1l 12 l3 14 15 l6
Training Fasting Training Fasting Training Fasting Fasting
Day Day - 20 Day Day - 20 Day Day - 20 Day - 20
Hours Hours Hours Hours

17 l8 l9 20 21 22 23
Training Fasting Tral ni ng Fasting Train ng Fasting Fasting
Day Day - 20 Day Day - 20 Day Day 20 Day - 20
Hours Hours Hou rS Hours

24/st 25 26 27 28 29 30
Training Fastin s Training Fasting Training Fasting Fasting
Day Day - 20 Day Day - 20 Day Day - 20 Day - 20
Hours Hours Hours Hours

Chopter 8: The Weekly Protocols (Bosic, Advonced, ond FFO)


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
I 2
Fasting Fasting
Day - 24 Day - 24
Hours Hours

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Training Fasting Training Fasting Training Fasting Fasting
Day Day - 24 Day Day - 24 Day Day - 24 Day - 24
Hours Hours Hours Hours

r0 It 12 l3 14 T5 l5
Training Fasting Trainrng Fasting Training Fasting Fasting
Day Day - 24 Day Day - 24 Day Day - 24 Day - 24
Hours Hours Hours Hours

r8 '19
17 20 21 22 23
Training Fasting Training Fasting Train ng Fasting Fasting
Day Day - 24 Day Day - 24 Day Day - 24 Day - 24
Hours Hours Hours Hours

24/st 25 26 27 28 29 30
Training Fasting Training Fasting Training Fasting Fastlng
Day Day - 24 Day Day - 24 Day Day - 24 Day - 24
Hours Hours Hours Hours



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
I 2
Fasting Fasting
Day - 24 Day - 36
Hours Hours

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Training Fasting Trainrng Fasting Tra ng Fasting Fasting
Day Day - 56 Day Day - 36 D ay Day - 24 Day - 36
Hours Hours Hours Hours

l0 II 12 l3 14 l5 t6
Training Fasting Trarning Fasting Training Fasting Fasting
Day Day - 36 Day Day - 36 Day Day - 24 Day - 36
Hours Hours Hours Hours

17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Trainrng Fasting Training Fasting Training Combined Fast
Day Day - 36 udy Day - 36 Day Saturday/Sunday
Hours Hours - 48 Hours

24/tt 25 26 27 28 29 30
Training Fasting Training Fasting Trainrng Fasting Fasting
Dav Day - 36 Day Day - 36 Day Day - 24 Day - 36
Hours Hours Hours Hours

But we're not done just yet.

Now it's time to transition into a period of maintenance and spend the next two weeks
cementing the fat loss results you've worked so hard to attain.

Chopter 8: The Weekly Protocols (Boslc, Advonced, ond FFO)



lf you read and applied everything up until this
chapter you have officially completed your first
full cycle of the 30D25 program,

Less than of humanity has the guts and the drive to do what you just did.

But there's an old saying in the world of finance: it's not about how much you make, but
how much you keep.
Similarly, it's not how much fat you lose, but how much of it you actually keep off over
a longer period of time.
You must have a plan to maintain your hard-earned results and avoid giving them back
in the form of unwanted fat gain and lost strength.
Even if you never do another cycle of 30D2S ever again, there is no worse feeling in the
world than ending up back at square 1.
IAM going to stop you from falling into this common blunder by outlining a post 30D2S
maintenance protocol.
Both Hunter and I follow similar approaches to staying below 10% body fat, 365 days a
yeal without obsessive calorie-counting, spending hours in the gym, or missing out on
the culinary joys of life.

Chopter 9: Mointenonce Eoting Post 30D2S protocol

For both of us, maintenance dieting is the perfect balance between lifestyle freedom and
an exceptional physique without needing to live like a shut-in monk.
For you, a short period of maintenance dieting will solidify your fat loss results and help
your body adjust towards a new normal.
This is going to be a continuation of my methodology, which holds true to the principle
of minimal input for maximum output.

The lmportonce of the Mqintenqnce period

There are numerous reasons why the maintenance period is arguably the make-or-break
moment of your fat loss journey.
First, it will force you to continue your now-ingrained habit of exercising.
Everybody who's been in the gym knows what happens when you skip too many workouts.
As a basic bro rule, you cannot skip more than 20% of your existing workout schedule
without taking losses in your strength progression.
It's usually said aroun d2-3 weeks of physical inactivity is when you start to see a decrease
in muscle mass and strength.
Living a sedentary lifestyle is the fastest way towards physical deterioration.
Conversely, consistent physical exercise is what keeps you alive for much longer.
Second, it will force your body to adapt to your new body weight and body fat percentage.
One of the major drawbacks of most caloric restriction programs is the reduction of your
basal metabolic rate.
Known as "adaptive thermogenesis", this is your body's way of compensating for its
reduced energy needs.
It's one way of explaining how people who end up on diets often regain most of their
weight back immediately after.
To nobody's surprise, there is a strong positive correlation between the degree of adap-
tive thermogenesis and an increased drive to eat.


A 2016 study attempted to quantify this and estimates every kilogram of weight lost
will boost daily appetite by ]00 calories daily while reducing daily energy expenditure
by 30 calories.
On the flipside, slowly increasing your calories to a maintenance intake after a period of
fat loss will increase your resting metabolic rate,
How else do you think successful dieters eventually reach a set point and maintain a
lower body weight?


The two main factors affecting your metabolism are your body composition and
your energy intake.
The first factor is already known from what you learned in Chapter 4.
Now you know about the second factor.

So in order to minimize the degree to which adaptive thermogenesis occurs and prevent
downregulation, we allow for a temporary period of time where energy intake is increased,
You've already experienced this in the form of increased carbohydrate and calorie intake
on your training days to jumpstart your metabolism (i.e. refeeds).
This concept has been proven to work in traditional diets where you have a l-2 day carbo-
hydrate refeed over the weekend to compensate for five straight days of restricted eating.
But it's also equally efficacious when you allow for a 2-week "break" via eating at caloric
maintenance after 7-8 weeks of straight dieting.
When you lose fat the way I advocate in the 30D2S protocol, your metabolism is always
dynamic and is never downregulated due to the constant back-and-forth of cycling cal-
ories between fasting days and training days.
ln my experience, there is also the psychological component of not being tied down to
robotic 7-days-a-week eating patterns that lead to extreme boredom.
Third, it will help you take an honest self-assessment of your body composition.
Take the ongoing trend of "Ozempic Butt" making waves among people who use
Semaglutide or Tirzepatide.

Chopter g: Molntenonce Eoting Post 30D2S protocol

A lot of patients using these peptides are now complaining their butts are becoming
saggy, flabbier, and deflated.
They no longer have an ass.., well, technically they do but it's more like "flat pancake ass".
Want to know what's really happening?
ln many of these men and women, the thickness of their butt is literally just fat pro-
viding volume.
You take away the fat and quickly realize most people are terribly deficient in core and
lower body strength/musculature.
They lack muscle mass, motor control, are untrained, and still suffer from insulin resistance
and high levels of inflammation.
lf you follow 30D2S to the letter, this will not be happening to you.
But you may be surprised to find all of your size making you look bigger was really just
excess visceral fat tissue.
ln a way, the results you get from 30D2S will expose the problem areas of your body
requiring drastic improvement.
Any part of your body lagging behind in composition will quickly become evident.

How to Set Up Your Mqintenqnce Period

Most of what you see here will be redundant information from the previous four chapters,
so l'm going to keep things as short as possible.

Length of Mointenonce Period

This depends entirely on how much body fat one has to lose and where they end up after
one cycle of 30D2S.
I highly recommend doing another measurement of your body fat percentage after fin-
ishing the 30-day program.
olf you are >20% body fat, you will be on maintenance for five days


Glf you are between l0% and 20% body fat, you will be on maintenance for 10-14 days
alf you are below l0% body fat, you will be on maintenance for 14-21 days

Diet During the Mointenonce Period

You will continue to follow your fasting days and training days with a few exceptions.
Calorie-wise, you will be eating anywhere between 14-16 calories per pound of your
CURRENT total body weight depending on your somatotype.

Endomorphs should be on the lower end of the caloric range, going as low as 13 calories
per pound of total body weight.
Ectomorphs will be somewhere in the middle, and mesomorphs can afford to be on the
higher end of this caloric range.
Protein-wise, you can stay at 1 gram per pound of lean body weight.
For this time period, it may even be acceptable for trainees who are sub 10% body fat to
go as high as 1.25 to .l.5 grams per pound of lean body weight.
Generally, leaner people need higher protein intakes during energy deficits and the "1
gram of protein per pound of total body weight" rule for muscle sparing applies more
to them than higher body fat people.
Carbohydrate-wise, follow these recommendations to start unless you are highly trained/
conditioned and can handle higher amounts of carbs:
. Endomorph - 75-100 grams
. Ectomorph - 150-175 grams
. Mesomorph - 200-250 grams
You will still be consuming the majority of your carbohydrates immediately before, during,
and immediately after your training session to fully replenish your glycogen stores.

Chopter 9: Molntenonce Eoting Post 30D2S protocol


During your maintenance period, a once-in-a-while cheat meal is ok.

I recommend scheduling them on training days post-workout so your body is in
the most optimal position to use the food you are eating.
As prescribed in Chapter Z minimize the combination of high fats and high carbs
where possible.

Fat'wise, you can simply fill out the leftover calories you have for the day after accounting
for protein intake and carbohydrate intake.
Here is a sample of what this looks like in an endomorphic male who weighs 200 lbs
with 20% body fat:





. 200 lbs totol ' 20%body fot = 40 pounds of fot

. 200lbs totol - 40 lbs of fot = 160 lbs of leon muscle weight

, 160lbs of leon muscle weight * 1.25 grom of protein =
2OO grums ol proteln

. 200 groms of protein +

4 colories per grom of protein =
8OO calorlec lrom proteln


. IOOgrams of corbs * 4 colories per grom of corbs =
40Ocalorleslrom corDs


. 2,600 colories - 800 colories - 400 colories =
l,1OO calorles lrom lats
. 1,400 colories / 9 colories per grom of fot = EA grams ol lat

Or in shorthand notation: 2600 kcal, P2O0 /C100/F156

Chopter 9: Mointenonce Eotlng Post 30D2S protocol

sPEctAr NorE
Expect fluctuations in your scale weight of 3-8 pounds due to higher carbohydrate/
calorie consumption, which leads to increased water retention in the muscles and
higher glycogen replenishment.
Your weight will drop after a fast and go up after consuming more calories.
While you may have become normalized to this during the calorie cycling approach
in your first run of 3OD2S, you may be freaked out when this happens during your
maintenance period.
Due to urination frequency, bowel movements, clothing, and water consumption,
the scale weight is not as important and does not tell the full story of fat loss.
l've seen cases where losing body fat does not necessarily mean the weight on
the scale is going down.
You want to focus on how clothes are fitting on your waist, combined with where
your weight lands over the maintenance period.
Generally, you should find yourself at a certain weight (within a 2-3 pound devia-
tion) when your period of maintenance dieting is over.

Calorie-wise, you will be eating 5-15o/o less relative to your total maintenance caloric intake
as determined on your training days,

Mesomorphs can reduce their intake by 5-10%, ectomorphs are good at '10%, and
endomorphs should do a 15% reduction (due to being more prone to storing excess
calories as fat).
However, it is imperative you DO NOT overeat on your fasting daysl
Protein-wise, you will be eating the same protein intake as you did on training days.
Carbohydrate-wise, it's important to adhere to the rules described in Chapter 6 and
minimize your carb intake after 6-7pm.
Also, make sure you are getting your carbs from clean sources,
Fat-wise, you can simply fill out the leftover calories you have for the day after accounting
for protein intake and carbohydrate intake.


Here is a sample of what this looks like in an endomorphic male who weighs 200 lbs
with 20% body fat:


2,600 CALORTES - (tS% OF 2,600 CALORTES) = 2,600 - 39O = 2,210 CALORIES


. 200 lbs totol * 2a%body fot = 4o pounds of fot
. 200 lbs totol - 40 lbs of fot = 160 lbs of leon muscle weight

. 160lbs of leon muscle weight * 1.25 grom of protein =

2OO grams ol proteln
. 200 groms of protein'4 colories per grom of protein =
8OO calorles lrom prolaln


. 0 grams ol corbs * 4 colories per grom of corbs =
O colorles lrom corbs


. 2,210 colories - 800 colories - 0 colories =
l,4lO colorlesfromlals

. I,410 colories / 9 colories psr grom of fot = 157 groms ollot

Or in shorthand notation: 2210 kcal, P2OO/C0/F157

Chopter 9: Mointenonce Eoting Post 30D2S protocol

For the purpose of simplicity, you can also use the same calculator from the end of
Chapter 2 to generate your macronutrient Intake on fasting days and training days during
your maintenance period.
Just sure you are on the "Maintenance" sheet and not on the "Program" sheet when
calculating your calories and macronutrients.
(Once you have the spreadsheet open, you can make an editable copy for yourself by
going to File -> Make a copy)


ln case you haven't noticed, the fat intakes may be much higher than what you
are used to.
This is completely normal for what we're trying to achieve and even moreso for
fatter individuals.
The leaner you are, the more you can tip the balance more towards carbohydrates
than fats in your total macronutrient intake.
You get your carbs when you deserve them, regardless of whether you are losing
fat, maintaining body composition, or building muscle.

Fasting-wise, you can actually put your foot on the brakes and keep your fasting window
at 12-16 hours from when you had your last meal,
So if you had your last meal at 8pm the night before, you can eat your first meal the next
day at llam-12pm.
More variation and flexibility is allowed since we are in a maintenance phase where we
are not trying to lose fat or gain muscle.
Meal-wise, I recommend 2 meals on fasting days.
The first one should be a whole foods meal consisting of a clean protein source (ex.
Grass-fed beef), a clean carbohydrate source (ex. White rice or yams), and green veggies.
Your second meal should be a liquid shake with 50-75 grams of protein and a tablespoon
of MCT oil (fitting your required macronutrient intake for the day where appropriate).


Troining During the Mointenonce Period

You are going to be resistance training and eating more calories four days out of the
week, while intermittent fasting and doing cardio on three days out of the week.
This change is being done for the purpose of maximum muscle preservation and perhaps
very slight lean muscle gain.
As you will see later on in this chapter, the maintenance period will create flexibility for
what we want to do later.
We can create an anabolic environment for slight muscle growth when eating at main-
tenance depending on our somatotype and insulin sensitivity.
We can also prepare our bodies for a second round of 30D2S by reaching a new set
body weight,
A win-win situation either way.
You generally have two choices with how you approach your training: either switch to a
body-part split routine, or stick with a full-body split routine and use the extra 4th training
day to bring up any lagging body parts.

Day Modality Split

Monday Training Day Chest/Back

Tuesday Fasting Day Rest/Cardio

Wednesday Training Day Shoulders/Triceps

Thursday Fasting Day Rest/Cardio

Friday Training Day Chest/Back

Saturday Training Day Legs/Biceps

Sunday Fasting Day Rest/Cardio

As for your fasting days, it is acceptable to do cardio once a day to maintain a quality
level of endurance training.
ldeally, do it first thing in the morning when fasted.

Chopter 9: Molntenonce Eotlng Post 30D2S protocol


Over a long period of time, I like to alternate back and forth between full-body
splits and body-part splits (ex. Chest /back day, leg day, push/pull/legs, etc.).
Body-part splits are better suited when muscle hypertrophy is the goal and you
are eating at a caloric surplus,

Below is a sample split-body part routine created by Hunter williams


Day 1 - Chest/Back

Muscle Warm Up Warm Up Rest

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Group Set 1 Set 2 Period
Chest DB Bench 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Press 15reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar to PMF (Tar- onds
set'15-30 set 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Back Seated lso 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Plate Row 15reps l5 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
get 15-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Chest Machine 40% oflRM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of 1RM 60-90 sec-
Chest Press 15 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
get 15-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Back Seated 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of 6570 of 'lRM 60-90 sec-
Cable Row 15reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
get 15-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Chest lso Plate 407o of 1RM, 457o of 1RM, 65% of IRM 65% of lRM 50-90 sec-
Loaded reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Chest Press get 15-30 set 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Back Seated 40% of 1RM, 4570 of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Machine Pin 15reps i5 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Loaded Row get l5-30 get l5-30
Reps) Reps)

Abdomlnals Superset: 3 sets of 15 reps 60-90 sec-

Hanging onds
Leg Raises,
Cable Rope

Rehab Lower Back 3 sets of 15 reps 60-90 sec-

Extensions onds

Cardlo l5-20 minutes HllT Cardio - Bike, stairmaster, elliptical, incline treadmill - target 150160 average

Chopter 9: Mointenonce Eoting post 30D2S protocol

Day 2 - Shoulders/Triceps

Muscle Warm Up Warm Up Rest

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Group Set 1 Set 2 Period
Shoulders DB Rotating 40% of 1RM, 4570 of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Shoulder ]5 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Press set 15-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Trlceps EZ Bar Skull- 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
crusher l5 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
get 15-30 set 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Shoulders Seated Ma- 40% of 1RM, 4570 of lRM, 65% of lRM 65% of 1RM 60-90 sec-
ehine Lateral '15
15 reps Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Delt Raises get 15-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Trlceps Rope Grip 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Cable reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Overhead get 15-30 get 15-30
Extensions Reps) Reps)

Shoulders Qaafar{ 40% of 'lRM, 45% of 1RM, 6570 of 1RM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
NeutralGrip 15 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Machine get 15-30 get 15-30
Shoulder Reps) Reps)

Trlceps Pin Loaded 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 657o of lRM 60-90 sec-
Dip Machine 15reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
get l5-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Abdomlnals Superset: 3 sets of 15 reps 60-90 sec-

Hanging onds
Leg Raises,
Cable Rope

Rehab Lower Back 3 sets of 15 reps 60-90 sec-

Extensions onds

Cardio 15-20 minutes HllT Cardio - Bike, stairmaster, elliptical, incline treadmill - target 15Ol60 average


