Hou 2018
Hou 2018
Hou 2018
h i g h l i g h t s
An approach for monitoring interstory drift using MEMS inclinometers was proposed.
Deformation mode of a column in different stages was studied.
An optimal sensor layout was designed.
The monitoring method was verified experimentally with acceptable error.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Accurate measurements of interstory drift are of great importance to the emerging performance-based
Received 17 February 2017 structural health monitoring (SHM). Previous studies have shown the potential of obtaining interstory
Received in revised form 5 July 2018 drift via rotation measurements. In the present study, an optimal layout of Micro Electro Mechanical
Accepted 11 July 2018
Systems (MEMS) inclinometers is proposed to improve the monitoring accuracy. First, detailed study
Available online 19 July 2018
on the deformation mode of a single column in both elastic and elastoplastic stages was carried out with
emphasis on the development of the plastic hinge in reinforced concrete (RC) columns. The optimal lay-
out for deploying inclinometers on a column was put forward with acceptable monitoring error antici-
Interstory drift
pated using the deformation mode. Then, tests on three identical RC columns installed with
Plastic hinge inclinometers according to the optimal layout showed stable inclinometer performance and verified
Earthquake the feasibility of the proposed monitoring method by comparing with drift monitored by displacement
transducers. The test also verified the deformation mode in theoretical analysis and proved that the
development of plastic hinge length can roughly be monitored by the inclinometers. Finally, the influence
of various factors on the monitoring error was discussed in detail.
Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
0950-0618/Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
454 S. Hou et al. / Construction and Building Materials 185 (2018) 453–467
shown that IDR correlates best with observed damage compared to adopted for bridge deformation monitoring. A team led by Hoult
other response quantities such as peak floor acceleration [8]. installed seven sensor nodes on a bridge to evaluate the potential
Therefore, accurate measurements of IDRs are of great importance of wireless sensor networks for use in bridge management [15].
to the success of the novel performance-based SHM. Among those nodes, three MEMS inclinometers were mounted
Interstory drift is most commonly measured by double integra- on two of the bridge’s bearing pads to measure any change in their
tion of measured accelerations. This can yield acceptable accuracy inclination with temperature. The lateral deformation of bridge
for linear responses, but its unstable performance during signifi- piles has also been monitored using MEMS inclinometers [16].
cant inelastic deformation makes it unsuitable in many applica- Six MEMS inclinometers were placed along the depth of each pile
tions [3]. A more direct, displacement-based approach employs a to measure their rotation under lateral loading applied at the pile
displacement sensor, typically a linear variable differential trans- cap. The deformation profile provided by the MEMS inclinometers
ducer (LVDT) with a wire diagonally strung across a bay of the agreed well with that provided by an automated laser survey. A
structure to be measured. But that method is impractical for build- group led by Ha has developed a wireless MEMS inclinometer
ings with numerous partition walls because of the obstructive monitoring system by assembling existing inclinometers (SCA
setup. And it is impossible to completely eliminate the influence 103T) for monitoring the structural health of civil engineering
of wire slack and thus dynamic interaction, making the small- and building structures. The reliability and the accuracy of the
amplitude response of an LVDT unreliable [3,9]. There are also method were verified in a tilt measurement experiment [17].
some non-contact methods which have been applied in laboratory Applications of MEMS inclinometers to underground structures
experiments. One involves a laser crosshair projection technique have so far been studied only in the laboratory. Using a wireless
first proposed by Bennett and Batroney [10] and later improved sensing network, the relative deformation of a long tunnel can be
by Chen and his colleagues [11]. That method detects any change measured with MEMS inclinometers to yield an accuracy of
of the positions of two consecutive floors from the output of pho- 0.05°, acceptable for tunnel structures [18]. The application for a
todetectors which receive light from a crosshair beam generator. It buried pipeline had also been tested, and the influence of sensor
performs well in monitoring interstory drift and chord drift, but spacing and load distribution on monitoring errors has been dis-
only within a limited range. A semi-automated method has been cussed [19].
