R22 B.Tech CSE

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Bachelor of Technology

Computer Science and Engineering

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

B. Tech. - Regular Four-Year Degree Program

(For batches admitted from the Academic Year 2022 - 2023)
B. Tech. - Lateral Entry Scheme
(For batches admitted from the Academic Year 2023 - 2024)

October 2022
B. Tech – Computer Science & Engineering

Vision of the Institution:

To be a pioneer institute and leader in engineering education to address societal needs through
education and practice.

Mission of the Institution:

• To adopt innovative student centric learning methods.

• To enhance professional and entrepreneurial skills through industry institute interac-


• To train the students to meet dynamic needs of the society.

• To promote research and continuing education.

Vision of the Department:

To be a leading source of competent computer engineers and meeting the needs of industry
and society at large.

Mission of the Department:

• Facilitate learning in advanced technologies adopting innovative methods.

• Associate continuously with industry to design and implement experiential curriculum.

• Promote Research and Development through Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

• Provide a platform for harnessing entrepreneurial and leadership qualities.

Program Educational Objectives(PEOs):

PEO1: Graduate will establish himself/herself as effective professionals by solving real-world

problems using investigative and analytical skills along with the knowledge acquired in the
field of Computer Science and Engineering.

PEO2: Graduate will demonstrate his/her ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environ-
ment in advanced areas of Computer Science and scale new heights in their profession through
lifelong learning.

PEO3: Graduate will prove his/her ability to work and communicate effectively as a team
member and /or leader to complete the task with minimal resources, meeting deadlines.

PEO4: Graduate will embrace the professional code of ethics in the profession while delib-
erately being part of projects, which contributes to the society at large, without disturbing
the ecological balance.

Program Outcomes(POs):

PO1:Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering prob-

B. Tech – Computer Science & Engineering

PO2:Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze com-
plex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of math-
ematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3:Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering prob-

lems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appro-
priate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environ-
mental considerations.

PO4:Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and

research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5:Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6:The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge
to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7:Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engi-

neering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of,
and need for sustainable development.

PO8:Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9:Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member

or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10:Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with

the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and
receive clear instructions.

PO11:Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of

the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12:Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes(PSOs):

Graduates will be able to,

PSO1: To collect requirements, analyze, design, implement and test software Systems.
PSO2: To analyze the errors and debug them accordingly.

Academic Regulations (R22) For B.Tech Regular Students With Effect From
The Academic Year 2022-23

1 Under-Graduate Degree Programme in Engineering

Vardhaman College of Engineering (VCE) offers a 4-year (8 semesters) Bachelor of Tech-
nology (B.Tech.) degree programme, under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and the
regulations published in this document are applicable to the students admitted in B.Tech
programme from the academic year 2022-2023.

2 Eligibility for Admission

2.1 Admission to the undergraduate(UG) programme shall be made either on the basis of
the merit rank obtained by the qualified student in entrance test conducted by the
Telangana State Government (EAMCET) or the University or on the basis of any other
order of merit approved by the University, subject to reservations as prescribed by the
Government from time to time.
2.2 The medium of instructions for the entire undergraduate programme in Engineering will
be English only.

3 B. Tech. Programme Structure

3.1 A student after securing admission shall complete the B.Tech. programme in a minimum
period of four academic years (8 semesters), and a maximum period of eight academic
years (16 semesters) starting from the date of commencement of first year first semester,
failing which student shall forfeit seat in B.Tech programme. Each student shall se-
cure 160 credits (with CGPA ≥ 5) required for the completion of the undergraduate
programme and award of the B.Tech. degree.
3.2 UGC/ AICTE specified definitions/ descriptions are adopted appropriately for various
terms and abbreviations used in these academic regulations/ norms.
3.3 Semester Scheme - Each undergraduate programme is of 4 academic years (8 semesters)
with the academic year divided into two semesters of 22 weeks (≥ 90 instructional
days) each and in each semester - ‘Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE)’ and ‘Semester
End Examination (SEE)’ under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Credit Based
Semester System (CBSS) indicated by UGC, and curriculum/course structure suggested
by AICTE are followed.
3.4 Credit Courses - All courses are to be registered by the student in a semester to earn
credits which shall be assigned to each course in an L: T: P: C (lecture periods: tutorial
periods: practical periods: credits) structure based on the following general pattern.
• One credit for one hour/ week/ semester for Theory/ Lecture (L) courses or Tuto-
• One credit for two hours/ week/ semester for Laboratory/ Practical (P) courses.
3.5 Mandatory Courses - Courses like Environmental Science and Technology, Indian
Constitution, Universal Human Values 2: Understanding Harmony,Gender Sensitization
and Research Methodology are mandatory courses. These courses will not carry any
3.6 Course Classification - All courses offered for the undergraduate programme in Engi-
neering (B.Tech. degree programmes) are broadly classified as follows. The Institution
has followed almost all the guidelines issued by AICTE/UGC.

S. Broad Course Course Group/

Course Description
No. Classification Category
Includes Mathematics, Physics and
1 BS – Basic Sciences
Chemistry Courses
ES - Engineering Includes Fundamental Engineering
Foundation Sciences Courses
Courses (FnC) Includes courses related to
HS – Humanities and
3 Humanities, Social Sciences and
Social Sciences
Includes core courses related to the
Core Courses PC – Professional
4 parent discipline/ department/ branch
(CoC) Core
of Engineering.
Includes elective courses related to the
PE – Professional
5 parent discipline/ department/ branch
of Engineering.
Elective courses which include inter-
disciplinary courses or courses in an
6 Elective Courses OE – Open Electives
area outside the parent discipline/
department/ branch of Engineering.
Industry Training/
Internship/Mini- Internship/Industry Oriented
Project Work
7 Project/Project Mini-Project/Mini-Project/Skill
Work Development Courses/Project Work
Phase-I & II
8 - Mandatory Courses (non-credit)
Courses (MC)

4 Course Registration
4.1 A ‘faculty advisor or counselor’ shall be assigned to a group of 20 students, who will
advise the students about the undergraduate programme, its course structure and cur-
riculum, choice/option for courses, based on their competence, progress, pre-requisites
and interest.
4.2 The academic office of the college invites ‘registration forms’ from students before the
beginning of the semester through ‘online registration’, ensuring ‘date and time stamp-
ing’.The online registration requests for any ‘current semester’ shall be com-

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pleted before the commencement of SEEs (Semester End Examinations) of
the ‘preceding semester’.
4.3 A student can apply for online registration, only after obtaining the ‘written approval’
from faculty advisor/counselor, which should be submitted to the college academic office
through the Head of the Department. A copy of it shall be retained with the Head of
the Department, Faculty Advisor/ Mentor and the student.
4.4 A student may be permitted to register for all the courses in a semester as specified in
the course structure with maximum additional course(s) limited to 6 Credits
(any 2 elective courses), based on progress and SGPA/ CGPA, and completion of
the ‘pre-requisites’ as indicated for various courses, in the department course structure
and syllabus contents.
4.5 Choice for ‘additional courses’, not more than any 2 elective courses in any Semester,
must be clearly indicated, which needs the specific approval and signature of the Faculty
4.6 If the student submits ambiguous choices or multiple options or erroneous entries during
online registration for the course(s) under a given/ specified course group/ category as
listed in the course structure, only the first mentioned course in that category will be
taken into consideration
4.7 Course options exercised through online registration are final and cannot be changed
or interchanged; further, alternate choices also will not be considered. However, if the
course that has already been listed for registration by the Head of the Department
in a semester could not be offered due to any inevitable or unexpected reasons, then
the student shall be allowed to have alternate choice either for a new courses (subject
to offering of such a course), or for another existing courses (subject to availability of
seats). Such alternate arrangements will be made by the Head of the Department, with
due notification and time-framed schedule, within a week after the commencement of
class-work for that semester.
4.8 Dropping of courses may be permitted, only after obtaining prior approval from the
faculty advisor/ counselor ‘within a period of 15 days’ from the beginning of the current
4.9 Open Electives: The students have to choose three Open Electives (OE-I, II & III) from
the list of Open Electives given by other departments. However, the student can opt
for an Open Elective courses offered by his own (parent) department, if the student
has not registered and not studied that course under any category (Professional Core,
Professional Electives, Mandatory Courses etc.) offered by parent department in any
semester. Open Elective courses already studied should not repeat/should not match
with any category (Professional Core, Professional Electives, Mandatory Courses etc.)
of courses even in the forthcoming semesters.
4.10 Professional Electives: The students have to choose six Professional Electives (PE-I to
VI) from the list of professional electives given.

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5 Courses to be Offered
5.1 A course may be offered to the students, only if a minimum of 15 students opt for it.
5.2 More than one faculty member may offer the same course (lab/ practical may be in-
cluded with the corresponding theory course in the same semester) in any semester.
However, selection of choice for students will be based on - ‘first come first serve basis
and CGPA criterion’ (i.e. the first focus shall be on early online entry from the student
for registration in that semester, and the second focus, if needed, will be on CGPA of
the student).
5.3 If more entries for registration of a course come into picture, then the Head of the
Department concerned shall decide, whether or not to offer such a course for two (or
multiple) sections.
5.4 In case of options coming from students of other departments/ branches/ disciplines
(not considering open electives), first priority shall be given to the student of the ‘parent

6 Attendance Requirements
6.1 A student shall be eligible to appear for the semester end examinations, if the student
acquires a minimum of 75% of attendance in aggregate of all the courses (including at-
tendance in mandatory courses like Environmental Science and Technology, Indian Con-
stitution,UHV2: Understanding Harmony, Gender Sensitization and Research Method-
ology) for that semester. Two periods of attendance for each theory course shall be
considered, if the student appears for the continuous assessments of that course.
6.2 Shortage of attendance in aggregate upto 10% (65% and above, and below 75%) in each
semester may be condoned by the college academic committee on genuine and valid
grounds, based on the student’s representation with supporting evidence.
6.3 A stipulated fee shall be payable for condoning of shortage of attendance.
6.4 Shortage of attendance below 65% in aggregate shall in NO case be condoned.
6.5 Students whose shortage of attendance is not condoned in any semester are not eligible
to take their end examinations of that semester. They get detained and their registration
for that semester shall stand canceled, including all academic credentials (internal marks
etc.) of that semester. They will not be promoted to the next semester. They may seek
re-registration for all those courses registered in that semester in which the student is
detained, by seeking re-admission into that semester as and when offered; if there are
any professional electives and/ or open electives, the same may also be re-registered
if offered. However, if those electives are not offered in later semesters, then alternate
electives may be chosen from the same set of elective courses offered under that category.
6.6 A student fulfilling the attendance requirement in the present semester shall not be eli-
gible for readmission into the same class.

7 Academic Requirements
The following academic requirements have to be satisfied, in addition to the attendance
requirements mentioned in Item No. 6.

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7.1 A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the
credits allotted to each course, if student secures not less than 35% (21 marks out of 60
marks) in the semester end examination, and a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100
marks) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester
End Examination) taken together; in terms of letter grades, this implies securing ‘C’
grade or above in that course.
7.2 A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the
credits allotted to Social Innovation / Engineering Exploration / Engineering Design /
Product Realization / Industry Oriented Mini Project (or) Internship, if the student
secures not less than 40% marks (i.e. 40 out of 100 allotted marks) in each of them. The
student is deemed to have failed, if he (i) does not submit a report, or (ii) not make a
presentation of the same before the evaluation committee as per schedule, or (iii) secures
less than 40% marks in Social Innovation / Engineering Exploration / Engineering Design
/ Product Realization / Industry Oriented Mini Project (or) Internship evaluations.
A student may reappear once for each of the above evaluations, when they are scheduled
again; if the student fails in such ‘one reappearance’ evaluation also, the student has to
reappear for the same in the next subsequent semester, as and when it is scheduled.
7.3 Promotion Rules

S. No Promotion Conditions to be fulfilled

1 First year first semester to Regular course of study of first year first semester.
first year second semester
First year second (i) Regular course of study of first year second
semester to Second semester.
year first semester (ii) Must have secured at least 20 credits out of
40 credits i.e., 50% credits up to first year second
semester from all the relevant regular and supple-
mentary examinations, whether the student takes
those examinations or not.
3. Second year first semester Regular course of study of second year first
to Second year second semester.

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S. No Promotion Conditions to be fulfilled
Second year second (i) Regular course of study of second year second
semester to Third semester.
year first semester (ii)Must have secured at least 48 credits out of 80
credits i.e., 60% credits up to second year second
semester from all the relevant regular and supple-
mentary examinations, whether the student takes
those examinations or not.
5 Third year first semester to Regular course of study of third year first semester.
Third year second semester
Third year second (i) Regular course of study of third year second
semester to Fourth semester.
year first semester (ii) Must have secured at least 72 credits out of
120 credits i.e., 60% credits up to third year second
semester from all the relevant regular and supple-
mentary examinations, whether the student takes
those examinations or not.
7 Fourth year first semester to Regular course of study of fourth year first
Fourth year second semester semester.

7.4 A student (i) shall register for all courses covering 160 credits as specified and listed in the
course structure, (ii) fulfills all the attendance and academic requirements for 160 credits,
(iii) earn all 160 credits by securing SGPA ≥ 5.0 (in each semester), and CGPA ≥ 5 (at
the end of 8 semesters), (iv) passes all the mandatory courses, to successfully complete
the undergraduate programme. The performance of the student in these 160 credits
shall be considered for the calculation of the final CGPA (at the end of undergraduate
programme), and shall be indicated in the grade card / marks memo of IV-year II
7.5 If a student registers for ‘extra courses’ (in the parent department or other depart-
ments/branches of Engg.) other than those listed courses totaling to 160 credits as
specified in the course structure of his department, the performances in those ‘extra
courses’ (although evaluated and graded using the same procedure as that of the re-
quired 160 credits) will not be considered while calculating the SGPA and CGPA. For
such ‘extra courses’ registered, percentage of marks and letter grade alone will be indi-
cated in the grade card / marks memo as a performance measure, subject to completion
of the attendance and academic requirements as stated in regulations Items 6 and 7.1 –
7.4 above.
7.6 A student eligible to appear in the semester end examination for any course, but absent
from it or failed (thereby failing to secure ‘C’ grade or above) may reappear for that
course in the supplementary examination as and when conducted. In such cases, internal

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marks (CIE) assessed earlier for that course will be carried over, and added to the marks
to be obtained in the SEE supplementary examination for evaluating performance in that
7.7 A student detained in a semester due to shortage of attendance may be re-admitted in the
same semester in the next academic year for fulfillment of academic requirements. The
academic regulations under which a student has been re-admitted shall be applicable.
Further, no grade allotments or SGPA/ CGPA calculations will be done for the entire
semester in which the student has been detained.
7.8 A student detained due to lack of credits, shall be promoted to the next academic year
only after acquiring the required number of academic credits. The academic regulations
under which the student has been readmitted shall be applicable to him.

8. Evaluation - Distribution and Weightage of Marks

8.1 The performance of a student in every course (including practicals and project work
phase – I & II) will be evaluated for 100 marks each, with 40 marks allotted for CIE
(Continuous Internal Evaluation) and 60 marks for SEE (Semester End Examination).
8.2 In Continous Internal Evaluation, for theory courses, during a semester, there shall
be two continuous assessments (mid-term examinations). Each continuous assessment
consists of two parts i) Part – A for 10 marks ii) Part – B for 20 marks with a total
duration of 2 hours as follows:
1. Continuous Assessment (Mid-Term Examination) for 30 Marks
Part – A: Objective/Quiz/Short answer type questions for 10 marks
Part – B: Descriptive paper for 20 marks
• The quiz/objective paper is set with multiple choice, fill-in the blanks and match the
following or other short answer type of questions for a total of 10 marks.
• The descriptive paper shall contain 6 full questions out of which, student has to answer
4 questions, each carrying 5 marks. The average of the two continuous assessments
(mid-term examinations) shall be taken as the final marks for continuous assessment
(for 30 marks).
The remaining 10 marks of Continuous Internal Evaluation (out of 40) are considered
for Alternative Assessment and are distributed as:
2. Assignment for 5 Marks. (Average of 2 Assignments)
3. Course Viva-Voce/PPT/Poster Presentation/Case Study or any other assessment on
a topic in the concerned course for 5 marks.
• Five (5) marks are allotted for assignments (as specified by the course instructor
concerned). The first assignment should be submitted before the conduction of first
mid-term examinations and the second assignment should be submitted before the
conduction of second mid-term examinations. The average of two assignments is
taken as the final marks for assignment (for 5 marks).
• Course Viva-Voce/PPT/Poster Presentation/ Case Study or any other assessment
on a topic in the concerned course for 5 marks shall be evaluated before the second
mid-term examinations.

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• While the first continuous assessment shall be conducted on 50% of the syllabus,
the second continuous assessment shall be conducted on the remaining 50% of the
The semester end examinations (SEE), for theory courses, will be conducted for 60 marks
consisting of two parts viz. i) Part- A for 10 marks, ii) Part - B for 50 marks.
• Part-A is a compulsory question which consists of ten sub-questions from all units
carrying equal marks.
• Part-B consists of five questions (numbered from 2 to 6) carrying 10 marks each. Each
of these questions is from each unit and may contain sub-questions. For each question
there will be an ’either or’ choice, which means that there will be two questions from
each unit and the student should answer either of the two questions.
• The duration of Semester End Examination is 3 hours.
The student, in each theory course, shall have to earn 35% of marks (i.e. 14
marks out of 40 marks) in CIE, 35% of marks (i.e. 21 marks out of 60 marks)
in SEE and overall 40% of marks (i.e. 40 marks out of 100 marks) in both
CIE and SEE put together.
The student is eligible to write Semester End Examination of the concerned
course, if the student scores 35% (14 marks) of 40 in Continuous Internal
Evaluation (CIE).
In case, the student appears for SEE of the concerned course but not secured
35% of CIE marks, his performance in that course in SEE shall stand can-
celed in-spite of appearing the SEE.

The semester end examination (SEE) question papers shall be set by the external ex-
aminers. The SEE answer scripts shall be evaluated by two examiners (E1 and E2).
Examiner E1 is the internal examiner and examiner E2 is the external examiner. The
marks awarded for a course are the average of E1 and E2 if the difference in marks is
less than 15% of maximum marks i.e., 9 marks for 60 marks paper. If the difference in
marks obtained during E1 and E2 evaluations is greater than or equal to 9, then the
answer script is evaluated by the third examiner (E3). The final mark in such a case
is the average of nearest two evaluations. If the difference of marks is equal, then the
average of the best two evaluations is considered as final marks.

8.3 For practical courses there shall be a Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) during the
semester for 40 marks and 60 marks for Semester End Examination (SEE). The 40 marks
for Continuous Internal Evaluation are divided as follows:
1. A write-up on day-to-day experiment in the laboratory (in terms of aim, compo-
nents, procedure and expected outcome) which shall be evaluated for 10 marks
2. 10 marks for viva-voce (or) tutorial (or) case study (or) application (or) poster
presentation of the course concerned.
3. Internal practical examination conducted by the laboratory teacher concerned shall
be evaluated for 10 marks.

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4. The remaining 10 marks are for Laboratory Project, which consists of the De-
sign (or) Software / Hardware Model Presentation (or) App Development (or)
Prototype Presentation submission which shall be evaluated after completion of
laboratory course and before semester end practical examination.
The Semester End Examination shall be conducted with an external examiner and the
laboratory teacher. The external examiner shall be appointed and decided by the Prin-
cipal/Controller of Examinations based on the panel of examiners submitted by the
respective Head of the Department.
In the Semester End Examination held for 3 hours, total 60 marks are divided and
allocated as shown below:
1. 10 marks for write-up
2. 15 for experiment/program
3. 15 for evaluation of results
4. 10 marks for presentation on another experiment/program in the same laboratory
course and
5. 10 marks for viva-voce on concerned laboratory course
The student, in each practical course, shall have to earn 35% of marks (i.e.
14 marks out of 40 marks) in CIE, 35% of marks (i.e. 21 marks out of 60
marks) in SEE and overall 40% of marks (i.e. 40 marks out of 100 marks) in
both CIE and SEE put together.
The student is eligible to write Semester End Examination of the concerned
course, if the student scores 35% (14 marks) of 40 in Continuous Internal
Evaluation (CIE).
In case, the student appears for SEE of the concerned course but not secured
35% of CIE marks, his performance in that course in SEE shall stand canceled
in-spite of appearing the SEE.
8.4 For conducting laboratory end examinations of all UG Programmes, one internal ex-
aminer and one external examiner are to be appointed by the Principal of the College,
before commencement of the lab end examinations. The external examiner should be se-
lected from the six panel of examiners identified from outside the college and submitted
by Head of the Department.
8.5 The evaluation of field-based/real-time/research project based courses like Social Inno-
vation, Engineering Exploration, Engineering Design and Product Realization are as
In continuous Internal Evaluation,total 40 marks are divide and allocated as shown
1. 10 Marks for day to day evaluation
2. 10 Marks for problem identification and design process
3. 10 Marks by departmental committee review
4. 10 Marks by supervisor/course instructor review
In the Semester End Examination, total 60 marks are divided and allocated as shown

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1. 10 Marks for problem identification/ objectives of the project/field work
2. 15 Marks for idea generation / design process/comparative analysis
3. 15 Marks for Idea/ prototype/ model/ product presentation and demonstration
4. 10 Marks for report submission
5. 10 Marks for viva-voce by external examiner
The student, in each field/research based course, shall have to earn 35% of
marks (i.e. 14 marks out of 40 marks) in CIE, 35% of marks (i.e. 21 marks
out of 60 marks) in SEE and overall 40% of marks (i.e. 40 marks out of 100
marks) in both CIE and SEE put together.
The student is eligible to write Semester End Examination of the concerned
course, if the student scores 35% (14 marks) of 40 in Continuous Internal
Evaluation (CIE).
In case, the student appears for SEE of the concerned course but not secured
35% of CIE marks, his performance in that course in SEE shall stand canceled
in-spite of appearing the SEE.
8.6 There shall be an Industry training (or) Internship (or) Industry oriented Mini-project
(or) Skill Development Courses (or) Paper presentation in reputed journal (or) Industry
Oriented Mini Project in collaboration with an industry of their specialization. Students
shall register for this immediately after II-Year II Semester Examinations and pursue
it during summer vacation/semester break & during III Year without effecting regular
course work. Internship at reputed organization (or) Skill development courses (or)
Paper presentation in reputed journal (or) Industry Oriented Mini Project shall be
submitted in a report form and presented before the committee in III-year II semester
before end semester examination. It shall be evaluated for 100 marks. The external
examiner shall evaluate the project work for 60 marks and the internal project committee
shall evaluate it for 40 marks. Out of 40 internal marks, the departmental committee
consisting of Head of the Department, Project Supervisor and a Senior Faculty Member
shall evaluate the project work for 20 marks and Project Supervisor shall evaluate for 20
marks. The student is deemed to have failed, if he (i) does not submit a report on the
Project, or (ii) does not make a presentation of the same before the External Examiner
as per schedule, or (iii) secures less than 40% marks in the sum total of the CIE and
SEE taken together.
For conducting viva-voce of project, Principal/Controller of Examinations selects an
external examiner from the list of experts in the relevant branch submitted by the Head
of the Department.
8.7 UG project work shall be carried out in two stages: Project Work Phase – I during IV
Year I Semester and Project Work Phase – II during IV Year II Semester. Student has
to submit project work report at the end of IV Year II Semester. The project work
phase-I shall be evaluated for 100 internal marks before commencement of SEE Theory
examinations and project work phase-II shall be evaluated for 100 marks out of which
40 marks are through CIE and 60 marks through SEE.
8.8 The UG project shall be initiated during the IV Year I Semester and the duration

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of the project work is two semesters. The student must present Project Work Phase
– I during IV Year I Semester before II Mid-Term examination, in consultation with
his Supervisor, the title, objective and plan of action of his/her project work to the
departmental committee for approval before commencement of IV Year II Semester. It
shall be evaluated for 100 internal marks. Only after obtaining the approval of the
departmental committee, the student can start his project work.
8.9 For Project Work Phase – I, the departmental committee consisting of Head of the
Department, project supervisor and a senior faculty member shall approve the project
work to begin before Mid-Term examinations - II of IV Year I Semester. Department
committee members shall evaluate the project work phase-I for 50 marks and Project
Supervisor shall evaluate for 50 marks.The student is deemed to be not eligible to register
for the Project work phase-II, if he does not submit a report on Project Work Phase -
I or does not make a presentation of the same before the evaluation committee as per
schedule or secure less than 40% of marks in this course.
A student who has failed may reappear once for the above evaluation, when it is sched-
uled again; if he/she fails in such ‘one reappearance’ evaluation also, he/she has to
reappear for the same in the next subsequent semester, as and when it is scheduled.
8.10 For Project Work Phase – II, the external examiner shall evaluate the project work for
60 marks and the internal project committee shall evaluate it for 40 marks. Out of
40 internal marks, the departmental committee consisting of Head of the Department,
Project Supervisor and a Senior Faculty Department committee members shall evaluate
the project work for 20 marks and Project Supervisor shall evaluate for 20 marks. The
topics for Industry Oriented Mini-Project/ Internship/SDC etc. and the Project Work
shall be different from the topic already taken. The student is deemed to have failed, if
he (i) does not submit a report on the Project, or (ii) does not make a presentation of
the same before the External Examiner as per schedule, or (iii) secures less than 40%
marks in the sum total of the CIE and SEE taken together.
For conducting viva-voce of project, Principal/Controller of Examinations selects an
external examiner from the list of experts in the relevant branch submitted by the Head
of the Department.
A student who has failed, may reappear once for the above evaluation, when it is sched-
uled again; if student fails in such ‘one reappearance’ evaluation also, he has to reappear
for the same in the next subsequent semester, as and when it is scheduled.
8.11 A student can re-register for courses in a semester:
• If the internal marks secured by a student in the Continuous Internal Evaluation for 40
marks (average of two mid-term examinations consisting of objective and descriptive
parts, average of two assignments and Course Viva-voce/ PPT/Poster Presentation/
Case Study or any other on a topic in the concerned course) are less than 35% and
failed in those courses.
• They may seek re-registration for all those courses registered in that semester in which
the student is failed. The student has to re-appear for CIE and SEE as and when

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• A student must re-register for the failed course(s) for 40 marks within four weeks
of commencement of the classwork in next academic year. His Continuous Internal
Evaluation marks for 40 obtained in the previous attempt stand cancelled. The stu-
dent has to obtain fresh set of marks for 40 allotted for CIE (Sum of average of two
mid-term examinations consisting of Objective & descriptive parts, Average of two
Assignments & Course Viva-voce/PPT/ Poster presentation/ Case Study on a topic
in the concerned course). Head of the Dept. will take care of this.

9. Grading Procedure
9.1 Grades will be awarded to indicate the performance of students in each Theory Course,
Laboratory/Practicals/ Industry-Oriented Mini Project/Internship/SDC and Project
Stage. Based on the percentage of marks obtained (Continuous Internal Evaluation
plus Semester End Examination, both taken together) as specified in item 8 above, a
corresponding letter grade shall be given.
9.2 As a measure of the performance of a student, a 10-point absolute grading system
using the following letter grades (as per UGC/AICTE guidelines) and corresponding
percentage of marks shall be followed:

Percentage of Marks Grade

Letter Grade Meaning
Secured in a Course Points
≥ 90 O Outstanding 10
≥ 80 and <90 A+ Excellent 9
≥70 and < 80 A Very Good 8
≥ 60 and <70 B+ Good 7
≥ 50 and <60 B Average 6
≥ 40 and <50 C Pass 5
Below 40 F Fail 0
Absent AB Absent 0

9.3 A student who has obtained an ‘F’ grade in any course shall be deemed to have
‘failed’ and is required to reappear as a ‘supplementary student’ in the semester end
examination, as and when offered. In such cases, internal marks in those courses will
remain the same as those obtained earlier.
9.4 To a student who has not appeared for an examination in any course, ‘Ab’ grade will
be allocated in that course, and he is deemed to have ‘Failed’. A student will be
required to reappear as a ‘supplementary student’ in the semester end examination,
as and when offered next. In this case also, the internal marks in those courses will
remain the same as those obtained earlier.

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9.5 A letter grade does not indicate any specific percentage of marks secured by the
student, but it indicates only the range of percentage of marks.
9.6 A student earns Grade Point (GP) in each course, on the basis of the letter grade
secured in that course. The corresponding ‘Credit Points’ (CP) are computed by
multiplying the grade point with credits for that particular course.
Credit Points (CP) = Grade Point (GP) x Credits For a course
9.7 A student passes the course only when GP ≥ 5 (‘C’ grade or above)
9.8 The Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is calculated by dividing the sum of credit
points ( CP) secured from all courses registered in a semester, by the total number
of credits registered during that semester. SGPA is rounded off to two decimal places.
SGPA is thus computed as
i=1 Ci × Gi
SGPA(Si ) = PN
i=1 Ci

where ‘i’ is the course indicator index (considering all courses in a semester), ‘N’ is the
no. of courses ‘registered’ for the semester (as specifically required and listed under
the course structure of the parent department), Ci is the no. of credits allotted to the
ith course, and Gi represents the grade points (GP) corresponding to the letter grade
awarded for that ith course..
9.9 The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is a measure of the overall cumulative
performance of a student in all semesters considered for registration. The CGPA is
the ratio of the total credit points secured by a student in all registered courses (of
160) in all semesters, and the total number of credits registered in all the semesters.
CGPA is rounded off to two decimal places. CGPA is thus computed from the I year
II semester onwards at the end of each semester as per the formula
j=1 Cj × Gj
j Cj

(i.e., up to and inclusive of S semesters, S ≥ 2),

where ‘M’ is the total no. of courses (as specifically required and listed under the
course structure of the parent department) the student has ‘registered’ i.e., from the
1st semester onwards up to and inclusive of the 8th semester, ‘j’ is the course indicator
index (takes into account all courses from 1 to 8 semesters), Cj is the no. of credits
allotted to the jth course, and Gj represents the grade points (GP) corresponding to
the letter grade awarded for that jth course. After registration and completion of I
year I semester, the SGPA of that semester itself may be taken as the CGPA, as there
are no cumulative effects.
Illustration of calculation of SGPA
Illustration of Calculation of CGPA up to 3rd Semester

Page | 13
Letter Credit
Credits Grade
Semester Course Grade Points
Allotted Points
secured (CP)
I Course 1 3 A 8 24
I Course 2 3 O 10 30
I Course 3 3 B 6 18
I Course 4 4 A 8 32
I Course 5 3 A+ 9 27
I Course 6 4 C 5 20
II Course 7 4 B 6 24
II Course 8 4 A 8 32
II Course 9 3 C 5 15
II Course 10 3 O 10 30
II Course 11 3 B+ 7 21
II Course 12 4 B 6 24
II Course 13 4 A 8 32
II Course 14 3 O 10 30
III Course 15 2 A 8 16
III Course 16 1 C 5 5
III Course 17 4 O 10 40
III Course 18 3 B+ 7 21
III Course 19 4 B 6 24
III Course 20 4 A 8 32
III Course 21 3 B+ 7 21
Total Credits: 69 Total Credit Points: 518

CGPA = 518/69 = 7.51

The calculation process of CGPA illustrated above will be followed for each subsequent
semester until 8th semester. The CGPA obtained at the end of 8th semester will
become the final CGPA secured for entire B.Tech. programme.
9.10 For merit ranking or comparison purposes or any other listing, only the ‘rounded off’
values of the CGPAs will be used.
9.11 SGPA and CGPA of a semester will be mentioned in the semester Memorandum of
Grades if all courses of that semester are passed in first attempt. Otherwise the SGPA
and CGPA shall be mentioned only on the Memorandum of Grades in which sitting
he passed his last exam in that semester. However, mandatory courses will not be
taken into consideration.

10 SGPA, CGPA and Percentage of Marks

10.1 Computation of SGPA and CGPA are done using the procedure listed in 9.6 to 9.9

Page | 14
Credits Credit Points
Course (i) Letter Grade Points
(Ci ) Ci × Gi
(Gi )
Course 1 4 A 8 4 × 8 = 32
Course 2 4 O 10 4 × 10 = 40
Course 3 4 C 5 4 × 5 = 20
Course 4 3 B 6 3 × 6 = 18
Course 5 3 A+ 9 3 × 9 = 27
Course 6 P 3 C 5 P 3 × 5 = 15
Ci =21 Ci × Gi = 152
SGPA = 152/21 = 7.24

10.2 For final percentage of marks equivalent to the computed final CGPA, the following
formula may be used.
% of Marks = (final CGPA – 0.5) × 10
11 Passing Standards
11.1 A student shall be declared successful or ‘passed’ in a semester, if he secures a GP
≥ 5 (‘C’ grade or above) in every course in that semester (i.e. when the student gets
an SGPA ≥ 5.0 at the end of that particular semester); and he shall be declared
successful or ‘passed’ in the entire undergraduate programme, only when gets a
CGPA ≥ 5.00 (‘C’ grade or above) for the award of the degree as required.
11.2 After the completion of each semester, a grade card or grade sheet shall be issued to
all the registered students of that semester, indicating the letter grades and credits
earned. It will show the details of the courses registered (course code, title, no. of
credits, grade earned, etc.) and credits earned. There is NO exemption of credits
in any case.

12 Award of Degree
12.1 A student who registers for all the specified courses as listed in the course struc-
ture and secures the required number of 160 credits (with CGPA ≥ 5.0), within
8 academic years from the date of commencement of the first academic year, shall
be declared to have ‘qualified’ for the award of B.Tech. degree in the branch of
Engineering selected at the time of admission.
12.2 A student who qualifies for the award of the degree as listed in item 12.1 shall be
placed in the following classes.
12.2.1 A student with final CGPA (at the end of the undergraduate programme) ≥
8.00, and fulfilling the following conditions - shall be placed in ‘First Class with
Distinction’. However, he/she
• Should have passed all the courses in ‘First Appearance’ within the first 4
academic years (or 8 sequential semesters) from the date of commencement of
first year first semester.
• Should not have been detained or prevented from writing the semester end
examinations in any semester due to shortage of attendance or any other reason.

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A student not fulfilling any of the above conditions with final CGPA ≥ 8 shall
be placed in ‘First Class’.
12.2.2 Students with final CGPA (at the end of the undergraduate programme) ≥ 7.0
but <8.00 shall be placed in ‘First Class’.
12.2.3 Students with final CGPA (at the end of the undergraduate programme) ≥ 6.00
but < 7.00, shall be placed in ‘Second Class’.
12.2.4 All other students who qualify for the award of the degree (as per item 12.1),
with final CGPA (at the end of the undergraduate programme) ≥ 5.00 but <
6, shall be placed in ‘pass class’.
12.2.5 A student with final CGPA (at the end of the undergraduate programme) <
5.00 will not be eligible for the award of the degree.
12.2.6 Students fulfilling the conditions listed under item 12.2.1 alone will be eligible
for award of ‘Gold Medal’
12.3 Award of 2-Year B.Tech. Diploma Certificate
12.3.1 A student is awarded 2-Year UG Diploma Certificate in the concerned engi-
neering branch on completion of all the academic requirements and earned all
the 80 credits (with in 4 years from the date of admission) upto B. Tech. – II
Year – II Semester, if the student want to exit the 4-Year B. Tech. program
and requests for the 2-Year B.Tech. (UG) Diploma Certificate.
12.3.2 The student once opted and awarded for 2-Year UG Diploma Certificate, the
student will be permitted to join in B. Tech. III Year – I Semester and continue
for completion of remaining years of study for 4-Year B. Tech. Degree ONLY in
the next academic year along with next batch students. However, if any student
wishes to continue the study after opting for exit, he/she should register for the
courses in III Year I Semester before the commencement of classwork for that
12.3.3 The students, who exit the 4-Year B.Tech. program after II Year of study and
wish to re-join the B.Tech. program, must submit the 2-Year B.Tech. (UG)
Diploma Certificate awarded to him, subject to the eligibility for completion of
the degree.
12.3.4 A student may be permitted to take one year break after completion of II Year
– II Semester or B. Tech. – III Year – II Semester (with university permission
through the principal of the college well in advance) and can re-enter the pro-
gram in next Academic Year in the same college and complete the course on
fulfilling all the academic credentials within a stipulated duration i.e. double
the duration of the program (Ex. within 8 Years for 4-Year program).

13 Withholding of Results
13.1 If the student has not paid the fees to the College at any stage, or has dues pending
due to any reason whatsoever, or if any case of indiscipline is pending, the result of
the student may be withheld, and the student will not be allowed to go into the next
higher semester. The award or issue of the degree may also be withheld in such cases.

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14 Transitory Regulations
14.1 For students detained due to shortage of attendance
14.1.1 A Student who has been detained in I year of R21 Regulations due to lack of
attendance, shall be permitted to join I year I Semester of R22 Regulations and
he is required to complete the study of B.Tech./B. Pharmacy programme within
the stipulated period of eight academic years from the date of first admission
in I Year.
14.1.2 A student who has been detained in any semester of II, III and IV years of
R18-R20 regulations for want of attendance, shall be permitted to join the
corresponding semester of R22 Regulations and is required to complete the
study of B.Tech./B. Pharmacy within the stipulated period of eight academic
years from the date of first admission in I Year. The R22 Academic Regulations
under which a student has been readmitted shall be applicable to that student
from that semester. See rule (14.3) for further Transitory Regulations
14.2 For students detained due to shortage of credits
14.2.1 A student of R21 Regulations who has been detained due to lack of credits,
shall be promoted to the next semester of R22 Regulations only after acquiring
the required number of credits as per the corresponding regulations of his/her
first admission. The total credits required are 160 including both R21 & R22
regulations. The student is required to complete the study of B.Tech. within
the stipulated period of eight academic years from the year of first admission.
The R22 Academic Regulations are applicable to a student from the year of
readmission. See rule (14.3) for further Transitory Regulations.
14.3 For readmitted students in R22 Regulations:
14.3.1 A student who has failed in any course under any regulation has to pass those
courses in the same regulations.
14.3.2 The maximum credits that a student acquires for the award of degree, shall be
the sum of the total number of credits secured in all the regulations of his/her
study including R22 Regulations. There is NO exemption of credits in any case
14.3.3 If a student is readmitted to R22 Regulations and has any course with 80% of
syllabus common with his/her previous regulations, that particular course in
R22 Regulations will be substituted by another course to be suggested by the
Note: If a student readmitted to R22 Regulations and has not studied any courses/topics
in his/her earlier regulations of study which is prerequisite for further courses in R22 Reg-
ulations, the college Principal shall conduct remedial classes to cover those courses/topics
for the benefit of the students.

15 Student Transfers
15.1 There shall be no branch transfers after the completion of admission process.
15.2 The students seeking transfer to Vardhaman College of Engineering from various

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other Universities/institutions have to pass the failed subjects which are equivalent
to the subjects of Vardhaman College of Engineering, and also pass the subjects
of Vardhaman College of Engineering which the students have not studied at the
earlier institution. Further, though the students have passed some of the subjects
at the earlier institutions, if the same subjects are prescribed in different semesters
of Vardhaman College of Engineering, the students have to study those subjects in
VCE in spite of the fact that those subjects are repeated.
15.3 The transferred students from other Universities/Institutions to Vardhaman College
of Engineering who are on rolls are to be provided one chance to write the CBT
(for internal marks) in the equivalent subject(s) as per the clearance letter issued
by the University.
15.4 The Vardhaman College of Engineering shall provide one chance to write the inter-
nal examinations in the equivalent course(s) to the students transferred from other
universities/institutions to Vardhaman College of Engineering who are on rolls, as
per the clearance (equivalence) letter issued by the Institution.

16 Scope
16.1 The academic regulations should be read as a whole, for the purpose of any inter-
16.2 In case of any doubt or ambiguity in the interpretation of the above rules, the
decision of the Principal is final.
16.3 The Institution may change or amend the academic regulations, course structure or
syllabi at any time, and the changes or amendments made shall be applicable to all
students with effect from the dates notified by the College Academic Council.
16.4 Where the words “he”, “him”, “his”, occur in the regulations, they include “she”, “her”,

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Academic Regulations for B.Tech (Lateral Entry Scheme) from the Academic
Year 2023-24

1 Eligibility for the award of B.Tech Degree (LES)

The LES students after securing admission shall pursue a course of study for not less than
three academic years and not more than six academic years.
2 The student shall register for 120 credits and secure 120 credits with CGPA ≥ 5 from II year
to IV-year B.Tech. programme (LES) for the award of B.Tech. degree.
3 The students, who fail to fulfil the requirement for the award of the degree in six academic
years from the year of admission, shall forfeit their seat in B.Tech.
4 The attendance requirements of B. Tech. (Regular) shall be applicable to B.Tech. (LES).
5 Promotion rule

Promotion Conditions to be fulfilled
1 Second year first semester Regular course of study of second year first
to second year second semester.
2 Second year second (i) Regular course of study of second year second
semester to third year semester.
first semester (ii) Must have secured at least 24 credits out of 40
credits i.e., 60% credits up to second year second
semester from all the relevant regular and supple-
mentary examinations, whether the student takes
those examinations or not.
3 Third year first semester to Regular course of study of third year first semester.
third year second semester
4 Third year second semester (i) Regular course of study of third year second
to fourth year first semester semester. (ii) Must have secured at least 48 credits
out of 80 credits i.e., 60% credits up to third year
second semester from all the relevant regular and
supplementary examinations, whether the student
takes those examinations or not.
5 Fourth year first semester to Regular course of study of fourth year first
fourth year second semester semester.

6 All the other regulations as applicable to B. Tech. 4-year degree course (Regular) will hold
good for B. Tech. (Lateral Entry Scheme).
7 LES students are not eligible for 2-Year B. Tech. Diploma Certificate.

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Malpractices Rules
Disciplinary Action For Improper Conduct in Examinations

Nature of Malpractices/Improper
# Punishment
If the student:
Possesses or keeps accessible in examination
hall, any paper, note book, programmable
calculators, cell phones, pager, palm
computers or any other form of material
concerned with or related to the course of Expulsion from the examination
1 (a) the examination (theory or practical) in hall and cancellation of the
which student is appearing but has not performance in that course only.
made use of (material shall include any
marks on the body of the student which can
be used as an aid in the course of the
Expulsion from the examination
Gives assistance or guidance or receives it
hall and cancellation of the
from any other student orally or by any
performance in that course only
other body language methods or
1 (b) of all the students involved. In
communicates through cell phones with any
case of an outsider, he will be
student or persons in or outside the exam
handed over to the police and a
hall in respect of any matter.
case is registered against him.
Expulsion from the examination
hall and cancellation of the
performance in that course and
all other courses the student has
Has copied in the examination hall from
already appeared including
any paper, book, programmable calculators,
practical examinations and
palm computers or any other form of
2 project work and shall not be
material relevant to the course of the
permitted to appear for the
examination (theory or practical) in which
remaining examinations of the
the student is appearing.
courses of that semester/year.
The hall ticket of the student is
to be cancelled and sent to the
Controller of Examinations.

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Nature of Malpractices/Improper
# Punishment
Impersonates any other student in
connection with the examination. The The student is also debarred for
student who has impersonated shall be two consecutive semesters from
expelled from examination hall. The class work and all SEE
student is also debarred and forfeits the examinations. The continuation
seat. The performance of the original of the course by the student is
3. student who has been impersonated, shall course to the academic
be cancelled in all the courses of the regulations in connection with
examination (including practicals and forfeiture of seat. If the imposter
project work) already appeared and shall is an outsider, he will be handed
not be allowed to appear for examinations over to the police and a case is
of the remaining courses of that registered against him.
Expulsion from the examination
hall and cancellation of
performance in that course and
all the other courses the student
has already appeared including
practical examinations and
project work and shall not be
Smuggles in the answer book or additional
permitted for the remaining
sheet or takes out or arranges to send out
examinations of the courses of
4. the question paper during the examination
that semester/year. The student
or answer book or additional sheet, during
is also debarred for two
or after the examination.
consecutive semesters from class
work and all SEE examinations.
The continuation of the course
by the student is course to the
academic regulations in
connection with forfeiture of
Uses objectionable, abusive or offensive
language in the answer paper or in letters to Cancellation of the performance
the examiners or writes to the examiner in that course.
requesting him to award pass marks.

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Nature of Malpractices/Improper
# Punishment
Refuses to obey the orders of the chief
superintendent/assistant – superintendent /
any officer on duty or misbehaves or creates
disturbance of any kind in and around the
In case of students of the college,
examination hall or organizes a walk out or
they shall be expelled from
instigates others to walk out, or threatens
examination halls and
the officer-in charge or any person on duty
cancellation of their performance
in or outside the examination hall of any
in that course and all other
injury to his person or to any of his relations
courses the student(s) has (have)
whether by words, either spoken or written
already appeared and shall not
or by signs or by visible representation,
6. be permitted to appear for the
assaults the officer-in-charge, or any person
remaining examinations of the
on duty in or outside the examination hall
courses of that semester/year.
or any of his relations, or indulges in any
The students also are debarred
other act of misconduct or mischief which
and forfeit their seats. In case of
result in damage to or destruction of
outsiders, they will be handed
property in the examination hall or any
over to the police and a police
part of the college campus or engages in any
case is registered against them.
other act which in the opinion of the officer
on duty amounts to use of unfair means or
misconduct or has the tendency to disrupt
the orderly conduct of the examination.

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Nature of Malpractices/Improper
# Punishment
Expulsion from the examination
hall and cancellation of
performance in that course and
all the other courses the student
has already appeared including
practical examinations and
project work and shall not be
Leaves the exam hall taking away answer permitted for the remaining
script or intentionally tears off the script or examinations of the courses of
any part thereof inside or outside the that semester/year. The student
examination hall. is also debarred for two
consecutive semesters from class
work and all SEE examinations.
The continuation of the course
by the student is course to the
academic regulations in
connection with forfeiture of
Expulsion from the examination
hall and cancellation of the
performance in that course and
all other courses the student has
already appeared including
Possesses any lethal weapon or firearm in practical examinations and
the examination hall. project work and shall not be
permitted for the remaining
examinations of the courses of
that semester/year. The student
is also debarred and forfeits the

Page | 23
Nature of Malpractices/Improper
# Punishment
Expulsion from the examination
hall and cancellation of the
performance in that course and
all other courses the student has
already appeared including
practical examinations and
If student of the college, who is not a
project work and shall not be
student for the particular examination or
permitted for the remaining
9. any person not connected with the college
examinations of the courses of
indulges in any malpractice or improper
that semester/year. The student
conduct mentioned in clause 6 to 8.
is also debarred and forfeits the
Person(s) who do not belong to
the college will be handed over
to the police and, a police case
will be registered against them.
Expulsion from the examination
hall and cancellation of the
performance in that course and
all other courses the student has
Comes in a drunken condition to the already appeared for including
examination hall. practical examinations and
project work and shall not be
permitted for the remaining
examinations of the courses of
that semester/year.
Cancellation of the performance
in that course and all other
Copying detected on the basis of internal courses the student has appeared
11. evidence, such as, during valuation or for including practical
during special scrutiny. examinations and project work
of that semester/year
If any malpractice is detected which is not
covered in the above clauses 1 to 11 shall be
reported to the University for further action
to award a suitable punishment.

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Programme Curriculum Structure
B. Tech – Computer Science & Engineering
Regulations: VCE-R22

I Year I Semester
Induction Program (Phase – I)

Hours per Week
# Course Assessment Marks
Title of the Course and Credit
1 A8001 Matrices and Calculus BS 3 1 0 4 40 60 100
2 A8008 Engineering Chemistry BS 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
3 A8010 English for Skill Enhancement HS 2 0 0 2 40 60 100
4 A8402 Digital Electronics ES 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
5 A8501 Problem Solving through C ES 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
6 A8009 Engineering Chemistry Laboratory BS 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
English Language and
7 A8011 HS 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
Communication Skills Laboratory
Problem Solving through C
8 A8502 ES 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
9 A8302 Computer Aided Drawing ES 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
10 A8021 Social Innovation ES 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
Total 14 01 10 20 400 600 1000

I Year II Semester
Induction Program (Phase – II)

Hours per Week

# Course Assessment Marks
Title of the Course and Credit
Ordinary Differential Equations
1 A8002 BS 3 1 0 4 40 60 100
and Vector Calculus
2 A8006 Applied Physics BS 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
3 A8204 Basic Electrical Engineering ES 2 0 0 2 40 60 100
4 A8505 Data Structures ES 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
5 A8506 Computer Organization ES 2 0 0 2 40 60 100
6 A8007 Applied Physics Laboratory BS 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
Basic Electrical Engineering
7 A8205 ES 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
8 A8301 Engineering Workshop ES 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
9 A8507 Data Structures Laboratory ES 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
10 A8508 Python Programming Laboratory ES 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
11 A8022 Engineering Exploration ES 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
Total 13 01 12 20 440 660 1100

R22 - B.Tech CSE i www.vardhaman.org

Programme Curriculum Structure
B. Tech – Computer Science and Engineering
Regulations: VCE-R22
II Year I Semester

Hours per Week
# Course Assessment Marks
Title of the Course and Credit
Business Economics and Financial
1 A8013 HS 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
2 A8509 Discrete Mathematical Structures ES 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
3 A8601 Object Oriented Programming PC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
4 A8510 Operating Systems PC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
5 A8511 Advanced Data Structures PC 3 1 0 4 40 60 100
Object Oriented Programming
6 A8602 PC 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
7 A8512 Operating Systems Laboratory PC 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
Advanced Data Structures
8 A8513 PC 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
9 A8023 Engineering Design Thinking PW 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
Total 15 01 08 20 360 540 900
Mandatory Courses (Non-Credit)
Environmental Science and
10 A8032 MC 2 0 0 0 - 100 100

II Year II Semester

Hours per Week

# Course Assessment Marks
Title of the Course and Credit
Computer Oriented Statistical
1 A8005 BS 3 1 0 4 40 60 100
2 A8514 Database Management Systems ES 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Formal Languages and Automata
3 A8515 PC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
4 A8516 Design and Analysis of Algorithms PC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
5 A8702 Artificial Intelligence PC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Database Management Systems
6 A8517 PC 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
Python for Data Analysis (Skill
7 A8518 PC 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
8 A8603 IoT Laboratory PC 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
9 A8024 Product Realization PW 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
Total 15 01 08 20 360 540 900
Mandatory Courses (Non-Credit)
10 A8031 Gender Sensitization MC 2 0 0 0 - 100 100
Universal Human Values 2 :
11 A8033 MC 2 0 0 0 - 100 100
Understanding Harmony

R22 - B.Tech CSE ii www.vardhaman.org

Programme Curriculum Structure
B. Tech – Computer Science and Engineering
Regulations: VCE-R22

III Year I Semester

Hours per Week
# Course Assessment Marks
Title of the Course and Credit
1 A8519 Computer Networks PC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
2 A8520 Software Engineering PC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
3 A8604 Web Technologies PC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
4 A8703 Machine Learning PC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
5 Professional Elective - I PE 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
6 A8605 Web Technologies Laboratory PC 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
7 A8704 Machine Learning Laboratory PC 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
Mobile Application Development
8 A8606 PC 0 1 2 2 40 60 100
(Skill Development)
Advanced English Communication
9 A8012 HS 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
Skills Laboratory
Total 15 01 08 20 360 540 900
Mandatory Courses (Non-Credit)
10 A8035 Research Methodology MC 2 0 0 0 - 100 100

III Year II Semester


Hours per Week

# Course Assessment Marks
Title of the Course and Credit
Cloud Computing and
1 A8522 PC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
2 A8607 Information Security PC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
3 A8523 Compiler Design PC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
4 Professional Elective – II PE 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
5 Professional Elective – III PE 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Cloud Computing and
6 A8524 PC 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
Virtualization Laboratory
Network and Information Security
7 A8612 PC 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
RUST Programming (Skill
8 A8525 PC 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
9 A8041 Mini-Project / Internship PW 0 0 4 2 40 60 100
Total 15 00 10 20 360 540 900
Mandatory Courses (Non-Credit)
10 A8034 Indian Constitution MC 2 0 0 0 - 100 100

R22 - B.Tech CSE iii www.vardhaman.org

Programme Curriculum Structure
B. Tech – Computer Science and Engineering
Regulations: VCE-R22

IV Year I Semester

Hours per Week
# Course Assessment Marks
Title of the Course and Credit
1 A8526 Data Mining PC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
2 A8806 Big Data Analytics PC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
3 Professional Elective – IV PE 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
4 Professional Elective – V PE 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
5 Open Elective – I OE 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
6 A8528 Data Mining Laboratory PC 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
7 A8807 Big Data Analytics Laboratory PC 0 0 2 1 40 60 100
8 A8042 Project Work Phase – I PW 0 0 6 3 40 60 100
Total 15 00 10 20 320 480 800

IV Year II Semester

Hours per Week

# Course Assessment Marks
Title of the Course and Credit
1 Professional Elective – VI PE 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
2 Open Elective – II OE 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
3 Open Elective – III OE 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
4 A8043 Project Work Phase - II PW 0 0 22 11 40 60 100
Total 09 00 22 20 160 240 400

R22 - B.Tech CSE iv www.vardhaman.org

Programme Curriculum Structure
B. Tech – Computer Science and Engineering
Regulations: VCE-R22
List of Professional Electives

Professional Elective - I
Domain Course Code Title of the Course
Network Security A8651 Ethical Hacking
Data Science A8851 Data Science for Engineers
High Performance Computing A8551 Advanced Computer Architecture
Software Engineering A8557 Unified Modeling Language

Professional Elective - II
Domain Course Code Title of the Course
Network Security A8652 Cyber Security
Data Science A8804 Data Analytics
High Performance Computing A8552 Parallel Computing
Software Engineering A8558 Agile Project Management

Professional Elective - III

Domain Course Code Title of the Course
Network Security A8653 Web and Database Security
Data Science A8707 Deep Learning
High Performance Computing A8553 Grid Computing
Software Engineering A8559 Software Testing Methodologies

R22 - B.Tech CSE v www.vardhaman.org

Programme Curriculum Structure
B. Tech – Computer Science and Engineering
Regulations: VCE-R22
List of Professional Elective (Cont.)

