CME200 Syllabus Summer2024
CME200 Syllabus Summer2024
CME200 Syllabus Summer2024
Process Principles
Summer 2024
3 credit hours
Instructor Information
Dr. Anastasia Hauser
Email: [email protected]
Office: 161 FPAT
Office phone: (859) 257 - 6097
Office hours: Zoom or in-person, by appointment
Course Description
A course in material and energy balances, units, conversions, tie elements, recycle, bypass,
equations of state, heat effects, phase transitions, and the first and second laws of
thermodynamics applications in separation processes involving equilibrium reactions and
energy exchange.
Course delivery will be on-line only. All lecture material will be asynchronous and posted on
the course Canvas page. Lectures will be posted on a weekly basis with the intention that the
student will complete one lecture per-day. Homework will be assigned for each lecture.
Course Prerequisites
A grade of C or better in MA 113 and CHE 105; prereq or concur: MA 114, PHY 231.
Required Materials
Felder, Rousseau and Bullard, Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, 4th Ed., John
Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, NY, 2016. E-book or binder copy. Textbook is REQUIRED.
WileyPlus is REQUIRED.
Technology Requirements
The course will be administered asynchronously via Canvas. Respondus and Lockdown
Browser are required for all quizzes and exams. If you are not familiar with Canvas, please
For technical/account help, students can contact Information Technology Services by phone
859-218-HELP (4357) and via the ITS Customer Services page.
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2. Construct a simple flow sheet from a simple word description, formulate
problems, and solve material and energy balances with recycle, bypass, purge, etc.
3. Solve combined material and energy balances.
4. Include chemical reactions in material and energy balances
5. Solve multi-component vapor liquid equilibrium problems using appropriate
partial pressure and vapor pressure equations
6. Formulate and solve combined material and energy balance including chemical
7. Use thermodynamic tables and equations to estimate thermodynamic and other
physical properties.
Course Assignments
Homework 10%
Quizzes (3) 25%
Exams (2) 40%
Final Exam 25%
Homework will be assigned with each lecture using Wiley Plus. Homework is due 48 hours
after being assigned. You are REQUIRED to upload all written work for homework
problems. If you do not submit work correlating to the answer input in Wiley Plus, a penalty
of 50% will be applied to that homework set. If no work is submitted, a 50% penalty will be
applied. Late homework will receive a penalty of 10% per day.
You are encouraged to work together on homework however, simply copying solutions from
another student is not allowed. Additionally, copying solutions from the instructor or
published by the author of the textbook is not allowed. It is better to not turn in an
assignment than to copy it as evidence of copying will be treated as cheating according to
University policies.
Three (3) quizzes will be given throughout the semester. Tentative dates are provided in the
course schedule, but the instructor reserves the right to move the quizzes with one lecture
notice. Quiz content will include material covered during lectures and homework and are
meant to provide feedback on your retention of the course content prior to the exams.
Quizzes will use Respondus and Lockdown Browser through Canvas. If you would prefer to
take the exam in-person, you can coordinate with the instructor.
If you miss a quiz without an excused absence, no make-up quiz will be provided, and you
will receive a zero for that quiz. Quizzes are closed-book and closed-note.
Two mid-term and one final exam are scheduled for this course. Exams will use Respondus
and Lockdown Browser through Canvas. If you would prefer to take the exam in-person, you
can coordinate with the instructor. The instructor reserves the right to change the mid-term
exam dates with one-week notice. If you miss an exam without an excused absence, no make-
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up exam will be provided, and you will receive a zero for that exam. Exams are closed-book
and closed-note.
Grading Scale
If your composite class score is in the following ranges, you will receive at least the
corresponding grade;
90 – 100% = A
80 – 89% = B
70 – 79% = C
60 – 69% = D
Below 60% = E
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Tentative Course Schedule
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Academic Policy Statements
The Senate’s Academic Policy Statements on the topics below can be found at the following
• Excused Absences and Acceptable Excuses
• Religious Observances
• Verification of Absences
• Make-Up Work
• Excused Absences for Military Duties
• Unexcused Absences
• Prep Week and Reading Days
• Accommodation Due to Disability
• Non-Discrimination Statement and Title IX Information
• Regular and Substantive Interactions
Academic Offenses
(Cheating, Plagiarism, and Falsification or Misuse of Academic Records)
Rules regarding academic offenses can be found on the Senate-maintained web page of Rules
Regarding Academic Offenses ( )
The University offers a variety of resources to students. Visit the University Senate’s
Resources Available to Students to access that list:
Representatives will report any concerns or complaints to the DEI committee. While they
will do their best to maintain anonymity when reporting to the committee, if there is a
concern for your personal or psychological safety, they may reveal your name to the
committee or be directed by the committee to submit a report on your behalf to the
University of Kentucky Center for Support and Intervention.
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• If you have a name and/or set of pronouns that differ from those that appear in your
official University of Kentucky records.
• If you feel like your performance in the class is being impacted by your experiences
outside of class.
• If there are aspects of the design, instruction, and/or experiences within this course
that result in barriers to your inclusion or accurate assessment of achievement.
For College resources related to diversity and inclusion, please visit this website: For University resources related to
diversity and inclusion, please visit this website:
When it comes to mental health, it is especially important for you to advocate for yourself
and your fellow students. If you notice a change in the behavior of one of your classmates or
are concerned about their wellbeing, please reach out to your instructor or submit a report
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detailing your concern to UK’s Center for Support and Intervention:
For a summary of College and University resources to support student mental health and
wellness, please visit this website:
Student Resources
The University offers a variety of resources to students. Visit the University Senate’s Resources
Available to Students to access that list (
Expectations of Instructor
Dr. Hauser will respond to emails received Monday-Friday within 24 hours. Response time
to emails received after 4pm on Friday or over the weekend may be longer (48 hours). Emails
received during the week after normal business hours will be responded to the following
morning. Dr. Hauser has an open-door policy, but appointments are preferred.
Course Recordings
The University of Kentucky Code of Student Conduct defines Invasion of Privacy as using
electronic or other devices to make a photographic, audio, or video record of any person
without their prior knowledge or consent when such a recording is likely to cause injury or
All video and audio recordings of lecturers and class meetings, provided by the instructors,
are for educational use by students in this class only. They are available only through the
Canvas shell for this course and are not to be copied, shared, or redistributed.
As addressed in the Code of Student Conduct, students are expected to follow appropriate
university policies and maintain the security of linkblue accounts used to access recorded
class materials. Recordings may not be reproduced, shared with those not enrolled in the
class, or uploaded to other online environments.
If the instructor or a University of Kentucky office plans any other uses for the recordings,
beyond this class, students identifiable in the recordings will be notified to request consent
prior to such use. In anticipation of such cases, students may be asked to complete an
“authorization of use” form by a faculty member.
Video and audio recordings by students are not permitted during the class unless the student
has received prior permission from the instructor. Any sharing, distribution, and or
uploading of these recordings outside of the parameters of the class is prohibited. Students
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with specific recording accommodations approved by the Disability Resource Center should
present their official documentation to the instructor.
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