KELOMPOK 4 - 6A PBI - Final Task of Qualitative Research Method

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An Analysis of Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Listening during Covid-19 Pandemic at

the Second Semester of English Department UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta


Submitted as a Partial Requirement for the Undergraduate Degree in

English Language Education


Jovita Virgiannisa Dewi (196121015)

Intan Kumala Sari (196121025)

Putik Prameidya (196121031)

Fresta Enjelysa Septiani (196121033)

Siti Nur Laila (196121034)






A. Background of Study
Learning strategies over the last 20 years have become a staple in ELT, where
they spread from language learning to communication to reading comprehension.
However, there is one problem in this case is that there is still confusion over the
definitions, which vary widely, and from this broad definition it is not possible to all
relate to language learning. As stated by Wenden' that everything or every meaning has
its own more specific characteristics, as provided by Oxford and Cohen, researchers
disagree about whether or not a strategy is conscious. So it can be concluded, the use of
strategies involves some level of awareness of a student. However, as a teacher you are
required to have a high level of concentration. Because if the strategy is used
unconsciously then the strategy training will make no sense. In applying reading
comprehension strategies to listening, skepticism is a good application. Where when we
watch in the cinema, we assume to improve listening skills (Ridgway, 2000).
Listening is one of the important skills taught in language acquisition. Listening
strategies are important things that need to be taught to second language learners, because
this method is something that is needed and also often ignored by people. There are
many types of listening, which are generally taught by teachers to learners according to
their needs. In listening comprehension, each unit has aspects, strategies and stages
(Mendelsohn, 1984) .In learning listening can increase language awareness which is the
first receptive skill that develops in humans. The perfect voice, rhythm, intonation, and
stress in a language can only be adjusted through listening. On the other hand, when
enjoying the nuances of a particular language, one is required to be able to listen.
Because, listening skills can also increase confidence and other skills (Renukadevi,
Increasingly, the learning environment is an important part of explaining students'
motivation for school and their learning outcomes. Not only students, teachers are also
an important factor in shaping the learning environment and creating comfort in that
learning environment. This study will also discuss how far the teacher's motivational

strategies in learning occur and what the underlying reasons are. It is stated that teacher
motivation strategies can be influenced by factors from below which refer to the special
characteristics of the class population. Teachers' perceptions of abilities and backgrounds
can affect student learning outcomes (Hornstra, Mansfield, Veen, Peetsma, & Volman,
2015). In the teaching strategies carried out by the teacher, there is a record of the
difficulties experienced by the teacher in implementing the teaching curriculum. This
gives rise to a curriculum development goal and a set of successful implementation
guidelines directing a centralized approach to curriculum design (Aziz, 1989).
The learning strategy for the last 20 years has unfortunately experienced one
problem in the past 2-3 years, namely the COVID-19 pandemic. This brought about rapid
changes in travel, study environment, working conditions, and social support which
caused stress for many university students. Learning that was originally face-to-face
turned into online, as well as listening learning. The purpose of this study was to
determine the listening learning strategies used by teachers and lecturers during the
pandemic. This study involved second semester students to become informants (Vidas,
Larwood, Nelson, & Dingle, 2021).
B. Problem Statement
Based on the background of the problem that has been described previously, then The
formulation of the problem in this study is as follows:
1) What are strategies in teaching listening during covid -19 pandemic at the second
semester of english department UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta?
2) Why did the teacher choose this strategy to teach listening at the English
department of UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta? And how do teachers implement
these strategies?
C. Limitation of Study
To limit the scope of research in analyzing the problem, research findings should
be limited in this study. It focuses on teacher's teaching method in teaching listening in
the English department of UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta.
D. Research Objectives
Based on the problem formulation written above, the objectives of this research are as