Day 4 - Chest/Back

Muscle Warm Up Warm Up Rest

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Group Set 1 Set 2 Period
Chest Pec Deck Fly 40% of 1RM, 4570 of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
15 reps 15 Reps to PIqF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
get l5-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Back eable Lat 40% of 1RM, 457o of 1RM, 6570 of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Pulldown 15 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar to PMF (Tar- onds
get 15-30 get l5-30
Reps) Reps)

Chest Seated 40% of lRM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of 1RM 6570 of lRM 60-90 sec-
Cable Fly 15 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
get 15-30 set 15-30
Reps) ReBs)

Back lso Plate 40% of 1RM, 45% of ]RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Loaded Lat reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Pulldown get l5-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Chest Machine 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of 1RM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Seated Fly l5 reps l5 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
get 15-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Back Standing 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of 1RM 60-90 sec-
Cable Lat 15reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Pushdowns get l5-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Abdomlnals Superset: 3 sets of reps 60-90 sec-
Hanging onds
Leg Raises,
Cable Rope
Rehab Lower Back 3 sets of 15 reps 60-90 sec-
Extensions onds

Cardlo l5-20 minutes HllT Cardio - Bike, stairmaster, elliptical, incline treadmill - target'150-160 average

Chopter 9: Molntenonce Eotlng Post 30D2S Protocol

Day 5 - Legs/Biceps

Muscle Warm Up Warm Up Rest

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Group Set 1 Set 2 Period
Legs Smith Ma- 40% of 'lRM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of 1RM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
chine RDLs l5 reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
get 15-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Legs Plate Load- 40% of 1RM, 45% of 'lRM, 65% of 1RM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
ed Leg Press 15 reps l5 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
get'15-30 set l5-30
Reps) Reps)

Legs tying Ham- 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
string Curls reps 15 Reps tO PMF (TAr- to PMF (Tar- onds
get l5-30 get l5-30
Reps) Reps)

Legs Seated Leg 4070 of lRM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Extensions 15 reps l5 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
get 15-30 set 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Blcsps Seated 40% of 1RM, 45% of 1RM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Machine 15reps 15 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
Preacher get 15-30 get 15-30
Curl Reps) Reps)

Blceps Standing DB 4070 of 1RM, 45% of lRM, 65% of lRM 65% of lRM 60-90 sec-
Curls 15 reps l5 Reps to PMF (Tar- to PMF (Tar- onds
set 15-30 get 15-30
Reps) Reps)

Abdomlnals Superset: 3 sets of 15 reps 60-90 sec-

Hanging onds
Leg Raises,
Cable Rope

Rehab Lower Back 3 sets of 15 reps 60-90 sec-

Extensions onds

Cardlo 15-20 minutes HllT Cardio - Bike, stairmaster, elliptical, incline treadmill - target 150-160 average


Supplements During the Mqintenonce Period

No changes are being made here.
Follow your supplement schedule on training days and fasting days as normal.
All I will say is it is more important than ever to be using Metformin or Dihydroberberine
for optimal glucose disposal.

Weekly Schedule During the Mointenonce Period

You have multiple options for deciding how you want to approach your 1-3 weeks of
While the schedule outlined in Chapter 8 was much stricter due to our primary goal of
fat loss, the maintenance period gives you room for moving around your training and
fasting days.
There are generally three ways to schedule your week during the maintenance period:

Maintenance / Maintenance / Maintenance /
Muscle Gain #'l Muscle Gain #2 Muscle Gain #3
Monday Training/Feeding Day Training/Feeding Day Training/Feeding Day

Tuesday Fasting Day Training/Feeding Day Fasting Day

Wednesday Training/Feeding Day Fasting Day Training/Feedlng Day

Thursday Fasting Day Training/Feeding Day Fasting Day

Friday Training/Feeding Day Training/Feeding Day Training/Feeding Day

Saturday Training/Feeding Day Fasting Day Fasting Day

Sunday Fasting Day Fasting Day Training/Feeding Day

Note how option #2 gives you the choice to have two fasting days back-to-back, which
allows for slightly more fat loss due to catecholamine release if you choose to employ
the usual 24-36 hour fasts,

Chopter 9: Mointenonce Eotlng Post 30D2S Protocol

How to Prepore for the Next 30D2S Cycle

Once you are done with your 1-3 weeks of maintenance, you have two choices,

Option #l - Mointoin Your Current Level of Body Fot

lf this is you, you'll want to eat at maintenance or slightly under with a day or two of
fasting for 18-20 hours per week.

Option #2 - Run q Second Cycle of 30D2S

lf you want to run a second cycle of 30D2S, set up your caloric intake on training days
and fasting days relative to where your body weight and somatotype is RIGHT NOW.
Since your body composition is subject to change depending on the effectiveness of your
first 30D2S cycle, you can opt to allow yourself a higher calorie/carbohydrate intake if
your body fat has been reduced to a level warranting it.
Use discretion and don't use this as an excuse to assume you are now a mesomorph.
lf you are an endomorph, transition towards the rules set for an ectomorph.
Likewise, if you are an ectomorph, transition towards the rules set for a mesomorph or
put yourself somewhere between an ectomorph and a mesomorph,
Consequently, your protein intake should be adjusted since you are leaner.
People between 10'15% body fat should go up to 1.25 grams of protein per pound of lean
body weight, and anybody sub-10% should typically be eating 1.5 grams of protein per
pound of lean body weight.
Continue your training and supplementation as normal depending on whether you are
following a training day or fasting day.
For training days, you can keep the same set of exercises or swap them out for viable
alternatives if you want to work certain muscle groups in different ways.


How to Troubleshoot Mojor Stqlls ln Weight Loss &

Body Composition

NOTE - lf you chose Option #2 and you want to run a second cycle of 30D25, please read
this before starting,
Assuming you followed MFL Principle #3 in Chapter 2 and logged as much data as pos-
sible, you should have the following information:
. Scale weight measured every day, if not a few times a week
. Body part measurements taken every 1-2 weeks to assess where fat loss and/or very
slight muscle loss is happening
. Your training schedule logged with exercises, sets, reps, weights used, rest periods, etc.

While I don't recommend you become obsessive-compulsive with tracking data, you will
generally be in a better position to run a second and more successful cycle of 30D2S
with this information.
lf you follow 30D2S exactly as instructed, you should be able to avoid major weight loss
and body composition plateaus (i.e. any lack of change longer than 7 days).
There may be periods of a few days where your weight seemingly stays the same, but
you shouldn't see your weight loss stall for an entire week.
Since you are constantly cycling calories and carbohydrates on training days and fasting
days, your basal metabolic rate should stay elevated and never be chronically depressed.
However, you may be one of the few individuals who just suffers from stubborn body
weight loss and has truly reached a wall.
Or you have never had this problem but simply want to speed up the rate of fat loss even
further than before.
Either way, there are ways to fix this.
So here's what to do in the rare situation where a cycle of 30D2S leaves you at a major
plateau (i.e. you look no different and the scale isn't moving):
Make ONE small change at a time and keep it consistent for 2 weeks minimum, if not
the entirety of your next 30D2S cycle.

Chopter 9: Mointenonce Eotlng post 30D2S protocol

My approach largely revolves around the advice given in the excellent book Adjusting
Meal Plans Made Simple by the late and great John Meadows.
You do not want to make many changes simultaneously, see progress, and then not have
any awareness of the change(s) responsible for breaking you out of your plateau.
Additionally, we want to milk all possible options for faster fat loss to the maximum
degree possible.
By making a small change instead of a big change, we give ourselves more flexibility
for if/when we reach yet another major stall in body fat loss and want to manipulate
variables even further,
And by giving ourselves a 2-week window, we give ourselves ample time to see the effect
of this new change.
Nothing will sabotage your fat loss progress more than impatience.
Here is a comprehensive list of variables you can (and cannot change)...

30D2S Level
' lf you were at the Beginner level, you can jump up to the Advanced level. lf you were
at the Advanced level, you can jump up to the FFO level. This has implications for
how you approach your fasting days and your supplementation
' For supplementation, do not throw in the entire kitchen sink right away. Changing
only 1 supplement at a time (2 max) will put you in the best possible position to
evaluate if something truly aids in fat loss or ends up doing nothing for you
. Look at your WEEKLY total calorie intake and cut it by 5%

" lf you are eating on fasting days, you will evenly subtract from your caloric intake
across all seven days of the week (i.e. both fasting days and training days)

" Continuing from the point above, you could alternatively make subtractions from
just the fasting days and leave training days the same

" lf you are not eating anything on fasting days, you will be evenly subtracting from
your caloric intake on training days


. NEVER touch protein! Do not go lower than 1 gram of protein per pound of lean
body weight. Please do not confuse total body weight with lean body weight, espe-
cially if you are obese or it will crush your fat loss endeavors due to overconsuming
calories from protein
. For individuals who are approaching (or under) 10% body fat, it is acceptable to
increase protein intake to higher levels

. lf you are lowering your calories, this is where your deductions should come from
. I recommend first taking carbohydrates away from fasting days if you are not doing
+30 hour fasts at the FFO level.
. lf you take carbohydrates
away on training days, keep your carbohydrate intake
the same around your pre-workout, peri-workout, and post-workout meals, The
deductions should come from the other meals in your training day

. Your fat intake should never be any less than 20o/o of your total caloric intake
. lt is rare for deductions
in fat to be needed. lf you do, make the deductions evenly
spread out among the training days and fasting days within the week

. lt is generally preferableto first increase physical activity to induce a larger deficit
before prematurely removing too many calories
. lf you are doing only 1 cardio session a day on fasting days, you can add in a second one
. lf you are not doing 2-3 sets of abdominal exercises PMF-style after your fasted
cardio session, you can add them in

Choptor 9: Molntenonce Eotlng post 30D2S protocol

. lf you are already doing 2 cardio sessions a day on fasting days, you can slowly
increase the duration of your cardio sessions

" lf both sessions are 30 minutes, for

instance, you can increase the duration of your
first or second session by 10 minutes (.l5 minutes max)
" Modify the duration of one session first before you increase the duration of
BOTH sessions

. lf you aren't doing HllT cardio post-lifting on training days, add it in

' On training days, you have the option to add in an additional fasted 3O-minute LISS
cardio session before your first meal
' You can change the type of cardio you do for increased caloric burn while main-
taining a heart rate of 125-140 BPM. For example, one could switch from a bike to
something such as the elliptical for variability

Temporory Coloric Surplus

' ln extremely rare cases, the fastest way to increase metabolism is to spend 1-2 days
eating 15% above your maintenance daily intake on training days

" All of the caloric increase will come from clean carbohydrates while keeping pro-
teins and fats the same

" This will increase thermogenesis and upregulate thyroid hormone activity
" Fat loss should resume again due to an expanded basal metabolic rate, thereby
burning the excess calories

Don't let the list overwhelm you.

l'm simply making a central point:
lf you approach 30D2s in an intelligent and welbcontrolted manner there is ALWAys
something you can add, do more of or take away to blast past any major plateaus.
We want to milk any new deficit for all that it's worth, rinsing and repeating once we
reach a true stopping point.


Whot ls YOUR End Gqme?

lf you are a fatter individual (25% body fat or higher), be ready for more than one
cycle of 30D2S.
To truly get where you desire, it may take many months of going between 30D2S for fat
loss and maintenance for resetting your metabolic response patterning from hard dieting.
ln other words: 4 weeks on 30D2S, 1-2 weeks on maintenance, 4 weeks on 30D2S, 1-2
weeks on maintenance, rinsing and repeating as needed.
Even my VIP Mastermind members did 3-4 months of alternating between 30D2S and
maintenance eating as a lead-up to our get-together in Summer 2023.
This allowed them to get into the lowest body fat possible and achieve their dream phy-
siques in time for the beach weather.
lf you are a leaner individual, you can decide if you want to start a cycle of muscle gain
after your maintenance period, or whether you want to truly become stage worthy (5'7Yo
body fat for men) via another cycle of 30D2S.
You may even choose to spend an extended period of time in maintenance if you're happy
with where you are and want to maintain your current body composition.
But even with the 30D2S protocol for maintenance eating, it is deceivingly simple to stay
under 10% body fat year round.
You settle into a pattern of exercise and nutrition without requiring a lot of focused
energy for adherence,
This allows you to stop craving food and start focusing on the more important things in life.
No matter the path you choose, you should be visualizing what the end game is for YOU!
{ ls it a shredded 6-pack with pronounced abdominal walls?
r'The confidence to take your shirt off in public and walk around without feeling any shame
or insecurity?
{The energy and functional strength to be unlimited in your thinking, doing, and BEING?
These are all questions you must answer for yourself.
Envision what you ultimately desire, and FEEL how it would feel by imagining it as it
already happened.

Chopter 9: Molntenonce Eotlng Post 30D2S protocol

That which is perceived is ultimately achieved




This book would just be another generic fat
loss product from Jay Campbell if all it had
were my pontifications about the future of fat
loss medications, my N-of-l results, and the
promises I made,

Because of the claim I made about the majority of studies being impossible to duplicate,
meaning you cannot take the procedures written in a paper, test them out in the real
world, and get very similar (if not exacily the same) results.
Iwouldn't be the health optimization influencer I AM today if I was unable to reproduce
my results in any other human being.
Which is why for the first time in my history of publishing books, I want to step aside
and give the microphone to a few individuals who have literally proven the safety and
effectiveness of what I preach and teach.
You're going to see how 30D2S delivers on its promises no matter your starting body
fat percentage, conditioning level, athletic background or how many times you've failed
in the past.
ln fact, the men who beta-tested 30D2S were anywhere between their 30s and their
60s,., proving even age is no longer a barrier.


What you're about to see are 4 visually-captivating reminders this book is BAR NONE
the greatest fat loss program the world has ever seen.
Nothing beats 30D2S for maximum fat loss in the minimum amount of time in the health-
iest way possible,
Even my co-author Hunter Willliams, who has graciously agreed to test every single
thing I asked of him, openly shares his transformational journey as an elite athlete who
has seen and tried it all.
Enough talking - l'll let these extraordinary gentlemen take the spotlight for the remain-
der of this chapter.


Taylor has fo be one of the most inspirational fat /oss fransformation sfor'es l've ever seen
in my 3 decades of helping to transform men and women.
lf you saw him at the start of 2023, he was an ordinary man,
Nothing special in his appearance.
Look at him 3,5 months later and he is literally a different human being,
And to add the cherry on top, l'm convinced his mental transformation is even more
impressive than his physical transformation.
Hear what he has to say and you'll find yourself SHOCKED when you see how much Taylor
has achieved in such a smalltime frame!

QUESTION: Toylor, os for os I understqnd it, you ore o iock of oll trodes
juggling multiple things ot once.
Tell me whot's on your plote right now!
ANSWER: I don't know if I have one thing on my plate, but l'm definitely spinning a
lot of them.
Just off the top of my head:
. My main job is dealing in high-end sales and operations for the past 15 years

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Storles wlth Before-ond-After plctures

. l'm building up a healthcare startup with a friend of mine

Through managing a handful of small businesses, and being married with two kids, l'm
an extremely busy man with little free time.
One day, I hope I can own my time and spend it how I want instead of being pulled in
every direction.

QUESTION: How do you even mqnoge to fit pockets of time for exercise
in your chootic lifestyle?
seems like you would hove to try ond toke whotever you con get
when something opens up.
ANSWER: l've spent multiple years of my life yo-yo-ing back and forth, always trying to
get in shape,
Never did any real form of cardio and lifted very casually.
From around 2011 to 2O2O I was consistently in the 215-235 lb range.
Even when I was in my mid-20s and early 30s, I would drink on weekends and eat like
crap, submarining all of the progress I made between Mondays and Fridays,
Eventually you get mentally drained because you get sick and tired of riding the same
old rollercoaster:
Do something well for a few months, get off track, weight bounces right back to where
you started.
What's ironic is I had actually heard of Jay l0+ years ago when he was going all-in on
testosterone and starting to make a name for himself.
But at that stage in my life, I wasn't ready to make the commitment for real change.
Here's a picture from 2013:


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And three of them from 2019, just to show you where I came from:

You could argue I wasn't fat, but I was always up and down in my weight and gave up
on any notion I could ever get lean.
Then the COVID-]9 pandemic happened.
I spent 13 months working from home without a commute, which gave me a lot more
time to prepare meals and start intermittent fasting.
Got a few workouts in where I could, and my weight slowly went down to 190-200 lbs.

Chopter l0:30D2S Succoss Storles with Before-ond-After plctures

I don't remember what happened, but sometime around Fall 2022, Mike Cernovich
retweeted rhe Tor Bible, which I had already bought and read before.
But I was intrigued by the release of Jay's new course on therapeutic peptides.
Ifilled out the questionnaire, reached out to Jay and he said I might be a good fit for his
My interest was piqued, so I booked a call to learn more.

QUESTION: But given your post history, whqt mode you so sure this
wos going to be the opportunity?
Hory did you know it wosn't going to be the some pottern of storting-
ond-stopping oll over ogoin?
ANSWER: I was sick and tired of my struggles with health weighing me down, mentally
and physically.
The accumulation of everything l'd been through led me to say, "NOW is the time in my
life to finally do something extreme and get on the other side",
I couldn't let myself be held back by my past any longer.
By making a financial commitment and surrounding myself in a circle with other high
achievers, I was more likely to hold myself accountable and succeed,
The last thing I wanted was to be the only guy in the circle who fucks things up and gets
his self-worth torn apart.
I know l'm a top performer in all aspects of life even though I had my limitations with
weight loss.
I wanted to be in the best shape of my life and look good naked.
Iwanted to build the foundation required to optimize my health for the rest of my life.
But above all, I wanted to break through the barriers preventing me from becoming more
successful and start developing an elite-level mindset.
And that's where my journey with 30 Days 2 Shredz started.


QUESTION: All perfectly reolistic ond ochievoble gools.

