En Oral Care Catalog

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Dear dentists, Do you have questions or require further information? Your per-
dear dental assistants, sonal VOCO dental consultant will be pleased to answer your
telephone call. And, of course, our customer service is also
Your product requirements are a genuine key priority to us as always happy to assist you (by e-mail: [email protected] or by
a research-based dental company. Tailored to your individual Freecall 00 800 44 444 555).
requirements, reliable, practical and of top quality – that, and
no less, is what you can expect from our brand products, and Product information, instructions for use, scientific
this applies in particular to our oral care range. information, clinical cases and more are available for you on
We offer you News, information and other VOCO fans can be found on
– powerful prophylaxis products, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube!
– effective desensitising agents,
– protective fissure sealants, Your VOCO GmbH
– gentle whitening products
– and matching accessories.

High-quality materials which streamline your daily work at

the practice with simple yet sophisticated extras: The traffic
light system of our prophylaxis paste CleanJoy, for example,
helps you easily distinguish the different abrasion grades
from each other and carry out polishing in consecutive and
ideally coordinated steps, if required. The fluoride varnish
Profluorid Varnish is available in many tasty flavours and a
number of different product presentations. Practical handling
and effective working – guaranteed by each and every one of
the VOCO oral care products!



Bifluorid 10· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4 Fissurit FX· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 10 Prophylaxis Set· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 16
Remin Pro· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 6 Fissurit F· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 10 Disposable articles · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 16
Grandio Seal · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 12


Admira Protect· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 7 PROFESSIONAL CLEANING Overview · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 17
VOCO Profluorid Varnish · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 8 CleanJoy · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 13

NOTES· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 18
Perfect Bleach· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 14
Perfect Bleach Office+ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 15

As usual, the oral care catalogue provides you with comprehensive information on each individual product and offers you a quick
and practical overview of the entire oral care product range. You can find the fundamental product characteristics at a glance:
our icons visualise the core properties of the respective product.

Material composition Filler content Application of the material

83 % w/w
This product is based on nano-hybrid This product has a defined filler This material is available in the non-
technology. content, which is indicated in percent running, non-dripping NDT®-syringe.
by weight.

Application of the material fluoride Fluoride content

auto This material is automatically mixed 1,450 ppm This product contains the level of
mix in the correct ratio before application. F
fluorides indicated. For detailed
information, please consult the
instructions for use.

Curing of the material Material composition

10 sec This product cures through exposure contains This product contains the ingredient
to light. The time indicated represents Ca(OH)2 shown.
the average time. For detailed
information, please consult the
instructions for use.


Bifluorid 10®
For the treatment of hypersensitivity and for fluoridation

You can encounter many causes of your patients‘ dentine hypersensitivities during
your daily work. Bifluorid 10 is the ideal preparation to effectively alleviate these
complaints. Bifluorid 10 is ideally suited for accelerated remineralisation and fluor-

idation of tooth substance. Bifluorid 10 also prevents secondary caries after restora-
tion, especially after employment of the etching technique.

Bifluorid 10 features a varnish base made from natural materials and the unique
combination of 5 % sodium fluoride (equal to 22,600 ppm fluoride) and 5 %
calcium fluoride. The special combination of the two fluoride salts permits both an
immediate high release of fluoride (through NaF) and long-term fluoridation (through
Fissure sealing

The easily soluble sodium fluoride provides the quick release of fluoride ions, that
are converted to calcium fluoride on the tooth surface to effectively support
remineralisation. The less soluble calcium fluoride, which also makes up 5 % of
Bifluorid 10, acts to ensure that the fluoride remains on the surface of the teeth
for an extended period of time and the dentinal tubules are effectively sealed.
This, in turn, guarantees long-term fluoridation. The coactions of the two fluorides
through the formation of calcium fluoride depots facilitate long-term conversion
of hydroxyapatite into fluorapatite. Damaged enamel surfaces are thus effectively
Professional cleaning

Mode of action of the sodium and calcium fluoride contained in Bifluorid 10®
Various products

Tubulus A:
Formation of calcium fluoride by the reaction of the sodium fluoride contained in Bifluorid 10 with calcium
ions contained in the saliva and dentinal tubuli liquid

Tubulus B:
Storage of the calcium fluoride contained in Bifluorid 10 in the tooth substance and tubuli


