High School Mathematics

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1‐ Arithmetic
2‐ Basic geometry and measurement
3‐ Pre‐algebra
4‐ Algebra basics
5‐ Algebra 1
6‐ High school geometry
7‐ Algebra 2
8‐ Trigonometry
9‐ Statistics and probability
10‐ High school statistics
11‐ Precalculus

Intro to multiplication

 Multiplication as equal groups

 Multiplication on the number line
 Multiply using groups of objects
 Multiplication with arrays
 Commutative property of multiplication

1‐digit multiplication

 Multiply by 0 or 1
 Multiply by 2 or 4
 Multiply by 5 or 10
 Multiply by 3 or 6
 Distributive property
 Multiply by 7, 8, or 9
 1‐digit multiplication
 Associative property of multiplication
 Comparing with multiplication

Intro to division

 Division intro
 Relating multiplication and division
 Divide by 1, 2, or 4
 Divide by 5 or 10
 Divide by 3 or 6
 Divide by 7, 8, or 9
 1‐digit division
 Multiplication and division word problems

Understand fractions

 Fractions intro
 What fractions mean
 Fractions on the number line
 Fractions and whole numbers
 Equivalent fractions
Place value through 1,000,000

 Intro to place value through 1,000

 Numbers in expanded form
 Regroup whole numbers
 Greater place values
 How 10 relates to place value

Add and subtract through 1,000,000

 Visually adding within 1,000

 Strategies for adding within 1,000
 Strategies for subtracting within 1,000
 Adding within 1,000,000
 Subtracting within 1,000,000

Multiply 1‐ and 2‐digit numbers

 Multiplication by 10s, 100s, and 1000s

 Multi‐digit multiplication: place value and area models
 Multiply with partial products
 Multiply by 10s
 Multiply 2‐digit numbers with area models
 Multiply 2‐digit numbers with partial products

Divide with remainders

 Remainders
 Divide multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000 by 1‐digit numbers
 Division with place value
 Division with area models
 Multi‐digit division with partial quotients
 Multiplication and division word problems
 Multi‐step word problems

Add and subtract fraction (like denominators)

 Equivalent fractions
 Common denominators
 Decomposing fractions
 Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators
 Adding and subtracting fractions: word problems
 Mixed numbers
 Adding and subtracting mixed numbers

Multiply fractions

 Multiplying fractions and whole numbers visually

 Multiplying whole numbers and fractions
 Multiplying whole numbers and mixed numbers
 Multiplying fractions and whole numbers word problems
 Multiplication as scaling
 Multiplying fractions and whole numbers
 Multiplying fractions
 Multiplying mixed numbers
 Area of rectangles with fractional side lengths
 Multiplying fractions word problems

Decimals and place value

 Decimal fractions
 Decimal fractions greater than 1
 Writing fractions as decimals
 Decimal place value intro
 Decimals on the number line
 Decimals in expanded form
 Regrouping decimals

Add and subtract decimals

 Adding decimals intro

 Adding decimals (tenths and hundredths)
 Subtracting decimals intro
 Subtracting decimals (tenths and hundredths)

Add and subtract fractions (different denominators)

 Fractions with denominators of 10 and 100

 Visually adding and subtracting fractions
 Common denominators
 Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators
 Adding and subtracting mixed numbers with unlike denominators
 Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators word problems

Multiply and divide multi‐digit numbers

 Multiply with multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000

 Multi‐digit multiplication
 Divide with multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000
 Multi‐digit division

Divide fractions

 Fractions as division
 Dividing unit fractions by whole number
 Dividing whole numbers by unit fractions
 Dividing fractions and whole numbers word problems
 Dividing fractions by fractions
 Dividing mixed numbers

Multiply and divide decimals

 Multiplying decimals and whole numbers

 Multiplying decimals strategies
 Multiplying decimals
 Divide whole numbers to get a decimal quotient
 Divide decimals by whole numbers
 Divide whole numbers by decimals

Exponents and powers of ten

 Multiplying and dividing whole numbers by 10, 100, and 1,000

 Multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100, and 1,000
 Powers of 10
 Multiplying and dividing with powers of 10
 Intro to exponents
 Order of operations with exponents
Add and subtract negative numbers