Professional Elective - IV
Domain Course Code Title of the Course
Network Security A8654 Cloud Security
Data Science A8706 Natural Language Processing
High Performance Computing A8554 Serverless Computing
Software Engineering A8560 Design Patterns

Professional Elective - V
Domain Course Code Title of the Course
Network Security A8655 IoT Security
Data Science A8856 Web and Social Media Analytics
High Performance Computing A8555 Edge Computing
Software Engineering A8561 Software Architectures

Professional Elective - VI
Domain Course Code Title of the Course
Network Security A8656 Blockchain Technology
Data Science A8853 Optimization Techniques for Analytics
High Performance Computing A8556 Quantum Computing
Software Engineering A8562 Software Process and Project

R22 - B.Tech CSE vi www.vardhaman.org

List of Open Electives
# Course Code Title of the Course
1 A8181 Smart Cities
2 A8182 Disaster Management
3 A8183 Environmental Pollution Management
4 A8155 Green Building and Sustainability
5 A8224 Electric Vehicles
6 A8281 Solar Energy and Applications
7 A8282 Energy Storage Systems
8 A8283 Power Generation Systems
9 A8381 Hybrid Vehicles
10 A8382 Fundamentals of Robotics
11 A8383 3D Printing
12 A8402 Digital Electronics
13 A8481 Basic Electronics
14 A8482 Principles of Communication Engineering
15 A8483 Fundamentals of IoT
16 A8484 Introduction to Embedded Systems
17 A8510 Operating Systems
18 A8514 Database Management Systems
19 A8520 Software Engineering
20 A8607 Information Security
21 A8608 Java Programming
22 A8651 Ethical Hacking
23 A8652 Cyber Security
24 A8656 Blockchain Technology
25 A8658 Robotic Process Automation
26 A8681 E-Commerce
27 A8682 Full Stack Development
28 A8702 Artificial Intelligence
29 A8781 Computer Organization and Architecture
30 A8851 Data Science for Engineers
31 A8081 Mathematical Programming
32 A8082 Transform Calculus
33 A8083 Numerical Techniques
34 A8084 Entrepreneurship Development
35 A8085 Logistics and Supply Chain Management

R22 - B.Tech Open Electives vii www.vardhaman.org

List of Open Electives (Cont.)
# Course Code Title of the Course
36 A8086 Management Science
37 A8087 Human Resource Management
38 A8088 Organizational Behaviour
39 A8089 Intellectual Property Rights
40 A8090 Professional Practice, Law & Ethics
41 A8091 National Cadet Corps (NCC)

R22 - B.Tech Open Electives viii www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8001 - Matrices and Calculus
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 1 0 45 15 0 4 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides mathematical knowledge required to analyze problems encountered in
engineering. In this course, the students are acquainted with the solution of system of linear
equations, eigen values and eigen vectors, functions of several variables, multiple integrals.
In addition, this course can be applied in many areas of engineering such as computer graph-
ics, cryptography, wireless communication and animation.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8001.1. Solve system of linear equations using rank of a matrix.

A8001.2. Examine the nature of quadratic form using eigen values and eigen vectors.
A8001.3. Evaluate improper integrals using Beta and Gamma Functions.
A8001.4. Examine the extremum of a function of several variables.
A8001.5. Make use of multiple integrals to find the area and volume of a solid.

3. Course Syllabus
Theory of Matrices: Rank of a matrix by Echelon form and Normal form, Inverse of Non-
singular matrices by Gauss- Jordan method, System of linear equations: Solving system of
Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous equations by Gauss elimination method, Gauss Seidel
Iteration Method.

Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors: Linear Transformation and Orthogonal Transforma-
tion, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and their properties, Diagonalization of a matrix, Cayley-
Hamilton Theorem (without proof), finding inverse and power of a matrix by Cayley-
Hamilton Theorem. Rank, index, signature and nature of quadratic forms up to three

B.Tech - R22 1 www.vardhaman.org

variables using eigen values.

Calculus: Mean value theorems: Rolle’s theorem, Lagrange’s Mean value theorem with
their Geometrical Interpretation and applications, Cauchy’s Mean value Theorem, Taylor’s
Series, Definition of Improper Integral: Beta and Gamma functions and their applications.

Multivariable Calculus (Partial Differentiation and applications): Definitions of

Limit and Continuity, Partial Differentiation: Euler’s Theorem, Total derivative, Jacobian,
Functional dependence & independence. Applications: Maxima and minima of functions of
two variables and three variables using method of Lagrange multipliers.

Multivariable Calculus (Integration): Evaluation of Double Integrals (Cartesian and

polar coordinates), change of order of integration (only Cartesian form), Change of variables
(Cartesian to polar), Evaluation of Triple Integrals. Applications: Areas (by double inte-
grals) and volumes (by double integrals and triple integrals).

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Grewal, B.S. Higher Engineering Mathematics, 43rd Edition, Khanna Publications, 2015.
2. Jain, R.K. and Iyengar, S.R.K. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 3rd Edition, Narosa
Publishing House, 2011.
Reference Books:
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
2. Ramana, B.V. Higher Engineering Mathematics, 32nd Reprint, McGraw Hill Education
(India) Pvt Ltd, 2018.

B.Tech - R22 2 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8008 - Engineering Chemistry
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course emphasizes a strong background of Chemistry, infused with an orientation to-
wards the applied chemistry and materials technology. A course that focuses on the general
applications of chemical principles to the analysis and evaluation of engineering problems
as water and its treatment for various purposes, engineering materials as plastics, fibres,
elastomers, composites, non-conventional energy sources, batteries and fuel cells.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8008.1. Apply the knowledge of electrochemical series to protect different metals from
A8008.2. Analyze the hardness and other impurities present in the water for industrial
and domestic applications.
A8008.3. Evaluate the behaviour of different engineering materials.
A8008.4. Analyze the different types of fossil fuels, characteristics and their applications.
A8008.5. Compare the materials to study various physical and chemical properties.

3. Course Syllabus
Battery Chemistry & Corrosion:
Batteries: Classification – Primary battery (dry cell and lithium cell) and Secondary bat-
tery (Lithium-ion cell and lead acid battery). Fuel cells – Hydrogen-Oxygen fuel cell– En-
gineering applications, Solar cells - Introduction and applications of Solar cells. Corrosion
and Its Control: Causes and effects of corrosion – Theories of Corrosion – Chemical cor-
rosion – oxidation corrosion, Electrochemical theory of corrosion - mechanism. Types of
corrosion – Galvanic corrosion – Concentration cell corrosion (Pitting corrosion and Wa-
terline corrosion). Factors affecting the rate of corrosion, Pilling-Bedworth rule, corrosion

B.Tech - R22 3 www.vardhaman.org

control methods – cathodic protection – sacrificial anodic – impressed current cathodic pro-

Water and its treatment:Introduction – hardness of water – causes of hardness – types

of hardness: temporary and permanent – expression and units of hardness, Numerical prob-
lems. Boiler troubles: sludges, scales and caustic embrittlement. Internal treatment of boiler
feed water – Calgon conditioning – Phosphate conditioning – Colloidal conditioning – Soft-
ening of water by ion exchange processes. Potable water – its characteristics. Desalination
of water – Reverse osmosis. Sewage – Steps involved in treatment of sewage.

Polymeric Materials: Terminology, Types of Polymerization – Addition and Condensation

polymerization with examples. Characteristics of Plastics, fibres and elastomers. Plastics:
Thermo- plastic resins & Thermosetting resins. Preparation, properties and engineering ap-
plications of Polyvinyl chloride and Teflon. Fibers: Preparation, properties and engineering
applications of Nylon-6,6 and Dacron. Elastomers: Natural rubber and its vulcanization,
Artificial rubbers - Buna-S and Butyl rubber. Conducting Polymers: Classification, mecha-
nism of conduction in trans - polyacetylene – applications.

Energy Sources: Introduction, Calorific value of fuel – HCV, LCV- Dulongs formula –
Numerical Problems. Classification- solid fuels – coal – analysis of coal – proximate and
ultimate analysis and their significance. Liquid fuels – petroleum and its refining, Cracking
and its types – moving bed catalytic cracking. Knocking – octane and cetane rating, syn-
thetic petrol - Fischer-Tropsch’s process; Gaseous fuels – composition, characteristics and
applications of LPG and CNG, Biodiesel – Transesterification, advantages

Engineering Materials:
Nanomaterials: Introduction, Chemical synthesis by sol-gel, precipitation, solvo-thermolysis
and thermolysis methods. Applications of nanomaterials in Industry and Engineering.
Graphene:Isolation, Structure and strength, applications in Computer, Electrical and Elec-
tronic Devices.
Alloys:Definition – Purpose of alloying, Types of alloys – Ferrous Alloys (Stainless steel,
Nichrome, Alnico), Non-ferrous alloys (solder, brass and bronze).
Portland cement: Chemical constituents, Setting and Hardening and applications of ce-
4. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Rama Devi. B, Aparna. P, Prasanta Rath, Engineering Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Cengage

B.Tech - R22 4 www.vardhaman.org

Publications, 2022.
2. Jain and Jain, Engineering Chemistry, 16th Edition, Dhanpat Rai Publication Company,
Reference Books:
1. Shikha Agarwal, Engineering Chemistry, Cambridge University Press, Delhi, 2015.
2. Shashi Chawla, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpatrai and Company (P) Ltd. Delhi, 2011.
3. Thirumala Chary. M, Laxminarayana. E and Shashikala. K, A text book of Engineering
Chemistry, Pearson Publications, 2021.

B.Tech - R22 5 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8010 - English for Skill Enhancement
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
2 0 0 30 0 0 2 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course has been designed to develop linguistic and communicative competencies among
engineering students. The Reading and Writing skills of the students are honed during the
sessions using the prescribed textbook. Additional focus is laid on grammar and vocabulary.
In addition, the students are encouraged to read texts which are aimed at developing their
comprehension skills.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8010.1. Build competence in grammar for effective communication.

A8010.2. Acquire suitable vocabulary required for achieving communicative competence.
A8010.3. Utilize academic reading skills to comprehend different texts effectively.
A8010.4. Develop effective writing skills for academic purposes.
A8010.5. Demonstrate basic proficiency in professional correspondence.

3. Course Syllabus

‘Toasted English’ by R.K.Narayan

Vocabulary : Word Formation - Prefixes and Suffixes; Synonyms and Antonyms; Con-
Grammar : Identifying Common Errors in Writing with Reference to Articles and
Reading : Techniques for Effective Reading
Writing : Sentence Structures -Use of Phrases and Clauses in Sentences- Types of
sentences; Punctuation; Techniques for Writing precisely – Paragraph
Writing – Types, Structures and Features of a Paragraph - Creating
Coherence-Organizing Principles of Paragraphs in Documents.
B.Tech - R22 6 www.vardhaman.org
‘Appro JRD’ by Sudha Murthy
Vocabulary : Homophones, Homonyms and Homographs
Grammar : Identifying Common Errors in Writing with reference to Tenses, Noun-
pronoun Agreement and Subject-verb Agreement
Reading : Sub-Skills of Reading – Skimming and Scanning
Writing : Essay writing; Precis writing

Lessons from Online Learning’ by F.Haider Alvi, Deborah Hurst et al

Vocabulary : Words Often Confused; Idioms
Grammar : Misplaced Modifiers
Reading : Sub-Skills of Reading – Intensive Reading and Extensive Reading – Ex-
ercises for Practice
Writing : Letter Writing: Letter of Request, Letter of Inquiry, Letter of Apology,
Letter of Complaint.

‘Art and Literature’ by Abdul Kalam

Vocabulary : Standard Abbreviations in English
Grammar : Degrees of Comparison; Redundancies and Clichés in Oral and Written
Reading : Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review (SQ3R Method)
Writing : Information Transfer; Letter of Application and Resume/CV writing;
Email writing- format, style and etiquette.

Chapter entitled ‘Go, Kiss the World’ by Subroto Bagchi

Vocabulary : Technical Vocabulary and their Usage
Grammar : Identify the errors with reference to Active and Passive Voice; Reported
Reading : Reading Comprehension: Exercises for Practice.
Writing : Technical Reports- Introduction – Characteristics of a Report – Cate-
gories of Reports Formats- Structure of Reports (Manuscript Format)
-Types of Reports - Writing a Report.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. English: Language, Context and Culture by Orient BlackSwan Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad.
2022. Print.

B.Tech - R22 7 www.vardhaman.org

Reference Books:
1. Raman, Meenakshi and Sharma, Sangeeta, Technical Communication- Principles and
Practice, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, New Delhi. Print, 2015.
2. Muralikrishna C. and Sunita Mishra, Communication Skills for Engineers, 2nd Edition,
Pearson, 2011
3. Ashraf Rizvi M, Effective Technical Communication, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill Educa-
tion, 2017
4. Swan, Michael, Practical English Usage, Oxford University Press. Fourth Edition, 2016.
5. Chaudhuri, Santanu Sinha. (2018). Learn English: A Fun Book of Functional Language,
Grammar and Vocabulary, 2nd Edition, Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.

B.Tech - R22 8 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8402 - Digital Electronics
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course aims to teach students the fundamentals of digital electronics. Starting from
learning the basic postulates of Boolean algebra, to cover map method for simplifying
Boolean expressions, to outline the formal procedures for the analysis and design of com-
binational and sequential circuits, to design combinational and sequential programmable
devices. These digital components are the basic building blocks from which more complex
digital systems are constructed.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8402.1. Apply Boolean algebra and minimization techniques to simplify a Boolean

A8402.2. Build combinational circuits using logic gates.
A8402.3. Analyze the behavior of latches and flip-flops for designing sequential logic.
A8402.4. Construct synchronous sequential circuits using flip-flops and combinational
A8402.5. Make use of Programmable Logic Devices in the design of digital systems.

3. Course Syllabus
Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates: Introduction, basic definitions, axiomatic definition
of Boolean algebra, basic theorem and properties, Boolean functions, canonical and standard
forms, digital logic gates.

Gate-Level Minimization: The map method, two-variable, three-variable and four-variable

K-maps, sum-of-products, product-of-sums simplification, don’t-care conditions, NAND and
NOR implementation.

B.Tech - R22 9 www.vardhaman.org

Combinational Logic: Combinational circuits, analysis procedure, design procedure, bi-
nary adder-subtractor, magnitude comparator, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, demulti-

Synchronous Sequential Logic: Sequential circuits, storage elements – latches and flip-
flops, analysis of clocked sequential circuits. Registers and Counters: Registers, shift
registers, ripple counters, synchronous counters.

Memory and Programmable Logic: Random-Access Memory, read-only memory, pro-

grammable logic array, programmable array logic.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. M. Morris Mano, Michael D. Ciletti (2017), Digital Design With an introduction to the
Verilog HDL, 6thEdition, Pearson Education/ PHI, India
Reference Books:
1. Ronald J Tocci, Ronald J Tocci, Neal S Widmer , Gregory L Moss , Digital Systems -
Principles an Applications , 10th Edition, Pearson Education International
2. Charles H RothJr, Larry L Kinney, Fundamentals of Logic Design,6th Edition, Cengage

B.Tech - R22 10 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8501 - Problem Solving through C
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
As an introductory course common to all branches, the student will be able to learn problem
solving skills using ‘C ’ programming language, which is a pre-requisite to learn many other
programming Languages. The purpose of this course is to provide the basic programming
methodology in C. This course will enable the students to learn programming skills nec-
essary to implement all the basic mathematical, scientific and real world applications. C
is a structured high-level programming language. The student can write programs using
structures, functions and pointers. The course enables to perform file operations to store
data permanently. This course will give the foundation for a beginner to develop computer
programmes effectively.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
A8501.1. Identify various building blocks to write a C program.
A8501.2. Use control statements for solving a given problem.
A8501.3. Write programs using arrays and strings to store and manipulate sequential
A8501.4. Build programs with functions and structures for solving a complex problem.
A8501.5. Make use of Pointers and Files to store and retrieve data efficiently.

3. Course Syllabus
Algorithms, Flowcharts and Introduction to C : Algorithms- Definition, characteris-
tics and examples. Flowcharts- Definition, Symbols and examples. Structure of a C Pro-
gram, Identifiers, Variables, Constants and Data Types. Operators-Arithmetic, Relational,
Logical, Assignment, increment and decrement, Conditional, Bitwise and Special Operators.
Evaluation of Expressions, Precedence of Arithmetic operators, Type conversions, Operator
precedence and Associativity. Formatted input and output.

B.Tech - R22 11 www.vardhaman.org

Control Statements: Conditional Statements- if, if else, nested if, else if ladder and
switch statements. Iterative or Loop statements- while, do while and for statements. Jump
statements- break, continue and goto statements.

Arrays and Strings : Arrays: Introduction, One Dimensional Arrays - Declaration and
initialization, Reading and Writing. Two Dimensional Arrays - Declaration and initializa-
tion, Reading and Writing. Strings: Introduction, Declaration and initialization, Reading
and writing, string handling functions, handling two dimensional strings, Command line

Functions, Structures and Unions: Functions- Introduction, Function definition and

Function call, Categories of functions, Recursion, Limitations of recursive functions, Passing
Arrays to functions, Common Preprocessor Directives. Structures- Definition, Declaration
and Initialization, accessing structure members, Array of Structures, Arrays with in struc-
tures, Structures and functions , size of structures , Unions- Definition, Declaration and
Initialization, accessing Union members.

Pointers and Files : Pointers-Declaration, Initialization, Pointer to Pointer, Pointer Arith-

metic, Parameter Passing Techniques, Pointer to Arrays, Pointers to Structures. Files- In-
troduction, defining, opening and closing a File, Input - Output operations on Files, Random
Access in files.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Byron Gottfried., Programming with C, 4th Edition (Schaum’s Outlines), New Delhi,Mc
GRAW HILL Edition, 2018.
2. E Balagurusamy., Programming in ANSI C, 8th Edition, Tata McGRAW HILL, New
Delhi, 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Yeshvanth Kanethkar., Let Us C,5th Edition,BPB Publications, New Delhi,India, 2017.
2. B.A. Forouzan and R.F. Gilberg., Computer Science: A Structured Programming Ap-
proach Using C, 3rd Edition, Thompson Learning, 2007.
3. P. Padmanabham., C & Data structures, 3rd Edition, B.S. Publications, 2016.
4. Jeri R. Hanly and Elliot B.Koffman.,Problem solving and Program Design in C, 7th
Edition,Pearson Publication, 2016.

B.Tech - R22 12 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8009 - Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The Chemistry Laboratory conducts fundamental studies of highway materials to understand
mechanisms. It provides students with a practical approach towards the various techniques
used in engineering application. Practical awareness is inculcated and students are trained
both quantitatively and qualitatively during the lab sessions to enhance their understanding
and problem solving abilities.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8009.1. Apply the instrumental techniques to find out the concentrations or equivalence
points of solutions.
A8009.2. Analyze the impurities present in the water using volumetric analysis.
A8009.3. Make use of different titrations to measure various properties of chemical
A8009.4. Analyze the importance of temperature and pressure on physical properties
like viscosity and surface tension of liquids.
A8009.5. Calculate the yield of synthetic drugs by maintaining specific reaction condi-

3. List of Experiments
1. Estimation of amount of ferrous ion in a given solution by permanganometry.
2. Estimation of amount of ferrous ion in given solution by dichrometry.
3. Estimation of hardness of water by complexometry using EDTA.
4. Determination of chloride content in water by argentometry.
5. Estimation of amount of hydrochloric acid in a given sample by conductometry.
6. Estimation of amount of acetic acid in a given sample by conductometry.

B.Tech - R22 13 www.vardhaman.org

7. Estimation of amount of hydrochloric acid in a given sample by potentiometry.
8. Estimation of amount of Fe+2 in a given sample by potentiometry.
9. Estimation of Mn+2 in a given sample by colorimetry.
10. Estimation of Cu+2 in a given sample by colorimetry.
11. Determination of viscosity of a given fluid by Ostwald’s viscometer.
12. Determination of surface tension of a given liquid by using stalagmometer.
13. Preparation of Aspirin.
14. Preparation of Nylon 6
4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required
1. Digital Conductometer
2. Digital Potentiometer
3. Digital Colorimeter
4. Electrical Water Heater
5. Wall Mount Distillation Plant
6. Analytical/Digital Weighing Balance
7. Ostwald’s Viscometer
8. Stalagmometer
9. Stopwatch
10. Thermometer
11. RB Flask condenser
12. Magnetic Stirrer
13. Pipette
14. Burette
15. Beaker
5. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Ramadevi. B and Aparna. P, Lab manual for Engineering chemistry, S Chand Publica-
tions, New Delhi, 2022.
Reference Books:
1. Inorganic Quantitative analysis by A.I. Vogel, ELBS Publications.
2. Ahluwalia. V.K, College Practical Chemistry, Narosa Publications Ltd. New Delhi, 2007.

B.Tech - R22 14 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8011 - English Language and Communication Skills Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course is designed to cater to the needs of students in developing their oral commu-
nication skills. It begins with an introduction to Phonetics to make them understand the
received pronunciation and to help them speak with neutral accent and appropriate intona-
tion. This course incorporates listening skills and draws exercises of listening comprehension
from various general and business contexts. The speaking exercises in this course will help
the students to present their ideas in different situations, besides helping them to develop
team spirit by participating in pair/ group activities.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8011.1. Acquire the received pronunciation and speak in a neutral accent.

A8011.2. Use contextual vocabulary for lucid spoken communication.
A8011.3. Comprehend accent of different varieties of English.
A8011.4. Develop skills for professional presentations.
A8011.5. Demonstrate the ability to communicate by enhancing listening skills

3. Course Syllabus
CALL Lab: Listening Skill- Its importance – Purpose- Process- Types- Barriers- Effective
Listening; Introduction to Phonetics – Speech Sounds – Vowels and Consonants
ICS Lab: Spoken vs. Written language- Formal and Informal English; Ice-Breaking Activity
and JAM Session- Self Introduction, Importance of Non Verbal Communication; Situational
Dialogues: Introducing Others – Greetings – Taking Leave.

CALL Lab: Past Tense and Plural Marker Rules, Structure of Syllables; Listening to
Monologues and Dialogues

B.Tech - R22 15 www.vardhaman.org

ICS Lab: Pair Activity: Asking and giving directions; Exchanging information, Making
Requests and Seeking Permissions and Justifying Opinions.

CALL Lab: Stress pattern in sentences; Weak and Strong Forms; Neutralization of Mother
Tongue Interference; Listening to Group Conversation
ICS Lab: Describing Place, Person and Event

CALL Lab: Intonation; Listening for Specific Information

ICS Lab: Group activity: Agreeing and/or disagreeing, Suggesting, Speculating, Compar-
ing and contrasting; Telephone Etiquette; Introduction to Group Discussion

CALL Lab: Differences between British and American Pronunciation; Listening for General
Comprehension of the Content
ICS Lab: Introduction to Interview Skills; Mock Interviews; Structured Presentations; Ex-
tempore Presentations

4. Books and Materials

Reference Books:
1. Brook-Hart, Guy, Cambridge English Business Benchmark- Upper Intermediate Business
Vantage (with CD), 2nd Edition, South Asian Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2019.
2. Hancock, M., English Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Cambridge University Press.
Print, Cambridge, 2009.
3. Mohanraj, J., Let Us Hear Them Speak, 1st Edition, Sage Texts Print, New Delhi, 2015
4. Exercises in Spoken English, Parts I-III CIEFL, Oxford University Press, 1997.

B.Tech - R22 16 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8502 - Problem Solving through C Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
As an introductory course common to all branches, the student will be able to learn problem
solving skills using ‘C’ programming language, which is a pre-requisite to learn many other
programming Languages. The purpose of this course is to provide the basic programming
methodology in C. This course will enable the students to learn programming skills nec-
essary to implement all the basic mathematical, scientific and real world applications. C
is a structured high-level programming language. The student can write programs using
structures, functions and pointers. The course enables to perform file operations to store
data permanently.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8502.1. Use various programming constructs of C to solve a given problem.

A8502.2. Make use of arrays, pointers and structures to organize data.
A8502.3. Develop applications using functions for code reuse.
A8502.4. Write programs using files for storing and accessing data.

3. List of Experiments
1. Variables and Expressions
a. Write a C program for Swapping of two numbers using a third variable
b. Write a C program for the simple and compound interest.
c. Write a C program to evaluate the expressions. (Finding y=m*x+c, displacement).
2. Operators
a. Write a C program to implement increment, decrement and Bitwise operators
b. Write a C program to find the greatest of 3 numbers using conditional operator.
3. Conditional Statements-I
a. Write a C program for finding the max and min from the three numbers.

B.Tech - R22 17 www.vardhaman.org

b. Write a C program to Check the given year is leap year or not.
c. Write a C program to find the roots of a quadratic equation. .
4. Conditional Statements-II
a. Write a C program to check the given number is power of 2 or not using bit wise
b. Write a C program to read 3 subject Marks. Calculate and display the grade of a
student based on the percentages.
c. Write a C Program to perform Arithmetic Operations using switch statement.
5. Iterative Statements-I
a. Write a C program to find sum of n natural numbers (1+2+3. . . .+n).
b. Write a C program to find factorial of a given number.
c. Write a C program to print Fibonacci numbers.
d. Write a C program to find reverse of the given number.
e. Write a C program to Check if the binary representation of a positive number is
palindrome or not. For example, 101, 11, 11011, 1001001 are palindromes. 100, 110,
1011, etc., are not palindromes.
6. Iterative Statements-II
a. Write a C program to read a password until it is correct. For wrong password print
"Incorrect password" and for correct password print "Correct password" and quit the
program. The correct password is 1234.
b. Write a C program to check the given number is prime or not.
c. Write a C program to find the GCD of given two numbers.
d. Write a C program to print the output in various triangle patterns using Nested for
e. Write a C Program to find the sum of the series Geometric Progression.
7. Arrays
a. Write a C program to find the largest and smallest number among a list of integers.
b. Write a C Program to read an array of n elements and find the mean, variance and
standard deviation.
c. Given an integer array of election votes having candidate IDs, write a program to find
the winner of the election.
8. Multi Dimensional Arrays
a. Write a C program to find Addition of two Matrices.
b. Write a C program to find Multiplication of two Matrices.
9. Strings
a. Write a C program to demonstrate the string handling functions.
b. Write a C program to Check whether a given string is palindrome or not.

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c. Write a C program to concatenate three strings.
d. Write a C program to count the lines, words and characters in a given text.
10. Functions
a. Write a C program to find the factorial of a given number using non-recursive and
recursive function
b. Write a C program to find the nth term of a Fibonacci series using recursive function.
c. Write a c program to compute x power y.
11. Structures
a. Write a C program to create a Student structure containing name, rollNo and grade
as structure members. Display the name, rollNo and grade of a student.
b. Write a C program to create a Book structure containing name, author and pages as
structure members. Display the name, author and pages of a Book.
c. Write a C Program to Create a Student structure containing name, rollNo and grade
as structure members. Display the name, rollNo and grade of n students by using array
of structures concept.
12. Structures
a. Write a C Program to Add Two Complex Numbers by Passing Structure to a Function
b. Write a C Program to Add Two Distances (in inch-feet system) using Structures
13. Pointers
a. Write a C program to swap two integers using following methods.
i) Call by Value ii) Call by Reference
b. Write a C program to demonstrate pointer arithmetic.
c. Write a C Program to Check the given string is palindrome or not using pointer.
d. Write a C program to print n cities names using pointers and strings.
14. Files
a. Write a C program to merge two files into a third file.
b. Write a C program to reverse the contents of a file.
c. Write a C Program to use random access functions in files.

4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required

1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open Source/ Freeware)
2. GCC Compiler (Open source / Freeware).

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Course Structure
A8302 - Computer Aided Drawing
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course covers the essential core topics for working with the AutoCAD software, ortho-
graphic projections for points, lines, planes and solids in different positions, the development
of lateral surfaces and the isometric projections. The students are able to create simple solid
models of various domain applications.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8302.1. Illustrate various menu bars and tool bars on AutoCAD interface.
A8302.2. Differentiate first angle and Third angle projection system based on represen-
tation of orthographic views.
A8302.3. Create orthographic views of points, lines, planes and solids using appropriate
A8302.4. Develop the lateral surface areas of regular solids by construction methods.
A8302.5. Model 3-dimentional views of simple objects using isometric coordinates.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to AutoCAD: File menu of AutoCAD with New, Open, Save, Save as and
Close, Basic 2D commands like Line, Circle, Ellipse, Multi Line, Construction Line, Polyline,
Point, Donut, Ellipse, Polygon, Rectangle, Arc, Erase, Snap, Redraw, Regenerate, Zoom,

Editing of AutoCAD Drawing: Modify Properties of Drawing Entity, Copy, Move, Ro-
tate, Mirror, Offset, Array, Scale, Stretch, Lengthen, Trim, Extend, Break, Chamfer, Fillet.

Orthographic Projections-I: Orthographic projections of Points, Lines and planes in-

clined to one plane and inclined to both the principal planes.

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Orthographic Projections-II: Orthographic projections of regular solids-prism, cylinder,
pyramid and cone inclined to one of the reference plane.

Isometric Projections: Isometric coordinates, Isometric Scale, Isometric Views of Lines,

Planes and solids. Conversion of Isometric View to Orthographic Views and Vice-versa.

4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required

1. PC installed with operating system (Windows)
2. Auto CAD software
5. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Bhatt N.D., Panchal V.M. & Ingle P.R., "Engineering Drawing", 53rd Edition, Charotar
Publishing House, 2019.
2. K. Balaveera Reddy et al, "Computer Aided Engineering Drawing",2nd Edition,CBS
Publications, 2015.
Reference Books:
1. Narayana, K.L. & P Kannaiah, "Text book on Engineering Drawing" , 3rd Edition, Sci-
Tech Publishers, 2020.
2. Basant Agrawal B. and Agrawal C. M., "Engineering Graphics", 3rd Edition, TMH Pub-
lication, 2020.
3. Shah, M.B., Rana B.C., "Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics", 2nd Edition,
Pearson Education,2009.

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Course Structure
A8021 - Social Innovation
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Social Innovation is an open-ended course to develop social connectedness in engineering
students through social awareness and social consciousness. This can be done through live
field exposure along with faculty led conceptual presentations, real case reviews, self-study
assignments, literature and field survey. Through this course, the students are expected to
use their engineering knowledge to provide innovative solutions to existing social problems.
This course also develops critical thinking ability among the students to develop sustainable

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8021.1. Develop awareness on social issues faced by local regions.

A8021.2. Identify the mind set of human Race and interpret the societal issues as simple,
complicated, and complex problems.
A8021.3. Identify the need statement along with its main causes and effects.
A8021.4. Develop an innovative and sustainable solution for social issues by thinking
critically and creatively.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Social Innovation: Core definitions, core elements and common features
of social innovation, a typology of social innovation, Awakening social consciousness.

Create Mindsets and Wicked Problems: Seven mindsets – Empathy, Optimism, Iter-
ation, Creative confidence, making it, embracing ambiguity, Learning from failures. Distin-
guish between simple, complicated, and complex problems; describe the characteristics of
wicked problems, breakdown a given problem by unpacking its complexity.

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Critical and Creative Thinking for Social Innovation: Definition, engineering think-
ing and learning, distinguish between creativity and innovation. Models of Creative thinking.
[Appreciative Inquiry (AI), Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) and Concept of

Process of Social Innovation: Community study, develop questionnaire, identifying the

causes of a particular problem, identify needs, record your learning’s, generate ideas, select
promising ideas, prototyping, and testing.

Social Innovation across Four Sectors: The non-profit sector, public sector, the private
sector, the informal sector, links between and cross sectors. Stages of Innovation: Social
organizations and enterprises, social movements, social software and open source methods,
common patterns of success and failure.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Robin Murray, Julie Caulier-Grice, Geoff Mulgan, “The open book of social innovation:
Ways to Design, Develop and Grow Social Innovation”, The Young Foundation, 2010.
2. Julie Caulier-Grice, Anna Davies, Robert Patrick & Will Norman, The Young Founda-
tion (2012) Social Innovation Overview: A deliverable of the project: “The theoretical,
empirical and policy foundations for building social innovation in Europe” (TEPSIE),
European Commission – 7th Framework Programme, Brussels: European Commission,
DG Research.
Reference Books:
1. Geoff Mulgan, “Social Innovation: What it is, Why it matters and How it can be accel-
erated”, The Young Foundation, 2007.
2. Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) Model – http://www.nurturedevelop-
3. Diana Whitney & Amanda Trosten-Bloom, “The Power of Appreciative inquiry – A
Practical Guide to Positive Change”, 2nd Edition, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc, 2010.

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Course Structure
A8002 - Ordinary Differential Equations and Vector Calculus
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 1 0 45 15 0 4 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides mathematical knowledge required to analyze problems encountered in
engineering. In this course, the students are acquainted with ordinary differential equations
of first and higher order and Laplace transforms, vector calculus. In addition, this course can
be applied in many areas of engineering such as wireless communication, signal processing,
robotics and animation.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8002.1. Solve ordinary differential equations of first and higher order.

A8002.2. Make use of ordinary differential equations to solve engineering problems.
A8002.3. Apply Laplace transforms to solve ordinary differential equations.
A8002.4. Determine divergence and curl of a vector point function.
A8002.5. Make use of vector integral theorems to evaluate area, surface area and volumes

3. Course Syllabus
First Order Ordinary Differential Equations: Exact differential equations, Equations
reducible to exact differential equations, linear and Bernoulli’s equations, Orthogonal Tra-
jectories (only in Cartesian Coordinates). Applications: Newton’s law of cooling, Law of
natural growth and decay.

Ordinary Differential Equations of Higher Order: Second order linear differential

equations with constant coefficients: Non-Homogeneous terms of the type eax , sin ax, cos
ax, polynomials in x, eax V(x) and xV(x), method of variation of parameters, Equations
reducible to linear ODE with constant coefficients: Cauchy-Euler equation. Applications:

B.Tech - R22 25 www.vardhaman.org

L-C-R Circuits.

Laplace Transforms: Laplace Transform of standard functions, First shifting theorem,

Second shifting theorem, Unit step function, Dirac delta function, Laplace transforms of
functions when they are multiplied and divided by ‘t’, Laplace transforms of derivatives and
integrals of function, Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transforms, Laplace transform of
periodic functions, Inverse Laplace transform, convolution theorem (without proof). Appli-
cations: solving Initial value problems by Laplace Transform method.

Vector Differentiation: Vector point functions and scalar point functions, Gradient, Di-
rectional derivatives, Divergence and Curl, Vector Identities, Scalar potential functions,
Solenoidal and Irrotational vectors.

Vector Integral Calculus: Line integral, work done, Surface integrals, Volume integrals.
Vector integral theorems: Green’s theorem in a plane, Stoke’s theorem and Gauss divergence
theorem (without proof) and their applications.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Grewal, B.S. Higher Engineering Mathematics, 43rd Edition, Khanna Publications, 2015.
2. Jain, R.K. and Iyengar, S.R.K. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 3rd Edition, Narosa
Publishing House, 2011.
Reference Books:
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
2. Ramana, B.V. Higher Engineering Mathematics, 32nd Reprint, McGraw Hill Education
(India) Pvt Ltd, 2018.

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Course Structure
A8006 - Applied Physics
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Applied Physics course introduces the fundamental aspects of physics with applications to
modern scientific world and focuses on recent trends in science and technology. This in-
terdisciplinary knowledge which includes quantum computing, semiconductors, lasers, wave
optics, optical fibers and nanomaterials encourage an understanding of technological appli-
cations of Physics. It’s importance as a subject of social and industrial relevance enable the
students to solve various engineering problems.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8006.1. Analyze the properties of quantum computers by quantum physics.

A8006.2. Apply wave property of light to study different optical phenomenon.
A8006.3. Interpret the charge carrier dynamics in semiconductors.
A8006.4. Develop communication systems by means of lasers and optical fibers.
A8006.5. Analyze the principles of nanoscience and technology for electronic applica-

3. Course Syllabus
Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computing: Introduction to quantum physics,
Blackbody radiation, Photoelectric effect, de-Broglie hypothesis, G.P. Thomson experiment,
Concept of wave function, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Time independent Schrödinger
wave equation, One-dimensional potential box, Introduction to quantum computing, Bits
and qubits, Classical and quantum logic gates, Interference and quantum entanglements,
quantum teleportation and cryptography, IBM quantum, Application of quantum comput-

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Wave optics: Waves and wavefronts, Huygens’ principle, Superposition of waves, Con-
structive and destructive interference, Interference of light by Wavefront splitting – Young’s
double slit experiment, Amplitude splitting – Newton’s rings, Diffraction: Fraunhofer and
Fresnel diffraction, Diffraction of light at single slit, Diffraction grating – Intensity distribu-
tion of light.

Semiconductors and Devices: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor, Density of states,

Fermi-Dirac distribution function, Carrier concentration in intrinsic semiconductor, Direct
and indirect bandgap semiconductor, Structure, Working principle and Characteristics of
P-N junction diode, Hall effect, Light Emitting Diode (LED) and Solar cell.

Lasers and Optical fibers: Introduction to lasers, Einstein’s coefficients, three and four
level laser systems, Ruby laser, He-Ne laser, Semiconductor laser, Applications of lasers,
Introduction to optical fibers, Structure of optical fiber, Total internal reflection, Step index
and Graded index optical fibers, Acceptance angle - Numerical aperture, Optical fibers in
communication System, Applications of optical fibers.

Nanoscience: Introduction of nanomaterials, Surface area to Volume ratio, Quantum con-

finement, Top-down fabrication: Ball milling and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) meth-
ods, Bottom-up fabrication: Sol-Gel and Combustion methods, Characterization techniques:
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Mi-
croscope (TEM), Applications of nanomaterials.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Pandey, B. K. and Chaturvedi, S., Engineering Physics, 1st Edition, New Delhi: Cengage
Learning India Pvt. Ltd, 2013
2. Bernhardt, Chris., Quantum computing for everyone, MIT Press, 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Palanisamy, P.K, Engineering Physics, 1st Edition, Scitech Publications, 2013
2. David Halliday, Jearl Walker, Robert Resnick, David G. Rethwisch, William D. Callister,
Engineering Physics, 6th Edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2006
3. Brij Lal and Subrahmaniyam, A textbook of Optics, 23rd Edition, S Chand, 2006.

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Course Structure
A8204 - Basic Electrical Engineering
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
2 0 0 30 0 0 2 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Basic Electrical Engineering course serves as a theoretical foundation aimed at enriching
students’ understanding of electric circuits, DC and AC machines, while fostering analytical
abilities. This course delves into the foundational concepts and methodologies integral to
Electrical Engineering, covering various aspects such as electrical circuits, network theorems,
and operational principles of key components including DC machines (motors and genera-
tors), Transformers, Induction motors, and Synchronous generators.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8204.1 Utilize network reduction methodologies alongside expertise in alternating

quantities to determine current, voltage, and power parameters within complex
DC and AC circuits.
A8204.2 Analyze the electrical circuits using Nodal analysis, Mesh analysis and Network
A8204.3 Examine the fundamental principles governing the functionality of DC ma-
chines, AC machines, and Single-phase transformers, and adapt them to prac-
tical applications.
A8204.4 Analyze the operational characteristics and performance attributes of DC ma-
chines, AC Machines and Single-phase transformers.

3. Course Syllabus
DC Circuits: Electrical circuit elements (R, L and C), Ohm’s Law, KVL and KCL, Types
of sources, Source transformation, Network reduction techniques (Series, Parallel and Star-
Delta), Mesh and Nodal analysis, Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems
(DC Excitation only) - Numerical problems.

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AC Circuits: Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, Average & RMS value, Peak factor,
Form factor, j- notation, Analysis of single-phase AC circuits consisting of R, L, C, RL, RC,
RLC combinations (series circuits only) - Numerical problems.

Single Phase Transformers: Working principle and constructional details, Types-Core

and Shell type transformers, EMF equation, Transformer operation on NO load and ON
load Conditions - Numerical problems on EMF equation.

DC Machines: D.C. Generators - Construction, Principle of operation, E.M.F. equation,

Methods of excitation - Separately excited and Self-excited generators- Numerical problems
on EMF equation. D.C Motors – Principle of operation, Concept of Back E.M.F., Torque
equation, Torque-Speed characteristics of DC Shunt motor - Conceptual description only.

AC Machines: Generation of rotating magnetic fields, Construction and working of a

three-phase Induction motor, Concept of slip, Torque production- Starting and Running
torques, Torque-Slip characteristics - Numerical problems on slip. Construction of Syn-
chronous generator-Salient pole and Non-salient pole generators, Working principle of syn-
chronous generator, No-Load Characteristics - Conceptual description only.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. William Hart Hayt, Jack Ellsworth Kemmerly, Steven M. Durbin(2007), Engineering
Circuit Analysis, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, New Delhi, India.
2. B.L. Theraja, A.K. Theraja, A text book of Electrical Technology,(Vol 1&2), S. Chand
Publishers, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath, Basic Electrical Engineering, 3rd Edition, Tata Mc-Graw
Hill, 2010.
2. D.C. Kulshreshtha, Basic Electrical Engineering, Mc Graw Hill, 2009.
3. L.S. Bobrow, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Oxford University Press, 2011.

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Course Structure
A8505 - Data Structures
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Data Structures is a course for an engineering graduate to improve the programming skills
using C Language. It is a logical model of organizing data, used in designing and implement-
ing efficient algorithms. Data structures are important as they are implemented in every
software application. This course covers various operations on Singly Doubly Linked Lists.
The linear data structures stacks and queues are implemented using both arrays and linked
lists. The course also includes fundamental terminology of non-linear data structures like
Trees and Graphs which are especially used to handle large amount of data. The course will
also enable the use of appropriate searching and sorting method in handling collection of

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8501 - Problem Solving through C
A8502 - Problem Solving through C Laboratory

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8505.1. Select appropriate sorting and searching technique for a given application.
A8505.2. Use various forms of linked lists to perform operations on data efficiently.
A8505.3. Build applications using stack data structure for real time applications.
A8505.4. Construct various forms of Queues to solve a real time problem.
A8505.5. Make use of nonlinear data structures for organizing data.

3. Course Syllabus
Searching and Sorting: Asymptotic Notations, Time Complexity and Space Complexity
of algorithms, Introduction to Searching, Linear search and Binary search. Introduction to
Sorting, Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort, Merge Sort and Quick sort.

Dynamic Memory Allocation and Linked Lists: Introduction, Dynamic Memory Al-
location Functions: malloc, calloc, free and realloc. Self-Referential Structures. Linked List-

B.Tech - R22 31 www.vardhaman.org

Introduction, Basic Terminologies, Linked Lists versus Arrays, Operations on Singly Linked
Lists and Doubly Linked Lists. (Create, insert, delete, reverse, display and count).

Stacks: Introduction, Array and Linked List representation of Stacks, Operations on Stack
using Array and Linked List. Applications of Stacks: Infix to Postfix conversion, Evaluation
of Postfix Expression.

Queues: Introduction, Array and Linked List representation of Queues, Operations on

Queue using Array and Linked List. Circular Queue and Deque implementation using ar-

Trees and Graphs: Introduction to Trees, Basic Terminologies, Representation of Bi-

nary Tree and Tree Traversal Techniques- Pre order, In order and Post order. Introduction
to Graphs, Graph Terminology, Directed Graphs, Non Directed Graphs, Representation of

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Reema Thareja., Data Structures Using C, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, New
Delhi India, 2014.
Reference Books:
1. Samanta Debasis., Classic Data Structures, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New
Delhi, India, 2012.
2. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Susan Anderson-Freed., Fundamentals of Data Structure in
C, 2nd Edition, University Press, India, 2008.

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Course Structure
A8506 - Computer Organization
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
2 0 0 30 0 0 2 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course is designed to understand the concepts and functionalities of computer system
among the various components such as registers, control unit and memory units. The course
provides in-depth knowledge of internal working, structuring, and implementation of a com-
puter system, the way the system is structured so that all those catalogued tools can be
used properly. In addition, this course helps to construct the circuits to the corresponding
operations and also discusses the multiprocessing. It is a fundamental course and provides
the concepts and terminology required for advanced courses.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8402 - Digital Electronics

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8506.1. Identify various functional aspects of computer hardware.

A8506.2. Choose various instructions and addressing modes to execute an instruction.
A8506.3. Make use of integer and floating point algorithms to perform arithmetic oper-
ations on data.
A8506.4. Design control unit and memory for a computer system.
A8506.5. Examine the performance of a system using pipelining and multiprocessors.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction and Micro operations: Computer functional units, Von – Neumann Ar-
chitecture, Harvard architecture. Register transfer, Bus and memory transfer, arithmetic
micro operations, logic micro operations, shift micro operations, arithmetic logic and shift
unit. Data Representation – Fixed point and Floating point.

Instructions and Addressing Modes: Computer Instructions, Instruction Cycle, Regis-

ter reference instructions, Memory reference instructions, Input-output and Interrupt. Stack
organization, instruction formats, addressing modes, data transfer and manipulation, Inter-

B.Tech - R22 33 www.vardhaman.org

rupt Handling and types.

Computer Arithmetic: Introduction, Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication algo-

rithms on signed magnitude and two’s complement data, Division Algorithms, Floating
point arithmetic operations.

Control Unit and Memory Organization:Control memory, address sequencing, micro

program example and design of control unit. Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory – RAM and
ROM chips, Cache Memory – Introduction, Cache Mapping Techniques.

Pipelining and Multiprocessors: Parallel processing, Arithmetic Pipeline, Instruction

pipeline and RISC pipeline. Multiprocessors- characteristics of multiprocessors, Intercon-
nection structures, Interprocessor arbitration.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. M. Moris Mano., Computer System Architecture,3rd Edition, Pearson Publication, India,
2. Stallings William., Computer Organization and Architecture,9th Edition, Pearson Edu-
cation India, 2012.
Reference Books:
1. Carl Hamacher, ZvonksVranesic, SafeaZaky., Computer Organization,5th Edition, McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi, India, 2002.

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Course Structure
A8007 - Applied Physics Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Applied Physics Laboratory covers the concepts of semiconductors, communication systems
and wave optics. These experiments have number of applications and are valuable tool in
the arsenal of engineers across multiple domains. This course also makes students familiar
with the instrumental methods and various electrical properties of semiconducting devices.
This basic knowledge will enable the scientific fervor to solve various engineering problems.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8007.1. Evaluation of properties of light radiation by wave optics.

A8007.2. Interpret the principles of semiconductors.
A8007.3. Determine the properties of laser light and estimate losses in optical fibre.
A8007.4. Analyze the VI characteristics of LED and solar cell.
A8007.5. Apply resonance principle to calculate frequency of AC supply.

3. List of Experiments
1. Determination of the wavelength of Sodium light by Newton’s rings method.
2. Determination of wavelengths of spectral lines of Mercury (Hg) source using diffraction
3. Determination of threshold voltage and study the V-I characteristics of LED.
4. To Study the V-I characteristics of PN junction diode under Forward and Reverse bias
5. Verification of the type of semiconductor material by estimating the density of majority
carriers using Hall Effect.
6. Determination of the energy bandgap of a given semiconductor.
7. Determination of quality factor of solar cells and it’s V-I Characteristics.

B.Tech - R22 35 www.vardhaman.org

8. Determination of the wavelength of a given source of Laser light using plane transmission
9. Evaluation of the numerical aperture (NA) and transmission losses of a given optical
10. Evaluation of frequency (n) of an AC supply, using Sonometer.

4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required

1. Newton’s Ring kit
2. Spectrometer
3. Regulated power supply (DC and AC)
4. Hall Effect Setup
5. Light Emitting Diode Kit
6. Solar cell Kit
7. Sonometer Setup
8. Semiconductor Laser Source
9. Plane diffraction grating
10. Optical fiber trainer kit
11. Meters - Ammeter, Voltmeter, Digital Multimeter
12. Diodes, Resistors, Capacitors, Bread Board

5. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Sushil Kumar Jain, Majeet Singh, Applied Physics Experiments, JBC Press, 2013
Reference Books:
1. S B Mal, Er. Ashish Jesuja Practical Physics for Engineering Students of B.Tech, JBC
Press, 2015
2. Applied Physics Laboratory Manual, Department of Physics, VCE 2022

B.Tech - R22 36 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8205 - Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory provides students with practical hands-on ex-
perience to deepen their understanding of electric circuits, DC and AC machines, and to
foster the development of analytical skills. This course delves into the fundamental concepts
and methodologies underpinning Electrical Engineering, covering various aspects such as
electrical circuits, network theorems, and the principles and operating conditions of DC ma-
chines (motors and generators), Transformers, Induction motors, and Alternators. Through
practical applications and experimentation, students engage in active learning to solidify
their comprehension and proficiency in the field of Electrical Engineering.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8205.1. Analyze and demonstrate the application of Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Laws
in a provided DC circuit.
A8205.2. Demonstrate practical application and evaluation skills by verifying Superpo-
sition, Thevenin’s, and Norton’s theorems in provided circuits.
A8205.3. Generate and interpret graphical representations illustrating the inherent char-
acteristics of both DC machines and AC machines.
A8205.4. Assess and evaluate the operational characteristics of DC motor, Single-phase
transformer, Alternator, and Three-phase Induction motor through compre-
hensive testing procedures.

3. List of Experiments
1. Verification of Ohm’s Law.
2. Verification of KVL and KCL.
3. Verification of Super position theorem.
4. Verification of Thevenin’s theorem.
5. Verification of Norton’s theorem.

B.Tech - R22 37 www.vardhaman.org

6. Calculations and Verification of Impedance, Voltage and Current of series RL and series
RC circuits.
7. OC and SC Tests on Single Phase Transformer.
8. Measurement of transformation ratio of Single Phase Transformer.
9. Torque-Speed Characteristics of a DC Shunt Motor.
10. Torque-Speed Characteristics of 3-phase Induction Motor.
11. Performance Characteristics of a Separately Excited DC Motor.
12. No-Load Characteristics of a Three-phase Alternator.

4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required

1. Bread Boards, Resistors of different values, Regulated Power Supply.
2. 1-Phase Transformer, DC Machines, 3-phase Induction Motor, Alternator.
3. Voltmeter, Ammeter, Tachometer, Rheostats and Watt meters (LPF and UPF).

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Course Structure
A8301 - Engineering Workshop
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Engineering Workshop is an establishment of space and facility where the students acquire
the knowledge on different materials, equipment, tools and workshop practices that are the
core methods of engineering industry. This course is of prime importance which makes the
learner competent in handling practical work in all types and trades of engineering. It also
develops the skills with dignity of labour, precision, safety at work place, team working
innovative ideas in making and development of right attitude.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8301.1. Identify the trade based materials and tools to prepare the models.
A8301.2. Illustrate each trade and tool by hands on training in making the models.
A8301.3. Apply different workshop practice methods towards workshop models.
A8301.4. Analyze the trade based operations in the process of product development.
A8301.5. Develop a progressive product towards a societal need.

3. Course Syllabus
PART – A (Demonstration)
1. CNC Machining.
2. Additive Manufacturing with one Model.
3. Power Tools, Plastic Moulding, Metal Casting.
4. Welding (TIG/MIG, Gas Welding), Brazing.

PART - B (Practical)
1. Fitting : L - Fit / V - Fit / Square – Fit / Semi Circular - Fit.
2. Carpentry : Cross Lap Joint / Dovetail Joint / T – Lap Joint / Corner Lap Joint.
3. House wiring : Series / Parallel / One Bulb One Switch / Tube Light / Two-way switch.

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4. Welding : Butt Joint / Lap Joint / T Joint .
5. Foundry : Single Piece / Multi Piece.
6. Tin Smithy : Open Scoop / Funnel / Rectangular Tray / Cylindrical
7. Plumbing : Pipe Threading / Pipe Joints.

Note: Minimum one experiment from each Trade with total of 12 Experiments

4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required

1. Fitting : Bench vise, Hacksaw frame, Calipers, Files, Try Square
2. Carpentry : Carpentry vise, Chisels, Saws, Wooden Hammer, Try Square
3. House wiring : Wiring Bundles, Socket Pins, Tester, Poker, and Cutting Plier
4. Welding : Welding M/c, Safeguards, Chipping Hammer, Electrode Holder
5. Foundry : Wooden patterns, Riddle, Riser, Runner, Gate cutter, Rammers
6. Tin Smithy : Wire Gauge, Snips, Pliers, Steel rule, Soldering kit, Nylon Hammers.
7. Plumbing : Pipe Wrench, Pipe Cutter, Pliers, Pipe Die Set
8. Additional : Model Joints and Electric Boards

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Course Structure
A8507 - Data Structures Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Data Structures laboratory course provides implementation of linear and nonlinear data
structures to organize data efficiently. Data structures are important as they are imple-
mented in every software application. This course covers various operations on Singly Linked
Lists and Doubly Linked Lists. The linear and nonlinear data structures are implemented
using both arrays and linked lists. The course will also enable the use of appropriate search-
ing and sorting method in handling collection of elements. The course is basis for data
structures implementation in various programming languages.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8501 – Problem Solving through C
A8502 – Problem Solving through C Laboratory

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8507.1. Implement various searching and sorting techniques on a given data.

A8507.2. Organize data efficiently using linked lists.
A8507.3. Perform various operations on data structures using arrays and linked lists.
A8507.4. Write programs to traverse tree using linked list.

3. List of Experiments
1. Write a C Program to Implement Linear Search and Binary Search.
2. Write a C Program to Implement Bubble Sort and Selection Sort.
3. Write a C Program to Implement Insertion Sort and Quick Sort.
4. Write a C Program to Implement Merge Sort.
5. a) Write a C program to Read an array of integers whose size will be specified interactively
at rum time and print those elements.
b) Write a C program to Illustrate Self Referential Structures.
6. Write a C program to implement Singly Linked List Operations: Creation, Insertion,
Deletion, Reverse, Count and Traversal.

