Mpumalanga Geography - Desktop Research Task 2024

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1. Table 1 must be mediated to all Grade 12 Geography candidates who MUST present a
research task as part of the formal program of assessment. Some points to consider:

 Phased Approach: The task can be divided into phases over a period of
time. They should have enough time to gather sources and contextualize
them to the topic chosen.

 Format/ Layout: The presentation of the research task should be

according to the steps in the research process (7 steps plus cover page
and presentation). Subtopics or headings may be used.

 Length of the task: Depending on the teacher’s instruction. (Not including

the cover page, Table of Contents, Bibliography, annexures, appendix,
Illustrations, etc.)

 Presentation: This should be well planned and organized.

 Illustrations: Learners are allowed to use the illustrations, photographs to
emphasize some of their findings in the research topic. E.g. Pictures,
cartoons, case studies etc.

 Use of Secondary Sources: It is encouraged to use a variety of different

secondary sources.

References/ Bibliography: All books, articles, used as references should

be acknowledged. Use a wide variety of source material. This must be

correctly set out e.g. The Harvard Referencing System should be used.

Plagiarism: Advise learners about plagiarism as it will lead to heavy

penalty. All references used should be acknowledged in the Bibliography.

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Geography Grade 12 Research Task 3 2024


Table 1:

Steps Research Activities Mark Length Time

Formulation of • Choose a geographical area of study
Hypothesis / • Identify questions and issues to a geographical
problem in context
1 Selection of Sources 10
• The statement should include-what where, and impact
of the geographical issue
• Use and analyse case studies/newspaper articles
Mapping of • Include A4 map/s with specific coordinates of the study
geographical Area area
• Maps can be simple or in digital form
2 10
• Map must be drawn to scale with appropriate
references, legend/key
• Create a buffer zone around the area of study
(1 to 7
Historical and • Describe the location of the area of study
Background • Provide relevant details about the area
Information • Relevance of the background to the geographical
3 20
• Work with data from a variety of sources
• Accurate referencing of sources and historical data
Collection, Analysis • Collect and structure information /photographs/
and Interpretation of questionnaires/ articles/diagrams/etc.
4 20 • Analyse, organise, and critically evaluate information
Secondary Data
• Logical and coherent interpretation of data
An Infographic of the • Practice essential transferable skills – literacy,
Geographical numeracy and graphicacy
• Visual appeal and clarity of information
5 Problem 15 • Inclusion of relevant information/data
• Effective communication of the geographical problem
and its key aspects
Recommendations, • Make and justify informed decisions and judgements
about the geographical issue (acceptance/rejection of (1 to 14
Solutions and
hypothesis) days)
6 15 • Clear and actionable recommendations based on the
• Decide on a point of view and suggest solutions
• Concise and well supported conclusion
Bibliography and • Well-designed cover page with the relevant details
Overall Presentation • Well-structured table of contents
• Pages numbered
7 10 • Use (MS WORD) to generate citations and
bibliography of an appropriate style and format (1 to 5
• Harvard referencing days)

Total 100 SUBMISSION DATE : 17 May 2024

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Geography Grade 12 Research Task 4 2024



1. The Requirements in the Program of Assessment:

Choosing a geographical perspective towards a

To complete a geographical research consideration MUST be given to an analysis,

and/or interpretation of a geographical phenomenon with a geographical

A geographical perspective takes into account the CAUSES, EFFECTS and

SOLUTIONS to a geographical phenomenon or a geographical problem.

To research with a geographical perspective, an area of geographical interest

MUST be identified.

As Geographers, we seek to understand and explain the interactions between

humans, and between humans and the environment in space and time. This is
achieved by asking questions or making informed geographical decisions on
causes, effects, and solutions/recommendations to various phenomena around us.

NB: Learners may choose any other current/contemporary relevant

geographical issue as a research topic.

(Refer to a local/regional/national NEWSPAPER and determine how

many of the articles relate to a geographical perspective) …

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Geography Grade 12 Research Task 5 2024

Video on Mpumalanga floods

South Africa

Nkadimeng to assess flood damage in Mpumalanga

20 Feb 2023
Originally published

Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) Deputy Minister, Thembi

Nkadimeng, will this week assess the extent of damage caused by rains that ravaged
parts Mpumalanga.