proposed to rapidly measure post-disaster structural damage by Generally inclinometers are pendulum-based and can be classi-
applying close-range photogrammetry surveying techniques and fied into three categories: solid-mass pendulum, liquid pendulum
augmented reality visualization. The interstory drift can be and gas pendulum [20–22]. All the pendulum-type inclinometers
obtained by comparing the shifted position of each floor after an are designed based on the influence of the gravitational force to
earthquake with the outer geometry of the building before the the pendulum [20,22,23]. In this paper, a MEMS solid-mass pendu-
earthquake if it is available from the building’s owners or a govern- lum inclinometer that uses capacitance as transduction mecha-
ment database. Indoor experiments have shown that the measure- nism was adopted for experiment. Its internal structure is
ment accuracy is highly related to optical-sensing, positioning illustrated as a simplified analytical model in Fig. 1. A tiny mass
techniques and the resolution of the camera. Deformation during block inserted between two electrodes is connected with the base
an earthquake is not obtainable. This approach is suitable for dam- of the inclinometer through an elastic beam. The mass block is
age diagnosis of civil structures following seismic events but not regarded as a rigid body that no deformation occurs during rota-
applicable for monitoring drift during an earthquake since an tion. As the inclinometer rotates, the gravity of the block bends
absolute reference is absent [12]. the elastic beam and changes the distances between the block
In addition to the approaches discussed above, previous studies and the electrodes. As a result, the capacitance between the two
carried out by Cheung and Kiremidjian indicate the possibility of electrodes and the output voltage changes accordingly. Therefore,
estimating residual drift in single-column structures using rotation the rotation of the inclinometer can be detected by the change of
measurements [13]. This idea derives from the common view that output voltage.
the deflection of a structural member can be calculated by inte- Using MEMS inclinometers for interstory drift measurements
grating the rotation along its longitudinal direction. To extend this offers several advantages over the existing approaches. First, per-
idea to accurate measurements of interstory drift in more complex meant installations of sensors are finished during construction.
structures, however, an appropriate sensor layout should be This avoids difficult and/or repetitive setup which is common in
designed based on the deformation mode of the corresponding some contact (e.g., LVDT measurements) and noncontact (e.g.,
investigated structure. Furthermore, successful implementation vision-based measurements) approaches. Second, environmental
of the rotation-based approach for interstory drift measurement effects such as temperature change and noise can be mitigated
also relies on accurate measurements of rotations. Although gyro- since the sensors are embedded within structural members.
scopes are ideal for tilt measurement due to its stable performance Finally, the MEMS inclinometers measure rotation by taking the
in the presence of high shock and vibration, they are too expensive
to be extensively used in civil engineering structures. In this paper,
a pendulum-type MEMS inclinometer is suggested to be used for
rotation measurements on a single column within building
Inclinometers have long been widely applied to monitor
deformation of bridges, embankments, landslides and so on. As
micro-electronic mechanical system technology has matured,
MEMS-based inclinometer has drawn attention in civil engineering
because of its small size, high sensitivity, low power consumption
and unobtrusive installation. Today, however, it is still new and its
application is still relatively rare. Soil stability monitoring using
MEMS inclinometers for highway embankments and landfill slopes
has been reported in which MEMS inclinometers with working
range of ±15°, a resolution of 0.009°, and long-term stability of less
than 0.004° were used [14]. MEMS inclinometers have also been Fig. 1. Internal structure of a solid-mass pendulum inclinometer.
S. Hou et al. / Construction and Building Materials 185 (2018) 453–467 455
direction of gravity as the reference which is unchangeable under In elastic stage, a single column is assumed to be subjected to a
any circumstances. However, noncontact methods using remote pair of shear forces and a pair of bending moments at its two ends
sensing technologies generally require reference frames which to simulate the real loading conditions. The free body diagram of
might be unobtainable for some building structures. this column and its internal forces is shown in Fig. 4. Through inte-
To summarize, obtaining accurate interstory drift could help gration the rotation and displacement distribution along the col-
advance performance-based SHM since IDR is by far the best indi- umn height can be easily obtained.
cator to correlate with observed damage levels of structures. Exist- Furthermore, the rotation angle of the column along the vertical
ing measurement methods are not qualified for engineering direction is also determined once the interstory drift ratio, say a1,
applications. To accurately obtaining interstory drifts via rotation is known.