B.Tech - R22 41 www.vardhaman.org

7. Write a C program to implement Doubly Linked List Operations: Creation, Insertion,
Deletion, Count and Traversal.
8. Write a C program to implement Stack operations using Arrays.
9. Write a C program to implement Stack operations using Linked List
10. a) Write a C Program to implement to convert an expression from Infix to Postfix.
b) Write a C Program to Evaluate arithmetic expression.
11. a) Write a C program to implement Queue operations using Arrays.
b) Write a C program to implement Queue operations using Linked List.
12. Write a C program to implement Circular Queue operations using Arrays.

13. Write a C program to implement Deque operations using Arrays.

14. Write a C Program to Implement Traversals on Binary Tree using linked list.

4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required

1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open Source/ Freeware)
2. GCC Compiler (Open source / Freeware).

B.Tech - R22 42 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8508 - Python Programming Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
As an introductory course common to all branches, the student will be able to learn prob-
lem solving skills using ‘PYTHON’ programming language, which is a pre-requisite to learn
many other programming Languages. The purpose of this course is to provide the basic
programming methodology in Python. This course will enable the students to learn pro-
gramming skills necessary to implement all the basic mathematical, scientific and real world
applications. Python is a general-purpose interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, and high-
level programming language. This course will give the foundation for a beginner to develop
computer programmes effectively.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8502 - Problem Solving through C Laboratory

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8508.1. Use expressions and control statements for solving a given problem.
A8508.2. Build programs on sequence of characters using string operations and built in
A8508.3. Implement fundamental data structures for manipulating data.
A8508.4. Build user defined functions and modules to improve code reusability.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Python Programming: Introduction to Python, Features of Python,
Identifiers, Reserved Words, Data Types, Variables and Constants, Input / Output State-
ments, Type Casting, Operators, Operator Precedence and Associativity, Expressions Eval-

Control Statements: Conditional Statements –if, if-else, if-elif-else. Iterative Statements

–for, while. Jump / Transfer Statements –break, continue, pass.

Strings and Operations: String definition, Slicing, Mathematical Operations on Strings,

Checking Membership, Comparison, Formatting Strings, Built in Functions and Methods.

B.Tech - R22 43 www.vardhaman.org

Data Structures and Operations:Sequence, Lists, Tuple, Set and Dictionary – Defini-
tion, operations and functions.

Functions and Modules: Introduction, Function Definition, Function call, Type of Argu-
ments, Return Statement, Recursive Functions, Lambda function, Range, Modules.

4. List of Experiments
1. Introduction to Python Lab : Installation and Simple Output Display.
a) Write a python program to read a string “Python Programming” and display it on the
b) Write a python program to read integer, float & string values and display them on
the screen..
2. Programs using Input Output Statements, Variables and Expressions.
a) Write a python program to read a float value and convert Fahrenheit to Centigrade.
b) Write a python program to find the area of triangle.
c) Write a python program to read the Marks in 4 Subjects and Display the average. .
3. Programs using various operators in Python.
a) Write a python program for demonstrating the usage of comparison operators
b) Write a python program to swap / interchange two numbers.
c) Write a python program for demonstrating the usage of unary, shift, logical, member-
ship and identity operators. .
4. Programs using Conditional Statements.
a) Write a python program to check a given number is Even or Odd.
b) Write a python program to find the greatest of 3 integer numbers.
c) Write a python program to demonstrate nested if statement.
5. Programs using Iterative Statements.
a) Write a Python program to reverse the digits of a given number.
b) Write a Python program to find the factorial of a given number.
c) Write a python program to display factors of a given integer number.
6. Programs using Iterative Statements.
a) Write a python program to print Fibonacci numbers.
b) Write a python program to display all prime numbers between 0 to n.
7. Programs using Strings and Its Operations. Write a program that asks the user to enter
a string and perform the following:
i) The total number of characters in the string.
ii) Repeat the string 10 times.
iii) The first character of the string. iv) The first three characters of the string.
v) The last three characters of the string. vi) The string in backwards.
vii) The seventh character of the string if exist otherwise display a message “Not exist”.
viii) The string with its first and last characters removed.

B.Tech - R22 44 www.vardhaman.org

ix) The string into capital case. x) The string with everya replaced with ane.
xi) The string with every letter replaced by a space.
8. Programs using Python Data Structures (Lists).Write a Python program to perform
following operations on a list of integers.
i) Print the total number of items in the list.
ii) Print the last item in the list. iii) Print the list in reverse order.
iv) Print Yes if the list contains a 5 and No otherwise.
v) Print the number of occurrences of a element in the list.
vi) Remove the first and last items from the list and sort the remaining items.
vii) Print how many integers in the list is less than a given value.
viii) Print the average of the elements in the list.
ix) Print the largest and smallest value in the list.
9. Programs using Python Data Structures (Dictionary).
a) Write a python program for demonstrating the creation of dictionary, accessing dic-
tionary elements, modifying dictionary elements, finding length and possible operations.
b) Write a python program to create a dictionary of students with keys as roll numbers
and values as names. Perform operations like insert, update and modify student data.
10. Programs using Python Data Structures (Tuples and Set).
a) Write a python program to demonstrate various operations on tuples.
b) Write a python program to demonstrate various operations on sets. .
11. Programs using User Defined Functions.
a) Write a python program to find factorial of a given number using function.
b) Write a python program to find factorial of a given number using Recursive function.
12. Programs using Modules.
a) Write a Python program to display the date and time using the Time module.
b) Write a Python program that prints the calendar of a particular month.

5. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required

1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open source/ Freeware)
2. Python and Python IDE (Open Source/ Freeware)
6. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Reema Thareja., Python Programming using Problem solving Approach. Oxford Uni-
versity Press, New Delhi India, 2017.
Reference Books:
1. Timothy A Budd. Exploring Python, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited.
New Delhi India, 2011.
2. Mark Lutz., Learning Python,5th Edition,O’Reilly, USA, 2015.

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Course Structure
A8022 - Engineering Exploration
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This Course provides an opportunity for freshman students to learn in new ecosystem and
is one of the unique outcomes of innovative education ecosystem in digital era of our na-
tion. The focus of this course is on Engineering Design Process, Problem Solving, Multi-
disciplinary skills, Ethics and Data Acquisition and Analysis. This course is co-designed
and co-taught by faculty members drawn from multiple engineering disciplines; it follows
Project Based Learning (PBL) pedagogy with need statements covering broad themes of
environmental, educational, smart appliances, smart agriculture, industrial needs etc. are
used by students to carve out problem definitions by linking Sustainable Development Goals
defined by United Nation. Students work in teams to solve identified problems and serves
as a platform for peer learning and push students in Multi-disciplinary design thinking in
first year itself.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8021 - Social Innovation

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8022.1 Compare and contrast the contributions of different types of engineers in the
development of a product, process, or system.
A8022.2 Apply the common engineering design process to solve complex problems and
arrive at viable solution.
A8022.3 Explore various contemporary software and hardware tools to provide solutions
for the problems.
A8022.4 Apply skills needed for successful teamwork including the basics of project
management and written and oral communication.
A8022.5 Identify the key elements of professional codes of ethics as well as the ethical
and societal issues related to the disciplines and their impact on society and
the world.

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3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Study: Difference between science and
engineering, scientist and engineer needs and wants, various disciplines of engineering, some
misconceptions of engineering, Expectation for the 21st century engineer and Graduate At-

Engineering Design Process: Design Cycle, Multidisciplinary facet of design, Impor-

tance of analysis in engineering design, general analysis procedure, generation of multiple
solution, decision matrix, Concepts of reverse engineering and general mechatronics system.

Introduction to Open-source Platforms: Open-source hardware & software tools, De-

velopment (Arduino) of Programming (Tinker CAD Tools) and its Essentials, Introduction
to Sensors, Transducers and Actuators and its Interfacing with Open-Source H/W & S/W

Engineering Ethics: Identifying Engineering as a Profession, Significance of Professional

Ethics, Code of Conduct for Engineers. Sustainability: Introduction to sustainability, Sus-
tainability leadership, Life cycle assessment.

Project Management & Tools: Introduction, Significance of teamwork, Importance of

communication in engineering profession, Checklist, Timeline, Gantt Chart, Significance of

4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required

1. Open-source Hardware: Microchip ATmega328P (UNO/NANO/MEGA).
2. I/O Peripherals: LCD, Keypad, DC/Servo Motor, Switch, 7-Segment LED modules,
GSM, GPS etc.
3. Sensor Tool Kit:Digital RED/WHITE/GREEN/BLUE Light Module, IR, Analog Sound,
Soil Moisture, LM35 Analog Linear Temperature, MQ7 Analog Carbon Monoxide etc.
4. Open-source Software: Arduino IDE Version 1.8.5.

5. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Philip Kosky, Robert T. Balmer, William D. Keat, George Wise, Exploring Engineering:
An Introduction to Engineering and Design, Academic Press, 3rd Edition, 2012.
2. Byron Francis, Arduino: The Complete Beginner’s Guide, Create space Independent
Publishers, 2016.

B.Tech - R22 47 www.vardhaman.org

3. M. Govindarajan, S. Natarajan & V. S. Senthil Kumar, Engineering Ethics, 1st Edition,
Phi Learning, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Neerparaj Rai, Arduino Projects for Engineers, 1st Edition, BPB Publications, 2016.
2. Simon Monk, Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, 2nd Edition, McGraw-
Hill Education, 2016.
3. W. Richard Bowen, Engineering Ethics – Outline of an aspirational approach, Springer

B.Tech - R22 48 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8013 - Business Economics and Financial Analysis
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course addresses the concepts, principles and techniques of Business Economics and Fi-
nancial Analysis. It covers the fundamentals of Business Economics and its various aspects.
Financial analysis gives clear idea about concepts and conventions of accounting, accounting
procedures like journal, ledger, trial balance, final accounts and interpretation of financial
statements through ratios.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8013.1. Examine the types of business and impact of macroeconomic variables on busi-
A8013.2. Analyze interrelationship among various economic variables and its impact.
A8013.3. Classify the market structure to decide the fixation of suitable price.
A8013.4. Apply accounting principles & rules for preparing financial statements.
A8013.5. Analyze financial statements to assess financial health of business.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Business and Economics: Business: Structure of Business Firm, The-
ory of Firm, Types of Business Entities, Limited Liability Companies, Sources of Capital for
a Company, Non-Conventional Sources of Finance. Economics: Significance of Economics,
Micro and Macro Economic Concepts, Concepts and Importance of National Income, Infla-
tion, Money Supply and Inflation, Business Cycle, Features and Phases of Business Cycle.
Nature and Scope of Business Economics, Role of Business Economist.

Demand and Supply Analysis: Elasticity of Demand: Elasticity, Types of Elastic-

ity, Measurement and Significance of Elasticity of Demand, Factors affecting Elasticity of

B.Tech - R22 50 www.vardhaman.org

Demand, Law of Demand. Demand Forecasting: Methods of Demand Forecasting.
Supply Analysis: Determinants of Supply, Supply Function and Law of Supply. .

Production, Cost, Market Structures & Pricing: Production Analysis Factors of

Production, Production Function, Production Function with one variable input, two variable
inputs, Returns to Scale, Different Types of Production Functions.
Cost analysis: Types of Costs, Short run and Long run Cost Functions.
Market Structure: Nature of Competition, Features of Perfect competition, Monopoly,
Oligopoly, Monopolistic Competition. Pricing: Types of Pricing, Product Life Cycle based
Pricing, Break Even Analysis (simple problems).

Financial Accounting: Accounting concepts and Conventions, Accounting Equation, Double-

Entry system of Accounting, Rules for maintaining Books of Accounts, Journal, Posting to
Ledger, Preparation of Trial Balance, Elements of Financial Statements, Preparation of Fi-
nal Accounts (Simple Problems).

Financial Ratios Analysis: Concept of Ratio Analysis, Importance and Types of Ratios-
Liquidity Ratios, Turnover Ratios, Profitability Ratios, Proprietary Ratios, Solvency, Lever-
age Ratios – Analysis and Interpretation (simple problems).

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. D. D. Chaturvedi, S. L. Gupta, Business Economics - Theory and Applications, Interna-
tional Book House Pvt. Ltd. 2013.
2. Dhanesh K Khatri, Financial Accounting, Tata Mc –Graw Hill, 2011.
3. Geethika Ghosh, Piyali Gosh, Purba Roy Choudhury, Managerial Economics, 2e, Tata
Mc Graw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. 2012.
Reference Books:
1. A.R. Aryasri (2011), Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis, TMH, India.
2. S. N. Maheshwari, Sunil K Maheshwari, Sharad K Maheshwari, Financial Accounting,
5e, Vikas Publications, 2013.

B.Tech - R22 51 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8509 - Discrete Mathematical Structures
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course will provide the Mathematical fundamentals needed to understand computer
applications. This course will be begun by covering the mathematical concepts necessary in
the study of propositional and predicate logic. Next, it covers the concepts of relations and
ordering to study and construct the lattices. Further, it discusses the concepts of algebraic
systems like semi groups and groups. Then move on to the recurrence relations which helps
in writing efficient code. Finally, it covers the topics of graph theory to analyze the complex
structures using the concepts of planar, Euler graphs and chromatic number.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8509.1. Identify the importance of statements and predicate calculus in deriving valid
A8509.2. Use relations and ordering methods to identify the relationship among the
elements in the system.
A8509.3. Select suitable algebraic systems to find solutions for real time problems..
A8509.4. Apply the concepts of counting, inclusion and exclusion principle to solve por-
tioning problems in computer algorithms
A8509.5. Examine Graph concepts, Recurrence relations and computing methods to
solve complex problems with improved efficiency

3. Course Syllabus
Propositional Logic: Statements and Notation, Connectives, Well-formed formulas, Tau-
tologies, Equivalence of formulas and Tautological implications, Rules of Inference, Consis-
tency of Premises, Direct and Indirect method of proof, Predicates, the statement functions,
Variables and Quantifiers (Single and Multiple), Free and Bound Variables.

B.Tech - R22 52 www.vardhaman.org

Relations and Ordering: Basics of Relations, Relation Matrix and Digraphs, Properties
of Binary Relations on a Set, Equivalence Relations, Partial Ordering Relations, Hasse dia-
grams. Lattices as Partially Ordered Sets, Definitions and Examples, Properties of Lattices,
Some Special Lattices.

Algebraic Structures: Algebraic Systems: Definitions and Examples, Simple algebraic

systems and General properties. Semi groups and Monoids: Definitions and Examples.
Groups and subgroups: Definitions and Examples.

Elementary Combinatorics: Basics of Counting, Combinations and Permutations with

Repetitions and Constrained Repetitions, Binomial Coefficients, The Binomial and Multi-
nomial Theorems (Without Proofs), The Principle of Inclusion- Exclusion for two and n-sets.

Recurrence Relations and Graph Theory: Recurrence Relations- Solving Recurrence

Relations by Substitution, The method of characteristic Roots, Solutions of Linear Homo-
geneous and Inhomogeneous recurrence relations. Basic Concepts of Graphs, Adjacency
Matrix, Isomorphism and Subgraphs, Planar Graphs, Euler Circuits, Hamiltonian graphs,
Graph Coloring, Chromatic Numbers.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. J. P. Trembly, R. Manohar., Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to
Computer Science, Tata McGraw Hill, India,2008.
2. Joe L. Mott, Abraham Kandel, Theodore P. Baker., Discrete Mathematics for Computer
Scientists and Mathematicians, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India Learning Private Lim-
ited, New Delhi, India,2009.
Reference Books:
1. Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 7th Edition, Tata McGraw
Hill, India, 2017.

B.Tech - R22 53 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8601 – Object Oriented Programming
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides a comprehensive coverage of theory and practice of OOP concepts us-
ing Java. The course focuses on different aspect of core Java Environment suitable to write
efficient, maintainable, and portable code for real world application. It provides strong foun-
dation on OOP Principles, Packages, and Interfaces and also illustrates Exception Handling
and Multithreaded mechanisms. The course provides In depth knowledge to implement
Collection framework. Emphasis on AWT and Swing concepts used for GUI applications is
given with event handling. The course plays a vital role in developing front-end interface
for Mini and Major Projects.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8501 - Problem Solving through C
A8505 - Data structures

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
A8601.1 Make use of various constructs to write a console application.
A8601.2 Apply principles of OOP to develop real time applications.
A8601.3 Examine the applications for Exception Handling and Multithreading.
A8601.4 Implement Collection Framework and Streams to organize and manipulate
data efficiently .
A8601.5 Build GUI applications using Swings and event handling.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to OOP and Java: Need for OOP paradigm-Difference between Procedu-
ral and Object Oriented Programming, OOP Concepts, Java Buzz Words, A Simple Java
Program , JVM, Data Types, Variables, Type conversions and Casting, Operators, Con-
trol statements and Arrays. Encapsulation-Class, Objects, Methods and Constructors, this
keyword, static keyword, Overloading-Methods and Constructors, Argument passing, String
class and StringBuffer.

B.Tech - R22 54 www.vardhaman.org

Inheritance, Packages and Interfaces: Inheritance Basics, Using super, Inheritance
types, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Abstract classes, final keyword.
Defining and implementing interfaces, Extending interfaces. Packages and Interfaces-Defining
a Package, Finding Packages and Class path, Access Protection and Importing Packages.

Exception Handling and Multithreading: Exception-Handling Fundamentals, Excep-

tion Types, Using try catch, throw throws and finally keywords, Built-in Exceptions, Cre-
ating own exception subclasses. Multithreading: Life cycle of a thread, creating threads,
thread priorities, Synchronizing threads, Inter thread Communication.

Collections Framework and Streams: Collections Hierarchy, Collection classes-ArrayList,

LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet, HashMap and TreeMap. Streams Hierarchy, File Streams-
FileInputStream and FileOutputStream, FileReader and FileWriter, Performing read, write
operations on Files and Serialization. Utilities- StringTokenizer, Arrays class.

Swings and Event Handling: Delegation Event Model, Event Sources, Event Classes,
Event Listener Interfaces, Handling Mouse and Keyboard Events, Layout Managers-FlowLayout,
BorderLayout, GridLayout and CardLayout. Swings: JFrame, JPanel, JComponent, JLa-
bel and ImageIcon, JTextField, JTabbedPane, Swing Buttons, JScrollPane, JComboBox,

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Herbert Schildt, Java: The Complete Reference, 11th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Educa-
tion, 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Y. Daniel Liang, Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version, 10th Edi-
tion, Pearson Education, 2018.
2. Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates , OCA Java SE 8 Programmer, 1st Edition, McGraw-Hill Edu-
cation, 2017.

B.Tech - R22 55 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8510 - Operating Systems
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Operating Systems is a graduate-level introductory course that teaches the concepts in op-
erating systems like abstractions, mechanisms, and various services provided. This course
deals with Process Management & Synchronization, Inter process communication, Memory
Management, Virtual Memory, File & Disk Management and Deadlock handling methods.
Using these concepts, the student will be able to understand the internal working of various
operating systems. The course provides the concepts and terminology required for advanced
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8506 - Computer Organization

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8510.1. Identify the services provided by the operating system for user and system.
A8510.2. Examine the concepts of IPC and Synchronization for process cooperation
A8510.3. Make use of Memory Management techniques for efficient use of main mem-
A8510.4. Select File and Disk Management methods for effective storage and access.
A8510.5. Identify a Deadlock Handling Method in allocating resources among pro-

3. Course Syllabus
Operating Systems Overview and Process Management: Definition, Operating Sys-
tem Types, Operating System operations, Operating system services, System calls and Sys-
tem Programs. Process concepts- Process, Process State Diagram, PCB and Operations on
processes, Process Scheduling- Scheduling Criteria, Scheduler Types and Scheduling Algo-

Process Synchronization: Inter Procee Communication- Pipes, Message Passing and

Shared Memory. Concept of Synchronization, Critical section problem, Peterson’s solution,

B.Tech - R22 56 www.vardhaman.org

Semaphores, Classic problems of Synchronization-The Bounded Buffer Problem, The Read-
ers –Writers Problem, Dining - Philosophers Problem.

Memory Management: Introduction to Memory Management, Swapping, Contiguous

Memory Allocation, paging, segmentation, virtual memory, demand paging, Page-replacement
algorithms, allocation of frames, thrashing.

File and Disk Management: Concept of a file – File Attributes, File Types, Access
Methods, Directory Structures, File System Implementation, Directory Implementation,
File Allocation methods, and Free-Space management. Introduction to Magnetic Disks,
Disk Structures, Disk Scheduling, Swap Space Management.

Deadlocks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization-Necessary Conditions, Resource Al-

location Graph, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance - RAG Algorithm, Banker’s Al-
gorithm, Detection- Single Instance ofa Resource type, Multiple Instances of a resource type,
recovery from deadlock.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne., Operating System Concepts, 8th
Edition, Wiley India Private Limited, New Delhi,2009.
Reference Books:
1. William Stallings., Operating Systems, Internals and Design Principles, 5th Edition, Pear-
son Education, India, 2006.
2. Sumitabha Das., Your Unix the Ultimate Guide, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, India,
3. T.Chan., Unix System Programming using C++, PHI, India,1996.

B.Tech - R22 57 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8511 -Advanced Data Structures
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 1 0 45 15 0 4 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Advanced Data Structures is a course to improve the programming skills and implement
various data structures which are important in real time applications and software design.
C programming language is used to implement the these data structures. The course covers
applications of linked lists, queues and advanced search trees and graphs are implemented
using C. The course also enables to explore the concepts of hashing and dictionaries in
handling large amount of data.
Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.
A8501 - Problem Solving Through C
A8505 - Data Structures
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8511.1. Implement Linked lists and Queues to process the given data
A8511.2. Design various non-linear data structures suitable for a given application.
A8511.3. Examine the various search trees to organize data.
A8511.4. Make use of Dictionaries and Hash Tables for efficient search operation.
A8511.5. Develop algorithm for text processing applications

3. Course Syllabus
Linear Lists: Applications of Linked Lists - Polynomial Representation,Polynomial addi-
tion,Polynomial multiplication, circular Linked Lists,circular queue using linked list, deque
using linked list, Priority Queue and its applications.

Trees and Graphs: Binary trees and its types, Binary Search trees-definition,insertion,
deletion, searching and traversal.Graph Traversal techniques: Breadth First Search (BFS)
and Depth First Search (DFS), Minimum Spanning Trees,Prims Algorithm, Kruskal’s algo-
rithm, heap sort, min heap, max heap.

Search Trees: Balanced search trees, AVL Trees- Definition, Height of an AVL Tree,

B.Tech - R22 58 www.vardhaman.org

Operations – Insertion, Deletion and Searching, Red Black Trees, Definition,Operations –
Insertion, Deletion and Searching , Splay Trees, B-Trees-definition, insertion and searching

Dictionaries and Hash Tables: Dictionaries, linear list representation, operations - in-
sertion, deletion and searching,hashtable representation,hash functions,collision resolution-
separate chaining,open addressing-linear probing,quadratic probing,double hashing,rehashing,extendible

Text Processing: String Operations, Brute-Force Pattern Matching, The Boyer-Moore

Algorithm, The Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm, Standard Tries, Compressed Tries, Suffix

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran (2008), Fundamentals of Com-
puter Algorithms,2nd edition, University Press(India) Private Limited, India.
2. G.A.V.Pai(2009),Data Structures and Algorithms,Tata Mcgraw hill,NewDelhi.
Reference Books:
1. D.Samanta(2003),Classic Data Structures,Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.
2. Aho,Hopcraft,Ullman(1998),Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms,Pearson Edu-
cation India.
3. Goodman,Hedetniemi(2002),Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms,Tata
Mcgraw Hill,New Delhi, India.
4. Adam Drozdek(2005),Data Structures and Algorithms in C++,3rd Edition,Thomson
Course Technology.

B.Tech - R22 59 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8602 – Object Oriented Programming Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides a comprehensive coverage of theory and practice of OOP concepts us-
ing Java. The course focuses on different aspect of core Java Environment suitable to write
efficient, maintainable, and portable code for real world application. It provides strong foun-
dation on OOP Principles, Packages, and Interfaces and also illustrates Exception Handling
and Multithreaded mechanisms. The course provides In depth knowledge to implement
Collection framework. Emphasis on AWT and Swing concepts used for GUI applications is
given with event handling. The course plays a vital role in developing front-end interface
for Mini and Major Projects.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8501 - Problem Solving through C
A8505 - Data structures
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8602.1 Make use of various constructs to write a console application.

A8602.2 Use principles of OOP to develop real time applications.
A8602.3 Examine the applications for Exception Handling and Multithreading.
A8602.4 Implement Collection Framework to organize data efficiently.
A8602.5 Build GUI applications using Swings.

3. List of Experiments
1. Implement Control statements
a) Read the marks of a student in 4 subjects and find grade.
b) Program to check a number is Armstrong or not.
c) Program to display prime numbers from m to n.
2. Implement OOP First principle-Encapsulation
a) Define a class Rectangle with data member’s length and width. Write methods to find
perimeter and area of a rectangle.(class and object).
b) Create a class Account with data members name, acno and balance. Use appropriate

B.Tech - R22 60 www.vardhaman.org

methods to perform various operations like deposit, withdraw, and balance check.
c) Create a class Student with appropriate data and methods using constructor.
3. Implement OOP Second principle–Polymorphism and Arrays.
a) Create overloaded methods to find volume of Sphere, Cylinder and Cone.
b) To sort given list of elements in ascending order.
c) Read two matrices of size mxn, pxq, perform the multiplication of matrices.
4. Implement programs using Java String Class.
a) Check a string is palindrome or not.
b) Given a string and a number n , return a string made of n repetitions of the last n
characters of the string.
repeatEnd("Hello",3) "llollollo ,
repeatEnd("Hello",2) "lolo" ,
repeatEnd("Hello",1) "o"
c) A "triple" in a string is a character appearing three times consecutively. Write a
program to return number of triples in the given string, the triples may overlap.
countTriple("abcXXXabc") 1 ,
countTriple("xxxabyyyycd") 3 ,
countTriple("a") 0
d) Read array of City names and Sort in dictionary order.(Ascending order).
5. Implement OOP Third principle-Inheritance.
a) Declare a class called Employee having employee-id and employee-name as members.
Extend class Employee to have a sub class called Salary having designation and monthly-
salary as members.
Define the appropriate constructors and methods, use this and super keywords, display
the employees drawing salary more than 30000.
b) Write a Java program that create an abstract base class Shape with two members
base and height, a member function for initialization and a function to compute sha-
peArea(). Derive two specific classes Triangle and Rectangle which override the function
shapeArea(). Write a driver classes (main) to display the area of the triangle and rect-
angle.(Use super keyword).
6. Implement Packages and Interfaces.
a) Create a Package Measure; in which store a class named Convertor that contains
methods to convert mm to cm, cm to m and m to km. Define a class Need-Convertor
that imports the Convertor class, now store Need-Convertor outside the package Measure.
Perform path settings accordingly.
b) Write a Java program that implements an interface Student which has two methods
displayGrade() and attendance(). Implement two classes PG-Student and UG-Student

B.Tech - R22 61 www.vardhaman.org

with necessary inputs of data.
7. Implement Exception Handling.
a) Read two integers as strings Num1 and Num2 to perform division. The program throw
a Number Format Exception if Num1 or Num2 cannot be converted to integers and If
Num2 is Zero throw an Arithmetic Exception. Display the exception message.
b) In the CustomExceptionTestclass, the age is expected to be a positive number. It
would throw the user defined exception NegativeAgeException if the age is assigned a
negative number.
8. Develop applications on Multithreaded Programming.
a) Create a multithreaded java program by creating a subclass of Thread and then
creating, initializing, and staring two Thread objects from your class. The threads will
execute concurrently and display “Java is object oriented” in console window.
b) Write a program to implement thread synchronization using synchronized block and
synchronized method.
c) Implement the concept of Bounded Buffer problem using Inter thread communication.
9. Implement Collection Framework
a) Use an ArrayList to manage Employee objects for insertion, display and remove.
b) Use HashSet to organize list of products and perform operations on them.
10. Implement Collection Framework.
a) Use a HashMap to access student names using roll number. Perform insert , delete
and update operations using rollno.
b) Use Arrays class to perform the manipulation on array.
11. Implement Mouse and Key events.
a) Implement MouseListener and MouseMotionListener to handle various mouse events.
b) Implement KeyListener to handle key events.
12. Develop GUI applications using Swings.
a) Create a Simple login window to validate a user with name and password.
b) Using CardLayout design a user interface to access the Programs and Courses offered
by the College and use appropriate event handling.
13. Develop GUI applications using Swings.
a) Create a user interface to insert employee details, Display the data in Text Area.
b) Create a JTable to display various fields of Student data like RollNo, Name, Branch,Year,
Percentage etc.
4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required
1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open source/ Freeware)
2. JDK (Open Source/Freeware)

B.Tech - R22 62 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8512 - Operating Systems Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Operating Systems Laboratory is a graduate-level introductory course used to work with var-
ious system calls provided in UNIX for Process Management, IPC, Synchronization. This
course enables to use utilities for process, memory and file management. The course also
allows to write shell script for simulation of UNIX commands and to run own script code.
This course provides an environment to practice console based used interface which helps in
server side code execution.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8502- Problem Solving through C Laboratory
A8508- Python Programming Laboratory
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8512.1. Make use of Unix utilities and System calls for Process, Memory and File
A8512.2. Establish communication among processes using IPC.
A8512.3. Write Shell script to simulate Unix commands and run own script.
A8512.4. Implement the services like Page replacement algorithm and deadlock handling

3. List of Experiments
1. Practice commands - like mkdir, rmdir, cat,nl, ls, cp, mv, rm, man.
2. Practice commands - like wc, uniq, comm, cmp, diff, ln, unlink, chmod, du, df.
3. Practice commands - head, tail, sort, grep, egrep, fgrep, cut, paste, join.
4. Process Management System calls fork (), exec () and wait ().
5. a) Two-way Communication using Pipes.
b) Process Communication using FIFOs.
6. Implement Shared Memory form of IPC.
7. Implement Message Queue form of IPC.
8. Implement Semaphore form of IPC.

B.Tech - R22 63 www.vardhaman.org

9. Simulate cp, head and tail commands.
10. Shell Script programs using Conditional statements.
11. Shell Script programs using Iterative statements.
12. Program to implement FIFO AND LRU Page replacement algorithms.
13. Program to implement FCFS and SSTF Disk Scheduling algorithm.
14. Program to implement Banker’s algorithm for Deadlock avoidance.
4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required
1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open source/ Freeware)
2. GCC Compiler (Open source/ Freeware)
5. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Sumitabha Das., Your Unix the Ultimate Guide, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, India,
2. T.Chan., Unix System Programming using C++, PHI, India,1996.
Reference Books:
1. Randal K. Michael, Mastering Unix Shell Scripting 2nd Edition, Wiley, India,2008.

B.Tech - R22 64 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8513 - Advanced Data Structures Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Advanced Data Structures Laboratory course is to improve the programming skills using C
Language. This course covers implementing applications of linked lists and queues. This
course also enables to implement search trees and graphs , dictionaries and hashing.The
course also enables to implement advanced search tress and text processing. After the com-
pletion of this course student will be able to implement efficient algorithm for a software

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8502 - Problem Solving through C Laboratory
A8507 - Data structures Laboratory
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8513.1. Implement programs using linear data structures to process data.

A8513.2. Implement operations on non-linear data structures for handling large data.
A8513.3. Build traversal algorithms for efficient search on nonlinear data structures.
A8513.4. Develop algorithms for text processing applications.

3. List of Experiments
1. write a C program to implement Circular Linked Lists
2. write a C program to implement circular queue using linked list
3. write a C program to implement deque using linked list
4. write a C program to implement addition of two polynomials.
5. write a C program to implement multiplication of two polynomials.
6. write a C program to implement Heap Sort.
7. write a C program to implement Binary search trees – operations: insertion, deletion,
searching and traversal
8. write a C program to implement Breadth First Search (BFS).
9. write a C program to implement Depth First Search (DFS).
10. write a C program to implement AVL Tree, Operations – Insertion, Deletion and Search-

B.Tech - R22 65 www.vardhaman.org

11. write a C program to implement Dictionaries.
12. Implementation of Hash Table with linear probing and Quadratic Probing
13. write a C program to implement Brute-Force Pattern Matching , Boyer- Moore Algo-
14. write a C program to implement Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm.
4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required
1. A computer System with Ubuntu Operating System.
2. C/C++ Compiler.
3. A text editor gedit (Ubuntu) or IDE for C/C++

B.Tech - R22 66 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8023 - Engineering Design Thinking
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course links the primary fields of engineering, explores the engineering design process
from conceptual design and optimal choice evaluation to prototyping for project construc-
tion. It also provides insights into particular design challenges within their specific fields of
engineering and enables the learners to apply the knowledge in real time - designing, con-
structing and testing a prototype (actual physical build) to solve a real-world engineering
problems. In extent, this course is an excellent roadmap for the design engineers seeking to
broaden their engineering knowledge to design concepts to their current work.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8021 - Social Innovation
A8022 - Engineering Exploration

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8023.1. Interpret the problem-solving skills and product design skills.

A8023.2. Apply foundational knowledge of the primary fields of engineering and scientific
concepts to find sustainable solution.
A8023.3. Customize the HCD model to the traditional engineering design process.
A8023.4. Inspect the design and assess a prototype that solves real engineering problem.
A8023.5. Expound the solutions for identified problems and document the find-
ings/reflections for further design.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction & Case Studies: Definition of design, design process, different problem
types, characteristics of novice and informed designers, enhance negotiation and iteration
in design, Recognized organizations for design and innovation, shopping cart case study,
benefits of failure in design.

Human Centered Design: Introduction to HCD (Human Centered Design), HCD as a

Mindset, personas and scenarios, best practice working with communities.

B.Tech - R22 67 www.vardhaman.org

Development of Specification and prototyping: Definition of specification, three ex-
amples of ways to generate specifications, how to manage specifications, functional de- com-
position, three kinds of prototypes, how prototypes can be used in the design process,how
to use prototypes can be used to elicit input from users.

Ideation, Innovation & Creativity in Design: Con- cept Selection, Interpretation of

Creativity and Innovation, Brain storming and expanding the design Space, case study using
decision matrix.

Design for Robustness: Review the design, Brainstorm potential failure models, List the
potential effects of failure & causes for each failure.

4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required

1. Computers installed with operating system

5. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. William C. Oakes, Les L. Leone, and Craig J. Gunn, Engineering Your Future, Okemos,
MI: Great Lakes Press, 2004.
2. Crismond, D., Contrasting strategies of beginning and informed designers: One repre-
sentation of learning progressions in engineering design, 2007.
3. Ryan Jacoby and Diego Rodrigue, Innovation, Growth, and Getting to Where You Want
to Go, Design Management Review, Vol. 18 No. 1, Winter, 2007.
4. G.Pahl and W.Beitz, Engineering design: A systematic approach, Springer 2nd Editon.
5. Dean Nieusma, Seeing Social Power: Technology Design for User Empowerment, Great
Lakes Press, 2012
6. Avery, C. M., Teamwork is an Individual Skill: Getting Your Work Done When Sharing
Responsibility. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2001.
7. Astin, A. W., & Astin, H. S., Leadership reconsidered: Engaging higher education in
social change - Battle Creek, MI: W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 2000.

Reference Books:
1. Ali K.Kamrani, Emad Abouel Nasr, Engineering design and Rapid Prototyping, 2nd
Edition, Springer, 2010
2. Ken Hurst, Engineering design principles, Elsevier Science, 2nd Edition, 2005.

B.Tech - R22 68 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8032 - Environmental Science and Technology
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
2 0 0 30 0 0 0 - 100 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course enables the students to engage with the scientific principles, concepts, and
methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world. This
course requires that the students should identify and analyze the natural and human-made
environmental problems and evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems. It
provides the scope to examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. It
is essentially a multidisciplinary approach that brings out an appreciation of our natural
world and human impact on its existence and irrigational control measures. Its components
include Biology, Geology, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Sociology, Health, Anthropol-
ogy, Economics, Statistics, Computers and Philosophy, engineering technology, Integrating
sustainable development into their engineering practice.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8032.1. Illustrate the important components of environment.

A8032.2. Identify global environmental problems to come out with best possible solu-
A8032.3. Make use of environmental laws & environmental ethics for the protection of
forest and wildlife..
A8032.4. Apply to maintain harmonious relation between nature and human being and
integrating sustainable development goals into their engineering practice.
A8032.5. Analyse the major environmental effects of exploiting natural resources.

3. Course Syllabus
Fundamentals of Environment and Ecology: The multidisciplinary nature of environ-
mental studies, environmental ethics, Global environmental issues, Planetary boundaries,
Fundamentals of ecology - ecosystem definition, structure and functions of ecosystem, food

B.Tech - R22 69 www.vardhaman.org

chain and food web, feedback loops, Ecosystem services.

Natural Resources and Management: Classification of resources: Renewable and Non-

renewable re- sources. Forest resources: Uses and over exploitation of forests. Dams and
their environmental impacts. Water resources: Use and over utilization of surface and
ground water, conflicts over water. Energy resources: Renewable energy resources: solar
energy, wind energy and geothermal energy. Food resources: Problems with Chemical fertil-
izers and pesticides. Biofertilizers (organic farming) and their importance. Bio-geo chemical
cycles, Socio-ecological systems

Biodiversity and Its Conservation: Introduction and definition. Genetic diversity,

species diversity and ecosystem diversity. Values of biodiversity: Consumptive use, Pro-
ductive use, Social, Ethical, Aesthetic and Option values. Man-wildlife conflicts. In-situ
and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity, Biodiversity Law.

Environmental Pollution and Control: Definition, causes, effects and control measures
of Environmental pollution, Air pollution, water pollution, Soil pollution, solid and haz-
ardous waste management, Noise pollution, E-waste, bio-medical waste, Wastewater treat-
ment and emerging pollutants, Standards for Air and Water.

Concept of sustainable development: Sustainable development goals, Carbon foot-

prints, Net-Zero-Emissions, Montreal protocol a success story, Conference of parties (CoP),
IPCC, Kyoto protocol, Environmental Acts, Life cycle analysis, Circular Economy, Sustain-
able Living, Ecological Engineering- ecological restoration, natural and constructed wet-
lands, nature-based solutions. Case Studies: Mission Kakatiya, Chipko Movement, Water
Man of India (Dr. Rajendra Singh), Watershed management.
4. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Anubha Kaushik, C.P. Kaushik. Perspectives in Environmental Studies. 6th Edition,
New age international publishers, 2018.
2. M. Anji Reddy. Textbook of Environmental Science and Technology, Revised Edition,
BS Publications, 2014.
Reference Books:
1. Erach Bharucha. Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses, 2nd
Edition, Orient BlackSwan Publishers, 2013.
2. Benny Joseph, Environmental studies, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pri-
vate Limited, 2018.

B.Tech - R22 70 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8005 - Computer Oriented Statistical Methods
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 1 0 45 15 0 4 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides a solid undergraduate foundation in both probability distributions and
mathematical statistics and at the same time provides an indication of the relevance and
importance of the theory in solving practical problems in the field of multidisciplinary en-
gineering applications. The mathematical skills sustained from this course form a suitable
base to analytical and theoretical concepts encountered in engineering profession.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8005.1. Identify an appropriate probability distribution for a given discrete or contin-

uous random variable and compute probabilities.
A8005.2. Make use of probability distributions to analyze and solve a given problem.
A8005.3. Interpret correlation coefficient in context and study regression analysis and
apply statistical methods for analyzing experimental data.
A8005.4. Inspect scientific hypothesis and estimate confidence intervals at different lev-
A8005.5. Compute P-value of a test statistics using component of hypothesis test.

3. Course Syllabus
Probability: Sample Space, Events, Counting Sample Points, Probability of an Event,
Additive Rules, Conditional Probability, Independence, and the Product Rule, Baye’s Rule.
Random Variables and Probability Distributions: Concept of a Random Variable,
Discrete Probability Distributions, Continuous Probability Distributions.

Discrete and Continuous Distributions: Discrete Distributions: Binomial Distribution,

Poisson Distribution, Continuous Distribution: Uniform Distribution, Normal Distribution,

B.Tech - R22 72 www.vardhaman.org

areas under the Normal Curve, applications of the Normal Distribution.

Correlation and Regression: Scatter diagram, Positive and Negative correlation, limits
for coefficient of Correlation, Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, Spearman’s Rank
correlation, Regression Analysis-Concept, least square fit of a linear regression, two lines of
regression, Properties of regression coefficients.
Fundamental Sampling Distributions: Random Sampling, some Important Statistics,
Sampling Distributions, Sampling Distribution of means and the Central Limit Theorem, t
- Distribution, F-Distribution.

Estimation and Testing of Hypothesis for Large samples: Point estimation, Maxi-
mum error estimate, Interval Estimation, Introduction to Hypothesis, Level of significance,
one tailed and two tailed test, Test concerning one mean and one proportion, Two means
and two Proportions.

Testing of Hypothesis for Small samples: Test for single mean, difference of means
and paired t-test, Test for ratio of variances (F-test), Chi-square test for goodness of fit and
independence of attributes.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Gupta,S.C. and Kapoor,V. K.Fundamentals of Mathematical statistics, 10th Revised Edi-
tion, S Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2000.
2. Grewal, B.S. Higher Engineering Mathematics, 43rd Edition, Khanna Publications, 2015.
Reference Books:
1. T.T. Soong, Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics For Engineers, John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd, 2004.
2. Miller and Freund’s, Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 8th Edition, Pearson Edu-
3. Iyengar, T.K.V. Probability and Statistics, S Chand Publications, 2015.

B.Tech - R22 73 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8514 - Database Management Systems
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course introduces the core principles and techniques required in the design and im-
plementation of database systems. This course focus on relational database management
systems, including database design theory: E-R modeling, query languages like relational
algebra, relational calculus and SQL. It also covers essential DBMS concepts such as: Nor-
malization, Transaction Processing, Concurrency Control, Recovery and tree based indexing
techniques like ISAM, B+ trees etc which are required for designing an effective database.
Students can undertake a semester project to design, build a simple database system and
demonstrate competence with the fundamental tasks involved with modeling, designing, and
implementing a DBMS.
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8608 - Java Programming
A8601 - Object Oriented Programming

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8514.1. Design a database for a given problem using E-R diagrams and Relational
A8514.2. Construct Queries in Relational algebra and SQL for a case study.
A8514.3. Use Normalization techniques to reduce data redundancy in data base.
A8514.4. Select transaction control and recovery methods to keep data base consistent.
A8514.5. Compare various indexing techniques and NoSQL databases for efficient access.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction and Data Base Design: Introduction to DBMS, applications of DBMS,
database systems versus file systems, view of data, Database users and administrators,
database system structure. Introduction to Relational database model, database schema,
relations, columns and tuples. SQL data types, Database languages, DDL commands, DML
commands, DCL commands, TCL commands. Database Design: Introduction to ER model,
entities, attributes and entity sets, relationships and relationship sets, additional features of

B.Tech - R22 74 www.vardhaman.org

the E-R model. logical database design: E-R to relational.

SQL Programming: SQL basic operators, SQL set operators-union, intersect and except
operators, Integrity constraints in SQL. aggregate operators, GROUP BY, ORDER BY and
HAVING Clause, null values, views in SQL, nested queries, SQL joins-inner join, outer join,
left outer join, right outer join, storing and retrieving images, storing and retrieving files,
Relational algebra operations and basic queries.

Schema Refinement and Normal Forms: Introduction to schema refinement & Normal-
ization, Decomposition and properties of decompositions, functional dependencies, Closure
of Attributes set. Normal forms: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF,5NF. Problems on normal-
ization, Schema refinement in database design. PL/SQL basics for writing triggers, cursors.

Transaction Management: Transaction concept, transaction states, ACID properties,

schedules, Serializability-Conflict serializability, View serializability, recoverability. Concur-
rency control: lock based protocols, timestamp based protocols, deadlocks handling. SQL
stored procedures.

Indexing and NoSQL: :Recovery-ARIES recovery algorithm, Log based recovery. File
organization techniques, Tree index structures: ISAM and B+ trees. SQL Vs NoSQL, basic
CRUD operations using MongoDB.
4. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Raghurama Krishnan, Johannes Gehrke., Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition,
Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India, 2014.
2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan., Database System Concepts, 7th
Edition, McGraw- Hill, New Delhi, India, 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Elmasri Navate., Fundamentals of Database Systems, Database System Concepts, 7th
Edition, Pearson Education, India,2016.
2. C. J. Date, A. Kannan and S. Swamynathan., An Introduction to Database Systems, 8th
Edition, Pearson Education, India, 2015.

B.Tech - R22 75 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8515 - Formal Languages and Automata Theory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Automata mean that which is self-acting. The word automaton itself, closely related to the
word automation, denotes automatic processes carrying out the production of specific pro-
cesses. Simply stated, automata theory deals with the logic of computation with respect to
simple machines, referred to as automata. Through automata, computer scientists are able
to understand how machines compute functions and solve problems and more importantly,
what it means for a function to be defined as computable or for a question to be described as
decidable. Automatons are abstract models of machines that perform computations on an
input by moving through a series of states or configurations. The most general and powerful
automata is the Turing machine. Turing machine is a model of the computer. A formal
language consists of words whose letters are taken from an alphabet and are well-formed
according to a specific set of rules. The alphabet of a formal language consists of symbols,
letters, or tokens that concatenate into strings of the language.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8515.1 Interpret the core concepts of automata theory to design finite automata
for given formal languages.
A8515.2 Identify the relationship between formal languages, automata and regular
A8515.3 Write and simplify context free grammars for formal languages.
A8515.4 Construct push down automata for various formal language constructs.
A8515.5 Model Turing machine to recognize formal languages and computational

3. Course Syllabus
Finite Automata (FA): Introduction, model and behavior, Deterministic Finite Automata
(DFA) -Formal definition, simpler notations (state transition diagram, transition table), lan-

B.Tech - R22 76 www.vardhaman.org

guage of a DFA. Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA)-definition of NFA, language of an
NFA, Equivalence of Deterministic and Nondeterministic Finite Automata, Finite Automata
with Epsilon Transitions, Eliminating epsilon transitions, Minimization of DFA, Finite au-
tomata with output (Moore and Mealy machines)

Regular Expressions (RE): Introduction, algebraic laws for Regular Expressions, Finite
Automata and Regular Expressions-from DFA’s to Regular Expressions, converting Regular
Expressions to Automata. Proving languages to be non-regular -Pumping lemma. Closure
properties of regular languages.

Context Free Grammars (CFG): Formal definition, Sentential forms, Leftmost and
rightmost derivations, The language of a CFG. Derivation tree or parse tree, Ambiguous
Grammar. Simplification of CFG -Removing useless symbols, Null (epsilon) -Productions
and unit productions. Normal forms –CNF, GNF. Proving that some languages are not
context free -Pumping lemma for CFLs, closure properties of CFLs.

Pushdown Automata (PDA): Definition of the Pushdown Automata, the languages

of PDA (acceptance by final state and empty stack), Equivalence of PDA’s and CFG’s-
CFG to Pushdown Automata, Pushdown Automata to CFG. Deterministic PDA and Non-
Deterministic PDA.

Turing Machines (TM): Formal Definition and behavior, languages of a TM, TM as ac-
cepters, Computable functions: Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication, Types of TMs,
Chomsky Hierarchy, Post Correspondence Problem (PCP).

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman (2007), Introduction to Automata
Theory Languages and Computation, 3rdEdition, Pearson Education, India.
Reference Books:
1. Daniel I.A. Cohen (2007), Introduction to Computer Theory, 2nd Edition, John Wiley.
2. K.L.P Mishra, N. Chandrashekaran (2003), Theory of Computer Science-Automata Lan-
guages and Computation, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall of India.

B.Tech - R22 77 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8516 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course will provide the program analysis skills needed to develop computer applications
efficiently. This course begins with asymptotic notations necessary in the study of time and
space complexities. The course covers the various algorithm designs like divide and conquers
method to decompose complex problems into small, greedy method to find feasible solution
with minimum cost, dynamic programming and back tracking to analyze the complex prob-
lems with exponential time complexity. The course also enables to learn branch and bound
concepts to study the pruning strategies and cost function. Finally, it covers the topics of
NP-Hard and NP-Complete to study the nondeterministic algorithms. After completion of
this course the student can develop efficient programs using various algorithm designs and
able to analyse the complexities.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8505 - Data Structures
A8509 - Discrete Mathematical Structures
A8511 - Advanced Data Structures

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8516.1. Make use of asymptotic notations, divide and conquer techniques to decom-
pose complex problems into small and simple.
A8516.2. Choose Greedy method to find out feasible solutions of problems.
A8516.3. Examine complex engineering problems in finding the optimal solution.
A8516.4. Construct all possible solutions using backtracking methods.
A8516.5. Inspect Branch and Bound techniques and NP complete problems signifi-
cance in algorithms.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction, Divide and Conquer: Algorithm definition, Pseudo code Specifications,
Performance Analysis-Space Complexity, Time Complexity, Recurrence relations: Substitu-
tion, recursion tree and master theorem, Asymptotic Notations-Big-Oh, Omega, and Theta.
Divide and Conquer-General Method, Finding Maximum and Minimum, Merge Sort, Quick

B.Tech - R22 78 www.vardhaman.org

sort, Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication.

Greedy Method: General Method, Real Knapsack Problem, Job sequencing with dead-
lines, Minimum-cost spanning trees- Prim’s Algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm, Single
source shortest Path.

Dynamic Programming:General method, All pairs shortest path, Matrix Chain Multi-
plication, Optimal Binary search trees, 0/1 Knapsack, the travelling salesman problem.

Back Tracking: The General Method, The n-Queens Problem, Sum of subsets, Graph
coloring, Hamiltonian cycles, Knapsack Problem.

Branch and Bound, NP-Hard and NP Complete Problems: General method, ap-
plications - Travelling sales person problem, 0/1 knapsack problem LC Branch and Bound
solution, FIFO Branch and Bound solution.NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problems - Basic
concepts, Non-deterministic algorithms, NP-Hard and NP Complete Classes.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Ellis Horowitz. SatrajSahni, Rajasekharam., Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, 2nd
Edition, University Press, New Delhi, 2019.
2. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson., Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition,
Eastern Economy Edition, Prentice Hall India, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. R. C. T. Lee, S. S. Tseng, R.C. Chang and T. Tsai., Introduction to Design and Analysis
of Algorithms Astrategic approach, McGraw Hill, India, 2006.
2. Allen Weiss. Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2009.

B.Tech - R22 79 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8702 – Artificial Intelligence
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This is an undergraduate course to acquire the ability to design intelligent solutions to prob-
lems in a variety of domains and business applications such as natural language Processing,
text mining, and robotics, reasoning and problem-solving. AI will focus on problem solving,
reasoning, planning and gaming. Through learning problem solving skills can be acquired.
The course enables to choose data science domain to implement machine learning and deep
learning applications.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8508-Python Programming Laboratory
A8509-Discrete Mathematical Structures

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8702.1. Apply AI techniques to solve game playing theorem proving and machine
A8702.2. Apply the propositional logic to AI designs .
A8702.3. Learn different playing and reinforcement learning techniques .
A8702.4. Examine the role of searching strategies in AI environment.
A8702.5. Analyse the constraint satisfaction problems for problem solving.
3. Course Syllabus
Introduction: Introduction to AI - Intelligent Agents, Problem-Solving Agents, Searching
for Solutions - Breadth-first search, Depth-first search, Hill-climbing search, Simulated an-
nealing search, Local Search in Continuous Spaces.

Adversarial Search : Games, Optimal decisions in games, The minimax algorithm, Al-
pha–Beta pruning, Defining Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Constraint Propagation, Back-
tracking search for CSPs, Knowledge-Based Agents, The wumpus world.

Propositional Logic: Inference and proofs, Proof by resolution, Horn clauses and def-
inite clauses. First-Order Logic : Syntax and Semantics of First-Order Logic, Using First
Order Logic, Knowledge Engineering in First-Order Logic. Inference in First-Order Logic:
Propositional vs. First-Order Inference, Unification, Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining,

Planning: Definition of Classical Planning, Algorithms for Planning with State Space
Search, Planning ,Graphs, Analysis of Planning approaches, Hierarchical Planning.

B.Tech - R22 80 www.vardhaman.org

Reinforcement learning: Introduction, passive Reinforcement learning, active Rein-
forcement learning, Generalization in reinforcement learning. Robotics: Introduction, Robot
Hardware, Robot Perception, planning to move, moving Robotic Software Architectures.
4. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Stuart J.Russel, Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach, 3rd Edition,
Pearson Education, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. E.Rich and K.Knight, Artificial Intelligence, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
2. Patrick Henry Winston, Artificial Intelligence, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education Private
Limited, India, 2001.
3. George F. Luger , Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem
Solving, 6th Edition, Pearson, 2008.
4. Shivani Goel, Artificial Intelligence, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Private Limited,
India, 2009.

B.Tech - R22 81 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8517 - Database Management Systems Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This practical course introduces the core principles and techniques required in the design and
implementation of database systems. This course focus on relational database management
systems, including database design: E-R modeling, query languages like SQL. Students will
be able to implement SQL concepts like joins, nested queries and also PL/SQL concepts like
triggers, cursors etc for accessing the database. Students can undertake a semester project to
design, build a simple database system and demonstrate competence with the fundamental
tasks involved with modeling, designing, and implementing a DBMS.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8509 - Discrete Mathematical Structures

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
A8517.1. Design a database for a given problem using E-R diagrams and Relational
A8517.2. Construct Queries in SQL for a given case study.
A8517.3. Use PL/SQL concepts to access database in web based/standard applica-
A8517.4. Develop applications with support of database operations in python.

