4th Sem

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2nd year UG courses Engg.

& Tech Jharkhand University of Technology

Civil Engineering
4 semester course structure
Sl. L T P Credi
No Course code. Subject t
01 CE401 Surveying & Geomatics – II 3 1 0 3
02 CE402 Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines 3 1 0 3
03 CE403 Structural Analysis –I 3 1 0 3
04 CE404 Concrete Structure –I 3 1 0 3
05 EC404 Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. 3 1 0 3
06 EN401/ Engineering Economics / Cyber 2 0 0 0
IT402/ Security/Disaster Preparedness &
CE405 Planning

01 CE402P Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines 0 0 3 1

02 CE404P Concrete Structure Lab 0 0 3 1
03 CE406P CAD Building Drawing Lab 0 0 3 1
04 EX401 Extra Activities (NSO/NSS/NCC/Yoga
0 0 2 1
/ Creative Arts/Mini Project)
05 IN401 Internship/ Tour &
0 0 0 2
Training/Industrial Training
Total credit 21

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Course Code: CE401

Module I:
Triangulation and Trilateration- Principle of Triangulation& trilateration, Types of
Triangulations, Signals, selection of station &base line, base line measurement, choices
instruments and accessories, extension of base line, corrections, satellite station, reduction to
centre, inter visibility, [9hrs]
Module II
Trigonometric levelling: Curvature & Refraction Correction, axis signal corrections. Method
of Single &reciprocal Observations &their relative advantage, (4 hrs)
Module III
Theory of errors and adjustment of figures: Types of errors, theory of propagation of errors,
law of weights, weighted observation, method to calculate most probable values, least square,
normal equation, method to correlate, adjustment of plane and geodetic figures. [7hrs]

Module IV:
Modern Field Survey Systems: Principle of EDM, types of EDM instruments, Distomat, Total
station- parts, accessories, advantages and application, Measurement of distance using EDM,
Types of waves, modulation of frequency, resolution of ambiguity, Errors in Total station survey,
Introduction to GPS- segment, measurement, errors and biases. [8hrs]
Module V
Photogrammetry Surveying: Introduction, basic concepts, perspective geometry of aerial
photograph, relief and tilt displacements, terrestrial photogrammetry, flight planning, stereoscopy,
ground control extension for photographic mapping- aerial triangulation, No. of Photographs,
mosaic. [6hrs]
Module VI:
Remote Sensing: Introduction and Definition of remote sensing terms, Remote sensing system,
electromagnetic radiation and spectrum, atmospheric window, different types of platforms,
sensors and their characteristics, orbital parameters of a satellite, multi concept in remote
sensing. {Only Introductions of all above} [6hrs]

Text Books-
Elements of photogrammetry by P.R. wolf.
Introduction to remote sensing by J.B. campbell


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Course Code: CE402

Module I: Basic concepts and Definitions- Distinction between a fluid and a solid Density,
Specific weight, Specific gravity, Kinematic and dynamic viscosity, variation of viscosity with
temperature, Newton law of viscosity; vapor pressure, boiling point, cavitations; surface tension,
capillarity, Bulk modulus of elasticity, compressibility (4 hrs)

Module II: Fluid Statics- Fluid Pressure: Pressure at a point, Pascal’s law, pressure variation with
temperature, density and altitude. Piezometer, U-Tube Manometer, Single Column Manometer,
U-Tube Differential Manometer, Micromanometers, pressure gauges, Hydrostatic pressure and
force: horizontal, vertical and Inclined surfaces. Buoyancy and stability of floating bodies (6 hrs)

Module III: Fluid Kinematics- Classification of fluid flow: steady and unsteady flow; uniform
and non- uniform flow; laminar and turbulent flow; rotational and irrotational flow; compressible
and incompressible flow; ideal and real fluid flow; one, two and three dimensional flows; Stream
line, path line, streak line and stream tube; stream function. velocity potential function. One, two
and three dimensional continuity equations in Cartesian coordinates (6 hrs)

Module IV: Fluid Dynamics – Surface and body forces: Equations of motion- Euler’s equation;
Bernoulli’s equations- derivation; Energy Principle; Practical applications of Bernoulli’s
equation: venturi meter, orifice meter and pitot tube; Momentum principle; Forces exerted by
fluid flow on pipe bend; Vortex Flow – Free and Forced (8 hrs)