1) Describe the strategies used by teachers in teaching listening at the English
Department of UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta.
2) To find out why teachers choose these strategies and how teachers apply these
strategies in teaching.
E. Significance of Research
The significance of this research can be seen from both theoretical and practical benefits,
as described below:
1) Theoretical significance. With this research, it is hoped that the results of this study
can one of the references for teachers and lecturers in teaching English, especially
in listening class. We will get more information about how teachers apply listening
teaching strategies in the English department of UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta
2) Practical significance Practically, the results of this study are expected to provide
some benefits for teachers, students and schools to earn more information about
teacher strategies in teaching English.
a. For teachers. This research can be useful as additional information for teach
listening innovatively and find suitable ways to teach listen. They can adapt
teaching strategies to achieve goals in teaching listening.
b. For future researchers. This research is expected to be useful for further
researchers to get information about how to teach listening.
c. For school. This research can provide solutions for related investigations
problems about the teacher's strategy in teaching listening and improving the
teacher's strategy to be more targeted and achieve the objectives of teaching
F. Definition Of Keyterms
To avoid misunderstanding, the researcher explained some words used in this tittle of
1) Listening Strategies
Listening strategies are ways to understand the speech easily or make the
speech easier to comprehend.
2) Teacher's strategies

Teacher's strategies are methods and techniques that a teacher will use to
support their pupils or students through the learning process, a teacher will choose
the teaching strategy most suitable to the topic being studied, the level of
expertise of the learner, and the stage in their learning journey.



A. Previous Research Findings

Before the researcher did the study, the researcher checked the other studies to
find whether there are some similar studies or not. The researcher takes reviews from
following research findings.
First, the previous research finding that can be a consideration theory is taken
from thesis of Satya Wacana Cristian University, by Ainul Yakin with the title
“Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Listening to Students of SMPN 1 Banyubiru”. The
research employed qualitative approach. This research focused on describing teachers’
strategies in teaching listening. The researcher analyzed the data using descriptive
qualitative research method. He took data from three English teachers of SMP 1
Banyubiru as participants. The result of this study is the teachers in SMPN 1 Banyubiru
tended to use bottom-up activities in teaching listening class rather than top-down
activities. The tendency of using Bottom-up activities could raise students’ perception
that they should comprehend or understand every single word that was used in the
listening activities.
The similarity of this previous research and this research is about the analysis
teachers’ strategies in teaching listening. Whereas, the differences between the previous
research and this research are that the previous research just focused in describe the
teacher strategies in teaching listening at the regular class and in the normal situation,
while this research observes the teachers’ strategies in teaching listening employed at
bilingual class and during pandemic era.
Second, the previous research finding that can be a consideration theory is taken
from journal written by Sherly Argisila Br Ginting, Nani Lestari Situmorang, Monika Br
Boangmanalu, entitled “Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Listening”. The researcher
analyzed the data using descriptive qualitative research method. The research focused on
observed the teachers who teaching English in grade 9th SMPNurcahaya Medan to
analyze the strategies in teaching listening comprehension. The result of the study ; there
are several strategies which used by the English teachers in teaching listening, the

strategies are taking note, summarizing and paying attention. The teachers using these
three strategies because students feel difficult to do the listening comprehension without
the helping tools like the taking note and the summarizing, and students also feel that
listening is uninteresting so the teachers using the paying attention strategies. The
teachers do the strategies step by step from the simplest ways.
The similarity of this previous research and this research is about the analysis
about teachers’ strategies in teaching listening. Whereas, the differences between the
previous research and this research is the participants. In previous research analyzed the
teachers’ strategies at the regular class, while this research will analyze the teachers’
strategies in teaching listening at bilingual class.
Third, the previous research finding that can be a consideration theory is taken
from thesis written by Tari Putri Utami. The title is “An Analysis of Teachers’ Strategies
On English E-Learning Classes during Covid-19 Pandemic”. The research employed
qualitative approach and case study method. The research focused on describing the
teachers’ strategies on English e-learning classes during covid-19 pandemic era. The
researcher took data from English teachers at MTs Sudirman Getasan. The result of this
study is the teachers use different strategies because the expected skill output is different,
for writing skills the teacher uses 3 strategies namely planning, drafting, and editing. As
for listening skills, the teacher applies several strategies such as listening to songs,
writing song lyrics, matching lyrics, and finally sing a song. But both of them use the
video-based learning model and also virtual education through WhatsApp. Strategies in
teaching through e-learning classes during the COVID-19 pandemic greatly assisted
teachers in the teaching and learning process to achieve learning goal.
The similarity of this previous research and this study is about the analysis
teachers’ strategies in teaching English skill during covid-19 pandemic era. Whereas, the
differences between the previous research and this research are that the previous research
analyzed about teachers’ strategies in teaching listening, speaking, reading, and writing
skill. While, this research focuses only in teachers’ strategies in teaching listening during
pandemic era.