Whot level of commitment did you choose when you did your I't
round of the progrom?
ANSWER: I want to say I was FULLY F*KKN OPTIMIZED (FFO) but I didn't throw the entire
kitchen sink at my fat loss like most of the other members did.
It was mainly Tirzepatide, Creatine, CJC-1295 and lpamorelin, and hCG (human
chorionic gonadotropin).
Metformin, Tesofensine, testosterone and hGH were started right as I ended the first
round, and I only recently started using desiccated thyroid in early May 2023.
Tirzepatide was the real game-changer for me.
I haddone 24-hour hour fasts before where I would eat one meal a day over an hour, but
never went for 36 hours before.
Could I have done that without Tirzepatide?

But doing two 36-hour fasts in a week, plus a 60-hour fast over the weekend, multiplied
by four weeks total?
There's not a chance in hell it would have been possible without Tirzepatide.
It didn't give me any gastrointestinal issues, but I just got fuller a lot quicker and my
hunger cravings were severely reduced.
Ithink a lot of people can get by without a lot of the supplements suggested for Advanced
level and FFO level participants, as your outcome depends on how well you execute the
All that being said, if you are really serious about this program, Tirzepatide is a huge help.
It is no joke,
Fasting is the most crucial part of this program and your diet has to be on point.
The two 36-hour fasts and the one 60-hour weekend fast per week, followed by
two-times-a-day cardio on all fasting days, are massively instrumental for success in
this program.
Everything else is helpful and beneficial.

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Stories wlth Before-ond-After plctur6s

When I got my hands on Tesofensine, I found 250 mcA was enough to evoke a very
positive feeling.
You get a powerful surge of energy when you combine the BDNF stimulated by Tesofensine
with the BDNF stimulated by fasting.
You don't HAVE to have it, but I recommend using it because it's an interesting experience.

QUESTION: How obout your nutrition during the 30 doys?

were.you strict with weighing out your food ond meosuring your
cqloric intoke?
ANSWER: ln the first round I wasn't too concerned with precision.
Ijust looked at the spreadsheet Jay provided us and took a good guess at the number
of carbs, fat and protein I required.
Kept my food choices to mostly steak and ground beef, with the occasional help-
ing of chicken.
Lots of eggs and potatoes, a bit of veggies and a bit of fruit.
Very simple stufl no deviation from those food choices,
Ialso opted for two 36-hour fasts and one 60-hour fast every week in my first run of JO
Days 2 Shredz,
Surprisingly, no issues with digestion or libido.
Ifelt a tiny bit of cramping on my very first week with Tirzepatide, but my body quickly
adjusted within 2-3 days.
As long as you eat clean, you should be fine.
When I attempted a 2nd round of the program for 35-37 days, I was more strict with
counting calories and dialing down the quantity of food by weighing things out on a
scale the old-fashioned way.
I know I was eating 2,500-3,000 calories on training days and that wasn't too much for me.
Truthfully, l'm not sure if it made a significant difference because I cheated a bit more
and missed a few days of logging.
Plus, I could only manage two to three 36-hour fasts a week because my schedule was
more hectic.


But what's interesting is how my body fat was lower than anticipated (-7% body fat
in the Bod Pod on May 17 2023), and that may have explained why I was feeling more
hungry and tired.
Something I never thought would be physically possible within 3.5 months.
Between the two rounds, I think the most important part was eating clean, staying fasted,
doing my cardio on non-eating days, lifting heavy on eating days and preserving/gaining
strength, and sticking to the program no matter what.
Because in both rounds I still lost body fat and that's ultimately what we're gunning for.

QUESTION: Speoking of cordio qnd lifting, how did you opprooch

your troining?
ANSWER: With respect to cardio, I did everything Jay said.
Zone 2 (i,e. low to moderate intensity, steady-state) cardio upon waking while fasted and
another session at night.
The first time I started this, I was pushing hard to get 20-25 minutes of steady state on
the bike 3 times a week.
Now l'm crushing 45-60 minute cardio sessions two times per day.
As for weightlifting, I modified some of the exercises but stayed true to Jay's principles
of PMF and higher-rep sets.
I finally started to fall in love with lifting because I was getting the results I wanted, which
ironically led to me spending more time in the gym.

QUESTION:Whot mistokes did you moke in the I't round?

How do you intend to prevent them in the 2nd round?
ANSWER: I don't think I made any mistakes, except for committing the crime of trying
to be too perfect.
lf you follow the script, eat clean, get your fasting in, and stay on plan 90% of the time,
you'll get where you want to go.
It's good I wasn't more of a perfectionist than I already was because then I would have
sabotaged my hard-earned progress.
Ithink my energy and recovery would have been better if I had testosterone and growth
hormone from the start of the l't round.

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Storles wlth Before-ond-After plctures

Outside of that, it's far more important to just start and stop overthinking things.

QUESTION: Don't keep us woiting in suspense.

Shqre your tronsformqtion with me!
ANSWER: Ok, so I started the l't round of 30 Days 2 Shredz on February 6th 2023.
At exactly six feet tall I weighed 196.6 lbs and my body fat was somewhere between
24o/o and29%.
The last time I was EVER at a weight of 169 lbs was in my junior year of high school.
And turning 39 in June, I figured I owed myself the chance to radically change my body.
By the start of week 4 (February 27th) I clocked in at 181.2 lbs.
Which is ironic because on the same day I started the program, I told Jay's VIP Mastermind
I was going to see how close to 185 lbs I could get.

My jeans were getting saggier and falling off my hips.

My waist was getting trimmer.
My face was a little less fat than before.
No muscle decreases and no loss of strength in the gym (and this was all before I started
using therapeutic testosterone).
It was mind-blowing to think something like this was even possible in a month's time.
My energy levels were still intact and my overall sense of positivity and well-being was
I knew I was just beginning to scratch the surface of what I could now achieve.
Once I ended the first round of 30 Days 2 Shredz,l had just broken 180 lbs and weighed
in at 179.4 lbs.
Take a look at the initial results to see how much fat my body burned off!
This is where I started on February 6th:




And this is where I finished on March Bth.


Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Storles with Before-ond-After plcturos

QUESTION: I know you went into o brief mointenonce phose before

qttempting Round 2.
Tell me whot you did differently to help your body odjust to your new
lower weight.
ANSWER: I would lift on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays while eating at a
caloric maintenance, and did a 36-hour fast on Wednesdays.
I would fast for 16'24 hours on Saturdays and Sundays before breaking the fast with
just 1-2 meals.
weekends were more liberal as I would go out to dinner with my wife.
No pigging out, just being conscious of what I was eating and allowing myself a
little flexibility.
Twice'daily cardio was still done on my fasting days (Wednesdays and the weekend).
Even with the month off I took between rounds, I was still losing weight. I was 177 lbs by
the time March 23'd rolled around and I planned to restart 30 Days 2 Shredz on April 10th.
You can see the progress in my not-flexing back shots, comparing February 6th to March 27th:

February 6th March 27th


Iremember just sitting at my desk, pulling up the current pictures versus the past pictures,
comparing them side by side, and sitting down in disbelief.
It was a surreal thing to experience.
But it became very real once I had to stop wearing size 36 jeans and buy a new pair of
pants to fit a 32" waist.
At this rate l'll need to change my entire wardrobe!

QUESTION: Wolk me through whot hoppened with your 2nd round of 3O

Doys 2 Shredz.
ANSWER: At first things were going well.
I noticed I was getting this vascular post-workout pump in my arms unlike anything I

ever had before:

+r '
:''4 i'.

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Storlos wlth Before-ond-After pictures

I clocked in at 173 lbs on April 2lstand felt great strength-wise.

3 days later, I weighed 171.6 lbs and was officially down 25 lbs from where I had started
on February 6th.
Howeve[ near the end of the month I started struggling with appetite and my overall
desire to keep on going.
Idecided to go back to maintenance and milk whatever fat loss gains I could get out of
that for longer.
lf you look at my photos below, you can see I was really pushing it in terms of leanness,
It made sense that I would redirect my focus.



But it wasn't all bad.

Chopter l0:30D2S Success Storles wlth Before-ond-After pictures

At the start of May, I took some more pictures to see how much different I was from
where I started off in February.
It blows my mind how I am in the best shape ever and it literally happened so fast in
3.5 months.
It's extremely powerful to feel unshackled in terms of what you are capable of achieving,
especially when you've been battling the demon of body image your entire life:


And despite following my maintenance protocol, the weight continued to fall off
A week later I stepped on the scale and broke the 170 lb barrier,
The scale said ".l69".
I always believed these results were only possible in my imagination,
Never thought them to be realistic until now.
And I STILL maintained my strength!
l'll share one final result I think is worth mentioning.
I got a DEXA scan in November 2022 and it said I was at 29%.

Taylor, here's a snapshot of your progress

Tert Dater 1112212022

Body fat percentege


Taylor, here's your breakdown of fat mass vs. lean


F at Mass

C7.7 l,b.

Lean Mass

133.8 lbr

Igot a BOD POD body fat test (which is far more accurate than DEXA) on May 17th. 2023
and it said I was7.2% body fat!

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Stories with Before-ond-After pictures

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Granted, both of them are very different tests.

But just at the start of the year I was a fat slob
Today, I arn fucking lean and awesome"


Iremember people telling me to lower my expectations to reach 10-15% body fat in 6-12
months, and how hard it would be to lose a lot of body fat fast,
Shattering other people's expectations and achieving my goal beyond what I thought
was possible makes me realize how much more capable I am in all aspects of my life.

QUESTION: Any finol remqrks you hove obout your experience with 30
Doys 2 Shredz?
ANSWER: Honestly, I feel like my transformational before-and-after photos say every-
thing for me.
The 50 Days 2 Shredz fat loss protocol is truly the most insane thing in existence.
It is literally fucking life-changing.
Iwill never be the person I was before ever again.
That's the most positive and uplifting thing there could be.
My days of struggling to achieve fitness goals, fighting the mental urge to eat, or worrying
about how I desire to look are behind me.
ljust KNOW without hesitation I can achieve whatever I put my mind to.
Truthfully, this is due to the way the 30D2S program handles fasting.
When you get dialed in, you can see what you're doing pays off almost right away.
Those quick first results make it so much easier to avoid distractions and roadblocks,
I am eternally grateful to have been part of this program.
To write my own story for the very first time, know the ending in advance, all while
enjoying the journey.
Sure, I know I will lose even more fat and build more muscle.
But most importantly, l've learned to love and trust myself through the entire process.
All of the negative self-talk and resulting depression I created from never feeling com-
fortable and confident about the way I looked and felt is gone.
It's freeing to look back and realize how much I was limiting myself with my negative thoughts.

I feel so much gratitude for this whole experience and now l'm just soaking it all in.

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Storles wlth Before-ond-After plctures

Shqwn Buckley

Don't be fooled by Shawn Buckley's sfafus as a WFH (work from home) software engineer,
He may spend the majority of his waking hours tied to a desk, but he refused to make
excuses and hauled ass like never before in his very first run of 30 Days 2 Shredz,
ln between working on several contracts while building up his own dream for financial
freedom via passive income streams, he was able to sfay fasfed for extended periods of
time and transform his body into something worthy of being a featured fifness magazine
Keep reading to see what Shawn discovered about his areas of growth as he took control
of his physical destiny!

QUESTION: Shown, when you first introduced yourself to my

privote inner circle, you mentioned thot you usuolly work up to 100
hours o week.
It sounds insonely superhumon. How do you monoge it?
ANSWER: Professionally, I work from home as a software engineer.
Effectively I AM still a wage slave, being tightly knit to teams working in 10 separate time
zones wilh 24/7/365 support obligations.
I make great money, but end up tied to my desk for long hours every day.
My total hours worked usually comes out to around 100 hours a week.
I must stay highly engaged and focused on my job at all times because of the critical
role I play.
There's definitely an uphill battle to stay physically active despite the constraints of my work.

QUESTION: whot were you looking to get out of 30 Days 2 shredz when
you first stqrted?
ANSWER: I had a few goals in mind,
First, I desired to escape the mental prisons I created for myself.
I know I often hold myself back.

I desired to spot these mental blockages in order to resolve them faster.


Second, I wanted to get in much better shape,

I wanted to hit my fat loss goal and then start putting on real muscle,
When I started your program I was 80 pounds down from my all-time heaviest weight.
I knew I had another 10-15 pounds of pure fat loss to go in order to achieve the level of
leanness l've ultimately been seeking for the past few years.
Due to the nature of my job, I required a protocol that allowed me to be functional pro-
fessionally without adding further stress to my life.
Something where once I mastered the nuances, execution came easy and was NOT dis-
ruptive to my daily life.
Finally, I also wanted to develop businesses allowing me to generate wealth without
sacrificing freedom.
I want to have enough time to cultivate a real lifestyle and focus on the things truly
important to me.

QUESTION: Whot's gotten in the woy of getting the results you wonted
in the post?
ANSWER: I have a family history of thyroid issues, making me more susceptible to thyroid
lf I don't eat the right way consistently, fat loss is much more difficult for me.
I also had amajor issue with crash dieting many obese/heavy people experience when
losing excess weight, which was losing fat AND too much muscle due to crashing my
Unfortunately, this lead me to gain fat back easily and it stalled my dieting progress.

QUESTION: How committed were you to the 30 Days 2

Shredz progrom?
ANSWER: I chose the FULLY F*KKN OPTIMIZED (FFO) level and got everything I could
possibly get my hands on.
ln my mind, I was truly All ln'.
The only two things I failed to acquire were Phentermine and desiccated thyroid.
There were definitely a few agents that stood out to me from the many I used.

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Storles with Before-ond-After plctures

Tirzepatide has to be up there as #1 on my wishlist for things I would want access to

when running this program.
Prior to meeting Jay, I had done a lot of intermittent fasting before and even did a 6-day
fast at one point for spiritual purposes.
But with this GLP-l receptor agonist, fasting was no longer a disruption to my life.
It made fasting so easy to the point where my ability to focus and get work done was
completely unhindered.
Zero desire to eat food at all, and when I did eat I had to basically force myself to do so.
I don't think it's a requirement to make the program work, but for sure it's a major
quality-of-life improvement,
Use it if you can!
I know a lot of people may not agree with my #2 choice, but it has to be nicotine gum.
Every time I had a random hunger craving I didn't want to deal with, especially 40 hours
into a 48-hour long fast, nicotine gum was phenomenal for spot treatment of hunger.
You're chewing something with a nice crunch, you're moving your facial muscles, and
within a few minutes the desire to eat is satiated.
Not to mention it's awesome for focus.
Some people get dizzy from higher dosages, but I like the 4 mg gum because it gets me
going in seconds.
l've done fasting with just Tirzepatide, just nicotine, and both of them together.
I personally believe they work synergistically with one another to really kill appetite and
make you more present in the moment.
Albuterol was also awesome and does exactly as promised.
I noticed if I ever used it for an afternoon cardio session, I would have difficulty sleeping.
So I only used it for fasted cardio in the morning.
Human Growth Hormone (hGH), however, was a true game changer for me.
I was using 1 lU twice a day for five days a week, once before fasted cardio and then a
second time at 2pm.
A lot of people started commenting that I have a noticeable "glow" since then and ljust
generally look better.


Big difference in my outward sense of well-being.

Last but not least, Metformin was also great for suppressing inflammation and cleansing
my microbiome.
Fasting, testosterone, human growth hormone, Tesofensine, nicotine and cardio were my
favorite things out of the entire program.
When I use them in combination, my vibration elevates.

QUESTION: A lot of people in the fitness community ore extremely

hesitont towords the ideo of doing cordio once o doy, let
olone two times.
How did you jump into twice-doily fqsted cordio so quickly ond
whot mode it eosier for you to odhere to over the 30-doy period of
torgeting fot loss?
ANSWER: One major modification I made to my life was buying an exercise bike to
use at home.
Prior to this program, I used to run and I was terrible at it.
Tall, lanky, overweight... not a great profile for jogging.
I remember at one point I needed a 10-12 week period of rest due a broken toe and my
conditioning went to shit.
And even without that, I despised having to go for a run in the winter and running always
put me in Zone 3-4 cardio (which I didn't want to be in).
Thanks to my stationary bike, I can do more cardio and save a lot of time.
lnstead of spending 20 minutes getting ready to go to the gym, 20 minutes driving to
the gym, doing my cardio, and then traveling back home, I can just walk over to the next
room and use my bike as soon as I wake up.
No lengthy travel time to the gym, no beat-up knees.
I can even do corporate meetings while on the bike and listen to people talk,
lf you're not doing fasted cardio twice a day on your fasting days, I highly recommend it.
It's a great way to stimulate your metabolism and improve your blood flow,

Chopter I0: 30D2S Succass Stories with Before-ond-After pictures

Whether you use a bike at home or in the gym, I highly recommend getting a heart rate
monitor to see if you are staying within Zone 2 (roughly 60-700/o of your max heart rate,
or right around Jay's recommendation of 120-140 BPM).
l'm a number nerd who likes Bluetooth and connectivity, so I personally prefer using the
Polar OHI+ to track my heart rate.
But at the level of Zone 2,you are cruising and can easily hold a conversation without
any issues.
You could even go all afternoon if you want to.

QUESTION: Let's jump into the port everybody is woiting for:

The results.
How much weight were you oble to lose?
ANSWER: I started 30 Days 2 Shredz around the 2nd week of February and stopped around
a few days short of four weeks (more on that later),
I was 194.6|bs when I weighed myself on January 30th.
As a data nut, I went against Jay's advice and weighed myself daily.
Here's what I noticed:

' Within the first week I lost 10 pounds, including the initial water weight drop
' By February 15th I had lost another 7 pounds, with the weight loss still going at
a linear rate

' Igot all the way down to 178 lbs by February 21,t, hitting my weight loss goal with
2 weeks of the program left to go

l'll show some pictures to put all of this in context.


Below is a picture from February 22nd, around when I ended my first round of 30
Days 2 Shredz.

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Stories wlth Before-ond-After plctures

And here's another one from March 20th:


This image of me (clearly leaner and more muscular) is the result of more consistent
cardio, therapeutic growth hormone and testosterone, and a better lifting and diet plan.
Just a few months has made a huge world of difference in my energy levels.
I feel amazing allthe time, and l'm much more confident to take on the challenges of life.
Compare this to where I was in September 2022,just six months before: skinny fat and
often depressed.

