Ijodr 2 (1) 1-4
Ijodr 2 (1) 1-4
Ijodr 2 (1) 1-4
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Among all the developmental characteristics associated with the adolescence for girls, the onset of menarche is especially
noteworthy and obvious. The onset of menarche in girls is a function of multiple factors and has its importance in relation to
nation, culture and locality. The onset of menarche is an indication of pubertal growth spurts. The most favorable orthodontics
and orthopedic treatment outcomes occur when the treatment begins at a patient’s maturation age. This period helps in carrying
out various treatments required for the interception of developing malocclusions.
Hence, the aim of our survey was to assess the mean age of onset of menarche in school girls from Bangalore city of
Karnataka and compare their age with that of their mothers and their grandmothers to assess the secular trend in the onset of
menarche, if it existed. The sample of 1062 student was considered representative of a major percentage of urban school girls in
Bangalore. The findings are reported.
Keywords: Age at puberty, Girls in Bangalore, Mean age at menarche, Onset of menarche, Secular trend.
Out of 1062 school girls, 2 girls were of 11years, In figure 3, of the 1062 girls, 79.65% attained
57 girls were of 12years, 209 girls were of 13years, 434 menarche between the age 11 years and 13 years. From
girls were of 14years, 294 girls were of 15years, 66 the collected data, the mean age of onset of menarche
girls were of 16years of age. was 11+ years in the girls, 14+ years in mothers, 15+
Table II gives us the descriptive statistics of the years in grandmothers of those girls. There is decrease
onset of menarche in girls, their mothers and their in age on onset of menarche in girls as compared to that
grandmothers. The mean age of onset of menarche in of their mothers and grandmothers. Thus the girls of
the girls was 11+ years with Standard Deviation (S.D) present population showed an early onset of menarche.
of 0.9092. The mean age of onset of menarche in their Comparison of age of onset of menarche of
mothers was 14+ years with the Standard Deviation subjects, their mothers and their shown in table IV. The
(S.D) of 0.9103. The mean age of onset of menarche in comparison of the age of onset of menarche in done
their grandmothers was 15+ years with the Standard using test between the girls and their mothers, between
Deviation (S.D) of 0.8319. the girls and their grandmothers, between their mothers
In figure 2 the girls were classified into three and their grandmothers. There is statistically significant
groups according to the distribution in the onset of difference in the onset of menarche (P value <0.001)
menarche of girls which is shown in Table III. In figure between the girls and their mothers. There is
2, the maximum no. of girls were of 11+ years and 12+ statistically significant difference in the onset of
years for the onset of menarche. Hence 11+ years and menarche (P value <0.001) between the girls and their
12+ years were considered as ideal age of onset of grandmothers. There is statistically significant
menarche. The subjects with onset of menarche in 9+ difference in the onset of menarche (P value <0.001)
years and 10+ years were grouped under early onset of between their mothers and their grandmother.
menarche, 13+ years and 14+ years were grouped under
late onset of menarche.
Table 2: Descriptive statistics of age of onset of menarche of the girls, their mothers and their grandmothers
Mean age of onset of menarche (S.D) Min values Max values
Girls 11 years 0.9092 9 14
Mothers 14 years 0.9103 11 16
Grandmothers 15 years 0.8319 12 16
Table 4: Comparison of age of onset of menarche between subjects, their mothers and their grandmothers
Age of onset of Age of onset of
Age of onset of
Age in years menarche in their menarche in their
menarche in subjects
mother Grand mother
Mean age of onset
11.38±0.91 14.33±0.91 14.59±0.84
of menarche
P value <0.001** <0.001** <0.001**
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
1. The mean age of onset of menarche in girls is 11+
years (49.16%).
2. The mean age of onset of menarche in the mothers
of those girls was 14+ years (41.61%).
3. The mean age of onset of menarche in the
grandmothers of those girls was 15+ years
4. There is marked decrease in the age of onset of
menarche in girls compared to that of their
mothers, and slight decrease in the age of onset of
menarche in their mothers compared to their
There is secular trend in the onset of menarche.
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of Youth and Adolescence 1984;13:559-567.
2. Eddie hsiang- Hu alai et al. Relationship between age at
menarche and skeletal maturation stages in Taiwanese
female orthodontic patients. Journal of Formosan Medical
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3. Srikant A Rokade, Arati Mane. A study of age of
menarche, the secular trend and factors associated with it.
The internet journal of Biological Anthropology