Module V: Boundary layer theory, laminar and turbulent flow and flow through pipes (6 hrs)

Module VI: Dimensional Analysis and Dynamics Similitude- Definitions of Reynolds Number,
Froude Number, Mach Number, Weber Number and Euler Number; Buckingham’s π- Theorem .
(4 hrs)
Module VII: Fluid machines; Impact of Jets; Introduction to Turbines and Pumps (8 hrs)

Text/Reference Books:
1. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, C.S.P. Ojha, R. Berndtsson and P.N. Chandramouli,
Oxford University Press 2010
2. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, P.M. Modi and S.M. Seth, Standard Book House.
3. Theory and Applications of Fluid Mechanics, K. Subramanya, Tata McGraw Hill

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4. Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications, R.L. Daugherty, J.B. Franzini and E.J.
Finnemore, International Student Edition, Mc Graw Hill.
5. Elementary fluid mechanics, Dr. R.J. Garde.
6. Fluid Mechanics, R.K. Bansal.


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Course Code: CE403

Module I: Introduction concept of energy principles, safety, sustainable development in

performance; what makes a structure; principles of stability, equilibrium; Materials and
Structural Design. Introduction to the analysis and design of structural systems. Analyses of
determinate and indeterminate trusses, beams and frames, and design philosophies for
structural engineering. Laboratory experiments dealing with the analysis of determinate and
indeterminate structures: (8 hrs)
Module II: Planning and Design Process; Materials, Loads and Design Safety; Behaviour
and Properties of Concrete and Steel; Wind and Earthquake Loads System Design Concepts
Design Project Discussions; Cable Structures; Prestressed Concrete Bridges; Constructability
and Structural Control; Fire Protection (6 hrs)
Module III: Trusses: General theory; Classification, solution of plane determinate trusses,
principle of virtual work and their applications for determination of deflection of determinate
plane trusses (6 hrs)
Module IV: Three pinned structures, calculation of bending moment shear force axial force
for three hinged arches and diagram of the same. Dead load, stress in three pinned
determinate trusses (6 hrs)
Module V: Influence line, basic concepts of moving load and influence line, influence line
for actions; shear force and bending moments of determinate beams; absolute maximum
shearing forces and bending moment; influence lines for three hinged arches. (6 hrs)
Module VI: Analysis of structure by unit load method and conjugate beam method;
Continuous and fixed beam: Theorem of three moments; analysis of fixed beams; settlement
of support. (8 hrs)

Suggested Readings:
1. Smith, J.C., Structural Analysis, Harpor and Row, Publishers, New York.
2. Structural Analysis I and II S.S. Bhavikatti, S.Chand Publishers
3. Theory and Problem in Structural Analysis, L.S. Negi, Tata Mcgraw Hills.
4. Structural Analysis, Ramon, v. Jarquio, CRC Press.
5. Structural Analysis, A. Ghali and A.M. Neville, CRC Press


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Course Code: CE404

Module I: Study of the strength, behaviour, and design of indeterminate reinforced concrete
structures, Load and stresses, load combinations, working stress and limit state approach. (4
Module II: Analysis and design of sections in bending – working stress and limit state
method. Rectangular and T- sections, Beams with reinforcement in compression. One-way
slab. Design for shear and bond, Mechanism of shear and bond failure, Design of shear using
limit state concept. Development length of bars; Design of sections in torsion. Design of two-
way slabs; staircase, Placement of reinforcement in slabs; (16 hours)
Module III: Design of stairs and staircase (6 hours)
Module IV: Design of compression members, Short column, Columns with uni-axial and
biaxial bending; Long columns, use of design charts (8 hours)
Module V: Design of foundation; Wall footing, isolated and combined footing for columns.
All designs to be as per the most recent BIS standards as applicable (8 hours)

Suggested Readings
2. IS 456:2000 and IS 3370 (Part IV), BIS 2000
3. Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure (Limit State), A.K Jain, Nemchand Bros.
4. Limit state design of Reinforced Concrete (II) P.C. Verghese, PHI publisher
5. Limit state Design, B.C. Punmia, Laxmi Publications


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Course code – EC404

(For Civil, Mech. & Production Engineering).