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Storles with Before-ond-After plctures

QUESTION: You mentioned you hod to cut 30 Days 2 shredz short.

Even though your before-ond-ofter pictures ore worlds oport, I know
you hod o lot more in the tonk to give.
Whot do you think got in the woy?
ANSWER: There were definitely some mistakes made along the way.
The biggest one would be failing to address my thyroid issues.
I wasn't able to get access to desiccated thyroid due to delays in international shipping
from lnhouse Pharmacy.
As a result, I had some thyroid downregulation near the end of my first run.
During one of my final fast days, it was the first time I started feeling tired.
Isuspected my body wanted to downregulate my metabolism and my thyroid was the
prime suspect.
I get blood work done every six weeks, and surprise surprise, my T3 and T4 levels
started to tank,
This is the marker that your body is adjusting to the caloric deficit you have imposed upon it.
As a result, your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is lowered to a new lower level so your body
is no longer in a deficit.
Therefore, you have to work out even more or eat even less.
At that point it's just a downward spiral until you crash.
Due to my previous issues with excess body fat, I likely also did some damage to my
metabolism/thyroid from losing so much weight (not as efficiently as I understand how
to do it now) and that didn't do me any favors.
The second big mistake was not taking pictures on a weekly basis like some of the other
VIP Mastermind members did.
Iwish I would have taken more pictures because my physique changed rapidly with each
passing week.
Even 2-3 weeks before starting the program, I was taking testosterone and that in and
of itself was making a huge difference because it fixed my muscle mass issues,
l've lost muscle in the past when dieting due to tanking my endocrine system from a
testosterone deficiency, along with crash dieting.



Learn from Shawn's mistakes.

Another reason to make sure you get your blood work before starting the 30D2S
protocol is to understand if hormonal optimization is your logical first step.
As I stated before, the best place to do this is Private MD Labs (use code JayC
for 15% off).
ln most modern day urban and coastal population centers, hormonal deficiencies
are the norm for both men and women.
Sadly, the vast majority of people have no idea they are suffering from this
silent epidemic.

Also, not getting a DEXA scan before I started the program prevented me from seeing
the full extent of my body composition changes.
I was definitely 20o/o body fat or higher before starting the protocol.
Idon't know what my body fat was at the end of the first 30 days, but I would say it was
between 12-15%.
Lastly, it turns out I was deficient in B vitamins and magnesium.
I saw a functional medicine doctor for an lV chelation and the preparation blood work
showed I was deficient in Vitamin 86 and Bl2 due to insufficient absorption.
It explains why I was feeling exhausted at various points during the program.
I got a magnesium infusion with B vitamins and I instantly felt incredible.

QUESTION: Just becouse your first run of 30 Doys 2 Shredz wosn't

perfect doesn't meqn you con't set yourself up for o better 2nd round.
How hove you been hondling your mointenonce period?
ANSWER: l've definitely noticed some surprising results due to the addition of therapeutic
I ate 5 days out of the week and fasted tor 20-24 hours on the other 2 days.
My digestion has improved and my desire to move around is at an all-time high.

Chopter l0l30D2S Success Storles wlth Before-ond-After plctures

Inthe past, my insulin sensitivity was so poor to the point where I would bloat after eating
half a cup of brown rice.
I can now wolf down a cup of a higher Gl carb like white rice without even feeling it, and
I prefer eating more carbs than fats.

I seem to be a high responder to testosterone as l've gained 15-25 pounds of muscle since
finishing the 30-day protocol.
My biceps have grown an inch and my chest and shoulders each grew another inch,
Oh, and all my lifts in the gym keep going up.
And this is without 1O0o/o clean eating as I was much more relaxed during my mainte-
nance phase.
The testosterone, growth hormone, and Metformin have made recovery insanely fast and
dramatically optimized my metabolism to burn more calories at rest.


GRAPH: Bodyweight

1m 3m 6m ly ali


2 it)




I r)()



I 1) .la| 2s I fl, i I /\t(

IaD a pornt on the qraDh to vre* rrorc deta i!,

Above is a picture of my weight being tracked,

Istarted to plateau around 178-180 lbs near the end of February, and then everything else
after that is the noticeable muscle gain l've experienced since moving to a maintenance
eating phase.
What is most noticeable for me is the outstanding level of leanness l've maintained.
I did a DEXA scan on April 29th and it said I was 13%.

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Storles wlth Before-ond-After Plctures

The picture below I took on the same day seems to meet, if not beat that expectation:


QUESTION: You look greot, Shown!

Before I let you go, whot elements do you feel ollow the 30 Doys 2
Shredz protocol to stond light yeors obove the rest of the fqt loss
protocols you're fqmilior with?
ANSWER: Wow, where do I begin?
The adherence is extremely easy.
Not only does it not disrupt my lifestyle, but there's a lot of flexibility in shifting the days
of the week where you want to fast or eat.
Multiple levels of calibration exist for a more lenient program vs. a much stricter program.
Whatever level of commitment you choose, it all becomes second nature very quickly.
You know what to eat and when.
What muscles to train and when.
A year ago I wouldn't have dreamed of doing 2 hours of cardio on fasted days without
eating anything!
The program offers two types of results at the same time:
Results that come FAST, and results that LAST.
I remember doing aggressive diets in the past where I lost an equal amount of fat and
water weight, but you could only run them for a maximum of 5-7 days.
Here, I was feeling amazing into my second week and wanted to keep going.
Planning and execution are also very simple.
You don't have to bash heads with other people over whether something works or not.
All you have to do is take the right drugs, supplements and not eat (or eat very minimally)
on your fasting days.
Your reward is a total disconnect from unhealthy eating patterns and complete control
over what food represents to you.
Overall, my life is so much better from the knowledge this program has given me.
I had lost more weight than I thought I could for the entirety of 2023 by the end of February,
Add on hormonal optimization along with using the right peptides, and I was also able
to heal some nagging joint injuries l've had for years,

Chopter l0: 30D2S Succass Storles wlth Before-ond-After plctures

I don't know what it is about fasting, but it's just been an amazing tool for clearing dis-
tractions and low vibration influences.
I cannot express in words how grateful I am for having been shown the way

Jqson Horowitz

Jason isn't your average 9-to-5 worker,

He's an extremely busy corporate finance executive who is on the move 2417 and is part
of the common yet hardcore 9)-hour workweek within his industry.
But despite his grueling schedule, an endless list of fires to put out and demands always
showing up on his desk, he achieved a jaw-dropping transformation impressing even
myself and Hunter Williams,
Read his story fo see how Jason went from a former dumpster fire of exce.ss ylsceral body
fat and inflammation to FULLY F*KKN oPTlMlzED tN A StNGLE M)NTH!

QUESTION: Jqson, tell us qbout your working bockground.

I know you've seen ond occomplished o tremendous omount in your
coreer, hoving climbed so high up the corporote Iodder.
ANSWER: Everyone has a weird path, so allow me to share mine.
I was an undergraduate student in university who studied chemical engineering, going
on to work in R&D (research and development) within the aerospace sector before going
back to business school.
And that's where my 20+ years in the healthcare services industry started.
For the first hall I was an investment banker doing the traditional corporate finance
dealmaker gig (mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures and capital raises) for healthcare
services companies,
It was especially grueling because I specialized in bankruptcies, restructurings and workouts.
After a dozen years on Wall Street, I spent the next eight years as a senior executive
for the largest healthcare system in New York, helping build their ambulatory network's
footprint from $1 billion to nearly $8 billion in top line revenue.


And following a short stint working for a private equity backed dental service company,
I started my own strategic advisory and management business servicing healthcare
related companies.
No matter where I was working, it was always pedal to the metal.
I worked the standard 80-hour workweek common on Wall Street and traveled 80%
of the time.
I was always on a plane.
Always attempting to figure out how to workout in hotel rooms.
Always attempting to figure out how to eat healthy at restaurants when meeting physi-
cians and clients.

QUESTION: Before we tolk obout how you storted off the 30 Doys 2
Shredz progrom, I wont to heor more obout your insights obout the
"sick cqre" system.
As someone who wcrs in the belly of the beost, whot wos the most
shocking yet horsh truth you discovered?
ANSWER: Everything ultimately revolves around INDUSTRY which translates loosely to
"raw power".
This was always apparent to me, but it really hit me in the face when the pandemic started
and lockdowns were enforced.
When the healthcare industry tells you to stay inside to stop the spread, to wear a mask to
stop the spread, to inject yourself with poison to stop the spread, it's just the INDUSTRY
being the INDUSTRY.
Do what I say or face the conseguences,
lf you're a patient, you can't get care unless you comply.
lf you're a visitor, you can't see your loved ones unless you comply.
lf you're an employee, you can't work unless you comply.
Corruption, lies, and deceit.
At some point I started to awaken.
I was tired of it.

Choptor 10:30D2S Succoss Stories wlth Before-ond-After plctures

I suppressed everything I was feeling for years,

l'm already prone to anxiety and depression, which only became more acute,
Of course, there was some drinking and self-medication.
But man, there was also the eating.
Nothing defines the word "struggle" better than 270 pounds on a 5'1o" frame.
There was excess body inflammation.
There was sickness in the mind, body, and soul,
And even now I dare say there was more and more suicidal ideation with each passing day.

QUESTION: I con only imogine how insone it must hove been working
in the high levels of the medicol "industry" but I AM glod you chose [o
stick oround.
con you shore your bockground with me in the context of heolth
when did you reolly kick your own oss ond decide it wqs time to get
into shqpe once qnd for qll?
ANSWER: what's funny is I grew up as an athlete during my chirdhood.
But once I hit adulthood, started my own family and had children, my life changed
I usedto get away with bad habits and walk away unfazed - eating a ton of calories from
bad foods, lots of drinking, and many nights of poor sleep.
I went on a few health kicks over the decades, like when my first kid was born or when
I started coaching youth sports.

But what sent me down this path was back in 2019 when I peaked at 270 lbs.
I was completely inflamed, an emotional wreck, and the furthest thing away from optimized.
I started the hard work of getting my nutrition and exercise right.
But most of all, I started calibrating my mind towards ridding myself of excess weight.


June 2019 (left), weighing in at 270 lbs.

The epitome of a dumpster fire. October 2019 (right).

Remember that all of this was before I had heard of Jay Campbell.
But even with doing the "right" things, I still didn't feel good and I couldn't pinpoint
exactly why.
I had concentration issues, emotional issues, and I still felt depressed.
Iwould wake up in my youth with a hard-on without even having to think about it, then
one day you wake up, all that goes away and you attribute it to old age.

"This is how you are supposed to feel.

You are supposed to be hurt and sore and tired all the time.
Your best days are all behind you now".

You don't know what you're missing until you fill the hole.

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Storles wlth Before-ond-After pictures

To make matters worse, the year before (2018) I had started using therapeutic testoster-
one when I was 260 lbs and 35% body fat.
I made the cardinal mistake of not waiting untilyou are below 2Oo/obody fat before start-
ing testosterone, and it did not end well.
The weight gain fucked with my head and r put on 10 pounds in a month.
Granted, it was because my upper body and legs were getting fuller and none of it was fat.
But I also found my heart rate increasing by 5-10 BPM and it took three months for that
problem to even itself out.
Despite many setbacks and yo-yo cycles, leventually leaned out to 175 lbs in2021.
I had lost weight (both fat and muscle) but I truly desired to take things to the next level.
Coming close to the milestone of age 50, I started working with Jay to fix my hor-
monal health.
He eventually mentioned this program and said it would work for someone like me.
Someone who wanted to finally hit the 10% body fat threshold and fully restore his
primal youth.

QUESTION: Everybody comes into this progrom with o different

intention to commit.
How foithful were you to the supplement protocol in 30
Doys 2 Shredz?
ANSWER: I went with the FULLY F*KKN OPTIMIZED (FFO) level and promised myself t'd
stay as faithful to Jay's elite level protocol as possible,
About to hit 49 years old without ever being below a two-digit body fat percentage, I

wanted to go balls-to-the-wall to see if I could do it.

Prior to this program I was already taking testosterone, Metformin, dessicated thyroid,
Vitamin D3, and other ancillary medications that are part of any high-tier hormone opti-
mization protocol.
Thanks to Jay, I was able to spend a year on testosterone before I started the J0 Days 2
Shredz program.
Without listing off every single agent all over again, here is an approximation of what I

was taking on training days:


. 200 mg of testosterone (transcrotal) twice daily

. 1000 mg of Metformin twice daily
. 60 mg of dessicated thyroid once daily (l am a bit sensitive to an increased heart rate)
. 500 mcA of Tesofensine once daily
. 1 teaspoon of C60 once daily
. 200 mg of CoQ10 200 once daily
. 30 mg of melatonin every night
. DHEA / Pregnenolone once daily per the instructions of Dr. Keith Nichols
. 1 lU of hGH twice daily on Monday through Friday

Iwould start the week with 2.5 mg of Tirzepatide, adding Rauwolscine twice daily and 5
mg of Albuterol before my two cardio workouts on fasting days.
I wasalready taking the vitamins and minerals on a daily basis, buying them from bulk
via Amazon subscription.
The only thing I did not have access to during my run of the program was Phentermine,

QUESTION: How did you feel when you were using Tirzepotide ond
Tesofensine for the first time?
Did you feel they helped significontly with fosting?
ANSWER: When I would fast in the past, the hunger pangs and craving would start at
14-16 hours into the fast.

Tesofensine was helpful for killing the cravings, while Tirzepatide eliminated any poten-
tial to overeat.
Tesofensine also had a calming effect on me.
250 mcg didn't really work for me, but 500 mcg was the sweet spot.
I think the only real side effect I had was a slightly increased resting heart rate.
Whereas lwas in the mid-50 BPM range before, now I was at 62-64 BPM while using the drug.
But outside of that minor detail, every additional tweak made some aspect of the pro-
gram better.
Each agent is fantastic in its own right.

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Stories wlth Before-ond-After plctures

lf I had to rank the four major things that were truly game-changing for me, it would be
in this order: (1) Testosterone (2) hGH (3) Tesofensine (4) Tirzepatide.
My body reacted phenomenally to the addition of each agent alone, and the combination
of all four was otherworldly.
Igot acclimated to 24'hour fasts, and then easily worked my way up to four 36-40 hour
fasts within a single week.
I remember on some weekends my daily caloric intake would be under 1,OOO calories
and I felt no hunger pains at all,
And the cognitive benefits of fasting were exacily as Jay promised.
I was more focused, more centered, and overall I had an improved feeling of wellness.
Nothing in my life has ever worked so well to help me see the actual fat melting off
stubborn areas of my body.
I couldn't wait to see what the end results would be like.

QUESTION: Whot wos your diet ond troining like?

Did you notice ony difficulty with stoying true to the protocol?
ANSWER: With food, I did not obsessively count calories.
I would eat anywhere between2,400 to 2,600 calories on my feeding days (the range
within where my maintenance intake was) and much less than the normal ],7OO-1,BOO
calories on my fasting days (if I ever needed to break it early).
What's amazing is how easy it was to NOT overeat,
You think you need +3,000 calories to feel good and satisfied after a long fast, but you
really don't.
Obviously, my travel-heavy lifestyle meant I couldn't be perfect.
So I made functional choices to the best of my ability.
For example, a salad and chicken breast at lunch, and a fattier meat at dinner.
I could just stick to easy meals without worrying, and it's all thanks to the control I had
over my schedule.
Much easier than going to a restaurant and getting anxious about making healthy
food choices.


As for my strength, I gained in the best case scenario and maintained in the worst
case scenario.
I was able to keep my l-rep maxes of 225 lbs on the bench press and 300 lbs on
the back squat.

QUESTION: Let's get into the reol meot ond pototoes of your journey,
i.e. the end result ofter 30 doys of brutql dedicotion ond resolve.
Whot did your body look like?
ANSWER: I meticulously tracked my weight and body measurements on a week-to-week basis,
Here are my results from the start and end of the 50 Days 2 Shredz program:

January 23,2023 March 3,2023

Welght (lbs) 195 176.4
2" above belly button (cm) 82

Walst at belly button (cm) 82 78

2" below belly button (cm) 82 78

Chest (cm) 97.5 98

Rlght blcep (cm) 38.5 38

Left blcep (cm) 37.7

Rlght quad (cm) 58 55

Left quad (cm) 56 53.6

Hlps (cm) 100 94

Chopter l0:30D2S Success Storles with Before-ond-After pictures

Pictures from Janua 23d Pictures from March 3d






What I achieved was nothing short of miraculous.

According to my DEXA scan, I was at around 195-197 pounds and 14,8o/o body fat
when lstarted:

DettaFltLom bbnd

It oexAFlr vu,\r.Do(8Fltcom

BodfFj x !6GhrnOrvr ?€lutgPve

n Con llosmd DS Ae.
tm- tal -o4 {4
$/ze/zozo 163 ,o.E beselhe

t!3 ot/t9/2@3 4E.6 1a7

@/29/2o2O 46.3 !54 barlhe

thrfc wLvzeg 18.0 l/ls ,: 2.5

$/ze/z@o 46.3 ,zo buetlne

Alxholt oL/tg/za?8 4&6 49 a: 30

6/29/zgzo 46s r.10 bacotkte

Olrnold: ot/tg/zo3. €.6 132 o! o:l

8/29/zozo 46.3 t2$ baselhe

Tdll: oy8/a4 186 146 t2 12.