3. List of Experiments
1. a) Practice on SQL data definition language (DDL) commands and data manipulation
language (DML) commands to retrieve and modify data.
b) Practice on SQL DCL and TCL commands.
2. a) Case Study on designing ER diagrams for university database.
b) Case Study on designing ER diagrams for company database to store information
about employees
3. Practice on different types of SQL operators and aggregate operations.
4. a) Practice on queries using Group by, Order by, and Having Clauses.
b) Practice on queries involving different types of joins.

B.Tech - R22 82 www.vardhaman.org

5. a) Case Study on sailors database queries
b) Case Study on employee database queries.
6. Practice on different types of SQL built in functions like Date functions, string functions,
Numeric and conversion functions, Analytic functions ,storing and retrieving images,
7. Practice on queries using Co-related sub Queries and nested queries.
8. Practice on PL/SQL basics for writing programs using programming constructs like vari-
ables, operators and conditional, control statements.
9. Practice on PL/SQL programs using cursors.
10. Practice on PL/SQL programs using triggers.
11. Practice on PL/SQL programs involving stored procedures and functions.
12. Practice on performing basic database operations by connecting to database using Python.
13. Case Study in developing a database following all steps in the design of databases elab-
orating normalization and denormalization.

4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required

1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open source/ Freeware)
2. MySql (Open Source/ Freeware)

B.Tech - R22 83 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8518 - Python for Data Analysis
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Python is a very powerful programming language used for many different applications. Over
time, the huge community around this open source language has created quite a few tools
to efficiently work with Python. In this course learners will learn various python libraries
starting from Numpy arrays, Scipy, Pandas Data Frames and Matplotlib. Along the way,
they’ll learn about Python functions and control flow, look at the world of data visualiza-
tions with Python and create your own visualizations based on real data.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8508 - Python Programming Laboratory

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8518.1. Develop Numpy arrays and performs vector operations on given data.
A8518.2. Make use of Scipy package for visualizing and manipulating data.
A8518.3. Write programs to manipulate and find hidden patterns in data using pan-
A8518.4. Compare various plotting techniques to visualize the real time data.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Data Analysis: Understanding the Nature of the Data, The Data Anal-
ysis Process, Data Extraction, Data Preparation, Data Exploration/Visualization, Predic-
tive Modeling, Model Validation, Deployment, Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis,
Open Data, Python and Data Analysis.

NumPy Arrays: Computation on NumPy Arrays, Universal Functions, Aggregations,

Min, Max, and Everything in Between, Computation on Arrays: Broadcasting Comparisons,
Masks, and Boolean Logic, Fancy Indexing, Sorting Arrays, Structured Data: NumPy’s
Structured Arrays.

Scipy: SciPy in Python, SciPy Sub packages, Benefits of SciPy, Linear Algebra in SciPy,
working with Polynomials in SciPy, Integration with SciPy, Vectorizing Functions in SciPy,
Fast Fourier Transforms in SciPy, Special Functions of SciPy, Working with Stats sub-

B.Tech - R22 84 www.vardhaman.org

packages of SciPy.

Data Manipulation with Pandas: Introducing Pandas Objects, Data Indexing and Se-
lection, operating on Data in Pandas, Handling Missing Data, Hierarchical Indexing, Com-
bining Datasets: Concat and Append, Combining Datasets: Merge and Join, Aggregation
and Grouping, Pivot Tables, Vectorized String Operations, Working with Time Series, High-
Performance Pandas: eval () and query ().

Visualization and Customization with Matplotlib: Importing Matplotlib Tips, Simple

Line Plots, Simple Scatter Plots, Visualizing Errors, Density and Contour Plots, Histograms,
Binnings, and Density, Customizing Plot Legends, Customizing Colorbars, Multiple Sub-
plots, Text and Annotation, Customizing Ticks. Customizing Matplotlib Configurations
and Style sheets, Geographic Data with Basemap, Visualization with Seaborn, Exploring
Seaborn Plots.

4. List of Experiments
1. Introduction to Lab – Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas Installation
a) Write Program on Numpy to demonstrate basic array characteristics.
b) Creating array object, Printing type of arr object
c) Printing array dimensions (axes), Printing shape of array
d) Printing size of array, Printing type of elements in array
e) Write a Program on Numpy Aggregations: Min, Max, and etc...
2. Write Programs on Numpy Comparisons, Masks, and Boolean Logic example: Counting
Rainy Days.
3. Write Program using Numpy Broadcasting.
4. Write Programs using Numpy Fancy Indexing example: Selecting Random Points
5. Write Program to handle missing data in a dataset.
6. Write a Program using Pandas to Combine Datasets: Merge.
7. Write a Program using Pandas to Combine Datasets: Join.
8. Write a Program using Pandas on Pivot Tables.
9. Write Program using Pandas for performing Vectorised String Operations.
10. Write a Program using Pandas to Work with Time Series Example. (Visualizing Seattle
Bicycle Counts.)
11. Write a program to generate the following graphs using matplotlib.
a) Line graph
b) Scatter plot
c) Histogram
12. Write Program using matplotlib for Customizing Colorbars.
13. Programs on matplotlib.
a) Write a Program using matplotlib to Text
b) Write a Program using matplotlib to Annotation.
14. Write a Program using matplotlib to Geographic Data with Basemap

B.Tech - R22 85 www.vardhaman.org

5. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required
1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open source/ Freeware)
2. Python , Jupyter notebook , Anaconda (Open Source/ Freeware)
6. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Jake VanderPlas., Python Data Science Handbook, 1st Edition, O’Reilly Publications
Media, 2017.
2. Fabio Nelli., Python Data Analytics with Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib, 2nd Edition,
Apress, 2018.
Reference Books:
1. Steve Blair., Python Data Science ,1st Edition,O’Reilly Media, 2019.
2. E Eli Bressert., SciPy and NumPy, 1st Edition,O’Reilly Media, 2013.

B.Tech - R22 86 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8603 - IoT Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The purpose of this course is to explore the students with various sensors, Microcontrollers
(Aurdino) and Microprocessors (Raspberry pi).Hands-on with the integration of sensors and
boards. The students write code using Aurdino IDE And Thorny python IDE so that the
students should be capable to do real time projects in IoT.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8508 - Python Programming Laboratory
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8603.1. Identify the need of various hardware and software components in develop-
ing IoT applications.
A8603.2. Construct IoT applications using Raspberry Pi interface.
A8603.3. Develop IoT applications on embedded platform using Arduino.
A8603.4. Apply Arduino programming in IoT applications.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to IoT:Defining IoT,Characteristics of IoT ,Physical design of IoT,Logical
design of IoT,Functional blocks of IoT, Applications of IoT.

IoT Physical Devices and Endpoints:Introduction to Raspberry Pi-Interfaces (serial,

SPI, I2C), Programming Raspberry PI with Python- Controlling LED with Raspberry PI,
interfacing an LED and Switch with Raspberry PI and Interfacing a light sensor (LDR) with
Raspberry PI

Programming Arduino:Introduction, Arduino Boards, Programming-variables, if, loops,

functions, digital inputs and outputs, the serial monitor, arrays and strings, analog inputs
and outputs, using libraries, Arduino data types and commands. Programming Arduino
Uno with Arduino- Controlling LED with Arduino, interfacing an LED and Switch with
Arduino and Interfacing a light sensor (LDR) with Arduino.

B.Tech - R22 87 www.vardhaman.org

4. List of Experiments
1. Study and Configure Raspberry Pi.
2. Study and Install IDE of Arduino and different types of Arduino.
3. Write a program using Raspberry Pi for Blink LED.
4. Write a program using Arduino IDE for Blink LED.
5. Implement IoT based weather monitoring system using Raspberry Pi.
6. Write a Arduino program for monitor temperature and humidity using DHT (Digital
Humidity and Temperature) sensor and Arduino (weather monitoring).
7. Implement Raspberry Pi based Automated Street Lighting System.
8. Implement Arduino based Automated Street Lighting System.
9. Write an Arduino program for Distance Measurement Using Ultrasonic Sensor and dis-
playing on LCD.
10. Implement Raspberry Pi program for Distance Measurement Using Ultrasonic Sensor
and displaying on LCD.
11. Write a Program for RGB LED using Raspberry Pi.
12. Write a Program for RGB LED using Arduino.

5. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required

1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open source/ Freeware)
2. Arduino IDE(open source/ Freeware), Python(open source/ Freeware)
3. Multimeter
4. Electric Soldering Kit
5. Breadboards
6. Raspberry-Pi Board
7. Type C power supply
8. Micro HDMI To VGA Convertor
9. 16GB Class 10 Memory Card
10. Arduino Uno Board with cable
11. Jumper wires (Male-Male, Male-Female, Female-Female)
12. Resisters pack
13. DHT11 (Digital Humidity and Temperature)sensor
14. LDR (Light Dependent Resistors) Sensor
15. LCD display
16. Ultrasonic Range Finder Module Sensor
17. LED (Red, Green, Yellow)

B.Tech - R22 88 www.vardhaman.org

6. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti., Internet of Things - A Hands-on Approach, Uni-
versities Press, 2015.
2. Simon Monk., Programming Arduino Next Steps: Going Further with Sketches., 2nd
Edition, McGraw Hill Education,2019.
3. Saeed B. Niku., Introduction to Robotics Analysis, Application, Pearson Education
Reference Books:
1. Pethuru Raj and Anupama C. Raman., The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies,
Platforms, and Use Cases, CRC Press,2017.
2. Matt Richardson and Shawn Wallace, Getting Started with Raspberry Pi, O’Reilly
(SPD), 2014.

B.Tech - R22 89 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8024 - Product Realization
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Making the students socially responsible is the main motto. In this process introducing
technological concepts and creating innovating product is carried out for the community.
The Product Realization introduces communication with community, planning of product
realization, design and development of the product added with skill sets of leadership. This
course given an exposure on converting an innovative idea to physical product to meet the
need of the community. It improves skill of research paper writing, patent drafting and also
developing the skill of preparation of business models.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8021 - Social Innovation
A8022 - Engineering Exploration
A8023 - Engineering Design Thinking

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8024.1. Interpret the specifications of product and solve for practical realization.
A8024.2. Analyse the customers mind set and design the product.
A8024.3. Develop Gantt chart to define timeline for product realization.
A8024.4. Conceptualize the terms called product, purchase, production and monitoring
of products.
A8024.5. Communicate the process of converting an idea to physical product to the

3. Course Syllabus

Introduction and Planning of Product Realization: Introduction to Product Real-

ization, Need for Product Realization, Product realization process, Case Study of Product
Realization for Global Opportunities. Plan and develop the processes needed for product
realization, Defining Quality objectives and requirements, establish processes documents.

B.Tech - R22 90 www.vardhaman.org

Needs - verification, validation, monitoring inspection and test activities (inspection nodes)
and criteria for product acceptance and record needed. Case study on timeline of Product
realization planning (Gantt Chart).

Customer-Related Processes: Product information Enquiries, contracts or order han-

dling Customer feedback including customer complaints, A field survey.

Design and Development: Review verification and validation of each design and de-
velopment stages, Functional and performance requirements, Information for purchasing,
production and service provisions, review and validation, Develop a Design model of the

Purchasing, Production and Service Provision: Purchasing information, Vendors eval-

uation and approval process, Verification of purchased product. Control of production, ser-
vice provision, validation of processes for production and service provision, Identification
and tractability, Customer property and Preservation of product.

Scope of Product Perseverance: Writing proficiency for papers, Patent drafting and
development of business model.


1. Introducing oneself to the steps of Product realization.

2. Case Study to define the necessity.
3. Brainstorming Session on Product Realization in teams.
4. Watching videos on Planning of product realization in real time scenario from R Labs.
5. Verification of the Product specifications which satisfies all the needs.
6. Discussion with Customers about the product and the specifications.
7. Discussion about the finished product and taking feedback.
8. Feedback Analysis and redesign if required.
9. Verification of redesigned product and market study.
10. Discussion on different Purchasing and Services for the product development.
11. Data from the customer for market and feedback of market is acquired.
12. Activity on Observation skills to know how to use one’s observation skills in understand-
ing the parameters
13. Brainstorming deliberations on the initial observations and measuring of the product.
14. Familiarization of the respective templates with the help of sample case study.

B.Tech - R22 91 www.vardhaman.org

4. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Mileta M Tomovic, Sowping Wang, Product Realization – A Comprehensive Approach,
1st Edition, Spinger, 2009.
2. Stark, John, Product Life Cycle Management, 21st century Paradigm for Product Reali-
sation 2011, Springer.
Reference Books:
1. Verna J. Bowen, Lucy V. Fusco, The Competitive Edge Research Priorities for U.S.
Manufacturing, National Academy of Sciences.
2. Renuka Thota, Suren Dwivedi, Implementation of product realization concepts in design
and manufacturing courses, University of Louisiana-Lafayette.

B.Tech - R22 92 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8031 - Gender Sensitization
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
2 0 0 30 0 0 0 - 100 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Gender Sensitization is a course that introduces students to different dimensions of gender
issues. It is one of the basic requirements for the normal development of an individual and
primarily highlights the contribution of both the genders in creation and development of a
well balanced society. A curriculum-based approach to bring a change is desired to incul-
cate sensitivity towards issues concerning the relationship between men and women, caste,
declining sex ratio, struggles with discrimination, sexual harassment, new forums for justice,
eve-teasing, etc., The need for this sensitivity has been felt and realized through times im-
memorial and in almost all kinds of human existence, across the globe.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8031.1. Interpret gender sensitization and problems of other genders.

A8031.2. Identify the reasons for the female feticide.
A8031.3. Attain a finer grasp of how gender discrimination works in our society and how
to counter it.
A8031.4. Develop sensitivity towards sexual and domestic violence.
A8031.5. Recognize gender sensitivity issues through literature and media.

3. Course Syllabus
Understanding Gender: Introduction: Definition of Gender-Basic Gender Concepts and
Terminology-Exploring Attitudes towards Gender-Construction of Gender-Socialization: Mak-
ing Women, Making Men Preparing for Womanhood. Growing up Male. First lessons in

B.Tech - R22 93 www.vardhaman.org

Gender Roles and Relations: Two or Many? -Struggles with Discrimination-Gender
Roles and Relations-Types of Gender Roles- Gender Roles and Relationships Matrix-Missing
Women-Sex Selection and Its Consequences- Declining Sex Ratio. Demographic Conse-
quences Gender Spectrum: Beyond the Binary.

Gender and Labour: Division and Valuation of Labour-Housework: The Invisible Labor-
“My Mother doesn’t Work.” “Share the Load.”-Work: Its Politics and Economics -Fact and
Fiction. Unrecognized and Unaccounted work. -Gender Development Issues-Gender, Gover-
nance and Sustainable Development Gender and Human Rights-Gender and Mainstreaming.

Gender - Based Violence: The Concept of Violence- Types of Gender-based Violence-

Gender-based Violence from a Human Rights Perspective-Sexual Harassment: Say No!-
Sexual Harassment, not Eve-teasing- Coping with Everyday Harassment- Further Reading:
“Chupulu”. Domestic Violence: Speaking Out: Is Home a Safe Place? -When Women Unite
[Film]. Rebuilding Lives. Thinking about Sexual Violence Blaming the Victim-“I Fought for
my Life. . . .”

Gender and Culture: Gender and Film-Gender and Electronic Media Gender and Adver-
tisement Gender and Popular Literature- Gender Development Issues-Gender Issues-Gender
Sensitive Language-Gender and Popular Literature - Just Relationships: Being Together as
Equals Mary Kom and Onler. Love and Acid just do not Mix. Love Letters. Mothers and
Fathers. Rosa Parks- The Brave Heart.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Towards a World of Equals: A Bilingual Textbook on Gender”. Telugu Akademi, Hyder-
abad, 2015
Additional Resources:
1. www.worldofequals.org.in

B.Tech - R22 94 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8033 - Universal Human Values 2: Understanding Harmony
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
2 0 0 30 0 0 0 - 100 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Values are individual beliefs that motivate people to act in one way or the other, it has an
inherent worth, and it prepares an individual to adapt in the family, community and society.
The basic five Human Values: Love, Peace, Truth, Right Conduct and Non-violence are hid-
den in every human being; they are our candid attributes. These fundamental human values
contain mankind’s deepest moral aspirations and form the basis of our lives as individuals
and as societies. A didactic system based on human values helps in holistic development
of students and it aids to their understanding of true happiness which can only be found
within, not in the transient outside world. All objects in the world are subjected to change,
however, the ideals, virtues and values established in human hearts remain as a perpetual
source of inspiration to the humankind. The course is an overview of human values that
are universally accepted and it highlights the need to incorporate these values in students
so that they can contribute their service to human race fruitfully. It briefly discusses their
role in their family, society and nature and sensitises them towards harmonious living.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8033.1. Analyze the process of self-exploration, right understanding, relationships, nat-

ural acceptance for achieving ultimate happiness .
A8033.2. Examine human being as a co-existence of self ‘I’ and the material ‘Body’.
A8033.3. Correlate the universal harmonious order in society, undivided society and
from family to world family.
A8033.4. Interpret the harmony in nature, holistic perception at all levels of existence.
A8033.5. Analyze professional competence for augmenting universal human order, ethi-
cal human conduct for acceptance of human values.

B.Tech - R22 95 www.vardhaman.org

3. Course Syllabus
Course Introduction - Need, Basic Guidelines, Content and Process for Value
Education: Purpose and motivation for the course, recapitulation from Universal Human
Values-1; Self-Exploration what is it? –its content and process; ‘Natural Acceptance’ and
Experiential Validation – as the process for self-exploration; Continuous Happiness and
Prosperity- A look at basic human aspiration; Right Understanding, Relationship and Phys-
ical facility; Understanding Happiness and Prosperity correctly; Method to fulfill the above
Human Aspirations; Understanding and living in harmony at different levels.

Understanding harmony in the Human Being- Harmony in Myself !: Understand-

ing human being as a co-existence of the sentient ‘I’ and the material ‘Body’; Understanding
the needs of Self (‘I’) and ‘Body’-happiness and physical facility; Understanding the body
as an instrument of ‘I”; Understanding the characteristics and activities of ‘I’ and harmony
‘I”; Understanding the harmony of ‘I’ with the body: Sanyam and health; Correct appraisal
of physical needs, meaning of prosperity in detail; Programs to ensure Sanyam and Health.

Understanding Harmony in the Family and Society- Harmony in Human-Human

Relationship: Understanding values in human-human relationship; meaning of justice
(nine universal values in relationships) and program for its fulfillment to ensure mutual
happiness: Trust and Respect as the foundational values of relationship; Understanding the
meaning of Trust; difference between intention and competence; Understanding the meaning
of respect, Difference between respect and differentiation; the other salient values in rela-
tionship; Understanding harmony in the society; Visualizing a universal harmonious order
in society.

Understanding Harmony in the Nature and Existence - Whole existence as Co-

existence: Understanding the harmony in the Nature; Interconnectedness and mutual ful-
fillment among the four orders of nature-recyclability and self-regulation in nature; Un-
derstanding Existence as Co-existence of mutually interacting units in all-pervasive space;
Holistic perception of harmony at all levels of existence.

Implications of the above Holistic Understanding of Harmony on Professional

Ethics: Natural Acceptance of Human Values; Definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct;
Basics for Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution and Humanistic Universal Order;
Competence in professional ethics; Case studies of typical holistic technologies, management
models and productive systems; Strategy for transition from the present state to Universal
Human Order.

B.Tech - R22 96 www.vardhaman.org

4. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Human values and Professional Ethics by R R Gaur, R Sangal, G P Bagaria, 1st Edition,
Excel Books, New Delhi, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Jeevan Vidya: Ek Parichaya, A Nagaraj, Jeevan Vidya Prakashan, Amarkantak, 1999.
2. Human Values, A. N. Tripathi, 3rd Edition New age Intl. Publishers, New Delhi, 2019.
3. The Story of My Experiments with Truth- by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, 1st Edi-
tion, Fingerprint Publishing, 2009.

B.Tech - R22 97 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8519 - Computer Networks
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The growing importance of Internetworking in recent years and their use in every field has
made Computer Networks a central issue for modern systems. The course introduces the
basic concepts of networks and some of the issues of Network Security. The main objective
of the course is to enable students to know the functions of various layers of a network
model. Topics covered in the course include Introduction to networks, physical layer, data
link layer, medium access sub layer, network layer, transport layer and application layer
includes interfaces.
Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8519.1. Identify the Reference models and Physical connections for establishing net-
A8519.2. Choose access control and error handling techniques for data link layer.
A8519.3. Examine the various routing and congestion control algorithms for packet
A8519.4. Choose a transport layer protocol to provide communication services.
A8519.5. Identify application layer protocol for interacting with user and user appli-

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction: Network hardware, Reference models: OSI, TCP/IP, Connection oriented
network and connectionless network. The Physical Layer: Guided transmission media, wire-
less transmission media.

The Data Link Layer: Design issues, error detection and correction, elementary data
link protocols, sliding window protocols. The Medium Access Sublayer: Channel allocations
problem, multiple access protocols: ALOHA, CSMA, Collision free protocols, Ethernet,

B.Tech - R22 99 www.vardhaman.org

Data Link Layer switching.

The Network Layer: Network layer design issues, Routing Algorithms: Shortest path
routing, flooding, distance vector routing, link state routing. Congestion control algorithms,
the network layer in the internet: IPv4, Sub-netting, Super-netting, CIDR, NAT and IPv6.

The Transport Layer: Transport service, Transport layer protocols: UDP and TCP,
Introduction, The TCP service model, The TCP protocol, The TCP Segment Header, TCP
connection establishment, connection release, TCP sliding window, TCP Timer manage-
ment, TCP Congestion control, Performance issues.

The Application Layer: Domain name system- DNS Name Space, Domain Resource
Records, Name Servers. Application Layer Protocols: Simple Network Management Proto-
col (SNMP), Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Telnet.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. S.Tanenbaum.,Computer Networks , 6th Edition, Pearson Education/ PHI, New Delhi,
India, 2013.
2. Bhavneeth Sidhu., An Integrated Approach to Computer Networks, Khanna Publishing
House, India,2019.
Reference Books:
1. William Stallings., Cryptography and Network security, 7th Edition, Pearson Education,
India, 2017.
2. Behrouz A. Ferozen., Data communication and Networking, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw
Hill, India, 2017.

B.Tech - R22 100 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8520 - Software Engineering
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course acts as a foundation in the field of software engineering and is aimed at help-
ing students develop an understanding of how software systems are developed from basic,
by guiding them through the development process, adopting the fundamental principles
of system development. The course will orient the students to the different software pro-
cess models, software requirements engineering process, systems analysis and design as a
problem-solving activity, with focus on quality.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8520.1. Identify the design issues and process models to develop a software.
A8520.2. Determine the functional and non functional requirements with appropriate
validation for a software product.
A8520.3. Develop software design documents for the given requirements.
A8520.4. Prepare test documents at various stages to validate project.
A8520.5. Illustrate the need of quality management and metrics for product stan-

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Software Engineering: The Evolving nature of software engineering,
Changing nature of software engineering, Software engineering Layers, The Software Pro-
cesses,Software Myths. Process Models: A Generic Process Model, Waterfall Model, Incre-
mental Process Models, Evolutionary Process Models, Spiral Model, the Unified Process.

Requirements Engineering: Functional and Non-Functional Requirements, The Soft-

ware requirements Document, Requirements Specification, requirements Engineering, Re-
quirements Elicitation and Analysis, Requirement Validation, Requirement Management.

B.Tech - R22 101 www.vardhaman.org

Design and Implementation: System Modeling: Interaction Models, Structural Mod-
els, Behavioral Model, Model Driven Engineering. The Object Oriented Design with UML,
Implementation Issues. User Interface Design: The Golden Rules, User Interface Analysis
and Design, Interface Analysis, Interface Design Steps, Design Evaluation.

Software Testing Strategies: A Strategic approach to Software Testing, Strategic Issues

and Test Strategies for Conventional Software, Validation Testing, Unit Testing , Integra-
tion Testing, Regression Testing , The Art of Debugging, White Box Testing - Basic Path
Testing, Control Structure Testing. Black Box Testing - Equivalence partitioning, Boundary
value analysis, Graph Based testing and state transition testing.

Quality Management: Quality Concepts, Software Quality, Software Quality Dilemma,

Achieving Software Quality, Review Techniques, Reviews: A Formal spectrum, Informal Re-
views, Formal Technical Reviews. Software Quality Assurance: Background Issues,Elements
of Software Quality Assurance, Tasks, Goals and Metrics, Software Reliability,the ISO 9000
Quality Standards.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Roger S. Pressman.,Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s approach , 7th Edition, Mc-
Graw Hill International Edition, New Delhi,2011.
2. Sommerville., Software Engineering, 9th Edition,Pearson education, India.
Reference Books:
1. K. K. Agarval, Yogesh Singh., Software Engineering, 3rd Edition, New Age International
Publishers, India,2007.
2. Lames F. Peters, Witold Pedrycz, Software Engineering an Engineering approach,John
Wiely & Sons, New Delhi, India,2000.
3. Shely Cashman Rosenblatt., Systems Analysis and Design, 6th Edition, Thomson Publi-
cations, India.

B.Tech - R22 102 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8604 – Web Technologies
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course introduces web technologies such as HTML, CSS, XML, PHP and Server-side
scripting. The course covers how to use these technologies to develop static and dynamic
web pages with an emphasis on client-side scripting. The course also explains the differences
between client-side and server-side Web development and how to build applications using
Servlets,JSP and JDBC.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8601 - Object Oriented Programming

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8604.1 Design static and interactive web pages for a given application.
A8604.2 Organize real time data to share in heterogeneous environment.
A8604.3 Develop java applications using JDBC to interact with database.
A8604.4 Construct server-side components to provide services to client.
A8604.5 Design dynamic and data driven web pages in client-server environment.

3. Course Syllabus
HTML and CSS:Introduction to HTML, Common tags, Lists, Tables, Images, links,
Frames and Forms. Introduction to CSS, Types of Style sheets, CSS Selectors, CSS proper-
ties:Text, Background,Border, Margin, and Tables, HTML Media, HTML Graphics.

Javascript and XML:Introduction to JavaScript and Client-Side Scripting, Java Script

- Variables, Operators, Control Statements and Functions. Java Script Objects- Strings, Ar-
rays, Date, Math,RegExp, Event handling, Java Script Error handling and Validations,XML:Introductio
to XML, DTD, XML Schema, XSLT, DOM and SAX parsers.

JDBC:Introduction to JDBC, Types of JDBC Drivers, Establishing Connection with Data

Base,java.sql.*,Statements-Statement, Prepared Statement, Callable Statement, ResultSet-

B.Tech - R22 103 www.vardhaman.org

Metadata.Source Code Management (GIT): What is Version Control and GIT, GIT Instal-
lation, GIT features. GIT workflow, working with remote repository, GIT commands,GIT
branching, GIT staging and collaboration.

Servlets:Introduction to server-side programming, web servers, Servlet life cycle, Read-

ing servlet parameters, Initialization of Servlet parameters, Handling HTTP Request and
Response, javax.servlet.*,javax.servlet.http.*,Redirection, Session and Cookie Management,
Database Access using Servlets

JSP:Limitations of Servlet, JSP Life Cycle, JSP Elements- Scripting elements, Directive el-
ements and Action elements. Implicit objects of JSP, Error handling, Accessing Bean using
JSP, Database access using JSP, MVC Architecture.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. HTML 5 Black Book, 5th Edition, DreamTech Press,2016.
2. Patrick Naughton and Herbert Schildt, The complete Reference Java 2, 11th Edition,
Tata McGraw-Hill, 2020.
Reference Books:
1. Uttam K. Roy, Web Technologies, Oxford Higher Education, 2010.
2. Hans Bergsten, JavaServer Pages, OReilly, 3rd Edition, 2012.

B.Tech - R22 104 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8703 - Machine Learning
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course will introduce the field of Machine Learning, in particular focusing on the core
concepts of supervised and unsupervised learning. In supervised learning we will discuss
algorithms which are trained on input data labelled with a desired output, for instance an
image of a face and the name of the person whose face it is, and learn a function mapping
from the input to the output. Unsupervised learning aims to discover latent structure in
an input signal where no output labels are available, an example of which is grouping web-
pages based on the topics they discuss. Students will learn the algorithms which underpin
many popular Machine Learning techniques, as well as developing an understanding of the
theoretical relationships between these algorithms.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8502 - Problem Solving Through C
A8508 - Python Programming Laboratory

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8703.1. Identify the various concepts and challenges in machine Learning.

A8703.2. Select modelling and evaluation technique for handling real time data.
A8703.3. Use supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms for a given problem.
A8703.4. Examine supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms for analysing
A8703.5. Identify the various concepts of neural network to develop AI based appli-

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Machine Learning: Types of Machine Learning, Problems not to be
solved using Machine Learning, Applications of Machine Learning, Tools in Machine Learn-
ing, Issues in Machine Learning, Machine learning Activities, Basic Types of Data in Machine
Learning, Exploring Structure of data, Data Quality & Remediation, Data Pre-Processing..

B.Tech - R22 105 www.vardhaman.org

Modelling and Evaluation: Introduction,Selecting a Model, Training a Model, Model
Representation and Interpretability, Evaluating Performance of a Model, Improving per-
formance of a Model, Feature subset selection, Dimensionality Reduction - PCA, SVD,FA,

Bayesian Concept Learning: Introduction, Bayes’ Theorem, Naïve Bayes Classifier, Ap-
plications of Naïve Bayes Classifier, Supervised Learning: Classification , Example of Su-
pervised Learning, Classification Model Learning Steps, Common Classification Algorithms:
KNN, Decision Tree, Random forest model , Support vector machines. Introduction of Re-
gression: Example of Regression, linear Regression, Multiple linear Regression

Unsupervised Learning: Introduction, Unsupervised vs Supervised Learning, Applica-

tion of Unsupervised Learning, Clustering K-Means, K-Medoid, DBSCAN.

Basics of Neural Network: Introduction, Understanding the Biological Neuron, Explor-

ing the Artificial Neuron, Types of Activation Functions, Early Implementations of ANN,
Architectures of Neural Network.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. G Amit Kumar Das, Saikat Dutt, Subramanian Chandramouli, Machine Learning, Pear-
son India Education Services, 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Tom M. Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw Hill Education, 2013.
2. Rudolph Russell, Machine Learning: Step-by-Step Guide to Implement Machine Learning
Algorithms with Python, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2018.

B.Tech - R22 106 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8605 – Web Technologies Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course introduces web technologies such as HTML, CSS, XML, PHP and Server-side
script- ing. The course covers how to use these technologies to develop static and dynamic
web pages with an emphasis on client-side scripting. The course also explains the differences
between client- side and server-side Web development and how to build applications using
Servlets, JSP and JDBC.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8601 - Object Oriented Programming
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8605.1 Design static and dynamic web pages for a real time problem.
A8605.2 Choose appropriate method for defining rules for the XML document.
A8605.3 Make use of JDBC API to interact with databases.
A8605.4 Develop web applications in client server environment.
3. List of Experiments
1. Design a static web page, the page consists of a table with set of links to products available
in an online mobile store. Each product link has a separate web page to describe product
information like image, features as a list, and a short video to demonstrate product.
2. Design a home page with nested frames consisting of 3 parts. A title frame describing
organization name (Frame-1), index frame with links to access data (Frame-2) and linked
web pages display in content frame (Frame-3). Use inline, embedded and external styles
for web pages in appropriate way.
3. Design a Job registration form for an organization using HTML form controls to accept
personal information like name, gender, languages known, email, contact number and
address for communication. The form provides a list to choose job location, an area to
describe about the applicant, an option to upload CV and a button to clear the controls
and submit end user form.
4. Design a HTML form of a bank to accept a form from a customer to enter name, occu-
pation, loan amount, rate of interest and tenure in years. After submission of the form

B.Tech - R22 107 www.vardhaman.org

calculate 2 and display the EMI information.
5. Use the Job Registration form and validate the fields name, email and contact number us-
ing appropriate regular expressions. If the form is valid user gets “Registered Successfully
“, otherwise provide appropriate error message to user.
6. Create a XML document to describe the book information like id, name, number of
pages, author and prize. Using DTD and Schema validate the document.
7. Create a XML document to describe the student information and present the document
in a table using XSLT.
8. Write a JDBC program to create an employee table in a data base with fields employee
no, name, salary and department. Perform operations on the table like insert, retrieve,
update and delete operations(CRUD) using Statement.
9. Write a JDBC program to create product table in a data base with fields product no,
name, image and price. Perform operations on the table like insert, retrieve, update and
delete operations(CRUD) using Prepared Statement.
10. Write a servlet program to read username and password from a form and verify the
fields at web server. If the credentials are valid redirect to “success.html” page otherwise
11. Write a server-side program to perform database CRUD operations on employee ta-
ble.Create appropriate forms to read data to insert delete and update.
12. Write a server side program to implement State Management using Cookie and Session.
13. Write a JSP program to read two numbers m and n from a JSP page and display the
sum of prime numbers in between them.
14. Write a JSP program to read product id or name from JSP page, if the product exist
in database display the information by redirecting to “product.jsp” otherwise redirect to
4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required
1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open source/ Freeware)
2. JDK /JSDK (Open Source/ Freeware), Eclipse IDE (Open Source/ Freeware), XAMPP-
Server (Open Source/ Freeware)

B.Tech - R22 108 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8704 – Machine Learning Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Machine Learning is concerned with computer programs that automatically improve their
performance through experience. This course covers the practical algorithms for machine
learning from a variety of perspectives. We cover topics such as PCA, ID3, Naïve Bayesian
classifier, SVM classifier, KNN classifier, Bayesian network, linear and Multiple Regression
algorithms, K-means and Agglomerative hierarchal Clustering algorithm.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8508 - Python Programming Laboratory

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8704.1. Understand the implementation procedures for the machine learning algo-
A8704.2. Design Python programs for various Learning algorithms.
A8704.3. Apply appropriate data sets to the Machine Learning algorithms.
A8704.4. Identify and apply Machine Learning algorithms to solve real-world prob-
A8704.5. Apply various preprocessing techniques on data sets.

3. List of Experiments
1. Demonstrate the Data Pre-Processing techniques by taking real datasets.
2. Demonstrate Feature subset selection and implement dimensionality reduction (PCA)
3. Write a program to demonstrate the working of the decision tree-based ID3 algorithm.
Use an appropriate data set for building the decision tree and apply this knowledge to
classify a new sample.
4. Write a program to implement the naïve Bayesian classifier for a sample training data
set stored as a .CSV file. Compute the accuracy of the classifier, considering a few test
data sets.

B.Tech - R22 109 www.vardhaman.org

5. Write a program to implement the SVM classifier for a sample training data set stored
as a .CSV file.
6. Write a program to implement the K-NN classifier for a sample training data set stored
as a .CSV file. Compute the accuracy of the classifier.
7. Write a program to construct a Bayesian network considering medical data. Use this
model to demonstrate the diagnosis of heart patients using the standard Heart Disease
Data Set.
8. Implement a linear Regression algorithm in order to fit data points. Select the appropriate
data set for your experiment and draw graphs.
9. Implement multiple linear Regression algorithms in order to fit data points. Select the
appropriate data set for your experiment and draw graphs
10. Write a program to implement the K-Means Clustering algorithm and find the SSE of
set of clusters.
11. Write a program to implement an agglomerative hierarchal Clustering algorithm.
4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required
1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open source/ Freeware)
2. Python (Open Source/ Freeware), Jupyter Notebook, Anaconda (Open Source/ Free-

B.Tech - R22 110 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8606 - Mobile Application Development
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 1 2 0 15 30 2 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The latest mobile devices and applications are changing the way we communicate, do busi-
ness, and access news and entertainment. Businesses, consumers and programmers have
embraced this innovative medium, making mobile application developer one of the most
demanded and fastest growing IT career paths. This course teaches students how to build
mobile apps for Android mobile operating platform. Students learn to write native apps
for Android based devices using the Android Studio. Students are expected to work on a
project that produces a professional quality mobile application.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8601 - Object Oriented Programming
A8604 - Web Technologies

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8606.1 Identify the architecture, features and tools to design mobile applications.
A8606.2 Create effective user interfaces that leverage evolving mobile device capa-
A8606.3 Design, customize and enhance mobile applications with widgets
A8606.4 Develop user friendly mobile applications with application components.
A8606.5 Build database applications to provide comprehensive mobile development
3. Course Syllabus
Android Introduction: Features of Android, Android versions, Android architecture,
Applications of Android. Tools and programming languages used for Mobile Application
Development, Android studio installation, Installing Android SDK tools, Creating Android
Virtual Devices (AVD) Android setup Emulator, Android app components, Activity Life
Cycle.Connecting to android phone or tablet with a USB cable.

Working with Fragments and Layouts: Intent-Intent Types, Introduction to fragments,

Fragments life cycle, types of fragments, Layouts in Android (Linear, Relative, Table, Ab-
solute, Constraint), Managing changes to screen orientation.

Working with Views (UI WIDGETS):Toast, Edit Text, Button, Toggle Button, Check-
box, Radio Button, Spinner, Date Picker, Time Picker, Web View, List View, Progress Bar,
Rating Bar, Analog and Digital clock, Text clock, Handling UI events, Option menu, Con-

B.Tech - R22 111 www.vardhaman.org

text menu, Image View, Image Switcher.

Working with Android Application components: Alert Dialog, Animations, Alarm

manager, SMS messaging, Sending E-mail, Media Player, recording video, using camera for
taking pictures, Handling Telephony Manager, Text to Speech, Notifications- Creating and
Displaying notifications.

Working with Database:: Introducing the Data Storage Options: The preferences, The
Internal Storage, The External Storage, The Content Provider, The SQLite database, con-
necting with the SQLite database and CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations,
Adding FIREBASE to android project.

List of Experiments:

1. (a) Installation of android studio, APK files in windows Operating system.

(b) Create an android application that prints the “Hello world” message
2. (a) Develop an application that visits a specified web page (hint: Use implicit intent)
(b) Create an android application to navigate between two activities (hint: Use explicit
3. (a) Design an application to view pages using list fragment
(b) Design an application that is used to make Dialogs that floats on Activity
4. Create a registration form having fields User Name, Password, Address, Gender (radio
buttons for male and female), Age (numeric), Date of Birth (Date Picker), State (Spinner)
and a Submit button. On clicking the submit button, print all the data below the Submit
Button. Use the following layout to arrange the fields of the form Linear Layout
Relative Layout
Grid Layout
Table Layout
5. (a) Create options menu with the actions that have a global impact on the app, such as
"Search," "Compose email," and "Settings.
(b) Create context menu to display the list of person names
6. Create an android app to demonstrate Web View control
7. Create an android app to demonstrate animation.
8. (a) Create an android app to demonstrate sending e-mail.
(b) Create an android app to demonstrate sending SMS
9. Create an application to convert the text “hi hello welcome to vardhaman” to speech.
10. Develop an application to design image carousal (hint: use image switcher).
11. Design an android application to demonstrate the process of adding firebase to Android
and perform basic database operations.
12. Develop android application to send messages to mobile device by using Fire based cloud
messaging and push notifications
4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required
1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open source/ Freeware)
2. Android Studio (Open Source/ Freeware), JDK (Open Source/ Freeware)

B.Tech - R22 112 www.vardhaman.org

5. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Wei- Meng Lee, Beginning Android 4 Application Development, Wiley Publishing, Inc.,2011.
2. Pradeep Kothari., Android Application Development (with KitKat support) Black Book,DreamTech
Reference Books:
1. James C.Sheusi., Android Application Development for Java Programmers,”,Cengage
2. RetoMeier.,Professional Android4 Application Development, Wiley India Pvt Ltd,2014.

B.Tech - R22 113 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8012 - Advanced English Communication Skills Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This Lab focuses on grooming the students professionally and empowering them through
language development. This course facilitates them to hone their vocabulary and listening
skills enabling them to prepare for competitive examinations. This course also polishes the
students’ presentation skills in different professional contexts besides developing proficiency
in reading and writing. Further, they would be outfitted to communicate their ideas rele-
vantly in group discussions and develop proficiency in preparing for interviews, thus making
students ready for industry.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8010 - English for Skill Enhancement
A8011 - English Language and Communication Skills Laboratory

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8012.1. Improve comprehensive skills in listening and reading.

A8012.2. Develop effective technical writing skills and e- correspondence.
A8012.3. Build communication skills in different socio-cultural and professional contexts.
A8012.4. Organize the dynamics of group discussion for effective participation.
A8012.5. Analyze strategies to succeed in interviews.

3. Course Syllabus
The following course content to conduct the activities is prescribed for the Advanced English
Communication Skills Laboratory Activities on Listening and Reading Comprehen-
sion: Active Listening – Development of Listening Skills Through Audio clips - Benefits of
Reading – Methods and Techniques of Reading – Basic Steps to Effective Reading – Com-
mon Obstacles – Discourse Markers or Linkers - Sub-skills of reading - Reading for facts,
negative facts and Specific Details- Guessing Meanings from Context, Inferring Meaning -
Critical Reading –– Reading Comprehension – Exercises for Practice.

Activities on Writing Skills: Vocabulary for Competitive Examinations - Planning for

Writing – Improving Writing Skills - Structure and presentation of different types of writing
– Free Writing and Structured Writing - Letter Writing –Writing a Letter of Application
–Resume vs. Curriculum Vitae – Writing a Résumé – Styles of Résumé - e-Correspondence
– Emails – Blog Writing - (N)etiquette – Report Writing – Importance of Reports – Types

B.Tech - R22 114 www.vardhaman.org

and Formats of Reports– Technical Report Writing– Exercises for Practice.

Activities on Presentation Skills: Starting a conversation – responding appropriately

and relevantly – using the right language and body language – Role Play in different sit-
uations including Seeking Clarification, Making a Request, Asking for and Refusing Per-
mission, Participating in a Small Talk – Oral presentations (individual and group) through
JAM sessions- PPTs – Importance of Presentation Skills – Planning, Preparing, Rehearsing
and Making a Presentation – Dealing with Glossophobia or Stage Fear – Understanding Nu-
ances of Delivery - Presentations through Posters/Projects/Reports – Checklist for Making
a Presentation and Rubrics of Evaluation.

Activities on Group Discussion (GD): Types of GD and GD as a part of a Selection

Procedure - Dynamics of Group Discussion- Myths of GD - Intervention, Summarizing -
Modulation of Voice, Body Language, Relevance, Fluency and Organization of Ideas – Do’s
and Don’ts - GD Strategies – Exercises for Practice.

Interview Skills: Concept and Process - Interview Preparation Techniques - Types of

Interview Questions – Pre-interview Planning, Opening Strategies, Answering Strategies -
Interview Through Tele-conference & Video-conference - Mock Interviews.

4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required

1. Audio Visual Equipment (Public Address System, LCD Projector and Camcorder).
2. One PC with latest configuration for the teacher.
3. Delta’s key to the Next Generation TOEFL, Test: Advanced Skill Practice.
5. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 10th Edition.
6. Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
7. Lingua TOEFL CBT Insider, by Dreamtech.

5. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. M. Ashraf Rizvi, Effective Technical Communication, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill Educa-
tion, 2018.
2. Suresh Kumar E, Engineering English, 1st Edition, Orient BlackSwan Pvt. Ltd, 2015.
3. Bailey, Stephen, Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students (5th Edi-
tion), Routledge, 2018.
4. Koneru, Aruna, Professional Communication, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd,
Reference Books/Additional Resources:
1. Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma, Technical Communication, 3rd Edition, Oxford
University Press, 2015.
2. Paul V. Anderson, Technical Communication, 8th Edition, Cengage Learning pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi. 2013.
3. McCarthy, Michael; O’Dell, Felicity & Redman, Stuart, English Vocabulary in Use Series.

B.Tech - R22 115 www.vardhaman.org

Cambridge University Press, 2017.
4. Sen, Leela, Communication Skills, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
5. Elbow, Peter, Writing with Power. Oxford University Press,1998.
6. Goleman, Daniel, Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. Bloomsbury

B.Tech - R22 116 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8035 - Research Methodology
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
2 0 0 30 0 0 0 - 100 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Research is an art of scientific investigation. Research is an original contribution to the
existing stock of knowledge making for its advancement. It is the pursuit of truth with the
help of study, observation, comparison, and experiment. This course will help students to
understand the research process, tools, and importance of ethics. Also, this course helps
students to write technical reports.

Course Pre/Co-requisites
This course has no core requisites/pre-requisites

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8035.1. Identify an appropriate research problem in their suitable domain.

A8035.2. Explain the concepts and procedures of sampling, data collection, analysis,
and reporting.
A8035.3. Analyze the complex issues inherent in selecting a research problem, research
design, and implementing a research project.
A8035.4. Construct a well-structured research paper and scientific presentations.
A8035.5. Express the importance of research ethics in the scientific community.

3. Course Syllabus
Research Methodology: Introduction, meaning, objectives, motivation, types of research,
research approaches, significance of research, research methods versus methodology, research
and scientific method, research process, criteria of good research. Defining a Research
Problem: Research problem, selecting the problem, necessity of defining the problem, tech-
nique involved in defining a problem.

Research Design: Meaning of research design, need for research design, features of a good
design, important concepts relating to research design, different research designs, basic prin-
ciples of experimental designs.

Measurement and Scaling: Measurement in research, measurement scales, sources of er-

ror in measurement, techniques of developing measurement tools, scale classification bases,
scaling techniques.

Data Collection: Collection of primary data, observation method, interview method, col-
lection of secondary data, selection of appropriate method for data collection, case study

B.Tech - R22 117 www.vardhaman.org


Interpretation and Report Writing: Meaning of interpretation, technique of interpre-

tation, precaution in interpretation, significance of report writing, different steps in writing
report, layout of the research report, types of reports, oral presentation, mechanics of writing
a research report, precautions for writing research reports. Research Tools and Tech-
niques: Methods to search required information effectively, reference management software
like Zotero, Mendeley and EndNote, LaTeX (writing paper, thesis, report, bibliography),
BEAMER for presentation, software for detection of plagiarism. ethical issues related to
publishing, plagiarism and self-plagiarism.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. C.R. Kothari, Gaurav Garg “Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques” 4th Edi-
tion, New Age International, 2018
2. Ranjit Kumar “Research Methodology a step-by step guide for beginners”, 3rd Edition,
SAGE Publications Ltd, 2011.

Reference Books:
1. Trochim, Research Methods: the concise knowledge base, Atomic Dog Publishing, 2005
2. Fink A “Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper” Stage
Publications, 2009

B.Tech - R22 118 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8522 - Cloud Computing and Virtualization
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides a hands-on comprehensive study of Cloud concepts and capabilities
across the various Cloud service models including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Plat-
form as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). In IaaS main stream Cloud
infrastructure services and related vendor solutions are covered in detail. The course also
covers the Cloud migration and security model. Students will gain hands-on experience on
virtual box and advanced open source tools like Azure, Open stack and Eucalyptus. Thema-
jor motto of this course is to not just stick with the academic portion but also to encourage
students to for cloud certifications to brighten their future endeavours in IT sectors.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8510 – Operating Systems

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8522.1. Demonstrate cloud services, architecture and layers in cloud environment.

A8522.2. Identify the cloud migration model and challenges of integration in cloud
A8522.3. Make use of virtualization concepts in cloud.
A8522.4. Select cloud storage, privacy approaches for efficient implementation of
A8522.5. Implement IaaS / PaaS service on a public cloud using any open source

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Cloud Computing: Cloud Computing in a Nutshell- Roots of Cloud
Computing – Layers and Types of Clouds– Desired Features of a Cloud– Cloud Infrastructure
Management, Infrastructure as a Service Providers, Platform as a Service Providers,Challenges
and Risks, Hybrid.

B.Tech - R22 120 www.vardhaman.org

Broad Approaches to Migrating into Cloud: Broad Approaches to Migrating into the
Cloud: The Seven-Step Model of Migration into a Cloud - The Challenges of SaaS Paradigm
Approaching the SaaS Integration Enigma, the Integration Methodologies, SaaS Integration
Products and Platforms SaaS Integration Services, Businessesto-Business Integration (B2Bi)
Services SaaS Integration Appliances, Managing Cloud Resources, Maintaining Connections.

Data Centre Technology and Virtualization: Virtualization Technology Overview,Public

Cloud and Infrastructure Services:Private Cloud and Infrastructure Services, Distributed
Management of Virtualization, Virtual Machines Provisioning And Manageability: VM Pro-
visioning Process, Virtual Machine Migration Services-Migrations Techniques,VM Provision-
ing And Migration In Action, VM Life Cycle and VM Monitoring, VM Dynamic Management
Using Open Nebula.

Secure Distributed Data Storage in Cloud Computing: Cloud Storage: From LANs
To WANs, Existing Commercial Cloud Services Technologies For Data Security In Cloud
Computing: Database Outsourcing And Query Integrity Assurance Data Integrity in Un-
trustworthy Storage, Multimedia Data Security Storage, Data Privacy and Security Issues,
Content Level Security—Pros and Cons .

Workflow Engine for Clouds: Introduction, Workflow Management Systems and

Clouds, Architecture of Workflow Management Systems, Utilizing Clouds for Workflow Ex-
ecution, Salesforce Workflow Model, Aneka Workflow Model, A Classification of Scientific
Applications And Services In The Cloud: Saga-Based Scientific Applications That Utilize

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. RajkumarBuyya, James Broberg, Andrzej Goscinski., Cloud Computing: Principles and
Paradigms, Wiley, 2013.
2. Barrie Sosinsky., Cloud Computing Bible, 1st Edition,Wiley India, 2011.
Reference Books:
1. Tim Malhar, S.Kumaraswammy, S.Latif., Cloud Security and Privacy, 1st Edition, O’Reilly
Media, Inc.,2009.

B.Tech - R22 121 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8607– Information Security
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Information security is the practice of protecting information by mitigating risks across com-
puter systems. The course introduces the technical and policy foundations of information
network security. This course explains the inner workings of cryptographic systems and how
to correctly use them in real-world applications.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8519 - Computer Networks.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8607.1 Recognize various security threats, services, mechanisms, and classical en-
cryption techniques.
A8607.2 Apply classical encryption algorithms (Substitution and Transposition ci-
phers) and DES, AES algorithms to encrypt plain text.
A8607.3 Explain various key management techniques, exemplifying RSA and Diffie-
A8607.4 Examine the problems of authentication techniques (SHA, Digital signa-
A8607.5 Analyze different symmetric key distribution and understanding of various
authentication applications
3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Information Security: Computer security concepts, OSI security ar-
chitecture,security attacks, security services, security mechanisms, a model for network se-
curity.Classical Encryption Techniques: Symmetric Cipher Modes, Substitute Techniques,
Transposition Techniques.

Block Cipher and Data Encryption Standards:Traditional Block Cipher Structure,

The Data Encryption Standard, A DES Example, The Strength of DES, Block Cipher De-
sign Principles, tools used for DES.Advanced Encryption Standards: Advanced Encryption
Standard, Finite Field Arithmetic, AES Structure, AES Transformation Functions, AES
Key Expansion, tools used for AES.Blowfish Algorithm,International Data Encryption Al-

Number Theory: Prime Numbers, Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorems, Testing for Primality,
The Chinese Remainder Theorem, extended Euclid’s algorithm. Public-Key Cryptography

B.Tech - R22 122 www.vardhaman.org

and RSA: Principles of Public key crypto Systems, RSA algorithm, Diffie-Hellman Key Ex-

Hash Functions: Cryptographic Hash Functions, Applications of Cryptographic Hash

Functions, Two Simple Hash Functions, Requirements and Security, Hash Functions Based
on Cipher Block Chaining, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA). Digital Signature: Digital Signa-
ture Requirements, Attacks and Forgeries, Properties.

Key Management and Distribution :Symmetric Key Distribution Using Symmetric En-
cryption, Symmetric Key Distribution Using Asymmetric Encryption, Distribution of Public
Keys, X.509 Certificates, Public-Key Infrastructure. Transport-Level Security: Web Secu-
rity Considerations, Secure Sockets Layer, Transport Layer Security Email Security:Pretty
Good Privacy (PGP).

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. William Stallings, Cryptography and network security: principles and Practice Upper
Saddle River: Pearson, 6th edition.
Reference Books:
1. Forouzan, Behrouz A., and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay. Cryptography and network security
(Sie).McGraw-Hill Education, 2011.
2. AtulKahate., Cryptography and Network Security, 2nd edition, Tata Mc-Grawhill, In-

B.Tech - R22 123 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8523 - Compiler Design
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course deals with compiling, structure of simple one-step compilers: syntax and lexical
analysis, parsing, introduction to type checking, intermediate code generation, introduction
to code generation and optimization. It will discuss tools for compiler design (e.g. Lex and

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8505 - Data Structures
A8515 - Formal Languages and Automata Theory

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8523.1. Use finite automata to recognize the tokens by lexical analyzer.

A8523.2. Interpret various parsing techniques to construct syntax analyzer.
A8523.3. Interpret SDT for various transformations of programming language con-
A8523.4. Discuss various runtime environment and symbol table implementations.
A8523.5. Demonstrate the various code optimization techniques for improving effi-
ciency of target code.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Compilers: Definition of compiler, the phases of a compiler and trans-
lation,role of lexical analyzer, LEX-lexical analyzer generator. Parsing:Parsing, role of
parser, context free grammar, derivations, parse trees, ambiguity, elimination of left re-
cursion,left factoring, top down parsing–backtracking,recursive-descent parsing, predictive
parsers, LL(1) grammars.

Bottom-Up Parsing: Definition of bottom-up parsing, handles, handle pruning, stack

implementation of shift-reduce parsing, conflicts during shift-reduce parsing, LR grammars,
LR parsers-simple LR, canonical LR and Look Ahead LR parsers, parsing ambiguous gram-

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mars, YACC-automatic parser generator.

Syntax-Directed Translation: Syntax directed definition, construction of syntax trees,

S-attributed and L-attributed definitions, translation schemes, emitting a translation. In-
termediate code generation:Three address code, types of three address statements and its
implementation, syntax directed translation into three-address code, translation of simple
statements, Boolean expressions and flow-of-control statements.