B. Review of Literature
On this review literature, the researcher presents the theoretical framework of the
related literature that relevant to the topic is about the definition of listening, teaching
listening, strategies in teaching listening, problematic in teaching listening, pandemic era,
and teaching in pandemic era.
1. Listening
a. Definition of Listening
Listening is the ways of people to communicate in order to
understand on what speaker deliver to others in daily life, and also is the
most important elements in studying of foreign language. Listening is a
“receptive skill” where people get the idea according to what they heard.
Listening involves an active process which requires an analysis of sounds.
In contrast in simple ways the definition of listening is the activity of
paying attention and trying to get meaning or information from something
we hear. (Janah, 2021)
Listening is one of skills in language and it is the key to all
effective communication. In a communication listening take 40-50%. (P &
A, 2011) Listening is an active process in which the receiver assumes a
responsibility. The psychological process of listening begins with some
own awareness or attention to sounds or speech pattern, proceeds through
identification and recognition of specific auditory signal and ends
comprehension. Listening comprehension is when a people can catch and
understand for a word that he/she had heard. (Janah, 2021)
b. Teaching Listening
Teaching is guiding and facilities learning, enabling the learner to
learn, and setting the condition for learning. The other definition of
teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something,
giving instruction, guiding in the study of something, providing
knowledge, causing to know or understand. Teaching a language is
essentially taught the communicate. (Janah, 2021)

Teaching listening is the active process of receiving and
responding to spoken where is the teacher as the speaker and the student
as the listener in process direct learning listening. According Broughton
(1980) that listening calls for active participation in the communication
between the participants and a receptive skill is involved in understanding
the message. Teaching listening comprehension is about developing
listening comprehension skills in the language classroom.
c. Strategies in Teaching Listening
Listening strategy is a technique or activities that can help students
in develop their listening ability. So, these are some strategies that can
develop students’ ability in listening skill.
1. Top-down processe
Top-down process refers to the use of background in
understanding the meaning of a message. Top-down process refers
to the prior knowledge to understand the information received. In
the other word top-down processing focus on “big” pictures, big
pictures here mean the general meaning of a listening text.
(Mandarani, 2016)
Top-down strategies rely on students knowing something
about the topic and either knowing how particular exchanges in
certain social situation. Top-down strategies are listener based, the
listener taps into background knowledge of the topic, the situation
or context, the type of text, and the language. This background
knowledge activates a set of expectations that help the listener to
interpret what is heard and anticipate what will come next Top-
down strategies include listening for the main idea, predicting
drawing inferences, and summarizıng.
2. Bottom-up processes
The bottom-up processing model assumes that listening is a
process of decoding the sounds that one hears in a linear fashion.
The bottom-up processing involves constructing meaning from the

smallest unit of the spoken language to the largest one in a linear
mode. Thus, the learners attempt to understand a spoken discourse
by decoding a member of sounds to form words.
Next, words are linked to form phrases, which make up
sentences these sentences build a complete text, the meaning of
which is then constructed by the listeners. In addition to the
grammatical relationships, stress, rhythm and intonation also
substantially contribute to this data driven processing.Learners can
be trained to perform this processing, for instance, by activities that
require them to discriminate two sounds or distinguish rising and
falling intonations.
d. Problematic in Teaching Listening
The problems about listening have newly started to be examined.
In order to have success in listening, problems about listening in second
language should be firstly identified. It can be seen from the general
problems in listening to ELT that have been identified and can be seen
from the category of the group. It is vital to identify these problems
confronted by students and to find solutions to these problems. According
to Goh the most common problems faced by students in listening in the
order of frequency are quickly forgetting what is heard, not recognizing
the words they know, understanding the message but not the intended
message, neglecting next part while thinking about meaning, enabling to
form a mental representation from words heard. (C, 2000)
The problems also come from the environment, when the students
do the listening comprehension practice. A noisy environment when
listening will break the students’ concentration and makes they will forget
what they had heard before. The listening problem also can come from the
students psychological characteristics this condition impact the influences
of the students listening comprehension. Besides the materials, the
problem sometimes come from the listener which cannot listen well
especially when they hear the unfamiliar word they will confuse and