6/29/2O2O 40g r3{ berthe
Change vs Ch.rnee v., Chanqe vr
l{cursd Mass Basetine Previous Fll M,rss ["J'r',etrne Prevrous Lean Mass B.rse|rre Pr€vrous
itbrl (tb5) (lb\) (tbs) {tbl)
w., u2.2 12.2 4o 4o 7
@/2?,/zoro rl3c basctine 4., bas€tine {Sf basotine

I was already down 7 pounds by the fifth day of the program and had lost half an inch
off my waist,
I could already see my obliques popping out and my face was getting thinner.
By day 10, I was almost 15 pounds lighter and sub-10% body fat.
When week 3 ended, I was down to 180 lbs and my waist was creeping below 31".
My abs were starting to pop out.
This was me on February 19th, and I could finally see definition in my back:

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Storles with Before-ond-After plctures

Two days later, the abs became far more visible in the mirror:


At the end of the program, I lost a total of 20 pounds and my waist went from 34" to 30" .
It was a total and fully complete body recomposltion,
l'm glad I placed such a heavy focus on measurements.
The scale may be one component of tracking progress, but the way your clothes fit on
your body and the way you look are what truly matter,
Like Jay says, he does not design his programs to fail.
This was nothing short of fucking AMAZING!
It's the first time in my life where I had to keep readjusting my goal weight because I kept
smashing through barriers like they were nothing.

Chopter I0: 30D2S Success Stories wlth Before-ond-After pictures

And here's my DEXA scan from March 9th, just a few days after I went through the
30-day programl

,t oexAFtr
De,€Frt Lorig lstiand

Rosbn li.umdD.re Ase B@Fatr6 ffi ffi

aY\g/zoz3 48.6 1o4 -o4 -o.4
@/29/zo?o 46.3 1o.8 - basetine

lrg.: 03/o8/2o,?'3 48.8 u.7 -4,o -3.7

07./19/?o,23 48.6 15.7 o.3
o8/a9/zozo 46.3 154 "., baseline

Trunlc 03/o8/2n23 48.8 6.9 '7.6 -s1

48.6 14.5 ,! 2.5
46.3 12.O bagoline

Ardrold. 03/8/zaz3 ,18.8 5.9 -9.o -sr

w79/2023 48.6 14.9 39
o8/4/zo,?o 46.3 u.0 1e baseline

Gynold: 03/oa/20/23 48.8 7.6 -56 -4.9

or/rg/2o?3 48.6 1}2 o! o.7
o8/4/2O2O 463 x2.5 basotino

Toi.t o3/o8/20,23 48.8 9.4 -5.2 -4.O

oytg/20.23 48.6 14.6 7.2 L2
o8/4/ao?s. 46.3 13.4 baseltur

Change vs. Chonge vs Change vs
Measumd Mass Easotine previous FJt M.ts:, f]aselrne Prevrous Loon MB$s Basohnt Ptevrous
Date (bo (tb) (b6) ltbs) (tbs; (be) (b3) (tb$ (b,
ovtg/aoz3 ,Ol.l u.? 12.2 {, 40 40 $*f ?A 7a
6/29/2o.2t ilAC baseljne - 4t basetine flil tusptina

The 30D2S program specifically effects the trunk, android and gynoid regions
All places where men desire to lose the most amount of fat.
l'll also include a picture I took on the same dayl


" ,ti.iil







I hit my single digit bodv fat goal at 7%

For the very first time I had a six-par-k.

I could stop wearing baggv clothes ancl liqht r:lotlres are now r:art of rnv daily wardrobe

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Stories with Before-ond-After pictures

l'm blown away by the development in my upper pecs and shoulders,

As I continue working my core per Jay's instructions (2-3 supersets of standing cable
crunches and hanging leg raises), I will have the best physique of my entire life.


Plus, according to the DEXA scale, over 60% of the weight I lost was pure fat.

you notice ony difficulty with tronsitioning to o

temporory mointenqnce phose?
ANSWER: Personally, I didn't.
But that's because l'm a very goal-oriented person and I knew things were going to get
harder from here.
Once the effects from my final dose of Tirzepatide waned away, I started to feel hungry.
I could have easily succumbed to snacking and overeating, but I had trained myself to
overcome the cravings and I already had the important lifestyle habits installed.
I wasn't physically hungry, but I was mentally starving.
I had to fight at first to avoid the temptation of stuffing my face after a 3O-hour fast.
All I had to do was keep a consistent training and eating schedule, focusing on complex
carbohydrates, healthy fats, and clean protein sources for my diet.
The only real change I had made was adding in a 2nd cardio session on my fasting days.

QUESTION: As someone who is now on the "other side" of success,

whot did you like most obout 30 Doys 2 Shredz?
ANSWER: What was most compelling for me, emotionally and physically, was the
hardcore fasting.
Prior to this program I had done intermittent fasting over a period of four years.
I would fast for 16 hours and keep my feeding window to an 8-hour block within
the same day,
Here, I was going anywhere between 36-48 hours per fast.
It wasn't easy but it is definitely doable in large part due to the combination of Tirzepatide
and Tesofensine.
At the same time, it was the other medications and the specificity of the training which
really made the difference to me.
Keep in mind I had an extremely tight schedule during the program,
All I required was a hotel with a gym three days out of a seven-day week, which
served me well.

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Stories wlth Before-ond-After plctures

And since the majority of my client deals are done at dinner, it was easy to fast for 24
hours between dinners.
I never had to worry about taking supplements with me in my back pocket.

I never had to overthink about when my next meal would be because of the 3-4 days a
week I would be fasting.
Both factors made it so much simpler to stay disciplined.

QUESTION: ln your experience, whqt mode this progrom different from

whot you tried in the post?
ANSWER: Before I started this program, I had lost 70 pounds over the course of a year
from 270lbs to 200 lbs.
It was a slow drag that could only have been achieved with a true lifestyle change,
However, if you're the type of person who procrastinates until the last moment or has a
huge event coming up (wedding, vacation, etc.), this is the ultimate program for maxi-
mum fat loss with minimum to zero muscle loss,
30 days is the Goldilocks zone for achieving the next-level results you want.
The calorie restriction via all-day fasting and advanced drugs was unlike anything I had
ever seen, heard ol or tried.
Which brings me to one important recommendation I would make to newcomers:
lf vou are a hiohly inflamed dumpster fire like I was back in 2019. I don't recommend 50
Davs 2 Shredz.

You have much more important shit to worry about first.

You must have some understanding of how to resistance train properly, some degree of
understanding insulin sensitivity, and some mental strength to withstand fasting periods.
What am I really saying to you?
lf you are over 25'30% body fat, not feeling well, drinking too much, and attempting to
use this program to get in beach shape for your trip to Cancun in the next 30 days, you
will fail miserably and likely tank your immune system.
Even at the Basic level, newbies will find this program to be too advanced because there's
no "easy button".
I could 100% see them gaining back their weight after finishing the program.


My opinion would be that those kinds of individuals would be better off starting with The
Metabolic Blowtorch Diet and committing to it for a good 3-6 months first.

QUESTION: Thot is on owesome perspective Joson, ond why I love you.

lf you ever go for o 2nd round ol 30 Doys 2 Shredz in the future, whot
do you plon to do differently?
ANSWER: I plan to do my next run of the program later this year.
l'll definitely be more rigorous with tracking my macronutrients and hitting at least 1 gram
of protein per pound of total lean body mass on my training days.
Ithink the results will be even more extraordinary if I am consistent, plus I believe I can
keep my muscle loss to near zero.
I used to eat 6,500 calories a day and it wasn't obvious until I started tracking everything.
2,500 calories will be more than enough for the majority of people, but they'll be shocked
to find it's not nearly as much food as they think.

QUESTION: Any concluding remorks you wont to shore with reoders?

I'm sure there clre q lot of people who ore owe-struck just by reoding
your story ond seeing your insone physique tronsformotion!
ANSWER: The value I got from 30 Days 2 Shredz, the immediate access to vendors sell-
ing these life-changing fat loss agents, and the networking with fellow high-conscious
people is priceless.
What Jay has provided to the world is tip-of-the-spear science, cutting-edge technology,
and groundbreaking medications.
All of these things - alone and combined - are nothing short of gifts to the world.
We should all serve and deliver them to people who can and will listen to what he has to say.
I finally feel worthy of showing my 30-day transformation results to the world.
I love myself, I love the people who were with me on this journey, and I love the world
for having given me this opportunity for true spiritual healing.
I hope my story paves the way for millions of people to gather the faith and knowledge
that they too can attain the same results as I did.
What's possible for me is possible for you!

Chopter l0:30D2S Success Stories wlth Before-ond-After plctures

Hunter Williqms

Hunter William's experience with this program WILL NOT represent what the average
person has to go through,
You should think of this case study as what 30 Days 2 Shredz can look tike for the genet-
ically elite athlete with years of experience in consrsfenf dieting and training,
Keep reading this story and you'll see why my program isn't just for your everyday week-
end warrior,
Even for the most neurologically muscle-adapted and metabolically optimized, J0 Days 2
Shredz will push your body and mind to limits you never thought was possible,

QUESTION: Hunter, tell me obout your bockground in fitness.

Were you olwoys physicolly octive?
ANSWER: Yeah, l've always been an athlete since I was a kid.
I played Division 1 NCAA football in college (outside linebacker at Wake Forest University
in the Atlantic Coast Conference where I started for 3 years), and almost made it to the
NFL but just fell short of making an NFL roster.
Between the brutal training sessions and the hectic travel schedule, you had to be in the
topl% of the 1% in order to survive.
As for my own personal endeavors, l've spent many years doing every single type of
dieting and training protocol available,
Years before I even met Jay, I had the discipline and the structure to follow any regimen
no matter how flexible or restrictive it was.
What I needed wasn't motivation, but something that would deliver mind-blowing results
even for someone like myself who trains at a highly advanced level.

QUESTION: So how strictly did you follow this progrom?

ANSWER: I followed the FULLY F-KKN OPTIMIZED (FFO) protocol, doing every advanced
hack possible and taking every supplement recommended in 30 Days 2 Shredz with the
exception of Phentermine and the PPAR agonists (Cardarine and GWO742).


I also had the privilege of getting access to Genotropin (Pfizer's growth hormone), so I

got to use that instead of CJC-1295 and lpamorelin.

lf you look at my spreadsheet, I was meticulous in tracking everything,
Exact dosages of the supplements I took each day and when I took them.
Progress photos on my front, back and side taken at the end of every single week,
All my training meticulously logged by reps, sets, rest periods, and more.
The only thing I could have done a better job of tracking was my exact caloric intake and
macronutrient ratios,
I wrote down everything I ate but I did not weigh out my food on a scale.
Sample of Hunter's Training Day meals:

2 slices turkey bacon, 2 boiled eggs, 60 g oats, 20 g collagen Brotein, 90 g blueberries

50 g puffed rice cereal, 40 g collagen/whey protein, 90 g blueberries

250 g white potatoes, 6 oz grass-fed beel93/7

250 g white potatoes, 6 oz grass-fed beef 93/7

250 g white potatoes, 6 oz grass-fed beef 93/7

250 g white potatoes, 6 oz grass-fed beef 93/7,100 g avocado, 40 g collagen protein smoothie

On my training days, I would estimate I ate a total of 3,500-4,000 calories.

350 grams of carbs, 60 grams of fats, and 225-250 grams of protein.
Roughly what I would need to eat to maintain my starting weight of 210 lbs
Sample of Hunter's Fasting Day meals:

8o293/7 grass-fed beel250 g jasmine rice

I oz93/7 grass-fed beel 250 g jasmine rice, 40 g collagen protein smoothie

Keeping things ridiculously simple, especially on fasting days, was a big help in staying
100% on plan.
Iate food on my fasting days during Week 1 of the program, but every week I would add
in longer fasting intervals.

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Storles wlth Before-ond-After plctures

By Week 2 I had one day of the week where I fasted between my last meal on Wednesday
and my first meal on Friday (-36 hours).
By Week 4 I fasted all of Tuesday and all of Thursday to accelerate the fat loss process.
As for training, my programming looks different than what Jay preaches in the book.
Iknow my own body and what exercises work best for me, but the same may not be true
for the beginner who doesn't know their body so well.
lf you are not someone who has spent the last decade in-and-out of the gym gaining
results year after year, I recommend you do what Jay says to the letter in his PMF Video
Training Program.

QUESTION: How much weight / oooy fot did you lose over the 30-doy
window of fosting ond troining with this progrom?
ANSWER: lf you look at my spreadsheet, I started a|207 lbs on January 23'd,
After 30 days of hardcore dieting and training, I had lost 22 pounds and went from 6.6%
body fat to 3.7o/o.
This is huge when you consider the RELATIVE change and not the ABSOLUTE change.
ln my case, I had a near 50% decrease in my total body fat.
Whereas somebody who goes from 30% body fat to 27o/o only had a 10% change rela-
tive to where they started (even if they lost more weight than I did if you compare the
raw numbers).
Here are some of my lnBody scans taken at the start and end of my 50 Days 2 Shredz
cycle to show the before-and-after changes:



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Body Comp History
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Even on a week-to-week basis, you could see the changes in my lower body leanness
and vascularization.
Ididn't have to squeeze hard, angle the camera a certain way, or manipulate the llghting
to see real improvements.

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Stories with Before-ond-After pictures

January 27th 2023 (5 days in):


February lOth 2023 (19 days in):

Chopter I0: 30D2S Success Stories with Before-ond-After plcturos

February 17tF, 2023 (26 days in):


Shred city.
Or as some people in the VIP Mastermind group would call it, "Shredsville."

QUESTION: Your troining doy meol schedule looks exoctly like the
tried-ond-true "six meols o doy" protocol used religiously by the
bodybuilding community.
Could you dive deeper into why you don't just do l-2 lorger meols
ond do o longer fosting window on troining doys, thereby shortening
your feeding window?
ANSWER: This is a deep pet peeve of mine and it's worth diving into as it's the #1 mistake
I see people make when they take on any kind of fasting protocol.
I especially saw a lot of this when the trend of intermittent fasting got popular in 2010-2015.
When you do something boneheaded like attempting to get 100 grams of carbs in just
one sitting right before you train, and then having your second yet larger meal right after
you train on your training days, it's a recipe for disaster,
You're not giving your glycogen levels enough time to be fully replenished and your body
won't have time to digest the nutrients properly.
Which means you won't have the amount of energy needed to train intensely to positive
muscular failure.
When we divide our meals on training days into six smaller ones (four at bare minimum),
the multiple feedings help promote muscle protein synthesis (MPS),
lf you are coming into your training day after doing an all-day fast the day before, your
body requires at least 3-4 meals to restore its glycogen stores.
When you're doing 24-36 hour fasts, your actual base metabolism will be vastly
different from when you start your fast (versus when you finish your fast).
All the more reason to make sure you're getting enough proteins, carbohydrates, and
fats well before you start lifting on your feeding days,

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Stories with Before-ond-After pictures

QUESTION: Let's tolk obout it further.

out of oll the mocronutrients in ony of my fot loss protocols, or ony
Y9lgnt loss diet in generol, corbohydrotes seem to get the worst rbp.
Tell me more obout how people sqew up by consuming too few
corbs in the context of something like 30 Days 2 Shredz.
ANSWER :When it comes to your training day, your carbohydrates HAVE to be higher
even when you are attempting to lose weight.
lf you underfeed carbs on your feeding/lifting day, your metabolism will slow down,
making it almost impossible to lose body fat.
Not to mention you've robbed yourself of the energy necessary for weight training.
People are so carb-phobic to the point where their bodies can no longer handle carbo-
hydrates and their insulin sensitivity is completely destroyed.
Personally, my body is very insulin-sensitive and can absorb and process carbohydrates
extremely well.
Just for me to move the scale, I would have to consume 500 grams of carbohydrates
within a single day.
And here's the delicious irony in cutting carbohydrates out of your diet completely...
It will work at first, until it no longer does, and you find yourself stuck in this weird pla-
teau where you can't move the scale up or down no matter how much further you drop
your calories.
You've dysregulated your thyroid, which then messes up your basal metabolic rate.
Your body requires carbohydrates, especially when it comes to weight training because
you must burn them off as a fuel source (due to their role in replenishing glycogen levels
and repairing muscle tissue).
With any fat loss diet in general, carbohydrate manipulation is the real "devil in the details".


QUESTION: I think next to improper corbohydrote monipulotion,

premoture colorie sloshing is one of the worst things you con do on o
fot loss diet.
From your personol experience, tell me whot hoppens when you stort
eoting too little, too soon into ony weight Ioss regimen.
ANSWER: You'll see this happen very often in people who operate by the paradigm of
"bulking cycles" and "cutting cycles",
ln the latter, you are effectively following a 16-week program where you are slashing 200
calories off your daily intake every two weeks.
The problem with down regulating your calories in this manner is that you feel like com-
plete shit 7-8 weeks in.
Your numbers in the gym go down, your energy throughout the day is zapped, and that's
even before the worst things are experienced.
Like losing your libido, dealing with emotional mood swings, and rapid body
temperature changes.
All of this can get very ugly, very fast.

QUESTION: Let's soy people DO stumble upon o weight loss ploteou for
whotever reoson when they're doing 30 Doys 2 Shredz,
Whot is the best woy to ossess the situotion ond moke chonges
for the future so people con breok through ond stort losing body
fot once ogoin?
ANSWER: Everyone is different in why they're plateauing in their diet.
There are very specific things they may have to do to break past a temporary roadblock,
but the end goal is the same,.,
Elevating your basal metabolic rate to further increase caloric burn.
l'll share my perspective as someone who has successfully participated in competitive
bodybuilding and gotten stage-ready.
It is impossible for someone to do a 36-hour fast and NOT lose weight without eventually
It's just basic thermodynamics and human biology,
The first thing I would say is to avoid the gut instinct of instantly slashing calories.