Type Checking: Definition of type checking, type expressions, type systems, static and
dynamic checking of types, specification of a simple type checker, equivalence of type expres-
sions, type conversions.Runtime Environments:Source language issues, Storage organization,
storage-allocation strategies, access to non local names, parameter passing, symbol tables.

Code Optimization: Organization of code optimizer, basic blocks and flow graphs, op-
timization of basic blocks, the principal sources of optimization, the dag representation of
basic block, global data flow analysis. code generator:Machine dependent code generation,
object code forms, the target machine, a simple code generator, peephole optimization.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman , Compilers–Principles, Techniques and
Tools, Low price edition, Pearson Education,2011.
Reference Books:
1. Alfred V. Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman , Principles of compiler design, Indian student edition,
Pearson Education,2001.
2. Kenneth C. Louden, Thomson (1997), Compiler Construction– Principles and Practice,
1st Edition,PWS Publishing,2011.
3. K.L.P Mishra and N. Chandrashekaran , Theory of computer science- Automata Lan-
guages and computation,2nd Edition,PHI,2013.

B.Tech - R22 125 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8524 - Cloud Computing and Virtualization Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides a hands-on comprehensive study of Cloud concepts and capabilities
across the various Cloud service models including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Plat-
form as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). In IaaS main stream Cloud
infrastructure services and related vendor solutions are covered in detail. The course also
covers the Cloud migration and security model. Students will gain hands-on experience on
Virtual Machines, Storage, IAM Users, access controls, Virtual Private Cloud and RDS

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8510 - Operating System
A8519 - Computer Networks

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8524.1. Create and Configure Virtual machines and Lambda Service.

A8524.2. Implement IAM for user management and access control
A8524.3. Create and manage S3 buckets with proper configurations.
A8524.4. Set up and Configure Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) and Subnets.
A8524.5. Deploy and manage Relational Database using RDS.

3. List of Experiments
1. Create the following instances using AWS EC2
i. Linux
ii. Windows
2. File transfer from Local system to AWS Linux machine and Windows machine.
3. Implement the following
i. Launch the Windows Server from AWS and make as Web Server.
ii. Launch the Amazon Linux Server from AWS and make as Web Server.
4. Implement the following
i. Launch the Linux machine and add 5 GB of additional volume to the Linux machine.

B.Tech - R22 126 www.vardhaman.org

ii. Launch the Windows Server and then add 5 GB of additional volume.
5. Create and manage IAM users, Groups and Polices.
6. Create and configure Amazon S3 and implement Versioning feature.
7. Implement Life cycle management to the uploaded object.
8. Launch the Web Server using Public subnet and Database Server using Private subnet.
Connect the Database Server using Bastion Server.
9. Implement and the schedule tasks with AWS Lambda.
10. Connect MySQL Relational Database using Amazon RDS.
11. Create tables and update in dynamo DB.
12. Athena use Netflix Data Set
13. Create and configure Virtual machines using Azure.
14. Create and manage users and groups in Azure AD, including user attributes, group
memberships, and roles.
15. Create, configure and manage Azure SQL Databases.
4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required
1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open source/ Freeware)
2. AWS and Azure free tier account
5. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Official Study Guide: Associate Exam by Stephen
Cole (Author), Gareth Digby (Author), Chris Fitch (Author), Steve Friedberg (Author),
Shaun Qual .
2. AWS Certified Solutions Architect Official Study Guide: Associate Exam by Joe Baron
3. Azure Study & Lab Guide For Beginners Paperback by Harinder Kohli.
Reference Books:
1. Learning Aws - Second Edition: Design, build, and deploy responsive applications using
AWS by Amit Shah Aurobindo Sarkar .
2. Mastering Aws Lambda by Yohan Wadia Udita Gupta.
3. Hands-On Labs: AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Based on Real - World Case
Studies - Lab Guide,2023.

B.Tech - R22 127 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8612 – Network and Information Security Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles, protocols, and tech-
nologies that form the foundation of computer networks. It covers the essential concepts and
techniques used in the implementation of modern computer networks. Students will gain a
deep understanding of how data is transmitted and communicated across various network
architectures. Information security is an indispensable tool for protecting information across
computer systems. The course introduces the technical and policy foundations of informa-
tion/ network security. This course explains the inner workings of cryptographic systems
and how to correctly use them in real-world applications.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8519– Computer Networks
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8612.1. Classify the socket techniques which perform communication operation in

A8612.2. Deploy the networking protocols with simulators.
A8612.3. Apply the various encryption techniques with programming languages.
A8612.4. Explore the digital signature techniques.
3. List of Experiments
1. Implementation of Client Server communication.
a) Implement a basic client-server application using socket.
b) Demonstrate hello packets by defining port number.
2. Implementation of distance vector routing protocol.
a) Demonstrate RIP protocol.
b) Design a scenario to implement RIP protocol using Network simulation tools.
3. Implementation of Link state routing protocol.
a) Deploy the OSPF protocol using Network simulation.
4. Implementation of TCP and UDP protocols.
a) Experiment the TCP and UDP protocols using Network Simulator.

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5. Implementation of mono alphabetic cipher.
a) Implement Caesar cipher Technique.
6. Implementation of polygraphic substitution cipher.
a) Implement hill-cipher Technique.
7. Implementation of di-gram substitution cipher.
a) Implement play fair cipher.
8. Implementation of basic symmetric cipher.
a) Implement Data encryption standard.
9. Implementation of advanced symmetric cipher.
a) Implement Advanced Encryption standard.
10. Implementation of key exchange protocol.
a) Implement Diffie-hellman key exchange algorithm.
11. Implementation of asymmetric encryption.
a) Implement RSA algorithm.
12. Generation of Digital signature.
a) Demonstrate the generation of digital signature using encryption tools.

4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required

1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open source/ Freeware)
2. Python (Open Source/ Freeware), GCC Compiler (open source/ Freeware), Packet Tracer
(Open Source / Freeware), GnuPG ( (Open Source/ Freeware)
5. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. William Stallings, Cryptography and network security: principles and Practice: Upper
Saddle River: Pearson, 6th edition
Reference Books:
1. Forouzan, Behrouz A and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay., Cryptography and network security
(Sie),McGraw-Hill Education, 2011.

B.Tech - R22 129 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8525 - RUST Programming
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Rust is a modern, system-level programming language designed to offer high levels of per-
formance, reliability and productivity. This course enables students to install Rust and then
familiarize with RUST basic concepts like variables, data types, method syntax, enums, and
more. This course also helps students to know how the unique Ownership Principles of
Rust impact the language. Data Handling, Pattern Matching, and Error Handling are also
covered in this course. The course also demonstrates use of generic types and traits, File
I/O, Iterators and Closure. Students will learn basics of RUST programming language and
how to use Rust to successfully bridge the performance and safety gap with this useful guide.

Course Pre/co-requisites

A8501 - Problem Solving through C

A8601 - Object Oriented Programming
A8508 - Python Programming Laboratory

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8525.1. Create a Rust project and write basic rust programs, including proper Cargo
A8525.2. Translate a design into a working Rust program.
A8525.3. Use structs, enums and traits as intended in the construction of Rust pro-
A8525.4. Handle different types of erros and use genric types,traits

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to RUST: rustup, cargo, rust functions, command line arguments and tools.
Variables, Mutability, Data types, tuples, arrays, vectors, slices comments, functions, state-
ments, expressions, control statements, pointers: raw pointers, references, boxes, Strings,
Like Types,Type aliases.

RUST ownership principles: Ownership, moves,Copy types,shared ownerships,RUST

ownership models : Memory allocation, clone and copy,data races.

B.Tech - R22 130 www.vardhaman.org

Structs, Enums and Pattern Matching: Using structs, initializing structs, update,named
field structs, tuple structs, unit-like structs, imps, generic structs.Enums, match state-
ment,option enum, enums with data and memory, Patterns: literals,wild cards,variables
in patterns,tuple and struct patterns, array and slice patterns.

Error Handling and Generic types and traits: Error handling in RUST,panic, re-
coverable and unrecoverable errors,generic structs, generic functions, Trait objects, default
methods, sub traits.

Input and Output: I/O traits, File I/O operations, operator overloading, Iterators and
Closures, smart pointers, concurrency.

4. List of Experiments
1. Write a RUST program to display “hello world” message.
2. Write a RUST program to demonstrate variables, mutability and type references.
3. Write a program to demonstrate Rust Type Casting
4. Write a RUST program to perform basic arithmetic operations on two given numbers
using arithmetic operators.
5. Write a RUST program to calculate student grades to a subject based on their overall
a. if the score is above 90, assign grade A
b. if the score is above 75, assign grade B
c. if the score is above 65, assign grade C
6. Write a RUST program to print all prime numbers from 1 to n using for loop.
7. Write a program to demonstrate the usage of functions in RUST to find sum of two
numbers. Pass two values as parameters.
8. Write a program to create a vector of strings and access the elements. Display all elements
in sorted order.
9. Write a RUST program to demonstrate different ways of creating iterators.
10. Write a RUST program to perform all strings operations like creation of string,slicing of
stirng etc.
11. Write a RUST program to demonstrate recoverable errors using panic, except .
12. Write a RUST program to demonstrate about result enum and option enum.
13. Write a RUST program to demonstrate data movement and ownership rules in Rust
14. Write a RUST program to demonstrate ownership in functions.
15. Demonstrate Building and Running Project with Cargo in Rust
16. Write a program to demonstrate Defining, Implementing and Using a Trait in Rust
17. Write a RUST program to demonstrate about pattern matching.
18. Implement Generic struct and Generic Functions in Rust.
19. Write a RUST program for performing following FILE operations:
a) Opening a file
b) Reading from a file

B.Tech - R22 131 www.vardhaman.org

c) Writing to a file
d) Removing a file
e) Appending to a file
20. Build a multithreaded web server using RUST.
5. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required
1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open source/ Freeware)
2. Rust (Open Source/ Freeware)
6. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Jim Blandy, Jason Orendorff, Leonora F . S. Tindall, Programming Rust, 2nd Edi-
tion,O’Reilly Publications Media, 2021.
Reference Books:
1. Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols, The Rust Programming Language, 2nd Edition,No
Starch Press, Inc, 2022.

B.Tech - R22 132 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8034 - Indian Constitution
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
2 0 0 30 0 0 0 - 100 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course enables the students to understand the constitution of India as the Supreme
law of India. The student will also gain knowledge about the parliament of India and how
it functions. This course will survey the basic structure and operative dimensions of the
Indian constitution. It will explore various aspects of the Indian political and legal system
from a historical perspective highlighting the various events that led to the making of the
Indian constitution.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8034.1. Identify the important components of Indian Constitution.

A8034.2. Apply the fundamental rights in right way and become a more responsible
A8034.3. Illustrate the evolution of Indian Constitution.
A8034.4. Identify the basic structure of Indian Constitution.
A8034.5. Relate the basic concepts of democracy, liberty, equality, secular and justice.

3. Course Syllabus
Evolution of Indian constitution: Indian independence act 1947, formation of con-
stituent assembly of India, committees of the constituent assembly, constitution of India
drafting committee, brief study about Indian Constitution drafting committee Chairman,
time line of formation of the constitution of India.

Structure of the constitution of India: Parts, schedules, appendices, constitution and

government, constitution and judiciary.

Preamble to the constitution of India: Brief study about sovereignty, socialist, secular-
ism, democracy, republic, justice (political justice, social justice, economic justice), liberty,
equality, fraternity, unity & integrity.

Acts: Salient Features, Provisions of the acts: Right to education act, right to information
act, anti-defection law, Jan Lokpal bill.

B.Tech - R22 133 www.vardhaman.org

Fundamental rights: Right to equality, right to freedom (freedom of speech and expres-
sion, right to practice any profession etc.), right against exploitation, right to freedom of
religion, cultural & education rights, right to property, right to constitutional remedies

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Dr. Durga das basu.Introduction to the constitution of India, 21st Edition, Lexis Nexis
books publication Ltd, 2013.
Reference Books:
1. Subhash C. Kashyap, Our Constitution, National Book Trust, New Delhi, 2011.
2. Arun K Thiruvengadam, The Constitution of India, 1st Edition, Hart publishing India,

B.Tech - R22 134 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8526 - Data Mining
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides the concepts and techniques in processing gathered data or informa-
tion,which will be used in various applications. Students will become acquainted with both
the strengths and limitations of various data mining techniques like Association, Classifica-
tion, Cluster and Outlier analysis. Data mining tools predict future trends and behaviours,
allowing businesses to make proactive, knowledge-driven decisions.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8514- Data Base Management Systems.
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8526.1. Make use of pre-processing techniques on any given raw data.

A8526.2. Build data warehouse schemas for enterprise applications.
A8526.3. Perform market basket analysis using association rule mining.
A8526.4. Utilize classification techniques for analysis and interpretation of data.
A8526.5. Identify appropriate clustering and outlier detection techniques to handle
complex data.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Data Mining:Data mining, Knowledge Discovery process, Data Mining
Functionalities-Kinds of Patterns, Major Issues in Data Mining. Data Objects and Attribute
Types, Basic Statistical Descriptions of Data, Data Visualization, Dissimilarity of Numeric
Data-Distance measures, Data Pre-processing: Major Tasks in Data Pre-processing, Data
Cleaning, Data Integration, Data Reduction, Data Transformation and Data Discretization.

Data Warehouse and OLAP: Data Warehouse basic concepts, Differences between Oper-
ational Database Systems and Data Warehouses, Multi tiered Architecture, Data Warehouse
Models, Schemas for Multidimensional Data Models, Typical OLAP Operations, Data Ware-
house Design Process, OLAP Servers.

B.Tech - R22 136 www.vardhaman.org

Association Analysis: Basic Concepts, Market Basket Analysis, Apriori Algorithm, FP-
growth, From Association Analysis to Correlation Analysis, Pattern Mining in Multilevel
Associations and Multidimensional Associations.

Classification:Basic Concepts, Decision Tree Induction, Bayes Classification Methods, Rule-

Based Classification, Metrics for Evaluating Classifier Performance, Ensemble Methods,
Multilayer Feed-Forward Neural Network, Support Vector Machines, k-Nearest- Neighbor

Cluster Analysis: Requirements for Cluster Analysis, Overview of Basic Clustering Meth-
ods, Partitioning Methods-k-Means, k-Medoids, Hierarchical Methods-AGENES, DIANA,
BIRCH, Density-Based Method-DBSCAN, Outlier Analysis: Types of Outliers, Challenges
of Outlier Detection, and Overview of Outlier Detection Methods.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Jian Pei., Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques,3rd
Edition,Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier, 2012.
Reference Books:
1. Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Anuj Karpatne and Vipin Kumar., Introduction to
Data Mining, 2nd Edition,Pearson Education India, 2021.
2. Margaret H Dunham., Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics,2nd Edition,Pearson
Education India, 2006.
3. Amitesh Sinha., Data Warehousing, Thomson Learning, India, 2007.

B.Tech - R22 137 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8806 - Big Data Analytics
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The key objective of this course is to familiarize the students with most important infor-
mation technologies used in manipulating, storing, and analyzing big data with low latency.
Big data analytics is the use of advanced analytic techniques against very large, diverse data
sets that include structured, semi-structured and unstructured data, from different sources,
and sizes. Through this course the students comprehend and appreciate how Hadoop open-
source software frame work stores and processes big data in a distributed fashion on large
clusters of commodity hardware. The course gives insights of the modern big data tools like
Cassandra, MongoDB, Pig and Hive that allows users to make better and faster decisions.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8514 - Database Management Systems.
A8804 - Data Analytics.
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8806.1. Identify the fundamental concepts of big data analytics.

A8806.2. Analyze the Hadoop environment and apply HDFS commands on file man-
agement tasks.
A8806.3. Utilize optimization techniques of MapReduce Programming to process
massive amounts of data in parallel.
A8806.4. Make use of NoSQL databases like MangoDB and Cassandra to stock log
data to be pulled for analysis.
A8806.5. Identify appropriate modern tools like Pig and Hive for complex data flow
and analysis.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Big Data: Classification of Digital Data, Characteristics of Data, Defi-
nition of Big Data, Challenges with Big Data, Definitional Traits of Big Data, Traditional
Business Intelligence (BI) versus Big Data, Coexistence of Big Data and Data Warehouse,
Realms of Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Classification of Analytics, Challenges of Big Data,

B.Tech - R22 138 www.vardhaman.org

Terminologies Used in Big Data Environments, Few Top Analytics Tools.

The Big Data Technology Landscape: NoSQL (Not Only SQL), Types of NoSQL
Databases, SQL versus NoSQL, Introduction to Hadoop, RDBMS versus Hadoop, Dis-
tributed Computing Challenges, Hadoop Overview, Hadoop Distributors, HDFS (Hadoop
Distributed File System), Working with HDFS commands, Interacting with Hadoop Ecosys-

Mapreduce Programming: Processing Data with Hadoop, Mapper, Reducer, Combiner,

Partitioner, Searching, Sorting, Compression, Managing Resources and Applications with
Hadoop YARN.

Cassandra: Features of Cassandra, CQL Data Types, Keyspaces, CRUD Operations, Col-
lection Types, Table Operations. MONGODB: Features of MongoDB, RDBMS vs Mon-
goDB, Data Types in MongoDB, MongoDB Query Language, CRUD operations, Count,
Limit, Sort, and Skip.

PIG: The Anatomy of Pig, Pig Philosophy, Pig Latin Overview, Data Types in Pig, Run-
ning Pig, Execution Modes of Pig, Relational Operators, Eval Functions, Word Count using
Pig. HIVE: Introduction to Hive, Hive Architecture, Hive Data Types, Hive File Format,
Hive Query Language (HQL): DDL, DML, Partitions, Pig versus Hive.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Seema Acharya, Subhashini Chellappan. Big Data and Analytics, 2nd Edition, Wiley
IndiaPrivate Limited, New Delhi, 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Tom White. Hadoop - The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Publications, India,
2. Judith Hurwitz, Alan Nugent, Dr. Fern Halper, Marcia Kaufman. Big Data for Dum-
mies, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013.

B.Tech - R22 139 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8528 - Data Mining Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The goal of this Laboratory is to help students learn to work with Pentaho Data Integration
(Kettle) tool and WEKA tool for data mining techniques and develop data cubes and per-
form OLAP operations. Students will be able to perform data preprocessing, classification,
clustering, association, attribute selection, and visualization using WEKA tool. Students
will be able to perform various data transformations using kettle Pentaho data integration
tool and interpret received results.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8517- Database Management Systems Laboratory
A8704- Machine Learning Laboratory
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8528.1. Apply various preprocessing Techniques using WEKA tool for the given
A8528.2. Develop various data integration and transformations using Kettle Pentaho
A8528.3. Build data Cubes and perform OLAP Operations.
A8528.4. Apply appropriate association and classification techniques to interpret data
and provide valid conclusions.
A8528.5. Apply clustering techniques, compare the results, and write effective reports.

3. List of Experiments
1. Installation and Introduction to Weka Tool.
2. Preprocessing Data Using Weka Tool
a) File conversion from Excel to ARFF
b) Opening File from Local file system.
c) Opening File from website.
3. a) Installation, Introduction to Kettle Pentaho data Integration Tool.
b) Opening the Pentaho data Integration IDE and create a New repository.

B.Tech - R22 140 www.vardhaman.org

c) Connect to the Created Repository.
d) create an ODBC CONNECTION.
4. Developing transformations Using Kettle Pentaho data Integration Tool.
a) Transform CSV file input into XML file output.
b) Transform CSV file Input into excel file output.
c) Transform Access to Excel.
d)Transform Excel file input into MS-Access file output.
e) Transform Sql server input to MS-ACCESS/MS-Excel.
5. Developing Flow Control Transformation using kettle Pentaho
a) Transform Access file/sql server file into excel file by control data flow.
6. SQL server Analysis service for Data Analytics.
a) Create data source connection.
b) Create data source view.
c) Create OLAP Cube in SQL Server Analysis Server.
7. SQL server Analysis service for Data Analytics.
a) Perform OLAP operations on DATACUBE.
8. Implement Association Rule Mining – Apriori: Trace the results of using the Apriori
algorithm on the grocery store example with support threshold s=33.34 percentage and
confidence threshold c=60 percentage . Show the candidate and frequent item-sets for
each database scan. Enumerate all the final frequent item-sets. Also indicate the asso-
ciation rules that are generated and highlight the strong ones, sort them by confidence.
Using WEKA, Load a dataset described with nominal attributes, run the Apriori algo-
rithm to generate association rules.
TransactionID Items
T1 HotDogs, Buns, Ketchup
T2 HotDogs, Buns
T3 HotDogs, Coke, Chips
T4 Chips, Coke
T5 Chips, Ketchup
T6 HotDogs, Coke, Chips
9. a) Implement Association Rule Mining FP-tree and FP-Growth:
i) Use the transactional database from the previous exercise with same support threshold
and build a frequent pattern tree (FP-Tree). Show for each transaction how the tree
ii) Use Fp-Growth to discover the frequent item-sets from this FP-tree.
b) Using WEKA, Load a dataset described with nominal attributes, run the FP -growth
algorithm to generate association rules.

B.Tech - R22 141 www.vardhaman.org

10. Giving the following database with 5 transactions and a minimum support threshold of
60 percentage and a minimum confidence threshold of 80 Percentage, Find all frequent
item-sets using:
i) Apriori and
ii) FP-Growth.
iii) Compare the efficiency of both processes.
iv) List all strong association rules that contain “A” in the antecedent (Constraint).
v) Can we use this constraint in the frequent item-set generation phase?
TransactionID Items T1 K, A, D, B T2 D, A C, E, B T3 C, A, B, E T4 B, A, D
11. Implement Classification:
a) Build Base line classification models using Zero R and One R
b) Generate Decision Tree using J48, Use BuysComputer.arff database.
c) Using WEKA, Simple CLI, generate error on training data using J48.
12. Implement Naïve Bayes algorithm Classification using J48, Use employee.arff database.
13. Implement Clustering: create an iris file containing at least 15 instances, load it into
Weka, and apply k-Means clustering to it. Also cluster the instances without Weka, and
compare the results. Pick different initial cluster centroids and compare the results.
14. Develop an Integrated project on data preprocessing.
15. Develop an Integrated project on data mining techniques.
4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required
1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open Source/ Freeware)
2. WEKA Tool (Open Source/Freeware)
5. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Jiawei Han, Jian Pei, Hanghang Tong (2023), Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques,
4th Edition, Elsevier, India.
Reference Books:
1. Maria Carina Roldan, Pentaho Data Integration Beginner’s Guide, Packt Publishing,
New Delhi.
2. Ian H. Witten, Eibe Frank, Mark A. Hall, Christopher J. Pal, Data Mining: Practical
Machine Learning Tools and Techniques,4th Edition,Morgan Kaufmann Series, 2016.

B.Tech - R22 142 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8807 - Big Data Analytics Laboratory
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
0 0 2 0 0 30 1 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The key objective of this course is to familiarize the students with most important infor-
mation technologies used in manipulating, storing, and analyzing big data with low latency.
The course gives insights of the modern big data tools like Cassandra, MongoDB, Pig and
Hive that allows users to make better and faster decisions.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8517 - Database Management Systems Laboratory
A8805 - Data Analytics Labortory
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8807.1. Implement HDFS commands on file management tasks.

A8807.2. Use of MapReduce Programming to process massive amounts of data in par-
A8807.3. Use NoSQL databases like MangoDB and Cassandra to stock log data to be
pulled for analysis.
A8807.4. Implement Pig programs for complex data flow and analysis.
A8807.5. Implement Hive programs for complex data flow and analysis.

3. List of Experiments
1. Hadoop Environment setup:
Write the steps to download, install and configure the Hadoop framework on Ubuntu
Linux and Windows operating systems.
2. Hadoop HDFS Commands:
Implement the following file management tasks in Hadoopframework using Cloudera:
Adding files and directories, Retrieving files, Deleting files
3. MapReduce Programming:
Develop a WordCount Java programand implement in Hadoop MapReduce framework
using Cloudera.
4. MapReduce Programming:
Develop a MapReduce program to search for a specific keyword in a file. Develop a

B.Tech - R22 143 www.vardhaman.org

MapReduce program to sort data by student name (value).
5. Cassandra:
Implement keyspace operations to group column families together for the given applica-
tion data.
Implement CRUD operations on the given dataset using Cassandra.
6. Cassandra:
Design a table/column family and perform various collection types Set, List and Map
using Cassandra.
Design a table/column family and perform Alter table commands using Cassandra.
7. MongoDB: Implement a program with basic commands on databases and collections
using MongoDB.
Implement CRUD operations on the given dataset using MongoDB.
8. MongoDB:
Perform Count, Limit, Sort, and Skip operations on the given collections using MongoDB.
9. Pig Latin commands:
Implement Relational operators –Loading and Storing, and Diagnostic operators - Dump,
Describe, Illustrate & Explain on the given database in Hadoop Pig framework using
Develop a Pig Latin program to implement Filtering, Sorting operations on the given
10. Pig Latin commands: Implement Grouping, Joining, Combining and Splitting operations
on the given database using Pig Latin statements.
Perform Eval Functions on the given dataset.
Develop a WordCount program using Pig Latin statements.
11. Hive commands: Implement Data Definition Language (DDL) Commands for databases
in Hadoop Hive framework using Cloudera.
Implement Data Definition Language (DDL) Commands for tables in Hive.
12. Hive commands :
Implement Data Manipulation Language (DML) Commands for tables in Hive.
Perform data partitioning to split the given larger dataset into more meaningful chunks.
4. Laboratory Equipment/Software/Tools Required
1. Computer Systems (PCs) installed with Ubuntu OS (Open source/ Freeware)
2. Cloudera-Hadoop (Open Source/ Freeware), Virtual Box(Open Source/ Freeware)

5. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Seema Acharya, Subhashini Chellappan. Big Data and Analytics, 2nd Edition, Wiley

B.Tech - R22 144 www.vardhaman.org

IndiaPrivate Limited, New Delhi, 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Tom White. Hadoop - The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition, O’Reilly Publications, India,
2. Judith Hurwitz, Alan Nugent, Dr. Fern Halper, Marcia Kaufman. Big Data for Dum-
mies, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013.

B.Tech - R22 145 www.vardhaman.org

Professional Electives
Course Structure
A8651 - Ethical Hacking
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Ethical hacking strikes all of us as a subject that requires a great deal of prerequisite knowl-
edge about things like heavy duty software, languages that includes hordes of syntaxes,
algorithms that could be generated by maestros only. Well that’s not the case, to some
extent. This course introduces the steps required to complete a penetration test, or ethical
hack. Requiring no prior hacking experience, the book explains how to utilize and interpret
the results of modern day hacking tools that are required to complete a penetration test.
Coverage includes GoogleHacking, Nmap, Nessus, Metasploit, and Hacker Defender rootkit.
Simple explanations of how to use these tools and a fourstep methodology for conducting a
penetration test provide readers with a better understanding of offensive security.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8519-Computer Networks

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8651.1 Use the various security tools to assess the computing system.
A8651.2 Identify the vulnerabilities across any computing system using penetration
A8651.3 Choose a prediction mechanism to prevent any kind of attacks.
A8651.4 Make use of metasploit tool to probe systematic vulnerabilities on networks
and servers.
A8651.5 Identify the wireless network flaws and fill security patches in web access.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Hacking: Important Terminologies, Penetration Test, Vulnerability As-
sessments versus Penetration Test, Pre-Engagement, Rules of Engagement, Penetration Test-
ing Methodologies, OSSTMM, NIST, OWASP, Categories of Penetration Test, Types of
Penetration Tests, Vulnerability Assessment Summary Reports.

Information Gathering Techniques: Information Gathering Techniques, Active Infor-

mation Gathering, Passive Information Gathering, Sources of Information Gathering, In-
formation Gathering with Whois, Tracing the Location, Traceroute, ICMP Traceroute,
TCP Traceroute, Usage, UDP Traceroute, Enumerating and Fingerprinting the Webservers,
Google Hacking.

B.Tech - R22 147 www.vardhaman.org

Network Attacks: Vulnerability Data Resources, Exploit Databases, Network Sniffing,
Types of Sniffing, Promiscuous versus Nonpromiscuous Mode, MITM Attacks, ARP At-
tacks, Denial of Service Attacks, Hijacking Session with MITM Attack, SSL Strip: Strip-
ping HTTPS Traffic, DNS Spoofing, ARP Spoofing Attack Manipulating the DNS Records,
DHCP Spoofing, Remote Exploitation, Attacking Network Remote Services, Overview of
Brute Force Attacks, Traditional Brute Force, Attacking SMTP.

Exploitation: Introduction to Metasploit, Reconnaissance with Metasploit, Port Scanning

with Metasploit, Compromising a Windows Host with Metasploit, Client Side Exploitation
Methods, e- Mails with Malicious Attachments. .

Wireless and Web Hacking: Wireless Hacking, Introducing Aircrack, Cracking the WEP,
cracking a WPA/WPA2 Wireless Network Using Aircrack-ng, Brute Force and Dictionary
Attacks, Types of Authentication.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Rafay Baloch., Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide, CRC Press, 2014.
Reference Books:
1. Kevin Beaver, Ethical Hacking for Dummies,6th Edition,Wiley, 2018.
2. Jon Erickson., Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition, Rogunix, 2007.

B.Tech - R22 148 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8851 - Data Science for Engineers
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Data Science for Engineers course aims to equip engineering students with the essential
knowledge and practical skills required to excel in the dynamic field of data science, empha-
sizing their ability to proficiently query and analyze diverse datasets. Through this course,
students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in handling
heterogeneous data, learning how to effectively preprocess and visualize it. By exploring
the methodologies and tools employed in data science, students will not only grasp the
theoretical foundations but also engage in hands-on applications. Ultimately, upon complet-
ing this course, students will emerge with a well-rounded skill set that encompasses data
querying and analytics, data preprocessing and visualization, and a solid foundation in data
science methodologies and tools. This comprehensive preparation equips them to navigate
the complex landscape of data science effectively and contribute meaningfully to data-driven
decision-making processes.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8005- Computer Oriented Statistical Methods
A8514- Database Management Systems
A8804- Data Analytics

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8851.1 Identify the various requirements for data science process.

A8851.2 Choose an appropriate database required for processing data.
A8851.3 Demonstrate the data science methodology and text mining approaches.
A8851.4 Make use of data science tools to visualize the insights of data.
A8851.5 Apply various data visualization techniques using Tableau over Google

3. Course Syllabus
Importance of Data Science: Need for Data Science, what is Data Science? Data Science
Process, Business Intelligence and Data Science, Prerequisites for a Data Scientist, Com-
ponents of Data Science, Tools and Skills needed. Statistics and Probability- Data Types,
Variable Types, Statistics, Sampling Techniques and Probability, Information Gain and En-
tropy, Probability Theory, Probability Types, Probability Distribution Functions, Bayes’
Theorem, Inferential Statistics.

B.Tech - R22 149 www.vardhaman.org

Databases for Data Science: SQL – Tool for Data Science, Basic Statistics with SQL,
Data Munging with SQL, Filtering, Joins, and Aggregation, Window Functions and Ordered
Data, Preparing Data for Analytics Tool, Advanced NoSQL for Data Science- Why NoSQL,
Document Databases for Data Science, Wide-Column Databases for Data Science, Graph
Databases for Data Science.

Data Science Methodology: Analytics for Data Science, Examples of Data Analyt-
ics, Data Analytics Life Cycle- Data Discovery, Data Preparation, Model Planning, Model
Building, Communicate Results, Operationalization. Data Analytics and Text Mining- Text
Mining, Major Text Mining Areas, Text Analytics, Major Components of NLP, Stages of
NLP, Statistical Processing of Natural Language, Applications of NLP.

Data Science Tools-I: Python Libraries: DataFrame Manipulation with pandas and
NumPy, Data Wrangling: Clean, Transform, Merge, Reshape, Exploration Data Analysis
with Python, Time Series Data, clustering with Python, Plotting and Visualization, ARCH
and GARCH, Dimensionality Reduction.

Data Science Tools-II: Tableau- Introduction to Data Visualization and Tableau, Di-
mensions and Measures, Cleaning and Structuring Messy Data Descriptive Statistics, Basic
Charts, Joins and blends, Filtering data, Row-level calculations, Aggregate-level calcula-
tions, Level of detail calculations, Custom Table Calculations, Dashboard Design & Princi-
ples, Special Chart Types, Integrate Tableau with Google Sheets.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Sanjeev Wagh, Manisha Bhende, Anuradha Thakare, Fundamentals of Data Science, 1st
Edition,CRC Press, India,2022.
2. Wes McKinney., Python for Data Analysis, 1st Edition„O‘Reilly Publications, 2015.
3. Joshua N. Milligan, Learning Tableau 2019, Packt Publications,2019.
Reference Books:
1. Avrim Blum, John Hopcroft, Ravindran Kannan., Foundations of Data Science, 1st Edi-
tion, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
2. Ani Adhikari and John DeNero,Computational and Inferential Thinking: The Founda-
tions of Data Science,GitBook, 2019.

B.Tech - R22 150 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8551 - Advanced Computer Architecture
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course presents an overview of the memory organizations and mapping techniques.
Students will be able to know about the Parallelism concepts in Programming and the
objective is to give the students an elaborate idea about the different memory systems and
buses. To introduce the advanced processor architectures to the students and to make
the students know about the importance of multiprocessor and multi- computers, to study
about data flow computer architectures. This course examines the techniques and underlying
principles that are used to design high-performance computers and processors. Particular
emphasis is placed on understanding the trade-offs involved when making design decisions
at the architectural level. The course also enables to demonstrate VLSI based architectures.
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8506- Computer Organization
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8551.1 Identify the various concepts of parallelism in Hardware and Software.

A8551.2 Analyze different memory systems and buses for multi processor systems.
A8551.3 Demonstrate the complex architectures to provide parallel processing.
A8551.4 Examine the design requirements of multi processor architectures.
A8551.5 Compare VLSI based architectures for effiecient processing.

3. Course Syllabus
Parallel Computer Models: Evolution of Computer architecture, system attributes to
performance, Multi processors and multi computers, Multi-vector and SIMD computers,
PRAM and VLSI models-Parallelism in Programming, conditions for Parallelism-Program
Partitioning and Scheduling-program flow Mechanisms-Speed up performance laws-Amdahl‘s
law, Gustafson‘s law-Memory bounded speedup Model.

Memory Systems and Buses: Memory hierarchy,cache and shared memory concepts,Cache
memory organization,cache addressing models, Aliasing problem in cache, cache memory
mapping techniques,Shared memory organization,Interleaved memory organization, Lower

B.Tech - R22 151 www.vardhaman.org

order interleaving, Higher order interleaving. Back plane bus systems-Bus addressing, arbi-
tration and transaction.

Advanced Processors: Instruction set architectures-CISC and RISC scalar processors-

Super scalar processors-VLSI architecture- Multivector and SIMD computers-Vector pro-
cessing principles-Cray Y-MP 816 system-Inter processor communication.

Multi Processors and Multi Computers: Multiprocessor system interconnects, Cross

bar switch, Multiport memory,Hot spot problem, Message passing mechanisms,Pipelined
processors,Linear pipeline, non linear pipeline, Instruction pipeline design,Arithmetic pipeline

Data Flow Computers and VLSI Computations: Data flow computer architectures-
Static, Dynamic-VLSI Computing Structures-Systolic array architecture, mapping algo-
rithms into systolic arrays, Reconfigurable processor array-VLSI matrix arithmetic processors-
VLSI arithmetic models, partitioned matrix algorithms, matrix arithmetic pipelines.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Kai Hwang., Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmabil-
ity, Mc Graw Hill,N.Y, 2003.
2. Kai Hwang & Briggs., Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing,Mc Graw Hill,
N.Y, 1999.
Reference Books:
1. David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessey., Computer organization and design , 5th
Edition, Elsevier, , 2014.
2. Quinn., Parallel Computing: Theory and Practice, TMH, India, 2010.

B.Tech - R22 152 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8557 - Unified Modeling Language
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a visual language for computer science that’s used
to visualize a system’s blueprint. UML is a standard language for specifying, visualizing,
constructing, and documenting software systems. It’s used in software-based systems, busi-
ness modeling, and associated operations for analysis, design, and execution. UML is not a
programming language. Instead, it uses elements and forms associations between them to
form diagrams. Diagrams in UML can be broadly classified as structural diagrams, which
capture static aspects or structure of a system. Structural diagrams include: Component
diagrams, Object diagrams, Class diagrams, Deployment diagrams. After the completion of
the course student will be able to create appropriate design document for mini and major
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8520- Software Engineering
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8557.1 Understand the concepts of UML.

A8557.2 Analyze the real-time scenarios.
A8557.3 Identify the Objects and Classes based on the case study.
A8557.4 Design the structural and behavioral models.
A8557.5 Apply advanced UML concepts to model the scenarios.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to UML:Importance of modeling, principles of modeling, object oriented
modeling, conceptual model of the UML, Architecture, and Software Development Life Cy-

Basic Structural Modeling: Classes, Relationships, common Mechanisms, and diagrams.

Class & Object Diagrams: Terms, concepts, modeling techniques for Class & Object Dia-

B.Tech - R22 153 www.vardhaman.org

Advanced Structural Modeling: Advanced classes, advanced relationships, Interfaces,
Types and Roles, Packages. Case Study: AI Cryptanalysis.

Basic Behavioral Modeling: Interactions, Interaction diagrams Use cases, Use case Dia-
grams, Activity Diagrams. Case Study: Web Application: Vacation Tracking System.

Advanced Behavioral Modeling: Events and signals, state machines, processes and
Threads, time and space, state chart diagrams. Architectural Modeling: Component, De-
ployment, Component diagrams and Deployment diagrams , Case Study: Weather Forecast-

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Grady BOOCH, Robert A. Maksimchuk, Michael W. ENGLE, Bobbi J. Young, Jim
Conallen, Kellia Houston., Object- Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 3nd
Edition, Pearson, 2013.
2. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson., The Unified Modeling Language User
Guide, Pearson Education, 2015.
Reference Books:
1. Meilir Page-Jones., Fundamentals of Object Oriented Design in UML, Pearson Education,
2. Pascal Roques., Modeling Software Systems Using UML2, WILEY- Dreamtech India
Pvt. Ltd, 2014.

B.Tech - R22 154 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8652 - Cyber Security
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides a comprehensive overview of various cybercrimes, how they are planned,
possible vulnerabilities and crimes that occur in mobile and wireless devices. It introduces
tools and techniques that are used in cybercrime. It helps in analyzing and designing defen-
sive security mechanisms for protecting information systems resources.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8519- Computer Networks
A8607- Information Security

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8652.1 Identify the cybercrimes and offences in network accesses.

A8652.2 Interpret the criminal plans before going to attack.
A8652.3 Choose various security measures on mobile devices for a given scenario and
make an effective report.
A8652.4 Identify the various methods and tools in Cyber Crime.
A8652.5 Examine various defense and analysis techniques to protect our information
from attackers

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Cybercrime: Introduction, Cybercrime, and Information Security, who
are Cybercriminals, Classifications of Cybercrimes. Cybercrime: The legal Perspectives and
Indian Perspective, Cybercrime and the Indian ITA 2000, A Global Perspective on Cyber-

Cyber Offenses: How Criminals Plan Them: Introduction, How Criminals plan the At-
tacks, Social Engineering, Cyber stalking, Cyber cafe and Cybercrimes. Botnets: The Fuel
for Cybercrime, Attack Vector, and Cloud Computing.

Cybercrime -Mobile and Wireless Devices: Introduction, Proliferation of Mobile and

Wireless Devices, Trends in Mobility, Credit card Frauds in Mobile and Wireless Computing
Era, Security Challenges Posed by Mobile Devices, Registry Settings for Mobile Devices,
Authentication service Security, Attacks on Mobile/Cell Phones, Mobile Devices: Security
Implications for Organizations, Organizational Measures for Handling Mobile, Organiza-
tional Security Policies and Measures in Mobile Computing Era, Laptops.

B.Tech - R22 155 www.vardhaman.org

Tools and Methods Used in Cybercrime: Introduction, Proxy Servers and Anonymiz-
ers, Phishing, Password Cracking, Keyloggers and Spywares, Virus and Worms, Trojan Horse
and Backdoors, Steganography, DoS and DDoS attacks, SQL Injection, Buffer Overflow.

Defense and Analysis Techniques: Memory Forensics - Why Memory Forensics Is Impor-
tant, Capabilities of Memory Forensics, Memory Analysis Frameworks, Dumping Physical
Memory, Installing and Using Volatility, Finding Hidden Processes, Volatility Analyst Pack,
Honey pots, Intrusion Detection Systems.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Nina Godbole and Sunil Belapure., Cyber Security: Understanding Cyber Crimes, Com-
puter Forensics and Legal Prespectives,1st Edition,Wiley INDIA, 2011.
2. James Graham, Richard Howard and Ryan Otson., Cyber Security Essentials,1st Edi-
tion,CRC Press,2011.
Reference Books:
1. Chwan-Hwa(John), Wu,J.David Irwin., Introduction to Cyber Security,1st Edition, CRC
Press T and F Group, 2013.
2. Richard A. Clarke, Robert Knake., Cyberwar: The Next Threat to National Security
and What to Do About It,Ecco 2010.

B.Tech - R22 156 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8804 - Data Analytics
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
"Fundamentals of Data Analytics" is an introductory course that provides a solid founda-
tion in the principles and techniques of data analysis. This course covers key concepts such
as data collection, cleaning, and visualization, statistical analysis, and data interpretation.
Students will gain hands-on experience with popular data analysis tools and software, al-
lowing them to extract valuable insights from data sets. Whether you’re a beginner looking
to enter the world of data analytics or seeking to enhance your existing skills, this course
will equip you with the fundamental knowledge and practical skills required to harness the
power of data for informed decision-making and problem-solving in various domains.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8804.1. Identify the various design requirements for training a neural network.
A8804.2. Select appropriate parameters and architectures in building a deep network.
A8804.3. Choose Vectorization and Normalization technique for real time data.
A8804.4. Examine different CNN Models for image and object recognition and clas-
A8804.5. Make use of RNN architectures to handle sequential or time series data.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Data Analytics: Types of Data sources, Sampling, Types of Data Ele-
ments, Types of Data Analysis- descriptive, predictive, diagnostic, exploratory, survival and
social network. The Phases of Data Analysis, Data Analytics Methodologies and Workflows.
Data Quality, Software and Privacy.

R Programming: Handling Packages in R, Getting Started with R- Working with Direc-

tory, Data Types in R, Commands for Data Exploration, Loading and Handling Data in

B.Tech - R22 157 www.vardhaman.org

R-Challenges of Analytical Data Processing, Expression, Variables and Functions, Missing
Values Treatment in R, Using the ‘as’ Operator to Change the Structure of Data, Vectors,
Matrices, Factors, and List, Aggregating and Group Processing of a Variable, Methods for
Reading Data.

Exploring Data in R: Introduction, Data Frames, R Functions for Understanding Data

in Data Frames, Load Data Frames, Exploring Data, Data Summary, Finding the Missing
Values, Invalid Values and Outliers, Descriptive Statistics, Spotting Problems in Data with

Predictive Analytics using R: Linear Regression- Introduction, Model Fitting, Linear

Regression, Assumptions of Linear Regression, Validating Linear Assumption. Logistic
Regression- Introduction, Logistic Regression, Binary Logistic Regression. Decision Tree-
Introduction, Decision Tree Representation in R, Basic Decision Tree Learning Algorithm,
Measuring Features.

Real World Applications: Credit Risk Modeling, Fraud Detection, Churn Prediction,
Recommender Systems, Web Analytics, Social Media Analytics, Business Process Analytics.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Bart Baesens Analytics in a Big Data World- The Essential Guide to Data Science and
Its Applications, Wiley Publications, 2014.
2. Seema Acharya, Data analytics using R, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Lim-
Reference Books:
1. "Practical Statistics for Data Scientists" by Andrew Bruce and Peter Bruce, Publisher:
O’Reilly Media, First Edition (2017).

B.Tech - R22 158 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8552 - Parallel Computing
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course is an introduction to the basic issues of and techniques for writing parallel pro-
gramming. Students will be provided with an advanced foundation in various programming
models and varieties of parallelism in current hardware. The course is structured so that the
students understand challenges in efficient execution of large-scale parallel applications and
the students will be able to understand various searching and sorting methods on parallel
programming environment.
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8506 - Computer Organization
A8510 - Operating Systems
A8551 - Advanced Computer Architecture
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8552.1 Develop an understanding of various basic concepts associated with parallel

computing environments.
A8552.2 Make use of CUDA Programming Model for parallel computing.
A8552.3 Identify various sources of overhead in parallel Programs.
A8552.4 Examine the algorithms to resolve the Issues in Sorting on Parallel Com-
A8552.5 Choose appropriate Search Algorithm to solve Discrete Optimization Prob-

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Parallel Computing: Scope, issues, applications and challenges of
Parallel and Distributed Computing Parallel Programming Platforms: Implicit Parallelism:
Trends in MicroprocessorArchitectures, Dichotomy of Parallel Computing Platforms, Phys-
ical Organization, Communication Costs in Parallel Machines, Routing Mechanisms for In-
terconnection Networks, GPU, co- processing. Principles of Parallel Algorithm Design: De-
composition Techniques,Characteristics of Tasks and Interactions,Mapping Techniques for
Load Balancing.

B.Tech - R22 159 www.vardhaman.org

CUDA Programming Model: Overview of CUDA, Isolating data to be used by par-
allelized code, API function to allocate memory on parallel computing device, to transfer
data, Concepts of Threads, Blocks, Grids, Developing a kernel function to be executed by
individual threads, Execution of kernel function by parallel threads, transferring data back
to host processor with API function.

Analytical Modeling of Parallel Programs: Sources of Overhead in Parallel Programs,

Performance Metrics for Parallel Systems, The Effect of Granularity on Performance, Scala-
bility of Parallel Systems, Minimum Execution Time and Minimum Cost-Optimal Execution

Dense Matrix Algorithms: Matrix-Vector Multiplication, Matrix-Matrix Multiplica-

tion, Issues in Sorting on Parallel Computers, Bubble Sort and Variants, Quick Sort, Other
Sorting Algorithms Graph Algorithms: Minimum Spanning Tree: Prim’s Algorithm, Single-
Source Shortest Paths: Dijkstra’s Algorithm, All-Pairs Shortest Paths, Transitive Closure,
Connected Components, Algorithms for Sparse Graph.

Search Algorithms for Discrete Optimization Problems: Sequential Search Algo-

rithms, Parallel Depth-First Search, Parallel Best-First Search, Speed-up Anomalies in Par-
allel Search Algorithms.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. A Grama, A Gupra, G Karypis, V Kumar, Introduction to Parallel Computing , 2nd
Edition, Addison Wesley, 2020.
2. C Lin, L Snyder., Principles of Parallel Programming, USA: Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, 2018.
Reference Books:
1. J Jeffers, J Reinders. Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor High-Performance Programming. Mor-
gan Kaufmann Publishing and Elsevier, 2013.
2. T Mattson, B Sanders, B Massingill. Patterns for Parallel Programming. Addison-Wesley
Professional, 2004.
3. https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/106/102/106102163/

B.Tech - R22 160 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8558 - Agile Project Management
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Agile project management has become an increasingly dominant and popular manner to de-
velop new or improved products, services, or results in a variety fields such as software devel-
opment, engineering, product development, and process improvement. In environments with
uncertainty (for example, changing customer needs or unknown root cause), agile project
management has been found to product higher customer satisfaction in less time compared
to more traditional, plan-driven project management methodologies.
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8520- Software Engineering
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8558.1 Use the Agile project management approach including values and principles
for a project.
A8558.2 Identify the essential roles in a Scrum team for effective development of
project working models.
A8558.3 Make use of Self Organizing Teams to solve issues during the project.
A8558.4 Build a Product Backlog and perform Backlog Refinement in a given sce-
A8558.5 Examine large projects by using scrum methods.

3. Course Syllabus
Agile Software Development: Basics and Fundamentals of Agile Process Methods, Val-
ues of Agile, Principles of Agile, stakeholders, Challenges. Lean Approach: Waste Man-
agement, Kaizen and Kanban, add process and products add value. Roles related to the
lifecycle, differences between Agile and traditional plans, differences between Agile plans at
different lifecycle phases.

Agile and Scrum Principles: Agile Manifesto, Twelve Practices of XP, Scrum Practices,
Applying Scrum. Need of scrum, working of scrum, advanced Scrum Applications, Scrum
and the Organization, scrum values.

B.Tech - R22 161 www.vardhaman.org

Agile Product Management: Communication, Planning, Estimation Managing the Ag-
ile approach Monitoring progress, Targeting and motivating the team, managing business
involvement, Escalating issue.

Agile Requirements: User Stories, Backlog Management. Agile Architecture: Feature

Driven Development. Agile Risk Management: Risk and Quality Assurance, Agile Tools.
Agile Testing: Agile Testing Techniques, Test-Driven Development, User Acceptance Test.

Scaling Agile for large projects: Scrum of Scrums, Team collaborations, Scrum; Esti-
mate a Scrum Project, Track Scrum Projects, Communication in Scrum Projects, and Best
Practices to Manage Scrum.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Robert C. Martin., Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices,
Alan Apt Series, 2011.
2. Mike Cohn., Succeeding with Agile: Software Development Using Scrum, Pearson Pub-
lications, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. David J. Anderson and Eli Schragenheim., Agile Management for Software Engineering:
Applying the Theory of Constraints for Business Results, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003.
2. Hazza and Dubinsky, Agile Software Engineering Series: Undergraduate Topics in Com-
puter Science, Springer, 2009.

B.Tech - R22 162 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8653 - Web and Database Security
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Internet web sites are increasingly using web applications to access database systems for
information retrieval, transactions and publication. These Internet web applications are
commonly being used for e-commerce, e-banking, and e-government to purchase goods,
make reservations, pay taxes, enroll in classes, retrieve academic transcripts, acquire ac-
count balances and pay bills, to name a few. In order to provide these Internet services
many are connecting their security sensitive information stored in databases directly to the
Internet. And, in many cases, the securities of these applications have been designed with
the same securities as for trusted internal applications. By doing this organizations are cre-
ating security risks of possibly exposing sensitive information, critical business applications
being disabled or compromised. This course looks at the problems associated with using
web applications that access databases for Internet services. It also discusses some options
of securing web services that utilize databases, as well as the overall security layers needed.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8514- Database Management Systems
A8607- Information Security

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8653.1 Demonstrate the architecture and applications for web security.

A8653.2 Make use of various techniques in providing security to servers.
A8653.3 Utilize data access mechanisms for database security.
A8653.4 Identify common application vulnerabilities, prevention of misuse in
A8653.5 Select algorithmic techniques for privacy preserving data.

3. Course Syllabus
Web Security: The Web Security Problem, Risk Analysis and Best Practices, Cryptogra-
phy and the Web: Cryptography and Web Security, Working Cryptographic Systems and
Protocols, Legal Restrictions on Cryptography, Digital Identification.

Web Privacy: The Web’s War on Your Privacy, Privacy-Protecting Techniques, Backups
and Antitheft, Web Server Security, Physical Security for Servers, Host Security for Servers,
Securing Web Applications.

B.Tech - R22 163 www.vardhaman.org

Database Security: Recent Advances in Access Control, Access Control Models for XML,
Access Control Policy Languages in XML, Database Issues in Trust Management and Trust
Negotiation, Authenticated Index Structures for Outsourced Databases, Towards Secure
Data Outsourcing, Managing and Querying Encrypted Data, Security in Data Warehouses
and OLAP Systems.

Security Re-Engineering for Databases: Concepts and Techniques, Database Water-

marking for Copyright Protection, Database Watermarking: A Systematic View, Trust-
worthy Records Retention, Damage Quarantine and Recovery in Data Processing Systems,
Hippocratic Databases: Current Capabilities.

Privacy Preserving Data Mining: A survey, Privacy in Database Publishing: Bayesian

Perspective, Privacy-enhanced Location-based Access Control,Privacy Preserving Publica-
tion: Anonymization Frameworks and Principles,Privacy Protection through Anonymity in
Location-based Services, Efficiently Enforcing the Security and Privacy Policies in a Mobile

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Simson G. Arfinkel, Gene Spafford., Web Security, Privacy and Commerce, 2nd Edition,
O’Reilly, 2018.
2. Michael Gertz, SushilJajodia., Handbook on Database security applications and trends,
Springer, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Jonathan LeBlanc , Tim Messerschmidt., Identity and Data Security for Web Develop-
ment: Best Practices, 1st Edition, O’ Reilly, 2016.
2. Bryan Sullivan and Vincent Liu., Web Application Security, A Beginner’s Guide, Mc-
GrawHill, 2012.
3. Mark O’Neill., Web Services Security (Application Development) ,McGrawHill, 2003.

B.Tech - R22 164 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8707- Deep Learning
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course builds the knowledge on deep neural learning in the aspect of artificial intelli-
gence that depends on data representations rather than task- specific algorithms. It helps
the students to demonstrate supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning. A
convolution deep learning neural network is built using Keras to show how deep learning is
used in specialized neural networks. Applications of deep learning will help to recognize and
process text, images and speech applications. Introduction of various deep learning models
such as RNNs, Encoders and Generative models will help to relate to real time projects.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8508 - Python Programming Laboratory
A8703 - Machine Learning
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8707.1 Identify the need of neural networks and deep learning for a given problem.
A8707.2 Build a CNN model on the real time data.
A8707.3 Model sequence classification applications using RNN.
A8707.4 Build a deep learning model using encoders.
A8707.5 Make use of generative models in various creative tasks.