Bifluorid 10®
For the treatment of hypersensitivity and for fluoridation

Indications fluoride
22,600 ppm
Treatment of hypersensitivity, including F
- F-

– cervical area and crown margins
– sensitivity after professional cleaning and calculus removal
– tooth surfaces after preparation and / or grinding REF 1615 Bottle 4 g, Solvent bottle 10 ml
– worn occlusal surfaces and teeth carrying clasps REF 1616 Bottle 10 g
REF 1617 Bottle 3 × 10 g, Solvent bottle
– after injury of the enamel (e.g. fractures, chips) 10 ml, Pele Tim No. 1
– sealing cavity margins after restoration, especially after the etching technique has REF 1618 SingleDose 50 pcs., accessories
been employed REF 1619 SingleDose 200 pcs., accessories
– as a dentine protection / lining under amalgam fillings REF 1032 Solvent bottle 10 ml
REF 2247 Single Tim, application brushes,

Fissure sealing
100 pcs.
Advantages REF 2252 Pele Tim, No. 1, 3.000 × ø 4 mm
• Immediately desensitising
• Formation of a protective coat against thermal and mechanical influences
• Transparent – no discolouration of teeth
• Special varnish base reinforces long-term effect and deep fluoridation
• Economical and simple – high yield, low cost, fast application
• Dries quickly

Professional cleaning
• Colophony-free
• Contains 5 % sodium fluoride (equal to 22,600 ppm fluoride) and 5 % calcium
 leaching compatible, reduction of sensitivity, without hindering the bleaching


Various products


Remin Pro®
Protective dental care with fluoride and hydroxy apatite

Remin Pro products combine three components for effective protection against fluoride
1,450 ppm
demineralisation and erosion: hydroxy apatite, fluoride and xylitol. Thus they represent - F-
F F-
an optimal addition to the services offered by your surgery! But also at home our

Remin Pro products are ideal to continue maintaining your dental health.

REF 2003 Tube 12 × 40 g melon

Indications REF 2004 Tube 12 × 40 g mint
After tooth whitening REF 2005 Tube 12 × 40 g strawberry
REF 2006 Tube 12 × 40 g mixed
After professional tooth cleaning
REF 2007 Tube 3 × 40 g mixed
For the prevention and control of hypersensitivities Not available in Canada
During orthodontic treatment
Fissure sealing

• Contains fluoride (1,450 ppm), hydroxy apatite and xylitol
 rovides a balanced oral flora and thus protects the teeth against harmful acid
• Strengthens the teeth after whitening and professional cleaning
• Available in three aromatic flavours (melon, mint and strawberry)
• Can be used daily and especially well-suited for use at home
Professional cleaning

• Optimal for cases of MIH


Various products

Remin Pro is the ideal product to continue the maintenance of dental

health at home. The patient can very easily apply the cream with a tooth-
brush after evening oral hygiene, with a finger or an individual splint.


Admira® Protect
Light-curing ORMOCER® based protective desensitiser

Admira Protect is an innovative, light-curing ORMOCER® based protective varnish. contains
ORMOCER® stands for “Organically Modified Ceramics”. One of the greatest 10 sec fluoride
- F-

light-curing F-
advantages of ORMOCER® based materials is their outstanding biocompatibility.

Most hypersensitivities, particularly in the cervical dentine region, can be permanently REF 1650 Bottle 4.5 ml, accessories
reduced with just one treatment using Admira Protect. The use of Admira Protect REF 2247 Single Tim, application brushes,
is recommended on exposed crown margins, after tooth cleaning and following the 100 pcs.
removal of tartar.

The colourless varnish seals the dentinal tubules both permanently and reliably. The
transmission of pain as a result of movement of the dentinal fluid is thus significant-

Fissure sealing
ly reduced. In contrast to fluoride varnishes, with Admira Protect, tooth necks are
permanently sealed with light-curing material thanks to the formation of a protective

Treatment of hypersensitive dentine
Treatment of cervical areas and crown margins
Treatment of cervical areas after professional cleaning and calculus removal

Professional cleaning
• Biocompatible
• Permanent elimination of hypersensitivity
• Reliable adhesion
• Special filler technology for high abrasion resistance
• Fluoride release


Various products


VOCO Profluorid® Varnish

Fluoride-containing dental desensitising varnish (5 % NaF)

Sensitive teeth are a problem for a large number of people. Usually, the condition

causes only transient pain which patients do not always report to their dentists.

Hypersensitivity is mainly caused by exposed dentinal tubules. Therefore, the aim of

treatment is to seal these tubules for the long-term.