Chopter l0:30D2S Success Storles with Before-qnd-After pictures

lnstead, you should first seek to upregulate your net expenditure through more exercise.
It's best to keep your calories the same, walk back your cardio and increase the frequency
of weightlifting.
Maybe it means lifting 4 days a week instead of 3 days a week, or even 5 if you can sneak
an extra session in.
After that, you can look at the cardio you are doing and see if you need to do some-
thing different.
For example, if you aren't getting that second steady-state cardio session in on your
fasting days, now would be a good time to start incorporating that in.
Just make sure you aren't doing too much cardio and especially not HllT cardio on your
fasted days.
So let me round this up: many people deprive themselves of carbs when attempting to
lose weight while slashing their calories too aggressively and/or too soon, and in some
cases they never engage in resistance training.
lf you're not lifting weights on 30 Days 2 Shredz or any other program involving some
degree of fasting, you will lose your muscle tissue and make it 10x harder on yourself to
burn calories.
I can't tell you how many people have their thyroids completely shut down (confirmed
via blood work and other hormonal changes) and their insulin sensitivity thrown out of
whack due to their carbohydrate deprivation.
This is why the 30 Days 2 Shredz program DOES NOT have you eating like a rabbit at
1,000-1,500 total calories on your training days (unless you are a petite woman and the
math checks out).
Jay never designs programs to fail and he understands how to avoid thyroid downregu-
lation due to it being one of the biggest red flags of poor fat loss protocol design.

QUESTION: How did you opprooch your mointenonce phose of

30 Days 2 shredz ofter o month of following the FFo style diet,
supplementotion, ond troining to ochieve on insonely low tevet
of body fot?
ANSWER: I was able to ease back into maintenance without any problems.


For the first 2-3 weeks I kept the same protocol and did my 36-hour fasts on Tuesdays
and Thursdays.
I added in an extra cheat meal per week on Saturday and Sunday.
Iwant to remind people this is a cheat MEAL where you go out with your family to have
steak & fries,
This is not a cheat DAY where you spend 24 hours eating like a glutton.
The following weeks, I would only do one 36-hour fast a week, slowly introducing more
calories into my weekly caloric intake.
I also maintained the two cheat meals.
This allowed me to go back to training/eating 4 days a week and fasting 3 days a week,
instead of training/eating 3 days a week and fasting 4 days a week,
Gradually, I brought the fasts down to the Z{-hour mark.
l'm pretty good at eyeballing my portions, so for my fasting days I would do 1.5 pounds
of meat for protein, the same amount of fats (in grams) eaten on my training days, and
half of the carbs I eat on training days.

QUESTION: Whot were your hunger levels like?

ANSWER: Almost non-existent, even though we are accelerating the time window in
which we can lose fat healthily.
I can say with 100% certainty I never felt awful, fatigued, or starving.
You get to lose fat and feel awesome at the same time.
Until we had all of the drugs, medications, supplements, and this specific style of fasting,
it was impossible for me to even conceive the idea of maintaining full compliance to a
fat loss regimen without feeling terrible (which in and of itself makes you less likely to
stick to the program).
I attribute this success to two major factors.
First, there's the GLP-l receptor agonists and the peptides specific to fat loss.
Tesofensine, Tirzepatide, and hGH (when dosed in surgically precise fashion) is the abso-
lute best fat loss stack ever.
It makes 24-hour fasts feel like child's play and 36-hour fasts a breeze.

Chopter I0: 30D2S Success Storlss wlth Before-ond-After plctures

As someone who has dieted down super-hard before and felt all my energy sucked out
of me, I felt amazing from a mental standpoint when I was using them.
Without these drugs, the fasts would be a lot harder and the hunger would go from
negligible to intrusive.
l've even done 60-hour weekend fasts (more on this in the upcoming chapter) and man-
aged to establish a much better connection to my higherSELF.
When you break free of the temporary physical hunger pangs, you see through the matrix
and get in touch with divinity aka your higher self.
And due to the high production of BDNF, you experience this profound shift in conscious-
ness and a closer connection with source energy.
Second, there's the eating.
Unlike other starvation diets or fasting protocols, you never feel restricted.
When you eat, you actually EAT until you are full and completely satisfied.
No suffering, no leaving the table hungry.
On your fasting days, you're never left feeling regretful that you didn't eat enough the
previous day.
But my results come with one major caveat and Jay would have my back here:
You have to do thinqs OUR wav and for a verv oood reason.
There are no accidents or coincidences in what we say to do. when we sav to do it. how
to do what we say. and whv to do what we sav.

QUESTION: Looking bock, is there onything you wourd hove done

ANSWER: Having followed 30 Days 2 Shredz to a near-perfect T, l'm extremely happy
with how my body looks and performs.
And even more impressed with how I felt on a day-to-day basis.
When I would do 36-hour fasts during a week and enter a training day, my best lifting
sessions always came when I had at least 3 fully digested meals.
The days where I had to train earlier and could only get 2 meals in, my performance in
the gym definitely suffered,


But past a certain point of optimization, you just won't be as strong during a significant
caloric deficit compared to a period of caloric maintenance or a surplus.
Finally, I wish I had used melatonin a lot more.
When you are fasting for extended periods of time, your sleep cycles get disturbed because
you feel physically hungry when going to bed despite not feeling mentally hungry (this
is from the increase in glucagon levels, which ultimately produces ketones).
After all, carbohydrates lead to serotonin production and that helps with deeper sleep,
Iwould have paid much more attention to figuring out why my sleep was being disturbed
and done something immediately to fix it.
Outside of those two minor details, there isn't a single bad thing I can say about 30
Dayz 2 Shredz.
The 30D2S fat loss protocol is the undisputed GOAT of any fat loss program ever given
to mankind.
No other fat loss program in human history comes even close.

Chopter l0: 30D2S Success Storles wlth Before-ond-After pictures



l've covered everything you could possibly want
to know about 30D25,

Iexhausted every potential pitfall to ensure l've developed the safest and most effective
way to lose the most amount of body fat in the shortest amount of time possible.
Even with the introduction of the brand-new medications and agents introduced, 30D2S
is foolproof if you simply follow it as instructed.
But if l'm being honest, humans like myself and Hunter Williams won't be satisfied with
merely following a protocol.
We desire to continually push ourselves to the limits in order to achieve true mastery of
the dieting principles we teach.
Even Monica and I live our lives with the mantra of constant and never ending improvement.
lf we didn't constantly challenge and test the boundaries of how far we can go, even with
how far we've already gone, this book would not exist.
Through extensive research and self-experimentation, we put our own health on the line
to discover different cutting-edge tactics that yield profound results for fat loss.
However, due to the highly advanced nature of these biohacking tactics, we cannot
endorse them for everyone.

Chopter'll: The Tools, Tips, ond Toctics of the Shredded (Uolntolnlng Slngle Dlglt Body Fot yeor Round)

lf you aren't comfortable pushing the limits of your physical and mental performance,
then by all means, choose not to.
Come back to this chapter when you are ready.


I recommend you go through an entire 30D2S cycle at least once before you put
anything contained in this chapter into practice.
All of the knowledge within the prior chapters of this book can and will generate
a dramatic physique transformation.
Additionally, many of the routines in this chapter are more in the domain of mental
and spiritual optimization.
Once you have exhausted all other avenues for fat loss, incorporating them will
allow you to make quantum leaps in your fitness and your overall quality of life.

Without further ado, let's break down the extreme diet hacks you will never find written
or talked about anywhere else.

The DIABOIICAI FFO Schedule for 3OD2S

lf you recall the weekly protocol for 30D2S in Chapter 8, you'll remember it looks like this:

' MondaY = Training/Feeding DaY

' Tuesday = Fasting DaY

' Wednesday = Training/Feeding Day

' ThursdaY = Fasting DaY

' Fridav = Training/Feeding DaY

' SaturdaY = Fasting DaY

' SundaY = Fasting DaY


But if you desire to improve the rate of fat loss per unit of time to ludicrous levels, you
can switch around Tuesday and Wednesday so your weekly schedule now looks like this:

' Monday = Training/Feeding DaY

' Tuesday = Training/Feeding DaY

' WednesdaY = Fasting DaY

' ThursdaY = Fasting DaY
' Fridav = Training/Feeding DaY
. Saturday = Fasting Day
' Sunday = Fasting DaY

This provides you with TWO sets of days (Wednesday + Thursday, Saturday + Sunday)
where you have the option of long 48-hour fasting windows in a back-to-back fashion.
As explained in Chapter 7, the catecholamine increase wilt optimize fat burning in stub-
born body fat areas with insufficient blood flow.
This is something you can do regardless of the level of 30D2S you are following.
Even at the Beginner level, you are fasting for a minimum of 80 hours a week.
Now imagine what happens when you are at the FFO level and you are not eating ANY
food on your fasting days (i.e. +30 hour fasts) while doing twice-daily fasted LISS cardio.
Combined with effective weightlifting and optimal nutrition on training days, there's no
reason why you can't reach 10% body fat or less in record time.
Whether you want to follow this new fasting schedule or the normal weekly 30D2S pro-
tocol is up to you.
But there is ONE THING you can do over the weekend to test your physical and mental
will, which brings us to the next hack.
lf you thought the first hack separated the men from the boys, what you're about to see
will separate the gods from the men.

chopter ll:The Tools, Tips, ond Toctlcs of the shredded (Molntoining Single Diglt Body Fot yeor Round)

Four 60-Hour Fqsts

The premise of this hack is really simple: at least once during your 3OD2S cycle, you
will perform an ENTIRE 60-hour fast by not eating anything for the totality of your two
back-to-back fasting days,
Before we get into the details, we need to backtrack and talk about two things.
First, why this type of extended fast will not lead to any muscle tissue loss.
And second, why you are unlikely to "permanently damage" your metabolism as a result.

Muscle Loss
There are studies attempting to observe the effectsof +24 hour fasts on strength and
skeletal muscle mass.
The best-controlled of these select studies demonstrate there's no noticeable muscle
loss, while other studies not controlled as tightly will claim aZ4-hour fast is enough for
your body to catabolize muscle tissue stores for energy.
You will find least one of the following problems (or more) in the poorly
controlled/designed studies:

' A "true fast" wasn't done, i.e. calories were still consumed in some fashion on fasting
days even if the total amount was lower than 500 calories on fasting days
. Resistance training was not performed, let alone properly
' cardio was not done in the way I advocate (Lrss, row-impact, etc.)
' Protein intake was not kept sufficiently high on feeding days (or fasting days if
calorie consumption was allowed)
. An over-reliance on using fat-free mass (FFM) to determine muscle mass loss, as
FFM also encompasses water, non-muscle lean tissue and organ tissue lN ADDITION
TO skeletal muscle mass

Furthermore, it is important to understand these studies very rarely use lean, muscular,
and athletically conditioned individuals.
They're typically looking at co-morbid people who are either obese, diseased,
and/or sedentary.


And if we look at how the body responds to a complete and totalfast (i.e. "starvation"),
the worst-case scenario would be the slightest amount of muscle loss at the 48-hour mark.
But lean muscle tissue is ONLY tapped into once your body fat stores are com-
pletely exhausted,
This is largely due to ketone bodies preventing the breakdown of skeletal muscle.
I challenge you to name one human who achieves a level of leanness where the threat
of muscle loss is even realistically possible,
It would take several days of fasting (far longer than the 60-hour mark) before protein
breakdown becomes a possibility.
Dr. Jason Fung wrote three incredible articles (here, here, and here) I highly recommend
to get better acquainted with the science of fasting and how it does not cause muscle
loss when done correctly.
lf you are someone who is muscular, you won't lose muscle.
Of course, this doesn't even get into the use of the Advanced level and FFO level sup-
plements in Chapter 3 to further help preserve muscle tissue.
Experimental evidence in rats even suggests after a period of fasting (NOT reduced
calorie intake), the body will preferentially build up muscle stores over fat reserves upon
breaking the fast.

"Metqbolic Domoge"
A couple of years ago, discussions in the online fitness community started revolving
around the idea of metabolic damage.
ln a nutshell, people who cut calories way too low and exercise way too much eventually
reach a point where fat gain occurs on daily intakes below 1,000 calories.
Rest assured this is literally impossible.
Yes, it's possible somebody has larger-than-expected water retention.
It's also possible their basal metabolic rate may be lowered even while maintaining a
reduced body weight, but it would only be by a small amount at best.
In other words, what is happening is metabolic ADAPTATION and not metabolic damage.

Chopter'll: The Tools, Tips, ond Toctics of th€ Shredded (l,aointoining Single Digit Body Fot yoor Round)

REMEMBER ' During short periods of fasting, your metabotic rate actuatty rncreases because
your body taps into your fat reserves for energy in the absence of calories.
But there is a nugget of truth to the idea of fat loss stalling hard.
The best available explanation is cortisol (stress) production.
Small amounts of stress are good for mobilizing fat, which is what we cause to our bodies
in 30D2S via extended fasting and intense resistance/cardiovascular training.
Chronic and excessive stress, on the other hand, is what leads to unwanted fat accumulation.
This is usually what gets triggered when you suddenly induce extreme amounts of activity
and extreme caloric deficits all at once and way too soon.
Fortunately, this issue of elevated cortisol is usually resolved through cyclical dieting.
Which is what you've already been doing if you have been following the 3OD2S protocol.

sPEctAr NorE
This disclaimer goes way beyond into the esoteric, but I highly recommend you
avoid any kind of sex or masturbation during your 60-hour fasting window.
Shortly, sex is a sacred energy event,
When you copulate and reach orgasm, you tape into insane levels of energy.
This energy is described differently depending on what philosophy you adhere
to - Kundalini, Chakral, Chi, etc.
When you are in a sexual/spiritual relationship with someone you love, and the
sex is based on a consenting and loving energetic connection, there is a powerful
energy release and a lull in your energy field for hours afterwards.
lf you don't conserve your energy and ejaculate during your 60-hour fast, you will
weaken your energy field to the point where it will be much harder to maintain
your extended fast (compared to if you didn't have an orgasm).
lf you have sex 2-3 times in the 60-hour window and you orgasm all 3 times, good
luck making it.
You will be so energetically drained to the point where you likely have no choice
but to eat by 5pm on Sunday.


With these two important disclaimers fully explained, let's dive into the mechanics of a
60-hour fast,

Benefits of o 60-Hour Fost

There are two main reasons to incorporate a 6O-hour fast into your cycle of 30D2S.
First, the fat loss within the 40th-55th hours of your fast window will normally be pure
visceral body fat.
It's impossible to simulate or replicate the fat loss we receive from the biochemical cas-
cade of catecholamines eradicating stubborn body fat.
Perhaps new medications in the future will change this,


Every one of my VIP Mastermind members who employed a 60-hour fast noticed
themselves losing as much as l0 pounds in a week.
Not all of it is fat.
Some of it is water and depleted glycogen as well.
But between all 3 of these, this is what you would normally expect to happen when
someone first starts fasting and becomes fast-adapted.
Granted, the rate of weight loss will slow down as one becomes leaner, but do not
obsess about pounds.
It's inches on the body - waist, belt loop size, etc. - where you will notice fat loss.
YOu won't have decreaSed mass in your main muScle groups (CheSt, arms, quads,
etc.), but you will notice belly fat loss.
Which is where most men hold their body fat as they get older.

Yes, the medications outlined in Chapter 3 will enhance your progress.

But even naturals can get great results without things like testosterone and hGH because
of the metabolic processes of autophagy and hormesis from the long fasting periods.

Chopter ll: The Tools, Tips, ond Toctlcs of the Shredded (Molntolning Slngle Diglt Body Fot yeor nound)

Second, you will experience profound spiritual breakthroughs:around the 4O-hour mark
is when you start to really tap into the body's enhanced production of BDNF.
Itake full advantage of the spike I get in creativity due to elevated BDNF levels and go
all-in on content creation.
Third, you also have increased growth hormone secretion.
This allows you to take advantage of all the health benefits of upregulated growth hor-
mone production, one of which is increased lipolysis (i,e. fat loss).

How to Properly Prepore for o 60-Hour Fqst

A 60-hour fast is not something to be taken lightly,
It cannot and should not be performed by everyone.

Don't think you can immediately jump into performing a 60-hour fast without any expe-
rience whatsoever.
Doing so will cause a host of metabolic and psychological issues.
You want to make sure you build up your "fasting tolerance" by first making it through
a 36-hour fast.
This is easily achievable if you are doing 30D2S at the FFO level.
After your last meal on a training day, don't eat anything during your next fasting day.
Go ahead and break your fast with your first meal on the next day (training day) afterwards.
This will allow you to ensure you can tolerate a 48-hour fast, which can be performed
using the existing weekly schedule outline in Chapter B,
lf you finish eating your last meal on Friday evening (training day), you can fast through
Saturday (fasting day) and then break the fast on Sunday evening (fasting day).
It goes without saying you must have two back-to-back fasting days in order to achieve
a 48-hour fast.
And should you make it through a 48-hour fast, you are now ready to do a 6O-hour fast.
I AM capping it there because at the 60-hour mark you have already maximized the
benefits of fasting.


Going further than this (for most people) is counter-productive due to potentially expe-
riencing muscle catabolism (i.e. muscle breakdown and lean tissue loss).
But doing even one of these during 30D2S will help you bust through any plateaus
you encounter,
Luckily, thanks to all of the amazing drugs and supplements we use for this diet, fasting
for 60 hours does not have to be as mentally difficult as it once was.
Once your body reaches a state of ketosis and you become metabolically'fast adapted',
a 60-hour fast becomes relatively easy with the aid of the appetite-suppressing com-
pounds we use.

Based on the weekly schedule for 30D2S, it is best to perform your 5O-hour fast from
the time you finish your last meal on Friday at dinnertime (training day) to the time you
resume eating on Monday in the early morning (the next training day).
So if you stopped eating at 8pm on Friday, Monday at 8am is when you would stop the
fast at 60 hours with your first meal of the training day.
I recommend filling up your weekend with creative endeavors to keep your mind fully
engaged and far away from anything related to eating.

Tronsitioning into Troining Doy

When you have your first meal on Monday morning after your 60-hour fast, start with
something very light and easy to digest.
Since your digestive system has been completely shut off from eating for more than 2
and a half days, it's nearly impossible to start consuming a larger-sized meal,
After another 1-2 hours, eat another light meal your body can easily digest.
You should avoid foods like nuts, seeds, heavy grains, sugars, and anything else diffi-
cult to digest.
By the time you reach your training session, it is imperative to have eaten AT LEAST 3-5
meals (which includes your pre-workout meal).
Doing so will help fully replenish your glycogen stores in time for PMF-style weightlifting.

chopter ll:The Tools, Tlps, ond Toctlcs of the shredded (uolntotning slngle Diglt Body Fot yeor Round)


On the training day after a 60-hour fast, it is extremely unlikely you'll be able to
train bal ls-to-the-wall.
Even with 4-5 meals inside you and scheduling your training for later in the day,
you will still be relatively glycogen depleted from the 60-hour fast,
I suggest exerting 80% of your max effort on this day so you don't overwhelm
your body and avoid an increased risk of injury.
The older you are, the more susceptible to injury you'll be due to the lack of
synovial fluid in your joint capsules and the lack of muscle glycogen from fasting
for 50 hours.

