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OP-Siena School System Religion Learning Plan

Dominican School of Pilar, Inc.

Binanuahan, Pilar, Sorsogon
AY: 2023- 2024
CL/VE 10

Subject Grade Level Grading Period Inclusive Dates

CL/VE Grade 10 1st 2nd 3rd 4th October 2-25, 2023

Teacher Mr. Jose Dizon S. Solomon, LPT, MACDDS

Module/Topic UNIT I: God's Plan of Love for Humankind
LESSON 3: God’s Plan Continued by the Church
Week no. /Duration Wk 7-10 720 minutes
Instructional Materials Aflame with God’s Love Grade 10

Overview (Introduction)
 The Church is God’s way of making us feel His love at present.
 God's gifts manifest the continuous outpouring of God’s love for
humankind. This love, in turn, becomes the sign that we belong to
 No one has ever seen God. Yet, if we love one another, God remains in
us, and His love is brought to perfection in us.
 We believe that the saving love for which the sacrifice of His life was
offered continues until today through the Church. This is the reason why
the Church is called the Universal Sacrament of Salvation.
 As members of the Church, it is our mission to actively participate in her
ministries of teaching, sanctifying, and serving since by virtue of our
 The Church continues the saving mission of Christ by leading men and
women to holiness of life.

Proclamation of the Word (Gospel of the Day /Seeing God’s message in
the Scriptures)
1 John 4:7-16

Sources (References, Bible, Vatican II Documents, CCC, CFC, Church’s

Teachings, Encyclicals, Pastoral Letters)

CCC 78
This living transmission, accomplished in the Holy Spirit, is called
Tradition, since it is distinct from Sacred Scripture, though closely
connected to it. Through Tradition, "the Church, in her doctrine, life
and worship, perpetuates and transmits to every generation all that she
herself is, all that she believes."37 "The sayings of the holy Fathers are
a witness to the life-giving presence of this Tradition, showing how its
riches are poured out in the practice and life of the Church, in her
belief and her prayer."

In Quest of Truth (Passion for Truth)

Christian Message: Learning Targets:
The lesson is ordered to enable the students to:
Doctrine: Explain that the Church is the
Universal Sacrament of salvation.
 I can explain that the Church is the Universal
Sacrament of salvation.
Moral: Participate in the teaching ministry of  I can participate in the teaching ministry of the
the Church in his/her own way. Church in his/her own way.
 I can compose a prayer for the Church that she
Worship: Compose a prayer for the Church may remain an authentic instrument of salvation
that she may remain an authentic instrument for all humankind.
of salvation for all humankind.  I can participate in the different missionary
activities of the Church.

Participate in the different missionary

activities of the Church.
Learner’s Attributes: Integration of Values:
Show willingness to live by the Creation Practice values of compassion and service to others
truths in everyday life such as: worship and
gratitude to God as our Creator, trust in His
divine providence, Respect for all created GA: Servant Leader
things, Respect for the dignity of the person,
being responsible steward of the earth, etc.
God - Centered (the students will worship God and pray
to the Blessed Mother to become faithful disciple of
OP-Siena Consensus Map God)

Servant Leader (the students will be able to fulfill his/

her mission as member of the Church).


Opening Prayer and Invocation

Animation/ Icebreaker https://youtu.be/ycC0xV4r9E0

Experience: (Daily Life Experience, Seeing God’s Message in my Life)
Examine the picture and answer the following questions (pg. 20-21)

Guide Question Answers

1. The child is being baptized by the priest.
2. Answers may vary. (Baptism is important because it is our foundation of
life. Through baptism, our original sins are washed away and we became
3. Answers may vary. (I would like to participate in this activity to wash
away my sins.)
4. Answers may vary.
a. the holy place where we repent and realize the sins we committed.
b. become holy and relinquish my sin
c. holy mass
d. we get close to the Lord


Exposition: (Discover God’s Word, Seeing God’s Message in Scriptures,

Seeking God’s Message in the Teaching, Integrating God’s Message in my
Life, Discussion, Explore, Valuing, Deepening, Integration, Our Response

Discovering God’s Word

Read the bible passage 1 John 4:7-16 and answer the following questions (p. 22).
1. St. John described love as Jesus Himself.
2. God said that, “God sent his only Son into the world so that we might
have life through Him. In this is love: not that we have loved God, but
that He loved us and sent His Son as expiation for our sins.”
3. We can remain in God's love by applying His teachings to our daily life.
Love the neighbor and the enemies. Always give thanks to God..


Seeing God’s Message in the teachings of the Church

CCC 78
This living transmission, accomplished in the Holy Spirit, is called
Tradition, since it is distinct from Sacred Scripture, though closely
connected to it. Through Tradition, "the Church, in her doctrine, life
and worship, perpetuates and transmits to every generation all that she
herself is, all that she believes."37 "The sayings of the holy Fathers are
a witness to the life-giving presence of this Tradition, showing how its
riches are poured out in the practice and life of the Church, in her
belief and her prayer."

