Nature Medicine 2021
Nature Medicine 2021
Nature Medicine 2021
Health systems resilience is key to learning lessons from country responses to crises such as coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19). In this perspective, we review COVID-19 responses in 28 countries using a new health systems resilience frame-
work. Through a combination of literature review, national government submissions and interviews with experts, we conducted
a comparative analysis of national responses. We report on domains addressing governance and financing, health workforce,
medical products and technologies, public health functions, health service delivery and community engagement to prevent and
mitigate the spread of COVID-19. We then synthesize four salient elements that underlie highly effective national responses
and offer recommendations toward strengthening health systems resilience globally.
OVID-19 has caused an unprecedented global crisis, includ- Health systems resilience literature stresses that efforts should
ing millions of lives lost, public health systems in shock and focus not only on absorbing unforeseen shocks precipitated by
economic and social disruption, disproportionately affecting emerging health needs, but also on ensuring continuity in health
the most vulnerable. As of April 2021, there are over 140 million improvement, sustaining gains in systems functioning and foster-
confirmed cases and over three million COVID-19 deaths globally1. ing people centeredness, while delivering high-quality care9,10. As
While vaccination has commenced in numerous countries, new COVID-19 has overwhelmed health systems worldwide, debates
outbreaks and variants continue to emerge. At the same time, the around resilience have become more urgent, and there is a need
global distribution of vaccines is marred by challenges of equity on to better understand the elements of national responses through
top of logistical complications. Millions more are therefore still at a resilience lens11,12. Thus, in this perspective, we use an expanded
risk of dying, facing significant morbidity or losing their livelihoods health systems resilience framework centered on community
given the uncertain economic outlook. engagement to examine 28 national responses to COVID-19. This
The pandemic has challenged local, national, regional and global analysis provides insights into the policies countries implemented
capacities to prepare and respond. The various national strategies and how these were implemented to tackle the pandemic.
taken to control viral transmission are widely debated2,3. However,
the relative success of these strategies depends largely on how an Conceptual framework. Our conceptual framework (Fig. 1) is
existing health system is organized, governed and financed across grounded in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) health sys-
all levels in a coordinated manner4. The pandemic has exposed tems framework13. We develop the framework elements by adding
the limitations of many health systems, including some that have public health functions, including testing, contact tracing, dis-
been previously classified as high performing and resilient5. A ease surveillance and non-pharmaceutical public health interven-
comprehensive analysis of the resilience of health systems during tions, which often operate separately from health service delivery.
the pandemic can therefore pinpoint important lessons and help Yet, they are critical both to pandemic responses and to ongoing
strengthen countries’ preparedness, response and approach to future population health. Similarly, health information systems are vital
health challenges. functions for both public health and health systems as, ideally, they
While resilience is a core concept in disaster risk reduction, its should be integrated to capture data at individual, health system and
application to health systems is relatively new. It has been defined population levels.
broadly as institutions’ and health actors’ capacities to prepare for, We centered our analysis on community engagement as core
recover from and absorb shocks, while maintaining core functions to all elements of health systems resilience (see Box 1 for more
and serving the ongoing and acute care needs of their communi- information on the analytical approach). To serve communities
ties6,7. During a crisis, a resilient health system is able to effectively in a more equitable manner and promote healthy societies, resil-
adapt in response to dynamic situations and reduce vulnerability ience must be developed with these communities and according
across and beyond the system. Experience from previous epidem- to their needs. There can be no health systems resilience without
ics, such as Ebola, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and community engagement across domains14. We also acknowledge
Middle East respiratory syndrome, emphasized the links between the critical role of coordination with non-health sectors as essential
resilience and thwarting new outbreak transmission8. to providing necessary supports to address the social determinants
Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health,
Singapore, Singapore. 3School of Public Health, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA. 4The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and
Response Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland. 5London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK. 6Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences,
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. 7School of Sociology, Australian National University, Canberra, New South Wales, Australia. 8Berlin
Institute of Global Health, Berlin, Germany. 9These authors contributed equally: Victoria Haldane, Chuan De Foo, Salma M. Abdalla, Anne-Sophie Jung.
✉e-mail: [email protected]
Asia Pacific:
China, Fiji, India, Japan,
New Zealand, Pakistan,
Singapore, South Korea, Sri
Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam
Germany, Russia, Spain,
Sweden, United Kingdom
Middle East:
North America:
United States of America
South/Latin America:
Argentina, Brazil, Mexico,
Peru, Uruguay
Fig. 2 | Countries included in the review. The map presents an overview of countries selected according to the recorded number of deaths attributed to
COVID-19 per 100,000 inhabitants on 6 November 2020. Countries are listed according to region and in alphabetical order.
coming from public funds, and depends on healthcare infrastruc- volunteers to educate seniors and help distribute daily necessities.
tures, workforce and supplies to provide much-needed surge capac- Liberia further empowered community leaders by providing orien-
ity within health systems. Additionally, fiscal support measures, tation on COVID-19 epidemiology to support containment efforts.