measurements, this paper presents a new approach using MEMS
inclinometers and proposes an optimal sensor layout. Firstly, the hðxÞ ¼ 2
lx x2 ð3Þ
deformation modes of a single column in elastic and elastoplastic l
stages were analyzed theoretically. A design method for the opti- The lateral displacement along the vertical direction is
mal deployment of sensors, therefore, can be obtained with accept-
able measurement error anticipated using the deformation mode. yðxÞ ¼ 2
3lx2 2x3 ð4Þ
Three identical RC columns were then tested to verify the feasibil- l
ity of the method, and the monitoring results from the MEMS incli- When the column enters the elastoplastic stage, plastic hinges
nometers were compared with direct LVDT measurements. Finally, emerge at both ends. The analysis of plastic hinge length (lp) is
the monitoring accuracy was quantified, and the sources of widely accepted as a key step in estimating or measuring column
monitoring error will be discussed in terms of the evolution of deformation [24–26]. The plastic hinge of a member can be consid-
the nonlinear behavior of the structure. ered as the region that experiences large inelastic curvature and
over which severe damage is observed. The plastic hinge of a RC
2. Monitoring principles column consists of three zones: a bar yielding zone, a concrete
crushing zone and a curvature concentration zone where the cur-
For a shear-type structure as shown in Fig. 2, its interstory drift vature increases rapidly along the height [27]. This study empha-
can be calculated by integrating the rotation of a column over its sized the curvature concentration zone because it is the most
length [13]. closely related to rotation-based interstory monitoring. For ease
Z of calculation, the elastic deformation is assumed to be constant
y¼ hðxÞdx ð1Þ throughout the elastoplastic stage, that is, ye,u = a1,ul. So the
newly-developed deformation has two components: yp caused by
the rotation within the plastic hinge region, and yr caused by rigid
where h is the angle at any point along the column in the vertical
body rotation of the elastic segment, as shown in Fig. 3.
direction and x is the distance from the point to the base of the col-
In fact, determining the rotation distribution within the plastic
umn. The column’s rotation can be captured by a set of inclinome-
hinge region is not straightforward due to the great scatter in the
ters and the interstory drift can be expressed as
curvature distribution along the length caused by the large disper-
ðhi þ hiþ1 Þ sion of concrete material [28]. It should be noted that the rotation
y¼ D xi ð2Þ of the plastic hinge accounts for most of the total deformation
when the column enters the elastoplastic stage. So correctly mon-
where hi is the rotation angle measured by the ith inclinometer and itoring the development of rotation within the plastic hinge region
Dxi is the distance between the ith and the (i + 1)th inclinometer. is vital when measuring interstory drift. That makes it necessary to
Deploying the inclinometers involves a prior understanding of investigate the distribution of rotation within the plastic hinge
the potential rotation gradient of the column and its nonlinear region and to design a reasonable sensor deployment pattern.
behavior. This requires study of the column’s deformations in the The well-known plastic hinge concept proposed by Park and
elastic and elastoplastic stages. Deformation modes at the elastic Paulay expresses the ultimate inelastic deformation area as is
and elastoplastic limits are shown in Fig. 3. The IDRs of a column shown in Fig. 5(a) [29]. Wu’s group has reported typical curvature
which is fixed at both ends at the elastic and elastoplastic limits distributions for cantilever RC columns under different lateral
are a1,u and a2,u respectively. The final plastic hinge length lp of forces and defined the plastic hinge length as the distance from
the column is a0l, where l is the length of the column and a0 is the column’s bottom to the fixed point dividing the linear part
the ratio of lp to l. and nonlinear part of the curvature distribution [28]. As shown
in Fig. 5(a), increasing lateral force results in a curvature distribu-
tion with a larger amplitude in plastic hinge region, while the
curvature distribution outside of plastic hinge region is linear
and keeps to a straight line.
Based on the characteristics of plastic hinges and the curvature
distribution model presented, a simplified plastic hinge deforma-
tion model of a half-scale column shown in Fig. 5(b) is proposed.
The half-scale column was adopted for analysis since the deforma-
tion of an integral column is supposed to be symmetrical about its
middle section when its two ends are regarded as fixed. The curva-
ture distribution along the height can be simplified to a trilinear
curve consisting of an elastic part and a plastic part. lpa represents
the height below which plastic curvature has developed. As indi-
cated by the simplified model, the curvature of the plastic hinge
tapers linearly from the column’s bottom along its height until
lpp is reached, while the elastic part of the curvature distribution
Fig. 2. Deformation diagram for interstory drift in a shear-type structure. remains the same.
456 S. Hou et al. / Construction and Building Materials 185 (2018) 453–467
Fig. 4. Analytical model of a column: (a) Free body diagram; (b) Shear force diagram; (c) Moment diagram.