Components and effect of VOCO Profluorid® Varnish

VOCO Profluorid Varnish is a colophony-based varnish containing 5 % sodium
fluoride (22,600 ppm fluoride). The fluoride ion, together with the calcium ions
accumulated in the tubules, causes a precipitation of calcium fluoride, which
Fissure sealing

effectively seals the tubules. According to a user survey, over 85 % of patients were
completely free of pain after only one treatment with VOCO Profluorid Varnish.

As well as rapidly sealing the dentinal tubules, VOCO Profluorid Varnish also causes
calcium fluoride deposits to form on the tooth surface. These deposits protect the
tooth from acid attacks, promote remineralisation and contribute to the long-term
formation of fluoroapatite.
Professional cleaning

Xylitol, which is said to have a cariostatic effect in addition to its taste-enhancing

properties, is also added to the varnish.

Various products


Indications fluoride
22,600 ppm
Treatment of hypersensitive teeth F
- F-

Treatment of sensitive root surfaces

Advantages Tube
Flavour 10 ml 50 ml
• Moisture tolerant
Melon REF 1267 REF 1272
• Esthetic, tooth-shaded varnish Caramel REF 2232 –
• Fast desensitisation and fluoride release (5 % NaF ≙ 22,600 ppm fluoride) Cherry REF 2233 –
Mint REF 2234 –
• In seven pleasant flavours available: melon, mint, cherry, caramel,
Cola Lime REF 2236 –
bubble gum, cola lime and pina colada Pina Colada REF 2237 –

Fissure sealing
• Ideal for treating cervical areas after professional cleaning and calculus removal Flavour 4 × 10 ml
• Optimal for cases of MIH Mixed REF 2971

Advantages of the SingleDose Flavour 50 × 0.40 ml 200 × 0.40 ml
Melon REF 1269 REF 1271
• Easy, quick and hygienic
Caramel REF 2226 REF 2229
• No additional devices required Cherry REF 2227 REF 2230
• No spilling in any position Mint REF 2228 REF 2231

Professional cleaning
Bubble Gum REF 2238 REF 2239
Cola Lime REF 2240 REF 2241
Advantages of the cartridge Pina Colada REF 2242 REF 2243
• Multiple use with disposable cannulae Flavour 48 × 0.40 ml 50 × 0.25 ml
• Perfectly precise application Melon – REF 1268
Mixed REF 2225 –
• Extremely easy application in proximal areas
• Complete fluoride application in only a single step
Flavour 5 × 1.70 ml
Melon REF 2235
REF 2167  pplication cannulae type 43,
100 pcs.
REF 1272 and 2235 are not available in Canada Whitening
Various products


Fissurit® F · Fissurit® FX
The tried and tested fissure sealant system

Fissurit® F
Fissurit F is a white-coloured material for sealing fissures, available both as a liquid

in bottles and in the VOCO NDT® syringe. NDT® stands for Non-Dripping Technology.
The NDT® syringe delivers highly flowable materials such as Fissurit F without run-
ning or dripping, thereby considerably simplifying treatment of the patient’s fissures.
Syringes that run, loss of material and “overfilled fissures” are problems of the past
thanks to the non-dripping Fissurit F syringe.

In addition, Fissurit F contains fluoride to inhibit the development of caries. The

material is coloured white to enable you to maintain a close visual check of marginal
Fissure sealing

Fissurit® FX
Fissurit FX is a highly filled fissure sealant which provides a long-lasting seal even
where extensive fissure sealing has been carried out.

At 55 % w/w, Fissurit FX is the most highly filled fissure sealant in its class after
Grandio Seal.
Professional cleaning

Fissurit FX, too, contains fluoride to inhibit the development of caries and is coloured
white to enable you to maintain a close visual check of the edges of the fissures.

The success of Fissurit® is based on various

Clinical Case • Fissurit F and Fissurit FX are
light-curing, single-component materials
and therefore save you time and material
• The low viscosity of the Fissurit products
ensures that the material flows deep into the
fissure, filling and sealing it to ensure
marginal integrity
• All Fissurit sealants are extremely
Various products

abrasion-resistant thanks to the balanced

polymer matrix
• Using the extra fine cannulae supplied with
all Fissurit F and Fissurit FX systems, the
fissure sealant can be applied quickly, simply
and hygienically directly into the previously
conditioned fissure