including relief packages aiming at helping businesses stay viable, However, many of these efforts depended on volunteers.
protect jobs or provide financial aid to low-income households and During early response efforts, a few countries conducted surveys
the unemployed have been taken by many countries. These policies to understand public sentiment regarding evolving measures. Japan
support people to adhere to public health guidance, with the aim conducted a survey in April 2020 to understand compliance with
of preventing infections, in turn mitigating the strain on the health social distancing measures, using the results to inform response
system resulting from the need to deliver high-intensity COVID-19 strategies. Governments also started multilingual hotlines to ensure
care. To further enhance the reach of health services, many coun- comprehensive access to COVID-19 information. Other countries
tries reviewed took specific actions to mitigate potential financial used social media platforms to engage communities. For example,
and physical barriers to care, such as covering part or all of the costs the #TakeResponsibility campaign in Nigeria called on citizens to
of COVID-19 care, and funding the establishment of testing and join forces and be proactive in taking greater individual and collec-
treatment centers in communities16. Importantly, the outcomes tive responsibility in controlling the spread of COVID-1920.
resulting from financial expenditures on health and well-being are
only as good as the structures that support them. Thus, they require Health service delivery. Health systems globally have employed
governance expertise across levels, sectors and domains and depend three common approaches to rapidly scale up health system infra-
on a system’s ability to reach (vulnerable) populations. structure, namely by constructing new treatment facilities, convert-
ing public venues and reconfiguring existing medical facilities to
Community engagement. Deep engagement with local communi- provide care for patients with COVID-19. Thus, some of the health
ties is central to resilient health systems as a way to inform service systems reviewed invested significant resources into rapidly creating
delivery, decision-making and governance and to meet the needs of dedicated field facilities. For example, in early 2020, China estab-
communities before, during and after crises. Community engage- lished two specialty field hospitals in under 2 weeks21. Where field
ment strategies, such as building partnerships with local leaders hospitals were set up to house patients with COVID-19, countries
and working alongside community members to tailor messages often drew on their armed forces and military field hospital mod-
and campaigns are crucial during public health emergencies17. The els, or adapted existing large public facilities. However, most health
range of non-pharmaceutical public health interventions employed systems relied on a less resource-intensive approach that modified
in response to COVID-19, such as mask wearing and social distanc- traditional healthcare facilities into dedicated COVID-19 care cen-
ing, rely on shared values and a sense of social responsibility within ters22. Other health systems relied on home care for patients with
communities to break chains of viral transmission18. mild to moderate COVID-19, with facilities available if patients
Several countries reviewed engaged networks of community were unable to safely self-isolate within their homes. Additionally,
health workers (CHWs) to encourage active community partici- the majority of reviewed countries canceled elective surgeries in an
pation in COVID-19 responses. Their roles range from creating effort to ensure system capacity for COVID-19 care.
awareness through door-to-door visits, supporting contact trac- In many health systems, primary-care providers are the front-
ing efforts, maintaining essential health services, providing nec- line of the health system providing continuous, coordinated
essary medication to patients without COVID-19, surveillance and people-centered care. Primary care is an important point of
or monitoring adherence to quarantine measures and assessing COVID-19 triage, as well as the point at which most routine and
mental well-being19. They are also key to identifying and refer- acute care services are provided within communities23. In many of
ring patients who face barriers to accessing healthcare services. For the countries reviewed, primary-care providers rapidly adopted and
example, Thailand deployed over 1 million CHWs to disseminate scaled up digital technology or telehealth services to provide ongo-
and amplify messages widely in communities. Singapore deployed ing and acute care while also triaging and referring persons with
emergency response leading the Humanitarian Country Team, involved and will collaborate
groups, headed by local government led by the resident coordinator and on communicating cases,
leaders, were established in composed of UN agencies, NGOs, incidents and necessary
provinces, cities and counties Red Cross and donor representatives, actions.
across the country. The local is developing a response plan to
emergency response leading groups COVID-19, focusing on sector-specific
are responsible for implementing impacts of COVID-19.
the central government’s policies
and control strategies, thus forming
a top-down system.
Coordination Uruguay: in June, an Honorary Uganda: CDC Uganda provides Argentina: the government Spain: the government has New Zealand: epidemiologists, South Korea: the Korea Disease Control and
with scientific Scientific Advisory Group (GACH) technical input to the Uganda created a special government appointed highly recognized immunologists and public health Prevention Agency has the leading role in the
advice was formed, which included a Ministry of Health. For example, unit to respond to the COVID-19 clinical experts and experts advised on the risk the virus country’s response to COVID-19. The COVID-
broader and more diverse group of with CDC Uganda input, the pandemic. The unit’s main task epidemiological scientists posed to the country and helped 19 Response Strategy Consultation Committee
expertise, including socioeconomic, Emergency Operations Center set is to advise the Presidency and as members of the COVID- communicate the threat to the convenes on a regular basis to discuss government
than the previous committee up a national task force to prepare the Ministry of Health on matters 19 Scientific and Technical public and the government officials response strategies and areas for improvement.