The curvature distribution can thus be expressed as and the total displacement is
/ðxÞ ¼ /y ðxÞ þ /p ðxÞ 2 up;u 3 up;u 2
( / y ¼ a1;u l þ up;u lpa lpa þ up;u lpa lpa l 2lpa ¼ a2 l
/y;u 1 2xl p;u x lp 0 6 x 6 lpa ð5Þ 3lp 2lp
/y;u 1 2xl lpa < x 6 0:5l ð8Þ
h ð xÞ ¼ 6 a l ð6Þ So
: 1;u lx x2 up;u l2 þ u lpa lpa < x 6 0:5l
l2 2lp pa p;u
a2;u l a1;u l
/p;u ¼ 2
The displacement distribution is 1
l l
2 p
13 lp
8 a1;u u u
To estimate the value of lp, many researchers have developed
> 3lx2 2x3 þ 2p;u x2 6lp;up x3 0 6 x 6 lpa
< l2
a1;u u 2 u 3
empirical models for the plastic hinge length based on numerous
y ð xÞ ¼ 2 3lx2 2x3 þ 2p;u lpa 6lp;up lpa ð7Þ experiments. Bae and Bayrak have conducted a detailed study of
> l
: þ u l up;u l2 x l
lpa < x 6 0:5l
the influence of axial load, the shear span-to-depth ratio, and the
p;u pa 2lp pa pa
amount of longitudinal reinforcement on lp through a serious of
S. Hou et al. / Construction and Building Materials 185 (2018) 453–467 457
RC column tests [24]. They also concluded several typical models of normally about 1/12 to 1/8 of l. Therefore, lp can be taken as
plastic hinge length shown in Table 1, and compared the measured 3/32 l (i.e. a0 = 3/32). According to China’s Code for Seismic Design
results from their tests with the calculated results using the mod- of Buildings (GB 50011-2010) [30], IDR in the elastic stage should
els to examine the accuracy of the predicted lp using a new expres- be limited to a1,u = 1/550 and in the elastoplastic stage to a2,u =
sion proposed by them. Both the experimental results and the 1/50. Here, a2,u = 1/25 was taken for calculation considering extre-
models gave lps mostly ranging from 0.5 h to 1.0 h under a variety mely large column deformation patterns.
of conditions. Therefore, 0.75 h was adopted in this study for pre- The proposed plastic hinge development model yields the rota-
dicting the plastic hinge length. The height of the cross-section is tion profiles at different drift levels along the height shown in
Fig. 6. The maximum rotation angles at the elastic limit and the
elastoplastic limit are 0.16° and 2.4° respectively. It can be seen
Table 1 that at the elastic limit the rotation varies smoothly along the
Empirical models for plastic hinge length. vertical direction, while in the elastoplastic stage there is drastic
variation in the rotation angle within the plastic hinge region.
Author Plastic hinge length (lp)
Baker z 0:25
lp ¼ k1 k2 k3 d ð1956Þ [31]
0:25 3. Designing an optimal layout
lp ¼ k1 k2 k3 dz d ð1956Þ [32]
0 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Mattock pffiffi
lp ¼ 2d 1 þ 1:14 dz 1 1 qq q
16:2 [33] Given the features of this deformation mode, inclinometers
Elastic limit Elastoplastic limit respectively, and the vertical distance between them is xAB. The
angle between line AB and the vertical direction is hAB. The vertical
1/550) ( 4%)
deformation between A and B could be ignored assuming small
deformation, so the lateral deformation between A and B can
Elastic region approximately be expressed as
0.8 Plastic region
yAB xAB hAB ð11Þ
Height (l)
hAB is estimated by the mean value of hA and hB, and the result-
1% 2% 3%
0.4 ing error is
hAB hA þh
0.2 d¼ 2
0.0 Using Eq. (3), the rotations at points A and B are
0 1 2
Drift ratio Rotation ( )
hA ¼ 6a1 aA a2A ð13Þ
Fig. 6. Rotation profile evolution. and
hB ¼ 6a1 aB a2B ð14Þ
respectively. Thus, the mean value of hA and hB is
hA þ hB
¼ 3a1 aA þ aB a2B þ a2A ð15Þ
Using Eq. (4), the lateral displacements at point A and B are
yA ¼ a1 3a2A 2a3A ð16Þ
yB ¼ a1 3a2B 2a3B ð17Þ
respectively. Thus, the angle between the line AB and the vertical
direction is
yAB yB yA
hAB ¼ ¼ ¼ a1 3ðaA þ aB Þ 2 a2A þ a2B þ aA aB ð18Þ
xAB aB aA
hAB is actually unobtainable and is approximated by the mean
value of hA and hB, hence the absolute error is
Fig. 7. Instrumentation layout of MEMS inclinometers.