The province, like other parts of the country, over the past week experienced persistent
heavy rains that left a trail of destruction.

In a statement, the department said inclement weather destroyed properties and

infrastructure such as roads, bridges and other crossings in a number of areas.

“The Deputy Minister will join disaster management teams that are providing the much
needed assistance to the affected communities.”

With the national state of disaster declared, the National Disaster Management Centre
(NDMC) continues to coordinate with all Provincial Disaster Teams to mitigate the

This as government declared a National State of Disaster to enable an intensive,

coordinated response to the impact of floods that have affected Mpumalanga, the
Eastern Cape, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, the Northern Cape and North West

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Geography Grade 12 Research Task 6 2024

The declaration, made in terms of the Disaster Management Act of 2002, was gazetted
by CoGTA Minister, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma.

The Deputy Minister will assess the extent and impact of the damages and further
reinforce relief measures for affected communities.

“As a caring government, we are continually calling for the heightening of the risk
caused by floods,” said the department. –

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Geography Grade 12 Research Task 7 2024

South Africa – Flooding Displaces Hundreds in

Eastern Cape, Fatalities Reported in Mpumalanga10

Mpumalanga and Limpopo Provinces

Heavy rain and flooding rivers have also impacted areas of Mpumalanga Province. Local
media reported two people died in the flooded Mlumati River (also Lomati) in the province in
early February 2023. One person died near Kamhlushwa on 02 February. Another fatality
was reported in Driekoppies on 05 February. A second person survived the incident.

On 08 February roads were flooding in parts of Mbombela, formerly Nelspruit, the capital of
Mpumalanga Province, and areas to the southeast of the city including Nkomazi Local

Since then flooding has affected around 20 villages in Nkomazi municipality. Roads and
bridges have been negatively impacted, leaving hundreds of pupils unable to reach

Some of the camps and roads have been temporarily closed in the southern part of the
Kruger National Park (KNP) situated in the border areas of Mpumalanga and Limpopo

“There are currently four (4) camps that have been badly affected by the floods; namely:
Lower Sabie, Crocodile Bridge, Biyamiti and Talamati and they are currently not accessible.
Guests arriving at Talamati today have been moved to Satara. Management is in constant
communication with guests inside these camps about the situation. No threat or danger to
lives has been experienced in the park and we will try our best to continue to keep all our
guests in the affected camps safe,” said Kruger National Park’s spokesperson Hein

Flooding has also affected parts of Maputo, the capital of neighbouring Mozambique.
Further flooding was expected along the Incomati and Umbelúzi rivers in Maputo province
as water made its way downstream from South Africa.

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Geography Grade 12 Research Task 8 2024

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Geography Grade 12 Research Task 9 2024

Flood damages in Mpumalanga now estimated at R2.3b

Rebuilding of the infrastructure will commence as soon as the National

Disaster Management makes the funds available. The province has already
submitted a document detailing all the costs.

April 6, 2023

An estimated R2.3b is needed to repair the recent flood damages in Mpumalanga.

The spokesperson for the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional
Affairs (Cogta), Lindiwe Msibi, said all damage assessments had been completed and
verified by relevant experts.
“The document detailing the damages has to been submitted to the National Disaster
Management for approval of funds to be made available for rebuilding the infrastructure
to commence. This will start as soon as funding is made available, but we have already
embarked on minor improvements,” she said.

ALSO READ: Ehlanzeni’s flood damage repairs estimated to be over R300m

Msibi did not disclose how this amount in the billions had been reached after the Cogta
MEC, Mandla Msibi, had initially revealed the estimated cost to be in the region of
R300m during a media briefing in Mbombela, when a state of disaster was declared in
the province. Msibi said the MEC’s original estimation was not verified, as it was still
raining heavily at the time.

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Geography Grade 12 Research Task 10 2024

ALSO READ: Costs to repair damage caused by recent floods in Lowveld will be
disclosed soon
However, she said once funds were made available, the currently closed roads will be
prioritised, as the provincial government is aware of the inconvenience experienced by
motorists. “The badly damaged roads will receive special attention. The main aim is to
make sure that the entire damaged infrastructure is properly repaired.
It is not possible to provide a precise timeframe on how long it will take to rebuild
everything, but the MEC made it clear that quality infrastructure to withstand storms and
floods is necessary, as cheap labour is just a waste of government resources.”
The Lowveld region was especially hard hit by the floods. Some of the major roads,
such as the R536 between Hazyview and Sabie, remained closed, as did the R40
between Barberton and the Josefsdal Border Post located on the Barberton Makhonjwa
Geotrail. The busy R40 next to the Klipkopjes Dam continues to operate on a stop-and-
go basis, and with the Easter break, traffic is expected to increase.