formed in March. As of June 2020, for the COVID-19 pandemic before regarding available human Committee to provide in charge of the response. The The Korean government supports Korean
this group comprised 55 members the first cases were detected. CDC resources and infrastructure. advice to the government Ministry of Health brought some researchers by providing data that were used
and holds weekly meetings with support for influenza surveillance In addition, The Ministry of and inform policymaking. of these experts into a Technical for forecasting the spread of COVID-19 and the
subgroups, makes biweekly reports at the Uganda Virus Research Health of Argentina has jointly The Ministry of Health, Advisory Group, established as part effectiveness of response measures, which aided
to the Transition group, holds Institute is proving critical in the coordinated the pandemic through the Centre for the of the Ministry of Health’s response in decision-making for infection control. The Korea
special meetings with the president COVID-19 response. The Ugandan response together with provincial Coordination of Health to COVID-19, which is chaired by Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) used
and has daily contact with the government drafted researchers into ministries of health within the Alerts and Emergencies the chief science advisor, Ministry a supercomputer and Individual Simulation for
government; all the announced a COVID-19 scientific committee to Federal Health Council (COFESA) (CCAES, in Spanish), of Health and comprises various Transfer Phenomena, KIST’s own modeling method,
measures have the support of inform the country’s prevention and and the following groups of activated the COVID-19 health professionals (epidemiologist, to analyze the effectiveness of disease control
scientists on the GACH. treatment strategy for the pandemic experts: National Immunization protocol and coordinates pathologist, virologist, infectious measures taken by the Korean government.
after cases were reported in East Commission, National Advisory the response with the disease physician, microbiologist,
Africa. This committee has been at Committee on Research Ethics departments of health in medical officer of health, coordinator
the center of Uganda’s COVID-19 and National Commission on Spain’s 17 autonomous and public health officer). The group
response, drafting local measures Vaccine Safety, among others. communities. To design the met twice weekly to provide updated
and guidelines for the prevention and exit strategy plan and the advice to the Director-General of
treatment. vaccination strategy, a group Health.
of multidisciplinary experts
were appointed to produce
the reports.
levels of care. payment structure that is part of its services. The free services for the general public after hospitals, which applies to Singapore population free of charge.
‘wartime’ governance. are also extended to certain the government had struck citizens, permanent residents and
exemption categories of people an agreement with private long-term pass holders.
such as those covered by the healthcare providers to
immigration health surcharge. charge a lower fee for
COVID-19-related services.
Countries were selected according to the recorded number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 per 100,000 inhabitants on 6 November 2020. CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; GDP, gross domestic product; NGO, nongovernmental organization; NHS, National
Health Service; SME, small and medium-sized enterprise; UN, United Nations.
FOCUS | Review Article
Table 2 | Examples of community engagement approaches
community in COVID-19 hot spots to over 1 million VHVs to storytelling by using kill alone. Let’s not be accomplices’) Ministry of Health communication center
warn the public about the disseminate and amplify characters from Sesame is a campaign launched to promote launched a flash mob (website) where
consequences of negative messages widely in Street to explain how the adherence to public health measures; #Оборона О
т К
ороны COVID-19 information
behaviors, given that fewer communities. virus spreads and teach incorporates advertising on television, (#DefenceFromCorona), is publicly available,
deaths and a lack of knowledge prevention measures radio, public roads, social networks, which was supported by including infographics
about asymptomatic cases like practicing good activations and urban interventions, celebrities. The essence on how to stop the
led to reports of public hand hygiene and cough among other forms of communication; of the flash mob was to spread of the virus
complacency in adhering to etiquette. incorporates regional and local appeal to the citizens of and protect people.
public health measures. governments, various actors from civil the Russian Federation The government also
society and private companies. to adhere to the personal provided a hotline
hygiene rules and to for COVID-19 and a
observe preventive WhatsApp number to
measures during the answer questions.
spread of COVID-19.
Government providing a Thailand: online survey to Sri Lanka: in April United States: in Mexico: in April 2020, researchers Japan: conducted an New Zealand: conducted
channel for feedback on monitor perception toward 2020, the government collaboration with from the National Institute of Public online survey in April the COVID-19 Health
national strategies information, misinformation introduced a hotline multiple federal Health (INSP), the Government 2020 to understand and Wellbeing Survey to
and knowledge, attitude and for the public to submit agencies, the Census of Mexico City and mobile phone compliance with social provide the government
behavior of residents regarding complaints on difficulties Bureau is undertaking a operators Movistar and Telcel, joined distancing measures. with information on
misinformation on COVID-19 in receiving essential Household Pulse Survey forces to carry out a study on how Results were used how New Zealanders
and assessing communication services due to strict to understand citizens’ much the inhabitants of Mexico to inform response are coping, financial
capacity. The survey showed that public health measures. experiences regarding City adhere to measures of physical strategies. impacts and the level
82% of participants identified The Operation Centre was employment status, food distancing and isolation; up to of understanding
misinformation regarding tasked with following up security, housing, physical 200,000 mobile phone users will be and compliance with
COVID-19 in social media and on complaints and taking and mental health, invited weekly to answer a survey via regulations.
that the Thai population had necessary action. access to healthcare and text messages (SMS) on the behaviors
high trust in health agencies educational disruption. observed in their homes.
disseminating information.