hA þ hB
hAB ¼ a1 ðaB aA Þ2 ¼ a1 Da2 ð19Þ
Moreover, an optimal layout for inclinometers requires the The absolute monitoring error of the lateral displacement
study on minimizing the monitoring error caused by the disparity between points A and B is
between the real and the measured rotation profile. The deforma-
tion between any two adjacent inclinometers is presented hA þ hB 3
hAB xAB ¼ a1 ðaB aA Þ ¼ a1 Da3 ð20Þ
schematically in Fig. 8. The angles at points A and B are hA and hB 2
A single column installed with m inclinometers along the verti- the sensors’ signals can also be influential. So m = 8 is suggested
cal direction are divided into m + 1 segments with lengths denoted here. For a typical column with height of 3 m, the distance between
by Da1, Da2. . . Dam+1, so the absolute error of lateral deformation sensors is about 333 mm.
of the entire column is In the elastoplastic stage the plastic hinge propagates from the
ends of the column as the interstory drift increases. Since accurate
a1 Da31 þ a1 Da32 þ a1 Da3mþ1 ¼ a1 Da3i ð21Þ prediction of the real length of the plastic hinge is difficult, the dis-
i¼1 parity between the real length and the pre-assumed length should
be considered in estimating the monitoring errors. The ratio of the
Using Jensen’s inequality, real value of lp to the pre-assumed value was assumed to be 0.5, 1.0
a1 Da31 þ a1 Da32 þ a1 Da3mþ1 or 1.5 for considering under-, proper- or over-estimation of the
3 plastic hinge length, respectively. The number n was assumed to
1 a1
¼ a1 Da3i P a1 ðm þ 1Þ ¼ ð22Þ be 1, 2 or 3. The deployments of inclinometers within the pre-
mþ1 ðm þ 1Þ2 assumed plastic hinge region are presented in Fig. 10. By compar-
ing the drift ratio deduced from measured rotations using Eq. (2)
which means inclinometers should be equally spaced along the col- and the given real drift ratio, the monitoring error can be obtained.
umn height to minimize the monitoring error. So the minimum rel- First, the number of inclinometers deployed within the plastic
ative error of the interstory drift is hinge region was assumed to be 3 and the monitoring error varia-
a1 1 tions with different actual values of lp, were studied, see Fig. 11(a).
¼ ð23Þ The actual plastic hinge length was then supposed to be fixed at 1.0
ðm þ 1Þ2 a1 ð m þ 1Þ 2
lp and the monitoring error variations with different values of n
The relationship between monitoring error and number m in were compared, see Fig. 11(b). The two figures show that the mon-
the elastic stage is shown in Fig. 9. It can be seen that when m is itoring error increases rapidly as the column deformation enters
larger than 4, the monitoring error can be controlled down to 5% the elastoplastic stage, then deceases gradually as the drift ratio
that is acceptable from the perspective of engineering. More incli- increases further. Fig. 11(a) shows clearly that once enough sensors
nometers than predicted should probably be deployed because are installed within the plastic hinge region, the length of the ulti-
some other error sources such as installation error and noise in mate plastic hinge has little influence on the amplitude of any
monitoring error. However, it can be seen from Fig. 11(b) that
25 under the assumption of a correctly-estimated plastic hinge length,
too few sensors deployed in the plastic hinge region can greatly
20 reduce the monitoring accuracy (e.g. the maximum monitoring
error when n = 1 increases to 7.6%). So for the sake of an acceptable
monitoring accuracy, inclinometers should be densely distributed
Error (%)
2.5 8 n=1
0.5 lp 7 n=3
1.0 lp 6
the actual plastic hinge lenth
is assumed to be 1.0 lp
1.5 lp 5
Error (%)
Error (%)
Elastic limit 4
1.0 3
0.5 the number n is assumed to be 3
Elastic limit
0.0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Drif Ratio (%) Drift Ratio (%)
(a) (b)
Fig. 11. Monitoring error vs. drift ratio with: (a) different plastic hinge lengths; (b) different sensor numbers.
elastic stage, the monitoring error is dominated by the number of dominated and contributes more and more to the total deforma-
measured points on the column. Secondly, for a single column tion of the column.