 Intro to negative numbers

 Negative symbol as opposite
 Negative decimals and and fractions on the number line
 Absolute value
 Intro to adding negative numbers
 Intro to subtracting negative numbers
 Adding & subtracting integers
 Adding & subtracting negative fractions

Multiply and divide negative numbers

 Multiply and divide integers

 Multiplication & division word problems with negatives
 One‐step equations with negative rational numbers
 Understanding multiplying and dividing negative fractions
 Multiply & divide negative fractions
Basic geometry and measurement

Intro to area and perimeter

 Count unit squares to find area

 Area formula intuition
 Multiply to find area
 Area and the distributive property
 Decompose figures to find area
 Perimeter intro
 Perimeters of polygons with missing side lengths
 Perimeter word problems
 Comparing area and perimeter
 Area versus perimeter

Intro to mass and volume

 Mass
 Volume

Measuring angles

 Parts of plane figures

 Angle introduction
 Angle types
 Understanding angle measurement
 Measuring angles
 Decomposing angles

Plane figures

 Quadrilaterals introduction
 Classifying triangles
 Parallel and perpendicular
 Classifying geometric shapes
 Lines of symmetry
 More on quadrilaterals
 Properties of shapes

Units of measurement
 Estimating length
 Converting units of mass
 Converting units of volume
 Converting units of length
 Conversion word problems (larger to smaller)
 Converting to larger or smaller
 Converting metric units word problems


 Volume with unit cubes

 Volume of rectangular prisms
 Decompose figures to find volumes
 Volume word problem

Coordinate plane

 Intro to the coordinate plane

 Coordinate plane word problems
 Points in all four quadrants
 Problem solving in all quadrants

Decomposing to find area

 Area of parallelograms
 Area of triangles
 Area and perimeter on the coordinate plane
 Area of composite figures

3D figures

 Rectangular prism volume with fractions

 Surface area with nets
 Finding surface area
 Slicing geometric shapes
 Volume and surface area word problems

Circles, cylinders, cones, and spheres

 Area and circumference of circles

 Area and circumference of fractions of circles
 Volume of cylinders, spheres, and cones

Angle relationships

 Vertical, complementary, and supplementary angles

 Missing angles problems
 Parallel lines and transversals
 Triangle angles


 Scale copies
 Scale drawings

Triangle side lengths

 Constructing triangles
 Pythagorean theorem
 Pythagorean theorem application
 Pythagorean theorem and distance between points

Geometric transformations

 Transformations intro
 Translations
 Rotations
 Reflections
 Properties & definitions of transformations
 Dilations
 Congruence and similarity

Factors and multiples

 Factors and multiples

 Prime and composite numbers
 Prime factorization


 Math patterns
 Writing expressions
 Number patterns

Ratios and rates

 Intro to ratios
 Visualize ratios
 Equivalent ratios
 Ratio application
 Intro to rates


 Intro to percents
 Visualize percents
 Equivalent representations of percent problems
 Percent problems
 Percent word problems

Exponents intro and order of operations

 Meaning of exponents
 Powers of whole numbers
 Powers of fractions and decimals
 Order of operations introduction
 More on order of operations

Variables & expressions

 Parts of algebraic expressions
 Substitution & evaluating expressions
 Evaluating expressions with multiple variables
 Expression value intuition
 Evaluating expressions word problems
 Writing algebraic expressions introduction
 Writing basic algebraic expressions word problems
 Distributive property with variables
 Combining like terms
 Equivalent expressions

Equations & inequalities introduction

 Algebraic equations basics

 One‐step equations intuition
 One‐step addition & subtraction equations
 One‐step multiplication and division equations
 Finding mistakes in one‐step equations
 One‐step equation word problems
 Intro to inequalities with variables
 Dependent and independent variables
 Analyzing relationships between variables

Percent & rational number word problems

 Percent word problems

 Rational number word problems

Proportional relationships

 Rate problems with fractions

 Constant of proportionality
 Compare and interpret constants of proportionality
 Identifying proportional relationships
 Graphs of proportional relationships
 Writing & solving proportions
 Equations of proportional relationships

One‐step and two‐step equations & inequalities

 Combining like terms
 The distributive property & equivalent expressions
 Interpreting linear expressions
 Two‐step equations intro
 Two‐step equations with decimals and fractions
 Two‐step equation word problems
 One‐step inequalities
 Two‐step inequalities