cannot take relation between the words. Beside that in the listening, the
speaker plays the biggest role, when the speaker cannotspeak or spell the
word clearly the listener also cannot hear the words clearly. The physical
settings while listening the place, time, environment, and the tools in
listening also give the effect in listening comprehension result. (Ginting,
2. Pandemic Era
a. Definition of pandemic era
A pandemic is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across
a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a
substantial number of people. A widespread endemic disease with a stable
number of infected people is not a pandemic. Widespread endemic diseases
with a stable number of infected people such as recurrences of seasonal
influenza are generally excluded as they occur simultaneously in large regions
of the globe rather than being spread worldwide. Pandemic hit Indonesia since
March 2020. The pandemic has been rocked with a coronavirus or COVID-
19. This virus was first discovered in Wuhan, Hubal, China. After covid-19 hit
Indonesia to minimizing the transmission of infections the disease the
government given instruction minimizing activities in a public, and always to
social distancing.
Social distancing is a term applied to certain actions that are taken by
public health officials to stop or slow down the spread of a highly contagious
disease. With this pandemic, the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem
Makarim issued a circular handling of the COVID-19 outbreak. The handling
instruction was aimed at the Department of Education at the provincial,
district, and city levels, higher education institutions, higher education leaders,
and principals through SE Number 3 of 2020 concerning prevention of
COVID-19 on the education unit. From the instruction the education in
Indonesia changing the learning system from conventional to eleaning.
b. Teaching in pandemic era

After COVID-19 hit Indonesia in mid-March 2020, in order to reduce the
number of COVID19 patients, the provincial government and local
governments produced education policies in education that negated the need
to learn face to face, and instead replaced it with online learning, both at
school and college level. Changing the learning system from conventional to
e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has many challenges. Many
students live in areas without reliable internet access and/or struggle to get
internet signal, such as those studying in hilly areas or higher places; internet
quota limitations of students and teachers; the gap seen in the whole country
and even in Indonesia, only 34% of whom do elearning, according to OECD
data. Governments, stakeholders, educational institutions, teachers and
students must work together to find the right method to use in the learning
process, which is changing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools or
universities in Indonesia experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic can imitate
and adopt the learning system that has been implemented by the Univeristas
Terbuka. Thus the learning system that was originally face to face in the
classroom or on campus can switch to using e-learning. The learning process
of future pandemic demands COVID-19 teachers to be able to take advantage
of all the existing digital media to be utilized as learning materials. With the
changing learning system, teachers, students in the future will begin familiar
with the use of technology in the learning process and not possible future open
learning process is no longer done in class or face to face. (Fansury, 2020)
The Indonesian government's implementation of large-scale social
restrictions has impacted the routines of the community and students in the
learning system. Distance learning or using online systems have provided
solutions for schools that are starting to implement the School from Home
(SFH) system. SFH is a program that migrates the learning process from
school to home. Based on the instructions of the Ministry of Education and
Culture, schools are to organize online learning to provide a meaningful
learning experience for students without being burdened with the demands of
achieving all curriculum requirements. In this, SFH considers the health and

safety of students, educators, education staff, and the community.
(Rasmitadila, 2020)
Teachers, as the spearhead of the implementation of online learning, must
be able to condition all instructional components. These include instructional
methods, media that will be used in learning, use of instructional time related
to the time of application use, and psychological and social factors that
significantly affect teachers' motivation when teaching. Teachers have tasks
and responsibilities that are not easily transferrable when they must change
from the face-to-face learning system in the classroom to an online system
coupled with online learning experiences that have never been implemented
before. A teacher must overcome all the problems that occur in online
learning responsively so that the learning continues to achieve the targets set.



In this chapter, the writer would like to explain the methods of this research. It consists of
research design, research setting, data sources, research instrument, data sampling technique,
data collection technique, data validation technique, and data analysis technique.