undergoing large deformation in elastoplastic stage, the displace-
ment caused by rigid-body rotation of the elastic segment, 4. Experimental program
namely yr shown in Fig. 3, makes up most of the column’s defor-
mation. Thus, the monitoring error will not be significant as long 4.1. Specimen details
as the plastic hinge rotation is measured accurately, which is
guaranteed by densely-distributing sensors within pre-assumed In order to verify the feasibility of using MEMS inclinometers
plastic hinge region. Moreover, as IDR continues to increase after for interstory drift monitoring, a series of loading tests on RC col-
large inelastic deformation, decreasing monitoring error is umns were carried out. Three identical concrete columns denoted
expected because the portion of rigid-body displacement has C1, C2 and C3 were tested. The dimensions and reinforcement
layout of the columns are shown in Fig. 12. Each specimen con- on two parallel thin steel wires using plastic straps. The steel wires
sisted of a 1600 mm 400 mm 400 mm column cast integrally were then soldered to the adjacent stirrup. Inclinometers were
with a 1500 mm 650 mm 600 mm stub at the bottom, and a deployed along the central axis of the column where the influence
700 mm 650 mm 400 mm cap at the top for convenient load- of concrete damage and reinforcement yielding was assumed to be
ing. Each tested column represents the lower half part of a com- the least. Fig. 15 shows the test system.
plete column in a frame structure, and each stub represents a As recommended by the discussion of lp expression in the pre-
footing which could be regarded as a rigid body in an earthquake. vious section, lp was assumed to be 3/4 of the height of the
Eight HRB 400 steel bars (Hot-rolled Ribbed Bar, fyk = 400 cross-section (i.e. 300 mm) for each column, and four inclinome-
N/mm2) with a diameter of 22 mm were used as longitudinal rein- ters (Inc1–4) were placed in the pre-assumed plastic hinge region,
forcement, and HRB 335 steel bars 10 mm in diameter (fyk = 335 with Inc1 placed at the base of the column to measure the rigid
N/mm2) were used as stirrups with a spacing of 100 mm in the body rotation of the stub. For convenience of installation, the spac-
densely-distributed region. The concrete strength for all specimens ings between two adjacent inclinometers are 130 mm, 100 mm
was designed to be grade C30. Concrete cubes cured in the same and 100 mm from the bottom up. Based on the analysis presented
environment as the specimens were also taken to monitor the in Section 3, for a half-scale column, two MEMS inclinometers are
strength, and the average measured cube strength was 33.5 MPa needed for the rotation measurement in the elastic region. In fact,
after 28 days of curing. in this experiment four were used (Inc5–8) to be conservative. The
distances between inclinometers from Inc4 to Inc8 were 250 mm,
4.2. Measurement and test setup 300 mm, 250 mm and 300 mm. The top of the column housed Inc8.
Two LVDTs were mounted on a steel frame to monitor the lat-
To simulate real seismic loading, all of the columns were tested eral displacement of the column top relative to the column base
under constant axial load combined with reserved cyclic lateral to obtain the column deformation, which were assumed to give
force, as shown in Fig. 13. A constant axial force of 800 kN was benchmark results for checking the accuracy of monitoring results
applied first with an axial load ratio of 0.22 on the top surface of based on inclinometers.
the column cap using a hydraulic jack to simulate the dead load
in a real structure. The reversed cyclic lateral displacement load 5. Test results and discussions
was applied through a servo-hydraulic test machine (MTS High-
Force servo hydraulic test system, Model 311.41, USA). 5.1. Structure response
The MEMS inclinometer adopted was manufactured using a SCA
100T chip developed by Murata Electronics Oy (Vantaa, Finland) as The drift ratios of the three columns as measured by the LVDTs
the sensing element. The deployment of the sensors is shown in are presented in Fig. 16. Deformation control was used during the
Fig. 13. Each column was fitted with eight MEMS inclinometers cyclic loading with increasing amplitudes. The LVDT measure-
denoted by Inc1 to Inc8 for rotation measurement. The inclinome- ments were normal except for Column3 during the first 150 s,
ters were 25 mm 25 mm 10 mm, as shown in Fig. 14(a). Before when the core wire of the LVDT somehow became stuck in one
casting the concrete, the inclinometers were pre-positioned in the direction. The maximum drift ratios for Column1, Column2,
rebar case as shown in Fig. 14(b). Each inclinometer was first fixed and Column3 were 2.2%, 3.3%, 3.1%, respectively. The
force-deformation hysteresis loops of the three columns are shown The plastic hinge regions of the three columns are shown in
in Fig. 17. The hysteresis loops were plump, indicating good ductil- Fig. 18. The lengths of the plastic hinges lie in the range of
ity of the three columns. The maximum horizontal thrust was 130 to 230 mm, within which only one or two MEMS inclinome-
about 220 kN for each column. A vertical load of 800 kN was main- ters were placed apart from the one at the bottom of the
tained throughout the loading. column.