3. Course Syllabus

Introduction : Introduction Deep Learning Architectures Historical trends in Deep Learn-

ing, Challenges motivating Deep Learning, gradient Based Learning, Hidden Units, Archi-
tecture Design, Back Propagation

Convolution Neural Networks : The convolution Operation, Motivation, Pooling, Con-

volution and Pooling as an Infinitely Strong Prior, Variants of the Basic Convolution Func-
tion, Structured Outputs, Data Types, Efficient Convolution Algorithms, Convolution Net-
works and the History of Deep Learning

Sequence Modeling : Recurrent And Recursive Nets Recurrent Neural Networks, Bidirec-
tional RNNs, Encoder-decoder sequence to sequence architectures,Long Short Term Memory

B.Tech - R22 165 www.vardhaman.org

Auto Encoders : Under complete Auto encoder, Regularized Auto encoder, stochastic
Encoders and Decoders,Contractive Encoders. Applications of Auto encoders

Deep Generative Models : Boltzmann Machines, Deep Belief networks, Deep Boltzmann
Machine, Generative Stochastic Networks, Generative Adversarial networks, evaluating Gen-
erative Models Networks.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Goodfellow, I., Bengio,Y., and Courville, A., Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016.
2. Jeff Heaton., Deep Learning and Neural Networks, Heaton Research Inc, 2015.
Reference Books:
1. Bishop, C., M., Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
2. Yegnanarayana, B., Artificial Neural Networks PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2009.
3. Golub, G., H., and Van Loan,C.,F., Matrix Computations, JHU Press,2013.
4. Satish Kumar, Neural Networks: A Classroom Approach, Tata McGraw Hill Educa-

B.Tech - R22 166 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8553 - Grid Computing
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course is designed to implement grid environment in efficient use of hardware. Grid
computing is a collection of computing resources that appear to the end user as one large
system. It uses a network of computers to perform tasks that would be difficult for a
single machine. Grid computing can provide many benefits not available with traditional
computing models. This course provides the grid computing essentials like Grid architecture
considerations,Grid Security,Web services resource framework. It also enables to implement
grid environment using Globus Toolkit.
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8519- Computer Networks
A8551 - Advanced Computer Architecture
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8553.1. Demonstrate the key terms and requirements of grid computing.

A8553.2. Choose appropriate design considerations for building grid architecture.
A8553.3. Examine the security standards and process for grid environment.
A8553.4. Demonstrate web services resource frame work to work with grid.
A8553.5. Use Globus Toolkit for installation and configuration for grid setup.

3. Course Syllabus
Grid fundamentals: What is Grid Computing? Benefits of grid computing, Grid terms
and concepts- Types of resources, Jobs and applications, Scheduling, reservation,and scav-
enging, Grid software components, Intragrid and intergrid, Grid user Roles-Using a grid: A
user’s perspective, Using a grid: An administrator’s perspective.

Grid architecture considerations: Standards for grid environments-OGSA, OGSADAI,

GridFTP, WSRF, Web services related standards, Application Considerations- General
application considerations, CPU-intensive application considerations, Data considerations.
Design considerations: Building a grid architecture, Grid architecture Models- Computa-
tional grid, Data grid, Grid topologies-Intragrid, Extragrid, Intergrid, e-Utilities, Phases

B.Tech - R22 167 www.vardhaman.org

and Activities-Basic methodology, Recommended steps, A conceptual architecture.

Grid Security: Introduction to Grid Security-Grid security requirements, Security funda-

mentals, Important grid security terms, Symmetric key encryption, Asymmetric key encryp-
tion, The Certificate Authority, Digital certificates, Grid Security Infrastructure- Getting
access to the grid, Grid secure communication, Grid security step-by-step, Grid infrastruc-
ture security, PKI security policies and procedures.

Web services resource framework: Resource state management using Grid services-
What is Grid Service? Grid services vs. Web services, OGSA Grid service requirements,
Open Grid Services Interface (OGSI) Grid services, OGSI to WSRF refactoring, WSRF
Fundamentals-What a WS-Resource is? Implied resource pattern for stateful resources,
WS-Resource Framework specifications.

Globus Toolkit: Globus Toolkit 4 components- Common runtime components, Security

components, Data management components, Monitoring and Discovery Services, Execution
management, Globus Toolkit 4 installation and configuration- Installing required software for
Globus Toolkit 4 installation, Preparing the OS for Globus Toolkit 4 installation, Installing
Globus Toolkit 4, Configuration and testing of grid environment- Configuring environmen-
tal variables, Security set up, Configuration of Java WS Core, Configuration and testing
of GridFTP, Configuration and testing of RFT, Configuration and testing of WS GRAM,
Testing of MDS4, Uninstallation.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Bart Jacob , Michael Brown , Kentaro Fukui , Nihar Trivedi., Introduction to Grid
Computing, IBM International Technical Support Organization, 2005.
2. Frederic Magoules.,Fundamentals of Grid Computing: Theory, Algorithms and Technolo-
gies,CRC Press, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Krishna., Principles of Grid Computing, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd , 2010.
2. Barry Wilkinson., Grid Computing Techiniques and Applications, CRC Press, 2009.

B.Tech - R22 168 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8559 - Software Testing Methodologies
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Testing is a critical component in the successful implementation of software project and its
quality assurance for any application. Effective Test Management will ensure the delivery
of high-quality applications, satisfied clients. This course presents a comprehensive study of
software testing principles, methodologies, management strategies and techniques. Also the
emphasis is on understanding software testing processes and testing tools.
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8520-Software Engineering
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8559.1. Identify terminology, basic concepts, test processes for continuous quality
A8559.2. Select an appropriate testing methodology for a given problem.
A8559.3. Make use of transaction flow testing and data flow testing techniques on an
A8559.4. Use software testing methods and modern software testing tools for automa-
tion of testing process.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction: Terminology, evolving nature of area, Errors, Faults and Failures, Correct-
ness and reliability, Roles and responsibilities, Purpose of testing, Software Testing Life
Cycle, some dichotomies, a model for testing, Taxonomy for Bugs: some bug statistics, Con-
sequences of bugs, Requirements, Features, and functionality bugs, Structural bugs, Data
bugs, Coding bugs, Interface, Integration and system bugs, Test and Test design bugs, De-
fect or Bug Life Cycle.

Software Testing Methodologies: White/Glass Box Testing, Black Box Testing, Grey
Box Testing, Black Box testing Techniques: Boundary Value analysis, Equivalence Class
Partition, state Based Testing, Cause effect Graph, Decision table, Exploratory Testing.

B.Tech - R22 169 www.vardhaman.org

MFlow Graphs and Path Testing: Path testing basics, predicates, path predicates and
achievable paths, path sensitizing, path instrumentation, paths, Path Products and Regu-
lar Expressions: Path products and path expressions, a reduction procedure, applications,
regular expressions and flow anomaly detection.

Transaction flow testing and data flow testing: Transaction flows, transaction flow
testing techniques, dataflow testing basics, data flow testing strategies, application, tools
and effectiveness.

Testing Tools: Selenium IDE Basics: Capture Playback – Recording a script. Install And
Run Selenium RC: Overview of the contents of the selenium archive, command line, Start
and stop Selenium server, Run IDE Tests in different browsers. Creating a Junit Test using
Selenium IDE: Export an IDE script as a JUnit test, Run the JUnit test, Run the test in
debug mode. My First Selenium Tests.java Annotated.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Boris Beizer., Software Testing Techniques, 2nd Edition, Dreamtech Press, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Richardson, Alan John. Selenium Simplified: A Tutorial Guide to Selenium RC with
Java and JUnit. Compendium Developments, 2012.
2. Krishna Rungta, Learn Selenium in 1 Day: Definitive Guide to Learn Selenium for
3. Software Testing – Principles, Techniques and Tools, M.G.Limaye, Tata McGraw- Hill,2009.

B.Tech - R22 170 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8654 - Cloud Security
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The course will describe the Cloud security architecture and explore the guiding security
design principles, design patterns, industry standards, applied technologies and addressing
regulatory compliance requirements critical to design, implement, deliver and manage secure
cloud based services. The course delves deep into the secure cloud architectural aspects with
regards to identifying and mitigating risks, protection and isolation of physical and logical
infrastructures including compute, network and storage, comprehensive data protection at
all OSI layers, end-to-end identity management and access control, monitoring and auditing
processes and meeting compliance with industry and regulatory mandates.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8522 – Cloud Computing and Virtualization

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8654.1 Identify the various cloud platforms and risk issues in cloud computing.
A8654.2 Select the cloud security architecture in different cloud environments.
A8654.3 Make use of cloud security management techniques for assessment.
A8654.4 Utilize the security protocols and standards in different levels.
A8654.5 Identify the insights of data using cloud security analytics.

3. Course Syllabus
Cloud Security Introduction: Users perspective, Understanding security and privacy in
Cloud Computing, Risk issues, Security challenges, Security requirements for the architec-
ture, Securing private and public clouds, Security patterns, Cloud security architecture, and
Infrastructure security.

Cloud Security Architecture: Architectural Considerations- General Issues, Trusted

Cloud computing, Secure Execution Environments and Communications, Micro architec-
tures; Identity management, Access control, Autonomic Security. Virtualization security
management, virtual threats, VM Security Recommendations, VM-Specific Security tech-

Cloud Security Management: Security management in the cloud: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and
availability management, Security as a service, Trust Management for Security: Vulnerabil-
ity assessment tool for cloud, Privacy and Security in cloud, Identity Access Management in

B.Tech - R22 171 www.vardhaman.org


Security Protocols and Standards: Host security, Compromise response, Security stan-
dards, Message Level Security (MLS), Transport Level Security, OAuth, OpenID, eXtensi-
ble Access Control Markup Language (XACML), and Security Assertion Markup Language

Security Analytics: Techniques in Analytics - Challenges in Intrusion Detection System

and Incident Identification DDoS attacks Analytics - Analysis of Log file - Simulation and
Security Process.
4. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Ronald L. Krutz , Russell Dean Vines., Cloud Security: A Comprehensive Guide to
Secure Cloud computing, Wiley, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Vic (J.R) Winkler., Securing the Cloud: Cloud Computer Security Techniques and Tac-
tics, , Elsevier 2011.
2. Ben Halpert., Auditing Cloud Computing: A Security and Privacy Guide, John Wiley
Sons, 2011.
3. Ianlim, E.Coleen Coolidge, Paul Hourani., Securing Cloud and Mobility: A Practitioners
Guide, Auerbach Publications, 2013.

B.Tech - R22 172 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8706 - Natural Language Processing
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Natural Language Processing is the art of extracting information from unstructured text.
Learn basics of Natural Language Processing, Regular Expressions & text sentiment analysis
using machine learning in this course. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is basically how
we can teach machines to understand human languages and extract meaning from text. The
course covers the phases of NLP processing and uses libraries provided by NLP to analyze
the given text document.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8508 - Python Programming Laboratory
A8703 - Machine Learning

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8706.1 Identify the structure of words and documents for text preprocessing.
A8706.2 Choose an approach to parse the given text document.
A8706.3 Make use of semantic parsing to capture real meaning of text.
A8706.4 Select a language model to predict the probability of a sequence of words.
A8706.5 Examine the various applications of NLP.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to NLP: Origins of NLP, The Challenges of NLP, Phases of NLP, Language
and Grammar. Finding the Structure of Words and Documents: Words and Their Compo-
nents, Issues and Challenges, Morphological Models. Finding the Structure of Documents:
Introduction, Sentence Boundary Detection, Topic Boundary Detection, Methods, Complex-
ity of the Approaches, Performances of the Approaches, Features, Processing Stages.

Syntax: Parsing Natural Language, A Data-Driven Approach to Syntax, Stop words, Cor-
recting Words, Stemming, Lemmatization, Parts of Speech (POS) Tagging, Representation
of Syntactic Structure, Parsing Algorithms, Models for Ambiguity Resolution in Parsing.

Semantic Parsing: Introduction, Semantic Interpretation: Structural Ambiguity, En-

tity and Event Resolution, System Paradigms, Word Sense: Simplified Lesk, Supervised:
Rules for selecting syntactic relations as features, unsupervised, and Semisupervised: The
Yarowsky algorithm, Predicate-Argument Structure: FrameNet , PropBank, The semantic
role labeling (SRL) algorithm, content word, Meaning Representation: ATIS, Communica-

B.Tech - R22 173 www.vardhaman.org

tor, GeoQuery , Robocup:CLang.

Language modelling: Introduction, n-Gram Models, Language Model Evaluation, Pa-

rameter Estimation, Types of Language Models: Class-Based Language Models, MaxEnt
Language Models, Neural Network Language Models Language- Specific Modeling Prob-
lems, Multilingual and Crosslingual Language Modeling.

Text Summarization and Information Retrieval:: Question Answering: History, Ar-

chitectures, Question Analysis, Search and Candidate Extraction, Automatic Summariza-
tion: Approaches to Summarization, Information Retrieval: Document Preprocessing, Mono-
lingual Information Retrieval.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Daniel M. Bikel Imed Zitouni., Multilingual Natural Language Processing Applications:
FromTheory to Practice, IBM Press, 2013..
2. Tanveer Siddiqui, U.S. Tiwary., Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval,
Oxford University, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. Daniel Jurafsky and James H Martin., Speech and Language Processing: An in- troduc-
tion to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recogni-
tion,2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2008.
2. James Allen., Natural Language Understanding,2nd Edition, Cummings publishing com-
3. Raj, Pethuru, Handbook of Research on Cloud Infrastructures for Big Data Analytics,
IGI Global

B.Tech - R22 174 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8554 - Serverless Computing
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course is designed to introduce undergraduate students to the world of serverless com-
puting, a cutting-edge paradigm for building and deploying scalable and cost-efficient appli-
cations in the cloud. Students will gain hands-on experience with leading serverless platforms
and technologies while exploring the principles, benefits, challenges, and best practices asso-
ciated with serverless architecture. Throughout the course, students will develop the skills
necessary to design, develop, and deploy serverless applications.
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8522 - Cloud Computing and Virtualization.
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
A8554.1. Understand the principles, providers, and security aspects of serverless com-
A8554.2. Develop, deploy, and manage serverless functions and applications, em-
ploying best practices and continuous integration/continuous deployment
A8554.3. Integrate serverless functions with data storage solutions, secure data, and
design scalable serverless data pipelines.
A8554.4. Design serverless applications using microservices, event-driven architec-
ture, and best practices for scalability and resilience.
A8554.5. Inspect advanced serverless topics such as machine learning integra-
tion,security, multi-cloud deployments, observability, and emerging trends.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Serverless Computing: Introduction to Cloud Computing, Fundamen-
tals of Serverless Computing, Serverless Architecture Overview, Serverless Providers (e.g.,
AWS Lambda, Azure Functions), Use Cases and Applications of Serverless, Advantages and
Challenges of Serverless, Serverless vs. Traditional Architectures, Serverless Pricing Models,
Security and Compliance in Serverless, Serverless Development Environment Setup.

Serverless Development and Deployment: Serverless Programming Languages (e.g.,

JavaScript, Python), Building and Packaging Serverless Functions, Deploying Serverless

B.Tech - R22 175 www.vardhaman.org

Functions, Serverless Frameworks and Tools (e.g., AWS SAM, Serverless Framework), Event
Sources and Triggers, Managing Dependencies in Serverless Environments, Environment
Variables and Secrets Management, Monitoring and Logging in Serverless Applications,
CI/CD for Serverless Applications Blue-Green Deployments in Serverless.

Serverless Data Storage and Databases: Data Storage Options in Serverless (e.g., AWS
S3, DynamoDB), Integrating Serverless Functions with Databases, Serverless Database Ser-
vices (e.g., AWS Aurora Serverless, Azure Cosmos DB), Data Security and Encryption in
Serverless, Scalability and Performance Considerations, Data Replication and Availability,
Serverless Data Pipelines, Data Analytics with Serverless (e.g., AWS Athena, Google Big-
Query), Serverless Caching Strategies.

Serverless Application Design Patterns: Microservices and Serverless, API Gateway

and RESTful APIs in Serverless, Event-Driven Architectures, State Management in Server-
less, Function Composition and Chaining, Asynchronous Messaging in Serverless, Serverless
and IoT (Internet of Things) Real-time Applications with Serverless.

Advanced Serverless Topics: Serverless Machine Learning and AI, Serverless Security
Best Practices, Serverless Observability and Debugging, Multi-Cloud Serverless Deploy-
ments,Serverless and DevOps, Serverless in Edge Computing, Serverless Governance and
Compliance, Serverless Cost Optimization Strategies, Serverless Case Studies and Industry
Trends, Future of Serverless Computing.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Peter Sbarski., Serverless Architectures on AWS, Manning Publications, 2017.
2. Rupak Ganguly, Alok Sharma, Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using
AWS Lambda, BPB Publications, 2021.
3. Uchit Vyas, Serverless Design Patterns and Best Practices: Build, secure, and deploy
enterprise-grade serverless applications with AWS, Azure, and GCP, Packt Publish-
Reference Books:
1. O’Reilly Media, Serverless Architectural Patterns and Best Practices, O’Reilly Media,2018.
2. Diego Zanon, Building Serverless Applications, Manning Publications, 2017.

B.Tech - R22 176 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8560 - Design Patterns
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course deals with the concepts that can speed up the development process by providing
tested, proven development paradigms. Effective software design requires considering issues
that may not become visible until later in the implementation. Reusing design patterns helps
to prevent subtle issues that can cause major problems and improves code readability for
coders and architects familiar with the patterns. Often, people only understand how to apply
certain software design techniques to certain problems. These techniques are difficult to
apply to a broader range of problems. Design patterns provide general solutions, documented
in a format that doesn’t require specifics tied to a particular problem.
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8601 - Object oriented Programming
A8520 - Software Engineering
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8560.1. Identify the appropriate design patterns to solve object oriented design prob-
A8560.2. Develop design solutions using Creational patterns.
A8560.3. Apply structural patterns to solve design problems.
A8560.4. Construct design solutions by using behavioral patterns.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Design Patterns: What is a Design Pattern? Design Patterns in
Smalltalk MVC, Describing Design Patterns, The Catalog of Design patterns, Organizing
the Catalog, How Design patterns solve Design problems, How to select a Design Pattern,
How to use a Design Pattern.

A Case Study: Designing a Document Editor, Design Problems, Document Structure,

Formatting Embellishing the User Interface, Supporting Multiple Look and Feel Standards,
Supporting Multiple Window systems, User Operations Spelling Checking and Hyphenation,
Summary. Creational Patterns: Abstract Factory, Builder, Factory Method, Prototype, Sin-

B.Tech - R22 177 www.vardhaman.org

gleton, Discussion of Creational Patterns.

Structural Patterns: Adaptor, Bridge, Composite, Decorator, Acade, flyweight, and


Behavior Patterns Part – I: Chain of Responsibility, Command, Interpreter, Itera-

tor,Mediator, Memento, Observer.

Behavior Patterns Part – II: State, strategy, Template Method, Visitor, Discussion of
Behavioral Patterns. What to Expect from Design Patterns, A brief History, and The Pat-
tern Community an Invitation, A Parting Thought.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Rolph Johnson, John Vlissides., Design Patterns: Elements
of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, 1st Edition, Pearson Publication, India,2006.
Reference Books:
1. Alan Shalloway, James R. Trott., Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on
Object-Oriented Design (Software Patterns Series), Pearson Education,2001.
2. Frank Buschmann, Regine Meunier and Hans Rohnert., Pattern-Oriented Software Ar-
chitecture, A System of Patterns: 1, Wiley,1996.

B.Tech - R22 178 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8655 - IoT Security
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The Internet of Things (IoT) Security is a subject that focuses on addressing the security
challenges and concerns associated with IoT devices and ecosystems. IoT Security is essential
because IoT devices are becoming increasingly prevalent in various industries, from smart
homes and healthcare to industrial automation and transportation. This course provides an
in-depth exploration of security issues and solutions related to the Internet of Things (IoT).
Students will learn about the unique challenges posed by IoT devices, networks, and ecosys-
tems and gain practical knowledge of how to design, deploy, and manage secure IoT solutions.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8519- Computer Networks
A8603 - IoT Laboratory

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8655.1 Illustrate the fundamental concepts of IoT and its impact on security.
A8655.2 Explain importance of IoT Design Standards and Protocols for true inter-
operability between devices and applications.
A8655.3 Identify common security threats and vulnerabilities in IoT systems.
A8655.4 Demonstrate cryptographic techniques for securing IoT communications.
A8655.5 Discover emerging trends and challenges in IoT security.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to IoT Security: Defining the IoT, Evolution of IoT and it’s significance,
Conceptualizing the Secure Internet of Things, IoT Framework and Complexities, Funda-
mentals of IoT Security: Security at Different Layers; System Requirements of the IoT
System, Overview of Wireless Connectivity Technologies (Wi-fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, NFC,
Cellular, 5G/6G Cellular), Overview of Indusial Control System (ICS) and Industrial Inter-
net of Things (IIoT).

IoT Design, Standards and Protocols:Layered IoT Architecture, Security and Privacy
Issues with IoT Architecture, IoT Protocol Design, Protocol Stack for IoT, Design Standards,
Security Standards – Regulatory and Industry, Taxonomy of Threats to IoT Networks, IoT
Communication Protocols (MQTT, CoAP, HTTP), Taxonomy of IoT Authentication Pro-
tocols, Edge and Fog Computing, IoT based Cloud Platforms.

B.Tech - R22 179 www.vardhaman.org

Vulnerabilities, Attacks and Countermeasures: Assets, Threats, Threat Pyramid,
Vulnerabilities and Risks, IoT Security Standards, Privacy in IoT, Common IoT Attacks,
Attack Tree, SCADA Systems, Cyber-Physical System, IoT Malware and Botnets, Zero-Day
Attacks, Side-channel attacks, Threats to Firmware.

Cryptography for IoT Security:Importance of Secure Communication in IoT, overview

of Cryptography, Basic Cryptography Concepts (encryption, and decryption), Symmetric
and Asymmetric Cryptography, Introduction to Light-weight Cryptography, Use of Cryp-
tography in IoT Authentication, Key Management in IoT, Certificates.

Recent Trends, Emerging Technologies and Future Challenges: AWS IoT, Microsoft
Azure IoT Suite, CISCO Fog Computing, Software Defines Networking (SDN), Privacy-
Preserving Cryptography, Machine Learning for IoT Threat Detection, Side-Channel At-
tacks and its Countermeasures. Challenges: Interoperability of Diverse Device Types,
Firmware/Software Updates, Data Privacy.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Brian Russell, Drew Van Duren., Practical Internet of Things Security, PACKT Publish-
ing, 2016.
2. Sunil Cheruvu, Anil Kumar, Ned Smith, David M. Wheeler., Demystifying Internet of
Things Security, Apress, 2020.
3. B.Gupta, Aakanksha Tewari., A Beginners’s Guide of Internet of Things Security, CRC
Press, 2020.
Reference Books:
1. Patel Chintan, Nishant Doshi., Internet of Things Security, CRC Press,2019.
2. Peter Waher., Learning Internet of Things, PACKT, 2015.
3. Mayur Ramgir., Internet of Things – Architecture, Implementation and Security, 1st Ed,
Pearson India, 2020.

B.Tech - R22 180 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8856 - Web and Social Media Analytics
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
"Web and Social Media Analytics" is a dynamic course that immerses students in the world
of digital data and social media insights. This course unravels the techniques and tools for
collecting and analyzing web and social media data, providing valuable insights for busi-
nesses and organizations. Students will explore topics such as web traffic analysis, social
media sentiment analysis, user engagement metrics, and the impact of social media on brand
reputation. With a focus on real-world applications, this course equips participants with the
skills to harness the power of online data, enabling them to make informed decisions, en-
hance online presence, and develop effective social media strategies in today’s interconnected
digital landscape.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8804 - Data Analytics

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8856.1. Identify and select key performance indicators to accurately measure the
success of social media efforts.
A8856.2. Develop social media measurement plans and analytics reports, and com-
municate findings and recommendations effectively.
A8856.3. Analyze social media data using Facebook analytics and social media mea-
surement tools.
A8856.4. Compute a variety of network measures from a social media dataset.
A8856.5. Evaluate Heuristic approach and Website Traffic Analysis.

3. Course Syllabus
Web Metrics & Analytics: Common Metrics - Hits, Page Views, Visits, Unique Page
Views, Bounce, Bounce Rate & its Improvement, Average Time on Site, Real-Time Report,
Traffic Source Report, Custom Campaigns, Content Report, Google Analytics; Key Perfor-
mance Indicator: Need, Characteristics, Perspective and Uses.
Graphs and Matrices: Basic Measures for Individuals and Networks. Random Graphs &

B.Tech - R22 181 www.vardhaman.org

Network Evolution, Social Context: Affiliation & Identity Web analytics Tools: A/B test-
ing, Online Surveys, Web Crawling, and Indexing. Natural Language Processing Techniques
for Micro-Text Analysis.

Social Media & Analytics: Introduction to Social Media, Social Media Landscape, Social
Media Analytics & its Need. SMA in Small and Large Organisations; Application of SMA
in Different Social Media Platforms.
Introduction to Web Analytics: Definition, Process, Key Terms: Site References, Keywords
and Key Phrases; Building Block Terms: Visit Characterization Terms, Content Character-
ization Terms, Conversion Metrics; Categories: Offsite Web, on Site Web; Web Analytics
Platform, Web Analytics Evolution, Need of Web Analytics, Advantages & Limitations.

Network Fundamentals: The Social Networks Perspective - Nodes, Ties and Influencers,
Social Network, Web Data and Methods. Data Collection and Web Analytics Fundamen-
tals: Capturing Data: Web Logs, Web Beacons, Java Script Tags, Packet Sniffing; Outcome
Data: E-commerce, Lead Generation, Brand/ Advocacy and Support; Competitive Data:
Panel Based Measurement, ISP Based Measurement, Search Engine Data; Organisational
Structure. Type and Size of Data, Identifying Unique page Definition, Cookies, Link Coding

Facebook Analytics: Introduction, Parameters, Demographics. Analyzing Page Audi-

ence: Reach and Engagement Analysis. Post-Performance on FB; Social Campaigns: Goals
and Evaluating Outcomes, Measuring and Analyzing Social Campaigns, Social Network
Analysis Like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube etc. AdWords, Benchmarking, Cat-
egories of Traffic: Organic Traffic, Paid Traffic; Google Analytics: Brief Introduction and
Working, Google Website Optimizer, Implementation Technology, Limitations, Performance
Concerns, Privacy Issues.

Qualitative Analysis and Heuristic Evaluations: Conducting a Heuristic Evaluation,

Benefits of Heuristic Evaluations; Site Visits: Conducting a Site Visit, Benefits of Site Visits;
Surveys: Website Surveys, Post-Visit Surveys, Creating and Running a Survey, Benefits of
Web analytics 2.0: Web Analytics 1.0 & its Limitations, Introduction to WA 2.0, Compet-
itive Intelligence Analysis and Data Sources; Website Traffic Analysis: Traffic Trends, Site
Overlap and Opportunities.

B.Tech - R22 182 www.vardhaman.org

4. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Rob Stokes, (2014), e-marketing: The Essential Guide to Digital Marketing, Quirk Ed-
2. Tuten & Bikramjit Rishi, Social Media Marketing, 3rd Ed. 2020, SAGE Publishing India.
3. Dave Chaffey, Fiona Ellis-Chadwick, Richard Mayer, Kevin Johnston, (2012), Internet
Marketing: Strategy, Implementation, and Practice, Prentice Hall.1."Practical Statistics
for Data Scientists" by Andrew Bruce and Peter Bruce, Publisher: O’Reilly Media, First
Edition (2017)
Reference Books:
1. Liana Evans, Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Engaging in Facebook, Twitter &
Other Social Media, Que Publishing.
2. Vandana Ahuja, (Digital Marketing, 1stedition, Oxford University Press.

B.Tech - R22 183 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8555 - Edge Computing
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides a comprehensive exploration of Edge Computing, a paradigm shifting
the way we process and analyze data at the edge of the network. Edge Computing brings
computing resources closer to data sources, reducing latency and enabling real-time decision-
making for various applications. Students will delve into the core principles, architectures,
technologies, and applications of Edge Computing. They will gain hands-on experience in
designing, implementing, and securing edge solutions, preparing them to meet the growing
demand for skilled professionals in this rapidly evolving field. This course equips students
with the knowledge and practical skills to harness the power of Edge Computing across
industries such as IoT, healthcare, smart cities, and beyond.
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8005 - Computer Oriented Statistical Methods.
A8519 - Computer Networks
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8555.1. Understand edge computing fundamentals, analyze use cases, and assess its
advantages and challenges.
A8555.2. Use various edge computing architectures, considering scalability and re-
dundancy in edge computing.
A8555.3. Choose edge computing technologies, machine learning algorithms and ap-
propriate communication protocols for edge devices.
A8555.4. Select appropriate secure edge solutions, security mechanisms, and address
privacy concerns in edge environments.
A8555.5. Make use of edge computing solutions for specific applications and stay
informed about emerging trends in the field.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Edge Computing:Understanding the Fundamentals of Edge Computing,
Historical Context and Evolution of Edge Computing, Key Concepts: Latency, Bandwidth,
and Edge Devices, Use Cases and Applications of Edge Computing, Advantages and Chal-
lenges of Edge Computing, Edge vs. Cloud Computing: A Comparative Analysis, Edge

B.Tech - R22 184 www.vardhaman.org

Computing Ecosystem and Stakeholders, Industry Examples of Successful Edge Implemen-
tations, The Role of Edge in IOT.

Edge Computing Architectures and Models: Overview of Edge Computing Archi-

tectures,Fog Computing: Architecture and Principles, Multi-Tier Edge Architectures,Edge
as a Service (EaaS), Decentralized and Distributed Edge Models, Edge Serverless Comput-
ing, Containerization and Micro services at the Edge, Edge Hardware and Infrastructure
Considerations, Scalability and Redundancy in Edge Architectures, Edge Orchestration and
Management Tools.

Edge Computing Technologies and Protocols: Edge Device Communication protocols

(MQTT, CoAP, etc.), Edge Data Processing Techniques, Machine Learning at the Edge,
Edge AI Frameworks and Tools, Edge Security Mechanisms and Threats, Edge Data Stor-
age and Databases, Real-time Analytics in Edge Computing, Edge Networking and SDN,
Edge Integration with Cloud Services.

Edge Computing Security and Privacy: Security Challenges in Edge Environments,

Authentication and Authorization at the Edge, Data Encryption and Privacy Preservation,
Edge Security Best Practices, Edge Security Monitoring and Incident Response, Regulatory
Compliance in Edge Computing, Privacy Concerns and GDPR Compliance, Case Studies
on Edge Security Breaches, Ethical Considerations in Edge Data Handling.

Edge Computing Applications and Future Trends: Edge Computing in Smart Cities,
Edge in Healthcare and Telemedicine, Industrial IoT and Edge Manufacturing, Autonomous
Vehicles and Edge Computing, Edge Gaming and Content Delivery, Edge in Agriculture
and Environmental Monitoring, Future Trends: Edge in 6G and Beyond,Edge Computing
in Space Exploration, Open Source Projects and Communities in Edge Computing.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Danda B. Rawat and Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues., Edge Computing: Architectures, Applica-
tions,and Challenges, 1st Edition, Wiley,2020.
Reference Books:
1. Martin Görner, Ryan Gillard, and Valliappa Lakshmanan., Edge Computing for Com-
puter Vision, 1st Edition, O’Reilly Media,2020.
2. Shui Yu, Zhe He, and Guojun Wang., Security and Privacy in Edge Computing, 1st
Edition, Springer,2021.

B.Tech - R22 185 www.vardhaman.org

3. Atul Patel., Edge AI in IoT: Embedded Machine Learning for Edge Computing, 1st
Edition, Apress,2021.

B.Tech - R22 186 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8561 - Software Architectures
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Software architecture is a crucial part of software development. It defines how the com-
ponents of a software system are organized and how they relate to each other. Software
architecture courses teach software architects and developers the principles, practices, and
tools they need to develop secure and efficient programs. The graduate will use the different
architectures in their mini and major projects implementation
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8520 - Software Engineering
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8561.1. Describe the Fundamentals of software architecture, qualities and termi-

A8561.2. Choose the principles and guidelines for software architecture design, archi-
tectural styles, patterns, and frameworks.
A8561.3. Use implementation techniques of Software architecture for effective soft-
ware development.
A8561.4. Select core values and principles of software architectures for enterprise
application development.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Software Architectures: Overview of Software development method-
ology and software quality model, different models of software development and their issues.
Introduction to software architecture, evolution of software architecture, software compo-
nents and connectors, common software architecture frameworks, Architecture business cy-
cle , architectural patterns, reference model.

Software architecture models: Structural models, framework models, dynamic models,

process models. Architectures styles: dataflow architecture, pipes and filters architecture,
call-and return architecture, data-centered architecture, layered architecture, agent based ar-
chitecture, Micro-services architecture, Reactive Architecture, Representational state trans-
fer architecture.

B.Tech - R22 187 www.vardhaman.org

Software architecture implementation technologies: Software Architecture Descrip-
tion Languages (ADLs), Struts, Hibernate, Node JS, Angular JS, J2EE – JSP, Servlets,
EJBs; middleware:JDBC, JNDI, JMS, RMI and CORBA etc. Role of UML in software

Software Architecture analysis and design: Requirements for architecture and the
life-cycle view of architecture design and analysis methods, architecture-based economic
analysis: Cost Benefit Analysis Method (CBAM), Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method
(ATAM). Active Reviews for Intermediate Design (ARID), Attribute Driven Design method
(ADD), architecture reuse, Domain – specific Software architecture.

Software Architecture documentation: Principles of sound documentation, refinement,

context diagrams, variability, software interfaces. Documenting the behavior of software el-
ements and software systems, documentation package using a seven-part template.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Bass, L., P. Clements, & R. Kazman., Software Architecture in Practice, 2nd Edition,
Prentice-Hall, 2016.
2. Jim Keogh., J2EE – Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill, 2017.
3. Dikel, David, D. Kane, and J. Wilson., Software Architecture: Organizational Principles
and Practices, Prentice-Hall, 2000.
Reference Books:
1. Bennett, Douglas, Designing Hard Software: The Essential Tasks, Prentice-Hall, 1997.
2. Clements, Paul, R. Kazman, M. Klein, Evaluating Software Architectures: Methods and
Case Studies, Addison Wesley, 2001.
3. Albin, S. The Art of Software Architecture, Indiana: Wiley, 2003.
4. Robert Mee, & Randy Stafford, Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, Addison-
Wesley, 2002.
5. Witt, B., T. Baker and E. Meritt, Software Architecture and Design: Principles, Models
and Methods, Nostrand Reinhold, 1994.

B.Tech - R22 188 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8656 - Blockchain Technology
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course introduces blockchain, a revolutionary technology that enables peer-to-peer
transfer of digital assets without any intermediaries, and is predicted to be just as im-
pactful as the Internet. A blockchain is a permanent, sequential list of transaction records
distributed over a network. The course introduces consensus, proof of work, mining, in Bit-
coin. The course introduces ethereum blockchain and smart contracts.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8607 - Information Security

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8656.1 Identify the basic concepts of block chain to process data

A8656.2 Make use of Bitcoin as cryptocurrency
A8656.3 Choose Ethereum block chain for security
A8656.4 Design smart contracts as per the requirements and deploy on Testnet

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Cryptocurrencies: Cryptographic Hash Functions, Hash Pointers and
Data Structures, Digital Signatures, Public Keys as Identities, A Simple Cryptocurrency.
How Bitcoin Achieves Decentralization: Centralization vs. Decentralization, Distributed
Consensus, Consensus without Identity: the Block Chain, Incentives and Proof of Work,
Putting It All Together.

Mechanics of Bitcoin: Bitcoin Transactions, Bitcoin Scripts, Applications of Bitcoin

Scripts, Bitcoin Blocks, The Bitcoin Network, Limitations Improvements. Store Usage:
How to Store and Use Bitcoins, Hot and Cold Storage, Splitting and Sharing Keys, Online
Wallets and Exchanges, Payment Services, Transaction Fees, Currency Exchange Markets.

Bitcoin Mining: The Task of Bitcoin Miners, Mining Hardware, Energy Consumption
Ecology, Mining Pools, Mining Incentives and Strategies. Bitcoin and Anonymity: Anonymity
Basics, How to de-anonymizeBitcoin, Mixing, Decentralized Mixing, Zerocoin and Zerocash,
Tor and the Silk Road.

Ethereum: What is Ethereum, smart contracts, Solidity Ethereum Virturalmachine. In-

stalling solidity ethereum wallet, basics of solidity by example, Layout of a solidity source file

B.Tech - R22 189 www.vardhaman.org

structure of smart contracts, General value types, ether units, Time units, Globally available
variables and functions.

Operators: Arithmetic, Logical Bitwise operators, Control structure (if-else, for, while, do-
while), Scoping and declarations, Input parameters and output parameters, Function calls
return types, Function Modifiers, Fallback functions, Abstract contract, Creating contracts
via new operator, Inheriting smart contracts, Importing smart contracts compiling contracts,
Events logging, exceptions, Examples of smart contract : crowd funding, voting ballot.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Narayanan, A., Bonneau, J., Felten, E., Miller, A., Goldfeder, S.,Bitcoin and cryptocur-
rency technologies: a comprehensive introduction, Princeton University Press, 2016.
2. Dave Hoover, Kevin Solorio, and Randall Kanna., Hands–On Smart Contract Develop-
ment with Solidity and Ethereum, O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies, 1st
Edition, O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2019.

B.Tech - R22 190 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8853 - Optimization Techniques for Analytics
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Optimization Techniques for Analytics is a course designed to equip students with the es-
sential skills and knowledge needed to maximize efficiency and decision-making in various
business scenarios. This course delves into the theory and practical application of optimiza-
tion methods, linear programming, integer programming, and network flow models, enabling
participants to solve complex real-world problems. Students will also explore the integration
of optimization with data analytics to enhance decision-making processes, resource alloca-
tion, and strategic planning. By the end of this course, you’ll have the expertise to drive
data-informed, optimal solutions, making you a valuable asset in industries requiring effi-
cient resource utilization and decision optimization.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8804 - Data Analytics

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8853.1. Explain the OR model and its application.

A8853.2. Develop a knowledge of linear programming and its solutions.
A8853.3. To model engineering minima/maxima problems as optimization problems.
A8853.4. Evaluate Game Theory principles in workplace settings.
A8853.5. Develop a knowledge of non-linear programming.

3. Course Syllabus
Opertional Research:Historical Development of OR, OR models and Advantages, Method-
ology of OR, Advantages of OR, features of OR solution, applications and scope of OR

Linear Programming problem: Definition of LPP, General Structure of linear program-

ming, formulation of LPP, advantages and limitations of linear programming, graphical
solutions of linear programming problems. Simplex Method, Degeneracy, duality.

B.Tech - R22 191 www.vardhaman.org

Transportation Model: Introduction to Transportation Model, Degeneracy in TP, So-
lution Techniques of TP, Different Methods for Obtaining Initial Basic Feasible Solutions
viz. Matrix Minima Method, Row Minima Method, Column Minima Methods, Vogel’s Ap-
proximation Method, Techniques for Obtaining Optimal Basic Feasible Solution – Stepping
Stone and MODI Method. Assignment Problems: Definition, Types of Assignment Prob-
lems, Hungarian Method for AP.

Game problem: Concept of Game problem. Rectangular games. Pure strategy and mixed
strategy. Saddle point and its existence. Optimal strategy and value of the game. algebraic
method, graphical method, and dominance method of solving rectangular games. Inter-
relation between the theory of Games and L.P.P

Sensitivity Analysis: Non-linear programming - Objective function coefficients, right-

hand Side (RHS) coefficients, modeling and understanding nonlinear objective functions
Types of non-linear functions, such as quadratic, exponential, or trigonometric, introduc-
tion to software tools and libraries for solving nonlinear programming problems, such as
SciPy, MATLAB, or commercial optimization software

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Raju, N.V.S. (2014) Optimization methods for Engineers, PHI Publications, ISBN-978-
81-203- 4744-1.
Reference Books:
1. Bhavikatti S.S. (2010), Fundamental of Optimum Design IN Engineering, New Age In-
ternational Publishers, ISBN-978-81-224-2591-82. Deb Kalyanmoy (2012) Optimization
for Engineering Design, PHI Publications, ISBN-978-81- 203-4678-9 Rao S. S. (2013)
Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice, ISBN: 978-81-265-4044-0.

B.Tech - R22 192 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8556 - Quantum Computing
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Quantum Computing is among those terms that are widely discussed but often poorly under-
stood. The reasons of this state of affairs may be numerous, but possibly the most significant
among them is that it is a relatively new scientific area, and its clear interpretations are not
yet widely spread. This course will cover basic fundamentals of quantum computing. This
course also provides to solve the problem using finite dimensional mathematics and study
of basic quantum logical operations and algorithms for processing quantum information.

Course Pre/co-requisites A8005 - Computer Oriented Statistical Methods

A8553 - Grid Computing

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8556.1. Identify the concepts linear algebra and physics for quantum computing.
A8556.2. Make use of quantum computing components for writing an efficient algo-
A8556.3. Implement various quantum computing algorithms for complex problems
with speed and accuracy.
A8556.4. Choose a cryptographic algorithm for quantum comuting.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Essential Linear Algebra: Some Basic Algebra, Matrix Math, Vec-
tors and Vector Spaces, Set Theory. Complex Numbers: Definition of Complex Numbers,
Algebra of Complex Numbers, Complex Numbers Graphically, Vector Representations of
Complex Numbers, Pauli Matrice, Transcendental Numbers.

Basic Physics for Quantum Computing: The Journey to Quantum, Quantum Physics
Essentials, Basic Atomic Structure, Hilbert Spaces, Uncertainty, Quantum States, Entangle-
ment. Basic Quantum Theory: Further with Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Decoherence,
Quantum Electrodynamics, Quantum Chromodynamics, Feynman Diagram Quantum En-

B.Tech - R22 193 www.vardhaman.org

tanglement and QKD, Quantum Entanglement, Interpretation, QKE.

Quantum Architecture: Further with Qubits, Quantum Gates, More with Gates, Quan-
tum Circuits, The D-Wave Quantum Architecture. Quantum Hardware: Qubits, How Many
Qubits Are Needed? Addressing Decoherence, Topological Quantum Computing, Quantum

Quantum Algorithms: What Is an Algorithm? Deutsch’s Algorithm, Deutsch-Jozsa Al-

gorithm, Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm, Simon’s Algorithm, Shor’s Algorithm, Grover’s Al-

Quantum Cryptography: Classical cryptography basic concepts - Private key cryptog-

raphy ,The Impact of Quantum, Computing on Cryptography: Asymmetric Cryptography,
Specific Algorithms, Specific Applications,Shor’s Factoring Algorithm Quantum Key Distri-
bution - BB84 - Ekart 91.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Nielsen M. A., Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, 10th Edition, Cam-
bridge University Press,2010 .
2. Dr. Chuck Easttom., Quantum Computing Fundamentals, 1st Edition, Pearson,2022.
Reference Books:
1. Noson S. Yanofsky and Mirco A. Mannucci., Quantum Computing for Computer Scien-
tists , Cambridge University Press,2008
2. Pittenger A. O., An Introduction to Quantum Computing Algorithms, 2008.

B.Tech - R22 194 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8562 - Software Process and Project Management
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Software project management is the process of planning, implementing, monitoring, and
controlling software projects. A software process is a set of activities that leads to the pro-
duction of a software product. These activities can include developing software from scratch
or modifying an existing system. The software process includes activities such as: Designing,
Programming, Documenting, Testing, Bug fixing. It involves setting and achieving project
objectives while making the most of any resource limitations. This course enables the stu-
dents to analyze the software process management frameworks, planning, work flows, project
tracking and control and Closure procedures. After the completion of course student can
analyze how to manage the project with optimal resources.
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8520- Software Engineering.
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8562.1. Choose an appropriate framework and process model for building an appli-
A8562.2. Demonstrate the phases of software project management.
A8562.3. Select a management and planning approach for a given project.
A8562.4. Make use of work flows and check points during the software process.
A8562.5. Demonstrate the tracking procedure from start to end of a project.

3. Course Syllabus
Software Process Maturity: Software maturity Framework, Principles of Software Pro-
cess Change, Software Process Assessment, The Initial Process, The Repeatable Process,
The Defined Process, The Managed Process, The Optimizing Process. Process Reference
Models Capability Maturity Model (CMM), CMMI, PCMM, PSP, TSP).

Software Project Management Renaissance: Conventional Software Management,

Evolution of Software Economics, Improving Software Economics, The old way and the new
way. Life-Cycle Phases and Process artifacts Engineering and Production stages, inception

B.Tech - R22 195 www.vardhaman.org

phase, elaboration phase, construction phase, transition phase, artifact sets, management
artifacts, engineering artifacts and pragmatic artifacts, model-based software architectures.

Managing Software Projects and Project Planning: Project Management and the
CMM,Project Management and CMMi, Project Management Process Framework. Project
Planning: Software Life Cycle Models, Project Organizations and Responsibilities, Artifacts
of the Project Management Process, Cost and Scheduling estimation, Establishing Project
Environment, Risk Management, Quality Assurance and Configuration Management.

Workflows and Checkpoints of process: Software process workflows, Iteration work-

flows, Major milestones, minor milestones, periodic status assessments. Process Planning
Work breakdown structures, Planning guidelines, cost and schedule estimating process, it-
eration planning process, Pragmatic planning.

Project Tracking and Control, Project Closure: Defect Tracking, Issue Tracking,
Status Reports, Milestone Analysis, Defect Analysis and Prevention Methods,Process moni-
toring and audit, Reviews, Inspections and Walkthroughs,Seven Core Metrics, Management
indicators, Quality Indicators. Project Closure: Project Closure Analysis, Role of Closure
Analysis in a project, Performing Closure Analysis, Closure Analysis Report.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Watts S. Humphrey, Managing the Software Process, 1st Edition, Pearson Education,2002.
2. Walker Royce, Software Project Management A Unified Framework, 1st Edition, Pearson
Education, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. Watts S. Humphrey, An Introduction to the Team Software Process, 1st Edition, Addison-
Wesley International Publications, 2000.
2. Pankaj Jalote, Software Project Management in Practice ,1st Edition,Pearson Education,

B.Tech - R22 196 www.vardhaman.org

Open Electives
Course Structure
A8181 - Smart Cities
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The purpose of this course is to provide a deep understanding about smart and sustainable
cities. The course will begin with the basic concepts and theories of urbanization and el-
ements. The course will cover the global practices in the smart cities and technologies in
shaping new and existing cities. The course will include the feasibility for smart cities and
financing approaches for urban development. The course will also include the role of electric
vehicles and energy rating system for smart cities.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8181.1 Interpret the concepts, history and evolution of smart cities.

A8181.2 Identify the elements of smart city such as smart people, smart living, smart
economy, smart infrastructure, smart governance and smart environment.
A8181.3 Analyze the concepts, discourses and practices of smart cities across globe.
A8181.4 Develop the road map for planning smart cities and benchmarking their
performance for Indian context.
A8181.5 Apply relevance for smart cities of developing economies considering issues
as inclusiveness, feasibility and sustainability.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Smart and Sustainable Cities: Concepts and theories of Urbanization,
City Planning, Emergence of Sustainability, Liveability, Green to Smart Cities; Understand-
ing smart cities – Concepts, History and Evolution of Smart Cities.

Dimensions of Smart Cities: Elements of Smart City – Smart People, Smart Living,
Smart Economy, Smart Infrastructure, Smart Governance, Smart Environment.

B.Tech - R22 198 www.vardhaman.org

Global Experience of Smart Cities: Case studies from European, Middle East and
Asian Contexts, specifically cases of Barcelona, Amsterdam, Majhdhar, and Singapore, Re-
view of Global Standards.

Smart City Planning and Development: How to plan for smart cities, Concepts of
Retrofitting, Redevelopment, Extension and Pan city approaches, Review of Smart financ-
ing approaches, Tools, concepts of special purpose vehicles, Land pooling-based financing
approaches of urban development.

Sustainable Development in Smart Cities: Energy storage and utilization, role of elec-
tric vehicles, autonomous vehicles in urban mobility, Green Audit, Energy saving system.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:

1. M.Barlow and C. Levy-Bencheton. Smart Cities, Smart Future: Showcasing Tomorrow

2. Gassmann, J.Böhm Smart Cities: Introducing Digital Innovation to Cities

Reference Books:

1. UN-Habitat; Inclusive and sustainable urban planning: a guide for municipalities; Vol-
ume 3: Urban Development Planning (2007); United Nations Human Settlements Pro-
gramme (ISBN: 978- 92-1-132024-4)
2. Giffinger, Rudolf; Christian Fertner; Hans Kramar; Robert Kalasek; Nataša Pichler-
Milanovic; Evert Meijers (2007). "Smart cities – Ranking of European medium-sized
cities". Smart Cities. Vienna: Centre of Regional Science
3. Draft Concept Note on Smart City Scheme. Government of India - Ministry of Urban

B.Tech - R22 199 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8182 - Disaster Management
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The course has been framed with an intention to provide a general concept in the dimensions
of disasters caused by nature beyond human control as well as the disasters and environ-
mental hazards induced by human activities with emphasis on Natural disaster, Man-made
disaster, vulnerability and risks of disasters, Disaster Management Mechanism, Capacity
Building and disaster coping Strategies and Disaster management planning.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8032 - Environmental Science and Technology

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8182.1 Identify basic concepts of hazards, vulnerabilities and risks of disaster phe-
A8182.2 Interpret various types of disasters and disaster coping strategies.
A8182.3 Examine Disaster Impacts and suggest suitable capacity building frame
work for disaster management.
A8182.4 Select appropriate steps in Disaster management cycle for Disaster Risk
A8182.5 Develop Strategies for disaster management planning and sustainable de-

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction: Concepts and definitions: disaster, hazard, vulnerability, resilience, risks
severity, frequency and details, capacity, impact, prevention, mitigation, disaster phenom-
ena, events global National & Regional.

Disasters: Disasters classification; natural disasters (floods, draught, cyclones, volcanoes,

earthquakes, tsunami, landslides, coastal erosion, soil erosion, forest fires etc.); manmade
disasters (industrial pollution, artificial flooding in urban areas, nuclear radiation, chemi-
cal spills, transportation accidents, terrorist strikes, etc.); hazard and vulnerability profile

B.Tech - R22 200 www.vardhaman.org

of India, Covid 2019 in India, mountain and coastal areas, ecological fragility, coping with
disaster- strategies, safety norms & survival kits.

Disaster Impacts: Disaster impacts (environmental, physical, social, ecological, economic,

political, etc.); health, psycho-social issues; demographic aspects (gender, age, special needs);
hazard locations; global and national disaster trends; climate change and urban disasters,
capacity building – concepts, assessment –structural & non-structural measures, legislative

Disaster Risk Reduction: Disaster management cycle – its phases; prevention, mitiga-
tion, preparedness, relief and recovery; structural and non-structural measures; risk analysis,
vulnerability and capacity assessment; early warning systems, Post disaster environmental
response (water, sanitation, food safety, waste management, disease control, security, com-
munications); Roles and responsibilities of government, community, local institutions, NGOs
and other stakeholders; Policies and legislation for disaster risk reduction, DRR programmes
in India and the activities of National Disaster Management Authority.

Disasters, Environment and Development: Factors affecting vulnerability such as im-

pact of developmental projects and environmental modifications (including of dams, land-use
changes, urbanization etc.), sustainable and environment friendly recovery; reconstruction
and development methods.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:

1. Manual on Disaster Management, National Disaster Management Authority, Govt of

2. Disaster Management by Mrinalini Pandey Wiley 2014.
3. Disaster Science and Management by T. Bhattacharya, McGraw Hill Education (India)
Pvt Ltd Wiley 2017.
4. National Disaster Management Plan, Ministry of Home affairs, Government of India.

Reference Books:

1. Earth and Atmospheric Disasters Management, N. Pandharinath, CK Rajan, BS Publi-

cations 2009.

B.Tech - R22 201 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8183 - Environmental Pollution Management
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The course has been designed to improve the understanding of the students about different
pollution control strategies and the skills of application of remediation techniques to combat
pollution in three environmental compartments i.e., air, water and soil. The course will
also be dealing about the sources of pollution in air, soil, water, and noise and the impacts
these sources on the environment and health. In addition, the students will be given the
knowledge to develop the particular skills required in pollution related structured research
and environmental management.
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8032 - Environmental Science and Technology

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8183.1 Identify water pollution sources, types and treatment methods.

A8183.2 Apply knowledge on Prevention and control of air pollution.
A8183.3 Inspect sources, effects and mitigation methods of noise pollution.
A8183.4 Examine soil pollution sources, effects and control measures.
A8183.5 Develop Environmental management plan to minimize environmental pol-

3. Course Syllabus
Water pollution: Water Pollution - Introduction - Sources and types of water pollutants
Physical, Chemical and Biological. Ground water - Surface water - lake water - seawater.
Effects of water pollution. Water Quality standards (Drinking and Industrial) - water treat-
ment - physical, chemical and biological. Water Pollution Prevention and Control Act, 1974.

Air pollution: Structure and composition of atmosphere – classification, sources and ef-
fects of air pollution – Acid rain – greenhouse effect – global warming – Ozone depletion,
Prevention and control of air pollution particulate control – settling chamber, scrubber, bag
filter, cyclones electrostatic precipitators. Gaseous emission control methods. Air pollution

B.Tech - R22 202 www.vardhaman.org

prevention and control Act 1981.

Noise Pollution: Noise Pollution Basics of acoustics- propagation of indoor and outdoor
sound- noise profiling effects of noise – measurement, index and mitigation methods- health
effects of noise- Vibration and its Effects, Whole body vibration problems in opencast mines-
ground vibration and Air blast. Green Belt Development–Principles and design considera-
tions, Industrial Noise Pollution Control methods.

Soil Pollution: Sources - solid waste disposal and their effects - pesticides - types and effect
of pollutants on Plants - animals and human beings - biomagnification - fertilizers and its
Effect of pollutants on plants - animals and human beings - soil pollution Control measures
- soil microbes and function - biofertilizer.

