Goldsworthy1987 86 SM 357-8

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Domain Analysis of Large Scale Integrated Circuits," current.

It is important to note that lpu represents the

IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Inte¬ normalized current for a particular capacitor bank and is not
grated Circuits and Systems, vol. CAD-1, no. 3, pp. 131- related to the per unit quantities used in power flow, fault,
143, July 1982. and stability programs.
[3] A. L. Sangiovanni-Vintecelli, "Waveform Relaxation When the normalized R'c and X'c were plotted as a function
Techniques and Their Parallel Implementation," Proc. of r a significant discovery was made.all points fell along
24th IEEE-CDC Conference, vol. 3, pp. 1544-1551, Ft. the same two curves. This led to the realization that virtually
Lauderdale, FL, December 1985. any MOV-protected series capacitor installation could be
represented with one "hard-wired" model. The only datum
required for its use other than the capacitive reactance is lpr
Two least-squares curve fits were made on the data and
produced the following equations:
for lDU>0.98
86 SM 357-8 Ft'c=Xco (0.0745 + 0.49e"0243V
November 1987, pp. 953-958
-35.0e-50V-0.6e-14V) (2)
A Linearized Model for ^c,=^co(0.1010-0.005749/piy+2.088e-08566V). (3)
MOV-Protected Series Capacitors The equations are used only when the current through the
bank exceeds 98 percent of Ipr. Below this level there is
Daniel L. Goldsworthy, Member, IEEE essentially no MOV conduction so Xco represents the bank
Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR impedance.
Use of the model requires iteration with the external
network to converge to the proper current and corresponding
Modern series capacitor protection schemes have made impedance. A convergence factor less than unity (.5 to .7)
significant improvements over the traditional gap-type speeds convergence by reducing oscillations around the final
schemes by taking advantage of the inherent nonlinearity of solution. Equations (2) and (3) are well-behaved and have
the metal oxide varistor (MOV). A number of full-scale MOV- presented no convergence problems thus far. The resistive
protected series capacitor banks have recently been ener¬ loss in R'c is also an approximation to the MOV energy
gized and others will soon be in service. This has created an absorption.
important need for modeling these devices in fault and
stability programs. However, modeling has previously been Model Applications
infeasible because these programs perform steady-state
calculations and require linear impedances. This paper de¬ The iterative procedure described above requires a change
scribes the development and application of a simple empirical from the single-step calculations of typical fault programs.
model which provides a linearized impedance for the capaci- The fault program at BPA has been modified to use this model
tor/MOV combination for use in fault and stability programs. for MOV-protected series capacitors. The feature is in full
production use with very satisfactory performance. To apply
Development of Linearized Model MOV protection to any given bank, the user simply inserts lpr
into a special field on the normal branch data for the series
Results of field tests and simulation involving MOV- capacitor. The program recognizes this bank as MOV-pro¬
protected series capacitors have revealed a very significant tected and after the network is solved, checks the capacitor
point. Even though the capacitor is paralleled by a highly current against lpr. If the current in the capacitor bank
nonlinear device which conducts during each half cycle, the exceeds its value of lpr, a series of iterations is performed
resulting total current through the combination remains using the linearized model with a convergence factor of 0.5.
remarkably sinusoidal. If the total current is assumed sinusoi¬ The typical number of iterations to reach a solution is six and
dal and if the external system can be closely approximated by no failure to reach a solution has yet occurred. The program¬
a linear impedance, it follows that the combination of the mer time required to implement this feature was about one
series capacitor and MOV can also be approximated by a man-week. A fault study was performed for a recent staged
linear impedance. If this new impedance in series with the field test on MOV-protected series capacitors. Both the fault
system impedance produces the same magnitude and phase current and MOV energy absorption predicted by the study
angle of fault current, it could then be considered a linearized agreed with the field measurements.
equivalent to the capacitor/MOV. A model capable of gener¬ The linearized model has been recently implemented in
ating this linearized impedance would then be useful for BPA's stability program but at the time of this writing is still in
steady-state calculations such as those in fault and stability the testing stage. A triggered gap bypassing logic based on
programs. accumulated energy of the MOV has also been implemented.
BPA's Electromagmetic Transients Program (EMTP) has
been used extensively to analyze series capacitor protection
and its interaction with the remaining system. A large number Conclusions
of EMTP simulations of MOV-protected series capacitors Using two equations, this simple empirical model provides
were performed using a wide range of circuit, capacitor, and a good approximation to the equivalent linear resistance and
MOV parameters. The linear impedance of the capacitor/ reactance as a function of current for virtually any MOV-
MOV for each was calculated and split into resistive and protected series capacitor. The only parameters required to
reactive components terms R'c and X'c. These were then use the model are the capacitive reactance and the protective
normalized by dividing by the original capacitive reactance, level current. The final values of current and corresponding
Xco. The total current through the capacitor/MOV combina¬ equivalent impedance are found through an iterative solution
tion, lc, was also normalized to with the external network.
Discussers: J. R. Mechenbier and C. W. Taylor
lpu j-

where lpr will be called the protective level current and is a
multiple (typically 2.0 to 2.5 times) the rated capacitor
38 IEEE Power Engineering Review, November 1987

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