Integrating God’s Message in my life

 The Church is alive because she is composed of people bound together by
faith and charity. She manifests her life in different ways, such as the
sacraments. She becomes fully alive in the celebration of the Eucharist.
 What is Sacrament?
 The sacrifice of Jesus happened once and it is offered to all.
 Yet we believe that the saving love for which the sacrifice of His life was
offered continues until today through the Church.
 This is the reason why the Church is called the Universal Sacrament of
 But this salvation offered by the Church today to men and women must
be actively received.
 St. John, in his letter to the early Christians, clearly spells out the
condition for them to experience Jesus' saving love-they must also love.
 The group of disciples who had gathered around Jesus upon the arrival of

the Paraclete, formed "the nucleus of His Church (CFC 71)."
 They spread the message of God's manifestation to us to the ends of the
earth by the power of the Holy Spirit.
 What Jesus had taught them, they handed on to us. And "what was
handed on by the apostles comprises everything that serves to make the
People of God live their lives in holiness and increase their faith; and so
the Church.

The Church, the Universal Sacrament of Salvation

 To say that the Church is the Universal Sacrament of Salvation is to
accept that it is through the Church that the gift of salvation is poured out
to all of humankind.
 She is the instrument instituted by Christ to bring out His gift of saving
love to the whole world.
 This mission is clearly spelled out by Jesus in His act of sending the
apostles before He ascended to heaven.
 The Church performs her role of continuing the saving work of Jesus
through the ministries of teaching, sanctifying, and serving

 Teacher
 The Church teaches what was handed on to her by the apostles and what
the apostles received from Jesus. These teachings are based on two

 The Bible occupies a very important place in our life but we also believe
that there are many things that Jesus said and did that are not contained in
the Bible but are preserved, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, through
the Church's living Tradition
 Although the Magisterium, composed of the pope and bishops, is the
official teaching authority in the Church.
 Llay people share in the teaching ministry in two ways: either formally
by being catechists or teachers of the faith or by the witness of their life.

 Sanctifying
 The second ministry the Church engages in, in line with her being the
universal instrument of salvation, is sanctifying, She leads men and
women to holiness of life by administering the sacraments.

 The Sacraments
 Holiness of life starts when an infant becomes a member of the Church
through the Sacrament of Baptism.
 Remaining holy despite temptations and challenges becomes possible
through the Sacrament of Confirmation and the Sacrament of Anointing
of the Sick.
 Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist causes holiness to grow and bear fruits
manifested in works of charity. Straying away from the path of holiness
do happen but the Church offers those who have strayed the way back to
holiness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
 Finally, in her work of leading men and women to holiness, the Church
relies also on these men and women to help her. She then calls them to
receive either the Sacrament of Holy Orders or the Sacrament of

 Serving
 Church performs as the instrument of universal salvation is serving,
especially those who are pushed to the margins of society.
 The Church embarks on meaningful programs that seek to lift people up
from poverty by providing them with the skills needed for gainful
employment or small business.

 Together with skills training are programs for values formation that help
the poor realize that they have gifts they can and must use not only for
their economic advancement but also for helping others be freed from
their poverty, too. The formation of Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs)
is one of the ways by which the Church serves the poor so that they, too,
can be of service to others.
 As members of the Church, it is our mission to actively participate in her
ministries of teaching, sanctifying, and serving since by virtue of our
Baptism, we have also been given the responsibility to help continue
relaying to others the saving love that Jesus offered by His death on the


New Evangelization (New Methods, New Ardor, New Expressions,

Creative Strategies)

Empowered by God’s Message (p.26)

1. Answers may vary.
Teaching – The church performs teaching in two ways:
• catechism, in which the teacher discusses the teachings in the bible.
• witnessing of their life,
Sanctifying – This leads men and women to holiness of life by
administering the sacraments.
Serving – People are encourage to participate meaningful programs that
seek to lift themselves up from poverty by providing them with the skills
needed for gainful employment or small business.
2. Answers may vary.
Teaching – As a member of the church, I will going to participate any
organizations in which I can talk and share my insights about the
teachings of the Lord.
Sanctifying – Sacraments were established by Christ Himself in which
we must give importance. To show my appreciation to the importance of
the Sacraments, I must undergo with it and sincerely accept it with all my
3. Serving – I must actively participate in any kinds of activities inside the
church. The activities inside the church will help me mold my persona to
be a better person and a better servant of God.
4. Answers may vary. (Dear God, We thank you because you have died on
the cross just to save us from our sins. Wash me with your goodness and
cleanse me from my sins. Help me relinquish all the things we have done
wrong to You and to our neighbors. In Jesus' name, Amen.)

Assessment (Formative, Summative Assessment, Performance Task)

Answer assessment on page 27.
1. Church is the holy place where we repent all the things we have done to
God and to our neighbors. Through the divine love and mercy of Jesus

Christ, we greatly reconciled to God.
2. Answers may vary. (With the Sacraments held in the church, her mission
of salvation has been obtained. Human people are converted and turned
back to they wrong doings. They cast-off all the impiety to adjoin our
3. Answers may vary. (Lay people can participate in the teaching ministry
of the church. They are the servant of God who devotes their life in
understanding and hand the teachings of the Lord. They spread goodness
to the people by leading the others through actions.)
4. Answers may vary. (The Sacraments are the standard practices Jesus
give to his followers. It is the pledge of obedience to Him and the proof
of our everlasting love to Him.)
5. Answers may vary. (Everything we do must be corresponded by love to
make it effective. For us to save ourselves from the sin, we must offer
our life to God and forever will be His servant. We will not be able to
achieve the salvation if, we have no room for Christ in our heart.)

Ad Intra ( Compassion for Humanity)

Mission /Discipleship

Prepared: Checked & Approved:

Mr. Jose Dizon S. Solomon, LPT, MACDDS Sr. Glynda P. Abello, OP

CL/VE Teacher School Director/ Principal


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