Environmental management: Environmental impact assessment and statement; Gov-

ernment strategies in pollution control: subsides, polluter pays principle and regulations;
Government Agencies and Programs – The Tiwari committee – creation of NCEPC, De-
partment of Environment & Forest – Function of State Pollution Control Board. Sources
of environmental information and regulations; Sustainable development and environmental

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:

1. C. S. Rao, Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, 3rd Edition, New Age Interna-
tional Pvt Ltd, 2018.
2. Rao, M. N and H.V.N. Rao, Air Pollution, Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company
Limited. New Delhi, 2017.
3. Kudesia, V.P and Ritu Kudesia, Water Pollution, Pragati Prakashan Publication, Meerut,
4. Murphy, E., King,E., Environmental Noise Pollution, 1st Edition , Amsterdam : Elsevier,
Reference Books:

1. H.S Peavy, D. R. Rowe, G. Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, Indian Edition,

McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd, 2014.
2. De Nevers, N., Air Pollution Control Engineering, 3rd edition, Waveland Press Inc 2017.
3. Sagar Pal Singal, Noise Pollution and Control Strategy, 2nd Edition, Alpha Science In-
ternational Ltd, 2005.

B.Tech - R22 203 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8155 - Green Building and Sustainability
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course introduces concepts of sustainability in the context of construction building ma-
terials. It also discusses the role of low carbon cements and recycled aggregate in minimizing
consumption of natural resources. The course also emphasizes the concepts of embodied,
operational, life cycle energy and minimizing energy consumption. It also intends to make
students aware of rating systems like LEED, GRIHA etc.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8155.1 Identify green building and green building materials.

A8155.2 Make use of different rating agencies to classify the type of building.
A8155.3 Analyze sustainability and its implications for the practice of engineering.
A8155.4 Evaluate the potential of the alternative construction materials for sustain-
A8155.5 Examine the green building rating systems and its contribution to sustain-

3. Course Syllabus
Green Building: Concept of Green building, Principles of green buildings, Eco-friendly
materials, Certification systems – Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA)
and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).

Green Building Materials: Green Building Materials and Equipment in India, what are
key requisites for Constructing a Green Building, Important Sustainable features for Green
Building. Building Services: Fire protection – classes of fire and causes, development of
fire, fire resisting materials, means of escape, Standing Fire Advisory Council norms. Water
supply -Water distribution and plumbing fixtures.

B.Tech - R22 204 www.vardhaman.org

Applications in the Built Environment: Concepts of green buildings, climate respon-
sive building - Reduction of energy consumption, direct and indirect methods - Reduction
of water consumption, direct and indirect methods - Carbon footprint and eco footprints of
buildings - New concepts and trends in green buildings, national and international.

Sustainability: The Concept of Sustainability; Definition of Sustainability, Dimension of

Sustainability. Three Pillars of Sustainability, Principles of Sustainability - 5R, Construction
Materials Resource Efficiency, Operational Reuses of the Construction Materials, Sustain-
ability Goals for construction Industry.

Sustainability in Built Environment: Environmentally sensitive design, low impact

development, green infrastructure and conservation design, Green buildings and land use
planning, Energy use and buildings.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:

1. Frederick S. Merritt, Jonathan T. Ricketts, Building design and construction Handbook,

McGraw-Hill Inc., 5th edition,1994.
2. Fred hall and Roger Greeno, Building Services Handbook, Routledge, 7th edition, 2013.
3. Bradley A. Striebig, Adebayo A. Ogundipe and Maria Papadakis, Engineering Applica-
tions in Sustainable Design and Development, 1st edition, 2016.

Reference Books:

1. Handbook on Green Practices published by Indian Society of Heating Refrigerating and

Air conditioning Engineers, 2009.

B.Tech - R22 205 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8224 - Electric Vehicles
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course introduces the fundamental concepts, principles, architectures and analysis of
electric vehicles. Student will explore the working principle of electric vehicles, delve into
key roles played by motors as propulsion systems and requirements for battery and its man-
agement systems. In addition to this, focuses on various charging systems and charging
infrastructure. This course also emphasizes the EV business and the future trends in the
development of electric vehicles.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8213-Electrical Machines-II

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8224.1. Infer the electric vehicle system and its impact on environment.
A8224.2. Analyze the various hybrid vehicle configurations and its performance.
A8224.3. Interpret the electric drives used in hybrid and electric vehicles.
A8224.4. Choose proper energy storage systems for electric vehicle applications.
A8224.5. Identify the different charging systems and charging infrastructure for EVs.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction To Electric Vehicles: EV System: EV Configuration-Fixed & variable
gearing, single & multiple motor drive, In-wheel drives. Components of an EV, Components
of ICEVs, EV History, the early years, recent EVs and HEVs, Types of EVs, EV Advantages,
Comparison of EVs and ICEVs w.r.t to efficiency, pollution, capital & operating cost.

Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Types of Hybrids Vehicles- Series, parallel, series-parallel and
complex HEVs, Advantages and Disadvantages of HEVs, Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive
Trains, Architectures and power flow control of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains.

Electric Propulsion Systems: Choice of electric propulsion systems, block diagram of

B.Tech - R22 206 www.vardhaman.org

EV propulsion system, BLDC Machine Construction and Classification, Basic Principles of
BLDC Motor Drives, application to Electric Vehicles. Switched Reluctance Motor Drives,
Basic Magnetic Structure, Torque Production, SRM Drive Converter, Modes of Operation,
Generating Mode of Operation.

Introduction To Energy Storage Requirements: Electrochemistry of battery cells,

Battery parameters, Types of Batteries- Lead–Acid Batteries, Ni Cd Batteries, NiMH Bat-
teries and Lithium-Ion Batteries. EV Charging: Types of charging systems- Conductive
charging On board & off-board charging, inductive charging, Wireless charging.

Charging Infrastructure: Domestic Charging Infrastructure, Public Charging Infrastruc-

ture, Normal Charging Station, Occasional Charging Station, Fast Charging Station, Battery
Swapping Station, Move-and charge zone. Key Battery Management Technologies, Typical
Structure of Battery Management Systems. Business: E-mobility business, electrification
challenges, Connected Mobility and Autonomous Mobility- case study, E-mobility Indian
Roadmap, social dimensions of EVs.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Emadi, A. (Ed.), Miller, J., Ehsani, M., “Vehicular Electric Power Systems” Boca Raton,
CRC Press, 2003
2. Iqbal Husain, “ELECTRIC and HYBRID VEHICLES: Design Fundamentals”, CRC
PRESS Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C., 2003
3. Larminie, James, and John Lowry, “Electric Vehicle Technology Explained” John Wi- ley
and Sons, 2012.
Reference Books:
1. Larminie, James, and John Lowry, “Electric Vehicle Technology Explained” John Wi- ley
and Sons, 2012.
2. Reissland, Martin.U (2010), Electrical Measurements: Fundamentals, Concepts, Appli-
cations, New Age International (P) Limited, New Delhi.
3. Shen, Weixiang Xiong, Rui, ”Advanced battery management technologies for electric
vehicles” 2019, John Wiley & Sons

B.Tech - R22 207 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8281 - Solar Energy and Applications
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course introduces students about the solar energy technologies and potentials. The
course aims to introduce the concepts of Photo Voltaic cells, their properties, and its soci-
etal needs. The applications of solar cells will be explained in detail also the environmental
issues of solar systems will be explained. It also covers the economic analysis of a solar
energy system and its environmental benefits.

Course Pre/co-requisites
“The course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisites”

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8281.1. Compare the present and future available electrical power from solar energy
based on the knowledge of global solar horizontal irradiation.
A8281.2. Assimilate and acquire the skills for design and engineering of solar thermal
and solar photovoltaic technology and systems.
A8281.3. Identify the problems involved in solar thermal energy conversion technique
used in the solar heating and cooling systems for buildings/societal needs.
A8281.4. Examine the components of a solar photo voltaic system and their function by
utilizing the previous literature knowledge on different photovoltaic solar cells.
A8281.5. Analyze the techno-economics performance and issues in the solar energy sys-

3. Course Syllabus

Principles of Solar Radiation: Role and potential of solar energy, Environmental impact
of solar power, physics of the sun, the solar constant, extraterrestrial and terrestrial solar
radiation, solar radiation on tilted surface, instruments for measuring solar radiation and
Sun shine, solar radiation data.

Solar Energy Collectors: Flat plate and concentrating collectors, classification of concen-
trating collectors, orientation and thermal analysis, advanced collectors. Different methods
of solar energy storage, Sensible, latent heat and stratified storage, solar ponds. Solar
Applications- solar heating /cooling technique, solar distillation and drying.

B.Tech - R22 208 www.vardhaman.org

Photo Voltaics (PV): Fundamentals of solar cells, types of solar cells, absorption of pho-
tons, excitations and photo emission of electrons.
PV Cell Properties: Solar cell properties and design, p-n junction photodiodes, depletion
region, electrostatic field across the depletion layer, electron and holes transports, device
physics, charge carrier generation, recombination and other losses, I-V characteristics, out-
put power.

Solar Cell Applications:PV cell interconnection, module structure and module fabrica-
tion, Equivalent circuits, load matching, efficiency, fill factor and optimization for maximum
power, Design of stand-alone PV systems, system sizing, device structures, device construc-
tion, DC to AC conversion, inverters.

Cost Analysis and Environmental Issues: Cost analysis and pay back calculations for
different types of solar panels and collectors, installation and operating costs, Environmental
and safety issues, protection systems, performance monitoring.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. G. D. Rai (2009), Non-Conventional Energy Sources, 4th Edition, Khanna Publishers,
New Delhi.
2. Martin A. Green (2008), Solar Cells: Operating Principles, Technology and system Ap-
plications, 1st Edition, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. B. H. Khan (2016)- Non Conventional Energy Resources-3rd Edition, McGraw Hill Edu-
cation (India) Private Limited.
2. Sukatme (2008), Solar Energy, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill Companies, New Delhi.
3. D. Yogi gosuami, Frank Kreith, Jan F. Kreider (2000), Principles of Solar Engineering,
3rd Edition, Taylor & Francis, USA.

B.Tech - R22 209 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8282 - Energy Storage Systems
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course introduces students to impart fundamental knowledge on energy storage sys-
tems considering the operation and design of various energy storage devices. This course
provides a foundation for understanding the general principles and fundamentals of lithium-
ion rechargeable battery engineering, fuel cells and super capacitors.

Course Pre/co-requisites
“The course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisites”

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8282.1. Apply the knowledge of concepts of science to understand the concepts of

electro chemical cell.
A8282.2. Apply the knowledge of electro chemistry to describe the components and
process in batteries.
A8282.3. Describe the electrical, thermal, and mechanical behavior of Li-Ion batteries
under various operating conditions.
A8282.4. Apply the knowledge of basic science concepts to distinguish various types of
fuel cells and their functionalities
A8282.5. Apply the knowledge of science to interpret the operation and characteristics
of super capacitors.

3. Course Syllabus

Battery Technology Overview: Battery definitions, terms and terminology, Primary

cells, Secondary cells. Electro chemistry - Electro chemical energy sources, Voltage and po-
tential energy, Reduction and oxidation, Reduction potentials and electro chemical couples.

Battery Construction : Electro chemical cell, Cell mechanical structure, Resistance and
polarization, Electrode design, Discharging and charging. Major Battery Chemistries and
performance comparison.

Lithium-Ion Batteries: Lithium-ion cell reaction, construction - pouch cells, cylindrical,

flexible foil. Principle of operation, Charge and discharge characteristics, State of charge
(SOC), State of health (SOH), State of function (SOF), Charging procedures, Safety of

B.Tech - R22 210 www.vardhaman.org

lithium-ion batteries, Lifetime. Types of Lithium-ion Batteries .

Fuel Cells: Introduction – working, performance characteristics and efficiency, types of

fuel cell – Alkaline Fuel Cell, Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell, Molten Carbonate
Fuel Cell, Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell, hydrogen fuel cells.

Super Capacitors: Introduction, Electro chemical Double-Layer Super capacitors, Charge-

Discharge characteristics, Energy and power density, Design Considerations, Stacking and
Voltage cell balancing.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. John Warner, The Handbook of Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Design: Chemistry, Compo-
nents, Types and Terminology, 1st Edition, Elsevier Science, 2015.
2. 2. Reiner Korthauer, Lithium-Ion Batteries: Basics and Applications, 1st Edition,
Springer, 2018.
Reference Books:
1. R. O’hayre, S.W. Cha, W.G. Colella, F.B. Prinz, Fuel Cell Fundamentals, 3rd Edition,
Wiley, 2016.
2. Masaki Yoshio, Ralph J. Brodd, Akiya Kozawa, Lithium-Ion Batteries: Science and
Technologies, 1st Edition, Springer, 2009.
3. Aiping Yu, Victor Chabot, Jiujun Zhang, Electrochemical Supercapacitors for Energy
Storage and Delivery: Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Press, 2013.

B.Tech - R22 211 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8283 - Power Generation Systems
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Electrical Energy plays a significant role in day-to-day life of entire mankind. This course
deals with the generation of power along with its economic aspects. It deals with the basic
theory of various conventional power stations and the different components present in them.
The course also helps the students to familiarize with different types of substations and its
advantages and disadvantages. It also deals with the economic aspects of power system,
power factor correction techniques and suitable pricing methods.

Course Pre/co-requisites
The course has no specific prerequisite and co requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8283.1 List the different components of an electric power system.

A8283.2 Categorize the conventional methods of generating electrical power to meet
the required load demand.
A8283.3 Categorize the Non-conventional methods of generating electrical power to
meet the required load demand.
A8283.4 Model a power system to reduce economic losses.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction: Conventional Energy Sources and their availability, Non-Conventional En-
ergy Sources and their availability, Environmental impact of conventional and Non-Conventional
energy sources.Hydro Electric Power Plants: Site selection, Plant layout, various compo-
nents, Types of turbines, Governor and speed regulation, Pumped storage, Small scale hy-
droelectric plants (mini and micro).

Thermal Power Plant: Site selection, Plant layout, Coal its storage, Preparation, Han-
dling, Feeding and burning, Cooling towers, Ash handling, Water treatment plant, High
pressure boilers and steam turbines.

Nuclear Power Plant: Main components of nuclear power plant, Nuclear reactors types
and applications, Radiation shielding, Radioactive and waste disposal safety aspect.

Non-Conventional Energy: Types of Non conventional Energy generation: solar, wind,

tidal, biomass and wave energy.

B.Tech - R22 212 www.vardhaman.org

Economic Aspects of Power Generation and Tariff Methods: Base load and peak
load on power station. Interconnected grid system, Load curve, load duration and integrated
load duration curves, demand, diversity, capacity, utilization and plant use factors. Costs of
electrical energy - Fixed, Semi-fixed and Running Costs, Selection of type of generation and
generation equipment, Performance and operating characteristics of power plants, Economic
scheduling principle. Tariff, Characteristics, Types - Flat Rate, Block-Rate, two-part, three-
part, and power factor tariff methods.

4. Text Books:
1. M. L. Soni, P. V. Gupta, U. S. Bhatnagar, A. Chakrabarti (2010), “A Text Book on
Power System Engineering”, 2nd Edition, Dhanpat Rai & Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
2. C. L. Wadhwa (2010), “Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy”,
3rd Edition, New Age International (P) Limited, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Leonard L. Grigsby (2012), “Electric Power Generation Transmission and Distribution,
3rd Edition, CRC press.
2. J. B. Gupta (2010), “A Course in Power Systems”, 10th Edition, S. K. Kataria & Sons,
New Delhi.

B.Tech - R22 213 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8381 - Hybrid Vehicles
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The Basics of Hybrid Vehicles course introduces fundamental concepts in hybrid technology,
combining internal combustion engines with electric propulsion. Students learn about hy-
brid vehicle architectures, regenerative braking, and battery systems. The curriculum covers
energy management strategies, efficiency considerations, and the environmental impact of
hybrid vehicles. Practical insights and case studies provide a foundation for understanding
the design and operation of hybrid transportation systems.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8381.1 Identify different types of hybrid vehicles and their power train configurations
A8381.2 Analyze the energy management strategy for hybrid vehicles
A8381.3 Develop and optimize the hybrid vehicles subsystems
A8381.4 Apply advanced technologies and materials in hybrid vehicles design
A8381.5 Evaluate the performance and environmental impact of hybrid vehicle.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Hybrid Vehicles:
Overview of hybrid vehicles and their advantages, types of hybrid vehicles (series, parallel,
series-parallel), comparison with conventional vehicles and electric vehicles, historical back-
ground and evolution of hybrid vehicles, current market trends and future prospects.

Powertrain and Energy Storage Systems: Overview of powertrain configurations for

hybrid vehicles, electric motors and their control systems, internal combustion engines and
their optimization for hybrid use, energy storage systems (batteries, capacitors, flywheels)
and their selection criteria, power electronics and electrical systems for energy conversion
and distribution.

B.Tech - R22 214 www.vardhaman.org

Energy Management and Control Systems: Overview of energy management strate-
gies for hybrid vehicles, energy flow diagrams and efficiency maps, control systems for hybrid
powertrains (electronic controls, sensors, actuators), algorithm development for optimal en-
ergy management, real-time operating systems and software architectures for vehicle control.

Aerodynamics and Thermal Management: Overview of aerodynamic principles rele-

vant to hybrid vehicles, drag reduction techniques and wind tunnel testing, cooling system
design and optimization for hybrid vehicles, climate control systems and cabin comfort con-
siderations, NVH (noise, vibration, harshness) management in hybrid vehicles.

Challenges and Opportunities in Hybrid Vehicle Design: Discussion of challenges

unique to hybrid vehicle design (e.g., packaging, weight, cost), opportunities for innovation
and advancement in hybrid technology, case studies of successful hybrid vehicle designs
and their lessons learned, future outlook for hybrid vehicles and their role in sustainable
transportation, emerging trends in alternative propulsion technologies (fuel cells, hydrogen
fuel cell vehicles, autonomous vehicles)
4. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. C. Mi, M. A. Masrur and D. W. Gao, “Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Principles and Applica-
tions with Practical Perspectives”, John Wiley & Sons.
2. S. Onori, L. Serrao and G. Rizzoni, “Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Energy Management
Reference Books:
1. . M. Ehsani, Y. Gao, S. E. Gay and A. Emadi, “Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and
Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory, and Design”, CRC Press.
2. T. Denton, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles”, Routledge.

B.Tech - R22 215 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8382 - Fundamentals of Robotics
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course introduces students to the basics, types and elements of robots. The course ex-
poses students to the theoretical concepts of robot kinematics. Path planning and trajectory
planning concepts gives the perception on control of robotics. The concepts on actuators
and sensors gives clear understanding and design ability for mobility systems. It gives an
overview on application of robotics in manufacturing industry.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8002 - Ordinary Differential Equations and Vector Calculus

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8382.1 Illustrate the basic concepts and components of a robotic system

A8382.2 Select appropriate actuators and sensors for designing robot mobility system
A8382.3 Solve transformation problems to describe the robot position and orientation
of robot
A8382.4 Apply the concepts of robot work cell design and control
A8382.5 Choose appropriate robots for various applications suitable to modern manu-
facturing systems.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Robotics: Classification of Robots, Advantages and Disadvantages of
Robots, Degree of freedom, joints, Robot coordinates, Robot workspace, Robot characteris-
tics, Robot Components, types of robot arms, end effectors, grippers.

Actuators: Characteristics of Actuating Systems, Comparison of Actuating Systems, Hy-

draulic and Pneumatic Devices, Electric Motors in Robotics.Sensors: Sensor Characteristics,
Position Sensors, Velocity Sensors, Acceleration Sensors, Touch and Tactile Sensors, Prox-
imity Sensors, Range Finder.

B.Tech - R22 216 www.vardhaman.org

Manipulator Kinematics:Specifications of matrices, Homogeneous Transformation, D-H
notation, joint coordinates and world coordinates, Forward and inverse kinematics, Simple
problems.Path Planning:Trajectory planning and avoidance of obstacles, Path planning, in-
troduction to robot programming.

Robot Work Cell Design and Control: Robot Cell Layouts, Multiple Robots and
Machine Interface, Some Consideration in Work Cell Design, Interlocks, Error Detection
and Recovery, Robot Cycle Time Analysis.

Robotic Applications:Robots in manufacturing and non- manufacturing applications,

Health Service, Intelligent Home Applications, Military Applications, Space Application,
Entertainment robots, Service robots, Domestic or household robots.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Richard D. Klafter, Robotic Engineering, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. M.P. Groover, Industrial Robotics, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. R.K. Mittal, I.J. Nagrath, Robotics and Control, 1st Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New
2. P. Coiffet, M. Chaironze, An Introduction to Robot Technology, 3rd Edition, Kogam Page
3. Ganesh S. Hegde, A Textbook of Industrial Robotics, 2nd Edition, University Science

B.Tech - R22 217 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8383 - 3D Printing
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
3D printing is an additive manufacturing process whereby objects are built up from plastic
filament, liquid resin, layers of powder, or even bio-compatible and edible materials.Desktop
3D printing is today’s printing press, putting rapid prototyping, customizable products, and
individualized medical appliances in reach of the general public. Literacy in basic 3D mod-
eling and manufacturing is an essential skill for future STEM success in this country. In
this course students will learn how to be “makers” by using various types of 3D modeling
software and imaging equipment, printing actual physical objects that they have designed
and modeled themselves, and participating in educational outreach in the institute and the

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8302 - Computer Aided Drawing

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8383.1 llustrate the fundamental concepts of Additive Manufacturing and 3-D print-
ing, its advantages and limitations
A8383.2 Apply engineering knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools to analyze
problems in 3D Printing
A8383.3 Appraise additive manufacturing through 3d printing
A8383.4 Solve Complex manufacturing problems for significant technological and soci-
etal development
A8383.5 Evaluate engineering products using the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering and IT tools.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to 3D Printing: Fundamental of 3D printing, Need for 3D printing Generic
3d printing process, Distinction between 3D printing and CNC, Classification of 3D print-
ing Processes, Steps in 3D printing process, Advantages of 3D printing, standards for 3D
printing, Major Applications. VAT Photo Polymerization 3d Printing Processes: Stereo

B.Tech - R22 218 www.vardhaman.org

lithography (SL), Materials, SL resin curing process, Process Benefits and Drawbacks, Ap-
plications of Photo polymerization Processes.

Material and Binder Jetting 3D Printing Processes: Evolution of Printing as a

3D printing Process, Materials, Process Benefits and Drawbacks, Applications of Material
Jetting Processes. Binder Jetting 3d Printing Processes: Materials, Process Benefits and
Drawbacks, Research achievements in printing deposition, Technical challenges in printing,
Applications of Binder Jetting Processes.

Extrusion-Based 3D Printing Processes: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Princi-

ples, Materials, Plotting and path control, Bio-Extrusion, Process Benefits and Drawbacks,
Applications of Extrusion-Based Processes. Powder Bed Fusion 3d Printing Processes: Se-
lective laser Sintering (SLS), Materials, Powder fusion mechanism, SLS Metal and ceramic
part creation, Electron Beam melting (EBM), Process Benefits and Drawbacks, Applications
of Powder Bed Fusion Processes.

Directed Energy Deposition 3D Printing Processes: Process Description, Laser En-

gineered Net Shaping (LENS), Direct Metal Deposition (DMD), Electron Beam Based Metal
Deposition, Benefits and drawbacks, Applications of Directed Energy Deposition Processes.
Wire arc based additive manufacturing methods, Advantages and disadvantages, comparison
with conventional 3D printing and WAAM. Post Processing of 3d Printing Parts: Support
Material Removal, Surface Texture Improvement, Accuracy Improvement, Aesthetic Im-
provement, Preparation for use as a Pattern, Property Enhancements using Non-thermal
and Thermal Techniques. Inspection of 3D printing parts: Different destructive and non-
Destructive testing of 3D printing parts, acceptance standards for 3D printing parts.

3D Printing Applications: Functional models, Pattern for investment and vacuum cast-
ing, Medical models, art models, Engineering analysis models, Rapid tooling, new materials
development, Bi-metallic parts, Re-manufacturing. Application examples for Aerospace, de-
fense, automobile, Bio-medical and general engineering industries.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Ian Gibson, David W Rosen, Brent Stucker,Additive Manufacturing Technologies: 3D
Printing, Rapid Prototyping, and Direct Digital Manufacturing, 2nd Edition, Springer.
2. Ali K. Kamrani, EmandAbouel Nasr,Rapid Prototyping: Theory & Practice,2nd Edition,

B.Tech - R22 219 www.vardhaman.org

Reference Books:
1. D.T. Pham, S.S. Dimov, Rapid Manufacturing: The Technologies and Applications of
Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Tooling,1st Edition, Springer.
2. Rafiq Noorani,Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications in Manufacturing,1st Edi-
tion, John Wiley & Sons.

B.Tech - R22 220 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8402 - Digital Electronics
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course aims to teach students the fundamentals of digital electronics. Starting from
learning the basic postulates of Boolean algebra, to cover map method for simplifying
Boolean expressions, to outline the formal procedures for the analysis and design of com-
binational and sequential circuits, to design combinational and sequential programmable
devices. These digital components are the basic building blocks from which more complex
digital systems are constructed.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8402.1. Apply Boolean algebra and minimization techniques to simplify a Boolean

A8402.2. Build combinational circuits using logic gates.
A8402.3. Analyze the behavior of latches and flip-flops for designing sequential logic.
A8402.4. Construct synchronous sequential circuits using flip-flops and combinational
A8402.5. Make use of Programmable Logic Devices in the design of digital systems.

3. Course Syllabus
Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates: Introduction, basic definitions, axiomatic definition
of Boolean algebra, basic theorem and properties, Boolean functions, canonical and standard
forms, digital logic gates.

Gate-Level Minimization: The map method, two-variable, three-variable and four-variable

K-maps, sum-of-products, product-of-sums simplification, don’t-care conditions, NAND and
NOR implementation.

B.Tech - R22 221 www.vardhaman.org

Combinational Logic: Combinational circuits, analysis procedure, design procedure, bi-
nary adder-subtractor, magnitude comparator, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, demulti-

Synchronous Sequential Logic: Sequential circuits, storage elements – latches and flip-
flops, analysis of clocked sequential circuits. Registers and Counters: Registers, shift
registers, ripple counters, synchronous counters.

Memory and Programmable Logic: Random-Access Memory, read-only memory, pro-

grammable logic array, programmable array logic.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. M. Morris Mano, Michael D. Ciletti (2017), Digital Design With an introduction to the
Verilog HDL, 6thEdition, Pearson Education/ PHI, India
Reference Books:
1. Ronald J Tocci, Ronald J Tocci, Neal S Widmer , Gregory L Moss , Digital Systems -
Principles an Applications , 10th Edition, Pearson Education International
2. Charles H RothJr, Larry L Kinney, Fundamentals of Logic Design,6th Edition, Cengage

B.Tech - R22 222 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8481 - Basic Electronics

Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks

3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course covers fundamental topics that are common to a wide variety of analog and
digital electronics. This course starts with basics of semiconductors, review the operation
and characteristics of semiconductor devices (namely, semiconductor diodes and BJTs), and
buildup to more advanced topics in analog circuit designs.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8006 - Applied Physics.
A8204 - Basic Electrical Engineering.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8481.1 Analyze the operation and characteristics of electronic devices.

A8481.2 Construct electronic circuits making use of diodes and transistors.
A8481.3 Analyze single stage amplifiers using small signal low frequency transistor
A8481.4 Analyze the effect of negative and positive feedback on amplifiers.
A8481.5 Design single stage amplifier for given specifications.
3. Course Syllabus
Diode and its Characteristics: P-N junction diode, operation in forward and reverse
bias conditions, V-I characteristics, Zener diode and its characteristics, rectifiers - half wave,
full wave and bridge rectifiers (simple problems), Filters (qualitative treatment), voltage
regulation using Zener diode.

Transistors: Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) - construction, operation, CE, CB and CC

transistor configurations and characteristics. BJT Biasing: Need for biasing, operating
point, load line analysis, biasing and stabilization techniques: fixed bias, collector to base
bias, self-bias.

BJT Amplifiers: Transistor as an amplifier, BJT h-parameter model, analysis of transistor

amplifier using h- parameter model, CE, CB and CC amplifiers, comparison of CB, CE and
CC configurations, Simplified h parameter model.

Feedback Amplifiers Concept of feedback, classification of feedback amplifiers, general

Characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers, effect of negative feedback on input and
output resistances.

B.Tech - R22 223 www.vardhaman.org

Oscillators: Condition for oscillations, RC Phase shift oscillator with transistor, Wein
bridge oscillator, Hartley and Colpitts oscillator.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 11th
Edition, PHI, 2013.
2. Jacob Milliman, Christos C .Halkias, Satyabrata Jit (2011), Electronic Devices and Cir-
cuits, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. G.K.Mittal (1999), Electronic Devices and Circuits, 22nd edition, Khanna Publications,
New Delhi
2. S. Shalivahanan, N. Suresh Kumar, A. Vallavaraj (2007), Electronic Devices and Circuits,
3rd edition, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, India.

B.Tech - R22 224 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8482 - Principles of Communication Engineering
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides a foundation in the theoretical aspects of Electronic Communication
Systems. This course focuses on Analog and Digital Communications, Pulse and Data Com-
munications. This course forms the basis for the study of advanced communication systems
like Telephone Switching networks, Computer Communications, Radar Communications,
Cellular and Mobile Communications, Optical Communications and Satellite Communica-

Course Pre/co-requisites
The course has no specific prerequisite and co requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8482.1 Summarize the fundamental concepts and acquire competencies for each
topic of analog and digital modulation techniques.
A8482.2 Illustrate elements of analog, digital and data communications systems and
identify their real-time applications.
A8482.3 Compare analog and digital communication systems with respect to perfor-
mance parameters and applications.
A8482.4 Analyze the error control and coding techniques including Source Coding
Technique, Huffman Source Coding, Error Control, and Coding.
A8482.5 Distinguish the features of advanced communication systems.
3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Electronic Communications: Historical Perspective, Electromagnetic
Frequency Spectrum, Signal and its Representation, Elements of Electronic Communica-
tions System, Primary Communication Resources, Signal Transmission Concepts, Analog
and Digital Transmission, Modulation, Concept of Frequency Translation, Signal Radiation
and Propagation, Classification and Sources of Noise, Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Noise

Principles of Analog Communication: Types of Analog Modulation, Principles of Am-

plitude Modulation, AM Power Distribution, Limitations of AM, DSBSC Modulation, SSB
Modulation, Vestigial-Sideband Modulation, Comparison of Analog Modulations, Applica-
tions, Principles of Angle Modulation, Theory of FM—Basic Concepts, Spectrum Analysis,
Narrowband and Wideband FM, Theory of Phase Modulation, Relationship between FM
and PM, Comparisons and Applications of FM and PM.

B.Tech - R22 225 www.vardhaman.org

Sampling Theorem and Pulse Modulation Techniques: Digital Versus Analog Trans-
missions, Sampling Theorem, Classification of Pulse-Modulation Techniques: Pulse Am-
plitude Modulation (PAM), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Pulse Position Modulation
(PPM), Pulse-Code Modulation (PCM), Quantization of Signals, Delta Modulation, Com-
parison of PCM Techniques, Vocoders.

Digital Modulation Techniques and Information Theory: Types of Digital Modu-

lation, Amplitude Shift Keying, Frequency Shift Keying, Phase Shift Keying, Quadrature
Phase Shift Keying, M-Ary PSK, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, Minimum Shift Key-
ing, Information, Entropy and Its Properties, Channel Capacity Theorem, Objectives of
Source Coding, Source Coding Technique, Huffman Source Coding, Error Control and Cod-

Advanced Communication Systems: Spread Spectrum Communication: General Model,

Features, Multiple Access techniques, Telephone Switching, Computer Communications, Op-
tical Communications, Mobile Communications-the Cellular Concept, Satellite Communi-
cations, RADAR systems.
4. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. T L Singal, “Analog and Digital Communications”, 1st edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2012
2. H. Taub, D L Schilling and G Saha, “Principles of Communication Systems”, 3rd Edition,
Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. George Kennedy, Electronic Communication Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. B. P.Lathi, “Modern Analog and Digital Communication Systems”, 3rd Edition, Oxford
University Press, 2007.

B.Tech - R22 226 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8483 - Fundamentals of IoT
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course introduces you to Advance concepts and design techniques for creating Internet
of Things systems and applications, as well as programming languages and tools optimized
for the IoT industry. Participants are also exposed to new IoT-specific applications, physical
layer protocols, communication technologies, and legacy protocols. This course will primar-
ily present the fundamental IOT architecture building blocks and its theoretical components,
such as Raspberry Pi programming using the Python Language Interface and other IOT pe-

Course Pre/co-requisites
The course has no specific prerequisite and co requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8483.1 Identify the basic building blocks and its characteristics.

A8483.2 Determine the most appropriate IoT Devices and Sensors based on Appli-
A8483.3 Make use of Python standard libraries for implementing various IoT Appli-
A8483.4 Analyze the appropriate protocol for establishing communication between
various IoT Devices.
A8483.5 Interpret cloud infrastructure, services, APIs and architectures of commer-
cial and industrial cloud platforms.
3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Internet of Things: Introduction, Physical Design of IoT, Logical De-
sign of IoT, IoT enabled Technologies, IoT Levels and Templates, IoT Platforms Design

Introduction to Python: Language features of Python, Data types & data structures,
Control of flow, Functions, Modules, Packages, File Handling, Data/Time operations, Classes,
Python packages of interest for IoT(JSON,XML).

IoT and M2M: Introduction, M2M, Difference between IoT and M2M, SDN and NFV for
IoT, IoT System Management with NETCONF- YANG-Need for IoT Systems Management,
SNMP, Network Operator Requirements, NETCONF, YANG, IoT Systems Management

B.Tech - R22 227 www.vardhaman.org

IoT Physical Devices and Endpoints: Introduction to IoT Device, Exemplary Device:
Raspberry Pi, Components of Raspberry Pi Board, Linux on Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi
Interfaces, Programming – Raspberry Pi with Python.

IoT Physical Servers and Cloud Offerings: Introduction to Cloud Storage models and
communication APIs,WAMP – AutoBahn for IoT, Xively Cloud for IoT, ThingSpeak IoT
Python web application framework-Django, Designing a RESTful web API.
4. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. ArshdeepBahga and Vijay Madisetti: Internet of Things,A Hands-on Approach; Univer-
sity Press, 2016
2. Mark Lutz, "Learning Python", 4th edition, OREILLY, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi:Matt Richardson & Shawn Wallace,O’Reilly (SPD),

B.Tech - R22 228 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8484 - Introduction to Embedded Systems

Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks

3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Introduction to Embedded systems course introduces the basic concepts like purpose and
quality attributes of embedded systems. It covers the differences between the general pur-
pose computers and specific purpose computers and selection of memory according to the
requirement for a system. This course presents ASICs, PLDs, COTS, Memory Interface,
and communication interface. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to micro-
controller (8051) and their architecture with an emphasis on its interfacing with external
devices. Focus is on 8051 microcontroller family which includes internal architecture, pin di-
agram, instruction set, register organization, addressing modes, operating modes, interrupt
structure, assembly language programming and etc. Various aspects of hardware design,
such as interfacing of memory and different types of I/O devices will be covered in detailed.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8401 - Digital Logic Design.
A8416 - Computer Organization and Microprocessors.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8484.1 Classify the embedded systems based on the performance, complexity and
the era in which they evolved.
A8484.2 Understand different factors to be considered for the selection of memory,
sensors, actuators and their interfacing.
A8484.3 Apply the fundamentals of microcontroller to investigate existing designs.
A8484.4 Demonstrate assembly language programming to assemble and driver cir-
cuitry to microcontroller I/O ports to interface external devices.
A8484.5 Develop a product with functional requirements using optimal hardware
and software components.
3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Embedded Systems: Definition of Embedded System, Embedded Sys-
tems Vs General Computing Systems, History of Embedded Systems, Classification of Em-
bedded Systems, Major Application Areas, Purpose of Embedded Systems, Characteristics
and Quality Attributes of Embedded Systems.

Typical Embedded System: Core of the Embedded System: General Purpose and Do-
main Specific Processors, ASICs, PLDs, Commercial Off-The-Shelf Components (COTS),
Memory: ROM, RAM, Memory according to the type of Interface, Memory Shadowing,

B.Tech - R22 229 www.vardhaman.org

Memory selection for Embedded Systems, Sensors and Actuators, Communication Inter-
face: Onboard and External Communication Interfaces.

The 8051 Architecture: Introduction, 8051 micro controller hardware, external memory
interfacing, Data transfer and logical instructions, arithmetic operations, decimal arithmetic,
jump and call instructions and simple programs. The Assembly Language Programming:
Programming tools and techniques, counter and timers programming, interrupts, interrupt

I/O Interfaces: 8051 interfacing with seven segment LED displays, stepper motor, D/A
converter interfacing, Interfacing DC motor, Interfacing 4*4 Matrix Keypad, Interfacing to
Alphanumeric Displays (LCD) interfacing.

Basic Design Using a Real-Time Operating System: Tasks and Task states, Tasks
and Data, Semaphores and Shared Data, Message Queues, Mailboxes and Pipes, Timer
Functions, Events, Memory Management, Interrupt Routines in an RTOS Environment,
Host and Target machines, Linker/Locators for Embedded Software, Getting Embedded
Software into the Target System.
4. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Introduction to embedded systems Shibu K V Tata Mcgraw-Hill First Edition 2012
2. Kenneth J. Ayala (2008), The 8051 Microcontroller, 3rd edition, Cengage Learning, India.
3. David E. Simon (1999), An Embedded Software Primer, Pearson Education, India
Reference Books:
1. M. A. Mazidi J. G. Mazidi, Rolin D. McKinlay (2000), The 8051 Microcontroller and
Embedded System, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. Ajay V. Deshmukh (2004), Microcontrollers Theory and applications, Tata McGraw Hill
Edition, New Delhi
3. Embedded Systems Rajkamal Tata Mcgraw-Hill Second Edition 2012

B.Tech - R22 230 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8510 - Operating Systems
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Operating Systems is a graduate-level introductory course that teaches the concepts in op-
erating systems like abstractions, mechanisms, and various services provided. This course
deals with Process Management & Synchronization, Inter process communication, Memory
Management, Virtual Memory, File & Disk Management and Deadlock handling methods.
Using these concepts, the student will be able to understand the internal working of various
operating systems. The course provides the concepts and terminology required for advanced
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8506 - Computer Organization

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8510.1. Identify the services provided by the operating system for user and system.
A8510.2. Examine the concepts of IPC and Synchronization for process cooperation
A8510.3. Make use of Memory Management techniques for efficient use of main mem-
A8510.4. Select File and Disk Management methods for effective storage and access.
A8510.5. Identify a Deadlock Handling Method in allocating resources among pro-

3. Course Syllabus
Operating Systems Overview and Process Management: Definition, Operating Sys-
tem Types, Operating System operations, Operating system services, System calls and Sys-
tem Programs. Process concepts- Process, Process State Diagram, PCB and Operations on
processes, Process Scheduling- Scheduling Criteria, Scheduler Types and Scheduling Algo-

Process Synchronization: Inter Procee Communication- Pipes, Message Passing and

Shared Memory. Concept of Synchronization, Critical section problem, Peterson’s solution,

B.Tech - R22 231 www.vardhaman.org

Semaphores, Classic problems of Synchronization-The Bounded Buffer Problem, The Read-
ers –Writers Problem, Dining - Philosophers Problem.

Memory Management: Introduction to Memory Management, Swapping, Contiguous

Memory Allocation, paging, segmentation, virtual memory, demand paging, Page-replacement
algorithms, allocation of frames, thrashing.

File and Disk Management: Concept of a file – File Attributes, File Types, Access
Methods, Directory Structures, File System Implementation, Directory Implementation,
File Allocation methods, and Free-Space management. Introduction to Magnetic Disks,
Disk Structures, Disk Scheduling, Swap Space Management.

Deadlocks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization-Necessary Conditions, Resource Al-

location Graph, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance - RAG Algorithm, Banker’s Al-
gorithm, Detection- Single Instance ofa Resource type, Multiple Instances of a resource type,
recovery from deadlock.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne., Operating System Concepts, 8th
Edition, Wiley India Private Limited, New Delhi,2009.
Reference Books:
1. William Stallings., Operating Systems, Internals and Design Principles, 5th Edition, Pear-
son Education, India, 2006.
2. Sumitabha Das., Your Unix the Ultimate Guide, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, India,
3. T.Chan., Unix System Programming using C++, PHI, India,1996.

B.Tech - R22 232 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8514 - Database Management Systems
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course introduces the core principles and techniques required in the design and im-
plementation of database systems. This course focus on relational database management
systems, including database design theory: E-R modeling, query languages like relational
algebra, relational calculus and SQL. It also covers essential DBMS concepts such as: Nor-
malization, Transaction Processing, Concurrency Control, Recovery and tree based indexing
techniques like ISAM, B+ trees etc which are required for designing an effective database.
Students can undertake a semester project to design, build a simple database system and
demonstrate competence with the fundamental tasks involved with modeling, designing, and
implementing a DBMS.
Course Pre/co-requisites
A8608 - Java Programming
A8601 - Object Oriented Programming

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8514.1. Design a database for a given problem using E-R diagrams and Relational
A8514.2. Construct Queries in Relational algebra and SQL for a case study.
A8514.3. Use Normalization techniques to reduce data redundancy in data base.
A8514.4. Select transaction control and recovery methods to keep data base consistent.
A8514.5. Compare various indexing techniques and NoSQL databases for efficient access.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction and Data Base Design: Introduction to DBMS, applications of DBMS,
database systems versus file systems, view of data, Database users and administrators,
database system structure. Introduction to Relational database model, database schema,
relations, columns and tuples. SQL data types, Database languages, DDL commands, DML
commands, DCL commands, TCL commands. Database Design: Introduction to ER model,
entities, attributes and entity sets, relationships and relationship sets, additional features of

B.Tech - R22 233 www.vardhaman.org

the E-R model. logical database design: E-R to relational.

SQL Programming: SQL basic operators, SQL set operators-union, intersect and except
operators, Integrity constraints in SQL. aggregate operators, GROUP BY, ORDER BY and
HAVING Clause, null values, views in SQL, nested queries, SQL joins-inner join, outer join,
left outer join, right outer join, storing and retrieving images, storing and retrieving files,
Relational algebra operations and basic queries.

Schema Refinement and Normal Forms: Introduction to schema refinement & Normal-
ization, Decomposition and properties of decompositions, functional dependencies, Closure
of Attributes set. Normal forms: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF,5NF. Problems on normal-
ization, Schema refinement in database design. PL/SQL basics for writing triggers, cursors.

Transaction Management: Transaction concept, transaction states, ACID properties,

schedules, Serializability-Conflict serializability, View serializability, recoverability. Concur-
rency control: lock based protocols, timestamp based protocols, deadlocks handling. SQL
stored procedures.

Indexing and NoSQL: :Recovery-ARIES recovery algorithm, Log based recovery. File
organization techniques, Tree index structures: ISAM and B+ trees. SQL Vs NoSQL, basic
CRUD operations using MongoDB.
4. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Raghurama Krishnan, Johannes Gehrke., Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition,
Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India, 2014.
2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan., Database System Concepts, 7th
Edition, McGraw- Hill, New Delhi, India, 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Elmasri Navate., Fundamentals of Database Systems, Database System Concepts, 7th
Edition, Pearson Education, India,2016.
2. C. J. Date, A. Kannan and S. Swamynathan., An Introduction to Database Systems, 8th
Edition, Pearson Education, India, 2015.

B.Tech - R22 234 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8520 - Software Engineering
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course acts as a foundation in the field of software engineering and is aimed at help-
ing students develop an understanding of how software systems are developed from basic,
by guiding them through the development process, adopting the fundamental principles
of system development. The course will orient the students to the different software pro-
cess models, software requirements engineering process, systems analysis and design as a
problem-solving activity, with focus on quality.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8520.1. Identify the design issues and process models to develop a software.
A8520.2. Determine the functional and non functional requirements with appropriate
validation for a software product.
A8520.3. Develop software design documents for the given requirements.
A8520.4. Prepare test documents at various stages to validate project.
A8520.5. Illustrate the need of quality management and metrics for product stan-

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Software Engineering: The Evolving nature of software engineering,
Changing nature of software engineering, Software engineering Layers, The Software Pro-
cesses,Software Myths. Process Models: A Generic Process Model, Waterfall Model, Incre-
mental Process Models, Evolutionary Process Models, Spiral Model, the Unified Process.

Requirements Engineering: Functional and Non-Functional Requirements, The Soft-

ware requirements Document, Requirements Specification, requirements Engineering, Re-
quirements Elicitation and Analysis, Requirement Validation, Requirement Management.

B.Tech - R22 235 www.vardhaman.org

Design and Implementation: System Modeling: Interaction Models, Structural Mod-
els, Behavioral Model, Model Driven Engineering. The Object Oriented Design with UML,
Implementation Issues. User Interface Design: The Golden Rules, User Interface Analysis
and Design, Interface Analysis, Interface Design Steps, Design Evaluation.

Software Testing Strategies: A Strategic approach to Software Testing, Strategic Issues

and Test Strategies for Conventional Software, Validation Testing, Unit Testing , Integra-
tion Testing, Regression Testing , The Art of Debugging, White Box Testing - Basic Path
Testing, Control Structure Testing. Black Box Testing - Equivalence partitioning, Boundary
value analysis, Graph Based testing and state transition testing.

Quality Management: Quality Concepts, Software Quality, Software Quality Dilemma,

Achieving Software Quality, Review Techniques, Reviews: A Formal spectrum, Informal Re-
views, Formal Technical Reviews. Software Quality Assurance: Background Issues,Elements
of Software Quality Assurance, Tasks, Goals and Metrics, Software Reliability,the ISO 9000
Quality Standards.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Roger S. Pressman.,Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s approach , 7th Edition, Mc-
Graw Hill International Edition, New Delhi,2011.
2. Sommerville., Software Engineering, 9th Edition,Pearson education, India.
Reference Books:
1. K. K. Agarval, Yogesh Singh., Software Engineering, 3rd Edition, New Age International
Publishers, India,2007.
2. Lames F. Peters, Witold Pedrycz, Software Engineering an Engineering approach,John
Wiely & Sons, New Delhi, India,2000.
3. Shely Cashman Rosenblatt., Systems Analysis and Design, 6th Edition, Thomson Publi-
cations, India.

B.Tech - R22 236 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8607– Information Security
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Information security is the practice of protecting information by mitigating risks across com-
puter systems. The course introduces the technical and policy foundations of information
network security. This course explains the inner workings of cryptographic systems and how
to correctly use them in real-world applications.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8519 - Computer Networks.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8607.1 Recognize various security threats, services, mechanisms, and classical en-
cryption techniques.
A8607.2 Apply classical encryption algorithms (Substitution and Transposition ci-
phers) and DES, AES algorithms to encrypt plain text.
A8607.3 Explain various key management techniques, exemplifying RSA and Diffie-
A8607.4 Examine the problems of authentication techniques (SHA, Digital signa-
A8607.5 Analyze different symmetric key distribution and understanding of various
authentication applications
3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Information Security: Computer security concepts, OSI security ar-
chitecture,security attacks, security services, security mechanisms, a model for network se-
curity.Classical Encryption Techniques: Symmetric Cipher Modes, Substitute Techniques,
Transposition Techniques.

Block Cipher and Data Encryption Standards:Traditional Block Cipher Structure,

The Data Encryption Standard, A DES Example, The Strength of DES, Block Cipher De-
sign Principles, tools used for DES.Advanced Encryption Standards: Advanced Encryption
Standard, Finite Field Arithmetic, AES Structure, AES Transformation Functions, AES
Key Expansion, tools used for AES.Blowfish Algorithm,International Data Encryption Al-

Number Theory: Prime Numbers, Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorems, Testing for Primality,
The Chinese Remainder Theorem, extended Euclid’s algorithm. Public-Key Cryptography

B.Tech - R22 237 www.vardhaman.org

and RSA: Principles of Public key crypto Systems, RSA algorithm, Diffie-Hellman Key Ex-

Hash Functions: Cryptographic Hash Functions, Applications of Cryptographic Hash

Functions, Two Simple Hash Functions, Requirements and Security, Hash Functions Based
on Cipher Block Chaining, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA). Digital Signature: Digital Signa-
ture Requirements, Attacks and Forgeries, Properties.

Key Management and Distribution :Symmetric Key Distribution Using Symmetric En-
cryption, Symmetric Key Distribution Using Asymmetric Encryption, Distribution of Public
Keys, X.509 Certificates, Public-Key Infrastructure. Transport-Level Security: Web Secu-
rity Considerations, Secure Sockets Layer, Transport Layer Security Email Security:Pretty
Good Privacy (PGP).

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. William Stallings, Cryptography and network security: principles and Practice Upper
Saddle River: Pearson, 6th edition.
Reference Books:
1. Forouzan, Behrouz A., and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay. Cryptography and network security
(Sie).McGraw-Hill Education, 2011.
2. AtulKahate., Cryptography and Network Security, 2nd edition, Tata Mc-Grawhill, In-

B.Tech - R22 238 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8608 - Java Programming
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides Object Oriented Programming concepts using Java. The course focuses
on different aspect of core Java Environment suitable to write efficient, maintainable, and
portable code. It also ignites Object Oriented thinking and explores with the evolution of
Java and its basics. It provides strong foundation on Inheritance, Packages and Interfaces
and also illustrates Exception Handling and Multithreaded mechanisms. It also provides
Collection framework for manipulating data. This course also focuses on file handling using
Java API.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8505 - Data Structures
A8508 - Python Programming Laboratory

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8608.1 Make use of various constructs to write a console application.

A8608.2 Use principles of OOP to develop real time applications.
A8608.3 Identify the need of exception handling to deal with runtime errors.
A8608.4 Build applications for parallel processing using Multithreading.
A8608.5 Choose Collection framework and I/O to manipulate and store data.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to OOP : Evolution of Java, OOP principles, Java Buzzwords, Implement-
ing Java program, JVM, Data Types, Variables, Type conversions and Casting, Operators,
Control statements, Arrays. Classes, Objects, Methods, Constructors, this keyword, Over-
loading Methods and Constructors, Argument passing, Exploring String class.

Inheritance, Interfaces and Packages: Inheritance- Inheritance Basics, Using super,

Multilevel Hierarchy, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Abstract classes, final
keyword. Packages and Interfaces: Defining a Package, Finding Packages and CLASSPATH,

B.Tech - R22 239 www.vardhaman.org

Access Protection, Importing Packages, Defining and Implementing interfaces, Extending in-

Exception Handling: Exception Handling Fundamentals, Exception Types, using try

catch, throw throws and finally keywords, Built-in Exceptions, Creating own exception sub-

Multithreading: Multithreading: Multithreading- Life cycle of a thread, Thread class

methods, creating threads, thread priorities, Synchronizing threads, Interthread Communi-

Collections and I/O : Collections - Introduction to Collection Framework, Collections

Hierarchy, ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet. The Date and StringTokenizer. I/O –
Basics, reading and writing console input and output, PrintWriter class, operations of files
– reading, writing and copying files.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Herbert Schildt, Java: The Complete Reference, 11th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Edu-
cation, 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Y.Daniel Liang, Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version, 10th Edi-
tion,Pearson Education,2018.
2. Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, OCA Java SE 8 Programmer, 1st Edition, McGraw-Hill Edu-
cation, 2017.

B.Tech - R22 240 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8651 - Ethical Hacking
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Ethical hacking strikes all of us as a subject that requires a great deal of prerequisite knowl-
edge about things like heavy duty software, languages that includes hordes of syntaxes,
algorithms that could be generated by maestros only. Well that’s not the case, to some
extent. This course introduces the steps required to complete a penetration test, or ethical
hack. Requiring no prior hacking experience, the book explains how to utilize and interpret
the results of modern day hacking tools that are required to complete a penetration test.
Coverage includes GoogleHacking, Nmap, Nessus, Metasploit, and Hacker Defender rootkit.
Simple explanations of how to use these tools and a fourstep methodology for conducting a
penetration test provide readers with a better understanding of offensive security.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8519-Computer Networks

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8651.1 Use the various security tools to assess the computing system.
A8651.2 Identify the vulnerabilities across any computing system using penetration
A8651.3 Choose a prediction mechanism to prevent any kind of attacks.
A8651.4 Make use of metasploit tool to probe systematic vulnerabilities on networks
and servers.
A8651.5 Identify the wireless network flaws and fill security patches in web access.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Hacking: Important Terminologies, Penetration Test, Vulnerability As-
sessments versus Penetration Test, Pre-Engagement, Rules of Engagement, Penetration Test-
ing Methodologies, OSSTMM, NIST, OWASP, Categories of Penetration Test, Types of
Penetration Tests, Vulnerability Assessment Summary Reports.

Information Gathering Techniques: Information Gathering Techniques, Active Infor-

mation Gathering, Passive Information Gathering, Sources of Information Gathering, In-
formation Gathering with Whois, Tracing the Location, Traceroute, ICMP Traceroute,
TCP Traceroute, Usage, UDP Traceroute, Enumerating and Fingerprinting the Webservers,
Google Hacking.

B.Tech - R22 241 www.vardhaman.org

Network Attacks: Vulnerability Data Resources, Exploit Databases, Network Sniffing,
Types of Sniffing, Promiscuous versus Nonpromiscuous Mode, MITM Attacks, ARP At-
tacks, Denial of Service Attacks, Hijacking Session with MITM Attack, SSL Strip: Strip-
ping HTTPS Traffic, DNS Spoofing, ARP Spoofing Attack Manipulating the DNS Records,
DHCP Spoofing, Remote Exploitation, Attacking Network Remote Services, Overview of
Brute Force Attacks, Traditional Brute Force, Attacking SMTP.