Countries were selected according to the recorded number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 per 100,000 inhabitants on 6 November 2020. VHV, village health volunteer.
services. accommodate up to 100 beds intensive care and are provided isolation facilities and using prefabricated modular structures
should case numbers increase. with respirators, and the rest of the can house up to 40 in 23 constituent entities of the Russian
beds have oxygen. They are also patients. The facilities Federation with a total capacity of more
equipped with primary-care rooms, were assembled by an than 3,000 beds.
guardrooms, shock rooms, clinical all-Nigerian team.
analysis laboratories, consulting
rooms and diagnostic imaging areas.
Countries were selected according to the recorded number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 per 100,000 inhabitants on 6 November 2020. IPC, infection prevention and control; PHPC, public health preparedness clinic.
FOCUS | Review Article
Table 4 | Examples of health workforce approaches
Subdomain Snapshot of health systems resilience measures in reviewed countries
Countries with the least deaths per 100,0000, with a population of over 20 Countries with the most deaths per 100,0000, with a population Countries in the middle category in terms of deaths per 100,000 population
million of over 20 million
Strategies to rapidly Uganda: additional healthcare Thailand: The Ministry of Public Health Mexico: a national call was made Brazil: The Brazilian Health New Zealand: a nationally India: the government had called on
expand health manpower including contracted 150,000 temporary medical to recruit specialized personnel Ministry hired more health coordinated online system was retired doctors, armed forces medical
workforce capacity epidemiologists, doctors, workers to respond to the pandemic, in intensive care, emergency, workers, including reinstating set up for retired or nonpracticing staff and private sector medical
anesthetists, nurses, laboratory 40,000 of whom were approved to be internal medicine, pneumology, medical licenses for Cuban health workers to register to rejoin professionals to join the public health
technologists, psychiatric clinical converted into permanent civil servants infectiology and anesthesiology medical professionals who the workforce to assist in outbreak facilities. Over 30,000 responded to the
officers, ambulance assistants, due to their invaluable contributions to to address the pandemic. The remained in Brazil from the management. More than 2500 government’s appeal. Final-year medical
drivers, emergency care assistance, the healthcare system. government also considered Mais Medicos (More Doctors) doctors, nurses, midwives and students and paramedical students were
among others, were contracted for 6 contracting foreign health program and to permit final-year laboratory scientists came out of also deployed to conduct screenings,
months and deployed to COVID-19 workers as necessary to augment medical students to bolster the retirement or parental leave. A contact tracing and vaccination.
treatment centers and to support domestic health workforce existing medical workforce. system was put in place to match
districts and points of entry for capacity. returning health workers with
surveillance purposes. suitable positions.
Reallocation China: in the initial stages of the Vietnam: after receiving training, 97 United States: with its Spain: medical doctors from Uruguay: to alleviate the lack of South Korea: government employees
of healthcare pandemic, medical workers from all senior medical students volunteered predominately private healthcare other specialties such as internal intensive care physicians, the from non-healthcare sectors were
professionals parts of China were reallocated to with the Hanoi Center for Disease system and federal states, the medicine, anesthesiology, Uruguayan Society of Intensive reassigned. Contact tracing was
provide medical care for the people control to conduct epidemiological United States implemented pneumology and geriatrics, as Medicine (SUMI) and the Society performed by repurposed low-level to
of the Hubei province. investigation of cases; duties include measures to increase staff in hot well as trained nurses, teamed of Anesthesiology announced middle-level government employees
providing counseling to people over spots. Many states developed up with intensive care specialists an agreement that anesthetists or those who were underemployed.
the phone, collecting samples from guidelines to allow recent to increase care capacity for can assist in critical-care tasks to It expanded its usual workforce of
Review Article | FOCUS
suspected community groups, importing medical graduates and health people with severe or critical augment intensive care manpower. Epidemic Intelligence Service officers
data into computers and cleaning and workers from other states to COVID-19. by quickly training these staff at
disinfection of congregate settings. practice in hot spots. This was approximately 250 local public health
needed as different states in centers.
the United States have different
licensure for practice.