Module 1: Basic Electronic Components

Active and Passive Components, Types of resistors and Colour coding, Capacitors, Inductors
applications of Resistor, Capacitor and Inductor, Relay, LDR, Basic Integrated Circuits (IC 7805,
7809, 7812, 555 etc.). Measuring Instruments like CRO, Power supply, multi-meters etc.

Module II: Semiconductors, Diode and Transistors:

Difference between Insulators, Semiconductors and Conductors, Mobility and Conductivity,
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors, Fermi Level, Energy band, P-N Junction Diode,
construction, working, characteristics and diode equation Application of Diode, Rectifier: Half
Wave, Full Wave and Bridge Rectifier, Zener Diode and its Applications, Varactor Diode,
Schottky Diode, Regulated Power Supply using Zener Diode and Regulated ICs, LED,
Photodetector, Construction, Working, Modes and Configuration of BJT, Input and Output
Characteristics of all Configurations, Comparison of all Configuration & Modes, BJT as a
Switch and as an Amplifier. JFET Construction, working and characteristics. MOSFET
Construction, working and Characteristics, Types of MOSFET,

Module III: Digital Electronics Fundamentals:

Difference between analog and digital signals, Boolean algebra, Basic and Universal Gates,
Symbols, Truth tables, logic expressions, Logic simplification using K- map, Logic ICs, half and
full adder/subtractor, multiplexers, demultiplexers, flip-flops, shift registers, counters, Block
diagram of microprocessor/microcontroller and their applications.

Module IV: Electronic Instruments:

Measurement of Temperature, RTD, Thermistors, LVDT, Strain Gauge, Piezoelectric
Transducers, Digital Shaft Encoders, Tachometer, Hall effect sensors. Sensors and Transducers
for physical parameters: temperature, pressure, torque, flow. Speed and Position Sensors.
Electronic Display Device, Digital Voltmeters, Digital Energy meter, CRO, measurement of
voltage and frequency, Lissajous Patterns, Plotting B-H curve of a magnetic material, Wave
Analysers, Harmonic Distortion Analyzer. Digital Energy Meter. Measurements of R, L and
C. Digital Multi-meter, True RMS meters, Clamp-on meters, Meggers. Digital Storage

Module V: Electronic Communication Systems:

The elements of communication system, IEEE frequency spectrum and Transmission media:
wired and wireless, need of modulation, AM and FM modulation schemes, Mobile

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communication systems: cellular concept and block diagram of GSM system, Ultrasonic wave &
its application in distance measurement.

Text Books
1. Basic Electronics and Linear Circuits by N. N. Bhargava, D. C. Kulshreshtha and S. C. Gupta,
TMH Publications.
2. Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits by Ramakant A. Gayakwad, PHI Publications.
3. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Godse and Bakshi Technical, Vol-1 Technical Publication
4. Floyd ,” Electronic Devices” Pearson Education 9th edition, 2012.
5. R.P. Jain , “Modern Digital Electronics”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2007.
6. Frenzel, “Communication Electronics: Principles and Applications”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 3rd
Edition, 2001

Reference Books
1. Integrated Devices & Circuits by Millman & Halkias, TMH Publications.
2. Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory by R. Boylestad & L. Nashelsky, Pearson Publication
3. Electronic Communication System by G. Kennedy, TMH Publications.
4. Basic Electronics by Sanjeev Kumar & Vandana Sachdeva, Paragaon International Publication


Course code –IT 402

Module I: Introduction to Cybercrime: Introduction, Cybercrime, and Information Security,

Who are Cybercriminals, Classifications of Cybercrimes, and Cybercrime: The legal Perspectives
and Indian Perspective, Cybercrime and the Indian ITA 2000, A Global Perspective on

Module II: Cyber Offenses: How Criminals Plan Them: Introduction, How Criminals plan the
Attacks, Social Engineering, Cyber stalking, Cyber Cafe and Cybercrimes, Botnets: The Fuel for
Cybercrime, Attack Vector, Cloud Computing.

Module III: Cybercrime : Mobile and Wireless Devices: Introduction, Proliferation of Mobile
and Wireless Devices, Trends in Mobility, Credit card Frauds in Mobile and Wireless Computing
Era, Security Challenges Posed by Mobile Devices, Registry Settings for Mobile Devices,
Authentication service Security, Attacks on Mobile/Cell Phones, Mobile Devices: Security

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Implications for Organizations, Organizational Measures for Handling Mobile, Organizational
Security Policies an Measures in Mobile Computing Era, Laptops.