Going From One 60-Hour Fost to Four 60-Hour Fosts

Once you successfully perform a 60-hour fast, you can graduate all the way to doing
four 60-hour fasts.
One for each weekend during 30D2S where you have 2 back-to-back fasting days.
DO NOT do any more than four 60-hour fasts in a single 30-day period.
You will find yourself at higher risk for poor workouts and potentially poor sleep due to
over activation of your CNS.
This is only for the most advanced and seasoned dieters who have gone through a cycle
of 30D2S at least once and can push their bodies and mind to the brink.
It is NOT easy, and it is NOT necessary.
But for maximal fat loss, nothing works better and a 60-hour fast can be considered as
the pinnacle achievement of 30D2S.


Extreme Feqts Durlng long Fosting Windows

This section is for the adrenaline junkies who want to get their fix by taking their minds
and bodies to the edge (without putting their health at risk).
Hunter and I are Type-A personalities who push beyond any physical and mental limitations.
For us, it's about developing a deeper spiritual connection with Source Consciousness.
Performing these extreme feats requires deep digging into one's spiritual awareness
and development,
Fortunately for you, you don't have to ride a motorcycle at 100 miles per hour down a
rocky mountain road to experience the benefits we just described.
Jay's favorite limit-breaking feat is taking a fasted hike/iourney in exotic locations
around the world with a reputation for difficult remote terrains.
Whether it's climbing the mountainous heights of Machu Picchu, or globetrotting around
sacred destinations in South America or Mexico, the journeys are physically demanding
and require advanced levels of physical fitness.
Embarking on these journeys while fasted is important for two reasons.
First, there is the upregulated fat loss from performing these hikes while fasted.
These hikes often last several hours and are unforgiving enough if you're not bringing
any snacks with you.
Second, there are the incredible spiritual insights and downloads you receive while
embarking on these journeys as many of the ancient sites were great spiritual centers
still brimming to this day with the energy and frequency of their builders.
Oftentimes the endpoint is a view, a statue, or a building with deep esoteric ties to our
ancestors and the earliest days of human civilization.
Something you will never be able to achieve by merely looking at a picture from the
comfort of your home.
Hunter's extreme feat of choice is rucking while fasted.
He likes to throw a 53-pound kettlebell in his backpack and go hiking on steep terrains
tor 2-3 hours at a time.
This usually results in 8-10 miles traveled.

Chopter ll:The Tools, Tlps, ond Toctics of the ShreddeO (tr,tolntolnlng Slngle Dlgit Body Fot yeor Round)

Obviously, there is the physical challenge.

The first hour is mentally exhausting and most people will fail to make it past the 30-60
minute mark.
But once you break through this barrier, you get a second wind of energy to help you
push beyond your self-perceived limits for another l-2 hours,
Then you have the body's fat-burning mechanisms being kicked into overdrive.
Hunter's heart rate while rucking fasted is around 140 BPM, which allows him to mimic
the benefits of LISS cardio on fasting days.


lf you have never rucked before, or have poor levels of conditioning and strength,
your heart rate will go way beyond 140 BPM.
This is normal and your heart rate will gradually go down to the 125-140 BPM range
as you become more adjusted to the physical demands of fasted rucking.

Similar to Jay's feat of choice, there is also the spiritual aspect of fasted rucking.
Hunter finds himself closer to the divine and will ascend to a higher frequency of love
and service for many days after the rucking.
The end of the rucking allows him to process all the thoughts and experiences he had
during the week, while giving him a well-earned sense of calm and clarity,
And when Hunter experiences an extra surge of motivation, he will cleanse his mind even
further with a 20-30 session in the sauna immediately afterwards.
These are our favorite feats, but feel free to do whatever works best for you,
We recommend doing anything involving the combination of fasting and being outside
in nature so you can bathe in the bright sunlight.


Breothwork, Visuqlizqtlon, ond Meditqtion

With a fully optimized vessel, you will notice yourself gravitating towards the improve-
ment of your spiritual health.
Many people find it difficult to become "spiritual", only because their physical, mental,
and emotional health are poor.
But when you have those three dialed in, it's very easy to connect with your higher SELF,
i.e. your spiritual center (the Kingdom of Heaven within you), and live a Level 10 life across
all 4 domains of health.
You find yourself seeking and achieving a deeper sense of connection with the source
frequency, a.k.a. GOD.
This does not require adherence to any man-made religious sect or school of belief.
But just like 30D2S, achieving the spiritual connection we're describing takes work
and discipline.
Both Hunter and I have our own unique spiritual disciplines (i.e. internal work and con-
templative practices) to integrate ancient wisdom with modern biohacking.
Jay's practice: In addition to spending time in nature meditating, contemplating and
grounding, all while reading 8-12 books on quantum physics, consciousness and health
optimization monthly, he has recently started to use the VibraGenix, a harmonic fre-
quency technology using acoustic waves to optimize the human energy field.
The VibraGenix induces a state of being whereby one can easily access an enhanced state
of consciousness or flow state within just a few minutes.
lnducing these type of alpha and delta mind wave states (i.e. stillness) is only otherwise
possible with many hours of deep undisturbed meditation.
After doing a session on the Vibragenix machine, Jay will go out in his backyard while
grounding barefoot to bathe directly in the early morning sunlight.
He will sit in stillness and allow the sights and sounds of nature (i.e. the source frequency)
to integrate into his soul.
This entire process usually lasts about 30-45 minutes and absolutely sets the tone for
the rest of Jay's day.

Chopter ll: The Tools, Tips, qnd Toctics of the Shredded (tvtolntoining Single Diglt Body Fot yeor nound)

Over time, consistently doing this practice has fully shifted Jay's consciousness to a place
where he is now completely focused on his deeper mission of changing the world via
optimizing human energy fields.
Hunter's practice: Hunter has a morning routine encapsulating a diverse range
of techniques.
Hunter starts the day with journaling.
It allows him to bring ideas abstractly floating in his consciousness into the physical realm.
After physically handwriting an entire page in his paper notebook, he starts a brand new page.
On it, he writes down the exact emotions he wants to experience in the day under the
large heading "l AM".
This aligns him with the frequency of those emotions and lets him experience his desired
emotional states before they manifest physically.
You don't have to throw this in as well, but Hunter turns on his red light therapy device
while journaling to wake up his body and feel fully energized before the day begins.
After journaling for 10-15 minutes, he will go out in his backyard and perform a short
session of yoga.
It moves the lymph fluid around his body and prepares him for more movement later
in the day.
The yoga also forces Hunter to methodically breathe through each pose, forming a deeper
connection between his mind and his body.
The final part of Hunter's spiritual practice is a meditation session involving visualization
and more breathwork.
Everybody's process will be different, but here is what works best for Hunter:

' 6 rounds of 4-7-8 breath work while sitting in the lotus position. 1 round is when
you inhale for 4 seconds, hold it for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds. As Hunter
does this, he visualizes the energy from the earth flowing up through his body and
out during the exhaling portion of each round
' 18 rounds of 4-4 breath work with a heavier emphasis on visualization. Breathe in
for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds

" ln rounds 1-3, you visualize your physical body filling up with golden light to pro-
mote health and well-being


o ln rounds 4-6, you visualize sending love to your immediate surroundings

" ln rounds 7-9, you visualize sending love to your city

" ln rounds 10-12, you visualize sending love to your state/province

" ln rounds 13-15, you visualize sending love to your country

. ln rounds 16-18, you visualize sending love to the planet Earth
. 9 more rounds of 4-4 breath work, visualizing energy coming up from the Earth
through your spine and then exploding through the top of your head via the
crown chakra
. Ke€p your mind open to receiving information from the infinite intelligence of every-
thing around you in existence
This meditation session lasts only 5-7 minutes, but primes Hunter to remain grounded
and rooted in a frequency of love and gratitude throughout the rest of the day.
With just five minutes a day, you can visualize what you want for your life and the
world at large.
You tap into a higher frequency and your reality begins to change accordingly.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to breathwork, visualization, and meditation,
Both of our protocols have evolved from years of internal work and we perform what
works best for us,
Consider these routines as great starting points you can build from to develop your
own routine.
Everybody and anybody can choose to perform some form of spiritual practice first thing
in the morning while fasted.

The Cheqt Meql Domoge Gontrol Protocol

Hunter and I are MASSIVE eaters and enjoy the culinary delights of life despite strict
adherence to intense protocols such as 30D2S.
How much so?

chopter ll:The Tools, Tips, ond Toctics of the shredded (uolntoining Single Digit Body Fot yeor Round)

Let's just say any owner of an all-you-can-eat restaurant at an international resort is NOT
happy to have us around.
The owners usually lose money on our tab.
And this doesn't include our occasional feasts at Denny's or Waffle House after a
grueling workout.
So how are we able to enjoy these ridiculous cheat meals and still stay lean 365 days a year?
First, these cheat meals are occasional and are done no more than 2-4 times a month.
We spend 90o/o of our time living with metabolic flexibility, regularly performing resistance
training, consistently doing cardio, and optimizing our hormonal pathways.
ln a way, we have "earned" the right to our cheat meals.


cannot stress the importance of how infrequent these cheat meals are.
They are NoT meant to be done daily, let alone multiple times a week.
They are specifically meant for vacations, holidays, or important events when you
want to relax and enjoy life to the fullest.
They can also be used as strategic carbohydrate refeeds after prolonged fasts.

Second, we follow a very extensive protocol to mitigate the damage we'll endure from
consuming a large meal.
This protocol expands upon the guidelines for an off-plan meal in Chapter 7 and takes
our love for biohacking to the extreme.
Everything is thoroughly planned to ensure the least amount of damage occurs from
the cheat meal.
Provided you do everything right, putting your body in a brief surplus after a whole week
of going back and forth between a caloric deficit and caloric maintenance will keep your
metabolism high for the long run.
Plus, there are the psychological benefits of having a short'break'.

We will split this protocol into three sections - diet, training, and supplementation.


The dietary guidelines from Chapter 7 remain the same.
As a quick recap:
r'Alcohol should be avoided at all costs
r'Sugar intake should be minimized where possible
r'High protein, low-to-moderate-fat, and low carb is most optimal
r'High-quality food should be prioritized over fast/processed food
r'You should feel full, not STUFFED, after a meal
r'Stay away from vegetable oils as much as possible
The one thing you must avoid doing is combining high sugar and high fat at the same time.
This normally ends up in fat deposition, especially when there is excess consumption,
because the body regularly can't burn fats and carbohydrates at the same time for energy,
I recommend eating a large serving of clean low glycemic index carbohydrates with
minimal fat to regulate blood sugar and minimize insulin release.
Advanced dieters can eat higher glycemic index carbohydrates (cereal, fruit, white rice,
etc.) right after an intense weight training session to preferentially refill muscle glyco-
gen stores while preventing any damage from the overconsumption of high glycemic
carb sources.
Keep reading and you'll see how this is done.

How you time your cheat meal in the day largely depends on whether you are following
a fasting day or a training day.
There are some similarities and differences in your approach, so here is what your day
of the cheat meal will look like from start to finish.
Trainino Dav
Morning:30-45 minutes of LISS fasted cardio.
During the day: Eat meals as you normally would leading up to your weightlifting session.

chopter ll: The Tools, Tips, ond Toctics of the shredded (Molntoinlng single Digit Body Fot yeor Round)

Workout: lf your cheat meal is your dinner, plan your workout to be in the late afternoon
(i.e. 1-3 hours before the cheat meal).
Perform a full-body workout PMF-style and follow it up immediately with a 15-minute
HllT cardio session.
Cheat meal: Make sure you are done eating by 8pm-9pm so you can take full advantage
of being most insulin-sensitive and allow your body to optimally process carbohydrates
via more efficient shuttling into your muscles.
lmmediately after cheat meal: Do a 10-30 minute walk to improve your body's digestion
and blood sugar response so less of the meal gets transformed into stored body fat.
lf you're truly worried about the damage you've done, you can do an additional 30-45
minutes of LISS cardio instead of the walk.
Morning after the cheat meal: Do a 60-minute LISS fasted cardio session, followed by
30 minutes in the sauna (optional).
lf your schedule permits, do a 24-hour fast following the cheat mear.
Fastino Day
Morning: 30-45 minutes of LISS fasted cardio.
During the day: Continue to fast as normal.
Workout: lf your cheat meal is your dinner, plan your 2nd session of LISS fasted cardio for
30-45 minutes to be in the afternoon (i.e. 1-3 hours before the cheat meal).
Cheat meal: Make sure you are done by 8pm-9pm so you can take full advantage of being
most insulin-sensitive and allow your body to optimally process carbohydrates via more
efficient shuttling into your muscles.
lmmediately after cheat meal: Do a 10-30 minute walk to improve your body's digestion
and blood sugar response so less of the meal gets transformed into stored body fat.
lf you're truly worried about the damage you've done, you can do an additional 30-45
minutes of LISS cardio instead of the walk.
Morning after the cheat meal: Do a 6O-minute LISS fasted cardio session, followed by
30 minutes in the sauna (optional).
lf your schedule permits, do a 24-hour fast following the cheat mear.


By performing movement around the meal on either day, we are drastically increasing
our insulin sensitivity and therefore preventing more of the junk food we decide to eat
from getting stored as fat.

l'm going to lay out the drug and supplement stack we like to use on cheat meal days.
First, I will talk about the schedule itsell and then briefly describe the role each agent
plays in the context of minimizing the damage from the cheat meal.

Chopter ll: The Tools, TIps, qnd Toctics of the shredded (volntolnlng Slngle Diglt Body Fqt yeor nound)

First thing upon waking

Agent Dose

Metformin 500 mg

Dihydroberberine / Berberine HCL 200 ms / 500 ms

Alpha-Lipoic Acid 600 mg

30-60 minutes before the cheat meal

Agent Dose

Metformin 500 ms

Dlhydroberberine / Berberine HCL 200 mg / 500 mg

Alpha-Lipoic Acid 600 mg

Digestive enzyme complex 2 Capsules Enzymedica Digest Gold

Gluten Enzyme Digestive Complex (DPP-tV) 2 Capsules Enzymedica Gluten Ease

Betaine HCL 650 mg

Apple Cider Vinegar (capsules) 1,500 mg

lmmediately after cheat meal

Agent Dose

Metformin 500 mg

Dihydroberberine / Berberine HCL 200 mg / 500 ms

Alpha-Lipoic Acid 600 mg

Digestive enzyme complex 2 Capsules Enzymedica Digest Gold

Gluten Enzyme Digestive Complex (DPP-lV) 2 Capsules Enzymedica Gluten Ease


Betaine HCL 650 mg

Apple Cider Vinegar (capsules) 1,500 mg

Before going to bed

Agent Dose

Metformin 500 mg

Dihydroberberine / Berberine HCL 200 mg / 500 mg

Alpha-Lipoic Acid 600 mg

Magnesium Citrate 500 - 1,000 ms

Aetivated Charcoal Powder 3g

Spirulina (powder or tablets) 2g

Glycine 5g

Metformin is used to manage blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, both of
which help mitigate the negative impact of a cheat meal on insulin production and blood
sugar regulation.
Order it online here (use code JAY1S for 15% off).

A super-absorbable form of berberine to help manage blood sugar levels and improve-
insulin sensitivity.
It aids in mitigating the effects of a cheat meal by improving glucose disposal and con-
trolling insulin release.
ln Hunter's anecdotal experience, leaner people who use this will see improved vascularity
(especially if taken before a heavy lifting session).

Chopter ll:The Tools, Tips, ond Toctics of the Shredded (Volntoinlng Slngle Dlglt Body Fot yeor Round)

Aim to get Dihydroberberine instead of ordinary Berberine (HCL) because it causes far
less gastric distress.
Order it online here.

Alpho-Lipoic ocid (au):

Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant but it also aids in the disposal of glucose from the
consumption of carbohydrates.
Additionally, it may help protect against oxidative stress caused by a cheat meal, sup-
porting overall cellular health.
Order it online here.

Digestive Enzyme Complex:

A good wide spectrum digestive enzyme supplement can assist in the breakdown and
absorption of nutrients, potentially facilitating the digestion of a cheat meal while min-
imizing fat storage,
Order it online here.

GIuten Enzym-e Digestive Comptex (dipeptidyt

peptidose-4 [ DPP-lVl ):
These are specific digestive enzymes which assist in the breakdown of gluten and casein.
(Hunter has a video going into detail about these enzymes and other proteolytic
enzymes here)
They may be a helpful supplement if your cheat meal contains casein proteins and you
notice any irregular sensitivities to them.
Order it online here.

Betoine HCL:
Betaine HCL supports digestion by promoting stomach acid production, thereby assisting
the breakdown of food during a cheat meal,


Order it online here,

Apple Cider Vinegor:

Apple cider vinegar aids in digestion and regulates blood sugar levels, offsetting some
of the negative effects of a cheat meal.
Order it online here.

Spirulina provides antioxidants and supports detoxification processes in the body, coun-
teracting some of the negative effects of a cheat meal (especially when eating refined
seed oils).
Order it online here.

Glycine is an amino acid responsible for many key functions throughout the body.
It helps support the body's natural detoxification pathways and wards off oxidative stress
from refined seed oils.
It also helps you relax at night for deeper sleep.
Order it online here.

Mognesium citrote:
Magnesium supports overall gut health and digestion, which will help us expel the junk
from a cheat meal out of our body as fast as possible.
Order it online here.