Fissurit® FX
Highly filled light-curing fissure sealant with fluoride, white

Indications Advantages 55 % w/w contains
fluoride 20 sec
Sealing of fissures and occlusal surfaces •F
 iller content of 55 % w/w for F
- F-

for caries prophylaxis outstanding abrasion proofness
Sealing of extended fissures •Q
 uick and easy application from the
Filling of small cavities direct-application syringe with bendable REF 1181 Syringe 2 × 2.5 g, accessories
metal cannulae REF 2145 Application cannulae type 40,
100 pcs.
• Optimal flow properties
Not available in Canada
 igh stability and good adhesion to
• Perfect marginal adaptation

Fissure sealing
• Continuous fluoride release
• White for easy visual control

Fissurit® F

Professional cleaning
Light-curing fissure sealant with fluoride, white

Indications Advantages contains

20 sec
Sealing of pits, fissures and occlusal •Q
 uick and direct application from the F
- F-
surfaces for caries prophylaxis non-dripping NDT®-syringe
Facing of damaged enamel surfaces • White for application control
Anchoring of orthodontic appliances •E
 xcellent flow properties and low REF 1180 Bottle 2 × 3 ml

Sealing of composite and cement fillings viscosity REF 1292 Syringe 2 × 2 g, accessories
REF 1293 Set syringe 5 × 2 g, Vococid gel
(protection against moisture) •H
 igh stability and good adhesion syringe 5 ml, Vococid bottle
Restoration of small carious lesions to enamel 2 × 3 ml, accessories

• Perfect marginal adaptation REF 2145 Application cannulae type 40,

Repair of small defects in composite
Various products

100 pcs.
and amalgam fillings • Continuous fluoride release


Grandio® Seal
Light-curing nano-hybrid fissure sealant

Grandio Seal is the very first nano fissure sealant to make no compromises whatsoev- 70 % w/w
er. It is an extremely flowable, light-curing fissure sealant material with a filler content 20 sec
in excess of 70 % w/w. This makes Grandio Seal the most abrasion-resistant fissure

sealant. Its viscosity guarantees, amongst other things, that the material penetrates contains
deep fissures without forming bubbles. This unique combination is made possible fluoride
- F-
thanks to the use of nano-particles: outstanding flowability, minimal abrasion and, at F-

the same time, physical values which are better than those for various hybrid com-
posites for the posterior region.
REF 1060 Set syringe 5 × 2 g, Vococid gel
syringe 5 ml, accessories
Indications REF 1061 Syringe 2 × 2 g, accessories
Sealing / filling of pits and fissures REF 2147 Application cannulae type 45,
Fissure sealing

100 pcs.
Sealing / facing of damaged enamel surfaces
Covering of caries predilection sites during orthodontic treatments
Sealing of deciduous teeth

• Use of nano-fillers for optimal flow behaviour
• With 70 % w/w highest filler content in its class
Professional cleaning

 utstanding physical properties
– low abrasion
– high transverse strength
– extremely low shrinkage values
• Excellent handling
• Optimal wetting
• Perfect marginal adaptation
• Ideal for sealing composite or glass ionomer fillings (protective layer against

Clinical Case

Grandio® Seal in the NDT®-syringe

• NDT® means non-dripping-technology
• Especially suited for fine-flowing materials
• Can be dosed and applied with precision
• Without any loss of material
Various products

20 seconds

Source: Dr. Marcelo Balsamo, São Paulo / Brazil


Fluoride-containing tooth cleaning and polishing paste
in three cleaning grades

mint caramel cherry

In addition to thorough sound oral hygiene at home, the basis for the prophylaxis of fluoride
700 ppm
caries, periodontitis and periimplantitis, is regular professional tooth cleaning (PTC) - F-
tailored to individual requirements. This creates noticeably smooth surfaces which F-

inhibit renewed attachment of plaque-forming bacteria and the formation of staining.
These are perfect preconditions for long-lasting oral health. The CleanJoy system
enables you to thoroughly yet gently remove hard as well as soft plaque and staining Coarse (red)
from dental hard tissue, fillings, implants and prosthetic restorations. The “fine” Flavour Tube 100 g
paste is barely abrasive and therefore also suitable for polishing after using a powder Mint REF 2092
jet device. Caramel REF 6092
Cherry REF 6100

Indications Medium (yellow)

Flavour Tube 100 g
Removal of soft and hard surface plaque

Fissure sealing
Mint REF 2091
Removal of extrinsic discolouration (e.g. staining from coffee, tea or tobacco) Caramel REF 6091
Polishing of tooth surfaces as part of professional tooth cleaning, prior to whitening Cherry REF 6099

or following the removal or orthodontic devices Fine (green)