Roots, exponents, & scientific notation

 Square roots & cube roots

 Exponent properties intro
 Negative exponents
 Exponent properties (integer exponents
 Working with powers of 10
 Scientific notation intro
 Arithmetic with numbers in scientific notation
 Scientific notation word problems

Multi‐step equations

 Equations with variables on both sides

 Equations with parentheses
 Number of solutions to equations
 Equations word problems

Two‐variable equations

 Graphing proportional relationships

 Solutions to linear equations
 Intercepts
 Slope
 Intro to slope‐intercept form
 Graphing slope‐intercept form
 Writing slope‐intercept equations

Functions and linear models

 Functions
 Linear models
 Comparing linear functions
 Constructing linear models for real‐world relationships
 Recognizing functions
 Linear and nonlinear functions

Systems of equations

 Intro to systems of equations

 Systems of equations with graphing
 Solving systems with substitution
Algebra basics


 Negative numbers
 Absolute value
 Exponents
 Square roots
 Order of operations
 Fractions
 Decimals, fractions and percentages
 Operations with decimals
 Area of triangles
 Circumference and area of circles

Algebraic expressions

 Introduction to variables
 Substitution & evaluating expressions
 Writing algebraic expressions
 Combining like terms
 Distributive property
 Equivalent algebraic expressions
 Nested fractions

Linear equations and inequalities

 One‐step equations
 Two‐steps equations
 Multi‐step equations
 One‐step inequalities
 Two‐step inequalities
 Multi‐step inequalities
 Writing & solving proportions

Graphing lines and slope

 Coordinate plane
 Solutions to two‐variable linear equations
 x‐intercepts and y‐intercepts
 Slope
 Horizontal & vertical lines
 Slope‐intercept form intro
 Writing slope‐intercept equations
 Graphing two‐variable inequalities

Systems of equations

 Systems of equations intro

 Elimination method for systems of equations
 Substitution method for systems of equations
 Number of solutions to systems of equations

Expressions with exponents

 Exponent properties intro

 Negative exponents
 Exponent properties (integer exponents)
 Scientific notation intro
 Scientific notation word problems

Quadratics and polynomials

 Adding & subtracting polynomials

 Multiplying binomials
 Special products of binomials
 Factoring polynomials by taking common factors
 Factoring quadratics 1
 Factoring quadratics 2
 Factoring quadratics: Difference of squares
 Factoring quadratics: Perfect squares
 Solving quadratic equations by factoring

Equations and geometry

 Equations & geometry

 Triangle angles
 Pythagorean theorem
 Triangle similarity intro
 Solving similar triangles
Algebra 1

Algebra foundations

 Overview and history of algebra

 Introduction to variables
 Substitution and evaluating expressions
 Combining like terms
 Introduction to equivalent expressions
 Division by zero

Solving equations & inequalities

 Linear equations with variables on both sides

 Linear equations with parentheses
 Analyzing the number of solutions to linear equations
 Linear equations with unknown coefficients
 Multi‐step inequalities
 Compound inequalities

Working with units

 Rate conversion
 Appropriate units
 Word problems with multiple units

Linear equations & graphs

 Two‐variable linear equations intro

 Slope
 Horizontal & vertical lines
 x‐intercepts and y‐intercepts
 Applying intercepts and slope
 Modeling with linear equations and inequalities

Forms of linear equations

 Intro to slope‐intercept form

 Graphing slope‐intercept equations
 Writing slope‐intercept equations
 Point‐slope form
 Standard form
 Summary: Forms of two‐variable linear equations

Systems of equations

 Introduction to systems of equations

 Solving systems of equations with substitution
 Solving systems of equations with elimination
 Equivalent systems of equations
 Number of solutions to systems of equations
 Systems of equations word problems

Inequalities (systems & graphs)

 Checking solutions of two‐variable inequalities

 Graphing two‐variable inequalities
 Modeling with linear inequalities


 Evaluating functions
 Inputs and outputs of a function
 Functions and equations
 Interpreting function notation
 Introduction to the domain and range of a function
 Determining the domain of a function
 Recognizing functions
 Maximum and minimum points
 Intervals where a function is positive, negative, increasing, or decreasing
 Interpreting features of graphs
 Average rate of change
 Average rate of change word problems
 Intro to inverse functions