A. Research Design
In this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative research that focuses on the
analysis of teachers’ strategies in listening English on online learning class. It describes
the strategies of listening used by the teacher of the Critical and Evaluative Listening
Subject in the second semester of English Education UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta.
Qualitataive research is used to describe and analyze the abilities, forms, uniqueness,
variations of words produced by teachers in online learning class.
According to Creswell (2014) qualitative research is a research with an approach
to understanding the meaning of individual or group and exploring social or human
problems. Moreover, Sutopo and Arief in Utami (2020) stated that the aimed of
qualitative is to describe and analyze a phenomenon, event, social activity, attitude,
perception of each individual or in a particular group. The type of this research was
inductive, where the data at the location would be the main source of the phenomenon
and problems in the observation process.
So it can be concluded that descriptive qualitative trying to describe a social
phenomenon in the form of words. The main purpose of descriptive research is to
describe the state of view as it exists today. Simply stated, this is a fact-finding
investigation. In descriptive research, conclusions can certainly be accepted, but it
doesn’t build a cause and effect relationship.
B. Research Setting
The researcher conducted the research at one of the class in the second semester
of English Education Department in UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta that has the Critical
and Evaluating Listening subject through online platform. The reason of the researcher

chose the class is to know and understand the teacher strategies on the teaching listening.
The research was done from 26th April 2022 until 2nd Mei 2022.
C. Data and Data Sources
1. Data
Data is interpreted as a representation of information or notes on a collection of
facts in the form of text or numeric forms (sequence of numbers, letters, images, etc.).
Data in this research were in the form or written text in the field notes, and interview
transcript. Data is an important aspect in conducting qualitative descriptive research.
From these data, researcher obtained information about the teacher’s strategy in
teaching listening in the Critical and Evaluating Listening class of the second
semester English Education Department.
2. Data Source
Data source is a person, something, or a place that provides information related to
research. According to Moleong in Utami (2020) the primary data sources in
qualitative research is words and actions. More than that is additional data such as
documents and other. The primary data sources in this research were interview and
the evidence of the learning process from teachers in teaching listening.
D. Research Instrument
The instrument of this research is the researcher herself because the research is
the descriptive qualitative research. The researcher has the main role in looking for the
data or information related to teachers’ strategies in teaching listening on online learning
class that researcher focused on.
The researcher also uses some supporting instruments;
a. Observation
The Research has been observations to the school to 4 times and saw the teacher
teaching through zoom, the researcher used file note when the learning process took
place and documented it.
b. Interview
The Research has conducted interviews with 2 English teachers and recorded what
the teacher said. The researcher also did documentation and file note to strengthen the

E. Data Collection Technique
In this research, the researcher used some techniques in collecting the data. It aims to
get a valid information about the teaching learning listening programs and activities
which makes the students active. These are the instrument that used to collect the data:
1. Observation
In this research, the researcher is a passive participant because the researcher only
wants to know teachers’ activity in the class when they applied the strategy.
Observation is a study that involves a systematic recording of a phenomenon or a
certain behavior that can be observed in the natural environment. Observation is a
method of generating data which involve the research setting and systematically
observing dimensions of the setting interactions, relationships, actions, and events
(Mackey & Gass, 2005). On this observation, the researcher observed by joining the
learning process to know process of listening activity.
In observation process, the researcher observed how the teacher taught their
students in listening comprehension and what the strategies that the teacher used in
the learning process. In the case, the researcher observed whatever done by English
teacher related to the teacher strategies in teaching listening comprehension in the
Critical and Evaluating Listening Class at the second semester of English
2. Interview
Interviews or question and answer sessions are one of the best ways to learn or
explore profound information from someone. An interview is a conversation that aims
to gather information in a description of the life of the person being interviewed in
connection with the interpretation of the meaning of the ‘described phenomena.
Interviews are used to gather data from people about opinions, beliefs, and feelings
about situations in their own word (Ary, 2010).
In this research, the researcher used semi structured interview to urge a lot of
deeply the data. In process of interview, the researcher asked about what activities
they do in pre-listening session and also the activities they used in teaching listening.
Before interview, the researcher prepared the questions and took interest conversation
to get clear information and valid data. The researcher interviewed the English