(a) Column 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Drift ratio (%)
2 (b) Column 2
2 (c) Column3
-2 LVDT stuck
Fig. 17. Lateral force-displacement hysteresis loops of: (a) Column1; (b) Column2; (c) Column3.
All of the inclinometers worked well except Inc2 of Column 2 The relative rotations within the pre-assumed plastic hinge
which failed during installation. The rotation angles measured by region (i.e. Inc1–4) and the relative rotation between Inc4 and
Inc2 to Inc8 for the three columns are shown in Fig. 19. The max- Inc8 are presented in Fig. 21. The figure shows that the plastic
imum value was about 2°. hinge developed mostly in the area between Inc1 and Inc2 and
Column rotation profiles at different peak deformation levels to a much smaller extent in the area between Inc2 and Inc3 if
are shown Fig. 20. It shows that after the elastic limit a plastic the drift ratio was larger than 2%. But it rarely developed in the
hinge developed in a pattern consistent with the results of the ana- area between Inc3 and Inc4. As has been discussed, the plastic
lytical model shown in Fig. 6. After the column deformation hinge can be thought of as a region where large inelastic curvature
entered the elastoplastic stage, the additional rotation concen- occurs. Fig. 21(a) and (c) show that the relative rotation between
trated in the plastic hinge region. Inc2 and Inc3 increased rapidly as the drift ratio exceeded 2%,
(a) Column1
2 Inc3~Inc8
(b) Column 2
Rotation ( )
0 50 100 150 200 250
2 Inc2~Inc8
1 (c) Column 3
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (s)
Height (mm)
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Rotation ( ) Rotation ( ) Rotation ( )
(a) Column 1 (a) Column 2 (a) Column 3
Fig. 20. Column rotation profiles at different deformation levels.
1.0 1.5
Inc2-Inc1 Inc3-Inc1 Inc2-Inc1
Relative rotation ( )
LVDT Inclinometer
1 (a) Column 1
Fig. 22. Drift ratios measured by the MEMS inclinometers and LVDTs.
which means the large curvature had propagated to the region nometers’ output. Based on the development of relative rotation
between those two inclinometers. The development of plastic between inclinometers, the approximate ultimate lengths of
hinge length can therefore be roughly monitored using the incli- the plastic hinges for columns 1 and 3 were 0.35 h and 0.5 h
S. Hou et al. / Construction and Building Materials 185 (2018) 453–467 465
respectively, which is smaller than predicted. The monitoring of concrete and yielding of the steel bars, the increased deforma-
results conform well to the observation to columns’ exterior dam- tion concentrated in the plastic hinge region. In the theoretical
age as shown in Fig. 18. analysis the transition stage was not considered, and that is where
The growth rate of the relative rotation between Inc4 and Inc8 the difference comes from. In addition, the P-D effect caused by the
dropped dramatically as the drift ratio came to exceed 1.5% to 2%. axial force and the increase in the drift ratio could also have led to
The plastic hinge region had apparently developed to the extent the large deformation in the upper part of column at the beginning
that increased deformation of the plastic hinge made up almost of the elastoplastic stage when the plastic hinge region was not
all of the newly-developed column deformation. This is different seriously damaged.
from the theoretical assumption that the deformation outside the
plastic hinge region remains the same in the elastoplastic stage.
The discrepancy can be explained by the fact that the bottom part 5.2. Error analysis
of the column was far from severely damaged when the deforma-
tion first entered the elastoplastic stage, so the effect of the plastic The accuracy of the drift ratios obtained from rotation monitor-
hinge was not very significant. However, with the further crushing ing was evaluated by comparing them with those from the LVDT
measurements. Fig. 22 shows the monitored drift ratio given by
the MEMS inclinometers and the LVDTs. The waveforms from the
10 two measurements appear consistent except for the cases where
the LVDT failed. The monitoring errors in the drift ratios from the
Column 1
inclinometers for the three columns are presented in Fig. 23. It
8 Column 2
shows that the monitoring error increased significantly as soon
Column 3
as the columns entered the elastoplastic stage and then decreased
6 gradually with further increases in the drift ratio. The maximum
Error (%)
monitoring errors for Columns 1, 2 and 3 are 5.9%, 8.7%, and 8.1%
respectively, with a mean value of 7.6%. The monitoring error
development shows a pattern similar to that indicated in the the-
oretical analysis but with greater amplitudes, though still in an
2 acceptable range.