Step 1: Formulating a hypothesis or a geographical statement

As Geographers we seek to understand and explain the interactions between humans,

and between humans and the environment in space and time. This is achieved by
asking questions or making informed geographical decisions on causes, effects and

Development of Hypothesis testing in the Geography FET:

- The learner has to choose a specific area of study where a geographical statement
can be made.

- During this stage a geographical statement showing is made to ask the following:

THE BIG IDEAS OF CAPS (Empirical Analytical Approach)
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Geography Grade 12 Research Task 11 2024

The learner should then follow the steps of research to ensure that the geographical
statement is well defined.
A possible hypothesis in Geomorphology: Catchment and river management.


 Flooding in Mpumalanga Lowveld region resulted in serious socio –

economic effects in the region.
 Informal sector employment in Hazyview/Nelspruit plays a big role poverty
elevation in the area.

Step 2: Mapping and background information about the river under study

• Provide a map showing the area of Mbombela/Haziview/Malalana (A4 with

specific coordinates of the study area)
• Maps can be simple or digital form
• Map must be drawn to scale with appropriate references, legend/ key
• Create a clear buffer zone at the part of the river that is being studied
• Locate human activities that may impact on the river

Step 3: Historical Background information

• Describe the location of Mbombela/Haziview/Malalana

• Provide relevant details about the area
• Climate – particularly the amount of rainfall that is received.
• Vegetation
Geography Gr 12 Task 3 Please Turn over
Geography Grade 12 Research Task 12 2024

• Relief and Topography

• Underlying rock structure
• Specify the river type: (permanent, periodic, etc.)
• Describe the river stage (youth, mature or old age) at your study area.
• Show relevance of the background to the geographical problem
• Work with data from a variety of sources
• Use accurate referencing of sources and historical data

Step 4: Collection, analysis and interpretation of data

• Collect and structure information/ photographs/ questionnaires/ articles/

diagrams/ etc.
• Analyse, organise, and critically evaluate information
• Formulate a logical coherent report on your findings. Support your findings with
different types of graphs, photos, etc.
• Using the above sets of data collected determine the extent to which the river is
affected by human activities
• Explain in detail how the identified human activities impact negatively on the
quality of water and the flow pattern of the river

Step 5: An infographic of the geographic problem

• Practice essential transferable skills – literacy, numeracy and graphicacy

• The infographic presentation must have visual appeal and clarity of information
• Include relevant information/ data
• Effective communication of the geographical problem and its key aspects

Step 6: Recommendations and solutions and conclusion – ACCEPT/REJECT the


• Based on your findings in activity five you may either ACCEPT or REJECT the
• In your opinion as a researcher what would be the possible solution(s) to the
negative impact caused by human activities in the river?
• Make the long term recommendations to the Government department(s) leading
to the legislature that protects the rivers.
• Provide reasons for your conclusion.

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Geography Grade 12 Research Task 13 2024

Step 7: Bibliography and overall presentation

• Design a suitable cover page (include your name, surname, grade, subject,
topic, relevant logo, slogan, picture etc.) (creative expression of selected area)
• Well-structured table of contents with matching page numbers
• Use (MS WORD) to generate citations and bibliography of an appropriate style
and format
• Use a Harvard referencing system)
• List web sites in full
• Check that you have complied with all the requirements
• Collate all your information

• Appendix/Annexure:
• Ensure that you include a copy of the questionnaire and/or questions asked in
your interviews as annexures
• Submit the task

Eg The hypothesis is rejected. The evidence gathered indicate that the floods in
Mpumalanga lowveld clearly indicate that there floods in the area had no socio-economic
impact in the area.

Step 8: Bibliography

• A comprehensive bibliography should be included.

• List web sites in full.

• Annexures of questionnaires and interviews conducted should be included.

Step 9: Submission

• Learners are encouraged to include graphs, tables, diagrams and pictures where

• On submission, ensure that a suitable cover page is included.

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