Exploitation: Introduction to Metasploit, Reconnaissance with Metasploit, Port Scanning

with Metasploit, Compromising a Windows Host with Metasploit, Client Side Exploitation
Methods, e- Mails with Malicious Attachments. .

Wireless and Web Hacking: Wireless Hacking, Introducing Aircrack, Cracking the WEP,
cracking a WPA/WPA2 Wireless Network Using Aircrack-ng, Brute Force and Dictionary
Attacks, Types of Authentication.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Rafay Baloch., Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide, CRC Press, 2014.
Reference Books:
1. Kevin Beaver, Ethical Hacking for Dummies,6th Edition,Wiley, 2018.
2. Jon Erickson., Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition, Rogunix, 2007.

B.Tech - R22 242 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8652 - Cyber Security
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides a comprehensive overview of various cybercrimes, how they are planned,
possible vulnerabilities and crimes that occur in mobile and wireless devices. It introduces
tools and techniques that are used in cybercrime. It helps in analyzing and designing defen-
sive security mechanisms for protecting information systems resources.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8519- Computer Networks
A8607- Information Security

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8652.1 Identify the cybercrimes and offences in network accesses.

A8652.2 Interpret the criminal plans before going to attack.
A8652.3 Choose various security measures on mobile devices for a given scenario and
make an effective report.
A8652.4 Identify the various methods and tools in Cyber Crime.
A8652.5 Examine various defense and analysis techniques to protect our information
from attackers

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Cybercrime: Introduction, Cybercrime, and Information Security, who
are Cybercriminals, Classifications of Cybercrimes. Cybercrime: The legal Perspectives and
Indian Perspective, Cybercrime and the Indian ITA 2000, A Global Perspective on Cyber-

Cyber Offenses: How Criminals Plan Them: Introduction, How Criminals plan the At-
tacks, Social Engineering, Cyber stalking, Cyber cafe and Cybercrimes. Botnets: The Fuel
for Cybercrime, Attack Vector, and Cloud Computing.

Cybercrime -Mobile and Wireless Devices: Introduction, Proliferation of Mobile and

Wireless Devices, Trends in Mobility, Credit card Frauds in Mobile and Wireless Computing
Era, Security Challenges Posed by Mobile Devices, Registry Settings for Mobile Devices,
Authentication service Security, Attacks on Mobile/Cell Phones, Mobile Devices: Security
Implications for Organizations, Organizational Measures for Handling Mobile, Organiza-
tional Security Policies and Measures in Mobile Computing Era, Laptops.

B.Tech - R22 243 www.vardhaman.org

Tools and Methods Used in Cybercrime: Introduction, Proxy Servers and Anonymiz-
ers, Phishing, Password Cracking, Keyloggers and Spywares, Virus and Worms, Trojan Horse
and Backdoors, Steganography, DoS and DDoS attacks, SQL Injection, Buffer Overflow.

Defense and Analysis Techniques: Memory Forensics - Why Memory Forensics Is Impor-
tant, Capabilities of Memory Forensics, Memory Analysis Frameworks, Dumping Physical
Memory, Installing and Using Volatility, Finding Hidden Processes, Volatility Analyst Pack,
Honey pots, Intrusion Detection Systems.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Nina Godbole and Sunil Belapure., Cyber Security: Understanding Cyber Crimes, Com-
puter Forensics and Legal Prespectives,1st Edition,Wiley INDIA, 2011.
2. James Graham, Richard Howard and Ryan Otson., Cyber Security Essentials,1st Edi-
tion,CRC Press,2011.
Reference Books:
1. Chwan-Hwa(John), Wu,J.David Irwin., Introduction to Cyber Security,1st Edition, CRC
Press T and F Group, 2013.
2. Richard A. Clarke, Robert Knake., Cyberwar: The Next Threat to National Security
and What to Do About It,Ecco 2010.

B.Tech - R22 244 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8656 - Blockchain Technology
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course introduces blockchain, a revolutionary technology that enables peer-to-peer
transfer of digital assets without any intermediaries, and is predicted to be just as im-
pactful as the Internet. A blockchain is a permanent, sequential list of transaction records
distributed over a network. The course introduces consensus, proof of work, mining, in Bit-
coin. The course introduces ethereum blockchain and smart contracts.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8607 - Information Security

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8656.1 Identify the basic concepts of block chain to process data

A8656.2 Make use of Bitcoin as cryptocurrency
A8656.3 Choose Ethereum block chain for security
A8656.4 Design smart contracts as per the requirements and deploy on Testnet

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Cryptocurrencies: Cryptographic Hash Functions, Hash Pointers and
Data Structures, Digital Signatures, Public Keys as Identities, A Simple Cryptocurrency.
How Bitcoin Achieves Decentralization: Centralization vs. Decentralization, Distributed
Consensus, Consensus without Identity: the Block Chain, Incentives and Proof of Work,
Putting It All Together.

Mechanics of Bitcoin: Bitcoin Transactions, Bitcoin Scripts, Applications of Bitcoin

Scripts, Bitcoin Blocks, The Bitcoin Network, Limitations Improvements. Store Usage:
How to Store and Use Bitcoins, Hot and Cold Storage, Splitting and Sharing Keys, Online
Wallets and Exchanges, Payment Services, Transaction Fees, Currency Exchange Markets.

Bitcoin Mining: The Task of Bitcoin Miners, Mining Hardware, Energy Consumption
Ecology, Mining Pools, Mining Incentives and Strategies. Bitcoin and Anonymity: Anonymity
Basics, How to de-anonymizeBitcoin, Mixing, Decentralized Mixing, Zerocoin and Zerocash,
Tor and the Silk Road.

Ethereum: What is Ethereum, smart contracts, Solidity Ethereum Virturalmachine. In-

stalling solidity ethereum wallet, basics of solidity by example, Layout of a solidity source file

B.Tech - R22 245 www.vardhaman.org

structure of smart contracts, General value types, ether units, Time units, Globally available
variables and functions.

Operators: Arithmetic, Logical Bitwise operators, Control structure (if-else, for, while, do-
while), Scoping and declarations, Input parameters and output parameters, Function calls
return types, Function Modifiers, Fallback functions, Abstract contract, Creating contracts
via new operator, Inheriting smart contracts, Importing smart contracts compiling contracts,
Events logging, exceptions, Examples of smart contract : crowd funding, voting ballot.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Narayanan, A., Bonneau, J., Felten, E., Miller, A., Goldfeder, S.,Bitcoin and cryptocur-
rency technologies: a comprehensive introduction, Princeton University Press, 2016.
2. Dave Hoover, Kevin Solorio, and Randall Kanna., Hands–On Smart Contract Develop-
ment with Solidity and Ethereum, O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies, 1st
Edition, O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2019.

B.Tech - R22 246 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8658 - Robotic Process Automation
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
RPA is an advanced form of business process automation that can provide a path for busi-
nesses to automate human actions. RPA is ultimately about automating some of the most
mundane and repetitive computer-based tasks and processes in the workplace like text, image
automation with sequence of actions, keyboard-based automation, and E-mail automation
etc. Process automation is able to record tasks performed by a human on their computer,
then perform those same tasks without human intervention.This course will help Students
to learn how to Automate the Tasks in real time.

Course Pre/co-requisites
The course has no specific prerequisite and co requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8658.1. Discuss use of RPA platform and its components.

A8658.2. Apply sequence and control flows as per the requirements.
A8658.3. Analyse data manipulation concepts to solve real time problems.
A8658.4. Illustrate user interface explorer and handle events.
A8658.5. Demonstrate scenario of handling the errors and exceptions and benefits of

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Robotic Process Automation:Scope and techniques of automation,
Benefits of RPA, Components of RPA, RPA platforms, About UiPath. Record and Play:
UiPath stack, Downloading and installing UiPath Studio, Learning UiPath Studio,Task
recorder, Step-by-step examples using the recorder.

Sequence & Control Flow: Sequence, Flowchart, and Control Flow, Sequencing the
workflow, Activities, Control flow, various types of loops, and decision making, Step-by-
Step example using Sequence and Flowchart, Step-by step example using Sequence and
Control flow.

Data Manipulation: Variables and scope, Collections, Arguments-purpose and use,Data

table usage with examples, Clipboard management, File operation with step-by-step exam-
ple, CSV/Excel to data table and vice versa (with a step-by-step example).

B.Tech - R22 247 www.vardhaman.org

Handling events:Element triggering events, image triggering events, system triggering
events, PDF Extraction, Revisit Recorder: Basic recording, Desktop recording, web record-
ing, Screen Scraping, Automation Techniques: Incoming Email automation, Sending Email
automation, Workbook and Excel automation (read/write).

Error and Exception Handling: Exception handling, Common exceptions and ways
to handle them,debugging techniques, Collecting crash dumps, Error reporting. Future of
RPA,RPA Compared to BPO, BPM and BPA

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Alok Mani Tripathi, Learning Robotic Process Automation, Publisher: Packt Publishing
Release Date: March 2018 ISBN: 9781788470940.
2. Tom Taulli, The Robotic Process Automation Handbook: A Guide to Implementing
RPA System, Publisher: A press,2020.
Reference Books:
1. Frank Casale (Author), Rebecca Dilla (Author), Heidi Jaynes (Author), Lauren Liv-
ingston (Author), Introduction to Robotic Process Automation: a Primer, Institute of
Robotic Process Automation.
2. Richard Murdoch, Robotic Process Automation: Guide To Building Software Robots,
Automate Repetitive Tasks & Become An RPA Consultant.
3. SrikanthMerianda,Robotic Process Automation Tools, Process Automation and their
benefits: Understanding RPA and Intelligent Automation.
Web Resources:
1. https://www.uipath.com/rpa/robotic-process-automation

B.Tech - R22 248 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8681 - E-Commerce
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The tremendous growth of the Internet and World Wide Web is making a great impact on
businesses, governments and individuals throughout the world. In this course, students will
understand the phenomena, technological, economic and social, behind these rapid changes,
and how organizations successfully conduct Internet-based activities. This course discusses
some of the technology of the Internet. This course provides an overview of e-commerce
from both technological and managerial perspectives. It introduces e-commerce frameworks
and technological foundations; and examines basic concepts such as strategic formulation for
e-commerce enterprises, management of their capital structures and public policy. It is par-
ticularly important that the students emphasis on understanding the different E-Commerce
system design principles.

Course Pre/co-requisites
The course has no specific prerequisite and co requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8681.1. Elaborate the components and roles of the E-Commerce environment.

A8681.2. Estimate how to sell products and services on the web as well as to meet
the needs of website visitors.
A8681.3. Analyze the impact of E-commerce on business models and strategy.
A8681.4. Create a portfolio of the steps required to start-up an on-line business.
A8681.5. Interpret legal and ethical issues related to E-Commerce and web marketing

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to E-Business and E-Commerce: What is the difference between e-
commerce and e-business, Anatomy of E-Commerce applications, E-Business risks and barri-
ers to business adoption, Management responses to E-Commerce and E-Business, Electronic
Commerce-Frame work.

E-Commerce Fundamentals: Location of trading in the marketplace, Business models

for ecommerce, Focus on auction business models, Focus on Internet start-up companies.
E-Business Infrastructure - Introduction, Internet technology, Web technology, Internet-
access software applications, Managing e-business infrastructure, Focus on web services,
SaaS and service oriented Architecture (SOA), Focus on mobile commerce.

B.Tech - R22 249 www.vardhaman.org

E-Environment: Social and legal factors, Environmental and green issues related to Inter-
net Usage, Focus on e-commerce and globalization, Political factors.
E-Business Strategy - What is e-business strategy, Strategic analysis, Strategic objectives,
Strategy definition, Strategy implementation, Focus on information systems strategy and
e-business strategy.

E-Security: Securing the Business on Internet- Security Policy, Procedures and Practices,
Transaction Security, Cryptology, Digital Signatures, Security Protocols for Web Commerce.
Supply Chain Management- What is supply chain management?,Focus on the value chain,
Using e- business to restructure the supply chain, Supply chain management implementation

E-Procurement: What is e-procurement, Drivers of e-procurement, Focus on estimating

eprocurement cost, implementing e-procurement.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Dave Chaffey., E-Business and E-Commerce Management , strategy, Implementation and
practice, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall,2011.

Reference Books:
1. E-Commerce fundamentals and applications Hendry Chan, Raymond Lee, Tharam Dil-
lon, Ellizabeth - 215 - Chang, JohnWiley.
2. Whinston,Pearson., Frontiers of electronic commerce –Pearson Education, Kalakata,2015.
3. Bharat Bhaskar: Electronic Commerce,TataMc-Graw-Hill, New Delhi, 2003
4. E-Commerce — Business, Technology, Society, Kenneth C.Taudon, Carol Guyerico-

B.Tech - R22 250 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8682 - Full Stack Development
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The popularity of JavaScript has brought many advancements and changed the face of web
development. Real-world applications are looking at the web design with push capabilities.
The purpose of this course is to study the concepts of JAVASCRIPT, React JS and Node
JS to build user interface web-based applications to meet real-world needs.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8604 - Web Technologies

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8682.1 Demonstrate the fundamentals of scripting languages & non - scripting lan-
guages and its differences.
A8682.2 Use react concepts to design forms.
A8682.3 Use different node.js modules to connect with database.
A8682.4 Build web application using Node.js.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction: Introduction to scripting language, motivation , applications; scripting lan-
guages vs non-scripting languages; overview of popular scripting languages-JavaScript, Perl,
Python; environments - Node.js and react.js, java scripting language constructs.

React JS: JSX and its use case, DOM, Virtual DOM and its working, ES6, Difference
between ES5 and ES6, NPM Modules, React Elements, Render Function, Redux ,ReactJS
with Redux.

React JS: Components, Class Component, Props, Events, Forms, CSS, Hooks & Context
API, Material UI.

Node.JS: Concepts-modules, packages, working with HTTP, streams and file systems,

B.Tech - R22 251 www.vardhaman.org

events, REST API, ExpressJS.

Node.JS: Database connectivity-Mysql, create connection, create database, working with

Database operations-create table, insert, select, update, delete, etc.s

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Learning Node.js A Hands on Guide to Building Web Applications in JavaScript, Marc
Wandschneider, Second Edition, Addinson-Wesley.
2. React.js Book: Learning React JavaScript Library From Scratch, Greg Sidelnikov, Learn-
ing Curve, 2017.

Reference Books:
1. Beginning Node.js, Basarat Ali Syed, Apress, 2004.
2. The Node Beginner Book: A Comprehensive Node.js Tutorial, Manuel Kiessling, Lean-
pub, 2011.
3. FullStack React: The Complete Guide to ReactJS and Friends, Anthony Accomazzo,
Anthony Accomazzo, Nate Murray, Ari Lerner, Clay Allsopp, David Guttman, and Tyler
4. Learning React: Functional Web Development with React and Redux, Alex Banks &
Eve Porcello, O’Reily.

B.Tech - R22 252 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8702 – Artificial Intelligence
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This is an undergraduate course to acquire the ability to design intelligent solutions to prob-
lems in a variety of domains and business applications such as natural language Processing,
text mining, and robotics, reasoning and problem-solving. AI will focus on problem solving,
reasoning, planning and gaming. Through learning problem solving skills can be acquired.
The course enables to choose data science domain to implement machine learning and deep
learning applications.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8508-Python Programming Laboratory
A8509-Discrete Mathematical Structures

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8702.1. Apply AI techniques to solve game playing theorem proving and machine
A8702.2. Apply the propositional logic to AI designs .
A8702.3. Learn different playing and reinforcement learning techniques .
A8702.4. Examine the role of searching strategies in AI environment.
A8702.5. Analyse the constraint satisfaction problems for problem solving.
3. Course Syllabus
Introduction: Introduction to AI - Intelligent Agents, Problem-Solving Agents, Searching
for Solutions - Breadth-first search, Depth-first search, Hill-climbing search, Simulated an-
nealing search, Local Search in Continuous Spaces.

Adversarial Search : Games, Optimal decisions in games, The minimax algorithm, Al-
pha–Beta pruning, Defining Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Constraint Propagation, Back-
tracking search for CSPs, Knowledge-Based Agents, The wumpus world.

Propositional Logic: Inference and proofs, Proof by resolution, Horn clauses and def-
inite clauses. First-Order Logic : Syntax and Semantics of First-Order Logic, Using First
Order Logic, Knowledge Engineering in First-Order Logic. Inference in First-Order Logic:
Propositional vs. First-Order Inference, Unification, Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining,

Planning: Definition of Classical Planning, Algorithms for Planning with State Space
Search, Planning ,Graphs, Analysis of Planning approaches, Hierarchical Planning.

B.Tech - R22 253 www.vardhaman.org

Reinforcement learning: Introduction, passive Reinforcement learning, active Rein-
forcement learning, Generalization in reinforcement learning. Robotics: Introduction, Robot
Hardware, Robot Perception, planning to move, moving Robotic Software Architectures.
4. Books and Materials
Text Books:
1. Stuart J.Russel, Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach, 3rd Edition,
Pearson Education, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. E.Rich and K.Knight, Artificial Intelligence, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
2. Patrick Henry Winston, Artificial Intelligence, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education Private
Limited, India, 2001.
3. George F. Luger , Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem
Solving, 6th Edition, Pearson, 2008.
4. Shivani Goel, Artificial Intelligence, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Private Limited,
India, 2009.

B.Tech - R22 254 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8781- Computer Organization and Architecture
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
2 0 0 30 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course is designed to understand the concepts and functionalities of computer system
among the various components such as registers, control unit and memory units. The course
provides in-depth knowledge of internal working, structuring, and implementation of a com-
puter system, the way the system is structured so that all those catalogued tools can be
used properly. In addition, this course helps to construct the circuits to the corresponding
operations and also discusses the multiprocessing. It is a fundamental course and provides
the concepts and terminology required for advanced courses.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8402 - Digital Electronics

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8781.1. Identify various functional aspects of computer hardware.

A8781.2. Choose various instructions and addressing modes to execute an instruction.
A8781.3. Make use of integer and floating point algorithms to perform arithmetic oper-
ations on data.
A8781.4. Design control unit and memory for a computer system.
A8781.5. Examine the performance of a system using pipelining and multiprocessors.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction and Micro operations: Computer functional units, Von – Neumann Ar-
chitecture, Harvard architecture. Register transfer, Bus and memory transfer, arithmetic
micro operations, logic micro operations, shift micro operations, arithmetic logic and shift
unit. Data Representation – Fixed point and Floating point.

Instructions and Addressing Modes: Computer Instructions, Instruction Cycle, Regis-

ter reference instructions, Memory reference instructions, Input-output and Interrupt. Stack
organization, instruction formats, addressing modes, data transfer and manipulation, Inter-

B.Tech - R22 255 www.vardhaman.org

rupt Handling and types.

Computer Arithmetic: Introduction, Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication algo-

rithms on signed magnitude and two’s complement data, Division Algorithms, Floating
point arithmetic operations.

Control Unit and Memory Organization:Control memory, address sequencing, micro

program example and design of control unit. Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory – RAM and
ROM chips, Cache Memory – Introduction, Cache Mapping Techniques.

Pipelining and Multiprocessors: Parallel processing, Arithmetic Pipeline, Instruction

pipeline and RISC pipeline. Multiprocessors- characteristics of multiprocessors, Intercon-
nection structures, Interprocessor arbitration.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. M. Moris Mano., Computer System Architecture,3rd Edition, Pearson Publication, India,
2. Stallings William., Computer Organization and Architecture,9th Edition, Pearson Edu-
cation India, 2012.
Reference Books:
1. Carl Hamacher, ZvonksVranesic, SafeaZaky., Computer Organization,5th Edition, McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi, India, 2002.

B.Tech - R22 256 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8851 - Data Science for Engineers
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
Data Science for Engineers course aims to equip engineering students with the essential
knowledge and practical skills required to excel in the dynamic field of data science, empha-
sizing their ability to proficiently query and analyze diverse datasets. Through this course,
students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in handling
heterogeneous data, learning how to effectively preprocess and visualize it. By exploring
the methodologies and tools employed in data science, students will not only grasp the
theoretical foundations but also engage in hands-on applications. Ultimately, upon complet-
ing this course, students will emerge with a well-rounded skill set that encompasses data
querying and analytics, data preprocessing and visualization, and a solid foundation in data
science methodologies and tools. This comprehensive preparation equips them to navigate
the complex landscape of data science effectively and contribute meaningfully to data-driven
decision-making processes.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8005- Computer Oriented Statistical Methods
A8514- Database Management Systems
A8804- Data Analytics

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8851.1 Identify the various requirements for data science process.

A8851.2 Choose an appropriate database required for processing data.
A8851.3 Demonstrate the data science methodology and text mining approaches.
A8851.4 Make use of data science tools to visualize the insights of data.
A8851.5 Apply various data visualization techniques using Tableau over Google

3. Course Syllabus
Importance of Data Science: Need for Data Science, what is Data Science? Data Science
Process, Business Intelligence and Data Science, Prerequisites for a Data Scientist, Com-
ponents of Data Science, Tools and Skills needed. Statistics and Probability- Data Types,
Variable Types, Statistics, Sampling Techniques and Probability, Information Gain and En-
tropy, Probability Theory, Probability Types, Probability Distribution Functions, Bayes’
Theorem, Inferential Statistics.

B.Tech - R22 257 www.vardhaman.org

Databases for Data Science: SQL – Tool for Data Science, Basic Statistics with SQL,
Data Munging with SQL, Filtering, Joins, and Aggregation, Window Functions and Ordered
Data, Preparing Data for Analytics Tool, Advanced NoSQL for Data Science- Why NoSQL,
Document Databases for Data Science, Wide-Column Databases for Data Science, Graph
Databases for Data Science.

Data Science Methodology: Analytics for Data Science, Examples of Data Analyt-
ics, Data Analytics Life Cycle- Data Discovery, Data Preparation, Model Planning, Model
Building, Communicate Results, Operationalization. Data Analytics and Text Mining- Text
Mining, Major Text Mining Areas, Text Analytics, Major Components of NLP, Stages of
NLP, Statistical Processing of Natural Language, Applications of NLP.

Data Science Tools-I: Python Libraries: DataFrame Manipulation with pandas and
NumPy, Data Wrangling: Clean, Transform, Merge, Reshape, Exploration Data Analysis
with Python, Time Series Data, clustering with Python, Plotting and Visualization, ARCH
and GARCH, Dimensionality Reduction.

Data Science Tools-II: Tableau- Introduction to Data Visualization and Tableau, Di-
mensions and Measures, Cleaning and Structuring Messy Data Descriptive Statistics, Basic
Charts, Joins and blends, Filtering data, Row-level calculations, Aggregate-level calcula-
tions, Level of detail calculations, Custom Table Calculations, Dashboard Design & Princi-
ples, Special Chart Types, Integrate Tableau with Google Sheets.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Sanjeev Wagh, Manisha Bhende, Anuradha Thakare, Fundamentals of Data Science, 1st
Edition,CRC Press, India,2022.
2. Wes McKinney., Python for Data Analysis, 1st Edition„O‘Reilly Publications, 2015.
3. Joshua N. Milligan, Learning Tableau 2019, Packt Publications,2019.
Reference Books:
1. Avrim Blum, John Hopcroft, Ravindran Kannan., Foundations of Data Science, 1st Edi-
tion, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
2. Ani Adhikari and John DeNero,Computational and Inferential Thinking: The Founda-
tions of Data Science,GitBook, 2019.

B.Tech - R22 258 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8081 - Mathematical Programming
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides mathematical knowledge required to analyze problems encountered in
engineering. In this course, the students are acquainted with the Linear programming prob-
lem, Formulation and Graphical solution of Linear programming problem, Simplex method,
Big -M method, Two-phase simplex method, Dual simplex method, Degeneracy in simplex
and unbounded solutions, Transportation problem, Assignment model, Replacement models
and Sequencing models. In addition, this course can be applied in many areas of engineering
such as computer graphics, cryptography.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8081.1. Identify LPP and express in mathematical form to solve by graphical or

simplex method.
A8081.2. Apply artificial variable techniques to obtain the optimal solution of an
A8081.3. Interpret various methods under transportation model to get optimal re-
A8081.4. Solve travelling salesmen problem using Hungarian method.
A8081.5. Develop various replacement and sequencing models to arrive at an optimal

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Operations Research: Basic definition, scope, objectives, phases, mod-
els and limitations of Operations Research. Linear Programming Problem, Formulation and
Graphical solution of Linear Programming Problem, Simplex method.

Artificial Variables Techniques: Big -M method, Two-phase simplex method, Duality

in simplex method, Dual simplex method, degeneracy in simplex and unbound solutions.

Transportation problem: Formulation, solution, unbalanced Transportation problem.

Finding initial basic feasible solutions, North-West corner rule, lowest cost entry method
and Vogel’s approximation method. Optimality test- MODI method, degeneracy in trans-
portation, restricted transportation problem, conditional transportation problem.

B.Tech - R22 259 www.vardhaman.org

Assignment Model: Formulation, Hungarian method for optimal solution, solving unbal-
anced problem, restricted assignment, conditional assignment problems, crew assignment
problems, Travelling salesman problem, Transportation problem as assignment problem.

Replacement Models and Sequencing Models: Replacement Models: Replacement

of Items that Deteriorate whose maintenance costs increase with time without change in
the money value, Replacement of items that fail suddenly, individual replacement policy,
group replacement policy. Sequencing Models: Solution of Sequencing Problem, Processing
n Jobs through two machines, Processing n Jobs through three machines, Processing two
Jobs through m machines, Processing n Jobs through m Machines.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Sharma S. D. Operation Research, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Panneerselvam R. Operations Research, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, India, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
2. Sharma J. K. Operations Research – Theory and Applications, 5th Edition, Macmillan
India Ltd, India, 2007.

B.Tech - R22 260 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8082 - Transform Calculus
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course provides mathematical knowledge required to analyze problems encountered in
engineering. In this course, the students are acquainted with the Series Solutions of Second
Order Ordinary Differential Equations, Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms, Z-Transforms and
Applications of Transforms to Integral equations. In addition, this course can be applied in
many areas of engineering such as computer graphics, cryptography, wireless communica-
tion, signal processing, robotics and animation.

Course Pre/co-requisites
A8002 - Ordinary Differential Equations and Vector Calculus.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8082.1. Formulate series solutions of ordinary differential equations.

A8082.2. Develop Fourier series for different types of functions.
A8082.3. Apply Fourier Transform to connect the time and frequency domain.
A8082.4. Analyze Z-transform and discrete signals to solve equations.
A8082.5. Apply Laplace transforms to solve integral equations.

3. Course Syllabus
Series Solutions of Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations: Classification
of Singularities, Series Solutions to Differential Equations around zero, Frobenius Method
around zero.

Fourier Series: Euler’s formulae, Dirichlet’s conditions, Fourier series for functions having
period , Fourier series for even and odd functions, Half range Fourier sine and cosine series.

Fourier Transforms:Fourier integrals, Fourier sine and cosine integrals, Fourier transforms,
Fourier sine and cosine transforms, Inverse Fourier transforms, Finite Fourier transforms.

Z-Transforms: Definition, Some standard Z-transforms, Damping rule, Shifting rule, Mul-
tiplication by n , Initial and final value theorems. Inverse Z-transforms using partial frac-
tions, Convolution theorem, Solution of difference equations by Z - transforms.

Applications of Transforms to Integral equations: Integral equations, Abel’s Integral

equations, Integral equation of convolution type, Integro differential equations, Applications

B.Tech - R22 261 www.vardhaman.org

of Transforms to Integral equations.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Grewal,B.S. Higher Engineering Mathematics, 43rd Edition, Khanna Publications, 2015.
2. Jain, R.K. and Iyengar, S.R.K. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publishing
House, 2015.
Reference Books:
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
2. Ramana, B.V. Higher Engineering Mathematics, 23rd Reprint,Tata Mc-GrawHill Educa-
tion Private Limited, New Delhi, 2015.

B.Tech - R22 262 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8083 - Numerical Techniques
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course offers more advanced topics of mathematics required to analyze the problems in
engineering. Topics to be covered in this course include: Solution of algebraic and transcen-
dental equations, system of linear equations, Interpolation, Numerical differentiation and
integration, curve fitting, Numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations.
The mathematical skills derived from this course provides necessary base to analytical and
theoretical concepts occurring in the program.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
A8083.1 Apply numerical methods to obtain approximate solutions of algebraic and
transcendental equations
A8083.2 Make use of interpolation techniques to find approximate values and deriva-
tives of the function at intermediate points
A8083.3 Compute an approximate value of a definite integral using numerical inte-
A8083.4. Construct curve of best fit for the experimental data using method of least
A8083.5. Select an appropriate numerical method to solve ordinary and partial dif-
ferential equations.

3. Course Syllabus
Solution of Algebraic, Transcendental Equations and System of Linear Equa-
tions: Bisection method, Regula-falsi method, Iteration method, Newton - Raphson method.
Iterative methods of solution of system of equations: Jacobi’s iteration method, Gauss-Seidel
iteration method.

Interpolation: Finite differences: Forward, Backward and Central differences, Other dif-
ference operators and relations between them, Differences of a polynomial, Missing terms,
Newton’s interpolation formulae, Interpolation with unequal intervals: Lagrange’s interpo-
lation formula.

Numerical Differentiation, Integration and Curve fitting: Numerical differentia-

tion: Derivatives using Newton’s interpolation formulae. Numerical integration: Newton-
Cote quadrature formula, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s one-third rule, Simpson’s three-eighth

B.Tech - R22 263 www.vardhaman.org

rule. Curve Fitting: Method of least squares, Fitting a straight line, Second degree parabola
and Non-linear curves of the form y = aebx , y = abx , y = axb by the method of least squares

Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations of First Order: Taylor’s se-

ries method, Picard’s method, Euler’s and modified Euler’s Method, Runge-Kutta method of
fourth order, Predictor and Corrector methods: Milne’s method, Adams-Bashforth-Moulton

Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: Finite difference approxi-

mations to partial derivatives, Elliptic equations: Solution of Laplace equation by Lieb-
mann’s iteration process, Parabolic equations: Solution of one dimensional Heat equation
by Schmidt explicit method and Crank-Nicolson implicit method.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. S.S. Sastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, 5th Edition, PHI Learning Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi, 2012.
2. M.K. Jain, S.R.K Iyengar and R.K.Jain, Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineer-
ing Computation, 5rd Edition, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Grewal, B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, 43rd Edition, Khanna Publishers, New
Delhi, 2014.
2. Ramana, B.V. Higher Engineering Mathematics, 23nd Reprint, Tata McGraw Hill Edu-
cation (India) Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2015.
3. T.K.V. Iyengar, B. Krishna Gandhi & Others, Numerical Methods, 2nd Revised Edition,
S Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2013.

B.Tech - R22 264 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8084 - Entrepreneurship Development
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the nature of enterprise and
entrepreneurship and introduces the role of the entrepreneur, will inculcate the knowledge
of government supporting programs like financial assistance by public sector banks. Apart
from this, students learn about the women entrepreneurs and success stories of women en-
trepreneurs, gain the knowledge of project management and profitability appraisal, focus on
importance of training the new entrepreneurs as well as existing entrepreneurs.

Course Pre/co-requisites
The course has no specific prerequisite and co requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8084.1 Identify the role, characteristics, qualities and functions of entrepreneur.

A8084.2 Interpret various Institutional supports for setting up a business enterprise.
A8084.3 Illustrate role, importance and functions of women entrepreneur.
A8084.4 Infer the concept of Project Management and steps in Project development.
A8084.5 Indicate training programs and different training institutions to impart

3. Course Syllabus
Entrepreneurship: Importance and role of entrepreneurship, Qualities of an entrepreneur,
Functions of entrepreneur, Theories of entrepreneurship, Stimulants of entrepreneurship and
Barriers to entrepreneurship, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Role of entrepreneur in eco-
nomic development.

Institutional Support: Role of Government: Role of IDBI, SIDBI, SIDO, NIESBUD,

DIC, Entrepreneurship Development Institute, T-Hub (Telangana Hub).

Women Entrepreneurship: Role & Importance, Functions of women entrepreneur, Profile

of Indian Women Entrepreneur, Problems of Women Entrepreneurs, Women Entrepreneur-
ship Development in India and in Foreign Countries.

Project Management: Concept of project and classification of project, Project life cy-
cle identification, Project formulation, Project report, Project evaluation- profitability ap-
praisal, social cost benefit analysis, feasibility analysis, financial analysis and project financ-

B.Tech - R22 265 www.vardhaman.org

ing, Project implementation, Project completion.

Entrepreneur Training: Designing appropriate training programmes to inculcate En-

trepreneurial Spirit, significance of entrepreneurial training, Feedback and Performance of
Trainees, NSIC, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), Telangana Academy for
Skill and Knowledge (TASK).

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Robert Hisrich, Michael P. Peter, Dean A. Shepherd (2010), Entrepreneurship, Tata Mc
Graw Hill, New Delhi

Reference Books:
1. Bholanath Datta (2009), Entrepreneurship, Excel publications, India.
2. David H Holt (2010), Entrepreneurship, Prentice hall of India, New Delhi, India

B.Tech - R22 266 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8085 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The LSCM deals with effective management, organizing and monitoring of storage and dis-
tribution of goods. It imparts knowledge on the various functions of logistics management.
It educate on designing of the supply chain network. it gives clarify the significance of es-
tablishing global supply chain. Also it will highlight the role of information technology in
supply chain. The aim is to manage the entire order cycle in the most efficient way so that
it enhances business development and ensures sustainability and customer satisfaction.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8085.1. Understand the cyclical perspective of logistics and supply chain process.
A8085.2. Learn about the distribution, transportation, warehousing related issues
and challenges in supply chain.
A8085.3. Appreciate the significance of network design in the supply chain.
A8085.4. Gain knowledge of various models/tools of measuring the Supply Chain
A8085.5. Appreciate the role of coordination and technology in supply chain man-

3. Course Syllabus
Understanding Supply Chain: Objectives of a Supply Chain, Importance, Stages of Sup-
ply Chain, Value Chain Process, Cycle View of Supply Chain Process, Key Issues in SCM,
Logistics & SCM, Supply Chain Drivers and Obstacles, Supply Chain Strategies, Strategic
Fit, Best Practices in SCM, Obstacles of Streamlined SCM, Green Supply Chain Manage-
ment, Supply Chain Sustainability – case study.

Logistics: Evolution, Objectives, Components and Functions of Logistics Management,

Difference between Logistics and Supply Chain, Distribution related Issues and Challenges.
Gaining Competitive Advantage through Logistics Management. TRANSPORTATION:
Functions, Costs, and Mode of Transportation Network and Decision, Models, Container-
ization, Cross Docking, Reverse Logistics. Outsourcing: Nature and Concept, Strategic
Decision to Outsourcing, Third-party Logistics (3PL), Fourth-party Logistics (4PL) - case

B.Tech - R22 267 www.vardhaman.org

Designing the Supply Chain Network: Designing the Distribution Network ,Role of
Distribution, Factors Influencing Distribution, Design Options, e-Business and its Impact,
Distribution Networks in Practice, Network Design in the Supply Chain, Role of Network,
Factors Affecting the Network Design Decisions ,Modeling for Supply Chain - case study.

Supply Chain Performance: Bullwhip Effect and Reduction, Performance Measurement:

Dimension, Tools of Performance Measurement, SCOR Model. Demand Chain Management,
Global Supply Chain, Challenges in Establishing Global Supply Chain, Factors that influ-
ence Designing Global Supply Chain Network-case study.

Coordination in a Supply Chain: Importance of Coordination, Lack of Supply Chain

Coordination and the Bull whip Effect, Obstacles to Coordination, Managerial Levels, Build-
ing Partnerships and Trust, Continuous Replenishment and Vendor Managed Inventories,
Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment. Role of Information Technology in
Supply Chain, Supply Chain 4.0.-Case study.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. David B. Grant, Chee Yew Wong, Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management:
Principles and Practices for Sustainable Operations and Management, Kindle Edition
2. Fundamentals ofLogistics Management (The Irwin/Mcgraw-Hill Series in Marketing),
Douglas Lambert, James R Stock, LisaM. Ellram, McGrawhill/Irwin, First Edition, 1998.
3. Vinod V. Sople (2009) Logistic Management (2nd Edn.), Pearson Limited.
Reference Books:
1. IMT Ghaziabad, Advanced Supply Chain Management Sage Publications, 2021.
2. Rajat K. Basiya, Integrated Supply Chain Management, Sage Publications, 2020.
3. K Sridhara Bhat, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, HPH,1e,2017.
4. Chopra, Sunil, Meindl, Peter and Kalra, D.V., Supply Chain Management: Strategy,
Planning and Operation, Pearson Education,6e,2016.
5. Altekar, Rahul V, Supply Chain Management: Concepts and Cases, PHILearning,1e,2005.
6. Ballou, R.H. Business Logistics Management.Pearson Education,5e, 2014.
7. Coyle, Bardi, Langley, The Management of Business Logistics–A Supply Chain Perspec-
tive, Thomson Press,7e,2003.

B.Tech - R22 268 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8086 - Management Science
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
In this course, students will learn the fundamental concepts and contributions of Manage-
ment. It also explains Inventory control techniques, Human Resource Practices, Quality
control techniques and Project Management which plays a vital role in the organization.

Course Pre/co-requisites
The course has no specific prerequisite and co requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8086.1 Explain and infer the concepts and aspects of management.

A8086.2 Analyze the contributions of management, organizational structures, plant
layouts, work study tools for enhancement of productivity in an organization
A8086.3 Apply the project management techniques to decide the optimum time and
cost for completion of a project.
A8086.4 Apply statistical quality control & Inventory control techniques to manage
and control products and materials.
A8086.5 Use Human resource management techniques for better people management.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction: Management - Definition, Nature, Importance of management, Functions
of Management- Taylor’s scientific management theory, Fayol’s principles of management,
Contribution of Elton mayo, Maslow, Herzberg, Douglas MC Gregor. Basic concepts of
Organisation Authority, Responsibility, Delegation of Authority, Span of control, Depart-
mentation and Decentralization - Organisation structures (Line organization, Line and staff
organization, Functional organization, Committee organization, Matrix organization).

Operations Management: Plant location, Factors influencing location, Principles and

types of plant layouts - Methods of production (job, batch and mass production), Work
study - Basic procedure involved in method study and Work measurement.

Quality Control and Materials Management: : Statistical quality control - Meaning-

Variables and attributes - X chart, R Chart, C Chart, P Chart, (simple Problems) Accep-
tance sampling, Sampling plans, Deming’s contribution to quality. Materials management -
objectives, Need for inventory control, Purchase procedure, Store records, EOQ, ABC anal-
ysis, Stock levels.

B.Tech - R22 269 www.vardhaman.org

Human Resource Management (HRM): Concepts of HRM, Basic functions of HR man-
ager: Man power planning, Recruitment, Selection, Training and development, Placement,
Wage and salary administration, Promotion, Transfers, Separation, performance appraisal,
Job evaluation and Merit rating.

Project Management: Early techniques in project management - Network analysis: Pro-

gramme evaluation and review technique (PERT), Critical path method (CPM), Identifying
critical path, Probability of completing project within given time, Project cost analysis,
project crashing (simple problems)..

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Koontz & weihrich - Essentials of management, TMH, 8th edition, 2010
2. O.P. Khana, Industrial engineering and Management, Dhanpat rai publication

Reference Books:
1. Dr.A.R.Aryasri, Management Science, TMH, 4th edition, 2009.
2. Stoner,Freeman, Gilbert, Management, 6th edition Pearson education, New Delhi, 2004
3. L.S.Srinath, PERT & CPM, 3rd edition East-West press pvt. ltd.-New Delhi.

B.Tech - R22 270 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8087 - Human Resource Management
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course is intended to disseminate the concepts of Human resource management, func-
tions of Human resource management from human resource planning to employee relations
aspects that helps in effective functioning of an organization.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8087.1. Identify the functions of Human Resource Management.

A8087.2. Illustrate the process of Recruitment and selection.
A8087.3. Analyse the needs and methods of training.
A8087.4. Appraise the functional relationship with performance compensation and
employee welfare.
A8087.5. Examine the significance of employee relations.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to HRM: Objectives and Functions of HRM, Challenges of HRM, Line Man-
agers. HR Roles and responsibilities, Workforce and demographic trends, New Approaches
to organizing HR, HR Scorecard - Human Resource Information System (HRIS).

Recruitment and Selection: Job Design, Job Analysis, Process and methods of data
collection, Job descriptions and Job specification, Job enlargement, Job enrichment and Job
rotation. Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, Sources of Recruitment, Recruitment on
Diverse Work Force, e-Recruitment and Selection Process, Employee Testing and Selection,
Basic Types of Interviews, Errors in Interviews.

Training and Development: Definition, Training vs. Development, Importance of Train-

ing and Development, Process of Training, Methods of Training and Management devel-
opment programmes. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: Concepts of Performance Manage-
ment, Process of Performance Management, Performance Appraisal, Techniques of Perfor-
mance Appraisal, Errors in Performance Appraisal, Career Management.

Compensation: Objectives of compensation, Factors influencing on compensation, con-

cept of job evaluation and techniques of job evaluation. EMPLOYEE WELFARE: Concept
of employee welfare, performance-based pay benefits, provisions of employee’s compensation

B.Tech - R22 271 www.vardhaman.org

act and implications of employee welfare on productivity.

Employee Relations: Employee Associations, Grievances: Grievances Handling Proce-

dure, Employee Separation, Downsizing, Work-Life Integration - Hybrid work culture, con-
temporary developments in HR practices. Stress Management, talent mobility, Prevention
of sexual harassment (POSH) at workplace.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. Gary Dessler, BijuVarkkey, Human Resource Management, 4th edition, Pearson Publi-
cation, 2017.
2. P. Subba Rao, Essentials of Human Resource Management, Himalaya Publishing, 6e,
Reference Books:
1. Biswajeet Pattanayak, Human Resource Management, 6e, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2020.
2. Mamoria and Mamoria, Personnel Management, Himalaya Publications, 2006

B.Tech - R22 272 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8088 – Organizational Behavior
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 45 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
The course focuses upon translation of organizational behaviour theory to practices that
result in organizational effectiveness, efficiency, and human resource development. The pri-
mary goal of this course is to prepare students for advanced leadership roles in modern

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8088.1. Analyse the Concepts and models of Orgnizational Behaviour and Contem-
porary challenges.
A8088.2. Analyse the relevance of planning and decision making process for the de-
velopment of the organisation.
A8088.3. Identify various organisation design and control technique for better perfor-
mance of the company.
A8088.4. Examine the relevance of Individual and group behaviour in an organization
and the role of Culture and dynamics
A8088.5. Apply the theories of leadership and motivation to lead people to attain the
organisation goals.

3. Course Syllabus
Behavioural Concepts: Nature and Concepts of Orgnizational Behaviour, Models of Or-
ganizational Behaviour, Relationship with Other Fields, Contemporary challenges. Learn-
ing: Nature and Significance of Learning, Process of Learning, Theories of Learning.

Planning and Decision Making: Planning and Goal Setting, Organizational Planning,
Vision, Mission and Goals, Types of Plans, Steps in Planning Process, Approaches to Plan-
ning, Planning in Dynamic Environment. Decision-making Process, Types of Decisions,
Decision Making Styles, Vroom’s Participative Decision-making Model.

B.Tech - R22 273 www.vardhaman.org

Organizing and Controlling: Organizational Structure, Principles of Organizing, Au-
thority, Power and Influence, Designing Organizational Structure. Mechanistic and Organic
Structures, Contemporary Organizational Design and its Challenges. Controlling: The Con-
trol Process, Controlling for Organizational Performance, Types of Control, Financial Con-
trols, Balanced Scorecard, Bench Marking, Contemporary issues in Controlling.

Organizational Behavior: Individual and Group Behavior: Importance of Organizational

Behavior, Culture and Dynamics of Diversity, Personality Theories, Perception, Formation
of Group Behavior, Classification of Groups, Group Properties, Group Cohesiveness, Build-
ing Teams.

Leadership and Motivation: Leadership Traits, Leadership Styles, Leadership Theories,

Power and Politics. Motivation: Approaches to Motivation, Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy The-
ory, Two-factor Theory of Motivation, McGregor’s Theory, ERG theory, McClelland’s Needs
Theory, Valance Theory.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. K. Aswathappa, Organisational Behaviour, Himalaya Publications, 8e, 2021
2. Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich, Mark V Cannice, Essentials of Management, Tata Mc-
Graw Hill Education, 11e, 2020.
3. Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, Neharika Vohra, Organizational Behaviour,
Pearson Education, 18e, 2018.
Reference Books:
1. Luthans Fred, “Organizational Behaviour”, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Rao V S P., “Organizational Behaviour”, Excel Books.
3. Chandrani Singh, Aditi Ktri, Principles and Practices of Management and Organizational
Behaviour, Sage Publications, 1e,2016.
4. Afsaneh Nahavandi, Robert B. Denhardt, Janet V. Denhardt, Maris P. Aristigueta, Or-
ganizational Behaviour, Sage Publications, 1e, 2015.

B.Tech - R22 274 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8089 – Intellectual Property Rights
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 45 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This Course deals with the types of intellectual property, international organizations, agen-
cies and treaties, importance of intellectual property rights. It analyzes and evaluates the
procedures involved in submission of application for the grant of intellectual property rights.
It also deals with the significance of intellectual property of a business enterprise.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co-requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8089.1. Identify the different types of intellectual property, agencies and treaties
that protect intellectual property rights
A8089.2. Classify the protectable matter of intellectual property rights.
A8089.3. Analyze and evaluate the procedures involved in submission of application
for the grant of intellectual property rights
A8089.4. Interprete Trade secret law, liability for misappropriations of trade secrets,
protection for submission, and trade secret litigation

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to Intellectual Property: Introduction, types of intellectual property,
international organizations, agencies and treaties, importance of intellectual property rights.

Trade Marks: Purpose and function of trademarks, Trade mark rights, protectable matter,
selecting and evaluating trademarks, trade mark registration process.

Law of Copy Rights: Fundamental of copy right law, originality of material, rights of
reproduction, rights to perform the work publicly, copy right ownership issues, copy right
registration, notice of copy right, international copy right law.

B.Tech - R22 275 www.vardhaman.org

Law of Patents: Foundation of patent law, patent searching process, ownership rights and

Trade Secrets: Trade secret law, determination of trade secrets status, liability for mis-
appropriations of trade secrets, protection for submission, and trade secret litigation.Unfair
Competition: Misappropriation right of publicity, false advertising.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. R.S.Nagarajan, a Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values, New Age Pub-
lishers – 2006. Deborah.
2. Neeraj Pandey, Khushdeep Dharni- 2014, Intellectual property rights, PHI, India.
Reference Books:
1. Prabudda ganguli (2003), Intellectual property right, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing com-
pany ltd., India.
2. P.N. Cheremisinoff, R.P. Ouellette and R.M. Bartholomew, Biotechnology Applications
and Research, Technomic Publishing Co., Inc. USA, 1985
3. P. Narayanan; Law of Copyright and Industrial Designs; Eastern law House, Delhi, 2010

B.Tech - R22 276 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8090 - Professional Practice, Law and Ethics
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
This course makes students to understand the types of roles they are expected to play in
the society as practitioners of an engineering profession. It develops ideas of the legal and
practical aspects of their profession. Students will learn importance of professional practice,
Law and Ethics in their personal lives and professional careers and the rights and responsi-
bilities as an employee and team leader.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8090.1. Apply the concepts of professional practice, Law and Ethics in their personal
lives and professional careers.
A8090.2. Analyze Arbitration, Conciliation and Alternative Dispute Resolution sys-
A8090.3. Interpret Law relating to Intellectual property
A8090.4. Apply the rights and responsibilities as an employee, team member in any
organization as a global citizen.

3. Course Syllabus
Professional Practice and Ethics: Definition of Ethics, Professional Ethics - Engineering
Ethics, Personal Ethics; Code of Ethics - Profession, Professionalism, Professional Responsi-
bility, Conflict of Interest, Gift Vs Bribery, Environmental breaches, Negligence, Deficiencies
in state-of-the-art; Vigil Mechanism, Whistle blowing, protected disclosures. Introduction
to GST- Various Roles of Various Stake holders.

Law of Contract: Nature of Contract and Essential elements of valid contract, Offer
and Acceptance, Consideration, Capacity to contract and Free Consent, Legality of Object.
Unlawful and illegal agreements, Contingent Contracts, Performance and discharge of Con-
tracts, Remedies for breach of contract. Contracts-II: Indemnity and guarantee, Contract of
Agency, Sale of goods Act -1930: General Principles, Conditions & Warranties, Performance
of Contract of Sale.

Arbitration, Conciliation and ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) system:

Arbitration – meaning, scope and types – distinction between laws of 1940 and 1996;UNCI-
TRAL model law – Arbitration and expert determination; Extent of judicial intervention;

B.Tech - R22 277 www.vardhaman.org

International commercial arbitration; Arbitration agreements – essential and kinds, validity,
reference and interim measures by court; Arbitration tribunal – appointment, challenge, ju-
risdiction of arbitral tribunal, powers, grounds of challenge, procedure and court assistance;
Distinction between conciliation, negotiation, mediation and arbitration, confidentiality, re-
sort to judicial proceedings, costs; Dispute Resolution Boards; Lok Adalats.

Engagement of Labour and Labour & other construction-related Laws: Role

of Labour in Civil Engineering; Methods of engaging labour- on rolls, labour sub-contract,
piece rate work; Industrial Disputes Act, 1947; Collective bargaining; Industrial Employ-
ment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946; Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923; Building & Other
- Construction Workers (regulation of employment and conditions of service) Act (1996) and
Rules (1998); RERA Act 2017, NBC 2017.

Law relating to Intellectual property: Introduction – meaning of intellectual property,

main forms of IP, Copyright, Trademarks, Patents and Designs, Secrets; Law relating to
Copyright in India including Historical evolution of Copy Rights Act, 1957, Meaning of
copyright – computer programs, Ownership of copyrights and assignment, Criteria of in-
fringement, Piracy in Internet – Remedies and procedures in India; Law relating to Patents
under Patents Act, 1970.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. R. Subramanian - Professional Ethics, Oxford University Press, 2015.
2. Ravinder Kaur - Legal Aspects of Business, 4th edition, Cengage Learning, 2016.
Reference Books:
1. RERA Act, 2017.
2. Wadhera - Intellectual Property Rights, Universal Law Publishing Co.,2004.
3. 3. T. Ramappa - Intellectual Property Rights Law in India, Asia Law House,2010.
4. 4. O.P. Malhotra - Law of Industrial Disputes, N.M. Tripathi Publishers.

B.Tech - R22 278 www.vardhaman.org

Course Structure
A8091 - National Cadet Corps(NCC)
Hours Per Week Hours Per Semester Credits Assessment Marks
3 0 0 45 0 0 3 40 60 100

1. Course Description
Course Overview
National Cadet Corps, is a unique course designed for youth in India that aims to develop
character, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure, and ideals of selfless
service among young citizens. Through this course students learn about rhe national inte-
gration and its importance. They understand the concept of self-awareness and emotional
intelligence, critical & creative thinking, decision making & problem solving and importance
of Social service.This course also explores the security challenges & role of cadets in border
areas. Students acquire the knowledge about various wars and their heroes.

Course Pre/co-requisites
This course has no specific prerequisite and co requisite.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

A8091.1. Acquire knowledge of the history of NCC, its organization, and incentives
of NCC for their career prospects and duties & conduct of ncc cadets.
A8091.2. Imbibe good leadership traits and apply them in practical life and appreciate
the visible outcome of leadership and motivation.
A8091.3. Develop a sense of responsibility, smartness in appearance and improve self-
confidence, inculcate importance of empathizing with others, improve their
deep-thinking ability and apply ideas and be able to face problems in a
constructive manner with solutions.
A8091.4. Learn about the various natural resources, their utilization and practice
method of conservation of these resources in daily life.
A8091.5. Appreciate value of physical and mental health in daily life and spread
awareness about treatment and care of wounds in their society.
A8091.6. Understand individaul responsibilities & role in meetings the security chal-
lenges on Border/Coastal areas.

3. Course Syllabus
Introduction to NCC and National Integration: Introduction of NCC, History, Aims,
Objective of NCC & NCC as Organization, Duties of NCC Cadet. National Integration:
Importance & Necessity, Factors Affecting National Integration, Unity in Diversity & Role
of NCC in Nation Building.

Personality Development & Leadership: Intra & Interpersonal skills - Self-Awareness-

& Analysis, Empathy, Critical & creative thinking, Decision making and problem solv-

B.Tech - R22 279 www.vardhaman.org

ing. levels of Creativity, Characteristics of creative person. Leadership capsule., Important
Leadership traits, Indicators of leadership and evaluation., Motivation- Meaning & concept,
Types of motivation. Factors affecting motivation., Ethics and Honor codes.

Social Service & Community Development: Basics of social service and its need,
Types of social service activities, Objectives of rural development programs and its impor-
tance, NGO’s and their contribution in social welfare, contribution of youth and NCC in
Social welfare. Protection of Children & Women Safety., Road/Rail Safety., New Govern-
ment Initiatives., Cyber and mobile Security Awareness.

Environmental Awareness and Conservation: Natural Resources, Conservation and

Management, Water Conservation, Waste Management, Energy Conservation. Adventure
Environmental Awareness and Conservation. Health & Hygiene: Hygiene & Sanitation
(Hygiene- Personal & Social Hygiene)., First Aid in common medical emergencies. Treat-
ment & Care of Wounds.

Border & Coastal Areas: History, Geography & Topography of Border/ Coastal Areas.
Security Setup and Border/Coastal management in the area., Security Challenges & Role of
cadets in Border management.

4. Books and Materials

Text Books:
1. R. K. Gupta, “Hand book of NCC Cadets for A, B & C Certificate Examinations”, R-1992,
23rd Edition. Ramesh Publishing House, New Delhi (2023).

B.Tech - R22 280 www.vardhaman.org

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