The larger amplitude of monitoring error in experiment might
0 have two causes. First, the plane cross-section assumption adopted
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 in formulating the theoretical model might be invalid due to yield-
Drift Ratio (%) ing of the steel bars and the crushing of concrete in the plastic
hinge region. As a result, the rotation monitored by the inclinome-
Fig. 23. Variation of the monitoring error with column drift ratio. ters deployed in the plastic hinge region would be inaccurate, since
7 10 10
8 8
Error (%)
4 6 6
3 4 4
All used All used All used
2 2
1 Inc5 & Inc7 not used Inc5 & Inc7 not used Inc5 & Inc7 not used
0 0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Drift Ratio (%) Drift ratio (%) Drift ratio (%)
(a) Column 1 (b) Column 2 (c) Column 3
Fig. 24. The influence of the number of inclinometers deployed in the elastic region on monitoring error.
10 10 12
8 8 10
Error (%)
6 6
4 4
All used 4 All used
Inc2 not used Inc2 not used Inc2 not used
2 2 2
Inc2 & Inc3 not used Inc2 & Inc3 not used Inc2 & Inc3 not used
0 0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Drift ratio (%) Drift ratio (%) Drift ratio (%)
(a) Column 1 (b) Column 2 (c) Column 3
Fig. 25. The influence of the number of inclinometers in the plastic hinge region on monitoring error.
466 S. Hou et al. / Construction and Building Materials 185 (2018) 453–467
they were installed along the central axis of the column. The theo- crushing were ignored in the theoretical analysis. The sub-
retical analysis suggests that the accuracy of the plastic hinge rota- stantial scatter in the curvature distribution was also inade-
tion measurements is vital to the monitoring error. Then, as quately represented in the simplified analytical deformation
discussed in Section 2, the curvature distribution in the plastic model.
hinge region has a lot of scatter while in the theoretical model it (4) Too few inclinometers deployed in the elastic region
has been simplified. That would be an important difference adversely affected the monitoring quality within the small
between the theoretical rotation model and the actual situation drift ratio range, more so than at larger deformations. On
leading to differences between the deduced monitoring error and the other hand, sparse deployment of inclinometers in the
that experimentally observed. Second, the experimental results plastic hinge region leads to greater errors when the drift
show clearly that the curvature distribution is much more concen- ratio is small than when the deformation is large.
trated in the region below Inc2 than predicted by the theoretical
analysis. Thus the rotation development below Inc2 was not accu- The present study has proved the feasibility of using MEMS
rately monitored. Too few sensors were deployed in that region inclinometers to monitor interstory drift in a single-column exper-
based on the theoretical model. iment with the optimal sensor layout. It’s noteworthy that imple-
The influence of the number of inclinometers deployed in both menting the method to single-story structures or more complex
the elastic region and the plastic hinge region on the monitoring structures could further test its applicability and accuracy. Future
error was also studied. For the elastic region, Inc5 and Inc7 are studies should focus on clarifying the relationship between mea-
assumed to be missing for drift monitoring, and the monitoring sured interstory drifts and damage states, which is crucial to the
errors of the three columns in that case are shown in Fig. 24. If emerging performance-based SHM approaches. In addition, the
Inc5 and Inc7 were not used, the monitoring error would be signif- increasingly mature wireless sensors network could greatly reduce
icantly greater, especially in the small drift ratio range. The mean the cost and thus potentially actualize wide application of the pro-
value of the maximum errors of three columns increases by 20.8%. posed method.
For the plastic hinge region, two cases were considered. One
assumed that Inc2 was not used and the other that both Inc2 and
Conflict of interest
Inc3 were eliminated. The variations of monitoring errors for the
three columns are shown in Fig. 25. Significant increases were found
The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.
in both cases, especially in the large drift ratio range. In the two
cases, the mean maximum error of the three columns would
increase by 19.6% and 45.0% respectively. So skimping on incli- Acknowledgements
nometers in the plastic hinge region leads to lower monitoring accu-
racy in the elastoplastic stage, though it has less influence in the Joint financial supports from the National Science Foundation of
elastic stage, as predicted in the analysis of Section 3, see Fig. 11(b). China (Grant No. 51261120376) and the National Basic Research
Program of China (973 Program, Granted No. 2015CB057704) are
gratefully acknowledged.
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