Pandemic-related China: in Wuhan in January 2020, Sri Lanka: WHO worked with the Argentina: online training was Peru: military and civilian health Russia: almost 1.6 million medical Singapore: increased training of nurses
training for onsite training for infection control Ministry of Health and Indigenous provided to health workers on professionals were trained specialists were trained (remotely) for intensive care to bolster existing
healthcare and patient management was Medical Services and the Sri Lankan critical COVID-19 treatments through a Ministry of Defense to provide medical care to patients intensive unit staffing. Former and
professionals provided to all health workers based College of Microbiologists to design involving ventilators, intubations initiative. The course is a 16-h with COVID-19. current professionals and personnel
on the ‘guideline for COVID-19 a set of training modules for health and extubations, among other theoretical and hands-on session with no qualifications were trained
management and control’ and the workers on IPC guidelines related to relevant skills for treatment of to orient students to care for for support and testing, while medical
‘guideline for hospital infection COVID-19 in Sri Lanka. patients with COVID-19. Both patients with severe COVID-19. students and nurses were trained for
of COVID-19’ before they started entry-level and advanced training The initiative started in May specific tasks to augment the existing
working in COVID-19 units. were available. 2020, with service member-only health workforce.
classes that expanded to include
civilians from June 2020.
Mental health China: several measures were Sri Lanka: hospitals arranged special United States: the CDC advised United Kingdom: free New Zealand: Health Care New Sweden: the government proposed
support for health implemented to ensure the care of meals to boost health worker morale; that healthcare facilities establish one-on-one support sessions Zealand provides free counseling funds to support staff in regional and
workforce medical personnel and their families, food sellers brought staple foods to a plan for providing additional with accredited psychologists or services for frontline healthcare municipal healthcare and elderly care
such as regulations on shifts hospitals so that staff did not have to support for health workers, mental health experts available workers and staff who seek mental in its autumn budget amendment for
and leave arrangement to relieve visit markets or supermarkets to get considering aspects such as to NHS staff. A tool kit was health and well-being support. 2020. This provides additional funding
frontline medical workers. groceries; a hotel chain offered 1,000 mental health, parenting, meals also developed by the NHS to Help will be rendered through an for crisis support, counseling and trauma
complimentary full-board holiday and nonpunitive sick policies. encourage conversation in the appointment-based system with an support during the pandemic.
packages for frontline health workers. workplace and talk about mental experienced therapist, which will be
and emotional health. kept confidential.
Financial support for Thailand: offered financial support Vietnam: incentives were provided for Argentina: financial incentives Spain: COVID-19 infection is Russia: since the beginning of the Germany: care workers can claim tax
health workforce to health workers in case of adverse field workers engaged in surveillance granted to healthcare workers deemed a workplace accident pandemic, incentive payments benefits of up to EUR 1,000/USD 1,200.
events: for death or permanent activities. who managed and were exposed for healthcare workers managing to health workers for special The federal government announced
disability: THB 240,000–400,000 / to patients with COVID-19 infected patients. working conditions and additional it would expand the bonus payments
USD 7,684–12,807; for organ loss or included four bonuses, in both the workloads have been introduced given to nurses and care professionals in
disability. Incentives offered to health public and private sectors. or increased on a federal level; the hospitals fighting COVID-19 to all hospital
workers were THB 1,500/USD 48 government allocated more than staff during the pandemic. Bavaria was
per shift for doctors and THB 1,000/ USD 64,900,000 to pay medical the first state to announce a reward for
USD 32 per shift for nurses and other workers increased vacation pay or all nursing and care staff in healthcare,
paramedical staff. compensation for vacation, which long-term care, rehabilitation, emergency
they had to give up due to the services and institutions for disabled
situation with the coronavirus. people of a EUR 500/USD 600 bonus.
Countries were selected according to the recorded number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 per 100,000 inhabitants on 6 November 2020.
supplies was activated to while also sourcing external facilities. stockpiles of PPE and essential powered air-purifying respirator
meet the immediate demand alternatives and domestic medicines for up to 6 months. hoods).
during the earlier stages of production alternatives.
the pandemic.
Measures to increase Thailand: Board of Vietnam: promoted United Kingdom: several brewers contributed to United States: The Defense Production Singapore: a Japan: Ministry of Trade Economy
in domestic production Investment (BOI) approved inter-industry transfers of the production of hand sanitizers by taking the Act allowed the president to direct government-affiliated and Industry, through the Subsidy
Advance-purchase Vietnam: the government Thailand: purchase Spain: secured multiple agreements through Mexico: signed an advance-purchase Japan: made multiple India: as the largest buyer of vaccines,
agreements with had engagements with arrangements secured the European Commission’s Advance-Purchase agreement for 35 million doses of investments in many potential India has already purchased 196 million
pharmaceutical Russia to buy 150 million to obtain 2 million doses Agreements with vaccine producers Chinese firm CanSino Biologics’ vaccine candidates. In August doses of domestically manufactured
companies doses of Russian vaccine of Sinovac vaccine including Pfizer- BioNTechArn, AstraZeneca, COVID-19 vaccine while solidifying 2020, the health ministry vaccines from Serum Institute and
(Sputnik V) and 30 million and 61 million doses ModernaARNm, Johnson & Johnson, Sanofi and arrangements in January 2021 to started negotiations with Bharat Biotech of India. It has also
doses from AstraZeneca. from AstraZeneca to GSK and CureVac to ensure sufficient access to procure 24 million doses of Russia’s Moderna to secure enough supported R&D efforts of local
be manufactured in approved vaccines. Sputnik COVID-19 vaccine. vaccines from the drug firm to manufacturers. It is in talks to secure
collaboration with Siam cover 20 million people within 1.6 billion doses of other vaccines once
Bioscience. the first half of 2021, with Pfizer Indian trials conclude (Sputnik V and
to cover 60 million people Novavax).
and with AstraZeneca for 120
million doses.