 Introduction to arithmetic sequences

 Constructing arithmetic sequences
 Introduction to geometric sequences
 Constructing geometric sequences
 Modeling with sequences
 General sequences

Absolute value & piecewise functions

 Graphs of absolute value functions

 Piecewise functions

Exponents & radicals

 Exponent properties review

 Radicals
 Simplifying square roots

Exponential growth & decay

 Exponential vs. linear growth

 Exponential expressions
 Graphs of exponential growth
 Exponential vs. linear growth over time
 Exponential growth & decay
 Exponential functions from tables & graphs
 Exponential vs. linear models


 Multiplying monomials by polynomials

 Multiplying binomials
 Special products of binomials
 Introduction to factoring
 Factoring quadratics intro
 Factoring quadratics by grouping
 Factoring quadratics with difference of squares
 Factoring quadratics with perfect squares
 Strategy in factoring quadratics

Quadratic functions & equations

 Intro to parabolas
 Solving and graphing with factored form
 Solving by taking the square root
 Vertex form
 Solving quadratics by factoring
 The quadratic formula
 Completing the square intro
 More on completing the square
 Strategizing to solve quadratic equations
 Quadratic standard form
 Features & forms of quadratic functions
 Comparing quadratic functions
 Transforming quadratic functions

Irrational numbers

 Mastery unavailable
 Irrational numbers: Irrational numbers
 Sums and products of rational and irrational numbers: Irrational numbers
 Proofs concerning irrational numbers: Irrational numbers

Creativity in algebra

 Mastery unavailable
 Creativity in algebra
High school geometry

Performing transformations

 Intro to Euclidean geometry

 Introduction to rigid transformations
 Translations
 Rotations
 Reflections
 Dilations

Transformation properties and proofs

 Rigid transformations overview

 Dilation preserved properties
 Properties & definitions of transformations
 Symmetry
 Proofs with transformations


 Transformations & congruence

 Triangle congruence from transformations
 Congruent triangles
 Theorems concerning triangle properties
 Working with triangles
 Theorems concerning quadrilateral properties
 Proofs of general theorems
 Constructing lines & angles


 Definitions of similarity
 Introduction to triangle similarity
 Solving similar triangles
 Angle bisector theorem
 Solving problems with similar & congruent triangles
 Proving relationships using similarity
 Solving modeling problems with similar & congruent triangles
Right triangles & trigonometry

 Pythagorean theorem
 Pythagorean theorem proofs
 Special right triangles
 Ratios in right triangles
 Introduction to the trigonometric ratios
 Solving for a side in a right triangle using the trigonometric ratios
 Solving for an angle in a right triangle using the trigonometric ratios
 Sine & cosine of complementary angles
 Modeling with right triangles

Analytic geometry

 Distance and midpoints

 Dividing line segments
 Problem solving with distance on the coordinate plane
 Parallel & perpendicular lines on the coordinate plane
 Equations of parallel & perpendicular lines

Conic sections

 Graphs of circles intro

 Standard equation of a circle
 Expanded equation of a circle
 Focus and directrix of a parabola


 Circle basics
 Arc measure
 Arc length (from degrees)
 Introduction to radians
 Arc length (from radians)
 Sectors
 Inscribed angles
 Inscribed shapes problem solving
 Proofs with inscribed shapes
 Properties of tangents
 Constructing regular polygons inscribed in circles
 Constructing circumcircles & incircles
 Constructing a line tangent to a circle
Solid geometry

 2D vs. 3D objects
 Cavalieri's principle and dissection methods
 Volume and surface area
 Density
Algebra 2

Polynomial arithmetic

 Intro to polynomials
 Average rate of change of polynomials
 Adding and subtracting polynomials
 Multiplying monomials by polynomials
 Multiplying binomials by polynomials
 Special products of polynomials

Complex numbers

 The imaginary unit i

 Complex numbers introduction
 The complex plane
 Adding and subtracting complex numbers
 Multiplying complex numbers
 Quadratic equations with complex solutions

Polynomial factorization

 Factoring monomials
 Greatest common factor
 Taking common factors
 Factoring higher degree polynomials
 Factoring using structure
 Polynomial identities
 Geometric series

