ARTICLES 1030 - 1035 Capacity To Succeed by Will or by Intestacy
ARTICLES 1030 - 1035 Capacity To Succeed by Will or by Intestacy
ARTICLES 1030 - 1035 Capacity To Succeed by Will or by Intestacy
Capacity to Succeed by Will or A testamentary provision in favor of a
by Intestacy disqualified person, even though made
under the guise of an onerous contract, or
made through an intermediary, shall be
Art. 1030 void.
Testamentary provisions in favor of
the poor in general, without Rationale: “what cannot be done directly,
designation of particular persons or of cannot be done indirectly”.
any community, shall be deemed
limited to the poor living in the WHO ARE INCAPABLE OF SUCCEEDING
domicile of the testator at the time of BY REASON OF UNWORTHINESS?
his death, unless it should clearly
appear that his intention was Art. 1032
otherwise The following are incapable of succeeding
by reason of unworthiness:
The designation of the persons who
are to be considered as poor and the (1) Parents who have abandoned their
distribution of the property shall be children or induced their daughters to lead
made by the person appointed by the a corrupt or immoral life, or attempted
testator for the purpose; in default of against their virtue;
such person, by the executor, and
(2) Any person who has been convicted of
should there be no executor, by the
an attempt against the life of the testator,
justice of the peace, the mayor, and
his or her spouse, descendants, or
the municipal treasurer, who shall
decide by a majority of votes all
questions that may arise. In all these
(3) Any person who has accused the testator
cases, the approval of the Court of
of a crime for which the law prescribes
First Instance shall be necessary.
imprisonment for six years or more, if the
accusation has been found groundless;
The preceding paragraph shall apply
when the testator has disposed of his
(4) Any heir of full age who, having
property in favor of the poor of a
knowledge of the violent death of the
definite locality. (749a).
testator, should fail to report it to an officer
of the law within a month, unless the
Who are the “poor in general”?
authorities have already taken action; this
The beneficiaries are determined either:
prohibition shall not apply to cases
If there is no designated locality (Par.1) Or
wherein, according to law, there is no
there is a definite locality (Par. 3)
obligation to make an accusation;
No, because at the time the condition was
fulfilled, A was already dead, and therefore
incapacitated. Therefore, A does not transmit
any rights in the inheritance from T to his (A’s)
own heirs.