Module – IV: Tools and Methods Used in Cybercrime : Introduction, Proxy Servers and
Anonymizers, Phishing, Password Cracking, Keyloggers and Spywares, Virus and Worms, Trojan
Horse and Backdoors, Steganography, DoS and DDoS attacks, SQL Injection, Buffer Overflow.

Module V: Cyber Security: Organizational Implications Introduction, Cost of Cybercrimes and

IPR issues, Web threats for Organizations, Security and Privacy Implications, Social media
marketing: Security Risks and Perils for Organizations, Social Computing and the associated
challenges for Organizations.


• Cyber Security: Understanding Cyber Crimes, Computer Forensics and

Legal Perspectives, Nina Godbole and Sunil Belapure, Wiley INDIA.


• Cyber Security Essentials, James Graham, Richard Howard and Ryan Otson, CRC Press.
• Introduction to Cyber Security , Chwan-Hwa(john) Wu,J.David Irwin.CRC Press T&F


Course code –EN 401

The basic purpose of this course is to provide a sound understanding of concepts and principles of
engineering economy and to develop proficiency with methods for making rational decisions
regarding problems likely to be encountered in professional practice.

Module -1

Introduction of Engineering Economics and Demand Analysis: Meaning and nature of

Economics, Relation between science, engineering, technology and economics; Nature of
Economic problem, Production possibility curve, Concepts and measurement of utility, Law of
Diminishing Marginal Utility, Law of equi-marginal utility – its practical application and

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Meaning of Demand, Individual and Market demand schedule, Law of demand, shape of demand
curve, Elasticity of demand, measurement of elasticity of demand, practical importance &
applications of the concept of elasticity of demand.

Module -II

Meaning of production and factors of production; Law of variable proportions, Returns to scale,
Internal and External economics and diseconomies of scale.

Various concepts of cost – Fixed cost, variable cost, average cost, marginal cost, money cost, real
cost, opportunity cost. Shape of average cost, marginal cost, total cost, Cost curves.

Module III

Meaning of Market, Types of Market – Perfect Competition, Monopoly,

Oligopoly, Monopolistic Competition (Main features of these markets)

Pricing Policies- Entry Deterring policies, Predatory Pricing, Peak load Pricing. Product Life

Firm as an organisation- Objective of the Firm, Type of the Firm, Vertical and Horizontal
Integration, Diversification, Mergers and Takeovers.

Module -IV
Nature and characteristics of Indian economy (brief and elementary introduction), Privatization –
meaning, merits and demerits. Globalisation of Indian economy – merits and demerits.
Elementary Concepts of VAT, WTO, GATT & TRIPS agreement, Business cycle, Inflation


1. R.Paneer Seelvan: Engineering Economics, PHI

2. Managerial Economics, D.N.Dwivedi, Vikash Publication

3. Managerial Economics, H.L. Ahuja, S. Chand and Co. Ltd.
4. Managerial Economics, Suma Damodaran, Oxford.
5. R.molrishnd Ro T.V S 'Theory of firms : Economics and Managerial Aspects'. Affiliated
East West Press Pvt Ltd New Delhi

6. Managerial Economics, H. Craig Petersen &W. Cris Lewis, Pearson Education.

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Course Code: CE405

Module 1: Introduction - Concepts and definitions: disaster, hazard, vulnerability, risks severity,
frequency and details, capacity, impact, prevention, mitigation).

Module 2: Disasters - Disasters classification; natural disasters (floods, draught, cyclones,

volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunami, landslides, coastal erosion, soil erosion, forest fires etc.);
manmade disasters (industrial pollution, artificial flooding in urban areas, nuclear radiation,
chemical spills, transportation accidents, terrorist strikes, etc.); hazard and vulnerability profile of
India, mountain and coastal areas, ecological fragility.

Module 3: Disaster Impacts - Disaster impacts (environmental, physical, social, ecological,

economic, political, etc.); health, psycho-social issues; demographic aspects (gender, age, special
needs); hazard locations; global and national disaster trends; climate change and urban disasters.