Cleaning and polishing of restorations as part of professional tooth cleaning Flavour Tube 100 g
Mint REF 2090
Removal of residues of temporary luting material prior to definitive bonding
Caramel REF 6090
Cherry REF 6098

Professional cleaning
REF 2089 Tube 4 × 100 g fine (green), mint
• Stable, homogenous consistency
• No splashing (2,000 - 3,000 r / min)
• No parabens
• Available in three abrasion grades, thus can be individually adjusted to each situation
• RDA values (measured in accordance with DIN EN ISO 11609)
– coarse (red) RDA = 195
– medium (yellow) RDA = 127
– fine (green) RDA = 16
• Traffic light coding: simple to use without confusion Whitening

• Can be used with any conventional instrument (small brush, cup etc.)
• Contains fluoride (700 ppm) and xylitol
• Three pleasant flavours: mint, caramel, cherry

Various products

Slight extrinsic staining in the Use of the yellow cleaning paste Clean and smooth tooth surfaces
anterior region of the mandible and finishing with the green
polishing paste
Source: Dr. Sanzio Marques, Passos / Brazil


Perfect Bleach®
Whitening gel for discoloured teeth (10 % / 16 % carbamide peroxide)

Perfect Bleach is a carbamide peroxide-based whitening material. Depending on
3.5 % 6%
individual preferences, you can offer treatment with carbamide peroxide gel with
H2O2 H2O2
a concentration of either 10 % or 16 % (corresponds to 3.5 % or 6 % H2O2). This

gentle yet effective whitening material can be used both in the practice and,
following instruction and initial treatment from a dentist, at home.
Perfect Bleach® 10 %

The sodium fluoride and potassium contained in the 16 % Perfect Bleach ensure REF 1658 Mini set syringe 4 × 2.4 ml
with 10 % carbamide peroxide,
that hypersensitivity is prevented during and after the treatment. storage box, cosmetic bag
REF 1660 Set syringe 6 × 2.4 ml with
10 % carbamide peroxide,
Indications Block Out Gel LC syringe 1.2 ml,
material for 2 trays, storage box,
Gentle and permanent tooth whitening for vital and non-vital teeth e.g. in cases of cosmetic bag, shade guide,
staining due to medication, fluorosis, food, trauma, ageing etc.
Fissure sealing

REF 1662 Syringe 3 × 2.4 ml with 10 %
carbamide peroxide
Advantages Perfect Bleach® 16 %
• Simple user-friendly application REF 1659 Mini set syringe 4 × 2.4 ml
with 16 % carbamide peroxide,
• Gentle on tooth substance and existing restorations storage box, cosmetic bag

• Significant whitening effect already after a short time REF 1664 Set syringe 6 × 2.4 ml with
16 % carbamide peroxide,
• Pleasant menthol flavour Block Out Gel LC syringe 1.2 ml,
material for 2 trays, storage box,
• Set in attractive cosmetic bag cosmetic bag, shade guide,
Professional cleaning

REF 1665 Syringe 3 × 2.4 ml with 16 %
carbamide peroxide
Not available in Canada
Mini set
An attractive cosmetic bag contains four syringes of whitening gel, the storage box
and the graphically-assisted instructions for use.

Especially suitable for

• Dental practitioners who contract an external laboratory to fabricate the tray
• Patients who already own a whitening tray

The set contains six syringes of whitening gel, the storage box, one syringe of Block
Out Gel LC, the material for two trays and the grafically assisted instructions for use.

Especially suitable for

• Dental practitioners who fabricate the whitening gel tray in their own surgery
Various products


Perfect Bleach® Office+

Whitening gel for discoloured teeth

Satisfied patients, satisfied practitioners
35 % auto
Perfect Bleach Office+ is a particularly effective gel which achieves lastingly suc- H2O2 mix

cessful whitening quickly and safely. The product is pH neutral and contains sodium
fluoride. During and after the whitening procedure, these two features result in dis-
tinctly reduced sensitivity in patients who are very susceptible to pain. The reaction
REF 1672 Set QuickMix syringe 2 × 4 ml,
time of Perfect Bleach Office+ is only 10 to 15 minutes. The gel does not require LC Dam syringe 2 × 2 g,
further activation once it is applied to the teeth. Forgoing the use of a light particu- accessories
larly has the advantage that neither the teeth being treated nor the bordering gingiva REF 1673 QuickMix syringe 4 ml,
are liable to heat damage.
REF 1655 LC Dam syringe 2 g, accessories
REF 2194 Mixing tips type 14, 50 pcs.
Indications REF 2195 Mixing tips type 15 (with
intraoral tips type 1), 50 pcs.