Participation in the Mozambique: part of the Thailand: did not pledge to United Kingdom: helped raise USD 1 billion for Peru: to receive approved COVID-19 Sweden: pledged SEK 100 Singapore: co-chaired the Friends
COVAX facility COVAX Advance Market the COVAX facility opting COVAX AMC through match-funding other vaccine from the COVAX AMC in early million/USD 119 million to the of the COVAX Facility initiative with
Commitment and will to acquire directly from donors, which was added on to the initial amount 2021. COVAX facility and will receive Switzerland to promote vaccine
receive vaccines to cover manufacturers. the United Kingdom had pledged. a predetermined number of multilateralism and contributed USD
an average of 20% of the vaccine doses. 5 million to the facility in return for
population. a predetermined number of vaccine
Platforms to monitor China: the Ministry of Uganda: The Emergency Brazil: regarding price monitoring, the Health United Kingdom: a parallel supply India: in the state of Japan: medical facilities reported
supply chains Industry and Information Logistics Management Price Bank (BPS) system and the Material Catalog chain distribution mechanism set up to Odisha, the supply chain is information on their operating status,
Technology established System (Eelmis) provided (CATMAT) for public health managers and control augment the NHS supply chain system normally managed using the bed occupancy rates in general wards,
a platform for mobilizing real-time feedback on bodies helps the government procure reasonably for the rapid and organized distribution Government e-Marketplace. infectious disease wards, ICUs and
resources nationwide. This medical resource availability priced drugs and other medical supplies from of medical essentials guided by the During the pandemic, special utilization rates of ventilators and ECMO
platform aims to ensure the at national and subnational credible suppliers after price comparisons. principles of plan, source, make, order interdepartmental committees support, to the Gathering Medical
production and allocation of levels. The digital system and deliver. were set up to rapidly Information System. This platform helps
sufficient medical supplies to rapidly collects, shares finalize purchase indents, allocate and coordinate the movement
regions in need. and analyzes information audit documents and track of medical resources nationwide.
on supplies to guide a movements of medical products.
coordinated response to
allocate medical resources.
Countries were selected according to the recorded number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 per 100,000 inhabitants on 6 November 2020. ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
Countries with the least deaths per 100,0000, with a population of over 20 Countries with the most deaths per 100,0000, with a population of over 20 Countries in the middle category in terms of deaths per 100,000 population
million million
Diagnostic China: in Wuhan, two rounds Vietnam: the country had performed Spain: to mitigate spread in Peru: used mass antigen rapid New Zealand: testing was performed Uruguay: tests were randomly conducted
testing of community-based mass targeted testing. Initially, those with a the long-term care sector, the testing to find COVID-19 cases for all symptomatic individuals or on construction workers covering the
strategies screening were carried out travel history, who were close contacts Interterritorial Council expanded among the national police force, people who were identified as being entire country to identify any potential
with tests administered free of of confirmed cases and those who the frequency and coverage of PCR urban transport and food market in close contact with a positive case. clusters during reopening measures;
charge, resulting in 4.21 million showed symptoms were tested. This was testing in long-term care facilities. workers. Border testing was also mandatory. The active case finding was also conducted
NaTure MeDICIne
households receiving the test later expanded to mass testing in entire government ensured access to testing in senior’s homes across the country.
to rule out potential sources of hot spots or high-risk areas. was effective and equitable for all Additionally, Uruguay had also
infection. groups, in particular Māori and Pacific implemented an open testing policy at its
islanders. borders regardless of symptoms.