Module 4: Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) - Disaster management cycle – its phases; prevention,
mitigation, preparedness, relief and recovery; structural and non-structural measures; risk
analysis, vulnerability and capacity assessment; early warning systems, Post-disaster
environmental response(water, sanitation, food safety, waste management, disease control,
security, communications); Roles and responsibilities of government, community, local
institutions, NGOs and other stakeholders; Policies and legislation for disaster risk reduction,
DRR programmes in India and the activities of National Disaster Management Authority.

Module 5: Disasters, Environment and Development - Factors affecting vulnerability such as

impact of developmental projects and environmental modifications (including of dams, land-use
changes, urbanization etc.), sustainable and environmental friendly recovery; reconstruction and
development methods.

Text/Reference Books:
1. http://ndma.gov.in/ (Home page of National Disaster Management Authority) 2.
http://www.ndmindia.nic.in/ (National Disaster management in India, Ministry of Home
3. Pradeep Sahni, 2004, Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia, Prentice Hall.
4. Singh B.K., 2008, Handbook of Disaster Management: Techniques & Guidelines, Rajat
5. Ghosh G.K., 2006, Disaster Management, APH Publishing Corporation
6. Disaster Medical Systems Guidelines. Emergency Medical Services Authority, State of
EMSA no.214, June 2003
7. Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) (Feb. 2007). IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and
Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings. Geneva: IASC
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Course Code: CE402P

List of Experiments
1. To determine experimentally the metacentric height of a ship model
2. To verify the momentum equation experimentally.
3. To determine the coefficient of discharge of an orifice (or a month piece) of a given shape.
4. Determine the coefficient of velocity and the coefficient and the contraction of the orifice (or
the mouth piece).
5. To verify Darcy's law and to find out the coefficient of permeability of the given medium
6. To study the transition from laminar to turbulent flow and to determine the lower critical
Reynolds number,
7. To study the velocity distribution in a pipe and also compute the discharge by integrating the
velocity profile.
8. To calibrate a venturi meter and to study the variation of coefficient of discharge with the
Reynolds number.
9. To calibrate an orifice meter and study the variation of the coefficient of discharge with the
Reynolds number.
10. To study the variation of friction factor “F” for turbulent flow in smooth and rough
commercial pipes


Course Code: CE404P
List of Experiments

1. Initial drying shrinkage, moisture movement, and coefficient of expansion of concrete.

2. Stress strain curve of concrete.
3. Behaviour of under reinforced and over reinforced R.C. beams in flexure.
4. Behaviour of R.C. beams, with and without shear reinforcement in shear.
5. Bond strength between steel bar and concrete
a) in a beam specimen and
b) By pull-out test.
6. a) Fineness of cement by Air Permeability method.
b) Soundness of cement by Le-Chatalier's Apparatus
c) Compressive strength of cement.
7. a) water content for standard consistency of cement.

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b) Initial and final setting times of cement.
9. Moisture content and bulking of fine aggregate 9.Fineness modulus of coarse and fine
10. Workability of cement concrete by
a) Slump test, and b) compaction factor test.
11. Concrete mix design for a given concrete strength and slump by LS. Code method


Course Code: CE406P

List of Experiments

1. Introduction to AutoCAD basic commands, Code provision of IS-696 regarding Lines,

Lettering and Dimensioning.
2. Drawing of Scales (Plane Scales, Diagonal Scales, Vernier Scales and Scales of
3. Construction of simple geometrical figures and Engineering curves.
4. Orthographic Projections: Projection of a point situated in various quadrants,
projections of straight lines, true length, true inclinations and traces of a straight lines,
auxiliary projections, auxiliary inclined and Auxiliary vertical planes, projection of
plane figures.
5. Projection of simple solids, Auxiliary projection of solids, section of solids, true shape
of section.
6. Development of surfaces: prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, spheres, pipe bends.
7. Isometric projection: Principles, Isometric scales, Isometric projection of plane figures
and simple solids.
8. function and types of building (Residential, Industrial and Institutional)
Line plan. Development of plan from a line plan

NOTE: At least ten experiments are to be performed, minimum
seven experiments should be performed from above list. Remaining
three experiments may either be performed from the above list or
designed & set by the concerned institution as per the scope of the

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