Activoted chorcool powder:

Activated charcoal binds to toxins in the digestive system, reducing the absorption of
harmful substances from a cheat meal.

chopter 1l:The Tools, Tips, ond Toctics of the shreddeO (Uointoining Single Dlglt Body Fot yeor Round)

Order it online here,

Will all of the above completely negate your cheat meal?

But this supplement protocol will significantly improve your blood sugar response and
help your digestive system move the food through your system more efficiently.
These supplements will also help eliminate the toxins and seed oils from your body as
fast as possible.

Reoding During Gqrdio

Both Hunter and I are voracious readers, going through at least 4-12 books per month.
You may wonder how this is possible given our exceptionally busy schedules as entre-
preneurs and online content creators.
The secret is to take full advantage of all the time given to you by the extra cardio you
are performing in the 30D2S protocol.
There are numerous advantages to reading while doing cardio at the same time.


This hack will work best for people who are well-adapted to cardio and are used
to exerting themselves at a low intensity for 30-40 minutes without being short
of breath or losing focus.
You may need music or a podcast at first to push through the boredom and/or
pump yourself up to get into the heart rate range of '125-140 BpM.

When you read and move at the same time, your brain retains the information better.
So not only do you learn more, you can actually recall the contents of what you read for
when you most require it,


This is due to the increased arousal allowing for faster information processing via
catecholamine release.
Additionally, reading helps the cardio session go by much faster and lets you learn about
anything you want.
Think of it this way: if you do just one 30-minute session of cardio on each of the four
fasting days within the week, you have 2 hours'worth of free time within the week to learn.
Two cardio sessions a day on those four fasting days gives you 4 hours in the week to read.
It's literally the easiest time management hack to let you read an extra 2-4 books per
month you may not have read otherwise.
Hunter and I love using the stationary bike for this hack because it allows us to read and
pedal at the same time.
But while l'm more of a traditional reader and like to have my hands on a paperback
book, Hunter uses his Kindle e-reader to read as quickly as 500-600 words per minute
(while the average person reads 150-200 words per minute).
How is this possible, you may ask?
Most e-readers offer something called "Rapid Serial Visual Presentation" (RSVP).
It auto scrolls through the text so you don't need to manually flip between the pages
with your finger,
Give it enough practice, start at 200 words per minute, and you can slowly increase the
speed at which you read without losing reading comprehension or information retention.
This new pace at which you speed read also translates into how fast you can read normal
books and articles without having to use RSVP technology.
There are several free and paid apps designed to help you tap into the power of RSVP.
Hunter likes using the Kindle app on his iPhone, and Reedy for the Android.

All-Liquid Meqls on Fqsting Doys

This is a hack I introduced in Guaranteed Shredded but I AM reviving it for this book.

Chopter ll: The Tools, Tips, ond Toctics of the Shredded (vointoining Single Digit Body Fot yeor Round)

Liquid meals are helpful for people who are eating on fasting days and want to accelerate
their rate of fat loss.
It won't apply for anybody following 30D2S at the FFO level since they are not eating
on fasting days.
Therefore, this hack is only applicable for people who are at the Beginner and Advanced levels.
On all 4 fasting days of the week, the only nutrition you will have to meet your catorie
and macronutrient intake are shakes consisting of casein protein powder and MCT oil.
While this violates the principle of focusing on whole foods for the thermic effect of food
(as discussed in MFL Principle #9 in Chapter 2), this hack will put you in trace ketosis
and will likely deepen your basal metabolic rate through enhanced glucagon production.
For instance, if you are breaking your 20-hour fast, you would have one shake consisting
of 2-3 scoops of casein and 2-3 tablespoons of MCT oil.
And then another shake 90-120 minutes later.
You can meet your protein and fat targets for the day with just two shakes (3 at the
very worst).
Obviously, due to the lack of carbohydrates in these shakes, this hack is most optimally
suited for the endomorph who is restricted from eating any carbohydrates whatsoever
on fasting days.


The final extreme hack I AM going to share in assistance of your efforts to achieve ultra-low
levels of body fat is EMSCULPT NEO bio-medicaltechnology.
This is highly advanced biotechnology still being refined yet already shows incredible
promise for the future of fat loss,
EMSCULPT NEO is the first and only non-invasive body-shaping procedure to use an
applicator in a unique way for simultaneously targeting fat burn and muscle growth in
a 30-minute session.
This is done by tapping into two different forms of energy at the same time,


First, there is the emitting of radiofrequency (RF) heating for fat reduction.
Due to the RF heating, your body's muscle temperature quickly rises by several degrees.
This prepares the body's muscles for exposure to stress, similar to what a warm-up activity
does before any workout.
ln less than 4 minutes, the temperature in your subcutaneous fat reaches levels high
enough to cause apoptosis (i.e. fat cells are permanently damaged and slowly removed
from the body).
Clinical studies show on average a3Oo/o reduction in subcutaneous fat (over four 30-minute
sessions scheduled 5-10 days apart, with follow up 1-6 months later).
Second, there is the emitting of high intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM')
for muscle strengthening.
Through bypassing the brain limitations, HIFEM'energy contracts 1OO% of the muscle
fibers in the target area at intensities not achievable during voluntary workouts.
Extreme stress forces the muscle to adapt, resulting in an increase in the number and
growth of muscle fibers and cells.
Monica and I used this product weekly for 5 months from May through October in 2022,
and combined with our normal #FullyF-KKNOptimized lifestyles we were able to signifi-
cantly reduce intra-abdominal body fat while also improving lower abdominal definition.

Chopter'll: The Tools, Tips, ond Toctics of the Shredded (uointoining Single Digit Body Fot yeor Round)

Be on the lookout for future content from the Jay Campbell ecosystem about EMSCULPT
NEO, including an interview with expert practitioners of this esoteric technology and a
deep-dive article examining the scientific and practical merits of EMSCULPT NEO.

Whqt NOT to Do With These Hqcks

The hacks shared in this chapter are designed to help you break through self-imposed
barriers for the highest levels of physical and spiritual growth.
Hunter and I created, tested, optimized, and shared these hacks to show you what is
possible for any human with the will and the desire to follow the most intense fat loss
regimen ever created.
However, our advice is to avoid the temptation of implementing all of these hacks at once.
Even for extreme, hyper-masculine Type-A people like myself and Hunter, it would be
absolute overkill.


lf you have the resources and the strength to do so, attempt one hack at a time during
a single run of the 30D2S protocol.
Evaluate how you feel when you do it.
Does it lead to the promised spiritual growth you were looking for?
Can you measure and SEE a significant difference in your overall fat loss and body com-
position, versus if you hadn't done it at all?
With enough cycles of 30D2S and honest self-experimentation, you'll begin to see which
hacks work best for you.

Chopter ll: The Tools, Tlps, ond Toctlcs of the Shredded (Mointolning Single Diglt Body Fot yeqr Round)



ln the fifness industry, people will tell you there's
no magic to losing stubborn body fat,

All you have to do is consistently execute the same lOO-year-old principles over a long
enough timeframe to have the all-around strength, athleticism, longevity, and a physique
only the top 1% of human beings will ever possess.
"lt's all been solved bro.
There are no new frontiers to be broken when it comes to losing weight,
/fbtusf a matter of people being mis-directed by bad information and widely believed myths,"
ln the minds of too many people, humanity has seen everything there is to see in the
world of fat loss.
I respectfully and 1OO% disagree with this level of thinking.
What's really happening is akin to what we are seeing in the field of science right now:
stagnation in progress and far less disruption compared to breakthroughs and innova-
tions of the past.
One maior reason this is happening is the refusal to break from the dogma of the status quo.
Back in the IIFYM (lf lt Fits Your Macros) age of 2012-2015 in the online fitness commu-
nity, almost every single influencer and researcher espoused the same talking points
over and over again.
People were bashing bro-science into non-existence and relying on scientific studies to
prove their case.

CONCLUSION: Beyond 30 Doys 2 Shredz

At the time, this type of thinking was refreshing.

It was a necessary break from people who would have diametrically opposing viewpoints
and could only back up their arguments with "muh real world experience".
lntroducing real research into the conversation was how we started moving away from
bickering and started moving towards reproducibility.
ln other words: observing how taking action X leads to outcome Y repeating X enough
times across different people, recording the results, and generating enough data to prove
a definite connection.
However, anyone who paid close attention was quick to see where this would eventu-
ally take us,
People who spoke out against the consensus were vilified and shunned.
lf you dared to have a fundamental stance disagreeing with what the "top" experts were
saying, you weren't allowed into the club.
A club where people would receive recognition, opportunities to speak, pathways to
monetizing their passions, collaborations with industry leaders, and everything else you
could want in a profitable and successful career.
The rigid demands of Redditors and prolific forum members ("got a source for that claim
bro?') led to an over-reliance on studies.
lnstead of testing claims in the real world and developing a healthy balance between
theory and practice, people would spend thousands of messages arguing over the most
minute and trivial details.
lnevitably this lead to analysis paralysis and information overload.
Newbies would spend months if not years attempting to figure out details to absolute
perfection instead of stepping in the gym.
A tragic waste of the valuable time we are gifted while incarnated into the 3D realm.
But the most shocking part was the rise of brand new influencers who frankly (in my
honest opinion) had unearned levels of credibility.
All they had to do was parrot their favorite influencers'talking points and they would be
invited onto their podcasts and roundtables.
Zero originality whatsoever.
lf you heard one influencer, you effectively heard thousands of them at the same time.


To the surprise of nobody except those who do not pay attention, this stifled progress.
It prevented the industry from making real strides in breaking past commonly-accepted
limits and barriers.
I would argue the industry at large is still stuck in this period of stubborn indecisiveness.
The second maior reason is competitiveness through secrecy.
Bodybuilding coaches will fight tooth and nail to keep secret the methods they use to
give their clients exceptional results.
All in the name of making more money and preventing their so-called secrets from being
released to the public.
God forbid more people have access to life-changing knowledge, allowing them to trans-
form their lives for the better.
Supplement companies engage in the deceptive act of proprietary formulas under the
guise of stopping their competitors from copying their "work".
lnstead of rewarding transparency and collaboration, we reward secrecy and covertness.
With 30 Days 2 Shredz,l AM doing away with the harmful attitudes and dangerous per-
spectives stopping humanity from evolving to higher Ievels of health and consciousness.
We no longer have to accept mediocrity in reversing the exponentially growing problem
of obesity.
Nor do we have to stay chained to the super-slow and arduous expectations of 'slow and
steady wins the race'when it comes to losing body fat.
Think about what I have discovered just in the last few years alone...
The theory of biocognition and how it is directly tied to living to 100 years old and beyond,
Realizing how endocrine-disrupting chemicals in our modern-day environments are
ruining our health across every single facet imaginable,
Discovering DHT-inhibiting drugs like Finasteride and estrogen-blocking drugs like
Arimidex are literally shortening our lifespans with continued use.
Now apply this same perspective towards fat loss.
By themselves, the existence of GLP-l receptor agonist drugs like Tirzepatide and
Semaglutide are forcing society to re-think what was previously known and accepted.

CONCLUSION:Boyond 30 Doys 2 Shredz

ldeas around appetite suppression, behavioral regulation in the context of food, metab-
olism, and much more are being challenged.
After decades of zero progress in developing new agents for safe and effective fat loss,
we finally have a real and emerging breakthrough on our hands,
And thanks to the amazing news of Retatrutide shared in Chapter 3, this breakthrough
is just the beginning of what's to come in the future.



As I was writing the conclusion to this book, Reuters published breaking news
that perfectly mimicked the predictions made by myself and former healthcare
executive Jason Horowitz.
At the end of June 2023, we predicted the next major market for Big Pharma to
target would be the prevention of muscle loss.
With so many people mis-using GLP-I drugs like Tirzepatide without adequate
protein intake and resistance training, you will inevitably create a population no
longer fat yet severely under-muscled and hence metabolically dysfunctional.
So what is this recent news from Reuters, you may ask?
Eli Lilly, the pharmaceutical giant who manufactures Tirzepatide and the hope-
fully-to-be-approved Retatrutide, just acquired privately-held biopharmaceutical
company Versanis for up to $1.93 billion.
What does Eli Lilly get out of this deal?
Versanis' lead drug candidate Bimagrumab, a human monoclonal antibody shown
to act as an antagonist to activin type ll receptor (ActRll) and block the negative
regulation of skeletal muscle growth.
Early evidence in humans points to Bimagrumab generating fat mass loss AND
gains in lean mass at the same time.
There is already a clinicaltrial underway looking at what happens when you com-
bine Bimagrumab and Semaglutide in overweight/obese adults,
lf you want to follow along, it's being referred to as the BELIEVE Phase llb study.
And if you look at the presentations of preclinical data from Versanis so far, we
see not only superior fat loss results with both drugs compared to either one in
isolation, but lean mass gains at the same time (although Bimagrumab alone seems
to result in the most lean mass gains).
#ThereAreNOCoi ncidences

Iwould never have had these amazing downloads if I was so tightly bound to the dogma
perpetuated by the fitness industry and "sick care" medicine.

CONCLUSION: Beyond 30 Doys 2 Shredz

But even moving past the focus on Golden Age ergogenics to accelerate the rate of fat
loss, 30 Days 2 Shredz was designed to be the future of everything and anything con-
nected to getting ultra-shredded.
We now definitively know there is no muscle loss whatsoever when fasting is done correctly,
Not so much a brand new discovery, but an intelligent and thoughtful look at what the
combination of scientific research and real-world empirical data shows us.
This goes above and beyond the bro scientists' rule of eating every 2-3 hours to avoid
putting the body in a catabolic state.
Bodybuilders at the highest levels can now break free of the long-held traditions stopping
them from living socially acceptable lives.
The PMF-style training in 30 Days 2 Shredz means you no longer have to LIVE in the gym
for maximum muscular preservation.
The cardio protocols allow for optimal nutrient portioning and increased fat burning
without burning through muscle as fuel.
The "bros" no longer have to live in fear of losing their hard-earned gains.
The principles of metabolic flexibility and smart insulin manipulation end the debate on
what foods are "good" and "bad".
We get to avoid the inflammation-causing foods while also gaining access to a diverse selec-
tion of nutritious foods to satisfy our taste buds and our body's nutritional requirements.
And the esoteric hacks shared in the final chapter transcend mere vanity.
By growing spiritually, you tap into the connection with your higher SELF, allowing you
to understand your true divine purpose.
A purpose going leaps and bounds above tracking the number you see when you step
on the scale.
There's no telling what will change in the next 5-10 years with respect to our understand-
ing of the human body as it relates to the realm of the quantum.
For now what you have in your hands is the unorthodox yet leading-edge blueprint for
the highest amount of body fat loss in 30 days or less without any negative side effects.
Read the book as many times as you feel called to do so.
Share it with your family and friends who desire a complete body and soul transformation.
Tell the world about the discoveries you've made in your own fat loss journey.


30 days at a time, you will come closer and closer to the leanest and most fully optimized
version of yourself.


Jay Campbell is a five-time international best-selling author, men's physique champion

and founder of the Jay Campbell Brand and Podcast.
Recognized as one of the world's leading experts on hormonal optimization and therapeutic
peptides, Jay has dedicated his life to teaching men and women how to #FullyOptimize
their health while also instilling the importance of raising their consciousness.


Jay's website (where he's been writing online since 2006) offers some of the most
deeply researched articles on the topics of hormone optimization, peptides, fat loss,
fitness, and spirituality.
He also hosts the globally acclaimed and Top 50 Medicine Podcast: The Jay Campbell
Podcast (YouTube, Apple),
Jay has been successfully using therapeutic testosterone for more than two decades
(since the age of 29) and therapeutic peptides since 2004.
One of Jay's primary passions is teaching men and women how to transform their life
by using therapeutic testosterone and peptides in the context of long-term health
and happiness.


@ Webslte: jaycampbell.com

Youtube: youtu be.com/iayca m pbel 1333

a Newsletter: jaycampbell.com/newsletter-si gnup

v Twltter: twitter.com/jaycampbel!333

@ !nstagram: instagram.com/iaycampbel I333

C} TlkTok:

In Linkedln: I inked i n.co m /in/ iay ccampbel I

About the Authors


Hunter Williams is an entrepreneur, author, and creator,

He is the founder of Zeroats, the world's first naturally-flavored, sugar-free oatmeal brand.
He also creates and publishes videos about biohacking, peptides, diet, training, and
supplementation on his Youtube channel.
ln addition to running Zeroats, he consults and coaches clients on total health optimization.

You can find links to his products and services below.


@ Website: zeroats.com

You youtube.com/willrhll
@ Youtube:

a Questions: hunterwill iamsquestion.carrd.co

v Twitter: twitter.com/h unteresoteric

@ lnstagram: instagram.com/hunterwilliamscoaching

$ Consulting Calls: calendly.com/hunter93/50-minute-consult


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Hey,l qm Joy Compbell.
I teoch Men qnd Women How to
Fully Optimize their Body, Mind,
Heort ond Soul!


Jump into the Jay Campbell ecosystem and allow me to help you become FULLY OPTIMIZED!


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Want me to personally coach you on how

to saFely (and etfectivety) use peptides
and optimize your hormones?
Join my private online community and gain access to state-of-the-art hormone optimi-
zation, cutting-edge intel on peptides, fat loss, muscle building, and gray market agents
while also learning how to raise your vibration.
You can interact with Hunter and yours truly in our weekly Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) calls
live, or view the recordings at your own convenience.


Hire us os your persontrE,'$*mm*"' a*6$t[r':1ffiffit[',-,rr, csel€F"*s$

From time to time, I allow people to join my VIP lnsider Circle where I dive DEEP to help
you become the highest and best version of yourSELF.
Do you have what it takes to work with myself and Hunter Williams for an entire year to
radically level up your life from a body, mind, heart and soul level?
lf you are ready and capable of investing $25k to work with us for an entire year, fill out
the application form to see if you're a good fit as a VIP Mastermind client.


Consult with me
Speak with me to design your peptide protocol, overcome a serious issue or to further
tweak and enhance your biohacking lifestyle.

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