Increasing Vietnam: increased the Mozambique: national testing capacity Peru: decentralized test processing Argentina: in March, the Ministry Pakistan: the National Disaster Uruguay: rapidly developed a network of
laboratory number of testing laboratories from public laboratories increased from throughout the national territory of Health started the delivery of Management Authority worked with 24 laboratories known as the ‘COVID-19
capacity nationwide from 3 in January around 60 tests per day in April 2020 to by equipping and training staff of 35,000 reagents to expand testing the National Institute of Health to diagnostic lab network,’ which increased
Table 6 | Examples of public health functions (continued)
Countries with the least deaths per 100,0000, with a population of over 20 Countries with the most deaths per 100,0000, with a population of over 20 Countries in the middle category in terms of deaths per 100,000 population
million million
Self-isolation China: all confirmed cases Thailand: government-subsidized hotels, United States: isolation strategies Peru: persons considered to Fiji: community isolation centers Japan: asymptomatic cases and patients
strategies will be isolated and treated public or private dorms were modified to vary by state. In New York, officials have suspected, probable or are used to isolate people with mild with mild symptoms who do not require
(designated at COVID-19 designated isolate asymptomatic cases. collaborated with hotels to provide confirmed COVID-19 who do not symptoms and who were determined hospitalization can recuperate at
facilities) hospitals and treatment shelter for people not ill enough to require hospitalization but do not as low risk for developing severe designated lodging facilities.
facilities. be admitted at the hospital and for have domestic conditions that COVID-19.
patients who had been discharged guarantee isolation in a room with
but not quite recovered. adequate ventilation and hygienic
services will be offered housing in
a temporary isolation center for
Social and Sri Lanka: the Presidential Niger: implemented price controls for Argentina: the government United Kingdom: over 1 million Uruguay: subsidy of up to 50% of Russia: citizens with a mortgage or
economic Task Force collaborated with essential goods for food distributions prohibited basic public service food boxes have now been rent for individuals enrolled in the consumer loan could take advantage of
support for the cooperative societies and and 2 months of free utilities to companies, such as those providing delivered to those most at risk unemployment insurance. Flexible debt standstill for the period of up to
general public supermarket chains to offer vulnerable households. The Council of electrical energy, water, gas, from coronavirus through the agreements on mortgage payments 6 months in the event of a decrease in
to aid adherence home delivery of food to Ministers declared the implementation mobile telephones, internet and shielding program. either with a discount or with deferral of income by 30% or more; citizens of the
to public health prevent uncontrolled gathering of state support for electricity and water TV cable, from suspending their installments, with further deferrals for Russian Federation who lost their jobs
Review Article | FOCUS
interventions of people at marketplaces. bills for the months of April and May services due to lack of payment pensioners or retirees. due to the COVID-19 pandemic had
2020. by certain people, for up to three the maximum unemployment benefit,
periods of payment. regardless of the length of service and
level of earnings.
Surveillance Sri Lanka: the Ministry of Mozambique: multiple surveillance United States: the CDC deploys Mexico: case reporting by New Zealand: multisource surveillance Japan: multiple surveillance strategies,
strategies Health requests mandatory strategies, involving sentinel multiple surveillance systems, 475 Viral Respiratory Disease systems, involving mandatory case including case reporting by healthcare
case reporting by all surveillance, serological surveillance, including case reporting, Monitoring Units and medical reporting, sentinel surveillance, providers, active surveillance of
healthcare institutions. Active active surveillance at entry points and syndromic surveillance and units, which reported cases to syndromic surveillance, serological suspected cases, and monitoring the use
surveillance in communities through contact tracing. surveillance systems for influenza a centralized system called the surveillance and scenario modeling. of medical consultation hotlines among
is conducted through contact and respiratory diseases. Epidemiological Surveillance the public. Additionally, LINE Corporation
tracing. System for Viral Respiratory also implemented its own COVID-19
Diseases of the Mexican Ministry syndromic surveillance system that
of Health. collects demographic information and
reported symptoms.
Contact tracing Vietnam: NCOVI mobile app Thailand: Thai Chana online platform Spain: Radar COVID app is based United Kingdom: NHS COVID-19 Russia: ‘Stopcoronavirus. My Contacts,’ Singapore: TraceTogether, a mobile app
technologies creates a ‘neighborhood watch launched to facilitate monitoring of on the DP-3T protocol and uses contact tracing app allows users scans the user’s surroundings in a 10-m or token-based proximity tracing tool
system’ for citizens. It includes customers at shops; those who come in the Apple/Google API for contact to scan official NHS QR code radius and measures how close and (non-location based) using Bluetooth
a map of positive cases and close contact with infected people are tracing. posters at businesses, venues and for how long they interact with other technology to identify contacts of people
clusters, enables users to notified and called for testing. transport hubs for contact tracing users. Users who become infected will with confirmed COVID-19.
declare their health status and purposes. voluntarily notify the app, which then
report suspected cases. sends alerts to all others who were in
close proximity to them.
Online or Niger: the Urgent Medical Aid Mozambique: online risk assessment Spain: mobile app for citizens to Mexico: coronavirus information Pakistan: Ministry of Health launched Russia: implemented a hotline for
phone-based Services have set up a green for exposure and risk factors, with self-assess their health status, hotline, mobile app and text the Corona Helpline on WhatsApp COVID-19-related information and also
case line. All callers with symptoms toll-free hotlines to direct people who provide recommendations and services are made available for which provides up-to-date information a source of triaging potential cases. At
management of COVID-19 will be redirected are eligible for testing at National Health direct to onwards care. questions and self-assessment of about COVID-19 using an automated the request of the Rospotrebnadzor,
tools for the to the center, examined and Institute public laboratories or private COVID-19. ‘chatbot’ service to obtain information all regions have established their own
public tested. laboratories in the different provinces. 24 h a day. hotline.