Polynomial division

 Dividing polynomials by x
 Dividing quadratics by linear factors
 Dividing polynomials by linear factors
 Polynomial Remainder Theorem

Polynomial graphs

 Zeros of polynomials
 Positive and negative intervals of polynomials
 End behavior of polynomials
 Putting it all together

Rational exponents and radicals

 Rational exponents
 Properties of exponents (rational exponents)
 Evaluating exponents & radicals
 Equivalent forms of exponential expressions
 Solving exponential equations using properties of exponents

Exponential models

 Interpreting the rate of change of exponential models

 Constructing exponential models according to rate of change
 Advanced interpretation of exponential models


 Introduction to logarithms
 The constant e and the natural logarithm
 Properties of logarithms
 The change of base formula for logarithms
 Solving exponential equations with logarithms
 Solving exponential models

Transformations of functions

 Shifting functions
 Reflecting functions
 Symmetry of functions
 Scaling functions
 Putting it all together
 Graphs of square and cube root functions
 Graphs of exponential functions
 Graphs of logarithmic functions

 Rational equations
 Square‐root equations
 Extraneous solutions
 Cube‐root equations
 Quadratic systems
 Solving equations by graphing


 Unit circle introduction

 Radians
 The Pythagorean identity
 Trigonometric values of special angles
 Graphs of sin(x), cos(x), and tan(x)
 Amplitude, midline and period
 Transforming sinusoidal graphs
 Graphing sinusoidal functions
 Sinusoidal models


 Modeling with function combination

 Interpreting features of functions
 Manipulating formulas
 Modeling with two variables
 Modeling with multiple variables

Right triangles & trigonometry

Ratios in right triangles

Introduction to the trigonometric ratios

Solving for a side in a right triangle using the trigonometric ratios

Solving for an angle in a right triangle using the trigonometric ratios

Sine and cosine of complementary angles

Modeling with right triangles

The reciprocal trigonometric ratios

Trigonometric functions

Unit circle introduction


The Pythagorean identity

Special trigonometric values in the first quadrant

Trigonometric values on the unit circle

Graphs of sin(x), cos(x), and tan(x)

Amplitude, midline, and period

Transforming sinusoidal graphs

Graphing sinusoidal functions

Sinusoidal models

Long live Tau

Non‐right triangles & trigonometry

Law of sines

Law of cosines

Solving general triangles

Trigonometric equations and identities

Inverse trigonometric functions

Sinusoidal equations

Sinusoidal models

Angle addition identities

Using trigonometric identities

Challenging trigonometry problems

Statistics and probability

Analyzing categorical data

 Analyzing one categorical variable

 Two‐way tables
 Distributions in two‐way tables

Displaying and comparing quantitative data

 Displaying quantitative data with graphs

 Describing and comparing distributions
 More on data displays

Summarizing quantitative data

 Measuring center in quantitative data

 More on mean and median
 Interquartile range (IQR)
 Variance and standard deviation of a population
 Variance and standard deviation of a sample
 More on standard deviation
 Box and whisker plots
 Other measures of spread

Modeling data distributions

 Percentiles
 Z‐scores
 Effects of linear transformations
 Density curves
 Normal distributions and the empirical rule
 Normal distribution calculations
 More on normal distributions

Exploring bivariate numerical data

 Introduction to scatterplots
 Correlation coefficients
 Introduction to trend lines
 Least‐squares regression equations
 Assessing the fit in least‐squares regression
 More on regression

Study design

 Statistical questions
 Sampling and observational studies
 Sampling methods
 Types of studies (experimental vs. observational)
 Experiments


 Basic theoretical probability

 Probability using sample spaces
 Basic set operations
 Experimental probability
 Randomness, probability, and simulation
 Addition rule
 Multiplication rule for independent events
 Multiplication rule for dependent events
 Conditional probability and independence

Counting, permutations, and combinations

 Counting principle and factorial

 Permutations
 Combinations
 Combinatorics and probability

Random variables

 Discrete random variables

 Continuous random variables
 Transforming random variables
 Combining random variables
 Binomial random variables
 Binomial mean and standard deviation formulas
 Geometric random variables
 More on expected value
 Poisson distribution

Sampling distributions

 What is a sampling distribution?