Fissure sealing
Perfect Bleach Office+ is suited for whitening individual or multiple discoloured, REF 2146 Application cannulae type 41,
vital or devitalised teeth. The whitening success depends on the natural tooth shade 100 pcs.
as well as the intensity and cause of the discolouration. It is possible to whiten Not available in Canada, Ireland and
United Kingdom
discolourations of organic origin, which generally have the following causes:
– discolouration as a result of traumata
– discolouration caused by medication (e.g. tetracycline)
Discolourations of inorganic origin, such as components of amalgam (silver), are not
whitened, nor are restorations

Professional cleaning
 5 % hydrogen peroxide concentration for safe and fast whitening of
• Good contrast to the tooth and LC Dam due to red coloured material
• Can be used for both internal and external whitening
 erfect Bleach Office+ in the convenient QuickMix syringe
– only the amount of gel needed is activated
– no mixing errors and the gel is always fresh
• Composite-based gingiva protection (LC Dam) Whitening
• No painful heat-loading from light-curing the gingiva protection
Various products


Prophylaxis Set
All-in-one – Professional prophylaxis products from VOCO in only one
single set

Indications Advantages
REF 2996 Set CleanJoy tube 2 × 100 g,
More information on the indications • Fluoridate, Protect, Care, Seal Remin Pro tube 40 g,

can be found on the product pages of Profluorid Varnish SingleDose

• Also for individual prophylaxis 12 × 0.4 ml,
CleanJoy, Remin Pro, VOCO Profluorid Grandio Seal syringe 2 × 2 g
• Different flavours for testing
Varnish and Grandio Seal Product presentations may vary
• For your daily and special practice Not available in Canada

Mixing tips
Fissure sealing

REF 2194 Mixing tips type 14 for REF 2195 Mixing tips type 15 (with
Perfect Bleach Office+, 50 pcs. intraoral tips type 1) for
Perfect Bleach Office+, 50 pcs.

Application cannulae

REF 2145 Application cannulae type 40 for REF 2144 Application cannulae type 44 for
Fissurit F / FX, 100 pcs. Block Out Gel LC, 100 pcs.
Professional cleaning

REF 2146 Application cannulae type 41 for REF 2147 Application cannulae type 45 for
LC Dam, 100 pcs. Grandio Seal, 100 pcs.

REF 2167 Application cannulae type 43 for REF 2132 Application cannulae type 48 for
VOCO Profluorid Varnish cartridge, Vococid, 50 pcs.
100 pcs.

Application aids

REF Pele Tim, foam pellets REF 2247 Single Tim, application brushes,
2250 No. 0 3.000 × ø 3 mm 100 pcs.
2252 No. 1 3.000 × ø 4mm
2253 No. 2 1.000 × ø 5 mm
2254 No. 3 500 × ø 8 mm
2255 No. 4 500 × 6 × 8 mm

REF 2309 Disposable brushes for dental REF 2245 Easy Brush, application brushes,
brush holder, 100 pcs. 50 pcs.
Various products

Intraoral tips

REF 2139 Intraoral tips type 1 for

Perfect Bleach Office+, 50 pcs.

Oral Care
Fluoridation · Desensitisation Parfum

Page fluoridation desensitisation fluoride content presentation flavour

4 Bifluorid 10 • • 22,600 ppm SingleDose, bottle clinical

6 Remin Pro • • 1,450 ppm tube mint, melon, strawberry

7 Admira Protect • • bottle clinical

mint, melon, caramel, cherry,

8 VOCO Profluorid Varnish • • 22,600 ppm SingleDose, tube, cartridge
bubble gum, cola lime, pina colada

Fissure sealing

Page % w/w opaque

10 Fissurit FX 55 % w/w •

10 Fissurit F n/s •

12 Grandio Seal 70 % w/w •


Page flavour RDA values fluoride content presentation special characteristics

13 CleanJoy mint, cherry, caramel coarse (195), medium (127), fine (16) 700 ppm tube xylitol, ”traffic light coding“


Page carbamide peroxide hydrogen peroxide home office

14 Perfect Bleach 10 % / 16 % equiv. to 3.5 % / 6 % • •

15 Perfect Bleach Office+ 35 % •




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