Surveillance Vietnam: an online COVID- China: the China CDC launched a United States: data on COVID- Brazil: a new surveillance tool for Japan: the Ministry of Health, Labour Fiji: The SORMAS (Surveillance, Outbreak
databases 19 reporting system was web-based surveillance system that 19 cases is sent to the National COVID-19 case reporting was and Welfare launched the COVID-19 Response Management and Analysis
developed, which allows the allows real-time reporting of COVID-19 Notifiable Disease Surveillance developed based on the existing Surveillance and Management System System) is deployed for real-time digital
Ministry of Health to access cases by healthcare providers. System managed by the CDC. surveillance system for flu-like (HER-SYS), which is an online reporting surveillance and early detection of
and analyze epidemiological symptoms. system. outbreaks.
developments across the
country in real time.
Countries were selected according to the recorded number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 per 100,000 inhabitants on 6 November 2020. API, application programming interface.
Reduce vulnerability
• Financing mechanisms to provide relief for businesses, individuals and families
• Leverage the skills and knowledge of CHWs or other community leaders (e.g., youth groups
and religious groups) to reach the general population and at-risk subpopulations
• Manufacturing and supply chain strengthening
• Proactive testing and contact tracing strategies
• Communication strategies that reach people where they are, e.g., social media, WhatsApp
and public campaigns
Fig. 3 | Four resilience elements of highly effective country responses. The framework presented expands upon and applies the determinants of health
systems resilience framework to identify four resilience elements characteristic of highly effective country responses to COVID-19.
contact with a person with COVID-19, or backwards, aiming to find comprehensive to provide accurate depictions of disease burden and
an ‘upstream’ source of infection45. While most countries reviewed epidemiology to prevent and mitigate community transmission53–55.
conducted forward contact tracing, Japan conducted backwards As recommended by WHO guidelines, nearly all countries have
contact tracing measures aimed at identifying and ‘busting’ clusters adapted existing surveillance system infrastructure to collect infor-
by working with individuals to trace 14 d before symptom onset46. mation on COVID-19 cases55. However, surveillance based on case
Contact tracing, particularly backwards tracing, is labor and time reporting may underestimate the epidemiological characteristics of
intensive and may be stigmatizing if not done with community COVID-19, given that stigma or other barriers may limit healthcare
engagement and consideration of at-risk and vulnerable groups47. seeking, particularly in vulnerable populations56,57. Therefore, New
The majority of countries reviewed introduced digital contact trac- Zealand, Sweden and the United States have additionally deployed
ing tools. Even when fully operational, they may not be accessible, syndromic surveillance, which monitors cases that meet the clinical
acceptable or feasible for use among those with limited access to, or definition of COVID-19 without confirmation by testing. By imple-
concerns in using, adequate technology such as migrants, refugees menting active surveillance approaches, countries have expanded
or those experiencing homelessness, among others48. surveillance coverage from healthcare settings into communities,
Once cases and contacts are identified, self-isolation and quar- such as through primary care, thereby strengthening epidemiologi-
antine measures are crucial to prevent onwards transmission and cal surveillance among vulnerable populations.
identify emergent cases. All countries reported on quarantine and Timely sharing of case-based data between public health and
isolation protocols. While necessary to outbreak management, healthcare sectors is key to early detection of outbreaks, identifica-
unless done in coordination with communities, quarantine mea- tion of changes in epidemiological trends and planning of health
sures can have negative impacts on mental health and well-being, services58. This was facilitated by the use of innovative digital tech-
become a source of stigma and be deployed at the significant cost of nology. For example, the China CDC launched a web-based infec-
human rights49. Some countries have implemented policies to pro- tious disease reporting system that allows real-time reporting of
vide social and economic assistance to those who must self-isolate confirmed and suspected COVID-19 cases by healthcare provid-
or quarantine. Social supports range from services that ensure food ers59,60. Similar real-time surveillance and information systems are
and necessities during quarantine to dedicated quarantine or iso- also used in Fiji, India, Japan and Vietnam.
lation facilities (for example, converted hotels, public facilities or
purpose-built quarantine hospitals). Such self-isolation supports Discussion
are recognized as integral to mitigating transmission, particu- Assessing health systems resilience is vital in helping policymak-
larly among younger people and those working in high-exposure ers plan for sustainable recovery and strengthen systems to better
occupations, living in overcrowded housing or without a home50. prepare and respond to current and future crises. Using an adapted
However, to avoid negative unintended consequences, such facili- and improved resilience framework, our review highlights many
ties must be operationalized with a human rights focus51. parallels in the measures implemented by countries in response
These efforts are enhanced by surveillance, including testing in to COVID-19. The similarities across countries with divergent
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