 Sampling distribution of a sample proportion
 Sampling distribution of a sample mean

Confidence intervals

 Introduction to confidence intervals

 Estimating a population proportion
 Estimating a population mean
 More confidence interval videos

Significance tests (hypothesis testing)

 The idea of significance tests

 Error probabilities and power
 Tests about a population proportion
 Tests about a population mean
 More significance testing videos

Two‐sample inference for the difference between groups

 Comparing two proportions

 Comparing two means

Inference for categorical data (chi‐square tests)

 Chi‐square goodness‐of‐fit tests

 Chi‐square tests for relationships

Advanced regression (inference and transforming)

 Inference about slope

 Nonlinear regression
Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

 Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

High school statistics

Displaying a single quantitative variable

 Frequency tables and dot plots

 Histograms
 Mean and median in data displays
 Interquartile range
 Box and whisker plots

Analyzing a single quantitative variable

 Standard deviation
 Comparing distributions
 Percentiles and z‐scores
 Normal distributions and the empirical rule
 Normal distribution calculations

Two‐way tables

 Two‐way tables introduction

 Distributions in two‐way tables


 Fitting trend lines to scatterplots

 Analyzing trend lines in scatterplots
 Residuals

Study design

 Introduction to planning a study

 Potential problems with sampling
 Sampling methods
 Introduction to experimental design
 Inference and experiments


 Venn diagrams and the addition rule

 Multiplication rule for probabilities
 Conditional probability
 Probability from simulations
 Permutations
 Combinations
 Probability using combinatorics

Probability distributions & expected value

 Probability distributions introduction

 Theoretical & empirical probability distributions
 Decisions with probability
 Expected value

Composite and inverse functions

Composing functions

Modeling with composite functions

Invertible functions

Inverse functions in graphs and tables

Verifying inverse functions by composition


Special trigonometric values in the first quadrant

Trigonometric identities on the unit circle

Inverse trigonometric functions

Law of sines

Law of cosines

Solving general triangles

Sinusoidal equations

Sinusoidal models

Angle addition identities

Using trigonometric identities

Complex numbers

The complex plane

Distance and midpoint of complex numbers

Complex conjugates and dividing complex numbers

Identities with complex numbers

Modulus (absolute value) and argument (angle) of complex numbers

Polar form of complex numbers

Graphically multiplying complex numbers

Multiplying and dividing complex numbers in polar form

The fundamental theorem of algebra

Rational functions

Reducing rational expressions to lowest terms

End behavior of rational functions

Discontinuities of rational functions

Graphs of rational functions

Modeling with rational functions

Multiplying and dividing rational expressions

Adding and subtracting rational expressions

Conic sections

Introduction to conic sections

Center and radii of an ellipse

Foci of an ellipse

Introduction to hyperbolas

Foci of a hyperbola

Hyperbolas not centered at the origin


Vectors introduction

Vector components

Magnitude of vectors

Scalar multiplication

Vector addition and subtraction

Direction of vectors

Vector components from magnitude and direction

Adding vectors in magnitude and direction form

Vectors word problems


Introduction to matrices

Using matrices to represent data

Multiplying matrices by scalars

Adding and subtracting matrices

Properties of matrix addition & scalar multiplication

Using matrices to manipulate data

Matrices as transformations of the plane

Using matrices to transform the plane

Transforming 3D and 4D vectors with matrices

Multiplying matrices by matrices

Properties of matrix multiplication

Representing systems of equations with matrices

Introduction to matrix inverses

Finding inverses of 2x2 matrices

Solving linear systems with matrices

Probability and combinatorics

Venn diagrams and the addition rule

Multiplication rule for probabilities



Probability using combinatorics

Probability distributions introduction

Theoretical & empirical probability distributions

Decisions with probability

Expected value

Geometric series

Geometric series (with summation notation)

The binomial theorem

Arithmetic series

Limits and continuity

Defining limits and using limit notation

Estimating limit values from graphs

Estimating limit values from tables

Determining limits using algebraic properties of limits: limit properties

Determining limits using algebraic properties of limits: direct substitution

Determining limits using algebraic manipulation

Selecting procedures for determining limits

Determining limits using the squeeze theorem

Exploring types of discontinuities

Defining continuity at a point

Confirming continuity over an interval

Removing discontinuities

Connecting infinite limits and vertical asymptotes

Connecting limits at infinity and horizontal asymptotes

Working with the intermediate value theorem

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