teacher or lecturer of the Critical and Evaluating Subject at the second semester of
English Department to obtain accurate responses and information about the strategies
used in teaching listening.
3. Documentation
In carrying out the documentation, the researcher investigated the written objects
such as documents, minutes of meetings, photos during activity, photo students’
listening assignment, recording of interviewing both teacher and students, and
written sources (field note) that related to research for supporting the observation and
The documentation method can be implemented by (a) Guidelines for
documentation which contains the outlines or categories for which you want to look
up data. (b) Check-list research using this documentation method was used by the
researcher to obtain data in the form of photos which would be evidence that the
researcher properly conducts the research. In this case, the researcher made a note,
took photographs, and took screen shoots chat as proof of teaching learning activity.
The researcher presented the valid documentation to prove that the activity in
real-life context based on the research conducted. So, the documentation helped for
the researcher on supporting the approvement which this research worth to be
observed related to teacher’s strategies in teaching listening on the Critical and
Evaluating Listening class.
F. Data Validation Technique
Validity is a characteristic that must be owned by the measurement instrument
because it is directly related to whether the data can be trusted or not. Data validity is the
urgent concept that is renewed from the validities and reliabilities concept (Moleong,
2018). In qualitative research may increase the credibility of their research findings by
drawing from evidence taken from variety of data research. To get the valid data, the
researcher uses the triangulation technique. Triangulation is interpreted as a data
collection technique that combines various data collection techniques and existing data
sources (Sugiyono, 2013). The purpose of the data collection technique with triangulation
is to find out the data obtained widespread, consistent, and certain.

In this research, the researcher used triangulation technique with the data source.
The researcher used the triangulation technique to investigate data from the analysis of
teachers’ strategies in teaching listening in the Critical and Evaluating class at the second
semester of English Department. According to Danzin’s, triangulation has 4 types; the
use of multiple methods, multiple sources of data, multiple investigators, and multiple
theories to confirm emerging findings.
The researcher decided to use of multiple methods and multiple sources of data in
checked accuracy of the findings. The used of multiple methods of data collection, for
example; what someone tells in an interview can be checked against by you read the
documents relevant to the phenomenon of interest or can check at the result of your
observed. Then, the used of multiple sources of data means comparing and cross-
checking data collected thought observation at different times or in different places, or
interviewed data collected from different people.
G. Data Analysis Technique
Data analysis is the most complex phase in qualitative research. The data analysis
is a difficult process because typically the researcher faces amount of interview,
transcripts, audio recording, field notes, reflection, video data, or information from
documents, all of which must be examined and interpreted.
Data analysis in qualitative research is often carried out simultaneously or
together with data collection. Data analysis is process searching and arranging the data
taken from observation, interview, and documentation. The researcher must to organize
what he or she has heard, seen, and read. Also try to make sense of it in order to create
explanations, develop theories, or pose new question.
In this study, the researcher tried to find teacher’s strategies in teaching listening
in Critical and Evaluating class at the second semester of English Department during
pandemic era. This research is a qualitative research with the type of ethnographic
studies. Ethnography is the in-depth study of naturally occurring behavior within a
culture or entire social group. It seeks to understand the relationship between culture and
behavior, with culture referring to the shared beliefs, values, concepts, practices, and
attitudes of a specific group of people (Ary, 2010). Ethnographic research methodology
has the following steps:

1. Selecting an ethnographic project
In pandemic era, education in Indonesia is currently experiencing problems.
Teaching and learning process at school urged them to study at home and replacing
them with online learning. This is challenge for the teachers to be creative in
choosing materials and be able to stimulate the students’ interest. In listening class the
teacher must have strategies to make the listening class effective and interactive.
2. Asking ethnographic questions
Researcher has questions in mind to find out the state of the teaching and learning
process at the school during this pandemic. The researcher wants to know how the
learning system is and what strategies are used in teaching listening. Besides that, the
researcher also wants to know the problems that occur during this online learning
process and how the teacher solves them.
3. Collecting ethnographic data
To collect data in this study the researcher used several techniques in collecting
data. It aims to obtain valid information about listening learning programs and
activities that make students active. Data collection techniques that are carried out by
researchers are by observation, interview, and documentation.
4. Making an ethnographic record
This step includes making field notes and photos of observations that have been
made in the Critical and Evaluating Class at the second semester of English
Department. Besides that, it also transcribes records from the results of interviews
with teachers who teach in the class.
5. Analyzing ethnographic data
In this research, to get the valid data the researcher need to analyze the data that
has been obtained from the results of interviewed and observation that have been
made in the Critical and Evaluating class at the second semester of English
Department. In this case, the researcher used the triangulation technique to investigate
data from the analysis of teachers’ strategies in teaching listening.
6. Writing the ethnography
The researcher wrote the results of the research that has been done. The researcher
wrote how the strategies used in learning to listen, what problems were found, and

how to solve these problems in the Critical and Evaluating class at the second
semester of English Department during pandemic era. The researcher writes
systematically, clearly, be detail and concretely.

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